
Parts 11-22

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Part 11

Retribution - Part 1


Victoria stood on the porch watching as her sons rode away to join the fight at the Semple farm against the railroad.  When they had disappeared from sight she turned and walked back into the house.  Walking into the study she stood before the portrait of her late husband, “please Tom I beg you, keep our sons, all our sons safe today.”


“Miz Barkley, I brought you’s some tea.”


“Thank you Silas,” Victoria turned and offered a weak smile.


“Miz Barkley, them boys they be fine.  They all got too much to live for now that Mista Heath is here.  Boy lordy the smiles on them boy’s faces these last few weeks purely is a joy to see.  They’ll keep one another safe and before you know it they all be walking through the door.”


“Yes, I am sure your right Silas.”


Victoria took a seat facing her late husband and let her thoughts wander back over the last couple of weeks.  Heath’s arrival on the ranch had thrown the family into turmoil and had very nearly ended in tragedy.  It was a testament to her families courage and strength that they had all survived and indeed grown closer.  Heath’s appearance seemed to have completed the family once more and while he had still not indicated whether he would remain or not the longer he stayed the more hope he gave the others.


Now he was riding along with his other brothers to face the guns of the railroad.  None of them had expected him to go.  He was still recovering from the injuries received at the hand of his uncle and then Nick.  None of them would have thought any less of him had he stayed behind for he had nothing to prove to any of them.  They took his going as a sign that he was accepting whom he was.  That Nick would look out for him she had no doubt.  Since the fight Nick had been Heath’s shadow although she suspected that Heath was not really in need of a shadow.  If the truth be known it would probably end up with Heath being Nick’s shadow.  Yes she could just see Nick with a blond haired guardian angel she thought.


Her thoughts turned to her youngest son Eugene.  Had she done the right thing by keeping him home these last few weeks?  Now he was riding with his brothers to uphold the Barkley name and the rights of the farmers.  His brothers had all fought during the war and death was not a stranger to any of them, but this would be Gene’s first taste of battle and a battle it would be.


She recalled fondly how he had begged her to let him stay home so he could spend time getting to know his new brother before the next semester started.  A brother he readily denied and railed against when they first met.  She wouldn’t say that they were as close as Heath was to his other siblings but they were friends and were learning to understand one another.


Victoria looked at the clock as it struck 8am and her heart stopped for just a beat.  Had it started or had Jarrod managed to convince the parties to sit down and talk.  Something told her that for once her son was about to lose an argument.


Audra walked into the study and sat beside her mother.  Lost in their own thoughts they sat together holding hands taking comfort in each other’s presence and watched the minutes tick by.


The fight was over as quickly as it had begun.  Semple and at least a dozen others from both sides lay dead or wounded.  The farmers had one this round but at what price and for how long?


The brothers thought they were lucky.  Between them only Jarrod had sustained a slight gunshot wound to the arm, a graze more than anything.  The three older Barkley brothers rode home in silence. All were exhausted and wanted to put the morning’s events well and truly behind them.  Never again did they want to hear the screams and wails of Semple’s family as they sat by his body.


Heath was riding slightly ahead of the others.  His whole body was aching from the morning’s exertions and he was thinking that maybe the family had been right and he wasn’t ready for this amount of riding.  The rough terrain was jarring his back and while he couldn’t see them he knew Nick’s eyes were boring into him.


Eugene’s youthful exuberance knew no bounds.  He was talking faster than a run away train and most of it was in regards to his brother’s shooting prowess.  “Did you see him shoot?  He didn’t miss once.  Man I hope he’ll teach me how to shoot like that.”


Nick and Jarrod were thinking much the same thing although they were more reticent to voice their thoughts.  Suddenly the report and Nick’s words came back to haunt them “Even accepting him as a Union sharpshooter was a fair stretch of the imagination.”  What they had just seen wasn’t their imaginations. Their blond brother was indeed a sharpshooter and one the best they had ever seen.


Nick saw Heath suddenly stiffen and wheel his horse around, face set in an angry mask and blue eyes flashing.


“Dammit Gene, shut up will ya?  You think that was a game we were playing this morning?  You think I’m proud of what I am? Of what I did today.  Killing men, who ever they are ain’t a joking matter and ya shouldn’t be glorifying it.”  He wheeled his horse again and set off at a fast gallop across the range.


His three brothers sat their horses in a stunned silence. Nick and Jarrod exchanged worried glances.  Eugene’s face was ashen and his mouth hung open at his brother fury


“I didn’t mean to upset him.”


“I know you didn’t Gene but I think Heath was trying to tell you that he would rather forget where he learnt his skills from.”


“You mean the war and Carterson don’t you?”




Nick was only half listening to the conversation between his brothers.  He was thinking on Heath’s words as he watched him disappear into the distance.


“Pappy you alright here if I leave you?  I think I’d better go after that boy before he doesn’t something stupid.”


“Sure Nick, we’re fine here.  Tell Mother we won’t be far behind you.”


Nick nodded and took off after his brother.  At least he’s still headed towards the ranch he thought.  He doubted he would catch up to the little Modoc as she had a good head start, unless Heath decided to slow down which he doubted.  He rode into the yard and headed straight to the barn.  Sure enough his brother was in Gal’s stall brushing her down.  Heath stopped what he was doing for a moment but didn’t turn around when his brother entered.  Nick unsaddled his own horse and began to brush him down as well. When both horses had been groomed and fed to their rider’s satisfaction they exited the stalls.




Heath didn’t reply.  Instead he sank down on a couple of hay bales rubbing his back.


“Back hurting?”




Nick sighed.  Obviously his brother wasn’t going to help him here.  He decided to take the bull by the horns.  He figured the boy didn’t have enough strength left to fight anyway.


“Heath, Gene’s young.  He didn’t realize what he was saying.”


“I know that Nick.  I was younger than him when I started killing and I never thought it was exciting or something to brag about.  He shouldn’t have been with us.  Weren’t no place for a boy or a man to be if you ask me.”




“Leave it be Nick.  Just leave it be.  I’ll apologize to him when I see him.  Just make sure he keeps his mouth shut is all.”


Nick watched Heath walk from barn and head towards the house.  He decided to stay where he was and wait for Jarrod and Gene.  They needed to talk before any more words were spoken that would later be regretted.


Heath shut the door with a loud thud.  Victoria and Audra ran from the study only to stop in mid stride when they saw only Heath standing there.




“There all fine ma’am don’t worry, they’ll be a long in a few minutes.  Jarrod got winged in the arm but it ain’t serious.  If you’ll excuse me I’m tired.”


They watched in silence as he walked across the foyer and up the stairs until he disappeared into his room closing the door with a loud bang.


“Mother, what was that all about?”


“I don’t know Audra but I’m sure we’ll find out when your brothers get back.  In the mean time get me some bandages and the liniment please.”


Nick watched as Jarrod and Gene rode into the yard and headed to the barn.


“Nick how is he? Asked a worried Jarrod watching his brother’s face.


“I don’t know Pappy.  That boy’s sure got a lot of issues to work through though. He barely spoke to me except to tell me to make sure Gene here keeps his mouth closed.”


“I didn’t mean anything by it Nick.  He’s not going to leave is he?”


“He knows you didn’t mean it Gene.  He told me that too.  As for leaving I just don’t know.”  Nick sighed, just when things were going so well too.  “Come on, better get these horses seen to and get Pappy up to the house before Mother comes charging down here liniment in one hand and wooden spoon in the other.”


Victoria was pacing restlessly in the foyer waiting for her other three sons to make an appearance.  She was desperate to know what had happened to make Heath so angry.  She flew into Nick’s arms as he opened the front door.


“I’m so glad you’re all safe.”  Releasing her hold on Nick she turned to her oldest son, “Jarrod come and sit here now please and let me look at your arm.”


“Mother I’m fine it’s just a scratch.”


“I’ll be the judge of that thank you.”


Knowing it would be no use to argue and sensing that his mother needed to be doing something to relieve the tension he sat beside her as requested and waited for her ministrations to be completed.


“All right Jarrod I think you’re right but please go in and see Howard in the morning.  Now will some body please tell me what is wrong with Heath?  He seemed so pensive and drawn.”  Victoria looked from one son to the next before resting her eyes back on Jarrod.


Jarrod decided it would be better to start from the beginning.


“The fight was over before it started. Semple was killed and at least dozen more from both sides lay dead or injured.  Mother we won today but only because Heath was there.  The report didn’t lie about his sharp shooting abilities.  Gene mentioned his shooting skills on the way home and he just seemed to snap.  Told Gene it wasn’t a joking matter and then just took off.”


Victoria thought on her son’s words for a few minutes as everybody watched her.


“Leave Heath alone for the time being.  He obviously feels very strongly about his time in the army.  I’ll go up and speak to him later.  I suggest you all go and get cleaned up and rest for awhile.”


Victoria watched as her sons walked from the room and up the stairs.  She turned and looked at her daughter.  “You know Audra I’ve just realized how very little we still know about Heath.  I wonder if he will ever feel comfortable enough to tell us about his past life.”


As the family gathered around the table for supper that night one seat remained empty.  Nick raised an eyebrow at his mother.


“Did you speak to Heath at all toady Mother?”


“No Nick, each time I went in he was asleep.  I think this morning took more out of him than we realized.  I’ll have Silas take a tray up to him later.”


“No need ma’am.”


They watched as their newest sibling slowly made his way to the table and took his seat.  Nick was shocked at what he saw.


“If I didn’t know you’d been sleeping all day I’d say you hadn’t slept in a week.  Sure you’re feeling alright little brother?”


“Yeah fine.  Gene I owe ya an apology for this morning.  Didn’t mean ta jump down ya throat.”


“That’s ok Heath, I was out of line. Shouldn’t have gone on the way I did.”


Nick decided now might be a good idea to change the subject.  He had a feeling his new brother didn’t want it to go any further tonight.


“Heath, thought you might like to ride out with me tomorrow and check the new batch of mares that were just delivered.”


“Can’t Nick.”


“If you’re worried about over doing it, don’t, we can take as long as ya like.”


“That’s not the reason.”


“Then what?”


Heath took a deep breath and looked at his plate.


“I’ll be leaving in the morning for Strawberry.”




Part 12

Retribution - Part 2


A stunned silence greeted his words.  Nobody moved, they all just sat there staring at him.


“You’re what.” Exploded Nick, rising to his feet.


“You heard me Nick, I’m leaving for Strawberry in the morning.”  This time Heath did look at Nick.  Blue eyes locked on to hazel eyes.  Each daring the other to back down.


“That’s what I thought ya said.  Well let me tell you Boy, ya ain’t going to Strawberry.”


Heath was on his feet now; he placed his hands on the table and leant over towards his brother.


“Yes I am and there ain’t a damn thing ya can do about it.”


“Nicholas, Heath that will be enough.  Do I make my self clear?”


Heath turned to Victoria ignoring Nick completely.


“I know you’ve all been waiting for me to give you my answer about staying or not, and I thank ya for your patience.”


“But?” prompted Victoria gently.


“But I can’t do that yet.  I’ve got so many unanswered questions that it just wouldn’t be right.”


“And you think those answers might be in Strawberry Heath?”


“Yes I do Jarrod.  There ain’t any place else they can be.  I remember mama had a special tin.  I have to find it.”


“Do you know what’s in the tin Heath?”


“No ma’am.  I only ever saw it once or twice.  Mama always kept it hidden.  She said it was her memories and dreams.  Ma’am ain’t none of us ever going to be really comfortable with me being here unless I find the answers we’re all looking for.”


“All right Heath, we can’t stop you from leaving even if we wanted to but would you consider waiting a few more days to let your body recover some more.”


“No ma’am, I’ve already waited long enough.”


“But Heath what about your Uncle.  He’s still there isn’t he?  What if he…”


“Don’t worry sis, I won’t turn my back on him this time.”


“Oh for crying out loud.  Mother you can’t possible agree with him.  You’re not seriously going to let him ride away from this ranch and go to Strawberry on his own?”


“Nicholas stop yelling and sit down.  I am not happy with Heath’s decision to travel to Strawberry, but I do understand it.  And he is right. We all have questions that we want answered.  If Heath’s going means that we can all lay to rest even some of those questions then I think he should do it.”


“Well he’s not going on his own.  Audra’s right.  There’s no telling what his uncle will do if he sees him.  I’ll go with him.”  He glared at Heath daring him to object.


“You can’t go Nick, you’ve got a ranch to run.  Ma’am I’m not very hungry.  Think I’ll turn in.” Without waiting for a reply Heath started walking across the room.


“That’s where you’re wrong boy,” yelled Nick, “we’ve got a ranch to run, you and me, as partners.”


Heath stopped and turned, a smile on his face. “Not yet we don’t, Nick,” before continuing out the door.


Heath smiled to himself as he saddled Gal.  Shoulda known Nick wouldn’t take no for an answer.


“Ain’t it a might early in the morning for you Nick?  Thought ya needed ya beauty sleep.”


“Beauty sleep my eye.  How’d ya know?”


“The spurs Nick, the spurs.  Remind me never ta go hunting with ya.  You’ll scare all the prey clear to the next county.’


“Is that right, well let me tell ya, I’m one of the best hunters in this here valley.”


“Doesn’t take much to sneak up on something that’s already dead cause that’s the only way you’d get ta catch anything with them bells on ya feet.”


“When we get back what’s say we go hunting and I’ll show ya how it’s done.”


“Who’s going to run the ranch while we’re gone?”


“Gene, Jarrod and Duke.  We worked out all the details after ya went to bed.”


“Did ha?”  I’m surprised Gene didn’t want to come as well.”


“Oh he did little brother.  Ya shoulda heard him pleading with Mother.  She flatly refused to hear of it.  Threatened to put him on last nights train and send him back to college.”


Heath led his Modoc from her stall and tied Silas’ food parcel to his saddle horn.  He was slightly amused to see that Nick had an identical package.


