'Till the Weeks Second Sunday

By : BVLindaG



Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.



Everything is current with the series.

Warning - Death of a major character



Chapter one


The three men watched the path that wound around behind the small hills to the north of them. Nick, Heath and Charlie waited patiently for the signal from Steve up on the ridge that the wild horses were heading their way.


Heath pulled his big bay gelding over closer to his brother and slapped him on the back, "hey Nick, do ya think ol' CoCo can keep up when we start chasin' them horses, he's not gettin' any younger ya know."


Charlie rolled his eyes and shook his head at the young man, thinking, 'everyone else runs when Nick starts yelling and stomping around but not Heath, oh no, he gets him going on purpose, then sits back and laughs at him.'


Heath dropped his hand to rest on his thigh while he waited for the explosion - it wasn't long in coming.


Nick looked over at his brother with a ferocious scowl that would have made a lesser man cringe and shouted, "OL' COCO CAN KEEP UP WITH ANYTHING ON THIS RANCH AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!"


He leaned over to run his gloved hand down the liver chestnuts neck, his voice dropping to a croon, "why, ol' CoCo here's just in his prime, got a lot of good years left yet don't ya boy?"


Heath looked over at Charlie and gave a sly wink, "I thought he was twenty-three this year Nick?"




Heath pulled his hat lower to better shade his laughing blue eyes. Boy howdy, did he ever love having a brother, he just wished they could have grown up together. But, like his Mama always said, 'there's no sense wishin' for something that's gone.'


Nick's urgent words broke into his thoughts.


"There's the signal Heath. Charlie, you go to the left and Heath and I'll go right and we'll try and keep 'em from breaking off. If we can keep 'em runnin' straight they'll head right into that box canyon and we'll have 'em. Get ready, here they come now."


All three leaned forward in their saddles and shook out their lassos as the mustangs being chased by the Barkley hands came racing around an outcropping of rocks and careened past them in a cloud of dust.


"Let's go," Nick shouted over the sound of pounding hooves and frenzied whinnying as he spurred CoCo to race alongside them.


The men fanned out along each side giving the horses no choice but to keep a straight path which sent them right into the small canyon Heath had picked out as a tailor made trap. The entrance was narrow enough that a wide gate had been rigged up and as the mustangs streamed into the enclosure, the Barkleys newest hand, young Billy Watkins, jumped out from behind the scrub bushes where he had been hiding and slammed the gate shut with a triumphant shout.


"Wow, did ya see that?" Billy was fairly dancing with excitement as he approached Nick and Heath who had pulled up hard outside the gate and were now dismounting. "I coulda reached out and touched 'em they was so close!!"


 The light green eyes in the young boyish face were as big and round as saucers. Billy had lost his hat rushing to close the gate and his dark blond hair was sticking up at all angles and falling forward into his eyes.


He drew himself up, hooked his thumbs in his belt and tried to look older than his seventeen years as he nodded at the two older men and boasted confidently, "but I wasn't scared none, no sir, I just waited till they was all in, then I jumped up quick like and slammed that gate shut."


Heath looked over his horses neck, winked at his brother and tipped his head slightly to indicate Billy, whose statement would have carried more weight if he hadn't been visibly shaking from head to toe.


Heath thought back to the day three months before when he and Nick had been in town picking up supplies.  Coming out of the feed store bantering with Nick they had caught Billy stealing sacks of flour and sugar from the wagon. Nick had grabbed the boy, cursing as Billy had pummeled his shins with booted feet and struggled to get free. He was no match for an angry Nick Barkley though, who dragged him across the street to the sheriffs' office.


Heath followed them inside as Nick shoved the boy into a chair in front of Sheriff Madden and loudly demanded he charge him with theft. Fred sat forward, resting his arms on the desk and frowning at the boy while Heath took up a position against the opposite wall where he could observe Billy. He didn't like what he saw, he guessed the boy to be about fifteen or sixteen but it was hard to tell he was so thin. He had on a pair of ragged faded blue dungarees that were two sizes too big on the smallish frame. They were rolled up a few times and nipped it at the thin waist with a piece of binder twine. The dirty brown shirt was ripped and torn in many places and both he and the shirt hadn't seen a wash in some time. Heath felt a sudden twisting in his stomach.


Fred glared at the boy from beneath lowered brows and stated, "you're that Watkins boy lives in that old shack with your pa on the edge of town, aren't ya?"


Billy returned the glare with sullen eyes and refused to answer but Heath looked beyond the act of bravado and saw nothing but a scared and lonely boy trying to make his own way in the world.


Nick's impatience grew as he stood beside Fred with his fists on his hips and snapped out, "ANSWER THE QUESTION BOY."


They all waited for the boy to speak, but no answer was forthcoming.


Fred heaved a sigh, rose from his chair and came around to pull the boy up, "fine then, you can spend the night in a cell and see if that gets ya talkin'."


Heath watched Nick pace the small office for a moment then turned toward the other room , listening to the keys jangle in the cell door lock. It was the same sound he had heard every night for seven long months in Carterson... his stomach twisted again.


"Jail is no place for a boy."


He realized he had spoken out loud when Nick crossed to him and flung his arm in the air.




"I know that Nick, but there's got to be a better way."


The quiet voice brought a halt to the angry tirade and Nick made a disgusted sound and threw himself into the seat in front of the desk as Fred came back into the room and eased his large frame into the creaking swivel chair behind his battered desk. 


Heath pushed away from the wall and came over to settle on the corner of the desk and Nick looked up at him from beneath his hat as Heath cleared his throat and asked, "so what's gonna happen to him Sheriff."


Madden let out a huge sigh, "look Heath, that kid's bad news. He's been stealing from all the shops in town since he and his pa moved here two months ago but I've just never been able to catch him. He set Denby's horses loose from the smithy and I don't know how many windows he's broken."


He glanced over at the dark haired cowboy slouched in the chair across from him and shrugged, "do ya want to charge him Nick? He's nearly seventeen, he'll serve some time and maybe that'll straighten him out."


Nick rubbed his black gloved hand over his chin and glanced up at Heath who was looking at Madden with a frown, "what about his pa, can't he do anything?"


Fred gave a negative shake of his head and snorted in disgust, "his pa's a drunk. From what I hear any money he earns from doing odd jobs around town he spends on booze. The shopkeepers say he rarely buys food. That shack they live in is worse than a pig sty and I'm told the old man beats on the kid pretty regular. Maybe he'd be better off in jail."


Heath had picked up a pencil and was running it back and forth through his fingers. He looked up and pinned the sheriff with his steady gaze.


"What if someone took responsibility for him, would you let him go?"


Nick slammed his hands down on the arms of his chair and barked, "OH COME ON HEATH, DON'T TELL ME YOU WANTA TAKE THIS KID ON!! WHY??"


Heath looked down at Nick's scowling face and his blue eyes begged his brother to understand, "I know what it's like to be poor and I know what it's like to be a prisoner. Behind that tough exterior he's showin' the world is nothin' but a scared kid. I can't let that happen to this boy when I can give him a second chance...please Nick."


Nick knew he shouldn't look at those eyes, knew what he would see, sadness, despair, hurt and that gentle pleading that would be his undoing, but he did look and finally gave in with a wave of his hand as if to say, 'do what you will.'


Fred got up and went back to get the boy. When he brought him out he looked at Heath and said with a shrug, "I hope you know what you're doing Heath."


In the three months since then Billy's whole attitude had changed.  Under Heath's gentle guidance he had worked hard to become a better person. Oh, it had taken a few weeks and some angry outbursts to figure out Heath just wanted to help him. Heath bought him new clothes, gave him a horse and gear and worked with him whenever he could to teach him how to be a ranch hand. In turn, Billy idolized Heath, and would do anything he asked of him. He was so grateful for this chance, for Heath's friendship, and Nick found it secretly amusing to watch Billy following Heath everywhere. Why, the boy was even starting to pick up some of Heath's mannerisms.


"Ya did a right fine job young Bill. Why that there was the most important part of this whole roundup, ain't that right Nick?" Heath's eyes pleaded with his brother to say something nice to the boy.


Nick wasn't given to handing out compliments, but the kid was kinda growing on him and he knew Heath was trying to build the boy up, so he looked over and gruffed out, "yeah, Heath's right there Billy. If ya weren't quick gettin' that gate shut, why they'd of just turned around and pushed their way back out again and we'd of wasted all day."


A faint flush colored the fair cheeks at this praise from the older of the two Barkley brothers. He liked Nick, he was just a little in awe of him. The loud voice, gruff manner and the scowl that were often on his face scared him a little, but Heath had said his brother was one of the best men he had ever known so that was good enough reason for Billy to like him.


He reached out for both horses reins and asked, "would ya like me to take care of 'em for ya while ya look over the mustangs?"


Heath handed over Chargers reins with a nod, "sure Billy, that'd be great. Give 'em a little drink at the water hole there ok, ol' CoCo looks like he needs it."


Nick had finished loosening CoCos' girth to give him room to breath. The old horse was blowing like a freight train and stood with his head lowered in weariness.


Heath felt sorry for the animal. He had tried to talk his brother into retiring the old cutting horse a couple of times, but Nick was adamant that he could still do the work. Heath knew it was just because he couldn't bear to part with him, he had been given the horse for his thirteenth birthday and they had been a team ever since. It was hard to let go of something you loved and even though he would see him everyday, to Nick it wouldn't be the same. Heath was afraid the old horse was going to collapse under his brother one day and he wanted him to retire him before that happened.


As Billy walked away with the horses, the two brothers joined the rest of the men at the gate to look at what they had captured. Nick squeezed in beside Steve while Heath climbed up onto the fence alongside Rory and squinted his eyes at the horses milling about at the far end of the canyon about two hundred feet away from them. There was a glorious mix of colors, bay, brown, chestnut, grey, paint and a beautiful deep reddish brown Appaloosa with a snow white blanket across her rump that Heath would dearly love to add to their broodmare band.


He turned to Nick, "good lookin' bunch Nick, seems to be about thirty-three near as I can tell. Do ya wanta' cut out the ones we don't want here or wait till we get home?"


"We'll wait, I'd rather get them home where we can take a closer look, it's too hard to see here."


"All right, let's let them settle down a bit before we bring 'em out, our horses need a rest anyway." Heath jumped down from the gate as Billy came over.


"Boy howdy Heath, ain't they beautiful, I've never seen wild horses before."


Nick let out a muffled laugh and thought, "he's sounding more like Heath every day."



Chapter two


Victoria took her seat as Jarrod held it for her before making his way to his place at the opposite end of the table. Audra, Nick and Heath were already seated and Nick was reaching for the platter of steaks when a quiet, 'ahem', arrested his hand in midair.


"Nick, we do not start till grace has been said, as you are in such a hurry, you may say it." She nodded to her middle son, unfolded her napkin and placed it across her lap.


"Sorry Mother. Ummm ... thank you for this food, amen. Pass the steaks Jarrod."


Victoria raised her eyes to the ceiling and shook her head.


Jarrod looked over to his brothers as he passed them the steaks, "I see you two finally managed to catch those wild mustangs, I saw them in the far corral as I came in tonight. When do you intend breaking them?"


Nick gave a shrug and waved his knife at Heath, "ask our little brother here, he's in charge of picking the ones we want and breakin' 'em. I'm just there to pick him up when he gets tossed." He gave the blue clad arm a playful nudge, a wide grin spreading across his face.


Heath's gaze fell on his brother as he countered mockingly, "I've picked you up outta the dust more times than I can count. Remember that black stallion ya bought when Vern Hickson came here? That horse musta thrown ya 'bout a dozen times. Ya never did get him broke, we had to sell him for half what we paid for him."


Audra's blonde hair fell forward to hide her face as she let out a giggle.


Nick scowled across the table, "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT, LITTLE SISTER?"


Her head came up and her blue eyes danced merrily, "you should have seen yourself Nick, covered in dirt, limping around, hair sticking up all over," she let another snicker escape.


The other three couldn't stifle their chuckles as Nick glared around the table at each of them before attacking his steak with a grumble.


Heath reached up, squeezed the back of his neck and gave him a little shake. As Nick turned his head to scowl at him, Heath winked and smiled his lop-sided grin, silently asking forgiveness for the teasing.


The scowl melted away and a smile lit the hazel eyes as Nick shrugged and muttered, "I guess it WAS kinda funny." His good humor restored, he looked around the table and nodded knowingly, "we'll see how funny it is when little brother here is the one layin' in the dirt and limpin' around."


Jarrod addressed Heath with raised eyebrows and inquired, "so when is this show going to be?"


Heath thought for a minute before replying, "well, now we've got the fall cattle drive over with, we can take a little extra time to decide if we wanta keep the yearlings in the bunch or let em go and pick em up again next year." He took his last bite of steak and pushed the plate away to lean his forearms on the table.


Nick did the same and added, "if we keep them, we have to feed them through winter and they can't be broke 'till next fall any ways. I say we let them go. What do ya think Heath?"


"That's what I thought.  There's a dozen good two and three year olds out there and a couple of nice broodmares we can keep, the rest we'll let go. We can start breakin' 'em at the end of the week, that gives us four days to decide who to keep."


Silas had entered the room with the silver coffee pot as Audra turned to her Mother with excitement lighting her face.


"Oh Mother, can I help the boys?"


Victoria held her cup out for Silas to fill and answered, "no Audra, I don't want you around those horses until your brother's have them gentled."


"Can I get you anything else Mrs. Barkley?" Silas cleared the table and brought dessert from the sideboard.


"No, thank you Silas, that will be all," the dignified servant nodded and left the room.


Audra tried another tact, "I won't get in the way, I'll just watch, I promise."


Nick gave an exasperated sigh, "you're not going down there little miss, the men don't need the distraction and Heath and I can't be worrying about you getting hurt." He banged his coffee cup down to end the discussion.


"Nick's right Audra. Besides, I have something more important for you to do this week." Victoria cradled her cup and sipped the hot brew.


"Oh Mother, what is it?" Audra voice rose in anticipation.


Victoria was pleased to be able to distract her headstrong daughter so easily. She placed her cup on its delicate rose patterned saucer, leaned forward and addressed the whole family.


"Remember my friend Elizabeth Trent, she came for a visit about three years ago?" They all remembered Mrs. Trent, a short, plump, matronly women about their mother's age with twinkling blue eyes and a jolly laugh. Victoria waited for the affirmative nods before continuing. "I received a letter from her today asking if we could do her a favor."


Nick and Heath leaned forward eagerly, a look of anticipation on both faces. Nick was the one to ask, "is she coming for another visit?"


Jarrod shook his head in disgust.  He pointed a finger at his younger brothers and admonished, "you two only want her to come because she stuffs you full of all those pastrys and what not you have her baking all day. I swear you two hardly left the kitchen the last time she visited."


Jarrod looked down the table with an amused expression in his deep blue eyes. "You remember Mother."


The silver haired lady gave an amused laugh, "I remember. I've never seen them take such an interest in baking.  But to get back to the letter, Elizabeth has a son, John, who is working for a magazine in Sacramento and would like to stay with us for a few days to take pictures of life on a large ranch. He is experimenting with color photography, which is quite new and he'd like to try it out here. If it works out, he'll publish the pictures along with a story in the magazine. Now, he'll be arriving on tomorrow's train and you two can meet him." She nodded at her two youngest sons.




Victoria gave her hot headed son a stern look , "that's enough Nick, Elizabeth is a good friend of mine and we will welcome her son here. Am I making myself clear?"


"Yes Mother."




Heath placed his napkin on the table and stood up, "may I be excused Mother, I want to check on those mustangs."


"Yes dear."


Heath slapped his brother on the back, "you comin' Nick?"


"Yeah, might as well see what we've got."


Jarrod rose also and with a slight bow to the ladies excused himself to go work on some legal papers in the library.


Her mother turned to Audra and touched her hand, "now, this is where I need your help dear. John needs someone to show him around and help him with his equipment.  I'd like you to do that for me if you will."


Audra nodded eagerly, "oh this is so exciting, I can't wait. What's he like?"


