Just a Glimpse

by Lily B.



Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.



The counselor leaned back in his chair and folded his hands together.  A heavy caseload loomed before him on his expansive desk and yet, it would all have to wait for a while.  Bringing his chair back up, he leaned over his desk and set about accomplishing whatever he could before he left the following morning.


Over the last few years, Jarrod’s law practice had grown tremendously, both at home in Stockton and in San Francisco.  There were more cases now that took him to the Supreme Court in Sacramento and occasionally to the three other states he was licensed to practice law, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico.    He was worn and haggard, stretched too thin to handle all that had been brought before him.  But for all the cases he had won, he was beginning to feel that he wasn’t making a real difference in the world.  It was something that a wide-eyed and innocent young man had set out to do when he first entered the university and a belief that he still clung to years later, to make a real difference. 


Tomorrow morning, he would be leaving at first light for Freemont’s Butte, Colorado to help an old and dear friend of his Mother’s.  He had been taken in a bogus land deal and now sought to regain the fortune he had lost, with Jarrod’s assistance.  Jarrod didn’t mind so much the trip itself, it was leaving behind his wife and son for two to three weeks that bothered him immensely.  Thomas, his only child was only four years old and still too young to make such a journey.  The train ride wouldn’t be bad in and of itself, but once in Denver it would be another day and a half on the stagecoach.  It was also the middle of January and it would be bitter cold out there, with temperatures rarely rising above freezing.  No, he’d make this trip alone without Thomas and Maggie.


His thoughts went to his family and how little he felt he saw of them, these days.  By the time he would get home in the evening, Thomas would already be in his bed, sound asleep.  He would come through the front door and often find that Maggie had tried to stay awake for him, but wasn’t able to, he’d find her on the loveseat curled up with her favorite book and sound asleep.  Jarrod would kiss her forehead, gently take off her glasses and carry her in his arms to their bedroom.  He’d cover her up and then head to the kitchen to find a plate she had saved for him and he would sit at the kitchen table, eating his dinner, alone.


Jarrod, deep in his thoughts had paid no mind to the passage of time, until it became necessary to light the lamp on his desk.  He pulled out his new pocket watch and checked the time.  “Dammit,” He muttered, he had missed dinner with his family again.  A light tapping at the door brought him out of his thoughts.  “Come in.”  He called out, without looking up from the stacks of law books in front of him.  He heard the door open and said, “Yes, what can I do for you?”  He looked up when he heard the very familiar sound of a lady clearing her throat.


“Maggie, what are you doing here?”  He grinned widely and tossed his pen down on the desk.


“Well counselor, it seems that my wayward husband has left me alone again for the evening and I have all this food to be eaten and no one to share it with.”  Maggie pouted and rocked a picnic basket back and forth in her hands.


“Now my dear lady!”  Jarrod rose and crossed the room to where she stood, “I am sure that your husband is not wayward and has a very good reason for being late for dinner this evening.”




“Oh well, yes again, guilty as charged I’m afraid.”  His hand went around her waist and he kissed her cheek.  “Mmm, I think I smell something delicious in that basket!  Pork chops?”


She left her husband’s side and sat down on his leather sofa and began emptying the contents of the picnic basket onto the small table.  “Yes pork chops, corn bread, the finest wine in all of California..”


“Barkley vineyards, of course?”


“Of course my love and..”  She reached into the basket and pulled out a round package wrapped in a checkered cloth. 


Jarrod leaned in and took a sniff, “Pecan?”  His wife nodded and he sat down next to her, “You do know the way to a man’s heart, don’t you Ladylove!”


“I certainly hope I do, but your heart is the only one that I’m interested in getting to.”


He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he dug into his plate.  “By the way where is our rambunctious little boy?”


“Thomas is over at Heath and Sarah’s for the evening.  He’s quite taken with his new little cousin.  I have a feeling those two are going to be inseparable for life.”  Maggie uncorked the wine and poured it into the two glasses that Jarrod held.  “Nick tells me that this is the vineyards best wine yet.  Top of the line he said.”


“You’ve been out to the house today?”


“Earlier in the morning.  I had the quilting bee with your Mother today, remember?  And Thomas went riding with his Uncle Nick, you should have seen him Jarrod.  He sat up there so proudly in the saddle with Nick!”


“They didn’t go too far did they, he’s a bit young for riding.”


Maggie rolled her eyes at him; “Come on Jarrod, no he took Thomas across the entire valley.  Of course not, Nick’s not going to do anything foolish with Thomas, he loves that boy dearly.”  Maggie had to laugh, “Those two seem so much alike, and I swear I’m seeing a younger version of Nick.”


“Actually I was just thinking how much Thomas is like you, headstrong and a little wildcat!  He’s getting to be quite the handful.”


“Oh he’s just spirited Jarrod, Thomas is going to be just fine.  You worry too much.  Now, you finish your dinner and when we get home I’ll help you pack.”


Jarrod’s eyes shot up, and then looked at her.  “How did you know I was going somewhere?”


“Victoria told me this morning.  We’d better pack lots of heavy clothes for you or you’re going to freeze up there!”


“You’re not angry?”


“Disappointed, perhaps, but not angry Jarrod.  He’s an old friend of the family, of course you have to go.”


His hand reached out to her and softly caressed her cheek, “Aw thank you honey.  I just hate the thought of leaving you and Thomas for three weeks!”  He put his plate back on the table and moved his other hand to her cheek.  “Did I hear you say that Thomas is over at Heath and Sarah’s all evening?”


“Yes, as a matter of fact, they offered to keep him for the night.”


His sapphire eyes gazed into her emerald green ones, “So we’re alone?  All night?”


“All night, my love.”  Maggie’s eyes closed at his delicious kiss, feeling her melt into his arms.  He eased her down on the sofa and moved over her, “Jarrod, maybe you should go lock the door.”  She whispered.


“Later, its after eight o’clock, no one’s going to disturb us.  Besides, you don’t think I’m going to miss an opportunity like this do you and we did decide we wanted to start trying for another baby.”  Jarrod smiled down at her and before she had a chance to voice an objection, he covered her mouth with his own.  Her husband’s soft hands made their way down her blouse and deftly undid all the buttons.


The office door flew open in a flurry and banged into the bookcase.  “Hey Jarrod, dontcha think..”  Nick’s words caught in his throat at the sight before him.  His brother and Maggie, in a very compromising position.


Maggie moved to pull her blouse back over herself and they both stared wide-eyed at Nick, having no idea what to say to him.


“I..umm. well I..umm..I’ll talk to you later Jarrod.  Um..sorry.. really sorry..don’t you think you two could wait till ya got home or at least lock your door?”  A very flustered Nick backed out of the office, slowly and closed the door behind him.


They watched him leave without a word and when the door closed, looked back at each other. 


“I think I’ll go lock the door.”  Jarrod whispered.


“Great idea honey, why didn’t I think of that.”  Maggie giggled at him.


The following morning, Jarrod and Maggie picked up Thomas from his Aunt and Uncle’s house and headed for the train station.  Thomas sat happily on his Mother’s lap, while Jarrod kept a tight arm about her waist and one hand on the reins.


Once the tickets had been procured, Jarrod stood on the platform with Thomas propped up on his arm and holding hands with his wife.  Maggie watched sadly as the train pulled into the station.  It wasn’t long before the conductor called “All aboard!”


“I daresay I should get on that train now before it departs without me.”  Jarrod put Thomas down and knelt down in front of him, “You heed your Mother while I’m gone, understand?”


“Yes Father, I’ll be good!”  Thomas nodded at him.  His blue eyes staring back at his Father.


Jarrod ruffled his son’s jet-black hair and smiled; “Now give your old Father a hug and kiss.”  Jarrod’s eyes closed as his son wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a big wet kiss on his cheek.  “I’ll see you soon Thomas.”


He stood back up and took both of his wife’s small hands in his.  “My Ladylove, I’m going to miss you, especially after last night.”  He saw the blush come to his wife’s cheeks and he kissed each one.  “See you in a few weeks.”


“I love you Jarrod.”


“I love you too, honey.”  He gave her one last brief kiss and then walked towards the train.  “Remember Thomas, heed your Mother while I’m gone.”


“Yessir!”  He replied.


Jarrod mouthed I love you again to Maggie and went inside the train. 


He didn’t take his eyes off of them as the train pulled from the station and he only turned away when they had gone out of view.


She wiped an errant tear from her cheek and picked Thomas up into her arms, “Well now it’s just you and me for awhile.  What would you like to do today, Thomas?”


Thomas thought intensely for a moment, cocking his head to the side in the same manner as his Father.  “Lets see Unca Nick!”


“Oh, you’d like to see Uncle Nick today?”  Maggie grimaced; she had no idea what she would say to him when she saw him again.  He had seen more of her last night then she was comfortable with.  “You know, he’s got a ranch to run, he’s probably very busy.”


“Puhleeasse Mother, wanna see Unca Nick!”


“Okay, okay, we’ll go over to the house to see Uncle Nick and your Aunt Audra and your Grandmother!”  Maggie sighed, she would have to see him sooner or later, but she most definitely would have preferred later.


The bright morning sun slowly burned off the chill of the night air.  The ground crunched beneath their boots from the frost that had come across the valley during the night.  Nick buttoned his coat up to the neck as he strode over to the paddock, with Heath beside him.  They had serious business to attend to this morning and both had put on their best steely expressions.


He put a foot up onto the railing and struck his knee with his hand.  “You got him!  Whooeee!  Ride ‘em!”  The tall dark cowboy grinned from ear to ear; it was sure good to see his friend back at the ranch again.  He watched his friend break in the new horse and pointed him out triumphantly to Heath.  “See I told ya, he belongs here, he’s back home!”


Heath had to agree with Nick, after all the man was his friend as well and he was happy to see that he had returned to the ranch after serving his three-year jail sentence. “You’re right Nick, never seen anybody that can break a horse like he can!”


The man calmed the horse down to the point where it no longer seemed to be the crazed stallion they had caught only a few days earlier.  In only a few hours time, it had gone from being a stallion that would greatly enjoy trampling it’s rider to one that appeared as sweet as a lady’s smile.  The two brothers climbed easily over the top of the paddock to congratulate their newest ranch hand.  Nick bent down and picked up the man’s head that had come off while trying to break the stallion, he swung the hat against his thick jacket and a cloud of dust rose up into the air. 


The friend swung his leg over the horse and jumped down, grinning widely.  “Well now, do believe I still got the touch!”


Nick patted him heartily on the back, “Boy ya sure do Joshua, ya sure do!”


Heath put out his hand and shook with Joshua Watson, “Its mighty good to have you back, mighty good!”


”Mighty good to be back, Heath.  You know this place, this land – it’s the closest thing I’ve had to home in a very long time.”


Nick stuck his thumbs in the back of his gun belt and kicked up the dust with his boot, “Well umm, maybe now Joshua you’ll consider calling this place your home, for good.”


He paused for a moment, looking over the two brothers, “Well if you don’t mind an ex-convict on your ranch, I’d be proud to call this valley home.”


“Then, it’s a done deal Joshua.  Welcome home.”  Heath’s lopsided grin spoke volumes to Joshua, he finally had a place to call home and two men he could call friends, real friends.


“C’mon Joshua!  Grab your things, we’ll take you to where you’ll be bedding down.”  Nick told him.


Joshua grabbed his few belongings from his horse and started following Nick and Heath.  “Hey, I’d hate to correct you boys but the bunk house is that way.”  He said, pointing off in the opposite direction.


Nick and Heath shared a glance and a mischievous grin.  “Oh we know where the bunkhouse is Joshua, but that ain’t where we’re going.” 


He stopped and eyed the two of them suspiciously, trying to figure out what they had up their sleeves.  “Sooo…where exactly we headed, if we ain’t gonna go to the bunkhouse?”


“Oh..” Heath replied with a sidelong glance to Nick, “We thought that place besides the barn might suit ya just fine.”


“But that there’s the foreman’s place, I can’t…”  Joshua’s voice trailed off at the sight of the twinkle in Nick’s eyes.


“Well now it seems that Jake retired and left us a few months back and Heath and I, well we figured you were just the man for the job.”  Nick folded his arms, there was no way he’d take no for an answer.


“Ya sure about that fellas?  Some might not take to the idea too well of me being the foreman.”


Heath put a hand on Joshua’s shoulder, “May take some time for some of the men, I’ll grant ya that.  But I reckon a man like you will win all of their respect in good time.” 


“Don’t know what else to say, ‘cept that I’ll do my best.  Nick, Heath, thank you. I always did appreciate your faith in me, it was one of the things that kept me going, back in Utah.”


The three men turned their heads to the sound of an approaching carriage.  Nick saw who was coming down the drive and turned away, muttering incoherently.


“What was that Nick?”  Heath asked.


“Oh nothing, just wondering what they were doing here today.”  Nick was still reeling from what he had seen the evening before.  He’d seen more of Maggie then he had ever seen before and it flustered him to no end.  A few years back, seeing Maggie like that would have been the stuff of dreams, but it was supposed to be him there with her, not Jarrod.  The sight had been almost physically painful and when he had seen her with his brother, he was forced into the realization that he still loved her and in fact, had never stopped.  Dang woman outta learn how to lock a door, he muttered again.


Maggie pulled the carriage to a stop and Thomas jumped down from the carriage, his little hat flying off his head and he jumped right into his Uncle Heath’s arms, giving him a very big hug. 


“Well good morning to you Thomas!”


“G’morning Unca Heath, g’morning Unca Nick.”


Seeing that Nick wasn’t going to be of any assistance with the lady in the carriage, Joshua decided to step in and give Maggie a hand down.  “Morning, Ma’am.”  He said with a tip of his hat.  “You must be Jarrod’s missus, I’m Joshua Watson, pleasure to meet you.”


“Very nice to meet you Mr. Watson, are you working here on the ranch?”


“Yes ma’am, as of today I am.”


“We just hired Joshua here as our new foreman, he’s worked for us before.”  Heath added in.


“Foreman?  Well, congratulations, Mr. Watson!  My, you certainly do have your hands full.” 


“Yep, I reckon I do, this is a mighty big ranch.”


“Actually, I was referring to your hands being full with a boss like Nick!”  Maggie winked at Heath and he had to hold back a snicker.


“Well, can’t say I disagree with you there ma’am…”


“Now wait jest a dang minute!”


Maggie interrupted, “Please, there’s no need for ma’ams or Missus, just call me Maggie.”


“Yes ma’am, I mean Maggie, if you’d call me Joshua.”


Maggie held out her hand and shook with Joshua.  “Joshua it is then.”


“Well now, if y’all would excuse me, do believe I still have some work to do yet with that stallion.”


“Alright Joshua, you go on now and I’ll catch up with you later.  Good to have you back.”  Nick said sincerely.


Uncle Heath put Thomas up on his shoulders and bounced the giggling boy all the way to the house.  “Faster Unca Heath, faster” Thomas giggled out, clinging tightly to Heath’s shirt.


Maggie watched Joshua head back towards the paddocks, rubbing her hands together all the while with a bad case of nerves.  Just Nick and she stood there now and she couldn’t be anymore uncomfortable.  “Uh, so you and Joshua Watson have known each other a long time?”


Nick had held his breath when she started to say something; he dreaded the thought that she might bring up last night.  He breathed a sigh of relief when the conversation went to Joshua Watson.  “Yeah, for awhile now.  He worked for us for a ways back and went away for a few years.  Glad he decided to come back.”  Nick extended his hand out towards the house, “You umm, going to see Mother and Audra?”


Maggie folded her hands behind her back thoughtfully, “What?  Oh yes..yes, came to see your Mother.  We’re still working on those quilts for the children at the orphanage.  And, Thomas wanted to spend some time with you today.  He really enjoyed the little ride you gave him on Coco, yesterday.  Tried to tell him that you might be busy, you know this being a…”


“Working ranch?”  Nick finished her sentence and smiled.  “But I think I can spare some time for my nephew and go for another ride.  He really enjoyed it, huh?”


“Most definitely Nick, yesterday was really special…for him…yesterday was really special for Thomas.”  Maggie started rubbing her hands together and when that provided no relief from her nerves, she toyed with the heart pendant around her neck.


Nick stopped as they walked towards the house, “Yep, sure was something, I mean, Thomas” Nick cleared his throat and pulled back the collar of his jacket.  “Thomas had a great time.”  Staring intently at the ground, Nick figured they would have to tackle the subject sooner or later.  “Listen, speaking of yesterday, or actually last night, I umm, well..”


“Oh well Nick, now no need for you to apologize again, I’m sure you’ll be more careful in the future.”  Maggie interrupted.


“I wasn’t planning on apologizing, Maggie.”  Nick’s arms folded in front of him and his hazel eyes glared at her.  Matter of fact, until she opened her mouth, he was planning on apologizing.  He needed to be more careful?  Of all the nerve that woman had!  “I need to be more careful?!”  He bellowed at her.  “You’d think that the two of you would have the good sense to lock the office door!”


