Shattered Silence

Part 2

by Lily B





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





With the assistance of both Heath and Nick, the rest of the painting job was completed by the time that school was let out for the day. Laura emerged chatting happily with two new friends. She grinned from ear to ear when she saw the three of them waiting for her. Quickly, she said her goodbyes and ran towards them.

"Howdy Laura!" Heath grabbed the child in a hug. "Boy ya sure do look happy today!" He grinned down at her and tweaked her nose.

"I am I am. Look! Rachel, I got them all right!" She thrust a piece of paper into her sister's hand.

Rachel uncrumpled the paper to find her first math test and her sister had gotten every question right. "Laura this is wonderful!" She proudly showed off the paper to Nick and Heath.

"All of 'em right, eh? Don't think I ever got my entire math questions right Sprite! I'd say this deserves a reward. How about we go to the General Store and get you some candy?"

"Can I have licorice Nick?" She folded her hands together as in prayer.

"Licorice it is." Rachel agreed.

The four of them returned to the ranch shortly before dinner. Laura was quite anxious to show off her math test to Mrs. Barkley, she liked her a lot. If she had a grandmother, she'd want her to be just like Mrs. Barkley.

Victoria laughed heartily when Laura opened her mouth to show her black licorice tongue. "My goodness, I think you have enough licorice there to last you all week! Just don't spoil your supper now, okay?"

"I won't ma'am, I promise!"

At dinner, Victoria asked about the progress of Rachel's store. Through Laura, she told her all about the painting be completed and how much she appreciated her sons help with it. Finally, Rachel informed her that the store should be ready for them to move into with in the week and she would be out of everyone's hair. Laura looked absolutely crestfallen at her sister's last statement.

Before Victoria could respond, Heath jumped right in. "You're not in anyone's hair, we all like having you here."

Victoria agreed, "Heath is right, we do like having you here."

Jarrod gazed at Heath and realized another mistake in judgment that he had made. It was quite obvious, at the dinner table, that Heath had feelings for Rachel and it appeared as he looked across to their guest that the feeling was mutual.

"Rachel, how's your dress coming for the tea next week?" Audra inquired.

"Almost finished with it."

"You did such a beautiful job with mine Rachel, I can't thank you enough! You're going to be the most popular dressmaker in all of California, I just know you are!"

Rachel blushed with the compliment and hoped that Audra was right. "It was my pleasure to make it. Anytime you need anything, just let me know." Rachel had been spending the last three evenings working on her dress after Laura had gone to bed. The dress was nearly completed save for the sleeves and a high neckline made of cream-colored lace.

Later in the evening, it proved to be quite difficult to get Laura to go to bed. They had let her go change into her nightgown and come back downstairs for another half hour; but once her time was up, bed was the last thing she was interested in. Laura was far too excited about the ride she would be going on in the morning. Heath finally was able to convince her that if she went to bed, he'd wake her up extra early so she could watch them getting the horses ready.

While Nick and Jarrod were deeply embroiled in a game of billiards, Heath and Rachel took Laura upstairs to bed.

He stopped at the door and put a kiss on her dark curly hair. "G'nite Laura. Ya know I do like that name Nick gave ya, Sprite, suits ya real good."


"Yep Sprite?"

"Would you help tuck me in?" Laura looked up into his blue eyes hopefully.

He grinned from ear to ear, couldn't help himself. "Sure will!" He was truly touched by her asking him, it was the first time she'd requested anything like that before and to him, it showed that he was gaining Laura's trust. "Okay with you Rachel?"

Rachel nodded her head with a smile. Perhaps, she wondered if she shouldn't take a lesson in trust from her baby sister.

Heath happily picked up Laura in his arms and carried her over to the bed. Rachel pulled back the covers while he laid her down. They both pulled the covers up over her and tucked her in tightly.

"Snug as a bug in a rug." He said.

Rachel gave Laura a goodnight kiss and brushed back her sister's curly hair. "Goodnight, pleasant dreams."

Laura looked up at Heath and pursed her lips at him. Heath plopped a noisy kiss on her face. This little girl had utterly stolen his heart away, she'd captured all of the Barkleys hearts. His heart was full with a new kind of love, the love for a child, so sweet and innocent but one who'd obviously been through too much in her short years. Once in a while, he could see the pain and fear in her eyes, shadowing her round face. It was a look that he was all too familiar with, one that he had known too many times as a child. He'd do everything in his power to make sure that this little girl would never have her eyes darkened again. He looked up from Laura's bedside to see that Rachel was watching him, studying the expression on his face. He wondered how long it would be before Laura's older sister would learn to trust him, would understand the growing feelings that he had for her. And understand how he just couldn't stop thinking of her.

As they left the bedroom and closed the door halfway, Heath turned to Rachel. "Feel like a game of checkers?"

"Thank you." She signed. "But I do need to work on that dress for the tea."

"Maybe then I'll see you at Sunrise."

"Maybe." Rachel paused for a moment. "Goodnight Heath."

"Goodnight Rachel."

In the morning, Heath dressed in the dark, before the first light of day. He finished buttoning his blue shirt and went downstairs for his morning coffee with Silas. Much to his surprise, he found Silas already serving coffee, to Rachel.

"Why good morning Heath!" Silas said in a happy voice. "Seems we have some extra company this morning!"

Rachel hugged her cup in both hands and looked up at him with a sheepish grin as he sat down across from her.

"I'm glad you came down early." Heath whispered.

"So am I."

"Now here's your coffee Heath. I reckon you ain't got much time 'fore the sun comes up. Why don't you two go outside and leave ol' Silas to getting breakfast ready." Silas gave Heath a pat on the back and a wink, causing Heath to chuckle at him.

"Okay Silas, we'll get out of your way." He stood up and led Rachel from the kitchen and out the door to watch the sunrise.

They stopped at the fence and leaned against it. Heath could swear that Rachel could hear his heart pounding as he tried to focus on the horizon. "Ya know, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Rachel turned to look at him and put her cup down on top of the fencepost.

"Seems to me that there's something you should know about me." Heath put his cup down as well and folded his arms. "Rachel, that lady in the house, the one I dearly love and call my Mother. She's not my real mother, not physically anyways."

She looked at him quizzically and Heath found himself hesitating before speaking again, was he doing the right thing by telling her or would he scare her away. "Tom Barkley, her husband, is my father. He got hurt over in Strawberry and my Mother took care of him, brought him back to health. He got better eventually and went back to his family. I came nine months later." He watched for a reaction, but she didn't sign anything and he couldn't read her. "So, I umm, I'd understand if you don't want to be around me anymore. I'm not what you'd call a pure Barkley at least not like Nick or Jarrod. I just thought you should know the truth. Ya might hear something in town or something like that and I just thought it should come from me."

She didn't walk away, but she didn't say anything either. To Heath, it looked like she was thinking all of what he said over in her mind. Then, she turned back to watch the sunrise and he did the same. He felt a warm touch and looked down to see her hand sliding into his. He wrapped his fingers around hers without a word and held onto her hand until the sun had fully risen.

* * * * * * *



Try as he might, the feather pillow just wasn't doing the job. It wasn't drowning out the incessant pounding at the door. "Who is it?" He yelled out in a gravelly voice.

The banging finally stopped and for a moment, it was silent. A little meek voice finally spoke up, "I'm..I'm s-ssorr-yy. Don't get mad."

Nick threw off his covers and grabbed his robe, tying it in a hurry. His heart was in his throat, he'd yelled at his little sprite. He opened up the door to find her backing down the hallway, frightened and shaking.

"Oh Sprite, Laura, no honey it's okay." Nick crouched down low and toned down his voice considerably. "Sprite, look at me." He held out his arms to her, she was standing just beyond them.

"I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one that's been bad, I shouldn't have yelled at you. You're all excited about riding today aren't you?"

Laura nodded her head, "Uh-huh."

"Aww, c'mere Sprite!" Nick ushered the child into his arms and hugged her tightly. "Ya know I bet I was just as excited as you are now when I got to ride my own horse for the first time."



"You gonna get whipped now?"

Pulling back from her he was shocked by her words. "Whipped? Why in the Sam Hill would I get whipped?"

"You said you'd been bad."

"Yes, but Laura nobody's gonna whip me for it." Nick put his finger under her little chin and drew her cast down eyes to look at him. "Is that what happened to you when you were bad?"

"Not me."

"Rachel? Did she get whipped when she was bad?"

Laura nodded, "I can't tell you more. It's a secret."

"Laura, sometimes there are secrets that should get told. Sometimes keeping a secret can hurt a person worse than telling it."

"I promised I wouldn't tell. A promise is a promise." She shook her head vehemently. He wasn't going to get the secret from her, she promised Rachel to never tell. Telling would make the bad man come.

"Alright, I'll drop it for now. Go on and get downstairs for breakfast, I'll be down as soon as I get dressed, okay?"

"Kay!" The fear disappeared from her stance and was soon replaced by her adorable smile again, with the missing front tooth. "Do I still get to watch you get the horses saddled?"

"You bet Sprite! Go on now, git!"

Laura disappeared down the stairs and Nick stood up, frowning. Whipping? This was something he'd talk to Heath about as soon as they had a moment alone from the rest of the family and Rachel.

At the breakfast table, Heath offered the rest of the family the chance to go on the ride as well. "Looks like Silas packed up enough food for an army, nobody will go hungry, that's for sure!"

"Thanks Heath, but I'm going to have to go to my office today." Jarrod stated apologetically.

Victoria and Audra both made their apologies as well and though he had extended the invitation, he was a bit glad when they had all declined. Laura would most certainly keep Nick quite busy throughout the day, she adored him. Funny turn of events, Heath pondered, when she had first come to the house, she'd been so afraid of him and now it seems she'd developed her first case of hero worship or something akin to a crush. This would leave Heath the time to devote his attentions to Rachel; the sensation of her hand in his was still in his mind. He had someone to share his sunrises with now, before he'd always thought that he would always relish that time by himself. But sharing it with someone he cared about, now that was really something.

Rachel and Laura came downstairs after changing into their riding clothes. Much to everyone's amusement, they had dressed in matching outfits. Gray slacks and pale lavender blouses, the only difference was the gray scarf tied about Rachel's neck.

"Oh you two look so adorable!" Audra gushed. "I just love that color!" She said fingering the blouse. "You know, there's a barn dance next month and I bet that color would be perfect for it."

"Ready?" Nick asked. "Don't wanna miss saddling the horses now do ya Sprite?"

"Nope! Come on Rachel!" Laura followed Nick out the door while her sister and Heath lagged behind.

"Have you done much riding before?" Heath asked as they walked slowly towards the barn.

"Used to, my Father taught me how to ride. I loved getting out of the city and riding with my parents. They were both very good riders."

