
by Janet





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.







“Tom,” Murphy said as Tom walked out to the barn to saddle up for the day’s work ahead, “you’re looking fit as a fiddle.  How’s Jarrod?”


“I’m feeling good too,” he replied smiling at his foreman.  “I just wish I could say the same about Jarrod.”


“What’s wrong with him?” Murphy asked concerned about the boy.  “Is he sick or having problems from the gunshot wound? I admit I haven’t seen him since we brought him in almost two weeks ago.  It’s not like him to stay inside and never come out. I was hoping that he was nearly well so he could come out to see the new horses we have bought recently.  I’ve been meaning to stop in to see him but haven’t had the time.”


“Jarrod is fully recovered from his injury,” he answered looking away.  “But he won’t leave his room.  He’s been holed up in there since this happened.  Frankly, it’s beginning to really worry me. Boys need to be outside enjoying the fresh air but Jarrod won’t go.  It’s like he’s scared or afraid of something.  I don’t know anymore. You’ve been a good friend to my boys Murphy and I really appreciate the time you’ve spent with them.  But I just don’t have a clue how to get him out of that house.”


“It was a big deal for him being shot Tom,” Murphy said trying to help his friend as well as his boss.  “This was his first time.  Maybe it’s just going to take longer for him to get over his shock. Have you spoken to him about what happened that day at all?  Maybe if he talked about it he would feel better and want to leave his room. I remember the first time I took a bullet I felt awful.  But there was a close friend nearby who talked me through it. And it really helped me too.  Maybe that’s what Jarrod needs.  But you’ll have to be the judge of that.”


“What do you mean?” he asked confused as to what Murphy meant.  “Jarrod’s a Barkley for Christ’s sake. And to answer your question I haven’t talked to him at all about any of this.  I’m not going to burden him with this about Richard Jordan.  He doesn’t need to worry about something he can’t stop even if he tried. I’ve dealt with Jordan for years.  I’ll continue to deal with him without bringing my family into it.”


“True,” Murphy answered nodding.  “But this was the first time he had ever taken a bullet.  It’s bound to have scared him and it’s not unusual for a person to hide after something like this happening.  I think Jarrod just needs to maybe talk about his ordeal. And sooner or later you’re going to have to tell him about Jordan.  He has a right to know Tom. Jordan really crossed the line when he took Jarrod hostage and then shot him.  Are you going to stand there and deny that he has it in for you and the family?  If you do you’re not thinking straight Tom.  He needs to be stopped before someone dies.”


“He won’t do that,” he said shaking his head.  “His mother and I have already tried.  He just won’t tell us what happened that day other than to say that it was horrible. I know he needs to get it out but I can’t get him to budge.  It has to be tearing him up inside. I can see how it hurts him when he looks at me. No way am I going to burden him further by telling him about Jordan.  Do you realize how he would feel?  He would worry every time he went anywhere for fear that Jordan or one of his hired guns would try to hurt him again. As for what Jordan has done, I’m well aware that he has crossed the line.  But his men are the ones who shot us not him.  There is no way to tie him into the actual shootings other than Jarrod’s description and I’m not going to put that boy on the stand and let them make a fool out of him.  No.  Jordan will make a mistake and when he does I will handle it then and not before.”


“There’s your problem Tom,” Murphy replied looking at Tom.  “Jarrod is pulling away from the people he loves because he fears that the same thing could happen to them.  He needs to be reassured that everyone is and will be fine that’s all. Maybe you can get away with not telling him about Jordan and what he’s done in the past but you can’t keep it a secret forever.  You know how you are when secrets are revealed. I know you won’t put Jarrod on the stand because that’s not your way.  You fight first and ask questions last.  In many ways Nick’s just like you.”


“I hadn’t thought about Jarrod pulling away from us,” he told Murphy.  “I know how scared he must have been remembering the first time I was shot.  It was an accident but it was scary. But Jarrod was shot out of meanness and I don’t think it’s the same.  The man wanted to hurt him and maybe even take him away from me.  He knows how much I love my son. I suppose you’re right about me.  I do tend to become aggressive first then I may ask questions. But Jarrod is not that way.  In fact, I wish I were more like him.  He can look at anything from every angle possible and then come to a decision.  I hope somewhere down the line Nick can learn some of that from Jarrod.  It could help him when he’s grown.”


“Have you told Jarrod about it?” Murphy asked.  “I think it might help him cope with his own experience if he knew that you had gone through something similar. Tom, you can’t keep beating yourself in the head with a stick over Jordan.  The man is obsessed with getting rid of you.  You and I both know that.  Someday you’re going to have to tell the boys but maybe right now you could keep it from them. I’m afraid that somewhere down the road either Jordan or that boy of his could come after Jarrod, Nick or Heath.  What’s to stop them?  You?  I don’t think so.  You haven’t been able too so far.  He just keeps coming and coming.  And he knows how to use the law to his advantage.”


“It’s not really the same,” he answered nodding.  “Jarrod was shot while trying to escape his captors. I know in my heart that Jordan was the man Jarrod described to me.  I know that he has done or said something to scare Jarrod but I won’t make matters any worse for him. I’m not going to tell him that this is far from over.  I’m not going to tell him that someday one of us could die at the hands of the other.  How do you think that would make him feel?  No I won’t worry him anymore than he’s already worried.  He has a bright future ahead of him and I intend to see to it that he has a chance to enjoy that future.”


“That’s another thing you need to tell him,” Murphy said going a step further.  “Jarrod needs to know who shot him and the reason he was shot. I know you’ve already said no but think about this Tom.  What if Jordan or one of his hired guns comes looking for the family?  Doesn’t Jarrod have a right to know who it is and why this is happening?  And if something happens to you it will blow his world to bits. He has come to rely on you for a lot more things of late than he used to.  If you are killed by Jordan Jarrod will have a very hard time coming to grips with what has happened if he doesn’t know the history behind it.  I suggest again that you tell him before it’s too late.  I know I may be over stepping my bounds here too but I think you need to hear this before it’s too late for you both.”


“I can’t do that,” he replied avidly.  “I don’t want that boy worrying that Jordan could come after him again like I already said.  I know I’m a target but I can live with that.  I won’t put my son in jeopardy and have him worry about getting hurt all the time.  No.  I can’t tell him the reason or who.  I won’t do it to him. He will be strong if anything ever happens to me.  I know he will. He has to be.  As the oldest son he has a responsibility to his brothers to carry on for me.  You haven’t gone too far in what you’re saying. If you had I probably would have floored you already.  No.  You’re a good friend Murphy and I appreciate you pointing this out to me.”


“Tom,” Murphy told him, “you don’t have a choice anymore.  Jordan took that out of your hands when he took Jarrod hostage.  Then he had the boy shot.  Jordan knows that Jarrod is your oldest son now that Thomas is dead.  He will continue to try to get at him until he succeeds. And there’s also Nick and Heath to consider.  Doesn’t Jarrod have a right to know to help protect them from harm?  He’s lived through something horrible and he knows what can happen.  Nick and Heath don’t. Jarrod is a lot stronger than you give him credit for.  He can handle a lot for his age.  Give him the chance.  Tell him Tom before it’s too late.”


Tom just stood there thinking about what Murphy had just said.


“I suppose you’re right,” he said not wanting to believe it.  “I know Jarrod has a right to know but I don’t know if I can tell him. I’ve never told anyone other than you and Victoria about Jordan.  Even the homesteaders I’ve helped don’t know who he is and why he is doing what he’s doing to me. Sometimes I wish I had never gotten involved in any of this but it’s too late now.  I’ll have to think about it some more before I can decide but I will consider everything you have told me.”