“It was after nine at night, who comes barging into an office at that time of night!”  Maggie put her hands on her hips and stared up at him.


“In case you’ve forgotten, that is where my brother happens to work and I go there all the time.  How was I supposed to know that you two couldn’t wait till you got home?  You’re like a couple of rabbits!”


Maggie’s heels dug into the ground, she couldn’t care less if he was almost a full foot taller than she was.  “I’m fully aware that’s where my husband works!”


“Well then, you think one of these days you could learn how to lock the door?”


“Certainly, I’ll learn how to lock the door when you learn how to knock!”


They were both too involved in their discussion to realize that someone had approached the both of them.  “I was about to tell the both of you that lunch is ready.  But perhaps you two would like to simmer down a little before you come inside.”  Victoria chided the both of them.  Honestly, she thought, these two get worse every year, you’d think they would learn to tolerate each other by now.


“I’m sorry Victoria, truly I am, but your son certainly seems to know how to ruin my good mood.”


“I ruined it?!  Now, wait a minute here, you were the one..”  Nick pointed a finger at Maggie but his Mother put her hand over his and he lowered it back down. 


“Can we have this discussion another time perhaps?  Your lunch is getting cold Nicholas.”


“Yeah, you bet we’ll have this another time!”


“I wouldn’t hold your breath, Nick.  Oh on second thought, go ahead and hold your breath!”


“Dang woman!”


“Oh no Victoria, thank you, but I couldn’t eat another bite!”  Maggie pushed her plate away slightly and sipped on her tea.


Nick helped himself to another large plateful of ham and dug his knife into it.  “Ya know, you don’t put a little more meat on those bones of yours and you’re liable to fly away the next time we have a good winter storm!”


“Nick!”  Sarah admonished, “Don’t you have something better to do than pick on someone half your size?!”


“ME?!”  Nick pointed his fork towards Sarah, seated directly across from him.  “She picks most of the fights around here.”


“Could we please just have a peaceful dinner for once?”  Victoria rolled her eyes.


“Sorry Mother.”  Nick muttered.


The table remained silent for several moments until the sound of David’s cries echoed into the dining room.  Heath patted Sarah’s hand and went to retrieve their six-month-old son from his crib.


Heath peered into the crib to find his six-month-old son, David, peering up at him with soulful blue eyes.  “C’mere now, what’s all this fussing about, huh?”  The Father spoke softly to his son and lifted his blonde haired boy up into his strong, comforting arms.  Heath rocked his son for only a few moments before the crying subsided and a happy, curious baby latched onto his finger.  Cradling David gently, he returned to find the rest of his family in the parlor, starting on after-dinner drinks.


“Oh now, let me hold my youngest Grandson for a little while!”  Victoria held out her arms and Heath deposited David in them.  “It won’t be long now before you’re going to be running all over this house.  Just like your older cousin!”  She smiled at her other grandson, Thomas, who was on the floor with his Uncle Nick.


Thomas’s mother laughed heartily at the sight of Nick playing horsy with her son.  Thomas was holding on tightly to the neckline of Nick’s vest and straddling his uncle’s back; while Nick played the wild stallion to Thomas’s cowboy.  Nick would rear up his head and shoulders and his nephew was giggling wildly as he was jostled about.


“Do it again, Unca Nick go up go up!”  Thomas called out and his Uncle happily obliged.


“Honestly, I don’t know which of you two is the bigger kid!”  Audra scolded.  Seeing her big brother on the floor playing with Thomas seemed just the bit embarrassing to her.


“Audra, they’re just having fun, don’t worry!”  Her Mother chided.  Victoria looked around the room at everyone and smiled slightly.  It was so good to hear the sound of a child’s laughter in the house again; it had been far too long, she thought.  And yet, things were not complete, not tonight.  She worried about Nick, that he had not yet taken a wife, though more than half of the eligible women in the area had certainly tried and she had certainly tried; it was all to no avail. 


Other things concerned Victoria as well, her daughter for one.  Audra had not been spending as much time with the children at the orphanage anymore and had lately been involved in strictly more selfish interests.  Audra was going from one beau to another it seemed, intent on playing every young man in Stockton.  But Victoria worried that soon her daughter would run out of options from the games that she played.


Her other worry was Jarrod.  Her eldest son was working far too hard these days, she regretted now having asked him to take on that case in Colorado; she wished that she had never said a thing and that he was still home with his wife and his son.  He had been gone a week now and except for the telegram they received when he had arrived in Freemont, two days earlier, there had been nothing else.  She remembered well how much she had hated the long trips that Tom had taken, when her children were still very young and how much she missed him.  An image of Strawberry and Heath flashed into her mind and she quickly pushed it out, confidant in the belief that the sins of the Father would not revisit her son.  And yet, she still worried.  Worried about the lovely wife, not quite 25, that he had left alone to care for their four year old son and about her eldest son, bogged down with too heavy a workload and showing signs of wearing down from all his hard work.


It wasn’t long before David soon returned to the Land of Nod and Victoria returned him to Heath’s arms.  Heath and Sarah said their goodnights shortly after and they returned to their ranch home.


“I should probably get going home myself.”  Maggie stood up and smoothed out her skirts. 


“Why don’t you stay here tonight?”  Victoria asked.  “Thomas is already asleep and Jarrod’s old room is available.”


“I don’t want to impose, Victoria.”


“Of course you’re not imposing!”  Nick interjected loudly, causing his nephew to stir slightly on the settee next to him.  “Oh sorry, I’d just hate to see you rouse Thomas now.”


“Well, I suppose you have a point.  All right, we’ll stay tonight.  I’ll bring Thomas upstairs.”


“No, no.  I got him, Maggie!”  Nick rose and bent over, picking up the young lad in his arms easily.  He was still able to take the stairs up in twos and Maggie followed closely behind him.  Maggie opened the guest bedroom door for him and Nick went inside.  Laying Thomas down gently, they both took off the child’s shoes and pulled the covers up over him. 


Maggie kissed her son goodnight and said, “Angels watch over you sweetheart, sleep well!”  She watched wordlessly as Nick bent down and kissed Thomas’s forehead and smoothed back the little boy’s raven hair.


“I swear he looks more and more like Pappy everyday.”  Nick whispered.


“I know, he certainly has his father’s looks, but he’s got your spirit!”  Maggie smiled warmly at him.


“Ya think so?”


“Oh definitely Nick, on the outside he’s pure Jarrod, but on the inside, he’s so much like you!”


Nick escorted Maggie from the bedroom and closed the door.  “Well then, I guess you can expect a lot of early gray hairs.  I do believe that my Mother will tell you that I’m the cause of every gray hair on her head!”


They reached the door into Jarrod’s room and Nick felt a swell of disappointment, he hadn’t wanted this brief but sweet time to end with her.


“Goodnight Nick, sleep well.”  Maggie stood on her tiptoes and kissed Nick softly on the cheek.


“G’night Maggie.”  He stood there, frozen, while she opened the door and went inside. She closed the door gently behind her and he still stood in front of it, not sure what he was waiting or hoping for.


Maggie leaned back against the bedroom door when she closed it and exhaled.  Straightening her shoulders, she went about trying to find something suitable to sleep in.  She and Jarrod had spent seven months sleeping together in this room right after they were married and she was sure they had a few things left in the drawers.  Not finding much in the way of her own garments, she pulled out an older dress shirt of Jarrod’s and began to change into that.


The covers were flung back and the lamp turned down for the night, she tried to make herself comfortable.  Her arm lay across what had once been Jarrod’s pillow and although it had been washed many times since then, she would swear that she could still make out his scent in the fabric.  One hand covered the heart pendant around her neck and with her thumb she felt the engraving on the back, ‘Always, J.’ Maggie sighed and whispered, “I miss you my love.”


On that same night, at the same time, a lawyer sat in his hotel room in Freemont, Colorado and looked over the pounds of paperwork before him.  He was feeling more than a little frustrated and angry; Mother’s friend hadn’t been exactly forthcoming with his information.  This case was far more involved than had been alluded to in his correspondence with him. 


Jarrod looked over the latest paperwork sent to him by the opposition and he threw his pen across the room.  Taking a gulp of sherry, he looked at it again and grew even more angered.  “Dammit!  Well, so much for cut and dry!”  He surmised that this trip was rapidly going to become much longer than two or three weeks, two or three months would have been a more accurate assessment.


His eyes growing tired, Jarrod undressed for bed and crawled under the covers.  He turned his gaze to the photograph on the nightstand and picked it up, cradling it in his two hands.  Two photographs hinged together; on the left, the photograph they had done in San Francisco, the day they had wed and on the right, a family portrait.  Maggie cradled their baby son in her arms as Jarrod stood over them, looking down so proudly.  Now, their little infant was four years old.  Where did all the time go?  He wondered, to him it seemed only yesterday that Maggie had told him at the dinner table, that it was time for him to fetch his Mother and Sarah.  He was going to be a father; it couldn’t be that four years has gone by, can it?  Jarrod would have to send a wire out in the morning that he would be gone for more than a few weeks, much longer than a few weeks. 


“I’m sorry Maggie.”  He whispered, “I do miss you Ladylove and our beautiful son.  You have no idea how much I miss you!”  Jarrod pulled his pocket watch off the nightstand and opened it.  It had very recently been their fifth wedding anniversary and Maggie had given it to him on that occasion.  His thumb stroked the engraving on the inside, ‘Always, M.’


Finding the words for the telegram proved more difficult than he had originally thought.  He was well aware of the fact that he was not spending enough time at home recently and right now, as he stood in the telegraph office, his guilt was eating away at him.  Jarrod’s shoulders sagged as he penned the last words of the telegram, ‘I am so sorry Maggie.  All my love always, Jarrod.’  He pushed the paper across the counter and the telegraph operator picked it up and read it back to him.


“That it?”  The young operator questioned.


“Yes, its more than enough.”  Jarrod replied.  “If and when I do receive a reply, could you please see to it that it is delivered to me promptly at the Golden Hotel?”



David, now with a full tummy and an expression of contentment on his round little face, happily went into his Papa’s arms while Mama finished getting dressed for the day.


“Would ya look at that!”  Papa grinned, “Dontcha just have the prettiest Mama in all of California?!”


Mama smiled and curtsied at the compliment, “Why thank you kind sirs!”  She gushed.  She finished buttoning her blouse and then pinned her long hair back with a black bow.  “Heath?”


Heath looked up from his boy’s shining face, “Yep?”


“Could you take David and I over to see Mags today, on your way into town?”


“Sure thing honey.”  He noted the look of concern on her face, “Everything okay, Sarah?”


She thought about it for just a moment, “Yes I suppose so…no everything’s not all right!  I don’t understand why Jarrod leaves her and Thomas alone so much.  You never do that, since we’ve been married, I can only think of that one cattle drive you went on where you were away for more than a night.  And even then I swear you sent me a telegram from every town you passed within ten miles of.”


“I guess I just can’t stand to be away from you and David for long.  Kinda gotten used to getting kicked in the middle of the night.  Now it seems I can’t sleep away from home unless someone gives me a good, solid kick!”


Sarah reached out and whacked his arm, jokingly, “You’re awful, Heath Barkley, just awful!  But I am serious about this, why is it you can’t stand to be away from home and he can?”


“Honey, look, Jarrod’s work is a lot different than mine.  He needs to travel to help his clients.  My work, thankfully, is all right here in the valley.  I’ll tell ya, I’m sure glad I ain’t a lawyer!”  Cradling David with one arm, Heath wraps his other arm behind Sarah’s neck and draws her in for a deep, loving kiss.


“Me too.”  She replied when she opened her eyes, “Me too.”


A short time later, they were enjoying a cup of coffee in Mags’s kitchen.  Maggie poured another cup of coffee for Heath and Sarah, and then sat back down. 


“Really, I do love you coming over, but I don’t need a babysitter.  Jarrod will be back home in another week or so.”  Maggie lied, the truth was she truly did relish the company, but didn’t want to seem needy.  She was missing her husband horribly, even more so than on his previous trips.  Maggie was happy to have Sarah and baby David spending the day at the house.


“Reckon, I should get into town and pick up those supplies.”  Heath stood up from the kitchen table and kissed his wife.  He knelt down in front of David, who was chattering away incoherently with Thomas, “you be a good boy.”  He told David.  “I’ll come back once I get all the supplies delivered to the ranch and see if you’re ready to go home.  Though, I’d bet I could stay away all night and still come back to find the two of you talking about things.”  He grinned lopsidedly.


“You’re right about that Heath!  Now go on and let your wife and I have our girl talk!”  Maggie teasingly shooed him from the kitchen.


“Okay, okay!  I’m going!”  He laughed.


Heath went into town and picked up all the supplies that they needed at the ranch and was about to climb back into the wagon, when he heard his name being called.  He turned to see the telegraph operator, Walter, scurrying towards him and frantically waving a piece of paper in his hand.


“Mr. Barkley!  Heath!”  Walter yelled out again, out of breath.  “Heath..you’ve got a…telegram.”  He paused for a moment to catch his breath, “Your family did, Mrs. Barkley, it’s from Jarrod.”


“Thanks Walter.”  Heath replied, taking the paper from him, “You’d better sit down for a minute.”  He opened the telegram and read it.  ‘Uh-oh’ he thought, ‘a few months?  He read it again just to be sure.  The ranch supplies would have to wait to be delivered; he was headed back to Mags to give her the telegram.  If he remembered his dates correctly, a few months meant that Jarrod was going to miss a certain special occasion and for the second year in a row.


Heath pulled the wagon to a hard stop in front of the house and jumped down.  Maggie and Sarah came out to greet him, David was sound asleep in his Mama’s arms.


“That was fast, Heath!  I didn’t expect you to come get me for a few more hours.”


“Actually, you got a telegram Mags and I thought I should bring it back here first.  It’s from Jarrod.”


Maggie somehow just didn’t like the look on Heath’s face and took the telegram from him.  When she read it, her expression changed completely.  “He’s going to be gone for a few months, most likely, case is more intensive than he had anticipated.”


“A few months?!”  Sarah exclaimed.  “But..but, that means he’s going to miss your birthday again!”


“Yes he is.”  She said softly and then forced a smile, “That’s all right, birthdays are special for children, grown ups don’t need to celebrate!”


“Right!  When’s the last time you missed Jarrod’s birthday?”  Sarah asked.


“Never.”  She replied.


Maggie had begged off spending the rest of the day with Sarah, saying she had so much work to do around the house.  But, everyone knew that it wasn’t the truth, she was clearly upset and didn’t want it to show, not to Sarah or Heath.  It wasn’t so much the fact that Jarrod would be missing her birthday again, no; it was how much time he spent away from home these days.  There had always been the trips to San Francisco and those she had never minded, in fact she rather enjoyed them because even after Thomas had been born, they would go there as a family, together.  But on his last several trips to San Francisco, he had gone alone, not asking Maggie or Thomas to join him.  Then there was the workload.  It seemed to have grown in astronomic proportions in the last year.  Whereas, Jarrod had always seemed to set limits on his caseload and put his family ahead of everything else; now he was buried in work and rarely home before Thomas’s bedtime.  When he was home, there was no lack of affection; he was just as attentive and loving as always.  But she couldn’t help but wonder; was her marriage in trouble?  Was she jealous of his job?  Or was it all in her head and she was just becoming a lonely woman?  Maggie desperately searched for the answers.


Heath remained in thoughtful silence on the ride over to the ranch.  It didn’t take long for Sarah to notice, that her normally quiet husband was completely wrapped up in his thoughts.


“Care to share what’s on your mind, my love?”  She asked.


“Huh?  Oh well guess I was just thinking about Mags and Jarrod.  And what you and I talked about this morning.”


“About how you don’t like to be away from home for long?”


“Yep, that’s it.”  Heath replied.  “I guess, maybe I’m just plain worried about him being away for so long.  Just doesn’t seem right.”


“You did say that his job was completely different from yours.” 


“I know, but…”  He didn’t finish his sentence; rather he just turned his attentions back to the horses.


Sarah had something on her mind, but was a bit afraid to say it, even to her husband.  “Heath, do you think…I mean you don’t think there’s someone else do you?”



“Who?  Jarrod?!  No,” Heath shook his head, “Jarrod would never do something like that, and he loves Mags very much.  I just think, maybe his priorities need a bit of work or he needs to be reminded of them.  He’s just been working way too hard lately.”  Heath patted his wife’s hand, “No, I really don’t believe there’s anyone else.  Did Mags say something to you?”


“Oh no!  She wouldn’t say something like that, even if it were on her mind.  She would never admit that.  I don’t think the thought has even crossed her mind.”  Sarah, at least hoped that it had never crossed her best friend’s mind.


