
(A missing scene from Explosion!)

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Part 1


Heath could feel his grip slipping from the waist of the young woman he was holding onto as the horse they were both riding began to slow. His head which was resting on the woman’s shoulder was pounding from lack of oxygen, his lungs were burning and his side hurt something fierce and he really wasn’t sure where he was anymore or why he could smell smoke. Unable to maintain his grip any longer, Heath allowed his body to slip from the saddle to land in an unceremonious heap on the ground.


"Where the hell was he?" he wondered as the blackness finally took him away.



   * * * * * * * *



The heat from the fire was intense as Heath and his two brothers laid the nitrate vials against the bases of the trees that they hoped would form a fire break and halt the raging inferno’s trek towards Stockton. With the nitrate set they then turned their attention to the powder kegs and started pouring a thin line of powder from tree to tree. The bandanas they wore over their faces did little to stop the thick acrid smoke from weaving its way down their parched throats. Throwing away the now empty kegs they each drew their guns and fired one shot into the air announcing that they were ready to light the powder trails and get the hell out of there.


The roaring of the fire drowned out the cracking sound of the tree trunk further up the hill from Heath’s position as he knelt beside his powder trail. Too late he sensed the tree coming towards him and tried desperately to twist out of its way. Several of the branches caught him, knocking him to the ground as the main trunk landed across his lower chest pinning him below it.


In a panic Heath ripped his bandana from his face and breathed in a lung full of smoke as he desperately tried to maneuver his trapped body from under the heavy trunk.


"Heath", Bridget screamed as she released the team’s reins and ran to where Heath lay trapped and struggling.


Bridget tried to help move the heavy trunk without success and stood up looking around in desperation for the other two Barkley brothers before returning to struggle again with the trunk.


"You can’t lift it. Go and get outta here. Do what I say run. Go on git." Heath yelled at the girl as he still struggled to release himself from his prison.


Bridget took one last look around and ran back to the horse that she had ridden out to the fire on in an attempt to reach some of the trapped farmers further up the valley. Mounting the horse she rode back to Heath’s position grabbing the rope tied to the saddle horn before leaving the horse ground tied and rushing back to Heath’s side. Throwing the rope over the trunk she started wrapping it around just as a flaming branch landed on the unlit powder trail.


Jarrod was the first to arrive back at the team of white fire horses standing quietly hitched to the refurbished hearse they had used to transport the nitroglycerin in to the fire.


"Heath and the girl aren’t here," he yelled as Nick came up beside them.


"The shot came from there." Nick yelled back over the roar of the flames as they both ran towards their brother’s position. Their hearts leapt into the mouths at the sight that greeted them.


"Never mind that, get the horse," Jarrod yelled as he pushed Bridget out of the way and towards the waiting horse. He took up a position on one side of Heath as Nick stood on the other. Together the two brothers strained to lift the dead weight of the trunk enough for Heath to struggle out from underneath. The effort was too much for Heath and he lay exhausted on the ground. He felt Nick and Jarrod’s arms slip under his own as they lifted him to his feet. He doubled over and grabbed at his right side with his left hand as a sudden stab of pain coursed through him but his brothers kept him on his feet and half dragged him to the waiting horse. Forcing his foot into the stirrup they hoisted him up behind Bridget and sent the horse racing from the encroaching fire before running back to the waiting hearse and team just as the first of the nitroglycerin bottles exploded behind them.



   * * * * * * * *



Nick and Jarrod watched as the horse ahead of them began to slow. They saw Bridget’s arm snake around behind her and try to grab their brother’s body as he began to slip from the saddle and land in a crumpled heap on the trail ahead of them.


Nick hauled the team to a stop as Jarrod leapt from the seat and ran to his brother’s prostrate body with Nick only feet behind him. Bridget having felt Heath slip from her grasp wheeled the horse around and rode back to the three brothers.


"Heath, Heath," Nick called urgently as he and Jarrod gently rolled the blond over onto his back and studied the pale drawn features.


"Is he all right? Bridget called as she rode back to them. "I’m sorry I just couldn’t hold on to him, he was too heavy."


"It’s ok Bridget, it wasn’t your fault." Jarrod replied not taking his eyes of his brother’s smoke streaked face. "Can you pass me the canteen please," he asked lifting his head and offering a small smile in return for the offered canteen. "Don’t worry, he’ll be fine Bridget," he said although his voice couldn’t hide the worry he was feeling.


"Nick what do you think?"


"I don’t know pappy, he’s breathings not to good. Could just be from the smoke but I don’t think so. That tree was pretty damn heavy and I’m betting he’s got some cracked ribs at the very least. Remember how he grabbed his side when we got him on his feet back there?"


Nick eased the light blue shirt from Heath’s pants and quickly undid the buttons exposing his brother’s bruised torso. He and Jarrod exchanged concerned glances at the dark bruising that was appearing along his right side. Feeling gently along Heath’s side, Nick’s grunt accompanied Heath’s groan as Nick’s probing fingers felt a rib give under his pressure. Nick didn’t stop despite his brother’s moans. He had to find out how many were broken before they could move him. While several other ribs felt a little spongy no more gave completely under his fingers and Nick sat back sighing in some relief.


"Well?" asked Jarrod


"One ribs definitely broken and I’d say a couple more are cracked. We need something to bind them with before we move him any further," Nick replied looking back towards the hearse and the meagre supplies they had brought with them. Medical supplies were one thing they hadn’t figured on needing on this trip.


A ripping sound behind him brought his head swiveling around towards Bridget who was standing slightly to the side with her back to them. As she turned back to face the brothers Nick saw her drop the front of dress and then hold out a length of white material to him.


"Will this do?" she asked shyly as the colour rose in her cheeks.


Nick took the offered material, realizing what it was and smiled appreciatively at Bridget.