Victoria put down her cup and thought for a moment, "well, Elizabeth showed me his picture when she was here last. He's thirty-one now, tall and thin, with black curly hair, grey eyes and he wears spectacles. Elizabeth says he's a very studious young man ...and he's getting married in a few months."


Audra sat back and folded her arms, "he sounds boring."





Chapter three


The grandfather clock in the foyer was just striking ten when Victoria came through from the library on her way to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Jarrod had gone to the living room to get the new Alexandras Dumas book he had left on the coffee table and Victoria was curious as to why he was standing at the entrance to the room, partially hidden behind the heavy folds of drapery.


He looked down at her as she rested her hand on his arm and whispered, "what are you looking at?"


Jarrod nodded his dark head toward the occupants of the room. "Look at those two, thick as thieves ... I wonder what they're up to now?"


 Victoria looked more closely into the room that was lit only by the roaring blaze in the marble fireplace.  The sofa had been pulled around in front of the fire and Nick and Heath were sitting on it shoulder to shoulder, boots tossed aside, stockinged feet on the round table stretched out to the warmth on this chilly October night.


"Oh Jarrod, I'm sure they're just relaxing after a hard day's work and discussing ranch business." She looked at the scene and felt a happy warmth inside at the sight of the two, one dark and one fair, their heads bent close as they talked and laughed quietly.


The dark brows shot up in skepticism, "don't kid yourself Mother." He nodded knowingly, "those two are up to something, make no mistake. Nick may think up the schemes but Heath works out the details.  Remember what they did last time?" 


She patted his arm, "now Jarrod, that was an accident, the frame on your bed had come loose and that's why it collapsed. I'm sure the boys had nothing to do with it."


He hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his grey silk vest, tilted his head down to look into his mother's eyes in disbelief and hissed, "the screws had been loosened!!"


"Now Jarrod, I'm sure my sons would never do anything like that."


Jarrod held up his hands in surrender, "all right Mother, all right, but when it happens, and it will, I get to say I told you so."


"Agreed, now let's go have our tea."






The next morning Nick and Heath came in earlier than usual for breakfast, Silas poured them each coffee and asked, "do ya'all want to eat now or wait for the others to come down?"


Heath blew on the steaming brew and answered with a small smile, "we'll eat now Silas. Is Jarrod up yet?"


"Mr. Jarrod should be gettin' up any time now, it's past seven."


Nick got up and filled two plates full of bacon, eggs, pancakes and toast. He slid one in front of his brother and settled into place beside him.


"We better eat fast, we don't have a lot of time." Both were shoveling food down as fast as they could when their mother glided into the room in a rustle of silk.


"Morning Mother," they both greeted her and Heath got up to help her with her chair, kissing her cheek before returning to his seat.


"Well, good morning." As she took her place and spread her napkin on her lap, she commented, "you boys are in early, you must have been hungry to start without the rest of us."


Nick shrugged his shoulders and flashed her a smile that dimpled the cheeks in his handsome face, "well you know Mother, me and Heath here, we've got a lot to do today if we gotta pick that fellow up, gotta get to it."


Heath nodded in agreement and asked, "so what time's his train get in?"


Victoria picked up a piece of toast and liberally spread homemade strawberry preserves on it, "noon. Maybe after you pick him up, you two can meet Jarrod for lunch. He should be down any minute and you can make arrangements with him to take John to The Cattleman's Club."


A quick look flashed between the two and Nick answered quickly, "no, no, we've got too much work to get done, no time for lunch."


All three jumped when a bellow to rival Nick's was heard from upstairs, followed by the slam of a door and the sound of hobbled footsteps descending the back stairs.


As Victoria jumped up to go see what was wrong, Nick and Heath abandoned their breakfast, hastily scrambled out of their seats and headed for the front door.


They could hear Jarrod shouting from the hall outside the kitchen, "WHERE ARE THOSE TWO?? WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THEM THEY'RE GOING TO BE SORRY!! MOTHER!!"


 Victoria rushed into the hall to see her eldest son red-faced with anger and carrying one of his boots in his hand.


"Jarrod, what's wrong?"


"WHAT'S WRONG?? WHAT'S WRONG??" He took a deep breath to calm down and rubbed his forehead where a sudden headache had taken up residence. "Look at this," he thrust his boot out for her to examine.


She looked at the offending item and shook her head in confusion, "I don't see anything wrong with it."


Both eyebrows shot up and he tilted his head forward slightly, "NO... well look inside."


She leaned forward and looked inside the boot warily, after a slight pause she inquired, "what is that?"






"Now I have to change. I don't have another pair of brown boots to wear with this suit so I'll have to wear a blue one and now I'll be late for my nine o'clock appointment...." his brows drew together in a frown as he pulled his watch out of his vest pocket and checked the time, "oh those two, wait till I get a hold of them." His tone boded ill for his wayward siblings.


"You go change, and take off that sock, you've left a trail of cream all across the floor." She made a shooing gesture with her hands. "I'll speak to your brothers when I see them."


Jarrod started back to the stairs but turned around after a few steps, pointed at her and stated quite firmly, "I told you so."



Chapter four


The next couple of days passed quietly. Nick and Heath had picked up John and delivered the tall, thin, bespeckled young man into Audra's safekeeping. The two culprits had laid low for awhile after their mother's tongue lashing and Jarrod's long winded lecture on acting more like mature adults. Paying for a new pair of boots went a long way towards smoothing their brothers ruffled feathers of course.


Heath took time each day to work with Billy on his riding and roping skills. He wanted to be as good as Heath, and was showing improvement every day. He had progressed from fence posts to small steers and Heath nodded in approval when Billy was done and he and his young green horse managed to open the corral gate, swing through and shut it without dismounting.


Heath walked up beside him and patted the little buckskin horse's neck. "Fine job Billy, why you and Mac here will be ready for roundup come spring I reckon."


The smile that lit the boys green eyes could have blotted out the sun.


"You'll take me on roundup Heath?"


The excitement in his voice once again made Heath glad he had taken a chance on him. He remembered the day he had gone with Billy to speak to the boys pa about Billy coming to work at the ranch.


A foul odor of rancid food and stale beer assailed their nostrils as they pushed open the door and entered the filthy cabin. Mr. Watkins was sprawled at the small kitchen table amongst stacks of dirty dishes, clutching a bottle of rock-gut whiskey in his grimy hand. He lifted the half-empty bottle to his lips and peered at them through bleary, blood-shot eyes.


As Heath started to explain that Billy would be going to work at the ranch, the old man had cut him off, hurling a stream of obscenities at the boy and shouting that he was well rid of him. Heath had gripped Billy's slumped shoulders, turned him around and strode out, slamming the rotting door behind him.


He looked up at the smile on the youngsters face and gave Mac a final light slap on the chest, "don't see why not, now go take care of your horse and finish cleaning the harnesses, I've got work to do. Ol' Nick'll have my hide if I don't get those fences fixed today."


 Heath watched Billy wheel Mac around and race back to the barn. As he went to mount his horse, he saw Audra and John setting up a camera to take a picture of Prince Oxford, the ranches' prize bull.


He swung into the saddle with an easy grace and loped over to them, "Audra, don't you two go in there with that bull now ya hear, he's pretty quiet but ya never know."


Audra shielded her eyes with her hand and looked up at him, "we won't Heath, John's afraid of cows anyway."


John straightened from setting up his tripod and walked over to stand beside Audra, "I'm not afraid of them Mr. Barkley, I just have a healthy respect for anything that much bigger than me."


"I'd say you're a smart man then Mr. Trent."


"Call me John."


Heath tipped his hat, "make it Heath, Mr. Barkley just gets confusing around here."


The sun glinted off John's spectacles as he looked up at Heath, "Audra tells me you'll be breaking some wild horses in a couple of days. Would it be all right if I took some pictures? I'll be quiet and stay out of the way."


Heath drew his reins through his left hand a few times while he considered, then nodded, "I don't see why not, there's so much hootin' and holler' from the men, that little poof from your camera won't hurt any I reckon.  We'll be startin' Friday mornin' at seven if ya wanta come down then." He nodded to the two, reined his

horse around and set off for the north pasture at an easy gallop.


They made their way back to the camera and John commented, "your brother seems like a good man."


Audra smiled and crossed her arms on top of the paddock fence, "oh he is, my brothers are all good men but Heath is my favorite. I guess it's because he's so patient with me, we like the same things and he's quiet...not like Nick. We look like our Father too." She continued thoughtfully, "Jarrod is so much older than me, I sometimes find him a little stuffy and strict and Nick loses his temper with me a lot.  He's always sorry later, after he's had time to cool off."


She gave a light laugh, "then he comes to me with this cute puppy dog look on his face and apologizes." The blue eyes lit with humor as she tilted her head to give him a teasing smile and confided, "he reminds me of a naughty little boy sometimes."


"Hmmm, I've been wondering why Nick and Heath get along so well, they're so different, Heath is quiet and Nick is so...so...uhhhh," he spread his hands as he searched for the right word.




"I didn't mean ..." He trailed off in embarrassment.


"Don't worry, we know Nick is loud."


His grey eyes were baffled. "It's just that nearly every time I see them together, Nick is yelling and waving his arms around and Heath isn't saying a word."


"Oh, that's just Nick." She lifted her shoulders in a shrug, "I think Heath ignores him on purpose...sort of like a pesky fly, unless he feels like arguing with him, then he can give as good as he gets. Heath talks when he has something worthwhile to say, but Nick talks just to talk."


"Were they that way growing up?" John rested his arms on the rail beside her.


Her eyes clouded as she turned her head to look up at him and thought, "he doesn't know, his mother didn't tell him. Should I?" She bit her lip and made her decision, "Heath and Nick didn't grow up together. Heath has only been with us for five years." She scuffed her toe in the dirt and added, "our father didn't know about him.  I wish he had, Heath has had such a hard life."


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry..."


She tossed back her blonde hair and smiled, "it's all right, we love him so much we couldn't imagine life without him. He's our mothers son and our brother, we just wish he could have come to us sooner.  But, as Heath would say, "there's no sense wishing for things that are gone". She looked at him intently and asked, "does it change your opinion of him now that you know?"


He stared at her in confusion, "why would it? He's not responsible for the actions of his parents."


Audra smiled and pushed away from the fence, "let's go take that bulls picture."



Chapter five


Friday dawned crisp and clear with just a bit of a nip in the air. Nick and Heath had eaten in the bunkhouse with the men at six o'clock so they could get an early start while the rest of the family, including John, assembled in the dining room at seven for a leisurely breakfast before going their separate ways. Jarrod was heading to his office in town, Victoria was going to visit Millie Cromwell who was laid up with a broken leg and Audra and John were heading down to the corrals to take pictures.


Amid the flurry of good byes as everyone scattered, Victoria cautioned her daughter, "now you two be careful and don't distract the boys. You know how unpredictable wild horses can be. Nick only agreed to this if you don't get in the way."


Audra put on her hat and tightened the cord, "we'll be careful Mother, we're going to set up on the far side of the corral. Now you have a nice time, and don't worry about us. I packed some of my pickled cucumbers in your basket to take to Millie's, I'm sure she'll enjoy them." She frowned and added, "I don't know why Silas doesn't serve them more often."


Victoria looked at John and grimaced as they followed Audra out the door.


Nick and Heath were sitting with eight of their ranch hands on the top rail of the bigger corral looking over the mustangs milling about at the far end of the enclosure. Everyone had donned jackets or flannel shirts on this chilly morning. Nick had thrown on his brown coat and Heath had left his vest off in favor of his short tan denim jacket.


Nick squinted over at his brother and waved his hand to encompass the herd in front of them, "well Heath, which one ya wanta try first?"


Heath watched the horses for a moment before answering, "I think I'll give the Appaloosa a go, she'll make a flashy saddle horse and we'll get some nice foals outta' her later on."


Nick shouted at the cowboy waiting in the middle of the corral, "STEVE, THROW A ROPE ON THE APPALOOSA, SHE'S FIRST."


The cowboy shook out his rope, spurred his horse forward and with the ease of long practice, deftly cut the filly away from the others and dropped the lasso over her head.


Billy jumped down from the rail and quickly opened the gate as Steve came through and led the horse over to the smaller round breaking corral.


Rory, Charlie and Steve worked to get the mare saddled while the rest of the men climbed up on the top rail to watch and cheer Heath on. Charlie signaled that she was ready and Heath dropped down and walked quietly over to run his hand down her face and neck before taking the thick halter rope, grabbing the horn

and swinging into the saddle. Charlie and Rory let go of her head and ran to scramble on to the fence as Steve moved his horse away but stayed close by in case of trouble.


 The mare stood for a moment splay-legged and wild eyed before exploding into a frenzied round of bucking, twisting and enraged squealing. The men were waving their hats and shouting encouragement as Heath was snapped back and forth like a ragdoll. Just when they thought he had her, she changed direction in mid-air and, as she went one way, Heath went another. He landed on his back with a dull thud and lay there unmoving, looking at the sky. Steve got the mare between his horse and the fence and grabbed the halter rope to snub her to his saddle horn.


Billy's eyes were full of fear and he started to climb down to go help his friend.


Nick grabbed his arm and jerked him to a stop, "where ya goin' boy?"


Billy's lower lip trembled, "we gotta help him, he's hurt."


"Settle down boy, he's not hurt." Nick shouted over to the still figure lying in the dirt, "HEY HEATH, YA ALL RIGHT?"


One tan covered leg lifted to bend at the knee and the quiet voice answered, "I'm fine Nick, just restin' a bit."


The men all looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, they all liked and respected Heath as a boss and a friend. He always treated then right and never asked them to do anything he wouldn't or more often didn't do himself.


Rory let out the first catcall followed closely by a chorus of them as the men hooted, "what ya layin' there for boss, dreamin' 'bout some pretty girl are ya?" "Ya ain't gettin' them broncs broke layin' in the dirt."  "It's gonna be lunch time afore ya get the first one done."  Smirks passed back and forth. "Maybe he's checkin' for rain?"


Heath dragged himself to his feet and slapped the dirt from his jacket and blue shirt before picking up his hat and pointing it at Rory, "you're taking the next one, we'll see how long you stay on."


Nick's heartbeat was returning to normal, this brother of his could sure put a scare into him ... not that he'd let anyone see it of course.


He slapped Billy on the back and gestured at Heath, "see? I told ya he was fine, now go fetch his canteen."


 As the boy sprinted away, Heath approached his brother and Nick's eyes darted up and down his body checking for injuries. Heath stopped in front of him and at the worried look in the hazel eyes he reached out and patted Nick's belly.


"I'm fine Nick, just knocked the wind outta me for a minute is all."


Nick gave a sharp nod then reached out for Heath's shoulder, grabbed a fistful of tan denim to pull his brother close and gruffed in a low gravelly voice next to his ear, "you be more careful, ya hear? You're making me old before my time ... I don't wanta lose ya."


Heath reached up to grip the back of his neck and gave it a small shake, "don't worry Nick, I'm right by your side."


Nick pulled back a bit to search the familiar features, "for how long brother?"


Serious blue eyes met hazel and Heath answered quietly, "till the weeks second Sunday."



Chapter six


Billy slid to a stop beside the two cowboys, "here's yer canteen Heath."


Nick released his brother with a friendly tap on the cheek and turned to take the canteen from Billy, "thanks kid. Have a drink little brother before ya get back on that mare."


Heath took a healthy swallow, wiped his mouth on his sleeve then turned back to where Steve was holding the mare and called out, "give her a minute to calm down, then we'll have another go."


Steve nodded and walked the two-year old around the small corral to settle her down. Audra and John had arrived and were setting up the tripod on the right hand side of the corral. As Nick pulled off his coat and draped it over a fence post, he and Heath returned the wave the two sent them. 


Nick grumbled, "if they get in the way, I'm gonna send 'em back to the house and Audra can pout as much as she wants."


Heath pulled his hat firmly down on his dark blonde hair and drawled, "they'll be fine where they are Nick.  Now it's time for me to show this little lady who's boss, I don't fancy endin' up in the dirt again."


He flicked a glance sideways before walking away, "how much ya bet on me?"


Nick waved his hand at him and scoffed, "my money's on the horse little brother."


