by Janet



Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.






Tom and Victoria Barkley were very pleased when their second child, a son was born in late winter of 1848.  They named him Nicholas Jonathan Barkley and decided to call him Nick.  From the start, Tom knew he had his rancher.  Nick was a very loud crying baby and his father knew that with that voice he would be able to keep the Barkley hands in line when he was grown and took over the ranch from Tom. 

“Victoria,” he asked one evening as they sat in the living room, “do hear that boy?”

“I can’t help but hear him,” she answered shaking her head.  “He’s going to break every window in this house not to mention my eardrums.”

“That’s what I mean,” he said smiling broadly.  “He’s going to make a good rancher especially with that voice.”

“I agree with you on that,” she replied nodding.

Jarrod was sitting in another chair looking at a book.  He sneered when he heard his parents talking about Nick. They didn’t see his expression. In his young mind he thought they didn’t care about him any more.  All they ever wanted to talk about was the baby and he hated that.

“Yes,” he said smiling, “he’s going to make a great addition to this ranch and this family.”

“I believe you’re right,” she replied smiling.

But another problem came out of the birth of Nick, Jarrod was very jealous. His parents didn’t understand it at first but then they began to see what was causing Jarrod’s odd behavior.

A few weeks after Nick’s birth, Jarrod started to get into trouble.  It was as if he was asking for help but they didn’t understand that at the time. The first recipient of his rude behavior was Tom.  The family was sitting in the living room of their small home when Jarrod refused to help his mother.

“Jarrod,” Victoria asked needing a helping hand with baby Nick, “can you hand me Nick’s bottle off the cabinet in the kitchen?”

“No!” he screamed not looking up, “I won’t!”

“Calm down honey,” she said looking at him.  “I didn’t mean to bother you. You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to.  I only thought you would want to help me.  That’s all.  Are you feeling all right?”

“I not want anything to do with him,” he replied pointing to his younger brother. “I not like him.”

“Jarrod,” Tom said very angry after hearing what his son had said to his mother, “what do you mean by telling us you don’t want anything to do with your brother?  Nick is your brother for heaven’s sake.”

“I no want him here,” he replied standing up to his father even though he was only four.  “I like it when just the two of us. Now him here no time for me.”

“I’m still going to have time to spend with you just like we did before Nick,” Tom told him trying to understand Jarrod’s resentment of Nick.  “It won’t be any different.”

“Yes it will,” he said getting even angrier.  “You happy with Nick.  You not happy with me.”

“Now son,” Tom replied looking at Jarrod, “that’s not true.  I love you as much as I love Nick.”

“It is true,” he told his father getting very upset.  “I want nothing to do with him.”

“You will treat Nick as a part of this family,” Tom said sternly looking down at his son.  “And if I even once catch you being mean to him, you and I will pay a trip to the barn.  Is that understood?”

“Yes sir,” he replied but he didn’t like it.

Jarrod’s behavior had improved shortly after that altercation with his father. Although he still wasn’t that happy about having Nick around.  A few days later his mother asked him about it.

“Honey,” she said as he walked in the house from playing, “I know something is bothering you.  Something to do with Nick.”

“Nothing wrong,” he replied as he tried to walk upstairs.

Victoria put her arm around him leading him to the couch in the living room.

“Jarrod,” she said as she looked into his face, “I know something is wrong or you wouldn’t have blown up at me and your father. Please tell me what it is so I can help you deal with it.”

“There’s nothing wrong,” he replied not looking at her. “I fine.  Leave me alone.”

“Jarrod,” she told him trying to persuade him to tell her what was on his mind, “mothers know. And I can see that you’re not telling me the truth.  Now what is it?”

“Please,” he said almost crying, “don’t ask again.”

“All right,” she replied but she didn’t understand why he was so upset.  “But I’m here if you need me. You remember that.”

“I know,” he told her and went to his room.


She knew there was something wrong with her young son.  But she wasn’t sure at the moment what it was.  Later that evening after both boys had gone to bed, she spoke to Tom about it.

“Tom,” she said looking at her husband, “after what happened a few days ago with Jarrod, I decided to talk to him and try to get him to tell me what was wrong. He refused saying that there was nothing wrong.  I know there is and I know he was lying to me.”

“He’s just going through a stage Victoria,” he replied looking at her.  “This is something new to him.  And he’s having a hard time adjusting.”

“I’m not so sure,” she told him shaking her head.  “He was almost begging me to help him.  And at the same time begging me to leave him alone.”

“Stop worrying,” he said smiling.  “He’ll be fine.”

“I don’t think so,” she replied trying to get Tom to listen to her.  “I believe that he is asking for help in dealing with whatever is bothering him so much.  But he doesn’t want to talk about it.”

“Let it go,” he told her finally looking at her.  “He’ll forget all about it.  You’ll see.”

But she knew Tom was wrong.  She realized that whatever was eating away at Jarrod would continue to bother him until he got it out into the open. And she prayed that she could figure out what it was before it completely destroyed him.  She realized that she had an idea of what part of the problem might be. It would be almost two years before she would know for sure.



Chapter One

In the spring of 1850 when Nick was two years old, Jarrod’s jealousy really came into play. Only this time tragedy almost struck because of it. 

