No Contest

Chapters 11-18 and Epilogue

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 11


Fisher stood by the window of the darkened hotel room and moved the curtains a few inches so that he could peer into the alley below. He knew it wouldn’t be long before the deputies changed shift. He stepped away from the window and checked his watch before walking to the bed and picking up his packed saddlebags and rifle.


Fisher returned to his spot by the window and waited for the new deputy to make an appearance at the far end of the alley. Spying movement he waited a few more seconds and then smiled. "The law in this town ain’t much but they sure are punctual," he thought to himself as he quickly glanced around the room before slipping quietly out the door and heading for the back stairs.


Reaching the bottom of the stairs he cracked open the backdoor enough to confirm that the lantern hanging over the stoop hadn’t been lit yet, which meant that the door was now shrouded in the evening shadows. Fisher listened for the passing footsteps of the deputy as he continued on past the hotel to the far corner where the man he was to relieve was waiting.


Fisher opened the door wider and listened to the murmured conversation of the two deputies twenty feet away. While he couldn’t think of too many complimentary things to say about Stockton’s law enforcement officials the same couldn’t be said for the builder of the hotel. For some reason that only the builder knew the backdoor had been set back in an alcove which effectively formed a small covered porch. It also meant that Fisher could open the door undetected. Checking his watch again in the light of the dimly lit stairwell he realized he had only minutes before the nightman was around to light the lantern. Taking a deep breath he stepped through doorway quickly and sunk to his knees where the deepest shadows were.


Peering cautiously around the corner he checked that the two deputies were still at the end of the hotel. He couldn’t help but smile when he realized that the new deputy had his back to the door and was blocking the view of the other deputy who stood facing him. Looking quickly towards the far end of the alley and not seeing anybody Fisher left the shadows of the porch. Crouching low and keeping to the deep shadows he inched his way along the hotel wall until he reached the cover of a number of abandoned packing crates.


Hearing footsteps coming up behind him, Fisher slumped to his knees behind the crates and watched as the off duty deputy made his way back down the alley and turned the corner onto the street. Making sure he kept the crates between himself and the remaining deputy, Fisher silently continued his crab like escape down the alley.


Sighing with something akin to relief Fisher finally reached the back door of one of Stockton’s numerous saloons undetected. Aware that he couldn’t just stand up and cross the alley he was in for the open mouth of the one directly opposite him without arousing suspicion, he elected to slip quietly through the back door of the saloon.


As luck would have it the back room at the saloon was empty of people. Spying several bar aprons hanging on the wall an idea came to him. Placing his hat and saddlebags in an empty whiskey crate he donned one of the aprons. Picking up the crate in one hand he grabbed his rifle and a broom in passing then laying the rifle along the brooms handle so it pointed to the ground he boldly opened the saloon door and stepped out into the alley. Without bothering to look right or left he stepped across the alley and into the beckoning mouth of the one opposite unaware of the man who stepped around the corner of the alley he was just leaving.


Thirty minutes later Fisher was riding his newly acquired horse across the open range headed for Bear Lookout. As the miles fell behind him and no sign of pursuit was forth coming he began to relax. Several hours later Fisher found himself making camp in a small rocky clearing. There was no point in riding any further in the darkness.



   * * * * * * * *



As Nick and Jarrod readied their horses for departure, Fisher saddled his own and continued his journey towards the Simpson ranch and Bear Lookout.



   * * * * * * * *



Two hours later Fisher rode into the Simpson yard and dismounted. Stepping onto the porch with his gun drawn he kicked open the front door and entered the house. Signs of recent occupation littered the floor but it was what he found in the fireplace that claimed his interest. From the signs a number of people had camped here recently and obviously one of them had been injured as indicated by the remnants of several bloody bandages lying scattered among the embers and un-burnt logs.


Leaving the house he walked across the yard to the barn. No need to kick this door open, as it already stood ajar. The smell of manure confirmed his suspicions, as did the bloody hay in one of the stalls. "I wonder whose blood that is. Maybe the girls! Pity really I would have liked a piece of her before we got rid of her."


Hurrying back to his horse he mounted and galloped towards Bear Lookout. Where was Crawford he wondered? If he had killed the girl then all of Stockton would already know about it. You didn’t keep something like that a secret. And if he had been caught the Sheriff would have brought in his body. It was unlikely that either the sheriff or the Barkley’s would have worried about burying it.


No, as far as he could figure one of two things had happened. Crawford had killed the girl, hid the body and made good his escape or he had been caught and was been held somewhere.


As Fisher rode he contemplated the two possibilities. Indeed it was conceivable that he had actually killed the girl and then high tailed it for safer range but unlikely for two very different reasons.


Firstly if the Barkley’s were still looking for the girl and her brother this range would be swarming with ranch hands and posse’s and it wasn’t; and secondly Crawford was no fool. He was well aware as to what his likely fate would be if he tried to run out or double cross the boss. They were all well aware of the long arm of the underworld that their boss associated with.


That left the alternative that Crawford had being caught before he killed the girl and was being held somewhere and he had a pretty good idea where that somewhere was.


Fisher sighed as he realized the futility of continuing on to Bear Lookout but not even he was prepared to ride back to Stockton and face Williams without all the facts. Which brought up more questions. What had happened to Harper, Mills, the blond cowboy and Harrison?


He was almost certain Harper and Mills were dead. He knew there was little chance of them making good their escape from the lookout after Barkley killed Harrison. That was why Williams had picked it in the first place. With only one track leading up to the lookout anybody caught up there would be buzzard bait, especially by the time Harrison’s marshals were finished. There wouldn’t be a sole alive to tell who was behind the attacks.


Fisher stopped at the base of Bear Lookout and let his gaze wandered to the top. Kicking his horse into motion again he followed the track to the top curious as to what he would find. Dismounting he tied the reins to a small sapling before walking around the lookout. His eyes picked up one large bloodstain twenty feet from the rock and a second stain smeared on the rock itself. The sight of those stains made him smile. They had to belong to the cowboy. The rock offered the best vantage point to cover the trail below while at the same time offering good cover to the shooter. Any good sharpshooter would know that and the cowboy was one of the best.


Fisher continued his survey of the lookout. He walked along the edge until he came to a spot where footprints and scuff marks indicated that a man had fallen over the edge. Fisher moved as close as he dared to the edge and peered over studying the trail below before returning to his horse and re-mounting.


The signs at least looked favourable for Williams. Barkley was injured and probably severely considering the amount of blood. Again he was disinclined to believe that he was dead or the town would know about. You couldn’t keep one dead Barkley let alone two a secret in a town like Stockton for long.


It appeared either Mills or Harper had somehow fallen over the edge and the other one was more than likely dead as well considering the sizeable amount of blood pooled on the ground. Well it looked like two witnesses and possibly a third were dead or close to it. So that still just left Crawford and the girl.


Reaching the base of the lookout Fisher rode around it and searched the ground until he found what he was looking for. More blood stains and drag marks left by boot heels. Yes sir, he thought, the number of witness to take care of was quickly dwindling.


Fisher stood in the middle of the trail to consider his options. Despite all the blood he still had no conclusive evidence that anybody was actually dead and he knew Williams wouldn’t accept anything other than conclusive evidence.


Following the drag marks this time, Fisher realized they ended beside wagon wheel marks. Obviously the body had been placed in the wagon. "Might as well see where the wagon’s headed," he mused as he remounted his horse and followed the easy to read trail back the way he had just come.



   * * * * * * * *



"Nick you really don’t expect to find Fisher or Williams out here do you?" Jarrod asked in an attempt to break the stony silence of the morning’s ride.


"No I don’t," was the short, curt growled reply before Nick sighed and turned to look at the brother beside him.


"I’m sorry Jarrod, but I just can’t sit around and wait for them to come to us. I gotta do something and you never know we might just get lucky."


"You know Nick, you still haven’t said what you intend to do when we catch up with Fisher and Williams."


Nick stopped his horse and looked out across the range.


"Is that a question or a statement Counselor?"


Jarrod pulled up beside his brother and studied the other’s set face.


"I guess it is a bit of both."


"I’ll tell you Jarrod, I know what I’d LIKE to do to the mongrels, but what I actually do, well I guess that will have to depend on how the cards fall. All I know is that I’m not going to let them get away with what they’ve done."


Without waiting for a response from Jarrod, Nick kicked Coco into a fast lope and headed across the range. Jarrod let out his own exasperated sigh and followed. Keeping a tight rein on his brother’s volatile temper wasn’t going to be easy.


Without the need to follow defined trails or keep pace with a wagon the two brothers’ cut more than an hour and a half off the trip to the Simpson ranch. Even so it had still taken them nearly three hours to reach their destination.


"Dammit," growled Nick as he rode up to the porch steps and looked at the open front door.


Jarrod who had been scrutinizing the yard and surrounding trees swung around quickly at Nick’s words.


"Nick, what’s the matter," he asked drawing his gun from his holster.


"Looks like we’re too late again," he spat out as he dismounted and stomped up the steps disappearing into the house only to return a minute later.


"Someone’s been here, stirred up the fireplace a bit by the looks of it but there’s no sign of them having stayed for long. No prizes for guessing who it was."


"Nick you don’t know that for sure. It could have been a drifter passing through."


"Come off it Jarrod," Nick roared, "you don’t really believe that do you? We both know it was Fisher. Which means he’s got to be around here somewhere."


Nick stopped speaking and both brothers surveyed the deep foliage of the trees that bordered the yard and barn. Satisfied that they were alone Nick continued his thoughts.


"I knew I was right. Williams is running scared and sent Fisher out to see what was happening."


Nick leapt lightly onto the Coco’s back.


"Come on Jarrod, if he was here I bet he’s ridden on to Bear Lookout. There’s only one trail up there. If we hurry we may still be able to catch him."


The two brothers rode from the yard unaware of the rider that watched their departure from the safety of the trees before he turned his horse and headed in the direction of the Barkley ranch.




Chapter 12


It was the white-hot stabbing pain in his hand that finally brought Heath Barkley back to consciousness. Somebody was doing something to his hand and it hurt like hell. Moaning softly he tried to pull his hand away from the raw agony that was engulfing him but his efforts were thwarted by a firm grip on his upper arms.


Forcing his sleep laden eyes to open he blinked several times to focus on his surroundings. The only thing he recognized was his room. With confused eyes that barely obeyed his orders he looked at the two men leaning over him. He knew they were strangers although one of the voices seemed vaguely familiar to him but he couldn’t remember why.


"Easy son, don’t try and move your hand all right. I know it hurts but I need to clean the wound."


Heath wanted to speak, to ask these men who they were and where his family was but his mouth was so parched that all he could do was nod at the speaker.


"If you promise to lie still and not move Heath, I’ll go and tell Victoria you’re awake. You gave us all quite a scare young man and I know she is anxious to see you awake."


Heath nodded again and watched as the man quickly left the room in search of his mother. His mother, oh how he longed to see her face and Nick’s. Where was Nick he wondered? Always in the past when he was hurt it would be Nick’s face that he would wake up to. Heath became agitated at the thought that Nick might be hurt and tried to sit up sending waves of pain crashing through his battered body.


"Please son you must lie still," the man tending his hand said.




At the sound of her voice he stopped his struggling and sank back against the pillows that supported him. His blue eyes sort out and found her gray ones as she smiled at him and glided into the room, stopping beside his bed. He tried to reach out and touch her but his body refused to obey his orders.


"It’s all right sweetheart, Dr Jeffries will be finished soon. I know it hurts but you must keep still," she whispered as she ran her fingers through his hair.


Heath licked his lips and tried to speak but Victoria placed her fingers over his dry lips to quiet his strangled voice.


"Jim can you get me a cup of water please?" Victoria asked not taking her eyes off Heath.


Heath watched as the man walked to the dresser, poured a cup of water and returned to the bed. After handing the cup to his mother he lent down and gently lifted his head so that he could drink the water offered to him.


"Only a couple of sips Victoria. Remember he hasn’t eaten anything for three days." Dr Jeffries cautioned quietly.


They needn’t have worried thought Heath. He couldn’t manage more than a couple of sips anyway. Heath closed his eyes and sighed as the cool water slipped down his throat.


"The hand is looking good Victoria, I should be able to set it tomorrow. I still need to check his shoulder but I’ll let him rest for a few minutes before I do that."


"Thank you Stanley."


Heath kept his eyes closed as he listened to the conversation between his mother and the doctor. He still wasn’t sure who these men were or why his body felt as though he had been run over by a herd of wild horses. He furrowed his brow in an effort to recall the events of the past few days.


