The Lure of Bounty

Chapter 57-69

by catgirl63





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 57


Humming to herself, Mackenzie bustled around the kitchen, making several different variety of cookies for the children at the orphanage, placing them in decorative tins after they cooled.  Taking out the last batch, she wiped her forehead and sat at the table sipping a glass of water, the kitchen temperature was as hot as Hades.


Looking at the small clock on the sideboard, she stood up and walked upstairs to change.  Audra would arrive in a while to bring her and the goodies to the orphanage.  Smiling, Mackenzie was happy the two girls were back to being friends and sister-in-laws, the turbulent times seemed to be in the past and the future was bright with sunshine. 


Changing, she laid on the bed, holding Heath’s pillow in her arms, smelling his scent which lingered on the cloth.  He’d been gone over a week on a trip.  His old friend, Frank Sawyer, wired him when one of the citizens in his town was killed, the widow asked the kind Sheriff to dispose of the horses and cattle kept on the small ranch.   The bereaved widow was planning on moving east and the details of the liquidation she trusted only to the lawman.  In her mind, lawyers were people who stood in the shadows of criminals.  The widow’s categorizing of the profession created by her husband’s run in with a shoddy attorney at one time, the experience stinting them both for life.


Heath kept in touch with his old friend through letters over the time since he’d departed Spanish Creek.  The men were as close as could be, they respected and trusted each other immensely.  Upon receiving the wire, Heath hesitated in responding, while he trusted Frank’s judgment of horseflesh, he didn’t like the thought of leaving his wife while she was pregnant.


Mackenzie coaxed her blonde husband into taking the trip, encouraging him to leave so she could prepare for the upcoming holidays without him raiding the baked goods.   He wanted the horses and she was willing to let him put the ranch before her, not wanting to be a burden because she was with child.  Her unselfishness was appreciated and she blushed remembering his passion during their last night together.


When he left the ranch and rode out to Stockton to catch the train, she fought to keep the tears at bay.  Even though in a timeframe perspective, their marriage was young, each of them felt old in their hearts and soul.  They felt as if they had known each other for more than a lifetime already.


This was the first time, Heath’d been apart from her since they’d married.  She found sleep was slow in coming, the sounds of the house, the rustling of the wind on the shutters keeping her awake.   At least those were the reasons she made up in her mind, however,  she knew it was missing the warmth of him, the passion of him, the caring touches whenever they were in the same room.  A squeeze of a hand, a finger brushing through her hair, a gentle hand rubbing up and down her arm when they sat together on the couch watching the fire jump in the fireplace.  She missed the sound of his voice, the sound of his laughter and the huskiness in his tone when he whispered her name in the heat of the moment.


Taking a deep breath, she inhaled his fragrance and sighed realizing he wouldn’t be home for three more days.  Putting the pillow back in its spot on the bed, she stood up and straightened the covers before entering the next room, studying the half finished nursery, trying to remember exactly what she wanted to get while in town today, unable to come up with the item which sprang into her mind the night before.


Hearing a knock on the door, she went downstairs and smiled at Matt, standing on the porch.


“Hi, Matt.” greeted Mackenzie after opening the door. 


“Ma’am, Shorty just came back with the mail.  No wire today.” said Matt, his tone apologetic, handing her three letters.


“Tell Shorty I said thanks for checking.” smiled Mackenzie before asking, “Are you and the men heading up to the ridge today?”


Nodding, Matt replied, “Yes, we’re gonna take Atilla with us, if that’s okay?”


“That’s fine, I’ll be going to the orphanage with Miss Barkley.  Atilla will be able to track the cougar, just don’t let anyone get hurt, Matt.” warned Mackenzie.  “Two horses is not worth anyone’s life.”


Putting on his hat, Matt agreed, “Yes, ma’am.  We’ll be careful.”


“Good hunting!” said Mackenzie, before closing the door and sitting in a chair, her eyes widened and a smile broke out on her face from the name in the return address on the letter addressed to her.  “Daddy!”


When Jacob Daye, wanted outlaw became a married man with a family, he worked out with the woman who was his soulmate, a method of contact.  A method of contact for those times when the law was one step behind him and his absence from their lives was necessary.  The aliases used over the years the same, the post office boxes kept under the assumed names paid for in advance.  Sometimes the boxes were never used but when the ending time of the lease neared,  the required payment would arrive to the postmaster ensuring the same box would be kept open. 


When his wife passed on, he passed the method of contact onto his daughter, the child he’d raised as his own.  His daughter was never far from his heart as he was never far from hers.  He was kept updated in the events in her life by the short letters he received, the accounts in the Stockton newspaper he’d read and the two occasions he’d visited her on the ranch while her husband and the ranch crew were working.  He was a wanted man who was going to be a grandfather in  four months. 


He moved about the country doing odd jobs, leading a meager existence, feeling the pull of being near his daughter grow stronger every day.  When he visited the ranch, he’d wanted to stay and talk with Heath Thomson, but Mackenzie worried over his reaction to her father’s presence.  Jacob heeded her wishes and left before Heath arrived home.


Jacob didn’t think Heath was aware he’d been at the ranch, however, the outlaw was mistaken.  Heath had seen him departing the first time and later that evening found he couldn’t question his wife about it, the sparkle of happiness in her eyes told him the importance of her father’s visit to her. 


Heath was hurt she didn’t confide in him, studying her as she sewed a dress that evening, he suddenly realized she’d been afraid to.  When she had brought up her father in the past, he wasn’t willing to meet her on neutral ground as far as her outlaw father was concerned.  Thus, she kept his visit a secret to keep him from being in a bad position such as when he’d first met her father.


The second time when he walked to the house, he’d seen the track of his horse at the hitching rail and later that night, long after she’d fallen asleep in his arms, he searched his heart and mind.  The former deputy in him wanted the outlaw to stay away, the former bounty hunter in him was worried someone would connect Mackenzie to her father, the husband in him wanted his wife to have all the happiness in the world. 


Many things occurred since he first met Jacob Daye, many things which had sent him reeling from the shock, the anger.  He forced his wife to keep her father’s appearance on the ranch a secret and now as he was stepping into his role as brother to his siblings, building up his ranch, anticipating the birth of his first child…he found himself contemplating his father-in-law.


Heath was aware of the letters and even the small pieces of papers had the ability to make the former lawman nervous.  He knew the letters were few and far between, the places they came from varied as the man moved from place to place.  He was at a loss as to what to do until one day he read in the paper about a man who was given a pardon from a governor for crimes committed as a young man, many years before.


Walking into his eldest brother’s office three weeks ago had been difficult.  Heath felt guilty inside.  He felt as if he were using his association with his new sibling to commit some wrong doing.  Jarrod was honored his new brother came to ask for his help and he quickly put him at ease.  Heath took a deep breath and laid his cards on the table, watching Jarrod intently, surprised when the attorney showed no surprise.  The blonde wondered how his dark haired lawyer brother would be in the court room or at a poker table.


“Jarrod, I know there are statutes of limitations and other laws like that.  Are they the same for every state?”


“No, they can vary from each state, Heath.” explained Jarrod.  “I can request a background check on Mackenzie’s father, see exactly what the charges are and then we can go from there.”


Nodding, Heath sighed, “Send me the bill and let me know what ya’ find out, Jarrod.  I appreciate your help in this matter and I’m sorry for, well, getting ya’ involved.”


Placing a hand on his younger brother’s shoulder, Jarrod shook his head, “Heath, I’m more than happy to help with anything you need.  I’m not sure what I’ll be able to do though til I’ve done some research after we get the report.”


“I know, Jarrod.” replied Heath, fidgeting with his hat.  “I feel guilty asking for your help with this.  It’s as if I’m asking ya’ to break the law or something.”


Jarrod smiled, “You haven’t done anything of the sort, Heath.  As your lawyer, you are subject to client confidentiality and we are only researching possibilities.  We’re not assisting a criminal in hiding from the law.  There’s the difference, brother Heath.”


Smiling at the endearment, Heath nodded and clapped the attorney on the back, “Thanks, Jarrod.  Course, I bet ya’ get lots of practice keeping Nick outta jail don’t ya’?  I swear the man can’t walk into a saloon without trading fists with someone.”


Laughing with amusement, Jarrod walked the blonde to the door, seeing him out and sitting back at his desk.  Leaning back in his chair, he smiled at the warmth rising up in him from Heath’s display of trust and willingness to let him help with this issue.


As Heath Thomson, Stockton rancher made his way back home, he’d have taken the train and left the animals behind if he’d known someone else had found out the method of contact used by Jacob Daye. 


The lure of the bounty in a price tag of five thousand dollars on the known outlaw’s head was an enticement and a prize worth winning.




Chapter 58


The sky was cloudless, the moon a beacon in the vastness of the sky, the cool night air was on his face but the blonde man by the fire didn’t notice the beauty in the inky darkness around him.  His thoughts on his home, his thoughts on reaching Stockton the next day.  His thoughts were on the past which were mingling with the future.


Cursing, Heath wiped a hand over his face and kicked out the fire, dumping the remaining coffee in the pot on it, moving dirt over the coals to ensure they wouldn’t ignite and spread destruction to the wilderness around.


Picking up his gear, he apologized to Charger before putting the blanket on the horse’s back, the saddle following and in a matter of moments he was set to travel.  Glancing around the camp one last time, he took the ropes of the two horses and mounted, traveling down the trail the moon highlighted with its beams.


He was two days ahead of schedule, two days in which his mind wouldn’t stop working.  His visit with Frank Sawyer, the conversation between the two men helped the blonde put things in perspective.  He loved his wife and he wouldn’t sell his soul, he couldn’t help a man escape punishment by means of legal loopholes. 


He’d always stood up for the underdog, he’d always stood up for the weak.  Honesty and  integrity were the foundation of his whole being.  He wouldn’t allow a law biding person to bully another law biding person and he couldn’t, in all good conscience, aid Jacob Daye in sidestepping the law. 


It wasn’t up to him, Heath Thomson rancher, to bring the man to the law.   However, as a member of society, he was bound by the rules of the group, he was bound by the rules of the whole of society.  He was bound morally to disclose the whereabouts of Jacob Daye if he knew where the man was.  Not speaking, looking away was just as bad as actively helping the man. 


Heath knew his altering conscience would in all likelihood drive a deep wedge between he and Zie.  He felt his heart tremble and his stomach lurched but he knew he had to be able to look himself in the mirror everyday, to be able to live with himself or their union would be based on falseness not truth.