Jarrod began to get into trouble deliberately for several weeks shortly after his sixth birthday. He didn’t know any other way to tell his parents that he still didn’t want his brother around, especially around him. He didn’t want a thing to do with Nick nor did he like the idea of Nick following him around all the time.

“Go away Nick,” he said as he was trying to enjoy his daily walk around the corral.  “I don’t want you following me.”

“Me like go with Jay,” Nick replied as he continued to follow Jarrod.

“Go away!” he cried. “And my name is Jarrod!  Not Jay you stupid little rancher.”

“No!” Nick screamed back. “Me rancher but me love you Jay.”

“Go away!” he screamed as loud as he could.

Jarrod ran as fast as he could to get away from Nick but Nick would not be deterred and followed him to his favorite spot on the ranch.  Tom had told both his sons that if they found a place on the ranch that they really liked they could have it and build their homes on it someday along with raising their families.

“Boys,” Tom said one evening after the dinner meal, “I want to tell you both something.”

“What father?” he asked very curious.

“I have over 600 acres here,” Tom answered smiling. “And it will all be yours someday.  If either one of you find a spot on the ranch that you love, you come tell me about it and I’ll make sure that you will have it when you are grown and married.”

“Really father?” he asked smiling.

“Really,” Tom answered.

“I have a place that I like to go to,” he said looking up at his father.  “I’ll show it to you if you want to see it.”

“I would love to see it son,” Tom replied nodding.  “And I promise you it will be yours.”

“Thanks,” he told his father.

 Jarrod, who had been coming here since he could scramble up into a saddle, was not happy when he saw Nick appear a short time later.

“What are you doing here?” he asked angry.  “This is my favorite place and you’re not welcome here. Father gave it to me and I’m the only one who is welcome here.  Now go.”

“But Jay,” Nick answered looking hurt because his own brother didn’t want him around, “me look for you.”

“I don’t care,” he said looking at Nick with anger on his face.  “You leave here.  You’re not wanted.”

Nick finally after a few more minutes left Jarrod.  He didn’t mention what had happened to his parents because he didn’t want to get Jarrod into trouble.  But he couldn’t understand why Jarrod didn’t like him.

Tom and Victoria weren’t sure what Jarrod’s problem was as of yet but they were sure he was acting this way for a reason.

“Tom,” Victoria said one evening after they had eaten their dinner, “I think something is really bothering Jarrod.  He deliberately disobeyed me today when I asked him to take his books up to his room from the study where he had left them. He hasn’t done anything like this in two years.  You remember that day don’t you?”

“Jarrod,” Victoria said after Jarrod came home from school, “I need you to take your four books to your room.  I’m going to be entertaining several of Stockton’s women’s society tomorrow afternoon and I want everything to look nice. It’s not that often that I get to show off this beautiful house to my friends.”

“No,” Jarrod replied forcefully.  “I will not.”

“What do you mean raising your voice to me?” she asked noticing the look of defiance on Jarrod’s face. “Jarrod, what is wrong with you?  You have been acting rude for the last couple of weeks. You haven’t done something like this for a couple of years.”

“I’m not going to do it,” he answered looking at her. “I want to act this way.  You can’t tell me what to do.

“You just wait till your father gets home,” she said before she realized what she had said. “And listen here young man, I’m your mother and I can and will tell you what to do.”

“Big deal,” he replied and walked away.

“I don’t know what possessed him to do that,” she said explaining the episode to Tom.  “He’s usually a very respectful boy. But this wasn’t the first time he’d done something like this. You remember right after Nick was born he went through a stage of defying us.”

“I don’t know,” he replied as he thought about what she said.  “Sounds to me like he is trying to get in trouble. Yes.  I remember the episode very clearly.  I never in my life wanted to turn that boy over my knee and tan his bottom.  But I didn’t.  Maybe I should have.”

“Why?” she asked not understanding what he had meant. “What reason would he have? We’ve been very patient with him as he has grown. I don’t think a spanking would have been the answer.  Something is behind his behavior.  We just haven’t figured out what it is.”

“I’m not sure,” he answered as a thought came into his mind.  “Let’s not do anything right now and see where it goes.”

“All right,” she said hoping that it wouldn’t get any worse. “I just hope we find out soon. Before it pulls this family apart at the seems.”

A day or two later, Tom was the recipient of Jarrod’s disobeying him.

“Jarrod,” Tom said as he walked into the barn, “I thought I told you to clean out your horse’s stall. That horse is your responsibility.  If you don’t do it, no one else will.”

“You did,” he replied not looking at his father.  “I just didn’t want to.”

“What do you mean you didn’t want to?” Tom asked not believing what he was hearing from his oldest son. “Listen here young man.  I’ve just about had it with your attitude of late. You have sassed your mother and me.  I’m not going to stand for it.  Do you hear me?”

“I don’t have to listen to you,” he answered trying to walk away from Tom.

“Oh yes you do,” Tom said standing right in front of him.  “What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” he replied walking off.  “Nothing.”

But Tom knew there was something bothering him. And he knew that he had to find out what it was before it turned a sweet and kind little boy into a mean and defiant little boy.

Then a week later it all came to a head. 

