Troubled Waters

by Janet





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.







“Nick!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.  “I don’t want to talk about it!  Just leave me alone!”


“But Jarrod,” Nick said looking at his brother, “you need to talk it out before it drives you over the edge. You’re letting the kids get to you and that’s not good.”


“I don’t either,” Jarrod shot back.  “I’m not talking to anyone about it is that clear?”


“No!” Nick yelled at Jarrod.  “You have to tell mother and father. They can help you.  And you need help.”


“I won’t!” he cried his face becoming very red.  “And if you tell them, I’ll slug you.”


Tom was working in one of the corrals and heard his two sons arguing.  Walking over to them he noticed that Jarrod was irate with anger.


“Jarrod,” he said very calmly, “I heard you and Nick all the way over in the corral.  What is this all about?”


Jarrod didn’t look at him.  Nick started to say something but Jarrod’s expression made him stop.


“I asked you a question Jarrod,” Tom said looking at his son.  “I want an answer.”


“I have nothing to say to anyone,” he replied and walked away.


Before Tom could stop Jarrod, Nick pulled him back.


“Father,” Nick said looking up, “let him go.  He needs to cool off. He’s not really mad at me.  He’s more angry with the kids at school.”


“What is going on between you two?” he asked very concerned.  “I’ve never seen Jarrod this angry.”


“It has something to do with Heath and school,” Nick answered looking at the barn door.  “I’m not completely sure of the entire details but some of the kids at school have been calling Jarrod names about the situation with Heath.  And he’s lost Frank’s friendship. That’s hurt him more than anything.”


“What exactly are they saying?” he asked very much concerned about Jarrod and Heath. “I mean what about Heath are they saying?”


“Well,” Nick answered beginning to pace the length of the barn, “I think it has to do with Heath having a different mother and how you were un... to mother. You know that word you used when you told us about Heath’s mother.”


“That’s unfaithful to your mother,” he said understanding dawning.  “I had a feeling that something like this might happen.  But there’s more to this than that.”


“Yes sir,” Nick replied sitting down on a bale of hay.  “Jarrod is angry about Heath.  I think he’s partly jealous of all the time you spend with Heath and the fact that Jarrod is still angry with you.  He’s not accepted all of this completely and I think he’s having second thoughts about welcoming Heath into our family. Oh he loves Heath but he’s just not sure if he can be the brother everyone wants him to be toward Heath.”


“I see,” he told his son.  “What about Frank? They have been friends since Jarrod started to school.”


“Frank is siding with the other kids and teasing Jarrod,” Nick said shaking his head.  “It’s really hurt Jarrod because he thought Frank was his friend.  I told Jarrod he should tell you and mother but he told me no.  I don’t think he should keep all of this locked up inside of him for too long.”


“I agree,” he replied nodding.  “Do you know where Jarrod went?”


“I think probably to his room,” Nick told him.  “He feels safe in there and Heath can’t come near him. He still doesn’t know what to think about all of this.  This is so much for Jarrod as well as for me to understand.  Jarrod just needs some time to come to terms with it all.”


“Is he that uncomfortable with Heath?” he asked shocked.  “The way he acted in Sacramento I thought he really cared about Heath. He welcomed Heath with open arms and showed so much love toward the little boy.”


“He does and he does love Heath,” Nick answered.  “But Jarrod is tired of being left out because you are busy with Heath and with me.  He feels that he doesn’t belong here in the family any longer.  In fact, he mentioned something about running away.”


Tom thought about what his son had just told him.  He stood up and headed toward the house.


“Have you seen Jarrod?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen where his wife was fixing the evening meal.  “I need to find him. I need to straighten out this situation before the lid blows off.”


“He’s in his room,” she answered looking up at him.  “He seemed very angry and upset. I was going to talk to him when I finished here but I thought that maybe he would rather be alone.”


“Do you remember how Jarrod acted not long after Nick was born?” he asked her.  “It’s the same thing with Heath only worse because the kids at school are calling him names because of Heath’s background. They can’t accept the fact that Heath has come here to live under our roof and the fact that he’s got another mother other than you.”


“You mean he’s jealous of Heath just like he was of Nick,” she said remembering.  “I remember how angry he became when Nick was born.  At first he was so happy but after that the behavior change. We had a very hard time getting him through that.  We have to help him now before it gets any worse.”


“Yes,” he replied nodding.  “We need to help him before it’s too late and there’s one other thing.”


“What’s that?” she asked.


“Frank and Jarrod are no longer friends,” he answered.  “I believe that has hurt Jarrod very deeply. They’ve been so close since Jarrod first started school and I think he feels lost and alone without Frank.”


“I agree,” she said shaking her head.  “First we need to calm him down and then we can help him.”


“I’m going to talk to him right now,” he replied starting for the door.


“Tom,” she told him stopping him, “let me. He’ll listen to me and I believe that I can get through to him.”


“All right,” he said nodding.




Chapter One


Jarrod was lying on his bed crying because he was so mad and upset.


“Why did that bastard have to come here in the first place?” he asked hatefully.  “I wish I had never heard of Heath Thompson.”


“Jarrod,” she said very calmly, “I would like to talk to you.  May I come in?”


“The door’s open,” he replied hatefully.


Victoria walked into the room and saw Jarrod’s face.  She knew that he had been crying.


“Would you like to talk about it?” she asked sitting down on his bed.  “I will listen if you want to talk.”


“Mother,” he said sitting up, “I wish I had never heard of Heath.  I hate him.  He’s taken everything away from me.”


