
by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Part 1


“I swear Nick, this is the last time I let you talk me into one of your fool hair brained ideas.”  As an afterthought Health mumbled, “you’ll be the death of me yet,” before he once again lapsed into a stony silence.


Nick said nothing.  He knew he’d made a mistake by suggesting they take a “shortcut” over the mountain instead of skirting its base as they usually did.  Still he had only wanted to show his little brother the view from the top of the mountain.  Father used to bring him up here when he was little and he thought Heath might like the chance to get a little closer to Father and his memories.  From the top, you could look out not only on the Barkley ranch but also several of the smaller ranches that bordered their holdings clear across the valley to the mountains that cradled the San Joaquin valley to the east and the town of Stockton nestled at the western end of the valley.


Of course right now Nick had no intentions of asking his brother if he was enjoying the “scenic view”.  He could feel those piercing blue eyes of Heath’s boring into his back as they trudged along the narrow track that wound around the mountain dragging two equally footsore and unhappy horses behind them.


“Tell me again why we’re up here Nick,” asked Heath. “I thought this was supposed to be a short cut home and not the long scenic route”.  It only takes two hours to go round and we been on this mountain at least three now and still ain’t at the top”.


Damn that boy, don’t tell me he can read minds as well, Nick thought to himself.  “Aw, come on Heath, its not that bad you know. We’re nearly at the top, and then it will be all down hill and as smooth as that fancy silk dress our little sister just bought”.  Still you gotta admit it sure is pretty up here”.


“Well now, I’d say that depends on what you class as pretty brother Nick”.  “I can tell you right now, my feet ain’t gonna be a pretty sight when I get these boots off.  Blisters on top of more blisters is what I got”.


Nick had to admit that Heath was right.  His own feet were feeling a little the worse for wear as well.


“And as for it been smooth as silk we’ll be lucky if we don’t slide all the way down on our butts” grumbled Heath.


Once again the two brothers lapsed into silence as they huffed and puffed over the rock-strewn path cajoling their horses to keep moving.


“Nick just when was the last time you were up here,” queried Heath between pants.


“Not since Father died” was the reply.


Heath rolled his eyes heaven ward.  “So ya didn’t know about the rock slide”.




“Hasn’t been one up here for nigh on ten years if I remember correctly”.


“Well that’s real comforting brother, lets hope its another ten years before the next one and we’re tucked up all safe and sound in our beds back at the ranch when it comes.”




Part 2


Even though the sun was still shining brightly over the valley below long shadows were starting to form on the backside of the mountain and the air was taking on a distinctly chilly feel.


Heath who was following behind Nick and Coco didn’t have a view of the summit nor could he see either the larger than usual rock that was lying on the path ahead nor the other one that lay off to the side.


“Boy howdy, will I be glad to get back in the sun.  It’s getting cold enough to freeze the sweat on a body up here now.  How much further do ya reckon we got to go?”


Nick, leading the way and intent on reaching the summit, declined to answer.  He stepped around the rock in his path but forgot that old Coco didn’t have the same amount of legroom.  He managed to get his front legs over but brushed it with a hind leg causing it and a small number of other loose rocks to cascade down the path towards Heath and Charger.


“Hey Nick, will you watch where that old bag of crow bait you call a horse puts his feet next time.  He dang near knocked us off this here mountain,” yelled Heath as he put a reassuring hand on the neck of his stallion to calm the quivering animal.  “When we get home boy, I suggest you have a few quiet words in old Coco’s ear about how to step around rocks”.


“Uh, oh sorry, but there’s no need for name calling, I’m sure Coco didn’t mean it, did ya boy?”


“Bag of crow bait in deed.”


“ Anyway, I reckon we’ve only got about a hundred yards to go,” Nick called back over his shoulder. “The top flattens out so we can sit and rest for a while AND take in the view before we head back down the other side.  We’ll be home before you know it”.


“If you say so, dear brother,” said Heath “ but I wouldn’t bet on it,” he mumbled under his breath.


Unbeknown to the brothers another mountain dweller had also been disturb by the shower of rocks that bounced off its resting place and was more than willing to vent its anger at been woken from its slumber.


Sensing danger, Charger snorted and began pulling back.


“Whoa boy, easy, what’s gotten into ya,” crooned Heath as he tried to calm the frightened animal.


As Nick turned to see what all the commotion behind him was about he caught a glimpse of movement coming from the rock lying about 6 feet to the side of his brother in the corner of his eye.  Even as he drew his gun and yelled a warning, “Heath, look out” he knew he was going to be too late.




Part 3


Time seemed to stand still for Heath.  He would later swear that he was watching the unfolding events as a series of pictures, one frame at a time.  Even Nick’s warning seemed to have come from some deep hole within the mountain and taken forever to reach his ears.  “Heeeaaath, looooook ooouutttt”.  While one part of his slow motion brain tried to register what Nick was yelling, another part distinctly heard the ominous rattles of one very agitated snake ready to strike.


It was all too much for Charger.  While Heath stood there still holding onto the stallion’s reins and seemingly mesmerized by the sight of two small black beady eyes, flickering tongue and white fangs being launched from the uncoiling body at his upper leg, Charger let his wild instincts take over.  Nick’s booming yell, coupled with the harsh sound of the rattles sent the stallion rearing skywards.  Heath became dimly aware of Charger scrabbling madly with his hind legs to stay upright on the rocky path as his right arm was savagely jerked backwards and his body became air born. He heard the report from Nick’s gun as his body came crashing back to earth with a bone-jarring thud that expelled all the air from his lungs.


Heath lay stunned on the rock-strewn path, dimly aware of what was going on around him.  He could still hear Nick yelling at him, but through the fog in his head he had no idea what was been said.  He also realized he was no longer holding onto Charger’s reins.  Somewhere between flying and landing he had released his grip on his beloved horse. Charger, where was Charger?


Nick dropped Coco’s reins, knowing full well that the horse would not move while ground tied.  Nick ran back down the path towards his supine brother barely noticing the body of the snake now lying on both sides of the track.  It did register in some part of his mind that at least the head wasn’t attached to his brother’s leg.


“Heath, you alright?  Heath, Heath, answer me boy.”


Nick slid the last few feet to his brother and was relieved to see his brother’s blue eyes open and looking at him.  Nick started feeling Heath’s legs searching for signs of a bite.


“Heath, did he get ya?”  “Dammit boy, answer me.  Did the snake get ya?”


“No”, came the groggy reply.


“Thank god for that.”


Nick started to gently run his hands over Heath’s body looking for other signs of injuries.  So far there didn’t seem to be anything more serious than a few bruises to worry about and he’d bet that his little brother’s body was going to be every colour of the rainbow in a few hours times.






“Where’s Charger?”


Nick stopped feeling Heath’s lower left leg and looked at his brother’s face.  He could see the anguish in his brother’s blue eyes.  Nick, being so intent on his brother’s well-being hadn’t given a thought to the stallion that had undoubtedly saved Heath’s life.  He lifted his head and looked back down the track to see the stallion struggling to his feet. He vaguely remembered seeing Charger’s hind legs slide out from under him when Heath dropped the reins and he no longer had his brother’s weight to anchor him to the ground. As the previous few minutes events were replayed in his mind he remembered seeing the horse sliding back down the path on his haunches and thinking it would be funny if it wasn’t so damn serious.


“Nick, what is it, what’s wrong with Charger?”


“Nothing, he looks OK, at least he’s on his feet.  I’ll check him after I’ve finished with you”.


Nick returned his gaze to his brother and started checking his right leg, then moved along his body back towards his head.  Apart from more bruises everything appeared to be ok until he reached Heath’s right arm.  Heath couldn’t help the groan that left his lips when Nick started probing his arm.


“Health does your arm hurt”.


“Some, but I think it’s my shoulder”.




Part 4


“Just lie still Heath and let me check it out”.


Moving slowly and gently up Heath’s arm Nick felt his way towards Heath’s shoulder.  The closer he got the more his brother tried to pull away from his probing fingers.  Nick didn’t need to be a doctor to know that the shoulder was badly dislocated.  He could almost see it through the blue chambray shirt.  The area was also starting to swell at an alarming rate, not to mention the heat that was radiating from it as well.


The shock of the past few minutes was starting to wear off, but now Heath could feel every bump, scrap and bruise that his battered body had been subjected to during his unscheduled flight and landing.  His shoulder was on fire, even breathing was sending


tendrils of agony up and down his arm.  It felt like somebody was cutting every nerve ending with a blunt knife.


“Nick, ya gotta do something, the pains killing me”.


“Hold on little brother, the shoulders badly dislocated”. “I’m gonna have to put it back and I’m gonna need your help to do it”.  “Ya think ya can stay with me?”


“Just do it,” Heath groaned through gritted teeth.


“Before I do, I wanna get the bandage from my saddle bags.  I’m also gonna need your belt so we can strap it once it’s in place.”


Heath reached over and grabbed Nick’s arm even though the movement caused him to gasp out in pain.


“Nick, do ya think Charger’s alright?”


Nick looked down at Heath’s pleading eyes and then back down the track to where Charger stood waiting.  The horse was shaking his head and lashing out with his hind legs as though he was trying to shake off some unseen foe.  Nick could guess that his legs were probably badly grazed and bruised and the cool air as well as sweat were making them sting.


“I don’t know Heath, but he is up on his feet and move around so he can’t be too bad.”


“He saved my life!”


“Yeah, I know.”


Not wanting Heath to panic if he should pass out and then wake to find him gone, Nick thought he had better tell him what he was planning. Nick secretly hoped he would pass out.  At least then he wouldn’t be in any pain for a while.


“Now listen, after I put your shoulder in, I’ll lead Coco to the top, then I’ll come back for you and then take Charger up. OK?”


Heath’s blue eyes flashed. “No, take Charger up after Coco, I don’t want to leave him on his own, he might panic,” Heath gasped out through gritted teeth.