“You have to Tom,” Murphy replied putting a hand on Tom’s shoulder.  “If you don’t tell him and he finds out another way he could resent you or turn against you. You remember how he reacted when he found out about Thomas and then Heath. He was hurt and he resented you for a long time.  He still has some problems about trust where you are concerned.  But in time he will overcome that as well.”


“You do have a point,” he told Murphy.  “I guess now is as good a time as any to get this out into the open. I don’t want to but I realize now that I have to tell him. He needs to know the whole truth no matter how hard it will be for him to hear or for me to tell him.”


“I’ll take care of the ranch operations until you talk to Jarrod,” Murphy said nodding.  “You just take care of that boy.”


Tom nodded, turned and headed back toward the house. 


“I thought you were going to be gone all day,” she said as he walked into the house.  “Are you all right? You look worried Tom.  Has something happened?”


“I’m fine,” he replied heading for Jarrod’s room.  “I think it’s time Jarrod knows the truth about why he was shot. I can’t keep it a secret any longer.  It’s gone beyond that. If I don’t tell him now he will never understand why any of this happened.  He has a right to know and I’ve kept too many things from him already.”


“Are you sure you want to tell him about Richard Jordan Tom?” she asked looking at him.  “He’s already afraid now and when you tell him it’s going to shatter his world more. He’s just a boy Tom.  Why don’t you wait until he’s older?”


“His world’s already been shattered Victoria,” he answered stopping to turn and look at her.  “I’m just going to tell him the reason his world changed. I just hope he won’t resent me for keeping all this from him. If I do wait he could find out another way and hate me for the rest of his life for not telling him.  No.  I won’t do that to him again.”


“I know Jarrod,” she said being firm with her husband.  “This is going to devastate him.  He thinks he was just shot because of what happened to the citizens of Stockton over Heath.  Now you’re going to walk into his room and tell him that the real reason he was shot was because of the war you and Jordan have been waging at each other for the last fourteen years.  How do you think that’s going to make him feel Tom?”


“I know it’s going to hurt,” he replied looking at her.  “But if I don’t tell him and somehow he finds out, he will really be angry and scared like I said earlier.  At least this way it will be coming from me. And maybe someday he will be able to forgive me.”


“I suppose,” she told him.  “Just remember Tom that Jarrod is only a ten-year-old boy like I said before.  He needs to know that none of this is his fault. He’s not responsible for what’s happened.  He’s not.”


“I’ll tell him that,” he said nodding at her.  “He’ll know everything and then he judge for himself what he will do.”




Chapter One


Tom walked into Jarrod’s room finding him lying on his bed looking at a book.  Jarrod looked up surprised to see his father this time of day.


“Is there something wrong sir?” he asked as he sat up on the side of the bed.  “You look worried. I hope I haven’t mad you mad at me over something I forgot to do sir.”


“I need to talk to you son,” Tom answered sitting down beside of Jarrod.  “It’s very important and I hope you will understand why I kept it a secret from you. I never meant to keep it from you but up until just recently it’s only had to do with me.  That changed two weeks ago.”


“I don’t understand sir,” he said looking at Tom.  “What’s wrong?”


“The first year after your mother and I came to this valley,” Tom began thinking back to the beginning, “we built this ranch from nothing.  Of course it was small then. All we had was a house, barn and a corral but it was ours.  We were proud of what we had built. The homesteaders already here were having problems with the Coastal and Western Railroad.  They were being over charged for shipping their crops, they were being antagonized by men working for the railroad trying to get them to leave the valley because the land they had bought really didn’t belong to them according to the railroad and because they were just in the way of the railroad’s progress.  These men came to me for help.  They had heard that I had gotten to know a few politicians over the years and they thought I could help them. Your mother and I moved here from St. Louis and I guess some of my business practices came before me.  I’m not really sure how they found out but they did.  At first I didn’t want to have anything to do with getting in the middle of disagreements that had nothing to do with me.  But after I heard their stories I realized that maybe I could help them.  I wasn’t sure at the time but I agreed and I came to realize that this was new land and the railroad had no right to push these men like it did.  All they wanted to do was to settle here like me and make a life.  I met with the man responsible for all of this. None of the homesteaders knew who he was or even his name but I was able to find out using some friends of mine. His name is Richard Jordan and right away we didn’t get along.”


“Listen Barkley,” Richard Jordan said looking at the man standing across the desk from him, “I’m not in no mood to listen to the likes of you.  I’ve heard about what you’ve been doing to incite those men to stand up to the railroad.  You are asking for a fight you can’t win.  It won’t take me long to hire all the men I need to squash you and when I do those men will turn tail and run.  You’ll see that those so-called friends of yours won’t stand beside of you when the going gets tough.  You’ll be all alone.”


“You’re wrong Jordan,” he replied looking at the man who sat at the desk.  “I’m not inciting anyone to fight you.  You’ve already done a good job of that yourself.  You should have known using strong arm tactics would only cause anger and violence.  You can’t expect a man to just lie down and do nothing when his family or land is in danger. These men have poured their sweet and blood into their homes.  You can’t expect them to just walk away from that just because you tell them to.  It just doesn’t work. I know these men and they will fight tooth and nail when they are pushed too far.  You’ve almost pushed them past that already.  I’m trying to make you understand that no blood has to fall.  All I’m asking is for you to listen to them.  Hear what they have to say and judge for yourself.  I think you will agree with me that this is the wrong way to handle the matter.”


“You talk big Barkley,” Jordan told him.  “You still don’t know who you’re dealing with.  I can do anything I want to do and no one can stop me. And someday I’m going to prove that to you.  You come into the valley and think you can just take over.  Well, it won’t work and you’ll see that. I’ve heard all the talk about you.  You are this and you are that.  Well big man you’re nothing to me.  You’re dirt just like the rest of them.”


“You’re wrong,” he said standing his ground.  “I’m going to stand with those men and together you and your precious railroad will fail. Don’t threaten me Jordan.  You don’t scare me in the least.  I’ve gone up against men worse than you and won.  You’re just a bully that’s all. You think all you have to do is to push hard and everyone will fall to their knees.  Well, you’re in for a surprise in this valley.  We won’t give in to terror.  We’ll fight to keep what’s ours.  That’s a promise.”


“You do that Barkley,” Jordan replied getting angry, “and I will promise you that I will make your life a living hell.  You won’t know when it’s coming or where but it will when you least expect it.  You can take that to the bank. Now get out of my office before I call the law.”


“You wouldn’t know the law if it walked up to you and bit you,” he told him turning to leave.  “I’m not afraid of your idle threats either.  This isn’t over by a long shot.  I can promise you that.


“This has been going on for fourteen years,” Tom continued.  “I thought that maybe Jordan had decided to let things be but I was mistaken.  The town of Stockton going against me over Heath was his doing.  I know that.  When I spoke to Harry the day I was shot he told me that someone was spearheading it to have me run out of the valley. At the time I didn’t put it together with Jordan until you were shot and described the man who was behind it. I know it was all his doing.  He’s trying to ruin me but it won’t work.”


“It was that man,” he said looking straight at his father.  “He wanted to hurt you by taking me and I walked right into his lap. How could I have been so stupid?  I gave him what he wanted father and you had nothing to do with it.  It wasn’t your fault.  It was all mine. I should have listened to you that day instead of trying to be someone I’m not.  I’ll never be any good to anyone.  All I ever do is to ruin everything.”


