Why Wouldn’t You Listen?

Chapters 1-12

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 1


“What do ya mean, I have to take him with me Jarrod,” Nick exploded as he followed his older brother into the study.  “This is family business brother or have you forgotten that?”


“Nick that is precisely why I want him to go.  He is our brother and he needs to know all aspects of the family business.”


“Yeah well he may have pulled the wool over your eyes Jarrod, but he hasn’t over mine.  You’ll see he’s a free loafer.  He’ll take what he can get and then he’ll ride outta here without a damn thought as to what it’ll do to Mother or Audra.”


Jarrod sighed heavily and lent against his desk.  Just what was it going to take for Nick to accept their new brother.  In the four months since Heath Thompson had arrived on the ranch announcing he was their father’s illegitimate son and claiming his fair share of everything that came with the Barkley name the blond had done nothing to dispel their trust in him.  By all accounts he was a hard worker, even Nick had admitted that, doing the work of two men.  He was more than capable around cattle and had a way with horses that most only dreamed about.  In fact just two days ago Jarrod had been privileged to witness Heath’s gentling techniques first hand with a skittish mare.  He believed a horse should be gentled and not ridden to a standstill its spirit broken.


Jarrod knew what Nick’s problem was.  His brother just couldn’t accept that their father had been less than perfect.  That in a moment of weakness twenty-four years ago he had slept with another woman and that liaison had produced a child.  A child that had finally appeared to claim his heritage.


“Nick you need him.  You know he’s a better scout and tracker than anybody else on the ranch and nobody can come close to his ability with a rifle.  You may find you need both on this trip.”


Nick glared at his brother.  “Fine Counselor, I’ll take him but he follows orders the same as everybody else,” he ground out before storming from the room.


Jarrod knew it was useless to argue with his brother further.  Nick would just have to learn to accept and trust Heath on his own.  He just hoped it would be sooner than later.  His brother seemed to be the only one who couldn’t or wouldn’t see and accept the benefits that the blond had brought to the ranch.  Why, not two weeks ago the ranch had gained a lucrative horse deal with the army, due mainly to their new brother’s gentling techniques.  Of course Nick wouldn’t admit that, only saying the army knew fine horseflesh when it saw it.


Then there were the rustlers that he had tracked to the their hideout in the hills.  The ranch had recovered over three hundred head of stock that day, as well as escaping unscathed in the ensuing gun battle when the rustlers tried to make a run for it.  That second could only be attributed to their brother’s skill with a rifle.


Jarrod felt he was doing the right thing in demanding that Nick take Heath along to deliver the mine payroll.  He just hoped the two of them could work out their differences or more to the point that his dark haired brother would stop and listen to the blond long enough to form a partnership.  A partnership that in his mind could only benefit and strengthen the family.


So engrossed in his thoughts was Jarrod that he didn’t hear his mother enter the study.


“A penny for your thoughts Jarrod,” enquired Victoria as she sat in one of the fine leather chairs that once belonged to her husband.


Jarrod looked up and smiled at his diminutive mother.  What a source of strength she had been these last few months.  He knew it hadn’t been easy for her to accept Heath into the family, considering all that he represented.  Her pain at his existence had been palpable those first days but she like Audra and himself had come to realize that Heath was not responsible for the situation he found himself in.  His claim to his heritage in their minds had been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt so why wouldn’t Nick accept it and move on.


“I was just thinking about Nick and Heath.”


“I thought I heard Nick stomping around in here yelling.  What is it this time?” she asked tiredly.


Jarrod sighed, “ I told Nick to take Heath tomorrow when they deliver the payroll.”


“I see.  How did he take it?”


“You know Nick Mother, with very little good grace.”


“Under the circumstances Jarrod, do you think that was wise?”


“I honestly don’t’ know Mother but I hope so.  If only Nick would stop long enough to see what Heath has to offer him and this family.  What worries me more is just how much longer is Heath going to put up with Nick’s outbursts and treatment of him before he turns his back on this family once and for all.”


“Your brothers have both been deeply hurt by your fathers actions but I can’t believe that Heath would willingly give up all that he has gained these last months living here with us.”


“Mother he might not willingly give it up but if Nick doesn’t let up on him soon he may have no choice.  It will be either that or one of them if not both are going to be seriously hurt.”


Victoria sat and stared at he son.  She knew things were difficult between her two sons but not this bad.  She thought about that.  Her two sons!  She wondered why she had found it so easy to accept Heath as her son.  She should have been the one to deny his acceptance in this family even if he was her beloved Tom’s son, but there was something about him that compelled her to open her heart to him instead.  Perhaps it was his vulnerability or his obvious need to belong. To be accepted for who he was and not what his parentage said he was.


“Do you think it would help if I spoke to Nick again?”


“No Mother I don’t!  I think he’ll only resent Heath more if we force him to accept the situation and Heath as his brother.  This is something Nick has to sort out for himself.”


Victoria stood and patted Jarrod’s arm.  “All right sweetheart, I’ll leave it for the moment but if things haven’t improved by the time they get back I will be speaking with Nick be rest assured of that.  This has gone on long enough,” she said as she left the room.


   * * * * * * * *


Nick sat across from Heath at the dinner table openly glaring at him.  For his part Heath averted his eyes and concentrated on pushing the food around his plate without really eating more than a few mouthfuls.


Jarrod looked from his two brothers to his mother and raised an eyebrow.  Even Audra’s idle prattle would have been better that the hostile silence that had settled over the table, but Audra was visiting friends back East for a few weeks.  Jarrod cursed himself for the innocent question that had started the latest round of hostilities.  He felt sure that had their mother not been seated at the table his two younger brothers would yet again have come to blows.  He was seriously regretting his decision to force Nick to take Heath on the trip, but he knew that neither of his brothers would back out now.


Heath pushed his chair back and rose from the table looking at Victoria.


“If you’ll excuse me” ma’am, I ain’t very hungry.  I think I’ll go up stairs and pack for tomorrow,” he said glaring with cold blue eyes at Nick.


“All right dear, but you haven’t eaten very much.  Why don’t you ask Silas to at least make you a sandwich."


“Yes ma’am.”


“Yeah well Mother, I’ve finished too,” stated Nick not daring to look at Victoria.


“In that case brother Nick, do me the honour of joining me in the study, NOW,” demanded Jarrod his voice rising.  In a softer tone he said, “Mother” as he dipped his head to her.


Victoria was left sitting at the now empty table wondering how a simple question could have erupted into a volcano.  If she didn’t do something soon she feared there would be no family left to save.  Why hadn’t she seen the depth of Nick’s anger earlier?  Oh she knew he was good at hiding his feeling, almost as good as his new brother but she still should have seen.  Somehow she mused she would have to find the key to unlock Nick’s heart where his father and Heath were concerned and quickly.


“What do you want now Counselor? Going to give me another lecture?” Nick growled glaring at his brother.


“Nick I’m not going to give you a lecture although god knows you need it.  I simple want to know why you won’t listen to Heath’s concerns about your choice of route and the men you’re taking.”


“Counselor I don’t tell you how to run your courtroom so don’t you presume to tell me how to run this ranch,” he spat out.  “No five minute upstart is goin to walk in here and start throwin his weight around.  If you don’t like it you can go back to your cushy office in San Francisco.”  Nick spun on his heels and stomped from the study slamming the door on the way out.




Chapter 2


“Heath, have you got a minute please,” Jarrod asked coming from the study as his brothers headed for the front door.  Each was carrying a filled saddlebag and a rifle.  Heath glanced at Nick’s back then nodded.


“Yeah sure Jarrod.”


Heath followed his older brother into the study and waited for him to speak.  Jarrod looked steadily at Heath for a moment before speaking.


“Heath what are your concerns about Barrett?  You know he has been with us for about four years now.”


Heath sighed at least some one had the good sense to ask although he figured it was probably too late anyway.


“I don’t know Jarrod, call it gut instinct.  There’s just something about the man that doesn’t feel right.  He does the work ok but never more than necessary.  Another thing I‘ve noticed is he never seems to be short of cash, at least not for the last couple of months anyway.”


Jarrod’s eyes widened, “you think he had something to do with the last robbery don’t you?”


“Let’s just say he’s real good at disappearing and reappearing from time to time.’


“Have you trailed him?”


“No not yet besides it’s too late now.”


“Hurry up boy,” bellowed Nick from the door, “I ain’t waiting all day.”


Heath rolled his eyes at the bellow as Jarrod clapped him on the back.  “Be careful Heath and don’t worry he’ll come around eventually.”


“Yeah, well I don’t know if I can wait that long Jarrod,” replied Heath as he left the room leaving his brother to stare in dismay at his retreating back.


“Jarrod is everything all right?” asked Victoria as she came to stand beside her oldest son.


He turned anguished eyes to her.  “I think Heath is planning to leave when they get back.”


He put his arms around his mother’s waist and drew her into his chest.  “Don’t worry we’ll think of something.  Now let’s go and see the boy’s off.”  He spoke with more light heartedness than he felt.


Besides the two brothers, Jenkins, Barrett, Rob and Jim were also making the trip to deliver supplies and a much-needed payroll to the mine high in the Sierras.


“Nick, Heath, be careful.  We’ve already had one payroll stolen and two men injured.  Don’t take chances.  I want you all back here safe and sound in four days.”


“Don’t worry about us Pappy, nothins goin to happen this time,” growled Nick.  “Come on get these wagons moving, we’ve already wasted enough time,” he yelled throwing a look at Heath.


Heath shook his head and watched as his brother rode past him then turned and offered Victoria and Jarrod a lopsided smile before shrugging his shoulders and following Nick and the two wagons out of the yard.


Heath rode behind the wagons and listened to the men and Nick as they carried on an easy light-hearted banter, but he didn’t offer anything to their conversation.  His own feelings were in turmoil and he didn’t know what to do.  He had found what he had been looking for all his life, a family, and he was loath to give it all up now but he didn’t think he could take much more of his brother’s behaviour towards him.


It wasn’t only Nick that was the problem either, but also the men.  Most of them seemed to have followed Nick’s lead and were openly hostile to him.  He was damned if he was going to stay here and be treated like that again.


He wasn’t responsible for the circumstances of his birth but dear brother Nick didn’t seem to see it that way.  According to his brother, their father was incapable of ever making a mistake and certainly not one that would produce a child.  Nick had made it perfectly clear that mistake was all his.


He sighed and leaning forward patted his little Modoc’s neck.  “Well girl, I reckon when we get back it’ll be time for you and me to part company with this here ranch,” he whispered quietly in her ear.  Her ears flickered and she snorted gently in answer to his statement.


   * * * * * * * *


The group drew rein at the foot of the pass through which they would be traveling tomorrow.  Heath eyed it suspiciously but didn’t say anything as the men busied themselves preparing the nights camp.  The pass made the hair on the back of Heath’s neck stand on end.  Finally unable to contain himself any longer he walked up to his brother.


“Nick we’ve still got about an hour of day light left.  I though I might take a ride through the pass and check it out before we start through in the morning.”      


Nick looked at him with disgust.


“Ya did ha?  Well I tell you now boy, you ain’t goin anywhere.  Barrett’s already told me the pass is safe.  He’s been through it before and I trust his judgment.”


At the name Barrett, Heath’s blood turned cold.  Why was his brother been so damn stubborn?


“Fine Nick, have it your way but when something goes wrong you remember YOU wouldn’t let me do my job,” spat out Heath.”


“Oh don’t worry boy, I intend to have my way,” growled Nick stepping forward so that they were standing toe to toe.  If Nick hoped his overbearing presence would intimidate the blond he was sorely disappointed.  Heath stood his ground and glared defiantly at his brother.  It was Nick who eventually looked away.  He couldn’t stare into those cold ice-blue eyes that reminded him so much of his father when he was angry any longer.


Heath watched his brother stomp off and join the rest of the men.  He caught a quick glance of Barrett’s face before the man turned away but the glance was enough to send chills down his back.  Picking up his bedroll he wandered over to a nearby tree and settled down.  Thank the lord for Silas he thought as he took the food parcel their houseman had given him that morning.  At least he wouldn’t exactly starve on this trip he thought.  He contemplated their latest disagreement and shook his head.  Why couldn’t Nick see beyond the end of his nose?  He was an Army officer and knew the value of scouting ahead.  The way things were going they’d lose the payroll and end up getting somebody killed.  Still he mused if that somebody was me he doubted any tears would be shed from big brother.


Barrett was more than delighted with the way things were turning out.  The brothers were at loggerheads and hopefully by sundown tomorrow the bastard would be dead.  If Nick Barkley got in the way of a bullet he wouldn’t shed a tear either.


   * * * * * * * *


“Alright boy, seeing as you were so eager to ride through the pass last night, you can earn ya keep now and lead the way.”


Heath mounted up without a word, then drew his rifle from its scabbard and cradled it across his arms.  He rode past the lead wagon and headed up the pass.  He felt a tightness in his belly that he couldn’t explain.  The pass had high walls on both sides but was wide enough to allow a wagon to pass through comfortably but there was no turning space and no way for a horse to get past the wagons safely.  To Heaths way of thinking the perfect place for an ambush.  Why wouldn’t Nick listen to him?  His gut instinct was that they were heading into trouble.  He turned in the saddle to check the progress of the wagons behind him and Nick who was bringing up the rear.  He had to smile; at least his brother had enough good sense to be carrying his rifle as well.


It was stiflingly hot in the pass, the high walls preventing the passage of any breeze to cool the hot and sweaty men and horses.  Progress was slow for the wagons as the horses strained against their harnesses on the slight incline.