"Heath are you all right," Victoria asked worriedly as she saw his brow furrow.


Heath opened his eyes and offered her a weak lop-sided smile and then looked at the two men standing silently by his bed.


"Who?" he rasped out.


"I’m sorry darling, this is Senator James Harrison and Doctor Jeffries."


Heath looked at the man his mother referred to as Senator Harrison and wondered why the name seemed so familiar to him.




Victoria smiled at that single word question. She had wondered how long it would be before her blond son asked after his dark haired brother.


"He and Jarrod rode out early this morning to look for Ed Fisher."


Heath’s eyes widened as the name brought back a flood of memories and events of the past few days. He wondered just how long he had been here for. He was sure he had already had this conversation with his brother’s sometime ago but had to ask the question anyway.




The one word was a strangled gasp as he struggled to sit up again causing his side to erupt in agony and a coughing fit when he couldn’t get his breath.


"She’s fine Heath, she’s sleeping at the moment. She sat with you most of the night," replied Victoria gently pushing her weakening son back against the pillows as he gasped for breath. "Now lie still and let Doctor Jeffries check your shoulder and then you can go back to sleep. We’ll talk later darling."


Heath didn’t have any energy left to argue with his mother even if he had wanted to so he acquiesced to her suggestion and lay back against the pillows with his eyes closed. His left hand gripped the bed sheets tightly as the doctor changed the dressing on his shoulder but he laid still and made no sound. A gently tap on his face made him open his eyes again. He looked at the smiling face of the doctor who was holding a spoon in front of him with some brown liquid on it.


"Here son, take this and get some more sleep. When you wake up next we can try some oatmeal."


Heath looked at the spoon in disgust and shook his head. "Don’t need it," he said defiantly.


Victoria rolled her eyes in exasperation at the stubbornness of her son.


"Heath Barkley, you know DARN well you need that medicine." She admonished sternly with her hands on her hips. "Even a blind man can see you are in pain. There is nothing that needs to be said now that can’t be said later." Victoria sat on the edge of his bed and took his hand in hers. "Please Heath take the medicine and go back to sleep. I promised Nick we’d look after you and you don’t want us to break our promise do you?"


Heath didn’t say anything. He just stared wide-eyed at his mother and opened his mouth to accept the foul tasting liquid and then the mouthful of water to wash it down with. He went to sleep with a smile on his face and the knowledge that they were all safe.



   * * * * * * * *



Fisher remained hidden in the trees behind the barn until he was certain that the two Barkley brothers were well and truly gone before he ventured into the yard. The tracks he had been following led back here and he was almost certain now that they would lead directly to the Barkley ranch. Checking to make sure that he was not being followed he headed across the range not bothering to follow the tracks. All he wanted to do now was get to the ranch and find somewhere to settle in before the brothers realized they were on a wild goose chase and rode back to ranch themselves.



   * * * * * * * *



Nick and Jarrod rode in silence towards Bear Lookout. Nick was still fuming at their bad luck at missing Fisher yet again. Despite Jarrod’s suggestion that it may have only been a drifter Nick KNEW it was Fisher poking around the Simpson ranch. Damn the man and Williams. Ever since this thing had started they had been one step behind the snakes. Well now it was time for a reversal of roles. No longer were they going to be one step behind. From now on the Barkley’s were going to deal the cards and call the plays and be the ones to watch those snakes wriggle and squirm.



   * * * * * * * *



Ed Fisher rode into a tree lined covered draw a mile from the Barkley ranch house and dismounted satisfied that he was unlikely to be detected by any of the ranch hands that afternoon. Unsaddling the horse and tying it securely to a tree branch he settled in for the remainder of the day. He knew it would be useless trying to traverse the open ground between the draw and the out buildings in the daylight. What he had planned for the evening’s entertainment would be better executed under the cover of darkness.


The sound of horses approaching awoke him from his light sleep and he watched as two dark riders rode out of the setting sun towards the ranch buildings. Their bodies and those of their horses forming long thin shadows on the undulating ground ahead of them. It wasn’t until the two riders drew level with the draw that Fisher realized it was the two Barkley brothers. Fisher held his breath and hoped his horse wouldn’t give away his position by whinnying to the passing horses. He should have realized the possibility and tied the horse further down the draw. He sighed in relief as the riders continued on towards the house oblivious to the man watching them.


"I sure hope the boy’s awake when we get back Jarrod," he heard the loud mouthed Barkley say. His brother’s reply was lost in the sound of the horse’s hooves and the lengthening distance.


So the blond cowboy was still alive, which probably meant that the girl was as well. Fisher thought back to his conversation yesterday with Williams that led to his being out here in the first place and the solution that was put forth.


"Well Fisher, any news yet?"


"Nothing boss. The sheriff hasn’t returned yet and there still isn’t any sign of Harrison or the Barkley’s. Mills, Harper and Crawford haven’t shown up either."


"I don’t like it Fisher. Something must have gone wrong."


"Well boss if Harrison hasn’t arrived yet don’t you think that means that Barkley got him. If Harper and Mills killed the bastard they may be on the run from the Marshal’s and Barkley’s family."


"Possibly Fisher but then where is Crawford? Damn it Fisher I need to know what is happening. Ride back out there and see what you can find out."


"Ok boss. What do you want me to do if I come across any of them?"


Williams stood by the window of the hotel room and peered from behind the curtains down into the busy Stockton street. "Kill them of course. I can’t take chances on somebody finding out I was behind the killing."


"Kill them!" That was easier said than done. Getting into the Barkley house wasn’t going to be easy. What he was going to need was a diversion of some sort. Maybe his sojourn to the ranch tonight would offer some inspiration.



   * * * * * * * *



"Mother, Audra, we’re home," Nick’s booming voice announced from the front door.


"Be quite Nick," Jarrod hissed behind him. "Heath’s probably sleeping and lord knows he needs it."


"Nicholas please listen to your brother and keep your voice down," said Victoria from the study door.


"Sorry Mother," Nick whispered as he strode across the foyer, his spurs jangling quietly and took his mother in his arms. "How’s the boy doing? Did he wake up at all today?" Nick released his mother and stepped back so he could study her face.


Victoria smiled and patted his arm. "Why don’t we go into the study and I’ll tell you there," she replied allowing Jarrod to sweep her into his arms for a firm hug.


Nick didn’t like the sound of that, he was sure something was wrong although his mother didn’t seem upset at all. He acknowledged the two men already seated in the parlour, "Jim, Stanley," before returning his gaze to his mother. "Well Mother?" he asked impatiently. "Is Heath all right?"


Victoria smiled reassuringly at her son. Sometimes he was so easy to read and this was one of those times. The strain and worry he had been under the last few days was evident in the drawn features of his face but it was eyes that showed the true pain that he felt at his youngest brother’s injuries.


"Heath’s fine Nick. He was awake a couple of hours ago for about ten minutes. Stanley said he should be able to set his hand tomorrow. There is no more sign of infection in his hand or his shoulder."


Nick didn’t have to say anything. The grin that split across his face was worth a hundred words to those watching. Still Nick turned to Stanley Jeffries for confirmation.


"Yes Nick," Stanley Jeffries nodded. "Your brother will be fine with plenty of rest. He is still very weak from the loss of blood and lack of food but we should be able to start remedying that the next time he wakes up."


Nick strode over to the doctor and held out his hand. "Thanks doc, you don’t know how much what you’ve done for my little brother means to me."


"Oh, I think I do Nick and it was my pleasure to be able to help such an upstanding young man as your brother."


"Well gentleman, Mother I believe a toast may be in order," said Jarrod offering a refill of all the glasses.


"To our little brother, may he stay out of trouble in future!"


"I believe Jarrod, that is like asking Nicholas to keep his voice down. Impossible." Replied Victoria lightly. She like her sons knew that a great weight had been lifted from their shoulders with Stanley’s words.


"Nick, Jarrod, you’re back," said Audra entering the room. "Did you find that man?"


Nick and Jarrod shared a despairing glance that wasn’t missed by the other occupants of the room. An air of uneasiness at what the brother’s had to say replaced the light-hearted feeling of moments ago. Jarrod walked over and took his sister’s hands and led her to the couch beside his mother. Victoria raised an eyebrow as she watched her middle son.


"Nick I think you had better tell us what happened out there today."


Nick took a deep breath and looked at his mother.


"That’s just the problem Mother, nothing happened. When we got to the Simpson Ranch somebody had already been there, snooping around. The door was kicked in and it looked like the fireplace had been disturbed. Then after we reached Bear Lookout we found fresh horse droppings not more than two hours old but we didn’t see hide nor hair of anybody," he growled.


"And you think this person was Fisher, Nick? It could have been a stranger passing through you know."


"Not you too Jim. Jarrod’s already tried that one. Don’t you think it’s a bit of a coincidence that a stranger just happens to be riding through Bear Lookout AND the Simpson Ranch so soon after Audra and Heath are held hostage out there. No Jim, it was Fisher. I know it."


"Well where is he Nick?" Audra asked with a slight tremor in her voice.


"I wish I knew Sis," he replied quietly. "Until we find him I don’t want you to leave this house Audra and that goes for you too Jim. I’m not taking anymore chances with your lives. Is that understood?"


"Yes Nick," replied Audra.




"I understand your concern Nick but I’m not used to hiding when the going gets tough."


Nick moved from his place by the hearth to stand in front of the Senator and glared at him menacingly.


"This isn’t tough going Jim, Josiah Williams wants you dead and I’m not going to let the sacrifices Heath made to keep you alive come to nothing. You owe it to my brother to survive this."


Jim Harrison met Nick’s stare without flinching.


"I can assure you Nick I have no intention of doing anything to undermine your brother’s sacrifices for my life. I value my life and your brother’s too highly for that. I will stay in the house as you request until this man Fisher is caught but I will make you a promise. I intend to be there when Josiah Williams is finally taken down and I don’t expect YOU to stop me. Do you understand me?"


The two men glared at one another for another minute before Nick allowed a small smile to flicker across his face.


"Glad to have you with us Senator," he said holding out his hand which the other man took without hesitation.


"Mother I’m going to sit with Heath for a while. Can you ask Silas to bring me up a tray please."


"Of course darling. I’ll have Silas put a bowl of oatmeal on the tray for Heath too incase he wakes up."


"Thanks Mother," he said bending down to kiss the top of her head in passing. "Oatmeal ha? I’m sure little brother is going to love that."


They all noticed the slight spring in his step as he left the room and headed towards the grand staircase. Nick took the stairs two at a time in his eagerness to reach his brother’s room. His heart sang. His little brother was going to be all right.




Chapter 13


As the long fingers of darkness slowly crept across the range Fisher made his preparations for his visit to the ranch. After his initial worry that his horse would betray his presence to any of the returning ranch crews passing the draw he had moved the animal further back.


For the past hour he had been watching the crews returning to the bunkhouse from the day’s assignments but it had been a good twenty minutes since the last crew had ridden by.


Now was the time for Fisher to make his move. He wanted to reach the buildings and get an idea of the whereabouts of all the sleeping quarters and who was about and in so doing discover the whereabouts of his missing men. He knew he was taking a chance on being discovered but he thought that if he used the half-light of the darkening sky and the shadows like he had in Stockton the evening before he should remain undetected.


He had no intention of using his gun unless it was absolutely necessary but he checked its chambers anyway, satisfied that it was fully loaded. Next he checked that his two bone handled knives rested snuggly in their sheaths and were securely attached to his belt. They were his weapons of choice for the evening’s work.


With his weapons in order he re-saddled his horse and made sure it was securely tied to a tree. The last thing he needed was for it to get loose when he may need it for a fast getaway.


Satisfied with his preparations for the coming job, he walked to the end of the draw and stopped to listen for the sounds of anymore returning hands. When the only sounds he heard were the muffled noises coming from the ranch buildings he took a deep breath and stepped out of the end of the draw and looked to the lights of the bunkhouse shining in the growing darkness like beacons. While the darkening landscape effectively covered his movements it also made traversing the ground difficult. Several times he stumbled into potholes or caught the toe of his boot on the un-even range, which caused him to slow his pace considerably. By the time Fisher had reached the safety of the trees behind the barn he was breathing heavily. In the seclusion of the trees he rested a few minutes, gathering his breath and steadying his pounding heart.


Using all the skills that he had learnt as an army scout and guide he moved silently from the safety of the trees to the back wall of the barn. From there he crept along its length to the corner and peered around cautiously. The sound of the chow bell being rung brought a smile to his lips. With all the men eating it would make his job of scouting the area easier. The sound of a door opening at the other end of the barn drew Fisher's attention away from the bunkhouse.


