No Contest

Chapters 1-10

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 1


Heath Barkley was slowly groaning his way back to consciousness. His head was pounding, his ribs hurt and so did his hand but for the life of him he couldn’t remember why. He could hear muffled voices around him and feel a pair of gentle hands, a woman’s hands doing something to his hand. Must be in my room he mused, as he tried unsuccessfully to make his eyes obey his commands and open.


Strange he thought what ever he was lying on certainly didn’t feel like his bed but more like hard ground. Probably got chucked off that damn stallion again he thought groggily. As the pounding in his head subsided he could hear the voices more clearly but there only seemed to be one voice that he recognized. His sisters.


He could hear her begging somebody for water and bandages. Using every ounce of strength he could muster he forced his eyes to open and then blinking rapidly sought to focus them on the sound of her voice.


"Audra?" he asked weakly as her face swam into view.


"Oh Heath, thank god you’re awake. I was so worried they’d really hurt you. You’ve been unconscious for hours."


Who were they he thought trying to sit up unsuccessfully as he felt a vice like grip descend on his chest.


"Who?" He asked as a groan left his lips and he slipped back into the welcoming warmth of the blackness surrounding him.



   * * * * * * * *



"What part of NO don’t you understand Nick?" Heath yelled angrily as he flung open the front door and stomped across the foyer. "It’s two letters N.O."


"Aw come on Heath, its only a little contest, should be fun."


Heath turned around at the foot of the stairs and glared menacingly at his brother.


"NO," he screamed.


The commotion in the foyer brought the other three occupants of the house running from different rooms. Never before could they remember having heard their usually quiet blond brother and son bellowing and that was exactly what he was doing now.


"Nick, Heath what on earth is all this ruckus for?" Victoria asked coming from the kitchen.


Heath turned ice-cold blue eyes on his mother and flung his head towards his brother.


"Ask him," he spat out as he spun on his heels and charged up the stairs not even bothering to acknowledge his sister who was standing on the landing.


He slammed his door shut with a resounding thud.


The silence in the foyer that followed his departure was deafening. Jarrod stood in the doorway to his study and raised a questioning eyebrow to his mother who only shook her head non-plused. Both of them turned to look at Nick who was standing by the front door glaring after his brother.


"Nicholas, just what was that all about? I don’t think I have ever heard your brother so angry before."


"It’s nothing Mother, he’ll calm down soon enough and see that it’s a good idea," Nick replied half-heartedly.


"What’s a good idea Nick," Jarrod prodded.


"The contest Jarrod, you know, the one in town."


"No I don’t know Nick, I haven’t been into town all week, you know that. Now what contest are we talking about?"


"The shooting contest."


"The shoot…" Jarrod looked quickly towards his mother who shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Nick I think you had better come into the study and tell us exactly what this contest is about and what you’ve done."


Nick glared at his brother. He’d heard that tone of voice before. His brother wasn’t asking him he was telling him. Nick sighed and stomped across the foyer, brushed past Jarrod and threw himself into one of the leather chairs in front of the desk.


Jarrod, Victoria and Audra followed the disgruntled rancher into the study and stood in front of him waiting for some sort of explanation to his brother’s behaviour.


"All right Nick, out with it and start at the beginning please."


"I need a drink."


"Oh no you don’t brother Nick. Not until you have told us what you have done to make Heath so angry."


Nick sighed heavily and slumped further into the chair.


"There’s some guys in town challenging the ranches to a shooting contest this weekend. So I suggested that Heath and I enter it. You know he’s the best damn shot around here and I’m pretty good myself. Couldn’t let the ranch go un-represented.


Jarrod had a bad feeling about this. "What type of shooting contest, Nick?"


"What do you mean what type Jarrod. The type with guns and rifles and bullets." Nick growled.


"Specifics please Nick."


"A distance contest using rifles. Satisfied Counselor?"


"In other words Nicholas a sharpshooter contest?" Victoria asked quietly.


"Oh Nick, how could you?"


"What do you mean sis, how could I. How could I what."


"Nicholas exactly what did Heath say when you suggested he take part in this contest?"


Nick looked at his mother and the strange expression she had on her face. "He said he wasn’t interested, didn’t need to prove to anybody that he knew how to shoot."


"And then what did you do, Nick?"


"What is this Counselor, an inquisition?


"Just answer the question."


"I guess I put both our names down and paid the entry fee," he said sheepishly. "Figured once I’d done it he’d see reason and agree to compete."


"Nick don’t you realize what you’ve done?" Victoria asked.


"Well, I."


"Nick think about," admonished Victoria, "Where did Heath learn his sharp shooting skills from? Do you really think he wants to be reminded about it all the time? It’s hard enough for him when he has to use those skills to protect this ranch and family without having you put him on show."


Nick stared in muted disbelief as he listened to his mother’s words and the realization of what he’d done sunk in. "I, oh damn, ah sorry Mother, I hadn’t thought about that. I guess I got caught up in the idea of the contest and wasn’t really listening to what Heath was saying."


"Obviously not Nick, now what are you going to do about?" Jarrod enquired handing his chastened brother the longed for drink.


"Let him cool down first. That boy’s liable to take my head off, then apologize," he said ruefully, "and then ride into town tomorrow and withdraw his name from the contest."


"Well that’s a start. Let’s just hope brother Heath is so easy at forgiving as you are at forgetting."



   * * * * * * * *



"Well Harper, how did it go today?" asked Ed Fisher as he entered Harper’s hotel room. "Any sign of this fellow Heath Thompson yet?"


"I don’t know for sure boss, but I did get a couple of ranchers by the name of Barkley signed up."


"Barkley you say. Now that is interesting. They’re the ones that ordered the report on Thompson in the first place. Maybe the kid works for them."


"Oh it gets better boss," Harper said with a grin. "The dark haired Barkley, Nick I think his name was, was very vocal at extolling his brother’s shooting skills and his brother wasn’t none to happy I can tell you."


"And what has this to do with anything?"


"Well the brother’s a blue eyed blond about twenty four I’m guessing and goes by he name of Heath. I don’t reckon there are too many men by that name around these parts."


Ed Fisher’s face split into a grin as he thought on his partner’s words.


"I think Harper, we may have just hit pay dirt. The senator will be pleased, but mind you don’t say anything until after the contest on Saturday. Let’s just see how good a shot this Barkley fellow is."




Chapter 2


Heath was dimly aware of his head resting on something soft as he clawed his way back to consciousness yet again. At least this time the pounding in his head had stopped and the pain in his hand was more a dull ache than anything else. It was only when he tried to take a deep breath and shift his body that he felt a white hot bolt shoot through his left side. He moaned loudly and took short shallow breaths until the pain receded somewhat.


He felt a cool cloth being wiped across his face and willed his eyes to open. His efforts were rewarded with an encouraging smile from his sister who was leaning over him.


"Welcome back big brother, how are you feeling now?"




Heath felt his sister slip out from behind him and gently lower his head to the floor. The supine position made him gasp in pain and clutch his injured side.


"I’m sorry Heath, I didn’t mean to hurt you but I think you’ve got some broken ribs."


"S’ok sis, ya didn’t hurt me. You’re right though, ribs are busted."


He stopped talking as Audra lifted his head and placed a cup to his lips. The cool water felt good as it slipped down his parched throat.


"Any idea where we are Sis and who those men are?" He asked as he struggled to keep his eyes open.


"I don’t know who they are Heath but I do know we’re at the old Simpson ranch."


Heath nodded wearily, "good that means we’re close to Barkley land. Don’t worry Sis, Nick’ll find us." He moaned once more as he slipped back into the inviting darkness.



   * * * * * * * *



"Dammit Heath, will you just stop for one damn minute and listen to me. I’m trying to apologize to you for what I did yesterday."


Heath stopped walking towards the corral and turned sleep deprived eyes to his brother.


"Fine Nick, you’re sorry, but don’t you think it’s a little late? You wouldn’t have to apologize if you’d listened in the first place but then you never listen do ya?"


"That’s not fair Heath, I do listen to ya all the time."


"Fine Nick, you listen to me, you’ve apologized now leave me alone, I’ve got work to do."


Nick stared after his brother’s retreating back as he made his way to the corrals. Damn, he thought to himself "I’ve really put my foot in it this time."


Nick returned to the house and sat down at the breakfast table although he didn’t have much of an appetite anymore.


"Well Nick, did you apologize?"


"Yeah I said sorry," he replied grumpily.




"He told me to leave it alone. Hell Jarrod I’ve really stuffed up this time haven’t I?"


"I’d have to agree with you there Nick, but don’t worry Heath will come around. I’ve never known him to hold a grudge."


"I hope your right Jarrod. Aw hell, I’m not very hungry. Think I’ll go down to the corrals and watch the boy work that new stallion. Give my apologies to mother will you?"


Nick stood up and left the table shaking his head, "seems like all I’m doing theses days is saying sorry."


Nick stepped off the front porch just in time to see the stallion rear high over his brother.



   * * * * * * * *



Heath stalked over to the corrals and the group of men who usually stood around to watch him work the horses. Normally he was glad of the audience but this morning he was tired and wanted nothing more than to be left alone.


Duke McCall watched Heath approaching with worried eyes. He hoped the boy wasn’t planning on taking his obvious attitude problem with him into the corral. Duke put out a hand stopping Heath’s forward movement. The kindly man looked at this youngest son of Tom Barkley.


"Are you all right Heath? Sure you want to do this, this morning?"


Heath glared at the hand on his arm and sighed deeply allowing the features of his face to soften.


"I’m fine Duke, really. Don’t worry."


"All right Heath, but you be careful in there. That’s one mean horse."


Heath stopped beside the corral and looked at the horse within. He knew Duke was right. In his present frame of mind he probably shouldn’t be going in there, but what the hell.


Heath climbed through the rails as the men around him held their breaths. The horse eyed him warily and snorted a warning as Heath approached, hand held out.


Nobody knew for sure what happened next. They did know that the usually quiet blond cowboy was moving with more speed than he normally did when approaching a wild horse.


Heath wasn’t really concentrating on the task ahead. Oh he was whispering to the horse and watching the horse’s reaction but he wasn’t taking note of what he himself was doing.


Instead of the normally small gracefully steps he took when approaching a horse Heath over extended his stride. The sudden movement forward was all the incentive the stallion needed to scream a warning and rear high over the impertinent man that had dared to enter his domain.


To late Heath realized his mistake and tried desperately to throw himself backwards and to the left as the stallions slashing hooves came down on top of him. He was only partly successful though. His backwards momentum carried him towards the corral railing but also caused his feet to slip out from under him sending him crashing into the fence.


Heath felt two pairs of hands grabbing him as the stallion’s hooves came down on his out flung right arm. He felt a blow to his forearm from one hoof as the other came down hard on his upturned hand, the jagged hoof cutting deep into his palm.



   * * * * * * * *



Nick took off at a run, bellowing orders as he went, not that anyone could hear or needed to be told what to do.


Even as Duke and Pete pulled Heath back through the rails and to safety several of the other hands had already jumped into the corral to chase the enraged stallion from his quarry.


Heath was leaning back against Duke cradling his injured arm as Nick slid to a halt beside him and Jed flew past on his horse headed for town and Doctor Merar.


"Heath?" Nick asked worriedly. His brother’s face was almost white and the front of his shirt was rapidly turning red as the blood from the gash in his hand continued to flow unabated.


"Heath, let me see." Nick asked urgently as he gently tried to pry the injured arm away from his brother’s chest.


"Nick stop, you’re hurting."


"Sorry Heath, but I need to get a look at your hand and stop the bleeding."


"Do it … at the …house."


Nick watched as Heath slumped back against Duke without uttering a sound. He pulled off his bandana and gently applied pressure to the long gash no longer worried about hurting his brother. Duke use your bandana and wrap it tightly around his hand."


"Nick what happened?" Jarrod asked as he and Victoria hurried across the yard and knelt down beside the injured blond.


"Stallion got him. Don’t know whether his arms broken or not but he’s got a bad gash to his hand. Jed’s gone for the doctor. We should get him up to the house before he comes around."



   * * * * * * * *



Each time Heath woke up he found Nick sitting beside his bed. On the first two occasions he managed to do little more that focus his eyes before he felt himself drifting back to sleep. This time however he was determined that things would be different. Nick, who was lost in his own thoughts, was unaware of his brother’s scrutiny.


"Thought this was a working ranch Nick? Seems to me you’re not doing too much work."


Nick turned his head to look at his brother. The worry lines disappearing to be replaced by a warm smile.


"Yeah, well it seems to me you’re the one lying around in bed, not me boy," he growled. "How ya feeling?"


