Why Wouldn’t You Listen?

Chapters 13-23

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 13


Heath sat in the leather wing backed chair beside his open bedroom window and watched as Ciego readied the wagon for his mother’s departure.  For the first time since he’d fallen from Gal over a week ago he felt almost human.  Dr Merar had finally relented and agreed that the blond cowboy could leave the confines of his bed provided he didn’t over do it and he used a sling to support his injured arm.


Heath smiled as he thought back to the morning’s activities.  By nature he was an early riser, a habit instilled in him since childhood.  For him the rising of the sun every morning and the promise of what the new day may bring were incentives enough for him to drag his weary body from slumber.


Nick on the other hand wasn’t a morning person by any stretch of the imagination.  Hell, Heath mused, sometimes he wasn’t even a breakfast person so Heath had been surprised to find his brother in his room before sun up this morning.


“Nick what ya doing?” he’d asked sleepily from the bed.


“Helping you get dressed boy, you want to see the sunrise don’t ya?  I know you’ve been missing it.  Come on if you don’t hurry it will have set afore we get down the stairs.”


Heath lay in the bed blinking hard trying to work out whether he was dreaming or not.  He decided it was no dream when he felt the blankets ripped off him and his brother easing his legs over to the side of the bed.


“Slow down a bit Nick, will ya.  It’s not like I’ve been doing anything for the past week ya know.”


“Yeah sorry Heath, I didn’t hurt you did I?”




It really had been a case of “too many cooks spoil the broth” but eventually Heath had stood fully dressed in his bedroom.  They had discovered early on that the sleeve of his shirt wasn’t going to fit over the splint so the ever-practical Nick had simply ripped the offending piece of material off.


“Hope YOU’RE going to explain to MOTHER what happened to my shirt Nick.  You being the big brother and all.”


“Don’t worry about it little brother.  I know mother will be happy just to have you back on your feet again.  She’s not going to worry about a shirt and besides just what did you figure on wearing for the next few weeks?”


“Hadn’t thought about that.  Besides Doc Merar said he’d take the splints out in a few days so don’t go ripping up anymore of my shirts do ya hear?”


By the time they had made it down the stairs and across the foyer Heath was breathing hard.  After a few minutes rest on the porch seat they ambled slowly across the yard to the corral where they leant against the railings and watched silently as the velvet darkness gave way to the soft pink glow of the new day.


The sunrise was invigorating to Heath.  He could feel it giving him much needed strength after the week of inactivity.  He took in several deep breaths and was pleased to find that his ribs didn’t hurt nearly as much as they had been.  He let its soft glow bathe him for a few minutes aware of his brother’s eyes watching him intently.  He turned to look into the hazel eyes that not so long ago had held nothing but contempt in them, but now showed acceptance and love.


“Thanks Nick.”


“Any time little brother,” Nick replied as he put his arm around his brother shoulder.  “Come on let’s see what Silas has for breakfast, I’m starving.”


“You’re always starving Nick,” Heath laughed as they ambled back towards the house.


   * * * * * * * *


Heath rose from the chair and made his way down the stairs to the foyer.


“All set Mother?” he asked as he spied her walking through from the kitchen a food hamper in her hands.


“Yes thank you Heath.  Are you sure you will be all right here on your own today?”


“I’ll be fine Mother, don’t worry.”


“Yes well it’s a mother’s prerogative to worry dear.  Please remember what Howard said Heath and rest.”


“I will,” he said as he held open the front door and let Victoria pass.  They stood side by side on the porch and waited for Ciego to drive the buckboard up to the front steps.


Victoria handed the food basket up to Ciego and then with Heath’s help climbed onto the seat beside the wrangler.


“Everything, she is a ready Senora Barkley.”


“Thank you Ciego.   In that case let’s get moving,” said Victoria as she bent down and planted a kiss on the top of Heath’s blond head.  “Remember to rest darling,” she said as the buckboard lurched into motion.


“That’s funny,” Heath thought as he watched the buckboard pass through the gates proclaiming the Barkley Ranch. “Nick didn’t say anything about Ciego going with Mother today.  I wonder who’s watching Barrett?”


Heath knew Nick had spoken to the men the evening before about their plans for another payroll delivery but he certainly hadn’t said anything about Barrett being left unattended at the ranch today.


With an uneasy feeling gnawing at his stomach Heath headed back into the house and up to his bedroom, where he collected his gunbelt and gun.  He slung the belt around his waist and gingerly held it in place with his injured arm as he buckled it up one handed.  Picking up his hat and saddlebags he headed down the back stairs to the kitchen where he took a canteen from the supply cupboard.  After filling it with water and wrapping some of Silas fresh bread in a napkin, which he placed in his saddlebag he headed to the gun room for his rifle before returning to the kitchen and then out the back door to the barn.


Peering cautiously around the door he looked for any sign of Barrett. Seeing no sign of the man he entered and walked to the end stall that held his prized Modoc.  The little horse sensing her master’s presence nickered a warm welcome.


Heath smiled at his little horses greeting as he picked up a brush and noted that Barrett’s horse was still in its stall.  Heath rubbed the black muzzle gently and then offered a sugar lump as he opened Gals stall and moved inside.  Not for the first time was he grateful for his horses corner stall.  From here he could stand in the shadows and watch the going ons in the barn without being detected.


Placing his rifle, canteen and saddlebags in a corner confident that Gal wouldn’t step on them he began brushing down his beloved horse.  Like the sunrise this was another of his habits that he had sorely missed the last week.  So immersed in his thoughts was he that he almost missed the sound of footsteps coming through the barn entrance.  In fact if it hadn’t been for the sudden jerk of his horse’s head he may well have not heard them at all.


Stepping back into the shadows he waited and watched as Barrett entered the barn and glanced quickly around before picking up his saddle and bridle and heading to his horse’s stall.  A few minutes later Barrett led his harnessed horse from it’s stall and walked to the entrance where he quickly mounted and rode around the side of the barn.


Cursing his bad luck, Heath left his horse’s stall and hurried to collect his own saddle and bridle.  He grunted in pain as he lifted the heavy saddle from the rack and carried it back to Gal. “Damn these ribs and arm,” he cursed as he led Gal from the stall. “How the hell am I supposed to get this on you girl?” he muttered as he looked around the barn.


He smiled when he saw the hay bale lying by the stall wall.  Picking up his saddle again and leading Gal he walked over to the bale and stepped up onto it.  The little Modoc stood patiently beside the bale as her master lifted the saddle onto her back.  Heath groaned as he felt a stab of pain in his side.  Resting his head against his horse’s neck he waited for the pain to ease to a dull ache.


“Come on boy, get a grip on yourself.  The longer you dally the further ahead Barrett gets.” Heath admonished himself.


Taking a deep breath he leant down drew the cinch up under his horses belly and tied it tightly.  Slipping the bridle on, he stepped off the bale and returned a minute later with his canteen, saddlebags and rifle.  Securing the items to his saddle he stepped back onto the bale and then placed his foot in the stirrup.  The extra height the bale gave him made pulling his aching body into the saddle a lot easier.


“Sure hope I don’t have to get off you too often Gal,” he whispered as he headed out of the barn and around the side in the direction Barrett had taken twenty minutes earlier.


Under normal circumstances he would have reveled in the ride across the range but his weakened body and the weeks inactivity were taking a heavy toll on his endurance.  He had been trailing Barrett for well over an hour now and the man showed no sign of stopping. He didn’t even seem worried that he might be followed. Heath pulled his horse to halt and took along pull from his canteen then wiped his sweaty face with his shirtsleeve.  His arm and side were on fire and his head was pounding.  Realizing they were nearing the canyons he rode Gal over to the stand of trees to his right.  At least he would have some cover from here on in incase Barrett returned sooner than expected.


He wondered why none of them had thought of the canyons earlier.  Of course they were the perfect place for a clandestine meeting without prying eyes.  There were so many hiding places that you could search for weeks and not come across the same place twice.


Heath was so lost in his thoughts and keeping the pain in the back of his mind that he didn’t realize until his Modoc stopped suddenly where he was.  Sliding his protesting body slowly from the saddle he sank to his knees gasping for breath. Once the world stopped spinning wildly about him and the nausea in his stomach settled he used his stirrup to pull himself back to his feet.  After taking a drink from his canteen, he pulled his rifle from its boot and gave his horse a pat on the neck.


“Stay quiet Gal,” he whispered as he disappeared into the trees.


Treading carefully to avoid stepping on any dry twigs Heath padded silently towards the mouth of the canyons.  Coming to the edge of the trees he stopped and rested his back against the rough bark of a huge tree using its trunk to support his weakening body.  He closed his eyes and allowed his ragged breathing to quiet.


The sound of a horse’s low snort carried to his ears and he opened his eyes again.  Peering around the trunk of the tree and seeing nobody, he followed the sound with his eyes.  Deciding that it was safe to venture to the nearest rocky outcrop he staggered more than ran to its protection.  Thankful for its cool shadows he sank back to his knees.  A louder snort brought his head up again and he peered tentatively around the base of the rocks.


Standing about one hundred yards further up the canyon were two horses, their riders deep in discussion.  There was no mistaking who one of the riders was.  Barrett!   The other rider looked vaguely familiar to Heath but he wasn’t able to put a name to the face nor could he hear what the two men were saying.  And in his present condition he knew it would be foolhardy to try to get any closer.  He was going to be lucky just to make it back to his own horse and the ranch without tangling with a couple of thieves as well.


Heath sank back to the ground behind the rocks and thought about who the second rider was.  There was no doubt in his mind that this person was the fifth member of the gang.  By his dress he knew the man wasn’t a cowboy, or a miner.  Neither of those professions required a suit.   Heath cudgeled his brain for answers.  He had seen the man before but where and when?  Not at the ranch he was certain and not at the mine.  Other than the doctor and his brothers he hadn’t seen anybody at the mine.  Knowing it was useless to force the information to the surface he closed his eyes and rested his head on his chest.


The sound of horses moving stirred his body into action.  Stifling a groan he made sure he was well hidden from sight as Barrett rode past the outcrop headed back towards the ranch.  Dragging his body to the edge of the rocks he was just in time to see the second rider disappearing around the far bend in the canyon.  Heath knew there was a trail a couple of miles up the canyon that led back to the old Stockton road that cut through the lower pastures of the ranch.  Stockton, that was it.  He had seen the man in Stockton.  Not only seen him but had been introduced to him by Jarrod shortly after his arrival on the ranch.  Now all he needed was a name.


Using the rocks for support Heath pulled his body into a standing position not bothering about the loud groan that escaped his lips. There was nobody left out here to hear him anymore.  Barely keeping his feet under him he swayed his way back to his waiting horse.


“Good girl,” he whispered feebly as he fell against her side.


After what seemed an interminable amount of time he gathered enough strength to slide his rifle back into its boot and stagger around to the left side of his horse.  Taking as deep a breath as his ribs would now allow he reached up and placed his foot in the stirrup.  The Modoc sensing her master’s difficulties stood perfectly still and waited for him to pull himself into the saddle. With the feat finally accomplished Heath turned the Modoc’s head for home and then slumped across her neck.


“Take me home Gal,” he whispered as he fought to keep the threatening darkness at bay.




Chapter 14


Barrett wasted no time in returning to the ranch.  It had only been a stroke of luck that had allowed him to overhear Mrs Barkley asking Ciego to accompany her that morning.  Realizing that with Ciego gone there would be no one around to watch him he had taken the opportunity to leave the confines of the ranch for the canyons.


His luck had continued to hold and he had been able to meet up with his boss and relay the details of the next payroll delivery.  Neither man was stupid and both realized this would be their last chance at lifting a payroll from under the Barkley’s noses.  It was obvious that the Barkley’s were becoming suspicious of Barrett and his time at the ranch was rapidly coming to an end.


Barrett drew rein at the side of the barn and peered around the corner breathing a sigh of relief when he didn’t see any sign of the buckboard.  Now he thought if his luck would hold just a bit longer no body would be the wiser.


Leading his tired horse into the barn he smiled when he noted that neither of the dark haired Barkley brother’s horses were as yet back in their stalls.  Quickly unsaddling his horse and giving it a quick curry he left the stall and returned his saddle to the rack.  He stopped suddenly when he realized whose saddle was missing.  Spinning on his heels he strode towards the end stall not expecting to see anything.


The sneer that graced his countenance would have frozen stone. “So you decided to follow me did you bastard? Pity I didn’t see you but don’t worry you’ll get yours soon enough.” So saying Barrett left the barn to continue with the days work orders.


   * * * * * * * *


Heath was struggling to stay conscious as his Modoc made the slow painful journey back towards the ranch.  Sensing her master’s failing condition she slowed her pace even more.  Heath could feel himself passing out and not wanting to fall managed to slide his leg over the back of the little mare and down her side where he sank gratefully to the forest floor.


A warm breath on the back of his neck and a soft chewing in his ear eventually brought the blond cowboy back to full consciousness.  Moaning softly Heath pushed his exhausted body back to his knees.  Groping with his good hand he found his stirrup and again pulled himself back to his feet.  Resting his pounding head against the warm neck of his Modoc he allowed his fingers to search for his canteen.


With his thirst quenched and the canteen once again hanging from its strap around his saddle horn Heath fumbled until his foot found the stirrup and he laboriously pulled himself back into the saddle crying out in pain as he did so.  He was sure his side had just exploded.


