
Chapters 39-54

by Catgirl63





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 39


Standing in the grand foyer, Heath smiled at the quivers of anticipation bounding through the twins who watched his fingers automatically cinch the twin belts hanging from his slim hips.  Outside they would escape for the morning but Heath wasn’t foolish enough to think Crown and his lackeys didn’t venture out in the daylight.  Day or night, Josiah was a man to be kept in mind while your hand was kept close to a gun.


Taking a breath, he bent over to tighten the cord holding Heather’s hat on her head and fought to keep a grimace off his face when his bruised back muscles stretched.  The clenching of his jaw the only outward sign of the pain his body sent of the reminder of that horrific night three days past.  Grinning at his son who practically shoved his hat into his larger hands, Heath listened to their groans while he slowly put it on and adjusted it several times.


“Papa!” moaned Evan.  “Let’s go!”


Heather tugged on the fingers of his right hand and squirmed on her tiny feet.  “It’s fine papa!  We have to hurry!”


“What’s the hurry?” asked Heath fighting a smile at the scowls on the little faces.  “We got plenty of time.  There’s lots of daylight left.”


“Papa, stop teasing!” demanded Heather, stomping her foot to emphasize her displeasure of the moment.


Chuckling softly, Heath tapped the end of the small nose and nodded, “Okay, Matilda, you’re right.  I’ll stop funning you now.”


The blue eyes of the twins glittered with excitement as they walked to the large front door.  Evan released his father’s hand, running ahead and two small hands turned the knob, pulling the door back slowly, the small voices rapidly firing off questions and not waiting for answers. 


“Papa, do they have chickens?”

“Do they have a dog, papa?”






“Hey, now I don’t know what kind of animals other than horses and cows are here.” explained Heath ushering the twins through the front door and onto the porch, mumbling to himself.  “We know they got some snakes slithering around.”




“Definitely not sheep Evan.  This is a cattle ranch.” stated Heath offhandedly looking around the yard, unable to merge the peacefulness of the space with the chaos shattering the darkness before. 


Stopping suddenly, Evan frowned, “How come we don’t have cattle on our ranch, papa?”


“What about Bess?” asked Heather.  “She’s a cow.”


“Bess is for milk, right papa?”


“That’s right son.” agreed Heath before looking down.  “Grandpa’s ranch is a horse ranch.  Not a cattle ranch.”


Heath sighed with relief for the moment when none of the Barkley men were in sight.  The only signs of men were found to the north where they worked on tilling up the burned section of grass no more than a half mile away.


The whinnying of horses turned his eyes and he felt the breath hitch in his throat at the stallion in the paddock, nervously moving around the enclosure, periodically pushing against the gate with his nose as if checking for a weakness.


“Papa, look at that horse!” whispered Evan, never having seen such a horse as  large as that one.


“Can we go closer?” asked Heather tugging on her papa’s hand and receiving a smile of agreement. 


Heath held onto the small hands and crossed the ranch yard, the twins keeping quiet as they did when they were at home and near the horses.  All three sets of blue eyes looked on with appreciation of the magnificent animal sniffing the air as they neared, nostrils flaring before one of the large hooves stomped in the dirt.


Stopping beside the corral, Heath knelt between the twins his arms around each of them, three hearts beat in a perfect rhythm while they took a gander between the rails of the corral.  The small chips off his block held an identical love for animals and horses in particular, their oneness with the equines coming from somewhere deep inside. 


Nick stopped Jarrod with his right hand on the first born’s arm when they came out of the barn, the hazel eyes lighting up at the unexpected visitors to the outside world who were quietly taking in the latest purchase for the Barkley line.   A wide grin on the tanned face met the grin on the fading bruised face before they turned and walked to the corral.


The twinkling of spurs startled the equine away from the corral bars where the horse’s curiosity had taken him.  Heath took hold of the next higher corral bar and pulled himself upward, his guarded movements not noticed by the children but watched by the two other men in the yard.


“Oh, he’s not comin’ back.” sighed Evan in disappointment when the horse ran to the far end of the paddock.


“Ya’s too noisy!” declared Heather emphatically squinting her eyes at the large dark haired man whose arm was in a sling and pointed at his large rowel spurs.  “Horses don’t like ‘em!”


Nick’s grin faded at the dressing down from the tiny blond who barely stood higher than his mid thigh and he looked over to see Jarrod smirking and raising an eyebrow.  Heath bit his lip at the look of incredulity on the face across from him and placed a hand on the tiny shoulder.


“Heather, it’s not polite to speak to Mr. Barkley that way.” scolded the blond.  “What do you have to say about it?”


“I’s sorry, Mr. Barkley.” apologized the small girl, her face turning down to where her boot toe was scoffing the dirt.


Hazel eyes filled with fondness and his large heart with protectiveness before he kneeled down in front of the tiny blonde.  Smiling, Nick shook his head and held out his hand.


“I apologize, Heather.  I didn’t mean to scare Charger when you were looking at him.  I won’t do it again, shake on it?”


Glancing up at her papa whose face looked funny, Heather waited til he nodded slightly and reached out, slowly placing her small hand in the larger man’s, shaking it with both her hands.  Evan smiled up at the other man whose blue eye winked and he smiled down.


“Did you get in a fight?” asked Evan unable to keep his curiosity under control.  “Did you win?”


“Evan.” warned Heath firmly staring when Jarrod lowered himself to one knee in front of his boy.


“Many would think I lost but I think I won.” stated Jarrod, his deep voice rich and soothing, glancing up at the children’s father.  “What would you say, brother Heath?”


“Papa don’t have a brother.”  informed Evan turning the blue eyes back to him and puzzling at the man who looked back up at this father with a smile.


“Really?” asked Jarrod, his eyes shining into the light blue orbs above him, his voice carrying an unspoken challenge.




Chapter 40


The eyes above Jarrod widened, flared at the spoken challenge and then narrowed, the muscles in the tanned face quivered before the lighter set of eyes shifted away looking off to the horizon for a minute before turning back to their previous position. 


Jarrod inwardly groaned at the control the younger man exhibited when the lighter eyes no longer reflected a charge of a spark and he smiled wryly, barely nodding in acknowledgement of the blond winning this round.


Nick knelt mesmerized and watched the corner of the blond’s mouth turned up slightly before he felt a tugging on his hand and turned his attention to the little girl in front of him.


“Do you have kitties?” asked Heather with a shy smile.


Nick smiled and nodded, “We got some barn cats that my sister Audra’s always feeding.”


“Papa, can we see?” squealed Heather in delight, her eyes hopeful and shining.  “Please?”


Nick saw the blond hesitating and suggested, “They’re tame enough and fat.  The way Audra keeps feeding them instead of letting them find their own dinner, I’m surprised we aren’t overrun with mice.”


Jarrod stood up and placed a hand on Evan’s shoulder, watching his two younger brothers interact.  “Why don’t we take our…guests…on a tour of the ranch, Nick?  Perhaps we’ll run into some of those fat lazy barn cats of our little sister’s.”


“Do you think that’s wise, Mr. Barkley?” asked Heath quietly glancing down at the children briefly.  “Varmints just don’t come out at night.”


“Oh, we should be safe enough if we stay here where our men are keeping watch, don’t you think?” questioned Jarrod softly before adding.  “We’d never let any varmints near our family.”


Puzzled at the way his papa and the other man were speaking, Evan frowned, “What about guests?  What about us?  Will the varmints get us?”


Jarrod looked down into the upturned face and promised with a smile, “Never Evan.  We’d never let those nasty old varmints get you or your sister.”


“That’s right.” agreed Nick with a firm nod, standing to stare into the concerned light blue eyes of his younger brother.  “Jarrod, why don’t you take the kids into the barn?  We’ll be right there.”


Nodding to the tender faces of his children, Heath watched them scamper off into the barn happily holding onto the hands of the lawyer, their excited voices talking nonstop.  Letting out a sigh, the blond took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.


“Mr. Barkley, don’t make promises to my children you can’t keep.”


Surprised at the blunt statement, Nick stood with his hand on his hip and studied the stormy eyes.  “What promises are you talking about?”


“The promise to keep the nasty old varmints away from them.” snarled Heath angrily gesturing towards the sling holding his left arm in place.  “You weren’t even safe in your own ranch yard, neither was my wife or father-in-law!  You have no idea the type of man Josiah Crown is!  What he’s capable of!”


“You’re right, I don’t.” agreed Nick before angrily suggesting, “Then again since you seem dead set on avoiding us and if you don’t tell us, how are we to know?  You can’t even stay in the same room with any of us!  I know it’s hard but dammit, at least try to treat us like friends if you can’t treat us like family!”


Heath ran a hand over his face before meeting the hazel eyes and admitted.  “You’re right, I’m sorry, Mr. Barkley.  I should have warned you or explained more so you’d known what variety of snake was around.”


The anger in the hazel eyes died out and Nick moved to lean against the corral bars, shaking his head and swallowing the lump of guilt in his throat.  “No Heath, I’m sorry.  If I had listened to you the night of the fire instead of worrying about saving the ranch, Evangeline and Thad wouldn’t have been in the path of those horses.  It’s my fault they were there and got hurt.  If you wanna blame anyone, blame me.”


“It’s not your fault.” replied Heath without hesitation, looking over into the hazel eyes.  “I know who’s to blame and it ain’t you, Mr. Barkley.  When I ferret that snake outta his hole, I’m gonna twist his head off and defang him.”


The burning blue diamonds, cold as ice, kept locked with his and Nick felt a moment of intensity unlike any he’d experienced ever before.  For a fleeting second, the rancher felt sympathy for Crown.  When the younger man got his hands on him, Nick knew the man would be lucky to come out alive against the blond’s fury.


“Remind me never to get on your bad side.” said Nick, smiling softly into the eyes which suddenly changed at the teasing remark.


Heath let out a shuddering sigh and a slight smile graced his face, his eyes looking up at the second story windows of the mansion and saying softly, “They are my life, Mr. Barkley.”


Reaching over, Nick laid a hand on the tense shoulder and squeezed, “Any fool can see that.  I promise to protect them with my life, Heath.  Do you believe that?”


The hand on his shoulder and the promise moved him inwardly before the blond head bobbed.  “Yes, I do Mr. Barkley.  Let’s hope it won’t come to that before it’s over.”


“Listen..” said Nick, stopping the blond who moved towards the barn with a hand on his arm.  “Can you not call me, Mr. Barkley?  It’s…well…it’s damn irritating to have a brother call me that.”


“I’m not….”


“Please, just call me Nick.” interjected the dark haired rancher seeing the warring going on inside the younger man and wondering if the other man felt the tugging on his soul.  “Heath?”


“Alright….Nick.” sighed Heath with a scowl at the strange feeling rising up in him just as it had that day at the church in Stockton. 


Nick glanced over to the blond walking beside him to the barn and smirked inwardly.  His step feeling lighter since the hurdle of guilt been washed away by the younger man’s reassurance of where the fault lay.  The puzzlement in the light blue eyes at the brotherly feeling was one Nick hoped eventually the blond would welcome wholeheartedly.


Heath suddenly stopped and frowned at the other man, “Uh, Nick, where is…um…your father?  If we’re gonna talk about Josiah, he should be there too, I reckon.”


“He went to Stockton.” answered Nick hurriedly adding at the look of anger then fear spreading across the blond’s face, “Don’t worry five of the crew went with him.   Father wanted to let Sheriff Maden know what happened out here and get the word out about this man Crown.  Fred just got back into town this morning from taking a prisoner to Modesto.”


Heath nodded into the hazel eyes and entered the barn, wondering why his heart was still palpitating with fear over Nick’s words as he leaned on the wall of a stall watching the giggling twins and attorney playing with the barn cats.




Chapter 41


Nick plopped onto a bench and let out a huge sigh, the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye shone as bright as the sun which was approaching high noon in the sky.  The dark haired man’s eyes turned away from the two children who were busy chasing frogs who wandered into the garden’s man-made pond, squinting while he studied Jarrod who was studying a scowling blond, deep in thought. 


The morning passed quickly even though the tour of the buildings and ranch site took longer due to the questions the twins posed, their eyes wide with wonder at the number of buildings and horses compared to their own home.  Their father listened intently to the two older men calmly trying to satisfy the younger generation’s curiosity.  The blond’s eyes saw as he had on his first trip to the ranch the pride and care taken in the planning which had gone into the site upon the laying of the first building marker. 


At the start of the tour, Jarrod and Nick each found one of their hands held onto by a smaller one and the love in the older men’s eyes sent a tingle of shock through the blond.  These men already claimed the twins as part of them, part of their hearts and with the realization came a pang of nervousness which turned to unwanted guilt.  