"Tired, thirsty."


Nick uncoiled his body from the chair and stretched before pouring a glass of water and sitting on the edge of the bed.


"Slowly Heath, there’s plenty more where that came from."


Heath sunk back against the pillows and closed his eyes for a moment.


"How long."


"About six hours."


Heath eyed the towels spread across his bare chest and the arm and bandaged hand resting in the sling on top of the towels. He could feel a weight on his arm but wasn’t sure what it was.


"How bad?" he asked wearily.


"Doc say’s you were lucky. Didn’t break the arm but that damn stallion left a nice imprint of his hoof on you just the same. Doc wants us to keep ice on it overnight so it doesn’t bruise and swell anymore.


Heath nodded, "what about my hand?"


"You managed to rip that up pretty good. Doc put about a dozen stitches in the gash. Said you won’t be using it for a month or so."


"Sorry Nick, my fault, wasn’t concentr…"


Nick watched as Heath stopped speaking and his face took on a strange expression. Realizing what was about to happen he grabbed the empty bowl that his mother had left and thrust it under his brother’s chin, then waited patiently for the retching to stop. He put aside the bowl and wiped the sweat from his brother’s face as he sagged back against the pillows.


"You ok now?" Nick asked handing Heath another glass of water, "doc said that might happen because of the anaesthetic he gave you."


Heath wasn’t sure that he wanted to chance opening his mouth again so he just nodded and waited for the churning in his stomach to settle.


"Thanks Nick, sorry about that."


"Aw hell Heath, I’m the one who’s sorry. If I’d have stopped to think and listened to you yesterday you wouldn’t have been angry with me today. You weren’t concentrating because of me and we both know it."


"Maybe Nick, but I’m still the one that got into the corral with that stallion. Should have known better. Hell I did know better, just didn’t care. What’d ya do with him anyway?"


"He’s still in the corral. What do you want us to do with him?"


"Nothing. Wasn’t his fault. Leave him alone for now. I’ll try him again next week."


Heath looked at Nick with a slight smirk on his face.


"Suppose this means I won’t be in the contest on Saturday either."




Chapter 3


This time Heath woke it was with more clarity. He let his eyes adjust to the dimness of the room they were locked in before seeking out his sister. His chest didn’t hurt as much this time either but he knew better than to try and move. He watched as his sister who was sitting on a nearby crate ate from a battered bowl. At least she didn’t seem to be hurt


"Audra, you alright? They haven’t hurt you have they? So help me if they have…"


Audra put down the bowl she was holding and picked up a second one from the floor before hurrying to her brother’s side.


"I’m fine Heath, really. They haven’t touched me. It’s you I’m worried about. Your hands been bleeding again and you’ve pulled out some of the stitches.’


"Don’t worry about me Sis, I’m fine," Heath replied offering a weak lop-sided smile before taking a ragged breath.


"They brought us some food, do you want some?"


"Just some water Audra, don’t think there’s much chance of anything I eat right now staying down long enough to do any good. Maybe later," he added when he saw her worried look


"Sis do you know what they want with us yet?"


"They, they said they want you to kill somebody for them and I’m their insurance that you’ll do it."



   * * * * * * * *



"Boss we got a problem. Just heard at the saloon that Heath Barkley had a run in with a stallion two days ago. The word is his gun hand’s going to be out of action for weeks."


"What," shouted Ed Fisher as he glared furiously at Harper. "The boss isn’t going to be happy about that."


"What are we going to do now?"


"I don’t know yet. Let me think about it. We’ve still got two days before the contest and we won’t be seeing the boss again until next week. Mind you keep your mouth shut Harper. No need getting the boss riled at us," grumbled Fisher as he left the hotel room. Damn the fool boy, thought Fisher as he walked towards the saloon.



   * * * * * * * *



"Heath you ready yet? I want to get moving."


"I’m coming Nick. What’s the hurry anyway? You’ve got a couple of hours before the contest starts."


"I know that but I want to see what sort of competition I’ve got."


Heath rolled his eyes, "I already told ya Nick, you ain’t got no competition cause I’m not shooting remember?" retorted Heath good naturedly as he waved his injured hand in front of his brother’s face.


"Heath Barkley put that arm back in that sling this minute. Do you hear me?"


"Yes Mother," replied Heath sheepishly while glaring at the smirk on Nick’s face.


"And Nick," continued Victoria, "make sure he keeps it there. Do you understand me?"


Now it was Heath’s turn to smirk as Nick grumbled a "Yes Mother."


"Good, now we will see you two in an hour. Try and stay out of trouble both of you. Heath while you are in town let Howard check your hand and arm please. It will save him a trip out here."


"Yes Mother."


Victoria stood on the porch and watched as her youngest two sons mounted their horses and rode from the yard. She shook her head at her youngest’s stubbornness for she hadn’t missed his grunt of pain when he mounted his horse. Neither it seemed had Nick.


"Heath you ok? You know we could have taken the wagon." Nick asked as he watched his brother closely. The swelling in his arm had gone down and in its place was a lovely black hoof shaped bruise. He also knew Heath couldn’t move his fingers without a great deal of discomfort.


"I’m fine Nick, I just knocked my arm when I mounted up and I ain’t riding in any damn wagon." Heath growled before sending Charger forward at a flat gallop.


"Damn fool," Nick yelled to his brother’s retreating back before spurring Coco into a run and giving chase.



   * * * * * * * *



Harper tapped Ed Fisher lightly on the shoulder and indicated the two cowboys riding past them. That’s them boss. Looks like they were right and the blond won’t be competing. Fisher studied the blond cowboy as he rode past. He certainly fit the description of Heath Thomson but he knew there were also plenty of other blue-eyed blond men roaming the country. Of course not all of them went by the name of Heath. "Damn," he thought. "Now how were they going to prove who he was?"



   * * * * * * * *



"Gentlemen, the rules are simple. You have three attempts at each distance. As long as one shot hits the mark you will proceed to the next distance. The winner will be the last man to make a clear shot. Any questions?"


Ed Fisher looked along the line of men waiting to compete in the contest still cursing the bad luck that saw the blond Barkley not competing.


"All right gentlemen step up to the firing line and take your first shots, oh and gentlemen please aim for the targets and not the men marking your shots."


There was a general rumble of laughter along the line and from the crowd at the words before the first volley was fired. Heath stood to the side with the rest of the family watching the proceedings. As expected the first three distances didn’t prove to be a problem for any of the shooters.


"Well Heath what do you think are our brother’s chances?" Jarrod asked as another volley of shots rang out across the firing range.


"I reckon they’re pretty good Jarrod. The only real opposition is probably Clay Johnson. The rest will start dropping out from here on in," came the qualified reply.


"Do you wish you were competing Heath?" Victoria asked quietly.


"Well Mother, I’m not really sure. I know I could hit the target at a thousand yards no problem and yeah I guess it would be fun competing but I just don’t see the sense in letting everybody know that. Only thing that can come of it is trouble."


As Heath predicted men started dropping out as the distances increased. At the end of seven hundred yards only Nick, Clay and one other man were left in the contest. As the three men lined up for the next distance a hush fell over the assembled crowd. The stranger was the first to go, missing all of his attempts at eight hundred yards. As he walked away Heath heard him muttering something under his breath about rigged sights and immediately the blonds eyes narrowed.


Heath watched as Nick’s first two attempts failed and then sighed in relief as his third shot finally hit the mark. Clay also passed to the next round on his last shot.


Heath was thoughtful as he watched the next targets been set up. While he knew his brother didn’t come close to him in a long distance shooting match he still shouldn’t be having this much trouble especially with a scope. Remembering the strangers grumbling Heath walked up to his brother and clapped him on the back.


"One shot should do it Nick. Clay’s last shot only just hit the mark."


Nick looked at his brother with obvious pride on his face. "I don’t know how you managed to hit your marks at over a thousand yards in the war Heath. I know I couldn’t have done it even with a scope. Damn bullets don’t seem to go where I aim."


Heath studied his brother’s face. "You sure Nick," he asked warily.


"Course I’m sure Heath. I do know how to aim you know."


"Mr Barkley if you’d mind stepping back please, we are ready for the next round."


"Huh, oh yeah, sure," replied Heath idly as he wandered over and absently picked up the strangers rifle, feeling its weight in his hands. Next he lifted the rifle and resting it on his injured arm squinted down the scope. He stopped, looked up at the target and then squinted through the scope again. This time a low growl left his lips.


Harper elbowed Fisher in the ribs and nodded towards Heath. "You want me to stop him boss?"


"No leave him," replied Fisher with a smile in his face. Maybe, just maybe he thought hopefully to himself.


Heath looked up in time to see a red flag lifted up after Nick’s last shot and silence fell over the area.


" Bad luck gentlemen, neither of you hit the mark on your last shots, therefore it would appear we have a tie."


"Not so fast Fisher," stated Heath stepping to the front of the crowd. "Nick did you withdraw me from this contest?"


"No I didn’t Heath but you know you can’t use that hand. Just what the hell do you think your playing at?"


Heath ignored his brother and turned to face Fisher and Harper.


"Seeing as I’m still registered as a competitor I’d like to take my shots now. This distance will do I reckon. Any objections?"


"While it is highly irregular I don’t see a problem if the good people here don’t object. I’m sure we’d all like to see you shoot Mr Barkley."


A murmur of agreement rumbled through the crowd and a few raised voices wished Heath good luck. Heath didn’t acknowledge the crowd instead he turned to his brother and handed him the rifle.


"Reckon you’d better load this Nick."


"Are you sure about this Heath?" Nick asked as he took the rifle from his brother and loaded three bullets into the chamber.


"No," came the terse reply.


"Then why do it. A draw’s not so bad you know."


"It’s got nothing to do with the draw Nick. I just don’t like cheats."


Nick turned startled eyes to his brother as Heath took the rifle from him and stepped up to the firing line. He cursed silently as he pulled his injured arm from its sling as complete silence fell over the crowd.


Heath took a deep breath and sighted the distant target through the scope and gently pulled the trigger. He ignored the disappointed murmurs as the red flag went up.


"Damn," he muttered under his breath as a searing pain shot up his arm.


"Heath?" Nick was instantly beside him as he noted his brother’s suddenly pale features.


"Ok Nick," Heath ground out through gritted teeth.


Taking aim once more but this time sighting without the scope he again gently pulled the trigger this time unable to stifle the groan as another wave of agony rolled through his hand and arm. He swayed slightly and Nick caught his arm as a green flag went up and the crowd burst into loud clapping and cheering.


Holding up his hands for quiet Fisher spoke to the assembled crowd.


"Well done Mr Barkley. Folks we have a winner. Perhaps seeing as Mr Barkley has one more shot left he would like to take it, just to prove that the last wasn’t a fluke."


"A fluke," bellowed Nick releasing Heath’s arm and stepping forward. "My brother doesn’t make fluke shots Fisher and you’d better not forget it."


Heath sighed and reached out pulling Nick back. "It’s alright Nick, I’ll take the third shot."


Without waiting for a reply from Nick, Heath stepped back up to the firing line and repeated the actions of his second shot. He didn’t even hear the roar of the crowd as the green flag went up again. He had dropped the rifle and slumped to his knees cradling his injured arm as the bandage around his hand turned red. He felt Nick supporting him as he took in several ragged breaths trying to quell the nausea in his stomach. The rest of the family and several of the hands quickly surrounded the brother’s their concern for the blond cowboy obvious.


Fisher walked up to the group as Heath unsteadily regained his feet with Nick’s help.


"May I say Mr Barkley that was some fine shooting. I believe this new rifle is now yours."


Heath made no move to accept the rifle. Instead he glared menacingly at Fisher.


"I don’t like cheats Fisher. Those scopes were rigged. If I ever see you again I might just ram that new rifle down your throat. Now get outta my way."


Leaning heavily on Nick, he allowed his feet to be guided in the direction of the doctor’s house. His family and the hands forming a protective barrier between him and a number of towns people wanting to congratulate him.


Fisher and Harper watched the retreating back of the blond. A broad smile broke out on Fisher’s face. "I do believe Harper we have found our man."


"But what about his hand boss? He doesn’t look non to good at the moment."


"We still have another five days Harper and he only needs one shot. Now you clean up here while I go back to the hotel and make my report."




Chapter 4


Heath woke with a start unsure of where he was for a moment, although the stabbing pain in his side quickly dispelled his confusion.


"Heath are you all right?" asked Audra from behind him as she pulled the blanket covering him higher up his chest.


"Yeah Sis, sorry to wake ya," he wheezed as his sudden movement caused a coughing fit.