Thinking of his unborn child, he knew he couldn’t allow his child to grow up, wondering why the grandfather’s name couldn’t be spoken outloud in public.  Why the grandfather only came to visit when there was no one else around.  Why the grandfather couldn’t come to school plays, contests or activities.  He couldn’t allow the innocent child inside his wife’s womb to grow up in a shadow of a person who’d purposely broken the law and escaped justice.  He couldn’t and wouldn’t allow his child to pay for the past sins of another person.


His need to see Jarrod, to speak with his wife drove him through the night and into the morning.  An exhausted rancher left the two horses at the livery and dismounted in front of Jarrod’ office.  Knocking on the door, he turned the knob but it was locked, frowning and wondering if his eldest brother was working at the ranch or had he gone to San Francisco.  Turning Charger, he made his way out of town, the ride to the ranch seemed to pass as if the large powerful animal were walking in quicksand.


Smiling at the sight of his home, he entered the yard and dismounted in front of the house, glancing around for Atilla before climbing the stairs.  Opening the door, Heath entered, his eyes taking in the frightened eyes of his wife, triggering his sense of danger.  Rolling into the house, his hand came up with his gun when he felt a blow to his chest, his fingers going slack on the piece of metal, his wife’s scream reaching him before he was taken into darkness and crumbled to the floor, his muscles unable to hold his weight.


Mackenzie and Audra screamed at the ambush of the blonde, his body falling to the floor, his wound pooling blood beneath his body from the knife thrown across the room.  Mackenzie struggled against the man who held her arm firmly in a grip stopping her movement towards her injured husband, her tears streaming down her cheeks.


“SHUT UP!” screamed the man holding her, lifting his hand and backhanding her.  Audra screamed at him and pulled Mackenzie out of his hold, into her arms.


“DON’T TOUCH HER!” screamed Audra, trying to calm her sister-in-law who was trembling uncontrollably, her eyes not leaving her husband. 


Audra watched the second man drag Heath into the living room, his wound leaving a trail of blood on the floor, before the man took the dropped gun and shut the plank of wood.  He didn’t like how this was going, first there were two women and now Thomson was home ahead of schedule.  Everything about this carefully detailed plan was going wrong and his temper was darkening.  Daye was on his way here.  It should have been quick and now they were three more to take care of.


“Please can we see to my brother?  He’s bleeding terribly.” pleaded Audra to the one who appeared to be the leader of the two.  His eyes narrowed and he walked over, with the knife he’d taken out of the blonde, stepping behind Mackenzie, holding her by the neck and moved the bloody blade across her bulging stomach.  Mackenzie closed her eyes, nausea rising up within her at the foul breath on her cheek, the motion of the knife and the fear for her husband.


“Do anything stupid and the kid comes out early.”


Swallowing, Audra nodded, grabbed a towel and rushed over, kneeling by Heath’s side. Her shaking hand opened his shirt, pushing the white towel against the wound opened in his chest.  Her blue eyes stricken with fear at the position of the wound, close to his heart and by a crescent moon birthmark.




Chapter 59


“Go over there.  It’ll give you a chance to be there when he dies.” stated Myers, accenting his words with a small shove of Jacob Daye’s daughter. 


Mackenzie stumbled slightly before regaining her footing and hurried to kneel by Heath’s side.  His breaths appeared almost nonexistent, his pallor horribly pale.  Audra’s pressure on the towel was lessened when the blood stopped flowing from the wound, a jagged, ugly puncture stood out on the muscular chest.


Mackenzie ran her hand over his face, caressing him lightly, willing him to open his eyes.  Her own barely beating heart was filled with guilt.  She was the cause of this.  If he died, the blame lay only with her. 


The man whose strength she found intoxicating lay still and not moving, nearing death’s door because she loved her father and welcomed him into her home.  She placed her family at risk and her husband’s family with her devotion to her father.  Her love for her parent could very well be the death of her husband, her sister-in-law, her unborn child and herself.


Audra tore a strip off her petticoat and placed Mackenzie’s hand on the towel, looking up into the stunned violet eyes.  “Mackenzie, hold this and I’ll try to tie it in place over the wound.”


“Okay.” whispered Mackenzie at Audra’s words, helping with one hand to lift her husband so his sister could slide the strip of material under his back. 


The movement caused a weak moan, the girls held their breath and watched as Heath’s head moved slightly before the tiny movement stopped.  His chest was barely rising when Audra tightened the knot, binding the compression into place.  Sitting on the floor, both women watched as his body started shaking slightly and then increased in velocity.  Standing, Mackenzie grabbed the quilt from the back of the sofa, placing it over her husband, working with Audra to encase him to keep the warmth in his body.  Shock was setting in, he needed help and looking across the room, Audra shivered knowing the two men holding them at gunpoint would simply watch her brother die.


Myers watched the two women fighting to save the life of the former bounty hunter, disinterested in whether the man lived or died.  Not that he had anything personal against the man who lay on the floor from his knife, their similar professions caused each other’s paths to merge those two times.  Once Thomson got the bounty, the other time he did.  No, he didn’t have anything against him personally, he just didn’t have any decency left inside him.  The compassion he may have once felt, died out a long time ago.  He had a job to do and he did it by whatever means he deemed necessary.  The bounty was all he cared about and in Fletcher he had a partner who was just as dead inside as him.


When he’d learned Daye’s daughter was married to the former bounty hunter, he was stunned for a moment.  That moment was one of the only times he could remember ever being shocked and then it passed quickly.  He knew Daye was coming to the ranch, he intercepted the letter and read it, before allowing it to continue onto the criminal’s daughter.  He knew the ranch crew was gone for the day, most likely maybe even overnight from the bedrolls tied behind their saddles.  They’d taken the wolf dog with them leaving the two women in the house alone.  The black carriage the women arrived in the night before was in the barn unhitched.


Suddenly remembering Thomson’s horse, Myers hissed to his accomplice to get the animal into the barn.  Nodding, Fletcher left the house and grabbed the reins fighting the stallion as he balked at the unfamiliar hand and smell.  Myers heard the commotion and stood at the door, one eye watching the yard, the other watching the hostages.  Finally, Fletcher got the upperhand and led the red horse into the barn, out of sight and into a stall.  Running through the yard, he entered the house and Myers closed the door behind him.


Jacob Daye felt a surge of fear go through him, shivering as if someone were walking on his grave, from his lookout place in the barn loft.  He’d been ready to approach the quiet house when his son-in-law rode into the yard and dismounted.  He’d seen Heath open the door, enter partway and then jump inside, no shots were fired but he could hear the screaming of his son-in-law’s name through the open door.  Waiting in the loft, he turned his eyes to the front windows after the door was shut but they were covered by curtains. 


When he was about to move and make his way around to the side of the house, he froze when the door of the house opened and a man walked outside.  Clenching his jaw, Jacob swore to himself at the sight of the man standing in the doorway watching while the other grab the reins of Heath’s horse.  Ted Myers, the man who’d been dogging his heels for the past year.  A man who didn’t care about anyone but himself.  A man who brought them in dead, never alive. 


This man, dead inside of all human decency, had his daughter and son-in-law under his power.  Myers either killed Heath or wounded him, otherwise, his capable son-in-law would have done everything in his power to protect his wife and unborn child.


Jacob Daye slowly worked his way out the back of the barn, to the treeline and back to his horse.  Mounting, he rode away from the house, going east before turning south, keeping out of view of the ranchhouse.  A mile away, he dug his spurs into the horse’s side and urged him to run faster, whipping him with the ends of his reins, turning his mount when he saw two riders.


Jarrod sat Jingo on the road to the Barkley ranch, his hat pushed back and talking with Sheriff Maden who was returning from Modesto.  The attorney having received two investigative reports decided to close up his office, do some early christmas shopping and return to the study of the ranch.  The reports in his saddlebags were unopened and they’d occupied his mind on the way home.  Two reports on two different individuals.  One walking away from the law, the other walking with the law. 


Fred and Jarrod turned at the man galloping towards them, looking at the stranger when he pulled to a stop and stared at the badge on Fred’s shirt for a brief moment.


“Sheriff, two men have the Thomsons as hostages.” exclaimed Jacob, stiffening the men before him with his statement, his words spreading alarm across their faces.


“Heath’s not due home for three days.” stated Jarrod quickly.  “Are you sure?”


“How do you know that?” asked Fred.


“I’m Jacob Daye, Mackenzie’s my daughter.” said Jacob, seeing recognition flaring in both sets of eyes.  “I was going to visit her and was watching when Heath came riding in.      I stayed in the barn.  Something happened in the house after he went inside.  Mac and another woman were screaming.”


“It’s Audra!  She stayed the night!” informed Jarrod rapidly, his stomach twisting at the realization of the man’s tale.


“One man came out, took his horse into the barn while the other watched from the doorway.  The one in the doorway was Ted Myers.  Sheriff, I don’t know where his ranch crew is but we gotta get back there!” pleaded Daye, his words spilling out frantically, his fear for those on the ranch showing in his face.  “Sheriff, Heath and Mac need help now!”


“Jarrod, ride to the ranch and have someone fetch Dr. Merar.  We’ll get as close to Heath’s house to see what we can find out.” ordered Fred starting his horse even before all the words left his mouth while Jarrod  brought Jingo to a gallop, leaning forward and riding faster than he’d ever ridden before. 


Jacob rode beside the lawman, the irony of the moment lost on him, the only thought was the safety of those in the house.  Leading the sheriff to the trees, both men dismounted and stopped at the edge of the tree line.  Jacob took a stick and moved away some leaves, drawing an outline of the ranch in the ground. 


“I think if we go around here to the side, we should be able to look in one of the windows and see where everyone is at.” suggested Jacob, glancing up into the brown eyes watching him.  “They’ll be looking for me out the front.  I can’t see them trying to cover the sides or back of the house.”


Nodding, Fred agreed, “Yeah, I think you’re right.  Besides if Heath’s hurt, they wouldn’t be too concerned with just the two women to guard, especially since one’s with child.”


The brown eyes of the wanted man turned cold and he turned his gaze towards the buildings of the ranch for a moment, his words laden with pain.  “If I hadn’t come here, none of this would’ve happened, sheriff.  Heath’s a good man, a good husband to my little girl.  Hell, those two are just kids, they have a whole lifetime ahead of them.  My wanting to see Mac may kill all them in the house.  When it’s all over, I’ll give you my gun and face the music I’ve been running from for most of my life.  They deserve a life without me shadowing them.”


Fred’s blue eyes studied the criminal and he nodded.  “Let’s work our way up there and see what we can find out.  If any of them have been hurt, we’d best get to those two before Nick Barkley shows up.”