Heath pulled into the ranch and brought the horses to a stop.  No sooner had he helped Sarah and David down from the carriage, and then he received a very loud greeting.


“Where the devil have you been?!”  Nick yelled impatiently.  “We’ve been waiting ‘bout all day for those supplies!” Nick came across the yard from the barn in long strides, with Joshua walking beside him. 


Heath ignored him, “Afternoon Joshua.”


Joshua smirked and glanced over at Nick, “Howdy Heath, Mrs. Barkley.  How’s that fine looking son of yours?”


Sarah pulled back David’s blanket, just slightly.  “Looking more and more like his Father everyday.”


Joshua looked down at the sleeping baby and Nick leaned over his shoulder.


“Yep, looking more and more like you brother.  Poor kid!”  His attentions turned back to his blonde brother, “Now ya mind telling me Heath what took you so long?”


“Got a telegram for Jarrod and I took it over to Mags.  It was important, Nick.”


Nick’s tone softened considerably, “Bad news.”


“You can say that.”  Sarah interjected angrily.  “Instead of a few weeks, he’s going to be gone for a few months!”


“A few months?!”  His voice rose up again.  “Don’t he know he’s got a family here to take care of!”


“He knows that Nick”  Heath sighed, “This case he took on is more complicated than he thought it was going to be.”


“How did Maggie take the news?”


“Like a trooper, like she always does.  But she’s upset, she tried to hide it, but I’ve known her too long not to notice she was unhappy.”  Sarah replied.


Nick’s eyes widened slightly, “But isn’t next month her birthday?  Seems to me he missed it last year too.”


“Yep.”  Heath replied simply.  “Honey, why don’t you and David go inside and get out of the cold.  I’ll be in as soon as we get these supplies taken care of.”  Heath gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and watched for a moment while she headed into the house.


Joshua and Nick grabbed the first box of supplies and started towards the barn.  “Boy Nick sure seems like both your brothers picked themselves some mighty fine wives.”


“Yeah, can’t argue with you there.”


“So,”  Joshua grinned.  “When ya gonna pick yourself a fine wife?  Seems to me, you could about have your pick of any woman in town.”


“Been too busy Joshua.”


“Oh c’mon Nick, man can’t be all work and no play!”


Nick threw done the boxes and glared over at Joshua.  “Look Joshua, you should be using that line on my big brother, not on me.  Can we just drop the subject, please?”


“Sure thing Nick.”  Joshua replied, wondering what he had said that had riled up his boss so much.


Back in the house, Victoria had taken her sleeping grandson from Sarah’s arms while she shed her coat and hat.


“I can’t believe how much he looks like Heath already!”  Victoria smiled warmly.


“I know, we were just saying that outside.” 


“Let me show you what I did with the quilt last night, I think it’s coming along rather well.”  Victoria led Sarah into the parlor and the two women sat down together.  She pulled the small children’s quilt into her lap and showed her the squares she had added in. 


“It’s looking beautiful Mother.  The children at the orphanage are going to be so thrilled!”


“Oh I hope so.  I wonder how Maggie is doing on the one she’s working on.  Do you think she’ll be by here today?”


“Probably not.  I’m afraid she got a telegram from Jarrod today and I think she’s a bit melancholy.”


“Oh no, what did he say?”  Victoria asked.


“Apparently the case he’s working on has gotten quite complicated and he thinks he’s going to have to stay there for a few months, instead of weeks.”  Sarah sighed.


“Oh dear, I never should have asked him to lend a hand on that.”  Victoria was now feeling very guilty about keeping her son away from her family.


“It’s not your fault.  But it looks like Jarrod is going to miss Maggie’s birthday again.”


“That’s right, he did miss it last year, didn’t he.”  Victoria looked down and studied her quilt work and feeling responsible for Jarrod missing his wife’s birthday.  Then, her face lit up.  “Sarah, I have an idea.”



“Heath!”  Sarah called out to him excitedly, as she ran full speed towards the barn. 


They had just finished putting the supplies away when he heard his wife calling him, when he stepped out of the barn; she nearly jumped into his arms.  “Whoa now!  What are you so excited about?”


Nick and Joshua stopped what they were doing as well and came over to find out what was going on.


“Heath, you’re Mother had a wonderful idea!  She and I can watch Thomas for a few weeks and Maggie can go to Colorado.  We were all so caught up in Jarrod being away, we hadn’t even thought about her going to see him.”


Heath grinned, “Ya know, you’re right.  I sure don’t mind Thomas staying with us for a while.  Jarrod and Mags never did get much of a honeymoon, not like we did any how.”


“She can take the train to Denver and then the stage to Freemont and she’ll be with him in less than a week.”


“You think she’d want to go?  Not a lot to do up there.”  Nick threw in his two cents.


“Well,” Sarah grinned mischievously, “If they’re going to make a honeymoon of it, they won’t be leaving their hotel room very often anyways.”


“Lets just hope they lock their doors.”  Nick mumbled.


“Honey, now remember Jarrod is still working on a case, he won’t have all day to spend with her.”


“Oh I know that, but they’ll still have the nights and some of the weekend together.  And when Jarrod’s working, Maggie can paint, read, and go riding, whatever she wants.  Oh say it’s a wonderful idea, Heath!”


He put his arms around her slender waist and kissed her gently, “It’s a wonderful idea, Sarah.  When are you going to talk to Mags?”


“Right now, your Mother is just getting her coat and Audra is going to watch David while we go over to her house.  Oh I just know she’s going to love the idea.  I can’t believe we hadn’t offered to watch Thomas already!”  Sarah kissed her husband again quickly, “Gotta go, I’ll be back in a little while!”


Heath smiled at her excitement and watched her run back to the house.  “Good idea.”  He said to no one in particular, “About time those two had a proper honeymoon anyways, dontcha think.”


“If you say so.”  Nick grumbled and went back into the barn.


Joshua followed closely behind him, “Ya know Nick, that gets me to thinking.  Denver has a mighty big cattle auction every couple of months.  Seems to me the next one’s in about a week or two.”


“Yeah they do.  What you driving at Joshua?” 


“Well now, I hear tell that there’s this new breed of cattle that just come over from Scotland and it’s pretty special.  Best quality beef there is, I hear.”


Nick leaned up against a stall and folded his arms in front of him.  “I heard something about that at the Cattleman’s a few weeks ago.  Angus, I think is the breed?  Ya think it’s gonna be at this Denver auction?”


“I think that if it’s as good as I hear it is, it’ll be there!”


“So ya think we should take a ride to Denver too?”  Nick looked over at Joshua and he nodded.  “Well you’re the foreman!”


Heath had listened to their whole conversation and decided it was high time to step in.  “Wait a minute now, you planning on going to Colorado with Mags?  I dunno about that!”


“Only as far as Denver, Heath.  You wouldn’t catch me going to Freemont, that place is a frozen tundra this time of year.”


“Yeah, but..”


“But what Heath?!”  Nick glared at him.


“Maybe, you shouldn’t go on the same train as Mags.”  He hated to admit it, but there was just something that made Heath uncomfortable with the idea of Nick and Mags traveling together.


“Why not?!  Look Joshua and I are only going to be going as far as Denver and if that Angus cattle is there, I wanna try and check it out BEFORE the auction!”  Nick stood up straight and took a menacing step towards his brother.


“Just to Denver and Joshua, you’re going, right?”


Joshua nodded, but felt a bit in the dark.  What was all the fuss about?  Besides, he thought to himself, Denver was still a little wild.  A young woman probably shouldn’t be traveling there by herself.


“You think that the two of you can keep from having another fight while you’re on the train?”  Heath sighed, his dark haired brother had already set his mind to it and there wasn’t a darned thing he could do to change it.


“I dunno Heath, maybe you’d better ask her that!”


“You and Jarrod’s wife don’t get along so good?”  Joshua asked.


“Ohhhh, you could say that!  That woman has been all sugar sweet to you.  But lemme tell ya, she has one wicked tongue and stubborn as a mule!”


Heath threw his arms up in the air, “Well guess you’ve made up your mind.  I still don’t think it’s a good idea, though.”


“Whatsa matter Heath?  Fraid you can’t manage without us for a couple of weeks?”  Nick chuckled.


“No, that’s not what worries me.  Not at all.”  Heath walked away, at least Joshua was going too and they weren’t going to Freemont, which did something to ease his conscious.   He had a feeling though, that.   Mags wouldn’t be too happy with the idea either.  Nick did have a bad habit of getting on her last nerve.


“Well?”  Victoria stood in Maggie’s parlor and looked at her, “Is that a yes?”


“Are you sure the both of you don’t mind watching Thomas for that long?  I’ve never been away from Thomas, not even a night and now we’re talking about a month!  It seems so long!”


“Mags!  You have to go!  I know how much you miss Jarrod!  This is a great idea, c’mon say yes.  It’ll be like a honeymoon”  Sarah pleaded with her.


“Not exactly a honeymoon, Sarah.  He is working on a case.”  Maggie rebutted.


“But the evenings and weekends will be all yours.  And while he’s working, you can paint!  You were telling me just a couple of weeks ago that you missed having the time to paint and how relaxing you found it.”


“Well that’s true. It would be nice to have quiet evenings with my husband and paint during the day.  And there are those books I had been meaning to read.  And,” Maggie blushed.


“And what?”  Victoria asked.


“It..well…Jarrod and I decided we should start trying for another child.”


Sarah hugged her, “Now see!  Quiet evenings alone with your husband, nice fire in the fireplace, its perfect!”


“Okay, okay!  I’m convinced.  When should I go?”


“Tomorrow.”  Sarah said.




“Yes, my dear, tomorrow.”  Victoria added.


“I had better start packing then!”  Maggie laughed.


“I’m so glad you’re going Maggie.  My son is going to be so happy to have you there with him.  I can only imagine how horribly he’s missing you.  I’ll go to town now and send him a telegram that you’re coming.”


Maggie contemplated an idea for just a moment, “Victoria?  Don’t send him the wire.  I think I’m going to surprise him!”


“Dear, do you think that’s wise?”


“Of course it isn’t!  That’s what makes it so much fun!”  Maggie caught her mother-in-law’s worried expression.  “I came all the way to California, from New Orleans, by myself.  What’s a little trip to Denver and a stagecoach ride!”



Jarrod walked out of the courtroom and pulled his jacket tightly around himself.  He saw his breath as he walked cross the street and towards the hotel.  The snow was up to the top of his boots in the street and the sidewalks weren’t much better.  A fresh blanket of snow had fallen all day while he had been in the courthouse.


Jarrod reached the hotel and went inside.  He stopped at the front desk to check for messages.  The clerk pulled one from the box and Jarrod’s heart leapt up.  ‘Maggie’ He thought.  But his heart sank when he opened the telegram and it wasn’t from his wife.


Need an answer stop  The time has come to make a decision yes or no stop  Have you told your wife yet stop.


Jarrod shoved it back into his pocket.  No, he hadn’t told Maggie yet. How could he?  He knew that Maggie would be very upset if he answered yes and yet, yes was the answer that he kept coming back to.  He knew it was yes, from the very beginning it had been and for months he had kept it from Maggie.  He would have to find a way to tell her and make her understand.



Her head peeked out anxiously from behind the curtain.  Any moment now, she expected Heath and Sarah to arrive at her house and take her to the train station.  Maggie hadn’t felt this giddy or excited since the first night she had spent with Jarrod.  Even after five years of marriage; he was still as giving and as attentive a lover, as he had been that first night. Every minute of that first night was still tucked away in her memory and she felt warmth in her cheeks while she thought about it.  His first touch to her bare skin, his lips on her body and the gentle way he made love to her.  And he had not released her all night, it seemed their bodies had melded together, skin to skin and limbs entwined.  ‘Heath and Sarah, you two had better hurry up!’  She thought with a smile.


“Mo..ther, whatcha looking at?” 


Startled, Maggie whirled around to see Thomas standing right behind her.  “You know, you’re as quiet as your Father sometimes!  You scared me half to death!”  She laughed and picked up her blue-eyed son into her arms.  “I was just looking for your Uncle Heath and Aunt Sarah.”


“David too?”


“Uh-huh, David too.  Don’t forget to be an extra good boy while I’m gone and do as your told okay?”  She gave Thomas a little tweak on the nose.


He grabbed his nose and smiled up at his Mother, “I will.”  His expression turned serious, very serious for a four year old.  “ Don’t go bye for long time, Mother.”


“Only a few weeks sweetheart, but you know I’m going to be thinking about you all the time.  And you know what?  Your Father thinks about you all the time, too!”


“Ya tink so?”  Thomas asked.


“Oh I definitely tink so, Thomas!  We both love you sooo much!”  She caught her son in a tight hug but he wriggle free and jumped back down onto the floor.


They heard the sound of a carriage stop and Thomas squealed with delight.  He flung open the door and ran outside, “Unca Heath!  Unca Heath!” 


Heath was nearly knocked over by the boy’s sheer happiness as he jumped into his Uncle’s arms.  “Well now,” Heath said, “I should come more often if I’m gonna get a greeting like that everytime!”  Heath laid a big kiss on his nephew’s cheek and Thomas leaned over to get his Aunt as well.


“Auntie Sawah, kisses!”  Thomas exclaimed and made a big fish face at his Aunt.  Sarah planted a kiss on the boy and ruffled his hair.


“Where David?”  He asked.


“David’s with your Grandmother right now.  We’re gonna go over there as soon as your Mother gets on the train, okay?”  Heath replied.


“Okay!  Mother!”  Thomas yelled at the top of his lungs, “Time ta go!”


Maggie emerged from the house with two bags in her hands and shaking her head.  “Goodness Thomas!  You’re sounding more and more like your Uncle Nick everyday!”


“Father said I sound like you!” 


“He did, did he?  Well I will just have to have a little talk with your Father when I see him, won’t I?”  Maggie smirked at Sarah.


Thomas leaned in close to his Uncle and whispered, “Father’s in twoble!”


“I think you’re right about that, little man!”  Heath whispered back and chuckled.  “Okay now Thomas, lemme get these bags for your Mother and we’ll head to the train station.”  Heath put her bags into the bag of the wagon and took a step towards Maggie.  “Listen Mags, Nick and Joshua are gonna be there too.”


“Oh..well that’s nice that they’re going to see me off.  But they really don’t have to do that.”


“Umm, Mags, they’re not going there to see you off.”  Heath looked down at the ground and pinched the bridge of his nose.


“What, Heath?  What’s on your mind?” 


“Uhh well they’re going to Denver on the same train.”  Heath braced for impact.


“WHAT?!”  Maggie’s voice rose dramatically.  “Why on earth, oh wait, don’t tell me, lemme guess!  They think I need a babysitter, don’t they or rather Nick thinks I need one!  I swear that man just…”


Heath put his hands up in front of himself, “No!  Mags, wait hold on!  There’s a cattle auction in Denver and they are going to check out some new breed of cattle.”


“And they just happen to be going there on the same day and on the same train, right?”  Maggie folded her arms, “I don’t believe this!  Don’t I get any peace and quiet from that man?!”  Maggie let loose with a low guttural yell, that man was going to be the death of her, she was sure of it!


“Mags!”  Sarah chimed in, “It’s only two days to Denver, who knows maybe the two of you can strike up a truce.”


She glared at her best friend for a few moments and then silently climbed into the wagon.  Heath put Thomas on her lap.


“Mother you mad?”  The little boy asked innocently.


It was an effort, but she managed a smile at her son.  “No honey, everything is just fine, okay?”  She leaned down to look her son in the face and smiled again.  He nodded back at her and settled down in her lap for the ride to the train station.  Her thoughts couldn’t help but drift back a little; she thought about how sweet Nick had been to Thomas the other night, playing horsey with him and carrying him up to bed.    She hated to admit it, but she couldn’t ask for a better choice of Uncles.  Heath was wonderful and patient, Nick was playful and did everything with exuberance; suddenly she felt lucky to have such wonderful brother-in-laws.  Without any more effort, her expression softened considerably.  Perhaps, she had been too hard on Nick.


The wagon pulled to a halt and Maggie was shaken from her thoughts.  She hadn’t even noticed they had gone through town.  Heath helped down his wife and just as he was about to help Mags down, his brother appeared out of nowhere.


Nick’s hands went about her waist and he lifted her easily up into the air and down softly on the ground.  “See, you really don’t weigh anymore than a bird!”  He grinned at her.


“Would you rather have me weigh as much as a cow?”  She asked playfully.


“No, no.  I’ll settle for a bird.”  A certain four year old wanting his Uncle diverted Nick’s attention to Maggie. “Well hello there young Thomas!  And how are you this cold morning?”


“Good, Unca Nick.  Unca Nick, can we go riding again?”


“Sure thing kiddo, as soon as I get back from Denver!  You and I are going to go for a great ride!”