As soon as he had stopped coughing Audra brought a cup of water to his lips, which he drank gratefully.


"Thanks Sis, what about you. You still ok?"


"I’m fine Heath, they haven’t hurt me at all."


Heath nodded his head in relief at her words and closed his eyes for a minute.


"Have they told you anymore about who I’m suppose to kill and why?"


"No I haven’t seen anyone since they brought in the food."


"How long we been here Audra?"


"I don’t know but it must be close to morning now. I just wish Nick and Jarrod would find us," she whispered.


"Don’t worry Sis, they will, " replied Heath bringing his good hand up and patting Audra’s arm.


"Sis, did they search me at all?"


"No why?"


"Reach down my back and you’ll find a sheath. With a bit of luck my knife should be in it. I can only feel the sheath at the moment."


Audra tried but couldn’t reach it the way Heath was lying.


"Heath you’ll have to sit up a little for me. I can’t reach it with you lying like this."


Heath nodded and pulled himself forward drawing in a ragged breath and letting out a loud groan as his broken ribs ground together. Willing himself to say conscious he waited for Audra to withdraw the knife before sagging back against her with another groan.


"Hide it Sis, you might need it later," he whispered as he slipped back into the darkness.


Heath didn’t hear the door open or the muffled voices but he did feel his sister’s body shift behind him and heard her startled "YOU."



   * * * * * * * *



"Heath are you sure you’re well enough to go with Audra today," asked Victoria as she gracefully descended the stairs to the foyer.


"I’m fine Mother, really and I promise to keep my arm in the sling. Besides we’re taking the buggy and Sis here’s going to drive so I can sit back and sleep," he replied with a lop-sided grin before quickly ducking out of the way of his sister’s playful swipe.


"Very well Heath but please be careful won’t you?"


"Mother we’re going to the orphanage. What could possibly happen at the orphanage?"


Victoria rolled her eyes and looked lovingly at this her youngest son. "With you Heath, anything’s possible," she laughed as she reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Have a good day both of you.’


"We will Mother," replied Audra. "We should be back just after lunch. Big brother wants to supervise the arrival of those new horses this afternoon."


"Oh he does, does he?"


"Gee thanks Sis, you really know how to keep a guys confidence don’t ya? If you will excuse me for a moment I need to speak to Jarrod before we leave."


Without waiting for a reply Heath strode across the foyer and entered his brother’s study.


"Morning Jarrod, have ya heard anything about Fisher and Harper yet?"


"Good morning to you to Brother Heath and to answer your question not yet but I would expect we should hear something in the next day or so. You know I sent off those wires straight after the contest. I’ll be heading into town soon and I’ll check then for you so don’t worry."


Jarrod watched his brother pace around his study.


"Heath what’s wrong? What’s troubling you about these two men?"


"I don’t know Jarrod but my gut tells me they’re trouble."


"Well as far as I know little brother, they left town the day after the contest."


"Yeah but that doesn’t mean they’ve left the valley." Heath stopped pacing and grinned at his brother. "Sorry counselor, guess I was letting my imagination get the better of me. Better get moving Audra’s waiting."


Jarrod sat back in his chair and contemplated his brother’s words as the blond disappeared through the study door. He knew Heath wasn’t one to let his imagination get the better of him.



   * * * * * * * *



"Here they come. Now remember what I told you. Don’t hurt them. The boss won’t take kindly to you if he finds out you’ve hurt that girl. As for the cowboy, well you’ll know it if he gets hurt. We need him in one piece."


"What if he fights back? We gotta do something."


"Fine do something but nothing excessive or it’ll be the last thing you do. You hear me?"



   * * * * * * * *



"Thank you for coming Heath, the children really enjoyed having you there this morning. They don’t often get to see you and they so like it when you visit.


"My pleasure Sis, you know I like going. Maybe I should talk to Nick about going out there one day a month with you. I’m sure he can get along without me for a day."


"Oh that would be wonderful."


"Hey Sis, think you can find your way home if I shut my eyes for awhile?" Heath asked with a slight grin.


Audra turned quickly to study her brother. It was only now that she noticed he was cradling his injured arm close to his body.


"Heath is your hand hurting you?" she asked worriedly.


Heath sighed, "some but don’t worry Sis, it’ll be fine," he replied closing his eyes.


Audra’s startled "Whoa," and the sudden stopping of the buggy brought Heath’s eyes flying open and he cursed himself for a fool as he eyed the two men sitting on horses with guns drawn in the middle of the trail.


"What do you want?" he growled making to stand up.


"Sit down cowboy and nothing’ll happen to the little lady there. The boss has got a little job for you and if you do it well you both just might get to live.’


"And just what job would that be," Heath asked as he watched the men ride towards the buggy.


If he could just get both men on his side he could jump one of them and give his sister a chance to escape. Audra was his only concern; his own fate was negligible. Measuring the distance with his eyes he waited. Hoping Audra wouldn’t hesitate he launched himself at the second rider and yelled "Go Audra" all in one smooth action. His lightening fast reflexes held him in good stead and he had knocked the rider from his horse before anyone had a chance to react.


The first rider spun his horse around and brought his gun to bare on Audra. "Don’t try it girl or he dies," he warned her.


Audra looked from the rider to her brother who was now fighting with the second man. Heath managed two good left handed punches before he pulled his right arm from the sling and let fly with a solid right to the man’s stomach. Heath rolled onto his side writhing in agony as the bandage rapidly turned red.


"Heath," Audra screamed as the second rider regained his feet and brought his gun butt crashing down hard on the back of the blond’s head.


Heath heard his sister’s scream but he was powerless to do anything about it. The blow to the head rendered him unconscious and he was oblivious to the two well-placed kicks to his ribs.


"That’s enough Crawford," shouted the other rider. "The boss doesn’t want him hurt. Little lady if you know what’s good for you you’ll hold that horse real steady while we load him into the buggy."


Audra only nodded unable to take her tear filled eyes from her brother’s supine body. There was no way she was going to leave him alone. He needed her just as much as she needed him. She reached out to him as the men lifted him into the buggy. The amount of blood on the bandage worried her.


"Please his hands bleeding. I need to fix it."


"You’ll have plenty of time to do that when we get to where we’re going. Now start driving."


With no other choice Audra picked up the reins and clicked the horse into motion following the lead rider. As she drove she kept one eye on Heath. She could hear his laboured breathing and guessed that at least one of his ribs was probably broken from the kicks. "Oh Heath, why did you have to do that?" she whispered to herself.



   * * * * * * * *



"Mother what’s wrong?" asked Nick when he saw the worried look on her face.


"It’s Audra and Heath, they aren’t back from the orphanage yet."


"I wouldn’t worry too much Mother. You know those two, they’re probably having so much fun that they forgot the time is all."


"You don’t understand Nick, Heath said he wanted to be back to supervise the arrival of those new horses this afternoon. The horses arrived two hours ago but your brother and sister aren’t here."


"Mother are you sure Heath said that?"


"Of course I am Nick."


Nick pursed his lips and thought about it. It wasn’t like Heath to forget about a horse delivery. He always made sure he was available when the new herds came in. A gnawing worry started to grow in the pit of his stomach.


"I’ll go and look for them Mother, don’t worry it’s probably something as simple as a broken wheel or a lame horse. You know Heath can’t do much with that hand of his."


"Thank you Nick, I’ll feel much better when they’re back here in the house."


Nick kissed his mother lightly on the cheek and headed back to the front door almost walking into Jarrod who had just returned from Stockton.


"Ah good Nick, just the man I wanted to see."


"Later Jarrod, I’ve got to go and find our brother and sister. Seems they’re missing."


"What, wait a minute while I change and I’ll come with you. We can talk along the way."


"Make it quick Jarrod, Mother is getting anxious."


Five minutes later the brothers and three ranch hands were heading out of the yard in the direction of the orphanage. As the miles fell behind them with no sign of Audra or Heath the gnawing in the pit of Nick’s stomach was getting heavier, he was almost certain now that their mother was right and something had happened to their siblings. That coupled with the news that the two men Heath had asked Jarrod to investigate seemed to have no history what so ever was sending danger warnings to the dark haired rancher.


Nick drew Coco to a stop when he noticed the buggy tracks suddenly veer off the trail and head across the range. Dismounting he studied the area carefully noting the signs of a recent fight and the extra hoof prints from two ridden horses. He stomach did a belly flop when his eyes spotted several dark patches on the dusty trail. Squatting down for a better look he prayed it wasn’t what his eyes were telling him it was.


"What is it Nick?" asked Jarrod watching his brother closely.


Nick looked up at Jarrod. "Blood."


Jarrod’s face paled, "you don’t think."


"It’s the boy’s? Yeah I do. He’s not here Jarrod. What ever happened he put up a fight. You can see the scuffle marks."


"But Nick his hand."


"I know Jarrod and that’s what I’m worried about. He’s not dead or who ever has them would have left his body but I’m guessing he’s hurt. And I swear if they’ve hurt Audra I’ll kill them with my bare hands. Jed ride into to town and tell Fred Madden what’s happened. Tell him we’re tracking them now and which way we’ve gone, then you’d better ride back to the ranch and tell Duke what’s happened and asked him to tell mother."


"Sure thing boss," replied Jed Martin as he spurred his horse across the range towards Stockton.


"Nick shouldn’t we wait for Fred?"


"You can wait if you like Jarrod, but I’m going after them now, they’ve already got two or three hours head start and I don’t aim to let them have anymore," growled Nick as he remounted and headed off following the clear trail left by the buggy wheels.


Jarrod sighed, he was just as worried about his missing siblings but there was also mother to think of. Perhaps he should return to the ranch and stay with mother, but then he put the thought aside and spurred his horse after his brother and the two remaining ranch hands. He knew what his mother would expect him to do and that was to find his brother and sister.




Chapter 5




The word hung suspended in mid air. Heath blinked open his eyes and stared at the man who had caused the sudden tension in his sister. The man was big and heavyset with a florid face and small beady eyes that reminded him of a badger. Heath cudgeled his brain sure that he should know this man.


"Audra who is he?" he asked quietly not taking his eyes off the man who was staring in what could only be described as a dumbfounded look at his sister. It was obvious to Heath this man had not expected to see Audra here.


When Heath didn’t get an answer he forced himself to sit up ignoring the explosion of pain in his side and the newly awakened throbbing of his head.


"Sis who is he? Are you alright?" Heath asked urgently as he fought to keep his eyes focused on what was happening in the room.


"Sorry Heath, lie down," replied Audra as she tried to pull him back against her. "This is Senator Josiah Williams Heath, he WAS a family friend."


Lifting her chin and throwing her head back Audra glared coldly through pale blue eyes.


"Why are you doing this? What do you want with my brother?"


Senator Williams stared in disbelief at Audra and mouthed the word brother, before turning abruptly and shouting at the man behind him.


"What have you done you fool? I told you I wanted Heath Thomson," he thundered.


"But boss this is Heath Thomson, seems her daddy," pointing at Audra, "had a roll in the hay with his," now indicating Heath, "mother."


Heath’s head snapped around when he heard the second man speak. "Fisher," he growled. "Should have guessed. That whole damn contest was just a set up to get me wasn’t it?"


Not allowing Fisher time to respond to Heath, Williams continued in a raised voice, "so why is the girl here? I didn’t say anything about kidnapping a girl."


"Mills thought they were together and figured she was sweet on him. He thought we could use her to make sure he did the job properly."


"Of course she’s sweet on him you fool. They’re family. Do you realize you have kidnapped two family members from one of the most prominent and influential families in California? I can assure you Victoria Barkley and their brothers Nick and Jarrod will leave no stone unturned until they are found," roared Williams.


Fisher was only now beginning to realize the enormity of the situation they were in and cowered under the withering stare of his boss.


With an effort Senator Williams hauled in his emotions and turned back towards the siblings offering Audra an ingratiating smile.


"I am so sorry for this Miss Barkley. I hope you were treated well. It was never my intention to involve you in any of this."


Audra glared coldly at the Senator her face set in a determined mask that would have made her mother proud. "What do you want with my brother?" she asked again. "You can see he’s hurt and can be of no possible use to you."


"Yes well that was unfortunate too, however you and your brother won’t have to worry about his injuries for too much longer, regrettable though it will be."


"And what is that supposed to mean?"


"It means Sis, they plan on killing us after I’ve done what they want," Heath ground out between gritted teeth as he drew in a ragged breath. Feeling Audra tremble behind him he gently squeezed her hand in reassurance, pleased that she now had his knife to defend herself with if need be.


Shifting a little to see Williams better, Heath moaned softly before addressing the man.


"Just who is it I’m supposed ta kill? Must be someone important or ya wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble."