"Thanks Bridget, that’s exactly what we need." Nick turned back to Jarrod who was still kneeling by Heath’s head. "Ease him up onto your chest Jarrod, so I can bind his ribs then we’ll try and bring him round. I’d really like him to take some water before we go any further. Besides sitting up should help his breathing."


Heath felt his body being lifted from the ground and he groaned out loud as a fresh wave of pain raced through his chest. His eyes fluttered open and he blinked several times trying to focus on the faces around him, finally coming to rest on the face he knew best.


"Nick!" he rasped out before a coughing spell made him grasp at his injured side and gasp in pain.


"Easy Heath," Nick said as he helped support his injured brother and waited for the coughing to stop. "You’ve got at least one broken rib and a few cracked ones, not to mention a lung full of smoke. Here take a sip of water."


Heath grabbed eagerly at the canteen Nick held. His throat was so dry.


"Whoa there boy. I said a sip." Nick growled as he grabbed the canteen back and then placed its mouth gently against his brother’s dry lips. "That’s enough Heath, you can have some more after I get your ribs bound ok?"


Heath nodded, closed his eyes and sank back into the arms supporting him.




"I’m here Heath, just lay still and let Doctor Nick fix you up. You’ll be home before you know it with Mother and Audra fussing over your every wish."


Heath relaxed as much as his battered body would allow. He knew Nick was trying to be as gentle as possible but every wrap of the material around his chest made him groan in pain. By the time Nick was finished Heath was gasping for breath and another coughing fit overtook him. Jarrod supported him until the spasm finished and then eased him back against his chest. He could feel the sweat pouring off his brother and gratefully accepted the damp piece of cloth Bridget handed to him, using it to wipe the sweat and soot from his brother’s face.


"Nick we need to get him home and to a doctor."


"Yeah, I know pappy. Let me get rid of that cradle in the back of that contraption and then we get lay him down. After that you take the horse and head for Stockton. Have Howard meet us at the house." Nick stood up without waiting for Jarrod’s reply and climbed into the back of the hearse and began untying the cradle that hung suspended from the top of the hearse. He kept casting worried glances towards his two brothers and the young woman who was now sitting beside them.


The explosions from the nitro had finally stopped and he prayed that they had been successful in that regard and the firebreak would be sufficient to maintain the inferno until it could burn itself out.


"Is he going to be all right Jarrod," Bridget whispered as she looked at Heath’s pale face and closed eyes.


"He’ll be fine, it’ll take more than a broken rib and some smoke to knock little brother out for more than a couple of days. This particular brother of mine has a stubborn streak a mile wide in him." He replied trying to sound more confident than he felt.


Heath could hear the voices and shifted slightly in Jarrod’s arms so he could look at the woman sitting beside him, causing him to moan softly.


"Heath, try and stay still ok. It won’t be long and we’ll be home."


Heath nodded and looked at Bridget.


"Are you…alright". I didn’t…pull ya…off the horse…did I?" he asked between coughs.


"Sshh you mustn’t talk Heath. I’m fine. You didn’t pull me off the horse. I’m sorry I couldn’t hold you on any longer."


"S’alright." He said smiling weakly. "Jarrod?"


"Yes Heath."


"The fire. Did the nitro work."


"I don’t really know. We were too busy getting out of there to check. Let’s just hope so. Now lay back and rest. Nick shouldn’t be much longer."


"Nick’s finished," he said coming up behind Jarrod. "How’s the patient doing?"


"Won’t stop talking."


"Now that’s a change. Ready to go home Heath?" Nick asked coming around to squat in front of his brother. He smiled when he saw the lids open part way to reveal two pain-filled blue eyes.


"Reckon so."


"Nick I was thinking. It would be better if I stayed with you until we get to back to the fork. From there you can head across the range and I can ride into Stockton for Howard. We both should arrive at the house about the same time. Besides you’re going to need help with him and I don’t think Bridget is strong enough to stop him from moving around or handle the team."


‘Yeah, I guess your right pappy." Nick said running his hands through his thick black hair. "Ok, Heath let us do the work. I know it’s going to hurt but we’ll have you settled in no time."


Heath bit back a groan as his brothers lifted him from the ground and carried him to the waiting hearse. After sitting him on the edge of the bed Jarrod steadied his swaying body as Nick climbed in behind. With Nick now supporting him Jarrod climbed in and they eased him back onto the bed and against Nick’s chest.


"Never figured on traveling lying down in one of these things unless I was dead."


Both Nick and Jarrod broke into smiles at the quiet words. At least their brother still had some fight left in him. Jarrod helped Bridget into the wagon and then tied the horse to the back before climbing onto the seat and picking up the reins.


"Ready back there?" he asked before clicking the team into motion.


Even with the warning Heath couldn’t help crying out when the hearse rolled into motion. He groaned once more before slumping further into Nick’s chest.


"Everything all right back there?" Jarrod called.


"Yeah, the boy’s passed out, probably the best thing for him. At least he won’t feel too much pain this way."


Nick looked over at Bridget who was looking a little pale faced herself.


"Mind if I ask you a question?"


"No of course not."


"What exactly did you think you were doing out there in that fire?"


"I was trying to reach some of the farmers further up the mountain. I thought they might need my help."


"That was taking an awful risk wasn’t it?"


"I suppose but I just couldn’t sit there and do nothing. Helping people in need is what I do."


"How did you and Heath meet?"


"He saved me from two men last night that were trying to… He fought them and… well I wasn’t very grateful when he suggested he take me to the saloon so one of the …ah girls could sew up my dress. I guess you could say I walked off in a huff."


"So that’s how he got the cut lip. I was wondering about that."


"He didn’t say anything to you?"


"No, little brother can be really tight lipped when he wants too. Anyway I’m glad you were here today to help us. Thanks," Nick said holding out his handing and smiling. "By the way I’m Nick Barkley and that’s our big brother Jarrod." He said pointing over his shoulder.


