The Attack

by Janet





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.







Tom Barkley was riding back from Stockton in the buckboard loaded with supplies late in the afternoon one fall day when he spotted something lying in the dirt road. He couldn’t tell what it was at first.  Easing the wagon to a stop, he climbed down and went to investigate. 


“Oh my God!” he cried as he ran to the object lying in the road.  “Jarrod!  Jarrod, can you hear me son? Oh Jarrod!”


As Tom knelt beside of his oldest son, he realized that the boy of eleven had been badly beaten.  Jarrod’s clothes were extremely dirty and dried blood could be seen on the side of his head.  He wondered if Jarrod had somehow been thrown from Cinnamon’s back until he looked closely at the side of Jarrod’s head. When Tom eased his son’s head over to get a better look he noticed a long and deep gash just above the boy’s right ear.  Tom also noticed that several of Jarrod’s ribs were broken.  He suspected that the boy hadn’t been thrown but he really didn’t have any idea what had happened to him.


“What on earth happened to you son?” he asked as he looked Jarrod over.  “You look like you’ve been in a fight. But why would you be in a fight way out here in the middle of the road.  It doesn’t make sense. I better get you to Dr. Merrar and let him see how bad you’re hurt.”


Jarrod didn’t open his eyes or move.  He was lying on his left side in the dirt road.  The jacket he had worn to school that morning along with his books were lying a few feet away from him.  His hat was across the road in a ditch.  Tom didn’t have any idea how his son had ended up like this but he knew he had to get him back to the ranch.  He quickly picked up the items that Jarrod had taken with him that morning and then turned his attention to his injured son.


“It’s quicker to take you to town,” he said as he picked Jarrod up.  “The doctor needs to see just how bad you are hurt. I just hope he can help you and that it’s not too late.”


Tom sat Jarrod in the seat and covered him with a blanket he had in the back of the wagon.  He let Jarrod lean on him keeping an arm around him so he wouldn’t fall off.  He wished he could put Jarrod in the back and lay him flat but the supplies were back there so there wasn’t any room.


“I won’t go to fast son,” he said as he picked up the reins in his right hand.  “I don’t want to hurt you further. We’ll be there very soon.  You just rest until we arrive.  The doctor will fix you right up.”


Tom spurred the team forward turning them around and heading toward Stockton. As he rode he kept looking at Jarrod.  He could tell that the boy’s breathing was getting worse probably from the broken ribs.  He also noticed that blood streamed down the side of his face from the gash.  He didn’t have a lot of time and he knew it.  He arrived back into town a half hour later and pulled up in front of Dr. Merrar’s office.  Climbing down, he kept a hand on his son who still hadn’t awakened.  Gently, he eased Jarrod off into his arms carrying him to the doctor’s door.  He couldn’t knock with his hand so he used his right boot to knock.


“Just a minute,” he heard the doctor’s voice say.  “I’ll be right there.”


Tom looked at his son knowing that he was hurt very badly. He inwardly hoped and prayed that the doctor could help Jarrod but he didn’t know if anyone could for sure. Finally, the doctor opened the door admitting Tom inside.


“What on earth happened?” the doctor asked as Tom carried Jarrod inside.  “I just saw him a short time ago riding home from school. It couldn’t have been more than a couple of hours.”


“You saw Jarrod?” he asked as he laid the boy down on the examination table.  “Did you see anyone else around? Do you have any idea what happened to him?”


“No,” the doctor answered wondering what Tom meant.  “I didn’t even see Nick. He was alone and heading toward your ranch when he waved at me.  He seemed to be in a good mood but this...  I don’t know what to make of this.”


“Nick’s at home not feeling well,” he said looking at his son.  “We didn’t call you about him because it was just a cold. Jarrod was alone when he left the ranch this morning.  But it sure doesn’t explain what happened to him between the time you saw him and I found him on the road.”


“I’ll look in on him after I see about Jarrod,” the doctor replied going to work.  “Obviously you don’t have an idea either.  Something very bad happened to him from the looks of his wounds.”


Tom looked at his son who was lying on the table.  He knew that he could lose him and he didn’t want to think about that.  All he wanted to know was what had caused this.


“I wish I knew how he ended up this way,” he told the doctor. “I was returning to the ranch from town and saw him lying in the road.  There wasn’t anyone around and I don’t know who it was either. This doesn’t make any sense.  Why would anyone want to harm a boy who was just riding home from school? I don’t understand this.”


“Well,” the doctor said looking up, “you may never know. I’m not completely positive at this moment but there is a pretty good chance that Jarrod won’t remember the attack at all. And from the looks of these injuries that’s exactly what I’d call it.  An attack.  A vicious attack.”


“What’s that mean?” he asked very concerned about his son.  “Come on doc tell me. Are you telling me that Jarrod will die?”


“Jarrod has sustained a very serious concussion as well as a very deep and long wound on the side of his head.  I’m going to have to sew it up. He may not remember what happened like I said.  That’s not abnormal in cases where there has been some kind of trauma to the head and Jarrod has sustained a very bad concussion. Someone hurt him bad.  Whoever it was didn’t want him to remember or be able to tell anyone what had happened to him.”


Not remember?” he asked angrily.  “I have to know who did this and why it was done.  Jarrod has to tell me. He’s the only one who knows. I have to doc.”


“Tom,” the doctor answered very calmly, “Jarrod is in very grave condition.  He has a very serious concussion like I said as well as several broken and cracked ribs.  He’s been in some kind of an altercation by the looks of his hands.  They are cut and bleeding. That tells me that he tried to punch someone to stop something from happening to him.  Obviously he wasn’t successful for he is in this condition but he did fight.  As for not remembering I wouldn’t count on it.  You’re going to have to be careful what you tell him if he asks what happened.  I don’t want him upset anymore than he will be when he wakes up to find out what’s happened to him.  It’s going to take time for him to heal and he’s going to need a lot of rest and quiet.”


Tom looked at his son’s knuckles realizing that he had been in some kind of a fight. He shook his head.


“Who?” he asked wanting to know.  “Why? This doesn’t make any sense.  I don’t understand who would want to harm him and why.”


“I don’t know, the doctor answered continuing to work.  “The only one who knows is Jarrod and I’m afraid he won’t be telling anyone anything for a while if he can tell anyone anything at all.”


“You mean that he may never ever remember the beating don’t you?” he asked looking grave.  “I’m not going to question him doc.  You have my word on that.  I don’t want to cause any more problems for him.  But there’s one thing I desperately need to know. Will he be all right? That you have to tell me.  Please.”


“Yes that’s what I mean,” the doctor answered looking up from his work.  “As for whether he will survive I don’t know yet.  He’s hurt very badly and only time will tell.  Luckily he’s not bleeding inside.  All the injuries seem to be to his head and his ribs.  I want to keep him here for a while to see if he will live. The next twenty-four to forty-eight hours will be the most critical.  If he makes it through that time period he has a chance to live.  That’s all I can say for now.”


“Sure doc,” he said nodding.  “I need to get his mother and the rest of the family. Nick will be very worried when he finds out if he doesn’t already know.”


“I don’t want you to bring Nick,” the doctor replied turning to look at Tom.  “If Nick is sick Jarrod doesn’t need to be around anything that could cause him more discomfort. I mean it Tom.  I’ll not have Jarrod subjected to infection.  He doesn’t need that right now.”


“I’ll leave Nick with the Miles’,” he told the doctor.  “It will be hard on him but he will get over it.  I don’t think I’ll tell him right now.  No need to worry him just yet. But Victoria will want to know. She’s his mother and he needs her to be here.”


“I agree,” the doctor said nodding.  “You go on and get her.  I’ll be here with Jarrod until you return. I promise that he won’t be left alone.  I’ll keep a very close eye on him.”


“Thanks doc,” he replied heading out the door.




Chapter One


“Mother,” Nick said as he looked up at his mother from his bed, “I’ll all right now.  Please let me get up.  If I have to stay in this bed another minute I’ll blow up. I mean it.  There’s nothing to do and I want to go outside.”


“Now Nick,” she replied covering him up, “you’re running a slight fever and I don’t want you to make it worse by getting a chill.  You remain in bed today and we’ll see about things tomorrow.”


“Oh come on mother,” Nick told her.  “I can’t do that.  I have chores to do and I need to curry my horse. Besides I promised father I would help him unload the wagon.  Please you have to let me up. I don’t want to stay in bed.”