Williams looked at the two Barkley’s and shrugged. It didn’t matter now if they both knew seeing as neither of them would be alive in a few hours anyway. Pity about the girl though.


"I want you to kill James Harrison."


"The Senator, but why?"


"Because Miss Barkley, he is becoming far to popular for my liking and he is a thorn in my side. I have plans for a seat in congress and he is standing in my way."


"So you are just going to eliminate the opposition. You will never get away with it. My family will see to that."


"I think not Miss Barkley, because there won’t be anybody here to tell what happened."


"And just how and when do ya think I’m going to do this?" growled Heath.


"Later this morning will be fine. He will be traveling through this very area in a few hours on his way to Stockton. The fool thought he would seem more approachable to the people if he traveled across the country on horseback."


Williams turned once more towards the door but stopped. "I really am sorry Miss Barkley."


"Senator Williams, my brother’s hand needs re-bandaging. Can you please have someone bring in some water and more bandages?"


Williams looked at the blond cowboy and nodded his consent. After all he needed him in good shape for the job ahead.


The siblings were silent as they waited for medical supplies to be brought in.


"Sis don’t worry about my hand, can ya strap my ribs instead? Heath asked quietly.


"Heath your hand needs fixing as well."


"Not much point, it’s only going to bleed again when I use it. Audra you have to get outta here as soon as we leave. You’ve got the knife so don’t be afraid to use it if you have to. Nick and Jarrod should have found our tracks and will be on our trail by now."


He stopped speaking and closed his eyes as Audra tightly bound his ribs.


"Thanks Sis feels better. Promise me Audra you’ll get away."


"Oh Heath, I don’t want to leave you."


"Ain’t nothing you can do for me here but you can send Nick and Jarrod after me when you find them. Don’t worry I’ll be fine. I’m not planning on dying just yet." He gave her one of his lop-sided smiles and squeezed her hand again. "Can ya check if my other knife’s still in my right boot?"


"It is Heath, now let me look at your hand, I’ve still got some bandage left."


Sighing softly at the futility of arguing with a Barkley female Heath lay back and closed his eyes thinking how like their mother his little sister was. "Hurry up brothers, you have to save Sis," he prayed silently.



   * * * * * * * *



Nick it’s nearly dark, we’ll have to camp and pick up the trail in the morning. Even Heath wouldn’t expect you to track in the dark."


"Dammit Jarrod, we’ve been following this trail for the last couple of hours and the only place that I can think of any where in this area is the old Simpson ranch and that’s still another couple of hours away. I say we keep going and head straight there."


"And what if you’re wrong Nick and they aren’t there. You’re looking at least four hours of back tracking to pick up the trail. Four hours that they might not have. We can leave at sun up Nick but we have to stop now. There’s no point in tiring the horses or walking into a trap."


Nick closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He knew Jarrod was right but he didn’t have to like it.


"I just want to find them Jarrod. To know that they are all right. I can’t help thinking that somehow this is my fault and it has something to do with that damn contest on Saturday."


"I know Nick, I want to find them too."


Nick looked around and spied some trees a short distance ahead. "Might as well camp there for the night boys," he said pointing to the trees, "but come sun up we hit the trail again."


Jarrod studied his brooding brother through the flames of the campfire.


"Nick why do you think that Heath and Audra’s disappearance has something to do with the contest and how on earth can it be your fault?"


Nick sat staring into his coffee cup and didn’t immediately reply. Taking a deep breath he looked across the fire and into his brothers eyes.


"I don’t know Jarrod, but thinking back on the contest things just don’t feel right. Especially the way Fisher made Heath take that third shot. It was almost like he was baiting him to see how good he really was bad hand or not. He must have known that Heath had figured out the scopes were rigged but he didn’t seem to care. And how can two men not have a past Jarrod? That just doesn’t make sense. Both of them are old enough to have been in the war if nothing else. I reckon little brother is right and they haven’t left the valley. They’re up to something I can feel it and our little sister and that fool boy are right in the middle of it. And I’m the one that entered him in the contest in the first place. If I hadn’t done that then Fisher wouldn’t have found out how good he is."


"Nick there is nothing to say that Heath wouldn’t have entered himself on the day. You know how our little brother loves to compete. I heard him tell Mother that he though it might be fun even though he didn’t think anything good could come of it."


"Yeah well he was right there wasn’t he counselor. Nothing good has come of it has it?" growled Nick throwing the last of his coffee on the flames making them dance wildly for a few moments.


"I must admit I was a bit dubious when Heath asked me to investigate those two. Do you know I was speaking to Heath this morning in the study and he apologized to me for letting his imagination run wild. The thing is Nick I’ve never known Heath’s imagination to run wild before. He always has a good reason, at least to him, for every action he does even if the rest of us don’t always agree. Heath’s gut was telling him there was something wrong and he acted on it. Now I believe like you that he was right and Fisher and Harper are up to their necks in it as well."


"The question is Jarrod what do they want a sharpshooter for and why Heath in particular?"


"Nick why does anybody ever want a sharpshooter for?"


"Oh come on Jarrod, Heath’s not going to kill anybody and you know it."


"I know under normal circumstances he wouldn’t but what if they were threatening Audra. He would do anything to protect her. If he thought that was the only way to save her he could do it."


"Well I’m not going to let that happen. If he does end up killing somebody and lives it could put him over the edge. It’d tear him apart and I don’t think all the love in the world would bring him back to us. We have to find them Jarrod and fast."


The brothers lapsed into silence both keenly aware of how close to the surface their little brother’s emotions ran. Oh, he hid them well from everybody, but over the years the family had learnt to read him and they now all knew when he was hiding something from them. Heath had a big heart and he usually wore it on his sleeve. He would do anything to protect his family and that included forfeiting his own life if need be and that was something that neither of his older brothers was about to let happen.




Chapter 6


How does it look Nick? Asked Jarrod as his brother returned to the trees behind of the Simpson Ranch House.


"No guards posted, our horse and buggy are in the barn. If anybody’s around they’ve got to be in the house," growled Nick.


"All right then, how do you want to play it? Wait for them to come out or go in?"


"If we can get in quietly I say we go in. I don’t want to chance whoever’s got them using our little brother and sister as human shields. At least we’ll have the advantage of surprise on our side."


"You know Nick, they may not even be here. They could have had extra horses waiting and already left."


"Dammit Jarrod, I know that. Come on we’ve already wasted enough time, let’s just get this over with and not waste anymore."


Jarrod watched Nick’s retreating back with downcast eyes as he sighed deeply, wondering if Nick blamed him for the waste of time. Nick had been right after all and the tracks had led directly to the old Simpson Ranch. Should he have allowed Nick to have his way last night and ridden straight here? God he hoped they would find their siblings alive and well. If not he didn’t think that he would ever forgive himself. He knew Nick would never openly apportion blame but the under current would always be there.


Taking his brother’s lead, Jarrod moved towards the side of the house noting for the first time that all the windows were boarded up. At least sneaking up was going to be easier unless of course someone were to step out onto the front porch.


Both brothers sighed in relief as they and their two hands reached the safety of the ranch walls without detection. The men stepped up onto the porch and fanned out on either side of the door. Making sure the men were in position Nick stepped up to the door and put his hand on the handle. A look of shock crossed his face as the door was wrenched open from with in and a blond whirlwind slammed into his chest, knocking both of them off their feet and into the dust of the yard. A woman’s cry of despair was intermingled with Nick’s cry of shock.



   * * * * * * * *



"Come on Thomson or Barkley or what ever your name is, time to get up," snarled Mills has he pulled at Heath’s uninjured left arm, forcefully dragging him out of his sister’s arms and too his feet. He laughed at the cry of pain and the contorted feature’s of the blond. "Don’t worry it won’t hurt for much longer," he grinned as he pushed the staggering blond towards the door.


"Don’t worry Sis, everything will be ok, remember I’ll always love you." Heath managed to call over his shoulder as the door was closed behind him.



   * * * * * * * *



Audra was powerless to do anything as Heath was dragged to his feet and pushed through the door.


"I’ll always love you too Heath," she whispered as the tears ran freely down her face.


Once the sobs that raked her body had dissipated, Audra resolved to do as Heath had requested. To escape and find their brothers.


Audra felt the comforting presence of the knife tucked under her right thigh. Now all she had to do was wait for her captor to come in and then somehow she would make her escape. The thought of actually physically using the knife made her stomach churn and sent an involuntary shiver down her spine.


Closing her eyes she once again saw and heard her brother’s cry of pain as he was dragged from her arms and she resolved to do whatever was necessary to help him escape as well. Lifting her head she stared defiantly at the door. She was a Barkley and the Barkley’s always looked after their own.


It wasn’t long before she heard footsteps coming towards her room. Gripping the knife tightly in her right hand she waited for what she feared was to come.


"Well little lady," sneered Crawford, "it seems it’s just you and me left now. What’s say we have us some fun hey? I ain’t never had no one as pretty as you and if your real nice to me I might even let you live a little bit longer."


Audra shuddered again and gripped the knife tighter as Crawford came towards her. She drew her knees up towards her chest as Crawford squatted down beside her then reached towards her. With a speed that would have done her blond brother proud Audra plunged the knife into Crawford’s exposed outer left thigh and using all her strength she could muster pushed the cursing man onto his back.


Swiftly jumping to her feet, she rushed from the room avoiding Crawford’s out stretched hand as he made a grab for her ankle and rushed towards the front door. Without thinking she wrenched it open and barreled into what felt like a solid wall. Her momentum and Nick’s raised foot was enough to send them both sprawling in the dust.


Crying out in fear and frustration she began pummeling the leather clad black chest not realizing who it was she was hitting.


Taken completely by surprise it took Nick a moment to realize what was happening and who the little hellcat was sitting on his chest. Grabbing his sister’s hands he called urgently to her trying to get her attention.


"Audra, Audra stop it. It’s me Nick, Sis. Stop it now," he called in a muted bellow afraid his loud voice would terrify his sister more.


As Nick and Audra grappled in the dirt, Jarrod and their two hands entered the ranch house as Crawford staggered from the back room, blood running freely down his leg. Under the barrels of the three Barkley guns he had no choice but to drop his own weapon and raise his hands.


Jarrod hurried into the back room fearful of what he might find. The room was empty except for his brother’s bloody knife lying on the floor. Jarrod walked over and picked it up. "Heath where are you little brother? Just hold on we’re coming."


"Ow, Audra stop it," yelled Nick louder this time.


"Nick? Oh Nick, I, I," Audra choked on her words as tears sprang into her eyes and she collapsed exhausted onto her brother’s chest.


"Sshh honey, it’s all over. I’ve got you now, you’re ok." Whispered Nick gently brushing the hair from her face.


"I was so scared, I…" Audra stopped speaking and her eyes grew wide. "Heath, Nick they took Heath this morning, he’s hurt, we have to help him. Please Nick," she begged as she clambered to her feet quickly followed by Nick who took her into his arms hugging her gently.


"We’ll find him honey, don’t worry. Come over here and sit down and tell me everything you know."


Nick led Audra over to the porch steps and keeping a protective arm around her shoulder made her sit down.


"Is Audra all right Nick?" Jarrod asked as he stepped back out to the porch, closely followed by the two hands leading a limping Crawford between them.


"She’s fine Jarrod, Any sign …?" Nick couldn’t continue as he looked at Jarrod’s solemn face.


"Nothing Nick, the place is clean."


Nick nodded in understanding before turning back to Audra.


"Sis can you tell me what happened, where they’ve taken Heath?"


Audra took a deep breath and squared her shoulders.


"Heath’s hand was hurting and he went to sleep in the buggy on the way home from the orphanage. Then two men, this one," pointing at Crawford, "and another one stopped us. Heath jumped the other one and yelled for me to get away but I couldn’t. He fought the one on the ground and then hit him with his bad hand. Oh Nick, the bandage turned red almost immediately."


Nick closed his eyes and cursed silently. It was so typical of his brother to try and protect their little sister.


"Then what happened Sis?" he asked gently.


Audra took another breath.


"After Heath hit him, he couldn’t move, he was just lying on the ground. He was in so much pain. The other one Mills hit him in the back of the head with his gun and then kicked him at least twice in the ribs."


Both Nick and Jarrod’s faces paled as they thought of the pain their little brother had endured.


"Honey do you know how badly Heath’s hurt?" asked Jarrod coming to sit on her other side.


"I don’t know Jarrod," Audra sobbed quietly. "He’s got broken ribs and probably a concussion. He was unconscious for hours after we arrived. His hands swollen, he’s pulled out all the stitches. I’m not sure but I think it could be broken. They gave me water and bandages and I dressed it the best I could. I wrapped his ribs too but he’s in so much pain and I think he was starting to get a fever. He felt hot."