When all was said and done, their paths would reach the fork in the road and he along with his family planned on going a different route.  Trying to work through this unexpected guilt rising up inside, Heath was satisfied with trailing along behind the group and silently watching for any sign of a return of Crown’s men. 


Heath found the morning spent in the company of his father’s sons raised within him several levels of conflicting emotions.  He heard the words when they spoke of the ranch where they’d been raised, but more than that, he recognized the tone interwoven with the words.  Both dark haired men loved this ranch and the land it encompassed as if it were their own child. 


He had been prepared to inflict upon the man who was his father, a wound by taking the land he worked for and now Heath realized how many more people this action would devastate.  His mind clouded with anger suddenly cleared and the red tinged fog was pushed back.  


He could be a hard man some said, deadly with the abilities of the guns in his holsters, able to turn cold and rigid at the turn of a card, but could he destroy the future of many over his anger for one.  Even he wasn’t sure he could follow through on such a task of destruction.


The highlight of the morning was the chicken coop and the baby chicks, peeping constantly to anyone who’d listen much to the delight of the blond four year olds.  The small hands delicately held the fuzzy yellow babies and their blue eyes sparkled with the wonder of youthful innocence.  The twins having secured a promise from Silas were looking forward to the next morning when they’d accompany the gentle man to feed the chickens and gather the eggs.


Now, the group took refuge in the flower and patio area until it was time to clean up for lunch.  The children were busily scampering after the frog and Heath stared outward, his eyes not seeing the two blonds but seeing what the anger inside him for Tom Barkley had done to his perceptions of reality.


The reality was according to the letters left behind by his mother, he never knew of his birth and although Heath could angrily reason Tom Barkley never checked…was it really more of an excuse he sought to hold onto or was it justified?


Was it more of a reason to keep the anger inside him fueled and burning?  Able to sit and run it around his head, the only answers repeating themselves filled him with shame.  When did he become the one to sit in judgment?  When had he thought he earned such a right?


Shaking his head slightly and hearing a small voice calling to him, Heath turned his eyes downward and startled slightly at the beady eyes staring at him from two small upheld hands. 


“Boy howdy, Heather, he’s a beauty.” drawled Heath after casting a sideways glance to the snickers escaping at his slight start.


“Papa, is it true?” asked Heather pulling the frog close to her small body.  “Is it?”


Puzzled, Heath prompted, “Is what true, little one?”


“Miss Barkley said a princess kissed a frog and she got a prince!  He had a crown and a big house!” exclaimed Heather staring at the green amphibian in her hand for a moment, blue eyes squinting into the large bulging eyes.  “Is it true, Papa?”


“No, that’s just a fairytale, Heather.” smiled Heath brushing back a blond curl.  “Like the ones we read out of the book I got you and your brother.  Remember?”


“Oh.” sighed Heather her small shoulders sagging from the excitement his words took away before she looked back up, eyes wide with uncertainty.  “Are ya’ sure, papa?”


“Reckon I am but if you don’t believe me you can try givin’ him a kiss.” replied Heath. “But I wouldn’t tell your mama if you do give him a kiss.”


“Why not?” asked the small girl suspiciously, glancing at her papa before looking at the other two smiling men. 


Biting back a smile, Heath answered, “Mama don’t much like her best girl to taste like a frog when she gives her kisses.”


The small face scrunched up and her forehead creased while she pondered on the pros and cons.  Nodding once, the small feet turned and steadily made their way back to the pond where she compared her catch with her brother’s. 


Kneeling beside the pond, the twins decided the chase was better than the capture and freed their captives, herding them on a path into the pond.  Side by side the two children who shared souls since birth knelt in quiet contemplation of the green swimmers, their arms across each other’s shoulders, unaware of the eyes scrutinizing them from afar.


Heath glanced over to the attorney beside him and suddenly asked, “Mr…”


“Heath.” scolded Jarrod with a twinkle in his eye, his word bringing a quick flush to the blond’s cheeks.


“Sorry.” mumbled Heath before nodding and clearing his throat.  “Ah, Jarrod…do you know if anyone around town’s received notices from the railroad?”


“Notices?” questioned Jarrod. “What kind?”


“Notices their land was needed for a right of way and they were gonna buy them out.” informed Heath.


Shaking his head, Jarrod glanced to Nick who negatively responded, “No, I think we woulda heard something if they did.  Most people would’ve wanted to talk to a lawyer I guess if they got something like that.”


Both men watched the blond’s face pale slightly and his blue eyes widen with the nagging thought which became full blown in his mind.


“What is it, Heath?” demanded Jarrod placing a strong hand on the muscular arm beside him, the blond’s words not spoken at the sound of horses at the front of the house.




Chapter 42


The two heads of dark hair turned toward the sounds at the front of the mansion and Heath stiffly pushed himself up from the bench he’d been sitting on.  Jarrod jumped up, reaching out to stop the blond with a hand, his fingers lightly catching on the blue shirt.


“Heath, what..”

“It’s nothing that can’t wait til later.” assured Heath before forcing a small smile to his lips at the worrisome darker blue eyes.  “Time for the twins to eat and take naps.  Excuse me.”


Jarrod nodded slowly and released his hold on the blue shirt, not fooled by the smile which didn’t reach up into the light eyes.  Nick frowned and glanced at Jarrod for a moment before the sound of their father’s voice was heard around the corner of the mansion.


“Boys!” shouted Tom after Silas informed the head of the family of his sons’ whereabouts. 


The male voice reached them and its owner’s physical body appeared seconds later, none of the three Barkley men were aware of the sigh of relief silently released by the blond who glanced under the brim of his hat to catch sight of the returning older man. 


Taking several minutes longer than necessary to start his children inside, Heath found himself again frowning over his thoughts before allowing the excited voices to break through.  Smiling down into the eyes filled with an unstoppable joy over the adventure of the morning, Heath tousled the curly heads as they walked by his side to the other group of three.


Tom flanked by Jarrod and Nick smiled at the two animated little people before his brown eyes found the lighter blue ones, his breath catching slightly at the look which seemed to share more than the anger of before.  Bending over at the waist, the prominent builder of an empire, pushed his hat onto his forehead and smiled.


“I hear we have two expert frog catchers in our midst!” declared the older man with pride.


“It was easy.” declared Evan with a lop-sided grin.  “Frogs aren’t fast.”


Nodding in agreement with her brother, Heather smiled, “I catched the biggest one!”


“Did not!” rebuked Evan, his words causing his sister to respond rapidly, “Did too!”


“That doesn’t matter as long as you two had fun.” stated Heath placing a hand on each of the small shoulders. 


“Your papa’s right.” agreed Tom before asking, “So, tell me did you have fun?”


“Yes!” exclaimed the children in unison, becoming fidgety with standing in place too long, moving from one foot to another.


Straightening, Tom chuckled before looking into the eyes of his blond son and suggesting, “Silas will have lunch on the table in a few minutes.”


Jarrod and Nick each were unaware they held their breath awaiting the blond’s reply to the veiled suggestion.  They wondered if the arrival of their father would cause the blond to shy away again.


Staring into the hopeful brown eyes, Heath was unaware several seconds had passed since the unspoken invitation and turned crimson when he realized everyone was waiting for him to speak.  Barely nodding, the youngest man saw the happiness spread across the three faces of the dark haired men before the children drew his attention to them by announcing their hunger.


“Boy howdy didn’t you just have breakfast?” teased Heath.


“Papa, that was forever ago.” whined Evan pulling on the large hands with Heather taking the other side.


“Well, I guess we best feed these frog wranglers.  I’m sure they worked up a powerful hunger!” declared Tom with a wink to the blond before placing a hand on the nearest curly head.


Moving apart, Jarrod and Nick smiled at the blonds who passed by following the patriarch to the front door before taking up the rear of the procession.  Heath let out a shaky breath and tried to quell the thunderous pounding of his heart in his chest cavity, unsure if he were nervous, anxious, cautious or glad for the silent invitation.


The bottom floor of the mansion quiet and serene suddenly broke out in chaos after the oak door opened and the six made their way in, the voices of the smallest ones flowing with excitement.  Victoria was gliding down the grand staircase, smiling and watching as hats were taken off and guns placed on a round table.  Copying the others, Heath slowly placed his guns with the others and his hat soon followed. 


Tilting his head slightly, the blond’s ears heard a noise over the sound of the woman’s voice greeting her returning husband before listening to Nick and Jarrod explain the ranch tour.  Glancing over to his children who had moved over to the side, Heath’s puzzled look caught Nick’s attention. 


“What’s the matter?” whispered Nick.


“You hear something?”


“Only my stomach.” smirked Nick his statement bringing a faint smirk to the blond’s face before his ears caught the muffled sound again. 


“Hear that?” asked Heath before arching an eyebrow at Evan’s plastered smile and Heather’s play overalls which were suspiciously moving.  “Heather?”


“Yes, papa?” whispered Heather in a quiet voice, with a sweet smile on her face.


All talking in the foyer stopped and Heath moved closer to his twins.  Heather and Evan looked around nervously as their father lowered himself before them.


“What’s in your pocket?” asked Heath, lifting a finger and lightly touching the material, fighting to keep his laughter inside when the denim started moving frantically back and forth.


Shrugging, Heather clasped her hands in front of her and twisted back and forth.  Evan tried to inch away only to be stopped by an arm which suddenly blocked the way.


“Evan, do you know what’s in sister’s pocket?”


“A toy?” suggested Evan hopefully causing soft snickers in the foyer.


“Evan?  Heather?” warned Heath softly.


Pushing her bottom lip to stick out in a small pout, soulful blue eyes looked at her papa and Heather slid her tiny hand into her pocket after her father’s hand turned palm up, “It’s a present for grandpa.  To help him feel better, papa!”


“That’s awful nice of you kids but I don’t think grandpa will get any rest with a frog croakin’ in his room.” explained Heath with a gentle smile.  “When grandpa’s up to it, you can show him his present outside, okay?”


Sad little faces nodded and Heather pulled out her present, the large frog wriggling in her hand.  Audra slowly entered the foyer from the study, walking and reading the remainder of the chapter in her book.  Everyone watch with amusement in their eyes at the small girl pulling out her newest possession.


The large bullfrog sensed freedom and a weakness in the hold on it when Heather struggled to keep it contained, moving her other hand beneath its muscled legs.  Pushing downward, all eyes watched the massive frog catapult itself through the air landing on the opened book in the unsuspecting blonde girl’s hand. 


Her scream of fright pierced the lower level of the mansion as she dropped the book and scrambled away.  At the burst of power in the leap, Heath’s mouth gaped open and he sprang from his lowered position, his hands flailing through the open air and his feet stumbling over his son’s.  Falling onto the oak floor with the sound of the high pitched scream ringing his ears, his breath was knocked from his lungs and his hand missed the bull frog who sprang away.


Evan and Heather giggled watching the grownups scrambling after the toad, falling over each other in their efforts.  Pushing himself to his knees, Heath grimaced when a large body slammed into him and he found himself knocked onto his back.


“Sorry.” apologized Nick half laying across his blond brother before finding himself pushed off and onto the side with a growled ‘git off’.


The laughter of his children left him shaking his head as Heath sat beside Nick on the floor, content to stay away from Jarrod and Tom who both reached down at the same time, butting their heads, two hands flying upwards to hold the spot suddenly filled with pain and the bull frog hopped between them.


Victoria sat on the third step of the staircase, her hand covering her mouth and her shoulders shaking in amusement.  Audra having overcome her unexpected fright, wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes and leaned against the wall.  Silas stepped out of the dining room at the sounds and stared in shock at the scattered men on the floor before deftly scooping up the large frog and making his way to the front door.


Nick stood up and reached a hand down to Heath, pulling the blond to his feet and both men rolled their eyes at the small ebony man’s capture of the amphibian.  Jarrod and Tom rubbed their heads from the sudden ache and burst into laughter with the others quickly following. 


Evan and Heather giggled until they found their father’s eyes upon them and they both looked down at their boots, their small voices apologetic and sincere, “Sorry, papa.”


Aware of the eyes on them, Heath lifted the small chins with his fingers and sighed, “No frogs, no bugs and no snakes.  They have to stay outside, okay?”


Waiting til his children nodded in agreement, Heath smiled and tousled their hair, “We’d best you cleaned up for lunch.”


Victoria and Audra moved over to the blond and offered to help the children clean up, happy their father relinquished the two little ones to their care for the moment.  Tom was helped to his feet by Jarrod and suddenly reached into his pocket.