“Pwomise?”  Thomas asked.


“Cross my heart!”  Nick made a large x across his chest with his index finger.  He started to turn back toward Maggie, but a little hand tugged on his leather jacket.  He looked down at Thomas, who wagged his finger at his Uncle, urging him to bend down.  Nick crouched down onto his knees and Thomas drew close.


“I tink Mother mad at you.” 


“Oh she is, how come?”  He asked quietly and he looked over at Maggie talking to Joshua, Heath and Sarah.


“She said you were a babysitter, I tink.”


“A babysitter?  I don’t understand Thomas, are you sure that’s what she said?”


“Uh huh and she mad you going to Denver too!”  Thomas put his hands on his hips and shook his head, his steely blue eyes looking very seriously at his Uncle Nick.


“She’s mad about that, is she now?!”  Nick stood up and turned towards Maggie, “So ya mad I’m going to Denver are you?  Well tough luck, lady!  Last time I checked this is a free country!”


Oh no, he didn’t just say tough luck did he?  Maggie could feel her blood begin to boil.  “Tough luck?!  It’s your tough luck if you think I’m going to have anything to do with you on this trip!  You couldn’t take another train?  I’m almost twenty-five years old, a bit old to have some stubborn jackass babysitting me!”


Both of their voices were rising in equal levels, enough to make several people at the station turn and look at the two of them.


“Stubborn jackass?!  You know what you need, lady?!”  Nick took a step towards her and pointed his finger in her face; “You need a spanking or someone to wash out that mouth of yours with soap!”


Maggie grabbed his finger and pushed it out of her face, “I’d like to see you try it, Nick Barkley and you are a stubborn jackass!”


Heath stepped in between the two of them, “You know, about everybody is watching the two of you and the conductor just called all aboard.”


“Thank you Heath.”  She smiled sweetly at him.  Maggie knelt down in front of Thomas and held out her arms.  “I’m going to miss you soooo much!”  Thomas went into her arms and hugged her tightly around the neck.


“Tell Father come home soon!”  He asked her.


“You can count on it honey, if I have to drag him home with me.  Okay?”


Nick watched the whole scene and his heart melted.  He could see it in her eyes, how much she loved her little boy and how much she was going to miss him.  Her eyes filled up with tears and he saw her quickly wipe them away so Thomas wouldn’t see them.


“I love you Mother.”


“I love you sweetheart, I’ll be back soon.  Remember to be extra special good.”


“I will.”  Thomas gave his Mother another hug and then broke free; his small arms wrapped themselves around Nick’s legs.  “Bye Unca Nick!” 


Nick leaned down and kissed the boys head.  “Bye Thomas, you be good.  I’m gonna miss you!”


“Me too Unca Nick!”


Maggie exchanged hugs with Heath and Sarah, and then returned to glaring at Nick.


“C’mon,”  Joshua said, “That train gonna leave without us soon.”  He escorted Maggie onto the train and sat down across from her.


Nick boarded soon afterwards and grumbled when he saw Joshua sitting down across from that woman.  He sat down, a seat apart from Joshua and stretched out his long legs.  His boots plopped down on the seat next to Maggie’s and he tilted his hat down low on his head.


Maggie had just opened a book when his boots landed and she turned to stare at them.  “Do you mind?”  She said tersely.


“Nope, don’t mind a bit.”  He grinned back at her.


Maggie gave his boots a firm shove and knocked his feet off the seat.  “I would like to have an odor free trip, if you don’t mind!”


Nick, for lack of a good comeback, grumbled at her again and drew his legs back towards himself, uncomfortably.


Joshua went from watching their antics to looking out the window.  “Gonna be a mighty long trip.”  He sighed.



The fireplace in his hotel room had faded significantly during the night and at dawn; all that remained of the fire he had built last night were some glowing embers.  The cold pierced through the soles of his feet as soon as they had touched the floor.  The harsh, damp chill ran up his legs and directly into his spine, causing a sudden and uncontrollable shudder.  He wrapped his deep burgundy robe around him and peered through the window.  Snow was falling again.  At this rate, he supposed, he would soon be waist deep in the white stuff.  He threw a small log onto the dying fire, enough to warm him while he changed and got ready for the new day at court.


Long johns, then his finer wear.  The crisp white shirt, the blue wool suit that Maggie had surprised him with, just prior to his leaving.  Then, the black tie and finally, the gold pocket watch.  He flipped open the lid and checked the time, then allowed his eyes to linger on the engraving once again.  One last check to make sure that all his paperwork was in the valise and he headed out the hotel room door and down the wide staircase.


Jarrod had enough time before court, for a leisurely breakfast and he walked into the restaurant; finding an empty table at the far corner of the room.  Sitting down at the table, he placed his order and while he waited for his food to arrive, he pulled a stack of papers from his valise to review them before he had to be in court.  But Jarrod soon found himself unable to concentrate on the work in front of him.  Instead, his blue eyes focused on a table that was directly in his line of sight.


A young couple, probably the same age as Maggie he surmised, were busily trying to get their two children to settle down and eat their breakfasts.  The little boy looked to be no more than a year or two older than his son and he wanted nothing to do with sitting quietly through a meal.  He was far more interested in the wagon pull toy he was running around his chair with a long string.  The Mother was trying to hold a very fidgety baby girl on her lap, who appeared to be just under two.  The boy had enough of mealtime and before his Father could make a grab for him, he was up and out of his chair.  He ran through the restaurant pulling along his wagon and running the obstacle course between tables and chairs.  It wasn’t long before the little boy made his way to where Jarrod was sitting and knocked the side of the table, sending the contents of his valise onto the floor.


“Oopsies!”  The little boy looked down at the mess he had made and then with a chubby little finger in his mouth, he looked up at the dark haired man sitting at the table.


“It’s okay, its only paper!’  Jarrod smiled warmly at the boy and bent down to pick up the paperwork off the floor.  “How old are you?”  He asked.


He held up all five fingers, “I’m five next week!”


“Five!”  Jarrod’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, “why you’re practically a young man!”


“Uh-huh!  I’m gonna go to school soon!”  He got down on the floor and started helping the stranger with all the papers.


The boys Father appeared and apologized profusely for his son’s behavior and also picked up the remaining papers on the floor. 


“No need to apologize.”  Jarrod assured him.  “I have a four year old boy, myself and it’s VERY difficult to get him to sit still for any length of time.”


The Father held out his hand and shook hands with another understanding Father.  “Theodore Hobson, most call me Ted though.”


“Jarrod Barkley, pleasure to meet you.”  Jarrod held out his hand to the boy and shook firmly with him, “And you are?”


“Timmy Hobson!”


“Very nice to meet you, Timmy!  Thank you for helping me pick up my papers.”


“Your boy still up in the room?”  Ted asked him.


“No, I’m afraid that my wife and son are back in California.  I’m here working for a little while.”


“You must miss them something fierce!”  Ted exclaimed.  “I was away from my Caroline and Timmy for two weeks once and I could hardly stand it!  Now we’ve got our little girl too and can’t imagine being away from them.”


“You’re right, I do miss them something fierce.  As soon as I’m done with this work, I’m on the first train back home.”  Jarrod then added, “You have a lovely family, Ted.”


“Thank you, Mr. Barkley.  Well, come along Timmy, let this nice man finish his breakfast.”


“Yes Papa.  Bye Misser Barkley.”


“Bye Timmy.”  Jarrod sat back down at the table alone and finished his breakfast.  All the while, his thoughts were back in Stockton.  He had replied yes to the telegram he had received and thought it was the best decision he had ever made.  In another six months, he’d have so much more time to spend with his family.  More leisurely mornings where Thomas could come bounding into their bedroom and rouse his parents as soon as the sun rose.  More time to spend with Maggie, curled up on the love seat together or better yet, more time to spend working on adding to their family.  His eyes went across to the other table again and he looked at the girl in her Mother’s lap.  A little girl, a girl with Maggie’s bright red hair and deep green eyes and freckles across her nose.  Yes, he thought, a little girl would be so wonderful.


The train slowly jugged into the station and would remain at that stop for roughly two hours.  It was enough time for the passenger to get out and stretch their legs a bit or grab a bite to eat.


For the most part, the ride thus far had been fairly quiet.  That was, except for Nick’s snoring.  He’d fallen asleep only a short while out of Stockton and Joshua had to nudge him several times to get him to stop, otherwise some of the passengers looked like they were about ready to throw Nick off the train.  After several times of pushing Nick’s boots off of the seat next to her; Maggie eventually gave up the fight and now his tan leather boots and long legs were propped up beside her.  Maggie had immersed herself in a book and had barely even glanced out the window at the passing scenery.


Joshua looked over at Jarrod’s wife as the train stopped.  She had her glasses pulled down slightly on her nose and her coat pulled closely around her.  “Ma’am?”  He said.


Maggie stopped reading and looked across at him.


“There’s a little place to eat in the station.  Nothin’ fancy mind you, just soups and some sandwiches.  I’m gonna go get myself something, care to join me?”


Maggie turned down the corner of the page she was reading and put down the book next to her.  “I’d love to Joshua!  I’m quite famished actually.”


“Hey boss!”  Joshua grinned at Maggie and then elbowed Nick again, this time to rouse him.  “We’re gonna get something to eat while we’re here.  Want some food?”


“Huh?”  Nick tipped his hat back on his head and rubbed his eyes.  “You say food?”


“Well that’s a sure fire way to wake you up Nick!  Joshua and I should’ve tried that one earlier, you’ve been snoring since we pulled out of Stockton!”


“I don’t snore!”  He informed her.


“Oh you most certainly do, Nick.  The other passengers were about to form a posse!”


Joshua snickered at the remark and Nick cast an angry glance in his direction.  “Listen you two,” Joshua started, “Seems to me you could call a truce till we get to Denver.  We ain’t gonna get there till morning and it’s gonna be an awful long night if you two are blabbering on at each other the whole time.”


“A truce?  Well, I think I can manage that until we get to Denver.  You think you can?”  Nick challenged.


“Oh, that won’t be any trouble for me.  And Joshua, I am sorry about the bickering, really I am.”


“Humph!  All sugary sweet to Joshua, aren’t you?  Ya sure got him fooled!”


“It’s easy to be sweet to a sweet man.  You should try it yourself sometime, Nick, women generally tend to prefer honey over vinegar.”


“And someone women are just plain vinegar and venom!”


Joshua cleared his throat, “Truce?  Remember?”


Nick and Maggie both muttered their apologies and followed Joshua’s lead off the train and into the station.  A small diner sat at the far right side of the station and the three of them found the last remaining empty table and sat down.  The meal passed by quickly, Nick and Joshua got into an animated discussion about expanding the herd to different breeds and Maggie listened in with some interest.  At the end of dinner they rose from the table and Joshua pulled out of deck of cards.


“Care for a little poker, Nick?”


“There’s just the two of us.”


“I know, something to pass the time.”


“I wouldn’t mind learning how to play poker.”  Maggie chimed in.


“Ya sure, Maggie?”  Joshua asked.


“Certainly, I’ve seen it played a bit before.  I’m sure I can pick it up.”


“Oh watch out!”  Nick said as he stepped onto the train.  “She probably knows exactly how to play and will take you for every dime you’ve got!”


“I don’t know how to play Nick.”


“Sure, like you pretended not to know how to play billiards very well.”  He smirked.


She couldn’t help but smile at the memory, “Now Nick, it seems to me that I didn’t pretend.  I just didn’t tell you, that’s all.”


Joshua sat down and looked at the both of them, there had been a sudden change in the mood between the two of them and he wanted to figure out what it was.  “You know how to play billiards?”


“Yes, my Father and brothers taught me how to play.  That was years ago though.”


“As a matter of fact, she plays very well.  The first time she had dinner at our house, she beat the pants right off of me!”


“That was a rather short game, wasn’t it?”  Maggie giggled.


“Short game, yeah, that’s one way to put it.”  He smiled a toothy grin at her.


“So you played Nick and beat him in billiards the first time you went to the house?!  What did Jarrod think about that?”  Joshua asked.


“Oh Jarrod didn’t get there until after the game, as I recall.  We hadn’t even really met yet.”


“So you were friends with Mrs. Barkley or Audra, first?”


“No,” Nick said, “Maggie was dining at the house, at my invitation.”


“Your invitation?  So, you two used to be friends?”


“More than friends.”  Nick said, a tinge of sadness in his voice that was not lost on Joshua.


“Good friends.”  Maggie added.  “Nick and I became fast friends.  I guess somehow I lost sight of that.  When did we start with all the bantering Nick?”


Nick thought for a moment then shook his head, “I dunno.  Seems plain dumb now, don’t it?”


“It does.”  Maggie looked over to Nick and their eyes locked, for just a brief instant and she quickly turned her attentions back to Joshua.  “So, are you going to teach me how to play poker?”  She asked, keenly aware that she was still under Nick’s piercing gaze. 




Nick carried his roll and Maggie’s two bags off the train.  The three of them were hit by a sudden gust of bitter cold wind and snow, which stung their faces.


“Whoa, it’s colder than a witches..”




“What?!  It is!”


“Ya know,” Joshua laughed, “I think he’s right, it is colder than..”


“Oh you two!  Alright it IS that cold!”  Maggie laughed at them; they were acting like a couple of schoolboys.  She had enjoyed the rest of the trip to Denver and had learned how to play poker, but not very well.  Seemed that Joshua proved to be quite the player, even besting Nick on most hands.  But she wondered, if Joshua and Heath had ever played, Heath’s prowess at poker was nearly legendary in California.  But he rarely played anymore, finding the duties of being a husband and a new father, much more gratifying then any poker game he’d ever played.


“Maggie, the stagecoach depot is right across the street.”  Joshua pointed out.


“Thanks, I had better check in and see what time it’s leaving for Freemont.”  Maggie bolted across the street.


Nick called after her, “Sure, no problem!  I can watch your bags!”


She returned to them a short time later, looking rather unhappy.  “It seems that I shall be checking into the hotel as well.  The stage doesn’t leave till tomorrow morning.”


“I’m sorry Maggie, but you know, the Nugget’s restaurant is mighty fine!  You can get yourself a good meal there before you make that trip.  Best you eat well tonight, it’s going to be a cold day of traveling for you tomorrow.” 


“Joshua’s right.  The three of us can have a big meal tonight and you can get yourself a good night’s rest before you leave.  You didn’t sleep all that good on the train, ya know.”


“I suppose you’re right.  Don’t want to go meeting my husband, looking all tired and pale, now do I?” 


“Now that’s the spirit!”  Joshua said.  “C’mon, let’s go get checked in.”


The threesome started down the sidewalk towards the hotel, Joshua took the lead as he had stayed at the Nugget before. 


“By the way Nick,”  Maggie spoke quietly, “Thanks for letting me use you as a pillow last night.”


Nick tipped his hat, “You’re most welcome to my shoulder anytime Ma’am.  But I’m surprised you slept at all, considering all the snoring you claim I do.”


“Weeelllll,” Maggie conceded, “I guess you weren’t THAT bad!”


They checked into the hotel and proceeded upstairs to find their rooms.  The rooms were right in a row on the second floor, looking down onto the street below.  Nick put Maggie’s bags in her room for her and they agreed to meet downstairs in two hours for dinner.


Nick and Joshua opted to wash up and change later.  They headed back out of the hotel to get more information on the cattle auction.  It proved rather easy to find out what they needed; signs for the auction seemed to be posted everywhere on the street.  And, they found out, that the Angus breed would be there as well.  Just what they had come for and they wondered at how many other ranchers had come there for just the same thing.  The new Angus breed had top billing on all the posters and Joshua commented that he thought the bidding would get pretty fierce.  Both men became more determined than ever to add Angus to the already large quantity of Barkley cattle.


Nick pulled his watch from his pocket and checked the time.  “We best be getting back, Maggie will have our hides if we’re late for dinner.”


“Yep,”  Joshua said and after thinking about it for a moment asked, “Mind if I ask ya something Nick?”


“Nope, what’s on your mind?”


“Back on the train, you said something ‘bout you and Maggie being more than friends once and she said good friends.  You were sweet on her, weren’t ya?” 


He hadn’t planned on talking about that and he stopped in his tracks, “Yeah, I was.”  He replied, then quickly added, “But that was a long time ago, water under the bridge and all that.”


“So, what happened?  How’d she get with Jarrod?  You two seem kinda like two peas in a pod.”


“Aww, she just never saw me that way.  Always just as her friend.  Maybe it’s cause we’re too much alike.  Well ya heard us; can you imagine if we did get together?  We’d be fighting like cats and dogs all the time!”  He chuckled half-heartedly, in the back of his mind though, he rather liked the idea of them fighting and carrying on, he actually enjoyed all their bantering.  But would never admit that to anyone.  “She really loves Jarrod, I think she did from the moment they first met.  Matter of fact, it was right after she beat me at billiards that they met.”


