
Chapters 85-97

by Catgirl63





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 85


Charlie stopped and studied the ground, scowling with frustration, casting his trained eyes around the grass covered route they’d been following.  Heath dismounted, clenching the muscles in his jaw against the pull on the stitches in his right side, looking up and motioning for the other three men who were getting ready to dismount to stay on their horses.


“No, we don’t want too many feet messing up the trail.” instructed the blond, his voice quiet and yet, full of warning to the men who were his family also.


Charlie glanced sharply at the tone of voice before turning his eyes back to the ground.  The former unit member could recall the first time he’d heard the dangerous undertone in his friend’s voice in the war of brothers.  Their elite sharp shooting group relied on each other, trusted each with their lives and even as the youngest member of his group, Heath instilled in the others a wariness of the barely verbal, deadly teenager.


While searching a farm in preparation of bivouacking one evening, one of the men in their unit sought to satisfy his lust with the woman who was left behind while her confederate husband fought away from home.  The teenager’s disagreement of the man’s intentions was felt quickly and harshly in the form of his rifle butt crashing against his peer’s leg after his verbal warning had no effect, effectively crippling the man’s advance on the terrified woman cringing in a corner of her kitchen.


By the time they’d reached the steps of the house after hearing the scream of pain from the bolts shooting up their peer’s leg, the teenager’s voice rang out and sent a ripple of fear down their spines.  The youngest of their group, innocent in the ways of loving between a man and woman, became an avenger of justice for those needing protection in a time of turmoil and anxiety throughout the country.


For the others in the unit, it was precisely at that moment where the innocent youngster’s persona changed and turned further towards a battle embittered man like those around him.   Never again had such an event occurred in their unit, the offender sent off to serve with a different squad after the commanding officer heard of the near violent injustice.


Unit cohesiveness was above all a necessity for effectiveness of their missions.  Until the failed future mission and Heath’s capture, all in the unit watched as the toll of his skills steeled the blond’s heart against the warring in his soul over dispatching the grim reaper to many an unsuspecting enemy.


“He went in here.  Tracks are real fresh.  Within the hour.” said Heath softly pulling the few faint horse hairs hanging from a bush and dropping them to the ground, the strands floating in the air for a brief moment.


“I smell smoke.  Split up?” suggested Charlie quietly receiving a sharp nod before motioning with his hands, silently splitting the Barkley males and the four hands with them in two groups.


Heath shoved the reins of his horse into Charlie’s hand and pulled out his twin guns, moving through the bushes on foot following the faint trail.  Hesitating for only a moment, Tom led his other sons and two of the hands to the right while Charlie led the remaining two in the opposite direction.  Shifting his pistol to his left hand, Tom wiped his hand on his shirt before retaking a firm grip on the wooden handle.  The patriarch moved the group down the trail before dismounting and tying off his horse.  Not stopping to make sure the others were with him, he headed into the trees skirting around clumps of brush and over deadfalls.


Steel blue eyes found the dead man before they swept the camp, the shouted curse of anger and fury at the deserted area filled the air as the others came in view from the opposite sides.  The eyes of the other crew members shifted away in disgust from their friend who lay with unseeing eyes looking upwards.  Charlie broke off and left the others, swinging a wide circle around the camp to cast for more sign.


Standing with his arms hanging by his side, Heath’s knuckles were white from the grip on his colts, his body trembling from the overwhelming sense of loss gripping his heart and sickening his stomach.  He could’ve sworn he sensed his little girl’s presence about the camp and he couldn’t stop the tears from filling his eyes.   Reaching up with his right hand, he lay his wrist across his face and swallowed the sob welling up inside.


“We’ll find her, Heath.” promised Nick not looking at the body of Brahma, leaving the task to his father and brother.  Tentatively, Nick lay a hand on the shaking shoulder of his brother, unable to fathom what the younger man was going through, only knowing it was a thousand times worse than he as an uncle felt.


“Don’t.” hissed Heath moving away from the touch of the man beside him.  “Just don’t.”


“Heath.” whispered Nick glancing over to his father who shook his head slightly after hearing the exchange, warning his middle son to give the blond who was daggling by an emotional tether some space.


“Charlie!” called Heath taking three more steps away, missing the holsters hanging from his hips at the first attempt to put his guns away.  Taking in a shaky breath and letting it out slowly, the pistols found their home and both hands reached up to wipe the emotion off his face.


“Found it!” answered Charlie from the interior of the trees.  “Heading south!”


Heath turned on his heel and glanced at the family of men he’d recently found before gesturing towards the corpse, demanding in a firm voice.  “He one of yours?”


Tom’s face flinched slightly at the question before replying, “Yes he’s one of our hands or was, Heath.”


“His name was Brahma.” offered Jarrod intense blue eyes studying his youngest brother, becoming increasingly concerned at the paleness on his face and the narrowed hard eyes.


“You’d best do something with it.” said Heath as he headed towards Charlie who appeared leading their horses.  “Don’t want no animals to get sick from his carcass.”


Tom quickly dispatched one of the hands to take Brahma back to Stockton and to advise the sheriff to wire the towns south of them to keep an eye out for his small blond granddaughter before hurrying to their horses to catch up with the two old friends already on the new trail.




Evangeline sat on the bed by her son, her fingers brushing up and down his arm as she watched the family physician examine the still boy.  Her azure eyes glancing between the healer and her son, trying to read the stoic face of the man through her tears.


Howard finished stitching the cut on the small face, his fingers gently laying a small white bandage over the area and wrapped it around the blond head, carefully knotting it in place before placing the towel with ice against the swelling.


Thad, Victoria and Audra hovered around the bed, all eyes filled with anxiety and questions.  Silas took the porcelain basin with bloody water out of the room, returning quickly with a new one and poured more of the pitcher’s contents into it.  Wringing his hands, the old man of ebony waited and prayed for the twins he loved as much as the others in his family.


“We’ll know as soon as he wakes up.” advised Howard softly, wishing he could offer more to the young mother who stared with eyes begging for a prognosis of good.




Chapter 86


Evangeline hovered beside the bed, alternating between sitting and pacing the spacious guest room.  Stopping at the bag where she’d left it on a chair the night before, she brushed back tears when she pulled the tiny nightdress from where Heather had shoved it in after putting on her clothes.  Holding it to her breast with both hands, the lids on the light colored eyes closed and she sent a silent prayer upwards for her family, separated into three parts by the heinous act.


She shifted her thoughts to concentrate on her daughter’s face when it started pondering the unanswered questions as to her little girl’s welfare.  No, she wouldn’t allow such dark thoughts to take her over.  She needed to stay positive and focused, not lose hope over the kidnapping.


Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and slowly folded the dress made from a cotton material with a design of small flowers.  A smile lifted her lips remembering Heather’s excitement when she finished the night dress.  It was a small replica of one she had and her daughter had been so thrilled to have a night dress like her mama.


“It’s like yours mama!” exclaimed Heather, her small hands reaching out to reverently finger the soft material.  Evan glanced up from where he lay on the floor studying a picture book, quickly deducing the night dress was of no interest to him and returned to his activity.  “I’s gonna sleep in it every night just like you do mama!”


Evangeline glanced over towards Heath after he cleared his throat loudly from where he read the paper, his blue eyes sparking with amusement and she blushed subconsciously at his smirk and broad wink before turning her eyes away.


“Are ya’ wearing ya’s tonight mama?” asked Heather not noticing her mother’s distractions at the low chuckle from her husband.


“Yes, I am, honey.” stated Evangeline, not able to meet the smiling face across the room and inwardly cursing the rush of pink to her cheeks.


“Can I put it on now?” begged Heather, her eyes brimming with excitement as she shifted from foot to foot.  “Please, mama?”


“Sure you can, Heather.  Maybe mama’ll put hers on too.” suggested Heath quietly enjoying the flush to his life partner’s face while she tried to ignore the passion in his eyes.


“Mama can’t right now, Heather.  I still have some work to do in the kitchen for the morning.” explained Evangeline, not surprised when her daughter’s excitement made the denial insignificant.  “Why don’t you run along and get dressed for bed.  You too, Evan.”


“Just cause she got a new nightdress, why do I have to get ready for bed?” moaned Evan as he slowly shut the book.


“Cause it’s time for bed, son.” said Heath.  “Do what your mama says and maybe I’ll read an extra long story before lights are out.”


“Yeah!” shouted both twins scampering out of the living room and up the stairs, shouting at each other to hurry.


Taking a seat at the table and wrapping the thread around the holder, Evangeline cleared the table and stored the contents in her sewing basket, trying to act nonchalant at the long fingers which ran up the outside of her arms, biting at her lip to stop her smile from breaking through.  Moving from behind her, Heath straddled the bench and leaned forward, blowing against the exposed skin on her neck.


“Heath.” chastised Evangeline after the gentleness of the air was followed by his lips.  “Hmmm.”


“You’re not gonna wear it tonight, are you Ange?” whispered Heath in her ear, the warm breath on her skin melting her inside.


“I might.” replied Evangeline with difficulty as his fingers caressed the small of her back.  “If you’re not done with the story in fifteen minutes, I will.”


Chuckling softly, he pulled her face towards him and left her breathless before he jumped up and ran to the stairs, shouting at the top of his lungs,  “You kids  better be all set cause papa’s on his way!”


Taking a deep breath to calm her fluttering heart, Evangeline smiled and shook her head, mumbling as she rushed to finish the chores in the kitchen, “I should wear it just to see your face.”


Thad walked silently across the room, the faraway look on his daughter’s face crushing his heart.  Pulling her into his side with a strong arm, he placed a tender kiss on her auburn hair.


“Heath’ll find her, honey.” assured Thad while his daughter turned to wrap her arms around her father, needing his strength to take away the fear inside.  “He won’t stop til Heather is safe and at home.”


“I know, daddy.” whispered Evangeline, her throat raw from crying and her eyes still had to blink away more tears.  “I just want everything to be like it was before…before…”


“Before Leah told Heath who his father was?” suggested Thad pulling his daughter back to look into the shimmery pools of light blue, receiving a hesitant nod and a look of guilt.  “Oh honey, things will never be the same as they were then.  Too many things have happened and you can’t go back.”


“I know.” admitted Evangeline looking at the night dress clutched in her hands.  “These past months have been such a whirlwind and like a nightmare.  I just want it over with…I want peace and calm…not fear and threats.”


Brushing his thumb against his girl’s cheek, Thad sighed heavily and nodded, “Crown will be taken care of, Evangeline.  Men like him eventually get what’s coming to them.  He can’t run forever.”


“And when he stops, Heath’ll be there.” added Evangeline swallowing the lump of dread which settled in her throat, her voice cracking under the strain.  “I want Heather back and I don’t want Heath, Charlie or the Barkleys to be hurt.  I want my son to wake up and demand his favorite dessert, chocolate cake.  It’s not that much to ask, is it?”


Pulling her against his chest, Thad squeezed his eyes shut against his own tears threatening to spill out, running his hand down his daughter’s hair as she sobbed against his shirt.


“No, it’s not too much to ask.” answered Thad in a soft voice.  “It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”




Josiah looked down at the child whose deathgrip on the saddlehorn had loosened after her eyes closed, his arm across her small body keeping her in place before him.  The morning had passed quickly and he pushed his horse, wanting to put as much distance between the body left behind and the pursuers he knew were sure to be on his trail.  Trying to avoid as much contact as possible with others who could be traveling the same way, he had turned his mount into the trees, urging the horse to reach a high point where he could scan the area behind him for a distance.


The hooves of the large animal struggled on the loose soil of the steep grade, his muscles taxed from the exertion required of the day so far.  The roan leapt forward digging his hind feet into the shifting earth with a burst of speed and the world slowed as if mired in quicksand when a misstep into a hidden hole snapped the left foreleg of the massive animal.  Josiah didn’t have time to curse his bad fortune as the horse stumbled, throwing itself and its riders to the left.


Thad and Evangeline startled at the scream from the bed where Evan lay, his eyes open and his hands reaching outward.






