Danny and Dakota

Chapters 1-11

by Lindabrit





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 1     Mission to Maybury


It had by no means been one of the more severe winters in California's history, but the winter of 1877 to 1878 had certainly been amongst the longest and most miserable that many people could remember.  Cold grey and dreary days, enlivened by torrential rainstorms had turned every track and pasture on the Barkley ranch to mud and made the lives of the men who worked the ranch difficult indeed.  A large and thriving spread, the Barkley ranch, with plenty of work to be done, in Winter as well as in Summer, and though the Barkley hands were amongst the best paid in this Big Valley, each man knew that he was expected to give of his best at all times.


A man will always try his utmost for a boss that he admires and this ranch was run by two brothers, sharing the responsibilities equally between them.  Their hands did admire and look up to both men and as a consequence the Barkley hands were the finest around and did a great job keeping this huge and complex operation running smoothly.  The rancher brothers Nick and Heath Barkley had high standards and their men knew it, they also knew that however hard they might work, one thing was for dead sure, Nick and Heath would work harder still!  Both brothers were highly regarded employers and had the respect of their men.  Both had duly earned that respect, though at different times and in very different ways.


Nick Barkley had spent his whole life on this ranch, working alongside his adored father and more than willing to succeed him in due course.  From an early age he had had no other aspiration than to run the Barkley ranch.  Tom Barkley had fostered his son Nick's ambition, knowing that his eldest son, the clever and intellectual Jarrod had hopes of becoming a lawyer.  Nick had been sent to sea for a period as a boy of fifteen and for a short time his eyes had turned toward this farther horizon but his heart belonged to the Big Valley and once he was home again, thoughts of a career as a sea captain faded from his mind for good.


The murder of Tom Barkley by thugs working for the railroad that threatened the livelihoods of all the Big Valley's farmers and ranchers had shocked and saddened everyone who knew him.  A tall, powerfully built man Tom, with a larger than life personality to match his impressive physique.  He was a natural leader, courageous and assured and in the fight against the railroad's oppression, the people of this Valley had turned to Tom for leadership and, they hoped, for victory in their struggle.  His death had given them that victory, in a sense, because the outrage of his murder had caused the railroad to back off, it would be six years before they tried again to usurp the rights of the people in this Valley.


At the age of only twenty two, young Nick Barkley suddenly found himself having to step into Tom Barkley's place as ranch boss and even with the help and support of his older brother, this was a formidable task.  Jarrod, then twenty six was establishing himself as a very promising young attorney and found it hard to put aside his own aspirations to take up the reins of the burgeoning Barkley empire.  He was a highly principled young man though and he knew where his duty lay and did not shirk it.  Jarrod assumed overall control of the Barkley interests and did his best to meet the other obligations his father's death laid upon him.  These included the need to comfort his grieving mother Victoria and the urgent need to comfort and re-assure Audra and Eugene, aged only thirteen and twelve respectively when their father died.  Nick supported Jarrod ably and with courage, setting aside his own deep grief to comfort his mother and siblings.


There were some among the Barkley hands who sought to take advantage of the inexperience of both Nick and Jarrod Barkley, but these men were in the minority.  Most of their employees rallied around the two young men supporting and assisting them in their efforts.  In any case, those who did try to exploit any weaknesses soon discovered that both the young Barkleys had inherited many of their dead father's qualities and word soon got around that Jarrod and Nick Barkley were likely to prove just as tough and as shrewd as their old man had been!


In the six years following Tom Barkley's death, the two men established themselves as leaders in California's business and ranching communities.  Jarrod had a thriving law practice in both Stockton and San Francisco and Nick ran the ranch with assured skill.  Jarrod Barkley was a contented man, although he worried that Nick found his position running the ranch a mite lonely at times.  Jarrod did what he could to be a companion to his volatile but dearly loved younger brother, in so far as his own busy life permitted.  Nick was equally contented, though he sometimes thought that Jarrod, rushing between San Francisco and Stockton was too busy to relax and he worried that his much loved elder brother might be lonely.


