Two Minds, One Thought

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Heath Thompson Barkley was mad.  Just what was it goin to take to convince that loud mouth brother of his that he had as much right to be living on this ranch as any of them?


His thoughts were momentarily interrupted as he gave chase and turned another steer towards the growing herd he was rounding up for the coming drive.  With the steer safely corralled with the rest he turned back across the range and to his thoughts.


He smiled as he thought of his name.  Even he had accepted the fact that he was a Barkley now, as much as he had wanted to deny it at first, so just what was Nick’s problem?  Hell he hadn’t asked to be born, but he was here now and here was where he was going to stay.  Nick could like it or lump it.


Heath rode towards a slight rise with a gentle downward slope on one side and a stand of trees and low shrubs on the other.  A good place for a couple of ornery steers to hide!  Maybe Nick should try hiding out here for a while and give everybody a rest he thought ruefully.


Heath Barkley realized to late the mistake he had made as the irate steer burst forth from his hiding place, bellowing in rage with horns lowered charging at the terrified cowpony.


That the pony wasn’t his beloved Gal was his first mistake.  She would never have allowed the steer to get so close. That he was riding to close to the edge of the rise was his second.  And the third was the fact that he wasn’t even fully concentrating on what he was doing.


Too late now he thought as he and the pony went tumbling down the slope.  He heard something snap and the pony scream in agony.  He had managed to kick his feet free from the stirrups and allowed his body to roll unhindered a few feet before putting his right arm out to try and slow his progress.  He heard another snap and this time his own scream of pain as a searing agony shot up his arm.  He slid the remainder of the way down the slope in an unconscious heap.


Nick Barkley was as mad as hell, and he didn’t rightly no why.  The men working with him knew he was mad and while they didn’t know for sure what the problem was they had a pretty good idea.  Things had been good until the blond cowboy had arrived claiming his fair share of everything.  Now everybody felt as though they were sitting on a powder keg watching matches been thrown their way. It was a wise man these days that said nothing and stayed well out of Nick Barkley’s way.


Nick was growling and getting louder by the minute.  “Where the hell was that damn boy? He was supposed to drive his cows down here to the holding pen.  Probably driving the cows off the ranch to sell somewhere afore he clears out for good.  When I get my hands on him, I’ll teach him once and for all who’s the boss on this here ranch.”  Nobody offered any comments, they were just glad it wasn’t them in the blond’s shoes.


Duke sat his horse watching his boss ranting and raving and shook his head.  Why couldn’t Nick see what even he and the rest of the family saw?  That Heath was his father’s son.  Taking a deep breath, Duke headed towards Nick Barkley.


“Well, what do ya want Duke,” growled Nick.


Duke didn’t look away just sat there staring steadily at Nick.


“Pete said he heard a shot about half and hour ago from the direction the boy was working,” he replied calmly


Nick glared back, “did ha? Drive these cows down to the main herd while I go find that damn boy.”  Without a backward glance Nick Barkley in all his fury set off across the range.


Heath groaned as he tried to put his right arm out remembering to late the snap he had heard earlier.  He lay back down sucking in deep breaths in the hope of quelling the rising nausea in his stomach.  Looking around from his supine position he took stock of his present situation cursing himself for a fool.


“This is all your fault Nick Barkley,” he shouted to the wind.


The sound of his horse struggling to rise brought his attention back to the here and now.  Sitting up slowly using his left arm for support he looked in the direction of the horse certain of what he would see.  Cradling his injured arm tight against his chest, he drew his knees up under him and then forced himself to a kneeling position.  He waited for the world to stop spinning and the nausea to settle before forcing himself to his feet.  He groaned at the amount of pain the movement caused him.  Staggering over to the injured horse, noting the misshapen front leg he drew his gun and left handed put the horse out of its misery.


“Suppose that’ll come out of my pay too,” he thought.  “Hope your satisfied big brother.”


Squinting up at the sun, which was slowly dropping in the western sky he sighed.  Guess there ain’t nothing for it but to start walking.  He eyed his saddle, it was about the only thing he possessed besides his Gal and he was damned if he was goin to leave it, broken arm or not.  Undoing the cinch, he walked behind the horse, grabbed the horn and heaved, dropping to his knees as the saddle came free and fresh waves of pain assailed him.


He waited until he had a modicum of control over his senses then pushed himself back to a standing position, hefting the saddle in his left hand.  He turned towards the ranch and set out, one foot dragging after the other and the saddle leaving a clear trail as it bumped along beside him.


