
by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Despite the heat from the orange ball of the midday sun hanging directly overhead Heath Barkley was cold.  He had lost track of how long he’d been lying here among the rocks, a sharpshooter hidden somewhere among the trees further up the slope.  His right leg hurt, the slightest movement sending fingers of excruciating pain crawling up and down the appendage.  At least it had stopped bleeding but the bullet was still lodge somewhere deep in his thigh.  Probably in the bone with my luck he thought ruefully.


He wondered how long it would be before anyone bothered to come looking for him.  If Nick Barkley had his way probably never.  It was no secret to anybody that Nick didn’t like him, didn’t like what he represented to the rest of the family.  Heath shook his head, as much to keep himself awake as to deny his brother’s logic.  Well Nick looks like you’re about to get your wish, don’t reckon I can last much longer unless I get some help, he yelled silently to the sky.


Heath looked back over the past few weeks since he came to live on the ranch and claim his fair share of what was rightfully his.  His decision to stand by his brother’s against the railroad at the Semple farm had just come back to haunt him.   Hell it wasn’t even his fight, but some part of him argued that if he wanted to be accepted by them, by Nick he needed to stand beside them.  If he could have he would have laughed.  The thought that the railroad thought him to be as big a threat to them as the great Tom Barkley had been six years ago amused him.


That the railroad was so scared of his shooting abilities that they had actually hired a sharp shooter of their own to hunt him down worried him.  It just showed how desperate they were to get their own way and win at any cost.  He couldn’t let them win this time like they did six years ago or the valley would be lost.  He took a swig from his canteen and checked the rifle lying beside him.


The railroads hired gun was good, very good.  Heath had no idea that he was being watched until he felt the bullet tear into his leg.  Whoever this shooter was though he wasn’t your regular sharpshooter.  If he was Heath realized he would be dead now.  This man was in it for more than the kill.  He was in it for the thrill of the hunt, the chase and then the kill.  That Heath hoped, was the edge he needed to stay alive.


“Nick, I thought Heath was joining us for lunch today.  Do you know where he is?”


“No Mother, I haven’t seen him since he left this morning.  You know how he is, probably forgot the time is all.”


Nick gave his mother a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes as he strode to the front door to rescue it from who ever was pounding on it.  Wrenching it open he was surprised to find the ranch foreman Duke McCall standing there obviously agitated over something.


“Nick do you know where Heath is?  I think we’ve got trouble.”


Before Nick could speak his mother passed him looking concerned.  “Duke I think you had better come in and tell us what’s wrong.”


“Thank you Victoria.  Jeb Monroe just came to see me.  Said it was the first chance he had to get away from Barrett.”


“Barrett!  What’s Barrett got to do with anything?” growled Nick not liking the way this conversation was already going.


Duke looked from mother to son not sure who to speak to. Finally he looked at Nick.


“Those rumours about the railroad hiring a sharp shooter to track down Heath aren’t rumours any more.  Jeb and Barrett were in town this morning and Jeb overheard Barrett telling a man where he could find Heath today.”


“What!” roared Nick, face set and eyes blazing?  “When I get my hand on Barrett I’ll”


“Nicholas, don’t worry about Barrett now, we’ll deal with him later.  Right now your brother is out there somewhere and he needs your help,” admonished Victoria, face paling at the thought of someone hunting one of her sons.  Thoughts of six years ago coming back to haunt her.


“I’m sorry Mother, I’ll go and find him.  Duke have someone”


“Coco’s already saddled and we’re hitching up a wagon now.”


Nick nodded to Duke and then gathered his Mother in his arms.  “Don’t worry I’ll find him.”  He kissed the top of her head and strode from the house.  He was mounted and tearing out of the yard headed towards Heath’s location before Duke had left the house.


This couldn’t be happening, not again.  The railroad had shot and killed his father six years ago and now they were after his brother.  HIS BROTHER, the words hit him like a thunderbolt.  Heath was his brother he knew that, it was just his stubborn pride that wouldn’t allow him to acknowledge it publicly.   To acknowledge that his father was just a man, a man prone to mistakes like any mortal person.  Spurring Coco faster he streaked across the range.  He had to make it; he had to get there in time.  He wanted another chance.


Blood loss and the heat was making Heath light headed and dizzy.  He had to draw this shooter out while he still had the strength to pull the trigger.  He looked down the slope to where his little Modoc Gal grazed.  He knew if he whistled she would come to him but her wasn’t going to risk her life, not yet anyway.  Gritting his teeth against the pain he tried to pull himself to his feet.  In reality all he succeeded in doing was crashing with a thud to the hard baked earth as the ground rushed up to meet him.


Nick slowed Coco’s pace as he spied Heath’s little Modoc grazing quietly about one hundred yards from the rocky out crop, but there was no sign of his brother.  Nick studied the rock outcrop and the woods beyond.  If Heath was anywhere, he had to be in those rocks.  Pulling his rifle from its scabbard he continued on towards the rocks keeping a close eye on the woods.


