The Contract

Chapters 1-10

by Barkley Lady





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter One


It was late one evening; in fact it was really night time when the stage coach arrived outside the Cattlemen’s Hotel in Stockton. The four travellers stepped out of it being met by the worse weather that had occurred for years. The two older men and a young woman hurried inside while the fourth person with help from the coach driver got the luggage down from the roof.


"Good evening, gentlemen. What can I help you with?" The clerk studied the men on the other side before turning his eyes to the woman. She was about 20-30 years younger than the men, blond, cold blue eyes and dress in pale blue silk. The edges of her coat were covered with fur. He guessed that some would consider as beautiful but the look in her eyes gave him a shiver.


"Three rooms please." The oldest of the men spoke as he put the monocle in its place in front of his right eye. "A suite with two beds for me, one of your best rooms for the gentlemen here and a servant’s room." The man spoke with a very educated voice but there were still traces of the southern dialect he had as a youngster.


"And for how long?" The clerk noticed a woman dressed in an ill-fitting black dress enter the foyer with several suitcases. He was about to shoo her out when he suddenly realised that this must be the servant. He saw the wife look with disgust in her face at the woman.


"Oh, do be careful. You are so clumsy!" The clerk gave the gentleman their keys and turned the register towards them so that they could sign in.


"How long you asked? Well, that depends on the Barkleys." Mr Douglas Wheeler took his gloves from the desk after signing and turned. "When you have carried the luggage to our rooms and unpacked, you can go to your room. The clerk will tell you where it is later. We will be up in 30 minutes, see to that you are out of the rooms by then." Without a look at the servant he took his wife by her elbow and led her to the restaurant.




The Barkley house


"You can’t be serious. Father would never have done such a thing." Nick Barkley roared at his brother. He was standing with his arms crossed, legs apart and his narrow hazel eyes fixed on to Jarrod’s blue. "Have you seen the papers? Are you sure they are legal?"


"I’m afraid so Nick and yes, I have seen the papers. Mr Cluster brought it with him when he came to the office this morning. His client wishes to meet us later today either at my office or Cattlemen’s. I suggest my office since it at least is private. Mother try to think back, what happened in 1850?"


"Nick, please calm a little. I don’t believe it either and I’m sure this is all a mistake. I knew your father. He would never do such a thing. Jarrod, 1850, well …" Victoria sat on the settee; fingers braided and looked at her sons. The family had gathered in the study where Jarrod had been looking through his fathers papers when they joined him. Only two hours had passed since the lawyer from Baton Rouge had walked into his office with a paper signed by his father, a paper he had never seen over the years he had been handling the families legal affairs and papers. As soon as he could he had gone home to the ranch and had Duke send a hand for Nick and Heath. Victoria had helped him start searching while waiting for the two men. Victoria stood up and walked around. "50. We had not been here for long; Jarrod was 6 and Nick 2." She talked as she was talking loudly to herself. "A letter from an old friend about a job offer over a few months came and Tom was happy to take it as the crop had gone wrong that year. I agreed since we needed the money. It was decided that since you two were so young and I was with child again that we would stay here, also if we all left we might have lost the little we had here. So Tom left in May 50 to New Orleans. He came back 5 months later, just before the baby was to be born. Didn’t say much of what he had done but he had got well paid and we managed the coming winter." She stopped and turned to Jarrod. "I say the same as Nick, you are sure the paper is legal?"


"Yes, Mother. It has everything a legal paper should have. I have of course wired to a colleague I know in Baton Rouge to check things up. I was surprised knowing that in those days contacts were mainly sealed by a handshake."


"Who would have believed it if there hadn’t been a paper." Nick started to pace the room. "So it’s legal, he has a right to demand what he is demanding, what can we do? Can we refuse?"


"You have to." Victoria looked upset. "Surely Jarrod, there must be a way out of this?"


"I have already been told that they will sue us if we don’t agree. If we refuse, Mr Cluster as a lawyer will take the papers to the judge and get started on the trail."


"How much?" Nick had now stopped by the hearth, leaning against it with his hands. "How much, Jarrod? Perhaps it might be worth it." He turned his head towards Jarrod.


"500,000,000 dollars."


"FIVE MILJON DOLLARS? Even if we sold everything we don’t have that much. What the bloody …"


"Nicholas." Heath had been quiet up until now. He walked up to Nick and put a calming hand on his shoulder while he looked at Jarrod.


"It seems to me we can only accept the fact and prepare for the meeting this afternoon. You said Father had signed the paper therefore we must have something with us that he has signed. We also only have a few hours to search the house for a copy of the contract. A paper like that should have been done in two so that each man got a copy. Let start to look. Mother, you look in your bedroom and in the safes you know of. Also try to remember if Father said anything or where he would have hidden a paper like this. Nick and I take the papers here and Jarrod, perhaps you should return and see if your friend wired back and you better go through the family papers you have in your office. Silas can help us too." It wasn’t long before Jingo was on the way back to Stockton with Jarrod and the others were going over everything and everywhere looking for a paper dated May 30 1850.




Jarrod’s office


At the stroke of three o’clock Mr Wheeler and Mr Cluster walked in to Jarrod’s office. The family was waiting for them. They hadn’t found anything that could bring them any closer to why Tom had signed that contract. Victoria sat in an armchair and watched the men as they came towards the family members. Jarrod had taken his place behind the desk, Heath sat close to Victoria as Nick stood by the window. As they all had been introduced to each other and were seated Mr Wheeler started.


"Mr Cluster has earlier made it clear to you why I’m in Stockton. I would like to finish this as soon as possible and return to my estate in Baton Rouge. Any questions?"


"Yes." Nick hissed from his position but was stopped by Victoria before he said anything else.


"I would very much like to know how you met my husband."


"We met in a bar in New Orleans. He lost in a poker game and to get him out of trouble I lent him some money. I reminded him about our dealings in 1870 but he never replied. As it turned out he must have gotten killed just after he got my letter." The man smiled to Victoria, who felt a cold shiver run along her spine. "So what have you decided? What will it be?"


"You don’t give us much choice as it is but we will need some time to discuss this in the family since this came as a total surprise to us. We also want to check the authenticity of the contract as you may understand." Jarrod used his best court room voice.


"I guessed you would want that. Very well. I want an answer in two days. I’ll be at the Cattlemen’s hotel." He stood up. Bowed towards them and with Mr Cluster behind he left for the door when Nick stopped them.


"I would like to have the contract."


"Mr Barkley? You don’t believe me or your brother?" Nick walked up to the men and fixed the man with narrow eyes and tight lips. He held out his hand to be handed the contract.


"The contract. I usually don’t ask more than once."


"Mr Cluster, see to it that this untrusting man gets the paper. I think we can trust him with it since I have the other one at the hotel." Nick stood with the contact in his hand and watched the men leave the office. With a sign he unfolded it and looked with horror at the words written on it.


"It’s Father’s handwriting and signature." Nick went over to his mother and gave it to her. She also looked at it with pain knowing what decision her sons now had to make. Heath took the paper and thought for a moment.


"I can do it."


"No Heath, when it was written you weren’t even born. It has to be Nick or me." Jarrod stood up and went to a cabinet to fetch a bottle and some glasses.  “I guess we have some things to talk about but shall we first toss who is the unlucky man?” Nick turned and looked at his brother.


“I’ll marry the girl and that will be the end of this!” He left the room and before anyone could stop him he pressed Coco in a gallop down the street.




Chapter Two


Nick didn’t come in until everybody else was asleep, or at least he hoped everyone was. Victoria sat waiting for her second born son in the dark living room. She was angry with Tom for putting his son in this situation, leaving him with no choice if he didn’t want to lose the ranch. She hoped that the traces of her tears didn’t show.




"Mother! What are you doing up? You should be in the comfort of your bed." He walked up to her and took the whisky bottle that stood in front of her. "Mother, you haven’t been drinking, have you?"


"I have. Not that it is any of your business." She straightened up a little and smiled at him.


"Nick, where have you been? Both Jarrod and Heath have been out looking for you? I just couldn’t go to bed before you came home and I could talk to you. The rest of the family talked about how to solve this. Jarrod is checking up some things."


"Mother, I said I’ll marry her and I’ll do that. I’m right now very angry and disappointed in Father for putting us in this situation. I went up to his grave to talk to him but I just couldn’t say anything so after a ride towards the west pasture I let Coco go the way he wanted. I needed to be alone. Sorry, Mother. I should have come home earlier." Victoria patted the sofa next to her and Nick sat down.


"I’m angry too and I just can’t believe he never told us and why he even did it. We had agreed that none of our children should be forced into arranged marriages if they didn’t put themselves in that situation and your Father promised me that if we had sons he would talk to them as I would talk to our daughters. And then he goes and does something like this."


"I figured out that he must have lost a lot and was very desperate Mother. And I also realised there has been a girl growing up in Louisiana who also has had no choice in life. I just wonder if she has known and why Mr Wheeler turns up now. Promise me one thing Mother. I don’t want a big wedding with reception and so, just the quick thing. It’s not like I’m very happy over this. I’ll go over to the hotel tomorrow after I have talked to the priest. Perhaps you will help me get my room ready." He gleamed at her. Victoria looked at him and saw the little boy in him. She stroked his cheek.


"Don’t worry Nick. The whole family will help you. I’ll go with you to the church and then we will let our lawyer go to the Cattlemen’s and see to it that there is a contract written between Mr Wheeler and you. We shall see to it that he never sets his foot here again. If his daughter wants to see her family she will have to go to Louisiana. Also Nick if something happens to you we will take care of her but she can never ask for any of the Barkley Holdings."


"Thanks. Who knows she might be Ok."


The next day Jarrod and Victoria took the buggy into Stockton. Nick would turn up later; right now the family let him have his privacy. Heath informed the hands about what had happened the day before and those of the men who had worked with Tom for many years sat quiet thinking over what he had done 30 years ago and how it now affected the family. No one could believe that this was happening and they would understand if Nick was moody in the coming days. As they went up to continue the round up they grabbed Heath’s shoulder in support.

Duke remained behind while the others left.


"Heath, is there anything we can do?"


"Nope. Mother and Jarrod have gone into town to see to it that there is a legal contract executed that stops this man from getting his hands on any of the Barkley Holdings."




"I’ll go and check on him before I join you in the fields, Duke. I haven’t seen him since he left Jarrod’s office yesterday. Mother waited up for him last night and I checked when I went down that he was in." He gave a faint smile.


"Well, she might not be bad. I still think he should have brought her to the meeting. Now you can get a feeling that something is wrong with her."


"I know my feeling too. I asked around yesterday and the lady that travels with Mr Wheeler is described as she could wake up the dead."


"Poor fella." Duke sat up on his horse and went off to catch up with the men. Heath stood watching him ride out before he turned and walked up to the house. If Nick wasn’t up yet it was up to him to wake him, get him dressed and into town in time to meet Victoria.




Nick came down the stairs as Heath walked through the door. Nick pointed to the dining room and Heath joined him for a third breakfast that morning. The two brothers talked about the coming cattle drive down to Bakersfield and the camping trip the three brothers were planning after that.


"Want company into town?"


"No, you go out and help the men. I’ll join you in the afternoon."




"As soon as possible, might as well get it over with. It will just be a ceremony, no celebrations. Mother promised me that yesterday. Shall we get going?"