“I can’t do that Heath, there isn’t enough room on the track to get him past you.  It has to be you then him.”


Nick could tell by the glare that his little brother wasn’t happy but there wasn’t anything he could do about it either.


“I’ll be back in a minute.”


“Don’t move.”


Heath tried to turn his head to look down the path towards Charger but the movement sent daggers flying up and down his arm and blackness threatened to engulf him.  He had to stay awake at least until Nick got back.  If only he hadn’t released his grip on the reins, Charger wouldna slipped down the track.  Damn Nick’s fool ideas.  Now they were both gonna be laid up for weeks.  Of course Heath figured Nick was already blaming himself so he wouldn’t let on his thoughts and add to his worry.  Not yet anyway.  There would be plenty of time later for that.  All he had to do was wait until Nick came up with another fool notion so he could remind him how the last one turned out.  No sir, Heath wasn’t about to let this rest for a long time to come.


The jangle of spurs broke into his thoughts and then Nick’s face came into view.  Nick could tell that Heath was close to passing out and wished it would happen sooner than later.  Even though he had put a shoulder or two back in for hands that had had the misfortune to suffer the same injury he didn’t relish the idea of doing it to his little brother. But if they wanted to get off this mountain do it he must.


“Ya ready?”


“Do have a choice?”




“Then just get it over with.”


Heath’s blue eyes followed Nick’s movement as he stood and positioned himself.  He bit back a scream as he felt Nick straighten his arm.  He didn’t feel Nick’s boot, or the sudden jerk that freed his shoulder, or Nick gently binding his upper arm tightly to his chest.  He was now floating peacefully in a black cocoon.


Nick laid his unconscious brother gently on the track and then headed back to ol Coco.




Part 5


Nick trudged back up the track towards Coco.  When he reached the spot where the mangled remains of the snake lay he stopped to take a closer look.  Thank god his shot had been true and Charger had pulled back when he did.  That, he thought ruefully was the only good that had come from this whole damn mess.  He let his gaze wander back down the path to his brother who was still lying as he had left him and then on to his brother’s horse.  Shaking his head, he bent down and picked up the body of the snake.  A diamond back rattler! Could things have gotten any worse?  He threw the body into the rocks on the far side of track.  Nick didn’t think his little brother would appreciate a reminder of what had nearly happened and he also had Charger to think of.  Coco was above the snake and so had no fear of the reptile, but Charger knew exactly where the snake had been and would be disinclined to walk past it.  That was the real reason for Nick’s thinking on leaving the horse till last.  If the stallion played up there was always the chance that Nick might lose control of him and then both of them could end up lying on top of Heath.  He figured fate was already holding a full house and there was no need for him to deal out any more cards.


Rousting out of his reverie Nick glanced down the track once again then moved up to Coco, talking softly to the horse as he gathered up the reins.


“Ok boy, it’s time we made it to the top of this mountain.  It’ll be dark soon and I need to set up camp before I bring Heath and ol Charger up.  This time though, be careful where you put your feet!”


The only response he got was a roll of the eyes and a snort.


The last 100 yards was easier going for which Nick was grateful.  The top of the mountain flattened out like a small mesa.  It had a small, grassed center surrounded by rocky outcrops and wind stunted trees.  At least there would be enough wood to make a fire and keep the chill off.  Leaving Coco with his reins trailing Nick walked around the little mesa searching for the best place to set up camp.  He also needed a safe and strong tree to tether the horses.  He chose a large rocky outcrop that appeared to be formed in the shape of a horseshoe. At least they would have some protection from the wind on 3 sides.  The trees nearby also were firmly rooted to the mountain.


Leading Coco over to the camp site, he unsaddle, then removing the bit from the horse’s mouth but leaving the bridle on he lead Coco over to the trees.


“Sorry boy, this is the best I can do for now”.  He gave the horse a pat on the neck as he left.


Returning to the campsite, he unrolled his bedroll and laid it on the ground then placed his saddle at one end.  Heath would have to lie on his roll while he went back to bring Charger up.  He also gathered enough wood to keep a fire burning all night.  This he quickly set but wouldn’t light until he had Heath settled.  Food and water were going to be another worry, but one that he could do without until he saw what was in his brother’s saddlebags.


Glancing quickly around their camp for the night, Nick hurried back down the path to his waiting brother. The sun was just starting to drop behind the furthest valley peaks.  He didn't have much daylight left and he badly needed to get his brother and the horse to the top.  He didn't relish the idea of trying to move the horse in the dark.


Nick could hear Heath moaning as he approached, indicating that his brother was slowly regaining consciousness.  Nick was glad of that.  It meant that Heath would be able to walk to the top with his help and he wouldn’t have to carry him.  Nick tapped Heath lightly on the cheek.


“Come on boy, wakey, wakey, times awasting and we gotta get to the top.  I’ve set up a camp for the night”.


Heath could hear Nick’s voice but his eyes just didn’t want to open.  That blackness that he had been floating in still looked mighty inviting.


Nick, seeing that Heath was starting to slip back into unconsciousness again, tapped him harder this time.


“Listen to me boy,” he growled, “it’s time to get up”.  “Now!”


Heath groaned and then two blue slits appeared under his half closed lids.


“Aw right, there ain’t no need for you to give me any more bruises, I’m awake”.


Nick smiled down at his little brother, then helped him ease into a sitting position.


“How does the shoulder feel now?”


“Better, but still hurts like hell.  At least it’s not on fire anymore”.


“Think you stand up if I help you?”


“Do I have a choice this time?”




“Then why in the hell did ya ask?”


Nick looked at his brother and saw just the hint of a lopsided grin appear. The sight brought a smile to his own face.  It was good to see his brother smiling again if only half-heartedly.




Part 6


Bending down Nick placed Heath’s left arm over his shoulder and then helped his brother to stand.  Heath stood there swaying dangerously as the darkness rushed up threatening to carry him back to oblivion.


“Easy Heath, take some deep breaths”.


Nick waited patiently for Heath to regain his composure.


“You ok now?”


Heath just nodded, he was too afraid to open his mouth incase the bile he could feel building in the pit of stomach was to spew forth. The walk up the track was painfully slow.  With each step Nick could feel Heath letting more of his weight sag against him.  He hoped the boy had enough left in him to make it to the top.  Heath suddenly stopped moving.


“What’s wrong?”




Heath dropped to his knees, clutched his stomach and then threw up.  Not that he had much in his stomach anyway.  It had been hours since they had eaten.  Nick waited until his brother had stopped retching then eased him back to his feet.


“Sure could use a drink. Don’t suppose ya brought the canteen with ya?”


“Ah, sorry, its back at the camp.  You ready to move again?  We’re nearly there.”


With that the brothers recommenced their slow motion trek up the track.  Both were relieved to see the small mesa and camp come into view.  It was all Heath could do to stay on his feet.  With Nick still supporting him, he staggered the last few feet to Nick’s bedroll.  Nick helped Heath to settle back against his saddle then covered him with the blanket.  He set about getting the fire started and when it was burning to his satisfaction he turned back to his brother.


“I’m going to get……….”.  His words trailed off as he realized that his brother was sleeping or maybe unconscious again.  Either way, he mused at least he was getting some rest.


If he wanted to get Charger to the top before dark he would have to hurry.  He let his gaze linger on his resting brother for a minute before turning away and heading back down the path.


Making his way back down the path he stopped only long enough to make sure that there was no signs of the snake left before continuing.  He could see the stallion eyeing him warily and could imagine the horse’s flight mechanism kicking in.  The horse’s need for self-preservation would be very much to the fore.  Still he knew better than to rush straight up to the stallion.  Using a voice that would have stunned any listener, Nick very quietly and gently began crooning to the terrified stallion.  With his ungloved hand outstretched before him he moved step by step towards the horse.  He stopped when he was within sniffing distance and waited for the stallion to pick up his familiar sent.


“That’s a boy Charger, ya remember Nick, don’t ya?  Easy now big boy, I just wanna check ya out and then we’ll head back to Heath.  Whatta say to that, hey?”


The stallion snorted and rolled his eyes but held his ground.  Nick never took his eyes off the horse as he reached out and gathered up the reins.   Both seemed to let out an audible sigh as Nick stepped forward and patted the stallion on the neck.   Keeping a firm hold of the reins with one hand, Nick ran his other hand down the horse’s front legs and let out a relieved sigh when he found no signs of damage.  Moving gently along Charger’s body he came to the horse’s hindquarters. While his haunches were missing lumps of skin, there didn’t seem to be too much damage.  His hocks were a different matter though.  They were both bloody and swollen and neither seemed to have any flesh left on them. The horse flinched and kicked out when Nick tried to touch them, which was a good sign.  How he hadn’t managed to break one or both was a miracle. Epona must have been smiling on him this day!


“You sure are gonna be a mass of scars when you heal up, boy.”


There was nothing that Nick could do for the horse in their present position so giving him another pat on the neck in passing they started the long slow climb to the top.


Charger was glad to finally have some company that he could trust and while it hurt to move his legs he was willing to follow Nick out of his present predicament.  Nick should have been more aware of his surroundings instead of silently congratulating himself on how smoothly things were going.


He realized too late that they had reached the snake’s lair.  Charger let forth with an explosive snort and started to pull backwards.  It was all Nick could do to hang on to the terrified horse.  Nick’s voice and his hand on the horse’s neck helped to calm the horse enough to bring him to a standstill, but Nick could feel the bunched muscles of the quivering horse.  One wrong move was likely to send both man and horse tumbling back down the path and into oblivion.




Part 7


Nick took a couple of deep breaths and contemplated what to do next. He didn’t have too much time left before darkness descended on the mountain.  He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but for his brother’s sake he had to get the bay stallion to the top.  He stood still and talked softly to the horse, never taking his hand or eyes off the frightened animal.  Nick felt the muscles in the horse’s neck start to relax and then the horse took in several deep breaths and snorted gently.   Maintaining his soft crooning Nick let the horse get accustomed to his surroundings.  He had thought of blindfolding Charger, but that really wasn’t an option on the path.  Besides the horse already knew where the snake should be and even if he couldn’t see it he could still smell it.  And he doubted that the horse had ever been blindfolded before.  Next Nick thought of using the reins to make a twitch around the horse’s muzzle, thus cutting off some of his air supply and forcefully making the horse follow him.  That, he thought would be his last ditch option.  No, for once Nick was going to do things Heath’s way.