"I’m glad I was here too," Bridget replied looking at the blond lying asleep in his brothers arms.


Nick raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Damn that boy, he could get a girl awake or asleep. Just how the hell does he do it?" he wondered silently to himself. "Hey watch it Jarrod, this might be a hearse but it isn’t exactly comfortable and the boy doesn’t need anymore bouncing around." Nick yelled as they rolled over several deep potholes making the occupants rock back and forwards wildly.


"Sorry Nick. I’m being as careful as I can. Is Heath all right?"


"He’s still out Jarrod. Just as well."


Everybody lapsed into silence after that, all of them too tired to carry on any further conversation. The only sound was Heath’s raspy breathing and the rattling of the hearse. Every now and then Jarrod would cast a glance backwards to check on his brother. Bridget had moved up beside Nick and was sleeping with her head resting on his shoulder.


"Nick," Jarrod said quietly not wanting to wake the sleeping occupants, "We’re nearly at the fork, what do you want to do? We can travel straight to the ranch and then send for Howard. Heath seems to be traveling ok at the moment."


"I was thinking that myself. I really don’t want to disturb him at the moment. Keep going Jarrod. Maybe we’ll run into one of the crews and we can send them into town for the doc. Head across the range it’ll be quicker than following the road anyway and the sooner this boy’s in a bed the better."




Part 2


"Mother," Audra said quietly as she came to stand beside the small silver haired woman looking out the parlour windows, "the boy’s will be just fine. I know they will."


Victoria turned and smiled appreciatively at Audra and patted her arm.


"Yes I know they will darling, but I still can’t help worrying about them. That’s what mothers do dear when they have children. Even when those children are fully grown men they still worry about them."


Victoria allowed a small smile to play across her face, still she couldn’t shake the feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was wrong and one of them was hurt. Victoria slipped her arm through Audra’s and began walking towards the kitchen.


"Why don’t we make each of them their favorite dish. If I know your brother’s they will be starving when they get in so we had better not keep them waiting too long for food."


Audra started to giggle. "I can just see Nick now," she said. "He’ll come thundering through the front door yelling, MOTHER we’re home, I’m starving, what’s for dinner? And then he’ll try and race Heath up the stairs for the bath." Audra stopped walking and turned to look wistfully at the heavy oak front door. "Oh Mother I wish they would come home too."


"They will darling, they’ll be home soon. Come on now what shall we cook them?" Victoria asked, turning her daughter away from the front door although she couldn’t help letting her own gaze linger on it for a moment hoping that it would burst inwards as she watched before she turned and resolutely marched into the kitchen.


"Keep them safe Tom, please."



   * * * * * * * *



"Why’d we stop," Heath asked sleepily.


"Well nice of you to wake up little brother," replied a grinning Nick. "How do ya feel?"


"How do you think I feel Nick? I had a tree fall on me remember?"


"Better I take it, if you can talk back like that. Want some water?"


"Thought you’d never ask," Heath replied struggling to sit up, only to slump back against Nick again as a stab of pain shot through his side. He tried to take a deep breath but that only made his lungs burn with a fire all of their own and he groaned out loud.


"Dammit Heath, take it easy will you." Nick growled worriedly as he watched his brother struggling to get a decent breath and fight the pain that breathing was causing him. When he felt Heath relax in his arms and heard his breathing even out he offered him the canteen. "And remember…"


"I know…slowly."




"Is everything all right," Bridget asked as she pushed herself away from Nick’s shoulder and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "I’m sorry Nick, I must have dozed off. Hello Heath," she smiled warmly. "How do you feel?"


"Better…thanks," he replied trying to smile but only succeeding in making a grimace instead.


Jarrod watched his brother’s struggles with concern etched on his tired face. He caught Nick’s eye and they both exchanged worried glances.


"It’s getting late brothers. If we want to make the ranch before nightfall we’d better get moving. You ready Heath?" Jarrod asked in a far lighter voice than he felt.


"Guess so…Jarrod."


The sudden lurch of the hearse as it left the trail caused Heath to groan out loud and grip Nick’s hand hard.


"I’ve got you boy, just hang on. Ok?"


"If this is…what it…feels like ta…ride in a…hearse, I…don’t think…I wanna…die…anytime soon," Heath ground out between gritted teeth.


"Yeah well, I don’t plan on you dying anytime soon either little brother. You hear me?"


"I…hear ya Nick, loud…and…clear." Heath whispered tiredly.


Nick felt Heath relax in his arms and knew he’d gone back to sleep again or passed out. Either way it really didn’t matter, at least he was resting and wasn’t in too much pain. Nick looked at Bridget and smiled encouragingly at her.


"He’ll be fine Bridget, he’s not coughing as much now and besides this boy’s too ornery to up and die on us."


Nick craned his neck around trying not to disturb Heath as he looked at Jarrod.


"Any sign of some of the men yet Jarrod. I was sure we would have come across some of them by now."


"No, but they’re probably staying closer to the house because of the fire Nick. How’s Heath doing?"


"Ok I guess Jarrod, he’s still sleeping but I won’t be happy until he’s in his own bed and Howard’s checked him out thoroughly."


"It won’t be much longer Nick, I’m sure we’ll come across one of the crews before we reach the ranch."


Nick nodded without replying and rested his head back against the back of the hearse as Jarrod concentrated on avoiding as many potholes as possible. Nick smiled to himself. "The boy was right in one respect this hearse sure wasn’t as comfortable a ride as one was led to believe and he hoped it would be a very long time before he saw the inside of another one himself."



   * * * * * * * *



"Hey Nick, wake up." Jarrod called as he shook his brother’s shoulder. "It’s Duke and a couple of the hands."


Nick woke with a start causing Heath to moan and open his own eyes.


"What…was that for Nick?"


"Sorry Heath. Jarrod what’s going on?"


Jarrod reined the team to a halt and watched as the ranch foreman and several hands rode towards them.