"I’ll be back in a few minutes with a couple of plates of food Pete, then I had better go up to the house and see what the Barkley’s and the Senator have planned for tomorrow."


Fisher smiled gleefully when he saw the Marshal’s badge pinned to the speakers vest as the man stepped away from the door. "So the Senator’s still alive too. Williams won’t be happy to hear that. I wonder who they’re holding in there? Thought Fisher as he stepped further back in to the shadows of the barn and watched the Marshal walk over to the bunkhouse. Several minutes later he returned with two plates of food that he delivered to the occupants of the room.


"Martin will relieve you an hour for the night watch Pete," Fisher heard the Marshal say before he closed the door and headed across the yard to the white mansion.


Fisher hunkered down on his heels in the shadows of the barn and made his plans.


A sudden shaft of light coming from the bunkhouse’s open door alerted Fisher to possible unwanted company. He edged back to the corner of the barn and watched the man walk across the yard and knock on the door of the makeshift jail. The light of the lantern caught the badge on the man’s chest making it flash in the darkness. Several minutes after the deputy entered the room another man left and headed across to the bunkhouse.


Fisher waited another five minutes before making his move. He didn’t want to leave it any longer in case the deputy inside became suspicious of who was knocking on the door. Keeping to the shadows as much as possible he crept along the barn wall. Checking to make sure he was still unobserved he pulled one if his knives from its sheath and knocked on the door.


"What didya forget this time Pete?" Fisher heard the deputy ask as he unlocked the door.


Not giving the deputy a chance to raise the alarm Fisher lunged through the door sinking his knife into the man’s belly. The deputies strangled cry was cut off as the knife was cruelly ripped from his stomach and slashed across his exposed throat.


Letting the deputy fall to the floor in a bloody heap, Fisher kicked the door shut and turned the key in the lock. Turning back into the room Fisher allowed his eyes to adjust to the dim lamplight that threw dark shadows into the corners.


Up against the far wall had been set up a cot and on the cot lay the sleeping form of Crawford. Fisher bent down and dragged the dead body of the deputy over to the corner behind the door and then stepped up to the cot fingering his bloody knife as he went.


"Oh how easy it would be to just slit his throat right now," he thought but first he needed to know what had happened to the others then he would send Crawford to the land of nod permanently.


Fisher reached out and gently shook the sleeping man awake smiling at the startled look on the other man’s face.


"Evening Crawford."


Crawford pushed himself up on his elbows and winced when a sudden stab of pain raced up and down his leg. He looked quickly around the room but could only see Fisher standing in front of him.


"What are you doing here Fisher? Where’s the deputy?"


"The deputies taking a permanent nap in the corner over there and I’m here to rescue you," Fisher replied with what he hoped was a re-assuring smile on his face.


"Well in that case what are we waiting for? Help me up and lets get outta here."


"Not so fast Crawford, just lie back and relax for a while. We’ll let all the hands turn in for the night before we leave."


Crawford laid back on the cot and eyed Fisher suspiciously.


"What if the other deputy or the Marshal comes back?"


"Then I’ll take care of them like I did that one," replied Fisher pointing to the corner.


"You planning on killing all the ranch hands and the Barkley’s as well?"


"No just the marshal’s for the time being. Say do you know what happened to those two blond Barkley’s, Harper and Mills?"


"Harper and Mills are dead. The bastard got both of them up on Bear Lookout. They shot him up pretty good though so I ain’t sure if he’s dead or not. I know he was pretty bad off when they got back to the Simpson place. That damn girl did this to me, " he said pointing at his heavily bandaged leg. "She got a knife from somewhere and stuck me with it when I went in to finish her off. Her other brothers arrived shortly after. They left me hog-tied in the barn and rode onto Bear Lookout."


"So it was your blood in the barn. What did they do with Harper and Mills bodies? I didn’t see any sign of fresh graves at the lookout?"


"They brought them back to Simpson’s ranch. The sheriff wanted to take them and me in but that loud mouthed Barkley wouldn’t let him. Said it might make Williams run. He wanted you and him to sweat some wondering what had happened. I guess the bodies were buried somewhere around the ranch, cause they never brought them here.


"He wanted to see me sweat did he? Well I might just have to see what I can do to make him sweat instead. How did you all get back here if the bastard was as bad as you said?"


"Harrison had a doctor travelling with him. They came back in his wagon. The doc worked on Barkley all night."


"I take it Harrison is still alive as well?"


"Yep alive and kicking. He and the doc are staying up at that fancy house."


"The boss isn’t going to like this one little bit. How the hell did everything go so wrong? I told Williams this was a bad idea from the start. He should have let me take care of Harrison in the first place."


"What are you going to do now Fisher?"


"Take care of business of course. Don’t worry Crawford you’ll be out of here soon. Why don’t you get a couple of hours sleep while we’re waiting."


Fisher settled into the deputies’ chair and thought through everything that Crawford had said. "Damn," he thought. Things were getting too complicated. So far the only ones dead were their own men. Still he hoped to rectify that soon enough.


The sound of steady snoring coming from the cot brought a smile of pure evil to Fisher’s face. Rising quietly from the chair he walked over to the cot and stood staring down at Crawford. In one swift movement he clamped his hand over the unsuspecting man’s mouth and drove his knife deep into the other’s chest. Crawford’s eyes flew open and his body bucked twice before lying still.


Fisher pulled the blanket up to Crawford’s neck and closed the lids of the unseeing eyes, not because it was the right thing to do but because it would look like the man was sleeping should anybody come snooping. Fisher wiped his bloody blade on the blanket and then settled in to wait.



   * * * * * * * *



Nick stepped out onto the front porch and breathed in the fresh crisp air of the new day. Breakfast wouldn’t be ready for another hour so he thought he’d use the time and speak to both Duke and Marshal Johnson. He stepped off the porch and headed across the yard to the corrals.


Half way across he stopped and sighed heavily, casting a wistful glance at his younger brother’s window. Watching the sunrise just wasn’t the same without his little brother beside him. He couldn’t even remember when he first started enjoying the sunrises. They seemed to have just grown on him over the months like his little blond brother.


"Hurry up and get better boy," he whispered, "it ain’t nearly as much fun watching the sunrise without you."


Nick stood silently watching his brother’s window for a few moments as if hoping the blond would suddenly appear in its frame demanding to know why he was going to watch the sunrise without him. Shaking his head sadly Nick turned from the window knowing it would be a long while before his brother would be joining him again and continued his solo trek across the yard.


The squeak of a door drew Nick’s attention towards the barn. His eyes narrowed as he came to a stop and stared at what should have been a locked door.


"What the hell," he growled as he took off at a run for the feed room door that was now gently swinging back and forwards.


Nick stopped beside the barn wall and with his gun drawn peered cautiously around the corner of the door. What he saw made his heart stop. Without further hesitation Nick kicked the door in and barreled into the dimly lit room.


The deputy Pete, lay face up on the floor, the front of his chest covered in blood and his throat slashed from ear to ear. Blood splattered the table and walls. Nick moved from the dead deputy to the prisoner lying on the bed, keeping a wary look out for a possible trap. When the man didn’t move, Nick kicked him in the side and then grabbed the blanket, pulling it back to reveal the dried blood on the shirt.


"God dammit," he roared as he moved back towards the door.


A low moan from the corner snapped Nick’s head around. He hurried over to the crumpled form of a man and gently rolled him over.


"Marshal Johnson, who did this?" he growled as his eyes took in the deep stomach wound that was seeping blood at an alarming rate.


The marshal gripped Nick’s arm tightly and gasped out "Fisher."


Nick’s eyes narrowed and his face took on a thunderous look but he didn’t say anything at the marshal’s admission.


"Hold on marshal, I’ll get Doc Jeffries."


Nick jumped to his feet and ran to the fire bell ringing it loudly. Men began pouring from the bunkhouse at its sound running towards the barn. Nick yelled at the first man he saw, to run to the house and get the doctor fast.


"Nick, what is it?" asked a breathless Duke as he reached his boss.


"The deputy and Crawford are both dead and Marshal Johnson’s in a bad way," he growled as the hands gathered around.


Nick scanned the faces but couldn’t see the man he was after.


"Duke, where’s the other deputy?"


"I don’t know Nick, he didn’t come in this morning when Pete went to relieve him."


"Nick what is it? What’s wrong?" called Jarrod as he and the doctor ran up followed by the rest of the family and the Senator.




The one word sent a chill down all their backs.


"Doc, Marshal Johnson’s in a real bad way. The others are all dead."


"I’ll see what I can do," Stanley replied as he entered the room closely followed by the Barkley brothers, Duke and Senator Harrison.


Nick turned at the door and put his hands on his mother’s shoulders to stop her entering.


"Stay here Mother, Audra, it’s no place for a lady in there, even you Mother," he said quietly before he entered the feed room.


Doctor Jeffries looked up from where he was examining the Marshal and shook his head.


"I’m sorry Nick, there was nothing I could have done even if I’d been here when it happened."


"Thanks anyway Doctor," he replied as he looked around the room.


"Here’s the other Deputy Nick. Looks like he’s been dead for hours," called Duke from behind the door.


"Great, this is just great. One man and he kills a Marshal, two deputies and a prisoner and right under our own damn noses," Nick thundered. "Duke get the men mounted. We’re going to scour the range until we find him. He can’t be more than an hour ahead of us."


"I’d say more like ten to fifteen minutes Nick. The Marshal couldn’t have lasted more that that with this type of wound," informed Doctor Jeffries.


Jarrod grabbed Nick’s arm as he stormed past.


"Nick we can’t all ride out, what about Heath, Audra and Jim or have you forgotten about them?"


"NO I HAVEN’T JARROD," Nick roared back.


"Nick, Jarrod, if I may," interjected Jim Harrison quietly. "Your family and I will be fine in the house with out you. I don’t think even Fisher is stupid enough to hang around now that we have discovered the bodies. Take the men and hunt him down. The good doctor and I both know how to use a gun to good effect."


Nick let out a breath and shook the Senator’s hand. "Thanks Jim," he said before striding from the room followed by the others.


"Mother, you and Audra go back to the house with Jim and Stanley. Make sure you have plenty of loaded guns. We’ll be back as soon as we can."


Victoria held onto her son’s arm.


"I know you have to do this Nick, but please do it the right way. I don’t want Jarrod to have to defend you on a murder charge."


"Don’t worry Mother, what ever I’m feeling, I promise I won’t do anything stupid. Besides my conscience is riding with me," he said looking pointedly at Jarrod.


"Take care both of you and don’t worry, we’ll keep your brother safe," she said softly giving each of them a kiss as they passed.


"Joe, Sam, ride into town and tell Fred Madden what’s happened and then come back here and stand guard outside the house."


"Sure thing Nick. We’ll be back as quick as we can," said Joe as they wheeled their horses and raced from the yard.


Nick watched the two ride off before he mounted his own horse and offered his mother and sister a weak smile. Before riding out of the yard he turned to look at his brother’s bedroom window once more.


Victoria and Audra stood arm in arm and watched the two brothers thunder out of the yard followed by the hands.


"Ladies, if you please," said Jim Harrison as he took Victoria’s arm and Stanley offered his own arm to Audra, "we did promise Nick and Jarrod to keep both of you and Heath safe until they return."


"Thank you Jim, but I’m sure it won’t be necessary," replied Victoria as they made their way back to the house.




Chapter 14


Fisher cracked open the feed room door and peered out. He couldn’t believe how easy it had been for him to take care of the deputy and marshal. By the time anyone discovered their fate the next part of his plan would be in place. Seeing no one around he stepped out of the feed room and pulled the door shut behind him unaware that the latch was broken.


Fisher had only just started working his way through the trees behind the barn when he heard the fire alarm been raised.


"Damn," he thought, "That was sooner than I had expected, however…"


Using the commotion of the men in front of the barn as a diversion Fisher quickly made his way to the back of the house. Opening the kitchen door carefully he listened for movement within before slipping quietly inside. He glanced at the backstairs in passing and opened the door that led to the front of the house. He could hear movement coming from a room to the right of the hallway and footsteps coming towards him. Closing the door quickly he hurried back to the stairs and ascended them to the landing where he waited for any sign of pursuit. He heard the sound of footsteps and muttering in the kitchen but nothing following him. Breathing a sigh of relief he continued carefully up the stairs to the second floor and stepped out into the hallway. He slowly made his way along checking each door as he went. His eyes lit up when he finally found what he was looking for.