Still crooning gently and keeping his hand on the horse’s neck Nick took a step forward and then waited for the stallion to make his move.  The stallion rolled his eyes, snorted and started to lean back against the pressure of the reins pulling him forward.  Suddenly his ears pricked forward as they picked up the welcoming and reassuring nicker of his pal waiting at the top of the mountain.  Exhaling deeply through his nostrils, Charger stepped forward though warily and tossed his head from side to side as he watched for any sign of the dreaded snake.  Even though progress was slow Nick was grateful that they were moving again and he would definitely have to give Coco an extra helping or two of feed in his bucket when they made it home.  Coming level with the rock that had hidden the snake, Nick realized almost too late what the stallion was going to do.  He felt the muscles bunch under his hand as the horse leapt forward to escape his imaginary foe.  Somehow Nick managed to keep pace with the horse during his mad scrabble up the path.  It was the pain in the horse’s back legs that brought him to a halt and both man and beast were able to take a well-earned breather.


Once past the rock the horse was more than willing to continue up the path, albeit slowly. Nick allowed an audible sigh to leave his lips as they reached the small mesa. He led the limping stallion over to Coco and watched as the two horses nickered greetings and rubbed heads.


Nick unsaddled the horse, removed the bit and then tethered him next to Coco.  He moved to Charger’s hindquarters and finally took a good look at the damage that had been done in the slide down the mountain.  His first diagnosis had been pretty much spot on.  A lot of missing flesh, bruises and swelling, but no broken bones.  Nick took off his bandana, picked up Heath’s water canteen, which was three quarters full, and then gently washed off as much of the dirt that he could in the fading light.


“That’s the best I can do for ya now, boy”.


Pouring some more of the water into his hat he gave each of the horses a drink and then patting the stallion on the neck returned to the camp to check on his sleeping brother.




Part 8


Dumping Heath’s saddle and bedroll by the fire Nick moved to his brother’s side and squatted down watching the steady rise and fall of his chest.  He decided to let his brother sleep while he busied himself with stoking up the fire, setting out the other bedroll and rummaging through Heath’s saddlebags for whatever food was left from the previous nights camping trip. The brother’s hadn’t planned on camping out for more than one night so neither of them had packed anything more than some hardtack and bread to keep away the hunger pains during their journey back to the ranch house the following day.  Heath didn’t even have a tin of his trusty beans with him this time.  Normally the lack of food wouldn’t have worried the brother’s.  They could always catch or shoot something along the way.  But up here the pickings were mighty slim.  At least they had their coffee pot and beans.


Nick sighed, what he wouldn’t do for a plate of Heath’s gawd awful beans right about now, he thought to himself.  Using the last of the water in Heath’s canteen he set about boiling it to make some coffee.  That was going to be another problem. Water.  Until they got off this damn mountain the only water they had was what was left in Nick’s canteen.


Hearing Heath moan, Nick hurried over to his side.  Heath was struggling to sit up when Nick gently pushed him back down.


“Easy Heath, try not to move to much, ok. How ya feeling?”


It took Heath a few moments before he could force his eyes to focus clearly on his brother.


“Thirsty,” was all he could croak.


Nick retrieved his canteen and supporting his brother’s head with one hand he tilted the canteen to Heath’s lips with the other.


“Slowly boy, I don’t want ya to choke.”


Heath nodded slightly and closed his eyes indicating that he had had enough.  Nick gently eased him back against the saddle then replaced the cap on the canteen.  Heath opened his eyes again and watched Nick stir the embers under the coffee pot.


“Nick! how’s Charger?”


Nick looked over the flickering flames of the fire into the pleading eyes of his brother.


“He’s fine Heath, battered and bruised but nothing that won’t mend with a few weeks rest.”


“Ya sure.”


“Aw com on now, little brother, would I lie to you about somethin like this.”


Heath studied Nick’s face for a few seconds then his own face broke into a lopsided grin.


“I guess not big brother.”


Nick grinned back, that was better, much better he thought.


“Ya hungry?”


“I’d say that depends on what you’re planning to serve for dinner.  Didn’t think we had much left in the way of food.  I didn’t even pack a tin o’ beans this trip.”


“Well thank the lawd for small mercies,” retorted Nick.


Nick poured two mugs of coffee, shared out half the bread and hardtack leaving enough for breakfast then carried it over to where his brother lay.  Heath was struggling to sit up again and this time let out a gasp as the movement sent a shaft of pain shooting through his shoulder and arm.


“Didn’t I tell ya to lay still,” growled Nick.


“You wanna put that shoulder out again?”


Heath laid back with his eyes closed until the pain and feeling of nausea subsided. Nick waited until Heath opened his eyes again and then handed him the mug of coffee. Heath took a sip, feeling the hot liquid warm his insides.  They ate in silence both brothers too tied and too caught up in their own thoughts to talk. With the meal finished Nick moved back to stoke the fire once more. Heath looked at his brother’s silhouette in the firelight.


“So tell me Nick, how do ya plan on getting us down of this here mountain? Or are we just going to sit here and wait until somebody comes looking for us?”




Part 9


“I dunno Heath, but I’ll think of somethin.”


When he didn’t get a reply he looked over at his brother only to find that he had fallen into a restless sleep. Getting up, Nick walked over to his little brother and pulled the blanket up to his chin.


“Don’t worry little brother, I’ll get us out of this,” he said patting Heath gently on the shoulder.


Nick walked over to check that the horses were securely tethered for the night then returned to the fire and sat down on the other bedroll.


Sitting on the bedroll and staring into the flames, he the great Nick Barkley had to admit that he was finally at a loss for words and smart ideas.  Just how was he going to get them off this mountain?  He shook his head at his own stupidity.  He should have known or at the very least guessed that the path up to the top might have been unsafe.  Hadn’t father always warned him that this mountain was unstable and not to be taken lightly.  Now Heath was paying the price for his foolishness.   Was a view really that important?  He had thought so at the time.  Father had given him the little brother that he had always wanted, someone to ride with and share the good and bad times.  Someone to be there when he need a shoulder to lean on or to cover his back in a fight.   All he was trying to do was give Heath a little piece of father in return. To drink in the essence of the man and all that he held dear.  Not only the material possessions but also the love that he had for his family.  Nick fondly recalled the many hours he and his father had spent up here during his childhood.  Hours spent where not one word would pass between them yet their understanding of one another was absolute.


The fire crackled and sparked bringing Nick solidly back into the present.  Well Nick, reminiscing isn’t gonna get us off this mountain, he thought ruefully.  Nick re-stoked the fire so that it flared up giving off a comforting light and with nothing better to do went and checked the horses again.  Coming back to the fire, he crouched beside Heath and gently felt his forehead for any sign of fever.  Finding none, he sighed with relief.  At least that was something they didn’t have to worry about.


Sitting down again, Nick turned his mind to the task ahead.  He knew the downward path followed a gentler slope and was wider than the one they had come up on.  There were also several spots on the way down that were wide enough for the horses to stop and rest for a while and also crop some grass.  First Nick considered the horses, Coco was foot sore but not lame.  Still Nick couldn’t expect him to carry both men back down the mountain.  Charger, in his present condition was useless.  By tomorrow he would be so stiff that he may not want to move at all, but they couldn’t leave him up here to rest either.  There was no way that his little brother would agree to that suggestion.  Nick figured though, that once the horse was faced with loosing his traveling companion again he would make the effort to follow.  He would have to follow on his own though.  Nick wasn’t going to take the risk of tying the horse to his saddle.  One wrong move by either horse would spell the end for all of them.


With the horses sorted that left the boys.  Obviously Heath couldn’t walk and Nick couldn’t carry him so the only option was Coco!   Nick wouldn’t entertain the idea of Coco pulling up lame.  That just wasn’t part of his plan.  He just hoped his brother was going to be strong enough in the morning to stay in the saddle. Nick was going to have to lead Coco down the path so he wouldn’t be able to walk beside his brother to lend a steadying hand. Tying Heath to the saddle would be stupid and dangerous.  If Coco were to fall, Heath wouldn’t be able to kick free to save himself.


On a good day it would only take an hour to reach the valley floor, but tomorrow wasn’t going to be a good day by any stretch of the imagination.  Nick estimated it would take at least three hours to get off the mountain if not longer.


Once they made it to the valley floor they could rest for a couple of hours by the little stream that meandered through the valley.  Coco should be rested enough by then to carry both riders to the house.  At least they would make better time that way. They could send one of the hands to collect Charger when they got back.


With his plans made Nick let his gaze rest on his sleeping brother for a few minutes before he turned in for some much needed rest.


“Don’t worry little brother, we’ll be home tomorrow,” he whispered.



Part 10


As the first rays of the new day peeped over the eastern hills, Nick was busy bringing the dying embers of the fire back to life.  He put the coffee pot on to boil and then shared out the last of the hardtack and bread.  Hardly enough for one man let alone two, but it would have to do.  He would catch some fish in stream when they reached the valley floor.  He stood up and moved over to his sleeping brother.  Deciding not to wake Heath until the coffee was ready he went and checked on the horses.  Coco seemed ok, with no sign of lameness but as he suspected last night, Charger was very stiff and feeling sorry for himself.  Standing in the night air had only worsened his condition.  Un-tethering the horse he coaxed him to walk around the tiny mesa a couple of times in an effort to loosen the muscles and joints in his stiff legs. Satisfied that at least the blood was circulating Nick re-tethered the horse and returned to the campfire.  Pouring the coffee into the mugs he went back and squatted next to his brother.