“I dunno Nick, you know I never seen the two of them together.  But seems to me, those two wouldn’t mix very well.”


“They do mix well!”  Nick defended his elder brother.  “Its just sometimes he tries to rein her in and ya can’t do that.  She’s like a mustang, a wild one, full of spirit.  Something like that shouldn’t get reined in at all.  Oh sure, sometimes she’s full of vinegar but that’s half the fun.  Other times, when she needs to be, Maggie is..well she’s the gentlest person you’ve ever seen and she’s got the most tender heart…


Joshua listened to Nick talk on about Maggie and it wasn’t long before he realized that Nick was still in love with her.  Although he knew Nick would deny it if he asked him outright, it was obvious.  The look in his eyes when he talked about her, the way his voice softened, yep that man was still head over heels about Jarrod’s wife.


“Why you letting me ramble on like that!  C’mon, we’re gonna be late!”  Nick bellowed.


“Okay boss, can’t keep the lady waiting now can we?”


Maggie had gotten settled into her room for the night.  The first thing she had done was pull out the photograph she had of Jarrod and set it on the table next to her bed.  “Tomorrow,” She whispered.  “I can’t wait.”  The stage would arrive in Freemont by early evening and then she would go to the hotel.  At his room, she would knock on his door and as soon as he opened it, she planned on jumping right into his arms. 


She brought herself out of her daydream and turned her attentions to cleaning up for dinner.  She felt as if she had a layer of coal, an inch thick, on her skin.  Once all the dirt had been scrubbed off, she fragranced herself with her favorite, lavender water and set about trying to find something suitable to wear for dinner. 


“Oh come on,” She chided herself after throwing several outfits onto the bed, “It’s just dinner with Nick and Joshua!  What on earth are you being so fussy about?!”  She grabbed a navy dress off of the bed and put it on.  She had started to pin up her hair, the way that Jarrod seemed to best like it and looked in the mirror.  Maggie yanked all the pins out and let her red hair fall down.  The waves cascaded down to the middle of her back and she tied her tresses back with a navy bow.  Nick had told her years ago, how pretty she looked with her hair down and as she looked into the mirror, she decided he was right – it did look pretty down.  She put a thick shawl around her shoulders for warmth and headed downstairs for dinner.


Nick was talking animatedly with Joshua when he happened to glance up the stairs and saw Maggie at the top of the staircase.  He noticed her hair first, it was down, falling down past her shoulders in red waves.  He rarely ever saw her wearing her hair like that anymore. He had gotten himself cleaned up as well and had first put on just his regular slacks, shirt and vest.  But after a few minutes of pacing in his hotel room, Nick had taken off his clothes and changed into dress slacks, white shirt and tie. 


“Well, well!”  Joshua exclaimed, “You both sure do clean up good!  I feel a might outta place now!”  Joshua, although he had cleaned up, hadn’t spent the considerable amount of time on what to wear to dinner, that Nick and Maggie had.


“You don’t look out of place at all!”  Maggie assured him.  “Shall we?”


‘We shall.”  Nick replied and in a bit of fun, both gentlemen took one of Maggie’s arms and the threesome walked into the restaurant together.


She couldn’t believe how hungry she was at dinner and finished off her plate in a hurry.


“I’ll be, you do actually eat!”  Nick jested with her.


“I guess I do!  But if I keep eating like that, I will be a cow and you’ll have to add me to your herd!”


“That’ll never happen, you probably won’t eat a thing tomorrow!”


Joshua hadn’t gotten a word in edgewise throughout the meal and decided it was high time he did.  “So Maggie, how long you gonna stay with your husband?”


“Oh, I was thinking three or four weeks.  Perhaps by then, the case will be finished and he’ll be able to return home with me.”


“You must miss him something fierce!”


“I do and so does Thomas.” Her countenance changed from the happy conversation she’d been having with Nick to thinking about how much time Jarrod had been spending away from home lately.  She missed him immensely and longed for the days when they had first married and would rarely be apart from one another.  “Will you both excuse me please?  I’m rather tired and think I’m going to go to bed.  I’ve got a long day ahead of me tomorrow.”


Nick and Joshua both rose from their seats.  “I’ll walk you up to your room, Maggie.”  Nick said.


He watched Nick and Maggie leave the dining room together and shook his head, thoughtfully.  Maybe Heath was right, it wasn’t such a good idea for them to have gone on the same train as Maggie.


Nick escorted her to her door and turned the key in the lock.  “You sleep well now Maggie, with all this bad weather, might be a rough ride for ya tomorrow.”


“I know, I’m not looking forward to the trip, just the destination.”  She looked down at the floor and then slowly back up into Nick’s hazel eyes.  “Thank you for the company.  I guess it wasn’t such a bad thing that we were on the same train.”


“I’d say it was a pretty good thing.”  He added softly.  “I..umm.. just make sure you bundle up tomorrow.  I might be at the auction by the time you leave, so I best say goodbye now.”


“Yes, well then, goodbye Nick and I hope you get the Angus that you want.”


“Its as good as done, don’t you worry about that none.”  He grinned.


“No, I certainly don’t have to worry about you not getting what you want, do I?”


“Only sometimes Maggie, only sometimes.”


“Oh come on now, when have you ever not gotten what you wanted?”  She teased him.


Nick was silent for several moments and then took her small hand into his, “You Maggie, I didn’t get you.”


“That was years ago Nick and now we’re wonderful friends, aren’t we?”


“Yes we are, but..”


“Hey Nick!”  Joshua called to him from two doors down, “We better hit the hay if we’re gonna make the auction on time.”


His shoulders dropped and he sighed, “Yep!”  He called back.  “Goodnight Maggie, have a safe trip.”


“Goodnight Nick.”  She stood on her toes and gently kissed his cheek.


He wanted to pull her to him, put his arms around her waist and hold her so tightly, never letting go.  Almost six years since he had tasted the sweetness of her lips and he wanted so badly to taste them again. 




“Huh?  Oh, yes goodnight.”


Maggie stepped away from him and went into the room, closing the door behind her.  Nick lingered for a moment and went back towards his room.  “Hey Joshua, how about a drink?”


“Sure, mighty parched still after that trip.  Ya buying?”


“After you cleaned me out in poker last night?  Nope, you’re buying the first round.”


The saloon was directly across the street from their hotel and it was pretty much a full house when they walked through the doors.  They went up to the bar and ordered two whiskeys.  It wasn’t long before a saloon girl, seeing Nick’s attire and smelling money, ambled over to the pair.


“Hey there boys, care to buy a pretty girl a drink?”  She said, not taking her eyes off the well-dressed cowboy.


Nick’s eyes traveled from her blonde hair to her feet, “Sure.”  He replied.  He put a glass in front of her and poured all three of them a shot.  Nick drank his down without so much as a wince.  He leaned up against the bar and looked at her again, “So ya got a room upstairs?”


“My you don’t waste anytime, do you?”  She said.  “Yes, as a matter of fact I do.  Interested?”


“Just lead the way.”  He told her and started to follow her towards the stairs.  “Be back in a little bit.”  Nick told Joshua.


He watched Nick follow the girl up the stairs and shook his head.  ‘Man he got it bad!’  Finishing up another shot, he checked out the room and spotted an empty chair at a poker table.  Joshua decided to bide his time with a few hands while his boss was otherwise occupied.


He slammed the door shut and pushed the girl backwards into the wall.  Pressing the full length of himself into her, he plunged his lips onto her mouth.  Her hands grabbed his tie and pulled it from around his neck.  Turning her around, he thrust her onto the bed and made short work of the sparse garments she was wearing.


“Evening gentlemen, may I join you?”  Joshua asked, pulling out the empty chair.


“Be my guest.”  One of the players replied.  “Hey, didn’t I see you across the street, at the restaurant earlier.”


“Yep I was there.”  Joshua replied, taking the cards as they were dealt to him.  “My boss and I are here for that auction.”


“Yeah you and bout everybody else is here for that!  Your boss brought his wife along, seem to remember there was a lady with ya at dinner.”


Joshua tossed out a coin into the middle of the table.  “Not his wife.”


“Really?  Fine looking lady, she your wife?”


“Nope, she’s on her way to see her husband.  Bosses brother.  Taking the stage to Freemont tomorrow.”  Man, this guy asks a lot of questions, wish he’d just shut up and play. 


“Freemont, by herself?  I’d never let my wife do that!”


Now he had Joshua’s full attention, “No?  How come?”


“That stage to Freemont’s been robbed ‘bout three times in the last six months!  Last time, they killed a man on there and I can’t even tell ya what they did to one of the ladies that was on that stage.”


“Ya sure about that?”  Joshua asked.


“Yep, real sure.  And they ain’t never caught the gang that did it either.”


Joshua looked down at his cards, no longer able to concentrate on the hand.  He would have to tell Nick about the stage, as soon as he returned from the room upstairs.



“Maggie!!”  His eyes flew open wide and he sat bolt upright in the bed.  Beads of sweat rolled down his temples and over the bridge of his nose.  Bad dream, just a bad dream he told himself.  Jarrod pulled himself out of bed and tied his robe tightly about his waist.  Stoking the small fire in the fireplace, yet again, he stood back and watched the flames grow and add warmth to his hotel room.


He picked up the photograph of Maggie and Thomas from the nightstand and sat down at the small desk in the corner of his room.  Pulling out several sheets of his monogrammed stationary, he began to pen a long love letter to his family.  A debate raged in his head over whether or not to tell Maggie of his decision in the letter, but he chose not to, opting to tell her about it when he returned home.  Senator Jarrod Thomas Barkley, he did like the sound of that, it rolled so easily off of his tongue.  He only hoped that Maggie would like the sound of Senator, just as much as he did. 


It had been a most difficult decision, deciding to run for the California State Senate. Campaigning for the position would be by far the worst part of it all, both for himself and his family.  But once that was done and over with, his new campaign managers Davis and Langhorn assured him that he would have much more time to spend with his family, more time at home. 


He’d met Davis and Langhorn more than a year ago in San Francisco.  They had come to him at his office, to talk about him running for office.  At first, Jarrod was adamantly against the idea, he’d never been particularly fond of politics and he knew Maggie equally disliked the idea.  But they had beguiled him with tales of how much of a difference he could make; how the young influential attorney would captivate the Senate and the press.  They had told him of how much more he’d be able to do from Sacramento then in his small, albeit successful law practice.  The whole idea appealed to Jarrod a great deal; but for some reason after the first meeting with Davis and Langhorn, he wasn’t able to tell his wife about it.  Not yet, anyway.  Jarrod was not a man that was easily beguiled or taken in, but the idea of accomplishing so much more on a higher level and the power he would wield, became almost intoxicating to him.


It had taken Davis and Langhorn far longer than they had anticipated to convince the young lawyer; but now that they had succeeded in their mission, they would soon start the campaign and begin the process of grooming Jarrod Barkley to be exactly the kind of politician that they wanted him to be.



Maggie put on her long coat and gloves and headed out into the cold, blustery day.  When she reached the stage depot, she was very surprised to find Joshua and Nick at the ticket window.  “So you two did decide to see me off after all.  Thank you, that’s very sweet of both of you!”  She patted Joshua’s arm and smiled at the two men.


“We didn’t exactly come to see you off.”  Nick started, “Fact of the matter is that this stage has been robbed a few times recently and we don’t think you should be traveling alone.”


It took a moment for what he had said to sink in, and then she shook her head vehemently.  “Oh no!  You two are not coming with me!  I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, gun and all.”


“Maggie!”  Nick sighed in frustration, “No one’s saying that you can’t take care of yourself!  Listen to me, all I’m gonna do is ride the stage up to Freemont with you and then turn around and come back.  That’s all!”


Her mouth dropped open.  “You?!  What about you Joshua, why don’t you come instead?”


“Sorry Maggie, but I need him to stay here for the auction.  He’s a great judge of cattle and I want him to stay here.”


“Nick, I don’t need a babysitter!”  She definitely didn’t want Nick along for the trip; she could just see the look on Jarrod’s face if he found out about it.  The two brothers had always seemed to be at odds with each other over one thing or another.  But over the last several years, the arguing had become more frequent and grew in its intensity.  She hated the arguments and the inevitable uncomfortable position that she’d be put into when the two of them were on the outs. 


He could see that she was worried and had a strong suspicion that he knew exactly what was on her mind.  “Maggie, Jarrod’s not even gonna know that I made the trip with you.  I’m just gonna ride there and come right back.”


“Excuse me miss, “The driver saw fit to join in the conversation, “But your friend here is right, there have been a few robberies.  Personally speaking, I sure wouldn’t mind having an extra man on board for protection.”


Maggie folded her arms smugly, looking at them, “Well then, I’m sure Mr. Barkley wouldn’t mind riding up front with you then, for protection.”


An angry glare was sent her way, but she ignored it completely.


“So ya don’t want me riding with you?  Fine, just fine, I will ride up front.  Ungrateful woman!”




Joshua hadn’t said a word until now, “Now Maggie, it’s pretty darned cold to be riding on top there.”


“He can ride on top or not at all.”


“Why, I outta just leave you to the robbers, you..”


An elderly woman tapping on the driver’s shoulder interrupted Nick.  “Excuse me?”


The driver turned around, “Yes Ma’am, can I help you.”


“This child,” She began, “My granddaughter is going to be taking this stage to Freemont.  Could you please kindly make sure that she stays out of trouble on the trip.”  A little girl hid behind the woman’s skirts, only just slightly peeking her head out.  “Come out Rose!”  The woman said sternly.  The frightened little girl didn’t move.  “Rose, come out and get your bag now!”  She yelled at her. 


Rose took a meager step forward.


“Didn’t I just tell you to get the bags, you horrible creature!” 


Rose’s head bowed, but she didn’t move.  Maggie and Nick both saw the child shaking.


The elderly woman lifted her hand high in the air and swiftly brought it down towards Rose.  She was stopped by a very firm grip suddenly appearing on her wrist.


“Don’t You Dare!”  Maggie spoke to the woman through a tightened jaw.  “I’ll make sure that Rose gets to Freemont safely.  Whom is she supposed to meet.”


The grandmother stuttered, “Her Aunt Freda and Uncle Otto, they’ll be meeting her at the stage.”


Maggie slowly released her grip on the woman’s wrist, Nick and Joshua had both come to stand beside her in a show of support.


“Don’t get too friendly with her!”  The grandmother said as she started to walk away, without so much as a goodbye to the child.  ‘She’s a jinx and a menace; trust me you’ll be happy to be rid of her!


Nick put a hand on Maggie’s shoulder.  “You did good.  You okay?”


“Yes, yes I’m fine Nick, thank you.  I never, a jinx and a menace?  What is that woman’s problem!”  Maggie knelt down in front of the child.  She estimated Rose to be o more than seven or eight years of age and while her Grandmother had been very well attired; Rose was shabbily dressed and in not nearly warm enough clothing for the trip.  Maggie opened one of her bags and pulled out a thick woolen shawl in a bright emerald green.  She saw the little girl’s eyes light up.  “Would you like to wear this?  It’ll help keep you warm.”


“Can I?”  Rose asked.


“Sure you can.  My name’s Maggie by the way and this is Nick and that’s Joshua.”


“I’m Rose Frantz.”


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rose Frantz.”  Maggie unfolded the shawl and wrapped it around the girl’s thin shoulders.


Nick bent down his tall frame and held out his large hand to Rose.  “Nice to meet ya Rose!”  Her tiny hand was completely engulfed by his but she smiled up at the tall cowboy and did her best to give him a firm shake.


“We best get underway” The driver informed them, “If we wanna get to Freemont by midnight.”


“Midnight?  I thought we should be there by six or seven this evening?”  Maggie asked.


“Normally, we would be ma’am.  But the last snow and ice storm completely took out a big section of road so we’re gonna have to go around a ways.  It’ll add several hours to our trip.  Now listen, we’re only making one stop and that’s about four hours from here.  But you’ll be able to get yourself warm and have some stew.  So best make yourselves comfortable, we’re in for a long day and night.”


Maggie closed her eyes briefly; at least she’d be there by midnight.  She climbed up inside the stagecoach and sat down.  Nick lifted Rose up and put her inside the coach.  But Maggie was surprised to see Nick close the door.


“You sure are something, Maggie!”  He said softly and then disappeared. 


She could hear him climb on top of the stage.  With Rose’s entrance, Maggie had completely forgotten that she’d been arguing with Nick.  She regretted their fight now, but her stubborn streak wouldn’t allow her to apologize and ask Nick to join them in the coach.


Nick shouted down a few last minute instructions about the auction, to Joshua.


The stagecoach driver loudly cracked the reins and the stage was on its way to Freemont.