"It’s Duke."


"About time," Nick grumbled.


"Hey Jarrod," Duke called as he rode up and looked around. "Where’s Nick and Heath?"


Jarrod inclined his head. "In the back."


The smile on Duke’s face faded as he looked past Jarrod. "You’re kidding?" Duke rode past Jarrod and stopped beside the hearse not sure of what he was going to find. He was relieved to see both his bosses looking at him although the blond was a bit the worse for wear.


"You boy’s all right," he asked trying to keep the concern out of his voice.


"I’m fine Duke," Nick replied tiredly. "The boy here’s got a lung full of smoke and a busted rib or two. Tree fell on him. Duke have one of the men ride into Stockton and get Doc Merar out to the ranch will you."


"I’ll go boss," said Pete as he turned his horse around and headed across the range at a fast gallop.


Duke looked past Nick and stared at the young woman sitting beside him.


"Oh sorry Duke, this is Miss Bridget, ah…"


Nick turned around careful not to disturb Heath too much and looked at her.


"You know I don’t even know your full name."


"It’s Wells, Bridget Wells, Mr…"


"Just call me Duke Miss Wells. Pleased to meet you. Hope these boys have been treating you right."


"They’ve all been perfect gentlemen thank you Duke."


"Glad to hear it Miss," he said before returning his gaze to Nick.


"What happened out there? How did Heath get hurt and what about the fire?"


Nick sighed heavily and looked at the weather beaten features of the foreman.


"We set off the nitro as planned but as for whether it did any good or not I don’t know. We didn’t exactly hang around to find out and besides we had more pressing matters to worry about," Nick replied dropping his eyes back down to his brother who seemed to be sleeping again.


Duke followed his gaze and stared at the pale features and closed eyes of the blond cowboy.


"Just how bad is he Nick?"


"I don’t know for sure Duke. He’s got a broken rib and a few cracked ones that we know of and a lung full of smoke. I just hope that’s the worst of it," he replied not bothering to hide the fear in his voice or his eyes. It had been a long day and he knew it was going to be an even longer night.


"He’s tough Nick, don’t worry. Do you want me to ride back to the ranch and let your mother know you’re coming? You know she’s been worried sick about you boys."


"Yeah it might be an idea. They can get things ready for when we and the doc arrive."



   * * * * * * * *



Victoria and Audra were waiting impatiently for the arrival of the three Barkley brothers. Despite Duke’s assurance that Heath seemed to be all right Victoria was still extremely worried. Her son had been trapped under a fallen tree in a bushfire. Until she saw him for herself and Howard had examined him her fears would not abate. Hearing the sounds of a horse approaching the two women rushed out onto the porch.


"Howard, thank you for coming." Victoria said as the doctor climbed down from the buggy seat and collected his bag.


"Victoria, Audra," he nodded politely. "I take it by your agitated state that the boys haven’t arrived yet."


"No Howard, but they shouldn’t be too much longer."


"Victoria do you know exactly what happened."


"Duke only said that a tree had fallen on Heath and Nick thought he had a broken rib and possibly some cracked ones as well."


"All right Victoria, why don’t we go inside and wait. There is nothing we can do until they get here."


"Look Mother," Audra cried grabbing her mother’s arm. "They’re coming now."


Victoria, Audra and Howard waited quietly on the porch as the hearse rolled slowly into the yard and drew to a halt beside the porch steps. Victoria was the first to descend. She rushed to the side of the hearse and reached out to touch Heath’s pale face. At her gently touch he opened his eyes and offered a weak lop-sided smile.


"I’m…fine Mother," he rasped out, coughing weakly.


"Of course you are dear, but we’ll let Howard check you out anyway." She replied offering her own smile as she studied his pain racked features before turning her attention to her other two sons. Nick, Jarrod are you both all right?" she asked scrutinizing them carefully.


"We’re fine Mother," Jarrod said as placed a kiss on the top of her head in passing on his way to the back of the hearse to help Nick ease Heath out. Duke came across from the corrals to offer his assistance as well.


"I can walk," Heath gasped as they lowered him to his feet.


"I’m sure you think you can young man but for now you are going to let your brother’s carry you up to your room. Do you hear me Heath Barkley?" Howard Merar asked sternly.


Heath glared at the doctor from under half closed lids and then double over as a coughing fit overtook him as he tried to speak. His legs gave way and if not for the fact that his brothers were supporting his full weight between them he would have landed face first in the dust of the yard.


"Get him up to his room now boys." Howard ordered crossly. "Stubborn fool boy," he mumbled under his breath before following with Victoria close on his heels.


Audra was about to turn when she realized the hearse held another passenger.


"Miss Audra, this is Miss Bridget Wells, she came in with your brothers." Said Duke making introductions as he helped Bridget from the back of the hearse.


"If you’ll excuse me ladies I’ll get these horses over to the barn. They look as though they could use a good feed and groom.


"Of course Duke, thank you," replied Audra absently as she studied the young woman before her. "We’ll let you know how Heath is when Doctor Merar has finished."


"Be much obliged if you would, Miss Audra. Ladies," said Duke as he doffed his hat.


"Please come in Miss Wells. I’m sorry we must seem very rude but well…"


"Not at all, I know you are all worried about Heath. So am I and the name is Bridget."


Bridget followed Audra into the parlour and sat down on the sofa.


"We’ll wait here for the Doctor to finish. I’ll have Silas bring us some lemonade. You must be thirsty or perhaps you’d like to freshen up first. You were out at the fire weren’t you?"


Bridget smiled and indicated the seat beside her as she listened to the young woman’s flustered voice.


"Why don’t you come and sit down Audra. Heath will be fine I just know it."


Audra looked towards the stairs and then smiled at Bridget before sitting beside the young woman.


"I know you’re right, Heath will be fine it’s just that Mother and I were so worried when we found out what they were planning to do and then when Duke rode in and told us that Heath was injured we…"


Bridget reached out and took Audra’s hand in hers. Audra looked at her and smiled.