“Jarrod can take care of that for you,” she said smiling.  “He will be happy to help you out. Your father will understand why you can’t help him.  Now stop trying to get me to change my mind because it’s made up and nothing you say will change it.”


“Sure he will,” Nick replied looking angry.  “And somewhere down the road he will make me pay for that too.  Don’t make me have to do that mother? But I guess there’s no changing your mind if it’s made up.”


“Nick,” she told him, “I’m telling you for the last time, you can’t get out of that bed and that’s final.”


“All right,” he said crossing his arms and looking angry.  “You would make a good warden in some prison. You’d never let the men out of their cells.”


“That’s not a very nice thing to say,” she replied looking at him.  “You just get some rest and I’m sure that Jarrod will play a game of checkers with you when he gets home.”


“Do you really think so?” Nick asked hopefully.  “I would like to have him visit me. I’ve missed having him around today.  I wonder how school went.  I guess I’ll ask him after he gets home.”


“I don’t think he will catch it if he doesn’t get too close,” she answered smiling.  “Now you rest.”


“Yes mother,” Nick said closing his eyes.


Victoria heard the door open and close.  She left Nick’s room seeing Tom coming in.


“You sure did take a long time getting supplies,” she said as she stopped in front of him.  “I bet you ran into someone you knew and stopped to talk a while.”


Tom composed himself and sat Victoria down on the couch.


“What is it Tom?” she asked suddenly sensing that something was very wrong.  “You look worried and upset. Something’s happened.  What?  Please Tom tell me.”


“I am,” he answered sitting down beside of her and taking her hand in his.  “On my way back to the ranch I saw something lying in the middle of the road. At first I thought it was just an animal that someone had either hit with a wagon or shot it and just left it there. When I got close enough to see what it was I was shocked to see that it was...”


He had to stop to gather his wits.  This was going to be harder than he had thought. He didn’t realize until now how this news was going to affect his wife.  He had to tell her so she could be with their son.


“What is it Tom?” she asked starting to sense that something had happened.  “Is someone hurt?  One of the men?  The sheriff?”


“It was Jarrod,” he answered finally.  “I found him lying there hurt real bad.  I took him to Stockton to Dr. Merrar.  He says that Jarrod has a very serious concussion along with broken and cracked ribs. I need to take you to him.  The doctor feels that you would be very important to Jarrod’s recovery. I know I should have come here earlier but I had to make sure that he would live long enough to come get you.”


“Is he awake?” she asked trying to control her own emotions.  “Did he say who hurt him? Please tell me.  I have to know. What do you mean you had to wait to find out if he would live long enough.  I don’t understand.  Just how bad is Jarrod hurt?”


“Let me finish,” he answered trying to remain calm.  “Jarrod is unconscious and he might not even survive let alone remember what happened to him. The doctor is very worried about the concussion.  And frankly so am I.  He was so still and pale as I picked him and carried him to the wagon. Someone really hurt him and I have no idea who it was.”


Victoria just stared at him.  He felt her hand tremble under his and he knew she was trying not to cry.


“Jarrod is a strong boy Victoria,” he said calmly.  “I know that he will be all right. I have faith that he will.  You have to have faith too.”


“I want to believe you Tom,” she replied still trembling.  “But I need to see him.  Can we go? I have to know how he is. I have to be with him now.”


“Yes,” he told her.  “We will drop Nick off at the Miles.  I don’t want him to know about Jarrod yet. But I’m guessing he probably already knows something is wrong.  I’ll tell him later when I know more about Jarrod’s condition. The doctor won’t let him see Jarrod anyway because he’s sick.”


“Yes of course,” she said nodding.  “I agree that he probably knows something has happened to Jarrod.  Waiting is the best. Let’s go now Tom.  I need to see my son.”


“I agree,” he replied standing up.  “We had better get started so we can get back to town before dark. I know how anxious you are to see him.”


“All right,” she told him standing up.  “Nick is asleep but he will be asking questions as to why we’re taking him to Wally’s. What are you going to say to him?  How are you going to explain it?”


“I have that already figured out,” he said nodding at her.  “Come on. I’ll tell you both at the same time.”


They went to Nick’s room waking him.


“Son,” he said as he shook Nick’s shoulders, “I need you to wake up.  We’re going to have to go to town for a meeting and I need your mother with me. It’s a very important meeting and we have to leave now.  So we’re going to let you stay with Wally and Jenny. Under the circumstances with you feeling bad I think that would be best.”


Nick shook the sleep from his eyes as he looked at his parents.  He sensed that something else was going on but he didn’t question them about it.  He had felt something that afternoon after his mother had left the room that something terrible had happened to Jarrod.  He hadn’t had time to tell them what he had felt and decided to wait until he knew more. 


They arrived at the Miles’ ranch a short time later.


“Nick,” he said looking at his son, “you be a good boy and mind Wally and Jenny.  I’ll come by tomorrow to get you.  Your mother and I want to spend the night in Stockton.”


“All right father,” Nick replied nodding.  “Don’t worry about me.  I’ll be just fine.”


Tom nodded and then turned his attention to Wally.


“Wally,” he said as they were getting ready to leave, “I appreciate you looking after Nick while we take care of this business in Stockton.  I know it’s short notice but I didn’t know who else to turn to. This is very important and with Nick not feeling well I don’t want to take him with us. We’re going to be staying over tonight so it’ll be tomorrow before I can get back to get him.”


“It’s perfectly all right Tom,” Wally replied smiling at his friend.  “We love to have one or both of the boys stay with us.  It’s kind of like having one of our own. Are you all right?  You look worried or upset? Has something else happened?”


“Thanks again,” he told him as he climbed up in the buggy.  “We’ll pick him up sometime tomorrow. I’m fine.  It’s just been a very long day and I’m tired that’s all. Nothing at all to worry about.”


Tom didn’t want to tell Wally right now even though Jarrod was his godson.  He knew it would only worry him so he decided to tell them all at the same time when he had more news about Jarrod’s condition.


“That will be fine,” Wally said as he headed into the house. “Don’t worry about a thing.”


“Nick,” Wally said as he looked at the boy, “you know where your room is. Why don’t you put your bag up? And then you can rest until dinner.  We’ll call you when it’s ready.”


“All right,” Nick replied heading off to his room.


“I don’t know what’s going on with Tom but I don’t think it has anything to do with any meeting in Stockton,” Wally told his wife.  “Something is going on and I intend to find out what it is. Did you notice that he didn’t mention Jarrod at all?  That’s not like Tom to not mention our godson.  Maybe whatever is going on has something to do with him.  I don’t know for sure.”


“I sensed the same thing from Nick,” she said looking at the door to Nick’s room.  “Maybe it does has something to do with Jarrod.  They didn’t bring him with Nick and usually if one is going to stay they both do.  This is not like Tom and Victoria at all.”


“That’s true,” Wally replied nodding.  “We’ll just have to wait until Tom returns to find out what’s really going on.”


After Tom and Victoria left the Miles’ ranch, Victoria looked over at her husband.


“I wonder how he is,” she said as they rode.  “I hope he’s going to be all right. From the way you described the way he was hurt I’m wondering if he will recover.  I can’t lose him Tom.  I can’t.”


“I do too,” he replied praying for the same thing.  “We’re not going to lose Jarrod.  You have to believe that.”




Chapter Two


They arrived in Stockton a short time later and Tom pulled the buggy to a stop in front of the doctor’s office.  They climbed out heading inside.


“How is Jarrod doctor?” she asked as they walked into his office.  “Tom just told me what he knew and I need to see Jarrod. Has there been any change in his condition? Is he awake?”


“He’s still unconscious,” the doctor answered looking at her.  “I moved him to the bed in the back room.  I want to keep him right here for the time being until I can ascertain whether or not he will survive. You can see him if you wish. I did manage to clean up his wounds and wrap them as well as sewing up the gash on the side of his head.  I’ve also given him some medicine.”


“We appreciate everything that you’ve done for him,” she said as she turned to walk to the room where Jarrod was.  “I know you won’t give up hope as long as he’s still alive. And neither will we.  That I can promise you.”


She and Tom walked into the room.  Jarrod lay under a blanket.  His head and his chest were covered with bandages.  He was pale and looked very small in that bed.  She went to him.


“Oh Jarrod,” she said as she took his hand in hers.  “I’m here honey.  Mother’s here. You’re not alone.  Why would anyone do this to a defenseless boy? It doesn’t make any sense.  Jarrod doesn’t hurt anyone so why would someone want to hurt him?  I don’t understand.”