The bitter cold seeped through Nick’s jacket and gloves; settling directly onto his skin.  He thought he was used to cold weather, having had several bad winters back home, but they were nothing like this.  This was a bitter damp cold wind that blew through right to your very bones.  Still, despite the freezing temperatures, he couldn’t help but admire the beauty of the passing landscape.  The snow on the ground shined on like acres and acres of a white glistening pond that stretched as far as the eye could see.  The trees alongside the roadway were coated in ice and loomed up into the sky as giant crystals that sparkled and danced in the sunlight.  Nick found himself wondering if Maggie could see all the beauty of it from inside the stagecoach.


Maggie’s attentions were not on the beauty outside of her window. Though they were sheltered from the wind, it was still freezing inside the coach.  Little Rose had started out on the trip, seated across from Maggie.  But as the temperature grew colder, she soon crept over and sat next to Maggie’s thick coat.  The girl curled up into a little ball trying to warm herself and Maggie had opened up her thick woolen coat to let Rose creep in closer and take shelter in it.  Maggie had kept a small bag with her inside the stage and she opened it up to peer inside.  Her gloved hands rifled through the contents and she pulled out a book.


“How about I read to you for a little while Rose, would you like that?”


“Oh yes Ma’am!”  Rose’s face brightened at the suggestion.  It had been a very long time since anyone had read to her.


Looking at the book cover, she commented, “Well this one looks suitable.  I haven’t read it yet though.  Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott.”  The book was opened to the first chapter and she began reading to Rose in a gentle voice.  Maggie thought about Thomas for a moment, she so enjoyed reading to him and she was missing him sorely.  She wondered at how many more days she would have of reading to him before he grew older and no longer wished to be read to by his Mother or Father.  She hoped that the day was still very long off.  The thought of another child brought a smile to her face, a family of four, sounded just perfect to her.  And a Father that would spend more time at home, sounded even better.


The stage slowed and pulled into the one stop they would make before they turned off of their normal course and headed around through Parson’s Pass.  Nick jumped down and opened the door for Maggie and Rose.  Somehow, he didn’t feel quite as chilled to the bone anymore when he looked inside and found Rose asleep, curled up on Maggie’s lap and halfway tucked inside her coat.    Maggie grinned at him then lightly gave Rose a little shake to rouse her.  Still partly in dreamland, she went into Nick’s long arms without a fuss and wrapped her skinny arms around his neck.


“Hello there Miss Rose.  Did ya have a nice nap?”  He asked.


“Uh-huh.  Are we in Freemont?”  She asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes.


“Nope, not yet.  We just made a stop.  But I hear tell they got some good stew inside and it looks mighty warm and toasty.”


“She’s been asleep for over an hour.”  Maggie informed him as they walked inside the cabin.  “Seems that my reading to her put her right out.”


“Always did work for me when I was a boy.”


“Really?  I would figure you to be fussy and fighting with your Mother when it was bed time.”


“Most of the time, you’re right I was.  But then she’d start telling tales about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and I’d settle right down.”


“Camelot.  And were you a knight in shining armor, Nick?”


Nick grinned from ear to ear.  “I was dear lady.  I’d slay dragons and rescue every fair maiden in Camelot and beyond.”


“I can see you as a knight.”  She replied.


“Well howdy there folks!  Sure is a cold ‘un!  C’mon inside.  Gotcha some hot stew and a warm fire to sit by.  I is gonna take care of your horses so ya just sit a spell and warm the bones!”  The old withered man and the sole occupant of the small cabin was both warm and friendly to his temporary guests.  He threw on his old coat and his moth beaten scarf and headed outside.


“Thank you Hiram.”  The driver replied.  “I’ll give ya a hand with them.”  The driver followed the old man outside to get the stage ready for the next and most difficult part of the journey.


Maggie went to the wood stove and checked the large pot of hot stew.  Finding bowls and spoons, she poured out a full bowl for each of them.  Rose took her bowl from her and thanked her before eagerly digging into it. 


Nick pulled off his gloves and took the bowl from Maggie, when he did; she touched his hand for an instant.  “Nick!  You’re hands are freezing!”


“Aw, they’re alright.  They’ll warm up in a few minutes.”


She touched her hand to his cheek and instinctively pulled back at the iciness of his skin.  “Goodness, you’re half frozen to death Nick!”  Sitting down beside him, she thought before she spoke again.  “Nick, listen I was wrong to tell you to stay up there.  Please come in the stage where it’s at least not windy.”


“Nick smiled down into his bowl, not wanting her to see his expression.  “Well maybe I could, as long as ya don’t think I’m trying to baby-sit you!”


“I don’t think that.  I’m sorry, okay?”  She told him, her green eyes pleading with his hazel ones.


“Shoot, never could stay mad at you long!”  Nick smiled sweetly back at her and reached out to push a lock of her red hair back from her face and tucked it neatly behind her ear.


Maggie pulled back and laughed slightly, “You still feel like ice!” Her hands cupped together and she blew her warm breath inside them and then put both of her hands on either side of his face.


Nick’s eyes closed, relishing the sensation of the warmth of her skin penetrating his.  But he was enjoying it too much and his eyes flew open.  He took her hands and pulled them away, “Don’t Maggie.”  He said ruefully.


“What?  What did I do?”  She asked, not comprehending what was going through her brother-in-law’s heart.


“You didn’t do anything.  It’s me.”  Nick put the bowl of stew down next to him and stood up.  “Think I’ll go see if they need a hand with those horses.”  He could feel her watching him as he pulled his coat tightly around himself and went outside.  ‘Maybe Joshua shoulda made this trip, instead of me.’


“Your husban mad at you?”  Rose asked.


“What honey?  Oh..no..Nick’s not my husband.  He’s my brother-in-law.  I’m on my way to go see my husband.”


“Oh” Rose replied, “Sure seems like your husban!”  She returned her attentions back to her bowl and finished off the last bits.  “I sure hope my Aunt is as nice as you are, hope she reads to me.”


“I’m sure she will Rose.  Where’s your Mama and Papa, honey?”


“They in heaven, with God.  They both got sick and I couldn’t make them wake up.  I was sick first but I got better.  Then they got sick and they didn’t get better.”


“Oh I’m so sorry honey.”  Maggie wrapped a motherly arm around the girl’s shoulders and Rose moved in closer to her.  Perhaps, now she knew the reason that the child’s grandmother had called her a jinx; she blamed Rose for her parents becoming ill and dying.


The driver came inside and informed them that they were ready to start again.  She made sure Rose’s shawl was pulled tightly around her and then picked up the child in her arms and they went back outside into the cold.  Nick was already at the stage, holding the door open for them.  “In you go, ladies.”


He started to close the door behind him, but Maggie put her hand on it and stopped him.  “Please Nick, come inside.”


“Think I might keep an eye out better up there.”  He replied, not looking at her.


“I think you’ll do just fine inside and you won’t freeze to death.  Please I’m sure Rose would love to have your company.”


“How about it Rose?”  He asked, looking around Maggie and at the child.


“Yep!  Stay here, I want you to tell me stories!”  She replied, smiling widely.


“You do now?  What kind of stories?”  Nick grinned, he rather liked that Rose wanted him to stay with them.


“About King Arthur and dragons!”


“Oh you heard us talking earlier, did ya?  Okay then, dragons and knights it is then.”  Nick climbed up inside the stage and sat down opposite Maggie and Rose.  He pulled the door shut and slapped the outside of the door, signaling the driver they were ready to go. 


“Now,” He said, feeling proud as a peacock.  “Let me tell you about Sir Lancelot, the finest knight in all of Camelot and even in all the world!  None was better with a sword or killed more dragons than Sir Lancelot.  But he had a weakness.”  He said, his gaze turning to Maggie.  “He was in love, in love with a woman that was married to someone else, someone he could never have..”


Maggie could feel him watching her; dare she look up at him?  Eventually, she brought her eyes up and they locked with Nick’s.  She was trapped, locked into his soulful eyes.  She didn’t hear much of anything else that was said, occasional laughter from Rose and Nick’s voice rise and fall, but nothing else.  Soon Rose yawned and she was fast asleep again in Maggie’s lap, her dreams filled with knights in shining armor and horses that ran as fast as the wind.


“You’re an excellent storyteller.”  She told Nick.


“Thanks Maggie didn’t think I’d remember all of that.  Rose seemed to enjoy them.”


“She did and so did I.  I hope you’ll share those stories with Thomas sometime.”


“I’m sure I will.”  Nick took hold of the seat as they passed over a sharp bump, then felt the coach rise in the rear and come back down again.  Another lurch of the coach and then, a snapping sound.


Time seemed to almost stand still in those few seconds.  She had looked across at Nick as they grabbed the seats to hold on and she put an arm around Rose.  Maggie heard a snapping sound and then saw a look pass over Nick’s face that she had never seen before.  She didn’t recognize it at first, but soon it registered.  Fear.  “N.i..c..k?”


He hoped he was wrong; it wasn’t going to happen, not now.  He lunged across the small cabin area of the stagecoach and stood over Maggie and Rose, trying to shield them.  “HOLD ON!”  He yelled.  But he wasn’t wrong, not this time.  The coach lurched again and leaned to the side.  No time to get out, nothing they could do to stop it now.  The coach skidded out sideways from the horses and pulled over onto its side.  The horses were unable to stay standing under the pulling weight and they tumbled onto their sides, following the stage as it tumbled down an icy hillside with its occupants inside.


Nick tried desperately to hold on to both of them.  Rose screamed, terrified.  The force of their momentum and gravity proved stronger than Nick Barkley’s will and he was pushed out the side door just before it made its final roll and settled at the bottom of the hill.



Daylight was beginning to wane and the temperature began to drop.  A light snow fell onto the ground, sparsely dusting the overturned stagecoach and the still figures lying on the ground.  One horse grunted and whinnied; trying to right itself, but his broken leg would not allow his weight.  The other horse did not move, it’s neck twisted horribly and broken.


The driver lifted his head painfully off the snow-covered ground and looked to the stagecoach.  He opened his mouth to yell out but only blood came from his lips, soaking the virgin white snow around him.  It was becoming so difficult for him to breathe.


Opening her eyes slowly, she gazed at her surroundings and it was several moments before she realized where she was.  Inside the stagecoach and it was laying on its side.  Maggie began to move and found that every part of her was hurting, but still moving and she was relieved nothing appeared to be broken.  Her hand went to an egg on the side of her head and she touched it gently, “Oww!” 


Rose sat huddled in the corner of the stage, with her knees pulled to her chest.  She watched Maggie silently as she began to wake up and move around.


“Rose, honey, are you okay?”


“Yeah.”  She whispered meekly.  “I think so.”


“Nick..”  He wasn’t inside the stage, and then she remembered.  She had tried to grab onto him but it was too late.  “Nick!”  She cried out for him but there was nothing, no sounds outside except the weak cries of one of the horses.  “C’mon Rose, let’s get outta this thing.”  Opening the door, which was now the top of the stage, Maggie painfully picked up Rose into her arms and helped her out.


His name, someone had yelled his name.  ‘Maggie?  What in blazes…oh yeah…c’mon get yourself up!’  A shiver ran up his spine and he shook it off.  Slowly, he pulled himself up and shook the dusting of snow off his clothing.  He was very much aware as he moved, that he had taken quite the beating but he was completely unprepared for the pain that shot through him when he stood up.  “Arrgghhh!”  He yelled out, his legs went out from under him and he landed excruciatingly back on the ground.


“Nick?!”  Maggie had heard his pained yell and as soon as she got Rose down from atop the stage, she ran to his side with Rose following behind her.


Looking up towards the sound of her voice, he sent a very brief thank you to the heavens when he saw she was okay.  “Maggie..you alright?”  He asked, his face contorting with the pain.


“I’m okay Nick.  But you’re not, don’t move.”  She knelt down beside him.


“Just hurt my leg a bit is all.”  He told her.  But his eyes traveled down to where Maggie was staring.  Blood was soaking through his pant leg, only a few inches below his right knee and he saw the rip in his pants and something else.  His eyes grew wide when he realized what it was.


“Green break Nick.  The broken bone has come right through your skin.  Don’t move it at all.”  She turned to Rose who stood behind her.  Rose’s little fists were tightened into balls and in front of her mouth, trying to keep herself from crying.  “Rose, look I need you to help right now.  Our bags got scattered, but do you think you can find them?  I need my two bags, they are tapestry bags, can you do that for me?”


“Yes ma’am.  I can find them.”


“Good sweetie, you’ll have to hurry though it’s going to get dark very soon.”  She kept one eye on the child as she scurried around trying to find Maggie’s bags.  “Nick, I’ve got to find something to stabilize that leg.  I have things in my bag we can use to wrap it and stop the bleeding but I need something hard to keep that leg still.”


“The stagecoach.”  He replied.  “You can break off a couple of pieces of the wood and use that.”


“But how can I break it off Nick, it’s pretty sturdy.”  The stage, despite its tumbling, was still in one piece and she knew there was no way she could break off pieces of it, certainly not with her bare hands.


“Look for a mallet or a hammer, driver always keeps something like that in case a wheel gets loosened up.”


“The driver.  Oh my God, Nick!”


“Ben,” He replied quickly, “His name’s Ben.”


“Ben!”  She called out.  “Ben, where are you?” 


“Missus Barkley, Missus Barkley!”  Rose screamed from the top of the hill.  “Come quick!!”


“Don’t move.”  She admonished Nick.


“Don’t think I’m gonna go anywhere at the moment.”  He told her wryly.


Maggie briefly touched her gloved hand to his cheek, “I’ll be right back.”


He laid his head down on his arm and watched her trudge up the hill slowly.  He raised his head when she slipped on ice and fell.  But she got right up again and made it to the top.  His legs were beginning to get numb from the cold and he was almost thankful for it as it seemed to dull some of the pain he was feeling.  It seemed to him like hours, before Maggie and Rose came back down the hill.  He watched her stop and look at the horses.


Going to his side, she tried to push away the fear that was growing inside her.  “Ben’s dead, Nick.  He didn’t make it.”  Tentatively, she extended her hand to him, “I need your gun.  One horse is already dead, but the other has both its hind legs broken.”


He only had to see the expression on her face to know she had never done anything like that before, never put a horse out of it’s misery.  “Are you going to be able to Maggie?  If not, once this leg is set, I’ll take care of it.”


“No Nick.  I can do it.”  She steeled herself and took Nick’s gun in her hand.


Rose tried to follow her but Nick stopped her.  “Rose, stay with me okay?  Could sure use the company right now.”


“Okay Misser Barkley.”  Rose sat back down next to him.  She stared at his leg, “Does it hurt?”  She asked innocently.


“Not too bad.”  He lied.


“I broke my arm once and it hurt real bad.”


“You did?  When did you do that Rose?”


“Last year, I climbed up a tree to high and I fell.”


“Ohhh,” Nick smiled knowingly.  “Well don’t tell anyone but I did the exact same thing when I was your age.”


“You broke your arm?”  Rose asked wide-eyed, she somehow just couldn’t see this big cowboy climbing trees.


“Uh-huh.  Sure did, right here.”  Nick held out his right arm and pointed to the spot where he’d broken it as a child.


A single shot rang out and echoed through the woods.


Rose started to cry.  “Poor horsy.”


“Aww, c’mere Rose.”  Nick, against Maggie’s orders, pulled himself up to a seated position and held out his arms.  Rose went into them immediately.  “It’s gonna be okay Rose, I promise.”



Alone in his hotel room, Jarrod sat in front of the fireplace.  He stared into the flames, but did not see them.  The nightmare that had awoken him early in the morning had stayed with him throughout the day.  It gnawed on him, even during court, he found he was unable to shake off the bad feeling he had since waking up.  It was close to midnight and while he sipped on his glass of sherry, he closed his eyes and tried to picture Maggie and Thomas.  He saw both of them vividly in his mind, safe and warm in their beds and he longed to be home, curled up next to his wife under a pile of quilts. 


But his wife was far from being safe and warm in their bed.


Maggie pulled another dress from her bag and tucked it around the sleeping Rose.  Nick tossed another piece of wood from the stagecoach onto the small fire.  After she had managed to splint his leg, he had stubbornly insisted on standing and breaking off several more pieces of wood from the stage with the large mallet she had found. 


The snow had proven to be a help as the daylight disappeared, for it reflected the light of the moon and Maggie and Rose were able to recover most of the items that had been on the stage.  They were fortunate in that the stagecoach driver, Ben, was not a light traveler and had several supplies on board.  An outcropping of rocks had been found nearby and the three of them huddled closely together underneath part of them, once Nick had assured himself that they were not invading the den of a hibernating grizzly or black bear.