"I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be going on like that. So tell me why were you out at the fire? Weren’t you scared?"


"I must admit I was terrified but it was my job to make sure that all the farmers further up the valley got out safely. Your brother Heath wouldn’t let me go any further so I stayed with the horses while they planted the nitro."


"But why was it your job?"


"I’m a missionary Audra. I help people in need. That’s what I do."


"You helped Heath didn’t you, when he was hurt."


"I tried. I saw the tree fall on him but I couldn’t move it. It was so heavy. He told me to leave but I couldn’t so I went back and got the horse. I was going to tie the rope around the tree when your brothers found us. They got him out and put him on the horse behind me and we got away just as the nitro exploded. The noise was deafening. He was so heavy, I felt him slipping but I couldn’t hold onto him and he fell off the horse. I’m sorry."


"Bridget that wasn’t your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for."


"But what if the fall hurt him more?"


"You helped save his life that’s all that matters." Audra replied smiling. "Why did you become a missionary? That’s a dangerous profession for a woman to be doing."


"Yes I suppose it is. My family was wiped out in a massacre in the Yaqui territory. All except me. I could never understand why I survived and they didn’t. I guess I’ve been looking for answers ever since and so I became a missionary."


"Oh I’m so sorry. How awful for you."


"It was a long time ago now," Bridget said with a small smile and watched as Audra turned to look up the stairs biting her lower lip.


"Why don’t you go on up Audra. I’ll be fine down here. You should be with your family."


Audra smiled gratefully at the young woman beside her. "Only if you come with me."




Part 3


Audra quietly opened Heath’s bedroom door and stepped inside followed hesitantly by Bridget. They watched as Nick and Jarrod gently lowered Heath back onto the pillows that had been placed behind him. His eyes were closed, his face was horribly pale and despite the new white bandage wrapped around his chest they could see the dark bruising that spread across his chest and up his right side and hear his raspy breathing.


"Mother," Audra whispered quietly not wanting to wake her brother if indeed he was only sleeping.


Victoria turned and smiled encouragingly at her daughter and the young woman standing tentatively in the door looking for all the world as though she was going to bolt at any moment. Victoria left the foot of her son’s bed and walked over to Bridget.


"Come in dear, please. My son’s have told me what you did out there for Heath and I would like to thank you."


"It was nothing Mrs Barkley, really." Bridget looked over Victoria’s shoulder to the bed. "Is he going to be all right?" she asked shyly.


"We’ll have to let Doctor Merar answer that one but please don’t ever think that what you did was nothing. You are a very brave young woman." Victoria replied placing her hand tenderly on Bridget’s arm before turning back to the Doctor.


"Well Howard, is Heath going to be all right?" Victoria asked voicing everybody’s concerns.


Howard looked up from where he was packing away his medical supplies and smiled encouragingly.


"He was very lucky Victoria not to have sustained more serious injuries than a broken rib and three cracked ones. Besides the extensive external bruising I can’t find any signs of internal injuries. He’ll be sore for quite a while but there’s nothing that won’t mend with a little rest. Keep him in bed as long as you can. I’ve left some pain medicine for him. See that he takes it. He’s sleeping now and that’s what he needs most. If I know this boy and I do he’ll be up and out before he’s ready as usual."


"What about his lungs doc? He was doing an awful lot of coughing on the way back."


"That was the smoke as much as anything Nick. You said he wasn’t wearing his bandana and struggling the way he was he’s breathed in more than was good for him. He’ll probably be coughing for a while yet but it will clear. He’ll need the medicine to control the pain while he’s still coughing though. Make sure he stays propped up, that will help his breathing. He shouldn’t really be left alone for the next couple of days either. You know where I am if you need me, otherwise I’ll drop by tomorrow afternoon and check on him."


Howard looked around the room at the relieved faces and then caught Victoria’s eye and inclined head.


"Now are there any other patients I should be treating while I’m here," he asked looking pointedly at Nick and Jarrod and then across the room to the young woman standing beside Victoria.


"No doc, Nick and I are fine, if only a little dirty and tired," Jarrod replied.


"What about you Miss Wells, are you all right?" Howard asked gently.


"I’m fine Doctor Merar, just a little tired. If I could trouble you for a lift back to town I would be grateful."


"Nonsense my dear, you will stay here with us as our guest. It is the least we can do."


"Oh I couldn’t Mrs Barkley."


"Hmmm" Howard cleared his throat rather noisily. "May I suggest you carry on this conversation downstairs ladies. After all we don’t want to wake the patient, do we?"


"Of course you’re right Howard."


"I’ll stay here with Heath. Jarrod can go and get cleaned up and have something to eat then when he comes back I’ll do the same." Nick glared defiantly around the room daring anybody to argue with him. When no arguments were forthcoming he sank wearily into the chair beside his brother’s bed. "Go on, get out of here and let us get some sleep."


Howard and Victoria shared knowing looks and Jarrod just shook his head at his stubborn brother but they all followed Audra and Bridget from the room. Victoria lingered in the doorway for a moment watching her two sleeping sons.


"Thank you Tom," she whispered.



   * * * * * * * *



Nick’s hoped for sleep was short lived as he heard his brother’s hacking cough and gasps of pain coming from the bed. He was immediately on his feet and by his brother’s side. He sat on the bed in front of his brother and eased him forward onto his chest so that Heath’s head rested over his shoulder.


"Easy Heath, slow breaths," he said as he gently rubbed his brother’s back, resisting the urge to pound the smoke out of his lungs.


Jarrod was just returning from the bathroom when he heard the coughing and rushed back to his brother’s room wearing only a pair of sleeping pants.


"Nick," he asked rushing to the bed as his brother continued to cough although not as harshly as moments earlier.