"Hmmmmm ... guess your pockets are gonna' be a might lighter in a minute then big brother."


On the other side of the corral, John had focused his camera on the cowboys sitting on the fence.  Taking pictures of moving objects was difficult, he preferred to photograph the weathered faces of the men who made their lives in the outdoors. There was so much character in the weather beaten profiles. They each had a story to tell and he wanted to capture those stores on film.


Take Nick for instance, now there was a story. A man who, with his brother, ran the largest ranch in California. After his conversation with Audra, he had taken the time to study the man a little more closely.


He looked like what he was, a rancher who was also a cowboy. From the dark Stetson, black vest and pants to the low slung hand gun and silver spurs, Nick Barkley was a working man. As he had watched him more closely, he realized that behind the loud, tough talking, no nonsense exterior was a man who cared deeply about his home and family. John had seen the caring gesture Nick had given Heath moments before. Oh, he might fool people who didn't take the time to know him but John now saw that behind that gruff demeanor, Nick had a soft heart.


Heath had made his way back to the mare the three men were holding. He stroked the sweat dampened reddish brown coat and murmured quietly to her as he settled gently into the saddle.


"Let her go boys."


Charlie and Rory again scrambled up to sit on the top rail of the fence. The little mare bucked, twisted and spun as shouts of encouragement rang out. After a few minutes the bucking slowed down to a few half-hearted crow hops and the weary horse gave up trying to unseat her burden.


 Heath gently nudged her forward to walk around the perimeter of the corral before urging her into a slow canter. After three circuits he let her slow to a stop and dismounted. Handing the halter rope to Steve, he stroked the mare's trembling neck and shoulder before running his hand down her face.


"Have someone give her a drink and walk her out till she's cooled down Steve."


"Sure thing Heath. She's a beauty ain't she?"


"Yep, she sure is."


Jesse and Will headed across the corral to help Steve unsaddle the mare and Heath went to join the men sitting on the fence. Calls of, "nice job Heath," greeted him as he approached.


Nick was sitting on the top rail a little apart from the rest with his spurs hooked behind the second board and black gloved hands loosely gripping the rail on either side of him.


Heath reached his brother, turned and leaned back to stand between Nick's legs, resting his forearms on Nick's thighs as he relaxed and crossed his ankles.


Nick let go of the rail to rub his brothers shoulders, "good job Heath," he said, a big smile cutting deep grooves in his cheeks.


He looked down as Heath turned his head to look up at him, the blue eyes in the handsome suntanned face sparkling with joy, the white teeth flashing in a huge grin from beneath his tan cowboy hat, "thanks Nick."


He turned back to look at the Appaloosa as Steve led her away. Leaning back to rest more comfortably against Nick's torso he gave a little shrug, "ya know Nick, I was just thinkin', Audra's birthday's comin' up in a few months, how 'bout we give her the mare as a present?"


Nick thought about the idea for a few moments before replying, "do ya think she'd like her?"


Heath gave a nod, "oh, she'll like her all right, she's been wanting a good horse to show at the fairs for a while now and that mare is it. Why, there ain't a finer lookin' animal around."


Nick gave the broad shoulders a squeeze, "all right then, but we'll have to train her up right."


Heath patted Nicks black clad knee's, "the fairs don't start till next spring, we've got plenty of time."


Audra and John came over to tell the boys they were heading for Lookout Peak to take more pictures. The peak overlooked a canyon where eagles nested in crevices on the high walls. It was Heath's favorite spot on the ranch, a good place to think or just relax, listen to the wind in the pines and watch the eagles soar above the canyon.


They loaded the equipment, climbed into the buggy and drove away as Heath straightened up with a sigh and pointed at Rory, "you're up next cowboy, go pick your pleasure. I'm bettin' on the horse, any takers?"


Nick snorted as seven heads quickly gave negative shakes. While Rory was a good rider, he could never stay on a bronc more than a few seconds. Lost his center quickly as the old bronc riders were fond of saying.


Mike called down from his perch beside Charlie, "hey, how 'bout givin' Billy here a turn?" He jerked his thumb at the boy sitting on his other side. The men liked Billy but didn't miss an opportunity to tease him.


Laughter rippled along the fence as Billy tumbled backwards off the top rail in panic before scrambling to his feet and looking at them, finally realizing they were funnin' with him.


Nick waved his hand at them and bellowed, "ALL RIGHT YOU GUYS, WE'VE GOT WORK TO DO, NOW LET'S GET TO IT."


The men climbed down and headed over to the big corral to get another bronc, muffled snicker's following in their wake.



Chapter seven


They had managed to get seven mustangs broke in by Saturday afternoon when Nick called an end to the day.


"Heath and I'll be handing out your pay at five o'clock, anyone going to town tonight be ready at six, buckboards leavin' then and ol' Charlie won't wait for ya."


Everyone made a dash for their horses that they had tied up at the big corral and raced off towards the bunkhouse to get ready for the weekly trip into Stockton. Most would spend their Sunday off nursing hangovers and grumbling about losing all their money on beer and poker. It was the life of a cowboy and somehow most were content with it. They had a roof over their heads, plenty of good food, top wages and tough but fair bosses they respected and who respected them in Nick and Heath.


As Nick handed out the pay packets and Heath marked the ledger, Mike signed his name and joked, "hey Heath, how 'bout we take young Billy here into town with us and show him a good time?"


Heath looked up at him with narrowed eyes from beneath the brim of his hat, "he's too young to be havin' a good time," he watched Billy jam his hands into his pockets and scuff the dirt with his boot.


"Besides, he's goin' to the church social with us tonight." Heath lowered his gaze back to the pay book as Nick harrrrrumphed from beside him.


Billy scuffed the dirt again and muttered under his breath from behind Rory and Slim, "I'd rather go to town and learn how to drink beer and play poker."


Heath put another check mark in the pay book and, without looking up snapped, "you're goin' to the social, now go get ready."


Billy flushed and whispered to Slim, "how did he hear that?"


Slim shrugged, "ol' Heath has ears like a bat."


The evening at the social had been pleasant.  The entire family attended, along with John and Billy and, while it wasn't the great time Billy imagined he'd have had learning to play poker and drink beer in the saloon, he had to admit dancing with all those pretty young girls had been kind of nice. Of course he wasn't laying in his bunk groaning at ever sound like the rest of the men neither. Perhaps drinking beer could wait awhile yet he decided. Early Sunday afternoon Rory and Steve were going to bring the old cart horse Joe into the paddock by the barn to let Billy practice his roping on him. He wanted to try his hand at lassoing horses and Old Joe was a perfect candidate, slow enough that Billy could chase him down and rope him easily and good natured enough that he didn't get irritable.


Nearly a week had passed and John would be leaving in a couple of days so the family decided to go up to Lookout Peak for a picnic before he left. The day was unseasonably warm and Silas had packed a large hamper of food to take with them. While the ladies read or just relaxed, Jarrod, Nick, Heath and John took the opportunity to get in a little fishing at the stream that meandered through the meadow.  They had a pleasant day, but as the sun started to set, the air cooled considerably and Victoria decided to head home. By the time they drove the three miles, it would be nearly suppertime.


Nick and Heath had ridden their horses while Jarrod had driven his mother, sister and John up in the buggy. Victoria called out to her two youngest sons as Jarrod handed her into the front seat, "are you two boys coming with us?"


Nick and Heath were still sitting under a towering pine tree that stood a few feet from the edge of the canyon. They were watching a pair of young eagles riding the thermals that swirled above the rim.


"You go ahead Mother, me and Heath want to watch the sunset, we'll be back in time for supper." they waved as Jarrod flicked the lines and steered the buggy down the hill to the road at the bottom and headed for home.


As the sun sank, the two brothers mounted their horses and moved up near the edge of the canyon.


The huge orange ball of fire was setting over the far ridge , the rays painting the canyon walls in a myriad of changing colors from gold through burnt umber to fiery red and in the crevices, the deepest of purples.  Both men were content to just sit and drink in natures wondrous display.


At the bottom of the hill, John reached forward to touch Jarrod’s shoulder, "Mr. Barkley, could you stop for a moment?"


As Jarrod pulled the team to a halt, John stepped down to lean against the side of the buggy, "I wish I could take a photograph of that," he nodded to draw their attention to the top of the peak behind them .


Victoria clasped Jarrod's arm while Audra whispered, "oh Mother."


They would keep forever in their minds the picture made by the two black silhouettes at the rim of the canyon, sitting their horses so close they seemed joined, framed against the fiery orange backdrop of the setting sun.



Chapter eight


Monday morning saw Nick and Heath out and gone by six again, anxious to finish with the mustangs and turn loose the ones they didn't want. The horses were becoming more restless as the days got shorter and their instincts told them it was time to head for winter pasture.


Jarrod would be taking John into town to catch the one o'clock train back to Sacramento and Victoria and Audra had decided to accompany them and have lunch before his train left. They stopped at the corral on their way so John could make his farewells to Nick and Heath. He had enjoyed his stay immensely but was anxious to get back to the city and his work.


The dust was flying and the men were all hanging either on or over the fence cheering on the wildly bucking horse and rider in the round corral.


John saw Nick sitting further down the fence and knew Heath would be right beside him. He had tried to find Heath two days before to ask him if he could take a picture of the Appaloosa mare. When he couldn't locate him, he had stopped Jarrod as he was leaving for his office in town and asked if he knew Heath's whereabouts.


He had laughed outright at Jarrod's reply, "just follow the sound of Nick's voice and more than likely you'll find Heath, I sometimes think those two are joined at the hip."


The ride finished and the two brothers jumped down and walked over to shake John's hand. They told him how much they had enjoyed his stay and asked him to send them some of the pictures he had taken.  With a final farewell he climbed back into the buggy and the group headed for Stockton.


Noon came and everyone stopped to get lunch at the bunkhouse, Nick and Heath often ate with the men when the rest of the family wasn't home. They planned to break the last three horses after lunch then take the rest of them back to the hills the next day.


Nick bolted down the last mouthful of stew on his plate and pushed to his feet, "all right let's get on with it," he whacked his black hat against his leg to knock off the dust then settled it firmly on his dark hair. Chairs scraped back as everyone rose to follow the jangle of spurs out the door to their waiting horses.


Heath reached inside his jacket to dig a coin out of the pocket of his blue chambray shirt as he smoothly mounted his horse.


"Hey Nick," he drawled, "I'll flip ya for who takes that ornery grey mare."


The hazel eyes narrowed as Nick hauled himself into the saddle and glanced over to see the amusement lurking in the blue eyes regarding him with such innocence.  'Hmmmm,' he thought, 'that drawl of his always gets deeper when he's angry or trying to put one over on me, well he won't get me this time.'


Nick leaned over and slapped his brother on the back as he reined CoCo around and smiled, "that's all right little brother, I wouldn't want to show ya up or nuthin', she's all yours."


Heath returned the two-headed coin he had been planning to use to his pocket with a look of disgust, "thanks big brother, I owe ya one."


"Think nothin' of it."


The big grey mare had given Heath a wild ride, but after throwing him twice she had finally conceded defeat when she couldn't shake him a third time. He swaggered back to the fence still slapping at the dirt liberally coating his clothes and rested his arms on the top spar next to Nick's legs.


"Boy howdy, that's one tough mare, she'll make a good cutting horse when we get her settled down."


"Thought she had ya beat for a minute there little brother."


Heath took a long swig from the canteen Nick handed him, "so did I big brother, so did I."


"Well, let's get these last two done," Nick gestured to Mike who was walking his horse back towards them after putting the grey mare in a separate paddock with the other's they had already broken. "Mike, go get that bay mare with the white face next, Slim can take a turn with her."


Billy had been sitting on Mac near the gate to the big corral when Nick yelled to Mike. The corrals were separated by about two hundred feet and it was his job to open and close the gate when Mike brought another horse out. Billy straightened in the saddle, this was his chance to show Heath how much he had learned the day before.


As he moved towards the gate and shook out his rope he shouted, "I'll get her Heath."


Heath looked over the fence and called out, "you stay outta there Billy, Mike's on his way, now you just open the gate when he gets there."


Billy leaned forward in his saddle and reached to slip the rope that was holding the gate shut off its post, "I can do it Heath."


Heath grabbed the top rail and vaulted over it to land on the other side yelling, "I SAID GET AWAY FROM THERE BOY, NOW LISTEN UP." He was closing the distance to the corral with long strides as Billy finally got the loop free.


The men at the small corral had all turned round to watch as Heath approached the youngster.  Heath didn't get mad often but when he did, everyone knew it. He had a temper to match Nick's but, unlike his brother, he was better able to control it.


Billy was gripping the top of the fence in his right hand as he tried to push it open and maneuver Mac through. The mustangs were pacing up and down at the far end of the enclosure, ears twitching back and forth, nostrils flaring, their hooves kicking up clouds of dust as the commotion from the breaking corral made them restless.


Mac was becoming nervous as Billy kept trying to nudge him through the opening without letting go of the gate. Heath was still about thirty feet away when Billy jerked on Mac's mouth too hard and the little cow pony backed up quickly causing the boy to lose his grip on the gate.


As it swung open Heath yelled at him again, "GET OUT OF THE WAY BOY!!"


The mustangs had now caught sight of their path to freedom and raced en mass for the opening as Billy leapt off Mac to try and close the gate before they escaped.


Nick watched what was happening with a sick feeling of dread in his stomach. Heath was directly in the path of the horses and Nick knew he wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time. Billy had gone behind the gate to try and push it shut and he and Mac were safely out of harms way. The scene played out as if in slow motion as the men watched what was happening in stunned silence, too far away to do anything to stop it .


"HEATH, LOOK OUT!!" Nick cupped his hands around his mouth to yell.


Heath tried to run for the fence as the horses came barreling toward the gap. He knew he wouldn't get there in time, it was too far away and there was nowhere else to run. The wildly plunging animals raced through the opening and knocked him down as they attempted to go around or leap over him.


There was a moment of eerie silence save for the fading sound of hoofbeats as the horses raced full tilt for the distant hills and the dust settled slowly to the ground.



Chapter nine


"HEATH!!... HEEEEEEEATH!!" Nick's scream shattered the still air as he jumped off the fence and raced towards the crumpled figure of his brother lying in the dirt.


He slid to a halt, dropped to his knees and reached out to the still form lying curled on it's side. His hand was shaking as he grasped Heath's blue clad shoulder and gently pulled him over to lay him on his back. Blood was running freely down Heath's cheek from a gash above his eye where a jagged hoof had clipped him, it dripped down to mix with the dry earth.


The rest of the men had arrived and were now kneeling in the dirt around the two brothers. Nick pulled off his gloves with jerky movements and his lips moved in a silent plea as he laid his fingers against Heath's throat praying for a sign of life, please, please, please, please, please. Fear gripped his heart when he didn't feel a pulse. He lifted his hand, took a deep breath to still the shaking and with eyes closed, gently laid his fingers on the carotid artery again. There it was, faint but it was there.


Nick let out the breath he had been holding as he looked up and rasped, "someone go for the doc...hurry."


Rory and Steve both nodded, stood and ran to mount their horses. They dug their spurs in as they wheeled around and sent their horses racing for town. They would ride them into the ground if it meant they could get the doc there faster.


"Slim, you and Mike go fetch a buckboard, it's too far to carry him to the house." Nick laid his hand on Heath's chest as he kept repeating a litany of words to his unconscious brother, "you're gonna be all right, don't you worry, you're gonna be all right, you'll see, Nick's here, you're gonna be all right..."


The fifteen minutes or so it took for the men to throw a harness on the horses and race back with the buckboard, seemed like an eternity to Nick and the rest of the men as they willed Heath to hang on. Blood was soaking through his tan pants from a rip above his right knee and spreading down his leg quickly.


"Too much, too much." Nick's mind raced furiously as he grabbed the large handkerchief Charlie thrust at him and wound it tightly around the leg mid-thigh, hoping to slow down the bleeding before it was too late.


Mike brought the team from the barn at a furious gallop. As he hauled the horses to a stop, Nick eased behind Heath and slid his arms under his shoulders. Slim and Jesse each took a leg and, at Nick's nod, they gently lifted Heath into the back of the buckboard.