Nick wrapped his arms tightly around Audra and pulled her to his chest letting her cry as he looked worriedly at Jarrod. He didn’t like what he was hearing and knew they were running out of time to find Heath alive. "Don’t worry Sis, we’ll find him and he’ll be just fine."


When Audra’s sobs quieted he sat her up again and continued the questions even though he wished he could spare her from relieving the ordeal.


"Audra honey, do you know who’s behind this and why they wanted Heath and you?"


Audra stiffened her body and nodded.


"Senator Williams." She spat out.


"Josiah William?" asked Jarrod incredulously, "but why?"


"He, he wants Heath to kill James Harrison and they threatened to kill me if he didn’t do it."


"But why does he want to kill Harrison?"


"Because he’s becoming to popular and is standing in the way of Williams getting to congress."


"Why that dirty mongrel snake when I get my hands on him he’ll wish he’d never heard of the word congress," growled Nick.


"Audra when did they leave with Heath?" Jarrod asked quietly.


"About an hour ago, I think."


"Damn," yelled Nick as he jumped up and started pacing. "We must have only just missed them."


"Audra do you know which way they were headed or where they were going?"


Audra shook her head, "no I don’t. They took Heath and left me locked in the back room. They didn’t say where they were going but I don’t think it was too far from here."


"Why do you say that?"


"Because Williams said Harrison was riding through this area this morning on his way to Stockton."


Nick leapt back onto the porch and grabbed Crawford spinning him around and forcefully pushing him back into the wall of the house.


"Where were they headed?" Nick growled as he lifted the man off his feet.


"Why should I tell you anything?" blustered the man.


"Cause right now my brother’s still alive but if he dies I swear I’ll take you somewhere where nobody will ever find you and I’ll kill you so slowly that you’ll wish you’d never heard of the name Barkley," snarled Nick, his face set in an unreadable mask his eyes flashing fury.


Crawford looked into Nick Barkley’s eyes and for the first time in his life felt abject fear. Quickly weighing up his options he decided to cooperate for the time being. At least it would give him some breathing space to think of some way out of his predicament. He was under no illusions that he could expect any help from his boss or cohorts. He was now on his own.


"They were headed for Bear Lookout."


"Thank you. See how easy that was," sneered Nick as he dropped the man to the ground ignoring his howl of pain when his injured leg buckled underneath him.


"Tie him up securely in the barn and then we’ll go after our brother," he ordered the two hands as he pushed Crawford towards them. "Come on Sis, think you can ride double with me or would you rather stay here with Sam?"


"I’m coming with you. I don’t want to stay here a minute longer besides Heath needs me."


Nick smiled for the first time that morning. Yes sir. His sister was all Barkley he thought as he led her towards the trees and his horse. Bear Lookout was a good hour and a half from here but if they hurried they may still be in time.


He tied up good and tight Sam? I don’t want the mongrel getting away."


"Sure is boss, we made sure he couldn’t move."


"Good then let’s get mounted and find that brother of ours."




Chapter 7


The violent shove that Mills gave Heath sent him sprawling on his face in the dust. Heath tried to land on his left side in an effort to protect his injured hand, but was only partially successful. Through the fog that clouded his eyes when his injured hand made contact with the ground Heath watched as Fisher and Williams mounted up and rode away leaving only Harper and Mills behind. Despite his pain Heath smiled to himself and prayed that the two men wouldn’t make a re-appearance. Some how he doubted either of them would. They didn’t seem to be the sort to hang around and get their hands dirty. In Heath’s book odds of two to one weren’t bad.


Harper dragged Heath to his feet again and propelled him towards Crawford’s horse where he was roughly assisted on to its back.


"Don’t think of making a run for it or that pretty little sister will have a nasty accident."


Heath didn’t have to be told. He had no intentions of doing anything that would jeopardize Audra’s chances of making her escape. He would make good his own escape when the opportunity arose. The one thing he was sure of though was that he wouldn’t be doing the job that had been assigned to him.


The ride to Bear Lookout took a heavy toll on Heath’s weakened body. Even with the tight binding job Audra did to his ribs each step the horse took made him feel as though all his bones were been shaken loose. The occasional stabs of pain that he had felt at the start of the ride were now continuous, thunderous waves crashing into him. Each wave was accompanied by flashes of brilliant white light each one threatening to topple him from his horse. His breathing came in ragged gulps and he felt so hot now. He knew that despite Audra’s ministrations his hand was infected and he’d long ago given up any hope of flexing his fingers. He wondered just how they expected him to pull the trigger.


It was with some relief that he saw Bear Lookout appear ahead. If he had been feeling better and not involved in this life and death struggle to keep his sister and himself alive he would have better appreciated the sight before him. Bear Lookout was aptly named. It didn’t seem to matter from which angle you viewed the lookout the rock formation looked like a bear sitting down surveying his territory. As the horses started up the trail to the lookout Heath closed his eyes and hung on.


Heath roused himself when he felt hands pulling him from the saddle. Looking around he noted that the top of the lookout fanned out into a small tabletop allowing enough room for three or four horses to be safely tethered out of the way.


"Over there Barkley, reckon we’ve got about half an hour before Harrison shows up."


Grateful to be off the horse Heath stumbled over to the rock formation and sank to his knees resting his left hand on his left thigh to support his upper body, dragging ragged breaths of air into his lungs.


Heath didn’t know how long he knelt beside the rocks for, but eventually he felt well enough to ease his body to a sitting position. Sighing at the small amount of relief the solid rocks gave him he leaned back and closed his eyes.


A short time later a vicious kick to his right ankle roused him from a restless sleep. "Time to get ready," said Harper thrusting a rifle into Heath’s hand. "Oh and don’t bother thinking about trying to shoot us, it ain’t loaded yet."


Heath took the rifle and blinked several times to clear the blurriness from his eyes before pushing himself first to his knees and then to his feet. He staggered over to one of the rocks that made up the bear’s paw and dropped back to his knees.


From here he could see the trail along which Harrison would be traveling for some one hundred yards before it rounded the bend to the left and was lost from sight. Heath’s mind was racing now as he checked the scope and alignment. He still only had Mills and Harper to contend with. Of course he couldn’t do anything without a loaded rifle but then between it and his knife he should be able to deal with both men he hoped and avoid getting killed in the process.


Turning slowly to face the two men Heath glared at them with ice-cold blue eyes that sent a chill through them.


"Unless ya want me to kill him by throwing this rifle don’t ya think you had better load it for me? I don’t reckon the Senator would be none to pleased ta hear I missed because you couldn’t load the gun in time."


Harper snatched the rifle back and proceeded to load one bullet into the chamber as Mills walked to the edge of the lookout to watch the trail below.


With both men otherwise occupied Heath took advantage of the situation and quickly eased his knife from his boot and hid it behind his back. So far, so good, now all he needed was the rifle and he’d be in business. Heath looked from Mills to Harper. Harper was the closest of the two and well within Heath’s throwing range even in his weakened state and left-handed. That meant he would have to use the rifle on Mills. He doubted that in his present condition he could handle it well enough to get both men. Harper’s next word put paid to those thoughts anyway.


"Here you go, but don’t get any ideas about using this on us. It’s only got one bullet in it so you had better make it count," sneered Harper handing the rifle back barrel first.


Heath said nothing only glared back as he took the proffered gun, "Don’t worry, I’ll make it count," he thought, "bit not the way you intended."


"They’re coming," shouted Mills. "I can hear the horses."


As Harper took his eyes off Heath to glance at Mills, Heath made his move. With a speed that belied his weakened condition Heath grabbed his knife from his belt and whipped his arm back and then forwards in one swift flowing motion. As the knife entered Harper’s chest, Heath swiveled on his knees and brought the rifle to bare on Mills. What Heath hadn’t been prepared for was Mills’ speed. He felt the impact of Mills bullet with his right shoulder as his own bullet found its mark and flung the man over the edge of the lookout.


"Audra," Heath whispered as first the numbing pain and then shock took control of his body and he slid soundlessly down the bear’s paw leaving a bloody trail behind him.



   * * * * * * * *



With the advantage of knowing exactly where they were headed the Barkley’s and the two hands made good time galloping along the trail to Bear Lookout. Audra was such a good horsewoman that she was able to sit effortlessly on the saddle in front of Nick and not hinder the horse’s progress.


They had just reached the base of the lookout when they heard Mills yell followed moments late by two shots and an ear piercing scream followed by a dull thud as a body hit the ground.


Quickly depositing Audra on the ground with orders for her to stay with Sam, the brothers rode around the base of the lookout terror in their hearts at what they might find. The first thing they noticed was the green shirt, not a blue chambray like their brother always wore. Sighing with some slight relief they rode closer and confirmed that this body wasn’t their brother.


"Heath," bellowed Nick as he spun Coco around and headed back to Audra. "Jarrod stay here and explain to Harrison what’s happened. We don’t need his men shooting at us," he yelled over his shoulder.


Even had Jarrod wanted to file a complaint it was too late for Nick had already disappeared. As worried as he was about his brother’s possible condition he also knew that Nick was right. They couldn’t afford for Harrison’s men to start shooting at them either. So he sat on his horse in the middle of the trail and waited for the Senator and his entourage to appear.


"Nick what is it?" shouted Audra as her brother raced past her and headed up the trail to the top of the lookout. "Sam give me your horse."


"But Miss Barkley, Nick said for us to stay here."


"I don’t care what Nick said, my brother’s up there and I’m going to him. Now give me your horse."


"Yes Miss Barkley," replied Sam as he dismounted and then helped Audra to mount up. Once seated Audra kicked the horse into motion and followed Nick. Her one thought was Heath and she had to get to him.


Nick was off Coco and running to his brother’s side before the horse had even stopped. He noted in passing that Harper was dead with Heath’s knife embedded up to the hilt in the man’s chest. "Damn that boy’s good," he thought before he slid to a halt beside his comatose brother.


"Heath," he whispered softly as he squatted beside his brother and felt his neck for a pulse. Letting out the breath he had unknowingly being holding he sighed when his fingertips registered a weak pulse.


"Nick is he…?" Audra sobbed as she brought her own horse to a halt and jumped down.


"No, he’s still a live but he’s lost a lot of blood." Nick looked up and glared at his sister. "I thought I told you to stay down there."


"I couldn’t Nick, I had to come, Heath needs my help," she replied quietly as she sat down beside her brother and reached out to touch his forehead. She looked up quickly. "He’s burning up Nick."


"I know Sis. Go and get me the canteens and the spare bandages we brought. Audra go on now."


Nick pulled out his own knife and cut off Heath’s shirt exposing the bullet wound high in the fleshy part of right shoulder thankful that at least the bullet had gone straight through. Accepting the offered canteen and bandages he washed out the wound and then taking the folded bandages from Audra placed one over the entry and exit sites before bandaging the shoulder securely.


"Nick what about his hand?"


"I don’t want to touch it Audra, the bleeding seems to have stopped and I don’t want to risk starting it again. Just wrap another bandage around it and we’ll leave it for the doc. Audra, honey go and ask Sam to come up here and then get Jarrod we need to get him back to the ranch and a doctor as soon as possible."


After kissing Heath gently on the cheek Audra hurried away. Nick eased his brother into his arms and then rested back against the rocks. "Hold on Heath, we’ll get you home soon, you hear me boy?" he whispered in his ear.


Ten minutes later Jarrod appeared at the top of the lookout with Sam and two other men.


"Nick how is he?" Jarrod asked worriedly as he took in the sight of his two younger brothers. "This is Dr Jeffries, Senator Harrison’s private physician and Marshall Johnson."


"Not good Jarrod. We have to get him back to the ranch."


"Not until I’ve had a chance to examine him Mr Barkley. Why don’t you lie him down so I can see what we’ve got."


"No way doc, his ribs are broken and I’m not leaving him."


"All right Mr Barkley have it your way."


While Dr Jeffries carried out his examination Nick turned his attention to Sam and the Marshall who was walking around the area. Nick watched as the Marshall picked up the discarded rifle and checked the chamber. He looked up startled. "It’s empty. Your brother took quite a chance taking on two armed men with one bullet and a knife."


"Yeah well seems to me it was the only chance he had," growled Nick.


"Yes, I suppose it was."


The Marshall turned to Sam. "Help me get this fellow on one of the horses. Might as well take both of them in with us now. Save us a trip later."


Nick turned back to the doctor who was just packing up his bag. "Well doc."