Then two important events took place in the history of the Barkley family, events that were destined to change the family for good.  Jarrod Barkley met the clever and fascinating lady-journalist Sarah Faires, a new and lovely arrival in Stockton.  Their acquaintance did not begin well and theirs was a rocky and troubled courtship.  Nevertheless before very long Jarrod was preparing to marry Sarah and it was at this time, just as Jarrod and Sarah announced their engagement that a fair-haired stranger rode into the Big Valley to claim his inheritance and birthright from the Barkley family.


The arrival at their door of the twenty four year old blond mystery man, who said his name was Heath and who claimed to be an experienced hand, simply looking for work, was greeted by the various members of the Barkley family in different ways.  Nick had encountered the stranger that very morning on his way to meet Jarrod in Stockton.  This encounter had taken place on the rickety wooden bridge that spanned the river at the northern edge of the Barkley spread.  Both men had stubbornly refused to back off the bridge out of the other's way and the rotting bridge had collapsed under the weight, spilling both riders and their mounts into the river below.  There had been no harm done and the two men had swum their horses to opposite banks sitting for a moment, streaming with water whilst they looked back at each other.  Then the faces of both men had split into friendly grins and they had gone their separate ways.


Jarrod too had seen the stranger earlier in the day, having watched the fair-haired young cowboy race his swift black Modoc pony against the train bringing Jarrod home from San Francisco.  Jarrod had caught his breath as the intrepid rider had diced with death crossing his pony over the track only inches ahead of the train.  The young man had beaten the train though, and in doing so he had won a wager for Jarrod against Crown, one of the railroad men.


It was Jarrod, Crown's money snug in his pocket, who had induced Nick to hire the blond cowboy.  Nick did so but with little enthusiasm, the Barkleys were locked in combat with the railroad and Nick was disinclined to trust strangers.  Later that night, the inevitable had happened and the two men had fought with brutal violence in the barn, this fight culminating in Heath's stunning announcement that he was Tom Barkley's bastard son, and as such, entitled to a share of the ranch and the rest of the Barkley empire.


Throughout Heath's poverty-stricken boyhood in and around the mining camps, his mother Leah had kept from him the name of his absent father.  His had been a wild trouble-prone youth, only the force of Leah's strong personality and the backing of her two best friends, strange old Hannah and dear Rachael kept him from kicking over the traces too much.  As it was he grew into a strong, quiet and kind young man, although he had a deeply restless streak too.  Part of this was not knowing his heritage and Leah knew that one day, she must tell him the truth about himself.  Only in extremis on her death-bed did she at last reveal to the twenty three year old, that he was the son of one of California's most prosperous and powerful men.


The revelation about his father had a stunning effect on young Heath, initially at least, he was shocked and silent, but this first reaction was soon over-whelmed by a wave of anger and resentment against the dead Tom Barkley, so strong that it all but choked him.  For a long time he raged uselessly at the dead man, for deserting Leah in her hour of need, for neglecting the son he had never seen, for...everything, for the whole horrible mess!  After he had buried Leah and given just about every cent he possessed to Rachael and Hannah he roved aimlessly around California, from ranch job to ranch job, he was confused and lost and still deeply angry.


He wasn't sure how the idea had come to him, to confront the Barkley clan in their mansion, to demand his just rights but he was a determined young man and he did it!  He had thought he knew what the Barkley Family's reaction would be too, that they would try to buy him off, send him packing, and at first he seemed to be right.  Nick the wrathful rancher and Jarrod the silky voiced lawyer had done just that.  But his new half-sister Audra Barkley drew him into an encounter which laid before the young stranger the coming battle with the railroad.  There had also been an encounter with Victoria Barkley of all people, his father's lawful wife, who had been the first to tell the hurt and angry young man to be proud of his Barkley blood.


He had fought shoulder to shoulder with his new brothers in the gunfight at Sample's Farm and incredibly it had proved to be the start of a whole new life, for to Heath's amazement the Barkleys accepted him into their home and into their lives.  He was given his rightful status as Tom Barkley's son and no-one could have behaved more nobly or with more generosity to him than Victoria Barkley, herself. 