"Sorry Rachel, didn't catch the last part, could ya do that again?"

Rachel signed her last sentence more slowly for him. She had forgotten herself and how new this language was to him. He'd picked up a lot so quickly, that she found herself going to fast.

Heath picked up the past tense, "Were good riders?"

"They're both dead now."

"I'm sorry." He told her sincerely.

"So am I. I miss them quite a bit sometimes. I wish they could see this ranch, they would both love it so much."

"How long ago did it happen, I mean when you lost your parents." He hesitated at asking, not wanting her to think she was undergoing a Jarrod style examination.
But once his question was out there, it seemed to him a lifetime before she answered him.

"I was ten when my Father died, 14 when my mother died."

"Rachel, Rachel!" Laura came running over and grabbed her hand. "Look at all their horses, ya gotta see them they're so pretty!" Laura nearly dragged her sister away from Heath to show her the pretty horses. Sprite was the most pleased with the Shetland she'd be riding all by herself.

Heath was left alone for a moment and it gave him time to wonder. Rachel's Mother had died when she was fourteen and her father, when she was ten. Laura had told him that Rachel was 22 now. Then what of Laura? She was only seven and a half. The numbers didn't add up.

"Hey Rachel," Nick called. "How's this one for you? She's a pretty smooth horse, very obedient. But she can run like the wind if ya want her to."

Rachel nodded and smiled. It had been awhile since she rode horseback, a tame horse was exactly what she wanted.

"Her name's Misty, Rachel. It's Mrs. Barkley's horse. But Nick said that Heath asked her and she said it was okay."

Heath came to stand next to her and she asked him, "You picked her out for me?"

"Yep, she's a good horse."

"Thank you."

"Okay, everyone mount up." Nick directed. He picked up Sprite and put her in Sheltie's saddle. "You okay?"

"Yeah! Can we ride real fast Nick?"

"Not yet." He chuckled, "Let's let you and Sheltie get to know each other first okay?"

"Oh okay, then can we go fast?"

Heath gave Rachel a leg up onto Misty and the foursome began a slow walk out of the ranch gates. Nick was never more than a pace or two from Laura, always keeping one eye on her. Rachel watched over her carefully as well, always there to help if something happened.

She had no idea how expansive their ranch was until this morning and she was in awe. They had the biggest ranch Rachel had ever seen it went on forever. Nick and Heath took them by their herds of cattle and she lost count after 100.

"How many?" She asked Heath.

"Oh don't know, over 500." He knew exactly but didn't want to sprout off precise numbers to her. He turned Charger away from the vista overlooking the herd. "I think we should had to the pond, don't you Nick?"

"Yep, getting close to lunch. Ya ready to stop for awhile Sprite?"

"Uh-huh." Her tummy was rumbling something fierce; she was far too excited to eat breakfast that morning.

In less than an hour, they arrived at the pond. Rachel's breath was taken away; she thought it was the most beautiful spot she'd ever seen.

"Like it?" Heath asked quietly, noting the expression on her face. She nodded in reply and he agreed, "Always been my favorite spot on the ranch, peaceful. The pines give just the right amount of shade, even on a summer afternoon and it keeps the pond cool all the time.

She gazed up at the tall majestic pines that provided a blanket from most of the sun. There was just enough light to make the pond sparkle and warm their skin. Several large boulders dotted the landscape and Heath picked a cluster of three to eat their lunch next to.

Nick handed a couple of blankets to Rachel. "You mind laying those out?"

Laura followed Rachel and while they laid out the blankets. Nick tried to get a word in to his brother.

"Heath, Laura this morning, she said something to me."

"What she say?" Heath spoke in whispered tones.

"I told her that I'd been bad, long story, but then she asked me if I was gonna get whipped."

"Whipped?! Whaddya mean?"

"She thought that because I'd been bad, that I would get whipped for it as punishment. " Nick fiddled with the saddlebags that contained their sandwiches. "I asked her if that's what happened to her when she was bad."

"And?" Heath asked anxiously.

"She said no, she said that's what happened to Rachel when she was bad."

"Oh God." He looked over at her sitting on the blanket and signing back and forth with her little sister. "She told me this morning that both her parents were dead. But it didn't make any sense. She said her Father died when she was 10, which would be twelve years ago. But Laura's only seven and a half."

"Maybe her mother remarried."

"Maybe, but if she did, Rachel hasn't said one word about having a stepfather or Laura having a different father from her."

"The bad man?" Nick asked.

"Could be, I dunno. But whipping? Who the hell could do that to her?" Heath gritted his teeth, pushing back the swell of anger he felt inside.

Laura stood up and held her tummy. "I'm starving!! Can we please eat?!"

The brothers grabbed their saddlebags with a shared look and joined the sisters on the blankets.

When all the sandwiches had been consumed, Nick stood up and stretched his long legs. "Hey Sprite, brought a couple of fishing poles with me, care to do some fishing?"

"I've never been fishing before."

"Never been fishing! Child you don't know what you're missing out on. Just don't do what I did when I was younger."

"What's that?"

"Get caught fishing when I was supposed to be in school."

"Where's my pole?" Heath asked.

"Didn't bring it, figured ya might wanna take Rachel and show her around this spot.

Heath grinned at his brother, Nick knew him entirely too well. But he was grateful to him for providing him with the opportunity. Heath stood and held out his hand to Rachel, "How about it, feel like going for a walk?"

She took his hand in answer and stood, not releasing her hand from his until she turned to Laura. "Be good, and do what Nick tells you to okay? We won't be gone long."

"I'll be good, promise."

They left Nick and Laura to their fishing expedition and started walking down a dirt path that went through the pine trees and around the pond.

Her hand encircled her face and opened. "Beautiful." She told him, admiring the landscape.

They walked in silence for a time, holding hands. But the questions were eating away at him and he stopped. "Rachel, I'm a little confused about something. You said your Pa died when you were ten, but that's long before Laura was born."

Her gaze went to the ground while she signed, "Mother remarried a year after Father was killed, Laura and I have different fathers." She looked up into his clear blue eyes and saw that he still had a thousand questions. Maybe it was time to open up a little, after all he had told her so much. "My father was president of a bank in Chicago, he died trying to stop three men from robbing his bank. They shot him in the back."

Heath took both her hands in his and squeezed them slightly. "I'm really sorry Rachel."

"It was my fault, I shouldn't have been in the lobby waiting for him to get done with work. I was there, one of the men tried to grab me and Father took hold of me and pulled me away. That's when they shot him in the back. Mother never got over it, never stopped loving him or missing him. I think that's why she got married again so quick, she had this big hole in her heart and he reminded her of father in some ways. He was a banker too, he worked for my Father, but he wasn't anything like my father."

Heath exhaled hard and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against him. He rubbed her back softly and she buried her head in his shoulder. "Rachel," He sighed. Though she hadn't come out and said it, he had the strongest feeling that the bad man Laura had spoken of was Laura's father and Rachel's stepfather.

The sensation of being in his arms was one that was new to her and she liked it very much. Inside his strong arms, she felt safe. But more than that, she felt loved. She wanted to hang onto those feelings and never let go. She worried though that more questions were coming and right now, she didn't want to answer anymore, afraid that if she told him everything she'd scare him away or he'd be too horrified to be with her. So, she pulled back slightly and took her hands off his arms. "We should start back."

"Alright Rachel, alright we'll start back." He wasn't going to push her for more information. He knew know that she was beginning to truly trust him and in time, she'd tell him the whole story. He'd wait, no matter how long it took her to tell him, he'd wait.

* * * * * * *



The next week, while Rachel was putting the finishing touches on her store; Jarrod found himself getting hit with both barrels by Jim Hanson. He was proving to be more relentless and underhanded then Jarrod had ever thought possible. He raised objection after objection, while the judge continued to allow more latitude with Hanson than any fair-minded judge would have. He was ascribing to Hanson's shameless theatrics and unfortunately for Jarrod, it was a practice that he abhorred and refused to participate in. Jarrod had a feeling that the change in Hanson's behavior and demeanor had something to do with lunch last week and not allowing him to join them at the table; he had made one mistake with trusting Jim, he wasn't about to make another.

By the time that the judge adjourned the court for the day, Jarrod was physically and mentally exhausted. He pulled off his jacket and started back to his office for a much needed drink. As he was crossing the street, Jim caught up to him.

"Seems you're taking quite the beating in there Jarrod."

"Thanks to you and your theatrics, I am." He replied annoyance etched in his voice.

"Perhaps now you know it's not the wisest thing to snub me."

Jarrod turned on his heels, angrily facing down Hanson. "Snub you? Jim you could see for yourself that the table was full, literally full." He wasn't lying; he reasoned to himself, the table was full.

"Oh yes and how convenient for your brothers to just happen to show up." Hanson spoke through bared teeth.

"That's exactly what did happen, they just showed up. I didn't know they were coming into town."

"Ah, so then you wouldn't mind if I had a go at that lovely guest of yours again, would you?"

"Look Jim, I was wrong about something. It's quite obvious that my brother Heath and Rachel care about one another."

"Has he proposed?"

"What?!" Jarrod asked incredulously.

"Has he proposed?" Jim emphasized each syllable, much to his former friends irritation.

"No, of course not. They haven't known each other that long."

"Good, then she is still unspoken for. Perhaps, I should go see her at her store sometime this week. I am certain that with a bit of coaxing, she'll have dinner with me."

He shook his head; Jim just wasn't listening to a word he was saying. "Look Jim, she cares for Heath. That's it, end of statement. What has gotten you so interested in her? You're practically obsessed."

"Counselor, obsessed his hardly the word for it. Come now, tell me you don't think there's something intrinsically appealing about a beautiful woman that can't speak."

"You're joking, correct?"

"Hardly, she can't argue or nag or drone on forever about complete and utter nonsense. "

"I don't believe I'm hearing this." Jarrod started walking away from him, shaking his head.

Jim grabbed his arm, "You think you're so much better than me don't you? You always have, so high and mighty you are standing on your moral pedestal. Why don't you come back down to earth with the rest of us?!"

Jarrod thrust his arm away from his grasp. "That has nothing to do with it, I've always detested the way you treat women, and you have no respect for them whatsoever."

"Respect?! They're nothing but show pieces, two-timing no good showpieces."

"You don't really believe that."

"Why not Jarrod? It's true; look maybe you got lucky one time. Maybe Beth was one in a million of them, but she's dead and buried. You won't find any woman out there like her ever again."

Jarrod's jaw set at the mention of her name, "I'm walking away now Jim, this conversation is over. Just leave Rachel alone." Jarrod stormed back to his office and slammed the door behind him. He grabbed the decanter of whiskey from his bar and poured himself a liberal drink, swallowing it down in one hot gulp.