Dr Jeffries shook his head. "I don’t know Mr Barkley, your brother’s lost more blood than a man rightly should and that hand is badly infected. We need to get him under cover as soon as possible. There’s not much I can do for him out here. How far away is your ranch?"


"About five hours doc."


Jeffries shook his head again. "He isn’t going to make it that far. Isn’t there somewhere closer?"


"The old Simpson Ranch is about and hour and half away Doctor Jeffries, but its been abandoned for years. There’s nothing in the house."


"As long as it has a roof it will do."


"Doc if he needs a transfusion both Jarrod and I have given him blood before."


"If he makes it as far as the Simpson place we’ll look at it then. Now you’re going to have to carry him down to the wagon, carefully. I’ll ride down and take your horses and send a couple more men up with a litter to help you."


"Thank you doctor."


"Don’t thank me yet Mr Barkley, we’ve got a long way to go before your brother is out of the woods."


The two brothers watched the doctor leave in silence; each caught up in there own thoughts.


"He’s going to be all right Jarrod. It’s going to take more than a sore hand and shoulder wound to kill this boy."


"I’m sure he will be Nick, after all he is a stubborn Barkley."


"I’ll tell you something though, I swear once we get back to the ranch and know little brother’s going to be ok I’m going after Williams and Fisher and make them pay for what they did." Nick glared at Jarrod. "And don’t try to stop me."


"I wouldn’t dream of stopping you Nick, because I’ll be riding right beside you."


Nick broke into a grin. "Glad to hear it big brother."




Chapter 8


"Hold it right there mister."


"I’m un-armed Marshall, there’s no need for the gun. My name is Jarrod Barkley."


"Well if it’s all the same to you Mr Barkley I think I’ll hold this gun for a while longer. Perhaps you would like to tell me what all the shooting was about."


"Marshall Johnson, what seems to be the problem? What was all the shooting we heard? Jarrod? Jarrod Barkley is that you?"


"Hello Senator, good to see you again."


"Jarrod I hope you didn’t have anything to do with the shots we heard."


"Not directly Senator but I think my little brother did. Yesterday some men kidnapped my sister and youngest brother. We tracked them as far as the old Simpson place where we found our sister. The kidnappers brought our brother out here with the intention of having him kill you. Those shots you heard were I hope Heath taking care of his kidnappers. Senator if you’ll excuse me I really need to be with my family now."


"Jarrod, Jarrod," yelled Audra as she raced down the trail and around the base of the lookout. "They shot Heath, he’s lost so much blood, Nick wants you to hurry."


Jarrod’s face paled at his sister’s words and the look of panic on her face. Her body was shaking and tears ran freely down her cheeks. Jarrod reached over and squeezed her shoulder as she drew level with him. Looking deeply into her sad eyes, he tried to smile reassuringly even though his own heart was pounding furiously.


"He’ll be fine honey, Heath’s strong. He won’t give up that easy."


Taking a deep breath Jarrod turned back to the senator.


"I really must go to my brothers. Could you please look after Audra for me."


"No Jarrod, I’m coming with you."


"Not this time honey."


"It will be my pleasure to look after your sister Jarrod but I think we can be of more assistance. Please take my personal physician Stanley Jeffries with you."


"Thank you Senator, I assure you my family appreciates your kindness."


Jarrod turned back to Audra and gave her hand a squeeze. "Stay here Sis, we’ll look after Heath."


"Mr Barkley, if you don’t mind I’ll come too."


"Of course Marshall."


Audra watched quietly as the men rode back around the base of the lookout. "Please be all right Heath. I need you big brother."



   * * * * * * * *



Nick almost pulled the door off its hinges in his haste to open it so they could carry Heath into the old ranch house. Having placed the litter on the floor the brothers with Audra stood back waited for Dr Jeffries to examine their brother again. Their faces were nearly as white as Heaths. The two hours it took to get from Bear Lookout to the old ranch had been a nightmare none of them ever wanted to go through again. Heath’s temperature was steadily rising and his breathing was extremely laboured as the bouncing of the wagon caused more pain to his batted body despite Nick’s best efforts to keep him cushioned in his arms. Twice they had had to stop because his wild thrashing had caused his shoulder to start bleeding again.


"Doc how is he?"


Dr Jeffries shook his head and looked at the three siblings standing before him.


"To be honest I’m surprised he made it this far. He’s certainly got a powerful will to live but if he’s going to have any hope of surviving beyond the next few hours he’s going to need that transfusion. Also I’m going to have to open that hand and drain the infection that’s causing the fever and close the shoulder wound. His lungs are becoming congested and those broken ribs need to be rebound again. I just don’t know if he’s strong enough to handle everything."


"He’s strong doc, he won’t give up without a fight. I won’t let," replied Nick with determination.


"Miss Barkley do you know when your brother ate and drank last?"


"He had breakfast yesterday morning at the ranch and I managed to get him to drink some water each time he was conscious but he brought some of that up why?"


"I’m trying to determine how severe his concussion might be. Under the circumstances I don’t think it would be wise to give him anything for the pain which means."


"You can’t knock him out," growled Nick, the bile rising in his stomach at the extra pain they were about to cause Heath.


"I’m afraid so."


"Doctor Jeffries what do you need us to do?" asked Jarrod not taking his eyes off Heath.


"We need to get a fire started. I’ll also need plenty of hot and cold water as well as a blood donor."


"That’ll be me doc."


"Yes somehow I thought it would be," smiled the doctor as he looked at the dark haired, hazel-eyed rancher.


As the doctor prepared his equipment for the tasks ahead, Nick headed to the door and barked orders for firewood and water to be brought in. Standing by the door he looked across to Audra and took in her exhausted features as she sat beside Heath wiping down his face with a wet cloth.


"Jarrod," Nick motioned quietly with the tilt of his head and then waited for his brother to join him.


"I think you should head back to the ranch and bring Mother out here. If anything happens you know she is going to want to be here."


Jarrod turned to look back at his two youngest siblings. Heath was tossing restlessly on the litter lost in his fevered world, mumbling incoherent words. Audra looked to be physically drained from her ordeal. It was obvious from her words to the doctor she had sat up all night with their brother tending to his injuries. There were dark shadows under her eyes and gone was her usually lively step.


Jarrod’s eyes were filled with tears as he brushed past Nick and stepped out onto the porch. Unable to control the shaking of his body he slammed his right fist into the wall beside the door grateful for the physical pain the action caused him as Nick’s words reverberated in his mind. "If anything happens."


Shutting his eyes he sagged against the doorframe ignoring the stairs of the men standing quietly in the yard.


If anything happens. What a joke! Something already had happened and his brother was fighting for his life and it was his fault. Counselor Barkley, the man who could always be relied upon to be the voice of reason had reasoned that they should make camp instead of riding straight to the ranch. He had gambled with his brothers life and lost."


Nick stepped silently onto the porch and put his arm around his brother’s shoulders.


"Jarrod are you all right?"


Jarrod shrugged out of his brother’s embrace and walked to the end of the porch aware that Nick was slowly following him.


"How can you bare to touch me Nick?"


Nick was taken aback by the question.


"I don’t understand Jarrod. What do you mean by that?"


Jarrod waved his hand towards the house and the occupants within.


"This is all my fault so why don’t you just come out and say it Nick."


Nick studied his brother and then shook his head in disbelief at Jarrod’s words.


"I don’t know why you think it’s your fault and right now I don’t have time for one of your self righteous speeches. Heath needs our help. Yours and mine Jarrod."


"Don’t you see Nick, Heath wouldn’t need our help if I had listened to YOU last night. If I hadn’t talked you out of riding here we could have stopped those men this morning before they took Heath to that lookout. Before he had to face them on his own. Before they shot him."


Nick reached out his hand and squeezed his brother’s shoulder, berating himself for having not seen the anguish his older brother was feeling. Taking a deep breath he chose his words carefully.


"Jarrod it’s not your fault. I agreed with your decision and I know if the roles were reversed and you and Heath were searching for me Heath would have agreed with you too. You were right we couldn’t track in the dark. Jarrod none of us expected them to move so early this morning. I don’t blame you for what happened and I know Heath doesn’t either and he’d be upset if he knew that you felt this way. You know that Heath has always accepted that what ever happens is just the way things are and there’s no point in wishing for a different outcome."


"Mr Barkley, I’m ready for you now," sounded Doctor Jeffries voice from the door.


"Be right there doc."


Nick squeezed the shoulder he was still holding again.


"Come on Jarrod, little brother is waiting and you know how he hates to wait. He needs you Jarrod, I need you and so does our little sister. We’ll get him through this together."


Jarrod nodded and turned to face Nick.


"Well then you had better not keep little brother waiting. I’ll be in, in a minute."



   * * * * * * * *



"I thought I said no one other than the doc was to come in here," growled Nick as the door opened slowly.


Nick rose slowly to his feet, mindful not to move too quickly. He still felt a little light-headed after the blood transfusion, but the doc had assured him the feeling would pass within a couple of hours. Stepping over his sleeping siblings his anger rose as the door continued to open. It had been a long morning for all of them especially Heath. Doctor Jeffries had cleaned and stitched the shoulder wounds and then drained the putrid mess in his hand also confirming that it was broken as Audra suspected. Then it was on to his ribs, which were tightly bound again. Whether or not Heath was aware of what was happening to him Nick didn’t know but he never cried out once only emitting a few low groans. The doctor was guardedly optimistic that Heath had a chance to recover since the transfusion seemed to be working but he had warned them that there was still along way to go and they still had to get his temperature down.


"Didn’t you hear what I just said," Nick rumbled menacingly as he wrenched open the door. His eyes opened wide in amazement at the small silver haired woman standing in the doorway.


"Mother?" he croaked out, taking her into his arms and hugging her gently. "What are you doing here?"


"After Duke told me what had happened and which way you were travelling I made arrangements to ride out here this morning. Jed Martin and I caught up with Fred before they broke camp and came with them."


Victoria’s eyes roamed around the room not missing the exhausted slumbering bodies of her oldest son and daughter. She gave a small gasp as her eyes settled on Heath’s pale features and raspy breathing.


"Nick, what happened? How is he?"


Nick took his mother’s arm and led her over to his brother who was mumbling in his fever-induced sleep. Squatting down he dipped a cloth in the bucket of water beside the litter and gently wiped down his brother’s fevered brow.


"They beat him when he tried to fight back yesterday and broke his ribs and I guess his hand as well as opened it up again. It got infected which is why he’s got a fever now and then this morning they shot him when he tried to stop them from carrying out their plans. The doctor…"


"Doctor?" enquired Victoria surprised.


"Yes, Senator Harrison’s personal physician Doctor Jeffries has been looking after him." Nick changed the cloth and then wiped down those sections of his brother’s chest that weren’t covered in bandages. "He’d lost so much blood by the time we got here Doctor Jeffries had to give him a blood transfusion. He opened up his hand and drained the infection as well as stitching up the bullet wound. Now all we can do is wait and see if the transfusion works."


Nick looked at his mother who was now kneeling on the floor beside him.


"He’s got to be all right Mother, I can’t lose him now."


Victoria reached out and pulled her big-hearted second son into her arms and let him cry out his fears on her shoulder, never taking her eyes off her youngest son as his raspy breathing and mumbled words indicated the fight he was waging to stay with them. How and why had this happened she wondered and what was that about Senator Harrison?


As she waited for Nick to gain control of his emotions her eyes settled on her daughter sleeping on the other side of the litter. She appeared to be unharmed, at least physically. As for her emotional state that would have to wait until she had a chance to speak to her. While Victoria ached to take Audra into her arms and comfort her she was wise enough to know that what her daughter needed most was sleep. The comfort could wait a little longer.


Victoria was a little surprised to see Jarrod in such a deep sleep considering the condition of his two brothers. She was no fool and knew exactly who had given Heath the blood so she wondered why Nick was sitting with Heath instead of resting.


Feeling Nick move away from her she turned her attention back to him and watched as he leant back against the wall with his eyes closed. Her mind seethed with questions but she knew they would have to wait.


"Nick darling, why don’t you get some rest. I think it’s my turn to sit with Heath."


Nick shook his head.


"Not until I know he’s going to be all right," he replied quietly.


Victoria sighed; knowing it was useless arguing with him in his present state of mind.


"All right Nick, but promise me you will get some sleep as soon as the doctor checks Heath again. He’s going to need all your strength and you won’t be able to help him if you’re exhausted."


"I promise Mother."


"In that case would you mind telling me exactly what has been happening and who is behind this."


Instead of answering his mother’s question he rose to his feet and kissed the top of her head.


"I’ll explain everything in a minute but first I need to speak to the Marshall and Fred about our prisoner. Won’t be long," he growled quietly.