“From what I’ve seen,” he replied as he sat down beside of the bed, “Jarrod put up a fight.  His knuckles are bruised and cut like he tried to fight whoever did this to him.  But I don’t know what happened or who caused it. Jarrod was alone when I found him. That’s all I know.”


“Maybe you should talk to the sheriff,” she told him.  “I’m sure he could help you look for the person responsible. He has to be made to pay for what he’s done.  He can’t just get away with this.”


“Sure he could,” he said shaking his head.  “We don’t know if it was a man or men or gang or what.  How can Harry look for someone if we don’t have a clue to his identity. No.  It wouldn’t do a bit of good.  We’ll probably never find the person responsible for this.”


“I’m sorry,” she replied unable to think.  “I’m not thinking very rationally right now.  I’m just so worried about Jarrod.”


“I know,” he told her.  “I think I had better ride back to the ranch and talk to Murphy.  He needs to know that he will have to work the men for a while.  And then I’ll go by and tell Nick the truth if he doesn’t already know it by now along with telling Wally and Jenny.  They also need to know about him.”


“I guess that would be best,” she said nodding.  “Tell him that he can see Jarrod just as soon as his fever is gone. That should satisfy him until he does indeed see Jarrod.”


“I will,” he replied heading out the door.


Victoria sat very quietly with Jarrod.  She watched the sheet rise and fall as Jarrod drew breath.  She knew that he was fighting to live but did he have the strength to live after what had been done to him?


“Murphy,” he said as he climbed down from his horse after arriving back at the ranch, “I need to talk to you.  It’s very important.”


“Sure Tom,” Murphy replied walking over to his boss and friend.  “What is it? You look worried about something.”


“Jarrod has been hurt in some kind of attack,” he told Murphy.  “He’s in the doctor’s office in Stockton.  We’re not sure that he is going to be all right.  I need you to take over for a few days. I need to be with him until I know how he is going to be.”


“Oh my,” Murphy said shaking his head.  “Who did it?  Why was it done?  How was he hurt? I can’t believe anyone would hurt a boy like Jarrod.  It just doesn’t make any sense.”


“He sustained a serious concussion along with a long and deep gash on the side of his head,” he replied looking at his foreman.  “He also has broken and cracked ribs. I’m frankly amazed that he’s lived this long after what I saw on that road.  It was so horrible to being riding and spot your own son lying there nearly dead.  I am just worried and don’t know what I’m saying I guess.”


“That sounds bad,” Murphy told him.  “Do you know who did it and why? Stop apologizing to me.  You have a right to be angry and upset.  Your own flesh and blood is hurt.  I don’t blame you a bit for being worried.”


“No,” he said remembering what he saw on the road.  “There wasn’t anyone around when I got to him.  His books and hat were thrown about but there was no sign of Cinnamon. How long has he been back to the ranch?  I’m betting that he came back some time ago.”


“The horse never came here,” Murphy replied not remembering seeing Jarrod’s horse come home.  “He’s not in the barn. I haven’t seen him since this morning when Jarrod rode off. I’m telling you Tom, he’s not here.”


“If he’s not here then where is he?” he asked trying to figure out what was going on.  “This makes no sense at all. The animal would most certainly have come back here to the ranch after Jarrod was taken from his back.  Why isn’t he here?”


“Oh yes it does,” Murphy answered nodding.  “If Cinnamon is missing then you have the reason Jarrod was hurt. I don’t understand why I didn’t think of it earlier.”


“I do,” he said not understanding.  “I don’t follow you. What do you mean?”


“All right,” Murphy replied talking through his idea.  “If Jarrod was riding home from school, he must have met someone on the road.  Whoever that was must not have had a horse. If that is the case, then Cinnamon would be the reason Jarrod was assaulted.”


“And whoever it was took Cinnamon,” he finished for his foreman.  “It makes perfect sense now that I think about it.  I know how much that horse means to Jarrod.  He loves that animal.  And that’s why he put up such a fight.  He didn’t want to loose his horse.  It makes perfect sense to me that someone would take the horse and not want any witnesses around to identify him.  Now we have something to work with. This is going to tear him apart when he finds out that his prized possession is missing. I dread telling him. And I don’t think we’ll ever find that horse.  I don’t know where to look for one thing.”


“Now all we have to do is find that horse,” Murphy said shaking his head.  “And I don’t really think we have a chance to accomplish that either. Cinnamon is gone forever unless we happen to get lucky.  And I don’t foresee that happening either.”


“I agree,” he replied nodding.  “Whoever attacked Jarrod and took the horse is probably long gone.  It would be a miracle to ever see that horse again.  And we don’t have a clue as to who took it either.”


“Maybe Jarrod will be able to tell you,” Murphy told him. “I mean once he is awake and talking. He’s good at giving descriptions and I’m sure he will be able to give a good one.”


“I don’t know,” he said shaking his head.  “The doctor feels that Jarrod probably won’t remember much if any of what happened to him this afternoon. It has something to do with what happened to his head. I’m not sure exactly what he meant but he seems to think that Jarrod won’t ever remember.”


“That’s too bad,” Murphy replied looking at Tom.  “That would have been our best hope of finding that horse and the person who took it.”


“I know,” he told his foreman.  “I better go tell Nick along with Wally Miles.  I know he probably already knows that something has happened to Jarrod but I need to tell him. And I need to tell Wally too.  After all Jarrod is his godson and he would want to know.”


“Don’t worry about a thing here,” Murphy said watching Tom mount up.  “I’ll take care of everything.”


Tom nodded as he headed off toward the Miles Ranch.




Chapter Three


As Tom rode he thought about how he was going to tell Jarrod’s godparents as well as Nick about what had happened to Jarrod.  It wouldn’t be easy but he knew that he had to do it and now.  He knew that Wally and Jenny Miles loved Jarrod like a son and this would hurt them deeply but there was no other way to handle this situation.  He also knew that Nick probably suspected something had happened to Jarrod but he probably didn’t know the details of the attack. He rode up to the house and dismounted.


“Tom,” Wally said as he saw Tom ride in, “I thought you would be back to tell us the real reason you left Nick here. I knew that you couldn’t have had a meeting in Stockton so late and that you would take Victoria with you. That’s not at all like you.  You usually go alone.  So, what’s happened?”


“You know me too well,” he replied walking up to Wally.  “I have some very bad news to tell you. And I need to tell Nick the truth too. I guess I should have told you the truth yesterday but at the time I didn’t know the details of what had happened.  I’m sorry for not telling you the truth.”


“It’s about Jarrod isn’t it?” Wally asked knowing that his feeling of worry was justified.  “I’ve had a bad feeling all afternoon about Jarrod.  I can’t tell you how I’m feeling now knowing that it is true. I guess I’m like a father finding out his son has been hurt.  You feel shock, worry, and anxiety.  You know what I mean.”


“Yes it is,” he answered nodding. “This afternoon, I found Jarrod badly beaten on my way back to the ranch from town.  He was lying motionless in the road.  His books and things were thrown all around. Wally, you are very close to Jarrod and I understand you being upset over him getting attacked.  I’m pretty upset and angry myself. I didn’t tell you at the time because I didn’t know his condition and I didn’t want to tell you one thing and then it turn out not to be true.”


“Sounds to me like someone wanted something he had,” Wally said thinking out loud.  “But what could Jarrod have had that someone would have wanted? Tom, ever since you asked me if I wanted to be Jarrod’s godparent I’ve had a parental feeling toward him.  I love him like a son and I feel for him when he’s sick or hurt.  I can’t explain it any better than that. As for you not telling me the truth yesterday, I’m not angry.  You were pretty upset yourself and like you said you didn’t know his condition at the time.”


“His horse,” he replied looking at his friend.  “We can’t find that animal anywhere. He didn’t return to the ranch nor was he anywhere around where I found Jarrod. Wally, you don’t have to explain anything to me.  I know Jarrod loves you and thinks the world of you and Jenny.  That’s one reason we asked to be his godparents.  We wanted him to have someone he could come to if he couldn’t come to us and you were the logical choice since you brought him into the world. You were there the day he was born and you’ve watched him grow.  He’s had his ups and downs but he’s had four parents instead of just two.”


“Did he put up a fight or was he caught unaware?” Wally asked trying to obtain as much information as he could. “That particular day I’ll never forget and Jarrod has turned into quite a handsome boy.  He’s going to make us all proud.  At least I hope he has the chance to. I was thinking last night about the day Jarrod was born.  He was such a quiet boy and didn’t cry even when he was hungry.  He’s still a very quiet boy.  But he’s a special boy to us.”