“Heath, I’m sorry, I almost forgot.” said Tom pulling a paper out of his pocket and walking the few steps over to his blond son.  “This wire came for you.”


Taking the envelope and opening the folded parchment, Heath’s eyes burned at the words and he didn’t feel the hand of the older man steadying him when the message shook him to the soles of his boots.




Chapter 43


Tom grabbed and held onto the upper arms of his youngest son when he swayed physically.  The blond’s eyes didn’t leave the wire in his hands and the patriarch knew Heath was unaware of anything but the words on the paper. 


Jarrod and Nick glanced quickly at each other and moved to stand beside their father, the downturned head now shaking slightly in a negative gesture as if trying to deny what his eyes were seeing.


“Heath?” asked Tom softly, his deep voice low and peaceful was a deception to the lurch inside him at the effect the wire delivered.  “Heath?  What’s wrong?”


The right hand of the blond slowly crumpled the paper into a white knuckled fist, the power of the muscular straining causing the veins of his hand to distend.  Slowly, raising his head, the light eyes were wide in the face which was regaining its lost color under the tanned covering.  


Shaking his head as if to clear it from the numbness which stole into it, the blond stared into the brown eyes filled with fear and anxiety.  Heath was mesmerized by the depths looking back at him before the printed words broke into his world again and he let out a shuddered sigh, stepping back out of the strong hands.


“The ranch is gone.” whispered Heath, closing his eyes at the words he heard in his ears, his voice sounding distant and strangled.  “Excuse me.”


Turning abruptly, Heath took the grand stairs two at a time, his unexpected departure leaving the dark haired men to stand stunned and gaping at the broad shouldered man’s back before he turned left and disappeared into the hallway.  The trio stood for only a few seconds before they followed the same path up the staircase. 


Tom lead the way and turned into the hallway, slowing as he neared his blond son who stood outside his father-in-law’s door, his hands gripping the wooden frame and his head hanging.   Victoria appeared from the water closet and her husband’s upturned hand stopped his wife from coming to their area.  Nodding, she entered Audra’s bedroom where her daughter and the twins were waiting, leaving the hallway a male domain for the moment.


The older man could feel the waves of despair and disbelief spreading outward from the younger man.   The strength of the emotions almost stifling in the hallway and he reached forward to place a hand on the tense back.


“Charlie” startled Heath, the name hissed out through clenched teeth before he pushed himself upright and frantically reopened the paper in his hands, his eyes scanning the words rapidly while he mumbled his thoughts to himself.  “What about Charlie?  Damn, it doesn’t say!”


“Heath, come downstairs and tell us what’s happened.” suggested Tom softly.  “Your father-in-law’s a seriously injured man.  Perhaps it’d be best if you take a couple minutes to calm yourself before seeing him?”


The uncertainty passed over the blond’s face and he looked into the worried eyes of the three men, hesitating until Nick nodded slightly and motioned with his head towards the stairs, hazel eyes boring into his.


Moving from the door to the bedroom, Heath nodded and allowed the older man to lead the way to the bottom level of the mansion and into the study.  Jarrod moved to the drink cart and poured a healthy dose of warmth, walking over and placing it in the blond’s hand as he stood by the french door looking outward.


“Drink this, Heath.” commanded Jarrod placing a hand on the blond’s back for a moment.  “It’ll help some.”


“Only one thing that’ll help and this ain’t it.”  replied Heath in a low voice before putting the crystal tumbler with its untouched contents on a nearby table. “Thanks though.”


Nick leaning against the desk glanced over to his father who stood by the unlit fireplace, a strong hand grasped onto the mantle watching the exchange between brothers with a hawk-like scrutiny before moving to hold onto the back of a straightbacked chair.


“Heath, what happened in Carson City?” questioned Tom his desire for information turning the blond to him.


“That mangy dog burned down the ranch.” snarled Heath, his eyes bleak and seemed to be filled with a guilt. 


The muttered curses of male voices filled the room and their faces sunk with the pain they shared with the youngest of them, unable to fully fathom the ramifications of losing one’s sanctity, one’s place of haven.


“Just like the kids herding the frogs, that sonofabitch herded me.”  hissed Heath angrily, turning and taking deep breaths while flexing the fingers on his hands, his eyes staring out into the sun filled day, his mind wishing for the itching hands to be around a certain ex-boss’ throat.


Puzzled, Nick frowned, “Herded you, how?”


“I let him herd me into leaving our home cause of what he threatened to do here after his foulness almost touched my children.  We left Charlie behind to watch over it.  Now, it’s gone.  The wire doesn’t mention Charlie, if he’s alive or not.  I came here and there’s been no notices from the railroad.  Nothing.” stated the blond turning to meet the hazel eyes.  “It’s his way of playing, getting his sick thrills and jollies before he does it.”


“Does what?” asked Tom and Jarrod simultaneously, neither taking their eyes from the blond, their stomachs clenching with the answer they really didn’t need verbalized but the saying of the words made it more real and frightening.


“Before he comes in for the kill.” informed Heath, blue eyes cold and narrowed.  “I’m sure he has other things planned but if I find him first, I can cut him off at the knees and make sure he can’t hurt anyone ever again.”




Chapter 44


Tom moved from behind the chair, his eyes not leaving the blond’s face which became chiseled into a hardness and seemingly aging the younger man.  The air around the former railroad agent turned chilled from the fury burning deep within. 


“You can’t be thinking of going after him?” stated Tom with a pounding heart, the scenarios playing in his mind unthinkable and frightening.


Surprised at the slight tremor of incredulity in the older man’s voice, Heath felt a rush of irritation and snarled, “Damn right I am!”


Nick and Jarrod felt as if they were on the outside of a glass room looking in, the oldest and youngest males squared off in the enclosed space, keeping an eye on each other while the unsteady ground beneath them rolled and rocked.


“Don’t you think it’s what he’d expect.” suggested Tom with a sigh of frustration. 


“With Crown, who knows.  The man is vile and untrustworthy, his mind is warped with greed and evil.” said Heath quietly, his face clear of emotion and only his eyes blazed.  “He could think I’d head back right away to Carson City and be waiting there or not.”


“How do you know it was this Crown who destroyed your ranch?  Perhaps it was an accident.” pondered Tom grasping at straws.  “Mother nature could have started the fire on your ranch.”


“Thad owns the ranch.” informed Heath, moving away from the older man who occupied the space before turning back and gesturing to his chest.  “I know it was Josiah whose responsible.”


“Do you have proof?” inquired Tom watching the blond’s face turn furious for a moment.  “What kind of evidence do you have that would convict him?”


“I don’t need proof!” snapped Heath becoming quickly agitated with the older man’s questions.  “I don’t need any evidence!”


“Yes, you do!” bellowed Tom suddenly, the unexpected outburst from their father startling Nick and Jarrod.  “You can’t just take the law into your own hands!  Going off with a burr under your saddle ain’t how to handle this!  There are laws to abide by!”


“Laws!” retorted the blond, barely keeping the lid on his temper.  “Some people are beyond the laws, Mr. Barkley!”


“No one is beyond the law, Heath!” argued Tom his fear of his youngest son riding out and meeting death stealing into his heart.  “We…you need to stay within the boundary of the law.  You have a family to think about.  What about them?”


“If Crown’s not ready to kill me, they’re not safe anywhere.” hissed Heath.  “If he gets his hands on them or anyone else here, you won’t be so set on worrying about the law then!  You’ll be worrying about staying alive!  I know what he’s like!”


The smoldering in the light blue eyes was only a hint of the volatility laying beneath the blond’s surface and Tom stepped closer, searching for a way to diffuse the rage until level headedness could reappear.


“Heath, please listen to me for a minute.” implored Tom softly, searching the frigid blues with his eyes before continuing.


“You know Crown and we don’t.  That is true but I’ve seen too many men go off full of anger and rage who met their deaths.  Your anger is justified but reacting without planning could be what he’s waiting for.  Take the time to stop for a moment and think.  Don’t let your anger make your plan.”


Reaching up and squeezing his forehead at the pounding in his temples, Heath knew the advise was sound and wise but his mind kept reading the words on the wire over and over, the fire in his eyes was not being doused.  Jarrod frowned at the ineffectiveness of their father’s words and opened his mouth, not speaking when Nick put his right hand on his arm and shook his head slightly.


“You’re not alone in your anger.  Heath, I’m angry too for what this man has done to my son and his family, but if you don’t plan, he’ll win in the end.  If that happens, we all will lose and to me that’s unacceptable.”  explained Tom in a low firm voice.  


“Mr. Barkley….”


“Heath, I’d like to rip Crown’s heart out through his throat too but if I’m dead I’ll never get the satisfaction of besting him.  I won’t be able to look at him on the gallows or rotting in jail.  If you go now, you’ll die.” advised the older man, stopping three feet away.


“Don’t let him beat you.  Don’t let him take you from us…from me.  Not now.  Not when we have so much to discover and learn about each other.”


The conflicting emotions and thoughts of the morning were still in him and Heath sighed, running a hand through his blond hair and frowning, wanting nothing more than to get Crown in his sights.


“I can take him. “ offered Heath with conviction. 


Nodding, Tom let out a shuddered breath, “I know you can, son.   But he’s not alone and they don’t play fair.”


“Only a person with a deathwish would play fair with Josiah.” snorted Heath before letting himself lean against the large wooden desk.  “I don’t play fair either.  Especially when it comes to a rabid animal like Crown.”




Chapter 45


The study grew quiet and still, the blond’s eyes were mired in thought while he leaned against the desk, his face darkening with anger at the thoughts only he was privy to.  Tom watched his youngest son before glancing over to his two other boys, the worry on their faces no doubt matching his.


“Jarrod, how many men were there?” asked Heath suddenly, glancing up into the darker blue eyes of the older man.


“At my office?”


Nodding, Heath saw the attorney’s eyes close for a moment before he answered, the attack replaying in his head just as it did most nights since.  The fear of being burned alive rejuvenated itself in his dreams.


“Three.” informed Jarrod quietly before looking into the lighter eyes of his youngest brother. 


Nick’s anger at almost losing his older brother burned anew and his hands clenched into fists.  He wanted nothing more than to get those responsible for the fading bruises on his big brother’s face and body.  So much had happened since the fire and beating, so much time Jarrod lay unconscious fighting for his life before Heath and his family appeared, Nick realized they hadn’t had a chance to talk about what occurred other than when Fred had appeared at the doctor’s office. 


“What’d they look like?” questioned the blond crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head.


“They had bandanas wrapped around their faces so I didn’t see much.” offered Jarrod running his bandaged hand over his hair before studying the wrapping after he lowered his hand with eyes becoming haunted by the replaying of the fire. 


“Alright what did you see?  Any marks? Scars?” asked Heath not seeing the anger flash in the hazel eyes at his unrelinquishing of the trail he was dogging.


“He just said their faces were covered.” snapped Nick thrust into protective mode. 


Glancing into the hazel eyes for a few seconds, Heath turned his face away and suggested softly, “Jarrod, even if you couldn’t see most of their faces you may still be able to identify those responsible.  A little bit of paint can go a long way if you want it to.  It used to be my business to watch people and you’d be surprised what your subconscious mind picks up on.  Much like you use your instincts when it comes to your clients.”


Tom and Nick glanced at each other, both men frowning as they scanned the pinker ton report in their minds, trying to picture exactly which job the blond was referring to.  Heath caught the look between the prominent father and son, allowing a moment of irritation to course through his veins before he spoke.


“Not everything was in the report Mr. Wenzel sent you.  Only what I wanted you to know of my life.  The barest of details, only enough to make you understand what we went through and why I wanted retribution.” stated Heath watching the shock fly across the three faces and their mouths to gape open.


“It was fortuitous of you to go through the Reno office where Thad knows them.  After we knew which investigator it was, Thad called in a favor to one of the people who write up the final reports before they’re delivered.  Unfortunately, neither of us realized Crown also sent an investigator til we were on the train here.  My guess is that’s how he found out I turned him into the Texas Rangers.  If I’d known that, I woulda taken out after him weeks ago.”


Jarrod shook his head, his blue eyes lighting up with admiration for this new brother of theirs.  Tom and Nick both sported a look of guilty shame while they nervously shifted in their spots.


“I expected you to check up on me.” hissed Heath, his eyes flashing.  “I knew you’d want to be sure I was telling you the truth about being your bastard even after I left all the evidence you needed.”


Tom flinched physically and snarled, “Don’t call yourself that, Heath!  I don’t want to hear you say that again!”


“Why not?  It’s true!” snapped Heath before pushing away from the desk to pace the room.  Stopping suddenly to stare out the french door, he let out a deep breath and decided to turn their minds back to the matter at hand, “Tall or short?” 