Chapter 87


The area around the tree lined steep grade filled with an unholy scream of pain.  The serene peace of the early afternoon was sharply broken.  Josiah kicked free of the stirrups and jumped off the back of the falling beast, rolling on the inconsistent texture of the steep grade, losing his hold on the girl who’d been riding with him.  The cascading loose soil and rocks continued til their shifting ceased and the dust filtered upwards while the peace returned to the environment as it had been only minutes before.


Coming to a stop her blue innocent eyes darted around, searching for her brother after hearing him screaming her name in her head.  A small hand reached up to brush her hair from her face and Heather stared at the area at the bottom of the hill.  The blue eyes widened at the unfamiliarity and suddenly the small child remembered what had happened before her eyes.  Shakily climbing up to her feet, the tiny body shook with the oncoming sobs of fear from deep inside.   The sound of the injured animal stopped her sobs, causing only whimpers to come out while she turned to look towards the horse.  Her eyes widened at the sight of the man lying beside the downed horse, not moving.


Josiah Crown refilled his lungs of the precious air which had been forced out of them at the hard landing from the fall off his horse  before slowly blinking and wincing at the jolted parts of his body.  His breath hitched in his chest and he bit his bottom lip at the fierce pain in his left forearm.  Struggling to his knees while clutching the shattered limb to his chest, he cradled it with his right hand and fought down the bile rising up into his throat.


The roan’s sides heaved and his eyes rolled upwards in their sockets, from the pain he didn’t understand keeping him on the ground.  The dark haired man saw the eyes beseeching him after the large head lifted to plead before it laid down again.


Opening a couple buttons on his shirt, he gently placed the hand of the broken limb inside to keep it level and stable against his body.  Swallowing several times, he couldn’t keep his groan of pain from escaping.  His keen hearing picked up the whisper of sound behind him and to the right side.  Glancing quickly over his shoulder and trying to move at the same time, Josiah cried out at the fire stealing his breath away as his body protested harshly.


The fear and confusion of the foreign area disappeared when the man glanced over his shoulder after coming up onto his knees.  Wide eyes widened considerably before the look in them turned to sheer panic at the familiar face.  Heather knew this man…he was the one who made her papa very angry….the bad man who chased them from their home and hurt people.  Her mouth opened and she unconsciously stepped backward from the evilness she felt coming off him in waves.


Crown clenched his jaw tight as a bear trap and pushed himself to his feet, fighting the desire to simply lay down and escape the pain in his body.  Turning to face the tiny girl whose mouth hung open in terror, he took  a step forward, stopping when she backed away and screamed at the top of her lungs.


“I’m not going to hurt you.” said Josiah, holding out his right hand and trying to keep from further scaring his leverage as he moved closer.  “Come here, girl.  It’ll be alright.  I won’t hurt you little one.”


Shaking her head negatively several times, Heather couldn’t stop the tears from falling and her continued screeching cries of fear filled the air.  Each time the adult took a step, her small feet moved backwards, barely sinking into the shifting ground beneath her boots.  Her screams were replaced by sobs of fear and her orbs stared widely as he tried to advance, the slick bottoms of his boots slipping occasionally.


Josiah watched in frustration as each step he took was matched with a backward movement.  The throbbing of his arm each time he exhaled left him trembling with pain and each step of his feet that slipped sent a shock through his body.  Unable to calm the small girl with his words, the ex-prison inmate dropped his right hand and clenched it into a fist.


“Come here!” demanded Josiah harshly, not able to stop his words from being filled with anger as the child flinched and moved away again.  “NOW!”


“NO!” screamed Heather suddenly turning and her short legs broke out into a run, not looking back at the man she could feel coming after her.


Tom swore loudly as they caught sight of the horse they’d been trailing after they had to part company with Nick, Charlie and Heath.  The confusing path they’d followed and the reason was now clear to the small group.  The horse was wandering aimlessly since there was no rider on his back to direct him.   Jarrod and the hands felt their stomachs lurch up in their throats at the sight of Brahma’s riderless horse.  The group turned as one after capturing the loose animal and spurred their tired mounts back the way they’d come.  The patriarch’s jaw twitched and he was thankful Nick and Charlie were with his youngest son.


Nick stole a glance at the profile of his younger brother, hazel eyes filled with concern for this man and his niece.  The rancher wouldn’t fathom any other outcome to this day other than bringing Heather home safe to her twin brother who he was sure would be awake and waiting for his sister.  Nick watched as the blond had steadily withdrawn inside himself as time passed and they were no closer to who they were seeking.   Nick was as fearful and worried at the thought of the little girl in the hands of Josiah Crown as her father was.


Charlie walked slowly and studied the meadow grasses, dark eyes searching for any miniscule evidence as to a horse’s passing.  The changing terrain was making it increasingly difficult to follow the once clear trail.   Each delay to refind the path taken caused the air of despair surrounding his friend to increase tenfold.   All three of them knew each second spent relocating the trail increased the possibility of not catching up to Crown and Heather, it increased his chances of escape.


Heath stared ahead trying to control the overpowering fear gripping his stomach, clawing at his heart.  He had long since stopped feeling the renewed pain in his side, his body protesting the effect of his ride on his still healing injury.  Ignoring the weakness sneaking up, his thoughts were only filled with the faces of his two children, matching in features and yet, different in personality.


His son was the gentler and calmest of the twins.  His compassion for life, animals and those around him could already be seen in his tiny soul.  Evan mirrored the child he himself had been until the citizens of Strawberry broke his innocence with their harsh reality.  Taking it upon themselves to make sure he knew his low status in their community and in their town, his unworthiness as a human being.


His daughter was the adventurer of the two.  She wasn’t afraid to allow her voice to be heard and often was the one pushing her brother to cross over an invisible line with more than just a toe, she wanted the whole foot across.  Heather almost seemed unafraid of her parent’s disapproval in her quest for challenges.  More times than not Thad smiled apologetically to him at Heather’s antics, remarking how much she reminded him of Evangeline at that age.


The moisture behind his eyes hadn’t left or dried with the passing of the sun over their heads.  Heath struggled to keep a tight rein on the emotions waiting to be unleashed knowing to become careless and reckless wouldn’t get his little girl back.   He felt as part of his soul had been replaced with a pitch coal blackness.  He couldn’t imagine not finding Heather and the unknown condition of his little boy tormented him.  Closing his eyes for just a moment, his shoulders slumped a bit further and he make a conscious effort to shake his head, forcing the despair down a little more deeper and seeking for hope to replace it.


“I can’t find the trail, Heath.” said Charlie after a loud curse broke through the father’s thoughts and a hand reached up to touch Heath’s clothed leg, before his thumb gestured to the meadow before them.  “I’m sorry.”


“Not your fault, Charlie.” informed the blond before glancing around at the area surrounding the meadow, the urge to scream and demand his friend find the trail had to be stifled as it rushed upwards.


Heath fully understood the difficult task his friend was undertaking amid the pressure cooker they were all in.  Gesturing to the sides of the meadow, the blond said quietly after turning his pale face towards the rancher on his left, “We can search the sides while Charlie goes over the meadow again.”


Wanting to keep Heath in his sight and the fear of straying from his side surged up within the larger man but Nick agreed with a quick decisive nod.  “Left or right, Heath?”


Tilting his head slightly at the pulling of the area to his right on his soul, Heath stated softly, “Right.”


Turning his modoc, the blond pushed the animal to the tree line, dismounting slowly before leading the black horse behind him as his eyes scoured the ground.  The blue eyes painstakingly went over the area as he walked, stopping suddenly.  Turning his face to the interior of the trees, Heath’s heart clenched at the faint scream of terror he heard.




Chapter 88


Nick felt the geyser of emotion exploding and knew it was from one of his brothers before he stopped in his tracks to look across the meadow.  The rancher’s heart leapt into his throat at the sight of Heath vaulting into the saddle and disappearing into the trees.  He didn’t even have a second to wonder where his injured brother found the stamina to pull off the leap as he rushed to Coco and raced towards the opposite side of the green oasis.  Charlie heard a shout and his eyes found the frantically waving rancher’s form on the galloping horse.  The high cheek boned copper skinned man reached the trees only a few moments after they swallowed up Nick’s form.


Heath urged his mount through the scattered trees of the area surrounding the meadow, blue eyes searching the vegetation for any sign of the owner to the scream of terror.  In his thundering heart, the father in him knew it was his little girl’s voice and his mouth went dry with fear.  Breaking free from the tree, he slowed and stood in his stirrups scanning the base at the steep grade before him.


“Yah!” urged Heath loudly, the call and the prodding of his heels into the modoc’s side startled the horse who sprang forward with a surge of power up the grade.


The horse beneath him was mountain bred and sure on the slippery sections of the slope, his hooves instinctively finding the right places to set down and steadily make it’s way upwards.  Pulling up sharply on the reins, Heath took in the horse with the broken leg laying off to the side barely hidden by a dip in the side of the hill.


Desperately looking around from the advantage of his horse’s height, the lids on his blue eyes narrowed, his mouth thinned into a hard line and he roughly turned the head of his mount.  Following the contour of the hill to the movement he’d caught disappearing over the rise, he clearly heard the panic in Heather’s voice as he neared.  Jumping from the saddle, he half stumbled to his knees before catching his movement and scrambling to the top of the rise.


Heather leaned against a rock three times taller than her, screaming as each time she moved the bad man edging closer cut off her escape.  His face was red and his eyes burned, his voice short and filled with fury.


“Get over here or you’ll be sorry!” threatened Josiah, the pain in his arm finding a way to explode inside his head with each movement of the chase and any resemblance of patience was at an end.  “Now!”


“Stay away!” screamed Heather, the wet streaks cutting through the dirt on her cheeks.  Trying again, she dodged to the left before suddenly turning right, her ploy easily read by the adult.  Sobbing and panic filled, the tiny blond suddenly blinked unable to believe what she saw and her mouth opened.


Crown comprehended quick as a hummingbird wing the child before him blinking and staring to the area past him before he felt himself being propelled forward, two arms wrapped around his body from behind.


“PAPA!” screamed Heather shaken from the feeling of salvation as her father’s body collided with the bad man.


Heath and Crown flew past Heather, the force of the movement sending the men forward five feet further down the embankment to land with a hard jolt on the ground.  Stealing a glance to his daughter while standing above Crown, Heath shouted and gestured towards the area past her.




“Papa!” sobbed Heather only wanting to be in her father’s arms.


“RUN GIRL!” ordered Heath before turning to the man in front of him who was pushing himself to his knees with his right hand, unable to stop his groans of pain.


Hesitating just a moment before turning, Heather ran to the top of the hill, her hands scrapping and stinging when she stumbled going up the hill, her small legs shaking with fear and the air burning her lungs.  Sobbing at the noises and angry words behind her, she was afraid to look, afraid the bad man had gotten away from her papa.


The ground cut her knees after she’d fallen on the top of the rise, her eyes widening with relief at the riders headed her way before she climbed to her feet, screaming as she ran full force down towards them.




Heath kicked the pistol out of Crown’s hand, his boot taking a fair amount of skin from the man’s hand before he reached down and hauled him upwards.  The need for preservation was strong within Josiah and he shook his numb hand before lashing out after he was bodily dragged upwards.


The fist caught Heath on the cheek and he shook off the sudden pain, answering back as he rocked the dark haired head to the left with a powerful backhand.  Dark eyes blinked against the oncoming blackness, the shaking of his body by the blond helping to keep him conscious while his legs tried to find their muscles.


“I’m gonna enjoy this.” hissed Heath, his shimmering pools of blue gone with the overwhelming need for retribution for the past months of torment and hell.


Crown felt a finger paint a yellow streak up his spine, black eyes clearly saw the dangerous teenager he’d known was hidden within the blond over the past years.   The realization of the dormant deadliness he’d unleashed from the past rushed forward and he turned white from the fist which seemed to penetrate his stomach all the way to his backbone.


Retching from the sickness caused by the large fist, Crown jerked his knee upwards and threw his body backwards, catching Heath off guard after he shifted to block the bent leg heading towards his groin and the two men tumbled further down the hill.  Heath gasped for air after he came to a stop against a rock jutting up from the ground, the connection with the hard surface sending shockwaves through his injured side.