Nick wasn’t about to admit, not even to himself, but the news of a single shot had an unsettling effect on him.  A single shot could mean nothing or trouble and he hoped it meant nothing then he could tear strips of the damn boy for making him worry.  Still something in his heart told him the boy was in trouble and needed help.   Nick shook his head.  Why was it so difficult for him to accept the blond as his brother he thought?  Hadn’t the rest of the family accepted him and opened their hearts to him. Forgiven their husband and father for the wrong he had done all those years ago.  Even Duke acknowledged the fact that Heath was Tom Barkley’s son.  So why couldn’t he Nick Barkley be just as magnanimous and accept the facts?  He had another brother, a younger brother and his name was Heath Thompson Barkley.  Hell it wasn’t the boy’s fault he had been born, but he was here now and here was where he was going to stay.  The sight of buzzards circling off to his right brought him up short.


Heath took a swig from his canteen and closed his eyes momentarily.  His saddle was getting heavier by the minute but the thought of leaving it behind rankled him.  Besides he figured Nick’d give him his marching orders when he got back telling him he’d just proved that he was a no good, useless bastard and not worth employing.  Right now Heath didn’t really care, he was beyond caring what Nick Barkley thought or didn’t think.  He was just sorry he’d even bothered seeking out his family.


Nick spurred his horse towards the circling buzzards.  Always a sure sign of trouble.  Coming around the bend in the trail he was surprised to see the number of cows the boy had managed to roundup on his own.   Riding past the penned cows he came to rise and drew rein looking over the edge.  He growled at the sight before him.  At the bottom of the slope lay the boy’s horse but there was no sign of either the boy or his saddle.  Well that explains the shot but where the hell was the fool kid.  Didn’t he know someone would come looking for him if he didn’t turn up?  The fool probably thought I wouldn’t sending somebody if he didn’t show.  Figured I wouldn’t care.  Damn.  Looks like ya got some fence mending to do Nick Barkley he thought.  Spurring his horse down the slope he searched the ground looking for tracks indicating which way his brother was headed.  What he saw didn’t set his mind at ease.  Damn, looks the boy’s hurt way he’s dragging his feet and that there saddle of his.  Why the hell didn’t he leave it behind?  Ain’t no good to him with out a horse.  Nick spurred his horse forward into a brisk trot following the easy to read trail left by the blond.


Heath was tired, his arm was in agony, his saddle was heavy and he was loosing the fight to stay on his feet.  He dropped the saddle and sank to knees beside it.  He tried to unhook his canteen from his saddle horn but his fingers just didn’t seem to want to work anymore.  Hearing the sound of a horse coming up behind him he turned and looked in surprise at the rider coming towards him.  “You sure are full of surprises Nick Barkley, he thought as slumped in an unconscious heap on the trail.


The smile on Nick’s face quickly disappeared as he saw his little brother slump to the ground.  He spurred his horse into a gallop the last few yards and then leapt from the saddle without drawing rein.  He quickly knelt beside his brother and gently turned him over noting the pale features and right arm cradled protectively against his chest. A quick check of the arm told his all he needed to know.  “Damn fool, what the hell were ya trying to do? Why didn’t ya just stay where ya were?” he growled quietly the concern in his voice obvious.


Somewhere in Heath’s foggy mind he heard his brother’s word and slowly his pain filled blue eyes opened to stare into the worried hazel eyes of his brother.


“Nick,” he croaked


“Yeah Heath, I’m here,” he said trying to smile.


“Ya came?”


“Course I came, why wouldn’t I?”


“Didn’t think yeah cared.”


“I care Heath, more than you know, more than I’ve showed ya so far.  We’re brothers and that’s what brother’s do.  They care for one another.”




The smile on his little brother’s face as he drifted back to sleep was like music to Nick’s ears.  “Keep sleeping little brother while I set this arm, then when ya wake up we’ll head home,” he said as he patted the uninjured arm.  With the arm set Nick sat beside his sleeping brother waiting for him to wake up.  He was kicking himself for being all sorts of a fool these few weeks.  It hadn’t taken a near tragedy to bring him to his senses.  Now he was determined to make it up to his new brother.  How easily the word came to him now.  If only it had been like that from the start.


A groan from Heath as he tried to move jolted him from his reverie.


“Easy Heath, don’t try to move just yet.”




Nick reached over for the canteen then eased his brother to a sitting position before tilting the canteen to his lips.


“Better? How ya feeling?”


“Still hurts like hell, but better.  Thanks”


Nick nodded and smiled.  “You ready to go home yet?”


“Home? Ya mean it Nick, are we really going home?”


“Yes boy, I mean it, we’re really going home.”


Nick helped Heath to his feet and over to his horse.  With his brother swaying unsteadily in the saddle Nick quickly mounted and drew the blond back against his chest.


“Sure sounds nice.”


“What does Heath?”




Nick smiled.  The boy was only half right though.  Brother and home sounded a whole lot better.