He missed the glint of the suns reflection of the rifle lying in wait in the woods, but he didn’t miss the unmistakable sound of its report.  Spurring Coco into a dead run he raced towards the rocks and relative safety.  Leaping from Coco’s back he ran the last few yards crouched down as low as possible, coming to rest behind the safety of a particularly large rock.  Breathing hard he looked around for any sign of his brother.  What he saw made his heart skip a beat.


Heath lay motionless about twenty feet behind him and to the right.  He could see the makeshift bandage wrapped around his brother’s leg.  “Please god, don’t let me be too late.” Keeping low he scrabbled over to his brother.


Heath felt a hand on his shoulder shaking him vigorously.  He could hear a voice calling him, but not any voice, his brother’s voice, Nick’s voice.  His lids felt so heavy he didn’t think he could open them.


“Come on Heath, open those baby blues for me boy.  I know ya can do it.”


Nick shook him again harder.  “Dammit Heath don’t you give up on me now, do ya hear me?”


“Not goin to give up on ya yet,” whispered Heath forcing his eyes to open and focus on his brother’s face.


Nick’s face broke into a smile, “glad to hear it little brother.”


Heath saw the smile and heard the words LITTLE BROTHER.  He fought to sit up but the movement caused him to gasp in pain.  Instantly Nick was behind him supporting his weight.  “Easy Heath, don’t try an move.  How bad is it?”


“Bullets still in there, hurts like hell.  Need a drink.”


Nick handed his brother the canteen still supporting his upper body.


“Any idea where the shooter is?”


Heath shook his head, “somewhere in the trees. I’m surprised he didn’t come down here ta finish me off.  Wouldn’t have had any opposition.  Nick ya know we’re not going to get outta here unless he’s dead.”


“Yeah I figured that much out Heath.”  Nicked eyed his brother “do you think ya can make the shot if I draw him out?”


“You draw him out and I’ll make the shot don’t worry about that.  I ain’t planning on dying to today if I can help it.”


“Glad to hear it little brother.  We’re goin to have to hurry though Duke should be here soon with a wagon.”


When Heath didn’t answer Nick looked down and saw that his eyes were closed again.


“Heath,” he asked gently shaking his shoulder.


“Still here, help me up and over to those rocks will ya.  You’ll have to draw him out so I can locate him first.  Just don’t get shot. I reckon one Barkley a days enough.”


Nick smiled, at least his little brother had some fight left him.  He just hoped he had enough.  Putting Heath’s right arm over his shoulder Nick lifted his brother to his feet.  His brothers cry of pain tearing at his heart.  If only he had taken the rumours more seriously he thought.  Now the railroad had two Barkley’s in their sights.  He wasn’t going to let them win.  Not today, not ever.


With Nick’s help Heath managed to stumble over to the rocks.  Wiping the sweat from his eyes with his shirtsleeve he sighted his rifle in the general direction he believed the shooter to be hiding.  Keeping his eyes focused ahead of him he whispered over his shoulder, “ready Nick.”






Nick darted into the open and then dived behind some rocks as a bullet plowed into the ground beside him.


“Got him.  Ok Nick once more.”




“Make it a good one little brother, here comes Duke.”






Nick heard nothing except the report of Heath’s rifle as he dived for cover once more.  Nick looked over at his brother who had slumped back to the ground.  Heath smiled and nodded before closing his eyes again.  Leaving Heath where he lay, Nick ventured out from behind the rocks and headed towards the body he could just see lying amongst the trees.  Keeping his gun trained on the man he walked up to him and whistled softly at what he saw.  “Damn that boy’s good.  One shot right between the eyes.”  Picking up the man’s rifle and gun he headed back to his brother.  They’d send the sheriff out to retrieve the body later.  First thing was to get Heath home and to the doctor.


Duke McCall pulled the wagon to a halt at the base of the rocks and looked around worriedly before he spied Nick coming from the direction of the woods.


“Nick where’s Heath?  I heard shooting.”


“He’s here Duke, we gotta get him home, he’s got a bullet in his leg.”


“What about the shooter?”


“Dead, Heath got him, right between the eyes.  Damnest thing I ever saw.”


Duke looked carefully at Nick, he had heard the pride in his voice as he spoke those last words.


Gently the two men lifted the blond into the back of the wagon. Duke went and retrieved the two horses as Nick settled into back of the wagon with Heath.


“Easy little brother,” he was saying as Duke tied the horses to the back of the wagon.  “We’re going home, you hang on ya hear.  We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”


Heath opened his eyes just long enough to get out, “anything you say big brother,” before he allowed his body to slip back into the peaceful blackness, safe in the knowledge that he was finally home with his family.