Just Hangin’ Around

by BVLindaG



Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.


He didn't know how much longer he could hang on. The small rock beneath his sweat dampened hand crumbled away and he scrambled for another handhold. He figured he had been here for at least twenty minutes. His toes were cramping from trying to keep a purchase on the loose shale that kept breaking away beneath his boots. He laid his cheek on the sun warmed rocks and blinked as sweat ran off his forehead and into his eyes. The sun was starting to set as the wind howled around him, eddying and swirling and it tugged at his hair and clothing. He knew he shouldn't do it, but for whatever reason people always did these things, he lifted his head and looked down and out. The valley floor was spread out seven hundred feet below him, the herd of cattle grazing down there looked like tiny ants from this dizzying height. He took a deep breath and laid his head on his arm as he took a tighter grip on the small protrusion of rock that was the only thing preventing him from sliding further.

"Where is he? Why isn't he here to help me? I thought that's what brother's were for...to help when ya were in trouble?"

He dug the toes of his boots into the loose rock, trying to pull himself up a bit to take the strain off his shoulder. The muscles were screaming from the strain of bearing his entire weight as his feet slipped again.

"Darn him any ways, he's probably sitting around the campfire having a nice thick steak right about now. Not a care in the world, hasn't even given a thought to where I am or why I'm not back yet."

He could feel his arm getting tired and the thought passed through his mind that maybe he should just let go. The sound of his horse's nicker made him hold his breath as he listened carefully. Yes, he could definitely hear hoofbeats approaching. He heard the creak of saddle leather and waited impatiently for whoever it was to come and rescue him.

A bit of loose dirt sliding past made him glance up. Nick was laying on the grass above him, looking over the edge, propped up on his elbows with his arms crossed in front of him. He waved a black gloved hand at him and asked conversationally.

"What are ya doing?"

Heath snapped at him, "I've been waiting for you to come and find me."

Nick raised his eyebrows at the irritated tone, "well, I'm here aren't I?"

A big grin dimpled his lean cheeks and he chuckled, "like they say, 'better late than never'."

He could tell by the glare Heath threw him that his brother didn't appreciate his sense of humor. He dropped the smile and shrugged, "why are you down there any ways?"

The rock he had been grasping by the tips of his fingers started coming loose and Heath clawed frantically for another one. He shook the sweat out of his eyes and gestured with his head at an object lying about six feet to his right and a couple of feet below him.

"My hat blew off in this darned wind and went over the edge, I figured I could just climb down and get it. Didn't count on this rock bein' all loose like this."

"Uh huhhhhhh...."

Nick craned his neck to look further over the edge, "why didn't ya just slide the rest of the way down?"

The hazel eyes narrowed as he made a quick calculation,
"can't be more than twenty feet to that wide ledge down there, then ya coulda' just walked back up here along the path."

Heath gritted his teeth, "I couldn't slide down there, can't ya see all them pricker bushes? I'da landed right on 'em and been stabbed with them thorns in places I don't wanta' even think about!!"

Nick waved his hand at him again, "you're a might touchy when ya miss supper aren't ya?"


Nick sighed and got to his feet, "hang on, I'll be right back."


His brother's loud voice drifted back to him, "JUST WAIT THERE."

The blond head dropped onto his outstretched arm and he muttered to himself, "where would I go?"

A few minutes went by and he was thinking of taking his chances and sliding down into the nest of thorn bushes when a long arm reached down and plopped his hat back on his head before grabbing his wrists and dragging him up and over the edge. He sat up and started brushing the dirt off his clothes. Nick nodded as he squatted in front of him and coiled the rope he had used to snag Heath's Stetson.

"You were right Heath. I took a look when I went to get your hat, the thorns on them bushes must be 'bout three inches long. Ya woulda' been ridin' a little tenderly for awhile if ya had of landed on 'em."

Heath gave him a dirty look and resumed swiping at his shirt. He rubbed his hands down his pant legs to get the dust off and winced as his skinned fingers started to sting from the contact with the rough denim. He started to get to his feet when Nick grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. He picked up the work roughened hand and turned it over to examine the raw fingertips.

"Well now, it seems like Mother was right again."

Heath tugged his hand away and frowned, "what are ya on about now Nick?"

His shoulders lifted as Nick let out a long suffering sigh and shook his head.

"Mother said ya couldn't go on roundup and not get hurt. I tried my best to convince her that nothing would happen this time but..."

He got up and went over to where CoCo and Charger were grazing. After rummaging around in his saddlebags for a moment, he unhooked his canteen and returned to sit in front of his brother.

He took the lid off the canteen and Heath cupped his hands as Nick poured water into them. When he was done washing the dirt off, Nick reached inside his leather vest and pulled out a dark green bottle. Heath's blue eyes opened wide as Nick held the bottle out and gestured at him.

"Mother sent along the liniment, now hold out your hands Heath."

"No, it'll hurt."

The dark brows lowered and Nick scowled at him and grabbed his wrist as Heath tried to stand up and make his getaway.


Heath looked at the dark scowling face and decided he had better sit down again. He watched Nick's lips thin into a hard angry line as he held the bottle out and stared at him.

"Give me your hand."

Heath bit his lip as Nick took his hand and held it tightly. He poured the liniment over the lacerated fingers making sure both hands had been disinfected before corking the bottle and standing up.

"There now, that wasn't so bad, now was it Heath."

Heath got to his feet and shook his hands, trying to take away the burning sting of the liniment which, to his mind was worse than the injury itself.

"If you say so Nick."

He tugged his hat lower and glared at him before walking over to get his horse. Nick threw his arms in the air and followed him.

"Maybe this'll teach ya not to be so clumsy from now on!!"

They rode into camp just before sunset, dismounted and took care of their horses before going to sit by the fire. The men had been wondering where the two were after Heath hadn't come in from looking for strays up in the hills and Nick had ridden out to see what was keeping him. They were about to head out to start looking for him themselves when the two had ridden in.

Jesse looked over at them as they started to eat the supper Cookie had been keeping warm for them. He gestured at Heath with his coffee cup and tilted his head at Nick.

"Where'd ya find him Nick?"

Heath stopped eating in mid chew, waiting for his brother to embarrass him. Nick watched him out of the corner of his eye and decided to save the story to use another day. He waved his fork at him and shrugged carelessly.

"He was up on the ridge ... just hangin' around."