It had not of course been as simple as that!  It could not be so, Heath had to overcome the prejudices and animosities of many in his struggle to be accepted in this place.  Not least, the Barkley hands, all fiercely loyal to Nick.  Circumstances had made it possible for Heath to win the respect of these men, for only two weeks after his arrival, Heath had accompanied Nick and the hands on an important trail drive.  Important, not only to the Barkleys but other and smaller ranchers also, who had cast in their lot with the Barkleys and contributed their cattle to this drive, taking the huge herd to be sold to the U.  S.  Army.  Nick had invited an old hero of his from his wartime days, General Wallent, to accompany them on the drive.  Unbeknown to Nick however, Wallent had his own aims.  He intended to kill Nick and subborn his men, recruiting them to fight as mercenaries in Mexico.


Fortunately for Nick Barkley, the assassin had bungled his work, Nick suffered a bad leg wound but did not die.  Before being shipped home for treatment, Nick handed the reins of command over to his new brother and Heath was left to complete the difficult drive in sole charge.  He did so, dealing with the deranged General Wallent and winning over the men by the sheer force of his powerful and honest personality.  He delivered the huge herd safely and came home to his still-new family in triumph.  It was a stunning achievement and did much to endear him to his new relations and to settle him into his new life.  Throughout the next two years Heath's relationships with each member of his new family would deepen and grow into iron-strong bonds of love. 


Many people had been astounded by the completeness of Victoria Barkley's acceptance of the new-comer, after all, he was not her own child and it was hard to understand how she could treat him with the same affection she displayed toward the sons and daughter to whom she had given birth.  But from the very first, Victoria made no distinction between Heath and the rest of the family, treating the reserved and shy young man with cheerful affection and very soon winning his trust.  It was not long before she had his affection as well as his trust and in a matter of days after his arrival, he had begun to call her "Mother".  It had slipped out accidentally at first, prior to this occasion she had been "Ma'am" at all times, although she had vigorously protested against it.


The truth was that Victoria reminded Heath a lot of Leah his real mother.  Both were diminutive and graceful women, with a high cheek-boned beauty and both had powerful personalities.  There had been a moment when Victoria had told Heath off about something and he had answered "Yes Mother", almost absently.  With considerable skill, Victoria had swept aside the young man's embarrassment and she had been "Mother" to him ever since.  Indeed, as she remarked to her great friend Minnie Perlman, there were times when she just plain forgot that Heath was not her blood child.  She had also told Minnie that she had known Heath was Tom's son the instant she heard him declare it, he put her so clearly in mind of her dead husband that she could not doubt his heritage.


Perhaps Victoria both would and could have loved Heath for Tom Barkley's sake, despite her husband's betrayal in the far past with Leah Thompson.  But it was evident to all who knew her best that she loved her newest son as much for himself as for his father.  Over the two years he had been here, the bond between mother and son had grown ever-deeper and indeed it was for Victoria's sake that Heath was only now riding along the road that led to the ranch-house, even though it was a good two hours since Nick had called a halt to the grueling work the hands had been engaged on all day.


It was the last day of January 1878 and winter had the Big Valley in it's icy grip.  The handsome fair-haired Heath was a tall and powerfully built young man and a fine horseman, he glanced at the leaden sky as he urged his tired horse Charger forward.  Heath had been helping to mend the many miles of broken fencing, severely damaged by the gales of this cold and miserable January and he was sure tired of getting wet!  He hoped that, with a little luck, horse and rider could both be home and dry before the next thunderstorm vented it's fury on them.  Heath leaned forward and patted the weary horse's neck, pulling gently at one of Charger's ears.  C'mon Boy, let's get on home!"