Heath was starting to feel frustrated at the lack of progress and he hoped Nick at the other end was feeling the same way.  At least it gave him plenty of opportunity to scrutinize the trail ahead.


Heath cursed Nick’s lack of foresight when he rounded the next bend in the trail and the high walls suddenly gave way to a sloped rocky incline on the left and a sheer drop on the right.  It looked as though sometime in the distant past this section of mountain had collapsed.  Heath stopped his little Modoc and waited for the wagons to catch up.  He studied the rocky incline intently but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.  As far as he could tell the walls closed in again about two hundred yards further along the trail.


“Come on boy, quit dawdling will ya and keep moving,” yelled Nick from behind the second wagon.


Heath sighed and pushed his little Modoc forward watching the rocky slope for any sign of trouble.   Heath turned in the saddle and checked that both wagons were now in the open.  For just a moment his blue eyes locked with the hazel eyes of his brother, before he broke the contact and returned to scan the trail ahead.


The briefest of movements at the top of the slope caught Heath’s eye.  Instantly he dallied the reins around his saddle horn and brought his rifle to eye level squinting along its barrel at the rocks above.  Nick saw Heath’s action ahead of him and raised his own rifle.  Contrary to Jarrod’s opinion he did have a high regard for the blonds abilities, he just didn’t know how to let his praise overpower his anger.  Nick studied the rocky slope and saw the same movement his brother had.


His brother, there he had said it, maybe not out loud or to Heath’s face but the thought was there.


Heath spotted the movement again and his rifle cracked.  The sound echoing through the pass and down into the chasm on his right.  He heard the wagons halt behind him and hoped that the men on them would take his lead and draw their guns.  He briefly wondered what his brother was doing, but couldn’t chance a look over his shoulder.


A small shower of rocks trickling down the slope made his little Modoc dance nervously on the trail.  With his reins dallied and the rifle in his hands he could only maintain his seat by gripping her tighter with his legs.  Suddenly the trickle became a torrent as the boulders at the top of the slope rushed towards them.  Even as his little mare reared up in fright, Heath maintained his seat long enough to get off one more shot before her violent sideways leap dislodged him from her saddle.


Nick watched in horror as his brother toppled from the saddle to land heavily on the ground.  At this distance he couldn’t tell whether he had been shot or not.


Heath landed hard among the rocks that had tumbled down the slope moments ago.  He felt a sharp stabbing pain in his side that drove all the breath from his lungs.  He frantically grabbed and hooked his hand through an exposed tree root belonging to one of the stunted trees clinging precariously to the edge of the pass as he felt his feet slipping over the drop off.  He felt a fresh wave of pain course through his arm as his wrist took his full weight halting his slide to oblivion.  Fighting to stay conscious he pulled himself back on to the trail with his good arm before the welcoming darkness over took him.


“Heeeaaaath,” Nick screamed as he watched his brother desperately fighting to stay on the trail.  He felt as though someone was slowly turning a knife in his stomach.  His brother was lying helpless on the trail ahead of them and he could do nothing to help.  The pain in the pit of his stomach was becoming a white-hot burning agony that was threatening to overwhelm him.


Now Nick had other things to worry about.  Two more men had rounded the far bend and were riding towards them guns drawn.  Nick jumped off Coco and climbed up onto the second wagon and jumped off the seat ordering the two men to take cover in passing.  He was now wondering why the hell Barrett, who was supposed to be riding shotgun on the first wagon wasn’t firing at the new menace.


Nick jumped onto the back of the first wagon and standing up took aim at the oncoming riders as he yelled an order to Barrett to start firing.  He felt himself been flung backwards off the wagon as a bullet ripped through his left arm.  From his position on the ground he saw Barrett and Jim both throw down their rifles.  He was even more disgusted when he realized that Barrett had handed over yet another mine payroll and the robbers were getting away.  To hell with the payroll they were welcome to it he thought, if only his brother was ok.


Nick was pulling himself to his feet as Ted Jenkins and Rob reached him.


“Easy boss, you’ve been shot,” said Rob as he steadied the swaying rancher.  “Let me look at it.”


“Leave it,” growled Nick his hazel eyes showing his pain.  “My brother, got to get to my brother,” he mumbled as he pushed both men out of the way and clambered up onto the first wagon again.


Barrett was only just climbing down from the wagon but Jim was already kneeling beside his brother, as Nick gave Barrett a scathing look in passing.


“Why the hell didn’t ya fire and back up my brother,” he growled.


“Sorry boss,” replied Barrett, “but it all happened so fast. I guess I must a froze when I saw Heath rolling towards the edge.”


Nick decided to let it rest for the moment, right now he was more concerned with his brother’s condition than Barrett’ s excuses.


“Jim, how is he,” he asked dropping to his knees beside his unconscious brother and watching as the man unhooked Heath’s arm from the tree root.  “He’s alive Nick, but I don’t know how badly he’s hurt yet.  His wrists badly swollen could be broken.”  Jim stopped speaking and looked at Nick’s blood soaked arm.


“What about you? That arm needs tending to.”


Nick eyed his arm angrily, it was useless to him at the moment but it would have to wait.  Taking his bandana from around his neck and handed it to Jim.  “Here tie this around it for the time being,” before he returned his attention back to the blond lying unmoving in front of him.


Jenkins and Rob had joined the others and now stood around waiting for their boss’s orders.


“Start pushing those rocks off the trail.  We can’t go back so we’re goin to have to go forward,” Nick ordered.   “God why didn’t I listen to him earlier,” he thought as he and Jim gently rolled his brother over onto his back.  Nick gasped when se saw the blood on his brother’s side.  Heath’s words of the night before came back to haunt him.  “Fine Nick, have it your way but remember when something goes wrong you remember YOU wouldn’t let me do my job.”


“Heath, I’m sorry little brother, I never meant for any of this to happen.  You have to be all right.  Please Heath,” he pleaded quietly in his brother’s ear.


Chapter 3


Heath could hear his brother’s voice and the words he spoke.  Words that threatened to send him back into the darkness. He felt hands gently rolling him over, but as much as he wanted to he just couldn’t get his eyes to co-operate and open although he did allow a groan to escape from his lips at the pain the movement caused him.


“Jim go and get one of the canteens from the wagon,” Nick ordered not taking his eyes off his brother’s face.


Nick opened the blue shirt that was slowly turning russet in colour from the blood.  He let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding when he realized that he wasn’t looking at a bullet wound but rather a deep jagged graze along his brother’s side from the rocks.  He gently felt around the area and wasn’t surprised when the ribs under his probing fingers gave way eliciting another moan from his brother.


“Damn,” he muttered under his breath as he accepted the canteen from Jim.


“See if you can find a spare shirt in his saddlebags will ya?  He’s got some broken ribs and we need to get that bleeding stopped as well.”


Nick watched as Jim quietly approached Heath’s Modoc, in just the same way Heath approached a new horse for breaking.  He allowed a small smile to play across his face.  At least some of the hands had learnt a thing or two from his blond brother he thought.  So why the hell hadn’t he? A small groan from Heath brought his attention back to his brother.


“Come on Heath, that’s a boy, wake up for me little brother.’


Heath groaned again and his eyes blinked a few times before he managed to focus on his brother’s face.


“Nick?” he asked weakly, trying to sit up.


“Easy boy, don’t try to move, you’ve got some busted ribs and probably a busted wrist as well. Want some water?”  Nick asked as he gently pushed his brother back onto the ground.


Heath nodded then waited for Nick to raise his head so he could take a drink.


“Doesn’t feel busted.”


“Yeah, well that’s no reason to try and move it.  Just lie still Heath; they’re clearing the trail now.  We should be at the Lucky Lady in a couple of hours.  There’s a doctor there and he’ll fix you up.”


“What about the payroll?”


“Don’t worry about the payroll, it ain’t important.”


Heath tried to take a deep breath but his ribs wouldn’t allow it and he grabbed his brother’s arm as he fought the pain that rolled over him.  He heard Nick’s own gasp of pain and quickly looked at him.  It was only then that he realized his brother was hurt as well.


“Nick, your arm,” he ground out between gasps of breath.


“It’s alright little brother, bullet went straight through.”


Heath’s eyes widened as he stared at his brother.  Had he heard right or was it his imagination?  Did his brother actually call him little brother?


“What ya staring at boy,” asked a grinning Nick, “can’t I call ya brother?”


Jim squatted down beside his boss again not realizing he was interrupting a brotherly chat.


“Here you are Nick, this what you wanted?”  He asked as he handed him a number of long strips of cloth that not so long ago were a perfectly good shirt.  Nick nodded and took the offered cloths and gently started washing away the blood from around the graze.  It was quite deep in one place and that worried him. He doubted he would be able to clean it out well enough here on the trail.  Heath sucked in his breath when Nick started working on his side but he remained still, eyes closed.  With the wound cleaned and his brother’s wrist wrapped securely Nick looked up at Jim.


“Jim, if you can ease him up a bit I’ll cover the wound and wrap this around his chest then we’ll move him to the wagon.  Ready Heath?”


Heath nodded and then couldn’t stop the cry of pain when Jim raised his upper body off the ground.  He could feel himself slipping back into the darkness but he needed to warn his brother about Barrett.  Now maybe he’d listen he hoped.


“Nick don’t”


“I know Heath, I know,” replied Nick quietly, “don’t worry about it now, I’ll keep an eye on it.”  Heath nodded and closed his eyes as the pain washed over him again.


“Boss the trail is clear now.  We can get going when you’re ready.  How’s he doing?” asked Jenkins pointing at Heath.


“He’s doing ok, but we still need to get him to the camp and a doctor.  Ted make some room in the front wagon and pad it with bedrolls will ya.”


“Sure thing Nick. How’s the arm?”


“It’s fine thanks Ted.  Just worry about getting the wagon ready will ya,” asked Nick as he sat beside his brother and wiped the sweat from his brow.  He could hear Heath’s breathing pattern changing and willed the men to hurry up with the wagon.  He wasn’t feeling that well himself now and he wanted to make sure they were moving again before he passed out as well.  Heath opened his pain filled eyes and stared at his brother.


“Hurts Nick,” he whispered.


“I know it does Heath, not much longer, just rest and don’t try to talk.”






“You look terrible,” he mumbled, a weak smile on his face.


“Gee thanks little brother but you don’t look any better.”


Ted Jenkins approached the brothers.  “The wagons ready boss, you want for us to carry him over there now?”


Nick looked down at his brother.  His eyes were closed again and he couldn’t tell whether he was asleep or unconscious.  Nick staggered unsteadily to his feet and watched as the men gently lifted his brother from the ground.  When Heath didn’t make any sound he knew he was unconscious again.  Nick clambered into the wagon and settled himself against the back of the seat and waited for his brother to be lifted into the wagon and placed in his waiting arms.


“Lean him back against me boys, it’ll help his breathing then let’s get the hell outta here.  Jim you ride Heath’s horse we’re not going to get her past the wagon.  Rob tie Coco to the back of your wagon.  Let’s go boys.”


Nick wrapped his arms around his brother to hold him steady as the wagon lurched into motion.  His arm was throbbing painfully but he wasn’t about to let his brother go. Not now, not ever again.  Making sure Heath was as comfortable as possible he rested his head against the back of the seat and closed his eyes.  He could feel his brother’s shallow breathing as he held him in his arms.  Why the hell hadn’t he listened when Heath and Jarrod had both tried to talk to him?  God if only he had listened his brother wouldn’t be lying here now.


If only he had opened his eyes and his heart all those months ago.  Why had he being so damn stubborn.  He knew he only had himself to blame for their current situation.  Heath had tried to warn him about this trip, but he thought he knew better.  No that wasn’t right either.  The problem was he wasn’t going to let anybody not even his own brother to tell him what to do and Heath was his brother.  He knew that now.  The gut wrenching agony he felt when Heath fell was all too real.


He the great Nick Barkley was too proud to admit that his father was only human and was capable of making mistakes.  Now he had made a mistake that had very nearly cost him his brother’s life and might still if they didn’t make it to a doctor soon.


Heath started mumbling and his head was rocking from side to side on Nick’s shoulder.  Using his good arm as the other had stiffened into position across his brother’s chest, Nick felt Heath’s forehead.  He was hot to damn hot.  Nick picked up the canteen beside him and shook his brother.


“Heath can you hear me?  You need to drink boy, please,” he begged.


Heath’s only response was more mumbling and then a moan as one of the wagon wheels hit a rut in the road.


“Barrett how much longer before we’re through this damn pass,” Nick growled making no attempt to keep the anger out of his voice.


“About another hour boss,” he replied not bothering to turn around, “or longer he thought to himself a smile forming on his lips.  So the bastard wasn’t doing to well.  Too bad!”


Nick cursed under his breath then picked up the canteen and spare cloth.


“Hold on Heath, please hold on little brother, I’ve got so much I want to say to you,” he whispered in his ear as he wiped him down with the wet cloth.




Chapter 4


“Doc, you’ve got to do something he’s burning up,” pleaded Nick struggling to keep his brother’s thrashing body in the bed.


“I’m doing everything I can now Nick,” replied Doctor Baker as he applied more wet cloths to the blond’s chest.


Heath finally stopped struggling and sagged back into the pillows his latest burst of energy spent for the time being.  Both men knew it wouldn’t be long before his wild thrashing started again.  They’d been fighting his rising temperature for the last six hours and neither could see any immediate respite to the situation.