“Yes,” Tom replied trying to console Jarrod.  “Jordan has tried to ruin my life by trying to take away something that means a lot to me.  He tried to attack Thomas not long after he was born.  Knowing that Thomas was my oldest son he knew that Thomas would be the one to inherit all of this.  He didn’t want to have to deal with another Barkley so he tried to have Thomas removed.  I got wind of his plan and stopped it before he could carry it out.  But then when the town divided over Heath he had his opening.  He incited the town to believe that I had done this on purpose and that I wasn’t the man that most of them had come to know. Some still knew that was a lie but others believed all the talk. All I can say is that I’m sorry that you had to become involved in all of this. None of this is your fault son.  I don’t want you to blame yourself for any of this.  Jordan used you to get to me.  That’s all.”


“Father,” he told him, “I don’t understand it all but I do know that you are a man to be admired and respected.  You are someone the town looks up to.  I can see how you would make enemies.  But I’m the one who walked into the lion’s den so to speak that day.  I remember that man asking me if I was your son.  At first I refused to answer for I knew that he wanted to know something important but after refusing twice I was kicked so hard in the stomach I had to tell him what he wanted to know.  I’m sorry I let you down. I should have been a lot stronger than I was but I wasn’t.”


“Son,” Tom said shocked at what Jarrod had just told him, “I had no idea that you were tortured at the hands of that man.  If I could get my hands on him, I would ring his neck for what he did to you.  One of the reasons I told you is because I need your help in keeping Nick and Heath safe.  Jordan could just as easily come after them.”


“I hadn’t thought of that,” he replied nodding.  “I do remember that man say that there was two more sons that he could get to if needed.  At the time I didn’t really understand what he meant but now I do.  He means to hurt or kill us all.”


“Not if I can help it,” Tom told him growing angrier.  “Jordan has hurt this family for the last time.  I’m going to stop him once and for all. I mean that.  I should have killed him a long time ago but I didn’t.  Now I regret that decision.”


“No,” he said looking at his father.  “If you do that, you will end up in jail.  We couldn’t live with that.  The best thing to do is to keep our guard up and wait until he makes the next move.  It’s kind of like playing checkers.”


Tom thought about what his son was saying and finally nodded.


“You’re right son,” Tom said smiling.  “I promise not to go after him but if anything else happens I won’t hesitate to do something about it.”


“Agreed,” he replied also smiling.




Chapter Two


“Another thing I wanted to talk to you about is staying cooped up in this room all the time,” Tom said looking out the window at the beautiful day.  “You need to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. I know it’s hard for you to try under the circumstances but I hope you will at least for your mother’s and my sake.”


“I’m not ready yet sir,” he replied getting quiet.  “I don’t feel that well yet. I’m just not ready to venture outside where things could happen.  I’m just not.”


Jarrod lied to his father but he hadn’t been feeling all that well for about a week especially in his stomach where he had been kicked by Combs but he didn’t want his parents to know so they wouldn’t worry. Now he was confronted with having to tell his father the truth.


“What do you mean?” Tom asked getting concerned about Jarrod.  “Are you feeling bad? The doctor told us your gunshot wound was almost well. How could you be feeling bad from that?  I don’t understand son.”


“Well,” he answered looking away trying to answer him; “I didn’t want to say anything but my stomach has been hurting off and on since that man Combs kicked me.  I didn’t say anything to the doctor because he was working on the wound. I know it was wrong to keep it a secret but I just didn’t want anything else done to me at that point. I really don’t want anything to be done now but it’s begun to get worse so I guess I had better have it looked at now. All I can say is that I’m sorry that this happened.”


“Jarrod,” Tom said looking at his son’s face, “I’m going to have the doctor look you over good to make sure there’s nothing else wrong. I wish you had told me about this earlier.  Letting things like this go is not good at all. I understand how you feel about this matter but hiding this could have killed you. Do you understand son just how dangerous something like this is?  You could have internal injuries.  I don’t know but I’m not going to take any chances until the doctor can look at you.”


“Do you want me to go to town with you?” he asked wondering.  “I don’t think I can right now. I realize I made a mistake sir.  I’m sorry for not saying something sooner but I was afraid to.  I didn’t realize at the time just how hard he kicked me.  I was afraid he would come back and do something much worse if I told.  I’ve been very afraid since all of this first happened and I guess I didn’t say anything for fear that I would be hurt again.”


“No,” Tom answered patting Jarrod on the shoulder.  “You just rest until I get back from town. Son, I know how afraid you’ve been but hiding this is not smart.  I’m glad you told me so I can get you the help you need.  Now you just rest and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


“Yes sir,” he said lying back on the bed and wincing.


Tom left his room stopping only a minute to pick up his gun belt and hat. He knew Jarrod was in a lot of discomfort and he also knew that the doctor needed to check him to make sure none of his ribs were busted.


“Tom,” she asked when she saw him, “where are you going?  How did the talk go with Jarrod? Is he doing better?  I hope you didn’t scare him more telling him about Richard Jordan.”


“I’m going to town to get the doctor,” he answered looking at her.  “Jarrod’s not feeling well.  I want the doctor to make sure there’s nothing wrong with him. I thought there was more to not wanting to go outside other than just being afraid.  He’s in quite a lot of pain although he’s hiding most of it. He finally told me that he had been hurt before he was shot but he kept it a secret for fear that he would be injured again.”


“What do you mean he’s not feeling well?” she asked very concerned.  “I thought he was well. What in the world are you talking about?”


“He is from the gunshot wound in his back,” he answered looking at her.  “But he just told me that he was kicked very hard in the stomach by one of those men and it has been bothering him. I’m afraid some of his ribs could be busted and he might have worse problems so that’s why I’m getting the doctor.”


“Why didn’t he say something sooner?” she asked very worried.  “What do you think is wrong?”


“He said that the gunshot wound at the time was enough for him,” he answered trying to reassure her.  “He didn’t say anything because he had forgotten about it at first. Then he became very worried that Jordan would try to harm him again.  I know he was wrong in not telling us but I can see why he didn’t say something. As for how bad he’s hurt, I’m not sure what’s wrong.  He could have busted ribs or more like I just said.  I just don’t know. I’m not a doctor.”


“I’ll keep a close eye on him,” she said as Tom headed out the door.


Victoria started walking toward Jarrod’s bedroom door when Nick and Heath ran inside.


“Mother,” Nick asked very excited, “where’s Jarrod?  We have something we want to show him.  Maybe he’ll come outside to see it. I think it will make him happy to see this.  Please mother let us tell him.”


“I’m afraid that Jarrod won’t be coming outside for a few days,” she answered looking at the two boys.  “He’s not feeling very well.”


“What’s wrong?” Nick asked very concerned about his brother.  “I thought he was better. The only reason I thought that he wouldn’t come outside was because he was still afraid and now you tell me that he’s been hurt again.  How can this be happening to Jarrod?  It’s not fair for him to hurt so much. It’s not fair.  Why did they have to hurt him mother?  Why?”


“He’s a lot better from the gunshot wound but he was hurt in the stomach the same day and didn’t say anything about it until now,” she answered trying to reassure Nick and Heath.  “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. The doctor is going to see him so he can help him heal.”


“If it’s nothing to worry about,” Nick said looking at her face, “why are you so worried? Mother, I may only be six but I can tell when you are worried and you’re very worried about Jarrod. Is there anything I can do to help? You know how I feel about Jarrod.  I want to help him if I can.  Please mother.”


“I’m just concerned about Jarrod,” she replied smiling.  “He’s resting now. No not now Nick.  But after while you might want to keep him company. You’re a good brother to both Jarrod and Heath but right now there’s nothing that you can do.  After the doctor is finished we’ll see what he says.”


“Heath and I can do that,” Nick told her.  “Maybe we can play checkers. That is if Jarrod feels up to it.  He can see the surprise later.”


“I think that’s a very nice idea sweetheart,” she said smiling.


Nick and Heath walked with her to Jarrod’s room.