“Silas sure was busy this morning,” he commented dryly eyeing Nick’s package.


They were several miles from the ranch when the sun finally made an appearance in the eastern sky.  Heath pulled his horse off the trail and sat silently watching in pleasure as the first soft pink fingers crept over the horizon, a few fluffy clouds reflecting the dawn of a new day.  The pink changed to crimson and then gold spreading across the sky, swallowing the darkness before it.


For once Nick knew when to be quiet.  He sat silently beside his brother, watching as the glow of the new day washed over him.  In those few minutes he felt closer to his new brother than at any other time and he wished it would last forever.


Heath sighed as the orange ball of the sun rose above the horizon.


“Ever watch the sunrise Nick.”


“Not very often, but I reckon I could get used to it.”


Heath nodded.  “Mama and I used to watch it every morning.  She said it always gave her hope as the blackness of one day was replaced by the light of the next.  She believed that one day the light would prevail and there would be no more blackness in our lives.”


Heath turned and looked squarely at his brother.


“It’s time to make her dream come true.”


Heath swung his horse back on to the trail and rode on.  Nick followed lost in thought, pondering his brother’s words.  ‘Did that mean that Heath was getting ready to finally settle down with his family?’ Try as he might not to read too much into it he couldn’t help his heart from soaring at the thought of his little brother riding beside him and running the ranch with him. He hadn’t realized until the blond’s arrival how truly alone he felt.


“Heath there’s a clearing about half a mile ahead.  What say we stop there and see what Silas packed for us?  My stomachs beginning to think my throats been cut.”


“Yeah, guess I could use some breakfast too.”



   * * * * * * * *



They ate in silence.  Heath had a far away look in his eyes and Nick wasn’t too sure how to broach the subject that was gnawing at him.  He already knew the blond was reticent when it came to talking and especially so when the talk was personal.  Finally deciding that now wasn’t the time or place he tried a different approach.


“You planning on riding straight through to Strawberry today or are we camping out overnight?”


“Was planning on goin straight through seeing as I was supposed to be goin alone, but I guess we can camp out.  Probably better that way.  Less chance of meeting any unwelcome surprises in the night.”


“You’re uncle?”




“You going to tell me about him?”




Nick rolled his eyes.  If the next few day’s conversation was going to continue like this he thought he’d explode.  They saddled the horses and continued in silence.  He had to admit the early morning air had a calming effect on him.  Lost in his own thoughts he was startled when his brother started speaking in a low whisper.


“Reckon my Uncle Matt hated me even before I was born.  He stayed out of our lives pretty much until I started working in the mines.  I learnt real early not to be seen when he’d come around to visit mama, usually when he was drunk.  Even in those early days he was a mean drunk.”


They rode on in silence with Nick fighting the urge to ask questions.  He sighed, better to let him tell his story in his own time he thought.


‘Once I started working things changed.  Guess he figured that with me down at the mine most a the day mama was free to do his bidding.  Made her work from sun up to sun down, washing, cleaning at the hotel.  By the time she got home I was usually in bed asleep.  That’s why we started getting up and watching the sunrise.  It was our special time together, the only time we ever got and nobody could take it from us.”


Another silence, but it gave Nick time to reflect on how different their lives had been.


“There were a couple of real bad cave-ins at the mine.  Some how I managed to get clear each time.  People used to say I had a sixth sense.  If the bastard ran, they’d all run.”


Nick flinched visibly at the word as Heath continued lost in his thoughts.


“All the town’d be there except mama.  My uncle wouldn’t let her come and see if I was alright.  Said I was a no account and not worth the trouble or the lost money if the washing weren’t done.”


Nick was fuming.


“Couldn’t understand why my uncle didn’t like me.  Used to watch the other kids with their families.  How they’d sit on their knees and laugh.  Only time I ever sat on Uncle Matt’s knee was when he put me over it and paddle my backside but good with what ever was handy at the time.  Don’t remember him ever using his hand though, guess he thought he’d get it dirty.”


Nick’s jaw clenched and unclenched.


“Mama got sick a real lot.  Too much work, not enough sleep, not enough food.  Each time she was sick, he used to dock her pay, not that he ever gave her much to start with.  Some days we didn’t have enough for a loaf of bread.  That’s when I started working in the livery.  Mine in the morning, livery in the afternoons.  I loved working with the horses and I was good at it too.”


Nick heard the pride in those last few words and smiled.


“Then the mine closed, the town started to die and Uncle Matt got more violent.  It was like he blamed me for all his problems.  If he saw me he’d grab me even if I hadn’t done anything wrong and tie me up in the cellar under the hotel.  Sometimes he’d just leave me there for hours in the dark, other times he’d beat me until I lost consciousness.”


Nick started to growl.  It was a good thing he was riding slightly behind his brother.  Heath continued unaware of the animal noises his brother was making.


“Mr Jansen, the livery owner, kept me on as long as possible.  Sent me to neighbouring towns and farms to collect the horses that had been hired out. Got a couple of odd jobs working on different ranches but still couldn’t make enough money to keep a regular supply of food on the table.  One day the army came through.  They were paying more money in one month than I could make in a year.  So I lied about my age and joined up.”


Nick waited but as the silence grew longer he realized his brother wasn’t going to say anymore.          




Part 13

Retribution Part 3


Heath brought his horse to a halt at the last bend in the trail as the old mining town of Strawberry came into view.  He waited for Nick to draw rein beside him and then both brothers sat staring at the deserted main street with its dilapidated buildings.  The few buildings still standing were in rapid decay.  Shingles and doors hung at alarming angles, walls sagged inwards defying nature and gravity.  Signs of the once bustling town lay abandoned everywhere.  The eerie quietness of the windless day sent a chill down both brothers’ spines.


“I can’t imagine how anybody could still be living in a place like this,” whispered Nick quietly, afraid his normally booming voice would bring the town down around their ears.


“There’s only a handful of old timers left plus my Aunt and Uncle and Aunt Hannah,” replied Heath in a murmur.


“Why does you Aunt Hannah still stay here.  Surely she’d be better off in a town somewhere?”


Heath sighed, “I’ve tried Nick, but she refuses to leave.  Say’s her families here and they’re waiting for her.  Not her real family, don’t think she ever had any.  She always called mama, Aunt Rachel and me her family.  Guess we were a family of sorts.”


Nick had an uneasy feeling they were been watched, but Heath didn’t seem to have noticed.  Shaking the thought for the moment Nick looked around the town.


“That your uncles hotel?” he asked nodding towards the largest remaining building on main street.  It didn’t look too inviting with its boarded up front windows.


“Yep, come on if we’re lucky he’ll be still sleeping off a hangover so he won’t see us passing.”


“What about your Aunt, you never mention her.  Won’t she say something?”


“Aunt Martha’s a crazy old woman.  Doubt she’d know if we were even human, she lives in a world of her own.”


Heath surveyed his brother and a smile flickered across his face.


“Not scared of a little bitty ghost town are ya Nick?”


“Me scared, not on your life, still it don’t make any sense taking chances.”


“Mama’s house is on the far side of town.  We could go round but it means going right around the mountain and picking up the trail on the other side about two miles further down the road.  The land around the town is littered with old mine entrances and sinkholes and I don’t fancy stumbling into one of them at the moment.  Besides I reckon I’ve been in the saddle long enough.  Be quicker if we just go down Main Street.”


Nick looked sharply at his brother and for the first time noticed the slump of his shoulders.  Damn, he thought, he should have been taking more notice of his brother’s condition.  This ride probably hadn’t been easy on him and he knew his brother wouldn’t say anything even if he was hurting.  Kicking his horse forward he followed the blond down the street keeping a wary eye on the front of the hotel.  He couldn’t see anything but he still couldn’t shake the feeling that they were been watched.



   * * * * * * * *



A pair of cold dead brown eyes watched the brothers passing from behind the old mercantile.  “Crazy old woman eh? Not as crazy as you think bastard.”  Martha Simmons cackled evilly to herself as she made her way to the back of the hotel and the drunken fool of her husband.  She was going to make damn sure he did it right this time.


The brothers pulled up in front of a small house with a tiny picket fence surrounding a garden not much bigger than the rose garden at the ranch.  Nick was surprised at how well kept the house was compared to the rest of the town.   With a sudden start he realized that up until three months ago, the man sitting beside him, his brother in fact had been living in this very house, so it made sense that it was still well cared for.  A small groan from Heath brought him out of his thoughts and he looked quickly at his brother.


“You alright Heath,” he asked not attempting to hide the concern in his voice.


“Yeah fine, just tired is all.  There’s a lean too out back where we can put the horses.  Rather keep em here with us than at the livery.”


“I’ll take care of Gal, Heath.  Why don’t you go on in and sit a spell.”


“Think I might Nick, thanks.”  Heath handed the reins of his Modoc up to Nick and headed towards the front door.  He stopped and took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping over the threshold.


Nick watched his brother carefully.  He must be really tired if he allowed someone else, even his brother to take care of his horse.  Nick turned Coco’s head and rode around the side of the house.  The lean too wasn’t much more than a few uprights with a roof attached to one side of the house.  At least the two horses would have a roof over their heads.


Nick returned to the house and opened the door quietly.  Sure enough his brother was sprawled out in one of the two beds in the corner sound asleep.  Nick smiled to himself as he bent down and removed his spurs before walking across the room and drawing the quilt at the foot of the bed over his sleeping brother.


“Now lets see who’s the best hunter,” he whispered quietly in the blond’s ear.


The smell of coffee finally woke Heath from the deep sleep his body had slipped into when he laid down on the bed.  He couldn’t suppress the small groan that escaped his lips as he stretched and pulled himself up into a sitting position.


“Good evening sleeping beauty,” teased a grinning Nick good-naturedly as he handed his brother the steaming mug of coffee.


“Evening? How long was I asleep for?” yawned a blurry-eyed Heath.


“Oh about four hours.  Hungry?  I’ve heated up the rest of Silas food for us.”


“Yeah, guess I am a might peckish.”


Nick helped his brother to his feet then grabbed his arm to steadying him as he swayed slightly.


“Dammit Heath, why didn’t you say something out on the trail.  We could’ve stopped ya know.”


“I’m fine Nick, just a little stiff, muscles ain’t use to so much riding yet.”  Heath offered his brother a lopsided grin.  “Come on let’s eat.”


With their meager meal finished, the brothers settled in to drink their coffee.  Nick looked around the small room.  There didn’t seem to be too many hiding places.


“So where do ya think your mama hid the tin Heath?”


Heath glanced around the room and shrugged.  “No idea Nick.  Best go and visit Aunt Hannah in the morning.  She may have some ideas.  If not I guess we’ll just have to tear this place apart.”


Nick studied his brother carefully.


“Sure you want to do that Heath.  Is it really that important to destroy your home over?”


“I reckon so Nick.  We all need those answers and you know it.  Besides it ain’t home anymore now that mama’s dead.  Don’t reckon I’ll be coming here again after this, unless it’s to visit mama’s grave.”


Heath stood up from the table. “I’m tired Nick, think I’ll turn in.  See ya in the morning.”  He wandered over to the bed and lay down.  Within five minutes he was sleeping soundly.


Nick sat in silence watching his brother sleep.  Was that another hint that his brother was getting ready to settle down?  He hoped so.


“Night little brother,” he whispered as he blew out the lamp and made his way over to the other bed.


Neither brother heard the creak of the porch as a pair of blood-shot eyes peered cautiously in the front window.


Heath stopped his horse in front of Hannah James small house, noting the loose shingles on the roof.  “Aunt Hannah,” he called out loudly before dismounting.  When he didn’t get a reply he stepped down from his horse and knocked on the front door.


“Aunt Hannah, you in there? It’s Heath.”


When he still didn’t get an answer he tried the door only to find it locked.


“Guess she’s gone for a walk.  She loves picking wild berries.  You should try her berry pie.  I swear its better than Silas’”


Heath was just about to remount when he heard a small voice calling to him.  He turned around and a smile spread across his face as he spied the small grey haired black woman coming down the path behind the house.


“Lordy, lordy is that you boy? Oh my Heath I thoughts I’d never see you again.  Let me looks at you.  You looks a might peeked, sure you’s feeling alright?”


Heath burst out laughing and gathered the small woman into his arms.  “I’m fine Aunt Hannah, just a might tired.”  He put her down and stepped back looking at her.  These last few months had taken a toll on her he could tell.  The lines of her face were deeper, the eyes not so fiery.   Knowing what her answer would be he didn’t even both to ask how she was, but he knew.


“I’d like you to meet someone Aunt Hannah,” he indicated Nick who was still sitting astride his horse.  “This is my brother Nick, Nick Barkley.”


Hannah’s face split into a huge grin and her eyes shone at his words.


“Oh my lord you done found your family.  I’m so happy.  Your mama she be so pleased to hear that.  I’s tell her later.”


Heath, standing behind Hannah quickly shook his head before Nick could say anything.  Instead Nick dismounted and tipped his hat, “pleased to meet you ma’am,” he said.


“Ma’am, lordy me no.  You’s call me Aunt Hannah boy, you’s family.  Well come in, come in.”


“Ah Aunt Hannah, Nick and I can’t stay now but we’d sure like to come back later this afternoon.  I was just telling him about your berry pie.”


“I makes you one right now.” She turned and headed towards the house, her guests all but forgotten.


“Aunt Hannah,” Heath called softly, reaching for her arm.  “I need to ask you a question.  Do you know where mama kept her secret tin?”


“Secret tin, that be a secret, I’s keep secrets.”


“Yes I know you do Aunt Hannah, but this is important.  I need to find it.  Please can you help us?”


Hannah looked into Heath’s pleading blue eyes and tears filled her own.


“I’s sorry Heath boy, but I’s don’t know where's your mama keep it hid.”