“Nick,” six-year-old Jarrod said as they were playing in the barnyard,  “you leave that alone.”

“No,” Nick cried and took the book Jarrod had laid on the bail of hay.  “It mine.”

“Give it here,” Jarrod replied as he came toward Nick.  “I’ll take it away.”

“No,” Nick told him standing up to his brother.

Tom, who was working inside the barn, heard the argument and headed out. He was beginning to realize the reason for Jarrod’s sudden behavior change.  But he wanted to be sure before he said anything to him or his wife.  Before he reached his two sons, Jarrod made a grab for the book.

“I told you to put that book down,” he said as he reached out for the book.  “That’s a very important book to me.  The sheriff gave it to me.  Now give it here.”

“No!” Nick cried trying to stay away from his brother.

Nick made a face at Jarrod and Jarrod pulled hard on the book once he had a secure grip on it.  Nick wouldn’t break his grip.  Jarrod finally jerked the book out of Nick’s hands sending him flying backward toward the horse trough and laughing at Nick as he fell.

“Serves you right,” he said as he stood over his fallen brother.

“What do you think you are doing Jarrod?” Tom asked as he saw what Jarrod had done.

“Trying to get my book back,” Jarrod answered still smiling at Nick who had hit his head on the horse trough.

“You don’t need to be so rough with your brother,” Tom said looking at his oldest son.  “You are four years older than him.  You have hurt Nick.”

Tom reached over and helped Nick to his feet.  He had to hold Nick back as he tried to run toward Jarrod.

“Wait a minute son,” he said grabbing Nick by the arm.  “I’ll take care of this.”

“He did on purpose,” Nick replied again trying to run toward Jarrod.

“I saw what he did,” he told Nick again having to hold him back.  “And I said I would take care of it.”

Nick stood his ground still glaring at Jarrod.  He couldn’t understand why Jarrod was so mean to him.

“He shouldn’t have taken my book,” Jarrod replied glaring at Nick.  “I never wanted him around in the first place.  Since he came along you never have any time for me. I wish he had never been born.  All he does is follow me around and I hate it and him.”

The comment hurt Nick deeply.  He began to cry as he realized his own brother didn’t want anything to do with him and after what had happened two years earlier. It also verified what Tom had thought earlier.

“Now Jarrod,” Tom told him trying to reason through this, “you know that’s not true.”

“I don’t know it,” Jarrod said looking at Nick.  “Nick is your favorite.  You only care about him because he’s going to be just like you.  I’m your son too. Just because I don’t have a lot to do with the ranch, you care more for him. I want to have fun with you.”

“You’re not acting like one,” Tom replied looking at Jarrod. “I love both of you.  And I know that you and Nick are both different but you are brothers. Brothers are supposed to care about and love each other. We still do things together although now we have to include Nick.”

“You’re not giving me a chance,” Jarrod told him. “I never wanted a brother in the first place. Can’t you understand?”

“I think you need to apologize to Nick,” Tom said looking over at an angry Nick. “And I beg to differ with you.  When your mother first told us about Nick, you were very excited.”

“No!” Jarrod cried becoming very angry.  “I won’t and you can’t make me. I might have been excited then but not now. He’s a pest and I don’t want him near me.”

“Yes I can,” Tom said starting to get very angry.  “Nick, you go in the house so I can talk to your brother.  You might want to let your mother see your head.”

“Me not hurt,” Nick replied heading toward the house.  “Jay, me love you.”

Jarrod didn’t even look at him.

“As for you young man, you and I are going to go into the barn where I can try to straighten all this out, he said leading Jarrod inside.

Tom and Jarrod walked into the barn. He had a pretty good idea what was going to happen.  He knew he had made his father very angry as well as his mother.  But he didn’t want to let them off the hook that easily.  He never liked the fact that his father spent most of his time with Nick now.  Since Nick came, he never had any time for Jarrod. Jarrod yearned for the time before Nick was born when his parents spent most of their time with him. He wanted it the way it was.

“You have tried every way you can to make me angry,” he said as they sat down on a bail of hay in the barn.  “I don’t understand why.”

“You care more for Nick than you do for me,” Jarrod replied trying to hold his emotions under control.  “I’m nobody around here.”

“That’s not true son,” he told him trying to understand how his son felt.  “Yes, I admit that I want to teach Nick about the workings of this ranch because someday he will run it.  But I also want you to be a part of it too.”

“Yes it is,” Jarrod said starting to cry himself.  “You and mother care about Nick not me.  I don’t want to be your son anymore if you don’t love me.  I’m going to run away.”

“Jarrod,” Tom replied trying to be as calm as he could, “we love you and Nick both.  We know that the two of you are different.  We expect that.  But we don’t love Nick more than you.”

“Yes you do,” Jarrod told him in a louder voice.  “I don’t belong here.”

“Son,” he said trying to calm Jarrod, “just calm down so we can talk about this.”

“There’s nothing to talk about,” Jarrod replied running out of the barn.

“Jarrod,” he called.  “Jarrod, you come back here.”



Chapter Two

Jarrod ran toward the house. He was crying as he ran. He threw the front door open and ran upstairs to his room, slamming the door.  Once he was safely in his room, he let the tears come.  He wanted them to understand and he couldn’t figure out why they didn’t. He didn’t want to spell it out for them.