“Jarrod,” she said as they walked inside, “your father said you weren’t feeling well. I came to sit with you until the doctor arrives. Can I get you anything?”


Jarrod sat up too quickly crying out in pain when he heard his mother’s voice.  He held his stomach as he tried to calm the pain.


“Jarrod,” she said coming to sit beside of him, “just lie back and relax.  I’ll help you.”


With his mother’s help he lay back on his pillow and was able to relax again.


“You feeling better?” she asked looking at him. “You were white as a sheet just a minute ago but you’re color is coming back.  You just relax.  I’ll be here with you until the doctor comes. Just lie still and don’t move around.”


“Yes,” he answered.  “I’m sorry mother.  I know I should have said something about it two weeks ago.  But I was afraid. I didn’t realize that it would hurt me like this. I guess being so afraid of everything that happened made it hurt worse.  I know I’m not acting like a young man but I am scared to death about going outside for fear he will hurt me again.  Can you understand that?”


Nick listened to Jarrod’s words.  It hurt him deeply to see his brother in the shape he was in.  He wished there was something that he could do to make Jarrod feel better but he didn’t know what that was.  But one thing was for certain, Jarrod needed him and he would be there as long as he was needed.


“We’ll not worry about that now,” she said smiling.  “You just lie still until the doctor comes. He’ll be able to make you feel better. I’m sure of it.”


“Jarrod,” Nick replied speaking for the first time, “Heath and I were going to show you something but I guess it will have to wait. How would you like some company later after the doctor leaves?  We could maybe play checkers or something else. I don’t think you should be alone for a while.  I’ll stay with you for as long as you want me to.”


“Yeah,” he told his brothers.  “I’m sorry. I’d like that Nick.  I don’t like sitting by myself right now.  It’s nice to have two brothers like you to keep me company. Maybe we can talk some too. I have a lot to say to you.  I mean it Nick.”


“It’s all right Jarrod,” Nick replied smiling.  “You just take it easy and we’ll talk later.  I promise.”


“For sure,” he told Nick. 


“OK Jay,” Heath said smiling.  “You see later.”


The doctor followed by Tom walked into the room.  Tom pushed Nick and Heath to one side so he could work.


“You two stay out of the way until the doctor finishes,” Tom said looking at his sons.  “The doctor needs to see Jarrod so he can make him well.”


They watched as the doctor examined Jarrod thoroughly.  Then he turned to the worried family.


“Well,” the doctor said after his examination, “you have at least three cracked ribs and possibly irritated tissue from letting this go for so long. Your father told me what had happened. I’m gong to wrap those ribs so they won’t break to maybe puncture a lung and you’re confined to bed for at least a few days.  I want you to have complete rest.”


“Yes sir,” he replied wincing and crying as the doctor worked. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner but the pain in my back was worse and then I tried to deal with it myself which I know was wrong.”


“Jarrod,” the doctor told him, “I’m going to give you something to help you rest.  I want you to take it.  From what Tom told me it’s a wonder you weren’t completely busted up inside.  You’re very lucky. You need complete rest so no playing around or rough housing for a while.”


“I know that sir,” he said nodding.  “I’m sorry I didn’t mention it earlier.  I guess I just put it out of my mind after I was shot. I won’t hurt myself again.  I mean that.”


“I can understand that,” the doctor replied giving Jarrod the medicine.  “You rest for a few days and I don’t see why you can’t go to school on Monday.”


At the mention of school Jarrod winced.  He hadn’t thought about returning.  In a way he wanted to go back but in a way he dreaded it.


“Honey,” she asked seeing his expression, “what’s the matter? Are you still in a lot of pain? Just let the medicine help you.”


“I don’t know,” he answered not looking at her.  “I just felt bad then.”


Jarrod hoped that they wouldn’t question him about this further.  He didn’t want to get into a discussion over school.  He didn’t think he could handle that right now.  But Nick wouldn’t back off.


“You’re lying Jarrod,” Nick said looking at his mother.  “He’s afraid to go back to school.  He’s afraid that he’ll get hurt if he goes.  Jarrod knows that there are at least two older boys who despise him and wouldn’t hesitate to hurt him over what’s happened.”


“Nick,” he replied looking at his brother, “hush. I don’t want to talk about it now.  Just let it drop.  Please.”


“I won’t hush,” Nick told him.  “I won’t see you injured at their hands no more.  You won’t stand up against them like you should so they know they can get away with it. The first time they hit you should have been the last.  But no you just stood there and took it.  You didn’t even try to defend yourself.  Why?  I don’t understand why.”


“Is that true son?” Tom asked looking at Jarrod.  “Have you had problems with these boys before? And you won’t fight them?  I don’t understand why you won’t stand up to them. It’s not like you to be run over by others.  Tell us the story Jarrod.  We want to help.”


Jarrod didn’t look at him but Tom sensed that it was true.


“I didn’t feel that I had to prove anything to them,” he said not looking at his father. “They’re always picking on the younger children.  I’ve had my lunch taken away on numerous occasions.  It’s nothing to worry about. Things like that have always happened to me since I first started school.  I can usually take care of it on my own. And I don’t have to punch anyone to do it either.”


“Nothing to worry about!” Nick shouted causing Jarrod to wince.  “Are you crazy?  You’ve been the brunt of their attacks since the day you started going to school and all you do is just tell them that it’s wrong to fight them. It’s the same over and over again when they know they can get by with it.  If you would for once punch them in the face, it would all stop.  I know it would. What’s the matter with you?  Why won’t you stand up to them?”


“I don’t want to fight,” he said very quietly.  “There is no reason for fighting.  I know that I can talk to them and get them to listen to reason. This is my fight Nick not yours.  I don’t need you to tell me how to handle my own affairs.  So just leave me alone.”


“Listen to reason,” Nick spat.  “The only thing you’ve accomplished is to have your lip split, your arm twisted halfway up your back and thrown in the mud. That’s the most recent things that have happened.  I’m sure there’s more that I have forgotten about.  How much longer are you going to just take it before you do something to stop them?”


“Nick,” Tom said before Jarrod could respond, “Jarrod is handling this in his own way.  I don’t agree with all of it but he’s right.  Fighting is not always the answer.  Maybe these boys want fights and that’s whey they keep pushing Jarrod.  It probably makes them angry because he won’t fight them. Sometimes not giving in to someone makes them lose their focus and they can’t continue taunting you.  I think that’s what Jarrod is trying to do.  But I also don’t like the fact that you are getting hurt doing it.”


“It does sir,” he replied nodding.  “That’s why I won’t strike back. I’ve come to realize that these two boys are getting very upset each time I refuse to hit them. They are getting braver in their pushing of me.  But I can handle it. If I continue to ignore them they will finally stop.  I know they will.”


“There is time enough for all of this later on,” the doctor told them.  “Jarrod needs rest.”


The family left except for Victoria and the doctor. 


“Victoria,” the doctor said as he was getting ready to leave, “I want you to give Jarrod a spoonful of this medicine every four hours so he can rest.  I’ll come by tomorrow to see how he’s getting along.  Remember plenty of rest.”


“I will make sure of that,” she replied watching as the doctor left.  “As for you young man, you close your eyes and get some sleep.”


“Yes mother,” he told her letting his eyes ease closed.




Chapter Three


Tom along with Nick and Heath waited in the living room for the doctor.


“Father,” Nick said still showing his anger, “I don’t understand Jarrod.  He’s just letting those boys hurt him.  Why won’t he fight back?”


“Son,” Tom replied looking at Nick, “your brother is not a boy of action as you well know.  He tries to talk his way out of problems.  We have to give him the chance to try it his way even if it means he will continue to get hurt.  Eventually Jarrod will fight back.  I feel it in my heart.”