Nick met up with Victoria at the Church. They had a long talk with the priest who at first had tried to talk Nick out of the marriage but when he understood the consequences that it might cause he agreed to marry Nick and the young lady the day after. Afterwards Nick took Victoria’s elbow and led her towards the buggy. He was going to the Cattlemen’s as he had told Jarrod he wanted to be there when Jarrod gave them the contract. And he hoped he would get a chance to see the future Mrs Barkley. Jarrod stood waiting for them as they came up the road.


"All set Nick?" They walked up to the room and knocked on the door. The lawyer opened it and let them in. Wheeler sat in an armchair with a brandy glass in his hand. Next to him sat the blond woman with a stone cold face.


"Ah, the Barkleys. I knew you would come to your senses and come with a quick answer. Now who will it be? The blond who isn’t here?"


"No, I’ll marry her tomorrow at eleven o’clock at the church down the road."


"But before that Mr Wheeler, we have some papers you have to sign." Jarrod handed over the papers to Wheeler who just passed them on to the lawyer. Mr Cluster took a quick look at them and was going to protest when Wheeler took them back. He just gleamed at them and rose to the desk.


"It’s worth what ever it says to get rid of her. There you are. My wife and I will see that my daughter is at the church on time and we will bring her belongings with her. After that we will leave for Sacramento before going back to Louisiana."




Chapter Three


Nick stood at the window in his room looking out to the pouring rain. He was feeling as miserable as the weather was. Heath and Duke had told him to go and get his room ready for the lady instead of work on the ranch. ‘Lady who’. He didn’t even know her name, didn’t know what she looked like, in fact he didn’t know anything beside the fact that her father was a scoundrel and had used a 30 year old paper just to get rid of her. Slowly he turned his attention back towards his own room. His mother had told him that ‘the girl’ would need space in the wardrobe, some drawers and a vanity table. And that was just to start with. She had also suggested that he should have a sofa instead of just the armchairs and put away some of his memorials. And worse of all was that he was to accept if she wanted to change something in the room, HIS room. He wished he could get another bed in here or get a guest room ready for her. Perhaps he should suggest that. Just because they got married didn’t mean they had to live in the same room or even house. Now why hadn’t he thought of that before? With great speed he walked out of his room, ran down the stairs and strode quickly into the study where Jarrod was still sweating over the paper from Baton Rouge. Victoria came from the dining room and just got the back of Nick. She could see by the way he walked that he was up to something so she hurried to the study.


"Jarrod, is there anything in these papers that say that the woman and I have to live together, because if I recall things right it only said marry, right?"


"Yes, but that means living together Nick."


"Does it? Just because that is what’s expected from you doesn’t mean it has to be so. What if I we offer a house, anything suitable that she can accept instead of her living here?"


"Nicholas Barkley, what are you suggesting? Isn’t it bad enough she has to be forced into a marriage, are you going to throw her out the same day you get married too?"


"Mother, please understand."


"I understand and no such thing will happen Nick. Not today anyway. We are going to give the girl at least an honest chance as we all agreed on last night. If she is anything like her father I will help her move to another house but not until we meet her and get to know her." Victoria walked up to him. "Son, I’m trying really hard to understand what you are going through and believe me when I say that I only want the best for you. I know that she isn’t the one you would have chosen but she might be ok Nick. She might just be perfect as your wife."


"Or just a disaster. Ok I’ll go back to the room. Just promise me Mother, and you too Jarrod, that if it doesn’t work out very well you will support me finding her another home. I’m sure she would be pleased if she got a place of her own, money enough to live a good life and never have to be reminded that she is married to a rancher, but then I’m judging her from what I have seen of her father." With sloping shoulders he walked with heavy steps back towards his room but instead of going inside there he went to the attic. After moving things around he had found what he was looking for and dragged the furniture towards the stairs. "JARROD" Heath looked up the stairs.


"Will I do instead Big Brother or is it Jarrod you want? He started to climb the stairs towards Nick as he saw the table at the doorway. Nick grinned at him.


"You are even better than the counsellor. Here grab on and we can get the things down. They don’t look much but will have to do for now." The brothers got the vanity table, sofa and a larger bed downstairs and into Nick’s room. They moved the things around until they thought it looked all right and not too crowded in the room, then they just emptied a couple of drawers in the bureau and pressed Nick’s clothes together in the wardrobe.


"That’s it. I’m not putting away things just because she is coming." Nick stood with his feet apart and hand on his hips. He threw a glance at the window. It was still pouring. "I guess he feels as bad as I do?"




"Him." Nick pointed towards the ceiling.


"Oh Him. Guess so. Drink?"


"About time isn’t it?"




At the Church


The three brothers stood in their best suits waiting. Dressing up had to do with the fact that they were going to be in church and because Victoria had asked them to do it. After all it was Nick’s wedding day. Nick felt more like it was his own funeral he was going to. Victoria was waiting inside already. As they heard the Town Hall clock start to ring its bell announcing that it was eleven o’clock a stage coach stopped in front of them. Wheeler and his wife stepped out. Nick was pleased that it wasn’t she whom he was to marry; he did NOT like her cold blue eyes. Behind them came the lawyer and at last came the girl he was to be joined to. His heart dropped. She could have been pretty but she looked so pale and insignificant that he lost all hope of ever being able to love her. During the seconds it took for her to get out of the coach and up the steps to him he judged her. A simple linen dress in cream with a chocolate coloured lace collar and sleeves, a shawl in royal blue and green and simple hat. A laced handkerchief in her hand. Hair that was pulled back in a tight knot except for two locks hanging in front of each ear. She was really the opposite compared to her stepmother. She kept her head bent looking down on her feet. He sighed quietly.


"Barkley, my daughter." Wheeler took his wife under her elbow and walked inside the church with the lawyer following them. Jarrod slightly pushed Nick and Heath towards the door and then took the woman under her elbow. She jumped as if he had hurt her.


"Sorry." She immediately apologised.


"My fault." Jarrod was the perfect gentleman towards her hoping his brother wouldn’t blame him for this later on. His eyes search for Nick’s as they got inside and he stepped aside. With Heath just a step behind him they hurried down the aisle to their mother.


"Miss, I’m as sorry for this as you seem to be but I think we’d better get on with it. I have a few ideas of how we can solve things once this …" he couldn’t say it, couldn’t say wedding or ceremony "well you know once this is over. I’m Nick Barkley, that is Nicholas Jonathan Barkley and it might be easier if I know your name too." He held out his hand. She took it and curtsied.


"My name is Beatrice, Beatrice Catherine"


"Shall we Miss Wheeler?" Nick held his elbow out for her to hold on to. They walked down the aisle while the organist played a tune that Nick didn’t recognise. He knew his mother had talked with Mr Claver about what to play. On the way towards the priest they passed old widow Granger and her spinster daughter. He wondered how on earth they had found out it was a wedding in the church today, he busied himself with the thought that they perhaps had moved in here to be sure not to miss any action. He sighed again. He felt her hand just gently rest against his arm and he looked down on her hand. It was a hand of someone who had worked hard in her life, it looked so worn and yet her fingernails were nicely done and clean. He gleamed a little down on her as her eyes just past his shoulder in height and saw that her eyes were green as two gems, gems with no shine in them he sadly thought just as they reached the priest. He knew this would be quickly over and hoped she understood why.


The priest said a few words, asked if anyone objected to them marrying and then turned to the couple:


"Nicholas will you say your vow to Beatrice?" Nick turned to Beatrice and took both her hands in his and looked straight into her eyes.


"In the name of God, I, Nicholas Jonathan Barkley, take you, Beatrice Catherine Wheeler, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health
until we are parted by death.
And I promise you these things:
I will be faithful to you and honest with you;
I will respect, truth, help and care for you.

This is my solemn vow."


He had not wanted the word love included from his part as he had known that he might never live up to it. He looked at the woman beside him and gave her a soft smile. The words were said now it was her turn.


"In the name of God, I, Beatrice Catherine Wheeler, take you, Nicholas Jonathan Barkley, to be my husband,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health,

until we are parted by death.
And I promise you these things:
I will be faithful and honest;
I will respect, honour and help you;

I will care for you;
I will share my life with you.

This is my solemn vow."


He noted that she had changed it a little and somehow it surprised him. He had to ask Jarrod what she had really said because his mind had been slipping. He turned to the priest who held up the ring he had gotten yesterday blessing it. He then gave it to Nick who once again turned to Beatrice.


"With this ring I thee wed." He slipped it on her finger and that was it; he was now a married man. As Mr Claver started to play another tune he didn’t know he led her down the aisle again. As he passed his mother he noticed that she wiped a tear from her eyes. Cold eyes however was looking in her purse.




Outside he stopped as he saw the Barkley stage coach approach the church. Duke was driving the decorated wagon. He felt his face lighten up in a grin and he shook his head. Beatrice stood quietly beside him in the rain, looking at the coach.


"Boss, you didn’t think you were going to ride home, did you? A day like this? Now I’m sure Mrs Barkley would want to be dry when she gets to her new home." Nick suddenly realised that it was raining and that she didn’t have any coat on.


"This is Duke McCall, the foreman at the Barkley ranch. I’ll introduce you to him better later. Come; get in here where it is dry." Nick opened the door and looked at her hesitating to step in. He took her hand and "led" her to the step and helped her in. "Your father said he would bring your belongings too, are they in the stage coach?" She nodded. "Just a moment. Duke, we have to pack before you drive us home." The coach driver from the Wheelers coach had already lifted down her two bags and a suitcase. Nick looked at the few things and shook his head before bending down to pick them up. Instead of giving them to Duke he placed them inside the coach. He turned to his family and held the door for them.


"No, Nick. We will take the buggy and horses with us. Spend the time with your wife and we will meet you at home." Victoria smiled at her son. With a nod he got inside and Duke got the horses going.


"Oh, wait, your father. I forgot that you have to say goodbye." He was about to holler to Duke to turn back when she shook her head. "No? Ok" He shrugged his shoulders and took her hand instead. It was cold. Another look at her and he noticed that she was shaking. He didn’t know if it was from emotion or cold but decide not to ask. Instead he leaned forward and got a couple of blankets that were laying there and put them around her.


"Thank you." He sat thinking of what to talk about when he noticed a tear on her cheek. He wiped it off.


"Beatrice what do you know about the situation we are in, that is besides being married? Do you know why you are here?"


"My father’s wife demanded that he got rid of me. She didn’t want to have a maid who was the daughter of her husband’s late wife."




"Since mother died I have been taking care of Mr Wheeler.”


"But maid? Companion I could understand, but maid. You are his daughter, family."


"Rather be a maid than work in a pleasure house." Nick looked with horror at the woman next to him. To her father she had just been nothing, nothing. He couldn’t imagine how it must feel.


"How long?"


"Not that long, just 15 years."


"NOT THAT LONG!" Nick felt anger rise and was about to speak his mind when he saw the fear in her eyes. He calmed down and smiled. "Sorry. I’m known for my hot temper." They heard a voice from above.


"Yes, you are and don’t scare the lady. The Barkley Ranch in sight."




Barkley House


Duke had the horses stop just outside the front door. Silas had been watching at the windows and was at the door greeting them as Nick helped his wife down the steps.


"Beatrice, this is Silas. He is the one who really runs this place and we wouldn’t survive without him." Nick smiled at the old man.