Heath sighed.  “Ok Aunt Hannah thanks anyway.  We’ll be back tonight.”


Hannah watched the brothers ride away and turned back to her house.  “You hear him Miss Leah, our boy done found his family.  Yes I’m real happy to Miss Leah.  Yes I know we’ll miss him you and I but now he got brothers and a sister to looks after him.”


Nick looked curiously at his brother.  Heath felt his brother looking at him and sighed.  “She’s getting old, and her mind wanders sometimes.  She can’t always remember what is present and what is past.”


“Aha.  Heath I was wondering something.”


Heath smiled, he was wondering himself when Nick was going to get around to it.  “Why don’t I object to the word boy?  All depends how and who’s saying it is all.”  He rode on leaving his brother to work it out for himself.




Part 14

Retribution - Part 4


“It ain’t here Heath, we’ve been through this place with a fine tooth comb.”


“I know that Nick, but its gotta be somewhere we haven’t looked yet.”


“Well obviously little brother or we’d have found it by now,” retorted Nick sarcastically.


Heath looked at his brother and burst out laughing.  “Guess that was a pretty stupid comment to make.”  He threw his hands up in the air.  “This is so frustrating.  I know it has to be here somewhere.”


“Well maybe, there’s a secret panel or something.”  Nick offered hopefully.


Heath just eyed him with contempt.  “Look around ya big brother.  Do ya see lots of rooms and passages?  What ya see is what ya get.  A one room shack.”


This time it was Nick’s turn to look sheepish and guilty.  “Sorry Heath, guess that was pretty stupid too.”


“Yeah well I guess it takes one to know one.  I’m goin to check around outside.  Maybe mama hid it out there, though I don’t see how or why she’d take the chance that some animal might dig it up.”


Nick watched his dejected stance as he left the house.  For his sake he hoped they found it soon.  He wasn’t sure how his brother would react if they didn’t find it.  He also fervently prayed that it wouldn’t be the catalyst for Heath to turn his back on his new family.  Nick busied himself rearranging the furniture and replacing the meager contents of the cupboards.


Nick heard the door open and turned around.  “That was quick did ya…” then he stopped.  “Who the hell are you?” he growled staring at the blood shot eyes of the man holding a gun on him, “and we’re the hell’s my brother,” he asked menacingly as he took a step forward.


“Brother ha,” gloated the man, “so you’re kin to the bastard.  This is goin to be more fun than I imagined.  The bastard can watch his new brother die, then I’ll have the pleasure of gittin rid of him once and for all.  That’ll teach you Barkley’s for comin round here and ruinin peoples lives, “ he sneered maliciously.


Nicks eyes widened.  “You’re his uncle ain’t ya?  Matt Simmons?  I swear if you’ve hurt him, I’ll kill ya.  Hell I’m goin ta kill ya anyway.” He growled.


“Shut ya mouth and lose the belt,” ordered Simmons cocking the gun.


Nick caught a movement behind Simmons and lunged forward just as Heath staggered through the door and into his uncle’s back.


Heath had barely stepped off the porch and rounded the side of the house when he felt the blow to the back of his head.  It wasn’t hard enough to knock him out, but it did send him sprawling face down in the dust.  The sudden collision of his body hitting the ground expelled all the air from his lungs.  The voice that spoke behind him sending sheer terror crawling through his veins.


“I’ve got ya now you bastard.  You won’t get away from me this time.”


He heard his uncle’s footsteps fade towards the house and his mind screamed Nick but no words left his mouth.  His one thought was for his brother’s safety.  He dragged his body to a kneeling position and then staggered to his feet and followed his uncle through the door colliding with him before he could stop himself.


The last thing he heard before he sank to the floor was the sound of a shot.


Simmons shot went wide when his nephew staggered into him and before he could re-align the gun he felt Nick Barkley’s hands grab him around the waist as he lunged forward.  Already off balance he could do nothing to save himself from landing on his back on the floor with the bigger Barkley on top of him.


Fear for his own safety leant strength to his muscles.  He landed one good right to Nick’s ribcage then using his legs managed to throw the man off.  Both men got to their feet breathing hard.  Simmons frantically looked around for his gun and spying it lying near Heath’s body made a diving lunge for it, but Nick was quicker.  He caught Simmons around the neck and hauled him backwards causing both men to crash into the side of the old hearth and dislodging several loose bricks in the process.   The force of hitting the hearth caused Nick to lose his grip on Simmons who lunged away and managed to grab his gun from the floor.  Nick started to get up but stopped when he saw the yawning muzzle of the gun pointed at him.


“I’ve got ya now,” screeched Simmons.  “Say good bye to the bastard,” he crowed as he pointed the gun at the moaning form on the floor.


The crash of a gun coincided with Nick’s frantic lunge forward and his cry of Heath.  It took him a few moments to realize that it wasn’t his brother writhing on the floor in agony but Matt Simmons.  The man was holding his gun hand as blood ran through his fingers.  Nick looked up to see who was standing in the doorway, gun still pointed at the man on the floor.  Nick sucked in a breath.




Gene Barkley was just entering the outskirts of Strawberry when a single shot rang out in the still afternoon air.  Drawing rein he waited but when no further shots were fired he spurred his horse forward and headed towards the far end of the town.  At least he hoped that was where the shot had come from.


When his horse suddenly pricked its ears and nickered and he heard as answering nicker from its missing companions he knew he was on the right track.  It didn’t take him long to locate the right house.  He could see the door hanging open and hear the sounds of fighting from inside.


With gun in hand he stepped through the doorway and stopped at the horror he saw before him.  His new brother lay in a heap on the floor, a man kneeling beside him with a gun pointed at his head and Nick was crouched in a corner eyes glaring ready to pounce like some wild caged animal.


It was the man’s words “say goodbye to the bastard,” that galvanized Gene into action.  Without thinking Gene aimed and fired at the gun hand just as the man cocked his gun and Nick made his frantic lunge.


Shaking himself from his shocked stupor, Nick struggled to his feet and picked up his own gun belt and Simmons gun.  Then he stepped over to Gene and took the gun from his hands.


“Gene” he said quietly.  When he didn’t get a reply, he shook his youngest brother on the shoulder.


“Gene, you ok?”


Gene blinked his eyes several times and forced them to focus on Nick’s face, offering a weak smile.  “Hi Nick.”


A moan from Heath as he struggled to get up from the floor forced both brothers into action.


“Help Heath, while I take care of that no good scum of an uncle of his,” ordered Nick, barely containing his fury.


Nick dragged Simmons to his feet and threw him against the side of the hearth.  He didn’t notice the small tin that dropped from its hiding place.  Nick backhanded Simmons savagely across his face splitting his lip.   Simmons cowed against the hearth as he realized he was looking death in the face.  All he managed to croak out was “my arm,” before Nick hit him again.


“You’ve got more than your arm to worry about Simmons.  I’m gonna kill ya for what ya did to my brother,” snarled Nick as he pulled back his arm ready to strike the man again.


The restraining hand on his arm and the whispered “No Nick,” brought him up short.  He looked into the depths of his brothers blue eyes.  “He ain’t worth it.  He ain’t worth ruinin your life for if ya kill him this way,” pleaded Heath.


Reluctantly Nick lowered his arm and let Simmons sink to the floor.  Heath stepped in front of him on unsteady feet.


“Don’t think I’m doin ya any favours uncle, cause I ain’t.  I’d just as soon kill ya my self as look at ya, but I’m not goin to lower myself to ya standards and I ain’t goin to let my brother lower his either.  I want ya to remember me till the day ya die.  Remember that ya lost, that ya didn’t break me.  Remember what ya coulda had if only ya had tried.  I’m a Barkley, Tom Barkley’s son.  I’ve got a home, a family, a heritage and not you or anybody else is ever goin to take that away from me again.  Now get outta my mama’s house.”


Nick and Gene exchanged startled glances.  Had they heard correctly?  Gene steadied Heath’s swaying body as Nick dragged Simmons to his feet and propelled him through the door.


Heath saw the box lying amongst the rubble of the hearth, his mother’s secret box.  He sank to his knees and reached out a hand, clasping it tightly, staring at it for long moments.


Nick came back and squatted beside his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder.


“It’s over Heath.”


Heath looked at his brother a smile creasing his features.  “It is now,” he said as he collapsed into his brother’s arms.


“Is he alright Nick?” asked a worried Gene.


“Yeah, don’t seem to be any serious injuries aside from a slight bump on the head.  He’s exhausted more than anything.  Help me get him on the bed. I’m goin to saddle the horses so we can get outta here when he wakes up.  We’ll go back to Aunt Hannah’s she’s expecting us anyway.  Then you and I are goin to have a long talk little brother about what the hell you’re doin here.”




Part 15

Decision - Part 1


Nick and Gene sat silently on the front porch of Aunt Hannah’s house watching the stars and letting the day’s tension slowly ebb from their bodies.  They were both keenly aware of how very close they had come to losing their new brother, who was now sleeping soundly by the fire.


“Alright Gene, its not that I ain’t grateful, but what the hell are ya doin here?” boomed Nick unable to contain his emotions any longer.


“I had to come Nick, I couldn’t take it any longer waiting back at the ranch for you two to come home.  Wondering if, if…”


“If Heath would come back with me,” Nick finished on a gentler note.


“Yeah, I was so scared he’d use this trip as an excuse to leave because of all the things I said to him.”  Gene looked at his brother.  “Do you think he’ll come back with us Nick?”


Nick thought for a while.  “I hope so Gene, the question is if he truly believes what he said to his uncle today about having a family and a home and a heritage.”


“What about that tin box, what if it say’s something different?”


“We’ll worry about that when the time comes.  You leave it be you hear me Gene.  That’s for Heath to open when he’s ready.  What ever’s in it is between him, his mama and Mother.”




“She’s got a stake in it too Gene, after all it was our father, her husband who had the affair with Heath’s mother.  Speaking of Mother, does she know you came here?”


“I guess so, I did leave her a note.”


“You guess so.  Boy you better hope she found that note and it had better say more than gone to Strawberry.”


“It does.”


Nick ruffled his brother’s hair as he stood up.  “Ya did good today boy, real good.  Now go get some shut eye and that’s an order.”


“Yes sir, boss,” replied a grinning Gene, chest puffed out at his big brother’s words.


Nick watched him go.  Little brothers were so easy to please sometimes he thought and now he had two.  He looked up and whispered a heart felt “thank you.”


“Thought I’d find ya here watching the sunrise.  How ya feeling.”


Heath turned and smiled as Nick sat down beside him.  “Fine Nick, better than I have for a long time.”


Nick studied his brother in the early morning glow.  Did he look more serene, more contented this morning, as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders or was it only a trick of the light.  A quick flash of light on Heath’s other side caught his attention and when he realized what it was he raised an eyebrow and bit his tongue.


Heath was watching from the corner of his eye and had to swallow a laugh at Nick’s attempt to contain his curiosity.


“Don’t bite it off Nick.”


“What ya talking about boy?”


“Ya tongue.  Remember all good things come to those who wait.”


“They do ha?”


Heath eased his aching body to a standing position and then bent down to pick up his mother’s tin, but Nick was faster and handed it to him, his eyes smiling brightly.


“Reckon we’ll head for home tomorrow Nick, I need to make a few repairs to Aunt Hannah’s house today if that’s alright with you?”


Nick’s head snapped around at the word home and he smiled broadly.  “That’s fine Heath, but Gene and I’ll do the work, you rest up.  Mother’ll have my hide if you go home more banged up and exhausted than when ya left.”


“In that case I’d better do all the work.  Wouldn’t want to spoil your Mother’s fun now would I?”


Nick punched his brother playfully on the arm and then threw his arm over his brother’s shoulders as they walked back towards the house.  It sure felt good having this blond brother around and he was determined that it was going to stay that way.


Nick and Gene spent the morning repairing the roof, resealing the windows, cutting wood, hammering extra nails into the loose boards of the porch.  It seemed every time they had finished one job their brother found a new one for them to do.  Nick glared daggers at his brother and growled.


“You enjoying this boy?”


“Enjoying what Nick, don’t know what ya mean.”


“Just wait till I get you home.  I’ve got enough jobs lined up ta keep ya busy for the next fifty years.”


“Don’t ya mean twenty-five years Nick? Seein as I do the work of two men instead of one.”


Nick threw the wet cloth he was using to clean the windows with at Heath’s head. Heath laughed and ducked his head and the cloth hit the wall beside the door as Hannah opened it.


“You boys be acting like a bunch of school kids.  Sure is good to see my boy laughing again.  Go get yourselves cleaned up and thens come in for lunch.”


Hannah watched happily as the three brothers continued their banter as they walked around the side of the house.  She sighed deeply, “my boy, he finally come home.”


Nick and Gene sat their horses watching as Heath said his goodbyes to his aunt.


“I’ll be back in about eight weeks.  You think about what I said Aunt Hannah.  I sure would feel happier if you’d consider moving to Pinecrest or even Stockton.”


Hannah patted Heath’s arm, “I’s promise to thinks about it boy, but I’s to old to be uprooting myself now.”  She hugged him close for several minutes then patted his arm.  “Go on now be off with ya, ya got a family waiting for ya.”


Heath mounted his Gal and with a final wave the brother’s rode away from the little house, comforted in the knowledge that at least they had made the house livable and secure for the coming winter.


“Do you think Aunt Hannah will move into town Heath?” asked Gene quietly.  He had a soft spot for this woman he had only met two days before.





   * * * * * * * *



They rode on to the cemetery so that Heath could visit his mama’s and Aunt Rachel’s graves.  While Nick and Gene gave him his privacy they didn’t let him out of their sight.    They weren’t taking any chances on Matt Simmons making a re-appearance.


A pair of cold dead eyes watched the brothers ride away.  In a seething fury Martha Simmons stormed back to the hotel looking for her useless husband.  “You let him get away again you drunken fool,” she screeched.  A lone shot rang out but only the ghosts of the past heard it.