"We’re ok pappy. Go and get some clothes on will ya and then come back and help me get little brother settled again," Nick replied wearily.


"I’ll be back in a minute Nick. Do you want me to call Mother?"


"No. No need to worry her anymore than she already is. Go on pappy we’re not going anywhere."


Jarrod nodded and quickly left room turning at the door to look back at his two brothers. One struggling to breathe and the other almost too tired to hold him up. He knew there would be no arguing with Nick this night or probably tomorrow either. Especially not with Heath hurt and in need of their assistance.


Jarrod returned to the room minutes later and was relieved to hear an absence of coughing although Heath’s raspy breathing made him wince in sympathy.


"Nick let’s lie him back again now, he sounds a little better."


Nick didn’t reply, only nodded his head and then waited for Jarrod to place several more pillows behind Heath before they gently lowered him back to the bed. A pair dull blue eyes looked back at them and they heard a whispered "thanks" before the eyes closed and their brother drifted back to sleep.


Nick sighed heavily and remained where he was holding his brother’s hand.


"Go on Nick, get a bath and clean up will you. Heath doesn’t need to smell anymore smoke tonight and quite frankly brother you reek of it. I’ve asked Silas to bring up a couple of trays. They should be ready when you come back."


Jarrod watched his brother’s tired hazel eyes as they kept a vigil on the blond in the bed.


"Nick, I’m here. He’ll be fine until you get back. Please."


Nick sighed again and finally met his older brother’s stare.


"I won’t be long."


"I know that Nick. Go on you’ll feel better once you get cleaned up and some food into you."


Nick shook his head. "I won’t feel better until he’s on his feet again pappy. We came that close…"


"But it wasn’t close enough. He’s here and he’s going to be all right Nick. Howard said so himself. Heath won’t let a couple of broken ribs get the better of him. Now go before I get Mother up here."


Nick smiled limply. "I’m going, I’m going."


Jarrod watched his brother’s slumped shoulders leave the room before he turned his attention back to the bed and dipped the wash cloth sitting beside the basin in the cool water and proceeded to wipe the sweat from his sleeping brother’s face.


"You scared us to hell out there today little brother, don’t you ever do that to us again. Nick is going to be impossible to live with until you’re on your feet again. Hurry up and get well Heath." Jarrod whispered in his brother’s ear.


Twice more that night Nick and Jarrod were jolted from their restless sleeps by their brother’s gut wrenching coughing and cries of pain as he tried to clear his lungs of the smoke. Each time one them would rest him across their shoulder while the other rubbed his back and wiped the sweat from his brow before laying him back against the pillows and snatching a few minutes sleep. Just before dawn and after a particularly harsh coughing fit Heath’s breathing eased and he settled into a deeper sleep than he had enjoyed so far. Nick and Jarrod smiled in relief and settled into their own exhausted sleeps in the chairs they had placed on either side of their brother’s bed.


Victoria poked her head around the bedroom door just after seven and smiled at the gentle sounds of snoring coming from the chairs. She was startled to see a pair of blue eyes look at her for a moment before they too closed again and her youngest son drifted back to sleep. She quietly closed the door deciding that she would leave them for a couple more hours before demanding they go to their own rooms for some well deserved sleep.



   * * * * * * * *



"Good morning darling, how are you feeling this morning," Victoria asked as she placed the breakfast tray she was carrying on the bedside table and moved across to help her son ease himself further up the pillows. "I know it is rather late for breakfast but I didn’t think you would mind having something light to start with. If you’re still hungry I can get you something after you finish this."


"This will be fine thanks Mother, I don’t really feel like eating too much at the moment anyway," he replied wincing as he darted a quick glance around the room.


Victoria laughed. "Your brothers have gone to bed Heath, they were here all night and most of the morning."


"Don’t I know it," he said with a rye grin and a shallow cough. "Boy was it hard to sleep with those two snoring like a couple of mother bears in my ears this morning but I’m mighty glad they were here last night." Heath looked suspiciously at his mother. "Just how did you get them to leave?"


"I threatened to have Howard come out and administer a good dose of laudanum to both of them if they didn’t go and get some sleep."


"Bet that went down well."


"Better than you think actually. They were too tired to argue. You gave us all a scare yesterday young man."


"Well I can tell you Mother I gave myself a scare yesterday too. That’s one day I would prefer to forget."


"I think darling it’s one day we would all like to forget but I have a feeling it will be a long time in the memories of the people of this valley."


Heath looked quizzically at his mother. "Is the fire out?


"Well if it isn’t it is certainly contained thanks to you and your brothers. Oh Heath why didn’t one of you tell me what you were planning to do yesterday?"


Heath studied his mother’s face carefully. For the first time he noticed the worry lines across her forehead and the dark rings under her eyes. "I think Nick and Jarrod aren’t the only ones that need some sleep Mother. You look warn out too. I’m sorry if we worried you. That wasn’t our intention. I guess we thought if you didn’t know what we were planning to do, you wouldn’t worry as much. Dumb idea huh?"


He asked sheepishly.


"Heath you all should know that it is a mother’s prerogative to worry about her children. Not knowing what you boys were planning was worse than knowing. Promise me you won’t do something like this ever again."


"Are you going to give this lecture to Nick and Jarrod as well or have they already had it?"


"They will be getting the same lecture as you when they wake up and I will be eliciting the same promise from them. Now do I have your word?"


"Yes Mother."


"Good. Now there is a young lady outside who would like to come in and visit with you for a few minutes and then I want you to get some more sleep."


Heath looked slightly surprised at his mother’s words. "Audra doesn’t need permission to visit mother. She knows that."


"It’s not Audra dear," replied Victoria with a twinkle in her grey eyes as she walked over to the door and opened it to admit his guest before closing the door quietly behind her.


"Bridget!" Heath said in some surprise.


"Hello Heath, your Mother said it would be all right to visit for a while. Do you mind? How are you feeling this morning?"