Victoria heard the commotion while she was attending to Nick.

“What in the world was that?” she asked looking up when she heard the door slam.

“Me say Jay,” he answered looking up at her.  “Me say papa mad at him.”

“Well,” she said looking at her younger son, “he has a right to be.  Jarrod should not have grabbed that book so hard from you.  You’re brothers.”

“Me know mama,” he replied smiling at her.  “Me fix.”

“How?” she asked wanting to know what he had planned.

“Me fix,” he answered smiling again.

“All right,” she said giving in.

Tom walked in just as she was finishing with Nick.

“Did Jarrod run in here?” he asked as he walked into the house. “He tore out of the barn as I was trying to get to the bottom of this.”

“Yes,” she answered looking up at Tom.  “He ran up the stairs to his room and slammed the door.”

“I need to wear him out for what he did and said to Nick,” he said still angry. “He’s trying every way in the world to make me mad.  But I don’t know how else to handle this situation other than wearing him out.  But I don’t know if that will work.”

“No papa,” Nick replied still smiling.  “Me fix.”

“What are you talking about?” he asked definitely not understanding.

“Me fix,” Nick answered nodding his head.

“That’s the same thing he told me,” she said looking at her husband. “And he’s fine.  Just a small bump on the back of his head.”

“All right son,” he replied looking at Nick. “But if it doesn’t work, I’m going to take over and wear your brother out for this.”

After Nick left, Tom and Victoria looked at each other.  The reason for Jarrod’s odd behavior had just occurred to them.

“You know I think I know why Jarrod’s been acting the way he has,” he said as he realized what the motive was. “I have noticed a pattern to his behavior and it started not long after Nick was born.”

“Why?” she asked wanting to know how Tom felt before she told him her revaluation. 

“I think he’s jealous of Nick,” he said smiling. “I think he’s been trying to let us know in his own way that he thinks we have forgotten about him.”

“I think you’re right,” she replied as she realized that he had hit the nail on the head.  “Jarrod is trying at all costs to get us to notice him. He thinks we have forgotten about him. But we haven’t.  To him it’s like we’ve abandoned him.  He doesn’t know how he really feels about Nick because he’s so concerned about our love.”

“And if he has to disobey,” he told her understanding for the first time, “then that’s the way he handles it. It’s the only thing that makes sense. I hadn’t realized that he was so unhappy because of Nick.”

“That’s the easiest way,” she said trying to come up with a way to help her son.  “I never realized that he would be this jealous of Nick. Although I don’t think it’s really Nick.  I think it’s the whole situation.  Here he is an only child for four years and suddenly he has a little brother.  Then when that little brother begins to grow, he starts to look up to and follow his older brother.  Jarrod couldn’t deal with that.  He’s only a little boy himself.”

“I should have seen it coming,” he replied looking at her.  “I have been spending more time lately with Nick than with Jarrod. He said in the barn that we didn’t want him anymore, that we didn’t love him. It was a red flag and I had blinders on.  I didn’t see it.”

“We’re going to have to spend time with Jarrod,” she told him trying to decide the best way to handle this.  “Maybe he won’t try to get into trouble if we do. And we’re going to have to help him cope with the fact that Nick is going to want to follow him.  He wants Jarrod to teach him.  Jarrod needs to understand that Nick loves him and wants to spend time with him.”

“I agree,” he said nodding. “But I’m afraid it may already be too late.”

“What do you mean?” she asked not understanding what he meant.

“He told me that he was going to run away,” he answered looking at her.  “I don’t know if I should try to stop him or not.”

“What do you mean?” she asked not believing what she was hearing.  “You can’t be serious about Jarrod running away.  He’ll be all alone. Tom, he’s only six.”

“If we stop him from leaving,” he answered trying to make her understand, “it will just make him want to run away more.  I was thinking that if we agree with him, maybe he won’t leave.”

“I don’t know,” she said not believing what Tom was telling her.  “It could backfire in our faces.”

“Maybe not,” he replied as he thought more about it.

Nick walked upstairs to Jarrod’s room and knocked on the door.  When he didn’t get a response, he slowly opened the door.

“Me come in?” he asked as he opened the door.

Jarrod didn’t look at him or speak.  Nick walked into the room and over to where Jarrod sat on his bed.  He sat down beside of Jarrod.

“Me sorry Jay,” he said looking at his brother.  “Me need you.  Me love you. Me look up to you.  Me want you like me.”

Jarrod still did not look at him or speak.

“Jay,” he said again, “me sorry.  Me not mean take papa away from you.  Me love ranch, horses. Me love you Jay.”

Jarrod finally looked at his brother. Nick was smiling at him.

“I’m sorry too,” Jarrod told him smiling a little.  “It’s not your fault.  I’m different from you and father.  So we don’t have anything in common. And you see for four years there wasn’t anyone else.  You weren’t here.  I had them all to myself.  Then you came and I couldn’t deal with it.”

“You love Nick?” he asked looking at his brother hopefully.

“Yes,” Jarrod answered pulling Nick into a hug.  “I love you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.  I just, I don’t know.  I just took it out on you.”

“Good,” he said smiling.  “Now we play?”