The first hour’s trip back to the ranch was made in silence.  Each brother lost in his own thoughts.


“Nick where’d you go yesterday afternoon?”


Nick was startled out of his thoughts by the question and looked at Heath.


“I went back to your mama’s house and fixed the door.  Figured ya wouldn’t want any wild animals in there tearing it up.”


Heath stared at his brother in surprise.


“Thanks Nick.”


The remainder of the days ride was made in silence.  Even Nick was surprised at his own ability to refrain from talking.  He realized that each of them was content to travel in a companionable silence.  It was as if their minds were linked and they didn’t have to utter the words to know what the others were thinking.


They made camp earlier than normal that night.


“Ok Nick, reckon it’s about time ya showed me how good ya say ya are.”


Gene looked from one brother to the other, not liking the sound of this.


Nick smiled, “ I reckon you’re right Heath, now you just watch a master at work.”


“Oh I’ll watch, but ya won’t mind if I try my hand as well will ya?  Ya know see who gets the most.”


“Go right ahead little brother.”


“What are you two talking about?  Is Mother going to like this?” asked a curious Gene.


“Wait and find out!  Why don’t you set up camp while I go and rustle us up some food.”


“Ah, sure thing Nick, whatever you say.”


Gene watched his two older brothers slink off into the bush and shook his head.  Things sure were going to be interesting around here from now on if Heath decided to stay he thought.


Peels of laughter could be heard rolling across the range as Nick and Gene sat back listening to their new brother laughing at Nick’s attempt to catch a rabbit.  They both took joy in the fact that while it was Heath laughing it was their father’s laugh that they heard.  A laugh they never thought they’d hear again.


“Well I guess that proves it Nick.  Heath’s a better hunter than you.  Those fish he caught sure were tasty.”


After a bit more light-hearted banter the brothers decided to turn in for the night.


“Gene, do ya reckon ya could have killed my uncle the other day if ya had too?”  Heath asked quietly.


Gene sucked in a breath and looked across at Heath who was sitting cross-legged on his bedroll staring at the flames of the fire.


“I don’t know Heath, maybe, I guess so.”


How’d you feel when ya shot him?”


Nick sat up and listened intently, looking from one brother to the other.


“Disgusted, repulsed!  It almost made me sick.”


Heath nodded, “good, ya remember that will ya and stay outta trouble.”


“Heath, how did you feel the first time you took someone’s life.  You know, in the war.”  Gene asked in little more than a whisper.


Heath thought for a while.  Just when both brothers’ had given up on getting a reply he spoke again.


“Same as you, only I was sick.  Heaved for days afterwards.  All I could see was a man’s head exploding as the bullet my bullet tore through him.  I don’t even remember who he was anymore.  Just some rebel officer I was ordered to shoot.”


“How old were you?”


Heath sighed, “Fourteen.  I was a fourteen-year-old boy killing men I didn’t know.  Picking them off from the safety of cover when I shoulda been home with my mama, my family.”


Nick and Gene stared at the blond staring at the fire.  In that moment Nick could have happily beaten his father to a bloody pulp for allowing his brother to suffer the way he had.


“There ain’t no glory in fighting and killing Gene, it don’t make a man proud, or strong or admired.  Just causes a lot of grief for a lot of folks.  Hell it didn’t get me or my friends any where except for a one way ticket to a hell hole that only a few ever left, though I doubt that any of us will ever truly leave that place until we’re dead.”


Heath lay down with his back to his brothers, pulled his blanket over him and went to sleep.  Nick and Gene were left staring at his back, contemplating his words.  With out saying another word they both lay down and went to sleep, or at least Gene did.  Nick lay there as sleep evaded him, thinking of a fresh-faced blue-eyed blond boy hiding in the trees and shooting rebel army officers as though they were playing a game in a side show at the State Fair.  It made his stomach twist in knots.  “I hope your satisfied father,” he cried to the heavens.




Part 16

Decision - Part 2


“Mother we’re home,” bellowed Nick as he made his grand entrance, Heath and Gene following quietly behind.


Audra flew down the stairs and into Heath’s arms as Victoria and Jarrod came from the study, smiles on their faces although the look they both threw at Gene didn’t bode well for him in the very near future.


“I’m so glad you’re all back safe and sound,” Victoria said as she gave each of her sons a hug and kiss.


“Looks like you ran into a bit of trouble Nick, “ commented Jarrod eyeing the black eye he was sporting.


“Yeah well, nothing we couldn’t handle,” replied Nick quickly, wanting to change the subject.  “Think I’ll go and check what’s happening with Duke.”


“Not until you’ve cleaned up and eaten Nick, Heath.  Jarrod and I wish to speak to Eugene first.”


Nick stepped forward and took his mother’s hands in his.  “Please let it wait till later, I need to speak to both of you first.”


“Nick it’s alright.”


“Gene go upstairs and get cleaned up. Now, you too Heath,” ordered Nick.


Both brothers were about to argue then thought better of it and headed towards the stairs.


“So that’s about it,” said Nick quietly as he sipped the drink Jarrod poured for him.  “If Gene hadn’t turned up when he did Heath and I’d probably be dead and buried at the bottom of some old mine shaft by now.”


Victoria was close to tears when she realized how close she had come to losing two of her sons had her youngest son not disobeyed her and followed his brothers to Strawberry.


“Thank you sweetheart for telling us.  I’m still not happy with Eugene’s behaviour but I can’t fault his actions.  You said Heath found the box.  Has he said anything about it to you?”


“No Mother, but I’m sure he opened it.”


“Why do you say that?”


“Well the next morning when I found him watching the sunrise he seemed different, happier and he said he was ready to come home.”


“Oh I hope so Nick, I truly hope so.  All right darling go and get cleaned up and have something to eat.”


Nick stood up and kissed the top of his mother’s head before heading to the door.




“Yes Mother.”


“Thank you for bringing your brothers home safely.”


“Didn’t plan on doin it any other way.”


Victoria and Jarrod listened as Nick’s spurs jangled across the foyer and up the stairs.


“Well Jarrod, what do you think?”


“I think Mother, that Nick hasn’t told us everything that happened during their trip.”


“Yes, I got that impression too.  Perhaps a late night drink may be in order.”


“I’m sure that can be arranged lovely lady.  Next question is what to do about Eugene.  In light of what Nick has just told us it wouldn’t be right to be too harsh with him.”


“No Jarrod I know.  I just thank god that he does possess that Barkley stubbornness otherwise I shudder to think what might have happened.”


“Perhaps we should just leave it at that.  I’m sure Gene’s being worrying himself sick about what punishment you were going to deal out.  Suffice to say that in this instance that may be punishment enough.”


Victoria stood and kissed he son on the forehead.


“Jarrod how did you get to be so wise?”


Jarrod smiled, “I had a very good teacher, you.”


“Thank you Jarrod.  I think I might go and check on my sons.”


Victoria climbed the stairs and knocked gently on Heath’s door.  Getting no answer she turned the handle and opened the door quietly.  She smiled at the sight of the blond sprawled asleep across his bed.  She moved silently across the room and pulled the quilt over him and then crossed to the window and drew the curtain.  “Sleep sweetheart, we’ll talk when you wake up,” she whispered in his ear.  As Victoria turned she spotted the tin sitting on his nightstand and her breath caught in her throat.  “What secrets did it hold?” she wondered as she silently left his room.


Victoria continued down the hall and knocked on Eugene’s door.  A tired “come in” greeted her ears.  She carefully schooled her features before opening the door.  Eugene jumped up from the bed when she entered.


“It’s all right dear, please sit down.  I know your tired so I won’t keep you long.  Your brother is already asleep.”


“Mother I know I disobeyed you and I’m sorry but I couldn’t stand the waiting, not knowing if Heath was going to come back or not,” he blurted out before lowering his eyes to the floor.


Victoria moved across the room and sat on the bed taking his hands in hers.


“I know sweetheart and I understand.  I was furious when I found that you had followed your brothers, but I am so glad that you have the same stubborn Barkley streak in you as all your brothers.  If you didn’t have that streak in you I believe that from what Nick said your brothers would be dead.  Thank you sweetheart for making it possible for your brothers to come home.”


Gene’s body started to shake uncontrollably as the tears flowed freely down his face.  Victoria took him into her arms comforting him as only a mother can.


“I was scared Mother, I didn’t know what to do, but I couldn’t let that man kill Heath or Nick.  I’ve never shot anyone like that before.”


“I know sweetheart, but it’s all over now and you did the right thing.  I’m very proud of what you did for your brothers.”


Eugene’s sobs quieted but he remained safe in his mother’s arms as she gently rocked him.


“Heath was right.”


“About what dear?”


“Last night when we made camp we were talking and he said that there wasn’t any glory in fighting and killing and that it didn’t make a man proud or strong or admired.  I don’t feel proud for what I did. Mother I hope I never have to do that again.”


“I do to son, but this is still a lawless land, and sometimes one has to do things to protect those he loves that he wouldn’t normally do.  Heath is right it doesn’t make a man strong, but if it happens again Gene you’ll know what the right thing is an you will do it.”


Victoria stood up from the bed and allowed Gene to stretch out then pulled his quilt over him.  “Get some sleep love.  You will feel better for it.”  She watched as he closed his eyes and the sound of his breathing regulated, then she left the room.  She wasn’t surprised to see Jarrod standing quietly by the door.


“You heard?”


“Yes Mother and I wonder what else Heath had to say last night.”


“Mother where is everyone, aren’t they coming down for supper?” asked a disappointed Audra.


“No dear, they’re still asleep.  I’ll have Silas take some trays up later.”


“Nick’s not going to be too pleased when he finds out he slept away the afternoon,” chuckled Jarrod.  “I can hear him now, why didn’t you wake me, this is a working ranch you know.”


Victoria and Audra both laughed at Jarrod’s attempt to imitate his brother.


“Oh aren’t we the funny one Counselor,” growled Nick as he came through the doors, dark hair tousled and still rubbing sleep from his eyes.


He moved around the table and planted a kiss on the top of his mother’s and sister’s heads before taking his seat.  Talk around the table that night was kept to idle chatter.  Nick caught up with the happenings of the ranch during his absence and he told them about Aunt Hannah and the work they did around her house and their hunting competition.


“Sounds like Heath will make an excellent boss Nick, if he can get you and Gene to do all the work like that” chimed in an amused Jarrod at the end of Nick’s story.  “I’ll be looking forward to going hunting with a real expert too.” Jarrod ducked as Nick threw his table napkin at him.


“Nicholas please, we don’t throw things at the table.”


As Silas cleared the dishes from the table the others made their way to the billiard room.


“Can I interest you in a drink Nick?  Mother what about you and Audra? A sherry perhaps?”


“Yes thank you Jarrod, that would be fine,” replied Victoria before she turned her attention to her second oldest son.


“Nick I want you to tell us everything that happened while you were away.”  Victoria held up her hand to still his objections.  “I know you a keeping some things from us.  I spoke to Gene this afternoon and he mentioned a conversation last night that you had with Heath.  Nick I can’t help any of you and especially Heath if I don’t know what is happening.”


Nick sat down heavily in a vacant armchair and sighed.  He knew he’d have to tell them sooner or later, but he would have preferred later.  He looked from his mother to his sister and brother and then back to his mother and swallowed hard before beginning his story.


A prolonged silence greeted Nick’s words when he finally finished.  Even Audra’s sobs had stopped although she still clung to Jarrod eyes red and face puffy.  Jarrod’s mouth was set in grim lines much the same as Nick’s was as he went over his words in his mind yet again.  Victoria’s face plainly showed the anguish she felt for this lost son of her husbands.


She patted Nick’s hand. “Thank you for telling us Nick I know that was difficult for you.”


Nick did no more than nod in reply.


“Mother do you think Heath will stay now,” Audra asked hopefully.


“I don’t know dear, I hope so but we all have to realize that that is still Heath’s decision to make and whatever he decides we should all,” looking sharply at Nick, “accept it and support him in anyway we can.”


Victoria looked around the room at her children who all nodded silently in agreement.


“I think we should all get some sleep.  I have a feeling tomorrow is going to test all our strength.”


Victoria stood and took her daughter’s hand.  The two brothers watched as they left the room then Jarrod turned to Nick.


“Is he going to stay Nick?”


“Yeah, I reckon he will now, Pappy.”




Part 17

Decision - Part 3


Victoria heard his bedroom door close and then the muffled sound of his socked feet walking past her door.  She followed his quiet descent down the stairs with her ears and sighed in relief when she didn’t hear the front door open and close.  Pulling on her housecoat and slipping her feet into a pair of slippers she quietly left her room.


She found him sitting in the parlour staring at the embers of the fire.  How like her Tom he looked at that moment.


He heard the swish of her nightgown and allowed a small smile to flicker across his face.


“I didn’t mean ta wake ya,” he said softly.


“You didn’t sweetheart.”


Victoria noticed the small tin beside him.


“Did you find the answers you were looking for in Strawberry?” she asked quietly.


He turned to face her again allowing that same small smile to flicker across his face once more.


“Reckon I did ma’am.”


Victoria raised an eyebrow slightly.  Nick was right this boy’s reluctance to speak or answer questions in sentences longer than four words was infuriating, but she knew better than to push to fast.


“Were they the answers you hoped to find?”  This time she held her breath.  What if they weren’t the right answers?  Would he leave, turn his back on this family who had come to care for him greatly, to love him.


This time he didn’t answer.  He sat studying her face for a few minutes and then picked up the tin and placed it in her hands.


It was now her turn to sit and say nothing.  She sat there staring at the tin.  The tin that held so many answers to her questions.  Was she strong enough to open it she wondered?  She turned her eyes to him and he nodded his head.


“It’s alright ma’am, go ahead and open it.  My mama would’ve wanted ya to see what’s in it.”