"No I don’t mind, it’s good to see you again and I’m feeling better thanks."


Bridget moved shyly across the room and sat in the chair beside the bed. Heath reached out to get the breakfast tray on the small table beside his bed and groaned as stab of pain shot through him.


"Here let me get that for you," Bridget said jumping to her feet and rushing around the bed. "You mustn’t move you know."


"I guess not," Heath replied lying back against the pillows and taking in several shallow breaths. He looked at Bridget again as she laid the tray in front of him. "Thanks Bridget," he said quietly not taking his eyes off her.


"You’re welcome Heath. Now your Mother said you were to eat this and then get some sleep and I don’t think she is a woman who likes to have her orders disobeyed."


"You can say that again. You know Bridget I wasn’t just saying thank you for this," he said pointing to the tray.


"I know Heath," she replied dropping her eyes to the sheets that covered his lower body.


"Hey," he said lifting her face with his hand so that their eyes met. "It’s Mother’s birthday tomorrow. Will you do me the honour of being my guest at her party?"


She studied those clear blue eyes that said so much. "I, I don’t know. Are you sure it will be all right? I mean it is a family affair and you’re not well either."


"I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure and besides there is no way I would miss Mother’s birthday. I’ll be fine by tomorrow night. What do you say?"


Bridget smiled, "Yes all right I’d love too."




Part 4


"We’ll doc, can I get out of this infernal bed now, I feel much better." Heath pleaded. "It’s Mother’s birthday party tonight and I don’t want to miss it and besides I asked someone to join me for it."


Howard Merar looked kindly at the young man before him and sighed inwardly.


"Would it make any difference if I said no? I thought not," he continued as he looked at the defiant expression on the blond’s face. "All right Heath but only if you promise to let your brother’s help you and you don’t leave this house. Is that clear? And it is straight back to bed afterwards, guest or no guest."


Howard smiled as the blue eyes lit up and the lop-sided grin he knew and loved so well appeared on the face.


"Thanks doc, I promise to be a good boy."


"That will be the day. Enjoy the party and don’t over do it all right. Oh and no liquor while you’re still taking the medicine."


"Ok doc, I hear you."


"Good. In that case I’ll drop by tomorrow and see how you’re doing. After that we’ll discuss whether you can get up or not."


"Thanks again doc. See you tomorrow," Heath replied closing his eyes and sinking into the pillows behind him. He could snatch another couple of hour’s sleep before it would be time to get ready for the party.



   * * * * * * * *



With the dinner over, the family moved to the parlour so that Victoria could blow out the candles on her cake.




"I hope you get your wish Mrs Barkley," Bridget said as the last of the candles were extinguished.


"I already have. My sons came home safely."


Heath looked across to his oldest brother. "Well Jarrod you’re good at making speeches, you want ta…"


"Oh, ah…" Jarrod walked around the table and positioned himself beside and easel that held a covered object. "Well Mother I’ll make it short and sweet. With all our love." With a flourish he pulled off the cover to reveal the painting underneath.


Victoria’s eyes widened in surprise. "A Charles Russell, it’s beautiful. Thank you, thank you all very much."


"Yeah well a friend of mine said we were bringing culture to Stockton." Nick offered sceptically.


Audra watched Heath and Bridget as her brother cut a slice of cake for each of them and then move towards the foyer. With her eyes alive and a smile on her face she turned back to her two remaining brothers.


"I’m surprised, no girls for either of you?"


"No I’m sadly disillusioned I’m afraid," replied Nick looking up.


"What about you Jarrod/" asked Victoria


"Mine is a sad story also, I so completely reformed a lady that she moved to San Francisco and opened a dress shop." Replied Jarrod as he moved to stand between his sister and mother placing an arm over each of their shoulders.


"You might say I talked my case right out of court."



   * * * * * * * *



Heath and Bridget walked from the parlour oblivious to the stir they had caused within and stepped out onto the front porch. Heath indicated the seat and waited for Bridget to sit before awkwardly lowering himself with a groan onto the seat next to her. Bridget quickly grabbed the plate from Heath’s hands as the cake began its slid into his lap.


"Heath are you all right. You look a little pale."


Heath drew in a couple of shallow breaths and offered her a small lop-sided smile.


"Fine Bridget, really. Just a bit tired still," he said reaching out to take the plate back from her. "Thanks for saving my cake. Silas makes the best cake. You should try it."


"I will, it looks delicious. Your Mother looks so happy tonight."


"Yeah well she’s always happy when all the family is home for dinner safe if not always sound," he replied looking down at his chest. Even his suit jacket didn’t really hide the thick bandaging under his shirt.


Heath took another couple of shaky breaths and then spooned a generous serve of the cake into his mouth.


"Eat up Bridget, you don’t want to disappoint Silas do you."


Bridget laughed lightly; "well I certainly can’t disappoint Silas can I?"


With his cake finished Heath leant back against the house wall with a satisfied smile and looked up at the stars that twinkled brightly in the night sky.


"Do you ever wonder what the future holds Bridget?" he asked quietly turning to look at her.


Bridget swallowed her last spoonful of cake and looked at the same stars. "Not any more Heath. Not since my family was killed. I just take one day at a time. I don’t believe in dreams any longer, they’re for people with families and hope, not people like me."


"That’s no way to be talking Bridget. You’ve got a lot to live for. The futures yours for the taking you just have to want it bad enough."


"Oh Heath, I don’t know what I want anymore. Sometimes I wish I were happily married with a loving husband and a family of little ones running around and then… I don’t know, I feel guilty for being alive when the rest of my family are dead and will never have those chances. I guess that’s why I joined the missionary. It’s my penance for surviving. What about you Heath? Do you ever wonder about the future? Although I guess you really have no need to. You have all of this, a loving family, you’re a respectable rancher, everybody looks up to you."


"It hasn’t always been like that Bridget, for a longer time I was like you. I had no future, no hope, no family, most of the time I didn’t even know where my next meal would come from."