Fisher stepped into the room and walked up to the bed in which the blond Barkley lay sleeping propped up on a mound of pillows. He studied the pale face, heavily bandaged chest, shoulder and hand and listened to the slightly laboured breathing.


"Boy am I going to have some fun with you, after I finish off that pretty little sister of yours and the good Senator that is. I might even have to do something with your mother as well as the doctor. Hell I will have to do something about them. Can’t leave any witnesses now can I? But don’t worry I’ll make sure you know exactly what I did and how you failed to save them before your end comes." Fisher sneered as he continued to look down at the blond.


Fisher turned and walked from the room with out a backward glance.


"Not if I’ve got anything to do with it Fisher," Heath whispered as he watched the man walk from the room. "You just made your last mistake."



   * * * * * * * *



The sound of the fire alarm and raised voices filtered into Heath’s room waking him from his drug induced sleep. He couldn’t smell smoke and wondered why Nick had rung the alarm. He knew it was his brother because even from up here in his bedroom he could hear him yelling. He tried to push himself up but the pain in his chest and shoulder drove him back into the pillows and he lay still with his eyes closed willing the pain to subside.


The sound of retreating hoofbeats and then his bedroom door opening alerted Heath to a presence coming towards his bed. He was just about to open his eyes when he heard a voice that sent a chill down his spine. Lying perfectly still with his eyes closed and breathing heavily he waited although his mind was screaming at him to take some sought of action. When the man turned away from the bed and walked back to the door Heath opened his eyes a crack to watch his departure relieved and surprised that he was still alive.


This time he had no choice, he had to get out of bed. Easing himself up on his good arm, he waited for the spinning of the room and the pounding in his head to stop. Taking a few shallow breaths he gently eased his body to the side of the bed and gingerly lowered his legs over the side. He knew he didn’t have much time but he also knew he couldn’t rush his early escape from his sick bed either. After steadying his shaky nerves for a few minutes he pushed himself up to a sitting position and gasped out loud as daggers of pain coursed through his body. Willing the rising nausea to stay at bay he eased his body to the edge of the bed and planted both feet firmly on the floor.


Reaching out with his left hand he gripped the foot of his bed and pulled himself painfully to his feet, stifling his cries as much as possible. At least he mused his brothers had had enough sense to put a pair of sleeping pants on him when they brought him home. He doubted he would have been able to pull a pair of pants on in his present condition. He was bare chested save for the bandages that covered his ribs, shoulder and hand and the black sling that his injured arm rested in. "Well I guess half dressed is better than nothing. Sure would hate to die with my pants off though. No man should die like that," he muttered under his breath. Gripping the bed end tightly he waited for the room to stop gyrating wildly before he took his first cautious step towards his gun belt which was lying on top of the dresser and ultimately his destiny.


The couple of minutes it took him to shuffle slowly across the room to the dresser seemed like an eternity to him and he was sweating profusely by the time he had reached his desired destination. He pulled his gun from its holster and checked that it was fully loaded. He had to smile at the fresh smell of oil permeating from the gun. Obviously Nick had being keeping himself busy while he played mother hen the past few days. Heath looked at his gunbelt but dismissed the thought as fast as it formed. Looking down at his broken hand resting in the sling he knew he had no hope of getting the belt around his hips. Instead he slipped the gun into the sling, leaving his good arm free to assist his slow progress down the stairs. Turning slowly towards the door he gritted his teeth as a wave of pain rolled over him. Closing his eyes and breathing slowly he leant against the dresser and waited for the pain to subside fearful that at any moment he might collapse in an unconscious heap on the floor.


Regaining some semblance of stability he began the long painful shuffle to the bedroom door. He knew he could shoot well enough at close quarters with his left hand to be sure of hitting his target, it was just going to be a case of whether or not he could stay on his feet long enough to accomplish what he was setting out to do. For everybody’s sakes he had too. It was funny how one never thought about time or distance until one was faced with an insurmountable challenge. His normal two or three strides across his bedroom were rapidly turn into a mountain climb with out a rope. His right ankle was starting to pain him as well now and although he had noticed that it was bandaged he didn’t know why. At long last he reached the door and sagged against its frame willing his jelly legs to hold up his weight.


Quieting his breathing he listened intently through the door for any sounds of movement in the hallway outside his room. Satisfied that no one was lurking in the near vicinity he opened the door a crack and peered out. He heard the front door open and his mother’s voice as she and the others returned from the yard. He could only hear snatches of conversation as they moved to the study but he did recognize his sister’s voice and that of Jim Harrison who seemed to have spent as much time sitting by his bed as had Nick. If he didn’t know better he would have sworn they were competing to see who could sit up the longest. Either one or the other was always there when he woke up. Or at least they had been until half and hour ago. Remembering Fisher brought a scowl to his face. The man was somewhere between his family and him and he was the only one aware of the man’s presence in the house. Fleetingly he wondered where his two brothers were but then figured they would have left with the men to search for the man currently ensconced in the house.


Ignoring the flaring pain in his side Heath took a deep breath and stepped out into the empty hallway and shuffled slowly towards the stairs. Much to his relief he could hear the sounds of banging in the kitchen indicating that Silas was still alive and well, which meant that Fisher had to be somewhere below and to the front of the house, probably the parlour. Heath hurriedly stepped back as he caught sight of a movement below and clamped his jaw shut so as not to cry out in pain. He watched as Fisher scurried across the foyer towards the closed study door. He knew he had to hurry now. He couldn’t take the chance that Silas would stumble onto Fisher either.


Heath limped back out into the hallway and made his slow painful way down the staircase. Just as he reached the bottom of the stairs Silas walked through the door from the kitchen and almost dropped the plate of eggs he was carrying at the sight of Heath standing on the stairs. Before he could open his mouth to protest at Heath’s appearance, Heath shook his head and motioned with his finger to his lips to be quiet. Silas’ eyes widened in fear but he nodded his headed in understanding. Heath checked for any sign of Fisher before motioning Silas to come forward quietly.


"Silas you and Ciego get horses and find Nick. Tell him Fisher’s in the house. Hurry," Heath whispered through gritted teeth.


"No sir Mr Heath I stays here and help you."


"You can’t Silas. Go now and find Nick. Please."


Silas studied his young friend’s face, seeing not only the pain lines around the eyes and the sweaty brow but also the determination to handle the situation himself.


"All right Mr Heath, I goes and find Mr Nick. Be back in no time at all. You be careful Mr Heath, you hear me?"


"I’ll be fine Silas, just hurry."


Silas hurried back towards the kitchen but turned at the door and watched as Heath swayed slightly and grabbed onto the banister to stop himself from falling. Shaking his head at the Barkley stubbornness he hurried back into the kitchen and placed the platter of eggs back on the table before racing across to the barn. Minutes later he and Ciego were headed across the range at a fast gallop in different directions. Neither o them had any idea where the two brothers were; they just hoped to come across some of the men so they could pass on his message and then return to the house to help the young blond.



   * * * * * * * *



After leaving Heath’s room Fisher stepped out into the hallway and followed its length to the grand staircase that swept up from the foyer in a graceful curve. Reaching the top of the stairs he stopped and listened to the sound’s below.


The only sounds he heard were those of someone moving from the kitchen to a room below and to the right which was hidden from his line of sight. When no voices drifted up to him he surmised that the rest of the family and their guests were still outside in the yard.


Taking a deep breath he moved cautiously down the staircase keeping close to the wall. Half way down he heard footsteps coming from the unseen room to his right. He froze in place and waited but the footsteps moved towards the back of the house and then he heard the outer kitchen door slam shut.


Letting out the breath he had been holding he continued on to the ground level and stood contemplating his next move. The sound of voices approaching the heavy oak door shocked Fisher into movement and headed into the parlour where he stood partially hidden by the long drapes. He no longer had a view of foyer and had to rely on his hearing to determine where the Barkley’s and their guests went after they entered the house.


Fisher stood still with his hand resting on his gun and his breath firmly trapped in his throat.


"Breakfast should be ready soon Jim. Shall we wait in the parlour?"


"I think under the circumstances Victoria we should do as Nick asked. Why don’t we go into the study and load several of those guns while we wait."


"Yes I suppose your are right although I’m sure Nicholas is being overly cautious."


"Victoria in my…"


The rest of the conversation was lost to Fisher as the door to the study was closed behind the retreating backs of the speakers. Letting out the breath he was holding Fisher moved from his hiding place and stepped quietly to the archway that was the opening to the parlour. Peering carefully around the corner and not seeing anyone he darted quickly across the foyer floor and stopped beside the study door. He knew he had to act fast before Harrison managed to get his hands on a loaded gun. There was no way that he would be able to open the study door unobserved so he opted for the next best solution. Using the element of surprise as his weapon he thrust the door opened and stepped into the room brandishing his gun and grabbing the nearest body to him. Three pairs of startled eyes turned at the sound of the door crashing open and Audra’s surprised scream as she felt an arm snake around her neck.


"Stand still Harrison or the girl gets it now. That goes for you too Mrs Barkley," hissed Fisher as he pressed the barrel of his gun into Audra’s temple effectively stopping all movement in the study.


"Good, now you two," pointing at Harrison and the doctor, "sit in those chairs and you Mrs Barkley get that cord," indicating the cord holding the drapes back from the windows, "and tie them up and be quick about it."


Victoria stared at Fisher with steely gray eyes for several seconds before moving to do as requested.


"I’ll do as you ask, just don’t hurt my daughter."


"Oh don’t worry Mrs Barkley, I don’t intend on hurting her. I promise she won’t feel anything when she dies. Of course I won’t promise the same for Harrison over there."


Audra sucked in her breath and cried "Mother" before Fisher’s arm tightened around her throat.


"Don’t worry darling, everything will be all right," Victoria offered reassuringly as she tied Jim Harrison and the doctor securely to the chairs.


"Good, now sit down there Mrs Barkley. Come on girl start moving and get those pieces of cord," said Fisher as he and Audra edged their way over to the other set of drapes and removed the cords. "Now tie up your mother and do it properly."


Fisher watched satisfied as his orders were obeyed. How easy was this he thought. By the time those other two Barkley’s returned there wouldn’t be anything left of their family.


"Sit down here Miss Barkley," he ordered as he roughly pushed her into the remaining chair and deftly tied her hands to the back of the chair.


Fisher walked around the study surveying his morning’s work aware that four pairs of eyes were closely following his every move.


"Why are you doing this," asked Victoria


"That’s easy Mrs Barkley, the good Senator Williams doesn’t like to leave loose ends and you see your daughter and the bastard upstairs and the Senator here are all loose ends and I guess by association you and him are also loose ends."


"What have you done to my brother," Audra cried out unable to keep the fear from her voice.


"Nothing yet missy. I’m keeping him for last. It’s going to give me great pleasure to watch the look on his face when I tell him how I killed all of you. I might even drag him down here so he can see for himself that his efforts to save Harrison were all for nothing. I wonder how he’ll feel when he realizes that he’s caused the deaths of his mother and the doctor as well. I take it you are the doctor." Fisher asked pressing the gun into Stanley Jeffries throat.


"I am."


The chair Victoria was sitting in faced the open door of the study and she had been watching it surreptitiously in the hope of warning Silas not to enter, if in deed he was still alive she thought. A movement caught her eye as she was about to look away from the door and her eyes widened in shock at the sight of Heath staggering to the study door. He saw her looking at him and quickly shook his head. She nodded perceptibly and returned her attention to Fisher.


"You can’t really hope to get away with this Fisher. My sons will track you down to the ends of the earth if they have too."


"Oh I’m sure they’ll try Mrs Barkley but they won’t have any luck. You see Senator Williams has shall we say lots of helpful people who know just how to make a person disappear without trace." As Fisher spoke he walked around so he was standing in front of Audra. "Such a waste of a pretty girl," he said as he absently twirled a length of her long blond hair around his finger. "Pity we haven’t got a bit more time to get to know one another better."


Audra turned her head away from Fisher and looked at her mother who seemed to be looking intently at the door. She saw her mother nod at the door and then turn back to the occupants in the room. She just caught her mother’s fleeting smile before it disappeared again.


"I wouldn’t waste my time on you if you were the only man in Stockton," Audra replied imperiously which only earned her a slap across the face for her efforts.


"Get your filthy hands off my sister," growled Heath as he stood swaying in the doorway gun aimed at Fisher’s back.


The smile on Fisher’s face disappeared to be replaced by a look of terror as he quickly spun around raising his gun to face this unexpected threat to his plans.


"I thought you were…"


"Think again," replied Heath as he fired his gun as soon as his sister was out of the line of fire.