Taking strength from his words she eased the lid off as he rose and turned the wick up on the lamp beside her before returning to his place by the fire.


She was scared now, but her need to know compelled her to look at the contents.  She caught her breath at the picture on the top.  A picture of her beloved Tom with a beautiful young woman who had the same soft features as the boy sitting opposite her.


“Your mother was very beautiful Heath,” she whispered unable to tear her eyes away from the images in front of her.


“Yes ma’am she was.”


She delicately put the picture on the settee beside her and pulled out the next picture.  This time of a mother and son.  There was no mistaking who the young boy was.  The eyes, the lop-sided grin, the shock of blond hair.


“That was taken at the State Fair.  Guess I was about six or seven.  Mama saved all year so’s she could take me.  It was the only time we ever went on a holiday.”


She looked up quickly and just caught the glint of the tears in his eyes before he turned away from her.  She placed the second picture beside the first.  She looked into the tin again and couldn’t help the small gasp that left her lips.


Before her was an envelope addressed to Miss Leah Thompson.  It wasn’t the envelope that made her gasp.  It was the handwriting on the envelope that took her breath away.  She would recognize that writing anywhere; it was her Tom’s writing.


“It’s ok ma’am you can read it, I have.”


She looked at him as he stared at her.  Did he seem contented, at peace?


With shaking fingers she withdrew the envelope from the safety if its resting place and opening it carefully took out the letter from within.  She blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill down her face and began reading the letters secrets.


By the time she reached the end of the letter she was crying openly.  She felt a pair of strong arms envelope her as Heath drew her into his chest.  She could feel his own tears falling down his face and into her hair.


“Oh Heath, he never knew.  He didn’t abandon you.  Your mother never told him.  I’m so sorry he never had the chance to get to know you.”


“You know ma’am, when I was growing up I hated him for leaving my mother and me in that mining town.  Even when I first came here I still hated him.  I lived with that hate for so long that I was blinded to anything else.  I wouldn’t listen to mama when she told me my father was a good man.  How could she say that when he left us like that?  Then I read the letter, I read the love he had for my mother, the love he had for you and his family.  I’ve listened to all of you speak about him; I’ve felt his love through all of you.  I still don’t know if I can forgive him but I know now I don’t hate him anymore.”


Victoria rested quietly in his strong arms, allowing her emotions to wash over her.  Her fumbling attempts to replace the letter in its envelope were stilled by his strong calloused hands.  She felt a strange peace at their touch.


“What are you going to do now Heath?  Are you going to take a chance with this family?  Your mother can no longer fulfill Tom’s wish of a happy life and a family but you can.  Don’t let his wishes and dreams for your mother die with her.  Embrace this family as your own.”


She looked up into his eyes, eyes so expressive that they spoke of their own accord.  She watched as the last of his fears and hates slowly drowned in their depths to be replaced by a sparkling brightness full of hope and love for the future.


He looked away into the darkness of his mind searching for she didn’t know what.  When he turned back to her the lop-sided grin she had grown to love spread across his face.


“I reckon I’d like that ma’am, to stay here.  I know my mama would be mighty happy to know I found my family.”


Victoria let out her breath, surprised that she had been holding it.  She felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders.  Her family was complete again.  She turned to look at Tom’s son, her son, her children’s brother and a smile shone upon her face.


“Oh Heath, son, you don’t know how happy you’ve made me, this family.  I promise you will never regret this decision.”


His own grin matched hers.


“Well I reckon I better get some sleep.  Ole Nick’ll be angrier than a bear with a sore tooth if we lose any more work time this week.  Good night ma’am and thank you.”


He stood to go but her hands stopped him and he sat down again, looking at her expectantly.


“Heath, you know I consider you to be my son don’t you.”


Heath nodded and swallowed wondering where this was going.


“If you are going to become a fully fledged member of this family along with your brothers and sister then I don’t think calling me ma’am any longer is a suitable title.”


He stared at her.


“I know I can never replace your mother and I don’t expect to.  What you feel for your mother can never be taken from you; it is with you from the moment of your birth until your death.  What I would like to do is play as an important part in your new life as your new brother’s and sister.  You refer to them as your brother’s and sister and I would like you to refer to me as Mother.”


His mouth dropped opened and he stared in disbelief at her.  Not because she had insulted him or his mother but because she actually cared enough about him to want him to call her that.


She waited, hoping she hadn’t pushed him away from her before their relationship had even begun.


“I, I,” he stammered before gaining control of his emotions.  He looked at her side ways.


“Are you sure?”


She laughed, “Of course I am Heath or I wouldn’t have asked you.”


He took another breath.  What would his mama say?  She would probably smile and say follow your heart son.  He looked down at her.


“I’d like that …Mother.”  He stood quickly, kissed her head gently and hurried from the room.


She sat quietly in the darkness of the room taking comfort in its enveloping peace.  She stood and walked to her late husbands picture and stared at it.


“Thank you for bringing our son home Tom.”


She turned and left the room.


“Ain’t ya finished yet Nick?  As you would say, times a wastin and this is a working ranch.”


Nick glared at Heath, “been taking lessons from the resident comedian over there,” he indicated Jarrod with a jab of his finger, “have ya boy?”


“Don’t know what ya mean Nick.”


“Heath are you sure you’re up to a full day’s work yet,” asked Victoria.  She knew he was still tired from the trip and their talk in the early hours of the morning.


Heath looked at her and grinned.


“I’m fine… Mother.”


Cutlery clattered to plates and four heads snapped around to stare wide eyed and open mouthed at the blond sitting at the table with an amused expression on his face.


Heath continued on, pretending not to notice their gaping mouths.


“I thought a partnership meant we both worked Nick, not just me.”


Heath stood up, winked at his mother and managed three steps across the room before the table erupted behind him and a strong pair of hands grabbed him and spun him around.


“Did I just hear ya right boy?” growled Nick trying not to choke on his words.


“Well now Nick, I only know what I said, I don’t know what you thought you heard.”


Jarrod, Eugene and Audra had gathered around the brothers as well.


“Oh Heath, you’re staying aren’t you?” Audra squealed in delight.


Heath turned to look at her ignoring Nick’s contorted face.


“Reckon I am sis, if you’ll all have me.”


“Have you,” bellowed Nick finally finding his voice.  “Boy if you hadn’t agreed to stay I was goin to hog tie ya and keep ya in the attic.”


“But Nick, if you did that you’d never get any work outta him and we owe him for all the work he made us do in Strawberry,” put in a laughing Gene.


Jarrod clapped him on the back, “welcome to the family Heath.”


Nick strode across the room his eyes bright with tears.  His little brother was staying.  He got to the door and bellowed, “Come on boy, we’ve got work to do.  After all this is a working ranch ya know.”


Heath rolled his eyes, kissed his sister and followed muttering under his breath, “I just know I’m goin to regret this,” as he disappeared out the door.




Part 18

Aftermath - Part 1


Nick and Heath had been working all morning under the hot sun repairing fences. They were both bare-chested and the sweat glistened on their muscular frames. It didn’t matter how many times he saw the scars or the almost faded bruises on his brothers back, his stomach still twisted into knots and his eyes flashed fire.  Heath sighed as he stretched his aching muscles.


“Nick ain’t no good getting all riled up.  Ain’t nothing either of us can do about it.  Ya gotta learn to live with it same as I have.”


“Have you really Heath?  Learned to live with it?  I’ve seen the way you react when someone, even your family see the scars.”


“Yeah well they’re not a pretty sight.  Come on I’m hungry.  Lets see what ole Silas packed for lunch.”


Heath dropped the wire strainers he was using and headed for his Modoc before Nick could reply.  Nick stood watching his brother’s back and those damn scars before shaking his head.  “This ain’t over yet boy, one of these day’s you’re gonna talk to me”, he muttered under his breath.


Nick downed his own tools and retrieved his lunch parcel from his saddlebags and joined his brother under the shade of the trees.  They ate in silence allowing the cool breeze to dry the seat on their bodies.  It wasn’t long before Nick realized that his brother had fallen asleep beside him.  Nick smiled to himself.  As usual mother was right.  His brother wasn’t up to a full days work just yet.  Nick poked Heath in the ribs causing him to wake with a start.  Heath turned blurry eyes to his brother.


“What did ya do that for?  Can’t a body take forty winks,” he growled half-heartedly.


“Go home Heath and get some proper shut eye will ya.  You ain’t going to be any good to me half asleep.”


“I’m fine Nick.”


“Well I say ya not.  Now go home and stop been so damn stubborn. I need my partner fit not half dead.”


Heath was about to answer when he was overcome by a sudden yawn.  He knew Nick was right he did feel exhausted and his muscles were aching something fierce.  He looked sheepishly at his brother who hadn’t missed the yawn.


“Guess you’re right Nick.  I could use a few hours sleep.  Sure you can manage on ya own?”


“Yeah, go on.  There’s not that much left.  I’ll see ya back at the house in a couple of hours.”


Nick watched as Heath pulled his six-foot frame to a standing position and then shrugged into his blue shirt.  Heath waved farewell and offered a lop-sided grin as he mounted his little Modoc and headed back to the ranch.


“I expect the fence to be finished next time I see it,” he threw over his shoulder as he rode away.


Audra stood on the porch and waved goodbye as her Mother, Jarrod and Gene left for Stockton.  She had promised to go to the orphanage that morning but was now wishing she could join the rest of her family on their shopping trip.  Still she thought, if she hurried she could still meet them for lunch and then spend the afternoon in town.  With her mind decided she hurried to the barn to saddle her horse.


Matt Simmons crouched behind the bales of hay stored in the loft of the barn and watched through blood shot eyes as the Barkley matriarch and two of her sons including the one that shot him ride away.  Never mind he thought there would be plenty of time to get even.  He allowed an evil sneer to grace his features as he saw the blond girl heading towards the barn.  Hurrying to the ladder he had just enough time to hide himself in an empty stall before the girl made an appearance.


Audra hurried to the saddle rack and collected her saddle then continued to the end stall to saddle her mare, unaware of the presence lurking in the stables.  There were still enough horses present in the stalls to mask the surreptitious movements of Simmons as he moved towards Audra’s stall.


Audra led her mare from the stall and turned to close the gate.  She felt her mare pull back in fright as she was grabbed from behind and a dirty hand clamped across her mouth effectively cutting off the scream before it could leave her mouth.


“If ya want to see another day, keep ya mouth shut.  Do ya hear?”  Sneered a voice close to her ear.  She could feel his hot breath on her neck and smell the stale sweat of his body.  She nodded her head in understanding.


“Good, now who else is up at the house? And no lies or it’ll be the last thing ya ever say.”


“Only Silas our houseman,” she whispered unable to keep the rising terror from her voice.


“Where’s that bastard of a nephew of mine girl?”


Audra’s eyes widened in understanding as she realized who her captor was.


“You’re Heath’s uncle aren’t you?”


“Got it in one girly, now answer the question.”


“Out on the range with his brother mending fences.”


“Good now wasn’t that easy?” leered Simmons.  “Come on into the house now.”


Audra had no choice as Simmons cruelly twisted her arm behind her back making her gasp in pain.  He roughly pushed her ahead of him making sure he maintained his grip on her arm.  Once they reached the safety of the front porch he drew his gun and held it to her head.


“Once we’re inside girly, call for the nigger and no wrong moves understand?”


Audra nodded then opened the front door.


“Silas,” she called softly.


“Louder damn you.”


“Silas,” Audra called and then they waited for him to make an appearance.


“Why Miz Audra, I’s thought” he stopped his eyes widening in shock as he saw Audra standing in the middle of the foyer with Simmons standing beside her a gun pressed to her head.


“Miz Audra you be alright?”


“Shut ya mouth nigger and listen real good or the girly here gets it.  I want ya to go find my stinkin nephew and bring him back here alone do ya understand?”


“Don’t dot it Silas,” Audra cried out before Simmons hit her on the side of the head with the gun butt, knocking her to the floor.


“Silas moved towards Simmons but was brought up short when he turned the gun on him.


“Keep comin nigger,” he jeered  “and neither of ya will live.  Now go and get that bastard nephew of mine.”


“I’s going Mista, just don’t hurt Miz Audra I’s beg ya.”


“If ya don’t want nothin to happen to her, ya better git goin and remember what I said.  He comes alone.”


Simmons watched as Silas left the house and crossed the yard to the stable.  He allowed a satisfied smile to creep across his face as he watched the black man ride through the gates.  Turning back to Audra he picked her up off the floor and dropped her unceremoniously in one of the parlour chairs.  Removing the cord sash from one of the drapes he tied her hands behind her back and then gagged her with his bandana.  He ran his fingers down her cheeks and then lifted her chin.


“Now we wait girly.  Sure hope you’re awake to see the bastard get his.”


Heath allowed his little Modoc to carry him towards the house at a gentle lope.  They had cut across the range and came into the yard behind the barn so he missed passing Silas as he road across the range looking for the two brothers.


After settling his Modoc comfortably in her stall Heath dragged his weary frame towards the front door.  Reaching the porch steps he slapped at his dusty clothes with his hat and stamped his feet.  Satisfied that he had removed as much trail dust as possible he opened the front door and stepped into the foyer.




Part 19

Aftermath - Part 2


Silas made good time across the range and came upon Nick as he tightened the last strand of wire.  Nick turned at the sound of the horse coming towards him at a fast lope.  His eyes widened in surprise when he saw Silas riding Audra’s horse.  Wasn’t Audra supposed to be at the orphanage?


“Mista Nick, Mista Nick,” Silas yelled breathlessly.  “Mista Heath’s uncle’s at the house and he got Miss Audra.  He say for Mista Heath to come home now, alone.”  Silas looked around, “where be Mista Heath?”


Nick stood in a stunned silence staring at their houseman as though he had suddenly grown two heads.