“Nick, sit him up a little for me while I put some pillows behind him, then I suggest you lie down and get some rest for a while.”


“I’m fine doc, I don’t need any rest and I’m not leaving him.”


John Baker sighed and shook his head.  He was learning very quickly just how stubborn theses Barkley men were.  He had heard the exact same words from the blond lying in the bed when they first arrived in the camp. Then it was the blond worrying about his brother.


“Nick you’ve been shot, you’ve lost blood.  Your body needs time replace what its lost.  He’s resting for the moment and you should too.”


Nick knew the doctor was right.  He was exhausted, his arm was giving him hell and he wanted so badly to close his eyes and then open them again so the nightmare would be over but he couldn’t.  He was afraid if he closed his eyes now his brother would cease to exist, becoming nothing but a distant memory shrouded in regrets.  He had so many things to tell his brother, things that he should have said months ago if only for his own stupid stubborn pride.


Doctor Baker watched silently as the dark haired Barkley waged a war with his demons.


“Go on son, the bed’s over there.  I’ll wake you when I need you.”  He placed an understanding hand on Nick’s shoulder.  “You’ll have plenty of time to talk to him, just have faith.”


Nick stood beside his little brother holding his hand.  He could hear his laboured breathing and feel the heat radiating off his body.  How he wished he could take away all his pain.


“Heath boy I’m just goin ta lie down for a while.  Don’t worry I ain’t leavin ya and the doc’s still here too.  You hang in there ya hear me boy?  I want to see those blue eyes next time ok?”


Nick squeezed the hand he was holding and then dragged his exhausted body over to the other bed in the small cabin they had been given on their arrival at the Lucky Lady Camp.


Lying on the bed Nick wished that Jarrod was here with him, but Jarrod was back at the ranch and wouldn’t arrive for at least another two days.  Nick had sent Jim, Rob and Ted Jenkins back to the ranch as soon as Heath had been settled in bed with instructions for Jarrod to meet them here as soon as possible.


He decided to keep Barrett with him where he could watch his movements.  He hadn’t missed the flicker of disappoint across the man’s face when he told him he would be needed to help transport Heath back to the ranch.  He still didn’t understand fully why Heath suspected him, but he wasn’t going to take any more chances.  All he knew was that today Barrett had done nothing to help protect his brother or save the payroll and he wanted to know why.


   * * * * * * * *




“Nick, Nick, wake up I need your help.”


Nick sat bolt upright in the bed, he thought he’d heard his brother calling his name but the voice speaking to him wasn’t his brothers.


“Nick get over here now,” ordered Doctor Baker sharply.


Awareness flooded back into Nick washing away the fog in his mind.  Instantly he was on his feet and across the room to where the doctor was struggling with his brother.


“What happened? Why didn’t you wake me sooner?” Nick asked as he took up a position on the other side of the bed and placed his hands on his brother’s shoulders.


“He only started thrashing again a couple of minutes ago Nick, up until then he was resting fairly comfortably.”


“Heath, Heath,” Nick yelled.


A pair of dull pain filled eyes flew open as their owner stared wildly around the room before coming to rest on the face in front of him.


“Nick?” Heath asked weakly as he tried to suck air into his aching body.


“Right here little brother, take it easy.”


“Hurts, so hot,” he gasped out, “can’t breathe.”


“Doc do something,” Nick implored as he tried to calm his stricken brother.


“Nick help me push the bed over to the wall then sit behind him.  Let him rest against you that should help his breathing.  I’ve got a feeling his temperature’s reached its peak.”


“I hope you’re right doc,” replied Nick as they pushed the bed back against the wall and then Nick slipped in behind his brother as the doctor held him forward then eased him back again.  Nick rested his back against the wall and took his brothers weight in his arms.


Heath moaned at the pain the movement caused him but they could hear the change in his breathing as the pressure on his ribs and lungs eased off.   Even though the pain in his chest had eased his body was still trapped within its fever and he continued to thrash wildly.  Nick let out a yelp when his brother’s head rolled against his injured arm.


“Come on Heath, settle down little brother, you’re going to hurt yourself.”


Heath could hear Nick’s voice and feel his arms holding him but he just couldn’t seem to pull himself clear of the blazing inferno his body was trapped in.  He was back in the pass again, desperately trying to pull himself back onto the trail as Nick called his name.  He flung his injured right arm out to stop his imaginary slide and connected with the side of the doctor’s head, knocking him off the chair.


Heath felt fresh pain explode in his side then the welcoming darkness enveloped him in its arms as he sagged limply against Nick’s chest.


“Heath, doc,” Nick yelled afraid to move incase he caused his brother anymore pain.


“Doc what’s goin on?”


Doctor Baker picked himself up from the floor and returned to his patient’s side.


“Damn, he’s bleeding again, must have ripped open the stitches.”


“Is he alright doc?” Nick asked the panic rising in him at his brother’s stillness.


Doctor Baker checked his pulse and then smiled nodding his head.


“His fever’s broken Nick, his pulse isn’t racing anymore.’


“You sure doc? He still feels so hot,” Nick asked hesitantly.  He wanted to believe so badly that it was over, that his brother was going to be all right.


“I’m sure Nick,” replied the doctor, patting him on the arm.  “Why don’t you ease out of there and we’ll prop him up on some more pillows again.”


“If it’s all the same to you, I think I might stay here for a while longer.”


“All right son, in that case why don’t you lean him forward while I check that wound and see what damage he’s done.”




Chapter 5


Heath opened his eyes slowly, not sure of where he was.  It took him several minutes for his blurry eyes to become accustomed to his dimly lit surroundings.  He could just make out a pair of socked feet resting on the edge of his bed then he heard a gentle snoring sound from somewhere close to his ear.  Turning his head to the right he allowed his eyes time to focus on the features of the man asleep in the chair beside him.


His face was still smudged with trail dust, at least two days stubble bristled around his jaw, his black hair was tousled and his clothes disheveled but there was no mistaking his brother’s countenance.  Heath’s eyes widened at the sight of the sling his brother was wearing.


Heath tried to reach out with his right hand to wake his brother, but an agonizing pain shot up his arm and he couldn’t stifle a groan.  He tried to take a deep breath and this time had to close his eyes at the pain that cascaded over him.


Nick’s feet hit the floor with a thud as he lent forward in the chair and placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder.  “Heath?” he whispered quietly not at all sure whether his brother was awake or not.


Heath opened tired eyes and offered a weak smile.  “Hey Nick,” he mumbled, “thirsty.”


Heath never took his eyes off his brother as he stood and walked over to the small table and came back with two cups and a jug.  Placing one cup on the floor Nick filled the other and then sat on the edge of the bed.  Heath tried to push himself up with his hands but Nick was quicker and pushed him back down into the pillows.


“Dammit Heath, take it easy will ya.  Doc’s already stitched you up twice and he’s not goin to appreciate having to do it a third time.”


Heath lay back quietly and waited for Nick to lift his head and place the cup to his lips.  He had to put his own hand up to steady his brother’s shaking one.


“Steady on Nick, I asked for a drink not a bath.”


“Yeah well, beggars can’t be choosers boy.  What ya see is what ya get so I guess you’re stuck with me.”


Heath eyed his brother speculatively.  Was his brother offering an olive branch he wondered?


“How long we being here Nick? Don’t remember to much after the mountain started coming down on top of me.”


“We got in mid afternoon yesterday.  By the time we got here you had a raging fever.”


Heath closed his eyes trying to recall the previous days events but couldn’t.


“What’s the damage,” he asked pointing at his arm and chest.


“Couple of broken ribs, torn ligaments in your wrist, puncture wound here,” Nick pointed to the slight blood stain on the bandage,” from the rocks when you landed.”


“Remember seeing some movement up the slope, started shooting then the rocks coming down.  Gal rearing, is she ok? And falling off but that’s it.”


“Gals fine Heath, Jim rode her here we couldn’t get her back past the wagons.  As for the rest there’s not much to tell.  Those thieving mongrels got away with the payroll, I got shot, we cleared the trail and came here.”


Heath closed his eyes again and was quiet for a few minutes.   Nick could hear his shallow breathing as he tried to fill his lungs.


“Heath why don’t you take some of this medicine the doc left and get some sleep, I know your hurting.”


Heath shook his head.  “Later. How’s the arm?”


“The arm’s fine Heath, don’t worry about it.”


“Sorry Nick, my fault shoulda been riding further ahead.  Woulda seen the ambush earlier.


Nick stared dumbfounded at his brother.  “Your fault,” he exploded, “how the hell did you come to that fool notion boy?  The only person to blame for this whole mess, hell for the last four months is me.  You were following my own stupid orders Heath and they nearly got you killed out there yesterday.”


Nick took a breath and continued before Heath had a chance to respond.


“Look Heath, I’m sorry for everything that’s happened.  I had no right to take out my disappointment in my, OUR father on you.  I’ve been angry at the wrong person for too long now.  I let my feelings get in the way of my judgment.  I know you weren’t responsible for your birth Heath, none of us are.  Hell you were the only innocent party in this damn mess.”


“Not entirely innocent Nick.  I chose to come here remember.  I coulda walked away but I didn’t.”


“Heath you had every right ta find your family even if it came as a hell of a shock to the rest of us.”


“Shock ha?  It was a shock to me too Nick.  Ta find out that my daddy was none other than the famous Tom Barkley.  Ta find out that while mama and I scrapped a living in a stinking mining town my father and his family, my family were living in the lap of luxury and wanted for nothing.  I was angry too Nick, with our father, not any of you.  I couldn’t blame his family for what happened once I found out that our father didn’t know about me.”


Heath closed his eyes as he allowed his breathing to quiet and the pain in his chest to recede.  When he felt that he was in control again he opened his eyes and stared at his brother, the guilt and worry plainly etched on his face.


Keeping his voice low Heath continued, “Nick I didn’t want nothin other than ta get ta know my family, to belong. Material wealth’s never meant much to me, only what’s here,” he placed his hand of over his heart, “in the heart.  It hurt real bad when I found out mama lied to me about my daddy.  Just couldn’t understand why she chose to keep that a secret for all those years when she knew how much hurt it was causing.”


Heath stopped talking again and took a ragged breath as he pushed himself up on his good elbow despite the pain, “but it didn’t hurt as much as your denial of the truth even after you heard all the facts from your mother’s trip to Strawberry.”


Heath sagged back against the pillows with a groan.  “I only ever wanted the chance to get to know ya as a friend and my brother but you’ve thwarted all my efforts.  Hell I don’t even reckon we’d be having this conversation if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m lyin here and you’re feeling guilty.”


Heath looked at Nick and sighed.  “All I want to know now is why Nick.  Why you couldn’t find it in your heart to give me a fair chance and ta listen to me.”


Heath sank deeper into the pillows, the effort of talking so much having taken a toll on his weakened body.  He wasn’t even sure why he had opened his heart to his brother.  Usually he kept his feelings a close guarded secret. Yet his desire to make his brother understand his need to belong was more overpowering than he had imagined.


Nick sat quietly watching his brother intently and listening to his words.  For the first time since his brother’s arrival he realized just how much mental anguish his own actions had caused the young blond.  He knew with time his brother’s physical pain would heal but he wasn’t sure if he could ever totally erase the pain his past actions had caused to his brother’s heart.


Nick felt an all-encompassing urge to protect this little brother of his from further pain and disappointment.  Seeing his brother’s eyes closed again, he reached out with a tentative hand and placed it gently on Heath’s arm.  Heath opened his eyes and offered a weak smile.


“Still awake Nick,” he whispered.


Nick smiled at his brother. “You goin to take this medicine now and get some sleep?”


Heath shook his head, “Need to talk,” he gasped out, brow furrowing as a fresh wave of pain washed over him.


“Boy if you ain’t the most stubborn, ornery, pig headed Barkley I ever met.”


“Guess it takes one to know one.”


Nick grinned.  “Guess it does.”


“Could use another drink.”


Nick refilled the cup and gently sat on the edge of the bed being careful not to jostle his brother’s injured arm.  This time he managed to lift Heath’s head and give him a drink without spilling any on the bed.  With his brother’s immediate requirements satisfied Nick settled back into the chair.  With an elbow propped on each chair arm and chin resting on steepled fingers Nick looked squarely at his brother.


“Heath, I don’t really know what to say except that I’m sorry. You are my brother. I know that now.  Hell I’ve known that since you first arrived at the ranch.  I just couldn’t accept the fact that my father could ever have betrayed his wife and children.  It just seemed easier to deny you than admit that he was capable of making a mistake that could alter our lives so completely. “


Nick paused and looked at his brother who was now watching him from hooded eyes.


“When I was growing up, father always taught us to own up to our mistakes and be prepared to accept the consequences. To apologize and then move on, not dwelling on the past.  Up until four months ago I can’t ever remember a time when father made a mistake that he didn’t rectify.”


Nick shook his head sadly.


“I don’t know Heath, I’m angry and hurt with father and I realize that taking those feelings out on you was wrong.  You’re right I haven’t done anything to make you feel welcome.  I’ve denied you at every possible turn.  I’ve made ya look bad in front of the men, even when I’ve known you were right.  I just couldn’t admit to myself that I needed you.  I was prepared to let my pride rule my heart.”


Nick reached out and squeezed his brother’s shoulder.


“Heath I need ya and I want ya beside me running this ranch the way OUR father would’ve wanted it.  I know he woulda been damn proud to call ya his son and I’m damn proud to call ya my brother.  What do ya say boy?  Can ya give me another chance?  I promise things are going to be a lot different from now on.  Hell I might even start listening to ya as well,” he added with a grin.