He groaned as Nick settled him against his chest and his blue eyes opened a slit as the pale face twisted in pain. He tried to reach up and wipe away the wetness running down the side of his face, but Nick pushed his hand away, ripped off his bandana and pressed it to the wound.


"You lay still now ya hear Heath, we'll get ya home and fixed up, you're gonna be all right," Nick's voice came out low and gruff as he ran his other hand through the blond hair. The rugged face took on a determined look, "you're gonna be all right, ya hear?" It was as though by the sheer force of his will, he could make it so.


Heath's lips moved silently and Nick had to bend close to catch the words that were pushed out from the tightly clenched jaw as he whispered, "where's Billy...he all right?"


As Mike urged the team forward slowly, Nick looked around and spotted Billy, still pressed up against the corral fence, fingers clutching Mac's reins in a death grip. The boys face was ghostly white and he stared with unblinking eyes as the buckboard moved away.


"He's fine Heath, now stop talking and save your strength." The blue eyes closed as he gave a slight nod and slipped back into unconsciousness.


Nick growled to Charlie, who was riding alongside, and jerked his head in Billy's direction, "take him back to the bunkhouse, give him a shot of whiskey and put him to bed."


Charlie gave a nod, then swung away to go fetch the stunned boy. Charlie put him on Mac and took him back to the bunkhouse where he gulped down the glass of whiskey Charlie insisted he drink. He lay down on his bunk, pulled the blanket up to his chin and rolled over to stare at the wall as silent tears coursed down his cheeks.



Chapter ten


The hour and a half it took for Doc Merar to reach the house seemed like a year to Nick. Silas had heard the commotion as the men banged open the massive front door and crossed the foyer to carry Heath upstairs.


"Mr. Nick, what happened?" Silas knew it was bad, Heath's shirt and pants were darkened with blood and the look on Nick's face sent the old servant rushing up the stairs ahead of the men to open the bedroom door.


The men gently laid Heath on top of the bed and Nick and Mike started removing the torn clothing as carefully as they could without causing more harm.


Nick eased the shirt off his brothers shoulder and barked out orders, "Silas, go start getting bandages together and boil some water, Doc's on his way."


He glanced up to see the old black servant staring at Heath, worry lines creasing his forehead as each piece of clothing was peeled away, revealing another injury.


Nick's tone gentled as he repeated, "Silas, go get the bandages and bring Doc up when he gets here."


Silas gave a nod and left the room. As he made his way down the back stairs to the kitchen, he stopped and said a silent prayer that Heath would be all right. He had come to care so much for the quiet young man.


He shook his grey head and chastised himself aloud as he put water on the stove to boil, "Mr. Heath'll be fine, ya'all seen him worse off than this. No sense borrowin' trouble, no sir, doc'll get here and fix that boy up just as good as new, yes sir..."


He continued to mumble to himself for the next hour until the sound of a knock sent him rushing to the front door to let Doctor Merar in and lead him up the stairs to Heath's room.


Howard Merar's tall, stoop shouldered frame stopped in the bedroom doorway for a moment as he observed the scene before him. There were three dusty cowboys lined up near the bedroom window clutching equally dusty hats. Nick was seated on the bed holding a blood-stained cloth to his brother's forehead and Silas had slipped in to take up a post near the footboard. The doctor saw at a glance that Heath was in rough shape.


He plunked his medical bag down on the round marble table that held Heath's family pictures and started handing out orders.


"All right, you three out," he waved his hand at the cowboys as he undid the clasp on his bag. "There's no room in here for everyone. Silas take them downstairs and give them coffee or something and I'll be needing some hot water and clean towels in a few minutes."


One stern look from the faded blue eyes in the old man's face was enough to stop any thoughts the men might have had of arguing with him.


As the doctor pulled his stethoscope from his bag he turned and touched Nick on the shoulder, "Nick, where's your mother?"


The hazel eyes looked at him blankly as though he hadn't known he was there. Nick had been sitting for the past hour and a half waiting for the doctor and trying to staunch the flow of blood from Heath's forehead. Doctor Merar shook the tense shoulder.


"NICK," he said more forcefully, "WHERE'S YOUR MOTHER?"


Silas stopped on his way out the door and answered when Nick gave no sign that he understood the question.


"Mrs. Barkley went into town with Miss Audra and Mr. Jarrod, they won't be back till late."


The doctor gestured at Nick to get up off the bed and, as he took his place, he said to the waiting servant, "have someone go to town and bring her home."


Silas's eyes opened wide and he hurried to the kitchen where he delivered the message to the three men sitting at the kitchen table sipping the coffee they had found warming on the back of the stove.


They stood immediately and headed for the back door, "we'll all go, any thing's better than sitting here waiting."


Silas poured steaming water into a basin and armed with a handful of towels made his way back upstairs.


Nick had moved off the bed to stand gripping the brass footboard as Doc Merar pulled down the sheet covering Heath's upper body. He placed the stethoscope on the bare chest and listened carefully before gently feeling his way over the bruised rib cage.


As he worked his way down he turned his head slightly to glance at the abnormally quiet man behind him.


"How did this happen Nick?" he made a tsking sound at what his probing fingers found.


Nick swallowed hard and answered in a strained voice that was barely above a whisper, "he was trampled by a herd of mustangs we were breaking."


The doctor nodded as he pressed lightly on Heath's abdomen and made a satisfied sound, "that explains the jagged cuts, shod horses don't leave marks like this," he pulled the sheet the rest of the way down to check the source of the blood on the sheet covering Heath's legs.


In the back of Nick's mind he was glad their mother wasn't here. Even though he was still unconscious, Heath would have been mortified to have her in the room when he was in his all together.


Again came the tsking sound as the doctor examined a deep gash above Heath's knee. The cut had finally stopped bleeding but the amount of blood on the sheet told him that, between this and the head wound he would need a transfusion.


"He's going to need blood when we're done Nick, ok?"


Nick's knuckles were white from the tight grip he had on the brass rail, he let go to rake an unsteady hand through the dark hair that had fallen across his forehead. "Anything doc, anything, just make him be all right."


"I'll do my best Nick, but..."



Chapter eleven


Silas entered the room and set the water on the night table where the doctor could reach it easily. He hovered, hands clasped together, ready to give any assistance needed.


Doctor Merar reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of alcohol, a needle and thread. As he washed his hands, a low moan signaled him his patient was regaining consciousness. He had hoped Heath would stay out till he was finished sewing up the cuts on his face and leg. Such was not to be the case however. He didn't know if there were any internal injuries so he couldn't risk giving him laudanum.  The drug might mask the pain enough that he'd miss something vital and he knew he couldn't give him chloroform neither, he was having enough trouble breathing as it was. The chloroform might just slow his breathing so much he wouldn't be able to come out of it. They'd just have to make do, hopefully he would pass out again and make it easier on everyone.


The blue eyes opened a crack as the doctor pushed the sheet over a bit, leaving Heath's right leg exposed.


"Nick..." The name was breathed out in a feeble plea as the pain filled eyes searched the room frantically.


Doctor Merar leaned forward and pushed the heavy lids open to check the pupils, "good, no sign of concussion," he nodded his white thatched head briskly and took Heath's chin in his hand to draw the wandering blue gaze back to him.


Nick moved to sit on the other side of the bed where Heath could see him as the doctor explained to the dazed young man what he was going to do.


"I'm going to clean and stitch your leg first, Heath. I can't give you anything for the pain, so it's going to hurt...a lot." He picked up a small cloth from the table and gave it to Nick. "Have him bite on this, and I'll need you to hold him down. I can't have him thrashing around when I start to stitch."


He looked at the rugged face closely, "can you do that or do you want to get one of the hands?"


Nick took the cloth and nodded, "I can do it," he laid his hand on the bare arm as he looked into the pain filled blue eyes, "he's my brother." A simple statement, but it contained everything he felt for this man, his brother.


"All right then. Silas you tie his legs to the bedposts, then when I tell you, hold his leg as still as you can."


The elderly black man tore a towel into long strips, wrapped them around Heaths ankles, then tied them snugly to the brass posts.


"Nick, I want you to lay across his stomach. It's not hard to the touch so I don't think there's any internal bleeding there, but stay away from his ribs, there's at least three broken."


Nick shifted sideways to lean a bit of his weight across Heath's stomach, facing him, one hand on each side of the bed.


"That's the way, now we can either tie his wrists to the bed posts so he can't move, or you can hold them."


A vision of Heath tied to the whipping post at Risley's prison came to him with startling clarity...never again.


"I'll hold them."


"He's going to fight you, so have a good hold. I don't want him pushing those ribs through his lungs.  I'll wrap them when I get done with this."


Nick nodded and reached forward to put the cloth between Heath's teeth.


"Open your mouth Heath."


"Nick..." The weak voice was barely audible.


"It'll be all right Heath, I'm right here. Now come on, open your mouth." Nick's soothing tone calmed his brother and he slipped the cloth in when the jaw opened.


Nick took a wrist in each hand, lifted Heath's forearms and bent them back as he pressed the hands firmly into the pillow on each side of his brother's head.


 The doctor brought the straight-backed chair from the desk in the corner and pulled it up close to the edge of the bed so he could work on the leg more easily. "All right, lets' get started."


He nodded at Silas to take a firm hold of the shin and ankle as he prepared to start. Nick looked over his shoulder to see if the doctor was ready and his eyes opened wide when he saw what he was about to do. His voice came out in a low growl, "no...don't."


The doctor returned the steely look, "I have to Nick, it's filthy, I've got to clean it or it'll get infected...he's got enough problems already without that."


Nick's mouth tightened into a hard line as he turned back to look into the trusting eyes watching him and he took a firmer hold on each wrist. Silas held on to the lower leg and pushed down as hard as he could to hold it still.


"Aggggggghhhhhhh," Heath's back arched and he threw his head back with a scream that was muffled by the cloth in his mouth. The chords in his neck stood out in sharp relief as the doctor poured alcohol into the open wound.


Nick could feel the broken ribs grating together and put more of his weight across his brother's stomach to try and keep him still. The muscles in Heath's shoulders and biceps knotted and bulged as he tried to pull his wrists from Nick's grip.


Sweat beaded on Nick's forehead as he used all his strength to hold his brother down. He knew Heath was incredibly strong but had thought he'd be too weak from his injury's to put up much of a fight. He held the wrists in a crushing hold and pressed them into the pillow harder as Heath's hands balled into fists and the blond head thrashed from side to side.


He leaned forward a bit and murmured soothingly, "shhhhh ... shhhhhh ... shhhhh, it's almost over ... shhhhh now... take it easy ... shhhhh ... I'm here."


After what seemed like hours, the taunt body started to relax and he loosened his hold a bit to glance back to see the doctor had finished cleaning the wound and was wiping the leg and preparing to stitch the ugly gash.


Satisfied that the worst was over, Nick turned back to look at his brother and whispered, "aw, Heath."


A single tear slipped out of the corner of Heath's tightly closed eye's to drop onto the pillow and a tightness welled up in Nick's chest as he bent over to gently lay his forehead against his brother's, never letting go of the bruised wrists he still held against the pillow.



Chapter twelve


Mike, Jesse and Slim had ridden hard all the way to Stockton in search of Mrs. Barkley. They headed for Jarrod's office first in the hope that he would know her whereabouts without them having to search the whole town. It had just gone five o'clock when they rode up to find him preparing to mount his horse and head home.


"Mr. Barkley," Mike panted as he pulled to a stop beside the lawyer.


Jarrod looked up in surprise to see the three Barkley ranch hands in town at this time of day.


"What is it, Mike?" his voice was sharp with worry.


"Do you know where your mother is?"


"She and Audra went out to the Anderson Ranch for a visit, what's wrong?" He knew something had happened; they wouldn't have come looking for his mother without good reason.


"It's Heath."


His heart slammed against his ribs, "what happened? Is he all right?"


Mike lifted his shoulders and shook his head, "it happened so fast Mr. Barkley, he couldn't get out of the way..."


"MIKE, what happened?" The steely blue eyes demanded an answer.


"He was trampled by those mustangs, doc's there now..."


"Why didn't someone come and get me when they came for the doctor?"


"Steve and Rory looked for ya, but ya weren't in your office and they had no idea where ya'd be."


Jarrod stared at Mike for a moment as he tried to think. He had to get his mother, but at the same time he wanted to get home and find out how bad the situation was. From the look on the three men's faces, he knew it wasn't good. It would take about an hour and a half for him to ride out to the Anderson's and return to the ranch, he didn't know if he had the time.


He made his decision, "All right. Jesse, you and Slim go out to the Anderson's and get my mother. Don't tell her what happened, just say she's needed at home. Mike and I will head back to the ranch."


"Yes sir." The two cowboys reined their horses around sharply and headed west to the ranch situated six miles out.


Jarrod stuffed his satchel in his saddlebags, jerked Jingo's reins free of the hitching post and quickly mounted the chestnut gelding.


"Let's go." he said as Mike fell into step beside him and they made their way east down the busy street and out of town.


Jarrod had been home for over two hours when Silas, who had been keeping watch, ran upstairs to inform him that his mothers' buggy was coming down the lane.


The oldest Barkley son was halfway down the stairs when the front door burst open and his mother and sister hurried across the foyer. The expression on their faces told him they had found out what had happened.


As the tiny silver-haired woman started up the stairs, he reached out to grasp her arms and hold her still. "WaitMother, don't go up there yet, the doctor's still working on him."


"I need to see my son." She made to pull away from him and he gripped her arms more tightly. Audra stood to the side, waiting hesitantly, the blue eyes in the pale face full of fear.


He tried again to reason with her, "Mother..."


Victoria's eyes flashed a warning as she looked up into her son's eyes and said in a tone that would brook no argument, "LET ME PAST."


Jarrod stared into the determined grey eyes then dropped his hands to his sides and moved out of her way as she lifted her skirts and hurried up the steps.


Audra made to follow until Jarrod's hand stayed her movement, "Audra, let the doctor finish first, all right?  It won't help to have too many people up there right now." He put his arm around her shoulders to lead her to the living room and settle her on the sofa beside him.


The blond head rested on his chest as the tears started to fall, "Oh Jarrod, I'm so scared ... do you think he'll be all right?"


He rubbed her arm in a comforting gesture then put his finger under her chin to tilt her head up and look into her tear wet eyes, "hey now little sister, you've seen Heath in some bad situations before and he's always come out on top, this time will be no different."




"No but's, he'll be fine, now let's go make some tea while we wait, ok?" They got up and made their way to the kitchen. Neither really wanted the tea, they just needed something to occupy the time while they waited for word.


Victoria hesitated in the doorway to Heath's bedroom for a moment, her hand pressed to her mouth as she took in the scene before her.


Nick was just rolling down the sleeve of his grey shirt as Doctor Merar gently eased the needle out of Heath's arm and wrapped a bandage around it. Fortunately the young man had passed out again part way through the tedious task of stitching his leg much to Howard’s relief. Silas smoothed the clean sheets they had put on the bed and gathered up the blood-stained ones they had removed. A small gasp alerted them to Victoria's presence as she started across the floor and came to sit gently on the bed.


She lifted her son’s hand and pressed it to her cheek as her eyes filled with tears, "oh Heath."


Silas finished cleaning up and quietly left the room as Nick came around the end of the bed and laid his hand on her shoulder. He looked at the doctor helplessly, not knowing what to say, or how to comfort her.


Dr. Merar decided it was time for him to take charge of the situation. He pulled a chair around in front of the distraught woman, picked up the small hand that lay in her lap and started to speak, his voice calm and controlled as he started to explain what was happening.


"Victoria, I know it looks bad, and I'm not going to lie to you and say it isn't, but he's young and strong." He squeezed the hand gently, "he's a fighter, you know that."


The silver-haired woman tore her gaze away from the face of this son she loved so much and choked out, "how bad?" Nick's fingers tightened on her shoulder for a moment before he walked around to sit on the other side of the bed again.


The doctor let out a small sigh, "he's been unconscious for the last two hours and he's lost a lot of blood, we just gave him a transfusion, hopefully it'll help. He's got three broken ribs, a bad gash on his leg and head and more bruises than I can count."