Nudging his horse forward once more he allowed his head to rest on his chest and hung onto the saddle as best he could.  He could feel the cool night air settling across the range and an involuntary shiver ran through his body.


Heath was unaware of time or the space around him as he swayed dangerously in the saddle.  Too late he felt himself toppling from the saddle and in a last ditch effort to stay on his horse he grabbed wildly for the saddle horn with his right hand.  His scream of agony caused the little Modoc to shy violently thus completing his fall to oblivion.  He landed hard and rolled down a shallow embankment coming to rest against the trunk of a tree with his injured arm pressing hard against his newly broken ribs.


“Nick,” his subconscious cried out.


   * * * * * * * *


Nick was frantic with worry.  Night was upon them and there was still no sign of their missing brother.  He realized they were nearly to the mouth of the canyons.  What if he had called it wrong and Heath wasn’t out here but somewhere on the North Ridge.  All these wasted hours of searching the wrong area could cost his brother his life.


“Where are you little brother?” he pleaded. “Please give me a sign.  I can’t lose you now.” The strong man of action felt the wetness on his cheeks and roughly brushed the sleeve of his shirt across his face.  He had to keep strong he couldn’t allow his emotions to take control not now.  There was too much at stake, his brother’s life was at stake.


As he allowed Coco to pick his way through the darkening trees he felt a shiver run down his spine.  A slight change in his horse’s demeanor alerted Nick to the minutest hope that all was not lost.  “What is it boy?” he asked as he leant forward and patted the horses neck.  “What do you hear?”


Allowing the horse to pick his own path through the trees Nick held his breath.  He could hear the blood pounding in his ears, becoming a deafening roar as he felt his horse quicken its pace and let forth with a shrill whinny.  The held breath exploded from his mouth when his ears picked up the faint answering call from the little Modoc.


Coco pricked his ears and veered slightly towards the denser forest as his flaring nostrils picked up the scent of his missing traveling companion.  Coco plunged through the trees forcing Nick to lie along the horse’s neck to avoid being knocked off by the lower branches of the trees. The nightmare ride came to an abrupt halt when horse and rider burst through the trees and found themselves in a small clearing no more than about fifty feet in diameter.  Standing to one side was the little Modoc but there was no sign of her owner.


With a sinking feeling in his stomach Nick jumped from the saddle and led his tired horse over to the Modoc as he peered frantically around the small clearing for any sign of his brother.  Nick reached the little horse and patted her neck whispering. “where is he girl,” in her ear.  As if understanding his question she turned her head and looked down the shallow embankment.


Following the little horses gaze, Nick’s heart leapt into his mouth as his eyes rested on the crumpled form lying against the trunk of the tree.


“Heath,” Nick screamed as he slid the few feet down to his brother’s side.  Scared to touch his brother but knowing he had to, Nick reached out a tentative hand and felt the exposed neck for any sign of life.  He let out an audible sigh of relief when he felt the weak pulse under his fingertips.


“You hold on boy, you hear me?  Fight Heath, keep fighting.”


Scrambling his way back up the embankment to the horses he grabbed his bedroll, the extra blankets and canteen.  Before retuning to his brother’s side he fired three quick shots into the air praying that Jarrod would get here quickly.


   * * * * * * * *


On the other side of the range Jarrod was having much the same thoughts as Nick.  What if they were searching in the wrong area? What if Heath and Barrett had had an altercation out here somewhere? What if Barrett was hiding Heath somewhere?  Jarrod shook his head, too many what ifs.


He was a lawyer who dealt in hard cold facts not what ifs or maybes and the cold hard facts were that they hadn’t found their missing brother yet.  With darkness descending on them rapidly the chances of finding Heath now were diminishing by the second.


Another what if came to mind.  What if they didn’t find Heath in time?  The family had struggled through his coming to them and had thus far survived the turmoil in their lives but would they, would Nick be able to survive the loss of the blond should this search have any other outcome but the one he prayed for.


Heath’s arrival on the ranch had returned to the family part of their hearts and souls that had been missing since Tom Barkley’s death.  It was just unfortunate that Nick had chosen until too late to see the benefits Heath’s arrival had bestowed on the rest of them.  There was a new light in their mother’s eyes and a lightness to her step that had been missing for years.  He couldn’t deny that it was easy for her to look upon this son of her husbands without regrets for what was lost to him and them.  Yet Heath’s coming had provided a calming effect for the family after the harrowing years of uncertainty.


The sudden stopping of his horse and the distant sound of shots from the other stand of trees interrupted Jarrod’s thoughts.  With out waiting for directions Jingo swung around and headed through the trees towards the other stand where he could sense his companions were.  Jarrod allowed his horse to take the lead his heart heavy with trepidation at what his brother had found.


   * * * * * * * *


Nick slid back down the embankment fearful of what the coming hours would bring.  He could just make out the ragged, rasping, shallow breathing of his brother and knew those mending ribs were broken again.  He just prayed that was all it was.  Lying the way he was there was every chance that one of those ribs had been driven into a lung and that was something he wasn’t about to dwell on.


Nick spread his bedroll out behind his brother’s back and then covered him with the extra blankets.  As much as he wanted to roll Heath over he couldn’t risk hurting him further.  Better he thought to wait for Jarrod.  Nick sat at Heath’s head holding his brother’s outstretched left hand.  He’s so cold he thought. Was it just from the cool night air? After all Heath wasn’t wearing a coat only a one sleeved shirt; or shock, possibly. Or blood loss? God he hoped not that.  It was too dark to see any tell tale signs of gun shot wounds.  Where the hell was Jarrod?


Nick bent down low and whispered in Heath’s ear, “won’t be long now Heath, Jarrod’s on his way then we’ll get you out of here.  Just hang on little brother, please,” as he squeezed the blonds unresponsive hand.


“Nick where are you?” called Jarrod from the edge of the trees.


“Jarrod, thank god, hurry up. We’re over here.  The boy’s in bad shape.” Nick yelled back hoping his voice would bring his brother back to consciousness.


The minutes seemed like hours to Nick as he waited for his brother’s arrival.  Jingo picked up the scent of the other two horses and headed straight for them.  Jarrod could only dimly make out the shapes of the two horses when he entered the clearing but there didn’t seem to be any sign of his brothers.




“Down here Jarrod, other side of the horses.”


Jarrod could hear the panic in Nick’s voice as he dismounted from Jingo and hurried to the edge of the embankment.  With in seconds he was beside his younger brothers.


“Nick how is he?”


“I don’t know Pappy, it’s too dark to see worth a damn and I was afraid to move him.  I know he’s broken those ribs again and he’s lying on his injured arm.  Jarrod he’s so cold.”


“Has he woken up at all since you found him?”




Jarrod squeezed Nick’s shoulder.  “Come on Nick we can’t do anything down here we need to get him up on flat ground and build a fire.”


“Jarrod I think we should lift him off his arm instead of rolling him over. I’m pretty sure it’s pressing against his ribs then we can lay him on my bedroll.  I don’t want him lying on the damp ground.”


“Ok Nick, ready?”


Heath didn’t make a sound as his brothers lifted him onto the bedroll and carried him up the embankment.  Any sound would have been better than the silence that greeted their ears.


Jarrod busied himself building a fire as Nick checked over Heath’s body for any signs of gunshot wounds.  He sighed with relief when his hands came away dry and not sticky with blood.  At least they didn’t have to worry about bullets.  Of course that didn’t rule out internal bleeding he knew but it was a start.  The light from the fire threw eerie shadows around the clearing and over the brothers.  Heath’s already pale features looked as sallow as old wax and there was a thin sheen of sweat on his brow.  Now that he was lying on his back his breathing was even more laboured than before.


Jarrod looked across the fire at his brothers.  “Nick, is there a”


“No thank god. That’s one thing we don’t have to worry about,” replied Nick as he wrapped his brother in more blankets to warm his shivering body.


“Jarrod help me lift him up so he rests against me then get the hell outta here and bring back that wagon.  We’ve gotta get this boy home as soon as possible.”


   * * * * * * * *


Jarrod raced across the dark range in the direction of the ranch hoping and praying that the wagon he had asked for was closer to their position than the ranch.




Chapter 15


Howard Merar smiled encouragingly at the three worried faces peering up at him and their mother as they descended the staircase from their injured brother’s room.  He sighed inwardly at the pale and exhausted features of the two dark haired ranchers.  He was certain these two and the blond upstairs were having a competition to see just which of them was the undisputed mule of the family.  If he had to lay a bet he thought the one upstairs was ahead by a short, very short nose, particularly after the stunt he had just pulled.  At least there was some reasoning with the lawyer but those other two sons of Tom Barkley were insufferable.


“Well doc how is he?  He’s going to be alright isn’t he? Can I go and see him now?” demanded Nick Barkley.


   * * * * * * * *


The waiting for the wagon and then the return trip to the house was a nightmare that Nick hoped he would never have to repeat.


After Jarrod had left to bring back the wagon Nick had carried on a one sided conversation with his comatose brother for what seemed like hours.  The normally exuberant man of action couldn’t bare to hear the silence of the night or the pained, raspy breathing of his little brother lying inert in his arms.  Even his brother’s shivering had stopped although he was still chilled to the bone.  That worried Nick more than anything.  At least the shivering indicated that Heath’s body was still fighting to stay anchored to the ground he was lying on.


By the time Jarrod had returned with the wagon Nick’s back and legs were numb from having sat in the same position supporting his brother’s body.  Nick could feel the panic rising in him as his own fatigued body began to falter.  He wasn’t even aware of the arrival of help until Jarrod gently squeezed his shoulder and he felt Heath’s body been lifted out of his arms.  Free of his brother’s body Nick collapsed in a heap by the fire.


“Duke as soon as you get Heath settled in the wagon come back and help me with Nick,” Jarrod ordered as he squatted down by his exhausted brother.


“I’m alright,” mumbled Nick as he tried to push himself up.


“Humour me Nick and stay there while I see to the horses.”


Nick groaned and sank back to the ground as the returning blood supply made his legs tingle and ache.  With the horses taken care of and the fire doused Jarrod and Duke helped Nick through the trees to the wagon.  Nick immediately crawled to his brother and tried to lift him out of Jim’s arms.


“Nick what do you think you’re doing?” yelled Jarrod.  “Dammit Nick lie down.  I’ll take Heath you need to rest.”


“He’s my brother Jarrod.”


“He’s mine too Nick, now it’s my turn to look after him.”


Nick acquiesced to the inevitable and lay down beside his brother too tired to argue any further and fell asleep holding onto his brother’s uninjured hand.


After changing places with Jim and ensuring that his brothers were both well covered with blankets Jarrod gave the order for the wagon to head for home.  He knew it was going to be another four hours before they reached the ranch buildings and the doctor.  Perhaps he should have asked for Howard to meet them on the trail but then dismissed that idea.  Out here in the pitch black of night there would be very little that the good doctor could do.


“Jarrod how much longer?” Nick asked sleepily as he tried to stretch cramped muscles in the confines of the wagon.


“Another couple of hours Nick,” he replied looking down at his exhausted brother.


“How’s he doing?”


“Still the same.”


“Damn, this is taking too long Jarrod.”


“I know Nick but if we go any faster we could hurt him more.”


The rest of the journey to the house was made in abject silence.  Even Duke and Jim had given up their murmurings as all thoughts rested with their precious blond cargo.


“House ahead boys,” Duke whispered over his shoulder.


“Thank god,” growled Nick.  “You hear that boy, you’re home.  Now why don’t you open those baby blues?  You don’t want Mother to see you like this do you?”




A flurry of activity greeted the wagon as it came to a halt by the front steps.  Several more hands appeared to help Duke and Jim lift the unconscious blond from the wagon and gently carry him to his room followed by Howard and Victoria.  Jarrod helped Nick down from the wagon and the exhausted brothers followed the procession up the stairs.


On his way down from Heath’s room Duke placed a reassuring hand on each of the brother’s in passing and squeezed gently.  “He’ll be fine you’ll see.  He didn’t get this far to give up now.”


“Thanks Duke, boys.  Your help was much appreciated tonight,” replied Jarrod as he and Nick continued up the stairs and entered their brother’s room.


Howard took one look at the two fatigued men and ordered both of them to bed.  When that failed he tried the study and a stiff drink pointing out that he and their brother didn’t have time for any more of their stubborn posturing.


   * * * * * * * *


Howard didn’t say anything as he and Victoria continued down the stairs to join the anxious siblings.


“Doc?” Nick asked worriedly as he looked from the doctor to his mother and then back to the doctor again.


“Heath’s sleeping Nick and I don’t expect him to wake up for at least another twenty-four hours probably longer.


“What does that mean doc? He’s going to be ok isn’t he?”


Howard patted Nick’s shoulder.


“With time he will be Nick.  He’s a very lucky young man not to have caused himself any further serious injuries. I’ve rebound his broken ribs again.  The fact that he didn’t drive one of them through a lung is a miracle.  He has some congestion in his lungs from the night air and the way he was lying when you found him and I’m sure some severe bruising to the lungs as well.   Provided we keep him propped up and get some fluids into him we should be able to control it.  He’s still cool to the touch but his body temperature is returning to normal.  We should be able to do away with the warm towels in the next few hours.  My main concern now is that he doesn’t develop a fever due to the damp ground and his wrist.  It’s badly swollen again and I won’t know until the swelling goes down how much more damage he’s done to it and whether that damage will be permanent or not.”