Heath studied his brother carefully but all he could see was hope in his eyes and hear the sincerity in his voice.


“Ya sure Nick?” he asked quietly.


“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” he said holding out his hand, “brother.”


Heath looked at the offered hand and then searched the hazel eyes for any hint of jest.  Seeing none he reached out and gripped his brother’s hand.


“I reckon I’d like that too brother,” he whispered tiredly before letting his hand fall back onto the bed.


The smile on Nick’s face disappeared when he noted the look of sheer exhaustion on his brother’s features.


“Dammit Heath, you’re taking this medicine and goin to sleep.  Jarrod should be here sometime tomorrow.  I’ll rustle us up some grub for dinner while ya sleeping.”


Heath was too tired to argue this time.  He barely had the energy to open his mouth and swallow the foul tasting liquid the doctor had left.


“Why does this stuff always have to taste so bad?” he grumbled as his body finally relaxed into sleep.




Chapter 6


Jarrod reached over and patted the sweaty neck of his heaving horse.  They had been riding hard for the last six hours, but now it was time to admit defeat and stop for the night.  He couldn’t risk himself or his gallant horse to the uncertain terrain in the dark.  It would do neither of his brothers any good if he too succumbed to some injury through his own stupidity.


As he settled into his camp for the night he once again went over all that Jim had told him on his return to the ranch.  That another payroll had been lost was bad enough but to hear that both his brothers had been injured and one by all accounts seriously tore at his heart.


As he thought on Jim’s words he couldn’t fathom his middle brothers thinking or lack of.  That his two brothers were still arguing came as no surprise but to hear that Nick had openly denied Heath the chance to scout the pass did.  He just didn’t understand what was going on in Nick’s head anymore.  Now it appeared his prophesized words to his mother that “one and probably both of them would be seriously injured if they didn’t stop fighting” had come back to haunt him.  He fervently hoped that it wouldn’t be too late to set right some of the wrongs perpetrated by Nick against their new brother.  If he had to Jarrod reasoned he was more than ready to knock some sense into his stubborn dark haired brother.


Still he mused if Jim was right Nick’s conscience might have finally got the better of him.  The way Jim told it Nick was really worried about Heath’s condition and hadn’t left his side since the ambush ignoring his own injury to tend to his brother.  Jarrod wasn’t a fool.  He knew part of the reason was guilt.  Nick would be feeling guilty for not listening to Heath’s suggestion in the first place and taking the necessary precautions.  Still he hoped there was also a glimmer of brotherly love shining through as well.


Another thought crossed Jarrod’s mind and this brought a fleeting smile to the oldest Barkley’s face.  Only three of the four hands had returned to the ranch.  Barrett was still


at the mine with his brothers.  He just hoped that this time it was for the right reasons.


Well lying here worrying isn’t going to do any good he thought.  Might as well get a few hours sleep if I want to be on the road again at first light.


   * * * * * * * *


It was mid morning when Jarrod finally rode into the Lucky Lady Camp.  Thanks to Jim’s directions he had no trouble locating the cabin that his brothers had been taken to two days previously.  He dismounted and stepped up to the door knocking quietly.  When he didn’t get a reply he gently turned the door handle and silently entered the dimly lit cabin.


Shutting the door behind him he allowed his eyes to adjust to the light.  He could hear the sounds of snoring coming from across the room and he smiled.  Nick just had to be as loud in sleep as he was when awake.


Jarrod let his eyes wander over his dark haired brother asleep in the chair feet propped up on the edge of the bed, left arm resting in the sling.  Assuring himself that besides the sling all seemed to be well with his brother he allowed his eyes to move over to the bed and rest on its occupant.


His blond brother was asleep resting on a bevy of pillows.  Even so he could hear a low moan every so often as he breathed.  His eyes traveled to his brother’s bandage wrapped chest and then onto his heavily bandaged arm that was resting on a couple of pillows also.  His brother’s features were pale and drawn and pain lines creased his brow.


Treading softly across the cabin Jarrod gently shook Nick’s shoulder.  Nick turned blurry eyes towards his brother annoyed to have been woken yet again and then smiled when the face before him came into focus.  Pulling his feet off the bed he sat up and winced when his injured arm hit the arm of the chair.


“Nick are you all right?” he asked quietly not wanting to wake his sleeping brother in the bed.


“Yeah,” growled Nick just as quietly.  “It’s more of a nuisance than anything else.  Bullet went straight through and didn’t do too much damage.  Don’t really needs this,” he pointed at the sling, “but it keeps the old doc happy.  Want some coffee?” he asked as he stood and stretched cramped muscles from another night’s broken sleep in the chair.


Jarrod nodded and followed his brother over to the table and sat in one of the chairs.  He watched Nick pour two cups of thick coffee and then returned his gaze to his youngest brother.


“How is he Nick, Jim said he wasn’t too good.”


“You’re damn right about that Jarrod,” replied Nick as he handed his brother a cup and then sat in the other chair.  He ran a hand through his unruly black hair and stared with haunted eyes at his brother.


“I thought that first night I was going to lose him Jarrod,” he choked out.  “He was so sick by the time we got here.  When he came off his horse he landed on some rocks and one punctured his side real deep.  I couldn’t clean it out properly on the trail and it got infected.  By the time we got here his temperature was raging.  Doc cleaned the wound and stitched it up then we spent the next six or so hours battling to get his temperature down again.  By the time we got the temperature down he’d busted open all the stitches and doc had to sew him up a second time.  Besides the puncture wound he’s got a couple of broken ribs and torn ligaments in his wrist.  How the hell he didn’t break that too is anybody’s guess.”


Nick took another mouthful of his coffee and looked at his brother.


“I suppose Jim gave ya all the sordid details about the trip and the ambush.  I swear Jarrod I ain’t never been so scared in all my life.  When that boy started shooting and the rocks started coming down on top of him I couldn’t do a damn thing except watch him fighting to stay on the trail.  I didn’t know whether he’d been shot or not. All I kept thinking was that I was going to lose him before I had the chance to really get to know him properly.”


Jarrod raised an eyebrow at Nick’s admission but wisely kept silent.  Now wasn’t the time for lectures.  A groan and a whispered “Nick” from the bed had the dark haired ranch instantly on his feet and by the bed.


“Easy Heath I’m here so is Jarrod.”




“Right here Heath,” replied the oldest sibling as he made his way to the bed.


“Good ta see you Counselor.”


“Likewise Heath.  I hear you gave old Nick here quite a scare.  How are you feeling now?”


“Like a mountain fell on me.  Could sure use a drink about now.  Don’t suppose you got anything stronger than water in your saddle bags have you Jarrod?”


“Afraid not little brother.” Jarrod replied with a smile


Nick returned with a cup of water and was about to sit on the bed when Jarrod took it from him.


“Allow me brother Nick, you’ve been nursing the patient long enough. Now it’s my turn if that’s all right with you Heath.”


“Fine by me, just promise to give me a drink instead of a bath,” he replied weakly with a lop-sided grin.


“I think I can manage that little brother,” promised Jarrod as he lifted his brother’s head and held the cup for him to drink.


“See Nick, that’s how it’s supposed to be done.”


“Ungrateful younger brothers should be seen and not heard,” Nick grumbled good-naturedly.


Jarrod looked from one brother to the other.  Obviously more than the ambush had happened in the last two days.  A peaceful calm seemed to have settled over his brothers.  He was just sorry that it had taken a near tragedy for it to have come about.  A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he watched as Nick opened it to allow entry to a middle aged man carrying a black bag.


“Nick, how’s the patient this morning,” he asked entering the dimly lit room.  “I think we could do with a bit more light in here now.”


“Sure thing doc.  Oh this is our brother Jarrod, he arrived a little while ago.”


“Pleased to meet you Jarrod, I’m John Baker the local physician for the camp here.”


Jarrod held out his hand, “I’d like to thank you for all the care you’ve given my brothers these last couple of days.  I can assure you it is greatly appreciated.”


“That’s what I’m here for Jarrod.  Now young fella how are you feeling this morning?” Doctor Baker asked turning his attention to his patient.


“Fine doc.  When can we go home?”


“When I say Heath and not before.  Jarrod can you help your brother sit up so I can change the bandage and dressing please.”


Even with Jarrod’s help Heath couldn’t stifle the groan that left his lips and he let his head rest on his brother’s shoulder while the doctor tended to his injuries.


“Thanks Jarrod, you can ease him back now.  The wound is healing nicely now boys, there’s no further sign of infection.”


“So we can go home now doc,” Heath asked again.


Doctor Baker sighed and looked at Jarrod.  “Are your brothers always this stubborn?” he asked.


“Afraid so doc.” Jarrod replied smiling.  “Has Nick been giving you problems too?”


“Well that depends if you call ignoring the doctors advice been stubborn. I doubt he’s had a decent nights sleep since they got here either.”  John Baker peered at Jarrod.  Perhaps you can get them both to sleep for another day or two.”


“A day or two! Doc I can’t stay in bed any longer.  Got things to do,” moaned Heath.


Doctor Baker gave an exasperated sighed.  “Listen to me Heath, you’re in no condition to be going anywhere.  You can’t even sit up with out help and I can assure you bouncing around in the back of a wagon is going to do nothing for your ribs, your arm or that wound I’ve already stitched up twice.  Do I make my self perfectly clear young man?”


Heath glared back as Jarrod and Nick looked on with amused expressions on their faces.  “Yeah fine doc.” Heath grumbled.  “At least can I have a decent meal now instead of Nick’s oatmeal.  I swear my stomach thinks my throats being cut.”


John Baker patted Heath’s arm.  “I’m sure I can arrange that much for you.  I’ll see you tomorrow Heath.  Stay in bed.  Gentleman.”


“Thanks doc, I’ll see he does what he’s told,” replied Nick with a gleam in his eye.


“I’ll come with you Doctor Baker.  I need to see to my horse anyway.  Won’t be long Nick, Heath.”


Jarrod followed the doctor out the door and gathered up the reins of his horse.


“How is he really doc,” Jarrod asked his voice betraying his concern.


“Well I’ll tell you Jarrod, that boy was real sick when he got here.  I’ve got to admit I didn’t think he’d make it at one point.  He must have a guardian angel looking after him.  He will make a full recovery but it’s going to take time and like I said bouncing around in a wagon isn’t going to help.”


Jarrod nodded in agreement.  “What about his arm?”


“He should regain full use of it provided he rests it properly and follows your doctors instructions.”


Jarrod held out his hand.  “Thank you doctor for all your help.”


“My pleasure Jarrod, I’ll stop by tomorrow and check on them both.  Jarrod I wasn’t joking. They both need to get some decent sleep.  Nick hasn’t slept more than a couple hours since they arrived.”


“Don’t worry I’ll take care of it.”


Jarrod walked onto the stables and spied John Barrett coming through the open door.  He’d almost forgotten about the hand in his worry over his brothers.  Barrett, seeing Jarrod walking towards him came to meet him.


“Can I take your horse boss,” he asked without much enthusiasm.


“Yes thank you John I’d appreciate that.”


Jarrod handed over the reins and turned to leave when Barrett stopped him.


“How are Nick and Heath doing?  Sure have been worried about them.”


Jarrod studied the man for a minute but didn’t see any signs of concern in his demeanor.


“They’re improving. Thanks for asking.”   Jarrod nodded and walked away before anymore conversation could take place.  He wasn’t sure, perhaps it was Heath’s concerns about the man but he too had an uneasy feeling where Barrett was concerned.


Jarrod returned to the small cabin that was going to be home for the next few days.  His thoughts turned to his mother waiting back at the ranch for word on her two injured sons.  He had assured her that he would send word if the medical situation was serious otherwise he felt they would all be back at the ranch by the end of the week.  While his brother’s conditions were no longer life threatening the extra delay in returning would worry their mother.  Jarrod entered the cabin, which was again dimly lit.




“Quiet Jarrod, I made the boy take some more medicine and he’s asleep again.  Doesn’t take much to wear him out at the moment.”


“Don’t you think it’s about time you took some of your own advice and get some sleep too?”


“I’m fine Jarrod.”


“That’s not a suggestion Nick, it’s an order,” replied Jarrod sternly.


“I’m going to have the manager send one of the men, not Barrett don’t worry Nick, back to the ranch and let Mother know that we will be delayed a few more days.  When I get back I expect to see you asleep in that bed over there. Do I make myself clear Nick?”


“Perfectly Counselor.”


Jarrod waited until Nick was lying on the bed before leaving in search of the camp manager.  He had to smile at just how stubborn his two brothers were.




Chapter 7


“That better not be my dinner you’re eating Nick,” Heath grumbled as he eyed his brother’s at the table enjoying what smelt like a good home cooked meal.


“Well it’s about time you woke up boy. Of course you picked the wrong time to do it.”


“And what’s that supposed to mean?”


“Well if you’d have woken up earlier you woulda got your dinner and if you’d a woken up later you wouldn’t have known you’d missed it,” came the off handed retort as Nick shoveled another spoonful of stew into his mouth.


Heath mumbled something under his breath that neither of his brothers could quite catch then started to ease his legs over the side of the bed.  His brother’s may not have heard his mumbled words but they certainly heard his grunt of pain and were both instantly on their feet.


“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing boy?” Nick growled as he grabbed his brother’s shoulders to prevent him from falling flat on his face.


“Dammit Nick let me go.  I only want ta go for a walk, won’t be long.”


