Final Farewell

A Ficlet…

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





The paddock was silent now, the group of horses that only minutes ago had paid their final respects to the old cowpony had wandered off quietly to graze in groups of two or three and no doubt to regale the younger members with the magnificent deeds of their fallen hero.


It had come as no surprise to Heath that his own beloved Charger and Jarrod’s horse Jingo had led the earth shattering charge around what was to be their friends final resting place.


As Nick sat on the ground begging his lifelong friend to close his eyes for the last time, he felt and then heard the rumbling of pounding hooves.


The brothers watched transfixed as the herd galloped around the paddock, neighing wildly and then as one come to a halt.  Turning in unison, as though it was a practiced drill they stood facing the cowpony in silent remembrance, heads held high, nostrils flared, eyes shining, manes and tails billowing behind them in the breeze.  A breeze that seemed to be saying its own goodbye.


In those moments of silence Coco expelled his last breath and closed his eyes.


“Was that what you were waiting for old friend? A final farewell?” questioned his master tears running freely down his face as he patted the noble head for the last time.