"Mr Nick is exaggerating as usual. Welcome Mrs Beatrice. "


"Mr Silas." Beatrice smiled softly back.


"Now, just Silas. Now let me have the suitcases, everything is ready in the living room Mr Nick. And the rest of the family are joining you there." He picked the luggage up and headed towards the stairs. Nick stood waiting wondering why she didn’t step inside. He sighed and placed a hand gently at her lower back and moved her inside. Heath had just gotten off his horse and saw what happened. He shook his head to get the thought he got out of his head and went to help his mother down from the buggy instead.




Victoria and her sons went directly to the living room, where Nick had placed Beatrice on the sofa. Beatrice rose quickly as they entered the room.


"Welcome dear. Now let make the best of this. First we should have some champagne and then I’m sure Silas has something prepared for us." She walked up to the woman that now was her daughter-in-law. "I’m Victoria Barkley and the mother of these boys."


"Beatrice, madam."


"Now Beatrice, its Victoria." She walked over to her favourite chair and sat down. Jarrod and Heath both came up and welcomed Beatrice to the Barkley home.




Later that evening Beatrice went up to their bedroom alone. Victoria had said her good nights just before her and she felt she couldn’t sit and watch the men play pool so she excused herself and left. When she came inside her first stop was at the flowers Victoria had put on the table as a welcome. Their scent was lovely and the pale pink colour was one she had never seen before. With a small sigh she walked up to the bed and turned the covers down. She got undressed and put on her night dress and went to bed. All her nerves were on the edge. She couldn’t go to sleep since she was scared of what might happen when Nick came to bed. She clutched her eyes hard together, tried to breathe calmly when she heard him enter the room. Nick took one look and sighed. He walked over to the bed and stood by her side.


"Beatrice, you can relax. I have never used force to get what I want and I don’t intend to start now. I’m as little interested in this as you are and right now I don’t even want to think of …." He stopped. He was about to say that he didn’t want a family with her but figured it might be too cruel instead he stroked away the lock by her ear. "Rest easy." He stood up and went over to his side. Sitting on the bed he pulled of his boots and socks, before standing up. He walked over with the foot clothing and pyjamas pants to the basket where he put the socks. Standing by it he undressed and put his night pants on. For a second he hesitated before he went to the bureau and got the jacket and slipped it on. As he lay down on the bed he looked at the grey back of his wife. At least her hair wasn’t in the tight knot, that would really have put him off. Now he noticed that it really had a warm chestnut colour and the locks that lay down on the bed were a little tempting to play with. Instead he turned towards the lamp and turned it off.




Chapter Four


When Nick woke up at five o’clock in the morning he found that he was alone in the bed. Wondering where she was he got up and started to get ready for a days work. In the hallway he sensed the aroma from newly baked bread. Surprised and with a growling stomach he headed for the kitchen. Sitting by the table already was Heath having his breakfast while Beatrice was taking out the last loaves of bread from the bake oven.


"Morning." He sat down still a little dozy and looked at his wife. "Beatrice do you know what the time is?"


"Yes, ten minutes past five."


"And why are you up?"


"Making you breakfast." Within a few minutes he had coffee, eggs and bacon and bread put in front of him. He looked down at the plate and picked up the fork. Without another word or look at his brother he started to eat.


"Admit Nick, this is better than just coffee. This is something a man can get spoiled with, Beatrice but I do agree with Nick even if he didn’t say so, you should still be in bed and not turn up until breakfast at eight." Heath smiled at his sister-in-law who stood by the working table looking at the two men at the table. "Besides what will Silas say if you do his job?"


"Silas? I didn’t … Sorry Mr Silas." Silas stood in the door smiling widely.


"Now this is a something I haven’t seen in many years. Mr Barkley used to have a proper breakfast before he went to the barns; you Mr Nick just have your coffee. This will do you good." Silas went up to Beatrice. "It’s Ok, Mrs Beatrice. My kitchen is yours when you want to bake as it’s Mrs Barkley’s when she wants to cook. You take care of your husband, you." Beatrice blushed and stared at the floor. Nick quickly swallowed the coffee and hurried out of the kitchen, Heath followed him chuckling. When the men had left Silas poured a cup for himself and Beatrice, took it to the table and motioned her to sit down but just as he had done that she had already started to clear the table after the boys.


"Mrs Beatrice, did you get up at this time in your old home too?"


"Yes, Mr Silas, I did. Mr Wheeler wanted his breakfast at seven and it should always be fresh baked bread."


"It’s Silas. Now in this house you don’t need to. You can have a sleep in every day unless you want to see the sunrise; it’s mighty pretty by the barns. Ask Mr Nick to take you there one morning. This is mighty special bread. Where you get the recipe? Taste like coloured peoples bread."


"Odessa taught me it many years ago, after mama had died." Beatrice smiled. "She taught me a lot of things in the kitchen." She finally sat down at the table and she and Silas continued to talk about what recipes she had learned. He was surprised over her knowledge over foods that white folks normally didn’t know about and he enjoyed talking about some childhood favourites.


"Now Mrs Beatrice, you go and get ready for family breakfast and I shall see that it’s in the dining room in time. And no, you mustn’t help me. What would Mr Nick say? So shoo shoo Mrs Beatrice." He gently pushed her out of the kitchen. As she walked the stairs up he wondered once more how come a young lady like her knew about the black people foods. He got the feeling she hadn’t been in the kitchen for just the fun.


Beatrice walked slowly up the stairs. Somehow she knew she had done something wrong but what? For the last fifteen years she had been getting up at four baking bread and having breakfast ready for the staff at five, and a second breakfast for Mr Wheeler and his company a few hours later. When she had been told that this was a working ranch and that Nick and Heath were up with the sun she had just assumed they would have breakfast before leaving the house. She also felt ashamed for not asking what he had wanted for breakfast but just assuming he wanted what everybody else had wanted all those years. Reaching their door she stepped inside and went to make the bed.


At eight Nick and Heath came in for breakfast chatting about the mare that was about to have a foal. Nick noticed that his wife wasn’t present at the table but didn’t think any more about it. He sat down and wanted to start to help himself when a glance from his mother stopped him.


"Nick, where is Beatrice? You have told her that we have breakfast at eight, haven’t you?"


"Heath did this morning, why?"


"She isn’t here, Nicholas. Would you please find her so that we can start?" Nick stood up with a sigh and walked out into the kitchen to the surprised looks from his Mother and Jarrod. He thought that she might still be baking the bread or helping Silas.




"Mr Nick?


"My …, Beatrice. Know where she might be?"


"Send her up to rest and get ready for breakfast Mr Nick."


"Huh." With another sigh he walked up the backstairs to their room. The bed was neatly done and so was the room. He looked around and saw her sitting by the window mending a pair of socks. Scratching his head he coughed to get her attention. As she lifted her head and noticed him he tried to smile.


"I think you might have forgotten about the time, Beatrice. We are waiting for you." He noticed the puzzled look in her eyes. "Breakfast"


"Oh, but the likes of me don’t eat with …" She bent her neck and looked at her hands.


"I’m starving and have plenty to do today and really don’t fancy starting the day with a talk." He walked over to her, took the things she had laying in her lap and put it on a small table and then took her arm and led her towards the door. She tried to straiten up her apron and dress as he gently pulled her along. At the stairs he let go of her arm and motioned her to walk before him. She stopped. "Beatrice, I’m not in a mood for this today, it was enough yesterday. Please just walk ahead." She inhaled and walked quickly down the stairs. Nick rubbed his left temple and followed her. He knew something was really wrong but what?


Breakfast continued under a light conversation about what everybody was going to do during the day. Beatrice sat quietly moving her food around on the plate feeling very uncomfortable by the table. Nick told Victoria that they weren’t coming in for lunch and would send someone to pick up something around lunch. They were too busy with the round up before the cattle drive next week. And having lost two days didn’t help much. Beatrice blushed knowing why he had lost those two days and felt very guilty for it. Jarrod told everybody that he needed to go to Sacramento and wouldn’t be home for a few days. He would wire when he knew more exactly, hoping Mother would make her delicious stew for that dinner. When they all had finished and hurried off it left Beatrice alone with her Mother-in-law.


"Heath told me you were up baking this morning. No need to do that. We bake twice a week normally, more if the occasion calls for it. Enjoy the time you get to sleep instead. You never know how long it lasts. I’m going to some friends today, why don’t you come along and get introduced. Silas will see to the boy’s lunch. We will be leaving in an hour." She stood up and left Beatrice alone at the table very confused, wondering what was the purpose for her being there.


All day Victoria and Beatrice went visiting a few of the Barkley family’s long time friends. She was formally introduced and over again and again she had to listen to the women discuss the reason for Tom’s actions. When they arrived back at the house all she wanted to do was to pack her bags and leave as she felt she was such a burden to this family and she was very ashamed of everything Mr Wheeler had done. Nick and Heath came walking from the stables as they got down from the buggy and while Nick opened the oak door for them, Heath took the horses down to get a wash and feed. Nick decided to use this opportunity to get to the bathroom first and followed Beatrice up when she walked up the stairs.


"Had a good day?" Nick gently placed his hand on her back to support her.


"Yes, Sir."


"Sir? It’s Nick. Where did you go? Knowing Mother and her friends I’m surprised you survived a whole day. None of us do. Next time she wants to go visiting, see that you have a good excuse not to. Those ladies are lovely but …" He winked his eye and went for the bureau for some clean clothes. As he searched in the drawer for what he wanted Beatrice noted that it wasn’t easy to find anything in it. She had guessed yesterday that he had made room in the wardrobe seeing how pushed together his things had been when she had hung in her three dresses. She had then gently hung his clothes back to its normal space. She had never thought that he might have emptied the drawer she had gotten into the next. Standing by the vanity table she took her bonnet off. Admiring the woodwork she let a finger follow the carvings.


"It needs a coat of paint and some new locks, why don’t you go into Stockton tomorrow and get what you want. I’ll have a hand fix it for you. And while you are at it, order yourself a new mirror for it and perhaps one of those floor to ceiling ones you ladies seem to need."


"Yes, Nick." Nick stood by the door ready for his bath when he noticed that she stood by the table. It hit him that she hardly had said a word since she came home. Shaking his head he left before Heath did get there before him.


Beatrice poured some water in the basin and washed her face and hands. She had learned that she had to change for dinner and looked over her choices. Her hair was handing loose waiting to be turned into its usual knot. Sitting down she started to brush it back when she felt his hand on her shoulder.


"Beatrice, do you mind not doing a tight knot. It reminds me of an old lady and that you are not."


"Yes, Nick." She started to braid it instead. Nick sighed and guessed it was better than the knot. He had wanted her to let it be as it was. He opened the wardrobe to get a clean shirt and stared. His clothes were all over the space, he clearly remembered that he and Heath had pushed everything to the side. He noticed her contribution to their wardrobe. A look at the dresses told him that two must be for work and the other for …. He turned and let his eyes run over her realising she was wearing the same dress as yesterday. She had two dresses to change with. He felt such anger towards his father-in-law that the man was very lucky not being present. He got his shirt and felt such an urge to leave the room before saying something bad about her father. Beatrice saw the hard look in his face, saw his eyes getting darker and misunderstood. When he had left she quickly raised, changed back into the dress she had worn earlier, and put the other three aside in her suitcase, not wanting to take up space for him.