After a dinner with her eldest son conspicuously absent again, Victoria watched Heath stand from the table and hold out his hand to Rachel. As the days passed, it was evident that the two were becoming quite attached to one another. She wondered at what would happen between them after tomorrow when she and Laura would take up residence in the new shop. For several mornings now, she would look down from her window and see Heath with Rachel, watching the sunrise together with their hands clasped together tightly.

"Come with me. I wanna show you something." Heath told Rachel with a sly grin.

She took his hand and let him lead her from the dining room.

"Can I come?" Laura asked.

"You know Laura, I was thinking that you and I could play a game of checkers tonight." Victoria chimed in. "Would you like that?"

"Yes ma'am, I like playing checkers."

Heath held her hand as they walked across the front lawn towards the barn. There wasn't much light for them to walk by, the night sky was filled with clouds that threatened to rain upon them at any moment. Heath opened the barn door and went inside first to light a lantern on the wall. Rachel stood I the doorway watching him as his face was bathed in the warm light of the lantern.

"I've got a little present for you, well actually for your new store."

Rachel finally stepped into the barn. Her face was filled with child-lie excitement. "What is it?"

"Hold on just a minute, lemme get it." Heath stepped behind one of the stalls and pulled out a long piece of wood of roughly a foot in height and three feet wide. "There now, whaddya think?"

She looked at it, studied it, trying to figure out exactly what the wood was supposed to be. Eventually, she gave up trying. "Heath it's a piece of wood, a nice piece of wood but.."

He looked down at it with a grin. "Oops, my mistake!" He leaned over and turned it around.

Rachel's mouth dropped open and she clapped her hands together. "Oh Heath, a sign, did you make it?"

"Yep, reckon I did at that. You like it okay?"

On the front side of the piece of wood was an elegantly carved sign for her new store.


"Like it? I love it! Oh thank you!" She threw his arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Boy howdy, if I had know I'd get a reaction like that, I would've made it even bigger!"

She threw her head back in silent laughter.

The sound of rain coming down echoed on the barn roof. He drew her close and kissed her soft cheek. She looked into his blue eyes and at how sultry they had become. Taking a step back away from him, she lowered her head.

Clearing his throat he went to the barn door and looked out at the rain coming down in sheets. "I'd bet this storm is going to last for awhile."

"Make a run for it?"

"Ya wanna make a run for it Rachel?" He grinned at her devilishly. "Okay but I'm warning ya we're gonna get soaked!" Heath held out his hand to her and she took it, moving next to him, she placed her other hand over theirs. "Ready?" He asked.

She nodded with a large smile.

Together they made a mad dash out of the barn and towards the house as fast as they could. Heath turned to look at Rachel and she was fairly beaming. He thought for a moment that if he closed his eyes he could hear the sweet sound of her voice giggling and laughing like a schoolgirl. She was enjoying their jaunt in the rain. But the grass became slick with the fresh rain falling upon it and as they dashed across the front lawn, Rachel lost her footing and fell to the ground. With her hand still clasped about Heath's, it was but a moment before he went down as well.

"Rachel, are you okay?" He was laughing himself now at their fall, the mad dash and how ridiculous they both must look at that moment.

She nodded, with a smile that lit up her whole face and hazel eyes that shone in the dim light. She raised her head up towards the rain and let it hit her face. Her mouth opened to catch the raindrops.

She took his very breath away, "You are so beautiful." He told her in a whisper.

Rachel averted her face from the rain to look at him, so handsome even when he was soaked to the skin. His burgundy shirt clung to him like a second skin and she could see every line, every muscle. Very tentatively, she brought her hand up and touched his face. Wrapping his hand around hers he brought it to his lips and kissed the inside of her palm.

He brushed away a wet lock of hair from her face and leaned in closer, "May I?" He asked. She nodded slightly and he brought his lips to hers softly grazing them. Heath rose up on his knees and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. Their parted lips met again in a series of small kisses that he felt with every fiber of his being. They no longer felt the rain upon them, only the sensation of their bodies touching and Heath's wanting kisses on her lips.

When their kisses had ended for the time being, Heath continued to hold onto her with all his might. "Ya know," He whispered in her ear. "We're gonna have a lot of explaining to do when we get inside."

* * * * * * *



Rachel was the first outside to watch the dawn; she tried not to think about the fact that she would be moving into the store later in the morning. She'd been looking forward to this day for so long, now the sadness she felt over leaving the Barkley ranch was almost overwhelming. Home, that's what it felt like to her, a feeling that she hadn't had in years. Not since her father had died.

And Heath, she'd never let anyone as close to her as he had become and she wasn't afraid anymore. Who would watch the sunrise with her now, it had always been something she did by herself and now she couldn't wait to see him in the morning.

Heath opened the front door and saw her standing out by the white fence. She was dressed in slacks, all ready for her big move. He didn't like thinking about the fact that tomorrow morning, he'd be out there alone again. She'd only be an hour away, he told himself, but it wouldn't be the same anymore. Both she and Sprite were leaving the ranch. He didn't want them to go, didn't like the thought of Rachel not being there all the time.

Heath walked quietly across the front yard and stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Morning." He put a kiss on her cheek and felt a wet tear. "Hey what's this?" He asked.

Rachel just shook her head and leaned back into him.

"Thinking about leaving today?"

Turning around to face him, she brought her arms up around his neck and hugged him.

"Me too," He replied.

Sudden urges to tell him everything swept over her and try as she might, it just wouldn't go away. While he held her, she tried to reason it out in her head. Tell him and risk losing him? No, he wouldn't leave her if she told him. No, if anything he would be glad she told him, wouldn't he? Rachel took a step back and released her hold on him.

"Rachel, what is it?" He watched her begin to work on the knot that tied the scarf around her neck. "You don't have to show me, not if you're not ready." He couldn't read her expression in her eyes, fear maybe sadness, it was hard for him to tell in the thin light of dawn.

Her fingers shook as she worked the knot she had always tied so carefully. The fabric gave finally and she stopped. This was the moment, show him she told herself. Tell him everything. You know how much he means to you, tell him. Rachel pulled the silk scarf off her neck and looked Heath directly in the eye.

Heath's eyes went wide; the mark around her neck was more than he had imagined it would be. The wide mark was still pinkish in places and it looked to him as though it was more than just one injury to her neck, but something that had been done to her multiple times. "Oh God Rachel, who did that to you?" He gasped, still in shock.

"My…Laura's father. My stepfather." Tears filled her eyes again and she tried to will them back.

He reached out and touched the scar on her neck, her tears could no longer be held back.

"Rachel, on the day we went riding, Laura said something to Nick about getting whipped. That you had been whipped, is that true?"

"Yes, it's true. He had a special place for punishing me down in the cellar. My neck, when he was angry with me, he used to tie me up to keep me from getting away."

"And he tied a rope around your neck?" His body nearly shook with the anger raging inside him, if he ever got his hands on that man, he would rip him apart. "Honey," He said with a heavy exhale, "What made you run, when did you run away?" She hadn't said it yet, but there had to be a defining moment when she couldn't take it anymore or she had reached her breaking point.

Rachel shut her eyes tight and turned away from him, leaning herself against the fence.

"It's okay, no matter what you tell me, I'm not going to care about you less because of what he did to you. Understand?" He put his hands on her shoulders and stroked them softly, reassuring and calming her trembling. He waited patiently for her to tell him, not wanting to push her any further and possibly frighten her away.

It wasn't until the sun came up fully that she began sign and tell him the rest. "He was actually rather nice when he was courting my Mother. He seemed okay at the time. Everything changed after they married. He started drinking heavily at night and he began to talk badly to Mother and I, name-calling, cursing, things like that.

I was so afraid of him and so was Mother. He was a large man but also very powerful in Chicago. Mother kept telling me it wouldn't go on forever, he would stop drinking and he was only mean when he got drunk. I was twelve when I saw him hit her for the first time. It soon got worse, she'd have bruises on her face and arms, probably other places too that I just couldn't see. "

Heath pulled out his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the tears from her eyes. Placing a tender kiss on her forehead, his heart ached so horribly for her and the anger towards her stepfather grew by the minute.

"One afternoon, I came home late from school, I'd been talking with a few friends and we lost track of time. He was there waiting for me when I got home. Mother was crying. I could smell scotch on his breath. I remember his fist coming towards my face and that was all I could remember till I woke up in the wine cellar, tied to a beam." Rachel's hand instinctively went to her throat and the mark. "It happened many more times, I was never allowed to go to school again after that. Mother did her best to school me at home. But then Mother got pregnant with Laura and he stopped hurting her. Most of his attention came to me. She was very sick during the pregnancy and she died bringing Laura into the world. The day they buried her, he told me that I would have to fill my Mother's shoes now and fulfill her wifely duties..all of her wifely duties."

"Rachel! Are you saying that he..that he touched you like that?"

Breaking down, she sobbed and fell into his arms. His strong arms held her protectively. He felt a tear in his own eye and more hatred inside then he ever thought capable of. When Rachel was able to regain control of her emotions, she signed again to Heath.

"Oh, don't you know? I'm not going anywhere." Heath told her. "That monster hurt you badly, but it's not your fault. I'm not going anywhere. Rachel, I'm falling in love with you." She put her head on his chest. "No wonder you ran away from him, my lord."

"No, Heath you don't understand. I ran to save Laura. He promised that if I did what he wanted, he would never touch her, never go to her bedroom. He lied. My voice had already left me by this point. I woke up one night and heard him in Laura's bedroom, Laura was crying out for me. I ran into her room and found him pulling off her covers. I grabbed the first thing I could find a vase beside her bed and hit him over the head with it, it knocked him out. I tied him up, grabbed the money from the safe and we ran. That was over a year ago. We've been telling people we meet up with that our last name is Jones, Laura's last name is Simpson, and mine is Knight."

"Rachel Knight." Heath murmured, pulling her close again. "Rachel Knight, you never have to be afraid again, hear me? You never have to be afraid again."

* * * * * * *



When they returned to the house, Laura was downstairs in the dining room with the rest of the Barkleys. She saw her sister come inside and the tearstains down her cheeks. Heath was grasping her hand and gave it a small squeeze for reassurance.

"Rachel! What's wrong?" Laura asked.

Rachel let go of Heath's hand and knelt down in front of her sister. She took a deep breath and signed quickly to her.

"No!" Laura screamed, "You said it was a secret, you said that if we told the bad man would find us!" Laura started to shake violently. "He's gonna come get us, I know he is!"

"Laura," Heath leaned over her and touched her hair, "You're safe now, we're not gonna let the bad man find you. No one here is going to tell anyone about you two. I promise."