He paused for a moment before continuing, " I'm worried about internal injuries and there's no way to tell about that. We'll just have to wait and see. If he starts throwing up blood..." he spread his hands in a helpless gesture.


"When will you know?" Nick asked the question his mother was afraid to voice.


Merar glanced across the bed at him. His dark hair was falling over his forehead and his face was pale beneath the tan as his fingers kept smoothing the crisp cotton sheet across his brother's bandaged chest.


"The next forty-eight hours will be critical," the doctor tightened his hold on the small hand in his, "if he's still with us," he lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug, "then I think he'll make it."


Victoria turned back to look at her son, he was so still, the white bandage covering the cut above his left eye standing out in stark relief against the tanned skin. His eye had already turned black and a large bruise covered most of his cheek. Another deep bruise wended it's way from his left shoulder and across the fur matted chest to disappear beneath the binding that wrapped his ribs.


"Isn't there anything else we can do?" Victoria's voice came out thin and unsteady as she tried to pull herself together, her son needed her, she had to be strong.


"I want you to take Nick downstairs and get him something to eat and drink," Howard pulled his pocket watch out and checked the time. "It's close to seven, he's been up here for over four hours and he needs something after giving blood." He returned the watch to his pocket and held up his hand as the tiny woman opened

 her mouth to protest, "I'll stay with him, the rest of your family is waiting for word, now take Nick and go downstairs."


Nick patted Heath's arm and got up to come around and help his mother to her feet. "You'll be staying the night?" The question came out as a statement.


"Of course. Can you have someone send a message to my wife?"


"I'll send one of the hands right away. Call us if he wakes up." Nick's voice had deepened with weariness.


Victoria reached down to run her fingers through her sons blond hair and across his right cheek before Nick steered her towards the bedroom door.


She turned before leaving and said in a distracted voice, "I'll have Silas make up the guest room and prepare you a meal, we'll be back up shortly."


Merar stopped them before they left, "I want all of you to get some rest tonight, we can take turns sitting with him. I'm going to prop him up with pillows so it's easier for him to breath, there's always a danger of pneumonia with broken ribs. When he wakes up, we have to get him to take deep breaths to try and keep his lungs clear. Now, if I'm not here and he starts to run a fever or anything else, call me. Do you understand?"




"All right then, go talk to your family now." Howard dismissed them, sat in the chair beside the bed and picked up Heath's wrist to take his pulse as the door closed quietly behind him.


Everyone took a turn sitting with Heath that Monday night. He regained consciousness a little after three a.m., and Victoria ran to get Doctor Merar who had just gone to bed. They were able to get him to take a few sips of water before he fell into a deep, exhausted sleep. Three hours later his temperature had started to rise as fever swept through his body. The day wore on into late Tuesday afternoon before the cold compresses and ice packs they were using to cool him finally brought his temperature down enough that they could relax a bit and breath a sigh of relief.


Doctor Merar finished checking Heath's pulse and laid the hand back on the bed as he climbed wearily to his feet. The bags under the doctor's pale blue eyes were more pronounced as he turned to address the five equally weary faces regarding him from various parts of the room. Victoria was sitting in a chair by the bed, Audra standing beside her, dabbing red-rimmed eyes with a lace handkerchief. Silas had taken his usual spot by the door and no one questioned his right to be there. Nick and Jarrod stood at the foot of the bed, hands gripping the brass rail.


"I think he's turned the corner, " he held up his hand to stop the excited chatter the comment elicited, "now don't get me wrong, it's going to take awhile but I believe the worst is over. There's no sign of pneumonia but he's been through a lot and is very weak. What he needs now is rest and quiet...the love and care of his family he all ready has."


Pleased smiles broke out around the room at his words, they needed this reassurance that all would soon be well. Silas quietly left the room to go to the kitchen and make the family, his family, a meal. As he lit the stove he stopped for a moment and said a silent thank-you to his maker... their Heath was going to be all right.



Chapter thirteen


Victoria was sitting in the living room having a cup of tea after the doctor had ordered her out of the bedroom and told her not to come back till she had something to eat. Audra and Jarrod were sitting with Heath while Nick rested and Doctor Merar had left for home shortly after eight as he now believed the worst was over. He would return sometime the next day to change the bandages. Nick had insisted that he would be staying up with Heath that night so the others could get a good night’s sleep. They were all worn out from worry and lack of sleep and could use the rest.


The grandfather clock had just struck nine when a knock sounded at the door. Silas came from the back hall to open it and found old Charlie waiting nervously, twirling his cowboy hat and shifting from foot to foot.


"Come in Mr. Boyd, Mr. Nick is restin' right now, but Mrs. Barkley is here if y'all like to see her?"  At the nod Silas closed the door and led him into the living room. "Mrs. Barkley, Mr. Boyd is here to see you."


"Come in Charlie, come in," Victoria got up and crossed the floor to take Charlie's arm and lead him to the chair opposite hers. As they sat down she offered him a drink which he quickly refused.


"No, thanks ma'am. We saw Doc Merar leavin' and I just come to see how Heath is doin', the boys are all worried. We ain't heard nuthin' since yesterday and young Billy, he's takin' it real hard, thinkin' it's all his fault."


Victoria put down her cup and folded her hands in her lap, "Nick told me what happened. It was an accident.  Even though Nick wants to blame someone, I know Billy didn't do it intentionally."


The grizzled old man gave his grey head a negative shake, "No Ma'am, why that boy worships the ground Heath walks on. There ain't nothin' he wouldn't do for him."


Victoria reached out to lay her hand on his arm, "I'm sorry, how is he? We've been so preoccupied since yesterday, no one has had time to go see the men."


Charlie shrugged and said, "he hasn't had nuthin' but a bit of soup since yesterday, all he does is lay in his bunk and stare at the wall. The men are kinda blamin' him too I guess." He looked at the regal lady hopefully. "It sure would help if we knew Heath was gonna be all right."


"Doctor Merar feels that the worst is over, it will take a few weeks but he is optimistic that Heath will be all right in time." She felt a sudden relief at saying the words aloud ... Heath would be all right.


"That's good to hear Mrs. Barkley, I'll go tell the boys, they've been worried somethin' fierce."  As Charlie rose to leave, Victoria accompanied him to the door.


She paused for a moment in thought, "Charlie, I think I'll go over to the bunkhouse with you and have a talk with Billy. Would that be all right?"


"I'd appreciate that ma'am, that boy looks like he's lost his best friend."


"I'll go now, if you think the men won't mind?"


"I'll have them clear out for awhile till you're done."


She opened the door for him and said, "I'm just going up to check on Heath again, that will give you time to talk to the men. I'll be over in a few minutes."


"Thank you ma'am." Charlie tipped his hat and started for the bunkhouse.


The men were all sitting on the porch of the bunkhouse talking or having a smoke as Victoria approached.  They straightened up and nodded respectfully as she pushed open the door and entered the large room. She could see Billy curled up on his bunk, the blanket pulled up around his ears.


Closing the door gently she made her way over and sat on the side of the small bunk then reached out and laid her hand on the thin shoulder to get his attention, "Billy, I want to talk to you."


He held his breath at the sound of her voice and thought, "she must be here to yell at me for what happened, and I can't blame her. It's my fault it happened, she must hate me... I hate myself." His whole body stiffened as she started to rub her hand up and down his arm.


"I know you're awake, now why don't you roll over and talk to me?" The voice was gently coaxing.


He pulled the blanket higher and shook his dark blond head.


"All right then, if you won't talk to me, I'll talk to you." She continued to rub his arm in a soothing manner. "You're not to blame for what happened. Do you understand me? It was an accident."


Again the head shook and he tried to shrug the hand off.


"Doctor Merar thinks Heath is going to be all right, it will just take some time."


The thin shoulders started to shake and a muffled sob escaped as the boy turned over and choked out, "It's all my fault, if I had of listened when he told me to get away from the corral, none of this would of happened. He must hate me."


A smile tugged at her mouth as she looked into the light green eyes that were awash in tears. She reached up and pushed back the blond hair that had fallen over his brow, "I think I know my son well enough, and while he might have thought so a couple of times in the past, I really don't think he's capable of hating anyone, especially you."


He wouldn't let it go, "but it's my fault. I should have known what was going to happen."


She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, "did you do it on purpose?"


He let out a horrified gasp, "of course not ma'am, I would never do anything to hurt Heath."  Fresh tears ran down the pale cheeks, "he's my friend!"


"So why would he hate you then?"


He dropped his head while he searched for another reason to condemn himself. He muttered into his chest, "Nick will hate me, I don't know why he hasn't told me to leave yet."


Victoria let out a small sigh, "Nick has a temper and right now he's very upset. Heath will talk to him when he's feeling better and he'll calm down, now don't you worry about it."


The green eyes searched her face, "but what if Nick tells me to leave?"


She gave his knee a reassuring pat, "Nick will do whatever his brother asks of him."


Billy wiped his shirt sleeve across his eyes and sniffed, "can I see him?"


She pushed him down and pulled the blanket over his shoulders as she stood, "not tonight, it's late and he's sleeping, maybe tomorrow. Now you get some rest, things will look brighter in the morning."


As she went out and closed the door, she stopped on the porch and her gaze raked over the men who had again straightened up.  She might be small, but she commanded respect and they shuffled nervously as she addressed them in an authoritative voice, "as I've told Charlie, Doctor Merar thinks that Heath is going to recover. It will just take time. I don't want you men blaming the boy, it was an accident.  Am I making myself clear?"


A chorus of "yes ma'am's" followed her statement.


"Good." She continued, "Nick will be staying up with Heath tonight, so Charlie will assign the work for tomorrow and Nick will be out later in the afternoon to talk to you." The grey eyes softened and she smiled at them, "I want to thank all of you for your help yesterday... this mother is forever grateful. Goodnight."



Chapter fourteen


Nick sat in the leather chair that was pulled up close to the bed and watched his brother sleep.  'He looks so peaceful when he sleeps', Nick thought, the pain medicine the doctor had finally decided to prescribe knocking Heath out for long stretches at a time while his body healed.  The few times he did wake up, he was barely lucid.


 It was two-thirty and the rest of the family had gone to bed hours before. Nick had slept for awhile and gotten up at eleven to take over from Audra who was out on her feet. Victoria and Jarrod had retired at the same time, exhausted but secure in the knowledge that Heath was out of danger and knowing Nick would call them if there was anything wrong.


The lamp on the night table was turned down low, casting shadows around the room and making it seem more cozy.  Nick was bent over, forearms resting on his thighs as he held Heath's right hand in his and absently played with the fingers. He had never noticed before how alike their hands were. He held Heath's against his own, they were the same size and shape, both large, long-fingered, work roughened hands.


He turned the hand over to rub his fingertips over the calluses at the base of each finger and across the palm, the same as the ones that covered his. His gaze traveled further and he let out a shuddering breath at the sight of the deep black and blue bruises on the wrists, bruises that these hands of his had made. He wrapped his fingers around Heath's and lifted them to rest against his lips.


A small moan brought him upright in the chair. He leaned forward as his brother's eyes opened slightly and the raspy words croaked out, "Nick ... what happened?"


Nick answered in the softest voice any one had ever heard him use, "you tangled with a herd of wild horses and lost, don't you remember?"


The blue eyes opened wider as memory came back and he bit back another groan, "oh yeah, I remember now... hurts Nick."


Nick let go of Heath's hand and reached for the pain medication sitting on the night table, "here, take some of this, it'll help."


He put his hand behind Heath's neck and helped him lift his head. He spooned some of the foul tasting liquid into his brother's mouth then poured a glass of water and held it to Heath's lips as he gulped it down. He gently eased the blond head back onto the pillow and replaced the spoon on the night table.


"Thanks Nick."


Nick moved closer and kept his voice low, "you sure do know how to scare a body Heath, didn't I just get through tellin' ya to be more careful?"


"I know, I'm sorry Nick." Heath turned his head a bit, to better see his brother.


The hazel eyes lit with humor as he growled out in a gruff whisper, "SORRY!! SORRY!! You've gotta do better than that little brother, I can't take much more of you gettin' hurt. Seems to me Doc Merar is out here all the time tending to you."


He had to see that lop-sided grin to know Heath was going to be all right so he waved his hand in the air and continued, "why, you know that new buggy Doc has? He claims he paid for the whole thing from your doctor's bills alone!!"


Nick was rewarded when the smile appeared and a small laugh followed, "well, if he did, then you paid for the horse pullin' it, 'cause he's seen you almost as much as me."


The dark brows lowered in a scowl as Nick sought to regain the upper hand, "now hold on a minute there boy..."


The pain medication was starting to work and Heath's voice got stronger, "how many times has he had to patch you up after you got your head busted in a bar room brawl?"


The whisper increased in volume, "YOU WERE RIGHT THERE BESIDE ME IN MOST OF THEM!"


Heath eyed him in amazement, "you started them, I was just helpin' ya out!"


He tried to move to a more comfortable position and held his breath as pain stabbed through his broken ribs.


Nick abandoned the argument and jumped up to sit on the bed and put his hand on the bare chest, "will you stop movin' around Heath, you're gonna' push those broken ribs right through your lungs." He pulled the blanket up a bit and fussed with it, his voice getting more gruff, "I swear you're gonna' be the death of me yet."


Heath smiled to himself, he knew Nick cared about him deeply. Oh, he didn't show it often in physical ways, as he himself didn't, a light touch, a pat on the back, the strong arm thrown across his shoulders, and now and then, if they had been apart for awhile, an exuberant hug. No, it wasn't the physical things that told him his brother cared, it was the look in the hazel eyes, the worry, concern and love were always there for anyone who cared enough to see. And Heath cared.


He let out the breath he had been holding and caught his brothers eyes, "how bad Nick?"


Nick knew what he was asking and he gave a slight shrug, "bruises all over, three broken ribs, twenty stitches to close a gash in your leg, six for the one here," he reached up to touch the bandage above Heath's left eye, "and the best black eye I've ever seen."


The blond haired cowboy grinned and his drawl deepened, "better'n the one those Morton boys gave ya that time?"


Nick put a hand on each side of the bed, leaned over and scrutinized his brother's face, "well...it is right close, but I think you've got me beat."


The smile faded as Heath searched Nick's eyes, "will I live?"


"'COURSE YOU'LL LIVE, WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT??" He straightened up, looked at the door quickly, then turned back and lowered his voice, "now you close those eyes and go to sleep boy, you've been talking too much. I swear I haven't been able to get a word in edgewise!"


Anyone who knew them would have laughed out loud, Nick Barkley talked all the time, while Heath usually just listened, threw in the occasional comment and nodded now and then.


Heath closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, a small smile curving his lips while his big brother kept watch over him.


Victoria had arisen just after six after having her best night's sleep in two days. The house was still quiet as she tied the sash of her pink wrap, making her way across the landing and down the hall to check on Heath. Nick hadn't woken them so she knew everything was still all right.


She pushed the door open quietly then stopped and wrapped her arms around herself as she leaned against the door jam. Jarrod had heard her door open and came from his room down the hall to walk up behind her and place his hands on the small shoulders that had started to shake. She lifted a hand and pressed her fingers to her lips as tears welled in her eyes.


The early dawn light was spilling across the bed where Heath lay on his back. Beside him, lying curled on his right side, his arm thrown across his brothers stomach, Nick lay sleeping peacefully.


 Jarrod dropped a kiss on her hair and Victoria reached up to pat his hand, "you go down, I'll be along shortly."


He bent and asked in a hushed tone, "are you all right?" At the slight nod, he gave her shoulders a little squeeze, "he's going to be fine Mother, don't worry."


She looked up into the deep blue eyes of this son who knew her so well and gave a small smile, "I know, I just..."


He gave her another squeeze, "I'll go down and see if Silas has coffee started."