With Rose curled up between the two of them, they sipped on the hot coffee, sharing the one cup they had found.  Nick had made the coffee, but only half a pot, not wanting to use up all that they had found.  He feared that they would need it again for another freezing cold night.  The feeling of being helpless and incapacitated ate away at him.  Though he was hopeful to the both of them about rescue, in the back of his mind, he held little hope.  They were on the alternate route, one not normally used by the stage.  So far as he knew, no one would even know they were missing for at least another day or two.  Joshua would be busy at the auction and wasn’t expecting Nick to return for two more days.  The old man at the way station, well he wasn’t sure he even knew they had gone another way.  Jarrod didn’t even know that Maggie was coming; she had wanted to surprise him.  The one bit of hope was Rose’s aunt and uncle, they should be expecting the stage and he wondered if by now, they weren’t getting worried about the little girl.


For Nick, there was only one right thing to do.  “Listen Maggie, at first light I want you and Rose to head out down the trail together.  You keep a good pace up and you two should hit a town or way station in no time.”


She stared at him in disbelief, but even in the dim firelight she could see that he was dead serious.  “Rose and I?  You do mean the three of us, don’t you.”


“Maggie look, there’s no way you can get out of here with me along.  I’m just going to slow you down and you’ll both freeze to death if you don’t find shelter.”


“Forget it Nick, I’m not leaving you here.  We’re all going to get out of this.  Tomorrow morning, we’ll build a big fire and someone will see it…”


“No!!”  Nick almost shouted, but thought of Rose and kept his voice low.  He took hold of Maggie’s shoulders firmly and made her look directly at him.  “You’re not listening.  You’ll never make it to a town with me.  I can hardly walk right now.”  Maggie shook her head vehemently and Nick stopped her by cupping her face in his gloved hands.  He gently stroked her cheek with his thumb; “Think of Rose, she doesn’t stand a chance out here for more than one night.”


Maggie’s eyes cast down towards the sleeping child, she was so skinny and fragile looking.  “Nick..I can’t…”  Tears came to her eyes and he wiped them away with his fingertips.  “If I leave you here, you’ll freeze to death.  They’ll come looking for us, for Rose.”


“They don’t know to look on this road.  We had to take another way remember?  If someone’s looking for us, they are going to be looking on the main road first before they come this way.  It could be two or three days before they find us here and by then, honey, Rose can’t stay here another two or three days.”


She knew he was right about the child, she wouldn’t survive another two or three days out here and he was right about the fact that they were on an alternate route.  “You know I hate it when you’re right!”    Maggie joked half-heartedly.


“You find a way station or a ranch or a town tomorrow and you’ll send someone here to get me.  I’ll be fine.  There’s still more coffee and enough wood to keep a fire going another day at least.”


“Nick..”  She whispered.


“Shhh now it’s going to be okay.”  He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.  “It’s gonna be okay Maggie.  You try and get some rest now, you’ve got a long walk tomorrow.”


“We’ll talk more about it in the morning Nick.”  Maggie put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.  But she was a long way from sleep.  Her heart was torn, how could she leave Nick there and yet, she knew he was right about Rose.  She wouldn’t survive much longer in this cold and Nick was unable to walk on that leg for long.  There had to be another answer and her thoughts searched for one.


He wasn’t going to fall asleep.  The pain in his leg was excruciating, but that wasn’t the sole reason he fought off sleep.  He fought off sleep so that he wouldn’t lose a single moment of this.  Rose tucked between the two of them and Maggie’s head on his shoulder.  She was so close that he could feel her warm breath on his neck and feel her soft skin against his chin.  The feeling of peace that he had inside, surprised even himself.  It didn’t matter what would happen tomorrow or the day after that.  For on this night, Maggie was wrapped up in his arms, her body pressed closely to his.  And the sweet little girl Rose was sleeping half between his lap and Maggie’s.  No, he wouldn’t sleep tonight; he wasn’t going to miss a single second of this.


After a time, the fire began to die down again and Nick carefully pulled his arm from around Maggie and reached for another few sticks to throw on the fire. 


“Nick?”  Maggie stirred when he shifted his weight.


“Go back to sleep hone.  Just putting more wood on.”


Maggie sat up, careful not to disturb Rose.  “I was thinking Nick, we could make a travois to carry you.”


“A travois?”  His voice raised then quickly lowered.  “Maggie you don’t even weigh half as much as I do!  How on earth are you going to pull me on a travois?!  Look at all the snow and ice, you’ll fall and hurt yourself and where will we be then?”


“That’s just the point!”  Maggie talked fast, this idea had to work.  “We’ll make it more like a sled, put wood on the bottom like runners and I should be able to easily pull or push you, the ice will do half the work for me.”


Nick took her hand and squeezed it, “No Maggie, you and Rose leave at first light then..”


“No!  C’mon we have to at least try it!”  She pleaded with him; she couldn’t leave him behind, not Nick.


“I don’t know..”


“Listen Nick, either we try it or I’m not going anywhere.  I won’t leave you behind, I won’t.”  She tried not to, but the tears came again.  “I’m not leaving you!”


“Alright, alright we’ll try it.  But if it doesn’t work, if you can’t do it; then we go with my plan, understand?”


Her head nodded and she threw her arms around his neck hugging him.  “It’s a deal.”  She said softly.


He pulled back from her hug and wiped the tears from her eyes.  He could disappear into her eyes, get lost in them forever and not even care.  He spoke her name in a whisper so soft she barely heard it.  “Maggie.”   He touched her lips with his fingertips and she kissed them gently, suddenly the rest of the world disappeared.  It was only they and no one else existed.  Mouths met in a soft caress that fueled his desire for her.  She met his kiss and followed in kind when his lips parted and she allowed him to taste the sweetness of her mouth.  “My sweet stubborn Maggie.”  His mouth plunged onto hers again, devouring her hungrily and unwilling to let her go, for in the back of his mind he knew that this would never happen again.


Saturday.  Thank goodness, Jarrod had thought to himself when he had awoken.  A chance for him to catch up on his paperwork and spend some much needed time working on the speech he would give when he announced his candidacy next month.  Jarrod finished another breakfast alone and returned to his room.  Taking off his jacket, he ruffled through his bag until he reached the bottom and found what he was looking for.  A thick black woolen sweater, one that Maggie had knitted for him the year before.  He remembered having teased her about it, that he wouldn’t get much chance to wear something like that in Stockton.  He pulled it over his head and regretted having teased his wife over it, the sweater was certainly perfect for the weather in Freemont and it brought him some comfort knowing that she had made it for him.  His hand rubbed across the other sleeve and he said a silent apology to her.


Sitting down at the small desk in his room, he started to work on his speech.  But found instead, that he would much rather pen a telegram to his wife and son, telling them how much he missed them.  He gazed out the window and wished that Maggie were there with him.  The cold temperatures outside made for perfect snuggling weather inside and he imagined her there, sitting on his lap with her hands wrapped around his neck.  It seemed to him that he had been so long since they had spent an evening like that, doing absolutely nothing but holding one another.  He missed those carefree times.  Even when she had been full with child and only a few weeks before her due date, he would still pull her onto his lap.  He’d rub her swollen belly and feel the child kick within her.  He had been there when the baby had kicked for the very first time and he had put his hand on her stomach, in complete awe of the life that grew inside her.


A sharp rapping on the door broke him away from his warm thoughts of his wife and son.


“Mister Barkley, telegram!”  The voice called from the other side of the door.


His heart leapt into his throat, ‘Maggie’ he thought.  Opening the door, he found the front desk clerk standing there with paper in hand.


“Odd thing though, it’s addressed to Mr. AND Mrs. Jarrod Barkley.”  The clerk handed over the telegram to Jarrod and he handed him a coin.


“Oh?  That is odd.”  Jarrod glanced down at the folded paper then back at the clerk.  “Thank you.”  He closed the door and opened the telegram slowly.  It was from his Mother and not Maggie. 


Jarrod and Maggie

I pray that your trip went well Maggie.  Thomas wanted to send you both a telegram to let you know that he’s being very good and that he misses you both already.  So do I.  Hope you are both finally getting the chance to have a honeymoon.


Love your Mother.


Jarrod closed the piece of paper.  ‘Mother thinks Maggie’s here?  This doesn’t make any sense…’  Jarrod grabbed his coat and headed from his hotel room.  He felt a swell of panic and the nightmare from the evening before came back into his mind.  Breaking into a full run, he sped towards the telegraph office.  He felt it in his heart and head, something had happened, something bad.  She had to have been on her way to see him.  ‘Maggie, my Ladylove, where are you?’  He ran into the telegraph office and quickly penned a telegram to his Mother.  Jarrod stood and watched as it was sent and paced as he waited for an answer, praying that his Mother was still in town and they would locate her quickly.


Prayers were answered in the form of a double-edged sword.  Maggie had indeed left Stockton to be with him, but should have arrived in Freemont two days earlier.  He was surprised to learn that Nick and Joshua were both in Denver and had probably seen Maggie off on the stage.  Another telegram was penned and he informed the operator that his brother and Joshua could be most likely located at the cattle auction.  This time, it was several hours before he received a reply and it came from Joshua.  He learned that his brother had taken the stage with Maggie, as there had been several robberies in the past. Joshua informed him that the stage should have arrived yesterday, having left a day later than expected.  Joshua told him of the alternate route they had taken and that he would start searching for them from Denver.  Jarrod took the telegram in hand and headed to the sheriff’s office.


He burst through the front door of the small sheriff’s office.  “Sheriff the stage from Denver it’s..”


“It’s still missing, Mr. Barkley, didya wanna join the search party?”  The portly sheriff asked him.


“You know it’s missing then?”


“Course I know it’s gone missing.”  He rolled his eyes at the fancy lawyer and pointed at the middle-aged woman sitting on a small bench in the corner.  “This is Mrs. Frantz, her niece was on the stage, only seven years old.  Her husband’s out with the search party.”


“Mrs. Frantz.”  Jarrod tipped his hat.  “My wife, she was on the stage as well and my brother.”


“Well why didn’t you tell me that sooner?!”


“I didn’t know, sheriff.  Apparently my wife wanted to surprise me.”


The sheriff took out a pencil and licked it before touching it to the paper.  “What’s their names and gimme a good description of them.”


“Her full name’s Margaret Anne Catherine Barkley, my brother is Nicholas Jonathan.  Maggie’s about five feet one inch tall, bright red hair and emerald green eyes, very slender…


The sunlight helped to warm them as they continued down the path at a slow pace.  Still, Nick had to admit to himself; at least they were making some headway.  Far better than if he had tried to walk.  But he worried about Maggie and how she was holding up.


“You know, I think you oughta turn this thing around and push it instead of pulling Maggie, you might find it easier.  Matter of fact, looks to me about noontime, why don’t we take a breather and have some of that jerky.”


“My you sure are full of directions, Nick, you must be doing okay.”  She grinned at him.


“Not too bad, thanks to Nurse Maggie and Nurse Rose!” 


“I helped change your bandages!”  Rose exclaimed proudly.


“Yes I know you did and you did a most excellent job of it, young lady!”  He thought for a moment, “Maybe I’ll try walking for a little while.”


“Oh no you don’t Nick Barkley, you are not up to walking on that leg.”


“Just for a little while, give you a rest.”


“Absolutely not, I’m doing just fine with this and don’t need a rest.”  She lied to him completely; her muscles still sore from the accident were aching badly.


He knew she was lying, she was a lousy poker player.  “Alright, but we’re still stopping for a moment to eat something.”


“Yessir!”  Maggie replied with a smile and a salute.


Nick slid himself over slightly, giving Maggie and Rose room to sit down on the sled with him.  Pulling out the bag from behind him, some jerky was retrieved and handed to Maggie and Rose.  “Certainly not the kind of lunch we’d get back home, but it’ll do.”  Nick said.


Rose didn’t touch her jerky.


“Sweetheart, are you okay?”  Maggie asked, putting an arm around the child.


“Yes ma’am.  I was jus tinking.” 


“About what?”


“Do you tink my aunt an uncle will like me?”


“Oh Rose, they are going to adore you, I just know it!”  Maggie hugged the child in her arms and kissed her forehead.


“Ya tink so?  My Grammy doesn’t like me.”


“Then your Grammy doesn’t know what she’s missing!”  Nick added in.  “You’re a fine child Rose, anybody would be luck to have ya!”


Rose turned to look at both of them, “Iffen they don’t like me, can I stay with you two?”


Nick put a hand on Maggie’s shoulder and squeezed it slightly.  Her hand went up to cover his and they latched together.  “They are going to love you Rose, they are going to love you lots!”


“But iffen they don’t couldn’t we all stay together?”


“Well Rose..”  Maggie stopped for a moment trying to think of the right words to say.  “We couldn’t all stay together, the three of us…”


“Why not?”  She asked innocently, “You could marry each other..”


“Rose, Maggie is already married and she has a little boy.”


“Your little boy could live with us too!  It’d be fun to have a little brother!”  Rose wouldn’t let up.


Maggie took a deep breath, “We can’t get married sweetie, I’m already married.”


“But you love each other!  I know you do!”


Maggie’s hand detached from Nick’s and she rose to her feet, very uncomfortable with where this conversation had gone.  Nick didn’t take his eyes off of her.  Neither of them had discussed last night or what had happened and Nick didn’t want to.  He was just thankful for that one moment and it would live in his memory, but he would never tell a soul about it.


“Of course I love Nick,” Maggie finally replied, “We’re family and I care about him very much.  But I am married Rose.  His name’s Jarrod and I’ll introduce you when we get to Freemont, he’s…”


Rose cried out, “But you were kissing last night!  You do love each other!”


Maggie and Nick’s eyes locked together in shock.  They had no idea that Rose had seen them last night and had no idea what to say.  Maggie grew frightened, if Jarrod found out about what happened, she shuddered involuntarily.  He saw the fear in her expression and it tore at his heart.


“Listen Rose, we were both just really scared last night it was just a way to make us feel better.”  Nick then told one of the biggest lies he’d ever uttered, “That’s all it was, it didn’t mean anything.”


She knelt down on the ground in front of the little girl.  “Nick’s right.  It really didn’t mean anything.  But, we should still probably keep it just between the three of us.”


“You mean a secret?”  Rose asked.


“Yep.”  Nick relied.  “A secret, are you good at keeping a secret?”


“Oh yes, I can keep it.”  Rose exclaimed to them both. 


“We should get going again.”  Nick quickly changed the subject.  “Now, let’s get this thing turned around so you can push not pull.  Okay?”



When they reached outside the borders of Freemont, Jarrod and the sheriff went in separate directions.  Having been unaware that the stagecoach had not taken it’s normal route; the sheriff went off after the search party to get them back on the right road and would meet up again later with the lawyer. 


He looked up at the sky, there were only a few hours left of sunlight and soon the temperatures would begin to drop again.  ‘Please God, let her be all right, let Nick be all right.’  As soon as the prayer went up, an uneasy feeling developed from the pit of his stomach.  Nick’s out there and with Maggie.  ‘But he’s over her.  Isn’t he?  He wouldn’t..no..stop that Jarrod you are being ridiculous!’  Just the same, Jarrod spurred the horse on heavily and headed down the road in search of his wife and brother.


Joshua checked out of the Nugget and headed out from Denver.  The light snow that had been falling all day grew heavier, to the point it was difficult to see any distance ahead of him.  He was going to get to them, no matter what it took.  His boss and Mrs. Barkley weren’t going to die out there, they were going to be found and they would both be just fine.  Nick was more than his boss; he was his friend and a real one at that.  He wasn’t about to let him or Mrs. Barkley, Maggie, down.


He had fallen asleep, dozed off while he was on the sled.  A sudden scream from Rose jolted him awake.  Nick turned around to find Maggie on the ground, her eyes closed.  “Maggie!” 


“She was carrying me, I was too tired and she fell.  She won’t wake up!”


“She was carrying you?!  What in the Sam Hill was she trying to do, carrying you and pushing the sled – are you trying to kill yourself Maggie?  Huh?”  He bellowed at her but there was no response, no movement.  “Maggie, come on now.”  He shook her lightly and then pulled off his gloves and touched them to her face; her cheeks were cold as ice and damp with sweat.  “She’s freezing to death.  Help me Rose!”  He took a quick look around and found what he thought to be a decent place to make camp.  “Bring the sled!”  Nick grunted and with the last bit of strength he had remaining, he lifted Maggie into his arms and stood up.  The pain in his leg was unbearable, but he wouldn’t let go. 


‘Only a few more feet’ he told himself as he trudged slowly through the snow towards where Rose was already waiting with the sled.  Once there, he nearly fell to the ground, with Maggie in his arms.  “Rose” He groaned in pain, “Get the matches from the bag, I want you to start a fire with the sled.”


“But, I put the sled on fire, how will you go?”  She asked.


“Never mind that right now, just please do as I say.  Maggie is very cold right now and she needs to get warm, okay?”


“Okay.”  It took Rose several tries but eventually the wood did light up and a small fire began to warm their tiny shelter. 


