The Chase

A Ficlet…

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





The blond cowboy pulled the brim of his hat lower down on his head as he sat effortless on the back of his quivering stallion.  Both waiting in eager anticipation for the chase that was about to begin.  In the bushes ahead of them stood their quarry, eyeing the open expanse beyond these intruders.   With an explosive snort the large red steer propelled himself out of the bushes straight at the man and horse.  Moving as one the cowboy and his horse danced out of the angry steers way allowing him to rush harmlessly by before spinning to give chase.  The cowboy sat lightly in the saddle, leaning slightly forward to allow the horse’s powerful hindquarters to propel them forward without hindrance.  As light as a butterfly on air the massive horse followed every move the steer made, eating up the ground as they drew ever closer.  Cowboy and horse drew level with the steers shoulder forcing the beast to turn away from them and back towards his hiding place. Bellowing in rage the steer tried to turn into the centaur beside him.  The fleet horse merely gave a snort and leant harder in to the steers shoulder as the cowboy sat smiling at the beast’s futile attempt to escape. The steer quickly tired and stopped, sides heaving, massive head hanging, horns shaking menacingly as the cowboy and his horse merely stood their ground waiting for the steer’s next move.  With a final bellow of rage the steer moved off to join the gathering herd.


Heath Barkley leant down and patted Chargers neck for a job well done.