   * * * * * * * *



The Barkley family stood quietly arm in arm and waited while Doctor Jeffries examined their brother and son again. He made no comments as he worked only nodding from time to time. Finally he packed away his instruments and stood up.


"Doctor Jeffries is my son going to be all right?" Victoria voiced the one question that was on all their minds.


"I believe so Mrs Barkley. His pulse is certainly a lot stronger now and his temperature is down to a manageable level. The shoulder wound shows no signs of infection."


"What about his hand doc?" Nick asked worriedly.


"I’m afraid it is a bit early to tell Mr Bark…Nick. Certainly there is no sign of any further infection but his hand is still quite inflamed. Until the inflammation and swelling goes down I won’t know for sure how much additional damage has been done. Right now what he needs is sleep and plenty of it."


"Doctor Jeffries how soon before we can take him home?"


"Certainly not before morning Mrs Barkley. If he continues to improve probably around lunch time tomorrow."


"Thank you Doctor Jeffries for all your help. This family will be forever in your debt.’


"I’m just glad I was able to help. Now if you will excuse me I did promise to update the Senator on your son’s condition Mrs Barkley."


"Doctor please tell Senator Harrison I would like to speak with him if he is free."


"Of course Mrs Barkley."


With the departure of the doctor the air of uncertainty that had hung like a heavy cloak over the family also seemed to lift. With a whoop of delight Nick hugged his mother and sister before clapping Jarrod on the back.


"I knew the boy would be all right," he yelled.


"Nicholas must you yell so. Your brother is sleeping," admonished Victoria sternly before a smile graced her strained features.




Chapter 9


After kissing the top of his mother’s head, Nick stepped out onto the porch and stopped to look at the slowly setting sun. Come on Heath, you fight boy, we’ve still got a lot of sunrises to share together," he whispered as he glanced back at the closed door.


Nick shook his head. Five hours! That was how long it had been since he last stepped through the door and onto the porch. That time it had been to comfort his older brother’s perceived guilt at allowing their younger brother to firstly face his kidnappers alone and then to get shot by them.


Nick rested his arms on the porch railing and then buried his face in his hands, partly due to the light-headed feeling that suddenly came over him and partly in an attempt to understand the events of the past twenty-four hours. How all of this had come about he didn’t fully understand but one thing he did understand was that HE was going to put an end to it.


Nick was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear Fred and Marshall Johnson approach until he felt Fred’s hand on his shoulder and heard his quiet words.


"Nick, how’s Heath doing?"


Nick looked up making no attempt to hide the pain in his eyes and voice.


"He’s still hanging on Fred. Doc says we’ve gotta wait and see if the transfusion works."


Fred nodded in understanding at what this was doing to the dark-haired rancher.


"He’s strong Nick, he’ll pull through you wait and see."


"I hope so Fred, I can’t imagine the ranch with out him."


Fred squeezed Nick’s shoulder.


"Nick, the Marshall and I were just discussing what to do with Crawford and his dead cohorts. Come morning I’ll head back to Stockton with them and…"


"No," growled Nick.


"What do you mean no, Nick?"


"Just what I said Fred. NO. Right now Williams doesn’t know whether Harrison’s dead, or Heath or his own men. I want him to sit and sweat and wonder what’s happening. Who might be coming after him. You go riding through Stockton parading the prisoner and he’s going to know he failed and he’ll try to go to ground. I promised my little brother in there I’d get the scum who did this to him and by god I intend to keep my promise."


"Now look here Nick."


"Sheriff I believe Mr Barkley may be right. Until we capture Senator Williams, Senator Harrison as well as Miss Barkley and Heath will all be in danger. It would be far better to have our enemy where we can see him."


Fred sighed heavily.


"All right, I don’t like it but I’ll go along with your plans. What do you want me to do?"


"Go back to town. See if you can find out where Williams and Fisher have gone if they’ve already left or just keep an eye on them if they haven’t. Soon as we get the boy settled in his own bed at the ranch Jarrod and I’ll be in to see you and Williams."


"Now Mr Barkley, I must protest…"


"LOOK, you worry about keeping Senator Harrison and my family safe and let me and Jarrod worry about Williams and Fisher," Nick growled menacingly straightening up to his full height and glaring at the Marshall.


"Nick was that your mother I saw riding in a few minutes ago?" asked Senator Harrison as he joined the men on the porch.


Nick took a deep breath before turning to face the Senator.


"Yes Senator, she’s inside with my brother, which is where I should be too."


"How is your brother? Doctor Jeffries seems a little more hopeful now. He asked me to tell you he’ll be along in a few minutes to check him again."


"He’s holding his own thanks Senator. I’d better go in, promised Mother I’d fill her in on what was happening."


"Nick tell your mother I’d like to see her when…"


"I will."


Nick turned and disappeared through the door leaving the three men to watch his retreating back.



   * * * * * * * *



Nick sighed in relief as he and Jarrod finally laid their sleeping brother in his own bed. Thanks to a heavy dose of laudanum Heath remained oblivious to the afternoons wagon ride back to the ranch much to the relief of his family.


"Mother, we’ll get him settled. Why don’t you and Audra go and rest for a while."


Victoria looked lovingly at her son lying in the bed and nodded in agreement. Even after eighteen months she knew Heath wasn’t comfortable with her or Audra tending to his needs when he was sick or injured.


"All right Nick, I’ll be one hour. Take good care of your brother.’


"Don’t worry Mother we will."


Taking Audra’s arm in her own the two women left the room but not before stopping at the door to take one more look at their brother and son. Heath lay propped up against a mound of pillows. His face showed only slightly more colour than the white bandages that covered his hand, chest and shoulder but the fever was gone and his breathing was easier.


Victoria squeezed Audra’s hand, "come along sweetheart, you need to get some rest yourself."


"But Mother, I’m fine, really."


"Now Audra, I know you think…"


Nick and Jarrod smiled as the door closed behind the women and the remained of their mother’s reply was lost to them.


"Ten says Audra loses that discussion."


"You’re on, Brother Nick.’


Jarrod looked down at Heath, "but no bets on when little brother here is going to make his feet again."


"Come on Jarrod, let’s get the boy out of these clothes and cleaned up while he’s still out of it.’


Working as a team the two brothers gently relieved Heath of his boots and pants. While Jarrod filled a basin with warm water, Nick removed Heath’s socks.




"What is it Nick?" Jarrod asked worriedly.


"Boys got a decent bruise on his right ankle. Looks like somebody kicked him real hard," he growled as he felt the ankle for any signs of a break. "Doesn’t feel broken but we better get the doc up here to look at it when we’re finished. One thing's for sure he won’t be walking on it any time soon.’


"Nick I don’t think Heath’s going anywhere for quite a while sore ankle or not.’


"Yeah I know Pappy.’


The brothers were just pulling the quilt up over Heath when a small moan caught their attention. Nick sat down on the edge of the bed and took Heath’s uninjured hand in his.


"Come on Heath, wake up for me boy."


Heath moaned again. He knew who was with him and he wanted so much to gaze into the hazel eyes again but his body seemed to be pulling him back into the darkness and away from the inevitable pain that would come with consciousness.


"Heath, come on, open those eyes for us. We know you can do it. Come back to us little brother."


Heath turned his head towards the voice pulling him back and moaned again.


"Jarrod, close the curtains. If he’s still got a headache the light might hurt his eyes."


"Ok brother Heath, I’ve closed the curtains now how about you showing us those baby blues of yours." Jarrod said as he sat in the chair on the other side of the bed and laid his hand on his brother’s arm.


Even with his eyes closed the darkness of the room seemed comforting to Heath, as did his brother’s words. With all the will power he could muster he forced his sleep laden eyes to open a crack.


"That’s it Heath. Open them all the way," encouraged Nick enthusiastically.


With an effort Heath blinked a couple of times and forced his eyelids to open a bit more. His efforts this time were rewarded with a huge grin from his brother.


"Well that’s more like it boy,’ Nick whooped delightedly.




That one word and the effort it took cost Heath and he closed his eyes groaning.


"Easy Heath, we didn’t say talk, we just said open your eyes."


"Here Heath take a sip of this." Heath felt his head being lifted off the pillow as Jarrod pressed the cup to his lips. "Slowly Heath."


Two sips was all he could manage before he felt his stomach begin to rebel at the foreign substance. The brothers waited anxiously as Heath’s breathing quickened in an effort to keep the much-needed water down. Nick wiped the sweat from Heath’s face as his lids fluttered open again. Heath looked at Nick and then turned his head towards Jarrod.


"Audra?" The word was little more than a whispered croak.


"She’s fine Heath," replied Nick grinning. "We didn’t know you were teaching little sister how to knife fight. She sunk that knife of yours up to the hilt in Crawford’s thigh."


Heath closed his eyes again and offered a weak smile at the words. Sis was ok. That was all that mattered. Opening his eyes again he tried to voice his next question but no sound came out. Groaning in frustration and pain he closed his eyes again.


Anticipating Heath’s question Jarrod asked one of his own.


"Did you want to know if Senator Harrison was all right Heath?"


Heath nodded slightly keeping his eyes closed. He could feel himself drifting off but he needed an answer. He needed to know that all this pain was worth it.


Jarrod squeezed his arm gently.


"He’s fine Heath. He’s going to stay here at the ranch until we get Williams and Fisher."


Heath sighed once as sleep finally over took his pain racked body.


"Jarrod I’m going to stay here for a while. Why don’t you go down stairs and send up the doc."


"You know Nick, Audra’s not the only one who needs some rest. When I come back you’re going to get some sleep yourself."


"What ever you say Pappy," Nick replied tiredly.



   * * * * * * * *



"…you’re fine darling but you have been through quite an ordeal and you really should lie down and get some proper rest," replied Victoria as she led her daughter towards her bedroom.


"But Mother."


"That’s enough Audra. I know you’re worried about Heath, we all are but you are not going to help him by exhausting yourself. Heath is going to need all your help over the next few days and if he sees you like this it’s only going to make him worry."


Stopping in front of Audra’s bedroom door, mother and daughter embraced. "All right Mother, I promise to get some sleep but promise me you will wake me when Heath wakes up. You’re right he will worry about me until he sees I’m all right."


Victoria smiled lovingly at her daughter marveling at how much she had grown over the course of twenty-four hours. Looking at her daughter she thanked god that her children’s kidnappers hadn’t hurt her physically at least. She knew the time would come when mother and daughter would have to sit down and discuss the past days happenings but now was not the time.


"I promise darling, now go on and get some sleep. I’ll wake you when dinner is ready. In the meantime I must go and see to our guest."


Audra bent down and kissed her mother’s cheek. "I love you Mother," she whispered before entering her room and closing the door.


Victoria stood in the silent hallway grateful that all her children were once again safely ensconced under the one roof.



   * * * * * * * *



"Please gentleman don’t get up on my account," said Victoria as she entered her son’s study. "James I am so pleased that you decided to accept our offer and stay here until this business with Senator Williams is at an end. We can’t thank you enough for all that you and Doctor Jeffries have done to help Heath. "


"It is I that should be thanking you Victoria. If it hadn’t been for your son’s selfless act, well, I believe I wouldn’t be here right now. I still can’t believe that your son would put my life ahead of his own the way he did. He certainly is a very special young man."


"Yes, he is James," smiled Victoria, "but it wasn’t only your life he was saving yesterday. He was thinking of his sister’s life as well and I dare say his own. Heath believes very firmly in the sanctity of a human life and he won’t knowingly take another’s with out a very good reason."


"I would have thought saving his own life would have been reason enough."


‘Then you don’t know my son very well. If he thought that saving your life was of more benefit to the people of this country than his own then he would forfeit his own life but not as you saw, without a fight"


James Harrison shook his head in disbelief at Victoria’s words. "Your son is a credit to you and Tom, Victoria."


Victoria sat in the chair opposite James Harrison and smiled.


"I’m afraid I can’t take the credit for that. Heath’s mother, rest her soul is solely responsible for Heath’s morality. She brought him up alone in a mining town."


"I’m sorry Victoria, I thought, well he looks so much like Tom did."


Victoria smiled again.


"He is Tom’s son, James. He came to live with us eighteen months ago after his mother died."


"I see. Well all I can say is that he is a very lucky young man to have found such a loving family to care for him."


"I think we are the ones that are lucky James. Heath’s coming has brought a completeness back to the family that had been missing since Tom’s death. My only regret is that Heath and Tom never met."


"Tom would have been proud of him too Victoria."


"Yes I know he would have."


"What I still don’t understand is why Josiah wanted Heath to kill me."