Audra rechecked the knot on the binding, satisfied it was holding tight before placing a hand on Heath’s arm.  Remembering when Nick’d been hurt in the past and what Dr. Merar instructed her mother to do for the blood loss, she pulled the pillows off the sofa and with Mackenzie’s help, propped her brother up against the front of the sofa.  He was still shaking under the heavy quilt, the shock from blood loss was what they had to try to prevent now.


“We need to elevate his legs, too.” said Audra pointing to a small footstool.  Mackenzie leaned over and pulled the piece of furniture over, putting it under her husband’s legs as Audra struggled to lift the appendages.  Her brother’s weight a great burden, as if he were made of stone instead of tissue and bones.  The wound no longer bleeding, his complexion ghostly, gray in its color.


Mackenzie held one of her husband’s large hands in her own, brushing her fingers through his hair with the other, murmuring to him.  Audra kept a hand on his arm and kept watch of the two men across the room, fearful of the end she felt was coming, the tension in the two intruders palpable even at this distance.


Heath’s eyelids fluttered, his body registered pain in his chest, his mind worked sluggishly to bring to the forefront what happened.  He remembered seeing the frightened eyes of his wife and the fleeting thought of danger before it went dark.  Turning his head slightly, he gasped and tried to lift his hand toward the pain, wanting to clutch his chest and curl up in a ball.  His mind wanted to do these things, but he couldn’t get his limbs or body to respond.


Mackenzie heard the weak gasp and squeezed his hand tighter at the movement beneath his eyelids.  Speaking low to him, she urged him to open his eyes, watching as he seemed to hear her and tried to respond to her pleas.  Audra held her breath as the eyelids lifted slightly, seeming requiring all of Heath’s strength to accomplish the movement.


Mackenzie smiled at the blue she saw under the eyelids, her hand cupping his cheek, her voice reaching his ears.  Her hand felt a slight pressure on it before his eyes closed again.  Heath’s weakened body felt as if he’d lifted the side of a mountain on his shoulders from the immense amount of energy required to partially open his eyes and squeeze the hand holding his.  Unable to maintain the level of strength needed to keep his eyes open, they closed of their own fruition and he was sent back to the blackness he’d been fighting against, but now felt relief in. 


The violet eyes spilled out tears and her hand shook when she ran her fingers through his hair again.  She was losing him, she knew it deep down inside and her own will to live was fading along with his.  She felt resignation settle over her, she couldn’t stop it.  In the blink of an eye and with the throw of a knife, her world was crumbling and she was powerless to halt the cascading motion, the downward slide he was on.


Audra felt a change in her sister-in-law when Heath’s slightly opened eyes closed and his breathing changed for the worse.  She could sense the hope inside Mackenzie leaving, being replaced with despair and bleakness.  Reaching across his body, Audra squeezed her shoulder and stared into the violet eyes.


“Don’t you dare give up on him, Mackenzie.  He’s still here!” whispered Audra harshly.  “Don’t you do it!”




Chapter 60


A brown stetson danced in its freedom, floating in the turbulent air for a few moments before landing on the ground after leaving the head of the rider whose face was determined, tears appearing in his eyes from the force of the air as he galloped through it.  Jarrod Barkley, attorney at law, didn’t notice his hat was gone, he didn’t notice his hair became untamed and disheveled on his wild ride.  All he noticed under the California sun, all he knew at that moment was the Barkley luck shone in the form of three men riding across the pasture land heading to the mansion. 


The man in the middle stared at the punishing pace his eldest brother kept up as he neared them and his heart plummeted to his feet.  He’d only seen him ride in such a manner one time before, two years earlier when his grief sent the calm, cool, collected lawyer son on a ride to escape the dreadful news, the dreadful reality of their father’s murder. 


It was only a matter of seconds when Nick Barkley’s face was turned into the wind in the same manner with his older brother by his side on the mount of Duke McCall.  After the shouted panicked news, Nick dispatched the two men, one to Stockton, one to the ranch.  Jarrod traded horses and they rode, both men low over the necks of their horses, time ticking against them, fear of the unknown ate away at them as the long legs of their horses churned into the ground.


Slowing as they neared their objective, both heard the shots and as one with one mind, both started their horses forward, oblivious to any danger which hovered over the ranch.  Both were gripped by the living nightmare, both were gripped by the concern over family, both were gripped by fear overshadowing the love they had for those in the house.


“Maybe he ain’t coming.” stated Fletcher nervously, his green eyes turned to the ranch yard outside.  “It’s been over an hour since Thomson arrived.  What do ya’ wanna do, Myers?  Stay here til someone else comes?  There’s already two more than there was supposed to be.”


Clenching his jaw, Ted Myers rapped his knuckles of his left hand against the frame of the window, his eyes narrowed as he considered the options left to them.  Nothing was going as planned and he shook his head in disgust.  His eyes traveled across to the other three people in the house, three sets of eyes, three witnesses.


‘No, two witnesses and one almost corpse.’ thought Myers, his eyes burning on the women across the room, flanking the unconscious man, struggling to keep him with them on this earth.  Making his decision, he motioned to Fletcher and moved across the hardwood floor, his boots sounding loud in the still house.


Audra looked up, her eyes widening at the approaching man and she felt her hand shake as he neared.  Mackenzie knelt with her back to the men, her focus on her husband, her eyes closed trying to will him to wake up, seeking to send some of her strength to him.  Her eyes opened when he pulled her up by the arm roughly, his grip biting into her arm and causing her to cry out in pain.


“LEAVE HER ALONE!” shouted Audra jumping up, trying to pull Mackenzie out of his grasp.  Myers pulled the auburn haired woman behind him causing her to fall onto her hands and knees on the floor, pushing Audra hard with his other hand, the blonde girl fell backwards, tripping over her brother’s elevated feet and hit her head on the floor, stunning the blonde.


“AUDRA!  AUDRA!” screamed Mackenzie, struggling to her feet and stopped by the man who grabbed her two arms, his large hands bruising her delicate skin.  “LET ME GO!  SHE’S HURT!  AUDRA!”


“You’re coming with us.” yelled Myers shaking the hysterical girl as if she were a rag doll, stopping her cries to the woman who lay stunned on the hard floor.  “Let’s go find daddy.”


“No.” moaned Heath weakly, brought back abruptly by the screams shattering his darkness, the terror in his wife’s voice forcing him to rise quickly to a painful awareness like a geyser busting with hot air and steam.  His hand tried to move him from his reclined position on the floor, his body unable to function.


Surprised at the word spoken by the injured man, Myers smiled slightly as he shoved Mackenzie into Fletcher’s waiting hands and knelt by the former bounty hunter whose eyes were half opened, dazed with pain, “Too bad about you and your sister, Thomson.  Your pretty wife is all the bait I need.”


“Heath, I love you!” sobbed Mackenzie, looking at her husband, his courage amazing her.  “Please leave him alone!”


Heath quivered from weakness, the look in his eyes turned to hatred for the man beside him.  The blonde was powerless to stop what was to happen, he felt himself losing his startled awakening and could see the edges of darkness creeping up in his vision.  Moving his eyes to his wife, he gazed into her violet eyes amid her bruised face, cursing the man beside him.  Myers struck with his left hand, the powerful man sending the blonde over onto his right side, helping him back into the pain free darkness before standing. 


Mackenzie watched as Myers took out his gun and pointed the barrel downward at her husband, time stood still as she screamed out, her lungs bursting, pleading for the lives of the two blondes.  Fletcher held onto her arm with his left hand, watching his partner slowly taking out his weapon, snapping at him to hurry and stop dragging it out.


Myers looked at him angrily, his eyes bearing down on his partner before they glazed over and rolled into the back of their sockets, the back of his head disappeared, his knees buckled and he crumpled to the floor.   The sound of a shot rang in their ears, Mackenzie stood in disbelief, her head turned in slow motion when the front door burst open.


Working their way to the side of the house, Fred and Jacob took off their hats, spying from the sides of the far window, searching for a way to stop the torment inside the house.  The men watched Myers make his way to where the women sat beside Heath, unconscious and covered by a quilt, the blood trail on the floor for them to see.  Jacob clenched his pistol when the bounty hunter pulled his daughter up and pushed the other woman roughly onto the floor, where she lay.


Nudging the outlaw beside him, Fred motioned for him to make his way to the front of the house, both men able to hear the screams of Mackenzie inside, pleading for her husband and sister-in-law.  Jacob crept along the front of the house, low beneath the windows, reaching the front door as the sheriff shot through the window when Myers pulled his pistol, his head shot stopping the man instantly.


Kicking in the front door, the wanted man, gun in hand stopped short of pulling the trigger when his daughter was pulled in front of his target, his chest burned with pain when the trapped bounty hunter shot from behind his daughter who he used as a shield.


Mackenzie watched her father being propelled backwards by a bullet to his chest before her eyes, his shirt quickly turning red and she stumbled, her legs faltering when Fletcher turned quickly towards the window where the first shot came, his fallen shield exposing his upper body.  Falling, she felt the bullet crease the air by her head and screamed as the man pulled her completely over onto the floor, his gun falling out of his lifeless hand.


Jacob Daye with his last bit of strength steadied his hand and squeezed the trigger, ending the life of the last man threatening his family.  Mackenzie pushed away from the dead body, crawling to where her father lay, his eyes gazed upon his daughter, silently speaking to her of his love, a smile lifted the corners of his mouth before he gasped one last time.


Fred helped the shaking woman to her feet and into the house.  Rushing over to Heath, Mackenzie listened to his chest, thankful for the weak breathing she heard.  Fred helped Audra sit up in a chair, the blonde girl dazed from her head hitting the floor.  Hearing horses, he went to the door, relieved at the sight of Nick and Jarrod and waved them in.


Jumping down, the brothers ran into the house, Jarrod moved to Audra and Nick knelt beside Heath.  Reaching down, he rolled the blonde onto his back, his eyes widening at the colorless face and the weak breaths. 


“Mac, you okay?” asked Nick carefully lifting the towel to examine the wound, looking up when she didn’t respond.  “Mackenzie, look at me.”


Violet eyes turned to Nick, surprise showing in their depths and she blinked, whispering quietly, “Nick?”


“Mac, are you okay?” repeated Nick louder than before.


“Heath’s hurt bad.” cried Mackenzie, her hands picking up one of her unconscious husbands.  “Please, Nick.  Help him, it’s all my fault!”


“Shhhh.  We’ll help him, Mac.” assured Nick calmly, squeezing her shoulder.  “Doc’s on his way but I need more blankets and water.  Can you get those and take them upstairs?”


Nodding, she climbed to her feet and Fred followed to help her.  Nick looked over at Jarrod and shook his head slightly, his tanned face full of fear.  Jarrod felt terror grip his insides and told Audra to stay where she was before kneeling beside his two brothers.