Josiah lifted his head, panting from the stabbing jabs of needles all over his body and caught a glimpse of a pistol lying a mere three feet away.  Blue eyes caught sight of the weapon at the same time and Heath scrambled to his feet, kicking the side of the man seeking any sort of leverage in his fight for life.  Crying out, Crown was thrown over to his back and his airway passages slowly closed after Heath jumped on his stomach and two hands found his neck.


Blue eyes filled with hatred and fueled with fury stared as his strong hands slowly crushed the man beneath him, the veins in Crown’s forehead filling and standing out.  Trying to break the hold of the hands on his neck, Josiah’s eyes bulged and he watched the shadowy edges of death filtering in from the sides of his vision.


“HEATH!  DON’T!” screamed Nick tearing at the powerful arms of his brother, trying to break the hold he had on the other man’s neck knowing the vile man on the ground was only seconds away from death.  “HEATHER’S WATCHING!”


Blinking suddenly at the shouted words, Heath stared down at the face of his enemy and released his hold as if the man’s skin was burning his hands.  Nick gently pulled the stunned blond off the unconscious man and held onto his arms, studying the pale face, finding closed blue eyes before the trembling in the broad shoulders beneath his body slowly calmed.


“Heath?” prodded Nick softly, reaching around to squeeze the back of his brother’s neck and opening his eyes.  “You okay?”


“Fine…I’m fine.” replied Heath in a low quivering voice.  “Thanks…for…you know.”


Nodding, Nick smiled, “Anytime little brother.  Now, I think there’s a certain little girl who needs her papa.”


Blue eyes uncaringly filled with tears before Nick turned him around and he headed over towards Heather, falling to his knees and capturing the small blond who’d flown towards him.  Kissing her cheeks, her hair and her eyes, Heath wrapped his crying daughter in his arms, his body shaking and he sobbed with happiness as she clung to him.


Nick brushed the moisture from his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat before turning from the heart clutching reunion and glaring at the unaware man on the ground.  Gesturing to Charlie, they worked together and dragged the ex-con over to the shade of a boulder after searching him for weapons.


With his cheek resting on the top of the blond head, Heath closed his eyes and rocked Heather in his arms, unwilling to relinquish his hold on her tiny form even though she’d stop crying from fear.


“I’s just wanted ta feed the babies.” whispered Heather the words muffled against his shirt.


“Shhhh, it wasn’t your fault.” soothed Heath uncaring at the moment for the reason only glad she was back in his arms.  “I was real scared when we couldn’t find ya’.”


“I’s sorry, papa.” said Heather pulling back to look into the red rimmed eyes, her bottom lip quivering.  “I’s wanna go home, papa.  Evan’s waiting fer me.  He’s scared too.”


“Let’s get your uncles and then we’ll go.”




Chapter 89


“Charlie, is it done?” asked Nick quietly keeping his voice low so it wouldn’t reach the ears of his niece who was whimpering as her father gently cleaned her scraped hands and knees.


Nodding, the half breed sighed and thrust his rifle back in the scabbard on his saddle.  “Too bad that horse broke its leg, it looked like it came from good stock.”


“Yeah, it’s a shame.” admitted Nick with a deep sigh before scowling darkly at the pale face of the ex con watching them, gesturing with his hand.  “I sure don’t cotton having to ride back home with that in the saddle with one of us.  Another horse would be welcome right now, hell even a stray jackass would do.”


“You wanna draw for it?” suggested Charlie with disgust at the thought of sharing his horse with Crown before gracing Nick with a nasty smile.  “Or we could finish what Heath started?  Save the public some money on the trial.”


“As tempting as the offer sounds, I reckon we’d better draw matches.” replied the rancher with regret before clapping the smaller man on the shoulder.  “Com’n, little brother can help.”


Heath’s strong fingers moved the blue cloth soaked in water tenderly over his daughter’s marred skin, valiantly blinking back tears at the tiny whimpers as he tried to sooth the pain away with his quivering voice.   The skinned areas weren’t bad and would heal in no time.  Letting out a deep sigh, he was thankful to the heavens above his little girl had survived the terrifying day relatively unscathed physically.  Emotionally his concern heightened itself each time Heather’s body trembled when her eyes fell upon the bad man lying unconscious in the background.  Heath had deliberately lifted his daughter and positioned her back towards Crown, brushing back a stray lock of feather soft blond curl.


“Papa’s here, Heather.  I won’t let him hurt you ever again.” reassured Heath with a smile, pleased at the eyes which showed she believed his every word.


“Can we go now, papa?  Evan’s waitin’.”


Smiling to himself, Heath felt lightness surrounding him and to his tired blue eyes, the world around seemed crisper and sharper in color.  He hadn’t question Heather’s statement about Evan being awake and anxious for their return home, his twins had a knack of sensing each other when they were apart.  He didn’t know how it occurred, it simply did and their bond was all the stronger for it.  He knew Ange by now would know Heather was okay from Evan and pacing the floors til he brought her little girl home.


“Sure after I get you all bandaged up.” replied Heath moving his vest aside to rip the bottom of his shirt tail.


“Papa, ya’s bleedin’.” said Heather loudly, her eyes turning worried at the blood showing on his shirt after he’d moved his vest.


Looking down at the spot on his shirt, Heath smiled and moved the brown vest back in place, “Don’t you worry none about it, mama’ll fix it up when we get back.”


“Fix what up?” asked Nick overhearing his younger brother’s words to his daughter before he crouched down and tousled her soft curls affectionately.


“Papa’s bleeding, Uncle Nick.” informed Heather as she watched her hands being engulfed in blue cloth.


“It’s nothing.” countered Heath feeling the hazel eyes on him before he even looked up after tying a knot in the impromptu bandages around his daughter’s tiny hands.


Nick reached under his brother’s arm and pulled back the vest, revealing the stain covering Heath’s side before putting a smile on his tanned face after his hand was slapped away.


“Ah, that ain’t nothing, Heather.  It’s just a scratch.” said Nick reaching over and brushing his fingers over her dirt laden cheek, his smile not reaching his concerned eyes as he glanced over to Charlie at the sounds of horses approaching.  “We’ll bandage it and your daddy’ll be good as new.”


Charlie’s face smiled with relief at the sight of the leader of the Barkley family leading the other half of their search party towards them.  Looking down, he crouched beside Heather and grinned, “Let’s tell your grandpa and Uncle Jarrod you’re okay while Uncle Nick takes care of papa.”


Heath opened his mouth to protest but saw the matching looks in the face of the other two men and he took in a sigh, knowing the two only wanted to keep his girl from seeing the wound he hadn’t known had reopened.


“Okay.” agreed Heather quickly before she was picked up in the two strong arms and carried towards the approaching group.  Waving with one hand while the other was wrapped around her Uncle Charlie’s neck, her face light up with a welcoming smile.  “Hi Grandpa.  Hi Uncle Jarrod.”


Nick brushed aside the hands which were trying to help open the small ivory buttons on the stained shirt, frowning with concern at the slight trembling in them.  Glancing up, his eyes narrowed at the pallor of his brother’s face before carefully pulling the cloth aside, the sharp intake of breath not missing his keen hearing.


“That was a damn fool thing you did little brother taking off like you did.” chastised Nick in a low voice while his eyes ran over the broken stitches and leaking blood.  “Boy in case you don’t understand it yet, we’re family.  We help one another out.”


“She’s my daughter.” hissed Heath his hands clenching into white knuckled fists at the strong fingers tenderly wiping away the blood.  “My…responsibility.”


“We love her too, Heath.” said Nick quietly keeping the pained gaze on his.  “You’re all a part of us now.  A part of our family.”


“Nick, not now.” muttered Heath pulling his eyes from the tanned face before him and watching the reunion beyond them, confused at the rightness of the scene and yet confused at his reluctance to give into the pulling on his heart.  “I don’t wanna talk about it right now.”


Pursing his lips, Nick nodded as he moved the right hand of his brother to hold the wad of cloth against the injury before wrapping a long strip around the slender waist to hold the cloth in place.  Moving his hand to the back of Heath’s neck, Nick squeezed slightly causing the blue orbs to look at him.


“I know since we’ve met things haven’t been exactly calm or peaceful but if you’re willing to give us a chance to be a whole family, I know you won’t be disappointed and heck, you might even like it.” said Nick with a hopeful smile before moving his hand down to one of the broad shoulders.  “Can you make it to your feet?”


“Yeah, I can.” assured Heath softly glad for the given assistance as he shakily climbed to his feet in time to find grateful brown eyes wracking over him.


“Let’s go home, son.” said Tom unashamed of the tears shimmering in his eyes before he drew his youngest son into a soft hug for a long minute.


Moving away from the father and son, Nick directed the hands with them to tie Crown into the saddle of the extra horse they brought and to start off for Stockton to deliver the man into Sheriff Maden’s custody.  Jarrod moved over to his blond brother and squeezed his shoulder, expressive blue eyes and a warm smile working its way into the hesitate heart before him.


“Are you okay, brother Heath?” questioned Jarrod softly as he walked by his brother’s side to the horses where Heather and Charlie were waiting.


Stopping for just a moment, Heath paused and nodded, offering for the attorney’s ears only a cryptic reply, “Better than I got a right to be.”




Chapter 90


Nick caught Jarrod’s furrowed forehead at the low words he couldn’t decipher coming from his blond brother.  The words were enough to stop his big brother in his tracks while Heath continued to his horse, reaching up and slowly pulling himself into the leather seat.  Taking in a couple shallow breaths, the blond nodded and wrapped his arm around his little girl after Charlie lifted her upwards.


Holding Heather in front of him, Heath glanced over his shoulder to the two hands who were leading Crown off, lashed none too gently into the saddle, towards Stockton.  Looking down into the dark eyes of his former peer unit, the blond motioned with his head and blue eyes sent his request with no verbal action required.  Mounting and turning his horse, the half breed nudged the animal into a gallop and quickly caught up with the small group heading in the other direction, riding beside the horse carrying Josiah Crown.


“What was that about, Heath?” asked Tom having caught the non conversation between the two old friends.


“Just making sure Josiah doesn’t get a chance to slither away before they get him to Stockton.” stated Heath with a shrug.  “Better safe than sorry.”


“You do have a point there son.” admitted the patriarch with a frown before looking over the faces of all his sons, his brown eyes reflecting his pride at the three men before him.  Smiling tenderly into the wide blue eyes of his granddaughter, Tom asked, “You ready to go home, Heather?”


Nodding, the petite blonde smiled and glanced up into her father’s down turned head, “Can we ride fast papa?  Like ta wind?”


Chuckling, Heath shook his head and raised his hand to brush the curls from her eyes.  “Not today, honey.  The horse has had a long day and is tired but we’ll be back before you know it.  How about you help me with the reins?”


Accepting her father’s words, Heather smiled and placed her small hand over the large one holding the reins, settling into the comfort zone found in her papa’s arms.  Starting off, Heath found Nick by his side and they lead the way back to the ranch with Jarrod and their father falling back, keeping a distance of at least six feet between them.


The father and his first born son were in a conversation of what if’s and how to’s.  What if Heath didn’t want to stay in Stockton with his family?  How can they keep him part of their lives now that the man seeking his deadly retribution was on his way to jail?  What if the kidnapping ordeal made the children afraid to be on the ranch?  How can you give back innocence that had been taken away?  Neither of the men had the answers and they fell into a deep brooding silence.


Nick glanced over and smiled at the sight of Heather asleep in her father’s arm.  The events of the day finally catching up with the tiny girl.  Heather shifted slightly in the saddle and hazel eyes caught the grimace of pain flashing quick as a blink of an eye across the pale face of his brother.


“Let me take her, Heath.” suggested Nick in a low voice.  “You don’t look like you’re gonna stay in the saddle much longer.”


Shaking his head, the blond sighed and answered, “No, I’m fine Nick.  I don’t wanna ever let her go.  I don’t want my children to suffer because of me, because of what I did before.”