“I hope so,” Nick told him.  “I hope so.”


The doctor walked out of Jarrod’s room stopping to speak to Tom before leaving.


“Is he going to be fine doc?” he asked very concerned. “I mean there’s nothing to worry about. I mean because he waited so long to say anything about this.”


“Yes,” the doctor answered nodding.  “He just needs rest and quiet for a few days. The worry was that he had waited so long before telling anyone but he’s lucky there.  I tell you it could have been a whole lot worse.”


“Good,” he said as the doctor left. “As for you two, I want you to play for a while quietly so Jarrod can rest.  I mean that Nick.”


“Yes father,” Nick replied nodding.  “Come on Heath.  You heard father.”


The boys went back outside and Tom walked back into Jarrod’s room.  He looked at his son lying asleep on his bed.


“Tom,” she said as she looked up, “he’s asleep.  I finally got him quieted down after that outburst with Nick over those boys at school. I can see Nick’s point of view but I can also see Jarrod’s.  I hope Nick leaves him alone about it until he gets better.”


“I’m glad he’s resting,” he replied still watching his son.  “You know he doesn’t have to face those boys alone.  I can talk to his teacher or the school board to see if they could help. As for Nick, I had a long talk with him.  He knows to keep his mouth closed on this subject until Jarrod is feeling better.”


“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” she told him.  “Jarrod wants to handle this on his own.  I can’t say that I blame him either.  I think in time he can take care of it but in the immediate future I’ll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t get hurt too much. I think if you were to say something it might also make it worse for Jarrod.  No.  He needs to work this out by himself.  I’m glad you spoke to Nick. He just loves Jarrod and wants to help him.  I can understand that.”


“All right,” he said smiling.  “You know it makes me so angry to think about Jordan having his hired gun kick Jarrod in the gut.  I just want to put my hands around his throat and squeeze. But I wouldn’t do that.  I know what would happen.  I’d end up in jail.  No.  Jordan will get what’s coming to him when the time is right.  I promise you that.”


“I know how you feel,” she replied looking up.  “But if you do that you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison or hang.  No. Jordan is trying your patience Tom.  He’s trying to see how much you will take before you fight back.  You have to bid your time until you are ready to take him on.  And then you better have a lot of backup.”


“I know that,” he told her.  “I just can’t help but think about what he went through that day.  First, being taken captive, then questioned, attacked and finally shot.  I don’t know if he will ever get over being afraid and I can’t say that I blame him either. He’s just a boy.  Why Jordan hurt him that bad I’ll never understand.  I just hope that when his day comes I’m right there watching it.”


“Tom,” she said very calmly, “we knew something like this might happen.  You have become very well known as a businessman and rancher.  You have come to know quite a few politicians who have tried to get you to run for office.  You are very respected here in the valley.  This is just part of that.  You have to be prepared for that. And the boys need to know.  They need to be made aware that because of your standing in the valley sometimes things happen.  It was terrible what happened to Jarrod but it wasn’t completely a surprise was it Tom?”


“I know what you’re saying,” he replied shaking his head.  “But I sometimes wish that I was just a rancher without all this other hanging around my neck.  Sometimes it too much for me to handle.  I want to be able to run this ranch and raise the boys to be good men. No it wasn’t a surprise once I knew who was behind the attacks.  He’s just pushing me and one of these days I’m going to push back hard. And I think he knows it too.”


“Like their father,” she told him.  “You know that Nick and Heath are leaning toward that.  They are going to run this ranch equally.  But Jarrod is another story.  He’s not interested in the ranch at all.  He seems to want to move to a big city like San Francisco or Sacramento.  He seems to want to go into medicine or teach or maybe even politics.”


“Oh I hope not,” he said shaking his head.  “I don’t want him to get into the same mess that I have.  He deserves to raise his family in peace and quiet but I do hope he won’t leave the valley altogether.  I’m afraid that Nick will need help with the business side of this ranch.  He’s not much for school and I shudder to think what the assets will do when he gets a hold of them.  I may ask Jarrod if he could help Nick out in that area since he seems to excel in school. And if Jarrod goes into politics I know that Jordan or his son will then go after him.  I won’t be able to protect him then.  He’ll be all alone against that man.”


“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” she replied smiling.  “Those two would work well together and I know they would love to do their favorite past time, argue. Tom, you have to realize that Jarrod has a good head on his shoulders.  He’s not going to go up against a man like Richard Jordan alone.  He will do what he has to within the law.  You have to have faith in him. And whether or not he has you with him he’ll be grown and he’ll handle it just like a Barkley would.”


“That’s for sure,” he told her smiling. “ I do have a lot of faith in him but he’s been through so much in his lifetime.  He should be able to enjoy just being a boy instead of forced to grow up much too fast for me.  But I also know Jordan and this isn’t over.  It won’t be over until I’m dead and buried.”


“Are you sure it would be over with then?” she asked looking at Jarrod sleeping.  “Tom, the boys can’t lose you.  They need their father. You need to be there to help them.  There’s a lot they still need to learn.  You just be careful so nothing happens to you.”


“I’m not going to be going anywhere,” he answered nodding.  “I’m only saying that Jordan won’t stop until I’m dead. He and I both know that.  It’s been boiling for fourteen years and I know that someday we will come to a head but for now I’ll just keep my eyes and ears open.”


“Let’s just get Jarrod well and then we’ll worry about that,” she said smiling.  “He’s going to need us both for a few days while he heals.”


“I better get some work done around here,” he replied getting up.  “You stay with Jarrod and I’ll be back at lunch to look in on him. Don’t mention anything else about Jordan to him.  He doesn’t need to worry about that now.”


“All right,” she said as he left.


Tom walked out to the barn to saddle his horse and go check on Murphy and the men.


“Father,” Nick said as he walked up to Tom, “come see what we wanted to show Jarrod.”


Nick pulled Tom over to the far corner of the barn.  He looked under a board that was leaning against the wall.


“Do you see them?” Nick asked as he and Heath watched.  “Aren’t they cute?”


“Well I’ll be,” he answered as he peered under the board.  “Queenie had her pups.  I see five.”


“That’s how many Heath and I counted too,” Nick said smiling.  “Do you think Jarrod will be happy?”


“I sure do,” he replied patting Nick on the shoulder.  “He can see them in a few days.”


“Are you sure he’s going to be all right?” Nick asked looking up at Tom.  “He’s been hurting so much since that day. It’s like he’s a different boy now.”


“Son,” he answered squatting down in front of Nick, “Jarrod is going to be fine.  He just needs rest right now.  You stop worrying ok?”


“All right,” Nick said smiling.  “I’ll see if he wants some company after while. I won’t bother him I promise.”


“You do that,” he replied standing up, mounting his horse and heading off.




Chapter Four


Victoria sat very quietly with Jarrod for the remainder of the day.  He slept very peacefully.  Finally, about four that afternoon he opened his eyes.


“Mother,” he said as he looked over at her, “you’re still here. I thought that maybe you would have gone to do your own work.”


“I didn’t want to leave you alone right now,” she replied smiling at him.  “How do you feel?”


“I’m still in a little pain but not as bad as it was,” he told her.  “I sure wish I could get up and move around.”


“You will in a few days,” she said looking at his face.  “The doctor told you that you would. You have to have faith in him.”


“I know but I still can’t stop thinking about what happened to me and what will happen on Monday,” he replied shaking his head.  “That’s all I’ve been thinking about since that day. It’s about to drive me crazy.  I wish I could stop thinking so much about it all.”


“Jarrod,” she told him, “try to put it out of your mind.  I know that won’t be easy but you must try.  If you continue to let it worry you and make you upset you will never get well.”


“I don’t know if I can,” he said looking at her.  “Mother, can I ask you something?”