“Jarrod, we’re gonna need to get him upstairs and ready for when the doc gets here.” said Nick, putting his hands under Heath’s arms to lift him while Jarrod took his legs. 


Carefully, the two men carried him up the staircase, placing him in the bed after Fred pulled back the blankets.  Gently undressing the blonde, Nick and Jarrod froze at the scars on the back of their new brother.  Both men gasping and staring at the crisscross patterns, unable to comprehend how they came to be on one so young.   The heartlessness needed to inflict the wounds leaving both strong men sick to their stomachs. 


Laying the blonde to recline on a stack of pillows, Nick took a cloth, squeezing some water into the blonde’s mouth, gently caressing his throat to induce him to swallow before drawing it across his face and chest.  His motions the only thing he could do, the only comfort he could offer to his younger brother as he prayed for the Barkley luck to keep this special man with them.  They needed more time with him, they’d been cheated out of twenty years of his life, they needed more time to build their brotherly bonds stronger, to hear his laughter, to see his sparkling eyes.  They needed more time to love him and enfold him in their arms. 


Jarrod left the room to see to Audra and Mackenzie sat on the bed brushing her fingers through the blonde hair, speaking to Heath as if they were alone.    Nick studied the profile of his sister-in-law concerned at the paleness of her face, the violet eyes seemed to be permanently moistened with wetness. 


He was afraid for both of them.  He was afraid the physician wouldn’t arrive in time.  He was afraid Heath would stop fighting and stay in the darkness he was surrounded in.  He was afraid for the woman who loved his brother, the woman who carried his brother’s unborn child.  He was afraid for the father, mother and child bound by love before him. 


The lure of bounty brought this brother into their lives and now the lure of bounty sought after by others was threatening to steal him away.




Chapter 61


Jarrod knelt in front of Audra holding a wet cloth to the back of her head, a goose egg formed from her collision with the floor.  His blonde sister pulled Jarrod’s hand away and stood up, holding onto his arm for a brief moment.


“Honey, you better sit til Dr. Merar has a chance to look at you.” worried Jarrod.


“I’m fine, Jarrod.  Really, I need to get upstairs and be with Mackenzie.  I’m so worried about her and Heath.” stated Audra, her eyes filling with tears and her shoulders shook.  “It was awful Jarrod.   Those men were hideous.  I know they planned to kill us all.”


Jarrod held her as she cried, the realization of the day causing her to shake.  His hand stroked her blonde hair, encouraging her to release her pent-up emotions.  Several minutes passed before the young girl wiped her face and dried her tears, resolve settling into her eyes and she smiled gratefully.


“I’m sorry to be such a baby.” apologized Audra placing a kiss on his cheek.


The eldest son shook his head and cupped her cheek, his voice soft and tender.  “You are not acting like a baby.  You’ve just been through a traumatic event, Audra.  Are you sure you’re okay?”


“Yes, I’m fine.  It’s Heath and Mackenzie I’m worried about, Jarrod.” explained Audra, shivering when she remembered Mackenzie’s almost giving up when Heath’s breathing turned worse.  “If god forbid he doesn’t make it, she won’t either.”


“Well, then we’ll just see Mac doesn’t have to worry about that.” said Jarrod firmly.  “Heath will be up, walking around soon if Nick and I have anything to say about it and that’s final.”


A small chuckle escaped from the blonde and she wrapped her arms around her big brother, “Poor Heath has no idea what it’s like to have you and Nick riding his tail.”


Trying to look wounded, Jarrod couldn’t keep the smile off his face, “I believe you once called it riding your ass, if I remember correctly.”


“And I remember getting my mouth washed out with soap by Mother when I stated it in those terms.” smirked Audra, her blue eyes twinkling before reality forced her back and she pulled on his arm, leading him to the staircase.  “Come on, Jarrod.”


Climbing the stairs, they entered the room where Nick and Mackenzie were taking care of their unconscious brother, his pallor seemed even more colorless, his breaths barely heard.  Nick looked up when Audra placed a hand on his arm, taking the cloth from him and stepping into his place.  Seeing her clear eyes, he sighed with relief and walked over to Jarrod, motioning him into the hallway with his head.


Standing at the end of the hallway, Nick ran a hand through his hair before whispering, “Jarrod, I don’t know how that boy’s holding on.  Where’s Dr. Merar?”


Shaking his head, Jarrod said, “I don’t know Nick.  Fred took the bodies back to town, well, except for Mackenzie’s father.  He’s in the barn wrapped in a tarp in the wagon.  Fred said he’d hurry the doc along if he saw him.”


Taking a deep breath, Nick leaned against the wall, his eyes flashed with anger, his harsh whispers filled Jarrod’s ears, “Heath’s three fourths through death’s door.  What the hell happened here?  Why’s my little brother got a wound in his chest?  What the hell are those scars on his back?  Where the hell is Howard?”


Jarrod grabbed onto Nick’s shoulders, his brother’s voice raising in volume with each question, his face crumbling with fear for the man in the bed.  Hazel eyes filled with tears before he crossed his arms and put a hand over his face, covering his eyes and fighting to regain composure.  Jarrod pulled Nick’s head to his shoulder and rubbed the back of his neck, his own mind trying to comprehend its own questions, unable to answer the spoken questions of his brother.


Nick took a shaky breath and patted Jarrod’s back, leaving his arms around his older brother for a minute before pulling away.  The sound of footsteps on the stairs turned both men and Nick growled.   “It’s about time, doc!”


Raising an eyebrow at the greeting, Howard followed the dark clothed Barkley son into the bedroom and moved to the bedside.  Mackenzie watched, not speaking, waiting.


“Jarrod. Nick.  Heath needs a transfusion now from one of you.”


“Me.” stated Nick without hesitating, rolling up his sleeve.


“Okay then, Jarrod, I need more light before I work on suturing the wound.  Audra, you take Mrs. Thomson downstairs and I’ll let you know when I’m finished.” ordered Howard, opening his bag and taking out the instruments.


“NO!” exclaimed Mackenzie suddenly.  “I’m not leaving him.”


Howard held her by the shoulders, turning her to cut off the view of her husband, his voice gentle and firm, “Mackenzie, do as you’re told now.  You’ll only be in my way.  I need to concentrate on Heath and you need to think of your baby’s welfare as well as your husband’s.  You need water to make sure you don’t get dehydrated and you have to rest, okay?”


Opening her mouth to protest, Mackenzie closed her eyes when she felt her husband’s child move inside her and cried as she nodded.  Audra put her arm across her shoulders, leading her out of the room after Mackenzie placed a kiss on her husband’s cheek and whispered in his ear.


When the two girls departed, Howard rushed around the room.  Nick felt the acid of his stomach rising into his throat, the normally calm physician was rushing, trying to keep his brother here in this life, working to steal him back from where he’d gone.


Completing the transfusion setup, Howard watched the transfer of life giving sustenance before turning up the lamps in the room.  Requesting Jarrod hold one as close to the wound as possible, Howard bent over, studying the incision made by the knife before taking his stethoscope out to listen to the blonde’s chest.  Jarrod and Nick studied the physician, looking at each other puzzled.


“What is it you’re listening for, doc?  He’s hardly breathing even I can see that.” said Nick.


Not looking at the man on the other side of the bed, Howard tersely replied, “I’m going to  listen to the sound of his heart working.  If the knife punctured any part of the heart including the wall, I’ll be able to tell.  Is that okay with you, Dr. Barkley?”


“Ah, yeah, sorry doc.” apologized Nick quietly, his tone turning the physician’s eyes to him.


“It’s alright, Nick.  I’m worried about Heath too.” said Howard sympathetically.  “Now, no more talking til I’m done.”


Closing his eyes, Howard held the end of the instrument against Heath’s chest, his ears concentrating on the weak sounds, listening for any abnormality, any sign of distress.  Nick and Jarrod waited, their own chests hardly moving, their own lungs not taking in air as the family physician listened.  Both brothers stiffened, their muscles rigid with anxiety after the physician suddenly tilted his head to the side and held the end of the stethoscope firmer on the muscular chest.


Snapping up his head, Howard slapped the pale cheeks, yelling into the blonde’s ear. “Breathe, Heath, breathe!”




Chapter 62


The other two faces in the room lost all coloring at the yelled command from the physician. 


Jarrod and Nick had been concentrating so hard on watching the medicine man listening to their brother’s heart, they hadn’t heard the weak gasp Heath expelled before the trained man slapped his patient.  Startled at the quick action of the longtime family friend, the men watched and the room filled with the sounds of their voices, joining the doctor’s to plead the still man to keep fighting on.


Having arrived mere minutes before, Victoria ran up the stairs at the sounds of the frantic male voices, her body moving quickly as if time hadn’t passed the last forty years.  Her heart lurched at the now dead young man lying on the pillows, her tiny hands took his face in her hands and she shouted firmly.




Three testosterone ridden men watched as the love from a woman with a mother’s voice rang out through the air.  The tone of the firm words, they’d all heard at one time or another.  It was a tone that rebuked indifference, it rebuked defiance.  It was a tone capable of making you hang your head in shame.  It was a tone capable of filling you with so much pride you couldn’t feel the ground beneath your feet.  It was a tone no child would purposely welcome into their ears.  It was a tone which reached deep down inside you, filling every corner of your being.


It was a tone which caused the still man to draw in air slightly and Howard listened with the stethoscope, fingers crossed for several seconds before he uncrossed them and let a wide smile spread across his face.


“He’s breathing, Victoria.” assured Howard, squeezing her arm.  “You did it.”


Closing her eyes and taking a shaky breath herself, Victoria’s gray eyes filled with happiness and love.  Running her fingers through his blonde hair, she looked towards her sons and was not surprised both had tears in their eyes in their own pale faces.  Leaning over, she placed a tender kiss on the cheeks slowly regaining color and stated firmly, hoping to reach him again wherever he was.


“Heath, I’ll take exceptional care of Mackenzie while Howard takes exceptional care of you.  Don’t worry everything will be fine.”


Caressing his cheek one last time, Victoria stood and placed a kiss on each of her son’s handsome faces before leaving the room and making her way downstairs.  Assuring the two silent women holding each other’s hands, Heath was breathing and regaining color. 


Sitting on the sofa by Mackenzie, she drew the shaken girl into her arms and placed a kiss on her auburn hair while grateful tears were cried.  Victoria rocked her and smiled at Audra, her gray eyes thankful for the gifts of the day.  Mackenzie, emotionally drawn and physically tired, cried herself to sleep, her tears dried on her cheeks as she lay encased in Victoria’s strong arms.