“Come on Heath, time to wake up little brother, the days awasting and we got some traveling to do,” he said while shaking him gently on the shoulder.


Getting no response he tried again a little louder.  “Heath, wake up, now!”


This time he was rewarded with a groan and then two sleepy blue eyes peered at him from under half closed lids.


“Good morning to ya to brother Nick, but did ya have to be so damn loud?”


Nick’s face split into a wide grin.


“Only when sleeping beauty won’t wake up.”


“Ya could have some respect for the injured ya no!”


Helping Heath into a sitting position, he handed him the hot mug of coffee and plate of food.


“Here, get this into ya, it’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.  How do ya feel anyway?”


“Like the whole damn mountain came down on top a me, but I’ve been worse.”


Nick looked at Heath and shook his head, “Ya just don’t know when to admit when ya down do ya?”


Heath chose to ignore that remark but looked across at Nick with a glint in his eye.


“Have ya worked out how we’re gettin out of here yet?”


“Yep, I’m walking, you’re riding Coco and Charger’s going ta follow along behind.  There are a couple a rest spots on the way down where we can take a breather.  If all goes well we should be picnicking beside the stream in a couple a hours.  Ya think ya can stay in the saddle until we get to the bottom?”


“If’n it’s a choice between staying here and sleeping in my own bed tonight, I reckon I can stay in the saddle all day.”


“Glad to hear it, little brother.”


With breakfast over, Nick put out the fire and tidied up the camp, then carried Heath’s saddle and bedroll over to Charger and quickly harnessed the horse.  Returning to Heath, he helped ease him to his feet and over to a rock where he left him sitting while he quickly gathered up his own gear and saddled Coco.


Heath sat on the rock with tears in his eyes as he watched his beloved stallion limping painfully behind Nick and Coco.  Nick saw the tears and guessing at their cause said, “Don’t worry Heath, he’ll be fine.”


Heath didn’t say anything just nodded then got unsteadily to his feet.  With Nick’s help he managed to get his left foot into the stirrup and swing up into the saddle.  Nick had to grab him quickly to stop him from toppling off the other side.  Heath sat there swaying for what seemed like hours but was in reality about a minute before his head cleared enough to allow cognizant thought.  Hunching over slightly to ease the pain in his shoulder and grabbing the saddle horn with his left hand Heath realized that staying in the saddle was going to be easier said than done.  Still he had to do it, if not for himself then for Charger as well as Nick and Coco.


Nick watched him worriedly.


“Heath, ya goin to be ok?  Ya goin to have ta lean back when we start down.  Ya won’t last five minutes leanin over Coco’s shoulder goin down hill.”


Heath straightened up, gritting his teeth against the pain and looked at Nick.


“Let’s get going.”




Part 11


Nick gathered up Coco’s reins and stepped forward.  Heath sucked in a breath as the sudden lurch of the horse into motion sent waves of pain shooting up and down his arm.  He gripped the saddle horn tighter and grinned at his brother when he turned around to check on him.  No point in letting Nick know just how much pain he was in.  Heath desperately wanted to turn around to see if Charger was following but he knew to do so would probably end up with him lying on ground and he doubted he would make it back into the saddle a second time if that happened.


“Nick, is Charger following?” he asked in a voice that he hoped sounded as normal as possible under the circumstances.


Without stopping Nick looked back over his shoulder.  The stallion was just standing there watching them walk away.


“Not yet Heath, why don’t ya try calling to him?”


Heath whistled softly and then called “Come on boy, it’s time to go home.”


As if understanding what was happening, Coco turned his head slightly and nickered softly to his stable mate.  Charger’s ears pricked up at the sounds, he stood still for another few moments as his companions continued walking then letting out a gentle snort he hobbled along behind.


Nick turned to Heath with a wide grin on his face.  “You and Coco did it boy, he’s following.”


Heath’s face broke into a lopsided grin at the news.  ‘We’re goin home, boy” he thought to himself.


Heath only just remembered in time, Nick’s earlier warning to lean back as Coco stepped down onto the trail that would lead them home.  Even so the sudden downward motion nearly caused him to tumble off the horses back.  Struggling to right himself, he gripped the saddle even tighter and then forced himself to lean slightly backwards.  He closed his eyes against the pain and willed his body to stay relaxed.  He realized the tenser he was the more pain he would be in and the easier it would be to fall off.  Even though they had only just begun he wished this nightmare ride would end soon.


Progress was slow and silent as they moved down the mountain.  Nick had to move slowly to avoid slipping.  High-heeled cowboy boots weren’t exactly the best foot ware he could have chosen to wear on a mountain trek.  Oh, how he wished for a nice soft pair of Indian moccasins!  Coco was also picking his way carefully, avoiding cracks in the path, old tree roots, loose stones or anything else that could cause him to stumble.  It was almost as if he was aware of how precious the cargo he carried was.  Heath’s left hand had a death grip on the saddle horn.  He figured it wouldn’t be long before his hand started to cramp up from the exertion, but he was too scared of falling if he loosened the grip even a little.


Nick kept turning around to see how his brother was doing but he could tell nothing from the blank expression and hooded eyes.  He had to admire Heath’s courage though, the boy hadn’t uttered so much as a whisper since they left the campsite.  It took almost an hour of slow arduous travel to reach the first resting place.  The track widened out enough for both horses to stand side by side.  It was no more than a depression in the rock face but it looked as though someone had scooped out a huge fist full of rocks from the mountainside leaving a shallow overhang under which they were able to shelter from the sun.  Nick was thankful that it was still early and the day hadn’t started to heat up.  He fervently hoped they would make the valley floor before the noonday heat set in.


Feeling Coco come to a stop, Heath opened his eyes a bit more.  Realizing they had reached the first resting stop, he allowed his body to slump forward over Coco’s shoulder and loosened the grip on the saddle horn.  He moaned softly as the tension in his muscles relaxed.  He worked the fingers of his left hand to get the blood circulating in them again.


Nick uncorked his canteen and held it up for Heath to take.  Taking a mouthful and then allowing the cool water to trickle down his parched throat he looked down at his brother and tried to smile. Nick didn’t miss the grimace or the pain in the blue eyes.


“Ya want to get down and rest for awhile,” he asked, even though he knew what the answer would be.


Heath just shook his head.


“I reckon if I get down now, I won’t get back up.  Safer to stay where I am.”


Nick nodded, that was exactly what he expected Heath to say.


Charger had finally managed to hobble up to the trio and rested his head on Heath’s thigh.  This time a fleeting smile did appear on Heath’s face as he gently patted his beloved horse.




Part 12


Nick took a swallow of water and then pouring some into his hat gave each of the horses a mouthful and a pat on the neck for good measure.


“You about ready to move on Heath?  We should try and get down before the sun gets to high in the sky.”


Heath, who had been leaning on the saddle horn with his eyes closed, straightened up and squinted at the rising sun.


“Reckon ya right.  Sooner we’re off this mountain the better.”


Heath took a good look around the mountain and the views it offered.  He figured as long as he was here he might as well see what all the fuss was about.  Laid out before them was some of the richest grazing country in the state.  It looked like an emerald green carpet stretching for miles in every direction.  The river and small streams that wound their way through the valley appeared as glistening silver threads in the sunlight.


“Ya know Nick, you were right, it sure is pretty up here. I never realized how big the valley was.”


Nick looked at Heath and smiled.


“It sure is boy, it sure is.”


Re-hanging the canteen off his saddle horn Nick gathered up Coco’s reins once more. Making sure that Heath was ready Nick stepped back onto the path.  Heath gritted his teeth and bit back a moan.  He concentrated on settling himself into the saddle and allowing his body to sway with the gentle rocking movement of Coco’s walk.  If he allowed his body to move in time to the horse’s pace he could allow the muscles in his back and shoulders to relax and ease the pain a little.  What he couldn’t relax however was the hand holding the saddle horn.  It seemed to have a will of its own and at the first sign of movement had tightened in a vise like grip on the horn.  Heath closed his eyes and allowed the gentle swaying of the horse to put him into a light doze.  He could still hear Charger moving along behind them and that brought a small smile to his face.


The going seemed to get easier the lower down the mountain they went.  The horses could sense the end of the journey approaching and both picked up the pace, eager to reach the bottom.  The quickening pace unsettled Heath’s precarious seat and several times Nick had to lay a steadying hand on Heath’s body to prevent him from slipping from the saddle.


Reaching the second rest stop without mishap, they halted only long enough to take in a few mouthfuls of water and give the horses a breather.  Nick was getting worried.  Heath was tiring quickly; his eyes were barely focused and even though he was still leaning back in the saddle his head lolled on his chest.  Nothing was said between the brothers, they didn’t need to say anything. They both knew they had to get off the mountain soon.


The horses were getting restless.  They could smell the water and fresh grass beckoning in the valley and needed no urging to move on.  Coco quickened his pace and Nick was hard pressed to keep up with him.  Several times he had to jab the horse in the mouth to make him slow down.  He wasn’t a cruel man and didn’t like doing it but for safety sake he had to slow the horse down.


The valley floor was insight, when for no apparent reason Coco stumbled to his knees.  The sudden downward lurch of the horse was all that was needed to topple Heath from the saddle.  Nick made a valiant leap backwards and just managed to catch his brother before he hit the dusty track.


As Nick laid his semi conscious brother on the ground Coco lumbered to his feet, holding one leg gingerly off the ground.



Part 13


Nick sat back on his heels for a moment and looked between his brother and the two injured horses and shook his head in disbelief.   How could things have gone so badly wrong, he thought not for the first time since this adventure had begun.


Making sure that his brother was comfortable Nick climbed to his feet and walked over to his horse.  Coco made no attempt to move, he stood with his head drooping and his left front toe resting lightly on the ground.    Nick walked up to the horse talking quietly.  Running his hand gently down the horse’s leg he was relieved to find no broken bones, only some heat and swelling in the fetlock area.  Probably a strain he mused to himself.   At least it wasn’t overly serious and would heal in a couple of weeks with rest.