“You’re a good father, little brother and you can’t control everything around you.” stated the dark haired rancher before letting a small smile lift the corner of his mouth.  “You’re a blessed man, Heath.  Two wonderful children, a beautiful wife and a support system of friends.  You have so much of what really counts in life and it scares me.”


“Scares you?  Why?” queried the blond, the reminder of his pained body gone with the questions filling his head at his brother’s words.


Letting out a loud sigh, Nick felt his shoulders slump slightly and he turned his eyes away from the puzzled blue orbs drilling into his, his low voice shaking with the doubts filling him.  “I don’t want to have to…compete…with what you have found in your life already…I’m just afraid you may think you have enough and…well…you won’t need...want…ah…dammit.”


The man who seemed at times able to fill up the space of the largest room in the mansion he called home, the confident swaggering rancher who would crawl on the floor and play like the four year old twins, delighting in their laughter couldn’t get the words out to describe the knot of loss lingering deep in his gut.


The puzzled look faded from the blue eyes and the blond heard so much more than the words in the stammered statement.  He heard what was in Nick Barkley’s heart and a feeling welled up at this strong man’s willingness to lay bare his inner soul for his newest brother to see.  He took a chance not too many men would allow others to see, afraid their fear or weakness could be used against them.


Heath had thought the sense of pride he felt when he looked upon his small family could never be overpowered by anything and he realized in that single moment…he was wrong.  His heart was exploding with a depth of emotion he never imagined possible…it was different…almost tangible.


It was the stark realization Nick was afraid of losing him…him…Heath Thomson…as a brother.  The blond didn’t know what it was called but he knew he’d never felt anything as powerful before in his life and he didn’t want to lose it….he didn’t want to let free the feeling of soaring above the world which was overtaking him.  He was blessed to have been given his small family and now, he was blessed again with the others who wanted to reach out and pull him closer.


Nick glanced over to his father and Jarrod, all eyes were filled with concern at the blond who had stopped his horse and appeared to be staring at nothing.  His face in deep thought and his head tilted as if concentrating on some elusive shadowy idea.  Hazel eyes blinked when suddenly a deep sigh escaped Heath.


“It’s written that if a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.” stated Heath softly, flashing a lop-sided grin to the man beside him before moving his eyes over the face of his father and eldest brother.


“So many months ago, I was so certain I wanted retribution for the life I never had as a child…a name…a heritage…a normal family with a father and mother.  In god’s honest truth, I expected to be doubted by our father for that is what I would have done if I was in his boots.  I would have doubted me too if some grown man appeared out of nowhere claiming to be his bastard.  I used my anger to fuel what I thought I wanted and deserved.”  smirked Heath glancing down to the little girl in his arms.


“My doubts over the past months have always been riding on my shoulders, in the back of my mind trying to chip away at what I didn’t want to believe or hear.  Doubts about what would happen when this whole mess was put behind me…behind us.  I’m certain now that seeking retribution was only an excuse for that little boy from the mining camp still deep inside me….only the façade for what I really wanted.”


“What was that Heath?” prodded Tom the words from his son keeping him hopeful and intrigued.  “What do you really want, son?”


Looking into the brown eyes of the father he’d recently come to know, the blond smiled tenderly, “I want it all, father.  I want to be the son of Thomas Barkley and a brother to Nick, Audra and Jarrod Barkley.  To have that would be the sweetest retribution of all.”




Chapter 91


The horizon before them was painted in a soft array of colors, the lowering sun behind the small cavalcade lit up the mansion looming in the distance, ricocheting the rays off the panes of glass.  Heather’s excitement at the house in the distance overrode her father’s relief at the realization of the nearing end of the ride and the thought of the soft bed waiting for him.  Smiling slightly at the unusual desire to look forward to laying in bed without the comfort of his wife driving his urge, the blond let out a small sigh and shook his head.


Nick glanced over and noticed the small quirky smile on his pale brother’s face, hazel eyes flicked over the clenched jaw muscles and the rancher leaned over from where he was riding beside the modoc to whisper loudly.  “Bet that bed’s looking real good about now, huh, little brother?”


Surprised the man beside him was able to seemingly read his thoughts and desires, Heath nodded, “Boy howdy, where’d you pick up mind reading, Nick?”


“Just one of those hidden big brother talents.” offered Nick nonchalantly.


Chuckling softly, the blond raised an eyebrow in amusement, “Really?  What other hidden talents you got that I should know about?”


Taking a deep breath and sitting up straighter in the saddle, the dark haired man thrust out his chest and smirked, “Well now, little brother, there’s just too many to list off right now.  If I told you all my secrets, what fun would that be?  You’ll just have to find out and I hope you give us a lot of years for that to happen.”


Glancing upwards and fresh from her nap, Heather chastised, “That ain’t nice, Uncle Nick.”


Puzzled, Nick looked down into the small angelic face and queried with a smile, “What ain’t nice, Heather?”


“Sayin’ ya’ got secrets.” replied the tiny girl seriously.  “Mama says it ain’t nice ta tease.”


“Well…uh…I really don’t have any secrets.” replied Nick wincing at the blue eyes which widened immensely and the rancher immediately realized his mistake, his cheeks burned red at the stern look the petite girl nailed him with.


“Ya was lyin’!” declared Heather emphatically shaking her head several times.  “Uncle Nick!”


Heath clamped his mouth shut to keep the laughter from escaping, his shoulders shaking at the look of entrapment on the dark haired man’s face.  Deciding to take the heat off his brother, the blond looked down into his daughter’s face.  “Heather, that’s just how brothers tease each other.  Uncle Nick was just trying to tell papa a tall tale.”


Frowning at her father, Heather looked up suspiciously and asked, “Is a tall tale like ya fish story, papa?  The one mama laughs at?”


Rolling his eyes, Heath looked over at Nick who was almost sitting sideways in the saddle with a smirk on his face, anxiously waiting for his little brother’s reply.


“That wasn’t a tall tale, honey.  It was true.” replied Heath with a smile.


“Mama says it is.” countered Heather in confusion.


“I know Heather.” said Heath a little sharper than he meant to and his daughter’s bottom lip trembled before her eyes filled with tears.  “I’m sorry, honey.  Papa didn’t mean to sound like a grouchy old bear with a tooth ache.”


“Papa, if’en a bear got a toothache can he still eat ya’?” questioned Heather.


“I reckon so cause he’s got lots of other teeth and claws” answered the blond, biting back a wince when Heather’s elbow dug into his side after she shifted forward.  Nick cast a worried look to the face which paled more from the unintentional blow and leaned sideways, “Let me take her Heath.”


Shaking his head, Heath gestured to the house nearing with every step of the horse’s legs, “We’re almost there, Nick.  I’m okay.”


Nick sighed and nodded, his face showing his displeasure at the stubbornness of the man who rode beside.  The rancher felt a rush of extreme relief when they directed the horses through the gate and up the drive, watching as one of the hands who spotted their group ran across the ranch yard to the main house.  The door opened and the front stoop was filled with the family left behind.


Pulling up in front of the house, Heather cried out for her mama.  Thad glanced upwards, his eyes spilling tears of relief and thankfulness before squeezing the thigh of his son-in-law then taking his granddaughter after she was handed to him.  Kissing her cheeks, Thad carried Heather to her mama and placed her in the waiting arms.


“Heather!  Heather!” cried Evangeline, wrapping the tiny girl in her arms and clutching her firmly.


Dismounting, Nick quickly tied off his horse and Heath’s before reaching up to help his unsteady brother down from the saddle.  Jarrod appeared and held onto Heath’s right arm prepared if the blond’s shaky legs gave out under him.  Evan appeared from behind his mother and Heath stopped, gasping at the small boy who flashed him a lop-sided.  Shrugging off his brothers’ hold on him, Heath went to his knees as his son started forward.  Reaching out and touching the small bandage around the blond head, Heath pulled Evan into his arms.


“Evan, papa was worried about you.”


“I’s fine papa.  Mama says I got a hard head like you.” reassured Evan placing a kiss on his daddy’s cheek before scowling.  “Ya don’t look too good, papa.”


Chuckling softly, Heath wrapped his son in his arms again and looked over into the warm loving eyes of his wife.  Tom drew his wife and daughter further against him, looking around at the family and the crew watching the reunion.  No eyes were dry and several sniffles sounded in the yard.  Heath swayed slightly and released his son who turned to find his twin and give her a hug, their smiles shining in the fading light of the day.


Tom and Victoria wiped their eyes before making their way to where Nick and Jarrod had taken places by their brother’s side to assist him to his feet.  Thad, Evangeline and Audra lead the children into the house and up the grand staircase with the brothers following.


“Heath, you and Evan are going to bed right this instant.” commanded Evangeline over her shoulder, surprised at the lack of protest from her husband and son.


Audra and Thad took the children into the water closet to clean up Heather’s dirt laden face and rebandage her scraps.   Heath welcomed his brothers’ help as they climbed the stairs to the second floor, the landing seemed as far away as the top of a mountain.  Nick let out a huge sigh of relief when they reached the landing without incident and entered the guest room.  Lowering himself on the bed, the blond flashed a grin of gratefulness at the two older men before scowling when Evangeline started hovering and shaking her head at the blood on the bandage after she opened his shirt


“Ange.” protested the blond.  “I’m okay just banged up is all.  Nothing serious, darlin’.”


“The men should have arrived in Stockton by now to turn Crown over to the sheriff.  Dr. Merar is more than likely on his way here, Eva.” stated Tom from where he stood with Victoria at the foot of the bed.


Evangeline nodded, unable to speak from the tears freely flowing over at the reuniting of her family.  Reaching up to wipe the tears from his wife’s face, Heath reassured her softly.  “It’s over now, honey.  Everything’ll be fine now.”


Tom motioned everyone out of the room knowing the couple needed time alone after the stressful separation and extreme emotionally day.  Taking one last glance before he closed the door, the patriarch’s brown eyes filled at the sight of his son and daughter-in-law locked in an embrace of soft steel.


“I was so scared.” admitted Evangeline as she cried against her husband’s shoulder while his hand brushed over her auburn hair.  “Are you sure it’s over?”


Pulling back, Heath nodded before brushing his lips across hers.  “I love you, Ange.”


“I love you too.” whispered Evangeline placing a lingering kiss on his lips.  “Now into bed.”


“Fraid I’m too beat up for that, darlin’.” smirked Heath with a wink, sending a pink blush to her cheeks.


“Stop that.” scolded Evangeline helping her husband out of his dirty shirt and vest before heaping up the pillows for him to recline on.  “Are you hungry?  I can get you something from the kitchen.”


Shaking his head, Heath took hold of her hand and entwined his fingers with hers, admitting softly.  “No, I’m just tired and happy this day is almost behind us.”


Thad knocked on the door and pushed it open at his daughter’s voice to allow the twins dressed in their night clothes to enter before walking over to the bed and clasping his son-in-law’s hand firmly.  “These two little ones demanded to see their mama and papa.”


“Grandpa clean you up good?” asked Heath watching as his twins climbed up on the bed.


“Yep” assured Heather, crawling over to her mother’s waiting arms.


“Aunt Audra helped too.” informed Evan sliding up next to his father to lean his head against his shoulder.


Heath met the brown eyes of his father-in-law and smiled, “Thank you, Thad.”


“For what, Heath?” asked Thad with a puzzled look.


“For caring and being a father these past years to me.  I want you to know I’ll never stop thinking of you as a father, either.” admitted Heath past the lump which suddenly welled in his throat and his eyes filmed with moisture.


Grasping a hold of his son-in-law’s hand, Thad smiled past his own filling eyes before nodding, “I know that, Heath.  We’ll always see each other as father and son.  A person doesn’t need a blood bond to love one another.”


Squeezing the hand he was holding, Thad wrapped his other large paw around it and met the blue eyes blinking against tears before the twins interrupted as they tried to scoot under the covers.  Chuckling at the two miniatures nestled in between their father and mother, the retired banker leaned down and whispered in his son-in-law’s ear.  “I’m thinking a move to California would be good for all of us, Heath.  It’s a lot easier to build on what you’ve found by being closer.”