Nick raised a shaking hand to his face, wiping the tears from his eyes while Jarrod grabbed onto Heath’s hand, his deep voice telling their brother they were with him, begging him to keep fighting.   Nick sat pinned to the chair by the tubing running from his arm, unable to move and hold the blonde, he swallowed the lump of fear in his throat and combined his voice with Jarrod’s.   Howard disconnected the tubing from Nick and clamped it off, saying he was ready to suture the wound but advising Nick to stay where he was.


“His heart?” asked Jarrod, his voice sounding muffled to his own ears, it was muffled by fear and anxiety.


“I couldn’t detect any abnormalities or defects.  The chambers of his heart appear to be working as designed.  The knife missed all the vital organs.  The blood loss and shock are the culprits which almost killed him.  Heath’s a very lucky man.  If the knife entered nearer, as much as even the width of a hair, he wouldn’t be here with you, boys.”


Nick and Jarrod looked at each other, the altered universe which could have happened reflected in their glances.  Nick leaned over and picked up the hand closest to him, the sudden need to touch his blonde brother shook him to his very foundation.   He’d almost lost him and still he didn’t understand why, but was grateful to be able to feel warmth returning into the injured man, grateful to be able to hear the breaths he took and grateful to see his chest rise in a pattern of normalcy.


Placing a bandage over the sight of the sutures, Howard smiled as he listened to the blonde’s chest, his eyes noting the improved coloring from the transfusion.  Putting his stethoscope away, he watched Nick drinking the juice Howard had Jarrod fetch and when the rancher finished the glass, instructed him to lay down for a while.


Shaking his head, Nick snorted, “No way!  I’m not leaving him doc.”


“Nick, giving blood makes you tired and weakens your body.  You need to rest and replenish what I’ve taken for Heath.  He’s not out of the woods yet and we may need you later.” explained Howard arms crossed in front of him.


“What do you mean he’s not out of the woods yet?” questioned Nick frantically. “His heart is fine, you said so yourself!”


“Yes, that’s true, Nick, however, your brother had a foreign object thrown into his chest.   An object capable of causing an infection at the point of entry.  Until I’m sure it’s not going to be infected, I can’t say he’ll make a full recovery.  A fever at this point could very well finish him off in his weakened condition.” pointed out Howard quietly, his truthful words snuffing out any further protests from either brother.


“Jarrod, help Nick to one of the other rooms and see that he rests.  After you come back, I’m going downstairs to examine Audra and Mackenzie.”


Jarrod walked beside Nick to another bedroom and sat on the side of the bed for a moment.  “Rest for an hour or two, Nick.  I’ll stay by Heath’s side, okay?”


“Pappy, don’t leave him!  Not for even a second cause I don’t want him waking up and seeing us not there.  No telling what will go through his mind if that happens.  He’d probably think we don’t want him around again.” said Nick, his teasing falling short of its goal, not alleviating the fear in his soul.


Jarrod smiled slightly and nodded, patting the shoulder of his brother before telling him to close his eyes, covering him with a blanket then leaving the room and walking down the hallway.  Howard waited til Jarrod entered before heading downstairs with his bag in hand. 


Standing by the bed, Jarrod pulled the quilt up higher on the bandaged chest, his fingers brushing back a lock of straying blonde hair, his mind willing his little brother to open his eyes and flash his lop-sided grin.  The lawyer sighed deeply at the lack of response from the man on the bed.  Sitting in a chair by the bed, he put his hand over the top of the tanned one, his eyes not leaving the face which was turned towards him.  It was so young looking, so full of innocence in sleep and yet, the body told a story of a life, harsh and brutal, full of pain and hurt.


Squeezing the hand beneath his, Jarrod wondered what different story the body of his blonde brother would have told had he grown up where he should have.  He should’ve  been on the ranch, by the sides of his siblings, working under the tutelage of his Father, learning the way of the Barkley family as a child not as an adult.


Sighing deeply, Jarrod shook his head and brought his mind which’d been wandering back to the bedroom where he sat.  Dr. Merar had not returned to the room and he hoped this was not a sign of more bad news.  Patting the hand beneath his, Jarrod suddenly jumped from his chair reaching forward to place his hand on Heath’s forehead, confirming what his other hand had felt. 


A fever was building.




Chapter 63


Heath heard them. 


The screams, the pleading of his wife’s voice before suddenly he was drawn further towards a door, his body powerless to stop the tugging on it, powerless from his lack of strength.


Her screams stopped suddenly.


He was puzzled, a frown spread across his face as he stared at the door.


The door was unlike any he’d ever seen before. 


It wasn’t made of wood, it wasn’t made of metal.  It was a door of great depth, the depth of it several inches, almost a foot deep.  It was not like the door in his home or any other building he’d been in.  It didn’t appear to be made of anything, it was translucent, transparent.  He could see through it and yet when he touched the clear door knob, it hardened beneath his hand.


It was frightening and intriguing at the same time.  It was scary and yet, he could sense he’d be free of pain after he made his way through it.  He was weak and yet, he could sense the return of his strength if he moved to the other side.


He couldn’t hear her voice anymore.  The darkness of the space he was leaving closed in nearer around him and he felt himself pulled further through the door.  He looked down and the only part of him which stopped his progress was the lower part of his leg.   He stared at it for a brief moment, wondering why the bottom of his limb refused to move, keeping him anchored.


Tilting his head, he listened carefully to the distant voices, they were familiar.  The sounds of them definitely male, definitely two of them were his newly found brothers, the third he couldn’t place. 


He could feel his foot slowly losing its anchor after his shoulders sagged when he realized her voice wasn’t there.  He felt a great sense of loss, his foot moved into the depth of the door, his hearing diminished and he felt weightless.


He sighed in anticipation of completely moving through the opening, wondering if perhaps his wife and child were there waiting for him.  The thought moved his foot to the center of the door’s depth, slowly as if he were mired down with great weights, the emotions of the men on the other side were pulling at him, grabbing at him with their shouts, seeking to keep him from entering completely.


Their shouts were faint, muffled under the darkness, he couldn’t hear their words and he turned his head to peer into the space awaiting him on the other side of the door, searching for the violet eyes of his wife in the bright light beckoning him. 


His head swung around to where he’d come from when the clear firm words reached him, the tone in them reaching deep into him and sending a renewed surge of strength, making him turn in surprise at their meaning. 


His wife and child were alive and they were back where he’d come from!  They were waiting for him!   He moved to obey, he felt a need not to disappoint those words, those orders clearly spoken in a mother’s tone.


Pushing against the door which was closing behind him, he struggled, his arms trembled as he held the door open and shimmied the rest of his body back into the space he’d almost left.


Falling down into the darkness he’d arrived back in, Heath took several breaths to calm himself and groaned at the pain his body was now radiating.  The door which had been translucent, now stood closed, the transparent look replaced with a door of stone.


His breaths calmed and he stood up on shaky legs, his back to the door, the space in front of him pitch black.  Stepping tentatively, he put one foot in front of the other, fearful of falling into a precipice he couldn’t see.  Getting down on his hands and knees, he reached out feeling the darkness in front of him and slowly made his way forward, time stood still and had no meaning as he crawled an inch at a time through the inky darkness.


Blinking several times, he thought his eyes were playing tricks when the edges of the darkness started to lighten.  A great warmth rushed through him and he jumped to his feet when he realized it was not a dawning of a new day, but fingers of fire igniting the darkness, providing the glow of light.


The flames slowly worked their way towards him, the pain in his chest sharpened severely.  He felt his body temperature rising but he ignored it and continued on.  The fire lighting the path he was on, sending urgency through his legs and he regained momentum from the fear of being caught in the fire dogging at his heels, images passing on the sides of him as he continued forward. 


The demons of the past reached out to him, he twisted his body to escape their tentacles as he continued through the gauntlet of time to escape the fire and reach the present.  Stopping suddenly at the scene before him, great fear and panic swelled within him.  The image of his pregnant wife held forcefully by Myers stopping him, his anger rising at the man who threatened his home, his wife, his unborn child.


“NO!   ZIE!” gasped Heath, his body bathed in sweat and perspiration. 


Howard, Jarrod and Nick worked together, frantically wiping Heath down with cool cloths.  They were into their fifth hour of battling the escalating fever.   Nick held down the thrashing and reaching arm on his side while Jarrod held the other.  Howard continued the cooling measures, the blonde’s body bucking and moving on the bed, his strength amazing those in the room. 


His fear for his wife and child sent Heath forward, frantically calling, cursing the name of the man he was fighting as he pulled on the arm of his wife, trying to loosen the intruder’s hold, her arm slipped through his sweaty fingers. 


The face of Myers leered at the woman in his grasp as his arm raised, an already bloody knife in his hand.




Mackenzie jumped in the second bedroom as the blood curdling scream of her name filled the house.  The terror in his voice wakening her from where she’d been dreaming of being held in his arms.  Ignoring the protests of Rachel, Victoria and Audra, who’d grown concerned with the violent outbursts in Heath’s feverish state.  They’d been afraid he’d unknowingly hurt the woman he loved.  Mackenzie rushed into the room and pushed Jarrod out of the way, releasing the hold on his brother’s arm, sitting by her husband’s side who was screaming her name repeatedly, his head moving wildly on the pillow.


“I’M RIGHT HERE, HEATH.  I’M RIGHT HERE!” shouted Mackenzie taking hold of his moving head in her hands, his eyes partially opened but not in the room where they were.  “I’M RIGHT HERE!  HERE I AM!  HEATH!!!”


Heath suddenly reached forward taking hold of her, pulling her to him causing the flames and Myers to rapidly recede as his arm protectively held her against him.   The darkness changed into light, the images of the past evaporated and replaced with the faces of the present.   Sluggish sapphire eyes blinked and everyone watched clarity slowly return with the breaking of the fever. 


Nick unwound his fingers from the strong wrist and wrapped his arms around his mother’s waist when she appeared at his side, her arm over his shoulders, pulling her trembling son against her. 


“Zie?” whispered the blonde weakly, his eyes staring at the auburn head laying on his chest and he loosened his hold of her.


“I’m right here, hon.” assured Mackenzie softly, pushing herself upward, taking her weight off his weak body and his hand slowly lifted to her cheek.


“” whispered Heath, anguish stammering his words and causing everyone watching to wipe at the tears which sprang into their eyes from his fever ridden nightmare.


Shaking her head, Mackenzie placed a kiss on his lips and caressed his cheek.   Pulling his other hand over, she placed it on her growing stomach.  “No, he didn’t Heath.  We’re both right here and we’re not going anywhere.   Rest now, darling.”


Satisfied with the feel of her cheek beneath his fingers, the reassurance of the child within her and the tender kiss warming his lips, he smiled slightly before his heavy eyelids closed.  The hand falling from her cheek was caught and held to her lips while his deep even breaths of healing sleep played like a beautiful melody to those in the room.