“The two holding my arms were about five eleven.” mumbled Jarrod his mind going back.  “The leader was taller, maybe six five.”


“A big fellar, huh?  Fat or thin?”


“Neither, he was fit.” sighed Jarrod his face feeling the blows from the massive hands while his arms were held.  “His body fit his size.”


“Hmmm….did you see their hair?  What color it was?  What kind of clothes they wore?” inquired Heath trying to match this picture in his mind with Josiah’s past acquaintances.


“They were dressed like everyday hands.  Nothing special.  Pants, vests and shirts.  Nothin....wait… there is something else…I can’t seem to recall it right now.” stated Jarrod, frustrated at the detail just out of his reach.


Not turning from his spot, Heath responded, “Don’t force it, Jarrod.  It’ll come to you when you least expect it.  Tell me what happened that day?  Did they surprise you after you entered you office?  How’d they work it?”


“I was working late researching precedents in my law books about …” paused Jarrod glancing up at the muscular back of his youngest brother.


“Researching how to get the deed to the ranch back?” interjected Heath softly, no one seeing the look of guilt stealing into his eyes.  “Is that why you were there?  At your office?”


“Yes.” admitted Jarrod shaking his head slightly.


“Then what happened.” prompted Heath staring down at his boots.


“The next thing I knew I was pulled from behind my desk after I’d fallen asleep.  I landed a few punches before they got the upper hand.  Two of them held me up while the other delivered the message.  I barely remembered hearing the words.  Next thing I knew, my hands were burning and someone pulled me out.”


“That message is when they said I was behind it?” queried Heath receiving a verbal  acknowledgement of his question.  “Three men at your office and when Crown showed up in Carson City, he only had Masters with him that I saw.”


“Who’s Masters?” asked Tom, his eyes not leaving the blond’s downcast head.


“Before I turned my suspicions about Josiah into the Texas Rangers, I worked right under him.  Masters worked under me.  He’s a heartless piece of….”


“I remember!” exclaimed Jarrod suddenly, cutting off his blond brother’s words.  “The leader had a watch chain and from it hung a cartridge.  It was fastened with a hook so it would stay on.  You’re right, I did remember!”


The blond head sprung up and his back snapped rigidly upward before he slowly turned, staring into the blue eyes and demanding firmly, “Are you sure?”


“Yes.” answered Jarrod rising at the pale stricken face across the room.


“Who is it?” questioned Tom moving closer.


“Heath?” asked Nick jumping up at the cornered look in the light blue eyes and the blond head which shook in denial, ignoring all around him except his own rampaging thoughts.


“Can’t be…he’s in prison.” muttered Heath several times before the warmth of the sun shining through the french doors broke through his wall of shock and survival instincts took over. 


Turning suddenly and walking over, he reached up to take hold of the heavy drapes.  The pane in the french door exploded and he heard a cry of anguish after flying to the floor.  Looking from where he’d fallen, his eyes stared at the blood spreading across his father’s shirt.




Chapter 46


The sound of the reports echoed in the valley, the glass shattering rang in the ears of the men seeking cover in the study.  Heath lay stunned, his eyes not leaving the still body of the older man who’d been dragged roughly over the large area rug out of the hidden sniper’s field of vision.  The sound of another report and the thud of a bullet striking the oak desk stirred him into motion. 


Rolling to the left, the blond pushed himself up and took hold of the drape firmly, an adrenaline rush fueled his legs and he ran, pulling the cloth over the window cutting off the bushwhacker's view into the study.  The cloth flinched with each projectile hitting it and the bullets sailed harmlessly in the air never nearing the human bodies they were seeking.


Neither Jarrod or Nick took notice of anything except their father who lay on the floor, his precious red liquid staining everything it touched.  The sling which held Nick’s injured shoulder in place was now pressed tightly against the wound in the upper right quadrant of the broad chest.  Hands trembling with the power used to hold the cloth in place matched the shaking in the bodies of the two dark haired men.


The door flung open and Silas took one look before rushing back through the foyer, the small man’s voice ringing out after the large oak door was flung open.  His words heard above the galloping horses of the men who rushed to seek out the enemy towards the area where the rifle was heard.


“Mr. Tom’s shot!  Mr. Tom’s shot!”


Duke waved the men on after stopping two of the crew, ordering one to town before jumping down with the other and following the ebony man into the house.  The air in the study was quiet, the whizzing of bullets no longer heard but still the foreman and a hand named Dave hunched slightly and ran over to the three men on the floor in the darkened room.


“I…I….don’t think it hit anything vital.” said Jarrod glancing up at the foreman before turning his eyes back downward, his locked arms pushing his bandaged hands firmly down on his father’s chest.  “It’s high but still bleeding.”


Nodding, Duke looked around and briefly ran his eyes over the blond who was being held up by the wall, his face drained of color and his eyes staring unblinkingly at the scene on the floor.  The foreman could hear the voices of the women raised in terror in the foyer mixing with the faint cries of the children upstairs.


“Nick, your mother!” hissed Duke taking the shock out of the hazel eyes with his warning.  “We’ll carry your father upstairs.  Go!”


Pushing himself to his feet, Nick glanced over at Heath who appeared clouded in a daze of disbelief before their longtime foreman spoke again.  “Now, boy!”


Stumbling from the room, Nick’s pale face met his mother’s eyes and her hands flew to her mouth, his face confirming the words of Silas she wanted to believe weren’t true, her gasp of anguish sent a shiver down the spines of those within hearing distance. 


“Jarrod, can you keep that cloth on his wound while we carry him up?” asked Duke not waiting for the oldest of the Barkley children to respond before grabbing hold of Tom under his arms while Dave grabbed his legs, carefully taking the ranch owner up the staircase to the master bedroom with Victoria and Nick following. 


Evangeline appeared in the doorway to assist however after asking Audra to stay in the room with her father and the children.  Duke placed a hand on her arm and whispered in her ear, indicating for her to leave with his head.  The words were barely spoken before the auburn haired lady picked up her skirts and ran down the hallway, rushing into the study and found her husband sitting against the wall, knees pulled up to his chest and holding his head in his hands.


“Heath, are you hurt?” asked Evangeline, the trembling in her husband frightening her and she pulled his hands away from his head, demanding firmly.  “Heath, answer me!”


“No.” gasped the blond, his whole center of his universe swirling around with the vision of the shirt soaked in blood.  “They’re…gonna…die…Crown’ll..kill them…he won’t stop...and they’ll pay with their lives.”


“No, they won’t.” assured Evangeline trying to force some conviction in her voice from the body of fear surrounding her own heart.  “Crown will get his dues and everything’ll be fine.”


“Fine?” laughed Heath in a nervous anxious sound before looking up at the ceiling, his eyes shimmering with frustration, stress of the past weeks and guilt.


“God…I brought this to their door…I wanted to hurt him, Ange…I did…but not like this…not have them hunted like animals…scurrying to save their lives…like mice from a hawk!  Not like this…I’d never want this….”


Reaching over and pulling the blond head to rest on her shoulder, Evangeline murmured in her husband’s ear, rubbing his soft blond hair while his arms wrapped around her waist.  “Of course you didn’t, Heath…you’re not a murderer…you’re a good person…a good man.”


Trying to quell his shaken being with the strength of his wife, Heath  pulled himself away from her shoulder and nodded slightly, keeping his eyes away from hers.  “You’d best see to the kids, Ange.  They’re gonna be terrified.”


“Heath, come with me and we’ll wait together as a family.” urged Evangeline brushing her fingers through his hair.  “The doctor will be here soon.”


Reaching up and taking hold of her hand, the blond held her palm against his cheek and whispered, “I need a few minutes, Ange.”


Hesitating, she leaned over and brushed her lips across his forehead before standing and turning, glancing back at the blond head resting against the wall and his closed eyes.  Waiting for a minute after he could no longer hear the rustling of her skirt, Heath pushed himself to his feet and pulled out his wallet.  Leaning over the desk, he uncapped the container of ink and picked up a pen after unfolding a paper.


Staring at the paper before raising his eyes to look at the blood soaked carpet, the blond reached forward and dipped the end of the pen before moving it across the paper.  Replacing the pen, he took hold of the brass shape of a globe and placed it on the paper to hold it in the center of the desk. 


Moving to the gun cabinets on the wall, he studied each weapon before finding the one of his desire and found the door locked when he turned the knob.  Closing the study door quietly, he made short work of the glass door and pulled out the Winchester, rummaging through the drawers and finding two boxes of shells, taking the time to load the rifle. 


The sounds of voices in the foyer stopped him and he opened the door slightly, watching Nick leading the town physician and sheriff up the stairs before he made his way to his hat and guns, grabbing them up as he walked by on his way out the front door.


Entering the barn, he moved to the stall of the rented horse and leaned the rifle against the wall before spying a set of saddlebags.  Pulling them from the saddle, he froze at the name stamped in them and his throat went dry.


“The man who those belong to won’t like waking up to find you gone.” stated the deep voice softly.


Stiffening slightly, Heath flipped open the flap and shoved the box of cartridges inside before securing it closed.  Putting on his matching belts, he sensed the foreman moving closer and sighed, “I’ll be back when it’s done.”


“They’ll look for you, you know.” suggested Duke.


“I’m counting on it.  When they find me, I’ll smash Crown like the cockroach he is.” drawled Heath in a flat voice.  “Along with his sharpshooting cousin, Surrley.”


“I’m talking about your brothers and father, son.  Not your enemies.” informed Duke, his words stopping the sure fingers for a moment before the jaw clenched in the blond’s profile and he calmly checked the loads of each gun.  “What about your wife and young’ns?”


Saddling the horse, the blond let him out of the stall and glanced over into the concerned eyes of the older man. 


“I’m entrusting them to you and the Barkleys, Mr. McCall.” said Heath, pulling himself into the saddle before looking down.  “If I stay someone will die, Mr. McCall.  In my mind, there is no doubt of that.”


“Heath, listen….”


“Jeb Surrley was in my unit during the war.  He used the cover of war to kill anything or anyone not wearing a blue uniform.  I was just a kid and even now, I can remember the wildness in his eyes and the satisfaction he got with every count.  Before I was captured, they locked him up but now he’s free just like his cousin.  No where will be safe from those two.”


“Getting yourself killed won’t accomplish anything!” snapped Duke, his words only receiving a smile and an icy stare.


“They say every man has his breaking point and I’ve reached mine.”


Opening his mouth to try again to convince the blond to stay, Duke didn’t have a chance to speak.  Kicking the roan in the sides, the blond ducked and galloped out of the barn, heading past the back of the house to where the gunman had lain in wait.




Chapter 47


Though the small slim fingers of her hands trembled while she waited for them to place her unconscious husband on the bed, they became sure and nimble.  Removing the rest of her husband’s shirt while Dave and Duke held Tom upright, her self learned education of caring for the injured or wounded, kicked in after her soul mate was reclined back against a stack of pillows.  Silas placed a basin of water on the table next to the bed along with a stack of white bandages before stepping into the background to be available if necessary.


Kneeling on the bed, Jarrod felt her hand on his and glanced up into his mother’s gray eyes, startled at the soft touch on his hands stained with blood still forcibly pushing against the wound in his father’s chest.  Stemming the loss of liquid from the round entry wound, his only thought and goal in life at the moment.


“You can let go now, sweetheart.” said Victoria knowing her son had been miles away by the look in his eyes.  Squeezing one of his large hands before he withdrew them completely, the Barkley matriarch smile of reassurance lessened the fear inside his wide blue eyes slightly.


Nick walked over and placed a strong hand on his big brother’s shoulder, squeezing and stopping the tremors in the first born with a single touch.  Jarrod let out a sigh, reaching up to grasp onto the tanned hand before stepping back from the bed. 


Dave left the family hovering anxiously around the bed, nodding slightly at Victoria’s thanks for his help.  Duke followed the hand to the door and when Evangeline suddenly appeared, lightly stopped her from moving forward with a hand on her arm.


“Mrs. Thomson, your husband needs you downstairs in the study.”


Her azure eyes widened at the whisper and the quick motion of the foreman’s head.  The foreman watched the auburn haired young woman enter the hallway and lift the full skirts of her dress to allow more freedom for her fast moving feet carrying her to the lower level of the mansion.  Turning back into the room, he made his way to Nick’s side whispering he would return later to check on his friend and boss’ condition.


Nick’s hand didn’t leave Jarrod’s shoulder and he was barely aware of the words their longtime foreman spoke in his ear even though his dark head nodded.  The rancher was certain his eyes were no doubt bulging in his head like the bullfrog Heather had tried to bring up to her grandfather.