“Wish I could wrap this for ya boy, but I’m all out of bandages at the moment,” he said as he patted Coco on the neck.


Really what he needed to do was stand the leg in cold water to get the swelling down but that wasn’t going to happen either.  Taking his canteen from the saddle he again watered both horses and then returned to his brother.


“Come on Heath, wake up little brother, I need to talk to ya and get this water into ya too.”


Heath’s only response was a moan.  Nick tapped his brother lightly on the cheek and then shook his good shoulder harder.  Heath moaned again but this time Nick was rewarded with two bleary eyes looking up at him.  Nick smiled a greeting then raised his brother’s head and held the canteen to his lips while his brother took a drink.  Lowering Heath’s head back to the ground Nick also took a long pull.  Shaking the canteen when he was finished, he realized that they were just about out of water.  There was probably only enough left for one more drink.  Nick made his decision.  None of them could go on without water.


“Heath, ya listening to me?”


Heath nodded and squinted up at his brother.


“I’m gonna head on down to the valley floor and refill the canteens.  Yours is empty and mines just about dry too.  Should only take me an hour round trip.  You gonna be alright here while I’m away?”


Heath thought on Nick’s words for a minute and then nodded.  He realized as well as Nick did that they weren’t going anywhere without water.  What he couldn’t work out was why he was lying on the ground again.  He thought he remembered Coco’s head dipping but that couldn’t be right, could it?


“Nick, what happened to Coco?  Is he alright?”


Nick looked at his baby brother and allowed a small smile to play across his face.  How typical of Heath to worry about the horses when he was the one lying in the dust battered and bruised.


“Coco’s fine Heath, he stumbled and pulled a fetlock joint is all.  He’ll be up and running in a couple of weeks, don’t you worry about that.”


Heath looked hard at his brother. He had detected a slight quiver in the voice.  Nick gave him a big smile in return and squeezed him gently on the shoulder.  Getting up and returning to the horses, Nick quickly unsaddled them.  There was no point in leaving them harnessed now and they might as well be as comfortable as possibly.  Returning to Heath’s side he laid out one of the bedrolls and saddles and then helped ease his brother onto it.  Giving Heath the canteen he made sure that his brother drank the remaining water all the time talking over his brother’s protests.


“Don’t worry about me, I’m gonna have all the water I want soon enough.”


Nick waited until Heath had settled back into the saddle and pulled his hat over his eyes.  Giving his brother another gently squeeze, Nick started to rise to his feet.  Heath’s hand grabbed his brother’s arm.


“Be careful big brother, I ain’t in any shape to come and rescue ya.”


“Don’t worry little brother, I’ll be back before ya know it.”




Part 14


Nick started down the path, but stopped at the bend to look back one last time before his brother and their two horses were lost to his sight.  He sighed heavily and hoped he was doing the right thing by leaving them there.


“Of course you are Nick Barkley,” he admonished himself.


“We won’t get anywhere without water and you know it.”


Still he didn’t like the idea of leaving his little brother lying on a dusty mountain track for any length of time.  There was no knowing what might happen.  What might happen? Look at what had already happened.  There surely wasn’t anything left that could happen!


“Come on Nick, snap out of it and watch where ya going or you’ll end up sliding down the rest of this mountain on ya behind like Charger did.”


Nick stopped walking and took in a few deep breaths of the crisp mountain air to clear his head then he once again set out for the valley floor and the all important water.  That was the most important thing to think about now, getting water for his brother and the horses.  Once he was back at Heath’s side he would contemplate how to get them all down off the mountain.   Hell, why wait until he was back up the mountain to decide what to do he thought.  Better to have a plan all laid out before I get back. That way Heath won’t try and make fool suggestions, like leaving him there and walking back to the ranch. I can just see him lying there in pain telling me he’s fine and that he’s been worse and lived to tell the tale, he mused to himself.  He shook his head and allowed a smile to appear on his haggard face for a minute.  Yep, that would be what Heath would say.  Hadn’t he heard it often enough in the past?  No! He definitely wasn’t going to do that.


Thinking on the current situation the only feasible plan that he could see was to help Heath walk down the last stage.  Maybe with a couple of hours’ sleep and water he would be up to it.  Neither horse was in any shape to carry a rider.  He felt sure that the two horses would follow behind.  The lure of the fresh valley grass and water would be too much for them to ignore.  He also doubted that he would have to worry about them trampling them in their haste to reach the bottom in their present conditions.  Even if they had to camp out again tonight there would be fresh fish and berries for dinner, plenty of hot coffee and a big roaring fire.


He also knew that if they didn’t arrive home tomorrow Mother and Jarrod would send out a search party to look for them. That thought gave Nick some comfort and hope that soon their ordeal would be over.


Nick was so engrossed in his thoughts that he took little notice of where his feet were taking him and was surprised to find himself standing on the valley floor.  Mustn’t have been as far as I thought, he mused then chided himself for being so careless as to not have taken more notice of his surroundings.   He let out a loud sigh, sat down in the swaying grass and let his body relax.  He was surprised at how tense his muscles had been


Regaining his feet, Nick set off for the stream, which at its closest point to the mountain was no more than about 300 yards away.  Sinking to his knees in the soft sand at the waters edge Nick dropped the canteens, threw off his hat and then dunked his head in the cool crystal clear water.  Raising his head he shook off the water and then brushed his hand through his wet hair.  Next cupping his hands he filled them with water and drank in the cool beverage in great gulps.  With his thirst sated he picked up the two canteens and plunged the necks under the water allowing them to fill.  One for the horses and one for us, he thought.  Nick next contemplated removing his boots and soaking his aching feet in the cool water but then thought better of it.  If he took his boots off now he might not get them back on and he had no intentions of walking back up the mountain in his bare feet.


Nick bent over picked up the two canteens, straightened up and then stood in stunned silence as he watched the man racing towards him waving his arms wildly and yelling.


“Nick, hey Nick.”


He let out a sigh of relief and allowed a huge grin to spread across his face as he watched Duke McCall and several of the ranch hands plus a wagon roll up.




Part 15


Nick continued to grin widely as he limped towards their rescue party.  Damn blisters he thought.


“Duke what are ya doin out here? Thought I told ya to work the south paddock for the next week.”


Duke pulled up his horse alongside Nick and watched his boss intently.  He hadn’t missed the limp or the haggard features nor the fact that there was no sign of Heath or the horses.


“Your mother and Jarrod got worried when you didn’t show up this morning and they asked us to come looking for you. They said the two of you came out this way to check fences so we figured we’d start looking here first.”


Duke continued to scan the area around them but couldn’t see what he was looking for.


“Nick where’s Heath and the horses?” he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.


“Ah! They’re back up there, waiting for me,” Nick said with a wave of his hand.


By now the rest of the men had ridden up and were listening to the conversation between their boss and foreman with interest.


“Nick, you’re not makin any sense, up where exactly do you mean?”  Duke thought he knew what Nick meant but he hoped he was wrong.  Nick sighed heavily.


“Back up the mountain Duke.  Both horses are lame and Heath, ah Heath’s hurt too.  Got a real bad shoulder.”


Nick looked up at Duke who was staring opened mouth at his boss.  Nick waited for the explosion that he knew was about to come and he wasn’t disappointed.


“What in blue blazes were you doin on the mountain in the first place?” he yelled. “You know as well as I do that mountain crumbles easier than apiece of stale bread!  Weren’t you the one who said it was off limits?  Of all the fool headed things to do Nick, I just don’t get it.”


Duke stopped his tirade to take in air and then just sat there shaking his head and looking at Nick in disbelief.  He was sure somewhere over the last two days Nick had lost his marbles.


Don’t ya think I know that Duke.  Dammit, I’ve been cursing myself for a fool since yesterday morning and I don’t need ya to remind me,” Nick threw back.


Nick knew he was going to have a lot of explaining to do when they got home, if Duke’s response was anything to go by.  His mother and older brother weren’t going to be any happier than Duke was with his recent antics.


The hands were looking between the two men not really understanding all that was going on.  All they were sure of was that one of their bosses was here and the other one plus two horses were somewhere on the mountain injured.


“How far up are they Nick?  Can we get to them on foot?” Duke growled as he started to make his own plans on how to bring them all down safely.


“Yeah, we can get to them on foot.  They’re this side of the first rest spot.  Heath’s lying on his bedroll so if we’re careful we should be able to carry him down on that.  We’ll just have to make sure we don’t jostle his shoulder is all.  There are six of us, so if two lead the horses down the rest of us can carry Heath.  Reckon we can be up and back in just over an hour.”


Duke having calmed down recognized the validity of Nick’s statement and nodded in agreement.


“Ok, then lets get movin.  You ridin or walkin?” he asked Nick with a grin on his face.




Part 16


Nick looked up at the older man.


“Well if it’s all the same to you the wagon will do fine.  By the way who’s idea was it to bring the wagon?”


Duke looked at Nick and grinned again.


“Well, seein as it was you two we were looking for we figured a wagon might come in handy.  You’re mother also packed some bandages and a bottle of liniment.”


Nick rolled his eyes at that.  Bandages he could use on Coco, but he didn’t think Charger would take kindly to having liniment rubbed over his hocks.


“Speaking of Mother and Jarrod, just where is Jarrod.  I woulda thought he would have come with you.”


“Jarrod said he had an important meeting in Stockton that he couldn’t cancel, but as soon as it was finished he would be heading back to the ranch.”


Nick nodded his head.  He knew how important family was to his older brother and he normally wouldn’t allow anything to stand in the way if he could possibly avoid it. Obviously this meeting was very important to keep Jarrod from looking for his missing brothers. No doubt he would hear about it when the good lawyer was ready to tell.