“No,” Jarrod replied standing up.  “I’m leaving Nick.”

“Where you go?” he asked starting to feel sad again.

“A long way away from here,” Jarrod answered pulling a small bag from his chest of drawers and starting to put his clothes in it.  “I don’t want to live here any more. It’s not you.  It’s me and father.”

“Papa and mama be sad,” he said as he watched Jarrod pack.

“No they won’t,” Jarrod replied continuing to pack his bag.  “They won’t even notice that I’m gone. And it’ll be better for you too.  You won’t have to worry about me being around to keep you from learning everything father can teach you.  You learn it too.”

“No leave Jay,” he told him trying to stop him from leaving.  “Please.”

“I’m sorry,” Jarrod said patting him on the shoulder.  “I have too.”



Chapter Three

Nick stood up and slowly left Jarrod’s room. He didn’t want his brother to leave.  But he didn’t know how to stop him. As he walked down the hall, he met his father and he tried to hide the tears that were already flowing down his face.

“What’s wrong son?” Tom asked seeing the expression on Nick’s face. “Weren’t you able to fix the problem?”

“Jay say run away,” he answered tears still flowing down his face.  “Me no want Jay leave.”

“I’ll talk to him,” Tom said heading for his other son’s room. “It’ll be all right.  I know how to help him.  You go to your mother.”

Nick walked on down the stairs. Tom opened the door to Jarrod’s bedroom, walking inside.  Jarrod was packing some clothes and his most prized possession, his books.  Tom walked over to him and sat down on the bed.

“So you’re running away,” he said calmly.

“Yes sir,” Jarrod replied not looking at him.  “You can’t stop me.”

“I’m not going to,” he told his son trying to understand how he felt.  “I’m sorry to see you go but I’m not going to keep you here if you don’t want to stay.”

“You’re not,” Jarrod said confused.

“No,” he replied continuing to be calm.  “There is one thing I want to say before you leave.”

“What?” Jarrod asked very curious.

“I want you to remember that your mother and I love you with all our hearts,” he answered.  “And so does Nick.  He looks up to you and needs you to help him learn.  Do you have any idea where you’re going?”

“No not yet,” Jarrod said not thinking ahead.  “I’ve not thought much about it.”

“Don’t forget to take your coat,” he replied as he looked out the window.  “The nights are still very cold and you could catch a cold or worse if you’re not dressed for it. Do you need any money to take the stage or train?”

“Thanks,” Jarrod told him reaching for his heavy coat. “I don’t know.  I really haven’t decided where I’m going.  I think I’ll take my horse.”

“I wish you weren’t going,” he said smiling.  “It’s going to be very lonely without you.  I enjoy the stories that you tell Nick at night before he goes to bed. And I want to make you a promise if you decide to stay.”

“You do?” Jarrod asked confused.  “I sort of make them up because I’m still not a great reader yet. What promise?”

“You do a great job,” he said as he looked at Jarrod.  “Nick loves for you to tell him one. I promise never to make it appear like I’m spending all my time with Nick.  I am going to spend time with you too. And I’m going to teach you about the ranch too that is if you want to continue to learn.”

“I didn’t know he really liked them,” Jarrod replied looking at his father. “You really mean it?”

“I mean it,” he told his son.  “I’m just trying to get Nick ready when he takes over the responsibilities of this ranch.  And you didn’t show any interest. But you wanted to learn when you were three.”

“I’m not interested in being a rancher,” Jarrod said sitting down beside of Tom.  “But I still love the ranch.  I figure I’ll be someone who may work with figures.  Father, I love you and mother.  I just feel out of place. Like I don’t belong here. I love Nick but I don’t know...”

“Really,” he replied ready to spring his next idea on his son.  “You know, I’m going to need someone to help with the business end of running this ranch.  I wonder who I could get. We both know you do.  I want you to know that we love you too. And you are definitely not out of place here.  You’re a Barkley and that means a lot to me.  You are my son and I’m proud of you.”

“I do,” Jarrod told him. “I never took your or mother’s feelings into consideration.  I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for son,” Tom said smiling. 

“I don’t understand,” he replied looking somewhat confused by what Tom had said.

“Think about it a minute and see if you can figure it out,” Tom told his son.

Jarrod sat there thinking and then he came up with an idea.

“Would you consider letting me try to help with the money part of the ranch father?” he asked hopefully. “Provided you will teach me.”

“I thought you were going to run away,” Tom answered realizing that he had won his son back.

“Well,” he said smiling, “I’ll stay if you consider giving me a try.”

“It’s a deal,” Tom replied smiling even wider than before.

The two of them embraced.  Then Tom looked at his son.

“Don’t you owe your brother an apology?” he asked looking at Jarrod.

“I’ve already told him that I was sorry for making him fall,” Jarrod answered looking at Tom.  “But I’ll apologize again if you think I should.”

“It’s not what I think,” he said as thought about the entire situation.  “It’s what you think.”

“Maybe I should,” Jarrod replied standing up.

Tom stood up too.  The two of them walked out of Jarrod’s room together with Tom having his arm around Jarrod’s shoulder.  As they walked down the stairs, Victoria was walking out of the kitchen.

“Well,” she said smiling at what she saw, “you two get everything straightened out.”