“He put up a struggle from what the doc said,” he answered nodding.  “His knuckles were bruised. I hope he does too.  He’s a fighter that’s for sure and this is the hardest fight he’s had to wage in his life. Wally, you and Jenny have helped guide him when he’s needed that.  You’ve also told him to come to us when he’s done something he shouldn’t have and then confided in you.  You’ve comforted him when he’s been sick or hurt.  You will always be a part of his life.”


“What else is wrong with him?” Wally asked worry creeping into his voice.  “Is he all right otherwise? I can’t imagine the agony that he went through trying to protect his property from that thief. But I can’t blame him for putting up a fight in the first place.  He didn’t really stand a chance against a grown man though.”


“He has broken and cracked ribs which would be enough,” he answered trying to keep his composure.  “But he...has...”


“What Tom?” Wally asked very concerned.  “What is it you’re having a hard time telling me?  Please I need to know.”


“He has a serious concussion and a long gash in the side of his head,” he finally answered.  “The doctor doesn’t know if he will live or not. That animal wanted to kill Jarrod for a lousy horse.  My God he’s just a boy. Why did he have to hurt him so bad over a stupid horse?”


“No,” Wally said getting angry and upset at the same time. “Why Jarrod?  He’s a good boy.  Why hurt him like that? It makes my blood boil when I think about what he went through.  If I could just get my hands on that man I would give him a thrashing he wouldn’t soon forget. One thing though, to you that was just a horse, but to Jarrod it was more.  It was all he had in the world that really belonged to him.  He thought the world of Cinnamon and cared for him like a child.  I believe that he didn’t want to lose that animal no matter what it cost him to try to keep it.”


“I’m just guessing,” he replied trying to help Wally understand.  “But it appears that someone was probably waiting for a rider to come by.  Any rider would have done fine. When Jarrod came into view, the person realized that a boy was an easy target and he needed that horse.  Jarrod probably refused to give it to him and was pulled off the horse.  He probably tried to stop the man from taking the animal and received the beating. I agree with you.  I’d like to get my hands on that animal too. I hadn’t really realized just how much that horse meant to him.  You see ever since he was two years old he’s been afraid of horses except for that one.  I guess if I had been in his shoes I would have felt the same way.”


“That makes sense,” Wally told him.  “Does he have a chance? I want him to be all right. He didn’t deserve to get hurt like that.  He’s a kind and caring boy who was just minding his own business.  Then this has to happen.”


“The doc said that he had a chance,” he said nodding.  “But he doubted that Jarrod would remember anything about the attack so I guess we’ll never know who did this to him or catch him either. I dread telling him about the horse too.  If what you say is true, it will hurt him more when he learns that Cinnamon is gone forever.”


“Maybe that’s for the best,” Wally replied nodding.  “I know it will be hard on him to lose his horse but he will get over that in time.  It’s best that he doesn’t have to think about what happened and dwell on it. It would only make him more angry and upset.  He doesn’t need that after what he’s been through.”


“I guess you’re right,” he told him.  “What he can’t remember won’t hurt him. I need to see Nick. I’m sure he would like to know what’s happened to Jarrod.”


“Sure,” Wally said pointing toward a room at the far end of the hallway.  “He’s in there. He’s been in there since you dropped him off earlier.  I’ve almost gone in there to see if he’s all right but I figured he just wanted to be left alone.”


Tom walked into the room to find Nick sitting on the bed.  He could tell that his son had been crying. He knew right then and there that Nick knew about Jarrod.  Now came the hard part, telling him the whole story.


“I guess you know about your brother,” he said sitting down beside of his son.  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.  I wanted to make sure how Jarrod was before I told you. I wasn’t keeping it from you on purpose.”


“I’m not angry at you,” Nick replied looking up.  “I want to know exactly what happened to him. Please father, it’s important.”


Tom told Nick everything he knew.  When he was finished Nick looked at him.


“Father,” Nick said looking at him, “I felt what Jarrod felt when he was attacked.  I knew he was hurt real bad. I could feel the pain he was in as he laid on that road hoping someone would find him. I wanted to help him but I couldn’t.  I can’t help him now. I remember feeling the blows as he took them.  I remember feeling the helplessness that he felt.  I remember him wondering if he would be found before he passed out.  I remember feeling the need to tell someone but you were gone and I didn’t want to worry mother.”


“Son,” he replied putting an arm around Nick, “Jarrod is a fighter.  He’s going to make it.  And you don’t have to blame yourself for what happened.  It’s not your fault. I know how close you two are. I know that you can feel each other’s pain and hurt. Your brother is going to get well and you will see him.  I promise you that.”


“What about Cinnamon?” Nick asked looking down.  “Any word about him?  Did he come back to the ranch?”


“He’s gone and we don’t know where he is or how to get him back,” he answered nodding.  “It’s going to hurt your brother when he finds out. But I don’t know what else to do other than just telling him the truth.”


“You’re not kidding,” Nick said shaking his head.  “That horse meant the world to Jarrod.  He’s going to be very upset when he finds out. Cinnamon was all he had in the world that he could call his own.  Another horse just won’t mean the same to him.”


“I know” he replied nodding.  “But I’ll make sure we get him another one anyway.  I know it won’t replace Cinnamon but in time maybe he will grow to love it.”


“I hope so,” Nick told him.  “Can I see him now?”


“Not until you’re better,” he said trying to smile.  “The doctor doesn’t want him to get anything from you that will make his recovery harder than it already is. But I’ll tell him you’re coming to visit him soon.”


“All right,” Nick replied nodding.  “I’ll stay here and pray for Jarrod. At the moment that’s all I can do.”


“You do that son,” he told him as he left the room.


Out in the hallway he ran into Wally again.


“Wally,” he said as he stopped to speak to his friend, “I’ll keep you informed on Jarrod’s condition.  You can see him as soon as we bring him home to the ranch.”


“Of course,” Wally replied nodding.  “You just tell him we’re here if he needs us.”


“I will,” he told Wally as he left the house but he didn’t leave the ranch.


Tom waited by his horse for Wally to tell his wife about Jarrod.  Then he would talk to her before he headed back to town. Wally stood there thinking about Jarrod and then he realized that Jenny didn’t know.  He knew he had to tell her.




Chapter Four


“Wally,” she asked as he walked into the kitchen after Tom left where she was working, “what was Tom doing back here?  I thought he and Victoria had a meeting in town and that Nick was going to spend the night with us. Has something happened?”


“Tom told me some very bad news,” he answered sitting her down in a chair at the kitchen table.  “It seems that Jarrod has been attacked on his way home from school.”


“Attacked!” she cried not believing what her husband was saying.  “How?  When?  How bad is he hurt? Is he going to be all right?  Please Wally I have to know.”


“Tom said that as Jarrod rode home from school,” he said trying to remain calm, “he was attacked on the road for his horse.  Jarrod put up a fight though but he was no match for a grown man. That’s about it except that Jarrod’s horse is gone and the man beat him very badly.”


“Wally,” she asked looking into his face, “is he all right?”


“No,” he answered shaking his head.  “He’s at Dr. Merrar’s and is in bad shape. He may not make it.”


“What is wrong with him?” she asked dreading the answer.  “I need to know. Please Wally.”


“He has a very bad concussion,” he answered trying to remain under control.  “His head is in pretty bad shape according to Tom.  The man beat him bad for that horse.  Evidentially Jarrod wouldn’t give it to him and he was attacked because of it. I know he shouldn’t have tried to stop the man from taking it but that animal means a lot to that boy and he didn’t want to see it in someone else’s hands.”


“Is he going to recover?” she asked hopefully.  “I mean he is going to get better. You said that he might not make it.  That can’t be true.  Oh Wally no.”


“Tom doesn’t know,” he answered shaking his head.  “The doctor’s not even sure. Only time will tell.”


“Who would want to hurt a small boy like Jarrod?” she asked getting angry.  “He’s only a boy Wally. I’m sure he wasn’t bothering anyone.  Why did it have to happen to him?  He’s so important to us.  I love him Wally.”


“I know that,” he answered nodding.  “Jarrod is going to get well.  I know he will.  He has to. I feel the same way you do.  I love him too.  We will have to pray that he will pull through.”


“I think of him as my own son sometimes,” she said smiling.  “He’s such a joy to be around and he’s so smart too.  I know that he will accomplish anything he sets his mind to do.  I’m so proud of him. And then to hear news like this. It makes no sense to me at all.”