Nick let out the breath he had unintentionally being holding.


“But he hasn’t uttered a sound since I found him doc.”


“Nick he’s physically and probably mentally exhausted.  His body’s been through a lot of trauma this past week or so.  Give it time.  I promise you he will wake up when his body’s ready.”


“Can I sit with him?”


Howard shook his head in disbelief.


“No Nick, I want you and Jarrod to both go to bed NOW before you end up like Heath.  You’ve both been under a lot of pressure lately and I can assure you your MOTHER doesn’t need to be worrying about both of you as well as that rascal upstairs.”


Nick knew Howard was right.  He had never felt so tired in all his life.


“Can I at least see him,” he growled.


Howard threw up his hands in despair.  He was quickly revising his earlier summation.  Perhaps, just perhaps this one was a nose in front in the stubborn stakes.


“For a minute Nick, no more,” he answered in exasperation.


That was all the encouragement Nick needed. His exhaustion forgotten he bounded up the stairs and into his brother’s room.  Walking quietly he approached the bed and lifted his brother’s hand.  Howard was right he did feel warmer although his face was still bereft of colour.  He could hear the raspy breathing but even that seemed better in the comfort of the room.  Nick brushed his fingers through the blond hair.


“Boy don’t you ever pull another fool stunt like this again you hear me.  You damn near sent me to my grave.  Nothin’s worth your life.”


Nick was unaware of Victoria standing in the doorway until he heard the gentle swish of her skirts and felt her hand on his arm.


“Come on Nick, Howard and I will stay with him tonight, you go and get some sleep.  You’re not going to do him any good if you make yourself sick.”


“Alright Mother,” Nick replied kissing the top of her head.  “Wake me if anything happens.”


“I promise darling.”


Nick looked lovingly at his brother and gave the hand a final squeeze.  “I wonder what you did find out there little brother.  Was it worth all this pain?”


Victoria watched her son leave the room and then settled into the chair by the bed. “What am I going to do with you Heath Barkley?”  She asked herself, “And your brother” she added as an afterthought.




Chapter 16


It’s funny what the subconscious mind remembers and when those memories surface.  As Heath made his desperate grab for the saddle horn and then felt himself falling into the blackness the elusive name he had been searching for floated into his conscious thoughts.  Of course it all made perfect sense now.


Heath had no concept of time as he lay under the trees.  He wanted to get up, get back to the ranch and tell his brothers what he had discovered but his body was numb from exhaustion, cold and pain.  Boy was Nick going to be mad with him and what about Mother?  Maybe I should just dig a hole now and bury myself he thought.


As the shivering of his body grew so did the pain in his side and arm.  He knew the minute he hit the ground that he had re-broken those healing ribs.  He tried once to get up but only once.  The mountain of pain that exploded through his body sent him diving headlong into a deep pool of liquid blackness that threatened to envelope him for all eternity.


Hours later Heath felt hands moving his body and whispering voices in his ear.  His subconscious recognized both the hands and the voices but they belonged to another time and place not here on the forest floor.  His mind and body were beyond feeling any more pain. The blackness that surrounded him felt as comfortable to him as a well fitting pair of gloves.  The black cocoon that the darkness had wrapped his body in held on with a tenacity all of its own.  The darkness had no more desire to re-awaken the pain than did the body itself.  His subconscious couldn’t fight the claustrophobic effects of the darkness and it slowly slipped back into the depths.


   * * * * * * * *


The first thing that Heath noticed as awareness slowly began to encroach on the blackness around him was the warm glow.  The shivers and chills that had accompanied his slid had long ago given way to a frozen wasteland.  Now he could feel a warmth seeping outwards from his very core.  With it came a re-awakening of the pain that his body had so desperately tried to ignore.


It was the barely audible soft moan that first alerted Nick to the possibility that his little brother was finally going to wake up.  Nick leant forward in the chair he hadn’t vacated for the last twenty-four tormented hours and held the now warm hand.  It hadn’t mattered what the family said, Nick had steadfastly refused to leave his brother’s side to face the unknown alone again since he had awoken from his own exhausted sleep.


“Come on Heath, you can do it.  Wake up little brother,” he whispered encouragingly in his brother’s ear.


There was that voice again, the same voice he’d being hearing for hour upon hour.  He knew the voice and it gave him comfort.  He also knew he had to tell that voice something important some thing that for some reason was avoiding him again.  His brow furrowed in a mixture of concentration and pain.


“Wake up boy, times a wasting,” growled the voice louder. “And this is a working ranch you know.”


As the glow enveloped him and the darkness receded images flashed from his subconscious to meet the light of day. A narrow pass, rocks falling, a cabin, pain, his brothers, a wagon, more pain, his room, the barn, Barrett, the canyons, the trees, falling, THE ASSAYER. The glow was a blinding light and his eyes flew open and he sat bolt upright.


Nick watched the frantic movement of Heath’s eyes behind the closed lids but even he wasn’t prepared for the sudden awakening when the blond sat bolt upright in the bed gasping in pain.  Nick quickly grabbed his brother’s shoulders and forced him back onto the mound of pillows.


“Easy Heath, slow breaths boy.  Dammit Heath look at me boy, slow breaths.”


Nick grabbed the flailing arm and held tight as the waves of pain crashed over his brother threatening to send him back to the bottomless pit he had just climbed out of.


“Nick,” he cried out between gasps for air.


“I’m here Heath, just breathe through the pain, slow breaths.”


Nick watched the lids close over the pain filled blue eyes as his brother fought to gain control of his body.  When the lids flicked open again and the breathing had quieted a little Nick gave his brother a re-assuring smile and squeezed the hand he was still holding.


“Good to have you back Heath.”




“Don’t try and talk just lay back and rest.  I’ll get Mother and the others.”


Heath shook his head, holding firmly to his brother’s arm and looking pleadingly at him.


“Need to talk,” he gasped out. ‘Barrett, Assayer.”


“What?” growled Nick, “Barrett met Scot Hamilton in the canyons.”


Heath shook his head.


“New one, met him in town with Jarrod, Phil Gordon.”


Heath sighed and let his body sink gratefully into the softness of the bed content in the knowledge that his message had been delivered.


Nick looked down at his sleeping brother and patted the exposed shoulder.  His face set in a furious mask.  It all made perfect sense now.


“Thanks little brother, you did good.  Don’t worry we’ll get the scum this time.” He promised.


   * * * * * * * *


“One week Heath,” replied Howard Merar as he finished his examination “and not one second sooner.  Your ribs are broken, your lungs are bruised and that wrist is a mess.”


Heath sighed heavily and sank back against the pillows.


“But you don’t understand Doc.”


“I understand perfectly well young man.  One week.  Do I make myself clear?”


Heath sighed again “Yeah Doc.”


“Don’t worry doc I’ll make sure he stays there this time,” Nick offered as he threw a glare at his brother, “even if I have to hogtie him to it,” he added with a gleam in his eye.


Howard Merar nodded in agreement.  Quite sure that Nick would carry out his threat if the blond so much as looked at the floor.


“Another thing Nick, make sure he keeps taking the laudanum, no matter what he says.”


Heath rolled his eyes He was heartily sick of his bed, his room and sleeping three quarters of the day away.


“Don’t look at me like that boy,” grinned Nick taking over residence of the doctor’s recently vacated seat.  “You’ve only got yourself to blame after that fool stunt you pulled.”


“So you keep telling me Nick.”


Heath grew pensive as he watched his brother nonchalantly place his feet on the edge of the bed.  It had been four days since his brothers had brought him home and now his two brothers would be riding out tomorrow to spring their trap without him.


“Nick are you sure everything’s set for tomorrow?  I still say we should delay the delivery till next week.  Then I can go with ya.”


Nick glared at his brother.  “This week, next week, the week after, doesn’t make any difference.  You’re NOT going with us whatever week it is. It’s going to be a couple of months before you’re back to full strength again and I’M not going to let YOU risk your health like this again.”


Nick patted Heath’s arm and smiled reassuringly.  “Don’t worry Heath, Jarrod and I have everything under control.  This time tomorrow night those thieving mongrels should be enjoying the confines of Stockton’s finest establishment and Jarrod and Duke will be half way to the mine.  And thanks to YOUR fool stunt we know who the fifth member of the gang is.”


“One thing worries me though Nick.”


“And what would that be?”


“How did Barrett know to contact Gordon in the first place?”


“Don’t worry Heath, Jarrod and I were wondering the same thing, so Jarrod sent out a few wires.  We’re waiting for the replies to come back now.  We’ll know soon enough.”


Heath lay back against the pillows and closed his eyes.  Talking and breathing at the same time was still an effort for him.


Nick seeing the flash of pain across his brother’s face stood and moved to the side table, coming back to the bed moments later with a spoonful of laudanum and a glass of water.


“Come on Heath time for a little nap.  I promise we’ll talk later.”


Heath glared daggers at the offending spoon but didn’t offer any verbal complaints.  He knew he needed to sleep.




Chapter 17


Heath lay back against the pillows and watched as his brothers left the room.  He silently cursed himself for the fool he was, for allowing the ambush to happen that put him in this bed in the first place; for trying to follow Barrett on his own; for his useless body; for not being able to ride out with Nick and catch the gang that had been causing them and the miners grief for the last couple of months.


“Be careful,” he whispered through the tears that suddenly sprang into his eyes.


   * * * * * * * *


After kissing her two sons goodbye and begging both of them not to take unnecessary chances, she looked up the stairs towards her other son’s room and sighed sadly.  She knew exactly what Heath would be doing right now.  Tormenting himself over his perceived failings at not been able to ride with his brothers into danger.


Ascending the stairs she quietly stood in the doorway of Heath’s room and watched as he wiped away the tears running down his cheeks with the back of his hand.   The trauma of the injuries had taken a heavy toll on his body.  While the numerous bruises were slowly starting to fade, his face was still pale and his eyes were sunken from pain and the restless sleeps that not even the laudanum could successfully quell.


Doctor Merar had replaced the splints with a cast this time to try and ensure that the injured wrist remained completely immobilized so as to give the damaged ligaments as much time as possible to heal.   He was still having trouble taking deep breaths, which he needed to do to keep the congestion in his lungs at a minimum.  Her son still had a long painful road to recovery ahead of him.


Sensing a presence at the door Heath opened his eyes and smiled weakly at the diminutive Barkley matriarch who so graciously opened her heart to him.


“Mother they’ll be fine,” he offered as she came to stand beside his bed.


“I know they will darling,” she said as she sat on the edge of his bed.  “I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but why don’t you take some more medicine and go back to sleep for a few hours.”


“I’ve got a better idea Mother, why don’t you bring your book up here and read.  I don’t feel like sleeping at the moment.  We can keep each other company and not worry together.”


Victoria smiled warmly at his suggestion.  “Are you sure Heath? You really should be sleeping, I know you not getting a lot of it.”


“I’m fine Mother and I’d enjoy the company.  Looking at these walls is driving me crazy.”


“All right Heath I will.  I have a few things to do down stairs first.  Give me half an hour and I’ll come back with some morning tea.”


“I’ll be here Mother, not like I can go anywhere.”


“I should think not young man.”  Victoria stood and placed a kiss on the top of Heath’s blond head.  “Won’t be long.”


Heath lay back against the pillows and thought on the conversation he had with his brother’s the night before.  He was sure they were missing something, something important but he just couldn’t put his finger on it.


By the time Victoria made her way back to Heath’s room he had fallen asleep.  Placing the tea tray on the side table she smiled as she settled into the chair by his bed and picked up her book.


   * * * * * * * *


“Here comes the wagon now Nick,” remarked Fred Madden as he, Nick and two Barkley hands stood hidden behind a large rock outcrop a quarter of a mile from the trail the wagon was taking to the mine.


“Good,” growled Nick.  “All this waiting is driving me crazy.  If the boy’s right there are only two places along this trail that are suitable for an ambush.  If we keep to this ridge we should be able to keep the wagon in sight with out been seen.”


“Just make sure you don’t do anything crazy Nick when we catch up with the gang.  I don’t want to have to explain to your mother how I let you get hurt.”


“Don’t worry Fred, I’m not planning on doing anything stupid.  That’s Heath’s department not mine.”


The watching men allowed the wagon to pass there position and then followed at a discreet distance.  Their objective was not to stop the robbery but to follow the gang back to their hideout and hopefully recover the proceeds from the previous robberies as well as capturing the gang and Phil Gordon.


Due to the pace of the wagon, progress was slow which only served to increase the speed at which Nick’s frustration was steadily rising.  They had already passed the first ambush site that Heath had earmarked, as been a likely choice and were now within fifteen minutes of the second site.  If something didn’t happen soon Nick felt as though he would explode.  How he wished his little brother was riding beside him.


“Nick look over in the trees.  I’m sure I saw some movement.”


“I don’t see a damn thing Fred.  Maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you.”


“I swear Nick there was a flash like sun glinting on metal.”


“He’s right boss, I saw the flash too,” called out Sam Wells.


Nick squinted against the glare as he desperately tried to see what every one else was so sure they had seen.  Again he wished his eagle eyed little brother was riding with him.  He glanced back towards the wagon that was just rounding the last bend before entering the stand of trees.  Turning his eyes once again to the stand of trees Nick caught a movement to the right of the trail.


“Heads up boys this is it,” he growled and then sent a prayer skywards that the men riding with Barrett would follow his orders and not fight back or try to stop what ever actions Barrett might take.