Chapter 64


The sounds of healing sleep replaced the prior sounds of survival.  Fevered mumbling, fevered shouts were replaced with silence.  The thrashing of his body replaced with stillness and calm.  His even breathing replaced the gasps of anguish and terror.


Mackenzie, holding her husband’s hand to her lips, closed her eyes in thankfulness and prayer.  One man had been taken from her, the other fought against the darkness, against the odds to return to her and his family.  Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she looked up into the teary brown eyes of Rachel.


“Honey, come with us while Dr. Merar and the boys get Heath into dry clothes.” stated Rachel running her hand over the auburn hair.  “You need to eat something and then you can sit with Heath.”


Hesitating, Mackenzie ran her eyes over the fever free face, taking in the improved pallor before nodding at Rachel and Victoria’s insistence.  Lowering the hand she held, Mackenzie stood up, leaning forward to place a tender kiss on his cool brow before allowing the women to lead her from the room.


Howard examined the slumbering blonde, placing his left arm in a sling to prevent too much movement and pulling on the stitches before his brothers lifted him carefully, the wet bedding beneath him was quickly changed.  Dressing Heath in sleeping pants, a blanket was placed over him and drawn up to the bandage on his chest.  Closing his medical bag, the physician bid the brothers goodbye and departed from the room, leaving the ranch after making sure his patient’s wife would have someone to watch over her to ensure she rested and took care of the child growing inside her.


Standing over the bed, Nick studied his little brother carefully before lifting his hazel eyes to the blue ones watching him.  “Jarrod, when this boy is better, we’re gonna have a long talk.  He’s making me an old man before my time.”


Chuckling, Jarrod shook his head and chastised his brother, “Now, Nick.  It wasn’t Heath’s fault.  Don’t be too hard on him.”


Taking a deep breath, Nick scowled, “Why didn’t Heath know Mac’s father was in the area?  I’m surprised he and Mac keep secrets from each other.  They are more than just man and wife.  They’re not just partners either.  They seem to be so much more.”


Jarrod watched his brother pause, searching for the definitive description for what the couple meant to each other, his tone quiet as it reached his often headstrong brother.


“I think they were destined, Nick.  Destined to be with each other.  Probably destined long before their births.” suggested Jarrod looking down at his sleeping brother.


Sighing, Nick sat in forward in a chair, his elbows on his knees, chin on his clasped hands, his eyes as full as his heart while he watched Heath sleeping before nodding in agreement.  “Yeah, that’s it.  Soulmates.”


“It’s a beautiful thing, Nick.  We can only be so lucky to find what they have.  To be able to recognize it and take the chance.  I’d say our little brother is definitely setting the example in the how to pick a mate department, brother Nick.” smiled Jarrod, the wide smile on his tanned brother’s face lighting up his face.


“As far as Jacob Daye is concerned, well, that’s between Heath and Mackenzie.  Let’s get some coffee, Nick.  We haven’t had a break in hours and I’m sure Mother or Audra would appreciate time with Heath.” suggested Jarrod receiving a nod for an answer.


Jarrod left to return with one of the ladies and Nick stood up, running his hand over the drying blonde hair before lowering his eyes to the bandaged wound.  The top half of the Barkley mark peeking out from under the white gauze for the world to see. 


Unconsciously, Nick raised his right hand to his chest, running his fingers over his own birthmark hidden under his black shirt.  The mark of brothers.  The mark of their father.  The mark in the same place on both their chests, close to their hearts.  In his heart, the love for his brother burned and would never be extinguished.  It was an eternal flame which would burn through the ages, through the lifetimes to come.


Half-opened sapphire eyes filled at the expression on the face of the brother by his side when his hand raised to his chest.  Hazel eyes full of unspoken love, full of promise, full of the future brimmed with moisture at the weak whisper.






Chapter 65


Over a week passed and Heath smiled watching his wife as she tried to button his shirt.  Her pretty face blushing from his intense scrutiny, her fingers fumbled with the small round circles.


“Heath, stop it.” sighed Mackenzie, trying to concentrate on her task.


“Stop what, Zie?” inquired the blonde absently, his fingers reaching up to her falling lock of hair, entwining it around his finger.  “I’m just sitting here like a bump on a log.”


Biting back a smile, she said firmly, “Stop looking at me like you’re a hawk and I’m a field mouse.”


“Now, honey.” chastised Heath gently, “That description of me watching you doesn’t sound very romantic.”


“Romantic!”  Shaking her head, she scolded the man sitting on the bed, “You’re lucky I’m even letting you out of bed.”


A wicked smile spread across his face and she turned bright red, pointing her finger at him.  “That is not what I meant, Heath!”


Catching her pointing finger, Heath brought it up to his mouth and tenderly sucked on it causing her to gasp at the unspoken meaning.  Winking, he freed her finger, wrapped his arm around her waist and placed a kiss on her growing stomach before leaning his cheek against it.  His sigh of happiness and contentment filled her eyes with tears and she stroked the blonde hair of the bowed head.


The past week seemed like a whole lifetime had flown by.  The past week spent building his strength back up, his body was weakened considerably from the shock and blood loss.  He tired quickly, often falling asleep while she was talking to him.  His wound was slowly healing, the arm still encased in a sling.


Over the past week, they also worked on bridging the gap which had erected between them.  While it was her father’s presence which started the sequence of events, it had been his last act on earth with Sheriff Maden which stopped the events and prevented three deaths.  Husband and wife were grateful for each other, grateful for the rest of their lives together and vows of better communication were made, vows of no more kept promises given and exchanged.


Today they would hold a ceremony over the grave of her father.  The parent had been buried by the returning ranch hands, who were shocked at the events on the ranch while they’d been away.  The crew successfully destroyed the aging mountain lion which killed two of their horses.  It was unable to catch the wild animals normally in their diet and turned to domestic animals as food instead.


The Barkley siblings and mother returned to their neighboring ranch the day after his fever had broken and Rachel stayed with the young couple four more days, leaving only after she assured herself Mackenzie could care for her husband in her blossoming condition. 


Last night was the first night since his injury he’d been awake when she undressed and readied for bed.  His sapphire eyes hardened at the bruises on her body from the two men.  His eyes were cold while he ran his fingers lightly over the yellowed spots on her arms before the blue orbs changed to wonder at her round stomach which seemed to have grown overnight.  His hand was gentle, his caress tender as it ran over the growing abdomen before he pulled her to lean against him.  His arm holding her there by his side, afraid to let her go as sleep claimed them both.


Her thoughts of the past week were interrupted when he lifted his head, placed another kiss on her stomach and ran his hand up her back sending a shiver up her spine.  Pulling her to sit beside him on the bed, he tilted her chin up and brushed his lips against hers.   Her hand ran up his arm and to the back of his neck urging him closer.  Her lips parted and invited his tongue before they wrapped their arms around each other lost in the feeling of holding each other, grateful for the small pleasure of togetherness.


Sighing loudly, he placed a kiss on her auburn hair and whispered, “I love you, Zie.”


Tightening her arms around him, she placed a kiss on his cheek, “I love you too.  The family won’t be here for a couple hours, why don’t you rest some more.”


His hand moving up and down her arm as they sat side by side stopped, his groan at her suggestion making her snicker.  “It’s not like I was just working, Zie!  I was only kissing ya’!  I’m tired of looking at these walls.  I need to go outside, honey!”


She studied the hopeful sapphire eyes and ran her fingers over his cheek before replying, “Only if you promise to be a good boy and not overdo it.  No riding horses and no training horses.  Not til Dr. Merar gives the okay.”


Nodding with enthusiasm, he grinned and stood up, “Anything for you darlin’!”


Laughing at the little boy in the man, she finished buttoning his shirt and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before warning.  “I mean it, Heath, you do too much and I’ll have your head.”


Heath pulled her to him with his one arm and parted her lips with a deep searching kiss.  Her knees turned boneless before he finished and released her mouth, his voice husky as he nuzzled her ear.  “You can have any part of me you want, any time, Zie.  You don’t need to use threats, my dear, a pretty please will do just as well.”


Grinning, he released her from his arm and winked.  Slapping his bottom as he walked by, she smirked, “Heath Thomson, you are soooo ornery!”


Heath laughed and turned back to his wife, proclaiming loudly, “That’s why ya’ love me!”


Her laughter mixed with his while they walked down the hallway, hand in hand.  Mackenzie helped him with his coat before he opened the door and stepped out onto the porch, closing it behind him.  Watching through the window, Mackenzie giggled and shook her head at Atilla running full speed across the yard, lunging onto the porch and welcoming his master.  His tail wagging as fast as a bullet, his yelps filling the yard demanding his master’s attention. 


Heath sat on the steps only too happy to be able to oblige his faithful friend before heading to the corral where Matt and the men were working, fully intending to stay out of the house and bed til the other family members arrived.




Chapter 66


The memorial service was short with Mackenzie placing a bouquet of flowers on the fresh grave before allowing her husband to lead her into the house.  The rest of the family and ranch crew left the small graveyard in the grove of trees behind the barn.  The same area where Jacob had tied his horse that fateful day.


The women headed to the kitchen while Heath lead his brothers to the study, closing the door behind him.  The ranch crew except for Jim were busy saddling their horses, leaving for town on their normal Saturday routine.  Heath poured three drinks, handing one to each brother before taking his own and sitting on the edge of his desk, saluting the men before him with his glass.


“Thanks for coming.” said Heath quietly glancing down into his glass.  “I know having you here meant a lot to Zie.”


“Are you saying you don’t appreciate us being here?” teased Nick with Jarrod rolling his eyes.


Smirking, Heath shot back, “I appreciate Audra being here.”


Chuckling, Jarrod clapped the growling Nick on the back and settled into the overstuffed chair by the desk.  Sipping his drink, he listened to his younger brothers playful bickering for a few minutes before clearing his throat.


“Sorry.” apologized Jarrod after capturing the attention of the two men.  “I still have the Pinkerton report on Jacob, Heath.  What would you like me to do with it?”


“Have you read it?” asked Heath quietly receiving a negative shake of the lawyer’s head to his question. 


“No, I haven’t.” said Jarrod.  “I can destroy it if you’d like.”


Nick walked over and sat on the leather couch in the room, his eyes moving between both brothers.  Jarrod in attorney mode and Heath in a mode he couldn’t readily read but Nick sensed an underlying current of anger suddenly springing up in the blonde.  Sighing and setting his glass down, Heath walked to the window and stared out into the yard for several minutes before turning.


“What did you do with the Pinkerton report you ordered on me, Jarrod?” questioned the blonde firmly, his statement snapping up the two heads of his brothers.