Surprised the blond nodded slowly before replying, “Are you sure?  You love your ranch.”


Shrugging, Thad looked over to his daughter and grandchildren before nodding positively, “Not as much as I love all of you.  I only want what’s best for you and of course, a few more little ones would be nice.”


A red flush crept up Heath’s neck and Evangeline looked at her father, the twinkle in the brown eyes not giving away any of their whispered conversation.  Clearing his throat, her husband nodded and stammered in embarrassment, “I’ll…uh…see what Ange thinks about that, sir.”


Chuckling, Thad squeezed Heath’s hand once more and winked before he turned to go, “You do that, son.”




Chapter 92


He hovered between the world of waking and sleeping, the sound of a subtle noise in the room gradually worked its way through the fog of drowsiness.  He forced his eyelids to open and blink away the remnants of exhaustion threatening to close them again.   A lop-sided formed on his lips at the sight of the dark eyes anxiously greeting him and he pushed down with his elbow to raise himself, stopping at the sight of the clean bandage wrapped around his waist.


“Doc stitched it again while you were out.” supplied Charlie taking a gentle firm hold of his friend’s shoulders and assisted him to sit on the side of the bed.  “I didn’t think you were ever gonna wake up.”


“What time is it?” asked Heath glancing to the full light of day outside before standing on legs which took a moment to decide to cooperate before they carried him across the room to the dresser.


“After ten.” answered Charlie watching the blond’s guarded movements as he slipped on a clean shirt and asked about the trip to town with Crown while he buttoned it.


“It took all my will power not to slit his throat and bleed him of his black blood.” admitted the half white with a snarl.


“I know the feeling.  If Nick hadn’t stopped me, I would kept on choking the life outta him.” replied the blond with a deep sigh.  “We’ll let the law take care of him.  There’s no need for us to slither down to his level.”


“He’s got something planned, Heath.  I could see it in his eyes.”


Returning  back to the bed, Heath sat and frowned at the words of his former unit peer, slowly pulling on his tan boots.  “We caught him red-handed with Heather, Charlie and heck, we know he was behind nearly everyone in this family getting killed.  Even though he didn’t kill Vern with his hands, he did with his thirst for revenge.  Don’t worry, Crown’s gonna go to prison or if I have my preference he’d hang for everything he’s done.”


“I don’t know.  I got a bad feeling about it.” whispered the dark haired man.  “Josiah was too smug…too confident.”


Standing and squeezing the shoulder of his friend, Heath smiled gratefully, “I’m thankful for you making sure he got to jail, Charlie.  It’s time to put it behind us now.”


Nodding reluctantly, the half cherokee let out a slow sigh, “Alright, Heath.”


“I’m starving.  I don’t suppose any of you left any breakfast for me?” asked Heath clapping his friend on the back.


“The rest of us were up before the sun and putting in a full day.” teased Charlie as he followed the blond into the hallway.  “Some of us don’t have banker’s hours like you.”


“Very funny.” retorted the blond before stating, “Speaking of bankers, our favorite one is thinking of selling the ranch in Nevada and moving here.”


“Sounds good.  There’s nothing left of the ranch in Carson City anyhow.” agreed Charlie before adding an afterthought.  “Which ranch would you live on, Heath?”


Grabbing onto the handrail when his step faltered at the unexpected question, Heath’s eyes narrowed against the sudden pain in his side and let out a low breath.  Looking at the man who stopped and steadied him with a hand clamping onto his arm, the blond’s eyes widened and he stammered, “I couldn’t give up the horse business we been working on these past years, Charlie!”


“I was only thinking out loud seeing as you found your father and all.” assured Charlie quickly at the emotions flickering in his friend’s blue eyes.  “I just wondered if you considered it.”


“Of course, I’d want my son to consider staying here with his brothers and sister.” stated Tom quietly, his deep voice from the bottom of the stairs floating upwards before he slowly climbed the steps to stop in front of his youngest son and smiled.  “Sometimes we don’t always get what we want and we must remember to be grateful for what we have.”


“Father…” frowned Heath.


Holding up a hand to interrupt the blond’s words, Tom shook his head and offered, “Plenty of time for decisions later, son.  Let’s say we see what Silas can rustle up for your breakfast first.”


Letting out a sigh of acquiescence, Heath nodded and followed his father down the remaining steps where Charlie excused himself from the presence of the newly found family members.  In only a few minutes, Heath found himself offering a gentle smile to the elderly black man who’d consciously put himself in harm’s way for he and his family.  The older man’s movements were no longer stiff with pain and the bruising from the beating he’d taken had changed color.


“Sorry for all the trouble, Mr. Silas.  Guess I was more tired than I thought.” apologized Heath savoring the smell wafting up from his plate.


“Tis my pleas’re Mr. Heath.” reassured Silas with a wide smile.  “Now’s ya’ eat up cause ya’ need ta get well now.”


Tom smiled from across the table watching Heath finish the plate of food before settling back and letting out a heavenly sigh.  A puzzled look spread across the blond’s face and he suddenly tilted his head.  “Why is it so quiet in the house?”


Laughing, Tom smiled at the parental worry flashing in the light blue eyes and offered, “Don’t worry, Heath.  The twins are with Eva, Victoria and Audra.  They are out back in the rose garden.  Eva didn’t want them to disturb your rest.”


“Whew, I was worried for a moment.” admitted Heath with a quick grin.  “Usually when they’re quiet, that’s the time to start looking for them.”


“As it is with most children.” said Tom before standing.  “Care to join me in the study?”


“Sure.” agreed Heath pushing himself up slowly and nodding to Silas before following his father from the warm kitchen.


Stepping into the study, Heath walked over to the french doors and smiled as he glimpsed his twins playing with the frogs in the pond again.   Tom opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a piece of paper before walking around to lean on the wooden furniture.


“Heath, I wanted to ask you about something for a while now and this is as good as time as any.”


Turning at his father’s voice, Heath nodded and sank down onto the settee after the older man walked to the high backed chair.  Tom took a deep breath and glanced down to the paper in his hand for a moment.


“Why did you sign the deed over to me before you left to go after Crown?” questioned Tom softly, laying the paper on the table in front of his son.


Staring at it, Heath cleared his throat and shifted on the small couch, “Because I wasn’t sure I’d be back.”


“You weren’t sure you’d be back?  From where?” asked Tom before understanding suddenly lit up his brown eyes.  “Oh, I see.  You were expecting not to survive after you and Crown met.”


“Well, I was hoping I’d live but there was never a guarantee.” stated the blond simply.  “In case it happened, I knew you’d take care of Ange and the kids for me.  Even though I….had doubts about what I thought of you…I never doubted their welfare if they faced a future without me.  I knew you were there as well as Thad.  I never questioned that.”


Brown eyes filled with emotion at the young man whose sudden appearance in their lives sent them whirling out of control.  Now, his presence in their lives and in their hearts would never be taken lightly.  Tom smiled with pride for the man Heath’d grown into because of the lady who dared to raise him with only her love for comfort.


“Your mama was a fine woman, Heath.  A real lady who despite every obstacle facing her had the courage and love to raise you to be the man you are today.  As a parent, a part of my heart will always long for those missing years between us.  At first, I was very angry at her for keeping you from me until I had to ask myself if I could give up my child for anything or anyone.  I know I couldn’t and wouldn’t.  You were Leah’s miracle and I can’t fault her for being afraid she’d lose you.”  observed Tom in a low voice.


“What about Mrs. Barkley?” asked Heath quietly.  “There’s some out there who will never understand how you can dare to acknowledge me, Father.  They may not be justified in their reactions but they can make it difficult on even the strongest person.  I’ve been there and it’s not pretty.”


Nodding, Tom let out a low chuckle and sat back in his chair, looking into the curious eyes of his son waiting for an explanation.  “I’ll put my money on your stepmother, Heath.  She’s tiny but she’s a scrapper.  Heck, I wouldn’t want to run across her in a dark alley!”




Chapter 93


Tom watched a spark of amusement flash in Heath’s light blue eyes before the corner of his mouth lifted into a lop-sided grin and his youngest son nodded in agreement.


“I think you’re right, Father.” replied Heath hesitating a brief moment before adding.  “Your wife is quite…formidable.”


Tom smiled widely and winked, “That’s one way of putting it, son.  Yes, Victoria certainly is that.”


The room filled with a silence from the unasked questions filling the minds of the father and son.  Both balked at seeking answers which could potentially strain the new found rightness in all the past months of wrongness.  Leaning his head back on the settee, Heath closed his eyes and tried to put his thoughts in line, picking out which he needed to expand on further.


Tom sat encumbered with the desire to know everything about this newest son of his.  Yet, the patriarch didn’t want to cause the younger man to feel obligated to share his most inner thoughts.  He didn’t want to take a chance on causing Heath to shy away if he asked for the details of his past.  The past life Heath had lived through tore into his own dreams each night since the reading of the pinkerton report.  How his son had survived during those certain periods of his life spoke well of his mother who raised him and the inner strength inside his son.


The sound of even breaths broke into his thoughts and Tom smiled tenderly at the blond who had unknowingly moved to rest his head against the arm of the settee.  Climbing to his feet, Tom pulled the afghan from where it rested on the back of the couch to drape it lightly over his recovering son.  Touching the cheek of Heath as he lay regaining his strength while he slept, Tom leaned down to place a soft kiss on the blond hair.  Sitting on the table, the older man rested his elbows on his knee and watched Heath sleep, envisioning a mental picture of the boy with a shock of blond hair his son must have been.


Walking into the study, Victoria stopped in the doorway, gray eyes taking in the sight of her husband sitting on the table and holding his chin in the palm of his hand.  She was taken back into the past to recall similar scenes of Tom with each of his other children when they were small.  Crossing the room without more than a whisper of sound, she wound her arms around her husband’s neck.  Placing a kiss on his cheek she smiled as she studied the slumbering blond son of her husband.


Tom sighed and reached up, putting his hands on the two arms wrapped around him.  The soft kiss on his face was followed by a head of silver hair laying against the side of his face.   Tom studied his son for a little while longer before untwining his wife’s hold and standing.  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he walked her to the door and looked back once more before closing the door.


“I feel cheated, Vic.” admitted Tom with a shake of his head.  “Things could have been so different.”


“Tom, you can’t change the past and neither can Heath.” sighed Victoria tightening her hold on her partner’s waist.  “You may always feel for those years you lost but don’t let that shadow steal your future years.  Focus on what you have now and what you’ll build in the future together as father and son.”


“You’re right, Vic.” stated Tom.  “Where are the kids?”


“Audra and Eva took them to the barn to see the cats.” informed Victoria.  “Perhaps we should take the kids on a picnic for lunch.  We could ask Thad and Eva to come with us.   Audra too.  This way Heath can rest without being disturbed.  The more rest he gets, the faster he’ll heal.”


“That’s a wonderful idea.” smiled Tom.  “Charlie will be here and Silas also.  They could keep an eye on Heath.”


“Somehow Tom, I don’t think your son will appreciate having babysitters around to watch him.” suggested Victoria.


Stopping suddenly, Tom met his wife’s curious eyes and brought her hand up to his lips.  Placing a kiss on her palm, he sighed.  “Vic, I want you to know how much your support has meant to me.  You could have turned your back on me and especially on Heath.  But you didn’t and I can’t tell you how much more I love you because of it.”


“Heath was always an innocent.  He had no control over what happened in the past.” said the tiny woman.  “He’s a good man and he has blessed our family with his presence and with his family.  I would never turn him out.  Never.”




Nick grinned at the blond head moving on the pillow and walked over to sit on the table.    From under the covering, a hand came up to rub itself over the blond’s face before suddenly his eyes sprung open and darted about in confusion.  The fog from his sleep lifted and Heath met the eyes of Nick.


“What time is it?” grunted the blond pushing himself up to a sitting position and stifling a yawn.


“It’s time for your nap to be done.” teased Nick finding himself a recipient of a scowl.