"So what happened?"


"I found out who my father was and I came here. Even then it wasn’t easy. I had to fight for what I’ve got now and I guess I’ll always be fighting to keep it."


"At least you know what you want in your future Heath, I’m still looking for mine."


"Your future could be here. Did you ever think of that? The other day under that tree I didn’t think I had too much of a future left and I started regretting the things I hadn’t done yet."


"Like what?"


"Oh I don’t know, getting married, having a family, a place of my own," Heath gave a small shrug, "those sorts of things."


"That sounds like a nice future Heath and I know you will find it someday, but it isn’t my future not yet anyway."


Heath lapsed into silence and shifted uncomfortably on the seat as a low moan escaped his lips.


"Heath you should be in bed, you’ve being up a lot longer than Doctor Merar said you could. Wait here while I get Nick to help you."


"There’s no need to get Nick, Bridget, I can make it myself," Heath said pushing himself up to his feet where he stood swaying. Bridget quickly stood beside him and took his arm helping him to lower himself back onto the seat.


"You certainly are as stubborn as your brothers said. Now wait here and don’t try that again."


Heath sighed and settled back against the wall with his eyes closed as Bridget disappeared through the front door.


"Is Howard going to be happy with you tomorrow little brother?" asked a concerned Nick as he took in his brother’s pale features, sweaty brow and ragged breathing.


"I’m fine Nick, just tired. Where’s Mother?"


"Right here Heath Barkley. Now let your brother help you too bed. I’ll be having words with Howard tomorrow about this. You shouldn’t be out of bed yet and I don’t care whether it is my birthday or not. Having you all home was celebration enough."


"Yes Mother," Heath replied coughing.


"Come on little brother, up we get." Nick said taking Heath’s left arm over his shoulder and lifting him to his feet.


Heath groaned in pain and couldn’t stop himself from sagging against his brother with his right arm pressed tightly against his side.


"Damn fool boy," Nick whispered in his ear as Victoria held the door open for them. "Jarrod get over here and help me," Nick bellowed as he maneuvered his brother into the foyer.


Jarrod came from the study, took one look at his brothers and rushed over too help. "What happened?" he asked worriedly as he put his arm around Heath’s waist to provide extra stability as they made slow progress across the foyer and then up the stairs.


"Too much night air." Nick grumbled.


By the time the brothers reached Heath’s room, Heath was gasping for breath and his eyes were hooded and dull. They lowered him to the bed and gently eased his jacket and shirt off before laying him back against the pillows and then worked on removing his boots and pants. Nick walked around to the set of drawers and poured a cup of water as well as some medicine on to a spoon before returning to the bed.


"Here Heath, take this."


"I don’t what it."


"I don’t care whether you want it or not boy but you’re going to take it or I’ll get Mother up here," Nick growled.


Heath opened his blurry eyes and eyed his brother before closing them again and opening his mouth without a word.


"That’s much better, now lay back and get some sleep ok Heath?" Nick said as he sat down in the chair beside the bed. "Go and tell Mother the boy’s settled and I’ll stay with him for a while will you pappy."


"Sure Nick, but don’t forget you’ve got to ride to Lodi tomorrow and check out that beef Hanson has for sale. You can’t put it off any longer."


"I know Jarrod, I’ll get some sleep don’t worry."


Jarrod left the room shaking his head. He wasn’t sure which of his younger brother’s was the more stubborn.



   * * * * * * * *



A gentle knocking woke Heath from his sleep. He blinked several times and looked around the room confused as to how he had actually gotten there. The last thing he remembered was sitting on the porch last night with Bridget and then what? Pain. He remembered that bit. "Guess my brothers must have put me to bed," he mused.


Heath stared out through the open window. Obviously somebody had been in and drawn back the curtains. Probably Mother. It looked to be about mid-morning. Time to be getting up. Heath adjusted his position in bed and groaned softly. Or may be not, he muttered under his breath.


His attention was drawn back to his closed door when he heard that same gentle knock again. It wasn’t any of the family he knew that. They would knock and then enter or just barge in, in Nick’s case; and he knew Doctor Merar wasn’t due for another couple of hours.


"Come in," he called softly as he eased himself up on his pillows and pulled the sheet up to his waist.


"Bridget," he said warmly as he eyed what could only be traveling clothes that she was wearing.


"I hope I didn’t wake you Heath," she said putting the tray she carried on the bedside table. "Your Mother asked me to bring this up to you."


"Nah, it was time for me to get up anyway."


He studied the sad expression that she was trying to hide behind her smile.


"Going somewhere Bridget?"


Bridget dropped her gaze to the floor.


"Yes, I’ll be going back to town with Doctor Merar this afternoon and leaving on tomorrows stage for Santa Ana. There is mission there and they are short of help."


"But why Bridget? You could stay here at the mission. Lots of people here need help too, you know, including me," he added quietly.


Bridget smiled despite herself.


"You don’t need my help nearly as much as you think Heath Barkley. You have your life here with your family and friends. I am still trying to discover who I am and what I want. To stay here now would serve no useful purpose. I’d just end up making both of us miserable."


Heath sighed deeply and looked with longing into the hazel eyes.


"Will you come back?"


"Someday maybe. You’ve given me more than you’ll ever know Heath and for that I will always be grateful and I’ll never forget you like I know you’ll never forget me; but our lives are on different paths. You will find that special someone and you will get married and have that family you want. So will I one day. I can feel it in my future now."


Bridget bent over and lightly kissed Heath’s cheek.


"Look after yourself Heath and thank you," she said before straightening up and leaving the room.


Heath watched her go with doleful eyes and sighed. "What will be, will be," he thought wistfully.


He looked at the tray of breakfast. "Well boy," he said out loud, smiling at his brother’s name for him, "if’n you want to get out of this bed this afternoon then you’d better start eating."