“I agree,” he replied nodding.  “Jarrod has been just like a son to us.  I too want him to get well so that he can make a life for himself.  He deserves that. He deserves to be happy.”


“Wally,” she asked looking at him, “do you think we’ll ever have children of our own?”


“Of course,” he answered smiling at her.  “You just let me know when you’re ready to try and we’ll see what we can do.”


“I appreciate that,” she said smiling.  “Nick can stay with us as long as he needs to.  Tom and Victoria know that.  They need to be with Jarrod and when Nick is over his cold he can go se his brother. In the meantime he will be cared for here.  I will make him a good dinner.”


“I agree,” he replied nodding.  “I told Tom that too although I think he already knew it.”


“Good,” she told him.


Tom walked back into the house after giving Wally enough time to tell Jenny. 


“Tom,” she said as she came toward him when she saw him walk into the kitchen, “I’m so sorry to hear about Jarrod.  If there’s anything we can do to help just let us know.”


“I know that,” Tom replied nodding.  “Just keeping Nick here is help enough.  The doctor won’t let him see Jarrod while he’s sick. It’s killing Nick not to be with his brother especially at a time like this but we don’t want Jarrod getting sick.”


“I don’t blame him for that,” she told him.  “Tell Victoria that we’re praying that Jarrod will recover very soon. I mean that Tom.  That boy is very special to us and we don’t want to lose our godson.”


“I will,” Tom said as he headed out the door again this time to head back to his son.  “Thanks again.”


Tom mounted his horse and rode back to town.  As he passed the spot where he had found Jarrod, he stopped to take another look around.  Maybe he had overlooked something that would tell him who had attacked his son.


“Victoria,” the doctor said as he checked on Jarrod, “try not to worry.  He’s trying to get better but it’s going to take time. A long time I’m afraid. In the meantime he’s going to need a lot of rest and quiet.”


“He’ll get it,” she replied looking up.  “He looks so small lying in that bed all bandaged up.  I still can’t understand why anyone would harm a defenseless boy. Jarrod never hurt anyone or anything in his life and for this to happen is inconceivable.”


“Well,” the doctor told her, “I wouldn’t call him defenseless.  He put up a struggle and he tried to protect himself.  He has bruises where he tried to keep the person from hitting him.  But he wasn’t strong enough to keep it up for long.  He’s young and strong true but against a grown man he just didn’t stand a chance.  Those are two very good traits to have at a time like this when he’s so injured.”


“I know you’re trying to make me feel better,” she said nodding.  “But I just can’t stop worrying about him.  He’s my son and I know how badly he’s been hurt.  I won’t leave him either.  He needs me and I’m going to be here for him. I don’t care how long it takes for him to recover I will not leave him alone.”


“Just don’t you get too tired,” the doctor replied looking at her.  “I don’t want to have to put you to bed for exhaustion. That wouldn’t help Jarrod at all.”


“I’ll remember,” she told him as he left the room.


Tom rode on toward town after he looked around and when he arrived he went to see Harry. He knew in his heart that it probably wouldn’t help but it was all the hope he had of ever finding Cinnamon for Jarrod along with bringing the person responsible to justice.


“Tom,” Harry said as he stood up from behind his desk in the sheriff’s office, “it’s been too long since I’ve seen you. How’s Victoria and the boys.  I’ve missed seeing Jarrod coming by after school.  But I guess he’s been busy with other things.”


“I wish this was a social visit, but I’m here on business,” he replied sitting down heavily in a chair.  “Jarrod’s been hurt bad. And I need your help.”


“What!” Harry cried.  “When?  How? I’ll do anything I can.  You just name it.”


“Well,” he said as he began to explain what had happened to Jarrod, “I was riding back from town toward the ranch....”


When Tom was finished Harry just shook his head.


“I can’t believe this,” Harry said shaking his head.  “It doesn’t make any sense.  A man would have to be very desperate to do what was done to Jarrod. He was probably a fugitive and was looking for a way to flee the area before he was caught.”


“I agree,” he replied nodding. “I know that Jarrod’s horse is long gone as well as the man who took it and beat up Jarrod.  I don’t even know what the man looks like.  I don’t even know why I’m here.  You can’t do anything to help. I’m just....”


“Not officially,” Harry told him.  “But as your friend you could use someone to talk to.  I know how much this has hurt you Tom.  It’s your son for Christ’s sake.  You need to yell or vent your anger on someone. And I don’t mind if you do it to me.”


“I appreciate that Harry,” he said nodding.  “I can understand someone being desperate enough to need to steal a horse.  I can even understand wanting to take one from a boy.  What I can’t understand is beating the boy half to death.  I know that Jarrod put up a struggle but he didn’t have to nearly kill him. Jarrod wasn’t a threat to his man.”


“Maybe he was afraid that Jarrod would turn him into the law and make matters worse for him,” Harry replied trying to help Tom.  “I’m sure if Jarrod could have he would have told you about the man, what he looked like, how tall he was, etc.  The man probably knew this and decided that he didn’t want Jarrod saying anything to the law at all.  So he beat him nearly dead.  A dead man can’t talk.”


“Then he must be wanted by the law,” he told Harry.  “That would make sense as to why he beat Jarrod so badly.  I just hope that he will be all right.  That blow to his head had to be devastating. I can only imagine what he was thinking as he watched each blow coming toward him.  He probably knew that he wouldn’t survive.  But he has although I don’t know for how long.”


“I’m sure it was,” Harry said nodding.  “I wish I could catch this man for you but without a description I can’t.  I could send a wire to neighboring counties about the horse and the brand but he’ll probably get rid of it once he realizes whose brand is on the horse. Your brand is well known throughout the state of California and he would realize that when he has a chance to think about his options.”


“I hadn’t thought of that,” he replied nodding.  “Would you mind sending that wire anyway?  It couldn’t hurt and maybe someone has seen that horse.  At least I could tell Jarrod that I tried to find him. Maybe he wouldn’t be quite as upset and angry if he knew I had at least tried to find Cinnamon.”


“Sure I can,” Harry told him smiling.  “I’ll get on it right away.  But don’t hold out much hope.  I doubt if anything will come of it. Like you said at least Jarrod will know that you did try to locate his horse and he will thank you for trying.”


“Thanks Harry,” he said as he stood up.  “At least I’ve tried and that might help Jarrod accept the fact that Cinnamon is gone. All I can do is hope that he will.”


Tom left the office and headed for his son.  He had to know how Jarrod was.




Chapter Five


Tom walked into the doctor’s office to see his son. 


“Doc,” he asked as he closed the door seeing the doctor in the outer office, “how is Jarrod?  Is he still alive? Has there been any change since I left?”


“There’s been no change in the boy since you left except that he seems to be breathing a little easier,” the doctor answered.  “I just examined him a short time ago and he’s beginning to heal in his ribs and face.  But he’s still unconscious.”


“At least he’s still alive,” he said as he walked toward the room his son was in.  “That’s a blessing at least. I just hope that he will one day open his eyes.”


“Tom,” the doctor replied looking at him blocking his way to the room Jarrod was in, “you have to give Jarrod time.  He’s been through a very traumatic experience and I don’t want you to think that he’s just going to open his eyes and everything will be the same as it was before the attack.  It won’t.  Jarrod has sustained a very serious concussion and blows to his head.  He may wake up and be normal.  He may never wake up or he may wake up and have problems of some sort.  I won’t know until he does open his eyes.  In the mean time you need to remember that he is beginning to heal and whatever happens now he’s in the hands of God.  I’ve done all I came for him now.  I’ll keep the pain down to allow him to rest but that’s all I can do. The rest is up to him and God.”


“I know doc,” he told him.  “You just spelled it out to me.  I’m sorry that I have been gone so long.  I decided to tell Wally along with Harry. I thought they needed to know. Wally and Jenny are so close to him.  And Harry well I just thought he might be able to help but he couldn’t.  There’s nothing anyone can do.”


“I’m not blaming you for being gone,” the doctor said looking at Tom.  “You couldn’t have done anything if you had been here.  Jarrod is still unconscious and the longer he stays that way the less likely it is that he will wake up.  I hate to put it so bluntly but I don’t want to sugar coat it for you. Jarrod is a very sick and hurt boy.  It will be a miracle if he doesn’t have some kind of problem from this attack.”


“I appreciate it,” he replied starting to walk toward the room his son was in again after the doctor moved aside.  “I know you’ve done everything you can for him.  I thank you for that.  I only wish none of this had happened in the first place.”