“Yes mother,” Jarrod replied smiling.  “I’m looking for Nick.”

“He’s in the barn,” she told him.  “Where else would he be?”

“Thanks,” Jarrod said heading out the door.

“How did it go?” she asked Tom.

“He was ready to run away,” he answered as he watched Jarrod leave.

“What did you do?” she asked hoping that Tom handled it well.

“I told him I wasn’t going to stop him,” he answered as he looked at her.  “I told him that I was sorry for spending so much time with Nick getting him ready for running this ranch.  I also told him that I might need someone who could take over the financial part of the ranch.”

“And?” she asked hopefully.

“He suggested himself,” he answered smiling very widely.  “Just as I had hoped.”

“Tom,” she said kissing him, “you are a natural.”

“Why thank you,” he replied returning the kiss.  “I don’t know if we’ve heard the last of Jarrod’s jealousy but now we know what to look for.”

“I hope he’s over it,” she said smiling too.



Chapter Four

Jarrod found Nick in the barn.  He was crying.

“You’re upset because I was going to run away,” he said as he stood in front of Nick.

“Yes,” Nick replied looking up at Jarrod.

“You don’t have to worry,” he told Nick sitting down beside of him.  “I’m not running away.  I don’t guarantee that I won’t get angry at you from time to time especially when you follow me around too much.”

“You stay,” Nick said smiling.  “Really?”

“Yes,” he replied also smiling.  “I had a long talk with father and he needs someone to take care of the money part of running the ranch.  I told him that I would like the chance when I get older of course.  He agreed.”

“We work together,” Nick told him smiling even wider.  “Forever.”

“Forever,” he said also smiling. “And there’s something else.  I’m sorry for telling you a long time ago not to come to my favorite spot on the ranch.  Sometime I’ll take you there and let you see the beauty of it all.”

“Play?” Nick asked looking hopefully at Jarrod. “That great Jay.”

“I don’t see why not,” he answered standing up.  “What did you have in mind?”

“Scout,” Nick said as he stood up.

“You want to be the Captain?” he asked already knowing Nick’s answer.

“No,” Nick answered pointing to Jarrod.  “You be. You older.”

“All right,” he said smiling as they left the barn.  “Who are you?”

“Scout,” Nick replied also heading out the door ahead of Jarrod.

“Let’s go to the South Meadow to play,” he told Nick as they went.  “There aren’t any cattle or horses there.”

“OK,” Nick said smiling as he went.

The two boys headed toward the meadow and danger. 



Chapter Five

Back in the house, Tom and Victoria were talking.

“I hope they stay away from the South Meadow,” he said as he sat at his desk in the study where he was working on some papers concerning the ranch.

“Why?” she asked sitting on the couch reading.  “You know they like to play there.”

“I had Satan put in there this morning so he couldn’t cause any trouble with the cattle,” he answered looking up from his work. “He’s been spooking the other cattle. And it makes me nervous the way he acts around the other head.  I don’t know why I even bought him.”

“You mean that mean bull,” she said realizing that the boys could be in danger.

“Yes,” he replied as he had the same thought.  “That’s why we call him Satan.  He hates everyone and everything. He might near broke Hayes’ arm the other day.  And Reynolds’ leg last week.”

“Tom,” she told him getting upset at the prospect of what that bull could do to their sons, “maybe you should tell the boys before they get hurt.”

“Right,” he said standing up heading out the door. “I hope I’m not already too late.”

Jarrod and Nick were in the South Meadow playing when Jarrod heard a cow moo or what sounded like a moo to him but he wasn’t sure.  To him it sounded like a mean cow or worse a bull.  But the only mean one they had was Satan.  Then as he looked around to pinpoint where the noise was coming from, he saw the bull at the top of a hill looking down at them. Satan was not very happy.  He was snorting and smacking the ground with his hoof.  Jarrod knew they were in trouble.  He hurried over to Nick.

“Nick,” he said out of breath, “I want you to listen to me.  There is a bull on the top of the hill.  He’s a very mean one.  I want you to run as fast as you can for the house.”

“But you,” Nick replied not understanding.

“I’ll be right behind you,” he told his brother.  “Now run.”

Nick took off running and Jarrod was right behind him.  The bull started to run after them trying to gourd them with his horns. Jarrod knew that Nick could never out run Satan.  He finally decided to take action to save his brother. Jarrod stopped, picking up a stick he found lying on the ground.  He stood there waiting for Satan to arrive to try and protect Nick. When Nick realized that Jarrod wasn’t behind him, he stopped, looking back.  Jarrod had the stick in his hands as the bull stood there deciding the best way to attack.

“Jay no!” Nick cried as he saw the bull start to come toward Jarrod.

Jarrod turned his attention away from the bull hearing Nick and when he turned back the bull was right in front of him.  He swung the stick but it shattered against the mighty bull’s horns.  Jarrod started trying to back up but Satan was still advancing on him very quickly. Jarrod knew he had to make a decision. He decided to try and run as fast as he could to get away from Satan.  As Jarrod turned to run, he stumbled on some loose rocks, falling to the ground.  The bull reached him, striking him in the side with his horn. 

“Help me!” he cried as the pain hit.  “Father!”