"Cross your heart?" She asked looking up at him.

"Cross all our hearts Sprite." Nick told her.

Jarrod felt a hard lump in his throat and swallowed hard. He lowered his head sending a silent prayer that nothing would come of the letter that Jim had sent off to Chicago with his approval.

"Okay?" Heath asked Rachel once Laura had calmed down and was sitting in Nick's lap enjoying a big bear hug from the cowboy.

Rachel nodded her approval and Heath started.

"Rachel and Laura left Chicago because of Laura's father, Rachel's stepfather. He was beating Rachel and used to beat her Mother. Rachel left with Laura when he came after Laura one night. He's the one responsible for the scar on her neck. Her last name is Knight and Laura's real last name is Simpson."

Rachel had replaced the scarf about her neck before they had returned to the house. She fingered it nervously as she awaited the reactions of the rest of the family.

"Oh my dear!" Victoria rushed from her seat and went to the two young women, kissing both their cheeks. "How on earth did you get away?" She asked.

"She knocked him unconscious with a vase one night and they both made a run for it. That was about a year ago." Heath revealed everything that he thought was necessary at that moment. The anger and shock on Nick's face told him that he had done the right thing. To Nick, Laura had practically become his ward, it was obvious to any one that Laura had stolen his heart away.

"My God," Nick said in disbelief. "No one's gonna hurt ya Sprite or you either Rachel, not while we're around. Heath's right, you're both safe here. You have our word on it." He wrapped his long arms even tighter around his little Sprite, no one was ever going to do any harm to her, no one.

She brought her fingers to her lips and thrust them outward. "Thank you."

"Nick's right, no one's going to hurt either one of you ever again." Victoria agreed.

Jarrod had remained silent, only shaking his head. But he had to speak up, "So, your stepfather doesn't know where you are? You left him back in Chicago, unconscious?"

Rachel nodded at him.

"Do you think he's looking for you?" Jarrod's tone of voice bothered the rest of the family, it was one that they had all heard before, but rarely outside of a courtroom.

"Probably Jarrod," Heath replied. "Apparently he's a fairly wealthy and prominent man back in Chicago, but no one knew what went on in their home."

"So you are both on the run?" Jarrod continued with his questioning.

"Isn't that what they just told us?" Nick bellowed, not understanding his brother's line of questions.

"Yes Nick they did. But what she didn't say is that they could both be on the run from the law as well."

"From the law? Jarrod what are you talking about?" Victoria asked.

"What I'm saying Mother is that there are no laws out there for what they've been through. Is there Rachel?"

"No, there isn't. You're right Mr. Barkley. There's no law to protect us from that man. Only laws to protect him." Heath had translated her signing for her and found the whole thing difficult to believe.

"Jarrod, I don't understand." Heath said, "How can there not be laws to protect a man from abusing children?"

"Technically Heath, in the eyes of the law, Laura is his property. Rachel is another story entirely. She was an adult when she left with Laura. If they are found, they could charge her with kidnapping Laura."

"Kidnapping!! I've never heard of anything more ridiculous in my life! She was
saving Laura's life and her own!" Nick angrily slammed down his coffee cup onto the saucer and stood up. He still held his little Sprite in his arms. "Enough of this talk! No one is getting their hands on them and there's no way in hell I'm gonna let anyone take them away from here. Stockton is there home, ya hear me!"

"I couldn't agree with you more, Nick." Heath added. "No one's going to find them here, no one."

"Good," Victoria added her two cents in, "Now that its been discussed, outside of this house they are Rachel and Laura Jones and that's all the information that anyone else needs to know. Jarrod, could you please pass the bacon?" With that Victoria firmly and resolutely ended the discussion.

Jarrod couldn't touch another bite of food. All he could think about was what he had done and that he may have very well put Rachel's and Laura's lives in danger. If only they had said something sooner, he reasoned, this would've never happened.

When breakfast had been completed, Nick and Heath helped Rachel load up the wagon for her move into town. Neither man wanted to see them go. Nick knew his little brother quite well and through the veil of Heath's silence, he could see how much he was hurting.

"Only an hour into town." He told Heath.

"Yep. Not far at all." He replied as he put a box into the wagon.

"Rachel, do we hafta go?" Laura looked up at her.

"Yes sweetheart. We can't impose on the Barkleys forever you know."

"But I like it here."

"So do I."

"I know what you can do so we can stay." Laura beamed proudly with her idea.

"Oh you do, do you? What's that?" Rachel asked.

"You and Heath can get married! Then we can stay here forever!"

Nick busted out laughing, "Ya'd like that, wouldn't ya Sprite!" He was going to have a bit of fun with this. "Well how 'bout it Heath? Ya don't want Rachel to leave, do ya?"

"Uh, nope I don't."

"So get married."

Rachel signed quickly, "Bit early for talk of marriage. Besides, we haven't really been on a proper date yet." She smiled at Heath.

"You know, you're right, we haven't been on a proper date yet."

"So?!" Laura demanded.

"Well ya see Laura, a man and a woman have to date first before they can get married." Heath told her with a lopsided grin.

"How many dates?"

"Several." Her sister replied.

Laura thought very hard. "Okay, you go on a date every night and then next week you can get married."

Nick roared with laughter that echoed about the courtyard. "You tell 'em Sprite!"

"Laura, how about you run up to your room and make sure you got everything you need, okay?" Heath bent down in front of her and successfully managed to change the subject.

While Laura retreated to her room to search for any remaining objects, Heath put his hands on Rachel's waist. "Ya know, we really haven't had any proper dates yet. How about dinner, tonight? I'll come by about seven."

"But Heath, there's so much to do.." She stopped, looking into his sweet puppy dog eyes and smiled warmly at him. "Seven it is."


"But what about Laura?"

Heath grinned at her, "Reckon since its our first date, we should probably do it all proper like and have a chaperone, dontcha think?"

"You're absolutely right, it would be the proper way to do it."

"C'mon Sprite, times a wasting!" Nick called out.

Laura came running downstairs and slammed the front door behind her. In one hand, she held hair ribbons and in the other, a fistful of licorice.

"More licorice?" Rachel asked with an accusatory glance at Nick.

"Well umm, she just likes it so much. I couldn't say no."

"You are getting so spoiled Laura"

"I'm not spoiled!" Laura's little fists flew to her hips.

"Oh boy, Nick I think the child is spending entirely too much time with ya." Heath chuckled at the little girl's stance.

"Whaddya mean?"

"Nothing, not a thing." Heath took Rachel's hand and helped her into the wagon for the ride into town.

Nick picked up Laura and set her down in the wagon, he climbed up beside her and with a flick of the reins, they were off towards their new home. Rachel wrapped her arms around Heath's bicep and held on tight. She never had thought for a moment that she would have so many mixed feelings with getting her own place, but that was before she had met him and he had turned her whole world upside down.

* * * * * * *



They had spent the entire day getting the boxes unloaded and unpacked. By the time they were finished, they were all a dusty mess. It was nearly five o'clock when they sat down for some tall glasses of lemonade.

"I best get going if I'm gonna make it back here in time to pick up my two best girls!"

"Heath, you won't make it back here by seven. It's nearly an hour just to get back to the ranch!"

Heath grinned and put on his hat. "I'll make it, this is one date I don't plan on being late for."

True to his word, Heath knocked on the front door of Rachel's Wears, promptly at seven o'clock and not a minute later. Laura opened the door and let him in while Rachel was putting on the finishing touches of her outfit. The final piece being a gold locket that had belonged to her Mother, inside was a faded miniature painting of her father.

Laura was adorable in a three quarter length dress of powder blue and white lace. Her unruly curls were tied up into a ponytail with matching ribbons. "Hi Heath! Rachel's coming, boy you sure do look pretty Heath!"

"Why thank you Laura!" He told her with a bow. When he had gotten home after helping them move, he'd taken the world's fastest bath and shave, nicking himself on his neck more than once. He only hoped that his dress shirt and tie hid the red marks. He donned his blue suit while Nick was kind enough to hook up the buggy for him. He had come running downstairs and gave his Mother a quick kiss while she laughed. 'Don't wait up.' He had told her with a grin as he flew out the door.

Rachel emerged from the back room and everything he had wanted to say or do, was completely lost. "Even..evening Rachel." She was stunning in an emerald green gown that brought out the green tones in her hazel eyes. Her dark straight hair was pinned up with small tendrils curled in front of her ears. The high neckline of the dress opened at the hollow of her neck in a diamond shape that afforded him just the slightest glimpse of cleavage. "You're beautiful!"

She felt her cheeks flush hotly and she lowered her head slightly. Heath stepped across the room and put a finger under her chin. Lips met softly in an all too brief kiss, had Laura not been there, he would've kissed her all evening. He felt a tug on his jacket sleeve.

"Where we eating? I'm starving!"

"Do ya like French food?"

"I dunno, what's it taste like?" Laura asked.

"Don't rightly know myself. But there's a new little restaurant in town, supposed to be French food. Jarrod likes it." He looked at Rachel, "Okay with you?"

"Yes, I like French food." She told him, but really couldn't care less where they ate dinner, she was much more interested in the company then the cuisine.

Heath put his hat back on and grinned, holding out both arms to his companions for the evening. "Shall we go?" He escorted them both down the street, to the other side of the growing town, where the brand new French Restaurant, 'La Maison, had opened it doors only two weeks earlier.

Jim Hanson was busily working in his office, which faced onto the main street, when he looked up to see them pass by his window. He seethed inside at seeing her on the arm of the bastard Barkley. What a combination, he thought angrily. A mute and a bastard son. She can do so much better than that. Grabbing his things together, he began to walk out of his office to return home for the evening. While getting in his carriage, a young man came running up the street, calling his name. In the darkness, it took a few minutes for him to focus and see that it was Billy, the son of the telegraph operator.

"What is it Billy?" He grumbled. "Can't you see I'm about to head home?"

"Well..yes sir I can. But Pa told me I had to get this to you right away. It's marked urgent." Billy handed up the telegram and Hanson grabbed it from him.

"Very good. Thank you." He looked down at the young man, who still stood by his carriage. "What are you waiting for?"

"Oh nothing sir, nothing at all." His hopes for a tip dashed, Billy returned to his father's office.


Jim's first thought was of Rachel, his second was if there was a reward. Perhaps this was a prestigious case or they were the long lost daughters of someone very important in Chicago. In any case, it looked as though his find would add to his career and possibly, his wallet.

Still, those marshals wouldn't arrive in Stockton for a few days at least. He still had ample opportunity to bed the young woman before they arrived. He made a mental note to see Rachel, first thing in the morning, as soon as the little brat was off to school.