She nodded gratefully, he was so wise, this oldest son of hers. He knew she needed this time to be alone and just watch her two sons sleep. She slipped quietly across the room to pick up the extra blanket that had fallen on the floor and placed it gently over her middle son. He never moved as a small hand lightly brushed through his sleep-tousled hair and a fleeting kiss was dropped on his weathered cheek. She reached over him to run her fingers down her youngest sons cheek before bending over and pressing her lips to his forehead. The thought came unbidden to her mind, "he looks so much like his father." Her grey eyes teared up again, and she turned and made her way to the door where she paused to look back once more.


A contented warmth enveloped her.  Nick had shifted in his sleep, his dark head was now resting on the pillow next to his brother's blond one.


Her eyes filled and a tear slipped out as she whispered, "thank you Tom."



Chapter fifteen


It was close to ten-thirty before the two awoke. Nick rolled over and stretched, grumbling and muttering as he threw off the blanket and sat up. He leaned back on his arms and looked down at his brother.


 "Heath ... Heath ..." no response, "HEATH!"


The blue eyes struggled open as he peered up at his grumpy brother, "WHAT!" The groggy voice was clearly annoyed.


"Wake up, it's late and ya haven't had your medicine," he raked a hand through his hair and swung his long legs off the bed, "besides that, I'm starving. Now wake up so I can get this stuff down ya."


He walked around the bed, sat down and poured the liquid onto a spoon, "open your mouth."


"No, it tastes awful." He gave Nick a defiant look, the black eye making the look even fiercer.


"You open your mouth boy or I'll open it for you." The scowl on Nick's face told him he better open his mouth.


Nick again lifted Heath's head as he gulped down water trying to rid his mouth of the bitter taste of the medicine.


"All right, I'm gonna go get cleaned up." Nick started searching for the boots he had pulled off in the night, "I'll be back in a few minutes."


"I have to go too."


Nick sat on the bed and tugged the boots on, "you're in no shape to get out of that bed, you'll have to use the chamber pot," He pulled his pant legs down over his boots and looked at his brother, "I'll help ya."


At the look on Heath's face, Nick let out an exasperated sigh and growled, "how do ya think ya went for the last two days Heath?!!"


Heath shifted uncomfortably and muttered, "I don't remember that."


Nick stood up and threw his hands in the air, "of course not, ya were barely conscious most of the time."


Heath thought about it for a moment while he picked at the blanket covering his chest.  Suddenly his the blue eyes opened wide and he looked up in alarm, "Mother and Audra weren't here when...when...?"


Nick couldn't resist, he planted his fists on his hips, bent over a bit to look into the terrified eyes watching him and gave his brother an evil smile.




He straightened up and thought, 'I really shouldn't torment him this way, he is hurt after all, but that look on his face,' Nick smiled to himself, 'heh, heh, heh, that was priceless!'


He waved his hand at the wretched figure cluching the blanket, "oh calm down, I was just funnin' with ya."


Heath shot him a dirty look, "that wasn't funny Nick, now help me up. I'm going to the bathroom if I have to crawl there."


"All right, all right, just wait till I get ya some pajama's," he raised a dark brow, "unless ya plan on walkin' there naked?"


At the quick negative shake of the blond head, he went over to the dresser in the corner and rummaged around until he found a pair of cotton pajama bottoms, then brought them over and threw them on the chair by the bed.


"Ok, now let's think about this for a minute."


He sat down and twisted sideways to assess the situation, "all right, here's what we'll do, you put your arms around my neck and I'll pull ya up. Now go slow, those ribs aren't gonna' take any sudden movements."


Heath hooked his arms around his brother’s neck while Nick wra6pped his around Heath's back. He pulled him slowly upright, then waited while Heath rested his head on his shoulder and panted against his neck, winded by the small exertion.


Nick rubbed his hand over his back, "you all right?"


He felt the quick nod against his neck as the strong arms tightened a bit and the tired voice whispered, "I'm fine, just give me a second."


After some awkward maneuvering they finally managed to get Heath into the pajamas and were just getting ready to stand up and head for the door when it opened and Jarrod sauntered in.


He stopped at the foot of the bed with his fingers in the front pockets of his dark blue pants, tilted his head and with raised eyebrows inquired, "what are you two doing?"


Nick stood in front of Heath and indicated him with a wave of his hand, "he wants to go to the bathroom." He turned to look at Jarrod with narrowed eyes , he was wearing his, 'at home' clothes, "what are you doing home, I thought you had a case to work on?"


"I decided to take the day off."


He pondered the scene before him. Heath was sitting on the bed clad only in pajama bottoms, trembling with pain and fatigue. Nick stood in front of him, scowling down at the blond head, fists on his hips, clothes wrinkled from sleeping in them and his dark hair falling forward across his brow. Jarrod’s blue eyes twinkled as he pulled one hand out of his pocket and wagged a finger at them.


"Mother isn't going to like this."


Nick looked at him quickly, "Where is she?"


The fingers returned to his pocket. "I convinced her and Audra to go for a ride. They've been in here every hour checking on you two, they both needed to relax a bit and get out of the house."


"Well, she'll never know then, will she?"


 The dark grey clad shoulders lifted in a slight shrug, "she's a mother, they always know."


"Well she won't this time, not unless you tell her." The statement came out as a question.


"Far be it for me to bring Mothers wrath down on your head Nick, you'll manage that all by yourself."


Nick turned a scowl on him, "look counselor, are you gonna' help me here or not? If not, then go downstairs and read some of those dusty old law books of yours."


Jarrod pulled both hands out of his pockets and held them up, palms out, "all right Nick, all right, but when Mother asks who's idea this was, I'll be sure to tell her it was yours."






A weary voice issued forth from the bent blond head, "will you two please stop arguing, you're giving me a headache. Are you going to help me up or do I have to do it myself?"


Nick crouched down in front of him, "maybe this isn't such a good idea Heath."


"I'm fine, it's only a few feet away, now help me up."


Nick sat down beside him, draped Heath's right arm across his shoulders and put his left arm around the lean waist.


"All right Heath, but go slow. Ya don't want to tear those stitches and start that leg bleeding again. Why, you've got so much of my blood in ya now, I expect you'll start acting like me soon." The tanned cheeks dimpled with pride, "another smilin' Nick Barkley."


Jarrod's deep blue eyes held an amused glint as he shook his head, "I shudder to think, one of you is more than enough, thank you."


Heath looked at Nick warily, "ya mean I'm gonna start hollerin' and yellin' and stompin' around?"


Nick's scowl deepened as he started to pull him up, "never mind about that, I've told ya before you're not funny Heath, now let's go before I change my mind."


He reached up to grab the hand draped over his shoulder and grumbled under his breath, "I don't holler."


Both men rolled their eyes and looked at him in disbelief as he glared at them, "would you just help me out here Jarrod, he's heavy."


Jarrod gave a resigned sigh and moved around the bed to help Heath to his feet. Together they managed to get him to the bathroom where he insisted on washing and shaving also. Nick ended up having to sit him on the side of the tub and do it for him when Heath's hand holding the straight razor shook so much, Nick was afraid he would end up cutting his throat.


They had just gotten him back into his room when they heard footsteps coming down the hall. The light tread told them it was their mother and they hurriedly hustled their brother back into bed.


Nick adjusted the blankets then quickly sat in the chair by the bed. When Victoria entered the room she found him sitting with one ankle resting on his knee and his fist propped under his chin, a guilty look on his face. Jarrod was leaning against the windowsill with his arms crossed looking innocent. Her eyes darted to her youngest son, the pain medication had started to work and he was having trouble keeping his eyes open.  Her swift perusal took in the hectic color and fine sheen of sweat on his smooth face. The dampness at the top of the bandages around his chest, coupled with the faint scent of shaving cream, was enough to tell her what they had done.


She crossed the room and stood in front of her middle son, hands planted on her hips in a gesture that was oddly familiar, "what have you been up to?"


The hazel eyes darted over to his brother standing by the window. Jarrod shook his head and gave a little shrug, a small smile tugging at his mouth. Nick's eyes narrowed as he gave him a glare and thought, 'hmmmm...no help there.'  He lowered his leg to the floor and slouched lower in the seat, furtively searching for an answer.




"Nicholas." The grey eyes bored into his. None of them could look their mother in the eye and lie. He gave it up quickly.


"It was Heath's idea."


A low snort sounded from the direction of the window.


Victoria turned to look at her youngest son. He had finally fallen asleep and the dark circles under his eyes told her of his exhaustion and pain.


 She turned back to Nick and arched an eyebrow, "Heath's idea was it? So how did my son, who's barelyconscious, manage to walk to the bathroom, wash and shave all by himself?"


"He made me." Nick squirmed deeper in the chair.


She dropped her arms and crossed them in front of her, "he made you? And you couldn't stop him? Is this what you're telling me Nick?"


Nick waved his hand at the sleeping figure in the bed, "he's a lot stronger than he looks."


The tiny woman drew in a deep breath, "I can't believe you would do something so idiotic Nick. Your brother is badly hurt and in a great deal of pain. He needs rest, he shouldn't be out of bed running all over the house."


Nick waved his hand back and forth, "he was hardly running Mother, it was more like being dragged."


"That will be enough Nick, I don't want to hear anymore."


She gave him one more angry look before sitting on the bed and placing her palm on Heath's forehead, checking for renewed fever after the mornings escapade. Satisfied no harm had been done she adjusted the covers and leaned over to place a light kiss on the flushed cheek. She winced as her eyes traveled over the bruised face and chest. Even through the golden mat of hair, the bruises could be clearly seen, deep black, blue and purple extending up across his shoulder.


Nick heaved himself out of his chair, bent and placed a kiss on his Mothers cheek, "I'm sorry for upsetting you, Mother." He shrugged and spread his hands, "I just can't say no to him."


She patted his hand as it rested on her shoulder, "I know dear, but we have to do what's best for Heath, all right?"


Jarrod had come over to stand at the foot of the bed, "I told him not to do it Mother, but you know Nick, he will be stubborn." He directed a smug smile at his brother who returned the look with a scowl.


Victoria stood up and glared at her oldest son, "you're as much to blame as Nick is. As a lawyer, I should think you would have been able to talk them out of this foolish idea. Never mind that you're the oldest and should know better."


She held her hand up to stop the protest before it could be uttered, "never mind Jarrod, perhaps you'll both be more responsible in the future. Now let's go down and have lunch, Audra's already eaten, so she can come upstairs and sit with Heath."


Her voice drifted over her shoulder as she made her way to the door, "oh, by the way, Doctor Merar will be here about five o'clock to check on Heath and change his bandages."



Chapter sixteen


Doctor Merar sat back, removed the stethoscope from around his neck and smiled down at his patient.


"Well young man, you're doing better than I would have expected. These cuts show no sign of infection and if they're kept clean, I think they'll heal nicely."


He looked into the tired blue eyes that were struggling to stay open, "now these ribs," he placed his hand lightly on the bandaged chest, "I'm a little concerned about. The breaks are up so high that I don't know how your chest wasn't crushed." The kindly blue eyes smiled at him, "but I don't question these little miracles."


He put his instruments back in his bag on the night table before continuing, "now, you're going to be very stiff and sore for quite awhile Heath, those ribs will take about six to eight weeks to heal. I don't want you moving around too much for the next week or so."


Nick, who was leaning on the brass foot rail, flushed guiltily and shuffled his feet. His mother just raised an eyebrow at him.


The doctor rose to his feet and addressed the silver haired matriarch in a serious tone, "Victoria, if he starts coughing up blood or the pain doesn't ease off in a few days, call me out. Those breaks are so bad, I'm surprised they didn't puncture a lung, they still could, so make sure you call me. I'll be out Saturday to see him otherwise. Meanwhile, you can change the bandages yourself, just make sure to keep the wounds clean."


Victoria laid her hand on Heath's right shoulder and rubbed it absently, "I will Howard. Now come down and have supper with us. Nick will stay with Heath."


He snapped his bag shut and picked it up, "I don't want to impose Victoria."


She took his arm with a smile, "don't be silly Howard, it's the least we can do after all you've done for us. Besides, you haven't been to dinner here for far too long."


"Then it would be my pleasure dear lady."


He pointed at Heath before leaving the room, "and you stay off that leg for awhile, if you rip those stitches it'll start bleeding again." He nodded at Nick who was turning a deeper shade of red, "and Nick here can't afford to give you much more blood."


Heath answered him in a sleepy voice, "thanks doc, I'll do everything you say."


"Hmmmmm." The good doctor knew this patient too well, if they could keep Heath in bed for two more days, it would be an accomplishment.


Victoria rolled her eyes at Heath's statement and led the doctor out the door.


"I'll have Silas bring your supper up on a tray Nick and you can help Heath eat the soup I made today."


Nick came over and sat in the chair by the bed, "well now little brother, looks like you're stuck in this bed for awhile.  Maybe we can play a little poker or somethin'." The white teeth flashed in a wicked grin, "you're so dopey from that medicine I should be able to win back some of the money you've taken off of me."


The blue eyes drifted shut as he murmured, "Nick, you couldn't beat me even if I was unconscious."


"Uh huh...go to sleep Heath."



Chapter seventeen


Supper was over and everyone had moved into the living room for coffee and conversation when the grandfather clock striking eight had Doctor Merar rising to take his leave.


 "I really must be getting back Victoria, Emily will be worried."


She rose to take his arm, "why don't you come out to see Heath on Sunday instead? That way you can bring Emily and stay for dinner. It's been far too long since we've gotten together. Say three o'clock?"


 "She'd love to come, thank you Victoria."


He nodded to Jarrod and Audra as Victoria led him to the door. Billy was hovering on the door step as she opened it and the doctor greeted him as he crossed the veranda to his waiting buggy and drove away.


Billy snatched off his hat and stammered, "Mrs. Barkley ma'am, I...I just come to see how Heath's doin'." The green eyes looked at her hopefully, "do ya think I could see him?"


She bade him enter as she answered, "I don't see why not, he just woke up and I'm sure he'd like to see you. Follow me."


"Thank you ma'am." His looked around in awe as they ascended the grand staircase.


Nick looked up from the paperwork he was working on as the door opened and his mother ushered Billy in, "you've got a visitor Heath."


Nick threw the papers on the floor and started out of the chair with a growl, "what's he doin' here?  I don't want..."


"NICK, that's enough." The sharp words cut him off in mid-sentence. She squeezed the boy's thin shoulder and took him over to the chair on the other side of the bed.


 "You sit here and I'll come and get you a little later." She dropped a kiss on Heath's forehead then made her way to the door where she stopped and said in a steely voice, "Nick, I want to see you in the library."


He stopped fussing with the pillows that were propping Heath up and straightened with a grumble of resignation, "Yes Mother." She nodded and left the room.


Billy sat forward, his eyes taking in the bandages and bruises covering his friend. His lower lip started to tremble, "I'm so sorry Heath, it's all my fault."


Nick stood across from the boy with his fists planted on his hips, "YOU'RE SORRY?? YOU ALMOST..."


Heath reached up and grabbed Nick's arm before he could say any more, "Nick, cool off, it was an accident."


He winced as the sudden movement sent pain shooting through his ribs. Nick immediately sat on the bed and reached for the pain medication.


"No Nick, I just moved too quick, I'm fine." He looked at his brother with pleading eyes, "please Nick, it was an accident. Don't blame the boy."


Nick knew better than to look into those blue eyes, but as usual he couldn't stop himself, "all right Heath, all right," he looked across at Billy sitting there with fear in his eyes, "but the next time someone tells ya something, maybe you'll LISTEN!"


The dark blond head nodded vigorously, "yes sir, I will sir, you can count on me."


Nick patted Heath's arm and stood up, "now I think I'll go downstairs and get yelled at by our mother." He rounded the bed and pointed at Heath before he went out the door, "I'll see YOU later."


Nick strode into the library and headed for the whiskey decanter where he poured a healthy measure, threw it back in one gulp, then took his refill and went to lean on the fireplace mantle.


His mother was seated on the sofa while Jarrod sat behind his desk, Audra had gone to her room to read.


Victoria placed her hands in her lap as she looked at her angry son, "Nick, I want to talk to you about what happened. I realize you're angry and want to blame someone," she spread her hands, "and if it had turned out differently, I might want to blame someone too."


She cleared her throat and went on, "but it was an accident, regrettable, but still an accident. It could have been so much worse," her voice broke, "Heath could have..." The small hands made a helpless gesture.