Reaching up to run his hand through his hair, his eyes caught sight of the dried red color on his left palm and he sucked in his breath, unaware the other two sets of eyes in the room turned to look at him when the noise shattered the stillness of the room.


Victoria looked up sharply at the deep inhalation of breath and her eyes filled with tears at the pure look of horror on Nick’s face as he stared at the color on his hand.  Both of her strong minded and bodied sons looked more like the two little boys of so many years ago, alone and terrified. 


Both had seen men shot, been with men when they were dying and had the misfortune themselves to have taken a human life outside of the war of brothers, however, neither had ever seen their father injured, sick or unconscious.  It was the mere fact this man who seemed of infinite strength and mortality could be laying still and pale which shook them to their very cores.


“Your father will be alright boys.” said Victoria calmly, their eyes automatically turning toward their other parent who helped guided them through life, been there for the bad dreams when they were young, stayed by their side when they were ill and held them when their hearts were broken the first time.


“He’s lost some blood but the bullet went clean through.  When Howard gets finished patching him up, I’m sure we’ll be fighting to keep your father out of his pants and in bed the rest of the day.” smiled the silver haired lady.  “Why don’t you two use the watercloset and clean up before Dr. Merar gets here?”


Nodding together, the large men shuffled from the room with the haze of shock following.  The empty hallway seemed even more desolate with the fear of loss still inside them.  Entering the watercloset, Jarrod filled the porcelain basin with water and silently their hands were cleaned, unneedlessly scrubbed longer from the trick their minds played.  The red was gone from their hands but their minds couldn’t process the information through the cloud with its normal quickness.


Standing and drying their hands on two separate towels, Nick was the first to break through the cloud and leaned both palms on the vanity allowing a shiver to crawl down his spine.


“If the bullet hit on the left…we coulda been burying him….our father, Jarrod.” whispered the rancher in a voice hoarse from the tightening of his throat. 


Swallowing the lump which’d been constricting his own throat and feeling his legs weaken, Jarrod sat on the side of the claw footed tub and held his head in his hands.  “I know, Nick…dammit…I can’t get the sight of all that blood on his shirt out of my head.”


“Me either.” whispered Nick turning slowly and lowering himself beside his brother, placing his arms around the older man, sharing their reserves of strength while they fought against the images in their minds.


A knock on the door broke into their torment and they heard Duke announcing the arrival of three riders to the ranch.  Jumping up, the brothers hurried to the door and met the foreman who studied their pale faces with concern.  Nick followed Duke downstairs while Jarrod entered his parents’ room, sighing with relief a few minutes later at the appearance of the family healer and town sheriff.


Thirty minutes later, the brothers feeling infinitely calmer and stronger with the physician’s proclamation of their father’s return to good health made their way downstairs to the study after Evangeline pointed them in the direction of their brother.  Fred walked behind the dark haired men and entered the room where the Barkley patriarch had fallen.


The brothers stopped and their eyes immediately caught sight of the broken glass lying beneath the guncase.  Nick  ran the inventory of weapons through his mind before pulling open the drawers underneath, his fingers running over the boxes kept in the two drawers before stopping to tap on one.


“Winchester and two boxes of forty fours are missing.” declared Nick spinning on his heel, his face darkening with a frown.  “Who the hell took them?”


Jarrod moved the globe paperweight and picked up the paper underneath, putting one hand on the desk to steady himself.  “Nick!”


“Jarrod, what is it?” asked Nick pushing past Fred to the desk. 


“Heath signed over his deed to father.” gasped Jarrod, lifting fear filled blues to met puzzled hazel orbs. 


“What!” exclaimed Nick.  “Why?”


“Dear god!  He’s gone to kill him.” exclaimed Evangeline from the doorway, the color in her face draining away, grabbing onto the doorframe when her legs threatened to give out, tears falling onto her cheeks.  “He’s gone after Crown!”




Chapter 48


“Who’s gone to kill who?” asked Fred standing closest to the doorway and grabbing suddenly the unplastered arm of the young woman who seemed drained of all strength.  Nick and Jarrod rushed over while Fred helped Evangeline to the nearest chair and gently spoke.  “Sit here, Mrs. Thomson.  Take some deep breaths now.”


“I’m sorry.” apologized Evangeline, brushing the tears from her cheeks and fighting to keep her fear under control.  “I knew I should’ve stayed with Heath or made him come upstairs.”


Gently patting her arm, Jarrod shook his head and smiled slightly, “We don’t know for sure he’s gone after Crown.  This is all just an assumption, Evangeline.”


“He has.” stated Duke from the doorway before moving further into the study, all eyes turning to the older foreman.  “He left about fifteen minutes ago.”


“Why didn’t you tell us!  We woulda stopped him!” snapped Nick angrily gesturing with his left hand and grimacing from the pull on his stitches, his face paling with the flash of pain.


“Nick, settle down.” stated Duke.  “I was on my way to tell you when the men got back from their ride out to catch the sniper.”


“Any sign of the man?” questioned Fred. 


“No sign of him but we found Barrett passed out drunk instead of on perimeter duty.” sighed Duke, his lips turned into a thin line of anger.  “The boys dragged his sorry as….body….back here with them.  He’s in the bunkhouse.  I figured you’d like a word with him, boss.”


Wiping a hand over his face, Nick let out a deep sigh and nodded, “Sorry for jumping on you like that, Duke.”


Waving off the apology, Duke frowned, “No need, Nick.  If Barrett’d done his job like he’s supposed to, this Jeb Surrley wouldn’t have gotten close to the ranch.”


“Who?” whispered Evangeline, her light eyes wide with recognition.  “Who did you say?”


“Heath said Jeb Surrley was the sniper.  He knew him in the war.”  replied Duke with a look of sadness and a low mumble.  “No kid should be in a war.”


Closing her eyes for a moment at the memories assaulting her, Evangeline opened them at the gentle squeeze of her hand.  Looking into the faces of the two dark haired men, she saw only concern and worry there for her.


“We’ll bring Heath back, Evangeline.” assured Jarrod with a nod of confirmation from Nick who knelt beside him and a verbal agreement.  “We sure will.”


“You won’t be able to find him.” informed the girl with a shake of her head.  “Neither will Crown til Heath thinks he’s ready and wants him to.”


“What do you mean?” scowled Nick impatiently.  “All we gotta do is follow his tracks and we’ll find him.  Course the more time we waste, the further he gets from us.”


Silencing his younger brother with a pointed look, Jarrod suggested, “Why don’t you tell us what you know about Crown and Surrley, Evangeline?  Heath didn’t get to tell us before the shooting.  Fred here needs to know all he can about those responsible and it’d help us if we fully understood why these men are after our little brother.”


A slight smile graced her face at the title the attorney gave to her husband as if he’d called Heath that all his life and she nodded, giving his hand a firm squeeze before taking a deep breath.  Releasing her hand, Jarrod pulled another chair over and sat, leaning forward to pick up the small hand which trembled slightly.  Nick took a seat on the table beside his brother and in front of sister-in-law while Duke and Fred hovered in the background after closing the door to ensure they were not disturbed.


“Heath may not like what I’m going to tell you because it’s some of the information he had kept out of the pinker ton report.” stated Evangeline before pulling out her hand to cover her mouth, dismayed she’d revealed that piece of information.


“We already know the report wasn’t complete.” stated Jarrod dryly.  “He did tell us that today.”


Nodding, Nick reached over to pat her knee and encouraged, “Just tell us and we’ll worry about what Heath thinks later, okay?  If he hadn’t ridden off, he could’ve told us himself.”


Chuckling softly, the young woman’s face light up with appreciation of the two men before her, their willingness to rush out to pull her husband back into their family unit was a testament to the hearts and souls of the men.


“When Miss Leah took sick, that’s Heath’s mama…the mines and livery were closed in Strawberry.  Most of the people had left and the only place open for business was the hotel.  Heath would rather shovel coal into Hell’s furnace than step foot in that place.”


“Why?” asked Jarrod and Nick as one.


“His aunt and uncle own it….they are not…nice people..especially not to a single mother and her fatherless child.” suggested Evangeline in a low voice, the two sets of eyes hardening at the meaning of her words.


“He joined the war when he was fourteen.  He’s always been good with any gun, rifle or pistol.  He used to think it was god’s way of testing him and his patience, especially since most people won’t let him forget how he came into this life and what he was called.   When he joined up, he outshot the others who signed up at the same time and was put in a special unit of marksman.”


“As a sniper for the union.” added Jarrod receiving a nod.


“That’s where he met Jeb Surrley.  He’s Josiah Crown’s cousin, I forget on which side not that it really matters anyway.   I don’t know all the details cause Heath doesn’t like to talk much about it but he did say Surrley was touched…in the head.  He was frightened of him cause the man was on a hair-trigger all the time.  No one ever knew what would set him off and it got so bad, the others had to sleep with one eye open cause they were afraid Surrley would forget who he was fighting against and turn on them.  He’d kill anyone who wasn’t a blue coat.”


Frowning, Jarrod nodded slowly, “Wait, I remember there was a court martial of a man who wounded some of those in his unit or something like that.”


“Yes, that’s right.” agreed Evangeline.  “One day Surrley came back into camp and some of the men including Heath were playing poker.  When they saw him, the game broke up cause he was so unpredictable.  Surrley demanded to play and when they wouldn’t sit in a game with him, Heath said he snapped, pulled his gun and wounded two men before someone hit him and knocked him out.  The commanding officer had Surrley arrested and he was taken away.”


“He was convicted and sentenced to a mental hospital.” interjected Jarrod.  “Some of the details I’d heard are coming back to me.”


“Who knocked him out?” asked Nick, intently listening and seeing the scene playing out in his mind. 


“Heath did.” confirmed Evangeline even though both men had suspected. 


“Did they have the trial before Heath was captured?” questioned Duke, his words draining the color from her face and he rapidly spoke.  “I’m sorry, he said in the barn they’d taken Surrley away before he was captured and I just assumed Heath would’ve had to be at the trial to testify.  I just thought maybe that’s why Surrley was after him.”


“He didn’t testify at the trial…he couldn’t get there.”


“Where was Heath sent after he was captured, Evangeline?” asked Nick quietly, his stomach clenching at the look in her eyes and his senses heightened from her pain.


“Carterson, he spent the rest of the war in Carterson.”




Chapter 49


Amongst the shock and sickness in the set of eyes before her, Evangeline could see the questions springing in their minds and she cleared her throat electing to continue on and hope to forego their need for more information about Heath’s incarceration in the infamous confederate prison camp. 


“After Carterson, Heath was in a hospital for about eights months.  When they released him, he made it back to Strawberry and found his mama was real bad off.  He took her to Pine Crest because there was no doctor where she lived.  She was real sick, something was growing inside her and the physician sent her to the hospital in Sacramento.  Heath paid for the train tickets and a week’s stay at the hospital with the rest of the money his mama saved from his army pay, then they had nothing left.”


“Is this when he started working with Crown?” asked Jarrod, ashamed of the struggles they’d had to endure while his family had so much.


“No.” replied Evangeline with a shake of her head.  “First he tried catching and breaking horses but it wasn’t lucrative enough and didn’t pay enough for the doctoring his mama needed.  He worked in the mines before he ended up in Texas working with the railroad.”


Shifting in the chair, Nick swallowed the nauseous feeling at hearing the struggles of the blond and the pictures his wife’s words created in his mind.  Shaking his head, he let out a hoarse whisper.  “He shouldn’t had to go through something like that alone.  He was just a kid!”


Reaching over Evangeline squeezed the clenched fist sitting on the arm of his chair and nodded, “Nick, it’s past and you can’t change it.”


Nodding slightly, Nick sighed and whispered, “I…if she’d just told father…if we’d known about Heath when he was a child….so much would be different now.”


“Yes, they would be.” agreed Jarrod softly before turning to Evangeline.  “In Texas is where he met Crown?”


“No, he had met Crown when he once came to see Jeb during the war.  Josiah was impressed with Heath’s marksmanship and when he saw Heath in Texas, he hired him on right away as an agent.” explained Evangeline.  “He hired Heath and Vern at the same time.”


“Vern?”  repeated Jarrod.  “Who’s Vern?”


“Vern is a man who counts Heath as his only friend.  Heath saved his life once and strangely enough, afterwards they rode together from place to place.” said the young woman quietly,  “His name is Vern Hickson.”


“VERN HICKSON!” shouted Nick jumping up and staring down at the auburn haired woman who was looking up at him calmly as if the man who belonged to that name could be her next door neighbor.  “He’s a hired killer!”