When they walked through the front door, Heath's first thought was that a fancy restaurant like this belonged in the city and not here. But then again, this was a growing town, growing by leaps and bounds. Perhaps the owner possessed a good deal of foresight. The corners of the room were lit with tall candelabras and fine lace curtains in the windows. Only eight tables filled the room, each decked in white linen and lace; with an elaborate hurricane lamp in the center of each table.

Heath was more than happy to allow Rachel to do the ordering for them. He didn't understand one word of French and the entire menu was written in that language. She pointed out each selection to Heath and he ordered for the three of them.

It was a very long time before the smug looking waiter returned with their appetizers. While they waited, they conversed about the store, the ranch and Heath spotted two couples that he knew and nodded his greetings to them.

Heath looked down at the dark objects swimming in a sea of butter. "Whatcha say these were called again?"

"Escargot." Rachel spelled it out slowly for him.

"I know that, but what are they really?"

"I'm not going to tell you, until you try one." She grinned wickedly at him. "They really are very good, trust me."

"Uh-huh." Trust her, he did. On many things, but on the little dark things on his plate, he wasn't entirely sure about it.

Rachel picked up one with a small fork and put it in her mouth. Her eyes closed, enjoying the flavor. "Your turn."

"Uh-huh." He stared at them, willing them to disappear. But much to his dismay, she picked one up and pointed it at him. Heath closed his eyes and reluctantly opened his mouth. She plopped it inside and he started to chew on it, very slowly.

"How is it?"

"Chewy. Now will you tell me?" He asked, with his mouth still filled with it.

Rachel giggled and looked at Laura, elbowing her little sister. "Okay Heath, it's a snail."

Grabbing his white linen napkin, Heath spit it out as discreetly as he possibly could do. "A what?"

Rachel was laughing hysterically and was soon holding her side. Her little sister busted out laughing as well. Several of the restaurant patrons, none of whom had children with them, turned to look at the little girl.

Rachel could hardly sign, she was laughing too hard. Heath so wished that he could hear it, even if it made everyone turn and stare at them in the restaurant.

"A snail!!" Laura guffawed. "Heath ate a snail. Heath ate a snail!" She added in a singsong voice.

Rachel put a finger to her lips, trying to quiet her sister.

Despite himself, he began to join in Laura's laughter. Not only from the escargot, but the pretentiousness of the restaurant patrons. This was a ranching town, a farming town, not San Francisco.

They finished with their meals, good meals, but in portions much smaller than the normal dinners that Silas fixed. The waiter came over to the table.

"Anything else sir? Perhaps your daughter would like some dessert?"

"My daughter? Oh, umm, Laura would you like some dessert?"

"Nope, I'm full."

Rachel smiled at Heath, "I'm sure she is, she finished off that handful of licorice your brother gave her.

"Ahh, you do like licorice don't ya. Personally, I'm a peppermint stick fan myself."

"Peppermint's okay, but licorice is the best!"

"Nick thinks so too! Don't worry though; I'm sure he'll bring you more. You just make sure that you keep doing good in school, okay?"

"I will Heath, I like school."

With the meal completed, Heath walked Rachel back towards the store. He glanced at his pocket watch, amazed that it was already after ten o'clock. The full moon lit their way as Heath slipped his hand around Rachel's. Laura began to lag behind, way past her bedtime, her need for sleep was catching up to her. She yawned loudly. Heath stopped and picked her up in his arms, she soon had her head on his shoulder and dozed the rest of the way home.

They had to dodge boxes to get to Laura's bed and Heath laid her down gently, while Rachel unlaced her shoes and pulled the covers up over her. Both of them put a goodnight kiss on her round cheek.

"Heath?" The little voice said dreamily from her bed.

"Yeah Sprite?"

"When you and Rachel get married, will I be your little girl?"

Taken aback by her question, Heath took a moment and sat down on the edge of her bed as Rachel watched them. "Well now, I'd sure like that. But ya know, think Nick might have something to say about that. He loves ya an awful lot too!"

"You can share, I wouldn't mind"

He was firmly wrapped around this little girl's finger, as was his brother and he didn't mind it in the least. Leaning over, he put a kiss on her forehead. "I wouldn't mind either Sprite, wouldn't mind at all."

Rachel was waiting for him, just outside Laura's door and put her arm around him as soon as he had left the room. They walked downstairs together and to the front door. Out on the front porch, they kept their arms around each other, neither one anxious to let go.

"She really loves you Heath."

"The feeling's mutual, she is quite the kid."

"She's not the only one." Rachel stopped for a moment before she signed the words for the first time. "I love you."

His heart leapt and he pulled her into a tight embrace. Lips joined together in a tender kiss that soon became passionate and filled with their desires.

"I best get going now or I won't let go of you until after we watch the sunrise." He kissed her again and bid her goodnight for the evening. Rachel watched him until he was out of sight.

* * * * * * *



A little bear greeted Rachel first thing in the morning. Laura wasn't her usual jovial self this morning, not having had enough sleep the night before, getting her up to go to school proved to be quite the challenge.

Laura threw the covers back over her head again and rolled away from her sister. She grumbled incoherently and Rachel giggled.

"What's so funny?" She didn't wait for her sister's hand signals and buried her head into the pillow.

Rachel yanked the covers off of her sister for the third and hopefully, final time.

"Rachel! Stop it!" Her whine was met with Rachel tickling her sister's waistline, throwing Laura into fits of giggles. "Rachel! Okay Okay!"

"Breakfast is ready."

"I'm not hungry."

"Breakfast then school. Come on sunshine, rise and shine." Rachel told her.

After Laura turned down several suggested outfits for school, Rachel was finally able to get her to agree to a pale pink dress and white bows. She sighed heavily as Laura began to change. They ate breakfast together silently until the clock chimed on the wall and Laura got up from the table. By the time Laura had gathered her books together, her mood had improved considerably and she even skipped across the street to school. Rachel walked her as far as the courtyard and then said her goodbyes for the day, reminding her to behave and listen to the teacher.

She smiled to herself while she walked back to the store. Somehow Laura's grumpiness had managed to cure her own gloomy mood. When she got up before the sunrise and walked out to the porch, Rachel found that the buildings obscured a portion of the horizon. But that wasn't what disappointed her so; she admitted to herself that she half expected to see Heath there waiting for her when she went outside. But he wasn't, he was back at the range enjoying the sunrise coming across the vistas and flooding the ranch in a warm glow. With a frown, she had retreated into the store before the sun had fully risen.

On the other side of the valley; a blond cowboy was having much the same difficulties. Heath had risen early and joined Silas downstairs in the kitchen for a cup of coffee, while it was still dark outside.

Silas looked into his cup and sighed.

"What's on your mind, old friend?" Heath asked him.

"Nutting. Well guess I just kinda got useta Rachel havin' her cup with us. Ya know even though she don't say a word, she can sure brighten a morning."

"Yep, sure can." He nodded in agreement.

"Just don't seem the same. Not that I don't enjoy your company Heath, always have."

"Ya don't have to explain Silas, feel the same way myself."

"I reckon you do Heath. Seems ta me this is her home now, not out in town. Wonder what it would take ta bring her back?"

Heath could read the old man's mind and it nearly made him laugh. But if he had, he surely would've offended Silas because it was quite obvious that he was very serious about the subject.

"Heath, ya know some people just meant to be together. God made 'em that way. Don't matter how long ya know the person; ya can't fight God's plans for ya. I figure you and Rachel is like that, you're one when ya together and when ya apart ya not one, ya not whole without the other."

"Like Adam's rib and Eve?"

"That's right son, like Adam's rib. Don't even matter if ya only knew her a day, ya belong to her and she belongs ta you. I never seen you so happy as when ya with her. And her eyes tell me the same thing 'bout her."

"Thanks Silas. I better go outside or I'm gonna miss that sunrise." Heath patted his old friend on the back as he left the kitchen.

"Just think on it Heath, that's all I'm asking." Silas heard the door creak open and Heath's quiet footsteps going outside. "Lord, just let him think on it."

At the fencepost, Heath put down his coffee mug and looked towards the horizon for the first light of day to peek through the sky. But this morning he found no enjoyment from watching the new day dawn, it seemed so empty, outside by himself. He longed to have Rachel there, holding his hand as they watched together silently. Heath found himself doing just as Silas had asked him to do, think on what he had said to him. The more he thought on it, the more he thought that his friend was right. Every part of him already belonged to Rachel but it was still too soon. Not because of what society might dictate in their situation, he couldn't care less about that, or even because of his own feelings. It was too soon for Rachel. She had been through far too much to push or rush into anything, what she needed most was love and understanding, not someone that was in a big hurry. They had all the time in the world to be together, a few weeks or even a few months was nothing compared to the lifetime he imagined they would share together.

Just after nine, while Nick and Heath were taking the cattle for water, Rachel welcomed her first customers to the store. Millie and Hattie were old and dear friends of Victoria Barkley's and after hearing Victoria rave over the dress she had created for Audra for tomorrow's tea. The two women decided that they must check out the store. Victoria had already told them about the young woman being mute and they were quite sympathetic with several 'oh dears' and 'poor thing.' Though they at first found it difficult to converse with Rachel while she wrote everything down, during the course of their hour-long visit; they grew accustomed to her methods. Rachel had quickly sketched a few dress ideas for the ladies and when she had handed it to them they were thrilled with her suggestions. Rachel received her first official dress orders.

With a very big smile on her face, she began to hunt around for the things she would need to start on the dresses. She set right to work on them and the hours passed by very quickly. She looked up as the clock chimed one and briefly thought about eating some lunch, but opted instead to continue with her work.

Across town, court recessed for two hours and Jarrod stepped outside. Spring's warmth had finally arrived and the scent of new flowers was in the air. But he took no notice of them as he lit up his cigar. At least, Hanson had taken off out of sight as soon as the recess had been called. He wouldn't have to spend another recess listening to his former friend's jibes about the current case. Jarrod couldn't take his mind off of the letter he had agreed to, his conscience was beating on his soul and wouldn't let up.

Hearing the front door open again, Rachel came out from the backroom to greet what she hoped would be another new dress order. She stopped when she saw Jim Hanson coming into the store. She greeted him with a nod and a stiff upper lip. Something about him just had never sat right with her, from the moment that she had met him, she had disliked him.

Jim fingered a dress that was hanging near the window. "Good morning Rachel, do you remember me? Jim Hanson, I'm the district attorney here in Stockton."

She nodded again, wishing that he would leave as soon as possible. Tilting her head, she hoped he would get the hint and tell her why he was there.

"I was hoping you could help me actually. It's rather embarrassing actually, but I would like to buy a dress. For my mother. She lives back east and I would like to send her a new dress for her birthday"

She closed her eyes and felt some of the tension wash away, maybe his visit wouldn't be so bad after all. Rachel took her pencil and paper, 'do you know her measurements?'