"I KNOW THAT!!  DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT??" The whiskey glass came crashing down on top of the mantle as Nick's temper exploded.




His chest heaved as he pounded a clenched fist against the fireplace. "I WAS THE ONE WHO SAT UP THERE FOR HOURS," he waved his hand at the ceiling, "AND WATCHED HIM ALMOST BLEED TO DEATH RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME."


He threw the whiskey glass across the room, the fine crystal shattering against the wall, "DON'T TELL ME HOW IT COULD OF BEEN!!"


Victoria looked on helplessly as her son's temper soared. "Nick, don't do this to yourself...please."


Jarrod got up and made his way around the desk to stand behind his mother, "Nick, settle down now, he's going to be fine." His dark blue eyes looked at his brother in sympathy. "Heath isn't blaming anyone, why should you?"




He turned away and gripped the mantle with both hands as he took a deep breath and his voice lowered to a harsh whisper.


"I should have seen what was happening, yelled sooner, done something. He's my little brother, I'm supposed to take care of him."


Jarrod started to go to his brother when his mother's hand stopped him. She gave a little shake of the head, rose and walked up behind her son. This big, tough talking son of hers felt things so deeply, cared so much.


The small hand rubbed his back for a moment before she took his arm and gently pulled him around to face her. The hazel eyes were dark with anger and unshed tears as she reached up and cupped his cheek, her thumb moving back and forth in a comforting gesture.


"Nick, it was an accident. You are not to blame, there was nothing you could have done to prevent it, you know that." Grey eyes held hazel as her words sank in.


He took a shuddering breath and whispered, "I thought he was gonna die."


"Oh Nick."


She dropped her hand from his cheek and hugged him and he wrapped his arms around her and lowered his head to lay it against hers as his eyes squeezed tightly shut to hold back the tears.



Chapter eighteen


The days turned into weeks as Heath slowly mended. He couldn't do much, riding was out of the question for the first month, so he had Nick turn Charger out with the remuda horses. Word had spread quickly about what had happened and visitors were a frequent occurrence at the ranch. In the five years that Heath had lived in the valley, almost everyone had come to know, like and respect the youngest Barkley son. Not because he was a Barkley but because he was a good man, a good friend and someone who was always willing to lend a helping hand. Those who didn't like him were the people who didn't like any of the Barkley family in general.


A frequent visitor to the ranch was Carl Wheeler, a neighbor who had courted Audra for some time a couple of years before. He had been a good friend of Nick's for many years, and after Heath arrived the threesome could often be found sharing a drink or playing poker at the local saloon. He and Audra had had a falling out over what was now referred to as 'The sheep incident'. Neither one could see the other's point of view, and so they had parted ways. Nick and Heath had mended their friendship with Carl after a time, but he had no longer come to the house.


On a Tuesday morning a little over a week after the accident there was a knock at the door. Audra had been reading to Heath who had insisted on coming downstairs and resting on the living room sofa. He couldn't stand to lay in his room all day, staring at the ceiling and so he had Nick and Jarrod help him down in the mornings. It made it so much easier too when callers came to see him, there seemed to be someone every day.


The knock sounded again and Audra called out, "I'll get it Silas."


She pulled open the door and stood for a moment not knowing what to say or do. Carl took off his hat and flipped it back and forth in his hands.




He gave her a nod and used the hat to point at the inside of the house. "I come to see Heath, I heard what happened and I figured I'd drop by and see how he's doing."


She held the door knob and stared at him. Her heart had jumped a bit when she saw him and she took a deep breath to calm down as she continued to look at him.


He gestured with the hat again, "so...can I come in?"


She pulled the door open wider and waved her hand at him, "yes...yes, come in, I was just a little surprised to see you. Heath's in the living room, he'll be glad you came."


"Thank you." He stopped inside the door and looked at her, "you're looking mighty pretty today Audra, if ya don't mind my sayin' so."


Her face flushed in confusion before her chin lifted in what he always thought of as her 'haughty air'. She put her hands on her hips and answered him in a frosty tone as her blue eyes grew stormy.


 "Well I do mind Mr. Wheeler and I'll thank you to keep your comments to yourself." She nodded at the living room, "Heath's in there, I'll go make coffee for you."


He watched her storm away and grinned, she was wearing those tight riding pants that showed off her figure very nicely. He dragged his thoughts back and went into the living room.


He came every few days after that, ostensibly to see Heath, but he spent most of the time he was there gazing at Audra. Everyone noticed he never showed up on the days when he knew Audra wouldn't be home. She went from ignoring him completely, to making the odd comment and finally to joining in on the conversations he had with Heath, and Nick if he was there.


Nick came striding into the living room one Sunday afternoon about three weeks later expecting to see Carl, but the only ones in the room were Jarrod and Heath playing chess and his mother working on her needlepoint.


He stopped behind Heath's chair and leaned on the back of it, "I saw Carl's horse outside, where is he?  I wanted to ask him about that new type of oats he's gonna try this spring."


He gave a small shake of the head as Jarrod prepared to move his piece. Jarrod in turn sent him a look that said, 'mind your own business', and placed his playing piece. Nick shrugged as Heath moved and said 'check' with a grin.


Victoria laid down her needle and smiled, "he and Audra took the buggy and went for a drive into town. They're having lunch at The Stockton House."




"Yes, I think those two have finally settled their differences." She gave a conspiratorial wink, "Carl asked her to the dance next Saturday and she accepted."


Jarrod sat back in his chair and stared at the board as he tried to find a way out of his predicament, "they do make a nice couple, I've always liked Carl. Good steady man, runs his ranch well and is always looking for ways to improve it. He's just what Audra needs to settle her down."


Heath watched Jarrod make a desperate move that had Nick rolling his eyes and sighing loudly behind him. He picked up his piece and glanced at his older brother, "checkmate." then settled back and added, "it doesn't hurt that he lives close by neither."


Nick waved Jarrod out of his seat, "let me show you how to play the game Jarrod, you have to know how this boys mind works."


 He settled into Jarrod's chair and leaned forward to set up the board, "well, I hope they get along better this time, Audra moped around here for weeks last time they broke up."


Victoria sipped her tea and smiled, "oh I think it'll be different this time. Unless I'm very much mistaken, I believe those two will make a match of it one day."


Nick grunted as he waved his hand at Heath to make the first move, "well I hope so, Carl’s a big improvement on some of the men she's brought around."


 Everyone nodded their heads in silent agreement.




When Heath was able to come downstairs for any length of time, Nick had him take over all the ranch paperwork that Jarrod didn't handle. Between that and short trips to the corral near the barn to offer advice to Nick on training the Appaloosa mare, he managed to get through his days. He was becoming restless though, and after Thanksgiving, he started to talk about getting back in the saddle and riding out with Nick for awhile each day.  His ribs still pained him off and on, but he tried not to let it show. He knew his mother wouldn't let him ride if she thought he wasn't healing properly, best not to say anything.


The front door slammed shut as the sound of spurs jangled across the foyer, "MOTHER!! MOTHER!!"


Victoria came from the back hall and gave her son an exasperated look, "Nick, stop shouting. Now what is it you want?"


He pulled off his hat and twirled it as he looked around, "where's Heath? He wanted to go with me and bring Charger back from the north pasture. I've got a horse saddled for him. Where is he?" Before she could answer he bellowed again, "HEATH!!...HEATH!! COME ON, I'M READY TO GO."






"If you would stop yelling for a minute, I could tell you he's in the library."


"Oh." He turned towards the door leading to the library, "HEATH, LET'S GO."


Victoria rolled her eyes and shook her head as Heath came through the door rolling down his sleeves and buttoning his cuffs, "what are you yelling about Nick, I'm right here."


"I wasn't yelling." Two sets of eyebrows rose at his statement, "what were you doing? I've been ready for fifteen minutes now. Ya said ya'd be right out."


Heath picked up his hat and settled it on his dark blond hair, "I was trying to make sense of those feed bills ya gave me, half of 'em are so crumpled I can't even read 'em. Why can't you be a little neater?"


Nick put his hat back on and slapped him on the back, "never mind about that, let Jarrod figure it out.  Now are ya comin' or not?"


Heath bent and kissed his mother on the cheek, "we'll see ya later Mother."


She gave him a hug and hung on to his arms as she looked up at him, "Heath, do you think you should be riding? It's only been a little over five weeks, maybe you should let your ribs heal a little longer."


"I'm fine Mother, Doc Merar said I could start doin' a bit of work and I can't get my strength back if I sit around this house all day."


He gave her arms a squeeze, "we're not going far and I'll stop and rest before we come back., ok?"


"All right dear." She followed them to the door, "Nick, you make sure he doesn't over do it."


"I'll watch over him like a mother hen. Don't you worry," he reached up and pinched Heath's cheek, "I'll have your baby boy back in time for his afternoon nap."


"Niiiiickkkk," an embarrassed flush stained Heath's face as he limped after his laughing brother.


By the time they picked up Charger and returned to the house, Heath was more than ready for a nap, his chest hurt and he rubbed it absently as he made his way upstairs. Nick watched him with concern and thought, 'maybe it is too soon for him to be out and about'.


Winter was upon them and Heath was able to do a little more every day. He took over training the Appaloosa mare and was well pleased with the way she was turning out. He and Nick had decided to give her to Audra as a Christmas present instead of waiting for her birthday.


Nick was sitting on the fence watching Heath put the mare through her paces. Nick was a good rider, but Heath, Nick thought about it for a minute. Yeah, that was it, Heath was what they called 'one with the horse', he knew what they were thinking, what they were going to do before they did it.


"Audra's going to win every ribbon at the spring fairs with this little lady, Heath."


He hopped down and crossed the corral to hold the mare while Heath unsaddled her. As Heath pulled the saddle off and threw it on top of the fence rail, he winced and rubbed his chest.


Nick eyed him with concern, "you all right Heath? Those ribs still painin' ya?"


The blue eyes smiled at him from under his hat, "I'm fine Nick, just a little twinge. They're just takin' a bit longer to heal than I expected is all. It eases off after a few minutes, don't worry."


Nick's looked at him with narrowed eyes, "it's been nearly two months Heath, maybe you been over doin' it," he waved his black gloved hand in the air, "maybe ya should slow down, take it a bit easy."


Heath smiled to himself and thought, 'that Nick, he hardly lets me out of his sight, let alone over doing it." A feeling of happiness swept through him, "I wouldn't want it any other way though. I'm the luckiest man in the world to have a brother like Nick to care about me'.


He threw him a lop-sided grin and took the reins from his hand, "I'm fine Nick, now let's put this girl away and go get lunch, I'm starvin'."


Nick walked beside him, their strides once again perfectly matched. Heath's leg had finally healed and he no longer limped along trying to keep up with Nick's ground eating stride.


The black-gloved hand was waving around again, "STARVIN'!! Heath, you ain't been doin' enough work to be STARVIN'." The hand dropped onto his shoulder, "why, just wait till ya see how many post holes I've been savin' for ya to dig come spring. Then you'll have a right to be starvin'."


Heath led the mare into her stall and picked up a brush, "I've done quite a bit this morning Nick. I was up long before you even crawled out of bed."


He didn't tell him he was up because his chest hurt so much he couldn't sleep. He had no intention of being confined to the house again if anyone found out his ribs were still giving him grief. Besides they didn't hurt all the time, just every few days. He could live with that until they healed completely.


Nick stood on the other side of the mare and looked at him suspiciously, "you were not, I would of heard ya."


Heath kept brushing the mare with rhythmic strokes, "I looked in on ya Nick to see if ya wanted to go with me, but ya were dead to the world."


He stopped brushing and leaned on the mares back, "do ya know how loud ya snore Nick?"


"I don't snore."


"I think that's what woke me up, could hear it clean through the wall."


"I DON'T SNORE!" he picked up a brush in irritation and started on his side of the mare.


Heath dipped his head to hide the smile he was wearing and thought, 'that Nick, it's so easy to get him going'.


They brushed in silence for a few seconds before Nick's curiosity won out and he growled, "where were ya off to so early?"


Heath ran the brush over the white rump that was sprinkled with cinnamon spots, "oh, I went up to Lookout Peak to watch the sunrise. Then I cleaned the tack room when I got back."


Nick stopped brushing and put his arm across the mares back, he knew how much Heath loved to watch the sunrise. So did he, they often got up early just so they could see it. Heath said it was like a fresh, new page in a book, just waiting to be written on.


"Kinda cold up there wasn't it?" He resumed brushing, "ya should've got me up Heath, I don't like ya riding that far alone. You're still not completely healed and ya had to go to the far side of the canyon.  What if something happened?"


"You were tired Nick, I didn't want to wake ya and it wasn't that cold."


Heath laid his brush on the partition and crossed his arms on the mares rump. His blue eyes were alive with excitement and he reached up to push his hat back on his forehead.


"Boy howdy Nick, ya shoulda' seen it! It was so quiet up there, I coulda swore I was the only one in the world. The grass and the trees were all covered in frost, and when the sun first peaked over the rim," the eyes took on a far away look, "it looked just like millions of tiny diamonds dancing across the meadow."


Nick smiled at the look of wonder on his brother's face, "I wish I had of been there." He put his brush down, "make sure ya wake me up next time."


"I will Nick. Now come on, I can smell Silas's beef stew from here."


They pulled the collars of their coats higher against the chilly December air and made their way to the warm house where a hot meal and roaring fire awaited them.



Chapter nineteen


Christmas came and the house was bedecked in all its holiday finery. Visitors came and went, and if the family wasn't entertaining, then they were themselves out visiting. The ranch work had slowed down considerably as winter set in and Nick and Heath did a lot of the chores so that their ranch hands that wanted to, could

take a few days off and see their family's.


Jarrod had closed up his office in town for Christmas week and taken his mother and sister to San Francisco to shop for two days at the start of the week. They came home laden down with packages that, despite the two younger brothers best effort to find out what was in them, were whisked away to a secret hiding place.


 Carl came by when they returned and had lunch with the family. He had to go to San Francisco himself in a couple of days to pick something up and wanted to see Audra before he went. It was a noisy table as Victoria, Jarrod and Audra discussed whom they should visit in the next couple of days and if they were going to the New Years eve party at The Cattleman's Club. Nick, Heath and Carl were having a spirited debate over the merits of their line of Herefords versus the new Black Angus Carl was getting into. Victoria watched them from her end of the table and gave a pleased smile. Carl fit in so well. He was not only friends with her sons, he was a fellow rancher and a good one, thus earning their respect. She turned her attention to her daughter, Audra had joined in the debate, as the sister of ranchers she was well able to contribute her thoughts on the subject. Jarrod was attempting to mediate and Victoria smiled to herself, her son was always able to see both sides of an issue.


Lunch finally ended and while Victoria and Jarrod stayed behind to enjoy their coffee, Audra walked Carl to the door. He had a sick horse he had left in the care of his foreman and wanted to get back and see how it was doing.


"I'll see you when I get back Audra," he leaned close to give her a quick kiss.


Nick and Heath came from the back hall and stood behind them nudging each other as Audra blushed and stammered, "yes, I'll...I'll see you when you get back."


The two tried to stifle their laughter as she shot them an exasperated glare, gave Carl a quick hug and fled up the stairs.


"We'll go out with ya Carl, we gotta check on our feed supplies before we place our next order." They grabbed their hats and coats off the hall rack and made their way out the door.


They stood chatting for a few minutes outside the barn before Carl mounted his horse and with a final good bye galloped out the gate and headed for home. They looked at each other for a moment with narrowed eyes, "let's go, we can still get there before they close."


Victoria and Jarrod had finished their coffee and were on their way to the living room when the front door burst open and Nick and Heath ran across the foyer and raced up the stairs taking the steps two at a time.


Jarrod looked at his Mother with raised eyebrows as a bedroom door slammed shut, "what are those two up to now?"


She raised her hands and gave an 'I don't want to know' shake of the head.


Jarrod’s brows lowered in a frown and he started up the stairs, "well I'm going to find out what's going on.  Those two had better not be planning another one of their little schemes."