“WHAT REPORT?” shouted Nick in disbelief, jumping up to his feet and staring at Jarrod with a dark scowl on his face.  “WHAT’S HE TALKING ABOUT?”


Jarrod kept his eyes locked with the sapphire eyes of his little brother before the blonde moved to the door after there was a knock on it.  Opening it, he smiled and caressed the cheek of his wife, assuring her everything was fine.


“Nick’s just loud as usual, Zie.” smiled Heath before adding for her ears only, “We’ll talk later.”


Studying his eyes, she nodded and stated lunch would be ready soon before closing the door.  Walking back, Heath sat behind the oak desk, leaning back in the chair and studying his oldest brother.


Smiling slightly, Jarrod asked, “How did you know?”


“Frank Sawyer told me the Pinkertons were asking questions on behalf of Jarrod Barkley.  If I was you, I’d see that investigator was fired.  His mouth is too big.”  informed Heath, raising his hand when Nick opened his mouth.  “Nick, don’t shout please.  You’re scaring the women.”


“Fine, I’m not shouting.  I want to know why the hell you ordered a report on our brother!” stated Nick angrily, glaring at the man under scrutiny.  “That’s just not right, Jarrod.   When did you do that?”


Sighing, Jarrod put his glass down and rubbed his face with his hands, “After Audra and Heath had the shouting match on the streets of Stockton and you almost died when you pulled out your stitches Nick.  I’m an attorney, I deal in hard facts.  I was hoping to receive a copy of his birth certificate.  I know Heath’s our brother but at the time it seemed like a good idea.  Everyone and everything was out of control.”


Tilting his head slightly, Heath waved at the agitated Nick to sit down before questioning, “Have you read it?  Have you read all the sorted details of my life?”


“No.” winced Jarrod at the anger in the younger man’s voice.  “It’s in the safe at my office along with Daye’s.  No one has seen it, Heath.  No one.”


Clenching his jaw, Heath moved his eyes to stare at the picture of his mother on the desk, his mind going back over the years.  The years of pain and brutality he knew would be in the report.  The years of hard living, barely existing, barely keeping ahead of the demons.


Nick saw the storm in the sapphire eyes, the pain flaring up and stated, “Heath,  we’re your brothers and part of being siblings is sharing.  You’re so close mouthed about your past, I can understand Jarrod ordering a report.  Not that I condone it or anything like that.  Would you expect an attorney to act otherwise?”


Studying the hazel eyes, Heath took a shaky breath.  “I know, Nick.  I don’t like to talk about things past.  There’s no point in it as far as I can see.”


Frowning, Nick thought on his words and suggested, “The point is I want to know my brother.  I want to know all of you, not just the part I’ve gotten to know the past eight months.  All of the things you went through have made you the man you are today.  That’s the point, Heath.”


“Heath, we won’t think any differently of you.” assured Jarrod.  “You’re our brother and that’s never going to change.”


Shaking his head at Jarrod’s assurance, Heath leaned forward in his chair, his eyes taking in both his brothers, the need for them to understand his hesitation had him searching for the words to explain.


“Sometimes when you talk about a memory, an event in your life, well, it brings you back there.   I can’t walk back through some of the times and tell you how things were then.  There’s things I’d rather forget.”


“Do you think it’s unfair of us to ask about your life before you came to Stockton?” asked Jarrod, softly.


“No.” admitted Heath without hesitation, his discomfort and unease with the topic clear to his brothers.  “You make it sound routine like breathing or putting on a pair of pants.  But it’s not so easy.”


Walking over and sitting on the edge of the desk, Nick said quietly, “Heath, we’ve seen the scars.  We didn’t ask cause we wanted you to tell us freely, when you were ready.  Jarrod will destroy the report and when you’re ready, we’ll be here to listen as brothers.”


Jarrod nodded his silent agreement to Nick’s words, the brotherly love in the two sets of eyes reflected clearly as they studied him.   He’d seen the souls of these men, felt the trust rising inside him over time.  He was their brother in more ways than just in the sharing of a father.  They weren’t asking anything of him they didn’t expect of each other as brothers.  Could he give any less?


Heath turned to look out the window, his sapphire eyes closing for a brief moment before he looked into the concerned eyes of his brothers and whispered, “Carterson.  They’re from Carterson prison mostly, well, and some from Uncle Matt.”


The surprise in their eyes shown for a brief moment before it was replaced with protectiveness at the trust he was placing at their feet.  The enormity of the admission reflected on the blonde’s face and both men felt closer to their new brother with the information shared.  Walking around the desk, Nick pulled the blonde up into his arms and patted his back.  Jarrod stood on the other side and squeezed his shoulder.


“We’re brothers, boy.” stated Nick firmly in his ear.  “You can trust us.  We’ll be here for you anytime you need us or want to talk.”


Patting the strong back with his hand, Heath winced, “Nick, you’re squeezing the life outta me!”


“Sorry!” apologized Nick loosening his hold and grinning, “I wouldn’t wanna catch the wrath of Mac if I hurt you.”


Heath looked at Jarrod and rolled his eyes, “I’m telling ya’ Jarrod, Nick’s bad luck!”


Laughing, Jarrod placed an arm over his younger brothers’ shoulders and squeezed both men, the three brothers taking one more step further into their brotherhood.


“I wasn’t even here last time you got hurt!” exclaimed Nick, standing nose to nose with the blonde.  “You’re a walking disaster area!”


“Yeah, whatever you say, Barkley.” grinned Heath, taping the tanned cheek and walking to the door.  “Jarrod, did you notice Nick has a few more gray hairs?”


“I DO NOT!” protested Nick vehemently following his chuckling brothers out of the room.




Chapter 67


A week later climbing down from the surrey, a sling-free Heath tied the reins and climbed up the steps.  Keeping his promise to Mackenzie, he didn’t ride Charger or Brownie and opted for the carriage instead.   Knocking on the door, the blonde grinned at the smiling physician and followed him inside.   Howard waited while Heath took off his shirt and laid it on the examination table before he moved over and started to remove the stitches. 


“How’s Mackenzie?” asked Howard while he worked.


“She’s wonderful, doc.  Getting bigger every day it seems.” smiled Heath.


“How about yourself?  You look tired and a little flushed.” stated the physician, his eyes taking in the man before him.


Shrugging, Heath replied, “I caught a cold.  Fever and pains, nothing unusual.”


“Pains?  What kind?  Achy pains?  Where does it hurt?”


Thinking, Heath shook his head and pointed to his sternum, “My chest hurts sometimes here.”


“Hmmm, does it hurt in one area or move?” queried Howard, his tone casual but the blonde on the table stiffened.


“It starts there and moves up to my neck, doc.  It’s nothing but a little congestion.  Just a cold cause I’ve been coughing and running a low fever.  Zie’s been making me drink this awful tea crap.” informed Heath quietly, studying the medicine man.  “Dr. Merar?”


“I need you to be exact in your descriptions of what you feel.  It’s important, Heath.” said Howard firmly, placing a hand on the blonde’s shoulder, his brown eyes penetrating the sapphire ones.


Swallowing the sudden lump appearing in his throat, Heath nodded slightly, his words low for the man to hear.  He sat silently, his eyes watching every movement the trained man made, afraid of when the examination would be over.  Taking the stethoscope out of his ears, Howard told the blonde to put his shirt on and opened a book of anatomy before sitting on the table beside him.


“Heath, this is a diagram of the heart.  Around your heart is a thin layer of tissue called the pericardium.  It helps to anchor the heart in place, prevent excessive movement of the heart in the chest when body position changes.”


“Doc, you’re scaring the hell outta me.” whispered Heath, his hands gripping the edge of the table beneath them, his knuckles white from his hold.  “Just spit it out for pete’s sake!”


“It’s called acute pericarditis.  An inflammation of the pericardium, the tissue surrounding the heart.  Mostly it’s caused by illness but trauma can also cause it.  Trauma from the knife which entered your chest.”


Running a hand over his face, Heath nodded in understanding.  “That’s what the fever and pains is from?  Are you sure it’s not a cold?  It could be, couldn’t it?”


Placing a hand on the trembling back, Howard said quietly, “It’s not from a cold.  Acute pericarditis is treatable Heath but you’re not gonna like it.”


“I’m not gonna die!” exclaimed Heath, his relief filling up the room.


“No, not if you treat it.  You will have to take willowbark powders and be on complete bedrest for a month.” explained Howard watching the color fade from the face of the blonde at the treatment.


“A WHOLE MONTH?” shouted Heath. 


“It’s essential, Heath.” assured Howard calmly.  “Complete bedrest until the inflammation is gone.”


“Doc, next week’s Christmas.  Zie’s seven months pregnant.  How the hell is she gonna be able to take care of me?” protested Heath, his words turning to curses and agitation sending him bounding up from the table.  “She can’t be upset like this!  It’s not good for her or the baby!  There’s gotta be something else, doc!”


Grabbing the pacing man by the shoulders, Howard stopped his moving and exclaimed “HEATH!  What’s one month of bedrest compared to a lifetime with your wife?  You have no choice in this matter!”


Closing his eyes, Heath shook his head and laughed nervously, “It’s not Barkley that’s bad luck but this town.  Ever since I came here, things go from bad to worse, I swear!”


Patting his shoulder, Howard pulled the blonde back to the table and set him down.  “Heath, stay here while I get the powders you’ll need.  Don’t leave.”


Nodding, Heath slumped onto the table before moving to a chair, his eyes closed against the fear inside.  Leaning forward with his head in his hands, he sat there, unaware of the time which passed, searching his mind for a way to handle the bedrest.  His aunt had returned back to the east, taking an unsure step to connect with her own family she’d left behind all those years ago.  It had been his and Mackenzie’s urgings during this magical season which had given her the strength to take the chance to change her own future.  Heath’s own happiness at the family he’d found sending hope and familial desire through her heart.   She’d left them behind after being disowned when she chose the man she thought loved her over them.   Tearful and grateful brown eyes were the last thing he saw before Heath put her on the train heading east the day after the memorial service.


The sound of footsteps and the rustling of a dress approaching didn’t register through his mind trying to work out a plan of care to alleviate any stress on his wife or unborn child.  A large hand squeezed the back of his neck and he looked up into the caring hazel and gray eyes appearing before him.  Victoria squeezed his hand and smiled tenderly.


“Everything will be fine, Heath.”


The look of defeat and confusion in the sapphire eyes stabbed Nick in the heart and he said quietly, “Com’n little brother, let’s go home.”




Chapter 68


Before the appearance of Nick and Victoria, the rancher’s mind had already deduced he couldn’t come up with a plan of care he felt comfortable with. 