The bull struck him in the chest next, lifting him off of the ground. He felt nothing but pain as the horn dug into his skin.  The bull then tried to get him loose from his horns.  The boy wanted to scream but he didn’t have the strength. All he felt was pain. Jarrod tried to get to his feet after the bull had dropped him to the hard ground but he was too weak from lack of blood and the pain he was feeling.  Tom, who had arrived a few minutes before the attack, with some of the hands, had seen the bull hurting Jarrod.

“Jarrod,” he called trying to help his son, “play dead.  Don’t move.”

He saw Jarrod go limp on the ground and hoped he was playing dead and not really dead.  He had several of the hands surround the bull, getting ropes on him.

“A couple of you men get ropes on him,” he said as he was trying to reach his son. “I have to get to Jarrod.”

“Right,” one of them replied.

Finally, they were able to lead Satan away from Jarrod after getting ropes on him.

“We’ve got him,” Murphy said as he led the bull away with two other hands.

Tom ran to his son. Dropping to his knees on the rocky ground he looked at his oldest son’s battered body. Turning Jarrod on his back, he noticed the two holes in the boy’s shirt.  Then he saw the blood.

“Nick,” he said as the younger boy ran up, “go to the house and get your mother.  Tell her to send a hand to town for the doc.  I’m going to bring Jarrod.”

“Yes papa,” Nick replied as he ran toward the house and his mother.

“Son,” he told Jarrod as he picked him up gently in his arms, “everything is going to be all right.  I promise.”

Jarrod was completely limp in his arms.  He knew Jarrod was hurt very badly.  He tried to hurry to the ranch but the footing was rough and he had to be careful so he wouldn’t drop Jarrod, doing even more damage.

“Damn that Satan,” he said in anger as he walked.  “Why didn’t I tell you before you got hurt. It was a mistake to buy that bull in the first place.”



Chapter Six

Nick ran into the house so fast that he nearly ran into his mother.  She looked at him and she could tell something was very wrong.

“Nick,” she asked very concerned, “where is Jarrod?”

“He hurt by cow,” he answered out of breath.  “He try save me.”

“Oh my God,” she said as she realized what he had said about Jarrod.  “Where is your father?”

“With Jay,” he replied looking up at her.  “Say you get doc.”

“I’ll send one of the hands,” she told him heading out the door.

As she walked to the barn, two of the hands were working inside.

“Vance,” she said stopping in front an older ranch hand, “ride into Stockton and bring Dr. Merrar out here.  Tell him Jarrod was attacked by a raging bull.”

“Yes ma’am,” he replied saddling up and riding away.

Victoria walked out of the barn in time to see Tom walk up carrying Jarrod.  She could see the blood on his shirt and how limp he was in his father’s arms.

“Tom,” she said looking at her son, “Vance is heading for town.”

“I’ve got to get him in the house,” he replied not bothering to stop.  “I don’t know how bad it is.”

“What happened?” she asked as they headed for the house.

“Jarrod stopped to protect Nick from Satan,” he answered as they walked upstairs to Jarrod’s room.  “He must have tripped and fell because Satan gourded him twice with those massive horns of his.  Once in the side and then in the chest.  I don’t know how bad. I had to stand there and watch as that damn bull lifted him into the air with his horn.  Jarrod cried but I couldn’t get to him.  Why did I have to buy that bull in the first place?”

“Has he been awake?” she asked as he laid Jarrod down on the bed. “It’s not your fault Tom.  You did your best.”

“No,” he answered as he stood up looking down at Jarrod.  “I don’t even know if he is even alive.  I couldn’t stop that bull. I had to watch my son...”

“He has to be,” she said as she took off Jarrod’s shirt. “Try not to blame yourself.”

“It is my fault,” he replied as angry tears flowed down his face.  “And if he dies I’m never going to forgive myself.”

“He’s not going to die,” she told him trying to work on Jarrod.  “We must have faith.”

“I guess you’re right,” he said looking at the wounds.

That’s when they both got a very good look at Jarrod’s chest and side.  There were two puncture wounds where the horns had indeed broken the skin.  Blood was still oozing out both wounds.

“Where is that doc?” he asked putting one fist into the other palm.  “I should never have let them go.”

“You didn’t know what they were going to do,” she answered trying to calm him.  “Boys will play. Try to calm down Tom.  Getting mad won’t help Jarrod.  He needs us now.”

“I should have warned them about Satan,” he said as he started to pace. “This morning Jarrod was ready to run away and now this.”

“You can’t blame yourself Tom,” she replied not understanding everything herself.

“And why not?” he asked angry more at himself than at her.  “If I had been more understanding none of this would have happened.”

“You are understanding,” she answered looking at him.  “Jarrod loves you.  You’re his father.  And now he needs you more than ever.”

Tom just stood there looking at his son, praying that his boy would be all right.  If he died, Tom swore he would never ever forgive himself.


Chapter Seven

The doctor walked in a short time later.  He thoroughly examined Jarrod then straightened up and looked at his parents.

“The wound in his side is nothing more than a small cut,” he said as he stood up.  “But the wound in his chest is deep.  I don’t believe there is any damage to any of his organs but there is a great deal of damage to his skin and tissue.  He’ll be confined to bed for at least three days.  I’m going to make sure there are no other problems, then sew up the wound.”