“What?” he roared, grabbing his shirt and racing to Coco.  “Heath’s already on his way back to the house.  Didn’t ya pass him?”  Not waiting for an answer he continued on, “ride into town and find Mother and Jarrod and send the doctor and sheriff out here.”


“Yes sir Mista Nick, please hurries and you be’s careful.”


Nick and Silas parted company.  Silas headed on in to town while Nick spurred Coco towards the house praying that he would make it in time.  Nick cursed himself for not finishing off Simmons when he had the chance and now his brother and sister were both in danger.


Audra felt Simmons fingers on her face and then lift her chin.  It took all her will power not to recoil at their touch.  Keeping her eyes tightly shut she pretended to be unconscious while she desperately sought for a way to warn her brother.  Simmons had not bothered to tie her feet, but that didn’t help, as the chair she was tied to, was too heavy to lift.   She took a quick one-eyed glance around her immediate vicinity and a small smile flickered across her face.  With a bit of luck she would be within reach.


Heath was half way across the foyer before a small noise made him look towards the parlour and his blood ran cold.  His eyes narrowed and he growled low in his throat as he took a step towards his sister.  The sound of a gun being cocked and pointed at his sister’s head stopped him in his tracks.


“That’s right bastard, stay where ya are. Take another step and she gets it,” sneered Simmons.  “Now drop the belt.”


Simmons stepped in front of Audra and didn’t see her head come up but Heath caught the pleading look she gave him and the shake of her head.  Her left leg moved towards a small table on which stood a vase of flowers.  Realizing what Audra was about to do Heath stalled for time.


“Not until you let her go.  Do what ya want with me, just let my sister go!”


Audra’s foot had nearly reached the table leg.  Heath knew it was going to be close.  He was fast but he doubted even he could beat a bullet from an already drawn gun still he had to try.  He had to save his sister.


“I should have killed you a long time ago Uncle,” he growled


Audra’s foot reached the table leg and Heath readied himself.  Audra shoved the table hard causing the vase to teeter and fall.  Simmons’ head snapped around to look at the vase before returning to Heath as he started to dive sideways and grab for his gun.


Nick pushed Coco to his limit and the horse sensing his rider’s urgency responded to the challenge.   The lathered heaving horse slid to a halt by the porch steps as his rider leapt from the saddled.  Nick heard the vase shatter followed by two shots as he barreled through the front door.  He watched in horror as his brother crumpled in a heap on the floor and Simmons raise his gun again, blood spreading across the front of his shirt.  On reflex Nick pointed and fired before Simmons had another chance to shoot his brother.


Heath knew he wasn’t going to make it.  Even as his own gun cleared leather he felt Simmons bullet tear through his left side.  Adrenalin and the look on Audra’s face kept him going and he fired as he felt himself collapsing.  His side was on fire, the agony of the lead tearing through flesh sending him spiraling rapidly into darkness.  “Not yet,” his mind screamed.  “Audra! gotta save sis.”  Somewhere in the thick fog enveloping him he heard the front door crash open and the report of a gun behind him.


Heath clutched his injured side and tried to pull himself to his knees, but the movement sent white-hot daggers slicing through his body and he cried out in pain.  He felt a pair of strong hands grab his shoulders and heard Nick’s voice through the cotton wool in his head.


“Easy Heath, I’ve got ya now.”


“Nick?” he asked weakly.


“Yeah boy, I’m here.”


“See…to…Audra…and…Uncle,” he gasped before slumping in his brother’s arms.


Nick gently lowered his brother to the floor then giving Simmons only a cursory glance headed for Audra who was still gagged and bound to the chair, although she was now struggling wildly to get free.   Nick quickly untied her and removed the gag and then took her sobbing body into his arms.


“Sshhh honey, it’s all over, did he hurt ya?” he asked gently.


“No!  Heath is he, is he?”


“He’s still alive honey but he needs our help.  Can you get me towels and water?" Nick asked as he took her arm and led her past the body of Simmons and back to where Heath lay.


“Go on sis, we need to get the bleeding stopped.”


Audra nodded and headed through the doors to the kitchen.  Nick dropped to his knees beside Heath and stared at the ever-widening bloodstain.  There was just so much blood.


“Hold on little brother,” he whispered.  “You fight ya hear me?  I’m not goin to lose ya now.”


Nick gently pulled the shirt up exposing the wound that was seeping blood at an alarming rate.  He sighed when he found the exit wound on his brother’s back.  At lease they didn’t have to worry about the bullet been lodged somewhere in his body.  He heard Audra gasp behind him when she saw the amount of blood pooled around her brother.


“Nick, do you want me to ride into town for the doctor?” she whispered, never taking her eyes off Heath.  He was so still it was scaring her.


“No honey, Silas should already be there.  I sent him to find Mother and Jarrod and send back the doctor.”


Nick took the offered towels and bowl of water as Audra sat down beside him.  Gently he washed away as much blood as possible from around the wounds and then covered each with a clean towel.  They watched in horror as the towels quickly turned red with blood.


“Oh Nick, he not going to” but Audra couldn’t finish her question.  She looked at Nick tears running down her face.


Nick offered her a weak smile as he added two more towels to those already in place and pressed down hard on the wounds, but he was worried.  Heath hadn’t made a sound since he’d passed out.


“Not if I can help it sis, he won’t cause I won’t let him.”


Audra couldn’t help but smile at Nick’s words.  Her big brother had spoken and woe behold anybody who disagreed with him.



   * * * * * * * *



Silas arrived in town and headed straight for the Doctor’s office.  After telling Doctor Merar what was happening at the ranch and getting his assurance that the doctor would leave immediately he then went in search of the sheriff and the family.  He hoped they would be having lunch at the Cattleman’s Hotel so he headed there first and was rewarded for his efforts.


A stunned Jarrod watched Silas enter the dining room and walk straight to their table.


Miz Barkley, Mista Jarrod, Mista Gene, Sheriff you done got to go home now.  Mista Heath’s uncles at the ranch, he got Miz Audra and he want Mista Heath.  Mista Nick sent me to get you and the doctor.  He gone after Mista Heath.  I already done sent the doctor.”


All four stood as one and headed for the door.


“Jarrod I’ll get my horse and catch up with you,” said Fred Madden as he hurried out the door.


The rest of the family hurried to the livery to collect the horse and buggy while Silas collected the mare. Victoria stopped for a moment, “Jarrod it might be an idea if you take the mare and catch up with Howard.  We won’t be far behind you.”


“Yes Mother, I’ll take Fred with me as well.”


Jarrod gave his mother’s hand a squeeze.


“Be careful son.”


Jarrod nodded and taking the reins from Silas mounted and headed down the street to where he could see Fred Madden waiting.  Victoria watched them ride out and sent a silent prayer to her late husband.  “Please look after them Tom, we can’t afford to lose any of them now.”


“Has the bleeding stopped Nick?” Audra asked quietly as she wiped the sweat from Heath’s face as his head rested in her lap.


“Not completely, but at least its slowed,” Nick replied in an equally low voice.  “Come on Heath wake up for me will ya.  Let me see those baby blues.”


Heath was floating somewhere between unconsciousness and awareness.  He could hear his brother and sister begging him to wake and he could feel the pressure Nick was applying to his side.  He’d been shot before but it had never felt like this.  The pain was unrelenting and it was easier to give in to the darkness than to fight it.


“Please big brother, wake up for me, I’ve got so much to tell you.  I don’t want you to die Heath.”  Audra whispered in his ear.


Audra was begging him to wake up but he felt so weak and his eyes felt like they were glued shut.  He’d do anything to please his little sister and he desperately wanted to see her face, to prove to himself that she was all right.


“Sis…you…ok? He whispered weakly, eyes still closed.


“Oh Heath, yes I’m fine, thanks to you,” she cried.


“Don’t …cry… Audra.”


‘Heath, how ya feeling?”


Nick smiled when he saw a hint of blue peeking out under partly closed lids.


“Hurts, so tired,” Heath groaned as he tried to move his head to look at Nick, sending fresh waves of pain crashing through him.


“Don’t try to move Heath, ya still bleeding.  Doc should be here soon.


Heath nodded as his eyes closed again.


“What…about ….my…Uncle?”


“He’s dead Heath.”




The last thing Heath felt before the darkness engulfed him again was Nick squeezing his arm.




Part 20

Aftermath - Part 3


Jarrod and Fred rode into the yard and cautiously headed towards the house.  Coco still stood where he had halted and the front door was still open.  Unsure of what they would find and not prepared to take any chances both men dismounted quietly and with guns drawn fanned out on either side of the door.


Jarrod peeked around the door and his face visibly paled at the sight before him.  Holstering his gun he stepped through the door and hurried to his siblings side with Fred close behind him.  “Nick how is he?” Jarrod asked worriedly as he looked at the pallid features and blood soaked towels, while Fred went to check Simmons.


“Not good Jarrod, he’s lost so much blood.  Damn fool tried to beat a bullet.  Where’s the doc.”


“He’ll be here in a few minutes.  Fred and I rode ahead. Audra honey, are you all right?” Jarrod asked as he touched the bruise that was appearing on the side of her face.


Audra touched his hand and offered a small smile, “I’m fine Jarrod, really.  Where are Mother and Gene?”


“They’re on they’re way too, don’t worry.”


Jarrod turned back to Nick.  “Do you want to move him to his room, lying on this floor can’t be helping.”


“Not until the doc gets here Jarrod.  He’s still bleeding.”


Fred walked over and joined the family having made his own observations as to what happened.  While he had questions now wasn’t the time to ask them.


“How’s he doing boys?”


“Alive, just,” came Nick’s terse reply.  “Where the hells Howard?” he growled.


“Right here Nick,” replied Howard Merar as he made his way across the foyer.  “Let me see. How long ago was he shot.”?


“About an hour ago, the bullet went straight threw but it won’t stop bleeding.”


Howard Merar looked to where Simmons body lay and then back to Heath.


“This about the same distance they were standing when the shooting started?” he asked quietly.


“Yeah, I guess so. Heath was already down when I got here, why?”


“A bullet fired at that distance is going to cause a lot of damage whether it goes through or not Nick, that’s why it hasn’t stopped bleeding.  Has he been conscious since he was shot?”


“For a minute or so is about all.”


“Is there somewhere I can work on him down here before we move him to his room?”


“Use the kitchen table Howard,” replied Victoria as she came through the door.  Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at her children huddled around their newest sibling.  “Gene help Silas clear it please.  Howard what can I do to help?”


“We’re going to need boiled water and plenty of towels Victoria.  Nick, if Jarrod and Fred lift him do you think you can keep pressure on the wounds?”


“Yeah, no worries doc.”


Jarrod replaced Audra at Heath’s head while Fred positioned himself at his feet.  Audra moved to stand beside her mother.  Victoria put her arm around her daughter’s waist.  “Are you all right darling?” she asked quietly as she felt Audra trembling in her arms.


“I’m fine Mother, I’m just so worried about Heath.”


Unable to control the tears any longer she broke down and cried on her mother’s shoulder.  Gene came back through the kitchen door to announce that the table was ready and Silas was boiling water.  He walked up to his mother and sister and gently took his sister into his arms.


“Come on sis, let’s wait in the study,” he said as he gently steered her towards the study door.


Victoria gave him a grateful smile.  He seemed to have grown up so much these last few weeks, she thought.


“Ready gentleman?  Try not to jostle him anymore than necessary.”


Working in unison Jarrod and Fred gently lifted the blond from the floor while Nick maintained pressure on the wounds.  They moved slowly towards the kitchen door as Howard walked ahead of them and Victoria followed.  It was a tight squeeze with Nick walking beside Heath but they managed to get through the narrow doorway and lowered him gently onto the table.


“Thank you Jarrod, Fred.  Nick are you right there for a few minutes more?”


“Yeah, fine doc.  Is he goin to be alright?”


“I don’t know Nick, but I hope so.”


Victoria stood beside the table looking at her newest son.  His face was ashen and beads of sweat dotted his brow.  His breathing was so shallow now she had to look twice to detect the rise and fall of his chest.  She felt as though she was in a living nightmare with only one ending.  Pull yourself together Victoria she admonished herself.  Your son needs you to be strong.  Visibly taking control of her emotions she smiled down at Heath and whispered in his ear, “we haven’t come this far to lose you now Heath.  You fight with everything you’ve got and we’ll get you through this.  You’ve got a family now and they all need you.”


She straightened and looked at Nick and Howard, tears glistening in her eyes.


Howard studied Victoria for a minute.  He admired her strength and courage.  How many more times would she have to go through this with one of her children he wondered?


“Nick ease off on the pressure so I can get a look at the wounds.”


Nick complied with the request and Howard lifted the towels and inspected the wounds.


“Good the bleedings slowed quite a bit.  Ok Victoria, if you can take over from Nick for me please,” he waited for them to change places then continued, “Nick why don’t you go and get cleaned up and wait with the others.”


Nick just stood there staring at his little brother, then looked down at his hands and shirt that were covered with his brother’s blood.


“Go on son,” Howard said gently, “you’ve done all you can for the moment.  You kept him alive now let me make sure he stays that way.”


Nick looked from one to the other and then back to Heath.


“You hang in there boy,” he growled, “we’ve got a ranch to run and I ain’t doin it on my own.  I love you little brother.”


Victoria and Howard watched the slump of his shoulders as he walked through the door and then turned their attention to the blond before them.


Jarrod was waiting as nick came through the door.  He put his arm around his brother’s shoulder and looked into the hazel eyes so full of anguish.


“He’s strong Nick, he’ll make it.”


“I don’t know Jarrod, he’s all ready being through so much since he got here.  I don’t think he can take much more.  I feel like I’m losing him Jarrod.”


Nick slammed his fist into the wall beside him, leaving a bloody print.


“Two minutes Jarrod, if I’d only gotten here two minutes earlier he wouldn’t be lying there fighting for his life.”