Hours later after dinner Victoria turned to the silent woman beside her. She had seen the surprised look in Nick’s eyes when Beatrice had turned up for dinner and she wondered why. She guessed it might have something to do with the braids but still.


"Beatrice, do you have any sewing or so to do? I normally join the boys in the study and watch them play a game of pool while I work on something."


"Yes, Victoria. I have it in my bag upstairs."


"Nick, why don’t you get Beatrice sewing? She said it was in her bag."


"Sure." He was up the stairs before Beatrice could say no. Victoria took the girl under her arm and led her to the pool room.


"Have you ever played?"


"No." Beatrice stood still and looked at the table. Mr Wheeler would never let her into the gentlemen’s room as he had called his study. She had seen a table like this in there when she had peeked in once. Victoria took her arm and led her to an armchair, and motioned that she should sit down. Beatrice sat on the edge. Heath studied her as he started to get the balls ready for the game. He heard Nick come down the stairs and turned towards him just as he entered the room with the bag.


"Here you are." He put it down beside her, saw how she was sitting and gently pushed on her knees. "Need to move back or you will end on the floor." Blushing she moved back a bit. He sighed and went to the rack instead. Heath whispered to him.


"Her father must have been a hard man to please."


"I guess so. Hopes she relaxes a little, right now she feels like she is about to bolt every time I get near her." Heath put his hand on Nicks shoulder.


"Give her time. You are not used to have her around and for her everything is new."


For an hour or so the women sat there watching the brothers play and discuss nearly every ball before Victoria suggested that she would make some coffee for them.


"Please, let me." Beatrice stood up quickly seeing an opening to leave the room.


"Sure." Victoria leaned back for a few seconds before she too stood up to leave.


"Mother. Will you do something for me tomorrow?"


"Of course Nick." She walked up to the boys and waited while he aimed.


"Can you see if Audra has left anything that Beatrice can fit in? She only has three other dresses and two of them are black." He watched the ball roll the way he wanted and smiled to his mother.




Chapter Five


Victoria came walking into the bedroom with her arms filled with dresses; Silas was just a step behind with even more. They put them down on the bed and while Silas hurried out of the bedroom to get a tall mirror Victoria motioned Beatrice over to the bed.


"What do you think? It’s a shame that they are just hanging in the wardrobe. I think they are about the right size for you, if not I think you and I can manage to alter them. I think this colour is just right for you." Victoria held up a warm apricot coloured dress. Beatrice walked slowly to the bed touching the dresses.


"They are very nice, Victoria. Whose are they?"




"Won’t she mind?"


"Oh, she has got enough as it is and I’m sure her husband will be happy if you use them. I don’t think he wants them to be sent to Boston and it’s a pity for them to just be in the dark, don’t you think so?" She made Beatrice feel a little better for trying on a dress or two. Besides the apricot that her mother-in-law was holding up she saw a grey one and a brownish she could use. Victoria noticed that they were both very simple, in fact if she remembered it right Audra had used them for work. She sighed. Not what she thought Nick would like to see his wife in, brown, but it was better than black she had to admit.


"I’ll try these."


"And this one." Victoria pressed the apricot dress into Beatrice arms who slipped out a


"Yes, madam." Blushing she pulled away and went to try them on. They were a little tight but that was quickly fixed by Victoria.


When Nick got home that evening his wife was wearing the brown dress, helping his mother with the flower arrangement. He didn’t say anything but quietly walked up the stairs to get changed. He and Heath had talked about Beatrice during the ride home and he felt even more confused now than before. Opening his drawer to get clean underwear he stopped and looked. Everything was in order, neat little piles. He pulled the next two drawers out too and the contents in them too were folded and piled.


"BEATRICE!" She jumped as she heard her name called out. Victoria noticed the fear in her eyes and put a calming hand on her arm.


"Don’t worry, Nick has never learned to come and ask for anything he just raises his voice. It’s a bark without a bite." She winked. "Go on, go and see what he wants. He might just have lost a button or misplaced something." Victoria watched her walk slowly up the stairs, straightening out the skirt of the dress. Heath came through the door and looked at his mother.


"What’s going on?"


"Nick. Think he will ever learn?" She turned back to her flowers while Heath watched Beatrice take the few last steps, bite her lip and walk towards the bedroom.


"Yes, Nick?" Beatrice stood by the door, looking down. Her hands were folded in front of her. Nick turned to her.


"Yesterday the wardrobe, today the draws. Haven’t you got better things to do than to clean and tidy? Did you go into Stockton and get what I asked you to?


"No, Sir." She stood there with her head hanging, feeling the tears in her eyes. Nick sighed, took his things and walked past her to the bathroom. He so longed to get out on the cattle drive. Beatrice looked at the bureau whose drawers were pulled out. Automatically she walked over and closed them. Scared and confused she walked over to the window and looked out. As she was standing behind the curtain Nick couldn’t see her when he returned. He mumbled to himself still angry with himself for over reacting and with her for some reason he couldn’t figure out. He put his gun belt back on and walked over to the vanity table, looked it over and headed out of the room. Beatrice dried the tears and stepped back into the room and nearly tripped over his boots. Picking them up her mind noticed that they were dirty and needed a polish but she didn’t dare to do it, instead she just put them by the others and went for a walk in the garden.




In Stockton


Nick rode in to Stockton and the hardware store and got what he wanted there and then went to the saloon for a beer. He took the glass with him and moved to a table in a corner and sat down musing over the past few days.


"Want company or do you want to sit alone?" Heath had seen Nick ride out and guessed where he might find him.


"Why Heath, does she keep on like that? Breakfast in the morning, picking up things, tidying, I say something and all she does is answer, I just don’t get it."


"Because for the last, what was it, ten, fifteen, twenty years ..?




"Because for the last fifteen years her father demanded that she do so and I guess she thinks that this is what you want too. Have you asked her why or told her how you want it? Nick, have you found out what her father has made her do?"’


"No, no and no. Besides I did ask her to get some things so that I could get someone to get that table fixed but THAT she didn’t do."


"You also asked Mother to get some dresses for her so she might not even have had the chance to get into Stockton."


"Huh, forgot about that. And she picked a brown one." He rolled his eyes. "I’m sure there are other colours in there. It’s going to be so good to go on the drive, to get away and forget for a whole month." He shook his head and asked for another beer.




Chapter Six


Nick arrived home very late, drunk after having had a good time in the bar. Heath had left him several hours earlier. He managed to climb the stairs and into the bedroom without making too much noise. Undressing he even tried to hang the clothes on a chair but missed and they fell on the floor. He let them stay there. He noticed that clean working clothes were put out for him and that the boots had been cleaned. Now this was too much, didn’t she think he could take care of things? He strolled over to the bed just to find it empty which angered him even more until he realised he had it all for himself. He lay down and spread out enjoying the space. Within a few minutes he was sound asleep.


Beatrice couldn’t sleep when Nick didn’t come home. She was scared that he was going to hurt her because of what she had done so instead of going to bed she went for a walk. She found a small lake and sat down by it, leaning against a tree, looking at the stars. Her hands ran over the fabric and she felt the soft silk. It was one of the prettiest dresses she had worn since her mother died. How she missed those days with her. Watching the sun rise she knew she had to go back to the ranch but she wasn’t sure about the way. She stood up and started to walk from the direction that she had come from and hoped that it wouldn’t be to far before she saw something she recognized. After walking for an hour she sat down as tears ran down her cheeks, she was sure it hadn’t taken that long to get to the lake.


Nick woke up with a hangover. He sat up and felt a little grateful that the clothes were close by on a chair. He looked over and saw that she still wasn’t there. Wondering where she was he left to go to the kitchen hoping she didn’t have breakfast done because all he wanted was coffee. Silas was alone in the kitchen when he got down.


"Morning Mr Nick. I’ll get you some coffee. Mr Heath is already outside."


"Thanks." He inhaled the aroma before taking a deep gulp of it. "Silas you don’t happen to know where my wife is. It looks like she hasn’t been in bed during the night." He was too tired to notice the worried look in Silas eyes.


"No, Mr Nick. I haven’t seen her since dinner last night when she helped me with the dishes."


"Well, if you do see her tell I want to talk to her." He stood up and walked to the barn.




When Beatrice didn’t show up for breakfast and Nick said that she hadn’t been in when he got home Heath and Victoria looked really worried.


"Are you telling me Nicholas that she has been gone since yesterday and you did nothing about it?" Nick raised his head and looked at his mother.


"I didn’t say that, I said she hasn’t slept in the bed."


"Which means she has been gone since yesterday since she didn’t join me last night."


"Mother, I’ll get the hands alerted, perhaps she has gone for a walk and got lost. They can keep an eye out for her." Heath stood up. "Are you coming?" he looked at Nick.


"I am." He drank the last of the coffee and followed his brother. Victoria finished her breakfast and went out in the garden. She remembered that Beatrice had several times gone down to the swing chair Nick had brought home as a memory once. As the girl wasn’t there she sat down and looked over the fields. There in the horizon she saw a small struggling figure and she started to run. Reaching Beatrice she put her arms around her and held her tight against her body as they sank down.


"Sorry, madam. I got lost."


"Ssshh, it’s Ok. You are home now. Lets get you home and into the bathtub, some hot water will do you good, then you can lie down and have a good sleep"


"No, I must take care of Nick first. Must do as I was told." She was exhausted and petrified. Victoria could feel her body tremble and held her even closer as she called for Nick. Nick wasn’t far away since Sam had noticed Mrs B running out in the fields and alerted the brothers. He reached them just as Beatrice talked. He couldn’t help it but the anger grew inside him when he heard her words and he lifted her up rather briskly.


"Nick, be careful. " He just glared at Victoria, mumbled something about being more trouble than worth it and walked towards the house. Heath came and put his arms around his mother.


"I’ll walk you back."




Victoria and Silas saw to it that Beatrice was taken care of, stopping her from tidying the bedroom as soon as Nick put her on the bed and left. After the hot bath and some soup they tucked her in and Victoria sat down beside her reading. As the hours went by Victoria looked around the room and realized that if she didn’t know that Beatrice lived with them she wouldn’t been able to guess. Even the vanity table had been moved so that it was hardly seen from where she sat. Her memory from a few days back told her that it had a new place from where the boys had placed it. It was as the girl didn’t exist. Nick did come up to check when he got in for lunch, when his mother asked about the table he just shrugged his shoulders.




Nick sat by the fire rolling a glass between his hands. He didn’t want to go upstairs. It was only a few more days and then he would be off on the drive. He knew he had to talk to Beatrice about the situation, about everything but he didn’t know where to start. He wished he could feel a little for her, enough to make an effort of getting to know her.


"A bit for your thoughts" Victoria put a hand on his shoulder and sat down in the chair beside him.


"Not worth that much, Mother. Just wondering what would have happened, if anything would have happened if we met under different …" He sighed and drunk up the liquid. "I just don’t know how to handle things and this servant thing drives me mad. I guess I’m just disappointed and I take it out on her."


"Well I’m glad that you said the last words because I think that is true. I’m not happy about it either Nick but she is here. Talk to her, tell her what you want, how you feel, give her then a chance to adjust. And son, you might have to do some adjustments too, staying at the saloon all night having fun is not a good idea when you are married."