The rescue party pulled up at the foot of the mountain.  They unloaded the pack containing the medical supplies and several extra blankets, then, armed with a canteen each they started up the track.  The climb up while not arduous, was still testing and they were all panting heavily by the time they reached Heath and the horses.  While Nick hurried to his brother’s side, Duke and the hands could only stare at the scene in front of them.  Their boss was lying on a bedroll between the two horses.  Coco’s head was still hanging and he was resting his injured leg.  Charger was trying to find a comfortable position, moving from one back leg to other while keeping as much weight as possible on his front legs. Both horses looked exhausted.  How were they ever going to get them home they wondered?


Duke was the first to find his voice again and began barking orders as he moved to Nick’s side.


“Tom, Jim, see to the horses.  Make sure they get plenty of water.  The rest of you boys wait until I call you. How is he Nick?”


Duke looked down at Heath’s still form, taking in the heavily strapped shoulder and shallow breathing.


“I don’t know.  Come on Heath, wake up for me.  I’ve got water for ya boy and Duke and some of the hands are here as well.  Won’t be long before you’re off this mountain.”


Nick was desperate for Heath to wake up.  He tried tapping his face, shaking his good shoulder and then slapping him across the face.  When nothing worked, he grabbed his canteen, uncorked it and then splashed some of the water onto his brother’s face. That finally had the desired effect and Heath groaned his way back to consciousness.


Heath squinted in the glare of the sun and forced his bleary eyes to focus on Nick’s grinning face.


“Hey Nick watch it woulda.  What you tryin to do. Drown me?” he asked groggily.


It was then that Heath realized that there was a second person leaning over him. He turned his head slowly mindful of the pain in his shoulder and looked into Duke’s smiling face.


“Duke, what are ya doing here?”


“Jarrod sent us to look for the two of you and I guess we found ya.”


Nick lifted Heath’s head and brought the canteen to his parched lips.


“Here, get some of this into ya.  Slowly dammit!  Soon as ya ready we’ll carry you down the mountain to the wagon. You’ll be home before ya know it.”


Heath drank deeply then nodded. Nick removed the canteen and then laid him back against the saddle. He allowed his eyes to close against the sun’s glare and sighed heavily.   Home, the word sure sounded inviting.


“Guess now is as good a time as any.”


Nick remembered the medical pack and rummaging through it found a couple of bandages.


“I want to wrap Coco’s leg before we go,” he said while looking at Heath.


“Ya might want to wrap both legs,” said Heath. “It’ll give the good leg some extra support on the way down.”


Nick decided Heath’s suggestion was a wise one.  He stood up and went over to his horse. Kneeling down he wrapped the uninjured leg first as that leg was bearing most of the horse’s weight and then moved to Coco’s injured leg.  The horse didn’t like the leg being touched and he tried to pull away.


“Hold him steady will ya Jim,” Nick ordered.


When the horse quieted Nick quickly bandaged the leg making sure that it was firm but didn’t restrict the circulation to the horse’s hoof.  Satisfied with his handy work he stood up patted Coco’s neck and returned to Heath’s side. He turned to the two men holding the horses.


“When we leave, saddle up the horses and lead them down.  No point in leaving the saddles up here. We’ll wait for ya and put the saddles in the wagon then you can lead them back to the ranch at their pace. Ya can help Ciego tend to them when ya get back.”


The two men in question nodded their understanding.


Turning back to his brother, Nick beckoned the waiting hands over.


“I’ll need you two to take a corner each when we start down.  You’ll be in the lead.  Duke and I’ll be at Heath’s head.  Remember to walk slowly; we don’t want to jostle that shoulder any more than necessary.”


“Sure thing Nick” they both replied.  “What do you want us to do with the extra blankets?”


“Leave them on his feet, we’ll need them for the wagon.”


Nick knelt down beside his brother and eased the saddle out from under his shoulders laying him gently on the ground.  Heath groaned at the sudden pain the movement caused.


“Heath, you ok?” Nick asked worriedly.


Heath just nodded.


Duke moved to Heath’s left shoulder and Nick took up the position by his brother’s injured right shoulder.


‘Ok boys, on the count of three, nice and easy.  One; Two; Three.  Lift.”


This time Heath let out a gasp as a wave of pain coursed through him.  Nick looked down at his brother.  Heath’s eyes were shut tightly and his breathing was laboured as he fought the waves of pain and nausea that assailed him.




‘Ok,” came the reply through gritted teeth.




Part 17


Like the trek up the mountain, the descent was also made in silence.  The two leading hands, Mike and Charlie maintained a slow steady pace, careful to watch for and kick out of the way any thing that their bosses might possibly trip over.  Duke and Nick were struggling with the extra burden of carrying Heath’s torso.  Heath might be slightly shorter than Nick but he was just as well built and just as heavy.  Nick kept a close eye on his brother.  Heath kept his eyes closed and except for the initial gasps hadn’t utter another sound.  The slow pace meant that they took longer than Nick would have liked to get off the mountain but when they reached the valley floor everybody let out a collective sigh of relief.  They made their way over to the waiting wagon.  The next step was to get Heath into the wagon and Nick knew just how to do it.


“Mike give Charlie your corner of the bedroll then come up here and take Duke’s corner. Duke you take my corner while I climb in the wagon.  You lift him up and I’ll support him while the two of you climb in.  Then we’ll move all the way in and settle him against me.”


No words were said and Nick didn’t expect any.  He knew his orders would be followed without question.  He wanted Duke at Heath’s bad shoulder because he knew the man would take every possible precaution to keep the shoulder as still as possible.  When the men were in position, Nick climbed into the wagon and readied the bed.  Moving back to the edge he prepared himself to take his brothers weight.


“Ok men lets do it.”


Carrying out Nick’s previous instructions, they soon had Heath settled against Nick’s chest in the back of the wagon.  Nick hoped by holding his brother’s upper body he would be able to control the amount of movement in the shoulder.  By the time Heath and Nick were settled as comfortably as possible, Tom and Jim had led the two horses to the valley floor.  The animals were quickly unsaddled and the saddles were placed in the back of the wagon.


“Duke, you drive the wagon, Mike ride into Stockton and have Dr Merar meet us at the ranch.  If you can find my brother let him know what’s’ happened. Charlie take Duke’s horse and head back to the house.  Let mother know that we’ll be there within the next two hours.  Tom, Jim you follow with the horses but let them drink their fill first.”  A chorus of “Ok Nick,” greeted his orders.


“Well what’s everybody waiting for?  Lets get moving!”  he growled good-naturedly.


“Oh and thanks for the help boys.  We couldna done it without ya.”


The hands nodded their heads in thanks and then set off on their various instructions.


“Ready Heath?”


His only reply was a sigh and a squeeze of his hand.  When he looked down Heath was already asleep against his chest.


As the wagon lurched forward Nick cursed himself for not thinking to put one of the saddles behind his back.  Too late now he thought, he wasn’t going to try and move his brother so he could get comfortable.  He held Heath tight against his chest and closed his eyes.  The movement of the wagon was making him drowsy.  He woke with a start when he heard Duke calling to him.  Strange he didn’t remember drifting off.


“So Nick, are you goin to tell me just what you were doing up the mountain, or do I have to guess?”


Nick gathered his thoughts and then filled Duke in on everything that had happened since the previous mornings disastrous decision to trek up the mountain.  Duke listened intently, saying nothing, only shaking his head in disbelief.  He fully understood Nick’s need to share his experiences with Heath but he hoped that next time Nick would find a less adventurous way of doing it.


“All I can say Nick, is that you two were damn lucky it didn’t turn out any worse than it already is.”


Nick looked down at his little brother, giving him a loving squeeze on the arm.


“Don’t I know it, Duke,” he sighed before leaning back against the wagon and closing his eyes again.


“How are you going to explain this to your Mother, Nick?”


“Tell her the truth. This is Mother we’re talking about.  She won’t accept anything less,” came the quiet reply.


Both men lapsed into silence.  It wasn’t long before Duke could hear snores coming from the back of the wagon.  He turned around to make sure Nick was still holding onto Heath and let a smile flit across his face. He reckoned his boss and friend deserved at least an hours’ shuteye.  Duke thought back over all that had happened in the last 24 hours and not for the first time in as many hours he too thanked the Almighty for keeping the brothers alive.


Before turning the last bend to the house, Duke pulled the team to a halt and then reached over and gently shook Nick ‘s shoulder.


“Wake up Nick, we’re almost home.”


Nick stretched as best he could without disturbing his sleeping brother and watched as the white mansion they called home came into view.


He bent over Heath and whispered, “”We’re home little brother, we’re home.”




Part 18


Nick craned his neck over the back of the wagon seat and watched, as the house seemed to rise out of the ground as they approached.  He couldn’t remember ever been so happy to see its white stone façade and ivy-covered walls before.  He could just make out the people standing on the porch waiting for the wagon and its occupants to pull up.  There was his Mother and Jarrod and Silas all watching the approaching wagon. He spied Dr Merar’s buggy hitched out front and sighed in relief.  At last his brother would get the attention he so badly needed.


Victoria Barkley was the first to descend the steps as the wagon came to a halt.  She was closely followed by Jarrod, Silas and the Doctor.  He hadn’t expected to see Audra as she was staying with friends in San Francisco and wasn’t expected back until the end of the week.


“Nicholas, are you alright?” she asked as she came around the side of the wagon and then stopped at the sight of her youngest son cradled in his brother’s arms.


“Oh Heath,” was all she could manage as tears welled in her eyes.


“I’m fine Mother, but we need to get Heath inside,” came Nick’s reply as he watched his Mother’s face not missing the look of anguish that passed across it or the tears in her eyes.


Duke jumped down from the wagon and with the help of Charlie who had come across from the barn, the brothers were able to lift the sleeping blond from the wagon and carry him up to his room.


“Careful boys, no sudden movements, watch his shoulder, his bed’s prepared, prop him up against the pillows.  Leave the bedroll under him for the time being,” came the monologue from Dr Merar as he followed the men and their burden up the stairs.


Victoria ascended the stairs behind the men never taking her eyes off her sons. She noted that Nick had quite a pronounced limp and wondered what was wrong with him.