“Nick.” scolded Jarrod, pulling on his brother’s shirt and getting him to retake his seat. 


“I know what you think but to our family, he is a friend of Heath’s.  Nothing less than that and has always proven himself to be thoughtful and considerate.” stated Evangeline firmly, her light eyes flashing for a moment before she pursed her lips.  “The twins know him as their father’s nice friend and I won’t have anyone saying otherwise within their range of hearing.”


Opening his mouth, Nick snapped his jaws shut and wiped a hand across his face, repeating to himself, “Vern Hickson?”


“Please understand, Heath didn’t like the job of enforcing the railroad’s will on land owners, but he needed the money.  He tried so hard to find a way to keep his mama with him and after Vern left the company, he tried to get Heath to go with him but he wouldn’t.  I met Heath about six months later and father granted him permission to court me.”


“In Texas is where I gather little brother found out about Crown and exposed him?” offered Jarrod receiving a quick nod.


“There were lots of problems in the area with killings at night and night riders.  It was never connected to the railroad men because sometimes it’d happen a ways away from where they were working.  Before we were married one night when Heath was coming back from our house, he was checking his horse’s leg off the trail and heard some comments from some men passing by about Crown and a farmer named McElvoy.  Heath knew something was up because McElvoy’s property wasn’t on the right of way so there was no reason for Josiah to have any reason to see this man.  Especially if he was using the company as an excuse.”


“Ah…so Heath probably spoke with McElvoy and found out something wasn’t right in Denmark with Crown.” surmised Jarrod.


“Exactly.” agreed Evangeline.  “After snooping around the files and trying to get information out of Crown’s superiors, Heath spoke with Captain Hank Terney.  Heath and a couple of the Captain’s Texas Rangers worked closely together on delivering the documentation to the farmers.  Everything was handled legally and above board.  They were only able to find Josiah guilty of using the railroad for his own greed and not for the unsolved murders.  He was sentenced to ten years.”


“Evangeline, what do you think Heath will do?” asked Nick unsure of how his new brother would react, what he may have planned.  “He wouldn’t try to take Crown and his whole gang on by himself, would he?  He doesn’t even know where he is or how many men he has!”


Jarrod watched an eyebrow arch upwards and a faint smile lighten her eyes before Evangeline responded, “I’m not positive, Nick and I wish I knew for certain but I’m fairly sure when he goes up against Crown and his gang, he will have help.  Heath will only be pushed so far before he pushes back quickly and hard.  I would say by tomorrow, he’ll have contacted Vern and tried to find out what happened to Charlie in Carson City.  Josiah made a terrible mistake.  It doesn’t matter to Heath what happens to him but mess with those he cares about and watch out.”


Jarrod leaned forward and queried, “You don’t sound angry he left without telling you or saying goodbye?”


Looking into the ocean colored eyes, Evangeline asked, “Who said I wasn’t angry?  Believe me when Heath gets back here, he will have to pay the piper and then some!”




Chapter 50


The fire in his sister-in-law’s eyes sparked a deep chuckle within Nick and he winked at his big brother, “Jarrod, I’d say little brother might be needing some protection from his own when he shows back up.”


Blushing thoroughly at the teasing and the sound of her other brother-in-law snickering , Evangeline smiled and shook her head in agreement, causing the two men in front of her to laugh for a moment longer.  The moment of amusement cast aside their worries for just a brief second of time before Nick sighed and stood, offering his large hand to the auburn haired woman.


“We’ll try to catch up to him, Evangeline.”  assured Nick his worry turning to a touch of anger before helping her onto her feet.  “He’s got a head start but with his back, he probably won’t be able to ride very far.  Anyway, Heath shouldn’t taken off like he did without someone else with him.”


“I wouldn’t bet on catching up to Heath.  Sore back or not, he’ll keep going now that Crown’s pushed him enough.” replied Evangeline, looking into the hazel eyes and placing a hand on his muscular forearm. 


“Heath hasn’t realized yet exactly what he has here.  Remember, he’s been making his own way through the world for a long time and taking care of things by himself.  He’s bound to fit any halter which feels strange, so don’t be angry for what you may think is foolish or reckless.  To him, it’s simply what he needs to do.”


Jarrod bit the inside of his cheek as he watched his new sister-in-law melt the concerned anger within his passionate brother with only words and a beautiful smile.  The flash in his hazel eyes died to only a simmering before he nodded once and winked.


“Duke, saddle the horses.  Fred, you wanna tag along?”


The foreman left the room with the positive answer from their sheriff lingering after him before the lawman followed to ready his mount.  Evangeline shook her head and sighed, planting her small hands on her hips.


“Now, I see where Heath gets it from.” suggested the auburn haired woman.


“Gets what?” asked Nick with an innocent expression while Jarrod rolled his eyes.


“The mulish side of his personality.” quipped Evangeline before walking to the door and turning back to the smirking brothers.  “If you see your brother…”


The amusement in the light colored eyes was replaced with a hint of sadness and Jarrod tilted his head slightly, “Yes, Evangeline?”


Taking a deep breath, a rosy flush appeared on her cheeks and she lifted her chin a fraction before stating, “Tell ‘em I love him.”


Jarrod and Nick smiled at the warmth in her voice before she quickly turned and hurried from the doorway, the words filling their hearts long after her presence was gone. 


“I’ll go tell Mother where we’re going and check in on Father.  Load a rifle for me, Nick.” requested Jarrod, leaving the room with a clap on his brother’s muscular back.  Nick nodded and moved to the gun cabinet, shaking his head and smiling to himself.


‘You just had to take my new rifle, didn’t you?’


Riding up to the group of hands headed back to the ranch, Heath stopped and his eyes blazed at the sight of the obviously inebriated man being held onto his horse with a firm grip on his shirt by a man on either side of him.   Most of the men glanced at the blond only briefly and nodded, remembering him from the chaotic night of the fire and some of the more curious found their eyes straying to the matching holsters and weapons. 


Holding up a hand to stop the last man in the group, Heath asked, “Any sign of the sniper?”


“Only some tracks headed to the southeast.” informed the youngest of the ranch crew, swallowing at the sight of the eyes which turned cold and the face turned to the direction of the hidden shooter’s flight. 


“Thanks.” replied Heath nudging his horse before stopping.  “When ya’ get back, tell Mr. Barkley not to follow.”


“Which one?” asked the younger man.


A brief smile lifted the lips which had been pressed into a thin line and the blond drawled, “All of them.”


Nodding, the hand watched the blond cantor past, his eyes seeing the Winchester being taken from the scabbard of the saddle before he turned and continued onto the ranch.  Frowning to himself, he felt a moment of uneasiness at delivering the message to any of the three Barkley men. 


Having only worked on the ranch for the past six months, Mike Shane knew the messenger would receive the anger he was sure the response to the blond’s words would be.  Riding to the barn and dismounting, the nineteen year old lead his mount in and unsaddled, quickly currying the chestnut before seeking out his foreman.


Waiting on the porch of the bunkhouse for the foreman to reappear from the big house, Mike found his mind remembering the hardness in the eyes and the square set to the blond’s jaw.  Allowing a shiver to tingle him for a moment, he straightened suddenly when the door of the mansion opened and the foreman appeared with the sheriff right behind.


Wiping the sweat from his forehead with the arm of his left sleeve, Heath bit back a groan and straightened from his knelt position.  The land beneath his boots didn’t hold tracks very well and the sifting through mother nature’s environment was painstakingly slow. 


Mounting and turning his horse to the treeline at the base of the hills, the blond pushed the animal up the side of the incline, stopping at the top and stared down at Stockton.  The sun was beginning to settle down for the night and certain necessities decreed his need to enter the town.  Information, supplies and a telegraph office.


Swinging wide around the buildings and entering from the east, Heath pulled his hat down over his eyes and casually rode to the livery.  Dismounting, he worked a deal with the man working the late shift for a new horse.  Exchanging the saddle to his new mount, Heath walked the roan to the telegraph office, exiting fifteen minutes later after standing back from the window and studying the dwindling amount of citizens on the street hurrying home. 


His own stomach reminded him of his missed lunch and the fact suppertime was here but the blond ignored the ramblings as he stepped onto the boardwalk, walking the roan to the general mercantile five doors down.  Climbing the steps, he opened the door and stepped inside placing his order at the counter.  Moving to the corner of the room, Heath stood where he could watch the door and to a casual observer he would appear to be browsing through the merchandise the store had for sale.  The door opened and the entry of the older dark haired gentleman caught the attention of the blond immediately and he replaced the book he’d looking at back on the shelf. 


Howard returned the clerk’s greeting and nodded when the bald headed shopkeeper behind the counter stated he needed a few minutes.  Turning the town physician stared in surprise at the younger man moving across the room and smirked before suggesting quietly.


“The Barkleys are in an uproar over your sudden disappearance.  Your brothers have been looking for you all afternoon.”


“How is…he?” asked Heath not realizing he was holding his breath and his heart was thumping loudly in his chest.


“He’s fine.” relayed Howard.  “With rest and fluids, he’ll be on his feet in a few days.”


The blond felt a moment of great relief at the diagnosis and nodded his thanks.  Howard saw the flash of relief in the blue eyes and informed the blond. 


“He was asking for you when he woke up.  I’m not sure Victoria will be able to keep him in bed.  He wanted to ride out and bring you back.”


Looking into the dark concerned eyes of the healer, Heath shook his head and stated firmly, “Tell him it’s best he don’t leave the ranch.  About now I should be getting Crown’s attention and sure don’t need Josiah getting his hands on my….him.”




Chapter 51


Puzzled by the glint in the light blue eyes, Howard frowned and inquired, “How exactly were you hoping to get this man Crown’s attention?”


Tucking his thumbs in his belt, Heath shrugged his left shoulder, “He knows I left the ranch cause he’s got his man watching the place and he knows I’m here.  When I ride out they’ll lit out after me.”


“But he could kill you.” hissed Howard.  “You have to go back to the ranch!”


“Nope.” said the blond nonchalantly.  “They’re all safer if I’m not there.  Besides, I have a hankering to see some of the country around here.  I didn’t get to look around much on my last visit.”


Shaking his head, the physician stared in disbelief at the younger man, swearing he could see the same stubborn look that graced Tom Barkley’s face this afternoon as he tried to fight his way out of bed when he’d learned the blond had ridden off. 


“Sheriff Maden’s in town, maybe…”


“And what can the good lawman do, doctor?” queried the blond softly.  “Question Crown?  That’s all he can do because there is no evidence against him.  Only what I know to be true and what he’s capable of.  No, sometimes things are best handled where the slime that floats on a bog lives.  In his world and like he would.”


“Mister, your supplies are ready.” called the clerk from the counter watching the two men who he thought were strangers having a serious discussion.


“Nice to see you again, Dr. Merar.” said Heath touching two fingers to his hat brim before walking to the counter and paying his bill, stopping by the dark haired medicine man who met him halfway to the door.  “I won’t be seeing you for a while I expect and wanted to say again thanks for taking care of my wife and her father.  When you see Nick, tell him that’s a first class rifle he loaned me.”


Howard moved to the door and watched the blond hang the burlap sack from his saddlehorn, keeping the horse between himself and the street.  Untying the reins, Heath looked up and smiled at the physician framed by the light of the store before jumping in the saddle and kicking the horse to a gallop in a matter of seconds.  The dust from the street hung in the air floating down after a time and settling back to where it belonged. 




The place looked bleak and ominous, just as his childhood memories recalled in the dreams which sometimes wrangled their way into his nights.  The broken boards covering the mine shaft were weathered from the elements and no sounds could be heard from within.


Stopping his horse, Heath climbed down and dismounted, staring into the black hole of the Strawberry mine before leading the equine down the hill and around the natural contours of the hill.  It’d been one week since he’d left Stockton in a cloud of dust and his face was covered with a thick film of trail dust, broken only by the trickles of sweat beading down the side of his face. 


Walking the roan to cool him off, he took his hat and beat the dust from his clothes, coughing as the particles reached upward into the air he took in.  The water in the small stream came from the very top of the Sierras and tasted like the nectar of the gods to his parched being.  This area was as familiar to him as his own back hand, a childhood playground and work place. 


The abandoned and almost deserted town of Strawberry lay at the bottom of the short mountain, the top of the livery was the only building which could be partially seen through the tall trees and overgrown vegetation at the base of the mountain.  Allowing the roan enough rope to roll on the ground, the blond set about building a shelter in the trees, using nature’s own supplies to camouflage the pulled over saplings with layers of pine boughs. 