The ambush was over almost before it began.  As the wagon rounded the bend a tree crashed across the trail twenty yards ahead.  As Ted brought the wagon to a halt the masked ambushers erupted from the trees brandishing guns at the men on the wagon.


Nick, Fred and the two hands watched with bated breath as their friends threw down their guns and handed over the bag containing the payroll.  They all let out an audible sigh when the ambushers didn’t check the contents of the bag before spurring their horses into a gallop and skirting the trees to be lost from sight around the next bend in the trail.


Now all they needed was for Barrett to play the part that Heath had assigned to him.  Sure enough once remounted after retrieving his gun from where he had thrown it, Barrett spurred his horse into a gallop and followed the ambushers.


Riding down the ridge from their vantage point Nick and the posse checked first to ensure that nobody was hurt and then thanking the men for their help followed the trail left by the ambushers and Barrett while the men and wagon returned to the ranch.


The gang only had a ten minute head start on the following posse but that still equated to a couple of miles.  Nick knew this area fairly well and was aware that several trails headed off from the main trail they were presently following.  With the passing of each side trail the posse had to stop to make sure that the gang hadn’t changed course.  Each delay only served to allow the gang to get further ahead and Nick’s temper to rise.


   * * * * * * * *


Barrett pulled his horse off the trail and rode into the dense undergrowth of a stand of trees and waited patiently for the following posse to pass.  He didn’t have long to wait before Nick Barkley came thundering into view followed by Fred Madden and the two Barkley hands.


“That’s right Mr Barkley, you ride like the wind and catch up to the boys but don’t expect to find me there. I’ve got unfinished business elsewhere to attend to,” sneered Barrett as the sound of the receding hoof beats disappeared into the distance.


Barrett turned his horse back onto the trail retracing his steps before heading across the range to keep a promise he had made to himself in the barn five days earlier.


   * * * * * * * *


Jarrod and Duke watched as Nick, Fred and the two hands left the yard fifteen minutes after the departing men and wagon.  They waited another ten minutes before casually harnessing their own horses then with bedrolls and provisions attached mounted and rode from the yard headed towards the mine with the payroll firmly ensconced in Jarrod’s saddle bags.


   * * * * * * * *


Nick smiled when the gang finally turned off the main trail onto a little used animal track.  He knew this track well from old hunting trips with his father.  He also knew what was at the end of the trail.  Nick allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips. Of course he couldn’t blame Heath.  The boy didn’t know about this trail or the hunters cabin tucked away at its end.  Maybe when this was over and his brother was back on his feet he’d bring him up here for a few quiet days hunting, Jarrod too if his workload allowed it.


“What are you chuckling about Nick?” asked a perplexed Fred Madden.


“Just thinking the boy had this pretty well figured out but he doesn’t know everything.  I know where they’re headed Fred.  We can’t get ahead of them but they’ll be boxed in when we catch up with them.  Unless their horses grow wings they won’t be able to climb the trail behind the cabin.”


“In that case maybe we should slow down and give the horses a breather.  Let them get settled in for the night before we take them.”


“Yeah, why not.  The longer we take the less likely they’ll be to expect us.”


It was mid afternoon when the posse stopped in the trees that bordered the small clearing and cabin.  Behind the cabin rose the steep walls of the mountain ridge that formed the upper part of the canyons and the boundary line for the ranch.


Moving in on foot the men divided into two teams and skirted the clearing coming up on either side of the cabin.


Peering through the grimy windows Fred and Nick could see three men sitting around the small table in the centre of the room with the bag containing the payroll on the table in front of them.  Wanting to take the men inside the cabin before they realized that they had been duped, Nick kicked in the door as the two hands smashed the windows.


“Sheriff here, throw down your weapons. You’re under arrest,” yelled Fred as Nick barreled into the room and rolled to his right coming up onto his knees with his gun trained on the table.


Taken completely by surprise and under the barrels of the four guns the men had no choice but to drop their guns and raise their hands.


“What’s all this about sheriff?” asked the oldest of the trio.  “We didn’t know there was a law against bedding down in the cabin.”


“There might not be a law about bedding down in the cabin but there sure as hell is one about stealing the Barkley payroll,” growled Nick as he strode across the room and emptied the contents of the bag onto the table.


“Newspaper,” howled the trio.  “You can’t arrest us for stealing some lousy cut up newspaper.”


“Oh don’t worry, there’s enough money here to make a robbery charge stick.  Now where the hell is Barrett and the rest of the money?”


“Whose Barrett?  We don’t know any Barrett do we boys? Or anything about anymore money,” blustered the gangs spokesman.


“Tim, Sam check around outside for any sign of Barrett but be careful,” ordered Nick gruffly.  The knot in his stomach was steadily rising towards his throat as the minutes crept by without any sign of Barrett turning up.


“He ain’t here boss, doesn’t look as though he came this way.  There’s only three horses tied out back.”


“God dammit, where the hell is he? He was following them and we were following him,” bellowed Nick.


“Maybe he took the wrong track boss.” Suggested Sam not sure if his boss really wanted to hear that.  Riling Nick Barkley was never a good idea and right now he was more than a little riled.


Nick glared at the men, “he didn’t take the wrong track he.” Nick stopped speaking as the colour drained from his face.


“Nick what is it?” asked Fred worriedly.


“I’ve gotta get back to the ranch.  Barrett’s gone after Heath.”


With out another word Nick rushed from the cabin, mounted Coco and galloped back towards the ranch praying that he wouldn’t be too late.




Chapter 18


Heath slept restlessly for two hours as Victoria sat in the chair beside his bed.  She had put aside the book she was reading an hour ago unable to concentrate on the written words.  As she watched her son tossing in the bed she let her thoughts wander back over the last four and a half months.


To say she was shocked at his sudden appearance was something of an understatement.  His arrival had brought to the surface long repressed memories of a time in her life that she thought had been left far behind.  The emotions the memories caused were still as raw now as they had been twenty-five years ago.


The shock, anger, guilt and denial that she felt at the death of her then youngest child and son Thomas less than a month after his birth came back to haunt her in all their intensity.  She remembered locking herself in her room refusing to speak to her husband Tom or to acknowledge the presence of her two other sons Jarrod and Nicholas.  When she did leave the sanctuary of her room she moved around the house in a dream like state.  Eventually Tom could no longer stand the forlorn, anguished expressions of his two sons who didn’t understand what had happened to baby Thomas or their mother.  He forced Victoria out of her room to care for their sons by leaving for a business trip to the Strawberry Mine that he had purchased several months earlier.


While Victoria had to admit that it had the desired effect in so much as she was faced with dealing with her depression it ultimately left far reaching consequences which had only recently come to light.  She was aware of a change in Tom when he returned from Strawberry and it didn’t take long for his own guilt at what he had done while away to come to the surface.  In a night of emotional turmoil Tom had confessed his sin to Victoria and professed his love for her and their sons little knowing that he was about to become the father of another son that would so resemble him that they could have passed for twins.


Victoria remembered the pain of those days as she struggled to come to terms with all that had happened in Strawberry.  She was grateful to Leah Thompson for saving her husbands life and would always be, but she still couldn’t understand how even with amnesia Tom had no recollection of their life together or the three children she had borne him.


Heath was still tossing restlessly in the bed and a soft moan would leave his lips as he tried to take a deeper than usual breath.


Victoria sighed deeply as her thoughts returned to the past.  Why hadn’t they gone back and checked on Leah Thompson?  The possibility of a child being produced by her husbands liaison had been a pin prick in the back of her mind for a long time but as the months and then years passed and no communication was received from Strawberry those fears slowly faded.  Then they were blessed with the arrival of a baby daughter Audra and all the past heartbreak seemed to melt away.


Victoria looked at Tom’s blond son, NO, her blond son with loving eyes.  He had given back to them a part of Tom Barkley with his arrival on the ranch.  A second chance almost for her and her children to watch Tom grow old with them, as he should have.


“Oh Tom, why didn’t we go back and check?  Things could have been so different for Heath and us if only we had considered the possibility all those years ago.  Still I thank you for sending him to us now.  Our lives have been made so much richer for his coming.”


So engrossed in her thoughts was Victoria that she didn’t realize that Heath had woken up and was staring at her with his blue eyes, Tom’s eyes, until he spoke.


“Mother are you alright?” he asked quietly as he reached over to take her hand.


“Yes darling,” she replied as the far away look disappeared from her eyes.  “I was just thinking how lucky we all are that you found us.”


“I don’t think Nick thought it was lucky at first.”


“Heath, Nick might be stubborn and pigheaded at times but he’s no fool.  Family means everything to him and he has accepted you into that family now.  I promise you that neither you nor Nick will ever have any regrets over his decision.  He will protect you with his life if need be just as he knows you will protect him with yours.  My only regret is that you weren’t always with us and that is something that I will never forgive myself for.


“Mother please don’t do this to yourself.  There is no point dwelling in the past.  What’s done is done, now we have the future to look forward to.”


“Thank you Heath,” Victoria said as she stood and placed a kiss on the top of his blond head.  “Now that you slept through morning tea why don’t I go down and get you some lunch instead.”


“Guess I am a might hungry, thanks.”


Victoria turned at the door. “I won’t be long, see you stay in that bed while I’m gone.”


“Yes mother.”


Victoria walked down the back stairs to the kitchen and stopped suddenly.




   * * * * * * * *


Barrett rode across the range taking care not to be seen by any of the work crews.  Twice already he had had to stop and wait for crews to pass before continuing his trek to the ranch.  The return ride had taken longer than anticipated but as the ranch buildings came into view he smiled gleefully at the thought of what he was about to do.


Tying his exhausted horse in the trees behind the barn he made his way on foot to the barn doorway and peered inside.  Spying Ciego cleaning out one of the empty stalls he crept silently up behind him and laid him out cold with a well-placed gun butt to the head.


After checking that no other hands were in the immediate vicinity he made his way to the kitchen door.  Drawing his gun again he slipped quietly into the kitchen.  Silas was kneading bread at the table and didn’t realize that anyone was there until he felt the gun barrel poke his ribs and a rough hand cover his mouth.


“Nice and easy and you won’t get hurt.  Move over the cellar door and open it slowly.”


Silas eyes darted quickly around the table but the knife he had been using earlier was sitting on the sideboard and well out of his reach.


“Hurry up nigger, I haven’t got all day.”


As Silas shuffled his feet Barrett gave him a shove that almost sent the houseman sprawling.  Catching his balance he moved in the required direction and opened the door slowly.  Knowing that he had to try and warn Mrs Barkley and Mr Heath he opened his mouth just as Barrett laid his gun butt against the side of his head and pushed him down the cellar stairs.


Hearing a noise on the backstairs Barrett turned to face the new threat.  Victoria’s uttered “YOU” was accompanied by the click of Barrett’s gun.


“Nice and quiet Mrs Barkley, we wouldn’t want to disturb the bastards beauty sleep would we now,” he said with a sneer as he indicated the cellar door with the barrel of his gun.


Victoria visibly flinched at his words but remained where she was.


“What have you done with Silas?” She asked in a slightly raised voice hoping and dreading that Heath would hear her.


“I said quietly lady, now move away from the stairs and down into the cellar with the nigger.”


“What are you going to do now?”


“Well first I’m going to rid this ranch and the valley of a piece of trash and then I’m going to collect what’s mine.  Now get down in the cellar before I’m forced to do something I might regret.


Victoria wondered why Silas hadn’t come back up the stairs for she knew he would do anything to help the family.  She had to keep Barrett talking long enough for some sort of help to arrive although she wasn’t sure just who would help them.  Nick was out with the posse, Jarrod and Duke were on their way to the mine and Heath was in no condition to help anyone including himself.  With all the men out on work crews that only left Ciego.


As if reading Victoria’s thoughts Barrett grinned at her.  “Don’t expect Ciego to come to your rescue Mrs Barkley, he’s taking a nice long nap out in the barn.  Now I’m not going to ask you again.  Move.”


Victoria stood her ground and coolly looked at Barrett with ice-cold grey eyes.


“Why are you doing this to Heath?  What has my son ever done to you?”


“Your son,” laughed Barrett, the harshness of his voice sending a shiver down Victoria’s spine.  “The bastard was born, that’s all.”


Barrett had had enough of her stalling.  He reached out and grabbed Victoria’s wrist jerking her roughly towards him, before twisting the trapped arm up her back and marching her to the cellar door.  Still holding her arm he forced her down the first three steps before he released her and hurried back up to the door, slamming it shut with a resounding thud and then locking it.


   * * * * * * * *


Nick’s mind was racing as he rode at a hard gallop back down the trail.  Even with the respite of the slow trek up, he knew that Coco would be unable to maintain this pace for the next couple of hours.


“God why hadn’t they thought of this?  In all the worry about Heath none of them even considered this scenario.  Of course he realized now that Barrett would have known Heath had probably trailed him when he returned to the barn and saw his brother’s horse missing.  Any doubts Barrett had would have been well and truly dispelled when the men returned from the search.”


Nick couldn’t believe that they, no, HE, had ridden out leaving his brother and mother unprotected.  Once he reached the sight of the ambush, Nick spurred his tiring horse across the open range.  With a bit of luck he would run into one of the work crews for a change of horse and a couple of extra men.