As he walked into the room, Victoria looked up at him.


“Did you tell Nick?” she asked as he walked over to the bed.  “How did he take the news? What about Wally and Jenny?  Do they know?”


“He already knew,” he answered as he approached the bed.  “He sensed the pain and suffering that Jarrod endured.  He felt so helpless that he couldn’t do something for him. It made my heart ache to hear him tell me about the blows that Jarrod had to take and the agony he had to endure. He also said that Jarrod prayed that someone would find him.”


“There was nothing he could have done,” she said looking at the bed.  “I shudder to think what could have happened had Nick been with him. I can only imagine how hard it was for Nick to feel what Jarrod went through.  But his father found him and he was brought here to recover.  You were there for him Tom.  Remember that.”


“I know,” he replied sitting down beside his son.  “We could have had two very badly hurt boys.  I did talk to Harry and he said there wasn’t much he could do. I suspected as much but I wanted to tell Jarrod that I did try.  I only wish that I could have gotten to him before he was nearly killed.”


“I figured as much,” she told him.  “At least you tried.  That’s all anyone can ask for. Don’t be so hard on yourself.  You’ve done all you can for your son.”


“I feel so helpless,” he said pacing the room.  “I should be able to do something to fix all of this but I can’t.  All I can do is sit and wait to see if Jarrod is going to wake up.  It’s so hard.  I have to be doing something to help. The doctor told me that Jarrod might have problems if he woke up.  I don’t care what’s wrong with him as long as he doesn’t die.  I can’t lose him Victoria.  I can’t!”


“Tom,” she replied reaching for his hand and guiding him to a chair, “you have done something.  You found your son and brought him to help.  Jarrod will get better and he will have his father to thank for his rescue.  If you hadn’t found him, he would have probably died on that road.  Don’t berate yourself over this.  It’s not your fault. We just wait for him to get better and we take it from there.”


“I know what you’re saying,” he told her.  “But I just wish there was something I could do to help him.  It’s so hard to see him lying on that bed all bandaged up.  I want to make it all go away for him but I can’t.”


“I know,” she said nodding.  “We have to be strong for Jarrod and Nick.  They are part of us and they need us to help them while they are growing up.  You have been a wonderful father to them both. And you will continue to be.  They will never forget what you have done to help them.”


“Oh sure I have,” he replied shaking his head.  “I treated Jarrod like dirt for almost two years.  How am I ever going to make that up to him?  He didn’t deserve that.  He’s a human being with feelings and I humiliated him, hurt him and took away his drive to succeed. I’m the world’s best father who nearly destroyed his own son.”


“Yes for a time,” she told him.  “But you asked for forgiveness and received it from him.  He loves you Tom as does Nick.  They both look up to you for help and guidance as they grow and learn.  Just because you lost your temper doesn’t make you a bad father.  You learned from that. And you both have gone forward.  You have mended your relationship and become closer as a result.”


“I see what you mean,” he said smiling.  “I just hope that I can explain it all to Jarrod one day.  I want him to know that none of it was his fault just as I want him to know that none of what happened to him over the horse is his fault.  I made a promise to myself.  I’m going to get him a special horse that I hope he will love and cherish as much as he did Cinnamon.”


“That’s so sweet of you,” she replied smiling.  “He will understand about Cinnamon and come to love this horse just as much.  It will take time but he will come around. I know he will.”


“I sure hope so,” he told her.


They sat with Jarrod for the rest of the day.


“Uncle Wally,” Nick said as he looked up at Wally Miles the next afternoon, “I need to see Jarrod now.  It’s very important. I can’t wait until father comes.”


“Your father said he would come get you today,” he replied as he worked.  “You have to be patient. Jarrod doesn’t need a lot of company to bother him while he gets better.”


“You don’t understand,” Nick told him.  “I have to apologize to him for getting sick and letting him ride home alone.  If I had been with him none of this would have happened.  It’s all my fault.”


“Now wait just a minute,” he said stopping his work to sit down.  “You not being there had nothing to do with what happened to your brother.  This man was desperate and he went after someone he could easily subdue.  It just happened to be your brother.  Whether or not you were with him wouldn’t have made any difference.  If he wanted the animal bad enough you both might have been badly hurt or killed.”


“I see what you mean,” Nick replied sitting down beside of Wally.  “I just want to see Jarrod to know whether he is all right or not.  I know that he’s not dead but I don’t know whether he’s woke up or not.  It’s so hard being away from him when he needs me. I can feel his pain even though he’s away from me.  I know he needs me and I want to be there with him now.”


“I know this much,” he told Nick.  “You will see your brother very soon and he will get better.  He has a lot to accomplish in his lifetime and I’m sure that he knows that too. You and Jarrod are special boys.  You have a father and mother who love and care about you both.  They hurt and feel helpless when they can’t help you.  Your father is blaming himself too for Jarrod being hurt.  He said that he should have gotten there sooner.”


“Maybe so,” Nick said nodding.  “But he’s only a boy now and he needs to have me there to help him. It’s not father’s fault.  He found Jarrod and took him to help.  He won’t leave him either until he knows that Jarrod will be all right.  He’s special to me as well as to Jarrod.  And I’ll tell him that too.”


“Like I said Nick,” he replied going back to work, “your father will be here very soon. You tell him that.  I think it will help him accept what’s happened better.”




Chapter Six


Tom rode up to the Miles’ ranch about two hours later.  He knew that Nick would be chomping at the bit to see Jarrod.


“Tom,” she said as she opened the door, “do come in.  How’s Jarrod? Any change in his condition?”


“He’s still unconscious but the doctor feels that he is beginning to heal,” he replied as he walked into the house.  “I came to pick up Nick.  I think he’s well enough to see Jarrod. And if I know him, he’s wanting to see his brother. I really appreciate you letting him stay here.”


“He’s out back with Wally,” she told him.  “They’ve been out there all morning. He’s not mentioned to me about seeing Jarrod.  I’m sure he and Wally have been talking.  He’s really close to Jarrod. It’s been a pleasure having Nick stay with us.  I just wish it could have been under happier circumstances.”


“Yes he is,” he said nodding.  “Nick knew before I told him that Jarrod had been badly hurt.  He knows inside how his brother feels and what he’s thinking.  I can’t explain it.”


“I think you would call it love,” she replied smiling.  “Nick and Jarrod are both very sensitive boys and that sensitivity rubs off between them.  Like you said when Jarrod was hurt, Nick felt it because of the sensitivity.  Jarrod’s probably the same way.”


“He is,” he told her.  “I just wish he would open his eyes to let us know he’s going to be all right.  This waiting is so hard. But I guess he just needs time to heal.”


“I can sympathize with you,” she said looking at him.  “Not having children of my own I don’t know what it feels like to watch your child lying on a bed not knowing whether or not he will survive.  But one thing I do know, you can’t give up hope.  If you do, more than likely Jarrod will sense that and never open his eyes.”


“I hadn’t considered that,” he replied thinking about what she had just said.  “Jenny, you and Wally will have children of your own soon.  I know you will.”


“I’m beginning to wonder about that,” she told him.  “We’ve been trying for so long to have a child.  When you and Victoria asked us to be Jarrod’s godparents we realized just how alone we were.  Don’t get me wrong.  He’s a wonderful boy and we really care about him as well as Nick.  But Jarrod is not ours and that makes it hard when he has to go home to you.”


“You and Wally will make wonderful parents,” he said smiling.  “I know you will. It will just take some time that’s all.”


“I thank you for those kind words,” she replied nodding.


Tom walked out the back door and when Nick saw him he came running.


“Father,” Nick said as he stopped in front of Tom, “I thought you never would get here.  I need to see Jarrod.  I need to talk to him.  Please.”


“Hold on son,” he replied squatting down in front of Nick.  “Jarrod isn’t awake so he won’t be able to hear you. You’ll have to wait to tell me what you want him to know.”


“It’s all my fault,” Nick told him.  “If I hadn’t gotten sick none of this would have happened. Jarrod didn’t deserve to get hurt.”


“I don’t understand son,” he said looking at Nick’s face.  “What do you mean?”


“If I had gone with Jarrod that day,” Nick replied looking back at Wally, “he wouldn’t have been beaten up and hurt. I should have been there.  Jarrod didn’t need to be alone.”


“Nick,” he told his son, “I don’t think it would have made a difference at all.  In fact, you both might have ended up hurt.  This man was desperate and wanted a horse at all costs.  He didn’t care who got hurt in the process. He could have killed you both.”