"I’m not born yesterday Nick and I have raised three boys, plus there is Heath and your Father. If you want to solve it Nick, think of what you can do too. If you don’t find anything then think again." So she stood up, kissed his head and left him sitting, staring into the fire.




For the next few days Beatrice was kept under the watchful eyes of Victoria and Silas. Neither of them let her out of their sight, keeping her just busy enough to still be able to gain strength. Dr Merar had checked her and the only answer he had was that everything, the situation with the marriage and Nick, fear when she was lost, everything had been too much and the only thing that would help was rest and sleep. And a nourishing dinner since she was much to skinny for her own good. Victoria blamed herself a little for the last part for not really noticing that Beatrice hardly ate at the table. Nick walked around being very moody and the hands stepped out his way when he came. Heath and Duke were the only two that dared to challenge him into discussions about the stock and the drive.




Nick walked into the bedroom and went to the vanity table. He noticed Beatrice sitting by the window as usual but working on nothing.


"Hi there, Ok if I take the table down to Sam? He’ll work on it while the rest of us are gone. I got some white and gold for it, OK?" He tried to sound normal but still it made her jump and a sigh left him. He walked round the table and up to her, heeled down so that he could look her in the eyes.

"We need to talk. I’ll get the table down and then I’ll come back, please don’t run off." She nodded and he went off with the table to Sam.


"Sam, here is the table I talked about. Think you can fix it?"


"Sure thing boss. Would look nice in blue."


"Well, I got white but if you think blue is better get it. Or perhaps ask Beatrice. She might tell you what colour she wants." He turned back and went to talk to his wife. His steps were heavy and got slower the closer to the house he got but he knew it had to be done. Just as he took the handle of the oak door he stopped and went back to the barn.


"Sam, prepare a buggy for me." He saw the wave and turned for the kitchen.


"Silas, I know I’m in the last minute but can you fix a basket within the time it takes me to get Beatrice down the stairs?"


"Right away, Mr Nick." He quickly got the picnic basket out and started. Nick went up the backstairs and into the room.


"Mrs Barkley, better get your coat for we are going for a drive. Come on, the buggy is waiting." He went to the wardrobe and when he didn’t see any coat he got her shawl, put it on her shoulders and gently nudged her to follow him. Slowly she stood up and started walking just behind him. He slowed his speed, and nudged her in front of him instead. Just letting his hand rest on her back he led her down the stairs where Silas stood with the basket and then to the door. He opened the door and nudged her out of it. He was trying to stay calm; he knew he had nothing to win, rather to lose, if he got angry.




Thirty minutes later they arrived at one of Nicks favoured spots on the land. He placed the blanket on the ground and helped her to it. Making sure she was Ok before he went for the basket. They ate in mostly silence, both thinking of the situation and what to do.


"Beatrice, we can’t go on like this. There has to be changes or we have to do something else. I’ll be gone for the next month, during that time I really want you to think about some things and do something about them or we can’t live together without getting on each others nerves." He knew that wasn’t all true, she was getting at his nerves but he didn’t know if he got on hers. "I don’t now what the demands for a divorce are but it doesn’t have to get that far, I’ll get you a home where ever you want, see to that you get a monthly check and everything you need to have a good life and we can still be married if you like." He saw her eyes staring at him. "But that is just if you can’t or don’t want to do these adjustments. Be my wife and not my servant. I want you to stop doing what you are doing and for once put yourself first. Be my equal. I’m NOT your father and you are NOT my maid. You are supposed to be my wife. I want to see you in some pretty dresses, be a woman, show off your assets like your hair. It’s beautiful when it’s hanging loose but you always keep it up tight around your face. Your eyes are not bad either but have no shine. Get my attention, make me feel that I can’t keep my eyes and hands off you, anything.” He took a deep breath before he continued. “Get some colour in that face of yours. You are too pale. It will do you good to be outside in the fresh air, just don’t get lost again. Find some interests, something to do that gives you pleasure and fills you with happiness. Anything but housework. Find out what you want for yourself, what you want of your life and start talking to me and not just answer my questions.”  Gleaming over at her he added one more thing. “Show me who you are, show me Beatrice. I’m sure Mother will help you if you need help because something must happen Beatrice. I can’t stand it any longer. I know I’m not a very patient man but this" he waved his hand in the air "this servant thing is driving me up the walls and to the edge." He stood up and walked to the edge of the cliff. He felt completely empty. He could hear that she was putting things together and moving to the buggy. When he turned she was sitting in it waiting for him. Without another word they went home.




Chapter Seven


It was still chilly as the sun had hardly showed itself on the horizon and the mist was still hanging around. Victoria stood outside the front door with Beatrice next to her watching the men get the horses ready and leave for the drive. Food wagons and cowboys passed them on the way to the pastures where the stock was kept. Heath walked up to them leading Charger by his reins.


"Now what are you two doing up? I thought we said our goodbyes last night." He bent down and kissed first Victoria and then his sister-in-law. Beatrice blushed as Heath winked at her. "I saw that Silas packed down that bread of yours. I’m really looking forward to our first break." Noticing Nick riding up by his side he put his feet in the stirrup and sat up. Nick looked seriously at Beatrice.


"Think and decide." He flashed a smile at his mother before the brothers followed their men. Beatrice pulled the shawl closer to her body as her mother-in-law put her arm around her. She was still a little angry with her son remembering how the evening had been yesterday.


"Come, child. Why don’t we both return to bed and get a few more hours sleep?" She led the girl inside and towards the stairs. Outside Beatrice bedroom she let go and cupped her hands around the girls face. "Rest and I’ll see you at breakfast."




Several hours later Victoria sat alone at the table, thinking of the talks she had had with Nick the two last nights. His stubbornness in not seeing that he too should do some adjustments annoyed her enormously and she wished that she had managed to talk some sense into him. The girl wasn’t bad and it wasn’t all her fault the situation was as it was. She knew of the demands Nick had given Beatrice and she mused over them, wondering what she could do without pushing or interfering too much. When she was done and Beatrice hadn’t shown she walked up to the bedroom, knocked on the door and entered. Beatrice was sitting on the wide window-sill leaning against the wall, looking out. Victoria saw the fear and confusion in her eyes. Her body was pulled together to make her as small as possible by the window. Victoria walked up to her, grabbed a chair on the way and sat down next to her.


"Sweetheart, whatever you want to do, I’ll be there for you and give you the help you want. All you have to do is decide what road you want to walk. Take the time you need. Sit in here if you feel safe or why don’t you use Nick’s swing-chair in the garden. I’m going to some friends today but Silas will be home." She wiped a tear from Beatrice cheek. "Rest, I’ll ask Silas to bring you some breakfast and I’ll see you later this afternoon." She stood up and walked towards the door.


"Thank you Mrs Barkley. Have a nice day."


"You too dear."




"Mother, I was starting to feel alone. I had forgotten that Nick and Heath left today." Jarrod greeted his Mother when she walked through the door. He kissed her cheek. "All alone? I thought that Beatrice was with you."


"No, she is still tired and a bit weak and your brother hasn’t been much help in getting her better, rather the opposite." She pulled her gloves off and started to take her hat off.


"Ok, what has Brother Nick done now? Do I want to know?" He gave her his arm and led her into the living room. Silas turned up with a tray just as she sat down.


"Silas, have you seen Beatrice today?"


"Yes, Mrs Barkley, she had lunch with me in the kitchen then she went for a walk in the garden. I think she is in the bedroom now, shall I get her?"


"No, let her rest. She is doing what I asked her to and she has a lot on her mind right now. Let her take things in a pace she can handle right now. Set the table for her too and pray that she comes down." Victoria smiled as Silas left.


"Alright Pretty Lady, what has happened?"


"Nick told her what she has to do, adjust or he will get her another house or a divorce."


"A what? He must be out of his mind. I though we agreed that she, they would give this some time before he even suggested such a thing, not just a little more than a week."


"I know, and he and I had a, hmmm, talk last night about what he needs to do to adjust. I don’t need to tell you that he doesn’t agree with me. Beatrice took it very hard yesterday, didn’t say or eat anything during dinner, I was surprised that she joined me on the porch when they left this morning but she did. She needs time to think and I think we should give her that."


"What did he want to change? Impossible or possible? How long has she?"


"A month. I guess possible but not within that short time. Habits and ways created over so long a time, us not really knowing what has happened to her. Jarrod, I saw the fear she has over the situation in her eyes. She is scared and yet Nick more or less asked her to jump without anything to catch her." She sighed as Jarrod rose from the sofa. "But then Jarrod, in a way I understand him too. He is still so angry over your Father and has a hard time accepting that Beatrice has been badly treated by her father. I just wish he had been a little more patient and given her the time they were apart before saying something. I could have worked with her without her even knowing it."


"Mother, remember I sent a wire to Baton Rouge for information the same day we were told about the contract. My colleague sent me this." He held up a large brown envelope. "It is information about Beatrice, her mother, background and more so. Interesting reading and gives a picture of why she is like she is. I had hoped Nick was home so he could take part in it. Here, there are even some photos of her mother." Victoria took the envelope and looked at it for a long moment.


"I think I’ll do it later Jarrod."


Just as Jarrod led Victoria to her chair at the table Beatrice quietly walked into the room. She stopped after a few steps not sure if she should go on or not. Jarrod quickly placed Victoria in her chair and went to Beatrice side.


"Good evening, Pretty Lady. A pleasure to see you at the dinner table."


"Good evening Jarrod. I didn’t know you were home." She bit her lip. Only Victoria would have been ok but now when Jarrod was home she wasn’t sure. She had changed to her new grey dress.


"Would I miss an opportunity to have dinner with two lovely ladies? Don’t think so." He smiled broadly towards her as he led her to her chair. "There. Now let us think of the poor souls having to spend the night by a campfire while we enjoy this delicious smelling stew. Silas what is this?"


"Ah, Mrs Beatrice recipe. We talked about it a few days ago and I though I would try it today since Mr Heath and Mr Nick aren’t here."


"Hmmm, this is as tasty as …."Jarrod started to cough. "A bit spicy, I think I bit in a peppercorn."


"Well, dear, you push them aside before you chew." Victoria tasted the stew and rolled her eyes in delight. "Now this is good. Beatrice, where did you learn to do this dish?"


"I have spent a lot of time in the kitchen, Mrs Barkley." Beatrice started to pick with her silverware, looking down at the table. "Mrs Barkley, I have … you said …. I" She didn’t know were to start. Victoria leaned forward and placed her hand over Beatrice’s.


"I know what I said and I meant it. You take your time."


"I don’t have time, what if Nick … What if I try but Nick …" Jarrod watched his sister-in-law trying to say something and he cut in hoping he guessed right.


"You mean that if you try to change and he still isn’t satisfied?"




"Well, then we take him to court." Jarrod smiled. When he saw Beatrice’s horrified look he quickly calmed her. "Just joking, I think that if he sees that you are trying then he will be satisfied but you shouldn’t do that if it feels wrong, Beatrice."


"I see who other women are but I’m not sure I can be like them, Mr Wheeler, he …" She felt a tear run down her cheek.


"Beatrice, why don’t we sit down after dinner and talk. Some things might be easier than you think and some hard. We can make a plan. Jarrod, where will you be for the next month?" He wiped the corners of his mouth before he answered.