   * * * * * * * *


Heath watched his mother leave the room with a small smile on his face.  He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found this family, HIS family, even Nick.  His mother was right, he would do anything to protect Nick, even giving his life for his brash, loud-mouthed brother and he now knew Nick felt the same way.


Heath closed his eyes again and laid back on the pillows wondering what was happening out on the range.  Had their plan worked? Were Nick and Fred on their way back to the ranch even now with the gang in custody?  Hearing a noise at the door Heath opened his weary eyes expecting to see his mother coming into the room with his lunch.


His eyes widened in shock at the leering figure standing in the doorway.




Chapter 19


Heath sucked in a breath as Barrett stepped into the room.  Catching his composure quickly he stared at the man coming towards him, he silently cursed himself for having not thought of this eventuality.


“What have you done to Mother and Silas?  I swear if you’ve hurt them I’ll kill you.”


Barrett only laughed, “I’d like to see you try bastard,” he sneered. “Mrs Barkley and the nigger are fine bastard, but I can’t say the same for you.  If you want them to stay that way you’ll do as I say.  Now get up and get dressed.  We’re going for a little ride.”


Heath kept his eyes focused on Barrett.


“If ya goin to kill me, why don’t ya just do it here and save all of us a heap of trouble.”


“Oh no bastard, you ain’t getting out of it that easy.  See you’re my insurance policy.   While your loving family’s out searching for you I’ll be collecting what’s mine and getting out of this valley.”


“Ain’t nothin here that’s yours Barrett, not even your life when Nick gets his hands on ya.”


“Oh I don’t think ol’ Nick’ll be too worried if you go missing permanently, now will he?


Barrett pointed his gun at Heath’s chest.  “Now hurry up and get outta that bed.  I haven’t got all day.”


Heath threw off the blankets and slowly eased his battered body to the side of the bed.  The bruises though fading were still noticeable across his chest.  Five days in bed had done nothing to help him regain his lost strength.  Lowering his feet to the floor he pushed himself to a sitting position with his good arm and then waited for the lightheaded feeling to dissipate before trying the next move.  He sidled along the bed on his behind until he could reach the railing at the foot of the bed and using it for support pulled himself to his feet.  Setting his face in a blank mask he ignored the stab of pain that shot through his side and lungs.  He was determined not to give Barrett even the slightest satisfaction of seeing his pain.


Still using the bed end for support Heath walked slowly over to the set of draws and pulled out a pair of pants and socks. Turning he dumped them on the bed before retracing his steps and shuffling over to the wardrobe for a shirt.  He smiled at the sight of the one-sleeved shirt hanging with the others.  Looking at the cast on his arm he shrugged and took it down throwing it on the bed with the rest of the clothes.


“Hurry it up,” jeered Barrett waving the gun for emphasis.


Heath ignored him and returned to the bed where he sat down and slowly brought up one leg to rest his foot on the edge of the bed and pulled on his sock, then repeated the process with the other leg.  Using the same technique he managed to get his pants on and with a bit of wriggling pulled them one handed up and over his hips.  The effort so far had left him breathless and he sat down on the bed again resting his head in his hands to calm his nerves and his breathing.


The sound of the gun been cocked behind him brought his head up.  Taking a shallow breath Heath reached around and grabbed his shirt.  Slipping the sleeveless shoulder over his injured arm he pulled on the shirt and with some difficulty managed to get it buttoned up.  Reaching down he felt for his boots under the bed.   He knew he had no chance at getting his hands on a gun but if his luck held out his knife should still be in its hidden sheath inside his boot.  Finding his boots he pulled them forward and let a small-satisfied sigh to escape his lips when his fingers brushed against the handle of the knife.  Now all he had to do was wait for his chance.


Pulling on his boots wasn’t going to be easy one handed but he couldn’t allow Barrett to discover the knife either.  With that in mind he picked up the boot with the knife first and slid his foot in, pushing down with his foot and pulling the back of the boot up with his hand he managed to stamp into it but not without a certain amount of discomfort.  At least his secret was still safe he thought as he pulled his pant leg down over the top of the boot.


Heath struggled with the second boot and couldn’t help the groan that escaped when his foot finally slipped in.


Not giving Heath a chance to recover, Barrett roughly shoved him to his feet and towards the door, laughing as Heath staggered off balance with the shove.


“Down the backstairs bastard and hurry it up, you’ve wasted enough of my time.”


Using the wall for support Heath limped down the stairs into the kitchen.  A small noise and murmuring drew his attention to the cellar door.  His mother and Silas must be down there.  With his attention focused on the cellar Heath didn’t realize that Barrett had stepped up behind him until he felt a hard push in his back that sent him sprawling across the table.  The force of the collision almost sent him to his knees.  Shaking his head to clear the fog from it Heath vowed not to let his mind wander again.


Drawing in several breaths Heath walked toward the kitchen door.  Barrett reached out and grabbed his injured arm making him wince in pain.


“We go together,” he sneered jabbing Heath in the back with his gun.


Heath stepped through the door and looked around hoping to find some of the men around.


“Ain’t nobody here bastard, except you and me, now get moving.”


Heath could feel his strength fading fast and knew if he was ever going to get out this he had to do something quickly.  Hopefully the barn would offer some answers.


Barrett pushed Heath through the door and towards the saddle rack.


“Get your saddle and harness that damn horse of yours.”


Heath pulled the saddle off the rack and with a grunt dropped it on the floor as a coughing fit over took him that left him gasping for breath.


“If ya want my horse saddled you’ll have to do it ya self.  You know damn well I can’t do it.”


Even as he spoke Heath was looking around the barn for signs of Ciego.  His body stiffened when he saw a booted foot sticking out from one of the empty stalls.


“What did ya do to Ciego?” Heath growled.  “He’s an old man.”


“Don’t worry bastard, he’ll live.”


Keeping his gun trained on Heath, Barrett picked up the discarded saddle and looked at it for a moment before dropping it on the ground again.  He had no real desire to enter the Modoc’s stall considering her penchant for attacking strangers and particularly when her rider was in danger.  Picking up another saddle he moved to one of the spare remuda horses.


“Stand in the centre of the barn and don’t move if you know what’s good for you.”


Heath did as commanded cursing his bad luck.  As much as he didn’t want to put his beloved Gal in danger he knew she was about his last hope of getting out of this situation alive.  Now all he could do was stall for time and hope someone entered the barn.  Heath watched Barrett as he lead the horse from its stall.


“Ya know ya won’t get away with this.  Nick and Fred Madden will have caught up with the rest of the gang by now and have retrieved the money from the other robberies.”


“I wouldn’t be so sure of that was I you.  They won’t find any money because we already moved it.”


Heath moved over and sat down on a hay bale that Ciego had dropped from the loft earlier that morning.  Sparing a glance towards the stall housing the injured wrangler he prayed that the man was alright.  Transferring his focus back to Barrett, Heath watched as he began saddling the horse.


“Who’s we? I bet the other’s will tell Nick where the money is.  MY brother can be pretty persuasive when he wants to be.”


Barrett laughed at the inferred “my”.  “He won’t be your brother for much longer.  As for the money they don’t know where it is. Phil and I hid it real good.”


Heath’s senses became alert at the mention of Phil Gordon’s name.  Maybe he could get the answers to some nagging questions although he didn’t figure they do him much good if he was dead.


“Just how did you meet Phil Gordon?’


Barrett eyed Heath suspiciously.


“What’s it to you?”


Heath shrugged, “just curious.’


“Don’t suppose it matters now anyway seeing as you’ll be dead before nightfall and dead men can’t tell tales.”


Barrett tightened the cinch on the horse and then turned to face Heath.


“Phil Gordon’s my cousin, only that’s not his real name.  Gordon was his mother’s name.  He’s better known as Phil Braxton.”


Heath was resting his head in his hands but brought it up quickly at the mention of the name.  No wonder he had thought Gordon looked familiar that first day he met him.  He remembered seeing wanted posters for the man when he was working as Frank Sawyer’s deputy.


“The Braxton Gang?”


“The one and only bastard.  Ol Phil was the leader of that gang and he’s got all the smarts.  We figured you lot were on to me when Nick wouldn’t let me leave the mining camp so we arranged to meet that first night on the trail back here.  By the way thanks so much for insisting we come back early.  It sure did make it easier for us to get together unobserved.”


Heath kept his features blank even though his mind was working overtime.  Jarrod and Duke were heading to the mine with a payroll unaware that a ruthless killer was likely to be waiting for them.


“Is that when you decided to move the money?”


“Yeah we figured that you’d try and set us up so we moved the money. You ain’t never going to find it.”


“What about the rest of the gang?”


“What about them?  We set them up too.  They can take the fall for this robbery.  There’s nothing to tie Phil or me into the robberies except you and you won’t be a problem for much longer.  We’ll collect the money from the other robberies and be long gone before your loving brother’s worked out what’s going on.”


Heath started laughing. “You must be dumber than I thought Barrett.  What makes you think Braxton will want to share the money with you?”


“Cause we’re family and partners,” sneered Barrett, “something I don’t reckon you know too much about.”


“I don’t know Barrett, maybe I know more about that than you think and it seems ta me that family can’t always be relied on to do the right thing.  If your cousin was so willing to let the rest of the gang get caught what’s to say he won’t turn on you too and keep all the money for himself?”


For just a second Heath thought he saw a flash of worry cross the dark features before the sneer was once again back on Barrett’s face. Taking advantage of the seed of doubt he had planted in Barrett’s mind Heath continued voicing his thoughts.


“Seems to me I remember hearing something about Braxton runnin out on some of his gang once before and if I recall right they all got hung for their trouble.  Now he’s run out on some more gang members.  Was I you Barrett I’d be a little worried about how loyal to the family your cousin really is.”


Heath lowered his head and shut his eyes.  His chest felt like it was on fire again and he was having trouble even taking in a shallow breath at the moment.  His body was screaming out for a bed but he wasn’t ready to give up just yet.  There was still too much at stake.


“Shut your mouth bastard, you don’t know what your talking about.  Phil would never run out on me,” shouted Barrett making the horse shy away from him.


“What ever you say Barrett, sure hope your right though.”


Heath raised his right leg and placed it over his left knee then let his left hand slip down to the top of his boot and felt the comforting grip of the knife.  He knew if he got on the horse he was as good as dead.  He waited for Barrett to turn back to the horse then quickly slipped the knife from his boot hiding it under his left thigh.


Heath caught the movement of Ciego’s foot out of the corner of his eye and realized that the wrangler was starting to regain consciousness.  Heath braced himself and gripped his knife hilt tightly in his hand hoping that Ciego’s struggles would distract Barrett just long enough for him to make good his throw.  He knew he was only going to get one chance at this.  If it failed he wouldn’t be the only one to die.  Jarrod and Duke could lose their lives as well and he wasn’t prepared to let that happen.


The subtle movements of the wrangler took on substance as he struggled back to consciousness.  A loud groan finally caught Barrett’s attention and he swung around to see what was happening taking his gun off Heath.


The instant the gun moved off him, Heath dived to his right giving no thought to the pain that was about to envelope him.  Whipping his left arm back and forward in one smooth swift motion he released the knife knowing his aim was true.  Too late Barrett realized what was happening.  Even as he felt the knife bite deep into his chest his reflexes released the hammer on his gun.


Heath heard the shot and felt a burning sensation across the top of his left shoulder as his right arm and ribs collided with the floor.  His mind didn’t even register the two extra shots that rang out through the barn that afternoon as his body slipped into the welcoming blackness.




Chapter 20


“Billy,” called out Bob Jenkins breathlessly as he hurried from the telegraph office to catch up with the Stockton Deputy.


Billy stopped and turned to face the man that had just called his name.  “What can I do for you Mr Jenkins?”


“The wire Jarrod Barkley was waiting for just arrived and it seems like they could have some trouble.  Thought you might be able to take it out to the ranch for me,” answered the old man still trying to catch his breath.  This much exertion just wasn’t good for his heart.


Billy took the wire from Bob Jenkins and read it quickly.  “Don’t worry Mr Jenkins I’ll ride out there now.  Maybe the sheriff and Nick will be there when I arrive.”


Billy dashed down the street, collected his horse and was galloping towards the Barkley ranch before the old telegraph operator had made it back to his office.


Billy thought over the information in the wire and what he should do about it.  Obviously the first thing was to speak to Heath and Mrs Barkley and then he would have to decide whether to try and find Sheriff Madden or go after Braxton himself.


   * * * * * * * *


Before Barrett closed the cellar door Victoria saw Silas lying at the bottom of the stairs.  Hurrying down the remaining steps she knelt beside the houseman.  The only light in the cellar came from two small windows situated at the top of the cellar wall at ground level.


The gloom in the cellar made it difficult for Victoria to assess what injuries Silas may have.  That he was unconscious indicated a possible head injury of some sort.  Feeling gently along his body she was relieved to find no broken bones.


The creaking of the back stairs alerted Victoria that at least one person was descending from the second floor although she was sure that two people were coming down.  The fact that no shots had been fired did nothing to belie her fears for her new son.


   * * * * * * * *


Jim kept the team to a steady trot and although following the road added an extra five miles to the journey they made good time returning to the ranch.  Even so they were still a good hour behind the returning Barrett.


Coming into the yard through the front gates they missed seeing Barrett’s horse tied behind the barn.  Jim drove straight to the front door of the mansion as he had promised Nick that he would report straight to Heath and Mrs Barkley on his return to the ranch.