“I don’t even remember falling asleep.” sighed Heath in exasperation.


Shrugging, Nick grinned, “Well, doc said you would be tired from the loss of blood.  It should pass in three to four days.”


“Three to four days!” repeated Heath in disbelief.  “I can’t sit around for that long!”


“I’m sure I can find you something to do.” suggested Nick with a wide smile.


Staring at the older man, Heath’s eyes narrowed, “What’s that look for?”


“What look?” asked the rancher innocently.


“That…gleam in your eye.” informed the blond.


“Maybe it’s from knowing we’re brothers.” offered Nick, smirking at the rolling of the light blue eyes.  “And you’ll be living around here.”


“Are you sure that’s it?” questioned Heath.


“Hey, there you two are.” stated Jarrod walking into the study and diverting the two men’s attentions from each other.  “How are you feeling, Heath?”


“Much better, Jarrod.   Thanks.”


“Home kinda early aren’t you, counselor?” teased Nick.


Nodding, Jarrod took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.  “Actually, Nick I came home to see Heath.  I was at the jail today.”


Both of his younger brothers stiffened at the knowledge of where he’s been and their jaws clenched suddenly.  Jarrod met the light blue eyes of his youngest brother and stated, “Fred sent for me, Heath.  Crown has requested to see you.”




Chapter 94


The air in the study increased tenfold from the thick tension caused by his words.  Jarrod watched his newest brother’s fists clench in a white knuckled grip before the younger man drew in a breath and let it out to force himself to relax.  The attorney was mentally drawn back to the day beside the corral when he watched the blond perform the same action to keep himself under control before a loud voice filling the study shattered his memories.


“What the hell does he want?” bellowed Nick, jumping to his feet.


Jarrod shook his head and sighed, “Crown wouldn’t tell me.”


“What did he say, Jarrod?” asked Heath quietly, looking past his brothers to a point on the far wall, a frown spreading across his face as Charlie’s words echoed in his head.


“He said and I quote, ‘Tell Heath I want to see him.’  Then he laid on the cot and went to sleep.” relayed Jarrod before adding, “You don’t have to do what he asks, Heath.  You don’t have to see him until the grand jury is convened.”


“That’s right.” asserted Nick firmly, sitting back down on the table and patting the knee in front of him, drawing his little brother’s eyes back to his own.  “He caused enough grief when he was running around loose, Heath.   He can’t do anything to you or any of us now.”


Lifting a shoulder in a small shrug, the youngest of the three men ran a hand through his blond hair and met the eyes of his big brothers who were watching him with concerned looks.  Offering a small quirky grin, Heath slowly climbed to his feet and walked to the french doors.  Staring out at the rose garden which was a masterpiece of colors and fragrances created by his stepmother, Heath absently ran his fingers over the edge of the new velvet curtains.  The old curtains had been removed and burned after Surrley shot through them while seeking to destroy those around him.


“I don’t want Ange to know until we find out what he’s up to.” stated Heath without turning from the twin glass doors.


Nick stalked over to the side of the blond and squeezed his shoulder with a large hand.  “You don’t have to do this, Heath.  I’ll go instead.”


Shaking his head, Heath smiled into the hazel eyes of the man beside him.  Reaching up to pat the large hand on his left shoulder, the blond felt the stirring inside which he first experienced in the church so many months ago.  He now knew what it was.  It was the link of their brotherhood to each other.  A link which would never be broken.


“Thanks, Nick but this ain’t for you or Jarrod to do.” replied Heath.  “We milked Josiah of his poison but he’s still got fangs and right now, he’s all curled up waving his rattle.  I’ll take care of it.”


“Heath!” protested Nick right away.  “Don’t let him call the shots.  You don’t have to do anything he wants!”


“Until the trial’s done and he’s working in the rock quarry at the state penitentiary, he’s still able to call the shots, Nick.” snapped Heath in a biting tone and his eyes flashed apologetically after the words left his mouth.  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bite your head off.”


“No, it’s my fault.” said Nick with a small smile.  “I can be a little overbearing.”


“Really?” chided Heath and Jarrod at the same time, the two men burst into snickers at the red flush appearing on their middle brother’s face.


“Oh, great.” muttered Nick in disgust before nailing his brothers with a glare.  “If you two think you’re gonna be ganging up on me from now on, you’d better think again.”


Looking over at Heath who was smirking at the muttering dark haired man, Jarrod winked before lifting his hands in mock surrender.  “We better watch ourselves, Heath for the big bad scary Nick Barkley.”


The younger man nodded in agreement, “He’s got me shaking in my boots alright.”


Rolling his eyes, Nick cursed under his breath just loud enough for the two men in the study understood what he was saying.  Jarrod arched an eyebrow and shook his head in censure.


“Nick…Nick….whatever are we to do with you?  Those words could get your mouth washed out with soap.” sighed Jarrod in an exaggerated voice of exasperation.  “Didn’t you get enough of the taste when you were younger?”


Ignoring their oldest brother, Nick turned to his little brother and offered a compromise.  “If you go, I’m going to be right there too.  You’re our brother and I don’t like the idea of you going alone.”


“That’s right, Brother Heath.” agreed Jarrod, the laughter in his voice gone and replaced with seriousness.  “Brothers stay with each other through thick and thin.  I’m afraid you’re stuck with us from now on.”


“Like glue, huh?” queried Heath with a lop-sided grin.  “Guess you’ll do til something better comes along.”


“Hey!” laughed both older men, more than willing to take on any evil in the world for the younger man.


“Alright, we’ll go in tomorrow.” informed Heath his grin fading slightly as his mind already was shifting into a gallop to figure out why Crown requested to see him.


Squeezing the back of the blond’s neck, Nick motioned with his head, “Let’s get some lunch, little brother.  The lawyer looks like he’s wasting away and you need more red meat to build up your blood.”


“Sounds good to me.” agreed Heath flanked on both sides by a protective big brother as they started for the dining room before he stopped.  “I just want you to know I appreciate it.”


“That’s what big brothers are for.” replied Jarrod with a warm smile and a wink.


Nodding, Nick steered the blond towards the doorway and whispered, “Course with us for younger brothers, Jarrod’s in big trouble.”


Laughing, Heath moaned at the pull on his stitches and gasped, “Don’t make me laugh so hard, Nick!”




Chapter 95


Any trepidation he felt at Josiah’s request to see him heightened during the night when the mansion was quiet and the voices of his family were stilled.  Evangeline’s soft breath warmed a spot on his neck and her arm was draped across his chest.  Moving his head, he placed a kiss on her forehead and gently lifted her arm.  Turning over and muttering in her sleep, Evangeline didn’t feel her husband leave their bed or hear him leave after pulling on his pants and shirt.  The weariness he felt earlier in the day seemed to have disappeared as he soundlessly made his way across the hallway into the room where his children lay sleeping.


Walking over to the bed, he smiled at the two head bathed in the glow from the moonbeams shining in through the window.  He swore if he looked close enough he could have seen the light glancing off their halos.  Letting out a soft sigh for the two gifts bestowed upon him, he turned to go and stopped at the low whisper.




Kneeling beside the bed, he smiled into the heavy sleep laden eyes of Evan peering out under the bandage wrapped around his head.  Heath held a finger to his lips before pulling the blanket up further on his son’s small body.


“Go back to sleep son.” whispered Heath.


“Ya’ too, papa.” commanded Evan between two deep yawns as his father’s kiss brushed his forehead.


“I will.” whispered the older blond with a smile.


Forcing his eyes to stay open, Evan studied his father for a moment before asking, “Can ya sleep here for a while, papa?  Heather’s scared.”


Glancing over to his daughter who was sleeping like a log on the other side of the bed, Heath looked back at his son and whispered, “She is?”


Evan nodded and broke out into a wide smile of relief when his father grinned before lifting the covers.  Scooting over, Evan waited til Heath lay down before moving to lay his head on his father’s arm.


“I’s scared too, papa.” admitted Evan in a soft voice squishing his tiny frame up against his father’s side.


Wrapping his arm tighter around his son, Heath reached over and brushed his hand over the blond curls.  “It’s okay to be scared Evan.  Everybody’s afraid sometimes.”


“Papas get scared too?” queried Evan in a tired voice.


“Even papas.” stated Heath quietly.  “Let’s get some sleep and we’ll talk about it later.”


“Okay.” yawned Evan before closing his eyes, his small hand entwined in the front of his father’s shirt. “I feel better already, papa.”


Smiling, Heath lay in the room darkened with the night and listened to the even breathing of his children.  He felt Heather move and roll up against his arm as if she sensed he were there with them.  Closing his eyes tightly to keep the sudden moisture from escaping at the thought of nearly losing both his children, Heath silently gave his thanks again for their safety.  The blond didn’t recall when sleep claimed him and he woke to find two amused hazel eyes studying him.


“Eva kick you outta bed?” questioned Nick into the drowsy light blue eyes of his new brother.


Blinking the sleep from his eyes, Heath glanced sideways at the empty bed before turning back towards his brother and responded.  “No, she didn’t kick me outta bed.  I left on my own.”


“Really?” asked Nick with an arched eyebrow which immediately caused Heath’s face to flush with crimson.


“Mind your own business.” suggested Heath irritably as he pushed himself upwards.


Nick chuckled at the irritation on the blond’s face before standing.  “Well little brother, you not only woke up on the wrong side this morning but also in the wrong bed.”


“Ha ha.” muttered Heath fighting to keep the grin off his face and losing the battle.  “I sure hope someone knows where the twins are.”


“They’re downstairs with the rest of the family.” informed Nick as he trailed along after his brother who left the room to enter his own.


“Nick, I’ll give you a word of advise for when you have kids.” sighed Heath pulling out a clean shirt and slipping into it before glancing at his waiting brother.  “When they’re quiet and you think the silence is golden remember that’s usually a bad sign.”


“Well thanks for those words of advise which I don’t plan on using for a long time.” said Nick with a shake of his head.


“Yeah, guess you probably don’t have enough money anyway.”


“Enough money for what?” asked Nick in confusion.


“Enough to pay someone to marry someone as ornery as yourself.” stated Heath  with an innocent look.  “Too bad you were born into riches instead of good looks like myself.”


“I came up to let you know breakfast’d be ready in about twenty minutes but I think I just lost my appetite!” groaned Nick at the laughter dancing in the light blue eyes.


“That leaves more for me.” smiled Heath clapping the larger man on the back as he walked by.  “Thanks, big brother!”


Jarrod looked up at the laughter coming from his brothers as they made their way down the staircase.  Crossing the foyer, he met them at the bottom and stated in a low voice.  “I asked Ciego to have the surrey ready, Heath.  We can leave right after breakfast if you’d like.”


Nodding, Heath sighed, “Might as well get it over with.”


“Get what over with?” questioned Evangeline overhearing her husband’s statement as she walked out from the entry to the dining room.  Stopping by her husband and brothers-in-law, she smiled with relief at the return of color in his face.


“Morning, darlin’.” greeted Heath placing a kiss on her cheek.  “I hope you weren’t worried when you woke this morning and I wasn’t there, Ange.”


Looking into the faces of the three men, Evangeline crossed her arms over her chest and arched an eyebrow as she stared into her husband’s eyes.  Heath scowled at the two men beside him who mumbled an excuse of washing before breakfast to leave the couple alone.


“Cowards.” taunted Heath at the backs of his brothers who called back over their shoulders in response as they headed for the kitchen, “Yep.”


“Heath?” prodded Evangeline softly, untwining her arms to place her hands on his cheeks.  “What is it?”


“Josiah’s asked to see me.” admitted Heath with a sigh as he pulled her hands from his face and held them in his.  “Nick and Jarrod are going to the jail with me.”


“It’s not over yet, is it?” asked Evangeline in a trembling voice.


Pulling her against his chest, Heath wrapped his arms around her and held on tightly before whispering.  “I thought it was, Ange.  Don’t worry about this cause I think Crown’s just trying to get under my skin or something.”


“Then why?  Why see him?” protested Evangeline pulling back just enough to study her husband’s face.  “You don’t have to go, Heath.  Let him rot alone in that jail cell like he deserves.”