“Then Jarrod is going to recover,” she replied relieved.

“I don’t see why not,” he told them smiling.  “He’ll have a scar and something to tell his grandchildren about.”

“Thank God,” Tom said letting out the breath he was holding. “I’m so glad.  I should have warned him before it happened about that bull.”

“How in the world did Jarrod get near a bull in the first place?” he asked not understanding how the incident had happened in the first place.

“He and Nick were playing in one of the meadows,” Tom answered trying to explain what had happened.  “I had had two of the hands put Satan in that meadow alone. He doesn’t do too well with the other cattle.   But I had failed to tell the boys.  Jarrod must have seen him and tried to save Nick.”

“He did a very brave thing,” he said as he continued to work on Jarrod.  “He put his life on the line for his brother.  Not many boys would do that.”

“Yes he did,” Tom replied realizing that Jarrod was a hero. “I’m very proud of him. He’s not other boys.  He’s a Barkley.”

“Here’s some medicine I want you to give him every four hours,” he told them handing her the bottle of liquid.  “It will help the pain and keep down infection.  It may also make him sleepy.”

“All right,” she said taking the medicine from him. 

“Remember,” he replied looking at them.  “Keep him in bed for the next three days.”

“We will,” she told him.

“I’ll come by at the end of the week to see how the wounds are,” he said after he had finished sewing up the chest wound.

After the doctor left, Tom and Victoria looked down at Jarrod.  He still had not awakened as of yet.  They sat down in chairs and waited. Tom was still angry but he knew in his heart that his oldest son would be all right.

Nick had stayed out of Jarrod’s room.  But he wanted to know how his brother was.  So, he quietly opened the door to Jarrod’s room.

“Me come in?” he asked as he looked inside.

“Sure you can,” Tom answered gesturing for him to enter.

“How Jay?” he asked as he looked at Jarrod.

“He’s going to be fine,” she answered looking at him.  “He has to stay in bed for a few days.”

“Me glad,” he said smiling.  “Me glad Jay save me.”

“We are too,” Tom replied smiling.  “He was a very brave boy.”

“Yes he was,” she told them.

“For that matter son,” he said looking at Nick, “so were you.”



Chapter Eight

Late that afternoon, Jarrod slowly opened his eyes.  He was confused at first but when his eyes came to rest on his parents, he knew he was safe.

“Honey,” she asked as she looked at him, “how do you feel?”

“Sore,” he answered trying to deal with the pain he was experiencing.  “Hurt some.”

“Do you remember what happened?” Tom asked trying to see if Jarrod remembered.

“Yes,” he answered.  “I was scared.”

“I should have told you Satan was there,” Tom said shaking his head. “It’s all my fault.”

“No father,” he replied looking up at him.  “I should have known. I should have looked around first to see if Satan was in that pasture before I let Nick in.”

“I’m going to have Satan destroyed,” Tom told him.  “He’s nothing but a mean bull anyway.”

“No father,” he said shaking his head.  “I don’t want you too.  It was my fault.”

“No son,” Tom replied his mind already made up. “You were more of a man than I was.  You put your life on the line to save Nick.  And I will never forget that.”

“Please don’t kill him because of me,” he told his father. “I don’t want to be the cause of you losing something important for the ranch.”

“I’m not,” Tom said seeing what Jarrod was trying to do. “And you’re more important than this ranch.  Don’t you know that?  I love you son.”

“I love you father,” he replied trying to smile. “And I’m glad Nick is all right.  He’s a great brother.”

Both his parents smiled at what Jarrod said.  They knew that he had now completely accepted Nick into his family and the two of them could be close for the rest of their lives. Jarrod tried to sit up and was rewarded with a sharp pain in his chest.

“The doctor doesn’t want you up for several days,” she said as Jarrod laid back.

“How bad?” he asked her.

“You have a deep wound in your chest but no damage to any vital organs,” she answered trying to keep him from worrying.  “But the skin was damaged and that’s why he wants you to lie quiet.”

“All right,” he said understanding.  “Mother, it kind of hurts.”

“I have some medicine to give you,” she replied reaching for the bottle.

She poured a spoonful of medicine and gave it to Jarrod.  He made a face at the taste of it.

“That tastes bad,” he said as he swallowed it.

“But it will help,” she replied smiling.

“I know,” he told her.

A few minutes later he drifted off to sleep.  Tom gave a sigh of relief.

“Just a few more minutes with that bull and we’d be burying that boy,” he said realizing just how close Jarrod had come to dying. “Why did it have to happen?  Why?”

“You were there and you saved him,” she replied looking at Tom. “Don’t do this to yourself.  You were there.  He’s going to be fine.”

“But it shouldn’t have happened in the first place,” he told her.  “I should have protected my boys.”

“Tom,” she said looking at him, “you can’t protect them every second of every day.  They have to learn things for themselves.  You are a wonderful father and the boys love you.”

“I guess I just needed to hear someone say it,” he replied. “I’m glad he’s going to be all right.”

Over the course of the next few days, Jarrod recovered.  He and Nick would argue occasionally but Jarrod never showed the jealously again.