After knocking on the heavy oak door several times and getting no response he shrugged his shoulders and climbed back into the wagon.  Perhaps Ciego would be able to tell him where the Barkley’s were.  Of course Heath could be sleeping and Mrs Barkley out visiting but he thought it unlikely that Silas would also be out especially given Heath’s current physical condition.


Starting up the team again he turned them in the direction of the barn.  His thoughts as to the possible whereabouts of the Barkley’s were interrupted by the arrival of Billy.


“Jim have you seen Heath or Mrs Barkley?  I’ve got an important wire for them.”


“No I haven’t Billy and I’m a little worried.  Heath sure isn’t in any condition to be outta bed but there doesn’t seem to be anybody in the house.”


Jim looked expectantly around the yard and corrals before returning his attention to Billy.


“Another thing, where’s Ciego?  I would have thought he’d be around and come to get the horses.”


The two men exchanged glances.  Jim handed the reins across to Ted and jumped down from the wagon as Rob took charge of Billy’s horse.  Drawing their guns they moved towards the barn.  Both knew Ciego’s devotion to the horses and his non-appearance had them worried.


They stepped through the barn doors in time to witness Heath’s knife throwing skills as Barrett fired at the blond cowboy who collapsed on the floor in an unmoving heap. Without hesitation both men fired at Barrett, hitting him twice more in the chest.  The impact of the bullets threw Barrett back against the horse.  The horse frightened by the sound of the gunfire reared up striking Barrett in the head.  The man crumpled soundlessly to the barn floor.


   * * * * * * * *


Victoria heard the kitchen door slam shut and with it went a part of her heart.  She knew that Barrett had Heath and that her blond son was in no condition to fight back.  The silence in the cellar was unbearable.  As she sat in the gloom her mind invented and then replayed over and over again the imagined scenes that were taking place in the barn.


A small groan from Silas brought her attention back to her present situation.  Placing a small delicate hand on her old and trusted friends shoulder and shaking it gently she bent down and whispered encouragingly in his ear.


“Silas wake up for me now. Please”


Another louder groan encouraged Victoria to try again.


“Silas wake up now,” she called louder as she shook the man more vigorously.


“Missus Barkley dat you?”


“Yes Silas it’s me.”


“I’s sorry Missus Barkley, I’s never see him,” Silas apologized as he tried to sit up rubbing the side of his head and grimacing at the lump he felt there.


“It’s all right Silas it wasn’t your fault.  I’m quite sure Barrett would not have hesitated to kill you if you had tried to stop him.”


“Whats about Mr Heath, where’s he?”


“I am afraid Barrett has him Silas.  I heard the kitchen door slam shut.”


Silas reached out and patted the small hand kindly.  He could feel the quaking of his friend’s body as her thoughts turned to her son.


“That boy be just fine.  He got a good head on his shoulders.  He find a way to save himself and us.  I just knows it.”


Victoria smiled despite her fears.


“I hope so Silas, I truly do.  I don’t think this family could survive if anything should happen to Heath now.”


“You’s gotta have faith Missus Barkley.”


The sound of three shots and then silence coming from the direction of the barn sent a stab of fear through Victoria’s heart.  She gripped Silas hand and sent a heartfelt whispered “Heath” into the silence.


   * * * * * * * *


Jim hurried to Heath’s side as Billy went to check on Barrett. Jim gently turned Heath over and then applied his bandana to the deep gouge in his boss’s shoulder relieved that it was no worse.


“How’s Heath doing?” Billy asked after a cursory glance told him that Barrett was no longer a threat.  “This one’s dead.”


“His breathing’s pretty laboured.  The bullet gouged a chunk out of his shoulder but its not too serious. We need to get him into bed though and get Doc Merar out here.”


A groan from one of the empty stalls drew both men’s attention and then guns in that direction.  The guns were immediately re-holstered at the sight of Ciego crawling on his hands and knees.  As Billy went to assist Ciego, Rob and Ted entered the barn their guns also drawn.  Jim looked up from where he was tending to Heath and spoke to the two hands.


“Rob ride into town and get Doc Merar, tell him Heath’s being shot.  Ted, give me a hand and we’ll carry Heath back to his room.  Billy how’s Ciego?”


“Got a goose egg on his head but otherwise he seems to be ok.”


Jim looked back down and was startled to see Heath’s blue eyes open and watching him.


“Not bed … gotta find Nick,” Heath gasped out as he gripped Jim’s arm.  “Please Jarrod… Duke… in danger.”


“It’s ok Heath, I know about Braxton.  Soon as we get you settled I’ll go and find Sheriff Madden and Nick,” stated Billy as he helped the old wrangler over to another bale of hay.


“No…” Heath pleaded with Jim. “You’ve got to get to the mine…. Old back trail…. Jarrod, Duke got the payroll … warn them Jim.  Braxton hid the money… follow him… tell Jarrod.”


“All right Heath, take it easy.  I’ll go just as soon as we get some horses ready.  Heath where’s Mrs Barkley and Silas?”


Heath’s eyes darted around the barn finally registering that his mother wasn’t there.


“In the cellar,” he groaned closing his eyes again.


“Ted go and get Mrs Barkley and Silas out of the cellar and bring her here.”


Ted said nothing. There was no need.  He just hurried away to do as ask.


   * * * * * * * *


Victoria’s mind was in turmoil.  Three shots and then silence could mean only one thing.


”Dear god, please don’t let it be Heath,” she prayed silently to herself although she couldn’t imagine it been anything else.


The sound of the kitchen door closing and the key in the cellar door turning sent cold fear through Victoria’s heart.  Silas staggered to his feet and stood in front of his beloved mistress determined to protect her with his life if need be.


“Mrs Barkley, Silas you down there? It’s Ted Jenkins ma’am,” called out the Barkley hand.


Victoria couldn’t express the relief she felt at the man’s words.  Help had arrived but had it arrived soon enough?


Ted opened the door allowing light to flood the stairs and the two distraught faces staring up at him.


“Ted, Heath was with Barrett in the barn,” stated Victoria worriedly.


“Yes ma’am.  Barrett’s dead.  Heath got him with his knife then Jim and Billy finished him off.”


“Is Heath all right?”


Ted reached out a hand and grabbed Silas arm as he climbed unsteadily up the stairs followed by Victoria.


“Heath got creased in the shoulder by Barrett ma’am but it’s not too bad.  Rob’s already gone for the doc.  Jim asked if you could join them in the barn.”


“Yes of course I will.  Ted would you mind helping Silas to his room please and thank you for your help.”


“I be fine Missus Barkley, you go look after that boy of ours.”


“I will Silas,” replied Victoria the relief in her voice at the news that Heath was alive obvious.


   * * * * * * * *


“Heath lie down, Ted’ll bring your mother out here, your shoulders still bleeding.”


“Let me go Jim, I gotta make sure Barrett didn’t hurt them,” yelled the blond struggling against the hands holding him.


Victoria smiled at the commotion she could hear coming from the barn.  Her son was indeed all right if he could yell like that.  He almost put Nick to shame.


“Heath Barkley you lie down this minute and do what theses men say,” demand Victoria as she made her presence felt from the barn doorway.


At his mother’s words Heath visibly sagged back against Jim who was propping him up so he could breath easier as the fight seemed to drain from his body.  He turned tired, pain filled eyes to his mother and offered a weak smile.


“Mother are you and Silas alright?”


“We’re fine darling,” replied Victoria coming forward and lifting the bandana to get a look at the shoulder wound.  “Right now it is you that I am worried about.”


“I’m fine Mother but we have to warn Jarrod and Duke they’re in danger,” ground out Heath struggling yet again to get up.


“Billy and Jim can do that after we get you settled in bed young man.”


Heath knew it was no good arguing when his mother took on that tone of voice and he let his body sink back against Jim’s his strength all but spent.  In fact he didn’t even remember being carried to his room by Jim and Billy.


Victoria was sitting beside his bed when he woke up with a groan.  Now he could add his left shoulder to his list of injuries he thought ruefully as the pain in it made itself known.




“Hello darling,” smiled Victoria, “just rest Heath.  Doctor Merar should be here soon.  Jim is on his way to the mine, Billy’s gone to find Nick and Fred and Ted is guarding the house.  Do you have any other questions?”


Heath offered a small lop-sided smile and shook his head before sleep claimed him again.




Chapter 21


After discussing possible routes with Jim, Billy decided to head across the range towards the ambush site.  Neither of them felt that Nick and Fred would stay on the trail once they reached the fallen tree.  To do so would have added another five miles to the journey and knowing Nick as they did they knew that he at least would be in a hurry to reach the ranch.


Billy had given Jim strict instructions not to confront Braxton until he or Fred Madden arrived at the mining camp.  His main worry was what Jarrod was likely to do once he found out what had happened at the ranch.  Usually the lawyer could be relied upon to keep a cool head on his shoulders but under the current circumstances he wasn’t so sure.  At least he thought Duke McCall and now Jim were with him.


A lone rider in the distance drew his attention. Even at this distance he knew who the rider was and he groaned inwardly.  He would have much preferred to face Nick Barkley with the backing of the sheriff than out here alone, especially with the news he was delivering.  Drawing rein he sat quietly and waited for the whirlwind that was Nick Barkley to arrive.


   * * * * * * * *


Nick cursed his bad luck, as he didn’t see any of the work crews that Barrett had earlier had to hide from.  He could feel Coco tiring quickly and knew he couldn’t push the horse much further.


Nick could see the rider waiting in the distance but wasn’t sure who it was.  As he drew closer the knot in the pit of his stomach tightened.  What the hell was Billy doing out here?


“Nick where’s Sheriff Madden?” Billy called out as the other rider drew level.


“Back down the trail with the gang.  What are you doing out here Billy/” Nick asked watching the deputy carefully.


Billy looked at Nick and swallowed hard before replying.


“I’ve got the wire Jarrod was waiting for so I brought it out to the ranch for Heath to see.  Then I was coming to find you and Sheriff Madden,” replied Billy handing over the wire as he finished speaking.


Nick read the wire and cursed at its contents.  Another unforeseen problem!


“Ah Nick, there’s more,” continued Billy nervously.


“Like what?” growled the dark haired rancher.


“There was some trouble at the ranch.  Barrett’s dead.”


Nick’s jaw tightened. “What about my family?”


“They’re ok Nick.  Barrett locked your mother and Silas in the cellar and dragged Heath out to the barn.  Heath was winged in the shoulder after he threw a knife into Barrett’s chest.  Jim and I finished Barrett off.  Rob’s gone for the doc.  Silas and Ciego have lumps on their heads but nothing worse.  Heath sent Jim after Jarrod and Duke and I came looking for you and the sheriff.”


Nick’s face paled visibly at Billy’s words and he stared intently at the deputy.


“Are you sure my families all right Billy?”


“Yes Nick.  Heath was trying to talk your mother into letting him go after Jarrod but she wasn’t having any of that.  Jim and I got him back to his bed.  When I left he was just about asleep with your mother fussing over him.  The doc should just about be there by now.  Ted Jenkins is guarding the house.”


Nick nodded.  “Thanks Billy.  Tell Fred soon as I check on the family and change horses I’ll be heading for the mine.”


“Sure thing Nick.  Ah Nick don’t try and go after Braxton yourself.  Wait for Sheriff Madden to get there.”


“Well Billy, I reckon that will depend on Braxton.”


Nick kicked Coco into motion again and headed on to the ranch.  The fear that had gripped him lessened slightly at the news that his mother and little brother were ok.  Of course that did nothing to lessen the worry he now felt for Jarrod and Duke.   At least Jim was already on his way to the mine but his brother had a six-hour start on them and catching up in the dark wasn’t going to be easy.


Coming into the yard of the ranch Nick was relieved to see Doctor Merar’s buggy by the front steps.  Ted came across from the barn and took the reins of the exhausted horse.


“Thanks Ted, give him a good groom and an extra helping of oats will you. Can you saddle me another horse too?”


“Already done boss.  Heath figured you’d want to leave for the mine as soon as possible.”


“He did ha?”


Nick shook his head and marveled at his brother’s deduction skills as he hurried up the steps and through the front door.  Seeing no sign of his mother or Silas he headed up the stairs to his brother’s room two at a time.  Knocking quietly he entered the room and moved to stand beside his mother taking her small hand in his large rough work calloused one.


“Mother are you all right?” he asked not taking his eyes off his brother as the doctor finished bandaging his shoulder.


“Yes I’m fine Nick.  I am just glad this nightmare is over,” replied Victoria as she too kept her eyes on the bed.”


“It’s not over yet Mother. We still have to get Braxton.”  Nick whispered unsure whether his brother was asleep or unconscious.


Doctor Merar looked up from the bed and offered a small smile that did nothing to alleviate the worry on the faces of Victoria and Nick.  They both stared at the pale, drawn features of the blond in the bed.  His eyes were closed and pain lines creased his brow.


“Doc how is he?” Nick asked still keeping his voice low and his eyes on his brother.


“Well considering all that he’s been through today, pretty good.  The shoulder wounds not serious.  I’ve cleaned it out.  Just keep it dry and change the dressings regularly and there shouldn’t be any more problems.  I’m hopeful the cast protected the wrist enough not to have caused any further damage.  While there is some knew bruising to his chest and ribs that’s all it is.  Bruising.  What he needs is sleep and plenty of it.”


Nick wrapped his arms around his mother’s waist and hugged her close to him as he grinned broadly at the doctor.  His little brother was going to be all right.  Releasing his mother he shook Howard’s hand.