The stunned look on Fisher’s face turned to shock and then agony as he felt the bullets enter his body and fling him back across the room. His gun dropped from nerveless fingers as he groped ineffectually at the spreading stain of blood across his chest.


All eyes were fixed on the blond cowboy as he took one faltering step into the study before his eyes rolled back into his head and he succumbed to the blackness that had been threatening him since he gained his feet, collapsing in a heap on the floor.


"HEATH" Audra screamed as she struggled to get free of the rope that bound her to the chair.




Chapter 15


The brothers and their men rode from the ranch yard in a stony silence. No body was fool enough to open their mouths and bring down the wrath of Nick Barkley on his head. Their boss was mad, or perhaps a better description was enraged. This man Fisher that they were now looking for was making all of them look like fools and none of them liked that thought very much.


Duke McCall rode amongst the men and watched their expressions as the morning’s events settled in to their minds. He was sure some of them had already realized that it could just as easily have been some of them lying dead in the feed room instead of the marshal and his deputies. That one man could wreak so much damage and under their very noses was almost inconceivable. Leaving the men behind him Duke moved up to ride beside the two brothers. He had known these two men for over twenty years. He had helped raise them from little tikes into what they were today but he had never seen them like this before. He well understood their rage. After all this man they were hunting and his boss had very nearly taken the lives of their two youngest siblings not to mention a duly elected state Senator and had indeed succeeded in killing a witness and three law officers in their own barn. He studied their dark set features and shook his head. None of them including the two men beside him had any idea where they were going. Right now they seemed to be riding blindly to nowhere.


"Nick do you no where we’re going or are we just riding blindly across the range?" Duke asked tentatively.


Nick turned and glared at the foreman beside him, before sighing heavily and reining his horse to a halt, closely followed by the remainder of the riders. Nick removed his black hat from his head and wiped his sweaty brow with a shirtsleeve before settling the hat back in position.


"I’m sorry Duke, guess you’re right we are acting blindly but I want to get this snake so bad I can taste it. Got any suggestions?


"I think we should split up into groups of three or four and spread out across the range. We’re not going to catch him riding as a bunch."


"Duke has a point Nick, we’re not going to catch him this way. He could have gone in any direction and we’re only riding in one at the moment." Jarrod replied as neutrally as possible, trying to ensure that Nick’s temper stayed at bay.


"All right I hear you. Boys split up into groups of four and be careful. This guy doesn’t care who he kills. I don’t want any of you taking chances. Do you understand? But if you have to shoot, shoot to kill."


A chorus, of "Yes Nick, sure thing boss," greeted Nick’s ears.


"Ok boys spread out and find the snake. Ah Duke, you want to ride with Jarrod and me?"


"Of course I do. Somebody has to keep you two in line."


The three men sat on their horses and watched as the men rode away in-groups to search different areas of the range. They knew none of the men were fool hardy and Nick’s warning would be heeded.


"Let’s hope we find him soon," Nick growled. "I don’t like the idea of being away from home for too long."


"We’ll find him Nick. The boys won’t stop until his caught. You know that."


"I hope your right Duke," replied Nick as he kicked his horse into motion again.


"Nick are we heading where I think we are," Jarrod asked curiously. "Don’t you think Fisher would work out that would be the first place we’d look."


"I don’t know Jarrod. Can YOU think of a better place to start looking?"


"I guess not."



   * * * * * * * *



Joe and Sam pushed their horses to the limit on their ride into Stockton. They pulled the two lathered and heaving horses to a halt in front of Fred Maddens office. Dismounting quickly they raced breathlessly into the office only to find the front room and the cells behind empty.


"I wonder where the sheriff is?" Joe muttered.


"I dunno but Nick sure ain’t going to like it if we can’t find him."


"Who won’t like it if you can’t find me?" asked Fred Madden as he walked through the door and saw the two Barkley cowhands. "Don’t tell me. I can guess. Nick won’t like it. Well you found me so what can I do for you boys?"


"Nick said for you to come to the ranch immediately. The marshal and his deputies and that prisoner they were guarding are all dead. The marshal said it was Fisher before he died."


"What?" yelled Fred in a fair imitation of Nick’s booming voice. "Where’s Nick now although I can probably guess."


"He and Jarrod headed out with the men to hunt Fisher down. Sorry sheriff but we promised Nick we’d head right back to the ranch and guard the house."


"That’s all right boys, but those horses of yours aren’t going to make it to the town outskirts. Why don’t you go and get fresh horses at the livery and by the time you’re ready to ride Doc Merar and I will be ready to accompany you."


"Yes sir sheriff but we better hurry. Nick won’t like it if we dally."


Fred Madden watched the two men leave his office and then he strode over to the rifle cabinet and took down his winchester. "Damn," he thought. "This whole thing was swiftly turning into a nightmare. Just how much worse could it get?" he wondered as walked from the room in search of one of his deputies and the doctor.



   * * * * * * * *



Silas raced across the range not really sure where he was going only knowing that his young friend, Mr Heath needed help real bad.


"Where you be Mr Nick," he called to the heavens.


"Please lord you keeps Mr Heath and the family safe for me while I’s finds Mr Nick and Mr Jarrod."


Silas rode on ignoring the tears that rolled down his face. Despite the tears he smiled as he remembered his friends coming into the family and the trials that betook the family as they all came to terms with Mr Tom’s indiscretion. Especially the way Mr Tom’s two youngest boys would agree to disagree on every point in a discussion more often than not coming to blows. He had lost count of the number of times he had had to patch up the two brothers after one of their many differences got a little out of hand. Yet as the months wore on the two forged and unbreakable bond that now teetered on the brink of permanent disintegration.


"Please Mr Tom you looks after your son, he be a good boy. You be mighty proud of him if only you knew him. He deserves a whole lot better than the pain and grief he’s had to endure so far in his life."


Silas blinked away his tears and spied three figures in the distance. "Praise the lord," he cried as he urged the horse to greater efforts. He still wasn’t sure who the riders were but it didn’t matter. Help was at hand.


As Silas drew closer he recognized the black vest and tan coat of two of the riders. "Thank you lord," he shouted in the horse’s ear.


"Mr Nick, Mr Jarrod," he shouted as loudly as his lungs would allow, waving one arm wildly in the air.


All three riders turned at the sound of a fast moving horse coming up behind.


"What the hell," growled Nick before his eyes widened in surprise and he spurred his horse back towards the approaching figure. "That’s Silas."


Jarrod and Duke had also recognized the rider and all three rode to meet him with heavy hearts. The fact that he was riding out on the range and at such a speed could only mean one thing.


"Silas what’s the matter?" Nick yelled as he quickly closed the gap.


"Mr Nick, Mr Nick," Silas gasped out as he tried to take in great gulps of air and speak at the same time. Mr Heath …done sent me… I’s didn’t want to come…but…he insisted. Fisher be at the…house…he done tied up your mother and Miss Audra and the Senator and the doctor." Silas stopped talking and gratefully accepted the canteen thrust into his hands.


"Where’s Heath Silas?"


"He come down the stairs. I thinks he was going after that man. He told me and Ciego to look for you Mr Nick."


"That damn fool boy, when I get my hands on him, I’ll…"


"You’ll what Nick?"


"Cuff him over the ear or maybe paddle his backside Pappy. Come on Jarrod we haven’t got a minute to spare. Duke you follow with Silas."


"Be careful boys and gods speed," Duke whispered as he and Silas watched the brothers spur their horse into a run and race across the range in the direction of the house, before following at a much slower pace.



   * * * * * * * *



"So now Howard you know as much as I do." Said Fred Madden as he, the doctor and the two Barkley hands rode towards the Barkley ranch. "The Barkley’s didn’t ask you to come out and treat Heath because Dr Jeffries was already there and my understanding is that they wanted as few people as possible to know who was at the ranch."


"Humph!" Howard responded. "What did they think I was going to do, run and tell Williams," he muttered under his breath but just loud enough for Fred to hear.


"Of course not Howard. They were trying to protect you. And considering what has happened to the marshal and his deputies it was a good thing too. You’re this town’s only physician Howard. They couldn’t take the chance on Fisher or Williams kidnapping you for information and they knew you couldn’t stay at the ranch indefinitely."


Further conversation was halted as they rode into the ranch yard.


"That’s strange, I wonder where Ciego is," Sam commented as they pulled up by the corrals.


Fred looked around the yard and saw what Sam meant. Usually you couldn’t dismount before Ciego appeared to take the horse.


"Go and check the barn boys, and keep your guns handy," Fred ordered quietly. "Howard stay here."


Howard Merar watched as the two hands walked cautiously to the barn and Fred headed towards the house. He was relieved to see the two men return unharmed.


"Nobody’s there sheriff."


"All right boys, go around to the kitchen door and wait until you here me knock before you enter and be careful. We don’t know what if anything is going on in the house but be ready to shoot if you have too."


"Yes sheriff," they both replied before moving around the side and towards the back of the house and the kitchen door.


Fred gave the men a couple of minutes to get into position and then knocked loudly on the heavy front door. Ignoring common courtesy Fred opened the front door and stepped into the foyer calling out "Victoria," in a loud voice as the two hands appeared in the kitchen doorway.



   * * * * * * * *



"Victoria can you tell how Heath is?" Stan Jeffries asked worriedly.


"I don’t know Stanley, he seems to have passed out. His shoulder is bleeding again but I can’t see any other injuries. His breathing is very laboured though," she replied never taking her eyes off her injured son lying mere feet from her although tied as she was it could have been miles.


"I can hear his breathing. I hope it’s only as a result of the way he is lying and nothing more serious. Try calling to him Victoria, see if you can rouse him enough to maybe lean back against the settee."


"Are you sure Stanley, he could do more damage if he tries to move."


"I know Victoria but he can’t breathe properly as he is. He needs to sit up more."


"Heath, Heath darling can you hear me. Wake up for mother Heath."


They all waited quietly praying that the blond would respond to his mother’s voice but he still made no movement or sound."


"Please big brother, wake up for me. I need you Heath," sobbed Audra.


A slight moan was her only response.


"Heath, I SAID wake up now." Victoria tried using a sterner voice. If only Nick was here she thought. His booming voice could always be relied upon to get a response from blond on the floor.


"It’s no use Stanley, he’s out cold. Oh where is Silas?"



   * * * * * * * *



"Fred in here, the study, please hurry," Victoria called back.


Fred and the hands dashed across the foyer and stopped in shock at what they saw in the study. Not wasting any time, Fred knelt quickly beside Heath as he ordered Sam to get Howard and Joe to untie the others.


"Untie the doctor first please Joe," Victoria requested, "Heath needs help."


"Yes Mrs Barkley," Joe replied as he hurried to do as requested.


"Joe is the other one dead?"


Joe looked over to where Fisher lay with unseeing eyes.


"Sure is sheriff. Heath got him but good."


From her seat Victoria watched with some amusement, although she conceded to herself that the situation was far from funny, as the two doctors reached Heath’s side at the same time.


"Doctor Jeffries, I presume."


"At your service Doctor…er"


"Merar, Howard Merar."


"Stanley Jeffries."


The two doctors bent over their patient


"Shoulder wound has opened up again."


"We need to sit him up so he can breathe easier."


"Jim come here and ease in behind him please," asked Stanley as he and Howard continued their examination.


"Victoria how did Heath get down here?"


"He must have walked down here Howard. Except for Silas we were all in here when Fisher broke in."


Howard shook his head. Was there no ending to this boy’s foolhardiness he wondered, although he surmised that he had no doubt saved his families lives by his actions.


"Fool boy," he muttered under his breath. "Where is Silas, Victoria."


"I don’t know Howard. Joe, Sam have either of you seen Silas."


"No Mrs Barkley."


Fred who had been studying the body of Fisher looked up. "Boys I think you had better check the rest of the house before we move Heath back upstairs."


"Ok sheriff, Come on Joe," Sam said as he headed out the door and towards the stairs.


Victoria watched the two hands leave and then turned her attention back to her son and the doctors.


"Stanley, Howard how is he."


Stanley looked towards Howard who nodded his head before he spoke.


"Well Victoria he certainly hasn’t helped his cause by getting out of bed but he doesn’t seemed to have sustained any further injuries. He has opened up the shoulder wound again, but it’s not bleeding too badly and set back those healing ribs but as far as we can tell he hasn’t punctured a lung. The extreme loss of blood he suffered originally is causing his present condition Victoria. He’s not replenishing the blood as quickly as we’d like. When the hands get…"





   * * * * * * * *



Nick and Jarrod raced across the range both their thoughts running along the same lines. "If only we had stopped to think before riding out. We should have guessed Fisher would try something like this and we played straight into his hands. God please let them all be alright."