“Go for a walk.  Haven’t YOU listened to one word the doctor said?  You’re not allowed outta bed yet,” he yelled back.


“Quit yelling Nick, I ain’t deaf.”


“You sure?”


“Heath, why do you want to go for a walk?” asked Jarrod quietly.


“Cause I do is all,” he mumbled not looking at either brother.


Understanding dawned on both older brothers faces.


“Don’t worry little brother, I’ve got the perfect solution to all your problems.”  With that Nick reached under the bed and pulled out an old chamber pot.  “Doc left it here for just such an emergency,” he said grinning from ear to ear.


Heath eyed the pot disgustedly.  I ain’t using that.  No way, Nick.  I can make it to the outhouse and back just fine,” Heath retorted glaring at the grinning faces of his two brothers.


“Heath the doctor said you were to stay in bed and that’s exactly what’s going to happen.  Now why don’t you let me help you here while brother Nick dishes you up a plate of stew,” suggested Jarrod


“Don’t guess I got a choice do I?” came the grumbled reply.


“Boy you got that right.”


   * * * * * * * *


With their meal finished and their brother’s needs seen to Nick and Jarrod drew up chairs and settled down beside Heath’s bed.   After a few minutes gentle bantering which sounded like music to Jarrod’s ears, Jarrod turned the conversation towards more urgent matters at hand.


“Heath, I know WE talked,” Jarrod threw an accusatory glance at Nick, “about Barrett and the robberies before you left but I was wondering if you had any more thoughts on the situation now.”


Heath threw a questioning look at Nick and waited.


‘It’s alright Heath, I know I shoulda listened before but I promise ya I’m gonna listen to you from now on,” Nick replied in answer to Heath’s unasked question.


Heath thought for a minute before replying.


“It’s like I said before Jarrod, there’s just something about Barrett that doesn’t sit right.”  Heath glanced at Nick  “When I first arrived on the ranch he didn’t have anymore money than the rest of the hands at the end of the month but since the first robbery he always seems to be well healed.  Another thing, he’s real good at disappearing and reappearing, sometimes hours later.”


“Did he ever give you any explanation as to his whereabouts Heath?”


Heath chuckled quietly.  “Not so as you’d notice Jarrod.  Let’s just say Barrett and I didn’t exactly see eye to eye on a lot of subjects.”


Heath watched his brother closely.  He saw his brother’s jaw clench and a sadness came into his eyes but Nick stayed uncharacteristically quiet.  Jarrod continued prodding Heath for answers.


“But you think he has something to do with the robberies don’t you?”


“Nothing I can prove.  I wish now I’d taken the time to trail him.  All I know is he was the only hand to be involved with each of the stolen payrolls.  Last month he was on that drive with Nick and the payroll got delivered ok.”


Heath lay back against the pillows and let his eyes rest on Nick as he waited for what he was sure would be an explosion of denial.


Nick pursed his lips and thought on Heath’s words.


“Well let’s say you’re right Heath, but how do we prove it and who and where are his partners.”


“I guess Nick we go back to the pass and I try to track them to their hideout. It has to be this side of the pass I reckon which should make the job easier.  By the way where’s Barrett?”


“Barrett’s still here.  When I sent the others back to the ranch and asked Jim to tell Jarrod to meet us here as soon as possible, I told him I needed his help to get ya home.”


“Bet he loved that.  How’d he take it?”


“Don’t think he was too happy about it but he couldn’t come up with a good enough excuse to go back and right now I don’t care whether he likes it or not.  I want him where I can see him.  He didn’t lift a finger to help you or protect the payroll and I aim to find out why one way or the other.”


Nick looked suspiciously at his little brother.


“And just what does WE go back to the pass and YOU track them mean?”


“Just what I said Nick.  We head back to the pass and I’ll pick up their trail.  Should be fairly easy to do.  You and I were the only two riding horses and I know what our tracks look like.  Can’t be too many other ridden horses out that way.  If we’re real lucky we should be able to find the hideout and recover the money”


“Is that right,” Nick exploded “and just when did YOU figure on doing this?” he bellowed.


“Tomorrow morning.  It’s too late now, be dark by the time we reach the pass.  No sense in camping out when we can sleep here tonight.”


Heath stopped talking and looked from one brother to the other.  Jarrod was starring at him with an amused expression on his face.  Nick sat looking at his brother as though he had suddenly grown two heads.  Heath could see his mouth opening and closing but no words came out.


“What?’ he asked innocently trying to keep the grin off his face.  “I haven’t heard either of you two come up with a better plan to recover the missing payrolls and catch the thieves.”


“You call that a plan boy?” Nick yelled. “Of all the stupid, pig headed, idiotic ideas I’ve ever heard that one has to take the cake.  You can’t even sit up let alone stand.  Just how the hell do you think you’re going to ride a horse and track a gang of thieves?”


“Oh hell, this is nothing Nick.  Been hurt worse than this afore and still managed to stay in the saddle.  I’ll be fine in the morning.”


“You listen to me Heath, this ain’t afore, it’s now and you’re not fine.  You damn near died two days ago.”


“Well what do you reckon we do Nick?  Let them get away?”


“Dammit Heath, I’m not saying that but neither of us is in any shape to do anything about it at the moment.”  Nick looked at his older brother. “Jarrod help me out here will ya instead of sitting there looking like the cat that’s swallowed the mouse.”


“I was just thinking dear brother that now you know how we feel when you won’t listen to the doctor’s instructions.”  Jarrod turned to Heath and continued.  “Nick’s right Heath, you aren’t well enough to be out riding after a gang of thieves and there is one more point that neither of you seem to have considered.”


Two sets of eyes looked questioningly at their brother.


“And that would be Counselor?” Nick asked dryly.


“If we go after the rest of the gang we still may not be able to prove whether Barrett had anything to do with the robberies or not.  I think brothers we would be better served returning to the ranch and then consider all our options in the privacy of my study.”


“That’s fine Jarrod, but what makes you think the gang’s going to hang around that long?”


“Because brother Heath if you’re right then Barrett hasn’t received his share of the loot yet and the gang has already hung around for two months between the robberies.  I also think that you are onto something about the hideout being somewhere this side of the pass.”


“Well then why don’t we go ask the mine manager Maxwell if he’s seen any strangers hanging around here the last couple of months.”?  Nick growled coming to his feet.


Heath had been studying Jarrod’s face and listening to his words.  A smile broke out on his face.


“No point Nick, there aren’t any strangers.  The rest of the gang are here at the mine.  Is that what you’re thinking Jarrod?”


Jarrod stared at his new brother in admiration at his quick uptake on the situation.


“What?” Nick bellowed.


“Nick be quiet,” ordered Jarrod, “we don’t want the whole camp to hear what we’re talking about.”


“Sorry Jarrod,” he grumbled in a voice only slightly below his bellow, “but just how did you two come to that conclusion?”


”Look at the facts we know so far Nick.  Firstly, it is obviously an inside job.  Somebody is tipping the gang off, which means that they have to be somewhere between the ranch and this mine.  Secondly, we own the land up to the pass so the gang are unlikely to be camped anywhere on the ranch, too much chance of them being discovered.  Thirdly, the mine payroll is always delivered at the same time each month.  It wouldn’t be too hard for those involved to arrange their shifts and days off around its delivery.  There are nearly sixty men working here. Who’s going to notice if a couple disappear on their days off?”


Nick mulled over Jarrod’s words for a while.  He could see the wisdom in what he was saying.


“Alright Jarrod, say you’re right.  How do we prove it? We can’t just start searching all the cabins around here.”


“We give them what they want.  Another payroll, only this time it’ll be on our terms,” replied Heath sleepily from the bed, “but first we need to get back to the ranch.  Jarrod you reckon you can use that glib tongue of yours and sweet talk that damn doctor into letting us go home tomorrow?”


Jarrod patted Heath’s shoulder.  “I’ll see what I can do, but if we’re going to have any chance of leaving you’d better look as though you’ve had a good nights sleep.  That goes for you too Nick.”


Jarrod dimmed the light and sat in a thoughtful silence as he watched his two brothers drift off to sleep.  It gave him time to come up with a plausible excuse to take his brothers home earlier than expected.  He cast a look at his youngest brother and hoped they weren’t making a hasty decision.  He couldn’t allow their need to resolve the robberies to come at the expense of either of his brother’s health.




Chapter 8


“The wagon’s ready Heath,” Nick said coming through the cabin door.  “Are you sure about this?  We can wait another day ya know.”


Heath glared at his brother.  “I’m sure and I still say I can ride Gal.  Don’t need to be lyin in a wagon.”


Nick rolled his eyes.  “We’ve been through this already Heath.  If you want to go home it’s in the wagon otherwise you can stay here for the next week.  The decisions yours.”


Heath was already resigned to the fact that he wasn’t really going to make it back to the ranch on horseback.  Just the effort of sitting up while the doctor changed his dressing and bound his injured arm firmly to his chest for the ride home had caused him to break out in a sweat as he forced himself to ignore the pain flowing through him, but he was damned if he was going to show any weakness in front of his brothers.


“Damn fool doctors and ornery brothers.  Think they know everything,” he mumbled to himself as he allowed Nick to help him into a standing position.  He wasn’t ready for the stab of blinding pain in his side as he stood up and gasped as he sagged against his brother.




“I’m alright, let’s just get outta here before the doctor changes his mind,” he ground out through gritted teeth.


They heard the door opening and Heath forced himself to straighten up.  He wasn’t about to let the doctor see just how much pain he was still in.  Jarrod closed the door behind him and turned to look at his brothers, shaking his head.  “I thought Nick that we had decided that you were still convalescing as well.  Don’t you think that’s going to be a bit difficult for anyone to believe if they see you helping Heath out the door?”  Now why don’t you let me take brother Heath here while you go and make yourself comfortable in the back of the wagon.”


“Back of the wagon,” exploded Nick.  “Now wait a minute Jarrod, nobody said anything about ME riding in the wagon as well.”


Jarrod rolled his eyes and Heath grinned broadly despite the pain.


“How do we explain convalescing unless YOU ride in the wagon as well Nick?  Don’t forget we want to convince Barrett that you two aren’t well enough to be tracking anybody just yet.”


“Asides Nick, I could sure use some company on the ride home.”


“Company be damned,” he grumbled as he changed places with Jarrod and then moved towards the door.  Jarrod looked sharply at Nick when he felt just how much of Heath’s weight his brother had being supporting.  Nick only shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.  He didn’t like it anymore than Jarrod did.


“Don’t ask Jarrod, let’s just get outta here please,” Heath begged quietly.


They followed Nick out the door and watched as Barrett helped Nick step up into the back of the wagon.  The smirk on Heath’s face quickly changed to a grimace when he was helped into the wagon and lowered onto the mattress and pillows that padded its base.  His brothers watched anxiously as he closed his eyes and tried to regulate his breathing.


John Baker walked up to Jarrod and shook his head as he looked at the drawn features of his patient.  “I still don’t like this, he should be in bed Jarrod.  Here are the extra supplies you asked for.  If you’ll take my advice give him some laudanum.  It’ll make the trip easier on him.”


Doctor Baker handed over the supplies and shook Jarrod’s hand.


“Don’t worry doctor we’ll take good care of our little brother and thank you for your assistance.”


Doctor Baker stepped back and watched as Jarrod mounted his horse and followed the slowly moving wagon out of the camp.  He could do no more than shake his head at the stubbornness of the brothers.


   * * * * * * * *


We’re going to make camp here for the night Nick, how’s he doing?” Jarrod asked as Barrett pulled the wagon to a halt in a small clearing beside a crystal clear mountain stream.


“He’s still sleeping.  I’m glad we convinced him to take that laudanum Jarrod. Bouncing around in here was no picnic I can tell you.  Reckon we should leave him here tonight.  No point in moving him any more than necessary.”


“I’ll have to wake him soon. We need to change that dressing. In the meantime brother Nick, let me help you down from the wagon.”


Nick glared daggers at his brother but allowed himself to be helped down.  “You just wait till we get home Counselor,” he mumbled under his breath, allowing a grimace to cross his face for Barrett’s benefit as the man was standing nearby watching.


Making a great of show of it, Nick gingerly lowered himself onto his bedroll and leaned back against his saddle.


“You’d better let me check that arm Nick, you know what the doctor said.”


Jarrod knelt down beside Nick and turned to Barrett.  “Would you mind setting the fire and seeing to the horses while I tend to my brothers please.  You’ll find a pot of stew Mrs Baker gave us in the back of the wagon.  Just leave it on the edge of the fire to warm.”


“Yeah sure thing boss.”


The two brothers watched as Barrett walked off to gather firewood before Jarrod turned back to Nick.


“Quit your belly aching Nick, you know it’s only until we get back to the ranch.  Besides I thought you’d be glad of some time off and being waited on hand and foot.”


“Yeah well you try sitting in the back of that wagon Jarrod.  I swear Barrett deliberately drove over every pothole he could find.  He’s lucky I didn’t knock him off that seat and take the reins myself.”


“That looks good Nick, you just sit and rest while I tend to Heath,” Jarrod replied as he saw Barrett coming through the trees behind Nick.


“Want a hand Jarrod?”


“No I’ll be fine Nick, but I’ll call you if I do, ok?”


Jarrod was surprised to find Heath awake and trying to sit up when he climbed into the back of the wagon.


“How are you feeling Heath?” Jarrod asked as he helped him into a more comfortable position.


“Been worse.”