Hanson took a step closer to her and looked her over from top to bottom. "No, not exactly, but she's not as tall as you are." He took another step closer and Rachel instinctively stepped backwards into the counter. Inhaling deeply, he took in the faint scent of roses, "And she doesn't smell as good as you do. Rachel, the truth is that ever since I met you, I haven't been able to think of anything else but you. You are so lovely."

She drew hard lines on the paper and handed it back to him, measurements.

"Ah, all business I see. But when do you have time for fun my dear? I could show you a very fun evening."

Rachel shook her head.

"Oh don't tell me, you think your serious about that Heath Barkley and you think he's serious about you?" Jim Hanson let out with a laugh that grated right through her.

She made a move to step away from him, but he brought his hands to the counter on either side of her and blocked her in. Her heartbeat quickened and her breath shortened into small pants.

"My dear, don't you know that Heath Barkley is one of the biggest womanizers this town has ever seen? I betcha he's told you he loves you? He's told that to half the ladies here, including the ones with rooms on top of the saloon."

Rachel shook her head hard, not believing a single word that came from his mouth. Again she tried to move away, but he positioned himself even closer. A portion of her thoughts wanted to freeze and withdraw inside her head, where she would always go to hide from what her stepfather was doing to her and the other part of her mind told her to fight.

"Now Rachel, I realize it must hurt my telling you about him, but you have to know the truth. You're far too wonderful a young lady to be beguiled in that way." His boy pressed up against hers, "I know how to treat such beauty Rachel, let me show you."

Glaring at him, she drew up her arm and brought her elbow down hard on top of his fingertips.

"Owwww!! Dammit!" He grabbed hold of his injured hand and looked down at his fingers. "Why you!" He grabbed hold of her shoulders hard and pulled her to him.

"Let her go!" Jarrod yelled from the doorway. He stepped inside quickly and went across the room.

"Well hello there Jarrod." Jim released his grip on her shoulders. "Rachel and I were just having a little talk. Fancy seeing you here! Oh, don't tell me, all the Barkley boys have taken an interest in the dressmaker?"

"Leave now Jim, before I forget both our positions." His steely blue eyes were filled with venom. A look that Jim hadn't seen since Beth was murdered.

"Sure, sure. See you back in court counselor. Rachel, a pleasure, I'm sure I'll see you again."

Rachel turned away from him and started towards the back room. Once the door was closed behind him, Jarrod followed her to the back room. He had come to confess to her, to warn her that a letter had been sent to Chicago. But now, his main concern was that she was all right.

Rachel drew water from the spigot and pulled a glass from the cabinet, her hands were shaking violently.

"Rachel, what happened? Are you all right?" Jarrod asked.

She nodded without turning around to face him.

He saw her trembling hands and went to her, taking the glass from her. "You're not all right." Jarrod put an arm around her waist and led her to a chair to sit down. He poured a glass of water and crouched down in front of her. "What did he say to you?"

Rachel took a sip and cradled the glass in her hands. The color had drained from her cheeks and beads of perspiration were on her forehead.

"My God, you're terrified, please you must tell me."

The sound of the door opening caught both their attentions.

"Rachel?" Heath called.

"Hey Sprite, where are ya kiddo!" Nick followed inside the dress shop with his spurs jangling on the wood floor.

Her finger covered her lips, begging Jarrod's silence. He nodded slowly. Jarrod pushed his idea of confessing out of his head, if his family found out that he had been the one to bring this on, if Rachel knew, he doubt he would find the forgiveness that he sought.

Heath came into the kitchen and was quite surprised to see Jarrod there. He saw Rachel's pale skin and her hands still trembling slightly. He took his brother's place, kneeling down in front of her. "Rachel, what is it?"

"Oh it's silly Heath. I didn't eat at all today and I got light headed. Lucky for me, your brother came by to check on my new store."

"Thanks Jarrod." Heath said. "Now see, you're gone from the ranch for one day and you're already into trouble. But I've got your problem solved."

"You do?"

"Yep, Nick here is gonna bring Laura over to the ranch for dinner. You and I are gonna go on a ride and have an early picnic supper, how's that?"

"It sounds perfect." Rachel threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

* * * * * * *



It was a beautiful afternoon for a ride. Just the right mix of breeze and sunshine as they rode towards the brook. Heath, however, was more focused on the rider beside him then the perfect conditions. Rachel had barely even smiled once during the ride and she appeared to be keeping her eyes downcast, how she had managed to avoid rocks and pitfalls, he had no idea. When they stopped at the small brook, she didn't take in the surroundings. A very peaceful spot, with no one around for miles, the brook traveled lazily through a rock-laden path that took it by majestic oaks and pines.

"Rachel, are you sure you're okay?" Heath asked as he dismounted from Charger.

"Yes, I'm fine." Rachel lied. She watched him take down the pack from Charger that held their early picnic dinner. But, she couldn't get her mind off of what had happened earlier with Jim Hanson. His behavior had brought back so many horrible memories in vivid detail.

She helped Heath set out the blanket and all the food, barely noticing the gourmet meal before her. Once she had sat down, she folded her hands in her lap and stared straight ahead. Heath sat down next to her and put his hand over hers, Rachel reacted as though touched by a hot iron and pulled her hand away. A movement that she instantly regretted.

"Rachel, please you have to tell me what's going on. I haven't seen ya like this since I first met you." She hung her head low, not wanting to look at him. All of her shame, all of her sadness how come back to her with a fierceness that terrified and overwhelmed her. Slowly and finally, she lifted her head slightly and looked into his handsome face. She imagined that he must not be able to play poker worth a hill of beans, because she could read everything. His warmth, his worry, his love, they were all set upon his face.

With trembling hands she signed, "Heath, could you just hold me?"

Heath's strong arms enfolded around her like a warm security blanket. She allowed herself to lay her head on his shoulder and take in his musky masculine scent. His warm breath was on her neck and it gave her a feeling of comfort to be wrapped up so closely to him, to feel his heart beating in his chest. Closing his eyes shut, he tried to will away whatever was bothering her. A soft rub of her back would help he told himself; just being there would help. Times like this would occasionally come, when the horrors of the past would visit her present. Heath knew this all to well from his own life experiences. Carterson and the abuse that he had suffered at the hands of his uncle and other men that hated who he was because of what happened between his mother and Tom Barkley. These memories, nightmares, would visit his dreams on occasion. But even worse was the occasional scene, tone of voice, or even a person that could throw him back a good ten years and bring the nightmare to the present in horrifying detail. What bothered him right now was the catalyst, for him there was always something that triggered a memory and he couldn't help but wonder what had made Rachel tremble so.

When the trembling had subsided, Heath loosened his grip on her just enough so that he could pull back and look her directly in the eye. "Rachel, no matter what, I love you. That's all there is to it, honey, I love you." A small tender kiss was placed on her forehead. Letting go of her, he reached for the bottle of wine, feeling that it would further help with settling down her nerves. That and a full meal and she would be as good as new he thought.

"Barkley vineyards of course, here drink it, it'll help you feel better. Silas packed up a lot of food, why don't we see what we've got, can't have you getting dizzy again now can we?"

She nodded in agreement and smiled, feeling just a little like she didn't deserve such a good man.

After a full meal and a second glass of wine, Rachel regained her composure. It ate away at her, keeping a secret from the man she had come to love. She decided that she should tell him what had happened.

"Heath, when you came to the store today, I wasn't light headed from not eating."

"I kinda figured that." He sat up and took her hand. "You wanna tell me what really happened?"

With a small nod, she began to tell him everything. "A man came into the store today. He asked me out to dinner, to spend an evening with him. I turned him down." Seeing his jaw tighten, Rachel clasped his hand tightly around hers. "He then said awful things about you, but I didn't believe a word of it. I tried to walk away but he blocked me in."

"Blocked you in? How? What did he do to you Rachel?" The anger started to swell just beneath his skin, ready to come out with ferociousness.

"I was next to the counter, he put his arms on either side of me and refused to move. Heath I was so frightened. I wanted to just disappear, but I swore a long time ago that I would never let myself do that again I would fight. I slammed my elbow into his fingers, he cursed and swore and then this look came over his face that truly scared me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to him. That's when Jarrod came in."

"Rachel, why didn't you tell me?" But more than anything, Heath was wondering why Jarrod hadn't said anything.

"I couldn't, deep down a part of me blamed myself for what had happened, just like when I was a girl and my step father would hit me, I used to think that it was my fault. If Jarrod hadn't come in when he did, I don't know what would've happened. And please Heath, don't be mad at your brother, I asked him not to tell you."

"I'm not mad at Jarrod Rachel, you have my word on that. But one thing, who was it? Who was the man that came into your store today?" Heath was thinking of a hundred things he would do to him when he got his hands on him. She lowered her head and looked away, not wanting to tell him. A finger was put under her chin and guided her to look directly at him. "Rachel, who was it?"

"The lawyer, Jim Hanson. Heath, promise me you won't do anything stupid. Please promise me!"

What he wanted to do was ride to Hanson's house and knock him out cold, what he said was, "I promise. Don't worry."

"Thank you Heath." She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight.

Upon their arrival back at the ranch, Heath pulled Jarrod off to the side and told him not to go anywhere, he wanted to talk to him as soon as he got back from bringing Rachel and Laura home.

"Rachel, Rachel! Look what Nick made me! My own hoop game, isn't it pretty? And it spins real good too!" Laura proceeded to demonstrate by sending the wooden hoop down the hallway and smack into Silas. "Ohhh, sorry Silas!"

"Is alright child, don't ya worry none!"

"Its very nice Rachel, come on now time for us to get home, its getting late."

Nick took hold of Laura and put her on his shoulder, "Okay Sprite, lets get you out to your carriage."

"Can I come over to play tomorrow?" Laura asked, sitting atop Nick's shoulder.

"I dunno Sprite, got myself a lot of work to do tomorrow."

"Oh please?! Rachel's got that tea thing tomorrow afternoon. It's going to be so boring!" She was very dramatic, rolling her eyes and emphasizing each word."

"I thought you wanted to go to Heidi's tomorrow afternoon to play while I'm gone?" Rachel signed. Heidi was one of the many friends that Laura had made at school.

"But Nick's more fun!"

"I'm afraid you're going to have to let Nick work tomorrow. He and Heath do have a ranch to run, you know."

Laura sighed heavily, "Okay, but maybe Sunday?"

"Maybe Sunday." Heath agreed, "We could all go for a ride, everybody, would ya like that Sprite?"

"Yep, can I ride Sheltie again?"

"Ya sure can!" Nick set her down in the carriage outside. "See ya later Sprite!"