“Why did it have to be Jarrod?” Nick cried.  “I didn’t want him hurt.  He’s special to me. I don’t understand.  Jarrod, I need you!  Please don’t die!”


Tom took his son into his arms holding him as he cried.


“Son,” he said looking at Nick, “your brother will get better and it will be just like it was before all of this happened.  I promise you that. He will get better.  He has to.”


Tom just hoped that he would be able to keep that promise.


“Do you really think so?” Nick asked as he rubbed his face on his shirtsleeve.  “I want Jarrod to get well so I can tell him how sorry I am that I wasn’t there with him that day. I want him to know that he isn’t alone in his fight.  I’m here to help him.”


“You will,” he answered smiling.  “And he will thank you for your kind words. Are you ready to go see Jarrod?”


“Yes sir,” Nick said smiling.  “Even if he doesn’t know I’m there, I will talk to him and I want to be there with him.”


“All right then,” he replied setting Nick down.  “You run get your bag and we’ll be on our way.”


Nick flew toward the house.  Tom turned his attention to Wally.


“Has he been any trouble?” he asked as he stopped in front of his friend. “I know he can be a little loud sometimes.”


“None,” Wally answered smiling.  “In fact, he’s helped me all morning.  How is Jarrod? Any change?”


“No change,” he said becoming serious.  “I don’t know if he will wake up.  It’s already been two days.  I feel so sorry for that boy.  If he only knew that we want him to get better. He doesn’t realize that we’re with him.  He probably thinks he’s all alone but he’s not.”


“I think he knows you’re there,” Wally replied looking at Tom.  “You have to have faith in the Lord that he will help Jarrod to heal.  Nick does.  I can see it in his face and hear it in his voice.”


“He really loves Jarrod,” he told Wally.  “I know that Jarrod loves him too.  Sometimes they get on each other’s nerves but in the end they are very close. But that’s how brothers are.”


Nick ran out the door carrying his bag.


“I’m ready father,” Nick said as he came to a stop in front of Tom.  “Thanks for letting me stay. I had fun helping you this morning Uncle Wally.”


“You’re very welcome,” Wally replied smiling.  “You can come here any time you want to and so can Jarrod.”


“I’ll keep you informed on Jarrod’s condition,” he told Wally as they turned to leave.


“I’ll keep Jarrod in my prayers,” Wally said as he watched them leave.




Chapter Seven


Victoria waited patiently for Tom and Nick to come.  She sat beside the bed reading but would glance from time to time at Jarrod.  She had noticed that his color looked a little better today.


“Victoria,” the doctor said as he walked into the room, “Jarrod is looking better this afternoon.  He’s breathing better and he seems to be in a healing sleep. I’m very happy with his progress although to you and Tom it’s probably a little slow but keep in mind that he sustained some serious injuries.”


“That’s wonderful news,” she replied looking at her son.  “I just want him to be all right. I want him to wake up too but I also know he needs time to heal.  I promise you that he will get that time.”


“I believe he will,” the doctor told her.  “It will be a long recovery period but I don’t see why he won’t be just fine in time.”


“How long will it be?” she asked wondering.  “I mean how long will he have to stay in bed?”


“After he wakes up and I see what condition he’s in,” the doctor answered looking at her, “I can make a better determination but I’d say right now that he will probably be in bed at least another full week here.  Then when you take him home, he’ll have to rest a lot to curb the headaches and dizziness that’s likely to happen to him.  All in all probably a month of resting before he can resume a normal schedule. I also want him kept out of school during that period of time so he doesn’t have a chance to become injured again.”


“I can handle that,” she said smiling.  “I don’t know about Jarrod though.  He’s going to become very tired of that bed if I know him. You know how growing boys are.  They want to go and go and go.”


“That’s a good sign,” the doctor replied nodding.  “If he becomes restless he’s getting better.  But I don’t want to take any chances with him so I’m going to make it an order to him that he has to follow my instructions to the letter or I will keep him asleep until I think he’s ready to continue with his activities. I’ve given him some more medicine so I’ll check in on him shortly.”


She nodded as the doctor left the room.  She thought about what he had just said and smiled at the thought of Jarrod raising cain because he couldn’t get out of bed.


Tom and Nick walked in a short time later.  Nick went to the side of the bed sitting down next to Jarrod.


“Jarrod,” Nick said as he looked at his brother, bandaged, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner but mother wouldn’t let me see you because I was sick.  I’m sorry that you had to face this alone.  I should have been beside of you but they wouldn’t let me go to school that day.  It should have been me not you. You didn’t deserve this.  It shouldn’t have been you.”


Tom and Victoria looked at each other.  They knew how hard it had been for Nick to say that.


“Sweetheart,” she said as she looked at him, “the doctor told me that Jarrod is going to be all right in time.  He’s already come a long way in just two days. His breathing is better and so is his color.  We just have to be patient until he can heal.”


“That’s good,” Nick replied looking up from his brother.  “But it still doesn’t help the fact that I should have been there with Jarrod.  He didn’t have to face this man alone.  I should have helped him. I can still remember the pain I felt when he was attacked.  It was awful and I can’t stop thinking about it.  This man was so mean to Jarrod.  He didn’t even give him a chance to climb down off his horse.”


“Son,” he told his youngest son, “you can’t keep blaming yourself for what happened to Jarrod.  It’s not your fault. What did you say about not climbing down off his horse?  I don’t understand son.”


“I can’t help it,” Nick said trying not to cry.  “I wish it hadn’t happened to such a wonderful boy.  Jarrod is not only my brother but also my friend and that means so much to me.  You know he never really gets mad when I bother him too much or follow him around.  I know that he loves me just as much as I love him.  But it hurts to see him like this. The day of the attack while I was lying in bed, I felt Jarrod being pulled or thrown off his horse.  He was lying on the ground I think and I remember feeling the pain as he knew what was going to happen to him.  I remember hearing the terrible scream from him as that man beat him.  I also remember feeling so helpless as he was hurt and I wasn’t there to help him.  I should have been there.”


“Nick,” a barely audible voice replied, “it not your fault.”


Nick looked around for the person that had spoken.  He realized to his joy that it had been Jarrod.  His eyes were still closed but his hand rested on Nick’s.


“Oh Jarrod,” Nick said smiling broadly as well as crying out of joy.  “I’m sure glad to hear your voice.  I was afraid I had lost you. Mother and father told me that you hadn’t woke up yet and I didn’t know if you would.”


“You know that not true,” he replied still very low.  “I get better.”


Both Tom and Victoria realized that Jarrod was in a great deal of pain for he still hadn’t opened his eyes.  Tom eased out of the room bringing the doctor in when he returned.


“Am I hearing right young man?” the doctor asked as he stopped beside the bed.  “My patient is awake and talking. That is good news.  I can’t also tell that you are in some pain am I right?”


“Yes,” he answered very low.  “I no open eyes yet.”


They could hear the chopped speech that Jarrod was using but no one said anything about that.  They were just happy that he was awake and talking.


“You will have those headaches and dizziness for a while I’m afraid,” the doctor said examining him.  “I’ll give you some pain medicine in a minute when I’m finished.”


“Doc,” Tom asked looking at his son, “how is he?”


“Well,” the doctor answered not looking up, “he’s still in a great deal of pain from the concussion as well as the gash on the side of his head.  He has some dizziness and nausea but I’ll take care of that with medicine.  As for you Jarrod, I want you to rest.  You’re not to move until I say you can.  Is that understood?”


“Yes,” he said still not opening his eyes.


The doctor administered the medication to Jarrod who fell back to sleep.


“He’ll sleep for several hours now,” the doctor said looking up.  “I don’t for see any problems at the moment but I want to keep him here for at least a few more days.  If by the end of the week he’s better, he can go home to the ranch.  But he will have to rest and take it easy for at least a couple more weeks until I’m sure he’s over the concussion.”


“That’s wonderful news doctor,” she replied smiling.  “I’ll see to it that he doesn’t overdo.”


“I know you will,” the doctor told her leaving the room.




Chapter Eight


Two weeks later Jarrod was at home.  He hadn’t ventured outside much until today.  He took a walk for the first time by himself and made a startling discovery.


“Mother!” he cried as he ran into the house.  “Cinnamon is gone!  I can’t find him anywhere! I thought he was in the barn but when I looked he wasn’t there.  Where is he?  I need to know.”


“Jarrod,” she said stopping him before he injured himself, “calm down.  You know better than to run after what you’ve been through.  Do you want to hurt your head again? Now I want you to catch your breath and calm down.  I mean it young man.”