With heavy hearts the two brothers galloped into the ranch yard and flung themselves from their horses not even noticing the doctor’s buggy standing to the side. They had eyes only for the open front door. Jarrod put a steadying hand on Nick’s shoulder.


"Easy Nick."


"Easy be damned," he said as he charged through the front door.





   * * * * * * * *



That one booming word was like music to Victoria’s ears.


"Nick, in the study," she called back in relief.


Nick didn’t stop his charge across the foyer he just changed direction slightly and headed towards the study door with Jarrod on his heels. Neither brother was sure of what to expect but they certainly weren’t prepared to find two doctors working over their comatose brother or the dead body against the wall.


"Oh Nick, thank god you’re here," Victoria said as she crumpled into his strong arms.


"Jarrod," Audra cried as she threw herself into her brother’s arms.


"It’s all right Sis, we’re here now," Jarrod replied soothingly as he looked over his sister’s head at his pale brother on the floor.


"Mother, what happened, is Heath all right?" Nick asked not taking his eyes off his brother either. "Fisher didn’t shoot him again did he?" he growled.


"No, Nick, Heath managed to get from his room down here and shot Fisher before he could hurt any of us. Then he passed out."


"Doctor’s?’ Nick asked quietly.


"He should be all right Nick, but we need to get him back to bed. If you and Jarrod will help us."


Nick and Jarrod both disengaged themselves from their mother and sister’s arms and squatted beside their brother.


"He’s so pale Stanley," said Jarrod looking at the almost white complexion of his youngest brother.


"That’s because of the previous blood loss Jarrod. His body isn’t replenishing it as fast as we would like and after this morning, well…"


"Then we give him more blood," said Nick. "He hasn’t got this far to die now. You hear me boy?"




"Well hello little brother, how you doing?" Nick asked quietly as he gripped his brother’s left hand.


"Tired, so tired," he whispered with his eyes still closed.


"Don’t worry Heath, you’ll feel better soon. Doc’s going to give you some more of MY blood, ain’t that right doc?"


"Yes, well it certainly can’t hurt, that’s for sure."


"Just what I need," Heath mumbled but this time he managed to get his lids open enough to peer out from under them and offer a weak a lop-sided grin.




"He’s dead Heath, you got him before he could hurt anyone else."


Heath nodded and then sagged back against Jim Harrison who was still supporting him.


"Come on boys, lets get him upstairs and settled. Then we will look at that transfusion," Howard said quietly.


As Nick and Jarrod prepared to lift their brother from the floor, Fred put in a cautionary word.


"I think we should wait until Sam and Joe finish checking upstairs first. Just to be on the safe side."


"Oh my," stated Victoria, "I almost forgot Silas. Where is he?" she asked worriedly.


"Rights here Miz Barkley," he said stepping through the study door closely followed by Duke and the two hands who had been checking the house for other possible intruders. The smile on Silas’ face quickly faded as he saw his young friend lying so still on the floor.


"Mr Heath."




Chapter 16


"Well doc?" Nick asked anxiously as Doctor Merar disconnected the transfusion tube from his arm.


"His pulse is stronger Nick and there is more colour in his cheeks. He’s going to be fine. He’ll sleep for a good few hours now. Stanley gave him enough laudanum to put a horse to sleep and sleep is exactly what he needs."


There was really no need for Nick to speak, the smile on his face and those of the family standing around Heath’s bed said it all. It was just the news they had being waiting for. At least this part of the nightmare they had all being living for the past week was thankfully over.


"Thanks doc, " Nick said not caring that tears were running down his cheeks as he watched his brother sleeping peacefully in the bed beside him.


"You know Nick, you really should go and lie down yourself. That’s the second lot of blood you’ve given this boy in a few days."


"I’m staying right here doc."


Both Howard and Stanley sighed in exasperation and tried to hide their smiles as the Barkley stubbornness reared its head yet again.


"Well at least eat something and drink the glass of juice Silas brought up Nick."


"Yeah sure doc, whatever you say. What are you going to do now?"


"The infection in his hand has cleared up nicely so we’ll set it now while he’s asleep. He should be a lot more comfortable after we do it."


"He’ll be able to use it again won’t he?"


"Yes Nick, once the bones heal he’ll be fine, it’s a clean break."


"Good," Nick replied as he closed his eyes and leant his head back against the top of the chair he was sitting in. Grins spread around the room as a few minutes later soft snoring could be heard from the chair.


"Come on everybody lets leave them to their slumber," Victoria said as she moved quietly towards the door followed by Jarrod, Audra and Jim.


"We’ll be down in a few minutes Victoria, as soon as we finish up here."



   * * * * * * * *



It was several hours later when a sleepy Nick joined the rest of the family, Fred Madden, the two doctors and the Senator in the dining room for an impromptu lunch party.


"I thought you would have been back in town by now Fred," Nick commented as he took his seat at the table.


"How’s Heath, Nick?"


"Sleeping like a baby Sis," Nick replied before turning back to Fred.


"Fred you were saying?"


"Figured I’d wait around here and talk to you before I headed back. After all we don’t want to arouse Williams suspicions too much. Speaking of which Williams is back on the campaign trail again. He was roaming around town pointing out to anybody who’d listened that Jim here was unreliable and making promises he couldn't keep."


"Was he now? Well I think it’s about time we paid the good Senator Williams a visit. Don’t you agree Jarrod, Jim?"


"Depends on what you have in mind brother Nick."


"A show of force. All of us are going to ride into town after lunch and pay the Senator that visit he’s been looking forward to."


"What about Heath, Nick. He’s in no condition to be going anywhere," Victoria stated firmly.


"Of course he’s not coming with us. I don’t want that boy anywhere near Williams."


"I think Brother Nick, Heath may have something to say about that and don’t forget this concerns him as much if not more than the rest of us."


"I know that Jarrod but this is one of those times when our little brother is just going to have to let his big brothers fight his battle for him. I’ll leave Silas and Duke with him while we’re gone."


"I’ll stay too Nick," said Stanley Jeffries. "There is no need for two doctors in town and I’m sure Howard is anxious to get back to his surgery. Besides I wouldn’t want to step on any toes."


"You won’t be stepping on my toes Stanley, it has been a pleasure working with you but you are correct. I do want to get back to town."


Well that’s settled then. We head for Stockton after lunch, now lets eat I’m starving." Nick yelled with his usual gusto.


"Nick," everybody yelled back, "don’t shout in the house."


Nick just grinned and took a mouthful of food as laughter erupted around the table for the first time in days.



   * * * * * * * *



Senator Josiah Williams stood on the steps of the hotel and surveyed the faces of the crowd surrounding him.


"I ask you again," he paused to catch the crowds attention, "How can you possibly vote for a man who can’t even keep a simple promise like appearing here to speak to you the good people of Stockton." He smiled ingratiatingly at the faces around him as he heard a murmur of agreement ripple through the crowd.


"No folks," he continued, "you fine people of Stockton require a Senator that you can rely on. One who will be there for you at all times. One who you can rely on to listen to you. Someone who understands the needs of the common man and can represent you faithfully in the government. Someone like me, your friend and compatriot Josiah Williams."


Williams stopped speaking expecting to hear a chorus of cheers and claps but was disappointed to discover that the crowd’s attention had been diverted in a completely different direction. His florid complexion lost all its colour as he looked up and saw what had caught the crowd’s eye.


Sitting regally in the buggy proclaiming the Barkley Ranch was Victoria Barkley expertly handling the reins and looking neither right nor left as she drove down Stockton’s main street. Beside her sat he daughter Audra and sitting behind the two women was Senator Jim Harrison.


Riding to the right of Audra was her brother Nick who couldn’t resist the urge to throw a cold calculating glare at Williams in passing. To the left of the buggy rode Jarrod Barkley, oldest son of Victoria and Stockton’s most prominent Attorney at Law.


Behind the first buggy Doctor Howard Merar was driving a second buggy. This buggy was followed by Sheriff Fred Madden who in turn was leading five horses each carrying a tarp wrapped cargo over its saddle. To all those watching it was plainly evident as to what the cargo’s contained.


A ripple ran through the crowd as they realized one member of the family was missing. The youngest and newest member of the Barkley clan, Heath Barkley. None of the watching crowd however for one minute thought that one of the horses held his tarp wrapped body. Most of those present knew the Barkley family would never allow one of their own to suffer such and indignity even in death.


The procession stopped in front of the Cattleman’s Hotel. The two brothers dismounted and helped their mother and sister from the buggy and up the steps to the sidewalk followed by the Senator.


Howard Merar doffed his hat to the family and continued down the street to his surgery only to be lost from sight as he turned the corner by the small white picket fence.


Fred Madden stopped long enough to say that he would deliver the bodies to the undertaker before returning.


The crowd began to buzz with questions. Who were the tarp covered bodies? Why were the Barkley’s out in force? Where was the blond Barkley Heath? "Did the bodies have anything to do with his absence?


So engrossed was the crowd in the sudden appearance of the towns most prominent family and their entourage that no one noticed the sudden disappearance of Senator Josiah Williams from the steps of the hotel. No one that was except for Nick Barkley.


"The snakes on the move," he growled ominously as Jarrod reached his side.


"Easy Nick, Fred will be back soon. Williams isn’t going anywhere."


"What like Fisher didn’t go anywhere." Nick growled again.


"Jarrod’s right Nick, now come inside and sit down. If it will make you feel any better we can get a table by the window and then you can watch the hotel." Victoria spoke with authority and Nick knew there wasn’t going to be any arguing the point.


Grudgingly Nick allowed himself to be led into the Cattleman’s Hotel but immediately he took up a position by the window with his eyes glued to the hotel across the street.


"Nick how does chicken broth sound?" Jarrod asked guilelessly trying to lighten the mood.


"Yeah what ever Jarrod, anything will do," Nick replied not taking his eyes off the street.


Audra and Jim burst out laughing at his reply and even Victoria was hard pressed not to join in.


"What’s so d… funny," he grumbled as he looked at the faces around him.


"Nick," Audra giggled, "Jarrod just asked you if you wanted chicken broth and you said yes."


Nick glared at his older brother in disgust and then joined in as the absurdity of the situation dawned on him.


"All right now that you’ve all had your laugh can we get serious please. Oh and Jarrod don’t change your day job. You aren’t very funny."


"So what do we do now Nick? I’m sure Williams will have worked out at least who some of the bodies are especially as Fisher hasn’t made a reappearance," Jim asked.


"We wait for Fred and he’d better be quick about it and then we pay Senator Williams that visit.



   * * * * * * * *



Josiah Williams made a hasty retreat to his hotel room as the Barkley procession made its way along Main Street. He bolted his door with shaky hands and moved across the unlit room to the window and surreptitiously moved the curtain enough to view the happenings in the street below.


His usual florid complexion was still pale and he could feel the sweat trickling down his neck making his shirt stick to his back under the heavy wool jacket he wore.


"Damn," he swore as he watched the two Barkley women being escorted into the Cattleman’s Hotel along with Senator Harrison. "How could those fools Fisher hired have been so stupid. Not only had they failed to ensure the death of the Senator now sitting in the hotel opposite but they had also allowed the blond cowboy and his sister to escape."


Josiah Williams was under no illusions that the blond was alive if not entirely well. Had there been any other outcome they would have been battering down the door looking for blood long before now instead of sitting calmly in the dinning room across the street.


Of all the cursed luck he thought as he watched Nick Barkley take a seat by the window and stare across the street. Fisher was a fool not to have told him that Heath Thomson and Heath Barkley were one and the same person. Of course that fact wasn’t really the problem. No one would miss a bastard, not even the Barkley’s. In fact they would probably be glad to get rid of the blight on Tom’s good name. The problem was they kidnapped the girl as well. A no-account bastard was one thing but the daughter and sister of one of the most prominent ranching families in the state was another matter all together.


The moment he saw Audra Barkley sitting with the blond cowboy he should have ordered their immediate deaths and abandoned his plans to assassinate the Senator but his ambitions of becoming Governor had blinded his judgment. Now it was too late. He shook his head in bewilderment. How could he have ever thought that he would be able to get away with the kidnapping and killing of two Barkley’s?


The re-appearance of the town’s sheriff lent urgency to Williams’ actions. Dropping the curtain back into place he grabbed the case sitting on the chair and threw it on the bed. Snatching clothes and papers he threw them haphazardly into the case. Satisfied that he had packed everything of importance he slammed shut the lid and then took a minute to check out the window again.