"Bye Nick!"

Heath drove the carriage back to town with Rachel by his side. Laura was soon asleep, with her head on her sister's lap, tuckered out from all the fun she had with Nick. He didn't like the idea much of leaving Rachel and Laura in town, would rather that they were staying at the ranch. But he knew how much Rachel's independence, having her own store, meant to her.

"Ya sure you're gonna be alright?" He asked after putting Laura to bed.

"I'm fine. Mr. Hanson was just overzealous I'm sure. I don't think he'll bother me again, I think he got the message loud and clear." She held out her elbow to him, hoping to get a laugh or a smile from Heath, but none came. "You going to be all right?"

"I'm fine Rachel." Heath kissed her all too briefly. "You have a good time at the tea tomorrow, remember think new clients for your shop."

"I will. Heath, you will let this drop, won't you?"

Heath put his hands in his pockets and hedged her question for a moment, "I promise, I'll try." Kissing her one more time, he stroked the inside of her palm with his thumb. "Goodnight Rachel."

* * * * * * *



Heath arrived home and put up Charger for the night. The short walk from the barn to the house seemed to take forever, all the while he thought of what Rachel had told him. He thought of Jim Hanson and what he would like to do to that snake. But at the moment, he was focused on what he wanted to say to Jarrod. How could Jarrod not tell him what had happened, how could his brother have remained silent?

He walked deliberately into the billiard room and found Jarrod at his desk and Nick staring into the fire. Thankfully, both Mother and Audra had retired for the evening.

"I wanna talk to you Jarrod."

Jarrod raised his eyes to look at Heath, "So you said earlier. What's on your mind?"

Nick turned to watch the exchange, whatever was on Heath's mind, he sure wasn't happy about it. His brother's eyes were fairly shooting darts at Jarrod and he had folded his arms tightly across his chest, a sure sign to Nick of Heath's anger.

"Why didn't ya tell me the truth about what happened today? "

"She asked me not to." Jarrod replied simply.

"Whaddya mean? What happened today?" Asked a befuddled Nick.

"She wasn't lightheaded from not eating Nick. She was terrified! Jim Hanson paid her a little visit and wasn't, how would you put it Jarrod? He wasn't very gentlemanly towards her. In fact, he grabbed her didn't he Jarrod? Isn't that when you walked in?"

"Wait a minute, that lawyer snake tried to hurt her and you didn't tell us about it Jarrod?" Now Nick knew exactly why Heath was angry and he was feeling the same way. "When I get my hands on that lawyer.."

"Sorry Nick, but this one is mine." Heath interrupted.

"He's not anybody's but mine." Jarrod replied and stood up from his desk, walking around to the other side. "I created this situation and I'll be the one to take care of it."

"Wait a minute Jarrod, whaddya mean you created this situation?"

He put his face in his hands and wiped them downwards. "I mean, I have made a horrible mistake and I hope that nothing further comes of it. I pray nothing further comes of it."

"Come on Jarrod!" Nick said, irritated. "You're talking like a puzzle, what mistake?"

"Not long after Rachel and Laura arrived here, I became quite frustrated with the lack of information we had about them. Their real last name, why they were in California, all of it."

His stomach turned into knots, "What did you do Jarrod?" Heath knew all to well about his elder brother's inquisitive nature.

"Jim and I were talking and it came up that Jim had a friend, a fellow lawyer back in Chicago." The brilliant attorney was now fumbling with his words. "I asked Jim for a favor. I asked him to write his friend in Chicago and see if he could get any more information about them."

"What!" Nick's voice was loud enough to shake the rafters.

"Aren't you the one who told all of us that there were no laws to protect children from abuse? That Rachel could be arrested for kidnapping and Laura would have to go back to Chicago with the monster that hurt Rachel, that raped her?"

"He..he did what?"

"You heard me Jarrod, Rachel was raped by her stepfather, many times. She ran when she caught him going into Laura's bedroom late at night. She ran to save her little sister from being raped by him!"

"Oh dear God, what have I done?" Jarrod hung his head, so deeply ashamed by his actions.

"Wait, Jarrod has Hanson said anything to you? Has there been any response back from the letter that you know of?" Nick asked. His mind was still reeling from the information that Heath had just given them. It was something that Heath had not told them when he and Rachel had told the family about the abuse. "Little Sprite, who could…I don't understand."

"I don't understand either Nick." Jarrod agreed. "But the one good thing is that Hanson appears to have not received any reply as yet to his inquiry."

"Not yet you mean!" Heath added angrily, he really wanted to knock Jarrod to the ground for what he had done, but he kept it inside. "Are you so sure that Hanson would tell you if he did hear back?"

"Of course he would." Came Jarrod's instant response, and then he thought about it further. "But he's rather angry with me at the moment, it's possible I suppose that he wouldn't tell me."

"Uh-huh. That's what I thought." Heath turned on his heels and headed for the door.

"Heath, wait!" Nick called after him and stopped him at the front door. "Where you going?"

"You know where I'm going."

"I'm going with you."

"No Nick. I need to talk to Hanson; if he hasn't heard anything from Chicago then I don't think we have anything more to worry about. If he has, then I've got to convince him to do the right thing and not let that man find them. I won't allow Rachel and Laura go through it again."

"Neither will I Heath, ya have my word on that little brother."

"I know Nick and thanks. But ya need to stay here, just in case. No sense in two of us trying to talk to that weasel."

"S'pose you're right. Careful Heath, I don't trust that Hanson one bit."

"Neither do I." With that, Heath closed the door behind him and headed to the barn to retrieve Charger.

Nick leaned his hand against the door and then went back into the billiard room.

Jarrod attempted some light humor, "I thought you were the only one that went off half-cocked!"

Nick's answer came in the form of cold-cocking his brother and sending him tumbling to the floor. "That is for Heath, and Rachel and Sprite. You best pray that nothing does come of that letter. Cause if it does, it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever forgive you and I suspect it will be the same with Heath too."

Jarrod shook the fog from his head, "Nick, I'm sorry…Nick!" He watched his brother storm from the room without another word to him.

There were two possibilities for where Jim Hanson would be at this time of night, at home asleep or in the saloon entertaining the young ladies and enjoying a game of poker. Heath opted to try the saloon first. He only hoped that Rachel was fast asleep, as he would have to ride past her store to get there. He walked Charger slowly past Rachel's Wears and holding his breath, looked up at her bedroom window for any sign of movement. But her store was pitch black and he exhaled for he didn't want Rachel to know that he was about to do something he might later regret. Right now, the only thing he could focus on was making sure that Hanson left her alone and to warn him that if he ever went near her again, he would be dealing with the full force of Heath Barkley's wrath.

Jim Hanson was busily nuzzling the neck of a raven-haired saloon girl when Heath walked in. As soon as he saw him, Jim roughly pushed the young woman away and reached for the half empty bottle of whiskey next to him.

"Well now, I might've known that I should expect a visit from you Heath!" He grinned, slightly slurring his speech.

Heath warily eyed his surroundings before moving next to where Hanson sat. Pulling out a chair he sat down beside him, very close. "I wanted to talk to you Hanson."

He leaned heavily onto the table. "I'm sure you do. Would it be about the lovely young lady, Rachel?"

"Yeah it would." Heath leaned in close and whispered into his ear, "Lemme give you a friendly piece of advice Hanson. Stay away from her. And if I were you, I would make sure that if you ever hear back on that letter you sent to Chicago, you burn it."

"Oh you would, would you? So have you become their guardian Heath, their protector?"

"Maybe I have, maybe all of the Barkleys have. Either way, I don't think you want to find out."

Hanson looked around the room and grinned, "Are you threatening me, Mr. Barkley?"

"It's not a threat Hanson, consider yourself warned." Heath sat back up straight in the chair and began to stand when Hanson took hold of his arm.

"Perhaps you didn't realize that it was your brother that asked me to send that letter out in the first place." He hissed at him.

"I do know that and it’s a mistake that he regrets."

"And as for Rachel, she's not your wife. She's fair game in my book and I intend to spend some time with her. And I always get my way Barkley, always."

"Stay away from her, Hanson!" Heath's jaw set and his hands balled into tight firsts, whitening his knuckles.

"Maybe I'll stop by there tomorrow and see if I can interest her in dinner. After all, she is a mute; she can't be getting very many offers besides yours. Not many men can appreciate the benefits of having a silent woman around like you and I obviously can, eh Barkley?"

His question was answered in the form of a fist to Hanson's mouth. He toppled over backwards in the chair and stared up at Heath Barkley looming over him.

"You all saw it," Hanson said while he wiped the blood from his mouth. "He assaulted me! Get the sheriff!"

Heath put back on his hat and was starting to leave the saloon when Fred arrived.

"Sheriff, Heath Barkley assaulted me!" Hanson yelled out and stopped Heath in his tracks. "Look at this blood!" He thrust his handkerchief in front of Fred to show him the few small drops of blood.

"Heath, what about it? Did you hit him?" Fred asked, wishing that he wouldn't have to do anything.

"Yep, 'fraid so Fred." Heath nodded slowly.

"Arrest him!"

"Heath, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to come with me."

"Yep, I know Fred. Don't worry, I won't give ya any trouble."

"I know ya won't. 'Sides won't be such a bad thing, give me a chance to win back that money I lost to ya last time we played poker together."

"Sheriff, are you going to arrest him or are you going to keep passing the time of day?!"

"Alright Hanson, I'm taking him. Quit your jawing!" Fred replied gruffly to him, he wasn't a fan of the district attorney either. He had hoped that when the election was announced that Jarrod would run against him, but he had been unable to convince the eldest Barkley son to run in the race.

"So I gotta stay here overnight?" Heath asked as he walked unassisted into the cell.

"I wish it were that Heath. But Hanson's pressing charges against you, you have to wait for the judge."

"The judge? You mean all weekend?" Heath sat down on the cot and realized the ramifications of losing his temper with Hanson.

"Fraid so. I'm real sorry Heath. Listen I'm gonna get Billy and have him ride out to the ranch to tell your family. Jarrod will get you outta here in no time flat, dontcha worry." Fred started to go get his deck of cards then stopped. "Hey hear tell that you're sweet on the lady that runs the new dress shop. You want me to get word to her?"

"No, I think you better wait till morning. She might be real mad at me when she finds out about this."

"Yep," The sheriff chuckled, "Imagine she will be."

On Saturday morning, promptly at eight o'clock, the first train of the day arrived in Stockton. Two Federal Marshals disembarked onto the platform and looked around. One of them stopped a passerby, "Can ya tell me where to find the telegraph office?" The man pointed down across the street.

"Morgan, we gotta send that telegram to Mr. Simpson to let him know we're here. Then we'll see about finding this Jim Hanson fellow."