“Nick you don’t know that, and I’m sure Heath certainly doesn’t think it.  He didn’t even know you were on your way back.  He wasn’t expecting Simmons to be here, none of us were.  You’ve got nothing to blame yourself for.  Just be thankful you got here when you did or he would be dead now.”  Blues eyes met hazel ones. “Nick you kept him alive until the doctor arrived.  That’s got to count for something.  Go and get cleaned up, Fred wants to speak to you and Audra.”


“I hope your right Pappy.”


Half an hour later Nick entered the study washed and changed.  He sought out Jarrod’s eyes but he only shook his head.  Nick dropped wearily into one of the chairs and rested his head in his hands.  A tap on the shoulder made him look up and he accepted the glass Jarrod held out to him with a nod of his head.


Fred cleared his throat, “Nick, Audra, I know you’ve both been through a lot today but can you please tell me what happened.”


Audra looked up from where she was resting her head on Gene’s shoulder.  She turned her tear-streaked face to her brothers then looked at Fred Madden.


“He was hiding in the barn when I went to saddle my mare.  I didn’t see him until he grabbed me.”  She shuddered and clung tighter to Gene.


“It’s ok sis,” he whispered in her ear.


“He wanted to know who was in the house and where Heath was.  He said he’d kill me if I didn’t tell him the truth.”  She started to cry again.  Jarrod moved across and sat on the other side of her and Gene and held her hand.


“Let it out honey.”


They all waited quietly while she regained her composure.


“He forced me to bring him in here and call for Silas.  He held his gun to my head and told Silas to ride out and find Heath and send him back alone.  When I yelled for Silas not to do it he hit me with his gun.”


This time Nick growled low in his throat.


“Then what happened Audra?” Fred asked gently.


“He tied me to the chair and waited for Heath.  I couldn’t warn him because he put a gag in my mouth.  Heath” she started to cry again.


“Heath didn’t know he was there until he was half way across the foyer.  He pointed the gun at me then Heath and told him to drop his gun.  Heath saw my foot moving towards the table and he waited for the vase to fall then he tried to dive sideways and, and his uncle shot him.”  Jarrod squeezed her hand as the tears started to fall again.


Fred looked at Nick.


“So who shot Simmons?”


“Heath did, then I finished the mongrel off.”


“Heath?” chorused three voices.


“Yeah, I didn’t see it but I’ll tell ya that boy’s gotta be damn fast to have got off a shot and hit the mark with a gun pointed at him.  I don’t know which of them shot first but Simmons was still on his feet so I shot him again.”


Silence fell over the room as those present contemplated Nick’s words.  The sound of the door opening jolted the room’s occupants from their thoughts.  Nick was immediately on his feet and striding towards the doctor and his mother.


“How is he doc, Mother?”  Nick asked as he watched his mother anxiously.


“The bleedings stopped and he’s still alive Nick, but I don’t know how,” replied Howard Merar.  “That boy must have a guardian angel looking after him.  By some miracle the bullet missed any vital organs, but it did nick one rib and crack another in passing.  It’s still tore him up pretty good though, mostly muscles and soft tissue.  At such a close range I am surprised there wasn’t more damage.”


“So he’s gonna be alright then?”  Nick asked hopefully.


Howard sighed, “ I wish I could say yes Nick but I just don’t know.  It’s too early to tell.  His blood pressure and pulse are so low from loss of blood.  If he makes it through the night I’d say he’s got a fifty, fifty chance of surviving.


Nick looked stunned at the news.  He wouldn’t entertain the idea of his little brother dying.


“What about a blood transfusion? I’ve got plenty of good quality Barkley blood.”


“That will be a last resort Nick, you’ve never given him blood before.  If the blood isn’t compatible it could kill him.


“And if he doesn’t get more blood he will die anyway.  Isn’t that right doc?”  Nick ground out his voice rising.


“Yes Nick there is that possibility.  For now he’s holding his own so lets just wait and see.  Right now I need you boys to help get him settled into his bed.”


Nick and Jarrod followed Howard back into the kitchen where Silas was sitting beside Heath.  He was as white as the bandages around his chest.  They couldn’t believe that anybody could look like that and still be alive.  Exchanging worried glances they picked up their brother as directed and carried him to his bed.




Part 21

Aftermath - Part 4


While Heath’s three brothers began an all night vigil by his bedside, Doctor Merar turned his attention to Audra.  With a little coaxing from her mother she allowed herself to be led from her brother’s room despite her pleas that she was fine.


“I have to be with him Mother,” she begged.  “He saved my life.  I can’t leave him now.”


“You’re not leaving him darling, but you can’t help him if you’re exhausted.  He’s going to need all our love and support to get through this.  Please let Doctor Merar check you over, for Heath and I.  He’s going to want to know that you’re all right when he wakes up.”


Audra acquiesced then allowed Doctor Merar to check the bruise on her face.  Satisfied that there was no cause for alarm, he made her take a sleeping tablet and rest.


“She’ll be fine Victoria,” he said smiling and patting her arm.  “Now I’d like you to follow your own advice that you gave Audra and get some rest yourself.  “It is going to be a long night.”


“I don’t”


“Victoria please, they all need you to be strong now and you can’t do that if your exhausted.  We’ll call you if there is any change.”


Howard watched Victoria as she fought with her emotions.  He knew she was sensible enough to know that what he said was true; he just hoped she would be sensible enough to take his advice and rest.


“All right Howard, in a few minutes.  I want to sit with them for a little while.  Why don’t you go and clean up.  When you come back I’ll go and rest.”


Howard smiled, “I won’t be long.”


Victoria brushed the long blond hair from her sleeping daughter’s face and quietly left the room to join her sons.  Tears glistened in her eyes as she stood in the doorway of Heath’s room.


He was propped up on pillows to help keep his lungs clear and make breathing easier, but it was his paleness that alarmed her most.  His body seemed to have been drained of all its colour.  It was hard to tell where the bandages and sheets ended and bare flesh began in the glow of the lamp.  That he was still with them was a miracle in itself and she hoped a testament to his will power to want to survive.


None of her sons were speaking, too absorbed in their own thoughts and she suspected prayers for their injured sibling.  She had to smile at Nick.  He was sitting as close to the bed as he could get, head resting on the bed and one hand holding his brother’s hand.  She knew he would be blaming himself now for not getting back in time, because that was his way.


Jarrod and Gene had brought chairs in from their own rooms and were sitting on the opposite side of the bed.  Nick didn’t lift his head from the bed, but Jarrod’s blue eyes met her grey ones and he shook his head indicating there had been no change while she was gone.


“How is Audra Mother?” he asked quietly as he stood to allow his mother to sit in his chair.


“Howard said she’s fine.  He gave her a sleeping tablet so she could rest.  Jarrod has she told you what happened today?”


“Yes she told all of us and Fred earlier while you were helping Howard.”


“Come to my room when Howard gets back.  I’d like to hear the details without having to ask her to go through it again.”


Victoria turned to Gene next.  “Gene I’d like to thank you for all the support you gave Audra this afternoon.  It eased my mind considerably knowing that she was in good hands.”


Gene looked at his mother as tears began to fall down his face.  “She’s my sister.”  Then he looked across to where Heath lay unmoving.  “Why did this have to happen Mother?  Heath didn’t deserve this, none of us did.”


“No Gene, Heath didn’t deserve to be gunned down by his uncle, you’re right.  Why Matt Simmons had such a hatred for your brother is something we will never know.”


“I wish I had killed him back in Strawberry, then this wouldn’t have happened.”


“Oh Gene darling you mustn’t think like that.  This wasn’t your fault anymore than it was Nick’s for not killing him in Strawberry as well; or for not getting back here in time this afternoon; or”


Nick lifted his head from the bed and stared at his mother.  “How’d you know?”


“You’re my son Nicholas, and I can read you like an open book.  I know you’re blaming yourself and you mustn’t.  I know Heath wouldn’t blame you either.  I could easily take the blame as well.”




“Yes Nicholas me.  If Jarrod, Gene and I hadn’t gone into Stockton then we would have been here and could have prevented it from happening too, but then what?  Matt Simmons would probably have waited until he had Heath alone on the range where none of us could help him.  This is all Matt Simmons doing and thankfully he can no longer hurt your brother or this family again.”


“That’s if he makes it,” Nick whispered.


“Nicholas I don’t want to hear that sort of talk again.  Your brother will make it.  We all have to believe that.”


Howard Merar re-entered the bedroom and immediately checked his patient.  He shook his head and sighed.  “I’m sorry, but there is still no change.  Victoria remember your promise? Please go and get some rest, in fact all of you should.”  He avoided looking at Nick for he knew the dark haired rancher had no intention of leaving the chair.  Victoria also knew that so she didn’t bother asking either.


Victoria stood and bent over the bed and kissed her blond son on the forehead.  “Keep fighting son,” she begged him then reached over and squeezed Nick’s hand.


Gene approached the bed hesitantly and squeezed Heath’s shoulder.  “You’ve got to make it Heath.  We were just starting to get to know one another.  I don’t want to lose you.”  He abruptly turned and fled the room.


Jarrod let his gaze roam over his two younger brothers.  One with enough strength for two men and the other barely able to draw a breath.  He shook his head sadly at how a few hours could change their lives forever, and reflected on the morning’s breakfast conversation.  That morning Heath had finally accepted them as his family even going so far as to call his mother, Mother and now there was every possibility that by breakfast tomorrow this family could be torn apart again because of one man’s hatred.  He didn’t think this family and particularly Nick would ever be the same if they lost this new blond brother now.  Jarrod squeezed his brother’s hand.


“Hang in there Heath, fight for yourself and us.  I expect to see those blues eyes of yours when I come back in a couple of hours.”


His own blue eyes locked with his brother’s hazel eyes and he nodded his head.  “Call me if you need help Nick, don’t do it on your own.”


“I will Pappy, don’t worry.  Go and get some sleep will ya?  The boy and I’ll still be here when you come back.”


Jarrod let his gaze linger on his brothers for a moment before he to turned and left the quiet of the room.


Howard Merar checked his patient and sighed heavily.  He looked across to where Nick was dozing in the chair by the bed then reached out and gently shook his shoulder.  He waited for the tired hazel eyes to focus on him before he spoke.


“Nick, I think it is time to try that transfusion if you’re still willing.  I don’t think the boy’s going to last much longer if we don’t try something now.”


Nick stared at Howard for a minute allowing his words to sink in before resting his gaze on his unconscious brother.  He couldn’t even tell if his brother was still breathing, but he knew he must be if Howard was asking him about a transfusion.


“Yeah doc, ready when you are.”


“All right Nick, I’ll get ready here.  You’d better go and wake your Mother.  I promised to let her know if there was any change.


Howard watched as Nick walked from the room as if he were in a trance then he turned back to the young blond in the bed.  “I hope this works son because you’re all out of options.”


Nick padded softly along the hallway to his mother’s room and knocked quietly on the door.  He heard muffled movement inside the room then his mother opened the door and looked into the anguished eyes of her son.


“We’re losing him mother,” he whispered tears springing to his eyes.  “Howard’s going to try a transfusion. If it doesn’t work” he trailed off unable to finish the sentence.


“I’ll be there in just a moment love,” she said patting his arm before turning back into her bedroom.  Would this nightmare ever end?  “God please bring my son back to me.”


“Nick?” Jarrod asked coming from his bedroom.


“Howard’s goin to try a transfusion.  Jarrod he’s dying.  I can’t lose his now. It’d be like losing father all over again.”


Jarrod took his brother into his arms.  “We aren’t going to give up on him Nick.  As long as we fight he’ll have to fight.  He’s a Barkley and Barkley’s don’t give up.  Come on brother Nick, Howard and Heath are waiting for some of that stubborn Barkley blood running through your veins.”


The two dark haired brothers walked back to Heath’s room, both praying that their blond brother would indeed keep fighting.


Howard looked up as the brother’s entered the room.  “Everything is ready Nick, come and sit here and we’ll get started.”


Nick sat in the chair beside the bed again and rolled up his sleeve.  He winced slightly as Howard inserted the needle in his arm and then sat quietly and watched as his blood flowed into his brother’s arm.  Victoria entered the room as the transfusion started.  She sat on the other side of the bed and took Heath’s hand in hers.  He was so still it frightened her.


“Howard,” she asked quietly.


Howard Merar looked at her solemnly and shook his head.


“I’m sorry Victoria, but if this doesn’t work there is nothing more I can do.”


Jarrod knelt beside his mother and put his arms around her slender waist.  “It will work Mother, it has to.”


Heath was floating peacefully in a tranquil light.  For the first time in his life he felt truly free.  There was no pain, no reason to fight and it felt good.  He could see blurry images floating around him but none had substance and their existence was strangely calming to his fragile soul.  One of the images moved forward in to his line of vision and the blurred edges shifted and shimmered until they coalesced into a vision that he thought he would never see again.


“Mama?” he cried as he took her image into his arms.


“Yes my son,” she said softly as she rested her head on his strong chest.


“Mama I’ve missed you so much.  I don’t want to leave you again.”


“Heath darling I’ve missed you too and one day we will be together but not now.  This isn’t your time son, you must fight.”


“I can’t mama, I’m so tired, I haven’t got the strength to fight anymore.”


“Let your family give you that strength Heath.  Open your heart darling and let them in.  Let them help you fight.


“But it’s so peaceful here, there’s no pain.  I can’t mama, it hurts too much.”


“Look Heath, your brother’s giving you that strength to fight.  Can you feel it flowing through you darling?  Fight Heath; fight for your life and your new family.  For the family you’ve always wanted and deserved.  I’ll always be with you Heath, here in your heart.”


“Mama, I love you.”


“I love you too darling.”


Heath could feel himself been drawn back towards the darkness and pain.  He watched helplessly as his mothers image began to fade from his sight.


“Mama don’t leave me,” he cried out.