The men stepped back to allow the Doctor and Victoria access to the bed.  Nick turned to Duke and Charlie.


“Thanks for the help.  Go and unhitch the wagon and wait for Tom and Jim to get back with the horses.  We’ll let you know how Heath is.”


Charlie nodded and Duke put his hand on Nick’s arm in passing.


“He’ll be fine Nick, you’ll see.”


Dr Merar was studying his patient and Nick’s handy work.


“Nick, tell me exactly how Heath hurt his shoulder please.”


Nick looked sheepishly at his Mother, wondering just how much Charlie had already told them and then started to explain the accident to the trio standing around his brother’s bed.


“We were up on the mountain,”


“Which mountain Nicholas?”


“Victoria, please.” Admonished Howard Merar, “this is important.  Go on Nick”.


Nick started again but kept his eyes focused on his little brother. He couldn’t bare to look at his Mother’s face just yet.


“We were up on Tumble Down Mountain” he mumbled and then in a louder voice continued “leading the horses when a rattle snake spooked Charger.  Ol Charger reared up and pulled back jerking Heath’s arm behind him. He pulled Heath off his feet and when he landed he landed shoulder first on the trail.  Doc his shoulder was badly dislocated but I managed to get it back in.  Shouldn’t the pain have eased some by now?”  Nick asked as he finished his brief account.


Dr Merar had been listening intently and nodded his head as Nick stopped speaking.


Nick stole a look at his Mother who was just standing there with her jaw firmly set staring at her middle son.  He knew he was going to hear all about it once they knew Heath was alright.  He glanced at Jarrod and saw the same look on his face.  Yep he was in for an ear full later.


“Well Nick,” Howard Merar continued. “Shoulder and arm injuries are a funny thing. Nobody knows why but for some reason they are always far more painful than any other type of injury, even say a broken leg.  But in Heath’s case I think he has done a bit more damage than just dislocate it.  I’m going to need your help to sit him up while I take off the bandage. I guess there is no need to tell you to be careful is there.”


With Jarrod’s help Nick was able to ease in behind Heath and support him against his chest.  Heath was just starting to wake up and the movement to his shoulder as the Doctor unwrapped it and removed his shirt caused him to groan out loud.  He blinked his eyes several times trying to figure out where he was and then his Mother’s smiling face floated across his blurry vision.




“Yes sweet heart, your safe now.  The doctors here and you’re going to be fine.”


Heath nodded, and then closed his eyes again.  The pain didn’t seem quite so bad with his eyes closed.  Heath didn’t see the look of shock on the faces around him at the sight of his bruised and swollen shoulder.  It was almost black in some places.  He could feel Nick’s body behind him and he tried to relax into it until Doctor Merar’s probing fingers found a tender spot.  Heath yelped and arched his back trying to pull away from the probing fingers but Nick held him tightly to his chest.


“Easy Heath, almost done little brother,” Nick whispered quietly in his brother’s ear.


“Doc how is he,” asked Nick.


“Humph’ was the only reply.  Merar re-bandaged the shoulder and then strapped it tightly to Heath’s chest.


“Alright, you can lay him back against the pillows now.”


Jarrod held onto Heath while Nick slid out from behind him and then they gently laid him back against the pillows.  Heath didn’t offer any protest.


“Alright, let me finish checking him over and then I’ll come down and speak to you all.  Go on now, out.”


Nick followed his Mother and Jarrod to the door then turned around to look back at his brother.


“I’m sorry Heath, so sorry,” he whispered as he shut the door behind him.




Part 19


Nick limped down the stairs behind his Mother and brother and followed them into the study.  He walked over to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a drink, which he downed in one gulp.  He poured another drink and then turned to his Mother and Jarrod and asked if they wanted to join him.


“I believe I will, brother Nick, what about you Mother? A sherry perhaps?”


“No thank you Jarrod, I’m more interested in hearing what Nicholas has to say,” she replied as she sat down on one of the two sofas and looked sternly at her middle son.  Jarrod went and sat down beside her.  Both faces were turned expectantly towards Nick.


Nick took another swallow from the glass he held in his trembling hand and began pacing in front of the fireplace.  He turned to face his Mother and older brother.


“I’m sorry Mother, I never intended for any of this to happen.  I just thought Heath might like to share a part of Father that I shared with him.  I wanted Heath to feel something of father.  Aw, hell, sorry Mother, it’s just that I don’t know what I wanted anymore, I…………” Nick trailed off.  “I’ve being cursing myself for a fool ever since Heath was hurt if not from the moment we stepped foot on that mountain”.


Nick stopped speaking and looked down at his Mother and brother through pain filled eyes.  The torment he was feeling plainly evident on his face.  Victoria’s features softened when she saw the distress in her son’s eyes. Nick sighed heavily and sat down in one of the chairs holding his head in his hands.


“Nicholas I can’t pretend to condone what you did, but I can understand your wanting to share some part of your father with Heath.  But you should have known better than to climb that mountain.  You know how I always worried when you and your father would go up there.  Never knowing what was happening, if the two of you were alright.  I cant’ remember the number of times I begged your father not to take you with him.  Even in the early days the mountain was prone to rockslides without warning.   You both could have been swept to your deaths, not to mention what would have happened had that snake bitten your brother.  I thought you had got that mountain out of your system after your father died and you declared it off limits but it seems I was wrong.”


Victoria stood up and moved over to her distraught son, taking his head in her hands and looking into the hazel eyes.


“Nicholas I love you and I feel you are punishing yourself far better than I ever could.  Heath will be alright.  Just promise me that in future you will find a less exacting means to share your father with Heath.”  With that said, she kissed him gently on the cheek and held him close until his shaking body had calmed. Victoria moved away and Nick watched as she returned to her seat beside Jarrod to await the doctor’s prognosis.


Nick looked across at his brother who was uncharacteristically quiet.


“Aren’t you going to tell what a fool I’ve been as well Jarrod?  Duke’s already told me what he thought of my detour.”


“I think not brother Nick.  You know you made a mistake by going up the mountain and as you have already stated you have been cursing yourself for a fool ever since.  You and Heath will each have to deal with your decision in the weeks to come.  I also think that you and Mother have said all that needs to be said and I rest my case.  If I may make one suggestion though, next time you decide to share your memories try doing it here in the study over a bottle or two of whiskey instead.  Who knows I might even decide to join you.”


“Jarrod Barkley, there will be no drunken get togethers in this house thank you very much,” admonished Victoria with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.


Further conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Doctor Merar at the study door.  Nick was the first to jump to his feet and he charged over to the doctor.


“How is he? Is he going to be alright? Can I go and see him?”


“Nicholas please!  Howard please won’t you sit down.  Can I offer you a drink?”


“No thank you Victoria, and to answer your questions Nick, yes he will be alright although it will take several months for his shoulder to heal completely.  As I thought there was more damage than the dislocation.  The sudden jerk that you described Nick, also tore the muscles and ligaments.  He also sustained a hair line fracture of the collarbone when he landed on the shoulder.”


“Damn fool boy, why didn’t he say something,” growled Nick


“I doubt he even realized it Nick, the pain would have been the same.  The rest of the damage is only minor cuts and a lot of bruises, which will heal in a week or so.   Victoria I will need someone to stay with him constantly for the next couple of days.  We have to make sure he doesn’t move that shoulder. It needs time to start healing.  I left some pain medicine for him. Give it to him whenever he needs it for the next couple of days. I’ll be back to check on him tomorrow afternoon.  Silas is up there with him at the moment”


“Don’t worry Howard we’ll make sure that somebody is with him at all times until you say otherwise.”


Howard Merar nodded his head knowing that his instructions would be carried out to the letter.  Eyeing Nick he remember his last question.


“And yes Nick you can see him, after I give you the once over.”


“Me. I’m fine Doc, you don’t have to check me out,” spluttered and indignant Nick Barkley.


“Nicholas, please don’t argue with Howard. You are going to let him examine you and then you are going to have a bath and get cleaned up before you enter your brother’s room.”


Nick looked at his Mother’s steely grey eyes and the firm set of her jaw.  He sighed in defeat, as he knew better than to argue with his Mother when she took on that tone of voice.


“Yes Mother,” he said sheepishly and then followed the doctor up the stairs to his room.


Jarrod and Victoria returned to the study.  Jarrod walked over to the sherry decanter and poured a glass for his mother.  This time she accepted it and then returned to her seat on the sofa where she sat down shook her head and sighed softly.  She looked up at her oldest son.


“Jarrod just what am I going to do with those two?  Do you think they will ever learn?”


Jarrod looked down at his mother and with a twinkle in his eye replied in his best councilor voice “Mother, this is Nick and Heath you are talking about.  They will learn, until the next time that is.”


Victoria looked up at her son and allowed a small smile to creep across her face and then nodded in agreement.


“Yes, I suppose your right.”




Part 20


Howard Merar descended the stairs shaking his head.  It always amazed him at how those two brothers could devise new ways to injure themselves.  Even the self-inflicted kind.  He smiled at the thought of Nick Barkley’s blistered feet.  Bet he won’t be going to any dances for a while he thought.


“Howard, what are you smiling about?  Is Nicholas all right?”


Howard Merar looked guiltily at Victoria Barkley.  He chose not to enlighten Victoria as to his thoughts.


“Nick’s fine Victoria, just a few blisters.  I don’t think he’ll be wearing boots for a few days though.  He’s exhausted more than anything.  I’ve already sent him to have a bath and then get a good nights sleep.”


Victoria nodded and sighed in relief.


“Thank you for coming Howard. Jarrod will see you out, I want to sit with my son for a while.”


“Of course Victoria, I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”


Jarrod watched his mother climbing the stairs to his brother’s room and then turned back to the Doctor with his hand extended.


“Thank you as always Howard.”


Howard Merar shook the proffered hand and then made his departure from the house.  He passed Duke McCall coming up the stairs.