“Thanks doc.”


Howard nodded pleased to have been able to give them some good news but added a cautionary note just the same.


“Nick it’s going to be a couple of months before he’s fully fit for range work again.”


“Yeah I know doc, but that’s a whole lot better than what could have happened today.  He’s going to be ok and that’s all that matters.”


“Victoria I know he’s heartily sick of lying in bed but he needs to stay there for a few more days.  I’ve left more laudanum.  See that he takes it.”


“Don’t worry Howard I will and thank you.”


Howard Merar packed his bag and nodded again.  “Well I believe I have two other patients awaiting my services.”


“Yes follow me Howard.  Silas is resting in his room and Ciego’s in the bunkhouse.”


Nick watched his mother and the doctor disappear through the door and then turned back to the bed only to find his brother struggling to get up.


“What the hell do you think your doing boy?”  He growled as he stepped around the end of the bed and forced Heath back onto the pillows.


“Nick, gotta get to Jarrod and Duke.”


“I know that Heath and that’s where I’m headed next.”


“Braxton’s dangerous Nick… he’s a killer,” Heath gasped out.


“I know that too Heath.  Billy showed me the wire.  He’ll send Fred to the mine and you’ve already sent Jim to warn Jarrod.  You’ve done all you can little brother now let your big brother’s do the rest.”


“Braxton moved the money.  Hid it somewhere else.  You gotta follow him to it.  He’s the only one who knows where it is now that Barrett’s dead.  They were cousins.”


Nick watched the pained blue eyes close for a moment as his brother fought to gain control of his body.


“Damn doctor’s and laudanum,” he mumbled thickly.


Nick couldn’t help but smile at his brother’s annoyance and stubbornness as the laudanum started to take effect.


“Heath you stay in that bed and do what mother says.  You hear me?  I’ll leave Ted and Rob to guard the house while I’m gone.  The rest of the crews should be in soon too.”


Heath nodded tiredly and closed his eyes again.  “Be careful Nick, that’s a bad trail to be traveling in the dark.”


Nick patted his brother’s arm.  “I’m always careful or haven’t you noticed.”


When he didn’t get the expected retort Nick looked down to discover that the laudanum had finally had the desired effect and his brother was asleep.  Nick walked silently to the door.  Before exiting the room he turned and took one last look at the blond cowboy who had come to mean so much to him these last few weeks.  He looked to the heavens and sent a silent prayer of thanks above, that things had worked out the way they had.


Descending the grand staircase without any of his normal loudness Nick found his mother waiting for him in the parlour.


“Mother are you sure Barrett didn’t hurt you?”


“Yes Nicholas I’m fine.  I’m just grateful Audra wasn’t here though.  There is no telling what could have happened otherwise.”


“Do you want me to send one of the men to bring her home?”


“No Nick, Jenny Morrison can’t look after the children and her husband.  It’s probably a good idea if Audra stays there for a couple of days.  At least until this mess is cleared up anyway.”


“All right Mother, if you say so.  I’ve set a couple of guards to watch the house until Jarrod and I get back.”


“Are you sure that’s necessary Nick?  After all Barrett is dead.”


“He might be Mother but Braxton isn’t.  If he hears what happened here and we miss getting him he might come here looking for revenge.  Remember Heath’s the only one that can tie him to Barrett and the gang.”


“I hadn’t thought of that possibility.”


“Yeah well you weren’t the only one.  None of us figured on Barrett returning here but I promise you I’m not going to leave you and Heath unprotected again.”


Nick took his mother in his arms and hugged her tight before leading her to the front door.


“Mother I have to go.  It’s nearly dark now and Jarrod’s got at least eight hours start on me.  At least I know he’ll stop and camp for the night.  I wouldn’t like to count on little brother doing it though.  That boy’s just ornery enough to ride through in the dark just to prove he could do it.”


“Be careful Nick.  Make sure you all come home safely.  One patient at a time is more than enough around here and especially when it is one of my sons.”


“We will Mother, don’t worry,” replied Nick letting his gaze wander up the staircase to the second floor.


Victoria patted her son’s arm.


“He’ll be fine Nick.”


“I know he will.”


Nick kissed his mother on the cheek and then left the house.  After giving Ted and Rob final instructions for the work crews the next day he mounted and rode out at a fast gallop hoping to catch Jarrod before morning.




Chapter 22


After leaving the ranch, Jarrod and Duke rode in a companionable silence for a time, keeping the horses to a gentle lope.  The little used trail they were following was the quickest route to the mine but it was also the most dangerous, still required an overnight stop and wasn’t suitable for a wagon.  The dense undergrowth had encroached on to the track to such an extent that at times they had to dismount and lead the horses through the tangle of roots and deadwood that had fallen from the treetops.


While neither man was expecting an ambush as their departure from the ranch had gone unobserved they didn’t allow their vigilance to slacken.  The thickly growing trees and dense canopy allowed very little sunlight to filter to the track below.  The ensuing gloom even in the bright midday sun made the area the perfect place for an ambush.


Jarrod finally the broke the prolonged silence with a curse directed at his youngest brother as he tripped over yet another tree root.  “I swear Duke when I get my hands on that blond haired brother of mine he’s going to regret ever having suggested this trail.”


Duke grinned behind the lawyer’s back.  “Now Jarrod, I’m sure Heath didn’t realize the trail was this bad.  Besides it clears out a little further up an we’ll be able to make camp for the night.”


“I wouldn’t like to bet on little brother not knowing about the state of this trail was I you Duke.  That boy just loves to make things difficult and he has a wicked sense of humour that I’m just finding out about it seems.”


Jarrod stopped walking and looked at the clear expanse of trail ahead then mounted up sighing at the relief the stirrups gave to his aching feet.  “Well hopefully the trail will get better from here on in.  The trees seem to be thinning out.”


“Jarrod do you think Nick and Fred have caught up with the gang yet?  I tell you I wouldn’t like to be in Barrett’s shoes when Nick gets a hold of him.”


Jarrod pulled his pocket watch out and checked the time.


“I’d say so Duke, we’ve been traveling nearly five hours now.  If Heath’s right and I have no doubt that he isn’t Nick and the boys should be on their way back to the ranch now.  I just wish I knew that everybody was ok.”


“I wouldn’t worry about them Jarrod your daddy bred em tough and those two brothers of yours are amongst the toughest I’ve ever seen, not that you ain’t tough either Jarrod.  If you weren’t made of the same stuff as your brothers you wouldn’t have agreed to come out here in the first place and you know it.”


Jarrod allowed a smile to play across his face and his blue eyes to crinkle at the corners.


“Thanks Duke that was just the pep talk I needed but we both know what we’re doing out here is really Nick and Heath’s field not mine.  They can run rings around me when it comes to ranching and camping for that matter.”


The two men rode in silence allowing the tranquility of the mountains calm their worried minds.  Both of them knew that they would not be totally free of worry until the payroll they carried was safely delivered and they were back at the ranch.


“Jarrod if I remember rightly there should be a clearing with a small spring a couple of miles ahead.  We can make camp there for the night.”


“Sound good to me Duke.”


   * * * * * * * *


After packing some supplies for the overnight trip Jim left the ranch at a fast gallop.  Having being employed on the Barkley ranch for a number of years he was familiar with the terrain he would be traveling through and had no real desire to traverse the forest in the dark.  He had a fair idea where Jarrod and Duke would be camped but there was no way to reach them other than by the old trail.


Looking skywards at the lowering sun he estimated he had about two hours of daylight left before the shadows would make the trail treacherous for both him and the horse he was riding.  The horse was one of his regular mounts and he knew it as well as he knew himself.  The horse was strong and sure-footed but Jim couldn’t expect him to pick his way through the undergrowth and exposed roots in the dark.


By the time Jim reached the forest the sun was casting its last long shadows across the land.  Cursing the growing gloom horse and rider plunged into the undergrowth.


Jim had promised his boss Heath Barkley that he would reach his brother and Duke before morning and warn them of the danger awaiting them at the mining camp.  He also knew Nick would be heading for the mine but he doubted he would come this way especially if Billy caught him far from the ranch.


Jim had no intentions of letting Heath’s trust in him down.  Heath deserved a lot better than the treatment he had being getting from most of the hands since his arrival on the ranch and Jim aimed to see that things changed considerably when he got back.


After stumbling along the trail for half and hour Jim picked up a long branch and pushed it ahead of him.  When it became stuck he knew there were roots ahead.  Traveling this way was hard, exhausting and slow work.


It was with a relieved sigh that he finally found himself standing once more on the open trail.  Remounting his horse he continued along the trail at a steady trot.


An hour later Jim spied the glow of a fire through the trees.  Knowing better than to walk up to a fire unannounced Jim called out hoping that the fire he was approaching would prove to be a friendly one.


“Hello the fire.”


Jim stood in the shadows and watched as the two, blanketed forms rolled from their bedrolls guns drawn and peered into the darkness.


“Jim Dawson is that you?” called Duke.


“Yeah Duke, can I come in?”


“Come ahead.”


Jarrod and Duke lowered their guns but didn’t holster them until it became evident that Jim was on his own.  Jarrod went back to the fire and added some extra wood before placing the coffee pot on the flames.  Jim unsaddled and tied up his horse and then joined the two men beside the fire.


“What are you doing here Jim?” Jarrod asked worriedly handing the man a cup of coffee and then waited silently for his reply.


Jim took the offered cup gratefully and looked from one man to the other unsure how Jarrod was going to react to his news.


“Heath sent me to find you Jarrod.  There was some trouble at the ranch this afternoon.  Barrett must have doubled back. He knocked out Ciego, locked your mother and Silas in the cellar and then forced Heath out to the barn.”


“He what?” roared Jarrod in a perfect imitation of Nick’s voice.  “Are my mother and brother all right?”


Jim took a deep breath before replying.


“Your mother is fine Jarrod, Silas and Ciego have lumps on their heads but nothing serious.”


“And Heath?”


“Barrett shot Heath when he threw his knife into Barrett’s chest.  Billy and I took Barrett out before he could get off another shot at Heath.”


Jarrod swayed slightly at the news and Duke put out his hand to steady him.


“How bad is he Jim?” Jarrod asked in an unsteady voice.


“Barrett winged him in the shoulder.  It was bleeding but wasn’t serious.  Before Billy and I carried him up to his room Heath asked me to warn you.  The fifth member of the gang Phil Gordon is really Phil Braxton.  He’s a killer.  He and Barrett moved the money from the other robberies and hid it somewhere.  Heath sent Billy to find Nick and send him up here as well.  When I left Heath was nearly asleep and your mother was fussing over him something fierce.”


Jarrod sat down on his bedroll and put his head in his hands.  “God why hadn’t we thought of something like this happening he wondered.” Jim and Duke sat down on their own bedrolls and waited for Jarrod to regain his composure.  After several minutes Jarrod looked up and gave Jim an appreciative smile.


“Thank you for helping my family today Jim.  You don’t know what it means to me that you were there.”


“Your thanks isn’t necessary Jarrod, I’m just glad Billy and I arrived when we did.  That brother of yours is one outstanding boss and I’m right glad to be working for him.”


Jarrod nodded his head but didn’t say anything.


“Why was Billy at the ranch Jim?” Asked a relieved Duke.  He felt the same as Jim did about the blond and was pleased to hear that he would be all right too.


“Billy brought out that wire you were waiting for Jarrod.  He wanted to talk to Heath about it.”


“Do you know what the wire said Jim?”


“Not really but I imagine it said pretty much what I told you although Heath seemed to know more about this guy Braxton than Billy did.”


“Ok thanks Jim. I guess we had better turn in and get some sleep and wait for Nick to arrive in the morning.”


“What makes you think Nick will come here Jarrod?  He might take one of the other routes to mine.”


“Once Nick hears what happened at the ranch he’ll ride straight there first and make sure that Heath and mother are all right before he rides out here.  If he’s spoken to Heath he’ll follow the same trail as us because it is the shortest route to the mine.  I would expect him to arrive around sunup because I know my brother and he will ride all night.”


   * * * * * * * *


Nick was still an hour from the forest when darkness settled over the land.  Cursing his run of continuing bad luck he pushed on regardless.  He had to reach Jarrod before they rode into that mining camp.


His mind was seething with fury at the turn of events that led to his mother being imprisoned in their own cellar and his little brother being shot.  That it had worked out as well as it had was only because of the timely arrival of Jim, Billy and the other two Barkley hands.  He still couldn’t believe that he had been so stupid as to leave the ranch and his family unprotected.


It was only when his horse stumbled on an exposed tree root that Nick suddenly realized where he was.


“Sorry boy, he whispered as he patted the horse’s neck.  Guess it’s time to walk.  Can’t expect you to sniff out the roots in the dark can I now?”


Hours later a limping, cursing Nick stumbled into his brother’s camp just as the first rays of the new day peeked over the horizon.  Jarrod handed his brother a hot cup of coffee and waited for him to regain his breath before he asked the question that had been haunting him all night.


“Nick how’s Heath and mother.”


“They’re both fine Jarrod,” Nick replied offering a weak smile.  “Doc Merar said the bullet wound wasn’t serious and aside from some extra bruising little brother came through the ordeal pretty well.  He was sleeping when I left.  Silas and Ciego are ok as well.  I left guards set until this is over and we get back to the ranch.”