“I can’t Ange.” stated Heath holding her against him when she tried to move away in anger at his denial of her request.  “Please honey, listen to me.”


Heath waited til his wife stopped fidgeting before continuing as he raised a hand to caress her cheek with his index finger.  “Josiah may be in jail but until he’s taken back to prison, I’ll do whatever I need to keep him from trying to hurt anyone in this family.  If that means going to the jail to hear what he has to say, then so be it.  A ride into town with my brothers is a small price to pay to make sure he’s not up to something.”


Laying her head on her husband’s shoulder, Evangeline took in a shaky breath.  She took a moment to savor the strength and warmth in the man who’d given her so much since the day they met before meeting his eyes again.


“I don’t like it but I’ll be here when you get back.”




Chapter 96


The sun was above the horizon when the three brothers were able to leave the ranch behind. A small battle of wills was waged between the adults and the two twins who wanted to ride into town with their father and uncles. Nick and Jarrod found it immensely difficult to not give in at the first sign of a pout which spread sadness across the faces of the two blonds.


The two miniatures of their papa sensed their uncles were putty in their hands and kept working at the two weak links in the family chain. By unspoken agreement, the brother and sister team elected a tactic of subterfuge and quick hits. A well placed sigh, a small comment about their prior town, a small sniffle and quick swipe at their eyes reflecting crocodile tears tore into Heath’s older brothers’ hearts.


Tom, Victoria and Audra smiled widely with knowing glances to each other. Neither Jarrod nor Nick managed to launch an offensive maneuver due to the largeness of their hearts. Neither man wanted to be the bad guy to their new niece and nephew.


Heath watched in amusement as the two large men shifted uncomfortably on their chairs at the table until he mercifully put a stop to the efforts of the twins.

Evangeline shook her head, quietly admonishing her husband for this moment of amusement at the expense of his brothers while Thad and Charlie’s shoulders silently shook with laughter. The twins finally were forced to accept their lack of participation in the trip to town by their father. Undaunted by the rejection of their presence on the morning drive to town, the twins turned their attentions to their breakfasts much to the chagrin of Nick and Jarrod and everyone else’s amusement.


The mild morning temperature was a welcome departure from the previous day’s warmth and stifling air. Heath shifted on the bench seat, his side merely causing more irritation than anything. The blond wanted to ride into town on horseback but the combined forces of Victoria and Evangeline prevailed. Nick smirked and glanced down at the man who kept moving on the seat as if his britches were full of itching powder.


“What’s the matter little brother?” asked Nick from atop Coco. “Is Jarrod driving too slow for you?”


“No, it’s fine.” sighed Heath at the smirk from his hazel eyed brother. “I’m just not used to having someone drive me around is all, Nick.”


Jarrod glanced over and smiled, “What we don’t do to please the women in our lives right, little brother?”


“Yeah, they sure like to fuss over a body.” admitted Heath dryly before settling back against the seat.


“They do at that.” agreed Jarrod with a small chuckle.


Nick bent down and caught Heath’s eye, “Then again Heath, maybe you should’ve just told them you were gonna ride into town anyway. You know…show those women whose boss.”


Heath arched an eyebrow and replied, “After you get married let me know how that works for you, Nick.”


“Hey, I’m in no hurry to get hitched to one woman.” declared Nick firmly. “There’s lots of me to spread around to all those lucky members of the opposite sex. But when I do find that special little gal and we take the walk, she’ll know whose the head of the family. I’ll make that clear right off.”


Jarrod snickered as Heath looked up at their confident brother and asked, “So Nick, I expect when you find that one gal whose crazy enough to marry you, do you expect…well…let’s say…relations all the time?”


Looking at the blond as if he had two heads, Nick snorted, “That’s a dumb question, Heath. Of course I do.”


“Then you better be changing that tune right now.” informed Heath with a smirk. “Cause with your thinking you ain’t ever likely to have any little Nickies running around.”


“Very funny!” retorted Nick, a grin splitting his face at the laughter from his two brothers in the surrey. The rancher found it so easy to converse with his newest brother as if the action were as natural as breathing. The rest of the trip was spent with brotherly teasing back and forth until they reached the edge of town where Heath grew quiet and pensive.


Pulling up in front of the jail, Jarrod reached over and laid a hand on Heath’s shoulder while Nick dismounted and tied Coco’s reins to the hitching rail. “I know we already talked about it but you don’t have to see him, Heath. I can see if he’ll tell me what he wants.”


Flashing a lop-sided grin at the twin looks of concern, the blond nodded, “Thanks Jarrod but I’d rather just get it over with and get back to the ranch.”


“Alright.” said Jarrod jumping down and waiting for Heath on the boardwalk.


Stepping into the office, the three brothers greeted Fred and passed pleasantries for several minutes. Heath found his eyes straying to the door to the holding area and he drew his attention back to the conversation when he heard his name spoken.


“Sorry.” apologized Heath to the others in the room. “I was wool gathering there for a second.”


“Not a problem, Mr. Thomson. “ assured Fred.


“It’s Heath, sheriff.” interjected Heath with a glance into the friendly law officer’s eyes.


“Heath, I’m Fred.” agreed Fred with a smile before jerking his thumb over his shoulder towards the inner door. “The prisoner requested to see you alone, Mr. Thomson. You can if you want but you don’t have to. The only rights he’s got is the right to a fair trial and nothing more.”


Nodding and glancing at his older brothers, Heath replied, “Thanks, Fred. Think I’ll just see what Josiah wants so we can be on our way.”


“I’ll need your gun.” informed Fred. “You can get it back after you’re done.”


“Fred!” admonished Jarrod and Nick automatically.


“Hey, it’s okay.” assured Heath to his brothers with a sparkle in his eyes after handing his pistol over. “Fred’s just doing his job. I’d do the same in his place.”


“Heath, let us come with you.” urged Nick in a low voice. “I don’t trust Crown.”


“I don’t either Nick.” admitted Heath quietly, moving his head in denial. “He might not talk if I’m not alone.”


“We could at least try it first…”


“No.” stated the blond firmly and added in a soft voice. “Please just wait here.”


Letting his shoulders slump slightly in defeat at having to stay in the outer office, Nick nodded and felt Jarrod’s hand on his back when the lawyer moved to his side. Heath opened the inner door and glanced back to his brothers with a smile before taking in a breath. Stepping through the opening, he swung the door to close it behind him but didn’t shut it completely, leaving it open a crack before crossing down the hallway to stop in front of the only occupied cell.


Josiah pushed himself up from his cot, a smile on his face as he made his way to the bars adjusting the sling holding his broken limb. “Heath, nice of you to stop by. I’m grateful for the reprieve in the day’s schedule. It’ll help break up the monotony.”


“Cut the crap, Josiah!” snarled Heath staring into the man’s lifeless dark eyes as cold as the metal bars keeping them apart. “What the hell do you want?”


“I always did admire your no nonsense approach.” grinned Josiah as he leaned his uninjured side against the bars. “If it wasn’t for that damn honest streak in you, we’d have made a great team.”


Crossing his arms over his chest, Heath merely stared into the lifeless eyes now filling with taunting and goading. The blond could almost hear the rattles of the man snake filling the jail cell and he stood rigid as a tree as if hoping the snake would slither on by.


“I just wanted you to know I’ve decided not to press charges.” stated Josiah with a smirk at the disbelief flaring in the icy blue eyes outside the cell.


“Charges! For what?” snapped Heath unconsciously stepping closer, his hands clenched at his side.


“Now Heath, I was only trying to bring back your little girl when you jumped me and tried to kill me. I hear I owe your brother, Nick…is it…my life.” oozed Josiah. “My attorney really thinks I shouldn’t be so forgiving but I convinced him it was all a misunderstanding.”


“Are you outta your mind!” hissed Heath in a voice loaded with darkness. “No court in the world is gonna believe this line of bull. You were caught red-handed with my girl!”


Shrugging and studying the back of his hand for a moment, Josiah sighed, “Appearances can be deceiving and my attorney says you acted with rash judgment. You condemned me without finding out what was going on because you were out of control. I can understand how upset you were but he feels you’re a threat to society and someone should take the necessary steps to make sure you don’t act so rashly again. You may be part Barkley but we both know there’s things in your past that would shock them.”


Staring at the slithering man before him, Heath couldn’t keep his body from shaking in anger and repulsion. His jaw clenched tightly and his knuckles white from the struggle of keeping his emotions in tact. Crown smiled knowingly at the man who was trying to keep his emotions in check. There was more than one way to skin a cat and even though things looked bad at this point, he wasn’t giving up without getting his fair share of skin one way or the other.


“Take for instance…the Tanner fiasco?” suggested Josiah, his words snapping up the blond’s head.


“I’d be careful if I was you, Josiah.” warned Heath, his eyes narrowed in a suppressed fury.


“A family man like you….” sighed Crown in a voice of disbelief. “A mother and her two children gone by your hand.”


“Make it sound like you want Josiah, I know the truth of what happened.” countered the blond, the scene of the burning house flashing in his mind for a moment before he pushed it back to the crevices where his nightmares lay dormant. “I’d suggest you not go there, Crown. Not if you know what’s good for you.”


“I wonder if your wife and children would like that story.” pondered Josiah out loud, jumping back from the bars at the quick moving man letting out a stream of curses and trying to grab onto him through their solid barrier. Rushing into the holding area, Nick and Jarrod took a hold of Heath and pulled him away from the bars while Fred glared at the grinning man in the cell.


“Heath!” called Jarrod and Nick fighting to keep their grip on the blond who was only concerned with getting his hands on the man from his past.


“Settle down!” ordered Nick loudly, his voice breaking through the curtain of red in front of the blond’s eyes.


Gasping for air and shaking with fury, Heath pulled his arms out of the hands of his brothers and walked to the bars. Wrapping his hands around the cold metal, the blond ignored the other men who were in the holding area.


“You’d better hope you go to jail, Josiah.” stated Heath a voice laden with venom and promise. “Cause if you don’t, I’m gonna hunt you down and take care of you myself.”


“HEATH!” hissed Jarrod motioning to Nick and the two men pulled their blond brother to the outer office as the taunting laughter from Josiah Crown rang out after them.


“What the hell was that?” demanded Jarrod angrily, jerking the angry blond back to him after he turned away and forced Heath to meet his eyes. “Making threats like that wasn’t smart, Heath!”


“It wasn’t a threat!” snapped Heath striding to the door before looking at his brothers. “It was a promise!”


Nick and Jarrod stared at the man who left and slammed the door behind him before following. Stepping onto the boardwalk, Nick pointed to the blond who had elected to enter the closest saloon.




Chapter 97


By the time they’d gotten to the saloon, their blond brother had taken residence at a corner table with a bottle in front of him.  The morning was still early and the establishment was empty except for Harry who smiled at the two brothers.


“Nick.  Jarrod.” Greeted the heavyset bartender .  “Beers for you boys?”


“No, Harry.” Stated Jarrod as Nick waved on his way to the corner table.  “Just two more glasses please.  We’ll be joining Heath, our brother.”


Jarrod saw the bartender’s eyes widen with his declaration of the stranger’s identity before he recovered and reached below the wooden bar.  The eyes in the round face openly curious as they glanced across to where Nick was pulling out a chair and placing a pistol on the table.


“There’s been some talk about him in town, Jarrod.” admitted Harry quietly as he placed the two shot glasses on the bar.  “You know I don’t pay much mind to rumors but folks are mighty…surprised about it.”


Jarrod picked up the glasses and winked, “I imagine shocked would be a better description, Harry.”


Chuckling, the older man picked up a wet rag to absently take a swipe at the oak counter and shrugged.  “Well some folks just need to have something to exercise their tongues about.   Lord forbid they should mind their own business.”


“How about I introduce you?” queried Jarrod.


Shaking his head negatively, Harry frowned, “Another time, now doesn’t seem to be a good day.   Sides, I need to get down to the basement and bring up some more bottles.”


“Okay, Harry, another time.” Agreed Jarrod with a small smile before walking across the room.