“What do you mean honey?” she asked making sure what he meant.


“He’s taken my brother Nick, my father and even you away from me,” he answered very angry.  “I don’t even have Frank as a friend because of him.”


“I know it’s been hard having Heath living with us,” she said very calmly.  “Your father just wanted to make sure he felt at home here on the ranch.  You have to realize that Heath is all alone.  His mother is dead and he’s living with strangers that he has no idea really who they are.  He’s so young and we just want to make him feel like he’s part of a family.”


“I guess I didn’t think about the fact that his mother was gone,” he replied looking up at her.  “I just got mad at school today because they kept calling me the bastard’s brother.  They said that father cared more for that bimbo than he did for you.  It made me realize that father really did fall for another woman.  I don’t understand why he did it but I don’t want to be constantly reminded of it either.”


“Jarrod,” she told him holding him, “your father made a mistake.  He didn’t mean to fall in love with Heath’s mother but he was hurt so badly and thought he wouldn’t live.  He wanted to be happy instead of in constant pain and agony.  He wanted to feel needed by someone.  And that someone turned out to be Heath’s mother.  Put yourself in Heath’s shoes.  How would you feel?”


“All alone I guess,” he said nodding.  “I guess I didn’t realize that father thought he wasn’t going to live and that’s why he fell for her.  I’m sorry I called Heath a bastard and his mother a bimbo.”


“Do you know what those words mean?” she asked.


“Not really,” he answered looking at the floor.  “But I do know they are not nice words to call someone. I just wanted life to go back to normal instead of everyone walking around on eggshells because of Heath.  But I guess it will take time for him to adjust to his new home and family.”


“You’re right,” she said smiling at him.  “Don’t you think you owe some people an apology?”


“You’re right mother,” he replied standing up.  “I’m still angry but I’m not as angry at Nick or father or Heath any more.”


“I know you’re not,” she told him rising from the bed.  “As for Frank just give him some time and I think he’ll come around.”


“I really hope so,” he said as they walked out the door.


Tom was working at his desk when Victoria and Jarrod walked into the room.  Jarrod slowly walked over to his father.


“Father,” he said as he stood in front of Tom, “I wanted to say I’m sorry for saying all those bad things about you.  I know that none of this is really your fault. I didn’t stop to think that you were probably hurt so bad that you thought you would die and wanted to feel loved and cared about.  I’m glad that Heath’s mother helped you come back to us.  I just wish she was here for him.  He could really use her I bet.”


“Son,” Tom replied turning to look at Jarrod, “it’s all my fault and I’m sorry for not realizing that you needed me more than Heath does.  You have had a rough time dealing with all the secrets and I haven’t been there to help you through them.  But that’s going to change.  I will be here whenever you want to talk.  I mean that. As for Heath, I’m going to tell him some stories about his mother that I do remember.  I think that will help him get through this hard time.  The love we have showed him has already helped.  He thinks the world of you and Nick.  He can’t stop talking about you both and that makes me so proud of you two.”


“It’s all right sir,” he told his father.  “I know you have to help Heath adjust to his new life.  I realized just how alone he is not having his mama here with him. It must be so hard for him to live with total strangers.  But I’m going to try to help him overcome that.  I’m going to take him fishing and riding as well as spend time with him just talking.  I want you to know that.”


“I appreciate that son,” Tom said smiling.  “As for school just give the kids time and they will adjust to our family. We know who we are and that’s all that matters son.  We’re a family.  All of us, your mother, Nick, Heath you and me.  We have each other and that will never change.”


“I know,” he replied smiling.  “Thanks for listening father.”


“Anytime son,” Tom told him.  “Anytime.”




Chapter Two


Jarrod found Nick in the barn brushing Loco.


“I’m sorry Nick for being so mean to you,” he said as he walked over to his brother.  I didn’t have any right to yell at you.”


“It’s all right Jarrod,” Nick replied smiling.  “You want to help me brush Loco and then I’ll help you brush Cinnamon.”


“All right,” he told him picking up a brush.


“Heath is too small to help but he likes to watch me,” Nick said as they worked.  “It’s funny.  I bet I did the same thing to you.”


“You did,” he replied laughing.  “You followed me where ever I went. Sometimes that made me so mad but I realized that you were learning from me and I tried to help you.  So you need to do the same with Heath.”


“So does Heath,” Nick told him.  “I guess he just wants to feel part of a family again.”


“Yeah,” he said nodding.  “We have to remember that Heath is all alone.  His mother is dead and he doesn’t know his father or us.  We have to show him that he does belong in this family. And we are a family.  All of us.”


“You’re right,” Nick replied turning to look for Heath. “We sure are.”


“What are you looking for?” he asked watching Nick.


“I’m looking for Heath,” Nick answered looking around.


“He’s in the house with mother and father,” he said pointing.  “Father is talking to him about his mother. He wanted to tell him some stories that he thought Heath would enjoy.”


“I guess he needs to feel that she didn’t leave him because she was mad at him,” Nick replied getting back to work. “She did love him and father.”


“Heath has to remember her,” he told his brother.  “He can never forget her because she was his mother.  And we are his brothers no matter what anyone says. And father is Heath’s father and no one can say that he’s not.  I’m sure when they realize that everything will get back to normal.”


“You’re right,” Nick said nodding.  “The heck with those kids at school.  Just let them have their laughs.  We know the truth and that’s all that counts.”


“You’re right,” he replied smiling.  “And I’m proud to have you and Heath as my brothers.”