“I’m sure you have.  I need to change this dressing.  Do you think you can lean forward a bit for me?”


“How’s Nick doing?  Boy was he annoyed when we made him ride back here too.”


“Still grumbling.”


Heath flinched as Jarrod tried to remove the old dressing.  “Take it easy Jarrod, I’m partial to that there skin of mine.”


“Sorry Heath looks like it’s been bleeding a little.  I’ll clean around it and put on a new dressing.  We’ll get Howard to look at it tomorrow afternoon.  Need anything else?”


“Could use a walk, if ya feel like helping me?”


Jarrod studied Heath’s face.  As far as he was concerned that wasn’t a good sign.  His brother was very reticent about asking for help, which meant he was obviously feeling worse than he was letting on.


When Nick saw Jarrod helping Heath from the wagon he went to get up as well but Jarrod shook his head and nodded towards Barrett.  Nick sat back down fuming.  Somebody was going to pay for this and he knew just who that somebody was going to be too.


   * * * * * * * *


Jarrod woke with a start not sure as to what had disturbed his sleep.  He could hear Nick snoring beside him.  He looked across the embers of the fire to Barrett’s bedroll and sat up suddenly.  It was empty.  He turned his attention to the wagon, which stood nearby and the figure hovering beside it.  Instantly he was on his feet and striding towards the wagon hand resting on his gun.


Barrett had waited until the brothers were sleeping soundly.  That wasn’t hard to figure out with Nick.  He’d heard him asleep often enough on drives to know whether he was truly asleep or not.  Jarrod on the other he wasn’t sure about and he didn’t snore like Nick either.


Moving carefully and keeping an eye on Jarrod, Barrett exited the camp silently, throwing a careless glance at the blond sleeping in the wagon.  He knew he didn’t have to worry about him at the moment as he’d seen that fancy brother of his give him some laudanum after dinner.  “You’ll keep bastard,” he muttered on his way past.


Half an hour later he stopped by the wagon on his return to the campsite and smiled evilly at the sleeping blond.


“Barrett what are you doing?” hissed Jarrod as he came up beside him.


“I was just answering the call of nature boss.  Thought I heard Heath moaning so I came over to check on him is all.”


Jarrod studied Barrett intently but was unable to decide whether the man was lying or not.  He knew his brother was in pain and he conceded it was possible that Barrett had heard Heath, but his brother was sleeping peacefully now and he wasn’t about to wake him.


“All right Barrett, thank you.  You go back to bed and I’ll keep an eye on him for a while.”


Jarrod wasn’t the only one watching Barrett return to his bedroll.  Nick lay quietly on his blankets watching and listening to what was happening.  It was taking all his will power not to jump up and confront Barrett himself.


Jarrod sat beside Heath for another half hour before returning to his bedroll and a very impatient Nick.  In all that time Heath hadn’t stirred once.  His breathing was relaxed and even despite the broken ribs.


“What the hell was all that about Jarrod?  Is Heath alright?” Nick hissed in a low whisper.


“I don’t know Nick but we had better keep a close eye on Barrett from now on.  Heath’s fine and he’s also right. Barrett’s not to be trusted.” Jarrod whispered back.


   * * * * * * * *


Mother, they’re home,” squealed Audra when she heard the wagon pull up by the front steps. Audra flung open the front door and rushed down the steps followed by Victoria and Silas.




Chapter 9


Audra threw herself into Jarrod’s arms as he dismounted from Jingo.  “Easy sis, I haven’t been gone that long,” he said smiling down at her.


Duke McCall and Jim had also come across from the corrals at the wagons return.  As Jim led the brother’s horses back to the barn, Duke studied the wagons occupants carefully.  He was a bit surprised to see Nick in the back of the wagon considering what Jim had said about his injury.  He was even more surprised when Nick asked for a hand to get out of the wagon.  “Later,” Nick growled in his ear.  Duke raised an eyebrow but said nothing.


Victoria stood beside the wagon and reached over to put a hand on Heath’s shoulder.  His face was pale and his jaw was clenched tightly against the pain.  He turned dull blue eyes toward her and smiled weakly.


Victoria turned worried eyes to Jarrod.  “I don’t understand Jarrod, I wasn’t expecting you home for a few more days.”


“I know Mother, we’ll explain everything to you but first lets get the boys into the house.”


Victoria stood silently by as Jarrod and Duke helped Heath ease to the back of the wagon.  Supporting his weight between them despite his protests that he could walk by himself they helped him into the house and up to his room.  Audra and Silas had already turned down his bed and added extra pillows so he could rest propped up.


“Thanks Duke, can you send one of the hands in to get Doctor Merar and then come back.  We need to talk to you.”


“Ok Jarrod won’t be long.”


Victoria stood in the doorway of Heath’s room.  “Jarrod can’t it wait, your brothers are obviously not well and I don’t understand why you brought them home in this condition.”


Nick watched his brothers and Duke enter the house.  I promise little brother I’ll make them pay for what they’ve done. “Thanks for the help Barrett, look after the team and wagon then get yourself some food and rest,” he said keeping his voice as civil as possible.  He watched with blazing eyes as the man climbed back onto the wagon and drove it towards the barn, before turning back towards the house.  Duke saw him heading up the steps and hurried after him.


“Nick are you ok? I’ve sent Jim in to town for Doctor Merar.”


Nick opened the front door and stepped into the foyer with Duke right behind him.


“I’m fine now Duke,” he spat out as he ripped the sling off and headed up the stairs two at a time.  Duke shook his head in wonder.  Not five minutes ago he would have sworn Nick was ready to keel over.  This should be interesting he thought to himself as he followed his boss up the stairs and into Heath’s room.


“Don’t blame Jarrod ma’am,” Heath was saying weakly from the bed, “I made them bring me home.  I’m fine really, just tired.”


“Heath you are in no fit state to have made anybody do anything at the moment.  Jarrod had no right bringing you home like this, or your brother either it seems.”


Nick strode defiantly into the room and gathered his mother in his arms.  “I’m fine too Mother, it was all a show for Barrett’s benefit.”


Victoria disentangled herself from Nick’s arms and turned to look at him.  Gone was the sling and the pained expression on his face.  “Well you might be all right, but your brother certainly isn’t.  I want all of you out of this room now.  What ever business you need to discuss can be done down stairs, but let me warn you both this isn’t over.”


“But ma’am.”


“Don’t you but mother me Heath Barkley, you’re going to lie there quietly and wait for the doctor, now the rest of you out.”


Heath stared wide-eyed at Victoria as the rest of them tried to hide the smirks on their faces.  Even Duke was amused at Victoria’s choice of words and he wondered how the others would take them, particularly Nick.  The three siblings weren’t sure whether their mother had mad a slip or not but there was no mistaking her order so they all filed out of the room leaving a stunned Heath behind them.


Victoria sat on the edge of the bed a smile on her face as she ran her fingers through Heath’s blond hair.  “Heath you don’t know how worried I’ve been about you since we heard what happened.  I can’t believe that Jarrod would agree to bring you home like this.”


Heath winced as he tried to sit up.  He wasn’t sure what hurt more, his arm, his side or this woman’s anguish.  He was tired but he wanted this woman whom he had come to respect and admire almost as much as his own mother to understand that it wasn’t Jarrod and Nick’s fault that they had come home early.


“Moth, ma’am, please don’t be mad with Jarrod and Nick, it was my idea to come home.  We’ve got a fairly good idea who’s behind the robberies and staying at the mine wasn’t going to resolve anything.”


“Oh Heath, be that as it may, making yourself sicker isn’t going to help either.”


“I slept pretty much since we left the camp.  Doctor Jarrod saw to that, but the last lot of laudanum wore off a coupla hours ago and I refused to take anymore.  Guess I wanted to see you and sis when we got here,” he said sheepishly.  He wasn’t sure how to voice his next question, but he needed to know if she meant what she had said.


“Ah ma’am, before when you said, ah, about,” he trailed off.


Victoria smiled, “about not but mothering me?  Yes Heath I meant it.  You’ve been with us four months now and in that time I’ve come to love you as though you were one of my own.  It would give me great pleasure if you would stop calling me ma’am or Mrs Barkley and start calling me mother.  After all you refer to Nick, Jarrod and Audra as your brothers and sister.  Don’t you think it sounds a little silly to then call me something other than mother?”


“I, I guess I’d like that too….Mother,” he smiled as he settled back into the pillows.


“Thank you Heath, you don’t know how happy that makes me feel.  Now why don’t you rest quietly while I see to your brothers?  I’ll send Howard up as soon as he gets here.”  She stood and bent over the bed kissing him gently on the forehead before walking to the door.  Turning she wasn’t surprised to see that he was already asleep.


   * * * * * * * *


Duke whistled softly, “So Heath suspects Barrett has something to do with the robberies.  Can’t say as I’m all that surprised though.  I’ve been noticing the same things as Heath lately too.  What are you going to do about it?”


Nick glared at Duke, it seemed everybody else knew what was going on except him and now look where they were.  “Why the hell didn’t you say something Duke?” he demanded.


“Because like Heath I couldn’t prove anything either and he always had a reasonable answer when I asked him where he was. So now what?”


“For the time being we do nothing except keep a close eye on him,” growled Nick.  “We need to find him some jobs around here so he won’t have an excuse to ride off again.”


“Nick we can’t keep him working around here indefinitely.  He’s bound to get suspicious.”


”I know Duke, but hopefully it will only be for a couple of days.  At least until we can sort out a plan to catch the gang red-handed anyway.  The boy has a plan I’m sure, but Mother’s not going to let us discuss it until after Howard’s seen him.”


“The way your Mother was acting, you two will be lucky to get in to see him next week.  Boy was she annoyed with you boys.”


“Don’t we know it.  Ok Duke you’d better get back to the bunkhouse and make sure Barrett doesn’t slip away.  I’ll be over later with new work rosters.”


Duke stopped at the door on his way out.


“Don’t be too hard on your Mother Nick, she was real worried when she heard you’d both being injured.”


Duke turned and left without waiting for a reply.  He figured that after watching those boys grow up over the last twenty years or so and paddling their backsides a time or two he could offer his opinion without fear of retribution.


   * * * * * * * *


Victoria descended the stairs a smile still gracing her features as she entered the study.  Her children were instantly on their feet as she came through the door.


“Mother?” asked Nick tentatively.


“Your brother is sleeping at the moment Nicholas and I have asked Silas to sit with him until Howard arrives.”  She looked from one of her children to the others. “I have asked Heath to start calling me Mother.  Do any of you,” looking directly at Nick, “Have any problems with that?”


“Well did he agree?”


“Yes Nick he did.”


“The boy finally listened to someone.  About time,” he said grinning at his mother.


“I believe lovely lady, that neither Audra nor I have a problem with that either.”


Victoria smiled appreciatively at her children.  “I don’t think you realize just how happy your acceptance of Heath has made me.”


“Oh, I think we do Mother, all of us,” replied Jarrod looking meaningfully at Nick.


“Ok so I was a bit slow on the uptake but that’s all different now and you know it Counselor.”


“No need to get defensive brother Nick, I was merely pointing out to Mother that we have all accepted Heath as a fully fledged member of this family, no questions asked.”


Victoria watched the by play between her two sons.  Obviously a lot had happened to change Nick’s mind towards Heath but she knew better than to press them on the subject at the moment although she hoped the answer to her next question might enlighten her somewhat.


“Now would someone, Nicholas, please tell me exactly what has been happening since you left six days ago and why you both felt it was necessary to bring your brother home before he was well enough to travel?”


Nick stood beside the fireplace and watched as his mother took a seat beside his sister.  He looked imploringly at Jarrod who only raised and eyebrow and gave him a “you’re on your own brother,” look.


Nick started pacing as he tried to gather his thoughts and then turned to look into his mother’s grey eyes.  No one could ever say he didn’t take responsibility for his actions.


“It’s my fault Heath was injured,” he began softly, “If I’d have listened to him out on the trail instead of trying to prove I was the boss then he wouldn’t have got hurt and we would still have the payroll.”


Fifteen minutes later Nick stopped pacing and took a deep breath.  “I’m sorry Mother, for everything. The way I’ve treated Heath since he arrived, for not listening to you, all of you,” he added as he looked to Jarrod and Audra.  “I realize now how much anguish my actions have caused everybody and I hope that you’ll be able to forgive me someday.”  Nick stopped speaking and lowered his eyes to the ground. He couldn’t bare to look at his mother’s eyes.  He stood quietly as he waited for his mother to respond to the details of the past six days events.


Victoria sat quietly as she studied her son’s defeated posture and mulled over everything she had heard.  She knew he deeply regretted his past actions and it was plainly obvious his feelings for Heath had drastically altered.


“Nicholas all I have ever asked is for my children to take responsibility for their actions and from what I have heard that is exactly what you have done.  I am very pleased that you and Heath have worked through your differences.  I hope now we can all move on from here and live the life that my husband and your father would have wanted for us.  All of us.” She looked at her children but there was no doubting in their minds that the ALL also encompassed their blond haired brother sleeping upstairs.  “I can’t speak for your brother and sister but I have already forgiven you darling.”


Nick looked from his mother to Jarrod and Audra who also smiled and nodded their heads.  He felt as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders.  “Thank you” he whispered.


A loud knocking at the front door interrupted any further discussions.  Jarrod quickly crossed the foyer and opened the door to admit Doctor Merar and Fred Madden.