“That’s enough for now Nick,” said Howard as he disconnected the tube from Nick’s arm.


“Ya sure doc, I’ve got plenty.”


Howard smiled and patted Nick’s arm.  “Not as much as you think Nick. Now you should lie down for a while.  You’re going to feel light headed and weak for a little while.  If I need to I can take more later.”


I’m not going anywhere doc.”


“No I didn’t think you were.  All right just rest in the chair.”


“Howard how is he?  Is there any change?”  Victoria asked quietly as she watched for any sign of improvement.


“It is too early to tell.  AT least he doesn’t seem to be rejecting the blood so that is a good sign.  We’ll just have to wait and see.  I’m sorry I can’t tell you anymore than that Victoria.”


Suddenly Heath gasped loudly and cried out “Mama don’t leave me,” before sinking limply into the pillows.  Instantly all the family was on their feet.


“Howard,” cried Victoria as she held onto his limp hand.


Howard took out his stethoscope and listened to Heath’s heart and felt his pulse.  He allowed a small sigh to leave his lips and a smile to appear on his face.  He looked at the concerned family around him.  “I think it is working.  His pulse and heartbeat are a little stronger.”


The relief that washed over the family that his words brought gladdened his heart although he knew they had a long way to go yet.


“Come on boy, you can do it,” whispered Nick in his brothers ear.  “Fight dammit.  You’re not leaving us now. You hear me.  We’ve got a ranch to run.”




Part 22

Aftermath - Part 5


“Doc you sure he’s ok? It’s been three days now and he hasn’t done more than open his eyes once or twice in all that time.”


Doctor Merar finished his examination of his patient and then turned his attention to the dark haired rancher hovering at the end of the blond’s bed.  He could read the frustration and concern in his features.


“Yes Nick, I’m sure he is going to be fine.  His pulse and heart beat are a lot stronger now.  What he needs is sleep and lots of it.  His body has been through quite an ordeal.  He’ll wake up when he’s good and ready.  Just don’t push it.  He can’t a forward a relapse at the moment.”


“Yeah, ok doc, I hear ya.  I just want my little brother back is all.”


Howard Merar patted Nick’s arm.  “I know you do son, so do we all but it’s going to take time.”  Howard packed his bag and left the room to make his report to Victoria as Nick settled back into the chair beside his brother’s bed.  He marveled at how the blond had managed to make such an indelible impression on the man beside him in such a short time.


Heath opened his eyes slowly, and then blinked several times as he tried to focus on his surroundings.  He was in his bedroom that much he was certain of but he wasn’t entirely sure why.  The gentle breeze rustling the curtains of his window indicated it was early afternoon.  Why was he in bed in the afternoon he wondered?  What was the last thing he remembered?  He was working with Nick repairing fences then Nick told him to come home and get some rest.  That must be it, but that didn’t make any sense either.  He felt as though he’d been to hell and back.  There was something more, there had to be, but what?  Letting his eyes wander down his bare chest he was surprised to see a bandage wrapped around his waist.  Now how’d that get there he wondered?  He closed his eyes for a minute while he thought.  He didn’t remember getting thrown, or being in a fight or shot.


Suddenly images started darting past his eyes.  Audra tied to a chair, a gun, his uncle.  His eyes flew open as the memories came flooding back.  He tried to sit up but the movement sent waves of pain coursing through his side and he cried out aloud as he collapsed back against the pillows.  Beads of sweat forming on his brow.


Nick who was dozing in the chair beside the bed jumped to his feet at his brother’s cry.  He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hands on his brother’s shoulders.


“Easy Heath, don’t try to move,” he cautioned quietly.


Nick searched his brother’s face for any sign of understanding to his words and was reward when a pair of pain filled blue eyes peered at him from under half closed lids.


“Coulda… told me before… I moved,” Heath gasped out between breaths.


Nick’s face split into a huge grin at his brother’s words.


“Well it’s about time you decided to join the land of the living again.  We’ve all being real worried about you.  You near took ten years off my life boy.  Don’t do it again ya hear?”


Heath wanted to talk but his throat was so dry all he could do was look at his brother and then at the water jug sitting on the table by the bed.  Nick followed his gaze.




Heath nodded and watched as Nick poured a small amount of water into a cup.  He tried to sit up again but only managed to send more pain coursing through his body.


“Dammit Heath, let me do the work.  You bust open any of the doc’s handy work and he’ll have both our hides.”


Heath lay back against the pillows eyes closed and waited for the pain to subside.  When he opened his eyes again Nick was staring at him worry showing on his face.


“All right,” Heath offered with a weak smile.


Nick slipped his hand under his brother’s head and lifted it just enough so that he could swallow the offered water without choking.




“Let that settle first, then I’ll give you some more.”


“How long?”  Heath asked as he rested back against the pillows.


“Three days.”


Heath looked startled.  “Audra, my uncle?”


“Audra’s fine Heath.  He didn’t hurt her. She’s just worried about you.  Simmons is dead.”


“You? Remember hearing a gun behind me.”


Nick shook his head, “us boy, you hit him first, I just finished the job.  What the hell were ya thinking goin up against a drawn gun like that?” he growled unable to keep the anger out of his voice.


“Couldn’t let him hurt sis.  Had to do something.”


“Yeah well almost getting killed isn’t my idea of doin something.”


Heath looked at Nick and despite the anger in the words the love coming from his brother shined through.  He pointed to the bandage he’d just noticed on his arm.  “Don’t remember getting shot in the arm.”


“You didn’t.  Doc had to give ya a blood transfusion, seein as you lost so much.’


“So that’s what I felt, was wondering about that.”


“Wondering about what Heath?”


“Nothin,” Heath eyed his brother suspiciously, “whose blood did the doc use?”


“Mine of course.”


Heath groaned, “was afraid of that.”


“And what’s that suppose to mean?  I’ll have you know this is top quality Barkley blood.”


“With a bit of pig…….headiness thrown in.”


“Why you, I’ll show you pig headiness.”


Heath shut his eyes again, the effort of talking sapping his strength.  “Tired,” he mumbled.


“Ok little brother, you rest after ya have some more water for me, then I’ll go and rustle up some of Silas broth for ya.”


Heath nodded tiredly and after drinking allowed his body to sink back into the pillows.


“Where is everybody anyway,” he asked sleepily.


‘Mother, Audra and Jarrod went into Stockton a little while ago and Gene’s working out on the range.”


When Nick didn’t get a reply he headed for the door.


“Nick,” Heath whispered from the bed.


Nick turned and walked back to the bed.


“Yeah Heath.”




“For what?”


“For being there for me, for the blood.”


Nick smiled down at his brother as his eyes closed and he patted his shoulder.


“Anytime Heath, that’s what brother’s do.”


This time Nick waited until he was sure Heath was asleep before leaving the room to organize a tray.  He had a spring in his step for the first time in days. A weight had been lifted from his shoulders and it felt good.  He smiled as he made his way down to the kitchen.  His little brother was back.


Heath was dozing when Victoria entered his room quietly and sat on the edge of the bed.  Nick had told her that her son had finally woken up but she wanted to assure herself that it was true, that he had come back to them.  Heath felt the movement of his bed and opened his eyes to be greeted with the smiling face of his mother.


“I didn’t mean to wake you darling,” she said quietly.


“You didn’t Mother, I reckon I’ve done my fair share of sleeping theses last few days anyway, was just resting my eyes,” he said smiling up at her.


“You know you had us all so worried.  Oh Heath darling I don’t know what I would have done if you had.”


“It’s alright Mother, I didn’t and besides mother wouldn’t let me,” he said smiling ruefully. “I begged her to let me stay, I wanted to be with her so much but she said it wasn’t my time yet and that my place was here with you all.”


Victoria was taken aback at his words but regained her emotions quickly and she smiled reassuringly at Heath.


“Your mother was right Heath, you’re place is here with us now and for a very long time to come.”


Heath closed his eyes for a moment and then continued, “I didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, then I felt myself being pulled back.  It was Nick I felt wasn’t it?  Mother said my brother was giving me the strength I needed to keep fighting.”


Heath stared steadily at Victoria.


“Did he really want me to stay that much?”


“Oh darling,” cried Victoria taking Heath’s hand and placing it over her heart, “we all wanted you to stay that much.  You’re apart of us now and none of us ever want to let you go.  You have to believe that.”


Heath closed his eyes in an effort to stop the tears from falling down his face.


“I do now,” he said quietly.


“Mother, Silas asked me to bring up this tray for Heath,” whispered Audra from the doorway.


Heath’s face broke into a smile, “come on in sis, how you doin?”


“I should be asking you that silly, you’re the one lying in bed,” replied Audra happy that her brother was awake.


Audra placed the tray on the table and then sat on the other side of the bed.  She took Heath’s hand in hers and looked solemnly at him.  “I just wanted to say thank you for what you did Heath, I was so scared that he’d, he’d”


Heath released his mother’s hand and cupped it under his sister’s chin lifting her head so he could look into her eyes. “Sshhh sis, it’s all over now, he can’t hurt you anymore.”


“But he nearly killed you Heath, because of me.”


“No sis, not because of you.  My uncle didn’t need a reason.  That was the way he was.” Heath gave her a lopsided grin, “besides you didn’t think I let him hurt my favourite little sister did ya?


“I’m your only sister Heath,” she said laughing as she playfully slapped his arm.  “Now are you going to eat this on your own or do I have to feed you?”


“I reckon you can feed me tonight sis, just don’t tell ol Nick.”


Victoria stood up and smiled at her two youngest children. The sight gladdened her immensely after the fear of nearly losing him. “I’ll leave you in capable hands Heath.  Audra don’t keep him up to long he needs to rest.”


“Don’t worry Mother I won’t.”


“Whoa boy, where the hell do you think your going?” growled Nick as he sprinted across his brother’s room and grabbed his shoulders before he toppled face first onto the floor.  Doc said you’ve got at least another week s bed rest afore you get up,”


“Let me go Nick.  I can’t stay here.  I need to get to Strawberry,” pleaded Heath desperately trying to get to his feet again.


“Strawberry,” yelled Nick.  “Boy the only place you’re going is back into that bed.”


Heath was starting to feel dizzy but he wasn’t about to give in to his brother yet.


“You don’t understand Nick, I”


“Nicholas, Heath, what is all the yelling about?” asked Victoria as she walked into the room.  She stopped when she saw Heath sitting on the edge of his bed.  “Young man just what do you think you are doing?” she queried one eyebrow raised and hands on hips.


“I’ll tell you what he’s doing.  He wants to go to Strawberry,” exploded Nick.


Victoria stared at Heath as he sat on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands.


“Nick get your brother back into bed now,” she ordered as she moved across the room and poured a glass of water.


This time Heath didn’t offer any resistance as Nick eased him back into the pillows and lifted his legs back onto the bed.  His head was spinning and felt like he was going to be sick.  Nick and Victoria exchanged worried glances as they waited for him to regain his composure.  Slowly he opened eyes and looked at them offering a sheepish smile.


“Guess that was stupid right?”


Victoria smiled and handed him the glass of water, which he took gratefully before sinking back into the pillows, eyes closed once again, utterly exhausted.


Victoria sat on the edge of the bed and took his hand.  “Darling, why do you want to go back to Strawberry?”


Heath opened his eyes and she could see the heart ache and worry in them.  “I need to make sure Aunt Hannah’s alright, that my uncle hasn’t hurt her.”


Both Victoria and Nick started at his words.  None of them had even given a thought to his Aunt back in Strawberry.


“Heath, I’m sorry.  With you been so sick this last week we never thought about your Aunt.”


“Don’t worry little brother, Jarrod and I’ll leave in the morning. We should be there by nightfall. You just promise me you’ll stay in that bed while I’m gone,” he growled.


Heath looked at Nick gratitude and tears in his eyes.


“You sure Nick? What about the ranch?”


“Gene and Duke can run the ranch for a couple of days.  Besides you can always give the orders from here just as well as from the corral.”


Heath’s face broke into the first genuine smile they had seen since his announcement at the breakfast table a week ago that he was staying.






Hannah James had been a guest at the Barkley ranch for the last four weeks, ever since Nick and Jarrod had ridden back to Strawberry to check on her for Heath.


When her mind was focused she was a wealth of information and many a night was spent around the fire listening to her stories.  The family now knew a lot more about their blond brother, much to his embarrassment.


It was Victoria though who gained the most from her visit.  At last her fears and questions regarding her husbands affair with Leah Thompson had been laid to rest.  She knew she would have to sit down with heath and discuss the matter in depth with him. What she had been able to find out would she hoped lay to rest his own fears about his parentage and rightful place within the family.


Her arrival had also brought with it unexpected news.  After receiving a wire from Fred Madden informing him of the death of Matt Simmons, Sheriff Tucker and Doctor Abbott had ridden from Pine Crest to break the news to his widow.  An un-necessary task as it turned out because she was already dead and had been for several days.


After completing the unsavory task of burying the woman they had made the rounds of the few remaining inhabitants of Strawberry including Hannah James.  After much cajoling and begging Hannah had finally given in and agreed to move to Pine Crest and take up a position as Dan Tucker’s housekeeper.  Both men knew that Heath would be happy with that arrangement too, as he had spoken to them often enough about moving her from Strawberry.


Heath stood on the porch and watched as the wagon carrying his Aunt, Jarrod and Victoria disappeared from view.  Somehow he felt empty inside, as though another part of his life was slipping through his fingers.  He would be eternally grateful to Dan Tucker for taking his aunt in but now she was even further away than before.


Heath heard the jingle of spurs before he felt the arm around his shoulder.


“Come on boy, that’s enough excitement for one day.  You need your rest.  Mother and Jarrod will be back in a couple of days and I don’t want ta get the blame for you been sick again.”


Heath shook his head and laughed.  “You make a fine mother hen Nick?” he said as he allowed himself to be led back into the house.  His house now too, he thought.