Jim Fargas was going to be the only member of the five member ranch crew present over the next two weeks.  Heath let the other men go to spend time with their family in various parts of the country.  The ranch was still fairly new in its operation and he could allow the men this luxury this year.  His ranch could function with only one crew member and the boss taking care of the horses which they were keeping in the corrals close to the main buildings.  The training of the horses was to be minimal in the men’s absence.


However, with the boss out of commission, only Jim would be left.  The older arthritic man couldn’t be expected to take care of the ranch, the horses and help his wife take care of him.  The first solution he’d been able to come up with was to hire another hand for two weeks leaving Jim free to help Mackenzie.  Finding a suitable man to care for the horses in the manner he demanded and at this time of the year was not feasible. 


The second solution was to hire a nurse for a month to take care of him and take the chore off his wife’s shoulders.   Imaging Zie’s face if he returned home with a nurse sent a sliver of fear through him.    He could just see the flashing violet eyes and the full lips thinning into a line of anger.


Pregnant or not, Mackenzie wanted to be the one who took care of him and the men under their employ, which thank goodness other than Jim’s occasional flare-up of arthritis, had not been necessary.  No, a nurse wasn’t the right solution, if anything, it would have to be the last solution possible. 


He was stuck between a rock and a hard place.  There had to be some way, any way but at the moment he couldn’t think of a different solution.


He’d been so deep in thought, the arrival of his brother and his brother’s mother caught him unexpectedly and unable to assemble a shred of an argument against their desire to take him and his wife to the Barkley ranch. 


Sure, he’d been there plenty of times visiting and such, but this was different.  While he had the utmost respect for the silver haired lady who ruled over the mansion with a velvet glove, he didn’t want to be a cause of concern or inconvenience in her own home.  He knew the family entertained heavily during this holiday season.  Audra told Zie about all the parties and galas they would attend as well as the various family friends and business associates they entertained at the mansion. 


Visiting for several hours and perhaps dining together were one hundred and eighty degrees different than staying there twenty four hours a day, seven days a week til the month was over.  If it was only a month because for the life of him, Heath didn’t understand how the kindly physician knew it would only be a month.  What if it was longer?  What was he going to do?


Stay at the home of Victoria Barkley? 


He was the byproduct of a commandment his mother and her husband had broken.  He was the byproduct of a sin he knew hurt her deeply.   So far, the community of Stockton hadn’t made waves about him being the bastard son of Thomas Barkley.  The good citizens knew, it was not a secret and yet, he wondered if the ugliness he’d experienced all his life would rear it’s head if the fact was flaunted in their faces.  If he stayed there, regardless of the situation, he feared the backlash little, prejudice minds would cause. 


The spitefulness, the cruelty of others would no doubt rise to the surface as quick as children rip the wrappings off their presents on Christmas morning.  It was sure to happen and it wasn’t his wish to subject the lady he admired to such vulgarity.


Victoria and Nick glanced at each other, the sapphire eyes told the story of the battle the blonde was waging inside of him.  They both felt his hesitation, his reluctance of their offer.


“Heath, how about if we take you home and speak to Mackenzie?” suggested Victoria.  “Then you two can decide together the best course of action.”


Smiling, Nick nodded quickly, “That sounds perfect, Mother.   Heath, we’ll all drive out to your house together in your surrey.”


“I can drive, Nick, I’m not an invalid.” protested Heath moving the chair back to stand up.  “Besides, you’d better bring your rig.  I only have the one surrey and you’ll need some way to get home.”


Howard crossed his arms and cleared his throat, causing the blonde to turn crimson and blurt out, “Ah, com’n doc!  I can’t even drive!”


“I’d prefer you didn’t Heath.  I know for a fact Victoria can handle a team as well as any man.” Said Howard quietly walking over and placing a bag in his hand.  “Take this morning, noon and night.  I put a paper in the bag with instructions for Mackenzie.”


“Okay, thanks Dr. Merar.” replied Heath.


“Heath, if you don’t allow this inflammation to clear up, it could lead to worse problems.  You could have a heart attack or a stroke.  If you don’t take care of it, you could die.  Victoria will let me know which ranch you will be recuperating at and I’ll be out to see you in two days.”


Nick watched a trapped look appear in the blonde’s eyes and he put an arm over his shoulders, effortlessly leading him from the room.  “Heath, if you and Mac decide to stay at the ranch, just think of all the money you can win out of Jarrod in poker.  You’re gonna be resting, but that doesn’t mean you can’t deal cards or ante up!”


“What about your money?” asked Heath suddenly.


Laughing, Nick grinned, “I already learned my lesson when it comes to you and cards.  Pappy hasn’t though.”


“What about Gene?” questioned Heath before the two old friends couldn’t hear them again.


Howard shook his head and placed a hand on Victoria’s back as he walked her from the room, stopping in the waiting area.  Looking through the window, they could see Heath listening as Nick talked, his hands waving to emphasize his words.


“Victoria, you have to get him to rest as soon as possible.  It is imperative he let this infection clear up.” stated Howard firmly.  “Also, I don’t want Mackenzie to be burdened with this on her own.  If they could stay at your ranch, I’d sleep better at night knowing how many people were there to take care of those two youngsters.”


“I understand, Howard.” assured Victoria, placing a hand on his arm. “I’ll speak to Mackenzie myself when we get Heath back to his home.  I’m guessing Nick is already whittling away at Heath’s stubbornness.”


Chuckling, Howard nodded and moved to the door.  “Poor boy won’t stand a chance against you two.”


Victoria thanked her old friend again before leaving the office.  Heath helped her into the surrey and climbed up.  Victoria held her hands out for the reins and he frowned before handing the pieces of leather over.  Patting his arm, she smiled before starting the horses with Heath sitting back on the seat, scowling and deep in thought.




Chapter 69


The cool December air brushed against the faces of the people in the two surreys traveling to the west.  The sun was shining, the sky a carpet of solid blue above them.  Heath didn’t notice the passing of the landscape, his mind wasn’t in the carriage but back at his ranch. 


Keeping the horses at a steady pace, Victoria let twenty minutes pass without a word from the man sitting beside her.  His fingers absently fidgeted with the cuff of his sleeve peeking out from under his coat.  Glancing at him, she decided to attempt to determine his thoughts which left him with a dark frown and a furrowed forehead.


“Heath?” Her soft voice bringing him back to the bench seat and the moving transportation.


“Yes, Mrs. Barkley.” said Heath, his eyes turning to study her profile before moving down to the reins entwined in the fingers of the small hands, skillfully handling the large animals, maintaining a steady movement forward towards their destination.


“You were very far away, Heath.  I’m a good listener if you’d like to talk.”


“NO!” exclaimed Heath, turning red at his loud denial after she looked over and her eyebrows arched at the tone of his one word answer.   “I mean, uh, I’m sure you’re a good listener, ma’am, I, well, no I don’t wanna talk about it.  If that’s okay with you, Mrs. Barkley.”


Glancing over, she studied the uncomfortable young man beside her, his eyes shamed at his abruptness at her offer.  Turning her eyes forward, she smiled and nodded.


“I’m not going to be upset if you don’t want to discuss it.  I was just concerned at the expression on your face.  It was so dark, almost foreboding.” stated Victoria, before adding after a moment.  “Are you worried about the inflammation not going away?  Are you concerned Dr. Merar may be wrong?  We can get a second opinion, if you’d like.”


Shaking his head, Heath fought back the urge to blurt out his reasons for his concern about staying at the Barkley ranch.  Taking a deep breath, he shifted in his seat and sighed, “No, I reckon doc knows what he’s talking about.  He’s a good physician.  I’m not too happy with the treatment, ma’am.  I’m as skittish as a mouse in a trap factory when it comes to lying around.  Having to stare at the same four walls and ceiling for a month makes my skin crawl, Mrs. Barkley.”


“I think most people feel that way.” agreed Victoria, her instincts telling her this was only part of the reason his face was darkened in thought.  No active person likes to be subject to bedrest and confinement, this blonde man was no different than her other male children.


‘Her other male children’


The phrase replayed in her mind and suddenly the day was lighter, the sky was bluer, the cool air warmer.  A smile of enlightenment spread across her face.  Heath Thomson, son of her husband by another woman, was a young man she held in her heart as she did her other children.  Her heart had taken him in and wasn’t going to let him go, he was as much her son as Jarrod, Nick or Gene.  As much a part of it as his blonde sister, Audra.


As quick as the smile flashed across her face, it disappeared at the thought perhaps Heath wouldn’t like her to think of him as a son.  After all, from the letters his mother kept, it had been her husband who had sought to continue the liaison after Leah broke it off.   At first it appeared only to be mutual physical attraction between two people which turned into something deeper before their dream world was shattered by reality of his responsibilities back in Stockton.


She knew in her heart, Heath was a man she would be honored and proud to call son.  But would he be just as proud and honored to call her mother?  Would he want to be associated with the Barkley name his father worked hard to make famous and the empire he built?  She had called him Heath Thomson Barkley when he had stopped breathing.  It was an automatic title she bestowed upon him.  It was a title she hoped he’d take in the future permanently.


Heath studied the profile of the grand lady beside him, the smile lighting up her face became replaced with a frown.  Turning his eyes to the road in front of them, he felt her frown was because of him and his stomach twisted in knots.  The last thing in the world he’d ever want was to cause her harm or upset.  Her presence filled the part of his heart and soul which’d been taken away from him last year.  His mama’s death after her valiant fight with sickness left him missing a mother’s touch, a mother’s smile, a mother’s love. 


He’d be proud and honored to be able to call such a fine, loving and giving woman such as Victoria Barkley, Mother.  He’d be proud and honored but knew it would never be.  As much as he respected, admired and grown to love her, he’d never presume to be allowed such an honor.  His entry into the world would never allow it.


The ranch buildings came in sight and neither spoke their thoughts, both people suddenly feeling nervous as the surrey came to a stop in front of the house.  Jumping down, Heath helped Victoria down and waited for Nick before climbing the stairs. 


Opening the door, Mackenzie’s smile disappeared at the look on the face of her husband and Victoria.  Victoria and Nick placed a kiss on her cheek after entering.  Heath smiled at his wife whose stomach was pushing her skirt out and led her to the kitchen table with the others following.


Two hours later, Heath wasn’t quite sure how it happened, he wasn’t quite sure why his last ditch argument never even made it out of the gate.  All he knew was the discussion was a whirlwind directed towards him, two women talking fast and in circles, plans made while he sat there with mouth gaping and his brother smirking. 


The only decision he got to make was which clothes he wanted to take before the two surreys were on their way south, bringing the couple to the Barkley ranch. 





To be continued…