He pulled a stained silk handkerchief from his breast pocket and mopped the sweat from his brow, blinked several times and peered out the window again. No, he wasn’t mistaken Nick Barkley was no longer sitting by the window. In fact the table he and his family had been seated at was now unoccupied.


Williams picked up the case and rushed across the room fumbling with the bolt in his haste to open the door. Taking a deep breath to steady his shattered nerves, he patted his right sleeve and then opened the door. Stepping out into the empty corridor he turned towards the main staircase and then thought better of it. Instead he headed for the narrow backstairs that led down to the alley that ran along the back of the hotel. By the time he had made his way down the two flights of stairs his overweight body was wheezing in protest at the lack of oxygen. Putting down his case he pulled out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his florid face again.


"Going somewhere?"




Chapter 17


The sudden words accompanied by the click of a hammer being drawn back froze Williams to the spot. He peered into the shadows and swallowed hard as Nick Barkley stepped forward from his hiding place under the stairs.


"Nick! Nick Barkley is that you?" Williams asked jovially thrusting forward his hand and smiling ingratiatingly. "It’s certainly being a long time, good to see you again. How is your dear mother?"


Nick looked at the proffered hand and glared in disgust.


"Why don’t you ask her yourself. She’s waiting for you out front. In fact the whole families waiting for you, well everybody except Heath that is." Nick growled menacingly.


Williams let his hand drop to his side. "Heath? I don’t think I know him."


"Oh I’m sure you do, after all you did try to kill him."


"I really don’t know what you’re talking about Nick."


"Is that right?"


"Yes well, I’d love to stop and chat but I am really in a bit of a hurry you see and…"


"I’m sure it’s nothing that can’t wait, now move," Nick said through gritted teeth and then waved his gun in the desired direction for added emphasis.


"Er, yes, all right, if you insist."


"Oh I do, I do."


Nick moved back slightly and allowed Williams to pass him in the narrow hallway then gave him a shove towards the door leading to the hotel foyer. Williams opened the door thinking that if he could slam it shut in Nick’s face he could get away but Sheriff Madden was standing on the other side smiling pleasantly.


"Afternoon Senator, I believe Mrs Barkley is waiting for you in the private dining room."


Fred grinned at the look of defeat on Williams’ face and then led the way across the foyer followed by Williams and finally Nick. Fred opened the door and then stepped back allowing Williams and Nick access to the room before stepping in and closing the door behind him.


Josiah Williams stepped through the door oozing all the confidence he could muster and walked up to Victoria who was sitting in one of the high backed dining chairs that had been removed from the table and placed by the unlit fireplace.


"Victoria," Williams said offering her his hand, "How wonderful to see you again. You look well Victoria."


"I’m glad you think so Josiah, but I am sorry to say that I don’t find any pleasure in seeing you," she replied coldly ignoring the offered hand.


Williams looked around the room. Audra stood beside her brother Jarrod, one of his arms tenderly encircling her waist as she trembled slightly under Williams’ gaze. Nick was still leaning against the dining room door a sneer on his face as he watched his mother intently. Sheriff Madden stood off to the side quietly surveying the scene in front of him. Jim Harrison stood by the hotel window gazing out into the street with his back to the room. Williams felt the sweat trickle down his brow, running into his eyes and took out the now wet silk handkerchief and slowly mopped his brow.


"Victoria, I don’t understand. Whatever is the matter?"


Victoria stood and took a step towards Williams, her eyes flashing dangerously. Immediately Nick stepped away from the door and moved closer to the Senator as well.


"Don’t play the fool with me Josiah. You know very well what I am talking about."


"I, I…" Williams blustered under her withering gaze unable to bring his eyes to bare on the tiny woman who stood before him.


"You what Josiah? Please do not tell me you are going to deny any knowledge of what has happened to my daughter and son over the past week."


"Victoria I really have know idea what you are talking about." Williams replied regaining some of his confidence.


"Why you lying…"


"Nicholas, that will be enough." Victoria stated firmly glaring warningly at her middle son before returning her steely gaze back to the Senator.


"So you are going to deny any knowledge of the kidnapping of Audra and Heath, the attempted murder of Senator Harrison and the murder of three law officers and a witness?"


"Yes I am. You have no proof."


"How could you?" cried Audra, "you were a friend of our family. I saw you at the Simpson ranch when you came in to speak to Heath."


"I’m sorry Audra, but you must be mistaken, it was dark after all. I don’t even know where this Simpson Ranch is."


"Liar," she screamed, "I know it was you. I spoke to you in that room. You said that we wouldn’t have to worry about Heath’s injuries for too much longer because we’d be dead." She turned into Jarrod’s chest sobbing uncontrollably as he put his arms around her and held her close as his cold blue eyes rested on Williams.


"I believe it is your word against mine Audra and who is going to be believe a hysterical girl sitting in a dark room over a prominent Senator such as myself. I don’t see that blond brother of yours around but then nobody would believe a no account bastard anyway."


"I thought you said you didn’t know Heath so how come you know he has blond hair," Nick growled from behind Williams. "And Heath isn’t a no account bastard he’s my brother and more man than you’ll ever be." Nick yelled the vein on the side of neck throbbing madly as his temper rose but he kept his distance.


Jarrod stepped forward with his hands behind his back and studied the man before him. "How did you know the room was dark Senator Williams? Jarrod asked in his best court room voice and then continued before Williams could speak. "You couldn’t have unless you were there and YOU were there weren’t you Senator?"


Williams’ eyes darted around the room looking for an escape route that wasn’t forth coming. He licked his lips nervously as beads of perspiration ran down his brow and into his eyes unhindered.


"I’m waiting for an answer Senator. You DO have an answer for us don’t you?"


The room was quiet as Williams fidgeted on the spot unable to find the words to extradite himself from his present predicament.


"Well sheriff?"


"I think I’ve heard enough Jarrod. With what Audra and Jim have already told me and the evidence I have collected I have enough to arrest the Senator on and then of course there will also be Heath’s testimony when he is up to giving it." Fred stepped forward from where he had been leaning against the wall. "Senator Josiah Williams I am placing you under arrest for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Audra and Heath Barkley, the attempted murder of Senator James Harrison, and an accessory to the murders of Marshall Johnson and Deputies Pete Donald and Martin Davis and also the murder of Jack Crawford."


"What," roared Williams, "this is preposterous. I won’t stand for it. Victoria please! I’m your friend. Tom would never stand for this."


"Don’t you dare bring my husband into this Josiah." Victoria said staring with disdain at the man before her. "The moment you even considered kidnapping MY son you ceased to be a friend of this family. Thomas would have been disgusted to hear what you thought of our son. Nicholas is correct Josiah, Heath is more man than you ever have been or will be. You above all people should know Josiah that an act against one Barkley is an act against the entire family. You will find no sympathy amongst us. Your blind ambitions have led you to this position and now you must bare the consequences of your actions. There will be a public trial and my daughter and son will testify and you will pay for your actions. Jarrod will see to that." Victoria looked sadly at Williams and shook her head. "What happened to you Josiah, the man I remember was kind and caring. You never cared about the pomp and ceremony of office. You were a hands on man happy to get down and dirty with the rest of us. To turn over the land, dig post-holes; fight Indians, drought and flood. I just don’t understand." Victoria turned away from Williams and smiled encouragingly at her daughter.


Williams saw his chance and seized it with open arms.


"I’m sorry Victoria," he said as he lunged forward with surprising speed grabbing the diminutive silver haired matriarch of the Barkley family around the waist with his left hand as he pressed his right arm hard against his side. A small derringer pistol sprang forward from its releasing mechanism into his right hand.


"MOTHER," Audra screamed as Williams pressed the gun to Victoria’s temple. "Move back all of you," he demanded resting his finger lightly on the trigger.


Nick, Jarrod and Fred stood still hands inches away from their guns as Williams began edging backwards towards the door with Victoria firmly held by his vice like grip around her waist. Jim was the only one to move. Turning slowly he allowed his right hand to drop from under his jacket to his side as he faced into the room for the first time since Williams had appeared. He watched the proceedings with a seemingly detached air of un-interest.


"Move to where I can see you Nick," Williams growled as he pressed the gun firmly to Victoria’s head. "You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your mother now would you?" he sneered


"I swear Williams, I’m going to hunt you down like the rabid dog you are and kill you for this." Nick ground out between gritted teeth, his face a black mask of fury as he remained in the same position.


Victoria looked from her daughter to her oldest son and then across to Jim Harrison who moved his right arm imperceptibly uncovering the tip of the object held in his hand. Victoria smiled slightly at him and then turned her attention back to her children.


"Do as he says Nicholas. I’m sure Josiah has no intentions of hurting me, after all I am his insurance of escaping alive. Isn’t that right Josiah?"


Williams licked his lips again. He really didn’t want to hurt Victoria. She was a fine woman, a strong self-willed, self-reliant woman. The type of woman he would have dearly loved to have called his wife.


"Yes that’s right Victoria, I promise not to hurt you. I just want to get out of here," he said taking another step backwards and dragging Victoria with him.


This was what she was waiting for. She didn’t move her feet, instead allowing Williams to pull her backwards so that she lost her balance and fell against him causing his grip to loosen and the gun to move away from her head. She quickly brought up her own right hand and knocked Williams gun hand further away. His involuntary releasing of his trigger finger coincided with the louder boom of Jim Harrison’s gun gripped tightly in his right hand. Williams’ bullet buried itself harmlessly in the back wall of the dining room before the gun clattered from his nerveless fingers to lay on the floor. Williams looked down in surprise at his chest, the front of which was rapidly turning red and then up to Harrison. He tried to speak but only a gurgle could be heard as blood bubbled from his mouth and his legs collapsed under his weight and he crumpled to the dining room floor.


Nick was the first to react as an unsettling stillness settled over the room. Ignoring the man on the floor he sprang forward and took his mother into his arms holding her tight as he felt her shuddering body begin to crumple in his arms.


"Mother?" he asked urgently, gently lifting her chin with one black gloved hand and staring into her grey eyes.


Victoria visibly regained control of her emotions and drew in a deep breath before smiling weakly and assuring her family gathered around her that she was fine. Ignoring Fred who was checking Williams for any sign of a pulse Victoria glided quietly across the room to stand before James Harrison who offered his own weak smile in return.


"James, thank you," Victoria said taking his proffered hand in hers. "Are you all right?" she asked with some concern.


James looked down into the worried grey eyes and offered another weak smile. "Yes, fine Victoria, but I should be asking you that instead. After all Williams was holding you as his hostage."


"I’m fine James, he didn’t hurt me at all but how can I ever thank you?"


"Believe me Victoria there is no need to thank me. The sacrifices you and your family have already made for me can never be repaid." Turning to the sheriff he continued. "Fred if you don’t need us I believe we should take these lovely ladies over to the Cattleman’s Hotel. I don’t believe this is the proper environment for them," he said looking pointedly at the body of the Senator lying on the floor.


"Yes that will be fine Jim. There will have to be an inquest but it will only be a formality. I’ll stop by the hotel or if you prefer the ranch in the morning with the details."


"The ranch will be fine thanks Fred. I think we should head back there before our little brother discovers what were doing also. If we’re away too long he might start worrying," replied Jarrod wrapping his arm around Audra’s shoulders.


"Now what?" growled Nick when he heard a knock on the dining room door. Striding over he opened it to admit Howard Merar and then had to push back a sea of on lookers all eager to see what was going on behind the closed door.




"I was informed you were all in here and there were shots fired so I thought I had better come and see if my services were required."


"They are doc, but not for the living," replied Fred pointing to the body on the floor.


Howard knelt beside the body and made a cursory examination officially pronouncing the Senator dead. He stood up and allowed his eyes to check over the other occupants of the room and in particular one dark haired rancher who had a penchant for getting injured in fights and then ignoring those injuries. Thank god the other one isn’t here he mused. Satisfied that there were no other injuries he nodded to the family and turned back to Fred.


"I’ll write up my report and have it for you in the morning Fred. Victoria, Audra, boys I’ll see you tomorrow at the ranch when I check on Heath."


Nick opened the door to allow Howard to leave and then growled at the crowd still hovering around the door and in the foyer.


"Mother, Audra you ready?"


Jarrod led Audra to the door as James offered his arm to Victoria. Nick opened the door and stepped out into the foyer glaring menacingly at anybody who dared to look at them. James and Jarrod led the women across the foyer and out onto the boardwalk and waited for Nick to join them.


"Where too Mother?" Nick asked as he closed the hotel door behind him effectively drowning out the voices from within.