“Fred, Howard, thanks for coming.  Heath’s up in his room Howard, Silas is with him but I’ll send Nick up as well.  He’ll be able to fill you in on the injuries. Fred the rest of the family’s in the study.”


Howard Merar headed up the stairs and was quickly followed by Nick, who was more than a little glad to escape the intense gaze of his mother.  Half an hour later both men returned to the study.


“Don’t get up Victoria, Heath will be fine.  He’s sleeping at the moment, which is what he desperately needs plus plenty of bed rest.  I’ve changed the dressing and rebound his ribs.  He did pull out a couple of stitches but I haven’t worried about replacing them.  The wound is healing nicely with no sign of infection.  As I have already told Nick I’ve splinted his arm. It will help to keep his wrist immobile and give the ligaments time to start healing.  I’ve left pain medicine for him and he’s going to need it for the next couple of days.  I want him to stay in bed for the next two days at least.  I’ll be out tomorrow to change the dressing again.”  Howard stopped speaking and smiled at Victoria and watched relief washed over her features.


“Thank you Howard,” Victoria said, the relief at knowing her newest son was going to be all right plainly evident on her face.  “Did you look at Nick’s arm too?” she asked staring pointedly at her dark haired son.


Howard smiled, “yes I did Victoria and there’s nothing to worry about.  Nick will be back to normal or at least what passes for normal around here in a couple of days,” he replied.  “If you’ll excuse me I have several other patients to see this afternoon.”


After showing Howard out Nick poked his head around the study door, “I’ll be up in Heath’s room,” he began.


“Nick I know you want to sit with Heath but Fred would like to talk to you for a minute,” Victoria said gently.


Nick sighed, was this day ever going to end he wondered.  Didn’t they realize he needed to be with his brother right now?




Chapter 10


Nick sauntered into the room. “What do you want to talk about Fred,” he growled although he already knew the answer.




“Nick I just want to hear from you and Heath when he’s up to it about what happened.  I’ve already spoken to Jim and Ted but I was hoping the two of you might have something more to add.”


“Jarrod knows as much as we do Fred, can’t he fill you in?” Nick grumbled.


“Alright, alright Counselor, don’t get on your high horse.  What do you want to know Fred?”


“Well for starters who do you think is behind the robberies and did you recognize any of the men involved?”


“Do you think I’d be sitting here if I’d recognized any of them Fred?” Nick exploded.




“Sorry Mother.  No I didn’t recognize any of them but Heath seems to think it was an inside job and somebody from the ranch is tipping them off.”


“Any ideas who Nick?”


“Nothing we can’t prove yet, but we will don’t worry about that.”


“Nick you know you can’t take matters into your own hands.  I don’t want to have to arrest you or that brother of yours.  Jarrod tell him will you.”


“Don’t worry Fred, I’ll see that what my brother’s plan is above board and legal, but we will handle it ourselves. This has become personal for the family now Fred and we would prefer to deal with it in our own way.


Fred sighed and stood up.  “All right Jarrod I’ll leave it in your hands for the moment but hear this.  I don’t like it and if I even get a hint of one of you breaking the law I’ll be out here to haul you off to the jail faster than you can blink.  Do I make myself clear?”


Victoria looked sharply at Fred.  “Fred you know my sons won’t do anything unlawful, no matter what provocation they might have and I can’t believe that you would think they would.”


Fred held up his hand, “I’m sorry if it sounded like that Victoria but the way Nick and Jarrod are talking, well I just want to make it clear that I won’t stand for any vigilante talk.”


“Vigilante talk, “ exploded Nick, “now you listen here Fred my little brother was nearly killed five days ago and…”


Jarrod stepped forward and placed a restraining arm on his brother’s shoulder.


“Fred I give you my word that we will let you know what our plans are before we take any action.”


“Good enough Jarrod, Victoria I’ll stop by tomorrow and talk to Heath if that’s all right?”


“Of course it is Fred, Audra would you please see Fred out.  Nick. Jarrod I want a word with you both,” she said sternly.


“Is Fred right? Are you planning to go after those men because of what happened to Heath?  Is that why you brought your brother home early?”


It wasn’t often that the brothers heard their mother speaking in such a tone nor did her eyes usually take on the hard glare that she now gave them.’


“Not exactly Mother,” Nick began.


“If not exactly Nick, then what?”


“Mother, Heath believes Barrett is working with the gang as the inside man and both he and Jarrod seem to think that the other gang members work at the mine.  Heath insisted on coming back to the ranch.  If we hadn’t have brought him home I wouldn’t have put it past him to have climbed atop that Modoc of his and ridden back.”  Nick stopped for a breath before continuing.


“You know he wanted us to ride back to the pass with him so he could start trailing them.  We just figured we’d be better off here where there are plenty of people to keep and eye on that boy and Barrett, while we made plans for another payroll delivery.”




“Nick’s right Mother, Heath wasn’t going to stay at the camp no matter what we or the doctor said. And we do need to make plans away from prying eyes and eavesdroppers.”


Victoria studied her two sons intently.  She had no doubt that they were telling her the truth.  It hadn’t taken her long to discover just how stubborn Heath could be and she believed he would have ridden back to the ranch on his own or worse still gone after the robbers alone.  She sighed wearily.


“All right Nick, Jarrod.  Just promise me you’ll be careful and don’t involve Heath in your plans if it can at all be helped.  You heard what Howard said, he needs plenty of bed rest.”


“That might be a little difficult Mother, as Heath seems to be the one with the plan.”


Victoria rolled her eyes, she should have guessed.


   * * * * * * * *


“Well little brother, you’re looking a lot better than you did when we rolled up here at lunchtime,” Jarrod said as he rose from the chair and helped Heath to sit higher up on the mound of pillows.


“Feel a whole lot better too Jarrod, thanks.  Where’s Nick, kinda figured he’d be here.”


Jarrod smiled knowingly, “What aren’t I good enough for you little brother,” he asked teasingly.


Heath looked aghast at his oldest brother, “I didn’t mean it like that Jarrod, I’m mighty glad you’re here, it’s just, well I guess I’ve got used to Nick been here when I wake up is all.”


Jarrod looked at his new brother and smiled warmly.  What a difference a week makes he thought.  This time last week he was sure that Heath was ready to throw in the towel and leave the ranch due to the treatment that Nick was dishing out to him.  Now it was that very same brother that the blond was looking for to help ease the pain of his injuries.


“Don’t worry Heath, Nick will be back shortly, he just went over to the bunkhouse to give Duke the new work orders for tomorrow.  You know he’s been here most of the afternoon, so has mother.”


Heath looked worriedly at Jarrod, “I hope she didn’t get too riled at you both on account of me wanting to come home.  I told her I made you bring me back here.”


Jarrod patted his brother on the shoulder, “not at all, Nick made it quite clear that it was all your fault and we were completely innocent of any wrong doing.”


“He did ha? Sounds like I owe Nick one,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.


The jangle of spurs on the stairs served to announce the imminent arrival of one Nick Barkley.  Nick came through the door pulling the sling off his arm and muttering to no one in particular.


“I tell you if I have to wear this damn sling much longer I think I’ll go crazy, can’t do a damn thing with this hanging around my neck, and this is a working ranch you know.”


Nick stopped speaking when he realized two sets of blue eyes were watching him.


“Well little brother glad to see you finally decided to wake up for us.  How you feeling?”


His ribs were aching and his arm was throbbing unmercifully but he wasn’t about to tell his brothers or his mother who had followed Nick into the room.


“Better for a few uninterrupted hours of sleep in a stationary bed I reckon.”


“Nicholas please watch your language.”


“Yes Mother, sorry,” he replied glaring daggers at his two brothers as they tried to hide the smirks on their faces.


“Heath I’m glad to see you awake also, are you hungry?  I’ll have Silas send up a tray for you.”


“Thanks ma’…. Mother, guess I am hungry.  Just promise me it’ll have something other than broth or oatmeal on it.”


Victoria laughed at the look of disgust on her sons face and then frowned when she saw his brow furrow in a grimace, that wasn’t missed by either of his brothers also.


“Darling why don’t you take some of the medicine Howard left for you?”


Heath smiled reassuringly at her. “I will after dinner, wouldn’t want to sleep through another meal, mightn't be anything left when I wake up,” he stated glaring pointedly at Nick.


Victoria turned quickly to see Nick’s mouth open and close without a sound escaping from his lips.  She raised an enquiring eyebrow to Jarrod who only smiled back at her.  Deciding that she wasn’t going to get a straight answer from any of her sons at present she decided to ignore the comment for the time being.


“I take it Nicholas you will be dining up here with your brother tonight?”


“Yeah well somebody has to feed him, he can’t do it himself.  Should see the mess he made last time.”


“You can’t talk Nick, I asked ya for a drink and you gave me a bath.”


Victoria rolled her eyes in exasperation, although secretly she was very pleased with the current turn of events.  It was a joy to her ears to hear these two sons of hers throwing barbs at one another good-naturedly.  “I suppose Jarrod that you are going to stay as well?”


“Oh I don’t think so Mother, I’d much prefer to eat a civilized meal with my two favourite ladies, than with these two heathens,” he said ignoring the hostile glares been directed at him from his brothers.


“I’ll have Silas send up two trays in that case.  Nick see that your brother takes the medicine Howard left as soon as he finishes eating please.”


“Don’t worry Mother, I will.”


“I know you want to talk but please don’t tire Heath out. Jarrod dinner will be ready in half and hour.”


Nick sat on the end of Heath’s bed and studied his brother intently.  Over the past six days he’d gotten use to reading his brother’s face and he could tell the boy was in pain.


“Dammit Heath, why do you have to be so stubborn?  I know you’re hurting, take the medicine will you?”


“Later Nick, maybe, I hate taking that stuff, can’t think straight after it.  Besides we’ve got plans to make.”


“There’s no we boy, just me and Jarrod.  You’re staying put in this bed.”


“Like hell I am, I’ve got as much right to go after those thieves as you, maybe more.”


“That’s exactly why you’re not going,” yelled Nick.


Heath sat up suddenly in the bed and then sank back against the pillows groaning at the pain he’d just caused himself.  Taking a breath he glared defiantly at Nick.


“You can’t stop me Nick.”


“I’d say there’s no need.  You can’t even sit up let alone get outta bed.”


‘Not yet anyway.”


“Dammit boy, why the hell won’t you listen to me?”


“What, like you listened to me?”


Jarrod sensed it was coming but he didn’t think now was the right time for either of his brothers to be having this discussion.  They both needed sometime to cool down and come to terms with all their feelings before they started laying blame.  Besides he could tell just as well as Nick that his youngest brother wasn’t well enough for this particular argument.


“Nick, Heath that’s enough.  Do you want Mother up here?  I can easily arrange it if she hasn’t already heard you two yelling that is.”


Nick clenched his jaw and glared at Jarrod before he turned to watch Heath sink further into the pillows with eyes closed.  Damn he thought to himself, what was I thinking? The boys not up to this conversation or any other for that matter.


“Sorry Jarrod, Heath.”


“Yeah I’m sorry too,” whispered Heath.


“That’s better, now can I trust you two not to start another argument while I’m gone?”


“Yeah we’ll be fine Jarrod.”


Jarrod watched as Nick took his seat by the bed.  It was apparent that Heath had already drifted back to sleep.  “Nick I think our plans can wait until tomorrow.”


“So do I Jarrod.”




Chapter 11


“Good morning brother Heath, you’re looking much better this morning I might add.”


“Morning Jarrod, feel it too.  It’s kinda quiet around here.  Where is everybody?”


“Mother and Audra drove into town early this morning for some shopping and Nick’s down at the corrals.  He should be up soon with your breakfast.”


“So why aren’t you in town Jarrod?  Don’t you trust ol’ Nick and I to behave?” Heath asked with just the hint of a grin on his face.


“After last night, probably not but we do need to discuss plans fro recovering the payrolls and catching the gang.  Nick and I thought now would be a perfect time with no one around to over hear us.”


“Makes sense Counselor.”


Heath started fidgeting in his bed.


“Ah Jarrod don’t suppose you’d help me get up will ya?”


“You sure Heath?”


“Yeah it ain’t that far you know. Besides if I don’t start walking soon my legs are liable to forget what they’re used for.  I promise to take it slow,” he added with a genuine grin.


Nick stomped up the stairs carrying three laden plates on a tray but stopped when he saw Jarrod helping Heath back down the hall.  His eyes lit up at the sight of his little brother up and around even if he was moving slowly and his features were still pale and drawn.


“You supposed to be outta bed yet?” he tried to growl but he couldn’t stop the relief he felt at the sight from creeping into his voice.


“You supposed to be carrying that tray with your arm?” Heath counted good-naturedly.


“There ain’t nothing wrong with my arm and you know it but there’s still plenty wrong with you.” Nick grumbled as he followed his brother’s back to Heath’s room and watched as Jarrod eased him back onto the bed.


   * * * * * * * *


With breakfast out of the way and the trays returned to the kitchen the brothers settled down around Heath’s bed.


“Still say I can sit in a chair.  Not like it’s going anywhere.”


“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”


“And what’s that supposed to mean?”


“Well a chairs got legs don’t it? And I reckon you’re just ornery enough to figure out how to get it to move.”


“You’re forgettin Nick the beds got legs too and ya don’t see it moving do ya?”


“Not yet.”


Jarrod smiled at the easy banter flowing between his brothers then sighed.  If he didn’t put a stop to it now they’d be here all day.  “Boys that will be enough.  We’re here to discuss plans for the payroll remember, not whether brother Heath here can make inanimate objects move of their own accord.”  Now he felt like one of his old college professors disciplining a couple of students for talking in class.  With sensibilities once again restored Jarrod looked enquiringly at Heath.