Moving out from the site fifty yards in each direction, he studied the area around the camp.  No tracks of any two legged creatures could be seen, only the four legged variety which called this place home.


The nearness of his childhood home sent an ache deep in his heart and he closed his eyes to let the memory of his mama fill him for a moment.  He could feel her love and nearness, the memories leaving a smile on his exhausted face before he turned his thoughts back to the world he was existing in.


A world where the tables could turn at any moment and where shortly the hunter would become the hunted.


The remainder of the day was spent idling by the stream and catching dinner.  The quiet of the place only broken by the sounds of the natural setting.  Moving as obtrusively as possible, the blond melded in with the environment, becoming one with it instead of an intruder.


Over a fire only as large as the inside of his hat, his catch of the day was fried, eaten and coffee made.  The group of Steller Jays, called camp robbers by most for their knack at swooping down and stealing any food left unguarded, squawked loudly across the campsite before suddenly flying off their branches.  Letting the fire dwindle down, the blond stood up and wandered slowly to the shelter, jumping into the shadows of the night and rolling on the pine covering onto his knees with his gun in hand. 


A deep chuckle filled the air and Heath rolled his eyes, standing and stepping over the deadfall to kneel by the fire, placing two small sticks into the embers.  “Charlie, that’s a good way to get yourself filled with lead!  You’re not as quiet as you used to be.”


“I got close enough to use a knife if I had to.” snorted the lightly copper skinned man tying his horse to a bush and stripping off the saddle.  Carrying it to the campsite, the leather seat was dropped onto the ground before he turned, the angry curses of the blond filled the night air at the flames which flickered onto the new arrival’s face.


“You kiss your wife with that mouth.” teased Charlie before irritably slapping away the hand holding his chin to turn his face from one side to the other.  “It’s not as bad as it looks.”


Two eyes narrowed in fury and Charlie clapped the younger man on the shoulder before dropping to his haunches and pouring a cup of coffee.  Taking a sip, he studied his friend over the rim of his cup for several minutes before lowering the tin container.


“Who marked you?”


Reaching up to finger the scar running down the side of his face, the black eyes glittered for a moment with hatred before he shrugged.  “Don’t remember too much except some green eyes.  Dead eyes.”


“Masters.” hissed Heath clenching his fists tightly.


“He’s mine.” stated Charlie in a territorial tone, leaving no doubt in either man’s mind as to the destiny the green eyed killer would meet.


Settling down against the deadfall, Heath nodded and ran a hand through his hair before letting out a deep breath.  “We got word from Sheriff Timms about the ranch.  What happened?”


“They caught me with my pants down.” admitted Charlie in a disgusted voice.  “I was between the house and the barn when they surrounded me.  The same day you and the family left.  They torched the place and made me watch.  Last thing I remember is waking up in the doc’s office and Timms asking where you were.  I’m sorry, Heath.”


“For what?” asked the blond seeing the scene in his mind and feeling an even deeper rage building.


“I couldn’t save the ranch, none of it.  You and the family were counting on me.” replied the tall man in a low voice.  “All of it’s gone.”


“It can be rebuilt, Charlie.” reassured Heath firmly.  “You’re more important than the buildings and such.  Those things can be replaced.”


The sincerity in the blond’s voice rang true to the older man’s heart and he smiled slightly thankful for this man who saved him from certain death inside a bottle.


“How is my family?” asked Charlie with a wink causing the blond to laugh and grin for a moment before a scowl darkened his face.


“When I left the twins were fine, happy to have some barn cats to play with.  Someone set fire to the Barkley land the night we got there.  While the crew was fighting it, Thad and Ange got in the way of a group of horses driven through the yard.  Thad protected Ange and almost died from some of the horses stepping on him.  Ange has a broken arm and had some bruises along with cuts.”  informed Heath with guilt ridden eyes turning upwards to look at the stars in the sky.  “I wasn’t fast enough to keep them from being hurt.”


“And your other family?” suggested the half white, half Cherokee softly.


“The lawyer, Jarrod, was beaten badly, his office was torched with him in it.  The rancher, Nick, got a bullet in the shoulder the same night Ange and Thad were hurt.” said Heath hesitating for a moment and glancing over into the dark eyes watching him.  “My…father…was shot by a sniper while standing in his own study.  Somebody we know, Charlie.”


Charlie saw the look in the blue eyes and prodded him firmly, “Who?”


“Surrley.”  stated Heath watching the stoic face reflect shock for a brief flicker of time before growling.  “He’s mine.”


Silence filled the area again and both men were left with their own thoughts.  Moving to his bedroll, Heath laced his fingers beneath his head and closed his eyes, bringing the face of his family into his mind.


“Did you wire him?” asked Charlie after wrapping himself in his blanket.






“Stanislaus tomorrow.”




Chapter 52


The soft rain covered the ground all around and Heath moved onto his back for the umpteenth time of the night.  The small shelter provided a haven of dryness to the weather outside while his thoughts continually moved from one to another.  The deep breathing on the other side of the overhang signified Charlie’s acceptance of sleep to replenish his body.


The light blue eyes narrowed at the long scar he could envision on the side of his lightly copper skinned friend.  For eternity, Charlie would bear that mark, a reminder to those close to him of what he’d gone through for those he called his family.


In rapid succession Heath’s mind flashed pictures of those who’d been hurt unintentionally or on purpose by Josiah Crown’s campaign of retribution.  Jarrod, Nick, Evangeline, Thad, Charlie and Tom Barkley.   They all bore marks simply because of their bond to a man who as a teenager couldn’t in all good conscience allow Crown’s continuing atrocities against innocent people for his own greed. 


He was a man who wielded the power entrusted to him like a saber, slicing through the lifelines of homesteaders and ranchers alike, simply to satisfy his cravings of lust and greed for the driving force found within money’s wealth.  He was a man who bore no remorse, a man who didn’t own up to his wrongdoings, scorning those who sat in judgment of him on his day in court. 


Josiah Crown was a man Heath knew in his soul was responsible for more deaths but knowing and proving were sometimes on opposite ends of a spectrum with a canyon of heavy doubt in between.   The wheels of justice turned but only when fed with the proper source of ignition, the proper source of fuel.  Without the necessary proof, the wheels couldn’t turn and stretch out the long arm of the law to grab hold of the element existing on the fringes of society. 


Staring out into the scattered cloud filled night, Heath listened to the gentle rain falling and found he couldn’t stop the Barkleys from filling his head.   What were they thinking at this moment?   Was placing his family’s welfare in their hands a sign of acceptance of his father into his life?  Did he…his father…fill with dread when he found out his bastard son’d gone after those responsible?  Or did the knowledge of the transferred deed to the ranch reign higher than the possibility of his death?


Scowling and shaking his head, Heath felt a rash of anger directed at himself for the darkness of his thoughts and threw back his blanket, shaking out his boots before stomping into them bringing the dark eyes of his friend to search out the source of the noise interrupting his dreams.


“Let’s ride.” growled Heath quickly breaking the small camp he’d set up before putting on his rain slicker and carrying his saddle out into the weather with Charlie following a minute later.


The rising of the sun in the east found the two travelers making their way through the upper passes in the Sierra Nevada mountains to the town of Stanislaus north of Strawberry.  The clouds previously dotting the night sky moved through bringing with the new day greeting them an aura of cleanliness from the shower provided by Mother Nature.


Charlie followed a few yards behind, the man before him never far from his eyes or thoughts.  The dark haired man would stand beside the light haired man shoulder to shoulder on his quest to end the threat against those in his family.   The tall man sensed the storm rising up during the night within his blond friend, his former unit peer and knew the internal battle was one he couldn’t help with.  That battle the younger man had to fight on his own.  The younger man had to wage his own campaign against his inner storm, deciding what he desired at the final outcome. 


The small community of Stanislaus becoming well known for it’s wheat production hadn’t changed much over the years.  The town had not appeared to have grown by leaps and bounds as a lot of other places.  Walking their horses to the Stanislaus hotel, Heath stopped and dismounted glancing up and down the street from under the brim of his hat.  Charlie tied off his horse and followed inside, leaning backwards against the desk while Heath signed the register. 


Glancing down at the single key placed in his hand, Heath looked up into the pale face of the desk clerk, the disgust in the man’s eyes couldn’t be hidden as he stared at the tall man beside him.


“I said two rooms.” stated Heath firmly.


“Sorry, his kind can’t stay here.”  replied the desk clerk swallowing the lump rising in his throat at the blue eyes glaring at him.


“Charlie, can you take the horses to the livery?” asked Heath glancing to the man beside him who negatively shook his head at the fury in the blue eyes of the blond. 


“Heath…” protested Charlie placing a hand on the arm tightened with tension.


Forcing a lop-sided grin to his lips, Heath motioned with his head towards the door, “We’ve been on the trail for a while and they’d appreciate some oats and a good rub down.  And can you send this wire to Ange for me?”


Hesitating for a moment, Charlie let out a soft sigh and took the paper from his friend’s hand, whispering loudly after sending a wink only Heath could see. “Killing him is gonna get in the way of our business, Heath.  Try to keep that in mind.”


“I’ll try.” agreed Heath with reluctance lowering his hands to the counter and dabbing the pen into the inkwell before the tip scratched against the paper in the ledger.  At the closing of the door, Heath replaced the pen in its holder and glanced up into the now perspiring face behind the counter.  “Two rooms.”


“Mister, I don’t make the rules.” argued the clerk nervously.


Leaning forward, Heath’s low voice was crisp and angered, “Normally I’m a mighty patient man but unfortunately for you, I ran out about a week ago.  I’m tired and on a short fuse.  If I have to ask a fourth time, you won’t like it.”


“Please, I…”


The sound of snickering and clapping behind Heath raised the corners of his mouth after a soft amused voice greeted him, “Well, you certainly have that poor man shaking in his boots, friend.”


“I suppose you could do better, friend.” taunted Heath turning sideways to face the man who appeared at the desk.


“Perhaps, friend.” suggested the brown haired man, his hairline receding up onto his forehead and his brown eyes twinkling as he motioned with two fingers, his eyes not leaving the amused blue ones in the blond’s face.  “Another room, Mr. Jensen for my two friends.”


“Uh, I can’t, Mr….”


No further words left the clerk’s mouth and he swallowed convulsively wanting nothing more than to keep his job and life intact.  Heath bit the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling at the rolling brown eyes before him and leaned an elbow on the wooden partition, pushing his hat up onto his forehead.


“Now, I know you don’t want me to say it again, do you?” asked Vern quietly, the widening of the desk clerk’s eyes stared for a moment into the brown eyes before he hastily reached down and placed another key onto the desk.


Picking up the key, the slim fingers placed it in the hand of his friend before clapping the blond on the back and chuckling, “Thank you, Mr. Jensen.  Be sure to let Mr. Whitehorse know we’ll wait for him in Mr. Thomson’s room.”


Heading up the stairs, Heath chuckled and pushed open the door, stepping aside to allow the slim framed man to enter first.  Dropping his saddlebags on the dresser, Heath shook the outstretched hand with a firm grip.


“See you haven’t lost your charming ways, Vern.” smirked the blond.


Chuckling, Vern nodded and shook his head, “Charlie’s a good man and he’s not sleeping outside just cause of some simple minded desk clerk.”


Taking the whiskey handed to him, Heath sighed and leaned against the headboard of the bed, taking a sip after saluting the man in the room with him.  “You made good time getting here, Vern.”


Shrugging, Vern sat in the chair across the bed and shook his head, “I was on my way here anyway when I got your wire.”


“Business or pleasure.” asked Heath.


“Heath, you know my pleasure is my business.” smiled Vern before taking a sip of his liquor, “One of my other colleagues was busy and sent me a job.  I was on my way to Stockton.”




Chapter 53


“Stockton?” repeated the blond, moving to sit up away from the headboard, his spine suddenly rigid from the tension running up it’s length, his voice anxious and low.  “Vern, who is it on?”


A flash of mild surprise flew into the brown eyes before they narrowed in confusion.  In all the years since the younger man had saved his life and had been his friend, this was the first time the blond had asked about his jobs, his contracts.


“Heath, you know I don’t discuss my clients or the….obstructions in their lives.” replied Vern quietly staring into the lighter eyes of his friend.


Setting the glass on the bedside table, Heath pushed himself up from the bed and walked to the window to stare down onto the mid day street before spinning around on his heel.


“I wouldn’t want to know if it wasn’t important, Vern.” suggested Heath calmly.  “I came from Stockton and just need to know if your job involves any of my family there.”


“You have family in Stockton?” queried the thin faced man with a puzzled frown.  “Since when?  I thought they were in Strawberry and Carson City.”