"Home Nick, let’s just go home and be with your brother."




Chapter 18


"Ya did ha? Didn’t ya think I might ta liked to be there too?" asked an annoyed Heath who was lying propped up by pillows with his broken hand resting on a pillow on his stomach the white cast blending in nicely with the pillow it rested on.


"Come on Heath you were in no condition to come with us and you know it. Hell you weren’t even awake when we left. Doc Jeffries doped you up real well." Nick replied trying to keep the frustration out of his voice.


"And I wonder whose idea that was," Heath grumbled glaring at his brother.


"Now wait a minute boy, incase you’ve forgotten you were the one lying on the floor in the study unconscious when we got back here this morning." Nick yelled unable to keep his voice from rising at his brother’s obstinacy.


"Yeah well somebody had to do something about Fisher and there wasn’t exactly anybody else around to take care of him."


Nick took a deep breath and mentally counted to ten before replying. He knew his actions were partly to blame for the morning’s events. After all he was the one who decided they should all ride out and leave the house and his brother unprotected. It was only his brother’s sheer will power and courage that had averted a tragedy that the family wouldn’t have recovered from.


"Look Heath, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ridden off this morning and taken all the men with me. I know that. I endangered your life as well as Mother, Audra and Jim’s but I was damned if I was going to let you come face to face with Williams again. You protected Audra and Jim at Simpson’s ranch and Bear Lookout and then again this morning. It was my turn to look after you."


Nick stopped speaking and looked at Heath who was watching him intently. At least his colour looked a whole lot better than it had this morning, Nick thought and he was more alert too. Nick sighed.


"Sometimes little brother, you just have to lie back and let your big brothers fight your battles for you and this was one of those times. You’d done enough and I figured it was time for Jarrod and me to take over. That’s what families do Heath and you are apart of this family. Why is it so hard for you to accept help?"


Heath sighed and closed his eyes letting his aching body sink further into the pillows that supported him. He couldn’t really argue with Nick, he knew he was in no condition to be going anywhere and especially after his little excursion down the stairs that morning. Still he had wanted to be a part, hell he needed to be a part of the final decision making process.


"Aw hell Nick," he said opening his eyes and offering Nick one of his lop-sided smiles, "I guess ya right. I probably wouldn’t have been much use to ya even if I was there and I do appreciate the help big brother, believe me I know I wouldn’t have got this far without it but I still would have liked the chance ta have decided for myself. Can you understand that Nick? All my life I’ve only ever had myself to rely on and that’s not something I can change over night or even over months." Heath stopped speaking and raised one eyebrow before continuing. "I guess it’s something you’ll just have ta keep reminding me of."


The worried look on Nick’s face disappeared to be replaced by a grin as Heath’s words registered in his mind. "Oh don’t you worry none about that boy. That is something I will gladly keep reminding you of. Which reminds me…"


"Ah huh, here it comes, knew this was a bad idea."


"I promised Mother to make sure you ate some of Silas broth and then took your medicine like a good boy." Nick continued ignoring Heath’s interruption. "So little brother, why don’t you lie back, open your mouth and let your big brother help you."


"I can eat the broth myself Nick, now if it was a steak it might be different." He replied eyeing the bowl of broth Nick retrieved from the tray in disgust. "God am I sick of broth."


"Don’t worry Heath, doc says you should be able to eat something solid tomorrow. He just wants you to take it easy is all, no point making yourself any sicker than you already are. Remember you haven’t exactly been sitting at the dining table for the last few days."


"Tell me about it. I’ve had enough of lying around in bed to last me a lifetime."


"Yeah, well you better get used to it little brother because I don’t think Mother is going to let you out of it any time soon. Not after this mornings stunt anyway. Come on Heath, finish the broth, take some medicine and get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning."


Nick sat quietly in the chair and watched as his brother drifted back to sleep, satisfied that he had fulfilled his mothers orders and his brother had eaten and taken his medicine. Standing up he walked to the door only to stop when his brother spoke again.


"Nick, is it really over?"


Nick turned back to the bed in surprise.


"Yes Heath, it’s really over. Williams is dead and can’t hurt any of us again."


Heath nodded and closed his eyes.








"Anytime little brother, anytime."



   * * * * * * * *



"Well Nick, how is he?" Jarrod asked as Nick joined them in the study and accepted the whiskey his brother handed to him. "I thought I heard you yelling earlier."


"Yeah well that boy can be so exasperating at times, but I got through to him. He sure wasn’t happy about us leaving him behind. I think he figured it was his job to handle Williams as well but I set him straight on that fact."


"Yes I can imagine you would Nicholas," said Victoria with a twinkle in her eye.


"Well somebody had to. Anyway Mother he ate the broth and had his medicine even though he wasn’t happy about either and is sleeping now."


"Thank you Nick, I knew if anybody could make Heath understanding our decision it would be you."


Jarrod picked up the bottle of fine malt whiskey he had opened and refilled Jim’s glass as well as his own and Nick’s.


"Well Jim, what are your plans now that this business is finally over?"


Jim Harrison took a sip of his whiskey and looked at the faces around him.


"Well as soon as the inquest is over I will be hitting the campaign trail again. We still have eight weeks before the elections and there is plenty of work to be done." He stopped speaking again and studied the liquid in his glass swirling it gently before looking up again. "I don’t know how to thank all of you and especially Heath for what you have done for me. I must say at first I was surprised and perplexed as to why Heath would risk his own life to save a complete stranger but after staying here and watching all of you I can understand where he gets his values from. He is a most remarkable young man and you are a remarkable family."


"Thank you Jim." Victoria said graciously. "Yes Heath is a remarkable young man. Considering all the hardships his life has bestowed upon him his compassion towards his fellow man is amazing. Have you had a chance to speak with him yet?"


"No, but I would like to before I leave. Hopefully I will get that chance in the morning. Well if you will excuse me I think I might turn in. It has been a rather eventful day."


"Yeah I second that. Think I’ll turn in too Mother, that is after I check on the boy." Nick said with a grin as he kissed his mother and sister good night.


"Well lovely ladies, may I escort you too your rooms," Jarrod asked offering an arm to his mother and sister.



   * * * * * * * *



A knock on his bedroom door roused Heath from the light nap he had been enjoying since breakfast.


"Come in," he called sleepily as he tried to pull himself further up onto the pillows, wincing as a stab of pain shot through his chest and shoulder.


"Here, let me help," said Jim Harrison as he hurried across the room and gently eased the blond higher up on the mound of pillows.


"Thanks Senator,"


"I think we know one another well enough for you to call me Jim, Heath."


"We do ha? I’d say you know me a bit better than I know you. Most of the time you were just a blurry face to me, at least you didn’t yell as loud as Nick."


"No, well I must say your brother is certainly loud."


"Loud ain’t the half of it." Heath eyed the senator speculatively wondering what he was doing here.


Jim saw his look and smiled reassuringly. "It’s all right Heath, I only came in to say goodbye and thank you for what you did for me. To be honest I really don’t know what to say to a man, a complete stranger who risked his own life to save mine."


Heath fidgeted nervously in the bed.


"No need to say anything Jim. I did what I had to. Besides if it hadn’t been for you and the doc I don’t reckon I’d have made it back here in the fist place so I guess I should be the one thanking you and not just for me. Nick told me what you did in the hotel yesterday."


"I’m glad we could be of service but if it hadn’t been for me none of you would have needed our help in the first place. I can’t help feeling in some way responsible for what happened to you and Audra and Victoria. After all it was because Williams wanted me out of the way that the two of you were kidnapped to start with. I never imagined that my running for office would put people’s lives at risk. I always thought that I was doing something good for the state but this."


"Jim if it hadn’t been you it would have been somebody else and maybe the outcome would have been different. Williams was prepared to do anything to get what he wanted and nothing short of a bullet was ever going to stop him."


"Yes I suppose your right. I just can’t understand what could drive a man to do what he did."


"Ambition and power make some people do funny things Jim. Some people, like you, use it for good and ta make life better for those around them but others like Williams let it control them until they are completely blinded by the power and their own greed and importance." Heath looked squarely at the senator with unflinching blue eyes. "Just promise me you’ll never abuse the power Jim and remember where you came from. How you started out in life. Otherwise all of this will have been for nothing."


Jim held out his hand to the young blond cowboy in the bed and smiled broadly. "That is one promise I have no intentions of ever breaking Heath, be rest assured of that. Your sacrifices and those of your family mean more to me than you will ever no and I hope in time I will be able to live up to your expectations of me. Now I do believe I made your mother a promise before I came up and that was to make sure you took your medicine and got some more sleep."


Heath shook the proffered hand but eyed the medicine with distaste. "Don’t suppose you’d just tell her I had it would you? He asked hopefully. "Sorry Heath, you know I can’t do that and besides that would be breaking a promise to your mother and you wouldn’t want me to do that would you?"


"I guess not," he replied grimacing in disgust as he swallowed the medicine and then the glass of water.


"Take care of yourself Heath and thank you."


Heath settled back into the pillows and watched the Senator leaving his room from under hooded eyes. "Now there was a man worth knowing," he thought as the medicine took effect and he drifted back to sleep.






The afternoon sun was sitting just above the treetops as Jarrod rode into the yard and glanced over to the corrals and the crowd gathered around them. Dismounting he handed the reins of his horse to Ciego and indicated the men.


"What’s going on over there Ciego?"


"Senor Heath is going to work the stallion, you know the one that hurt him all those weeks ago, Senor Jarrod."


"Heath, I didn’t think he was up to bronc busting just yet. Thanks Ciego."


Jarrod walked over to the corrals and found Nick leaning against the gate watching their blond brother as he climbed through the corral railings.


"Nick is he supposed to be in there?"


Nick turned and smiled at his older brother. "Jarrod we weren’t expecting you home for a few more days," he said quietly not wanting to distract either his brother or the wild stallion that stood snorting in the centre of the corral. "Are Mother and Audra with you?"


"No they have stayed on in San Francisco for a few more days. Jim has invited them to the Governors Ball on the weekend and you know Mother and Audra, they just couldn’t give up the chance to do some more shopping. In fact we’re all invited but you haven’t answered my question yet. Is Heath supposed to be in there?"


"Doc gave him the all clear this morning to start light duties again now that the plaster is off and you know the boy. He just couldn’t wait to get back to it."


"And you both call this light duties. I don’t think this is quite what Howard had in mind Nick."


"Don’t worry Jarrod, it’s not like he’s going to ride him today. He’s saving that for tomorrow. Today is just to get reacquainted."


For the next twenty minutes Nick, Jarrod and the assembled hands watched in a mesmerized silence as the blond quietly worked the stallion in the corral. At the end of the session Heath turned his back on the stallion and began walking back to his brothers a look of pure joy on his face and his blues eyes dancing. Nobody was surprised when the stallion tossed his head and began to follow. Heath stopped and waited for the horse to catch up before turning and giving it a final pat on the neck. Satisfied the horse moved away and Heath continued his journey to the corral railings.


"Jarrod, welcome home," Heath said offering his hand.


"Thanks Heath. I must say it’s good to see you up and about again. That was some show you just put on."


"Yeah well I’ll tell you Jarrod it’s good to be up and around again. I finally feel like I’m alive if you know what I mean. Say did Mother and Audra come back with you?"


"No, they are staying with Jim for a few more days. He has invited all of us to the Governor’s Ball this weekend."


"And let me guess they stayed on to shop."


"Correct little brother, when have you ever known them to give up an excuse to go shopping."


"How’s Jim settling in Jarrod," Nick asked as the three brothers made their way to the front door.


"Like he was born to it. I don’t think the state of California could have done any better than electing Jim as its new state Governor. He already has several proposals before congress and is working on several more. I don’t think congress knows what’s hit them yet."


"As long as he looks after the state he’ll have my vote." Nick looked at Heath.


"Well little brother I think you have done enough work for the week. We wouldn’t want to get the doc riled at us so what say we go and pack some bags and head to San Francisco for a few days. I sure could use a break seeing as I’ve been doing ALL the work while you’ve been lying around taking it easy."


"Gee Nick I didn’t know ya was working. I just thought you were riding out each morning and sleeping under the trees. Sure didn’t look like you was raising a sweat out there."


"Sweat, I’ll show you sweat boy, first thing Monday morning."


Jarrod stood by the open front door and smiled as he watched his two younger brothers walking up the stairs and listened to their good-natured bantering. What a cherished sight he thought as he watched his two younger brothers disappear down the hallway leading to their bedrooms.


The family had been lucky this time, very lucky, not to have lost the blond cowboy from their midst.