“Of course,” she replied wondering what he had on his mind.  “I’ll answer it if I can.”


“Is father going to die?” he asked looking at her with tears in his eyes.


“Of course not,” she answered shaking her head at him.  “What made you ask a question like that?”


“He was telling me about that man and what he had been through with him,” he said trying not to cry.  “I just wondered if that man was going to kill him. The way father talked about him I just know he wants him dead. I’ve had this dream that father gets killed.  I see him lying in his own blood.  I don’t want father to die.”


“No,” she replied emphatically.  “I know your father and he’s not going to allow himself the opportunity to get killed by Jordan or any of his men. Your father is a very careful man and he will have his guard up at all times. This has been going on for many years.”


“Are you sure?” he asked still very frightened.  “I don’t know what I would do if I lost him.”


“You are not going to lose your father honey,” she answered trying to reassure him.  “He’s just out working on the ranch.”


“But someone could shoot him,” he said trying to sit up.  “I have to protect him. I have to get to him.  I have to save him from dying.”


“Jarrod,” she replied trying to hold him down, “listen to me.  You have to remain in bed or you could hurt yourself.  Your father is fine and no one is going to kill him. I promise you that.  Now you have to rest so you can heal.”


“I won’t be sure until I see him,” he told her.  “I want to know that he is fine.”


“All right,” she said realizing that he meant what he had said.  “I’ll make sure you see him.  Now will you try to get some more rest?”


“Not until I see father,” he replied meaning every word.


She rose from her chair leaving his room.  She walked out to the barn and just happened to run into Tom as he was unsaddling his horse.


“What are you doing out here?” he asked worriedly.  “Is Jarrod all right?”


“Tom,” she answered looking at him, “you have to let him see that you’re all right.”


“What in the world are you talking about?” he asked completely confused.


“Jarrod has it in his mind that you are going to die at the hands of Richard Jordan,” she answered still looking at him.  “He won’t believe me that you are fine. I’ve told him over and over again that nothing’s happened to you and he still won’t believe me.  I need you to show him that you’re all right so he will rest.  He even tried to get up.”


“I see,” he said nodding. “I’ll go see him right now. We don’t need him running around with cracked ribs.”


“Good,” she replied following him into the house. “I don’t know why he’s got this in his mind that you are going to die.  He’s so adamant about it.  It’s beginning to worry me.”


“Everything will be fine,” he told her.  “Just let me show him that I’m all right.”


Jarrod lay there wondering if his father had already died from a gunshot wound from that man who had taken him prisoner.  When his parents walked into his room he visibly relaxed when he saw Tom.


“What’s this I’m hearing about you thinking I’m going to die?” Tom asked as he sat down on the bed.  “You know that I’m too mean to die. I don’t want you to worry about me son.  I’m fine.  See.”


“That’s not funny sir,” he answered looking at his father.  “I’ve just been very worried about you. The more I think about that man the more I realize that he won’t rest until you are dead.  I know he means to kill you.”


“There’s no need to son,” Tom said smiling.  “I’m fine and Jordan is not going to try again for a while. I want you to stop worrying about this. Everything is going to be fine.  I promise.”


“Are you sure?” he asked still very weary.  “He tried it two weeks ago. What’s to say that he won’t try again today or tomorrow?”


“That was just a warning,” Tom answered looking at his son.  “He just wanted me to know that he was still around.  Now I don’t want you to worry about me or worry about yourself anymore. I mean that son.  You need to concentrate on going to school on Monday.”


“I can’t,” he cried.  “I’ll die.”


“No you won’t,” Tom said very calmly.  “Jarrod, listen to me.  You are going to be fine.  This episode is over and Jordan will not bother either one of us.  I promise.”


“How can you be so sure?” he asked still scared.


“Because I know the man,” Tom answered nodding.  “It’s not his way.  He does these things to let me know he’s still around.  He never meant to kill you or me.  He just wanted to make sure I knew to keep my eyes open.”


“Really?” he asked starting to relax.


“We’ve done this since the first time I met him,” Tom answered smiling.  “One day it might come down to him or me but for now it’s just a game we’re playing.”


“That’s a relief,” he said smiling at his father.  “I’m sorry I got so upset.  I just kept seeing you lying dead in a pool of your own blood.  And there wasn’t anything I could do to stop it.”


“You don’t need to worry son,” Tom replied patting Jarrod on the leg.  “I’m going to be around for a long time.”


“I’m glad,” he told his father.


That evening after the boys had all gone to bed, Tom and Victoria were sitting in the living room.


“Tom,” she asked looking up at him, “how could you promise that nothing would happen to you?  You know as well as I do that Jordan wants you dead. He’s not going to stop until he achieves that either. I don’t understand why you lied to that boy.”


“I know that and you know that,” he answered looking up from his reading.  “But Jarrod doesn’t know that.  I don’t want him to know either.  He’s so afraid of losing me that he won’t do anything else. I wanted to reassure him that everything was all right so he would heal.  That’s all. If he finds out the entire truth he’ll never ever leave the house and I don’t want him to be that way.  He needs to go on with his life and I intend to make sure he can.  If one day Jordan does kill me Jarrod will accept it but for now I’ve decided not to worry any of them.  They have enough to worry about without thinking about what might happen to me.”


“I understand why you did it,” she said smiling.  “But someday he will have to know the truth. You can’t hide it from them forever.  They do have a right to know.”


“Yes,” he replied nodding.  “But for now let’s just do it this way.”




Chapter Five


By Monday morning Jarrod was almost completely well. He was up early and dressed.  He was happy about returning to school but also a little bit afraid. He still hadn’t stopped thinking about the possibility of losing his father either but he knew that he had to leave this house soon or he would never work up the nerve.


“Jarrod,” Nick said as he stuck his head in his brother’s door, “hurry up.  We’re going to be late.”


“Why are you in such a hurry?” he asked looking at Nick.  “You hate school. I can’t believe you’ve missed it since we’ve been out.”


“I know that,” Nick answered smiling.  “But I still have my friends that I haven’t seen in a long time. That’s why I’m in a hurry to get back so I can see them.”


“Yeah,” he said smiling slightly.  “I’m looking forward to seeing Matt and Frank myself.  I’ve really missed them in the last month.”


“Are you still afraid?” Nick asked as he walked into the room.  “I know that you’ve been worried about this day.  You have nothing to be scared of.  Just stand up to those two boys and show them whose boss.”


“Nick,” he answered looking right at Nick, “I want you to know that I’m very scared but I know that if I don’t do this now I never will. My being afraid has nothing to do with those boys.  I’m afraid because I know that father or I can still be killed at any minute and I don’t want to think about losing him.  I don’t think I could go on without father. As for those two boys, I will handle them in my own way without your help.”


“OK,” Nick said nodding.  “I didn’t mean to make you mad.  I know it’s been hard on you with all that’s gone on.  I’ve never been shot before but it must have been very scary. Do you really think father will be killed?  Why would he?  He’s done nothing wrong.”


“It was,” he replied sitting on his bed.  “I remember feeling the bullet as it hit my back and the fire that caused the terrible pain.  I remember falling to the ground knowing that I would never be able to get up because I was so weak.  But something made me get up after those two men left.  I haven’t thought about it since that day but it was like someone was pushing me to try.  I remember thinking that I would never make it home but whatever that something was made me realize that I didn’t have to try.  Father would find me. Nick, there is a chance that this man will try to kill father or even me again.  He’s a very mean man who doesn’t care who he hurts to get his own way.  I’ve known since the day I was held captive how much he hated father just by the way he acted toward him.  I’ve not told father about this so please don’t you either.  But I know somewhere, somehow he will get to one or both of us and I know that one or both of us will die as a result.”