Jarrod sighed in relief.  “Thanks Nick.”


Nick nodded and then greeted Duke and Jim.


“Thanks for your help yesterday Jim.  Billy told me what happened.”


“No problems Nick.  What do you want to do now?  I’ve already told Jarrod and Duke what Heath told me.”


“Well I guess we ride into the camp and deliver the payroll as promised then watch Braxton.  I figure if we drop a few hints that Barrett told us where the money was hidden when we caught him it may make Braxton head out to move it again.  When he does we grab him and the money.”


“But Nick Barrett’s dead.”


“I know that Jarrod but Braxton doesn’t.  If he thinks Barrett ratted on him he may just make a break for it.  What I don’t understand is how and why Scot Hamilton would hire Braxton in the first place.”


“Well that dear brother is something we will have to ask him when we see him next.  Nick what about Fred?  Is he on his way here as well?”


“I hope so Jarrod.  Billy said he was going to find him and send him straight to the mine.  We caught the other three robbers by the way.  They were hiding in the old hunter’s cabin at the back of the canyons.”  Nick smiled at Jarrod’s startled look.  “Yep the boy’s crystal ball mustn’t have been working properly.  It was about the only thing he got wrong in this whole damn mess.”


“Not the only thing Nick.  I’ve been asking myself why we didn’t think of Barrett doubling back since Jim arrived.  God when I think of what might have happened.”


“I know Jarrod.  I’ve been kicking myself too.  I can’t believe I left them unprotected either.”


“Boy’s it’s no good blaming yourself for something that you couldn’t foresee.  I know Heath doesn’t blame you so don’t do it to yourselves.  Right now we have to concentrate on getting Braxton and the money back.”  Duke gently injected into the conversation in an attempt to get the brothers back onto the job at hand.  He knew there would be plenty of soul searching on their behalf’s but now wasn’t the time to be doing it.


Nick looked up from where he was squatting and acknowledged Duke’s words.


“Yeah ok Duke I hear you.  Time to mount up boys we’ve got a killer to catch.”




Chapter 23


The last four hours of the ride to the Lucky Lady Mine was completed in silence each man deep in his own thoughts.


As the sun slowly rose into the morning sky Nick thought of the morning that he had woken Heath up and helped him out to the corral to watch the sun rise.  A shiver ran down his spine when he thought of just how close they had come to losing their new brother not once but three times in the past two and half weeks.


“I promise you Heath we’re going to spend a lot of sunrises together from now on.”


Jarrod’s guilt was no less than Nick’s as he asked himself why they had not thought of Barrett returning to the ranch.  Wasn’t he the oldest brother? Shouldn’t he have thought of that? After all he was ‘pappy’ wasn’t he?  It was his responsibility to ensure that the rest of his family was kept safe from harm and he had failed Heath badly.  Failed him from almost his first coming to the ranch.  If only he had forced Nick to evaluate his true feelings then maybe Heath wouldn’t have been injured in the ambush to start with.


Instead of working together his brothers had been working against one another.  Each determined to prove that he was right and the other wrong.  Jarrod shook his head sadly.


“I promise you both brothers that from now on I will listen to both sides of the argument and be there for both of you.”


Duke and Jim ‘s thoughts followed the same line.  Both men had taken an instant liking to the blond cowboy who wasn’t riding at their side. Of course Duke saw far more in the blond than Jim did having worked on the ranch for twenty years and known a young Tom Barkley.  The moment he laid eyes on the boy he knew instinctively that this was another son of Tom’s and that sparks were about to fly.  He just didn’t realize how serious the ensuing explosion would turn out to be.


Both men sighed deeply and made their own promises to their blond boss that from now on the men would toe the line and do exactly what was requested or there would be hell to pay in the bunkhouse.


“Nick where do you want to head first?” asked Jarrod rousing himself from his thoughts as the outskirts of the mining camp came into view.


Nick looked up and just for a moment expected to see that silly lop-sided grin of his brothers beside him.


“Lets get rid of this payroll to John McFee first and then see what we can do about flushing Braxton out,” he growled.  “Jarrod why don’t you pay a visit to Scott and see what you can find out about why he hired him in the first place.”


Jarrod looked quizzically at Nick. “Now what’s he up to? Bet he thinks he can keep me safe by leaving me behind.  Damn fool. We really need to have a family discussion when we get home.”


“You’re going to need all the help you can get if you’re going after Braxton Nick.”


“I know that Jarrod but we also need to know how this whole damn mess came about in the first place.  Heath said Braxton and Barrett were cousins.  Besides Fred should be waiting for us at the mine. With Duke and Jim the four of us should be able to handle Braxton.”


“All right Nick we’ll do things your way as usual,” Jarrod retorted a bit sharper than intended. He didn’t notice Nick’s sharp intake of breath at his words or the narrowed stare thrown his way.


The four men drew rein at the mine manager’s office and dismounted as the door opened and Sheriff Madden stepped out followed by the manager John McFee, Scott Hamilton and Phil Braxton.


Keeping their faces impassive Nick and Jarrod greeted the waiting men and handed over the payroll to John McFee.


“Much obliged Nick, Jarrod.  I know the men will be grateful to finally receive some pay.  If you’ll excuse me I’ll see about having this distributed immediately.”


“That’s fine John, we will speak to you before we leave,” replied Jarrod relieved that at least the payroll had been delivered safely.


After watching McFee head off to the pay office with the money, Scott Hamilton turned back to the brothers and their hands.


“Won’t you please come in?  I’m sure you could all use a hot meal and some coffee.  Fred’s already told us about the attempted robbery yesterday.  I must say that was a smart move sending out a decoy payroll to nab the gang.  I don’t suppose you found the other missing payrolls though?”


All the time Scott was speaking Nick kept glancing furtively towards Braxton.  This was one cool customer, not a bead of sweat appeared on his face.  Nick decided now was the perfect time to light a fire under the killer and see how it burned.


“It was actually our little brother Heath who suggested the decoy Scott. I swear that boy’s more criminal than cowboy.  Barrett told us that he had moved the money and with a little bit of encouragement,” Nick cracked his knuckles, “he was more than willing to tell us where he’d hid it too.”


Nick ignored Fred’s slight start at his words for he knew the sheriff would keep quiet until all the pieces of the puzzle were on the table.  “Soon as we’ve had some food and the horses are rested we’ll head on out and retrieve the money.’


Jarrod turned to Braxton and was just in time to see him gathering his shocked thoughts.


“Well Phil,” he said pleasantly, “sorry to say it’s been a couple of hectic months with the robberies.  I hope this hasn’t put you off working for us.”


“No not at all Jarrod.  At least we will all be able to rest easy now knowing that the gang has been apprehended.”


Turning to Scott Hamilton, Braxton continued in a level voice although his insides were seething with fury at Barrett’s double cross.  “If you gentlemen will excuse me I have some samples to deliver in Stockton and if I want to have any chance of making it by tomorrow morning I had better leave shortly.”


With his back to the Barkley’s Braxton didn’t see Nick’s raised eyebrow or his nod to his two hands.


“Duke, Jim why don’t you see to the horses and then come back for something to eat.”


Both men nodded and followed Braxton out the door.  They knew exactly what was required of them.  The horses really didn’t need tending to but it gave them an excuse to be out in the camp and made it easier to keep an eye on Braxton.


“All right Nick, what was all that about?  You know as well as I do that Barrett’s dead and he didn’t tell anybody where the money is.”


“We know that Fred but Braxton doesn’t.  Hopefully I just lit the fuse that will make him lead us to the money.”


“Whose Braxton Nick?” a bewildered Scott asked.


“Gordon is Braxton.  He’s a killer and the ring leader behind all the robberies.”


“Phil? Are you sure?”


“Of course I’m sure,” growled Nick.  “Heath remembered who he was and Barrett confirmed it before he tried to kill Heath at the ranch yesterday.  And if that’s not enough for you we’ve got a wire from the Marshall’s office confirming it too.”


Scott’s face paled at the news.  “I’m sorry Nick, Jarrod I had no idea.  Is Heath all right?”


“He will be.”


“Phil Gordon came highly recommended to me from a mine in Utah.  His qualifications as an assayer are second to none.  I checked them myself.”


“Well Nick I guess that answers your question as to how Braxton was working here.  Now that that’s settled I’ll be joining you little brother, to bring Braxton down. Any objections?”


Nick looked at his brother and shook his head.


“No Your Honor,” he grumbled before stomping towards the door just as it opened and Duke walked in.


“Braxton’s on the move Nick.  Jim’s following his trail.  Said to meet him at the edge of the camp.  He wants to be sure we pick up the right set of prints when we head out.”


“Ok let’s move.  Scott we’ll catch you later and don’t worry it wasn’t your fault,” said Nick offering his hand.


“Thanks Nick, I appreciate that.”


   * * * * * * * *


Braxton cursed his stupid cousin Barrett.  He should have got rid of the man when he had the chance in the canyons.  Now he had to move quickly.  He could feel the heat building around him and knew his time in this part of the country was at an end.


After he collected the money he would set out for Canada.  Plenty of mines up there and with his qualifications he wouldn’t find it difficult to get work.  Then maybe he could put another gang together and rob the payrolls like he’d been doing all over the country for years.


He had cursed his bad luck in running into that blond deputy all those months ago.  He was sure then that the boy had recognized him but as the months went by and the law didn’t appear he stopped worrying.  Now it seemed he had stopped worrying too soon.  Too late now!  He should have taken care of that problem months ago too.


Braxton was so engrossed in his thoughts and his haste to get the money and leave the area that he didn’t even bother to check his back trail for possible pursuit.


Just keeping their quarry within sight the pursuing men watched as Braxton turned off the main trail and headed up what could best be described as an animal track. The trees on either side of the track were dense and allowed no room for a horse to push its way through.


The following men allowed their horses to slow as the track wound upwards.  They knew that they had Braxton cornered now and cornered animal was the most dangerous kind.  Rounding a bend they came across a small opening in the trees and an old prospectors shack.  Tied in front of the shack was Braxton’s horse.


Dismounting the men led the horses back around the bend and tied them securely to the trees before moving in on foot.  Nick and Jarrod moved to the right of the shack making sure they kept the trees between themselves and Braxton as Duke and Jim mirrored there actions on the left.  Fred Madden nodded in satisfaction as the men took up their positions.


While Nick Barkley might be a hot head and easily riled at times he was no fool and he fully understood what kind of a man they were dealing with.  Fred just hoped Nick’s patience would hold for a while longer.  He like everybody else knew that the dark haired rancher’s patience had been tested to the limits these last few weeks.


Fred watched as the door to the shack opened and Braxton stepped out carrying a saddlebag over his shoulder.  He waited until the man was about to swing his right leg over the horse’s rump and then stepped from his hiding place.


“Sheriff Madden here Braxton, you’re under arrest.”


Fred watched as the horse startled by his voice shied away from the rider.  Caught off balance by the horses sudden movement his foot slipped from the saddle and he fell onto his back.  Even so he came up gun in hand and made a desperate lunge for the shack door only to be confronted by the two angry ranchers.


Desperate to gain the safety of the shack Braxton brought his gun around to bare on Nick Barkley who gave him no opportunity to finish what he had started.


Braxton was dead before he hit the ground caught in a hail of lead from the two ranchers.


“That’s for my little brother,” Nick growled as he kicked the gun away from the nerveless fingers and retrieved the saddlebag lying in the dirt.


   * * * * * * * *


Nick opened the front door and stepped into the foyer without a sound, which for once didn’t surprise Jarrod.  They both knew that their little brother would probably be sleeping and they had no intentions of waking him unnecessarily or rousing their mother’s ire.


Victoria who had been watching on and off from the front windows for the last several hours came to greet them as they entered the house.  She let her searching gaze roam over both her sons and was pleased to see no signs of injury.


“Is it over?” she asked quietly, coming forward to embrace both of her oldest children.


“Yes lovely lady it is.” replied Jarrod kissing the top of her head.


“How’s the boy,” Nick asked as his eyes wandered up the grand staircase.


“Restless, in pain, won’t take enough laudanum to do any good.”


“In other word’s he’s fine,” Nick said with a grin.  “I’m going up to see him.”


“Nick he’s asleep.”


“I won’t wake him Mother, I just need to see him.”


Victoria nodded and patted he middle son’s arm.  “All right Nick but just for a few minutes.”


“I’d like to see him too Nick. I think I’ll come with you.”


Victoria watched as her two dark haired sons ascended the staircase and disappeared down the hall leading to their brother’s room.  With this now behind them she hoped her sons would be able at last to forge a lasting friendship and partnership.  All the signs looked promising.


Nick quietly opened Heath’s door and walked across the room to stand beside his brother’s bed closely followed by Jarrod.  The new bruises on their brother’s chest stood out stark against the older ones of several weeks ago.  His casted right arm was still resting on a pillow and a sling now held the injured left one in place.  At least his breathing sounded a whole lot better than it did a few days ago they thought.


Not wanting to disturb him further the brothers turned from the bed and headed towards the door.  There would be plenty of time to talk later.


“Nick…. did you get him?”


Startled by the barely audible whisper Nick and Jarrod turned to find a pair of hooded blue eyes looking at them expectantly.


“Yeah Heath, we did, we got Braxton and he’s dead,” replied Nick beaming from ear to ear.


“Good,” mumbled the blond as his eyes closed and he drifted back to sleep.  He was sure he’d hear all about it later.