“All right little brother, what sneaky plan have you got running around inside that head of yours? And don’t say you haven’t got one.  I doubt not even you are silly enough to risk Mother’s wrath without good reason.”


“Well I don’t rightly know whether I’ve got a plan or not, but I do have a few ideas.”


“Quit stalling boy, out with it then or would you rather we got out our crystals balls and read your mind,” growled Nick unable to maintain his patience any longer.  Both Heath and Jarrod could sympathize with their brother. All this sitting around and inactivity was starting to frustrate all of them.  Choosing to ignore Nick’s outburst, Heath asked a question of his own.


“How many were in the ambush Nick, I remember seeing the one.”


“Two other, three if we count Barrett. Why?”


Heath pursed his lips and shook his head.


“I reckon there’s a fifth man and he’s gotta be the brains of the operation.”


“Why do you say that Heath?”


“Look at it this way Jarrod, it’s a two day ride to the mine and Barrett’s never gone missing more than say three or four hours at the most, so there’s no way he can be riding to the mine and back. Same goes with the men at the mine.  They work shifts, even working say a night shift and having the next day off that only leaves them maybe 15 hours before the next shift starts.  Even if they have a day off between they’re still shy about eight hours on a two-day ride.  Which means there’s gotta be a fifth person.  Somebody who can come and go from the mine for days at a time, without drawing suspicion to themselves.   Which is why this person has to be the brains too.  He’s the one getting the information from Barrett and passing it on at the other end.  He’s also the only one as far as I can figure that has the time to sit down, make the plans and scout out likely ambush sites.  Asides Barrett’s not bright enough for that.  He’s a follower not a doer.”


Heath continued talking unaware of the silence in the room.


“We need ta figure out which people at the mine have the freedom and opportunity to come and go.  Also, if there is a regular delivery team from town.  Whoever Barrett’s meeting has to be passing through or near to the ranch on their trips. He wouldn’t chance riding into to town to meet somebody.  Too many witnesses and more chance of us hearing about it.”


Heath finally stopped speaking and looked at his two brothers who were staring in open-mouthed astonishment at him.


“What did I say?”


“More words in one go than I’ve heard you utter in the last four months.  Didn’t know you knew how to talk boy.”


“Oh, I know how to talk Nick, but usually I only do it when I’ve got something to say.”


Jarrod shook his head in admiration. “Well brother Heath I for one take my hat off to you.  That was one fine piece of surmising.  Next time I need to write a closing statement, remind me to ask you first.”


“More importantly Jarrod, how do we prove our little brother’s theories?”


“That’s the easy part Nick, we give them what they want. Another payroll, or at least what they think is another payroll,” replied Heath grinning broadly.


“For somebody who hasn’t got a plan, you’ve sure got a lot of ideas.  Spill it,” growled Nick.


“We let them think we’re sending a replacement payroll only this time we’ll be the ones laying the trap not them.  Nick, did they check the payroll before they took it?”


“Nah just grabbed it and lit out. Why?”


“Well that means we don’t have to use money, other than a few bills top and bottom so if they do look in the bag, they’ll think they’ve got the real thing. By the time they realize we’ve tricked them and they haven’t got the real payroll we should have caught up with them.”


Nick eyed his brother suspiciously.  “What do you mean real payroll?”


“While we’re out chasing the gang Jarrod and Duke if they’re willing can slip away and deliver the real payroll.  The miner’s still have to be paid Nick.  Nobody’s going to expect us to send two payrolls.


“I don’t like it.  Jarrod and Duke are going to be sitting ducks.”


“From who Nick?  Nobody on the ranch except us needs to know about the second payroll.  They’ll all see one payroll leave as planned and remember Barrett will be on the payroll delivery so he won’t be able to warn anybody.”


“I’m not letting Barrett any where near the next payroll,” growled Nick.


Heath rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation.


“You have to Nick, it’s the only way we’re ever going to tie him in with the gang.”


“If he’s with us how do we prove he’s involved?”


”Because he won’t be with us Nick.  We’re injured remember.  As far as Barrett’s concerned we’re not able to deliver the payroll.  We pick a couple of reliable men who won’t fight back to go with Barrett.  Then we follow at a safe distance.  I’m betting Barrett will volunteer to follow the gang while the other’s head back here and for the sheriff.  We follow Barrett and hopefully he’ll lead us straight to the rest of the gang.”


“And what if you’re wrong and Barrett doesn’t follow the gang?”


“Then all we have to do is trail them.  Either way we’ll get them this time.”


   * * * * * * * *


As Jarrod rode away from the ranch an hour later to inform Fred Madden of their plans his thoughts were with his two brothers.  Heath had drifted back to sleep shortly before he left and Nick was in the study grumbling mightily about not being allowed to leave the house until his return.


He had no doubt in his mind that his little brother’s plan would work.  That was provided Nick could keep his temper under control for a few more days.  They all knew that the charade Nick was playing with Barrett was wearing thin with the man of action but they needed the extra time to finalize the plans.  Heath needed the extra time if he was going to have any chance of riding with Nick and tracking the gang.


As Jarrod rode he couldn’t help but to admire and marvel at their youngest brother’s powers of deduction and ability to plan down to the smallest detail.


Jarrod shook his head in wonder.  There was still so much that they didn’t know about Heath, like his surprise admission that he had held a deputies position under Sheriff Frank Sawyer in Spanish Camp.  The reputation of both the town and its tough lawman was well known through out the state but to discover that their own brother was a part of that reputation had come as something of shock to both Nick and himself.  Of course it was easy to see now why their brother had such an intimate understanding of the criminal mind.


After Jarrod returned from Stockton with Fred Maddens nod of approval for their plans, Nick walked out to the bunkhouse and called aside the men to be used for the next payroll delivery outlining to them their plans.


The three brothers had decided to go with the men from the last failed delivery attempt if they were willing.  With the exception of Barrett the other three had all shown courage and cool headiness under difficult conditions and could all be relied upon to follow orders.




Chapter 12


“MOTHER, HEATH, we’re home,” announced Nick in his customary bellow as he entered the foyer of the white mansion.


Both brothers pulled up short when they saw their mother standing in the middle of the foyer wringing her and the deep concern on her face.


“Mother, what is it?” Jarrod asked as he and Nick hurried to her side.


Victoria didn’t even seem to notice them at her side as she continued to stare intently at the front door.


“Isn’t Heath with you?”


“Heath,” blurted out Nick before he could stop himself.  “Mother what about Heath, he was still asleep when Jarrod and I left this morning, you know that.”


Victoria took a deep breath and looked at her two sons.


“Your brother and his horse are missing.”


“What do you mean missing, he can’t be missing.  Ciego would have seen him leave.  Did you ask him where Heath was?”


Victoria turned anguished eyes to Nick.


“I’m sorry Nick, but I asked Ciego to accompany me today.  We only got back about half an hour ago.”


Nick stared at his mother for a full minute in a stunned silence before he spun on his heels and raced towards the door.


“The damn fool,” he exploded, “when I get my hands on that boy.”


“Nick where are you going? I don’t understand,” called Jarrod.


Nick turned and glared at his brother.


“Don’t you see Jarrod, Barrett was alone here today.  He must have left and that fool boy went and followed him.”


Nick was out the door and striding across the porch as the last of his words registered in the numb minds of those left behind.  Jarrod drew his mother into his arms and kissed the top of her head.


“Don’t worry Mother, we’ll find him,” he whispered before hurrying out the door after his irate brother.  He could hear Nick bellowing for Ciego to saddle their horses again.


Jarrod walked up to his brother and laid his hand on Nick’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.  “Calm down Nick, we’ll find him.”


“Calm down, calm down. This is calm. Wait until I get my hands on that fool brother of ours.  What I don’t understand is how the hell even managed to get his horse saddled in the first place.”


“Obviously brother Nick, our little brother is quite a resourceful man.”


“Resourceful my eye.  Plain stupid is more like it.  What on earth possessed him to follow Barrett on his own and in his condition? This is my fault Jarrod, if I hadn’t spoken to the men last night Barrett wouldn’t have had an excuse to leave.”


“You don’t know that Nick.  He may have gone regardless.  We all know it was a chance we had to take.  The question is Nick, where do we start searching?”


“Ciego, how long were you and mother gone for today?” growled Nick.


“About five hours Senor Nick.”


“Five, oh that’s just great.  Was Barrett’s horse here when you got back?”


“Si, Senor Nick, he was in his stall. Looked like he had been groomed some, but not very well.  Senor Barrett doesn’t take very good care of his horse.”


Nick nodded at the information and thought for a minute.


“Which means that the boy’s gotta be somewhere with in two hours of the ranch, allowing time for Barrett to saddle up, ride out to meet whoever our mystery member is then get back here and put the horse away again.”


“Ok Nick, but there’s a lot of places with in two hours of the house.  We still don’t know which direction he took and we can’t very well ask Barrett.”


“We might not know the direction but we can narrow it down some.  You came from Stockton and I rode in from the North Pasture.  Neither of us saw any sign of Heath.  Most of the crews are working in the orchards or the south pasture so Barrett would have been unlikely to have headed in either of those directions.  And even if he had I’m sure one of the crew would have ridden back here by now if they had come across Heath. ”


Nick turned and looked at Ciego again.


“Ciego just where were you and mother today?”


“We drove through sky meadow to the old Henry place.  The new owners have moved in and Senora Barkley wished to take some things over to them Senor Nick.”


“And Silas and Audra went out to the orphanage.  So that only leaves two real possibilities Jarrod.  The North Ridge or The Canyons.


“Nick they’re in opposite directions.  How do you expect us to check both of them out?  The crews aren’t due back for another couple of hours and by then it’s going to be dark.”


“Dammit Jarrod I know that.  Quit stating the obvious will you and let me think.  If the boy’s right and Barrett is meeting somebody either returning to or coming from the mine then the logical choice would have to be the Canyons. They’re closer to the mine than the North Ridge and they offer plenty of protection. I say we head for the canyons first.”


“I hope you’re right Nick.”


“So do I Jarrod, so do I,” muttered Nick as he headed back towards the house.


“Now where are you going Nick?”


“To get our bedrolls, some extra blankets and grub.  I doubt that boy’s going to be in any fit state to ride when we find him.  If he was he’d be here now.  So one of us is going to have to stay with him while the other comes back here for a wagon.”


“We could take a wagon with us.”


“Too slow.”


“Then have Ciego ask Duke to send a wagon to follow us when the crews get back.  It’ll save time.”


“Good idea Jarrod, you sort it out.”


   * * * * * * * *


Ten minutes later the two brothers were galloping out of the ranch yard heading towards the canyons fervently hoping that they had made the right decision.  They rode in silence, their hearts heavy and their minds consumed by worry.


Nick was setting a blistering pace across the range that Jarrod was finding hard pressed to maintain.  While Jarrod fully appreciated the urgency of the situation he pondered the sense of traveling at such a break neck speed.  Besides the obvious of injuring one or both of the horses there was always the chance that they could miss some vital clue as to their little brother’s whereabouts.  Jarrod looked across at his brother’s face and sighed, “this wasn’t going to be easy,” he thought.


“Nick, we’ve got to slow down before we injure one of the horses,” Jarrod shouted over the drumming of the hooves.


Nick rode on oblivious to his brother’s words, his mind miles away reliving the events and words that had brought them to their present situation.  He saw himself standing toe to toe with his brother at the entrance to the pass and heard again his brother’s prophecy, “Fine Nick, have it your way but when something goes wrong you remember YOU wouldn’t let me do my job.” God why didn’t I listen to Heath then?  This is all my fault, he thought as he rode on.


Jarrod urged Jingo faster.  As the horse drew level with his traveling companion Jarrod reached out and grabbed Coco’s reins jerking the horses head around towards him.


“Nick slow down,” he yelled in his brother’s face.


Nick stared at his brother with out really seeing him and then nodded his head as his brother’s words sunk in.


Sorry Pappy,” he whispered hoarsely, “but dammit we gotta find that boy.  I’ve gotta find him.”


“I know Nick but killing our horses or missing his sign isn’t going to help.”


The brothers rode on in silence allowing their horses to pick a gentler pace.  They were heading into an area of range bordered by tall stands of spruce trees on either side.  Jarrod reflected on what they already knew about their new brother and his way of thinking.


“You know Nick, if I was Heath and I was trailing somebody I wouldn’t be riding in the open like we are.  I’d be more inclined to keep to the cover of the trees.  He could still see the open range from there and wouldn’t have to worry about being seen himself.  Besides that little Modoc of his would blend right in with trees.  We could ride within five feet of him and not see him if he didn’t want to be found.”


Nick stopped Coco and sat studying the range ahead of them.  He knew Jarrod was right because that’s what he’d do himself and they both knew their little brother wasn’t a novice at tracking or keeping hidden.


“Alright Jarrod, you take the left and I’ll take the right.  Fire a shot if you find anything ok and be careful.  One missing brother at a times enough.”


Nick watched silently as Jarrod turned his horse towards the stand of trees to the left.  “Dammit Heath, where the hell are you?” he growled to no one in particular.


As he rode towards the other stand of trees Nick felt a chill run down his spine as the evening breeze blew its icy fingers across the range.  He knew they didn’t have much time to find their brother before darkness and the cold evening settled over the land.  The trouble was finding Heath in the near darkness was going to be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.