"I would say it depends on a few things. I have to go to San Francisco next week and I’m not sure for how long but other than that I had planned to stay here since I know you don’t like being alone. Why?"


"Beatrice has never been to San Francisco or Sacramento I was thinking perhaps we should take a few days in either city or perhaps even both."


"Mrs Barkley, I think Stockton is …"


"We will go there too. I haven’t had a good shopping trip since Audra left and I think this should cost your husband since he asked for it. Besides we need a vacation." She continued to eat. "Just promise me one thing."


"Yes, Mrs Barkley."


"Hmmm, two things, tell me more about this recipe and stop calling me Mrs Barkley."




Several hours later plans were made. Jarrod and Victoria had decided that for the next week they would be at home, then they would all go to San Francisco and Sacramento for a few days returning back before the boys. They knew that Nick and Heath would wire when they reached Salem and the cattle would be sold. Not to give anything away, Silas was to act as a middleman and would see to it that the wires were sent between everybody. Victoria felt like she was planning for Christmas or one of the two boy’s birthdays since it always was a challenge to hide things from them. Beatrice looked at the paper where Jarrod had put down the travelling dates. She wasn’t sure she was going to manage but since yesterday, after the shock of his words she had been thinking and suddenly understood why everything had been so confusing. Now she had to face a change and with the paper in her hand everything got so real and scary. San Francisco and Sacramento, two towns she had hardly heard of before coming to California, now she was going to both.


"Beatrice, it will be fine. It must take the time it needs. Getting new clothes is going to be the easy part of all this. Do you remember anything of what your Mother told you when you grew up? If I recall you were fifteen when she died?"


"Yes, Mrs ... Victoria. Mother died shortly before my birthday. I guess I have stopped thinking of her more or less, it still hurts and I still miss Mama. The last months I used to read to her, draw or paint little pictures for her or just be there." Beatrice was still looking at the piece of paper in her hands so she didn’t notice the look exchanged between mother and son. "I’m sorry, I’m babbling. I think I need to go upstairs. This is a bit overwhelming and I really need to think." She stood up to leave the living room.


"Beatrice, please don’t back down now. I think we can promise that it will be fine but I’m not going to lie to you and say that it’s going to be easy because I’m sure it’s not. Jarrod and I will support you in everything we can and I know you have a friend in Silas too. Go to bed and I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow." Victoria stood up and took Beatrice’s head in her hands and gave her forehead a kiss and Jarrod came and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.


"What do you think Jarrod? Will she be able to handle it?" Victoria took the sherry glass offered by her son.


"It’s going to be a challenge that I think you will enjoy, dear Mother."




Chapter Eight


In Stockton


Beatrice stood outside Miss Jocelyn’s Shop for women waiting for Victoria, who had been stopped by Mr Zachary. He was trying to get her interested in investing some money in an art museum. Quietly listening to what he said Beatrice thought of her mother who had loved art. As she felt tears rise in her eyes she turned towards the window of the dressmaker’s shop instead. Miss Jocelyn had two dolls wearing different outfits on display, both looked very fashionable and expensive to Beatrice. She studied them closely noticing the details that made the difference between them even though they looked very similar at first sight. Suddenly she was aware of someone studying her too from the other side and she bent down her head, blushing. Miss Jocelyn came out through the door and stood by Beatrice.


"You can have a much better look from the inside, you know."


"It’s alright. I’m just waiting for Mrs Barkley to …" She did a slight movement with her hand and Jocelyn turned towards Victoria.


"Mr Zachary, for the last time. This is not the right time or place to talk about this. Go and see my son Jarrod about it. Right now my daughter-in-law and I are very busy. Oh, Miss Jocelyn, just the one we wanted to see. Beatrice, why don’t you go inside and start looking at the outfits. I’ll be right behind you." Jocelyn turned towards Beatrice again.


"Well, Mrs Barkley lets go inside and I’ll show you the best the house has." Beatrice looked over to Victoria who smiled at her and nodded. Still hesitating a little she walked inside the shop. Jocelyn studied her closely as she walked in front of her. The town gossip had run around with a rumour saying that Nick Barkley had been forced into marriage but this lady didn’t seem pregnant.


"Is there anything special you are interested in?" Beatrice was about to say no when Victoria stepped inside.


"What an annoying man. Well, now back to business. Miss Jocelyn, this is my daughter-in-law Beatrice. She is in need of a new wardrobe, from top to bottom. Now what do you suggest?"


"Well, why don’t you start looking around in the shop while I get the fitting room ready? If there is a model that you like but the cloth isn’t to your taste I can sew it up in another. I have some new gorgeous fabric and models at the back that I don’t have in display, I’ll get them." She left Victoria with Beatrice standing in the empty shop. Beatrice looked around. One wall was covered with shelves and there were piles of clothes lying on them, on the other were different outfits hanging up and on a large table were "heads" with hats. She didn’t know where to start looking, even less what she needed.


"Victoria, I would be happy just to have some more of Audra’s dresses. No need to get new ones."


"Nonsense. Now let see what you need. I would say at least 4 outfits for day, 3 for evening, a coat and a cape, riding clothes, some hats, gloves …" She walked around the shop pointing at different shelves. "Beatrice, think colour, pattern, take a good look around and listen to your heart. It will tell you what to choose. And don’t worry, I’ll find myself something too." She started to pick among the boleros. After hesitating for a moment Beatrice went over to one of the window models. It was a satin dress in a golden colour edged with a chocolate brown fabric. There was a pattern woven in the cloth that gave the golden colour life. Gently she touched it. Victoria took the opportunity to exchange a few words with the dressmaker, who nodded and went over to her staff giving them some orders. As Beatrice continued to walk around the shop touching and looking at the different outfits, one after another left the shop and went into the fitting room. After thirty minutes Victoria took Beatrice under her arm and led her into the fitting room. After another hour Beatrice owned five dresses, two skirts, four blouses, two jackets, one coat, three hats and several boxes with gloves, ribbons etc. As Miss Jocelyn was wrapping everything Victoria suddenly remembered something.


"Miss Jocelyn, could you please sew up an evening dress in that lovely emerald green material you showed me a few weeks ago. I think it would be lovely on Beatrice, don’t you agree with me?"


"I certainly do Mrs Barkley. Shall I use the same model, with a few alterations, as the bustle dress I’m doing for you?"


"Yes, that would be great. Will you see to it that our packages are delivered at the ranch? We have a few more stops to do before we can go home."


"Of cause. Thank you ladies. Have a nice day." The dressmaker smiled at them as Victoria led Beatrice out of the shop and towards the shoemaker.




After another hour’s shopping Victoria led Beatrice towards a restaurant called "Golden Dreams". It was a new addition to the food supply in Stockton and friends of Victoria’s had visited it last week. After listening to them praise the shepherd’s pie she was anxious to try it herself. Besides that they needed a rest. The waiter met them at the door and led them to a corner table, which didn’t get Victoria’s approval so she turned and sat down at a table in the middle of the room. Her company followed her unsure of what else to do.


"Could we have the menu please?" The waiter being a bit irritated over Victoria’s behaviour went slowly to get the menu. "Beatrice, if it weren’t for the fact that the food has been praised by some of my friends we would leave at once. You must never tolerate being badly treated just because you are a woman. Watch and see when a couple comes in and you will see how well they are treated." She saw how her daughter-in-law slowly let her eyes move around the room, not really wanting to show that she was looking around. There was still a tired look in her eyes and Victoria got a little worried that they had overdone everything. "Are you alright, dear?" She reached out and touched her arm, noticing that the scared jump was just minor now.


"Yes, just a little tired. And I’m worried what Nick will say when the bill comes. I mean it’s not like he chose …" She looked down and whispered "me." She bit on her lip before continuing. "I guess I think a lot, have been doing so since I came here. Nothing is what I was told or have learned to do. Sorry, I babble." Victoria didn’t say anything as the waiter at last came with the menu.


"Shall we try the shepherd’s pie and apple pie for dessert?" Victoria ordered for them both. When the man had left she continued on where Beatrice had stopped.


"True, neither of you chose each other and Tom and I had always said to each other that our children would marry out of love, like us, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work. Nick is...well...Nick and he can be hard to adjust to. You are very different from the girls I think he would normally have fallen for but then I don’t think we’ll talk about them, not something a mother would want her son to marry. The family decided that we at least should give you a chance first before doing anything about the situation." They tasted the food that had been placed in front of them. "This is not bad at all." Beatrice took another taste.


"It lacks tarragon."


"What?" Victoria looked stunned at her.


"It would taste even better with fresh tarragon."


"Are you sure? It tastes perfect to me."


"I …" Victoria had questioned one of the few things Beatrice normally felt confident about. This made the young girl hesitate. "Yes, I’m sure." She whispered at the end. Victoria sat watching as the girl gathered herself together when questioned, think of what Silas had said the other night ‘Mrs Beatrice recipe’.


"Beatrice, I have understood that you spent quite some time in the kitchen, were you forced to it or was it something you enjoyed?"


"At the beginning I didn’t know much. Odessa taught me a lot but the more I learned the more fun it was even if Mr Wheeler never liked what I did. The others seemed to enjoy it. I grew some herbs in pots. I guess in the kitchen I felt safe." She was looking down, picking on the edge of the table cloth. Victoria’s mind was working and she smiled to herself as an idea grew in her head.


"Let’s finish here and get on our way home. We have to go to Dr Merar too."




At the Barkley ranch


Several hours after a long rest and dinner Beatrice joined Jarrod and Victoria in the living room by the hearth. The three of them sat in their own thoughts, occupied with books and magazines. Victoria had gotten out a large garden book, trying to find anything on herbs while Jarrod was reading a book about a court case that had happened in London and someone had turned into a novel, trying to prove that the wrong killer had been convicted. Beatrice was just really turning pages in a bunch of Harper’s Bazaar magazines Victoria had given her.




On the way to Salem


Several miles north of Stockton by a campfire Heath walked up to his brother, who up until then had hardly said a word more than he had had too. Heath was worried, a quiet Nick meant that he was thinking of something and that could end up in trouble. He had heard Nick and Victoria’s argue the night before they left.




"It’s alright, Heath. You go and rest, I’ll sit up with the fire for a while." He took the offered cup of coffee and took a sip.


"You know Mother is right Nick." He rather felt the look than saw it.


"Oh no, not you too. Leave me alone."


"No, I won’t because we have four weeks drive to get through and you being like this is causing a problem. I rather you let it out even if it means fighting you."


"Heath, it doesn’t concern you."


It concerns the family. You are the one always telling me to share my problems but this time you are going to listen to what I have to say. I’ll tell you why Mother is right and if you want to punch me afterwards you may do so. Mind you I’ll hit back and I know several men are behind me in this." Nick started to rise when Duke came and pushed him back.


"Sit son. Heath has a point. The boys have settled down so it can either be the three of us Nick or just you and Heath but then you better behave." Nick looked straight into Duke’s eyes and saw the concern for him but also the non-negotiable gleam. He knew that even if he wasn’t in the mood of talking to them it would be easier to just let them say what they wanted and then be over with it.


"Ok" His tone was short and he threw the coffee out. When Heath picked out his notebook he sighed. "Oh no don’t say you are keeping notes too."


"Actually, I did write down a few things yesterday." Heath smiled heartily at his older brother.