"You think we're on another wild goose chase?"

"Mr. Simpson doesn't seem to think so. Apparently this letter from Hanson had pretty good descriptions of the girls. And you know, Mr. Simpson is real anxious to get his daughter back home with him."

"What about the older one?"

"He wants her charged with kidnapping for taking the little one. She had no right to take her away, they're only half sisters. The older one's gonna spend the next five to ten years in prison for what she did."

* * * * * * *



Jim Hanson opened his office door to find two men standing there.

"Mr. Hanson?" The elder of the two inquired.

"Yes?" He looked over both men carefully and didn't like the looks of either one. Both were large and haggard looking, their clothes spoke of being out on the trail for long periods of time.

"I'm Tom Hadley, this is my partner Chet Morgan. You should have received a telegram about us, we're Federal Marshals looking for Laura Simpson."

"Oh yes! Yes of course, I did get the telegram. Please come in." He ushered the two men inside and to the leather chairs in front of his desk. "Sit down please. So have you both come here from Chicago?"

"No actually, we were in Montana at the time we received notice that you might know of the two women we've been looking for."

"Ah I see, well gentlemen it would come as no surprise to me if these were the two you were looking for. By the way, I couldn't help but notice that you only mentioned the younger one by name?"

The two men shared a glance between them and decided to provide more information to the district attorney. "Laura was kidnapped over a year ago by one Rachel Knight. If these are the women we are looking for, Laura will be returned to her home in Chicago."

"Kidnapped? Really, I had no idea. The child seems quite fond of the older one. This Rachel, what do you plan on doing with her? Will she be charged?"

"Yes, Mr. Simpson wants her prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I'm not sure though if that would happen here or in Chicago, providing these are the ones we are looking for."

The younger of the two joined the conversation, having had remained silent until this point. "We still need your utmost in discretion Mr. Hanson. If this is the Rachel and Laura we're looking for, we don't want them to take off again and lose their trail. They've been missing for over a year now and I have no intention of letting them slip through our fingers."

"I see, so what do you want me to do?"

"All we need from you is to point them out to us, quietly and nothing else. If it's confirmed, we'll be notifying Mr. Simpson immediately. He will come here to see to Laura's safe return home."

"And, might there be a reward for Laura's return?" Hanson asked greedily.

"As a matter of fact there is, Mr. Simpson is offering a reward of ten thousand dollars for the return of his daughter and the capture of Rachel Knight."

"Well then, it'll be quite easy for you to find them. Rachel has opened a dress shop on the other side of town; it's called Rachel's Wears. I'll take you by there now."

"Very good and Mr. Hanson, remember we need your complete silence in this."

Rachel came running out to the front door, the incessant pounding upon it and then Nick's calling out to her, caused a shiver down her spine. She threw open the door to find Nick standing with his hat in his hands. Laura came bounding down the stairs and called out his name happily. But Nick was far from having a smile upon his face.

"I'm sorry Rachel, I umm, well there's no easy way to say this. Heath's in jail."

Rachel's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open, but he didn't have to tell her why Heath was in jail. She already knew. She signed the name for Laura.

"Hanson?" Laura deciphered for Nick.

"Yeah. Last night, late last night."

Rachel fetched her bonnet and took Laura by the hand.

"My Mother is over there now, maybe she could take Laura out to breakfast while you're visiting with Heath."

"But I wanna see Heath too!" Laura blurted unhappily.

"A jail is no place for a little girl." Rachel told her.

"No fair!"

"C'mon Sprite. You wanna piggyback ride?"

That drew the smile Nick was hoping for and she eagerly climbed up on Nick's back.

Hanson pushed the two marshals into the alleyway when he saw the three of them going down the opposite side of the street.

"What the hell?" Morgan said.

"Shhh, that's them across the street." Hanson put a finger to his lips.

Hadley stepped forward slightly to get a better look. "I'll be damned."

"That’s the Rachel and Laura we've been looking for!" Morgan slapped Hadley on the back.

"Wait," Hadley said. "Who's the fellow they are with?"

"Name's Nick Barkley, his family owns the largest ranch here in the Valley. Quite a powerful family." Hanson told them.

"He her beau?"

"Nooo actually her beau is in jail at the moment. I would suppose that Nick is taking her there to see him. It's his younger brother that's in jail. He's quite the riff raff you know. Only a half brother supposedly. He came into town a few years ago and managed to convince everyone that he's the bastard son of Tom Barkley."

"What's he in jail for?"

"Assault. He goes before the judge on Monday." He neglected to tell the marshals whom Heath Barkley had assaulted.

"Might be a good thing if he stays in jail for awhile. At least until Mr. Simpson has the chance to leave here with his daughter. I'm sure that since you're the district attorney, you might be able to do something about that?"

"I do believe I can help you with that. I would rather enjoy seeing Mr. Barkley in there for quite some time. You need to keep your eye on the rest of the Barkleys though. They seem to have taken to both those girls."

"Thanks for the advice Mr. Hanson, we'll take it from here."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Right now we're going to send a telegram to Mr. Simpson, I'm sure he'll be on the very next train and arrive here in about two to three days. Aside from that, nothing. We don't want them getting scared and running again. Nothing is to be done that might alert them to what's going on."

"I understand. You shall have my complete silence on this."

Nick set down Laura once they arrived in front of the jail. He went inside and asked his mother to watch Laura for a little while. Victoria emerged from the sheriff's office to find Rachel kneeling down in front of her and talking to her with her hands.

"Morning Mrs. Barkley." Laura said sadly. She really wanted to see Heath and couldn't understand why he was in jail.

"Good morning Laura! I understand that I'm going to have the pleasure of your company for breakfast this morning?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, why don't you and I go over to the hotel and have ourselves a big breakfast with flapjacks and eggs and anything you want."

"Go with her." Rachel said.

Laura took Mrs. Barkley's offered hand and allowed her to lead her away. But she kept looking back towards the jail.

"You ready to go in?" Nick asked and he opened the door for her when Rachel nodded.

"You don't need to be worrying about me Jarrod! You should be worrying about Rachel and Laura; they're not safe anymore! Thanks to you!"

Rachel had come into the back, just in time to catch the tail end of the conversation between Heath and Jarrod. She stopped and stared at the both of them.

"Rachel." Heath said softly.

"Rachel, good morning." Jarrod said. "Or I should say as good a morning as it can be under the circumstances."

"Heath, what happened?" She asked, stepping to his cell. "You promised."

He put his hands around the bars that held him, "Rachel I'm sorry. I just couldn't stand by and do nothing after what Hanson had done. I had to say something to him, do something, I couldn’t let it drop."

She drew close to the cell and reached her hand through the bars, touching his cheek. Heath leaned into her hand; it was all she needed to say.

"I'll let you two have some time alone." Jarrod started uncomfortably.

"No. Jarrod you stay right here."

Rachel was surprised by the sudden coldness in his voice.

"Rachel, I gotta tell you something. You're not gonna like it one bit. There was a letter…a letter that got sent to Chicago inquiring about you and Laura."

Rachel's hand withdrew from the cell.

"I'm so sorry, but so far it looks like nothing has come back on it yet. No reply that we know of."

"That you know of? You knew about this letter?"

"I only found out last night Rachel."

Jarrod touched her shoulder. "It was my fault, all my fault. I had the letter sent to Chicago asking about you and Laura. My curiosity got the better of me. I am truly sorry."

"I trusted you, I trusted all of you. Don't you see, I can't let him find us. Now for all I know he could have someone on the way here to bring Laura back!"

"Rachel, we haven't heard anything yet. Isn't that right Jarrod?"

"Heath rarely does anything happen in that city without him knowing about it! What have you done?" She shook her head in disbelief, this couldn't be happening. She had made a life for herself and Laura here in Stockton and for the first time in her life, she knew what it was like to be truly loved. But all of it was disappearing before her very eyes. She started to leave.

Nick stopped her in the doorway. "Look I know that Jarrod did something very wrong and I don't blame you for being angry, not at all. You can deck him, ya know, I did!"

Rachel looked up at the tall cowboy with enough sadness in her eyes to last a lifetime. Nick put his hands on her shoulders gently.

"Rachel, don't run, not yet anyways. I think you and Sprite should stay out at the ranch for a while. Till we know this thing has blown over."

She shook her head at him, feeling that there was no place on earth where she and Laura would ever be safe.

"Rachel please listen to Nick. Listen to me, I don't wanna lose you or Laura. Stay at the ranch, Jarrod will find out if anything's come of that letter."

She turned back to look at Heath, "You can't save us Heath, if he comes after us, you can't save us."

"Yes we can, we'll protect you out there. Rachel, if it comes to it, I'll help you get away from here. Up to Canada I think, no one would ever look for you up there. I'll take you up over the border."

"I'll help too." Nick stated adamantly. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or to my Sprite, got it?"

She looked at the three brothers, still furious with Jarrod for what he had done. Laura had grown so attached to Nick and Heath and they to her. And now that she knew what it was like to love a man and know that he loved her back; she didn't want to give that up. Rachel went back to Heath and he reached out his hand, taking hers and squeezing it. "Okay."

"Now Jarrod." Nick said, "Let's get outta here and give the lovebirds a few minutes alone."

"Right behind you Nick."

Waiting until the door closed, Rachel turned back to Heath. "I'm scared."

"I know, I am so sorry for all of this Rachel. But you'll be safe back at the ranch."

"What's going to happen with you Heath? They said you have to go before the judge on Monday morning."

"Don't worry. This isn't the first time I punched someone, nothing much ever happens. I'll pay a fine and that will be the end of it." He reached through the cell bars and cupped her face. "Ever kiss a man behind bars?"

She smiled and drew to him, both their faces pressed against the bars as they kissed.

"First time for everything." She grinned.

They held hands silently for a time before she broke from him. "I should go get some things packed to take to the ranch."

"Don't forget your dress for the tea this afternoon." He told her.

"Oh no, the tea, I forgot about it. Heath I don't think I can go, not right now."

"Course you can. You're gonna put on that pretty new dress, your beautiful smile and your going to knock all those ladies off their feet. They will all be your clients in no time."

"That is if I ever get back to the store."

"You will, I promise when this all blows over you can go back to the store. I just need to make sure that you're safe, both you and Laura. I won't let anything happen to you, never."

"I know that Heath. You know how much I love you? I better get going."

"Come back after the tea? I want all the details!" Heath smirked at her.

"No you don't, you're just saying that to make me feel better. There's not a man alive that would want to hear the dreary details of a ladies afternoon tea."

Heath laughed, "But its better than beating Fred at poker again, its just too easy." Touching her hand again, "I love you Rachel."