“How’s Heath Doc? Duke asked with obvious concern in his voice.


“Fine Duke, he needs plenty of bed rest although it will be a while before he has full use of his arm.  I’m sure Jarrod and Nick will fill you in on all the details.  If you’ll excuse me I have other patients to visit this afternoon.”   With that he climbed into his waiting buggy and headed back to town.


Duke couldn’t keep the smile from his face at the good news as he knocked on the door.   He had his own good news to deliver as well.  Jarrod opened the door to his smiling face.


“Duke, by the look on your face I take it you saw the Doctor on his way out.”


“Sure did Jarrod and its great to hear the boy is going to be ok,” he replied.  “I thought the boys would like to know that Tom and Jim have just arrived with Coco and Charger and Ciego is treating them with kid gloves.  There are some many hands in the barn at the moment there’s not enough room for the horses, ” he finished off with a grin on his face.


“That’s good to hear, thanks Duke.  I’ll let Nick know when he comes down.  Heath’s sleeping at the moment.”  Jarrod held his hand out to the older man.  “I can’t thank you enough for what you did today Duke.”


“No need for thanks Jarrod.  You know that.  Just glad the boys are alright.”  With that he turned and made his way back to the barn to rescue Charger from the overly eager hands wanting to help.


“Hey, Jarrod was that Duke I heard down here?”


Jarrod eyed his brother who was coming silently down the stairs.  He couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his brother wearing a pair of Indian moccasins minus spurs.


“Why brother Nick, I do declare that is the quietest entrance you have ever made.  And to answer your question yes it was Duke.  He came across to let us know that the horses have arrived and are being tended to as we speak.”


Nicks face split into a huge grin at the news as he headed across the foyer to the front door.


“Nick where are you going now?” inquired Jarrod although he had already guessed.


“To the barn of course.  I’m not going up to Heath’s room with out finding out how the horses are first.  If I know him and I do, his first question will be how’s Charger and Coco, so I had better have the right answer.  If I don’t I wouldn’t put it past him to get out of that bed and go and check for himself.”


Jarrod nodded in agreement.  He knew how much his blond brother loved that horse of his and he too could see Heath crawling out of bed despite his Mother’s protests to check on the animal if he didn’t get a satisfactory report.


Nick stopped at the door and turned back to his older brother.


“Jarrod I forgot to ask you.  What was so important about the meeting in town this morning that you couldn’t come with Duke?”


Jarrod looked up startled at the question and then looked at his brother.


“I’m sorry Nick, but right now I’m not at liberty to say.  Just know that it will have far reaching effects for this valley in the future.”


Nick studied his brother’s face, and then nodded his head.  He already knew his brothers commitment to the family and he guessed he would just have to trust him on this until he was ready to let the family know.  Jarrod watched Nick open the front door and head toward the barn.  He then returned to his study, sat behind his desk and rested his head on his steepled fingers. He thought of this mornings meeting and its likely outcome.




Part 21


After a late lunch or early supper Nick Barkley climbed the stairs to his brother’s room, eager to share the good news about their horses.  He knew that even in sleep his little brother would be fretting about his beloved horse.  Telling him that both horses would be as good as knew in a few weeks would set his brother well on the road to recovery.  He also felt that he owed his brother an apology and wanted to set things straight as soon as possible.  Nick was not afraid to admit when he was wrong and he had being dead wrong about their mountain trek.  Nick tapped lightly on the door and then entered.  He smiled at his mother and nodded towards the bed.


“Has he woken up yet?” he asked in voice only marginally below his normal booming voice.


“Nicholas, please.  Your brother is still sleeping.”


“Not anymore,” came the groggy reply as two blue eyes peered from under heavy lids.


Nick’s face broke into a wide grin at the sight.


“Well it’s about time you woke up.  How ya feeling?”


“Like I rolled all the way down the mountain,” came the sleepy reply then he grimaced as he tried to re position himself in the bed.


“I know, don’t move.  I’ll have to remember that for next time.”


“Well just see that you do young man,” retorted Victoria in her sternest voice and rising from the chair she gave Heath a kiss on the cheek.


“I’ll send Silas up with a tray of food. You really need to eat something before you have anymore medicine.”


“I’m not that hungry Mother,” came the sleepy reply.


Heath didn’t want to tell his Mother that his stomach was doing somersaults and he doubt that anything he ate now would stay down long enough to be of use.


“Hungry or not, you are going to eat young man.  Nicholas see to it that he does.”


Nick looked gleefully at his brother and replied, “I’ll make sure he eats everything Mother.”


“See that you do and Nicholas don’t keep him up too long please. And see that he takes some more medicine before he goes to sleep.  I’ll send Jarrod up to relieve you shortly.  You need to get some sleep too.”


“Yes Mother, and don’t worry I’ll take good care of him.”


Victoria rolled her eyes at that but didn’t say anything.  The only noise was the swish of her skirts as she left the room.  Her two sons didn’t see the smile on her face.  It was good to have them home safe and almost sound she thought.


Nick sat down in the chair his mother had just vacated and looked earnestly at his brother.


“Heath, I’m sorry. Can ya forgive me?  I never intended for any of this to happen, I just thought you’d like to share something of Father with me.”


Heath lay back in the pillows and tried to speak but Nick cut him off.


“No let me finish please.  I knew we shouldna been up there.  Hell, I declared Tumble Down Mountain off limits after Father died.  I knew the mountain was dangerous and through my own stupidity I nearly got you killed.  Can ya ever forgive?”  Nick took a deep breath and looked at his brother with hope evident in his eyes.


Heath stared at his brother dumbfounded for a minute.  He couldn’t believe that Nick was asking him for forgiveness.  He shook his head and let an amused smile lift the corners of his mouth.  He figured he’d let Nick stew for a few minutes and then put him out of his misery.  He shook his head again. If Nick were a horse he’d have to shoot him he thought.


Nick saw the shake of his brother’s head and felt his heart sink.  He couldn’t blame his brother though; it was all his fault after all.


“Ya finished feeling sorry for ya self yet?” Heath enquired good-naturedly.  “You know I could have said no but I agreed to go with you so the blames as much mine as it is yours.  Just tell me one thing, where did you get a fool name like Tumble Down Mountain from?”


Nick looked up startled and then heaved a sigh of relief.  He allowed a huge grin to split his face and slapped Heath hard on the leg.


Heath pulled his leg away and yelped in mock pain and then groaned as the movement sent daggers through his shoulder.  Immediately his brother was beside him.


“Easy Heath, ya gotta stop moving.”


“Then stop hittin me dammit,” Heath gritted as he looked at his smiling brother.  “Ya still haven’t told me where that fool name came from and also how are the horses.”


Nick was a bit surprise that it had taken the boy this long to get around to the horses.


A knock at the door interrupted Nick’s thoughts as Silas entered the room carrying a tray with broth and bread on it.


“Miz Barkley, done said you was hungry Mr Heath so I fixed you something light.  Don’t figure your stomach be up to anything too heavy just yet. You eats this and I’ll fix you something else. May I say I’s mighty glad to see you boys home safe.”  The smile on Silas’s face said it all.


“Thanks Silas, we’re glad to be home too,” replied Nick “and don’t worry I see that he eats everything.”


“That be real good Mr Nick, real good.”  Silas turned back to the door with a smile on his face.  Yes it was mighty good to have the boys’ home again.


“Well little brother, better not disappoint Mother and Silas, come on now eat up like a good boy,” grinned Nick, tying unsuccessfully to keep a straight face


Heath eyed his brother.  “Not until you tell me about the horses.”


“After you eat.” Came the retort.


The brothers faced each other glaring daggers neither willing to back down.  Finally too tied to argue Heath sighed admitting defeat.


“Give it to me.”


Nick beamed happily and spoon-fed his brother until Heath could take no more.


“The horses, Nick.”


“The horses are fine.  Their both in the barn been waited on by a bunkhouse full of men.  I swear I ain’t goin to get any work outta that bunch for the next week.  Ciego said they’ll both be fine in a couple of weeks so don’t worry.”


At the words Heath sighed and allowed a small smile to cross his face.  His beloved stallion had been weighing heavily on his heart and it was good to know that the horse would be all right.  He looked enquiringly at his brother.


“I know, I know, the fool name.  Seems our little sister in a moment of inspiration about twelve years ago decided that whenever the mountain shook things would tumble off it.  So she started calling it Tumble Down Mountain and the name just stuck.”


Heath couldn’t help it. He looked at Nick’s serious face and burst out laughing.  Trust Audra to think of a name like that. He stopped laughing abruptly and closed his eyes as another wave of pain shot through his arm and shoulder.


Nick picked up the bottle of medicine and poured some into the spoon.


“Here Heath, the doc said you were to take this and no arguments.”


Heath had no intentions of arguing this time.  His shoulder was hurting too much for that.  He allowed Nick to place the spoon in his mouth and swallowed the foul tasting medicine plus the offered glass of water. He then lay back in the pillows and closed his eyes.


A light tap on the door caused Heath to open his eyes again but the medicine was already making him drowsy and he only managed to smile as Jarrod walked into the room.  Jarrod returned the smile with a nod of his head.


“Mother said it was time for bed Nick old boy. I’ll look after baby brother tonight for you.”


Nick sighed and rose from the chair so his brother could sit down.


“See ya in the morning Heath, ok?” he said as he patted him on the leg, gently this time.


Heath watched him stand up and walk to the door.  Just as Nick was about to turn the handle Heath called out to his brother.


“Nick thanks.  I owe you one.”


Nick turned back to look at his brother.


“Anytime Heath, anytime,” He replied with a smile as he turned and left the room.


Nick might have missed the sly smile that passed across Heath’s face but Jarrod who was watching the two brothers’ didn’t.  He raised one eyebrow as he looked at Heath who had once again closed his eyes and then the closing door.  Looks like we could be in for an interesting couple of months he mused to himself as he settled into the chair for the night.


Yes sir, an interesting couple of months.