"As I recall Mother said that even you had to adjust and you said there wasn’t anything to change." Nick rolled his eyes. He had gone over that talk with his mother over and over again and regretted many things that had been said. "Don’t worry big Brother, I’m not going to tell you what you need to change. I have just thought of a few things." Heath looked at the empty page hoping that treated with a lecture might open up Nick. He turned a page and pretended to read. Nick’s alert eyes followed every move he did, so he turned one more page. Duke watched the brothers and decided to do his part.


"Shall I start Heath or you? I might not have a note book but I know there are at least …" he started to count on his fingers "ten things, wrong eleven things I can bring up." A deep growl came from Nick and he stood up.


"Enough. Just leave me alone right now." He stood up and walked over to check the horses. Heath and Duke watched him and winked at each other. Both knew it wouldn’t take long before Nick would be back and ready to talk. Duke stood up, placed a hand on Heath’s shoulder and left. After ten minutes Nick was back.


"She suggested I court my own wife, suggested that it would give me a chance to get to know the girl. Now why would I even want to do that when I'm buying her a house somewhere else?"


"You made up your mind."






Chapter Nine


At the Barkley ranch


Beatrice was sitting on Nick’s swing, looking over the fields. She wondered what it would be like to be a bird and fly in the sky. The past week with Victoria and Jarrod had been overwhelming. She had done absolutely nothing to deserve all this kindness, all these things, material things yes but she had hardly had anything since she was fifteen and now … When she watched herself in the mirror she didn’t recognize herself and that she supposed was a good thing considering what Nick had said to her. Inside she didn’t feel much better than before though. Everything was scary. All her life, well all her life since mama died she had taken care of the needs of someone else; always putting her in the last place now she was being told by Victoria to think of herself first, second and third. After that her husband and family should come. It was so wrong. Nick and the family should come first then perhaps herself.


She let the swing move slightly, pushing now and then with her foot against the ground. Victoria had told her about the story of the chair swing and Beatrice thought of the young girl and the woman who forever had a small corner in her husband’s heart. She wished she too would get a tiny corner, that he would think of her without feeling pain and be reminded about what their fathers had done. She quickly pressed the picture of her father down. She was at least safe from him and her Mrs Wheeler.


When Victoria had told her earlier she was going into Stockton, Beatrice had gently said that she wanted to stay at the ranch. Tomorrow they were going to San Francisco and she felt both worried and excited at the same time. Jarrod had arranged different activities for the ladies during daytime while he was working, besides the shopping that Victoria already said she wanted to do. Beatrice was a little worried about that. Yesterday she had, for the first time since she came, stood up against her mother-in-law and said no and to her own surprise she had managed to keep that no all the way. Just the thought of it made her narrow her eyes a little. She was not going to change Nick’s room while he was gone, no matter what her mother-in-law said. She had seen Nick’s anger, his temperament when things didn’t go as he wanted and she wasn’t going to do anything to cause it. She was sure he won’t be as forgiving towards her as he was with his family and men. She had had to argue and put forward why she kept saying no and Victoria had, in the end, dropped the subject. Beatrice knew it would be brought up again and she sat thinking of a way to come around it. Victoria had said it was important that she took some room, made the room into hers too. Surely there had to be a way without changing too much and surely it could wait until Nick came back. What if she changed it and then he didn’t want to live with her. There was that horrid thought again, what should she do if he moved her out, if she didn’t come to his liking when he got home?


Running feet made her stop the swing and she stood up and looked towards the stables. Sam, one of the hands came running towards the house. She had never been to the stables, being slightly scared of the horses. She had however met Sam the other day when he brought her the table mended and repainted. On the way he was running she guessed that something was wrong and that he needed help. Knowing that there were only herself and Silas at the house she called out.


"Sam, what’s wrong? Something happened?"


"The mare. Need to get Mrs B. Is she in the house?"


"No, she went into town. Can I be of any help?" He looked and judged her.


"Better than nobody I guess. Come along lassie, no time to promenade." Beatrice ran along with him down to the stables, remembering something about a foal. As he hastened ahead of her, she lost the sight of him when he turned around a corner. She stopped looking around to guess which way when he suddenly popped his head out through one of the doors.


"Hurry lassie, we don’t have the time to daydream here." Sam had put the horse into a box earlier that day when he understood that it was time but something had gone wrong since the last time he had checked on her. Beatrice followed him into the stable and as she ran through the door she heard the mare whine in pain. Entering the box she saw that the mare was lying on her side, trying to push. Instinctively Beatrice turned to Sam.


"Is there any one else on the ranch? No? Get Silas to prepare what we need and hurry. We need to help her get that baby out."


"Yes, madam." Sam turned around and ran up to the house again while Beatrice went up to the mares head.


"Hallo, sweetie. Now I’m just here to help you so please …" She sat down in the hay and stroked the animal. The mare lifted her head and with its dark deep eyes looked at and pleaded with the woman next to her. Beatrice let her hand run over the stomach feeling the foal inside, thinking of the time she helped deliver kittens and puppies. When she felt that the mare was about to have another contraction she moved to the end and without even another thought she put her hand in and grabbed two legs and pulled. Together the pair managed to get a bit closer to an ending. And just as Sam and Silas came running with water the head popped out. The mare pushed one more time and before she knew it Beatrice sat with the foal on her lap. The mare was short of breath and Sam moved in to help the rest come out. Silas took a sponge and wiped the mare with some cold water. Beatrice checked over the foal and noticed it hardly breathed. With a look at it Sam sighed.


"Mr Nick is going to be disappointed. He had such hopes for that foal."


"But there must be something we can do?"


"Not if she stops breathing."


"When we got kittens mother sometimes would breathe air into their noses, think that would help?"


"You may try but I don’t think so. She is a goner. More important to save the mare."


"Then you do so. I’ll see about this one." Beatrice moved so that the foal was lying in front of her, holding the horses tiny mouth she blew air into her. Silas helped Sam with the mare getting her to move. Beatrice continued to blow until a tiny whine left the foal and to everybody’s relief the mare answered.




At Jarrod’s office


Victoria sat at Jarrod’s desk watching him pick through some papers. In a moment they were meeting Mr Zachary and his museum partner Mr Campbell since none of them had given up on having the Barkley’s as benefactors. Jarrod had arrived from San Francisco just an hour earlier after a few days in court and was catching up on what had happened while he had been gone.


"Jarrod, I have looked and read through the envelope you gave me last week. It seemed that Beatrice’s mother Angelique had connections in the art world and there was a school report from an art school concerning Beatrice, what do you think about us demanding a place on the museum board for Beatrice if we donate money for the museum?"


"Actually Mother I was thinking along the same lines but is she ready for it?"


"These last days she has gotten much more secure. I think that her mother did a great job during the first 15 years, it’s all there, she just needs support, and encouragement to act and to know what is wrong and right. We worked out a few things so that she still can think that she is taking care of Nick without being what he sees as a servant. Silas is helping her to draw that fine line in some areas and I’m sure you will teach her how a gentleman acts and what is expected from her in different situations. Beatrice and I have had different lessons everyday. Yesterday, Jarrod, she argued with me and didn’t give in. It ended that I left the room because I couldn’t come up with any more reasons why she should redo their bedroom while Nick is away. Put away that smile Jarrod, it wasn’t funny." Victoria smiled too.


"But how will she react when Nick comes back? It’s easy Mother because he is gone, not reminding her who she has to "take care of". She is so used to serve her father, and we don’t know what he has said to her about Nick."


"I know Jarrod. That is why I want you to train with her too. She’s got to know that she doesn’t need to serve the men with what they need and want. It’s not just Nick, haven’t you noticed that she hesitates when you are nearby?" Jarrod rubbed his chin.


"You are right Mother, it’s just not as much as with Nick but it’s still there, the little things. I’ll work with her." A knock on the door got their attention and both stood up as the clerk showed the gentlemen in.




Somewhere on the way to Salem


Nick rode behind the stock, keeping an eye on both them and the men. He knew that Heath and Duke weren’t finished with him but as long as he "behaved" they would leave it for now. He had started to enjoy the drive after those few first days, during which, the hard words he and his Mother had said to each other tore him apart. He had come to ease since he knew that right now there wasn’t anything he could do but as soon as he got to Salem and the cattle were delivered he would wire and say sorry.


"Boss, we have a nice lake ahead. Shall we camp here for the night or continue after watering the animals?" Bill rode up by his side.


"Lake, huh, lets have a look." He spurred his horse forward, motioning to Heath and Duke to follow him. Within a few minutes they arrived at the water, got off their horses and tasted the water. A quick look around showed that it would be a great camp place for the night. Duke set off again while the brothers stayed to be ready when the cattle came.


Later that night Nick sat by the campfire with his tin cup. He sipped on the dark strong coffee, thinking of Beatrice and the words he had said to her. Why was he so sure that she would take the easy way out and want to leave the ranch, what if she tried to change to suit him? Was it then right of him to still demand that she left the ranch? And what was it Duke had said, hmmm, something to the effect that putting her in a house without getting a divorce was the worst thing he could do to her? Why, she would have a roof over her head, food and clothes, hmmm. He thought about it, trying to see it from a woman’s side and suddenly realized that she would be very lonely or would have to be very discreet and never could have a family, nor would he. Perhaps this wasn’t as easy as he first had thought. Could he learn to love that person he was married to? He threw out the grounds, stood up and walked over to the horses. After he had checked all their ropes he continued to the night guard standing closest to the camp.


"Hi boss. Can’t sleep?"


"Hi Thad. Nope, too much to think of. How’s things?"


"Fine, everyone has settled for the night. Miss the Mrs?"


"Actually, yes. Her cooking is better than Heath’s and chef’s." Thad chuckled.


"Sir, Mr Heath told us why you got married, I just want to say that the little I have seen she seems like a nice lady, just need a California style instead of that Southern she has." Nick shook his head and grinned. As he turned around he pressed Thad’s shoulder.


"You are so right Thad." Nick walked back to the fire and his saddle. As he put his hat over his face he thought once more of Beatrice and the Southern style she had hoping she had at least made an effort when he got home.




Chapter Ten


On the train to San Francisco


Victoria watched her daughter-in-law sitting in a corner far away from her and Jarrod. It had been a tough morning for them both. She sighed. This wasn’t going to be as easy as she had thought. What had gone wrong? Victoria let her mind travel back to the evening before when she and Jarrod had arrived after the meeting with Mr Zachary and Mr Campbell. When they told Beatrice about the deal she had fled to the bedroom and stayed there for several hours, during which Silas had informed them about the mare. When Beatrice finally had come down she was back in one of her black dresses and she had her dinner in the kitchen. Both of them had tried to talk to Beatrice but with no response more than a yes or no. Not even Jarrod’s lawyer tricks had worked. Perhaps this trip was too early as Jarrod had suggested this morning but she hadn’t accepted that. At least she had managed to get the girl to wear one of the new dresses. She looked beautiful in the deep blue dress.


"Mother, are you listening to me at all?" Jarrod touched Victoria’s arm. He followed her eyes and studied his sister-in-law for a little while too. "I think I found an answer to what has happened but I’m not sure and until I am I can’t say anything, just be patient with her … and me in this case."