"Heath was a member of McConnell’s Sharpshooter Unit during the war. And from the little we know he was one of the best shooters the army had. Of course Heath rarely speaks about that time and we know very little about it."


"The war! But Victoria he couldn’t have been old enough."


"He wasn’t. He was too young for the war, for its aftermath and for the scars he carries. Not just the physical ones either."


"I wondered about the scars on his back, Mrs Barkley, but one look at Nick and I knew better than to ask."


"Yes Nicholas is very protective of Heath and especially when he isn’t in a position to help himself."


"So I noticed. It was like having a grizzly bear breathing down my neck while I was treating Heath. One wrong move on my part and I’m sure I would have been ripped to pieces."


"I can assure you Doctor Jeffries Nick wouldn’t have gone that far. He was just worried about Heath. Those two enjoy a very close relationship. They really are like two sides of the same coin. Each compliments the other but woe behold anybody who gets between them, like Josiah Williams."


"Speaking of Josiah Williams do you have any idea what Nick and Jarrod have planned for him?"


"No I don’t James. Jarrod just promised me that they wouldn’t do anything illegal unless Williams forced their hand but I have no doubt in my mind that they are going to make Josiah pay for what he did to Heath and Audra."


"Barkley vengeance Victoria?"


"Barkley justice James."



   * * * * * * * *



"Well Fisher, any news yet?"


"Nothing boss. The sheriff hasn’t returned yet and there still isn’t any sign of Harrison or the Barkley’s. Mills, Harper and Crawford haven’t shown up either."


"I don’t like it Fisher. Something must have gone wrong."


"Well boss if Harrison hasn’t arrived yet don’t you think that means that Barkley got him. If Harper and Mills killed the bastard they may be on the run from the Marshall’s and Barkley’s family."


"Possibly Fisher but then where is Crawford? Damn it Fisher I need to know what is happening. Ride back out there and see what you can find out."


"Ok boss. What do you want me to do if I come across any of them?"


Williams stood by the window of the hotel room and peered from behind the curtains down into the busy Stockton street. "Kill them of course. I can’t take chances on somebody finding out I was behind the killing."




Chapter 10


"Nick how long have you being sitting here for?"


At his mother’s words Nick rose from the seat beside his brother’s bed.


"Not long Mother, I just needed to be with him for a while. Let him know he’s not alone."


Victoria patted Nick’s arm as she sat in the chair and watched him take a seat on his brother’s bed.


"I know how you feel darling and Heath knows he’s not alone. How did he sleep."


"Restlessly. He’s still in a lot of pain despite the laudanum."


Nick let his gaze roam over his brother’s battered body, his eyes narrowing when a low moan escaped Heath’s lips as he shifted position slightly. Nick gripped the bed sheets tightly as his brother moaned again.


"If only I could take away the pain," he mumbled to himself. "God I hate to see him like this," he said louder.


Victoria sat quietly watching Nick’s reaction to his brother’s pain. She placed her hand on top of her son’s clenched fist.


"Nick talk to me. What are you feeling and what are you going to do?"


Nick’s fist relaxed under the gentle touch of his mother’s hand. He took in a deep breath and looked once again at his blond brother before turning haunted eyes on his mother.


"How do I feel? I feel responsible Mother. That’s how I feel. This all started because of some stupid contest. Heath has had to endure so much in his life and then I have to go and add to it by trying to prove that the Barkley’s are the best at everything. The only thing I proved was that I’m the best at putting my family in danger."


"Oh Nick, this isn’t your fault anymore that it was Jarrod’s or the contest. This started along time before the contest. Josiah was determined to find Heath one way or another. The contest was only a means to an end."


Victoria saw the surprised look in her son’s eyes and smiled despite herself.


"Yes Nick, Jarrod told me he felt guilty about Heath being shot because he made you make camp. I believe your words to him were that "Heath would be upset if he knew that you were blaming yourself," well I ‘m going to tell you the exact same thing. Heath doesn’t blame you and you shouldn’t either. Nick as good as you are you can’t control the choices that other men, including your brother make. Heath chose to compete in that contest and he chose to take on those men alone at the lookout. He knew the danger he was in but it was an acceptable risk to him because it meant saving his sister’s life as well as Senator Harrison’s and his own. I don’t for one minute believe he regrets the choice he made yesterday morning."


"It still isn’t right. Heath shouldn’t have been forced to make that choice because of Williams’ ambitions."


"Nick not all choices in life are fair. We have to make the best of the choices we are given. Just like your brother did yesterday. Let us just be thankful that Heath survived and will recover from his injuries."


"I know Mother and I am believe me but I promise you I’m going to stop Williams one way or another and make him pay for what he did to Heath and Audra."


"What are you going to do Nick?"


"I don’t know Mother but somehow we have to prove that Williams was behind the kidnapping and attempt on Senator Harrison life.


"Why don’t you just let the law handle it Nick? Don’t you think there has already being enough blood shed," Victoria asked looking pointedly at Heath.


"The law? You want Heath and Audra to testify and be paraded in the courts so Heath’s past can be flung back in his face again. And believe me Mother it will be." Nick’s voice to started to rise as he glared at his mother.


"Nicholas please keep you voice down and I don’t think here is the appropriate place to be discussing it either."


Nick sighed and nodded in agreement.


"I’m sorry, it’s just, I care so damn much about him."


"I know you do darling," replied Victoria. "Heath’s not going to wake for another couple of hours so why don’t you come down stairs to the study. There is a lot to discuss and remember it doesn’t only involve Heath and Audra. We also have Jim Harrison to consider. I’ll send Silas up to sit with Heath for a while."


Victoria stood and bent over the bed placing a gently kiss on the top of Heath’s forehead before squeezing Nick’s hand and leaving the room.


"I’ll be down in a minute Mother."


Nick sat down in the chair once again and studied his brother’s pale features.


"What do you want me to do little brother? What do you want to do?"


Nick shook his head in frustration wishing that Heath would wake up and tell him what to do. He knew how much Heath hated being in the public eye and especially if it was to do with his past. If they allowed the law to handle it and the case made it to court that was exactly what would happen. Assuming of course that his little brother and sister actually made it to court. Nick wasn’t about to believe for one minute that Williams would meekly allow himself to be lead into a court of law or allow the only two witnesses to his involvement in the murder attempt to live long enough to testify.


Nick abruptly rose from the chair and bent over the bed close to his brother’s ear.


"Don’t worry little brother I won’t let anybody near you or Sis. You rest easy and let big brother take care of everything. You hear me boy? Nick whispered before striding from the room unaware of a pair of blue eyes watching his departure.


"I hear ya Nick. Thanks big brother." Heath whispered back before his eyes closed again and he drifted back to sleep.



   * * * * * * * *



"What do you mean he’s missing?" roared Nick at a flustered Fred Madden. "I thought you were supposed to be watching them. How the hell did you let him get away?"


"Nicholas please watch your language and keep your voice down."


"Sorry Mother," Nick replied as he continued to glower at Fred.


"Nick I’m sorry. He must have been watching for my deputies to change shifts and he slipped out in the change over."


"Well that’s just great isn’t it? Is Williams still in his room or did you lose him too?"


"As far as we know he’s still there Nick."


"As far as you know. What’s that supposed to mean? What sort of a law office are you running Fred?"


Fred Madden sighed heavily and looked around the faces seated in the parlour of the Barkley mansion. It was never a good idea to rile Nick Barkley and especially when one of the family; Heath in particular was injured due to an outsiders hand. While the other faces in the room weren’t exactly hostile, he knew his news hadn’t sat well with any of them. Fred Madden wasn’t a man to back down but right now under the withering stare of the dark haired rancher he wished he were anywhere but here.


"Nobody has seen Williams since he returned to the hotel yesterday, but food has been regularly delivered to his room."


"But I bet you didn’t bother to check who it was being delivered to did you Fred?" Nick yelled. "For all you know it could be some saloon girl sitting up there." Nick stepped forward so he was standing almost toe to toe with the sheriff.


"Nick you were the one who told me not to approach him, just to keep an eye on his movements and that’s what I’ve been doing. He hasn’t bought a stage, rail or boat passage nor has he rented a horse or buggy. Unless he plans on leaving Stockton on foot he is still at the hotel."


Nick let his cold hazel eyes rest on Fred for a minute. "Did you ever consider…"


"That will be enough," stated Victoria firmly as she stepped between her son and the sheriff. "Both of you sit down now and start acting like grown men. Fred nobody is blaming you for Fisher’s disappearance."


"Aren’t we?"


"Nicholas if you can’t be quiet then you can leave this room. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"


Nick stared at his mother’s steely-eyed gaze for a few seconds before visibly reeling in his emotions and uttering a barely audible, "Yes Mother, sorry Fred."


Fred took a deep breath of his own. He couldn’t blame any of the Barkley’s for their current emotions. Nearly losing two members of the family was liable to make anybody a little touchy.


"It’s all right Nick, I understand how you feel and I’m sorry I had to bring you more bad news."


Nick pursed his lips and considered the apology before walking over to the drinks trolley and pouring two drinks one of which he handed to Fred before downing his own in one swallow.


Jarrod motioned for Fred to take an empty seat. "I guess Fred we should be asking what do we do now?"


"Well Jarrod I was hoping to borrow Nick and several of his men to form a posse and see if we can find


Fisher although I don’t really hold out much hope of finding him. I reckon it’s got too hot and he’s long gone. If Marshall Johnson can wire the Marshall’s Office we can get some wanted posters out on him and maybe somebody might find him eventually. I’ve already wired all the towns within one hundred miles of Stockton to be on the look out for him."


"Well brother Nick, does that suggestion meet with your approval?" asked Jarrod.


"What, huh? Oh yeah, whatever you think."


"Nick were you listening to what we were saying?"


"Yes Jarrod, I was just thinking. I reckon Fisher’s still around here though, probably watching the ranch as we speak."


"Why do you say that?"


"Because Williams still doesn’t know what’s happening Jarrod. Outside of Fred’s deputies, the people in this room and several of our hands, nobody knows that the Senator, Heath and Audra are still alive or that his own men are dead. I bet that fat pompous mongrel is sweating buckets not knowing what’s happening. My guess is he sent Fisher to see if he could find out anything."


"What about Crawford Nick? I thought he was still alive."


"He is Fred, Marshall Johnson has a couple of men guarding him in the old feed room."


"All right Nick, let’s hear it. What have you got planned? Just remember I don’t like surprises."


All the faces in the parlour watched as Nick paced restlessly around the room before he took his customary place beside one end of the hearth before looking towards the other end of the well worn piece of timber that framed the fireplace. The end where his youngest brother usually took up residence when there was a family discussion. Without warning Nick slammed his fist into the unyielding wood with a resounding echo that made the occupants of the room wince. Welcoming and then ignoring the sudden flare of pain Nick turned and looked at the faces around him. His eyes burnt with a fierceness that none of them had seen before and the set of the jaw told all those watching that there would be no arguing with him tonight. It was his voice though that gave away his true feelings.


"Well now, I’ll just tell you what I’M going to do Fred. I’m going out there to find Fisher before he realizes what’s happened and can report back to that low life skunk you say is still held up in the hotel. And then I’m going after that low life skunk before he gets it into his head to come after Heath and Audra. Is that plain enough for you Fred?"


Both Victoria and Audra drew in a sharp breath at his words.


"Nick you don’t really think Josiah will come after Heath and Audra do you?" asked Victoria as she gently squeezed her daughter’s hand.


"Yes Mother I do. Think about it. Heath and Audra are the only ones that can place Williams at the Simpson’s ranch outside of his own men and two of them are already dead. He’s not going to want to leave any witnesses."


"Nick exactly what do you plan on doing with Fisher if…when you find him. You know I won’t stand around and let you take the law into your own hands."


"Oh don’t worry Fred. I won’t take the law into my own hands. I’ll let Fisher call the tune and we’ll just see how well he can dance. It’ll be his choice not mine as to how it ends up."


Victoria knew to whom the last few words were directed and she nodded her headed in acknowledgement of his declaration. All of her sons lived by the choices they made in their lives everyday and this would be no different. She knew Nick was hurting right now but she also knew he would make the right choices. Both her sons would for she had no doubt that Jarrod would be joining Nick.


Jarrod stood up and walked over to his brother placing his hand on Nick’s shoulder.


"When do we leave Nick?"


For just a fleeting moment Nick let his body relaxed under his brother’s touch as he gazed at the light blue eyes.


"Sun up Counselor. Be ready."


As far as Nick was concerned this discussion was finished and he strode from the room headed towards the stairs leaving nobody in any doubt as to where he was going.