Victoria shook her head in resignation and went into the living room to finish a letter she had started.


Jarrod opened Heath's bedroom door and looked in, 'hmmm, empty' he proceeded next door to Nick's where the sound of his brother's voices could be heard through the door. He opened it without knocking and found the two sprawled across Nick's bed, crumpled bills and coins strewn around them.


They looked up as he came to a stop at the side of the bed and waved his hand to indicate the money and the empty sock lying beside them.


"What's all this?"


Nick continued to count as Heath answered, "this is the money we've been savin' up for a rainy day."


"A rainy day?"


"Yep, Carl just told us he was in town yesterday and Wilson's Mercantile has these new fishin' rods me and Nick here been wantin'. They've got a fancy new type of reel on 'em."


Nick looked up from straightening out the bills and Heath took over counting, "we saw 'em when we were in Sacramento last spring and we been savin' up the money we win at cards, playin' pool, doin' odd jobs and things so we could buy 'em when they got 'em here."


He watched Heath finish counting the money and frowned, "we got enough Heath?"


Heath reached across to pick up the money sock and shake some more wadded up bills from the toe, "just a second Nick, there's more in here."


Jarrod placed his fingers in his front pockets as he watched them. They looked like two little boys, lying sideways across the bed, heads bent close together as they counted their money. It made him think of children in a candy store, seeing if they had enough to buy that licorice whip they wanted.


His blue eyes held an amused twinkle as he gave a little shrug, "if you want to buy those fishing rods, why don't you just go get the money out of the bank?"


Two pairs of eyes looked up and stared at him as if he had lobsters crawling out of his ears.


"GO TO THE BANK?" Nick made a disgusted sound, "where's the challenge in that? If ya want somethin' real bad, it makes it all the sweeter if it doesn't come too easy. We been savin' up for month's, puttin' all our extra cash in this here sock."


Jarrod looked at the pile of money skeptically, "there isn't much there."


Nick looked down at their stash, "well...we spent most of it buyin' that fancy saddle for Audra to use when she shows that Appaloosa mare. We're gonna' give it to her for Christmas along with the mare."


"I see."


Heath gave Jarrod a lop-sided grin, "when I was a boy, my mama and me used to have a sock and we'd put the extra money we made doin' odd jobs in it. I delivered firewood after I was done at the livery and Mama washed and scrubbed the floors at Uncle Matt's Hotel every night after the dining room closed."


The expressive eyes sparkled, "boy howdy was it worth it though when we counted out that money at the end of the month and were able to buy a roast of beef. My mouth still waters when I think of Hannah settin' that platter on the table."


He looked down and started counting the money again.


Jarrod met Nick's eyes and they both had the same thought, "we grew up with so much while he suffered. How could Father not have know or even suspected?"


They looked at the bent blond head with pain in their eyes until Nick rolled against his brother's shoulder and bounced a bit sending the money across the bedspread, "WELL, WE GOT ENOUGH YET OR NOT?"


They both laid there propped up on their elbows, arms crossed in front of them as they looked at the money, "we're a dollar short Nick, we'll just have to wait till next week when Denby pays us for deliverin' them wagon wheels out to Henderson's."


They both had such a look of disappointment on their faces. Jarrod knew full well that they both had plenty of money in their pockets. It spoke highly of their integrity that neither was willing to cheat to get what they wanted. The money had to be earned by doing extra work.


He reached into his pocket and drew out a dollar coin which he threw on the bed, "no need to wait boys, I'll give you the dollar."


"Now hold on there Jarrod, you can't just give us money." Nick scowled at him and reached for the coin to giveit back. "We have to earn it."


Heath looked at Nick and nodded, "yeah Jarrod, take it back."


Jarrod held up his hands and shook his head, "no, no, no, that's all right boys. The way I see it, I'm paying you two for a service."


Nick eyed him with suspicion, "ohhhhhhhh...what service?"


Jarrod turned and headed for the door, "I'm paying you two not to pull any pranks on me for one whole month."


He glanced back and smiled as he saw a guilty look pass between them, then went out and made his way downstairs to sit in the matching high backed brocade chair next to his mother's. With a satisfied air he sat back, lit a fragrant cigar and blew out the smoke in contentment.


Victoria put down her tea cup, "well Jarrod, did you find out what they're up to?"


He poured himself a cup of coffee and was about to answer when booted feet came pounding down the stairs and across the foyer. They both jumped as the big front door slammed shut.


Victoria picked up her cup and shook her head, "Heath used to be such a nice quiet young man, I think he's been hanging around Nick too much."


Jarrod reached out to squeeze her hand, "you know you wouldn't want either of them any other way Mother."


She smiled and nodded, "you're right Jarrod, I love them just the way they are."


Later that evening Victoria and Jarrod stopped at the entrance to the living room once again, only this time they both smiled indulgently as they watched the two brothers. They were sprawled on the rug in front of the roaring fire, propped up on their elbows facing each other as they tried out different lures on their new fishing rods and bantered back and forth good naturedly. The handsome faces were animated with humor as each fishing story they told was more outlandish than the last.


Jarrod put his arm around his mother's shoulder as she sighed and whispered, "I wish they could have grown up together, they both missed so much."


"Yes, but they've got each other now and you know what Heath would say about wishes Mother."


She laid her head against his shoulder, "I know Jarrod, 'there's no sense wishing for things that are gone', but I'm a mother, I can't help wishing things had been different."



Chapter twenty


Christmas Eve arrived and the family invited Carl, Billy and Jim and Nancy North to join them for the traditional meal they always had before going to midnight mass. Victoria and Audra had been in the kitchen for the past two days helping Silas prepare the feast.


The dining room sparkled with silver, crystal and fine linens while tall polished candelabras graced each end of the laden table. Platters of roast beef, seafood and pork jockeyed for position on the groaning table alongside tureens filled with creamy white mashed potatoes, steaming hot carrots, green beans, asparagus and corn. Gravy boats filled to the brim sat cheek to jowl with fresh baked bread and newly churned butter.


 The evening was filled with laughter and good conversation, Jim and Nancy had been married just over two years now, but still acted like newlyweds. While the women talked about the latest happenings in town and the things they had seen on their trip to San Francisco, the men as usual got into a spirited conversation on ranching. Billy for the most part was content to just sit and listen wide eyed as the conversation flowed around him. He had never seen anything like this, the food, the decorations and that tree in the living room, why it must have been twelve feet high!


Heath was telling Jim and Carl about how well the Appaloosa mare was turning out when Audra turned to them with sparkling eyes and nodded with excitement.


"You haven't seen her for a few weeks Jim, she's such a beauty. Her coat is a deep cinnamon color now to match the spots on her rump."


She frowned at her brothers sitting across from her, "I hope you don't intend to sell her, I know she's too delicate for you to ride but we could keep her for a broodmare."


Nick shrugged as he bumped his knee against Heath's under the table, "well I don't know little sister, Jack Stewart was here the other day and saw her."


He waved his hand at Heath "he offered us a good price for her, wants her for his daughter." He sliced another piece of beef and was about to put it in his mouth when Audra's gasp stopped him.


"Oh Nick, you can't. You know what Prissy Stewarts like. She's spoiled, how many horses has her father bought for her now?" She shook her blond head as she twisted her napkin in agitation, "you've both seen her riding to town, she runs them into the ground, then has her father buy her another when they go lame."


She looked across the table with pleading blue eyes, "oh Heath, please don't sell her to them."


Heath glanced at Nick and gave a wink, "well, we'll see Audra. You know this IS a working ranch, everything on it is for sale." He gave her a lop-sided grin, "I'll see if I can talk my partner here out of it."


Her face lit up as she smiled across at them, "oh thank you Heath. I still wish we could keep her though."  She turned her gaze on her dark haired brother, "Nick?"


He continued to eat as he gruffed out a reply, "we'll see little sister."


Christmas morning dawned with a distinct nip in the air. Victoria went down the back stairs to the kitchen to make the coffee as Silas had left after supper the night before to go stay with friends in town for a couple of days. After the late night before, the rest of the household didn't start to stir until around seven when Jarrod and Nick made their way downstairs. Audra came along the landing and started down behind them.


"Where's Heath?"


Nick let out a huge yawn, "he must still be sleeping, I'll go rout him out after I have a cup of coffee."


Victoria met them at the entrance and they looked into the room in awe. The sun hadn't come up yet and the room was still bathed in darkness save for the flickering candles on the tree and the fire crackling in the hearth.  The flames sent out a cheery warmth and a merry glow around the room.


Heath got up from where he had been sitting beside the fire, put his fingers in his back pockets and gave a little shrug, "I was up early so..."


Victoria and Audra swept across the room to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and his mother gave him an extra squeeze, "oh Heath, your father used to come down early and do the same thing. This brings back such wonderful memories for me."


She stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear, "thank you Heath, I'm so proud to have such a thoughtful son, Merry Christmas dear, I love you."


He wrapped his arms around her as he bent to answer, "I love you too Mother, Merry Christmas."


Jarrod and Nick slapped him on the back and they all wished each other a Merry Christmas before getting down to the serious business of opening presents.


Wrapping paper, ribbon and boxes were strewn across the floor in every direction by eight o'clock as everyone sat back examining their gifts with happy smiles.


Nick had been sitting on the round marble table when he opened the gift Heath had given him. Heath was sitting on the floor in front of him watching as Nick lifted the lid on the small box and took out a solid gold pocket watch. Heath knew he had been coveting the timepiece ever since he had seen it in a San Francisco jewelry shop and refused to pay the outrageous asking price. Heath wanted him to have it. Everyone admired the beautiful piece as Nick thumbed open the lid and read the inscription engraved inside. He stared at it a moment before swallowing the lump in his throat and looking down to search his brothers face.


Heath reached up to grip the back of his neck and gave it the little shake that had become so familiar. He looked into the hazel eyes and whispered, "it will always be true Nick, don't ever forget that."


Nick closed the lid carefully, "I know Heath...I know."


Audra leaned forward in her chair, "well what does it say Nick?"


Nick straightened up and cleared his throat, "it just says, 'To Nick, Merry Christmas from Heath'."


Audra sat back with a huff and folded her arms, "oh it must say more than that Nick, now tell us what it really says."


Victoria and Jarrod had both seen the emotion in Nick's eyes as he read the inscription and knew the words inside were meant for his eyes only.


"Audra, what are you going to use that fancy saddle for, it's too showy for everyday riding." Victoria threw her eldest son a grateful look as he diverted his sisters attention from her brother.


"Oh, I was thinking of showing Brandy at the spring fairs. I know she's not really show material and we won't win anything, but it'll be fun. Maybe this fancy saddle will make her look better."


Victoria watched as Nick got up and gruffed out, "I'm gonna get fresh coffee." He strode out of the room quickly as Heath followed him with his eyes. He looked back to find his mother and brother watching him and he gave them a smile and winked to let them know there was nothing to worry about. They both nodded and picked up their coffee cups as they listened to Audra's chatter.


Nick returned after about ten minutes and took a seat on the floor next to Heath. If anyone noticed he didn't bring any coffee back with him, they didn't say anything.


Jarrod leaned forward in his chair, placed his palms on his thighs and straightened his arms as he looked around the room. He shook his head in amusement at the chaos surrounding him, "well now, I guess it's time to start cleaning up this mess."


Victoria and Audra sighed in resignation and joined him as he started stacking gifts back under the tree.


They stopped after a few minutes and looked at the two men still sitting on the floor in front of the sofa. Jarrod waved his hand at them, "are you two just going to sit there, or are you going to help?"


"We're not done opening presents yet."


Jarrod looked around perplexed, "what are you talking about, there's nothing else here."


Nick stood up and reached a hand down to pull Heath to his feet. He planted his fists on his hips as he looked at Audra, "little sister here has one more gift to open."


He headed for the coat rack in the hall, "follow us everyone."


She looked at him in confusion, "but Nick, you and Heath already gave me my present."


Heath walked over and put his arm around her shoulders as he guided her to the door. They all donned their coats against the early morning chill and headed towards the barn.


"Why are we going to the barn?"


"Because that's where we hid it."


"Well what is it?"


"You'll see."


When they reached the barn doors, Heath put his hand over her eyes as Nick led her inside and said, "now no peeking, I'm gonna bring the present out and you can open it here in the aisle."


Her voice rose with excitement, "oh, what is it? Is it that new trunk I've been wanting, or could it be that antique mirror I saw in San Francisco?"


Heath rolled his eyes, "why would we keep a mirror in the barn?"


She heard hoofbeats approaching and pulled Heath's hands away from her eyes. There in front of her stood the Appaloosa mare with a big red bow around her neck.


She let out a squeal that had the mare tossing her head and backing up nervously. She flew at her brothers and gave them both a big hug and noisy kiss on the cheek.


Nick looked at Heath, "I guess ya were right brother Heath, she likes her."


"Told ya she would."


Victoria smiled at her sons as they both blushed in embarrassment. Audra was petting and talking a mile a minute to the mare as she reached for a brush. Jarrod looked on in amusement.


 "Audra, if you brush that poor horse anymore than she's obviously all ready been brushed, you'll take her winter coat right off."


Nick took the brush from her hand, "that's right little sister, me and Heath spent two hours last night getting her ready." He led the mare back to her stall and pulled the bow off.


"Your brothers are right Audra, now let's go back inside and have a nice hot breakfast before we finish cleaning up. You can come out for awhile later before we start preparing Christmas dinner." Victoria turned and headed for the warmth of the house.


Audra had invited Carl for Christmas dinner and he arrived looking nervous and uncomfortable in his suit and tie. Everyone adjourned to the library for drinks after the simple but delicious meal and the ladies watched as the men played pool. Nick and Heath played against Jarrod and Carl.


After the fourth game they laid down their cues and Jarrod pulled out his wallet with a grimace, "ok you two, here's the ten dollars I owe you. I'm not letting you beat me out of any more."


Carl laid his ten on the felt top, "me neither."


 He went over and sat down beside Audra on the sofa as Jarrod watched Nick pick up the money and put it in his pocket, "I suppose that will be going in the sock?"


Nick grinned at him, "you betcha' big brother, we gotta start savin' again."


"What are you saving for this time?"


Nick moved to stand beside Heath in front of the fire, "we don't know yet."


Heath handed him the drink he had poured for him and looked at Jarrod, "we'll know when we see it though."


Carl stood up and reached for Audras hand, "I've gotta get goin' now, will you walk with me to the barn while I get my horse?"


Audra rose to her feet, "all right, we can take a look at my new mare while we're there."


Carl nodded to everyone and thanked them for supper as he took Audra's arm and led her out the door.


It was about an hour later that she came back and entered the library with her eyes sparkling and her face flushed with excitement. She ran over to hug her mother, then collapsed against her in tears.


Victoria stroked the blond hair, "Audra what's wrong?"


She sat up and wiped her eyes, "oh Mother, it's Carl, he...he..."


Nick and Heath slammed down their glasses and started for the door, both stopping to grab their gunbelts.


Nick growled out, "if he hurt her in any way..."


Heath finished the thought for him, "he'll wish he had never set foot on this ranch."


Jarrod raised a hand to halt their progress, "now just wait a second you two." He stood in front of his sister and hooked his thumbs in his vest pockets, "Audra, what happened?"


She sat up, sniffed and held her mother's hands, "oh Mother, he asked me to marry him!"


Victoria looked down at their joined hands and smiled, "I see you said yes."


She picked up Audra's hand to display the large diamond nestled on the third finger. Nick and Heath hung their guns back up and came over to look.


Nick stood in front of her and placed his fists firmly on his hips.


"Wants to marry our little sister does he? Why didn't he come talk to us first?" Heath nodded in agreement.


Audra's blue eyes flashed at them, "because he was afraid you would beat him up. You two have run off every other suitor that's come around!"


Nick waved his fist in the air, "that's crazy."


Jarrod raised his eyebrows at them, "you were all ready to track him down and shoot him!"


They both shrugged and Heath mumbled, "that was when we thought..."


Jarrod held up his hand, "never mind, just congratulate your sister, ok? She's marrying a good man."


They all nodded in agreement and mother and daughter started planning for an April wedding.