"I will Jarrod. I just felt everything was going so fine and easy. Perhaps that was it. It went to well. She was pleasing me all the time and yesterday we pushed things a bit too far, reminding her of her mother’s work and a time I’m sure she was a happy young person." She looked at her son and smiled. "I’ll wait until you tell me what you are working on; I just hope it doesn’t take too long."




Beatrice sat looking out of the train window. She had never travelled in such comfort before and she let her fingers and hands softly caress the fabric of the sofa and curtains. Such privacy, what a difference from how the trip to Stockton had been when Mr Wheeler had decided that they should travel as cheaply as possible as long as she was with them. She remembered the horror when she had to sit beside the coach driver while Mrs Wheeler needed to lie down. She put her arms around her holding them tight against her body. She knew that she had disappointed Mrs Barkley and perhaps even Mr Jarrod. As she leaned against the wall trying to make herself as small as possible her mind travelled 25 years back when her mother had started "La Fleur", the art gallery where she had met Mr Wheeler for the first time. For five year old Beatrice he had been the father figure she always wanted and his children the siblings that she wanted. He had brought joy into her mother’s life, at least for the first five years until grandpapa had died. Wonder what happened to "La Fleur" after her mother’s accident? Beatrice tried to remember but everything was blank so she turned back to the five year old girl instead. Slowly her memory tuned in to the little girl sitting by the desk painting with water colours surrounded by paintings like William Turner and John Constable, painters her parents had bought pictures from when they were in Europe on a honeymoon. She felt a tear run down her cheek. Suddenly there was someone holding her, giving her some comfort while somebody else put a blanket around her.


Victoria held Beatrice close as she stroked her hair. Inside she was worried over what had caused the tears but she knew that if she didn’t ask questions she sooner or later would find out what. At the same time she was relieved. Beatrice had emotionally reacted, something that had not happened since she came to the ranch, well at least not that Victoria knew of. After putting the blanket around Beatrice Jarrod sat down in front of the women looking at his mother for a clue of what to do. He felt so helpless and in his mind he cursed both his father and brother, thinking that it finally had become too much for her. ‘Was that it, were they asking too much of her too soon?’ He leaned forward placing a calming hand on her arms.


"Beatrice, you don’t need to sit on the museum board if you don’t want or until you feel ready for it. I just thought that it might be interesting and give you something to do, something nobody else in the family does." He found it so hard to see the tears run down her cheeks and he noticed that she was biting her lip too. "You take the time you need, we are pushing you too hard." She shook her head.


"I don’t have time."


"Yes, you do, Sweetheart. You have the time you need. I guess both me and Jarrod didn’t think very far. I have been rushing you around and I have been pushing you into something you are not yet ready for but that I can see you do in the future. Let’s have a few days where we do just nothing and then decide what to do."


"But we are supposed to be in Sacramento in a few days and all the plans …"


"Sacramento can wait and so can our plans. I still want to take you shopping and show you the fun of the city but we can take it a bit slower. It’s still at least two weeks before the boys return from the drive. Sam can take care of the horses, even the foal. You do know that he was very proud of you, didn’t think the foal would survive. Have you found a name for her?"


"I can’t name her. She’s Nick’s." Jarrod smiled and placed his hand under her chin.


"Dear lady, if anyone deserves to name the foal it‘s you. And if Brother Nick has anything against it, he will have to deal with Sam and myself, so you think of a name. Mother, what is the mare

called?" Victoria smiled while she thought.


"I think Nick called her "Snowflake" since the mark in her forehead reminded him of one. And the stallion I think is just called "Devil" since he has caused a lot of trouble since day one." She sighed. "You think of a name and we can wire it to Sam if you want or just wait until we are back at the ranch. I do agree with Jarrod, you are the one to name it."


"I’m sorry for causing so much trouble." Victoria looked at the girl beside her and gently touched her face.


"Remember Beatrice that you are not causing us trouble. You are not the one that put us in this situation, nor has Nick. And I have become very fond of you this past week and I’m sure my strong minded son will too when he comes home. He just needs to figure out things for himself sometimes and …" Victoria looked over to Jarrod. "if not we just have to work things out then. Now let me take you to the water closet so you can wash that pretty face of yours, we are soon to arrive in San Francisco." Victoria stood up and took a gentle hold of Beatrice arm. The younger woman followed her mother-in-law to the end of the train.




At Jarrod’s apartment


Beatrice sat in Jarrod’s living room looking through the playbill from the play they had been to last night. Reliving the play as she looked at the photos of the actors she relaxed. The past few days had been very calm. Victoria had gone out herself on a secret project that she didn’t tell anyone about and Jarrod had been working. That had left Beatrice to herself. More than once she had stood in front of the mirror studying the woman in it, trying very hard to accept that it was her. She knew that she sooner or later had to get out of the house to fulfil the plans Victoria had made. The play yesterday had just been step one. She put down the booklet and walked to the window and looked out. ‘What if she went for a walk?’ After thinking for a few more minutes she went up to her room during the stay and got her jacket, hat and purse. She was just about to leave the house when Jarrod’s servant came out into the foyer.


"James, I’ll be out for a walk if Mr Jarrod or Mrs Barkley comes home before me." She smiled at the man who bowed.


"I’ll notify them at their arrival home, Mrs Beatrice." He opened the door for her and closed it as soon as she stepped outside.




At Jarrod’s Office


Jarrod sat talking to David Freeman, Nick’s childhood friend, sharing a glass of whiskey. He had told him about Beatrice and how she had come into their life, not sparing much.


"And here I was thinking I had to congratulate you on such a pretty wife after I heard Jeremy Beetle talk about her after having met you both at the theatre last night. And it turns out that Nick is the lucky one." He held up a hand. "I know what you just have said but I also know the reaction she caused among some of my friends, what ever that cowboy thinks, he is a lucky man. Perhaps I and my wife can be any help to transform her."


"We need all the help we can get and Beatrice can do with some friends beside the family. Mother and I hope that the play yesterday is a start for her to get outside the apartment, she has been even quieter the past few days."


"Well, I’m not surprised. From what you told me she has had some rough weeks. I’ll go home to my lady and see if she can arrange a party next weekend that could be a way to introduce her to friends here in the City. I’ll also ask Jennie to send her an invitation for perhaps an afternoon tea in a few days."


"You are sure it will be alright with Jennie."


"To get a chance to be one of the first to met Nick wife is all the motivation she will need. She and Aurelia had started to plan the next party for when Nick was due, gathering together the names of all suitable girls. Those two have got it in their heads that he needs a woman." Chuckling he stood up, reaching his hand out to Jarrod. Jarrod joined him in the laughter.


"I do hope you will let me in on what is so funny." Victoria walked in with parcels in her arms. David hurried over and took them from her.


"Dear Aunt Victoria, Jarrod just told me about Beatrice and I told him about the plans my mother-in-law and wife were having for Nick." He kissed her cheek. "Jarrod, I’ll tell Jennie about our plans and get right back to you." He put his hat on and left.




"Yes, he will ask Jennie to send an invitation to Beatrice and then the Freeman’s will arrange a party next week so we can introduce Beatrice. I know, we should wait for Nick but his cattle drive is a good excuse to go a head with it."


"You are right."




Out in San Francisco


Beatrice walked along the busy street. Now and then she stopped to look into a shop’s window. She had really never been in a large city since she grew up; Stockton was the largest until now. Before in Baton Rouge she had always bought cloth for her dresses from a man who sold from a wagon and who came to the mansion. He had also had everything else she needed. She had thought Stockton was scaring enough, but San Francisco was scarier and yet she couldn’t help feeling curious about what would be around the next corner. Suddenly she stopped. There were the cable cars they had taken on the first day. Now where did they go? Didn’t Victoria and she stop at a café? She walked up to a cable car and asked where it was going and how much it cost. After a looked in her purse she decided to go. She sat down and enjoyed the ride up the street. When she got to the end she left and followed the street until she came to Café Mamselle. Opening the door she inhaled and with a small hesitation she entered. For a while she stood studying the counter with all the cakes and sweets before she smiled at the woman on the other side.


"I would like to have a cup of tea here, is it possible?"


"Of course, you choose what you want here, then go inside, take a seat and someone will come with your order. Have you decided madam, what you would like?"


"Oh, I think I’ll try your scones and..." Beatrice looked at the small pie. "And one of your mince pies." After she had paid she went inside and sat down by the window. Next to her table sat three women her own age busy engaged in a conversation. Soon the newly baked scones were brought in with cottage cream and strawberry jam. Tea was poured up in a cup and Beatrice sat for a moment just taking in the items in front of her. She couldn’t believe that she had dared to order all this for herself, what a treat. She careful picked a scone up and spread some cottage cream on it and then put a dab of jam on top before taking a small bite. It tasted delicious and almost melted in her mouth. After finishing one she picked up the other before hesitating about being too greedy. She put it down again and picked up her tea cup instead. A woman caught her eye as she came dashing through the door and up to her friends who were sitting at the table beside her.


"Hester, have you heard the latest gossip? No? Weren’t you going to marry Nick Barkley?" The woman sat down and stopped talking while her order was brought to her.


"Yes, but I didn’t want to give all this up. I mean, Stockton now how on earth would anybody want to live there." Beatrice felt her body stiffen.


"Anyway, he has got married."


"What?" The girls looked at their friend.


"Yes, I just talked to my sister. She was so excited over what she called the good news. Can you imagine the poor girl who has to be the wife of a rancher, no matter how good looking he might be."


"Oh, I feel sorrier for us. Nick Barkley has always been a good sport to be around when he has been in San Francisco. I’m sure the wife will not allow him to have fun and come here alone." One of the other girls sighed as she answered her friend. The girls continued to discuss Nick and Hester told them once again about the camping trip she had done with the Barkley’s, giving them all some good laughs. Beatrice sat there, breaking her scones into small piece, feeling really small herself too. These girls, no these women seem so secure in themselves and Nick had wanted to marry one of them. She peeked at their appearance wondering slightly if that was what Nick wanted her to look like. She wasn’t sure she liked what they were wearing. Feeling very low and with the confidence she had felt before gone, she stood up to flee back to her sanctuary at Jarrod’s apartment.




At Jarrod’s apartment


"James, are you sure she was just going for a walk? It’s about five hours since she left." Jarrod was questioning his butler. Victoria and he had come home to find the apartment empty. At first they had been pleased to know that she had gone for a walk but when she never turned up they started to get worried. And it had started to rain and from what James said she didn’t have any umbrella with her.


"Jarrod, we have to do something. She has never been here before. What if she has got lost or worse, what if something has happened to her?"


"I’m sorry Sir. I should have told the young Mrs Barkley, that she had to wait for an escort."


"It’s alright James. Just notify …" He stopped as he heard the front door open. Both he and Victoria were at the door within seconds. There in the foyer stood a wet Beatrice.


"Beatrice, we were just going to go out and look for you. Where have …" Jarrod stopped when he saw her scared eyes. He went up and pulled her into his arms into a brotherly hug. Victoria came up to her and caressed her cheek. She was so cold.


"I’m sorry. I took the wrong cable car and then I walked the wrong way. I had to take a coach at the end. I …"


"It’s alright, Child. Come lets get you into a hot bath and you tell me about your day. Where did you go?" Jarrod stood watching his mother lead Beatrice towards the stairs.


"I went to a café and they talked about Nick." Jarrod kept his eyes on his sister-in-laws back, wondering if he had heard her right.