“Jarrod,” Nick told him as he sat down beside of his brother, “I wonder what that something was.  Could it have been Thomas? You don’t need to worry about this man so much.  Father will take care of him.  You’re still a boy like me and we need to concentrate on things that we’re supposed to be doing like going to school. If father wanted us to worry he would tell us to.  No.  He can handle this on his own and we have to let him.”


Jarrod sat there thinking about what Nick had just said. 


“I don’t know,” he said shaking his head.  “I guess it is possible.  He did tell me in that dream that he would always be there for me when I needed him.  But why would he help me?  I did something very foolish.  I went after a man I didn’t even know.  I didn’t have a weapon and I don’t know what I was going to do when I found him.  I just remember seeing father standing there bleeding and I knew I had to find the man responsible for that.”


I don’t think you were foolish,” Nick replied smiling.  “I think you were brave.  You went in search of a man you didn’t even know what he looked like.  You wanted to help father and I admire you for that. I know father admires you too and so does mother.”


“Thanks Nick,” he told his brother.  “I guess I thought I had something to prove.  I haven’t been much help around here and I suppose I never will.  I don’t mean to get angry with you when you point out what I can and cannot do.  I wanted to prove to myself that I could finally do something other than just talk a good fight.”


“You’re not a boy of action,” Nick said looking at Jarrod, “like I am.  You are a boy who thinks before he acts.  I think you are special for that.  You don’t jump in headfirst like I do.  You think things out before you react.  There’s nothing wrong with that. You are a special boy and my brother.”


Jarrod just looked at him stunned at what Nick had just said.


“I don’t know what to say,” he said still surprised.  “I thought you always considered me a coward and a bookworm.  I admit that I am both but if I have to fight I will. And if it comes down to facing that man again some time I will even if I have to kill him to save my life or father’s. I don’t want to kill but someday I may have to.”


“I know that now,” Nick replied smiling.  “You are who you are and I don’t want you to change because of it.  I’ll do the fighting and you do the talking. Someday if you come face to face with that man again let me know because I will stand beside of you and help you take care of him.  That’s a promise you can take to the bank.”


“All right,” he told him.  “ You have a deal.  If I ever come face to face with him you will be right beside of me. We better get to breakfast if we want to get to school on time.”


Jarrod and Nick rode into Stockton.  As they passed the people in town, they were both a little scared of the reception they would receive.  But they were very surprised when most of the people waved or spoke to them as they passed.


“Well,” Nick said as they rode, “it looks like father did it. Not too many of them are mad at us like I thought they would be.”


“Yeah,” he replied nodding.  “I just hope school will be the same. This makes me feel a lot better inside.  I’m not as scared as I was.”


Arriving at the schoolhouse, they dismounted and walked inside.


“Jarrod,” Matt said as they walked inside, “Nick, it’s good to see you both.  How are you doing since you were shot?  Pop wouldn’t let me come see you for fear that I might get shot too. I’ve been thinking about you though and hoping that you were all right.”


“I’m fine Matt,” he replied as he smiled at his friend.  “I wanted to come see you too but father wouldn’t let me either. It was a lonely time for me being away from school and my friends so I’m glad it’s over with now.”


“You said it Jarrod,” Frank said smiling.  “I’ve counted the days till I knew you would be coming back.  It’s not been the same without you here. Matt and I have really missed you.”


“Those are nice words to hear Frank,” he replied smiling.  “I’ve missed you too.  It’s good to be back with my friends.”


“Jarrod,” Mrs. Moore told them as she walked in, “Nick, it’s good to have you back in class.  I hope you both kept up on your lessons while you were out.”


“We did Mrs. Moore,” he said looking at her.  “I’m glad to be back.”


The two boys that had been a thorn in Jarrod’s side walked in next.  They eyed him but didn’t say a word.  Jarrod hoped that they would leave him alone.


“Well, at least they didn’t do anything yet,” he said to Nick.  “Maybe everything will be all right now.  At least I hope so.”


“Yeah,” Nick replied watching the boys.  “You never know with those two.”


After a hard day at school, Nick and Jarrod headed for the ranch.  As they rode, Jarrod kept looking around.


“What’s the matter?” Nick asked as he watched his brother.  “What are you looking for?”


“I’m not sure,” he answered continuing to look around.  “I just feel that something isn’t right.  I can’t put my finger on it right now. It’s like someone’s nearby but I don’t know who or why.  Maybe I’m just hearing or seeing things.  I don’t know anymore.”


“Everything went well at school,” Nick said watching Jarrod.  “What could go wrong now? Those two boys seemed to leave you alone today.  Maybe they learned a lesson from the mess with Heath.”


“I don’t know,” he replied still wary.  “I’m just not sure yet but something doesn’t feel right. I don’t know about that.  Those two don’t never learn anything from anyone.  All they want to do is push kids around.”


“Did you really think we would leave you alone Barkley,” one of the two boys told them as they rode up to stop Jarrod and Nick.  “You were sadly mistaken. We just waited for the right time that’s all.”


“Leave me alone Phil,” he said showing his anger.  “I’m not in the mood to put up with your aggravation today. I’m not going to tell you again.  I mean it.”


“Listen to him,” Phil replied smiling.  “He’s trying to stand up to us.  Can you believe that the coward is standing up for himself?  What’s the matter with you Barkley?  You get some courage after you were shot?  Or did your daddy just go get another woman to have a kid by?  You know you are pathetic.  You try to stand up to us because your name is Barkley but to us your name is mud.  You aren’t worth a cent.”


“Why don’t you leave us alone?” Nick asked angrily.  “Go bother someone else. We don’t want to hear it anymore.”


“Don’t want to do that,” Willie answered with a smile on his face.  “Jarrod here is perfect. He just lets us have our way with him and won’t lift a finger to stop us.  That’s the way we like it.”


“I’m warning you,” he said starting to get very angry.  “Leave me alone. Don’t push me too far.  I won’t be responsible for what I do.”


“Or what?” Willie asked smugly.  “You can’t do anything. Correction.  You won’t do anything.  You know you’re a coward.  You’re too afraid to do anything.”


In an instance, Jarrod propelled himself off his horse and onto both boys knocking them from their horses.  The three of them landed hard on the ground.  When Jarrod got to his feet his right fist connected with Phil’s face sending the older boy back to the ground.  Next, Willie swung at Jarrod who ducked and landed a kick to his stomach.  Phil came off the ground catching Jarrod in the ribs with his shoulder.  Jarrod went down but he kept fighting.  Nick watched in astonishment as his brother held his own against the two older and bigger boys.  When the dust cleared, the two boys were gone.  Jarrod was breathing heavy but he was smiling.  He looked like he had been in a fight but he was smiling and that’s all that he cared about.


“You all right?” Nick asked as he climbed down to check on his brother.  “You look like you were just in a fight.  I wouldn’t have believed you were capable of doing it Jarrod but you did.  You really surprised me.”


“Yeah,” he answered smiling.  “I’m sore but I feel good. It really felt good to stuff my fist down their throats.  I didn’t know how good it could feel.”


“You were great,” Nick said smiling.  “You have blood on your mouth. You were magnificent.  You were astonishing.”


“I know,” he replied brushing himself off.  “You can stop with the compliments.  I understand what you mean. I better get home and clean up before mother sees me.”


“Yeah,” Nick told him.  “She’ll be mad that you tore your shirt but father is going to be happy that you finally stood up for yourself.”


“It did feel good,” he said mounting up.  “I’ve never felt this good before.”


Jarrod tried the best he could after they got back to the ranch to clean up.  He knew the wrath he would face from his mother when she saw him but he was happy.