Nick sat at the table studying the blond who was hunched over the table, his forearms resting on the top.  Heath’s hands were locked around a glass and his eyes were scrutinizing the amber liquid as if it held the answers to all life’s mysteries.  Setting the glasses on the table, Jarrod poured a drink for himself and Nick before taking the spot across from Heath.


“Heath, you want to tell us what happened?” asked Nick after several minutes of silence at the table, his drink sat untouched before him.


Jarrod tilted his head and didn’t allow his eyes to leave the top of the Stetson shielding Heath’s eyes from theirs.  He wasn’t certain Nick’s patience would hold out from the small constrained movements the rancher was making beside him.


“Thanks for bringing my gun, Nick.” Stated Heath in a low voice without raising his head and taking hold of the colt, pulling the gun towards him.  His hand tightened around the metal for a moment as if he was deliberating his next move before he shifted sideways and slid the pistol in its leather home.


“What did Crown want?” asked Nick tapping his long fingers lightly against the side of his glass, the tapping the only sign of his restrained desire to find out what occurred to have his brother attempt to reach the prisoner through the metal bars of his cell.


“I don’t want to talk about it.” Sighed Heath in a tired voice.  “Sometimes things are best left alone.”


“What things brother Heath?” questioned Jarrod in a low voice watching the blond’s slightly shaking hand raise the glass to his lips.  He could almost see Heath pulling himself into the protective shell he wore when he first came to them and he was not about to allow this man who finally accepted them into drawing back within himself.   He wouldn’t let this man second guess his place with them, his place in their family or in their hearts.


“Things that’d make you regret the day I rode up.” Informed the blond in a matter-of-fact tone then muttering.  “Things…just things.”


Leaning towards his little brother, Nick tried to see under the brim of the hat blocking his view and prodded the blond, “Heath, we’ve all got things in our past that we’d rather stay there and wish we hadn’t done.  I know I do and it’s just the way things happen sometimes.  It doesn’t make you a bad person.”


“Don’t patronize me!” snapped Heath suddenly, his emotions going in a full three hundred sixty degree circle in a matter of seconds and his head snapped up with blue eyes blazing.  “I’m not talking about just dumping a woman cause she was hearing wedding bells or feeling bad cause you made money off the broken backs of those working in your gold mines!”


Jarrod winced at the flush spreading quick as a grass fire across Nick’s face before his clenched fists slapped the table and the glasses jumped.  The strained words from his middle brother were cold and furious, a sign of the molten lava constantly running through Nick’s veins.  A sign Heath’s words had crossed a line and he was about to meet the snarling tiger hidden inside their hazel eyed brother.


“Dammit!” growled Nick half standing and towering over the blond whose eyes had widened, not in fear but in shock before he recovered and met the hazel eyes orb for orb.  “Don’t you try to turn this around on me or our family!  You’re not the only person in this world with a past or done things you want to atone for!  Nobody’s a saint and you don’t have the right to imply our past experiences as less than yours!”


Jarrod watched the silent communication between the two angry sets of eyes glaring at each other and he wondered how much of a concession it cost Heath inside to look away first.   The blond head turned to stare out across the room and the muscle in Heath’s cheek quivered from the tightness in his jaw.  Nick let out a slow breath and lowered himself back into his chair, picking up the glass and downing his drink.  Looking sideways to Jarrod, he shook his head in frustration when the blond didn’t look back.


“I can see it happen just as if I was still there.” Whispered Heath breaking the silence around the table, his voice cracking a moment as he recalled the horrific scene, unaware of the tightening in his brothers’ guts from the visual tremor that ran through his body.


“Crown called it the Tanner fiasco….it wasn’t a fiasco…it was horrific.” Said Heath talking as if his mind were disjointed and in a fog.  “The marshals with us cleared the railroad of any wrong doing but that doesn’t take away any of the guilt inside.  Mrs. Tanner thought our group was part of the marauders…Crown’s marauders.  She was only trying to protect herself and her little ones cause she was there alone.”


A trembling hand reached up to finger the faint scar he could feel burning on his upper chest under his shirt as the revived memories tore through him again.  Nick reached over and laid a large hand on the shaking shoulder beside him, sucking in his breath at the anguished eyes turning back to the table.


“She shot me first, right out of the saddle. I remember my men shouting and taking cover…it didn’t seem real…didn’t seem like I was there laying on the ground bleeding.  But it was real….I couldn’t move and the bullets were flying everywhere.” Choked out the blond, his words hoarse from the experience he was reliving.  “That year Texas was suffering through the worst drought to ever hit the area.  Everything was dry and brittle kindling.  It hadn’t rained in months.  They think one of the men firing hit a lamp inside cause the next thing I knew, the house went up in flames.”


Taking in a shuddering breath, Heath reached over and used two hands to bring the glass to his lips, the burning liquid cascading down his throat was unable to warm the cold inside of him.


“The marshals reckoned she was killed before the fire.  I tried to go in but they dragged me back from the house and held me down.  It happened so fast they said there was nothing anyone could’ve done.” Whispered the blond in a tense tone, his eyes building up with tears.  “The Tanner children were only two and one years old.   I’ll never forget the sound of those babies screaming before the roof caved in and I couldn’t hear them anymore over the fire.   It shouldn’t have happened.  God help me, they should still be alive.”


Blinking back the tears in his eyes before wiping a hand across his face, the blond found only compassion and love staring back at him from his brothers’ own watery eyes.  The two men at the table knew words wouldn’t take away the scene that he lived through and they didn’t try to lessen his anguish with mere words.  Grateful for the two men beside him, Heath reached over and patted the hand that had taken hold of his shoulder with a tight grip as if it would never let go.  Nodding to the two older men for their silent support, he poured another shot of whiskey and threw it back while his brothers rubbed the tears from their eyes.


“No matter what Crown tries, Heath, he won’t throw us off track.  Our family stands together as one.” Stated Jarrod firmly after fifteen minutes of silent thought at the round table.


“And you’re our family.” Added Nick in a soft voice as he met the blue eyes beside him.  “He’s not going to hurt any of our family again.  If we stand together as brothers, we’re unstoppable.”


“It’s all new to me…this having big brothers standing up with me.” admitted Heath with a small smile and a flush of red creeping across his cheeks.


“Feels good, doesn’t it?” chided Nick nudging the blond with his elbow as Jarrod snickered.  “You’re a lucky man, little brother.”


“I am.” Agreed Heath firmly before pursing his lips.  “Reckon this is enough excitement for one day my big brothers.  Guess we’d best get on back to the ranch.”


Verbally agreeing, Nick and Jarrod stood while Heath pushed himself upwards and swayed, his unsteady body caught by his brothers’ hands.  Blinking his eyes at the whiskey hitting his erect body, Heath shook his head slightly in puzzlement.


“It appears whiskey and your recent weakness from blood loss do not mix well, little brother.” Informed Jarrod with a chuckle at the younger man whose eyes were quickly turning unfocused.


“Pappy’s words of wisdom.” Snickered Nick as he pulled Heath’s arm across his shoulder and started him to the door.  “You’d best get used to hearing those from now on.”


“What the hell?” Slurred Heath slightly his mind confused at how he came to be in this condition.  “What’s in that stuff?”


Chuckling at the confusion in Heath’s voice, Nick and Jarrod grinned at each other as they helped the younger man across the room.  Both men agreeing with the look to find a way to help their little brother battle those demons he hid away inside with the strongest thing they could offer….love and brotherhood.






It reached out across the community, spreading outward like the ripples in a still pond disturbed by a stone shattering the continuity of its surface.   The voices whispered in disbelief and outrage swept along the ground quick as the flames which at one time threatened to destroy the site of the Barkley ranch those months ago.


The rider on the brown gelding knew the sense of outrage felt by the community all around him for it was burning deep within himself, turning the blood in his veins to streams of molten lava.   Lady Justice is blind and wanted all who stood accused to be treated as equal, on even ground and sure footing.  As much as Lady Justice was his mistress, there were times when even he who was one of her biggest supporters wanted to rip the blinders from her eyes.


Stopping his horse on the small hill, Jarrod smiled as he looked down upon the ranch before.  The past month had brought lots of changes to their family and their lives.  Thad’s purchase of a ranch close to their own and the departure of the others from the mansion was bitter sweet.  The family was happy the retired banker found a ranch close to their own, however, the mansion seemed empty when the others moved to the new place.


Their separate bonds were stronger as each week passed and in seven months, another member would be joining their family.  The announcement of a third child took away the emptiness and replaced it with a giddy anticipation for all in the family.  Allowing his eyes to drink in the sight of his little brother from afar, Jarrod sighed softly as his heart swelled with love and gratefulness for the man who bared open his soul to completely allow their bonds of brotherhood to take hold with an iron grip.




The blond in the tan pants and blue shirt sitting on the top rail cupped his hands and hollered after Charlie was pitched off the side of the horse who refused to be gentled.


“Want me to get the rope to tie you on?”


Glaring into the sparkling blue eyes in the tanned face, Charlie scowled before patting the dirt off his dark shirt and demanded.  “Think you can do better?”


“No, I can’t fall any better.” replied Heath with a low chuckle as the red crept up his friend’s neck.  “You bounce better than me.”


“Very funny.” snapped Charlie trying his best not to smile as he reluctantly moved towards the horse slowly, not sure if he wanted to go another round with the beast who also seemed to be snickering.


Heath waved and jumped down from the corral, making his way to Jarrod who was tying his horse at the rail. The blond saw a hint of anger beneath the light blue eyes and hoped he wasn’t the one on the receiving end of whatever had his oldest brother riled before he greeted him with a firm handshake.


“Jarrod, what are you doing out here?” asked Heath with a smile.


Taking in a breath, Jarrod took off his hat and ran his fingers through his dark hair.  “The grand jury won’t send it to trial, Heath.  That filth is going to get away with it.”


Heath frowned at the fury in his brother’s words and placed a hand on the shoulders trembling with anger, directing the lawyer to a bench against the barn.


“You did what you could, Jarrod.” sighed the blond.  “Can’t ask for more than that, big brother.  We knew this was a possibility.  All we had was circumstantial evidence, not hard facts like judges want.”


“Knowing doesn’t make it any better, Heath.” muttered Jarrod leaning his head back against the wooden structure.  “It’s not right and I let you down, I’m sorry.”


“You didn’t let me down.” countered Heath without hesitating.  “It was exactly what Josiah hinted at last month at the jail, remember.  He’s a wily one, Jarrod and Archer sure used it to his advantage, didn’t he?  Since we don’t have anyone who can positively say Crown was behind Surrley shooting father or the other attacks and Heather’s kidnapping….no lawyer could’ve got that pushed through.  It’s not your fault, Jarrod.  I appreciate all your efforts though.”


“I know but…”


“At least we know where Josiah will be for the next twenty years.” grinned Heath.  “The state of Texas don’t cotton to people who escape before their sentence is up.  Let the knowledge of Crown spending the majority of the rest of his natural life behind bars take away your guilt, Jarrod.  It sure makes me smile.”


Chuckling softly, Jarrod nodded and patted the strong back beside him.  “You’re right, little brother.  The world will be a lot safer place for the next twenty years with him out of the picture.”


“Sure will be.” agreed Heath.  “Ange and Thad took the twins over to the widow Harris’ house for a visit.  The widow has some furballs she’s giving away.  Heather keeps saying she’s gonna have as many kitties as Aunt Audra.  Boy howdy, I sure hope not.  Care to join me for a drink, big brother?”


Smiling into the soft blue eyes, Jarrod nodded, “Just what I need.”


Leading the way into the two story house, Heath hung up his hat and directed the attorney to take a seat on the leather couch in the living room.  Jarrod stayed standing and picked  up the most recent family photo of the Barkley family, smiling as his eyes fell upon each of the smiling faces.


Taking the glass held out to him, Jarrod gestured to the photo and winked, “Nice looking family, wouldn’t you agree Brother Heath?”


Saluting the first born of the family with his glass, Heath grinned, “And one of the finest payment of retribution anyone has ever received.”