Running a hand through his hair, Heath nodded slightly, “My mama told me on her death bed…”

“Hell, Heath.” said Vern jumping up and crossing over to the blond, placing a consoling hand on his arm.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know she’d passed.  When did it happen?”


Smiling slightly into the concerned brown eyes, Heath patted the hand on his arm and sighed softly, “Little over eight months ago, Vern.  I sent a letter to the post box in Tuscon...reckon you didn’t get it.”


“No, I didn’t, Heath.  If I had I would’ve come right away.”  stated Vern sadly, remembering the gentle kind hearted petite woman who was mother and father to his friend.


“Before she died my mama told me who my father was.  It’s Tom Barkley from Stockton.” informed Heath as he watched the brown eyes beside him widen with disbelief.


“The California Barkleys?” gapped Vern outwardly stunned.  “He’s your father!”


“Now, you can see why I need to know who you’re going to…run…into in Stockton, Vern.” stated Heath as Vern went back to refill his glass.  “Ange, Thad and the kids are at the Barkley ranch right now.  Josiah Crown found out I’m the one who put the Rangers on his trail in the Panhandle.  Crown’s men have already hurt some of them to get to me.”


Stiffening slightly at the additional news, Vern glanced over quickly, “Evangeline and the twins?”


“The kids are fine but Ange and her dad were in the way of some stampeded horses.  Thad shielded Ange and almost died cause of it.  They’ll be alright for now.”


Shaking his head, the thin man placed the glass down roughly onto the table, his jaw clenched at the news of the injuries to his friend’s wife and father-in-law.  “I’m real glad they’re gonna be okay, Heath.  Did you send for me because of Crown?”


Heath hooked his thumbs into his belt and nodded once, his blue eyes blazing with anger, “He burned the ranch and is going after everyone around me.  It’s a miracle no one’s been killed yet and I’m not about to let that happen.  There’s no proof Crown’s behind everything but Masters was there when they burned the ranch and Josiah made a point to see me in Carson City.  He knew Tom Barkley was my father.  I’m gonna stop him, Vern, one way or another!”


Pursing his lips together, the brown eyed man studied the face of the younger man before suggesting, “He won’t draw on you, Heath and you won’t shoot him outright.  You’re not the type.  You have a conscience and it’ll eat away at you.”


“I’m not a choir boy!” retorted Heath.  “I’ve killed men before just like you!”


Laughing suddenly, Vern shook his head at the fury flashing across the tanned face.  “Hell, you’ve killed in a war and in self defense.  That’s not the same as….what needs to be done…or what I do for a living.”


“I didn’t wire you so you could do my killing for me.  I need you and Charlie to watch my back against his snakes.” explained Heath firmly.


“I’ll watch your back but remember what I say to you.” stated Vern softly before adding, “Once you step over that invisible line you can’t go back.  I know, Heath.  I don’t want you on my side of the line….ever.  You are my friend and I’ll do what I can.  But I want your word….I want your guarantee you won’t kill Crown or any of his men in cold blood.”


“Vern, I…”


“Dammit, Heath!” snarled Vern suddenly, his voice rising to fill the room.  “You have Ange and the kids to think about.  I have nobody and will never have nobody!  Those kids are the closest thing to a niece and nephew I’ll ever have!  I won’t have them left in this world without their papa!  I want your word or…”


“Or what?” challenged Heath.


Moving to stand in his friend’s face, the thinner man smiled coldly, “I’ll shoot you myself just to keep you from making a horrible mistake, Heath.  A bullet in your side will keep you down for a spell.  I’m faster than you and always have been.  Now, I want your word.”


Staring into the chilly brown eyes unflinchingly, Heath responded, “Tell me who you’re on your way to see first, Vern.  Who ordered it?”


“Don’t know who paid for it.  They originally contacted Handy Random but he’s busy with some range war or something.” explained Vern with a shrug at the disgust flaring in the light eyes at the name of the man known as a back shooter. 


“You know people think the western part of this country is huge but it’s really a smaller world than compared to the large cities on the east coast.  In those cities you can live your life anonymously, you can go for years without knowing everyone who lives on your street cause most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to see what’s around them.  Not out here though.  Here news gets taken from one place to another by drifters, trail drivers, stage drivers.  This is a small world here in our part of the country and for you, my friend, it just got smaller.”


“Who, Vern?” asked Heath, his stomach clenching at the sigh escaping from the man who hired out his gun and his deadly abilities to the highest bidder. 


“Five thousand for each of the Barkley sons and ten for their father.”  informed Vern with a shake of his head. 


“Jesus.” whispered Heath his face paling at the high price tags.


“I hadn’t agreed to take the job.  Just thought I’d mosey my way to Stockton to check it out first before I made a decision.” stated Vern with a scowl.  “It’s an open contract, Heath.  Anyone in my line of work who hears those figures is gonna jump at it.”


Snapping his head up, Heath’s eyes widened with comprehension, “My god, I gotta warn them!”


Grabbing hold of the blond’s shoulders, Vern shook his head, “Not over the wire!  We gotta do it in person.”


“That’ll take too long.” protested Heath, his mind already racing ahead to travel times and days involved.  “They could be dead by then!”


“Heath, if Crown took out the contracts all we need to do is tie him to them.  There’s your proof he’s behind it and with that, he can be put away for a long time.  I’ll go to Stockton for the meeting to collect my money.  I’ll figure out someway to get them to take me to the head man.” suggested Vern firmly.  “Think about it kid!  This is a good opportunity to get him the legal way.”


“That’s not gonna work, Vern!” snapped Heath, irritably shoving off the older man’s hands and pacing the hotel room.  “Crown knows you’re my friend!”


“Oh, it’ll work alright especially since we’ve recently had a falling out.” suggested Vern.


Stopping his pacing, Heath turned and staggered back in shock, staring with confusion and pain filled eyes at the face behind the cloud of smoke rising from the barrel of the pistol.  His hands clutched to the wound in his side and his legs buckled, sending him to the floor, unaware as his body hit the oak flooring of the room.




Chapter 54


The acrid smell of gunpowder hung in the air and his ears rang from the burst of sound within the small confines of the room.   The enormity of his quick action stunned him for only a hair’s breadth of time before Vern mentally shook himself and fell to his knees beside his unconscious friend. 


The sounds of startled voices in the hallway of the hotel were categorized on the edges of his mind but the thin tall man wasn’t concerned.  This town, small and thriving, had yet to fill their recently vacant position of law officer and thus, Vern ignored the demand for answers to their questions from the other people residing in the hotel.  The hired killer was not concerned with interference from any law officer and he wouldn’t waste his breath answering to any of the town citizens.


Ripping open the blond’s shirt, his hands quivered from a tremor before he pulled the blue cloth from Heath’s neck and pressed it against the wound, the material becoming quickly stained by the liquid seeping from the hole.  The blond head moved slightly from the pressure he exerted down upon the wound.


The door to the room was slammed back upon its hinges and Vern looked up into the dark eyes which widened with shock before the muscular black haired man rushed across the room.


“Heath!” gasped Charlie, the man’s normally stoic face shattered with concern, worry and fear.  “What happened?  Was it one of Crown’s men?”


“No, I shot him.” admitted the hired killer in a low voice.  “It was the….”


Two large hands grabbed onto his brown shirt and Vern found himself pulled up and across the injured man on the floor, his hands losing a hold of the blood soaked cloth.  The pools of onyx chilled with fury and the eyelids over the pools narrowed into mere slits.


“You what!” roared the part Cherokee, his strong biceps exploding with power as they unceremoniously shook the brown eyed man he held in his grip.


“Dammit Whitehorse!” growled Hickson loudly.  “Do you want Heath to end up like me!”


Puzzled at the statement, Charlie snarled, “What the hell are you talking about?”


“Not now!” snapped Vern glancing down at the man who lay between them.  “We have to get him to the doctor.  Then I’ll explain.”


“It better be good or I’ll rip you apart.” threatened Charlie firmly, adding a light shove to emphasize the anger inside him. 


Vern fell back onto his haunches and reined in his own anger begging to be released on the copper skinned man who was acting out of protectiveness and friendship.  Taking a quick breath, Vern’s body shuddered and his eyes closed for a moment. 


Charlie glanced up at the sound of the sharp inhalation and witnessed the hired killer’s countenance change and the man inwardly retreated back into his icy soul within a few seconds.  The half-breed felt a finger of fear tease the skin on his back covering his spine at the return of the dead look in the brown eyes.  


Forcefully moving his eyes from the lifeless gaze, Charlie effortlessly lifted the blond into his arms and carried him from the hotel room, the blades of his shoulders tingling from the man he sensed falling in step behind him.  The onlookers in the hallway cleared their minds of all questions at the cold brown eyes meeting theirs and they quickly sought sanctity in their rooms, the slammed planks of wood not able to halt the feel of death the man brought forth as he passed in the small hallway.


Stepping out onto the boardwalk in the hottest part of the day, Charlie silently followed the tall thin man angling across the street.  The three were scrutinized by all sets of eyes openly staring and wondering.  It’d taken only a few minutes to reach the weathered house bearing the physician’s shingle and Vern held the door for Charlie Whitehorse to carry in their mutual friend.  The physician quickly ushered the tall black haired man through another door and Vern watched the powerful Cherokee gently deposit the blond on the cot before turning and leaving the room.


The silver haired man moved the cloth slowly with his wrinkled fingers and examined the entry wound.  The small circle didn’t look ominous or deadly but the trained man wasn’t fooled by the simplicity of the wound. 


“Help me lift him.” commanded the medicine man calmly, his words jolting Charlie back from the battlefield of questions in his mind.  Leaning down, the dark hands lifted Heath onto his left side while the physician pulled up the blue chambray shirt, cursing after he wiped the blood away.


“No exit wound.” muttered the physician, glancing up into the dark worried eyes.  “I’m gonna wash up so I can operate to find the bullet.  Take his shirt off and I’ll be right back.”


Nodding and swallowing the lump in his throat, Charlie pulled his limp friend upwards and held him against his shoulder.  The sound of the door opening turned his head.  Looking at Vern for a second, he returned to the job of removing the shirt and tossing it on a nearby table before lowering the blond, his head lolling to the side.


“I’ve rented a wagon for you at the livery Charlie.” stated Vern making his way into the room and stopping by the bed.  “When the doc gets the bullet out, you gotta take Heath to the Barkley Ranch in Stockton.  Don’t let anyone see you either.  Get there at night.”


“He’s your friend!” accused Charlie with a snarl.  “You shot him!”


“Yes, I did.” whispered Vern, his voice turning anguished remembering the look in the light blue eyes before they rolled back in the blond’s head.  “I’m still his friend and this is the only way I know to keep him safe.”


“SAFE?” repeated Charlie in a loud incredulous voice. 


Undaunted by the accusation and indignation in the other man’s voice, Vern nodded.  “You know Heath as well as I do, Whitehorse.  Perhaps even more cause you knew him in the war.  Remember what he was like then?  The way he killed as a sniper?  The way he could look down the barrel of a rifle and calmly put a bullet between his target’s eyes?  He was good at it, Charlie.  Too good for being just a kid.  That is what I’m keeping him safe from.”


“That was during a war….he was doing his job.” sputtered Charlie shaking his head in denial.  “He has a family now and a ranch to look after.”


“Yes and he has so much more to lose than he had as a kid.  So much more reason to use his guns and legalities be hanged.” agreed Vern softly, reaching down to squeeze the nearest shoulder of the blond before looking across the bed into the eyes which now held understanding.  “Someone put a contract out on the Barkley men and I’m betting it’s Crown.”


“Crown knows you and Heath are friends.”


Turning his head slightly, the lifeless eyes twinkled for a moment and a ghost of a smile spread across the thin face.  “You think so?  I was kinda thinking after news spreads about Heath’s shooting, Crown’d be frothing at the mouth and happy with this sudden turn of events.  After all friend, how many men have been shot by Vern Hickson and lived to tell the story?”


“None.” answered Charlie with a frown.  “How do you know it’ll work?”


Shrugging, the hired killer smiled genuinely for a moment.  “I don’t but then if it doesn’t I’ll just kill Crown and anyone else I have to.  That snake won’t find a hole deep enough to slither into that I can’t find him.  He hurt Thad and Evangeline and ain’t above hurting children, Charlie.  Do you think I’d let him near those two little ones?  If I can’t get him on the right side of the law, I’ll take him out on my side and I don’t want Heath there with me.  That’s my world, not his.”


Opening his mouth, Charlie’s words went unspoken at the return of the physician who ushered both men from the room before turning his attention to his patient.