Chapter Six


Jarrod walked quietly into the house.  He was going to try to sneak into his room so he could get a clean shirt but his mother caught him before he could.


“Jarrod,” she asked looking up, “Nick, are you home?”


“Yes mother,” he answered not going into the living room.  “I need to put my books away. I’ll be in there in a few minutes.”


“Come in and tell me about your day,” she said as she stood up.  “You can put your books up later. I want to hear all about it. Did you have any problems?”


Jarrod slowly walked into the room.   When Victoria saw him she gasped.


“What on earth happened to you?” she asked very worried.  “Are you all right? You look like you were in a fight.”


“I’m fine,” he answered smiling.  “You don’t need to worry. Everything is fine now.  And I feel great.”


“You should have seen Jarrod mother,” Nick said coming into the room.  “He was great against those two bullies.  He knocked them from their hoses and then kicked one of them. Then he punched one of them in the face while kicking the other one.  He was a boy of action instead of a boy of words.”


“Fighting,” she replied looking very upset at Jarrod.  “I thought you were the one son who wouldn’t get into a fight.  I thought you were the levelheaded one in the family.  I’m very surprised at you Jarrod.”


“I’m sorry mother,” he told her looking down.  “I really wasn’t looking to fight but when those two boys stopped us on the way home and started to insult me I knew that they had said too much.  Before I knew it I was on top of them and it really felt good.  I’ve never felt that happy after doing something like this.”


“Wait until your father gets home young man,” she said still angry.  “He will have a few choice words for you.”


“I don’t care about being punished,” he replied smiling.  “It was worth it to see those two running away like scalded dogs.  Finally, they met someone they couldn’t push around anymore.  I guess it was being shot that changed my attitude about standing up for myself.  I just felt that I had to let those two know they couldn’t push me around any longer.”


Tom walked into the house and heard the last of what Jarrod had said.


“So you fought those two boys huh son?” Tom asked as he walked into the living room.  “I’m proud that you stood up for yourself.  But I also know how your mother feels about this.  I’m afraid I’m going to have to punish you.”


“I know that sir,” he answered looking at his father.  “I knew that when I did it but it still felt good to show them I wasn’t going to take it anymore.  I know I’ve disappointed you mother but I can’t just let others run over me all my life.  I have to stand up for myself if I expect to be respected.  I don’t know if you can understand what I mean with you being a woman but I had to do this.”


“Jarrod,” she said looking at him, “I can see what you’re telling me.  I can see how you would think this is a triumph.  But really it’s not.  You have hurt two other boys.  Is that what you want to be thought of for the rest of your life?  I don’t think it is.  You need to remember to think before you react because there are consequences for your actions.”


“I did think about it mother,” he replied trying to make her understand.  “I sat on my horse thinking about how the best way was to tell them to stop harassing me.  I did try to talk to them before I jumped.”


“He’s right mother,” Nick told her.  “He did try to talk to those two but they just threw his words back in his face.  I saw him getting angrier and angrier.  I knew it was only a matter of time before Jarrod struck and he did.”


“Son,” Tom said turning to look at Jarrod, “I can see your mother’s point of view.  We didn’t raise you to be bullies or to push people around.  We’ve raised you to be respectful of others and consider their feelings first.  I’m afraid that for the next two weeks you will be confined to the ranch where you will do extra chores.  You will not be able to see Matt and Frank except at school.  Furthermore, you will help me for two hours each afternoon with work in moving some stumps in the south meadow.  Is that understood?”


“Yes sir,” he replied nodding.  “I will do as you ask.  I only hope that someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me for this.  But there is one other thing.”


“Yes,” Tom told him wondering what he had to say.  “I’m listening.”


“When I was sitting on my horse,” he said remembering back to right before the fight, “I was being hit with those awful words from the boys.  I remember a voice inside of me saying you can’t take it anymore.  Over and over it kept saying that to me.  I don’t think it was me saying it.  I know it doesn’t make sense but I know what I heard.”


“Father,” Nick replied speaking for the second time, “mother, Jarrod said something this morning that made me wonder if he didn’t have help with this fight too.”


“What do you mean sweetheart?” she asked looking at him.


“Well,” Nick answered looking at her, “Jarrod and I were talking in his room this morning and he said that when he was shot something kept telling him to get up.  He didn’t have the strength to but something kept helping him.  I’m wondering if that same something didn’t help him this afternoon.  I believe that something is Thomas. It’s like he was there helping Jarrod.  I know it sounds crazy but I think Jarrod’s right.”


“How can that be?” she asked completely confused.  “Thomas is dead.”


“Yes,” he answered looking at them both.  “But not long after I learned about Thomas I had a dream where I met him.  I believe it was real for standing in front of me was Thomas along with grandfather.  He told me that I was never alone, that I had a guardian angel if you will.  I believe that something the day I was shot and kicked was Thomas trying to help me to find you.  I knew that you would find me father.  No one told me except that something.  And today I felt the same thing before I knocked those boys off their horses.  I know it sounds crazy but I swear it’s the truth.”


“I believe you son,” Tom said nodding.  “After I told you and Nick about Thomas I had a feeling that he was glad that I had.  I think that he never wanted us to keep him a secret from the two of you. I know that if he were here today he would love you both very much.”


“We know that father,” he replied smiling.  “I’ll do what you ask as punishment for the fight and I’ll remember what you said about thinking first mother.”


They both nodded.




Chapter Seven


That evening after dinner, Heath came to Jarrod’s room.


“Jay,” Heath said knocking on the door, “need to see you.”


“The door’s open,” he replied not getting up from his homework.  “Come on in.”


Heath walked inside the room looking at Jarrod with a smile.


“Me ask papa if me show you surprise,” Heath said as he walked over to stand beside of Jarrod.  “He say fine.  Please Jay come.”


“Well,” he replied not attempting to get up, “I don’t know.”


“Please Jay,” Heath told him pulling on his sleeve.  “Show you.”


“All right,” he said standing up and following Heath.  “Where are we going?”


Heath didn’t answer him as he pulled Jarrod toward the barn.


“What’s so important in here?” he asked as they came to a stop inside the barn.  “I don’t see anything.”


“Over here,” Heath answered pointing toward the back corner of the barn.  “See.”


Jarrod walked over to where the board leaned against the back wall.  Getting down on his knees he peered into the hay.  What he saw made him smile.


“She had her pups,” he said smiling as he looked at Heath.  “I wondered if Nick was going to leave her alone to have them. He was more worried about her than she was.”


“He show me,” Heath replied smiling. “Want show you but you sick.  Wait till better.”


“I’m glad you did,” he told his brother.  “How many does she have?”


“She have five,” Heath said becoming sad.  “But one die.  Sick.”


“I’m sorry Heath,” he replied patting his brother on the shoulder.  “I know it made you said since you’ve lost your mother. But sometimes things like that happen.  We have to be prepared to lose things we love.  It’s the way God made it.”


“Yes,” Heath told him.  “But papa say part of grow up.  Need to face dying.”


“I guess that’s true,” he said nodding.  “Father is a smart man.  I’ve come to value his advice. He knows so much and he’s willing to help us all learn.  I hope you give him that chance to help you.”


“Me too,” Heath replied looking at Jarrod.  “Papa good.  Nick good.  Mother good.  Jay real good.”


“Thank you Heath,” he told his brother smiling.  “You’re not so bad yourself.  I hope that you are enjoying living here on the ranch. I’ve worried that you wouldn’t feel at home here without your mama but I think you’re fitting in very nicely.”


“Me am,” Heath said smiling.  “Papa show me.  Nick show me.  Hope you show me.”


“I’ll do anything I can to help you here,” He replied smiling.  “You can count on that.”


The two boys walked back to the house.