“I should’ve remembered.  I’m sorry Maggie.  The doc said you were more susceptible to cold now.  Do you remember?”  He whispered in her ear as he rubbed her limbs and face vigorously, trying to bring the warmth back to her skin.  “I was never so scared as when I found you at the logging camp, you even had icicles in your hair.  Maggie, don’t you do this again, you wake up now woman!”


“Is she..she gonna die?”  Rose asked, her voice trembling.


“No honey, she’s not gonna die.  She’s just exhausted and needs to sleep for a little while.   Okay?”


“Kay.  I’m scared.”


“I know Rose, me too.  But it’s gonna be okay.”  Nick rubbed Maggie’s arms and face vigorously, bringing the warmth back to her chilled skin.


“Is it helping?”  She asked, watching the strong cowboy holding Maggie tightly near the fire and rubbing her arms.


“We’ll know soon Rose.  Right now, I want you to get a couple of Maggie’s dresses from her bag.  One for Maggie and one for you.”  He watched her do as he asked and took a dress from Rose, tucking it tightly around Maggie.  “Rose, sit a little closer to the fire, but not too close, you need to get warm too.”  The sound of the sled burning echoed in his ears, he knew that the fire wouldn’t last all that long and had no idea what he would do once it burned out.  Maggie had to wake up before the fire went out, she just had to, and there was no way he was going to lose her.


His body grew tired beyond belief and he soon found himself trying to fight off sleep.  Rose had moved closer to them and she had put her warm hands on Maggie’s shoulders.  Nick jolted his head back as he started to doze again and looked at Maggie, still nothing from her, but at least her skin seemed to be getting warmer.  He lifted his head and checked on Rose, she was sound asleep next to them and he lowered his head back down.  “Come on Maggie, wake up, please honey!”


The contrast of cold and warm sent a shiver up her spine and she shook before opening her eyes.  “Nick?”


“Hello there.  Welcome back, Maggie.”  He whispered softly. 


Her mind struggled to break free of the daze she felt she was in.  “What...what happened?”


“You were trying to do more than you could, again!”  He chided her gently.  “What were you trying to do with pushing me and carrying Rose?  You should know better than that.”


Still feeling groggy, she wrapped an arm around Nick’s back, soaking up the warmth.  “I’m stronger than I look.”


“I’ll give you that.”  He replied with a small grin.  “But I was thinking the word was stubborn.  You can’t do everything ya know.”


“Mmm, I suppose not.  But I had to try.”


“I know you did.”  He kissed her forehead.  “Rest now, Rose is sleeping right behind you.  Try and get some sleep, okay?”


“Okay.”  She replied.  “Nick?”




Her head nuzzled into his shoulder.  “Thank you.”


He stayed awake until she finally fell into a normal sleep, her breathing even and her skin warm.  Nick closed his eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.


“Up ahead, look!”  Otto Frantz pointed off in the distance, off the trail and towards a warm light.


“Looks like a fire!”  Jarrod replied, excitement in his voice.  He spurred his horse first and broke ahead of the rest of the search party. 


Unable to get right close to the fire on horseback, they dismounted and walked through the snow to the small encampment.  Jarrod caught sight of the three of them first and the first thing he felt was anger.  They were sleeping, all three of them.  Maggie was on Nick’s lap, their arms wrapped around each other.  But logic took its hold on him and he exhaled sharply.  ‘Of course they’re like that, how else are they going to keep from freezing to death.  Stop being ridiculous Jarrod!’ 


“Rose?  Rose!”  Otto yelled out to his niece. 


The threesome opened their eyes slowly; half believing that the voices they heard came from their dreams.  Until Rose’s uncle scooped the little girl up into his arms and showered her face with kisses.


Maggie looked up weakly to see her husband put his arms around her and gently take her away from Nick’s strong hold.  “Jarrod?  Is it really you?”


“Ladylove, thank God you’re alright!”  He held her in his arms and nuzzled her neck


“I’m fine, but Nick needs a doctor, badly!”  She looked down towards Nick and smiled at him.  “We wouldn’t have made it without him, Jarrod.”


“Nick, what happened to your leg?”  Jarrod asked.


“Long story, I’ll tell ya all about it on the way to Freemont!”  He replied.  With help from the sheriff and one of the other search party members, he was up on his feet and led over to the horses.  Nick watched, with a degree of sadness, as Jarrod put Maggie up on his horse and then mounted it himself.  Maggie put her arms tightly around her husband and pressed her face into his back.  “We made it Maggie.”  Nick told her with a small smile.


Nick was loaded onto the back of a small wagon but didn’t take his eyes off of Maggie until Jarrod rode too far ahead and she was out of sight.  His eyes closed, remembering the taste of her kiss on his lips.



“Mrs. Barkley, you should have been a nurse.  You did a fine job of wrapping up that leg.  Could’ve been much worse.”


“It was Nick that told me how to do it, doctor, I had no idea what I was doing.”  She sat across from the doctor, with her husband beside her tightly grasping her hand. 


“May we go see him now?”  Jarrod asked.


“Yes of course.  He’ll stay here the rest of the night and then in the morning, I should think he would be able to join you at the hotel.  The three of you were quite lucky you know.”


“Yes I do know doctor, thank you.”  Maggie stood with Jarrod and started to follow him back to the room where Nick was resting.


“Maggie!  Maggie!”  Rose threw open the door and went running into her arms, nearly knocking her over.  Her Aunt and Uncle trailed behind, so happy that their niece had survived the ordeal.


Immediately, she picked up the girl into her arms.  “Oh Rose, so good to see you!”  She told her and kissed her cheeks.  “Rose, I’d like you to meet someone very special.  You weren’t properly introduced last night.  Rose Frantz, this is my husband, Jarrod Barkley, Nick’s brother.”


“How do you do, Miss Rose.”  Jarrod smiled warmly at her.


“How do you do.  Its nice to meet you Misser Jarrod.”  Rose grinned then turned her attentions back to Maggie.  “Nick okay?”  She asked, her smile disappearing.


“He’s going to be just fine Rose, we’re just going to see him now.  Do you want to see him?”


Rose nodded enthusiastically.  “That okay Uncle Otto?”


“Sure is honey.”


The doctor opened the door and they all went inside.  Nick was lying under thick blankets with his head turned facing the window and watching the snowfall.  He broke into a huge grin when he saw his visitors.


“Rose!  Come here sweetheart!”  Nick opened his bare arms and Rose quickly wriggled from Maggie’s arms and threw herself on the bed, hugging Nick with all her might.


“Your leg gonna be okay Nick?” 


“Sure I am, doc says I’ll be walking on it again in a few weeks.  So,” he asked, “How do you like your Aunt and Uncle?”


“Oh they real nice!  I get my own room and I have two big cousins, boys though.  It’s a pretty house with horses and chickens and cows.  I like it lots.  And none of the horses are hurt they are all strong.”  Rose turned serious again, “Did you cry when you killed the horse?”  She asked Maggie.


She felt her husband’s arm go around her waist and pull her close.  “Yes a little Rose.  But we had to do that, its hind legs were broken.”


“I cried too.”


“But it’s all over now, we’re all back safe and sound.  And looks to me like your Aunt and Uncle love you very much!”


“I tink you’re right.”


Otto stepped in the doorway.  “Rose, we have to get going back to the ranch or your Aunt is gonna worry about us.  Please, will all of you join us for dinner at our ranch before you leave town?  We would like to properly thank you for taking such good care of Rose and keeping her safe.”


“It would be our pleasure, Mr. Frantz.  Really, Rose was an angel and she kept in such good spirits the whole time.  She’s a wonderful little girl, you should be proud of her.”


“Oh I am very proud and we’re glad to have her with us where she belongs.  Goodbye for now.”


“Come here Rose and give me a hug.”  Maggie knelt down and Rose wrapped her arms around her neck.  “You’re a wonderful girl Rose and we’ll be out to the ranch this week for dinner okay?”


“Okay.  Bye Maggie, bye Nick!”


After Rose had left the room, Nick looked up at Maggie.  “She’s going to be just fine now, much better than that Grandmother.”


“I agree.  They seem to love her a lot.  Otto was her father’s brother and they were very close from what I understand.”


“Good, I was worried about the little waif.”


“Me too Nick.  And how are you doing?”  Maggie asked.


“Not too bad, seems the cold helped to keep an infection from setting in and slowed down the blood flow in the leg.  Doc says I’m going to recover completely from this.”


“I’m glad you’re okay Nick.”  Jarrod added in. 


“Excuse me,” The doctor peeked his head inside the room.  “But there’s someone here looking for you.”


Maggie looked behind the doctor and broke into a wide smile, “Joshua!”


“Joshua!  What took you so long!”  Nick bellowed teasingly.


Joshua found himself in a hug from Maggie and laughed.  “Well now, spect nobody’s been this happy to see me in quite some time!”


“So aren’t you supposed to be buying us some new cattle?”  Nick asked, folding his arms across his chest.


“Well now, lemme see, cattle you say?”  Joshua winked at Maggie.  “Oh yeah, Angus cattle.  Now let’s see, been on the road awhile now, gotta think.


“Oh come on!”  Nick rolled his eyes.


“Yep, got us some Angus.  Bout fifty head, including some females that are prime for calving.”


“Fifty!  Well I’ll be..must admit I didn’t think we’d get our hands on that many.  You did great Joshua!  Matter of fact, don’t even know why now that I went to Denver.”


She just couldn’t resist.  “Because you thought a grown woman needed a baby-sitter!”


Joshua shook his head and covered his face with his hand.  “Oh no…”


“Baby-sitter?!  Listen lady, I got a lot better things to do with my time then baby-sit some stubborn woman!”


“Oh I’m stubborn am I?  You’re the one who insisted on taking the stage to Freemont with me.”


“Yeah and if I hadn’t taken it, where would you be now!”


“Well for one thing my shoulders wouldn’t be aching from dragging that stupid sled around!”  A small grin on her face told Nick everything he wanted to know, they were having their fun again and everything was returning back to the way it had been before.


“Stubborn woman!”  He said with a grin.




“All right, all right you two!”  Jarrod put an arm around his wife’s shoulders.  “My dear, I think we better head to the hotel before my brother tries to wash your mouth out with soap again!”


Maggie and Nick broke into a fit of laughter.  “Okay Jarrod.”  She replied when the laughter had subsided.  Maggie leaned down over Nick’s bed and put her hand over his.  “Rest easy Nick, we’ll see you in the morning.”  She then leaned closer and gave his cheek a small kiss and whispered, “Thank you” in his ear.


Joshua started to talk to Nick about the auction, but Nick didn’t hear a single word of what was being said.  His eyes followed Maggie until she disappeared with Jarrod, down the hallway.


Jarrod reluctantly checked the time.  “Almost four.  We should probably think about getting ready for dinner.” 


“Would you rather stay in this evening?  I wouldn’t mind.”  Maggie told him as she went to his chair.


“Yes you would.”  He took hold of her waist and pulled her into his lap.  “You are quite fond of that little girl and you’d be disappointed if we didn’t go.”


“You’re right.  I would be.  She’s really quite special Jarrod.”  Maggie put her arms around her husband’s neck.


“It would be nice to have a little girl around our house, wouldn’t he?”  Jarrod grinned and started kissing her neck, making her lose any sense of concentration.


Her eyes close, “A little girl..would be nice.”


Lifting her into his arms, “Then we best keep working on it.”


Maggie laughs, “Jarrod, you’re going to make us late!”  He drops her onto the bed and begins to undress again.  “You’ve been late to court twice this week and now dinner?  What are people going to say!”


He climbs on the bed next to her, “I do believe Ladylove that they’ll say I’m a very lucky man!”



Nick, with the assistance of crutches, moved from the dining room to the sofa in the Frantz’s living room.  He was getting along quite well on crutches and had moved from the doctor’s office to a room at the hotel.  Joshua had taken a room next door to his, in case Nick wanted for anything.  Maggie had been a frequent visitor, since their rescue a week earlier.  While Jarrod was in court, she would visit with him, check his bandages and they would spend much time arguing and laughing.  But neither of them spoke about the stagecoach accident or what had happened between them.


“Dinner was delicious, thank you so much for inviting us.”  Maggie told her hosts.


“Very fine meal indeed.”  Jarrod agreed, his arm draped about Maggie’s shoulders. 


“Thank you.  But it was the least we could do, seeing as how you took such good care of Rose.  We can’t thank you enough.”


“Rose practically took care of herself!  She’s an amazing little girl!”  Nick grinned widely and received a quick hug from small Rose.


“Maggie!”  Rose said.  “C’mon lemme show you the animals!”  Rose took hold of Maggie’s hand and pulled her in the direction of the door.


“Okay, okay!  I’m coming, here take your coat.  I guess I’ll be back in a few minutes.” 


Once outside, Rose led Maggie towards the barn to show her the horses and other livestock they owned.  But she also had something on her mind.


“Maggie, are ya sure ya ain’t gonna marry Nick?”  She asked in all seriousness.


Maggie stopped and looked down at Rose, she had been hoping that this question or subject would not come up again.  “Yes Rose, I am sure.  I’m married to Jarrod, not Nick.  Listen honey, I know how much you like Nick and I like him a lot too.  But I chose Jarrod many years ago and we have a wonderful little boy together.  Jarrod is always going to be my husband.”  She could see that Rose didn’t look too happy with her answer.  “Look Rose, you should come to Stockton and visit us sometime.  I would love for you to meet our son, Thomas.  I bet you two would get along famously!”


Rose’s eyes brightened, “Ya mean I can come see you in Califownia?” 


“Well it’s up to your Aunt and Uncle, but sure, you can come see me anytime!”


“And Nick too?”


“And Nick too.”


The next morning, Maggie awoke to find Jarrod had already left for court.  She felt the chill in the room and didn’t want to get out from underneath the thick covers on the bed.  A loud rapping on the door, however, forced her to exit the warmth and search for her robe.  “Just a minute.”  She called out.


Tying up her robe, she slid her feet inside a pair of slippers and threw open the door.


“See?  I do know how to knock!” 


“Wonders never cease, Nick Barkley!  Come in.”  She told him.


But he made no move to go inside her room and she looked around him to see Joshua standing by the staircase with two bedrolls tucked under his arms.


Her smile disappeared.  “Nick?”


“Maggie, I umm just stopped by to say goodbye.  We’re taking the afternoon stage and heading back to Denver.  Got fifty head we gotta take care of and bring back to Stockton with us.”


“But I thought the doctor told you another week at least before you should travel.”


“And when you ever known me to listen to what a doctor tells me to do.” 


“You do have a point.  Let me get dressed and I’ll have breakfast with you.”


“Maggie.  Best I say goodbye now.”  Nick touched her cheek with his hand.


“Well it’s not really goodbye, I’ll see you when I get back home.” 


“Yeah, I will see you back home.”  He agreed, sadness coming through his tone of voice.


Maggie stood up on her toes and kissed Nick’s cheek. 


“I umm, well guess I’ll see ya back home then.”


“I guess so.”  Maggie watched Nick turn to leave.  “Nick?”




“Thank you..for everything.”


He thought for a moment, looking into her eyes and broke into a smile.  Tipping his hat, he replied.  “My pleasure.”






Three weeks later, Jarrod and Maggie returned to Stockton. 


Their first night back, they dined over at the big house with their son and all of the Barkley family in attendance.  After dinner they adjourned to the parlor for coffees and Sherries.


Jarrod had received a telegram, upon his return, that his campaign managers would be arriving the next day to talk strategies and plan the date for his campaign announcement.  During his time with Maggie in Freemont, Jarrod hadn’t been able to find the words to tell her of his decision.  The time he had with her was far too precious to be ruined or tainted, not especially after what she had been through.  He had thought of many ways to tell her, to make her understand that it would eventually give him more time to spend with them.  But when it came down to it, he just couldn’t do it, knew she’d be unhappy at first.  Now he had to tell her and he hoped that being with his family would soften the blow.


Jarrod leaned up against the fireplace mantle, twirling the sherry in his glass.  “Now that we are all gathered back together.  I have an announcement to make.”  The family silenced and turned their attentions towards him.  He was very aware of the eyes upon him, but he focused on the face that most concerned him, his wife’s.  “I’ve decided to throw the proverbial hat into the ring and run for the State Senate.”


Silence fell over the room for a moment, until Audra broke it by her excitement.  “Oh Jarrod, that’s so exciting!”  She grabbed hold of him and hugged him.  “Maggie!  You’re going to be a Senator’s wife!”


She felt everyone watching her and she wanted to fade away.  “A senator’s wife. Yes, I suppose I am going to be one Audra.”


Nick studied her expression.  ‘She didn’t know.  Dammit, Jarrod didn’t talk it over with her!’


He realized as soon as he had the chance to look at her, that he had made a grave mistake.  But it was out there now; there was no turning back.  Jarrod was going to run for the Senate.



The End