“But he’s gone,” he replied still very upset.  “Does father have him? What’s happened to him?  Please tell me mother.  I have to know.”


“Jarrod,” she told him looking into his frightened face, “I want you to go rest until your father comes home.  Then we’ll explain about Cinnamon. I mean it honey.  Rest is what you need not being upset.”


“Why can’t you tell me now?” he begged looking up.  “I need to know. I don’t want to rest.  Please mother don’t make me.”


She could see the pain in his eyes and knew that he needed medicine and a nap.  She stood up holding him by the shoulders and leading him into his room.


“I want you to take some medicine,” she said as she prepared the spoonful for him to swallow.  “I mean it Jarrod.”


He took the medicine and allowed her to guide him to his bed where he laid down.  His tired eyes closed and he slept.  She stayed with him until she heard the door open and close a couple of hours later. Then she slipped out of his room to find her husband.


“Tom,” she said as she met him in the kitchen, “I’m glad you’re home. You have to talk to Jarrod before he hurts himself again.”


“Why?” he asked concerned.  “Is something wrong? What do you mean hurts himself again?”


“Jarrod took a walk today by himself,” she answered looking at him.  “I really didn’t want him too but he kept insisting that he would be careful and wouldn’t do anything to hurt himself. Then he came tearing into the house in a panic. I was so afraid that he had hurt himself again. He knows that Cinnamon is missing. You’re going to have to tell him the truth.”


“Oh God,” he said shaking his head.  “I’ve been dreading this day for a long time.  Where is he? How do I tell him that Cinnamon is gone for good without telling him who took Cinnamon and why?  I don’t think I can put him through that.”


“He’s asleep,” she replied nodding.  “I had him lay down because I knew he was in pain.  You can talk to him when he wakes up. Tom, don’t be so hard on yourself.  We knew that he would eventually have to find out exactly what happened.  Now we know he doesn’t remember anything of the attack.  You’ll just have to be careful what you tell him that’s all.”


“I was hoping to have him another horse when I told him about Cinnamon,” he told her.  “And I was hoping that he would remember enough to tell me who attacked him.  But I guess the doc was right.  He hasn’t remembered anything about it and he’s not likely to I guess. I need to do something before he wakes up though. It won’t take too long I promise. I’ll be back shortly.  Don’t let him leave the house until I return. It’s important Victoria.  Please.”


“That won’t be easy,” she said watching him leave.  “But I’ll try. I just wonder what you have in mind for him.”


 Victoria peeked in on Jarrod several times over the next two hours.  When he finally opened his eyes, she walked into the room.


“Where is he mother?” he asked almost pleadingly.  “What’s happened? Please tell me.  I need to know the truth.”


“You remember you spent time at Dr. Merrar’s in Stockton,” she answered trying to stall for time until Tom returned. “You were very badly hurt and had to stay very quiet.  And then today you came running into the house all upset.  That’s not good for you after what you’ve been through.”


“Yes,” he said not understanding what she meant.  “You told me that I had an accident and hurt my head. I don’t remember any of it though.  Was it a bad accident?  Did Cinnamon get hurt and father had to put him to sleep? I need to know the answers mother.”


“That’s true,” she replied hoping Tom would hurry.  “Well, that wasn’t the entire story. No your father didn’t have to put Cinnamon to sleep.  That much I can tell you.”


She heard the door open and close.  A few minutes later Tom walked into Jarrod’s room.


“What did happen to me mother?” he asked wanting to know.  “I don’t remember anything except riding toward home that day and then waking up in the doctor’s office. What kind of accident was I in?  I don’t understand why I can’t remember.”


“Son,” Tom answered before she could, “you weren’t in any accident.  You were attacked on your way home that day. We didn’t want to tell you for fear that it would make you worse.  But now we don’t have a choice.”


“Attacked?” he asked completely shocked.  “I don’t understand. Attacked how?  Please explain it to me.”


“Someone stopped you on the road between Stockton and the ranch. That person demanded your horse we believe,” Tom answered as calmly as he could.  “You tried to fight him but you were badly hurt and Cinnamon was stolen. According to Nick, you were actually pulled from your horse and then violently attacked so that person could have Cinnamon.  I’m afraid that’s all we know.  No one saw any of it.”


Jarrod just sat there and stared at them.  He couldn’t believe what he had just heard.


“How could you just let someone steal my horse?” he asked very upset.  “Cinnamon was my prized possession.  I love him and I want him back. He can’t be gone.  He just can’t be.  You have to find him father.  You have to.”


“No one was with you that day like I said earlier,” Tom answered looking at Jarrod.  “Nick was sick and didn’t go to school.  You were alone. I was riding back from Stockton when I spotted something.  I found you on the ground nearly dead.  I took you to Stockton to the doctor’s. You had broken and cracked ribs.  You also had a serious concussion and a long gash on the side of your head probably from a rifle butt.  We’re not sure what made the injuries because we weren’t there.”


“Why didn’t you tell me about Cinnamon earlier?” he asked angry.  “I should have known before now. Were you afraid to tell me?  I’m old enough to handle the news.  I would have been upset but I wouldn’t have thrown a fit like I did this afternoon.  Father, it’s been two weeks and you didn’t tell me.  Why?”


“You were too injured to tell,” she answered trying to keep him calm.  “Your father tried to find him but we didn’t know what the man looked like or where he had gone.  He didn’t go to the sheriff and try to locate him by the brand but nothing ever came of it. I’m sorry but Cinnamon is gone. You’re going to have to accept that fact.”


“No!” he cried trying to will his horse to come back.  “It can’t be true. Please tell me it isn’t true.  I can’t lose him.  Not now when I need him the most.  Oh please no.”


Tom took hold of his son and held him as he cried. He knew that all of Jarrod’s emotions were working on him.  He needed to know that he wasn’t alone after all.


“I know how upset you are,” Tom said trying to comfort Jarrod.  “But I want to show you something. I think it will help if you will come with me.”


“What?” he asked wondering what it could be. “You want me to go with you where?”


“It’s in the barn,” Tom answered picking Jarrod up.  “Will you come with me to look? It’s important son.  Please.”


Jarrod nodded and allowed his father to carry him out to the barn.  Standing in Cinnamon’s stall was a beautiful bay horse with four white boots. It also had a wide white streak down its face. He nudged Jarrod as Tom took him over to stand on the rail next to the horse.


“He’s all yours son,” Tom said praying that Jarrod would accept him.  “He needs a good home. I searched everywhere for one I thought you would like and I finally found him this afternoon.  I know he’s not Cinnamon but he’s the closest thing I could find.  And I did look for Cinnamon as did Harry.  But without a description of the man who stole him there wasn’t much chance of finding him.”


“Does he have a name?” he asked as he looked at the animal.  “He needs a name.”


“No,” Tom answered shaking his head.  “I just found him today and I thought I would let you decide on a name for him. Son, you need a horse to get to and from school.  You can’t walk that far everyday.  I want you to accept him as a gift from me for not being able to stop you from being hurt so badly that day and having Cinnamon stolen.”


Jarrod looked at the horse.  He favored Cinnamon but he wasn’t Cinnamon.


“It’s not Cinnamon,” he said looking at Tom.  “I don’t know whether I can love this horse like I did him. It will take time to get used to having a new horse.  I’ve had Cinnamon since I was three.”


“I know it’s not the same,” Tom replied smiling.  “But you need something to get back and forth to school on like I said and to see your friends.  Just give him a chance.  That’s all I ‘m asking.”


Jarrod reached his hand out to rub the horse’s head.  It nudged him and Tom handed him a handful of sugar to give to the animal.


“Cinnamon liked carrots,” he said as he fed the horse.  “But you can’t help it that you’re not Cinnamon. No one will ever take his place in my heart.  But that doesn’t mean that you won’t be someone I can love sometime.  You just do what I ask and we’ll see how it goes.”


What are you going to call him son?” Tom asked hopefully. “We can’t just call it horse all the time.”


“I’m not sure,” he answered still looking at the animal.  “I think because of his color and everything I’ll call him Rusty. At least he won’t be named Cinnamon and that way I won’t ever forget my friend.”


“That’s a nice name for him,” she said smiling.  “I’m sure he will like that name.”


Jarrod began to rub the horse’s head and the horse took to him.  Before long Jarrod and Rusty were a pair.  He never forgot about Cinnamon who never turned up nor did he ever remember the beating he took at the hands of a man who nobody knew who he was.