The great horse quickened his pace at once and Heath smiled into the gathering gloom, it had been a long hard day and he had chosen voluntarily to extend it even further by riding into town for the mail.  It was the family custom to send to town for the mail each morning and today had been no exception.  Heath had noticed how keenly his mother, for such he now fully considered Victoria to be, had scanned the letters and he had seen her sharp disappointment when there was no letter amongst the pile from her only daughter Audra.  For Audra had been permitted to make her first long trip away from home, she was in the charge of Victoria Barkley's dear friend Minnie Perlman and despite knowing that Minnie would take excellent care of her daughter, Victoria could not help but worry a little!


Victoria's sadness had touched Heath's heart that morning and she had remained in his thoughts all day.  He had made up his mind to take the Stockton road when his work was done and he had been rewarded for his efforts!  For reposing in his jacket breast pocket was a thick letter from Audra and Heath could hardly wait to get home to give it to his mother.  He grinned a little smugly, it was surely worth the cold and weary ride to get one across his brothers!  He could almost hear Nick's bull-roar from here!  Teasing Nick, who rarely failed to rise to the bait was one of Heath's many pleasures in his new life


He was lucky, reaching the shelter of the barn just as the first rain drops fell.  He handed the weary Charger over to Ciego, and told the Mexican to tend him carefully.  Fat Ciego turned reproachful brown eyes upon him,


"Of course Senor Heath, I know how hard he works this horse!"


His expression told the blond rancher that Ciego too felt just as overworked and under-valued as Charger!  Heath grinned and slapped the Mexican's portly back, he sprinted from barn to house and shut the big front door behind him, shaking the rain from his hat.  Before Silas could take his wet coat and hat from him, Nick Barkley's stentorian voice boomed across the foyer from the family circle, all gathered by the living room fireplace, enjoying a pre-dinner drink.


"Where the devil have you been until now?"


Nick Barkley's wrathful voice greeted his younger brother.  Nick turned to Jarrod and his wife Sarah, seated on the settee.  "I give him a simple job to do this afternoon and he takes twice as long as he should!"


Actually, he had given Heath a difficult task that would have stretched any two of the ranch hands, Heath was a prodigious worker, a fact Nick was well aware of.  Jarrod and Sarah exchanged smiles, this sort of banter between the two cowboys was a commonplace.


"I went to town for the mail," Heath replied peaceably, handing the letters to his mother with a smile.  "There's a letter for you from Audra Mother."


"How thoughtful of you Heath," said Victoria warmly, "You really are so sweet to me!"


She eagerly tore open Audra's letter and read it avidly.


"So?" Nick confronted Heath, arms crossed over his leather vest, "what kept you?"


Heath winked at Jarrod and Sarah and answered Nick in a mock serious voice, "well I don't know how it is Nick, but I just can't keep up with you, I try, but I just can't make it." He shook his head in mock disgust at his own shortcomings.


"Oh yeah sure!" Nick crossed to the drinks tray and brought Heath a drink.  "Here!  You look frozen stiff."


People who didn't know the Barkley brothers well, hearing Nick's rough way in speaking to Heath and the orders he frequently barked at him, sometimes made the mistake of thinking that he bullied this new younger brother of his.  The truth was very different.  Family life, as it was enjoyed by the Barkleys, was something Heath had never before experienced.  He relished the family interaction, the banter with his siblings and he loved Nick's rather proprietorial attitude toward him.  Nick might rap out instructions, demand Heath's participation in whatever crazy enterprise he was engaged in, or criticise his work, but there was never any disguising the affection in his voice.  Heath loved having older brothers, noisy overbearing Nick and also kindly, paternal Jarrod, to whom Heath often turned for advice or help.


Sarah smiled at her mother in law, "is Audra having fun in Denver?"


Victoria laughed and quoted from the letter, "the shops here are so wonderful, much nicer than Stockton, I really don't think I have enough money with me to do justice to them."


"Lord save us, that girl will bankrupt this ranch one of these days!" Nick's voice was a growl, but he made a mental note to send Audra a little present next day. 


Victoria had fallen silent and Jarrod's perceptive eyes laughingly quizzed her.


"She'll be fine," he said gently.


His mother smiled, "I'm sure you're right, but I must admit I do worry, she is still so young and she can be headstrong."


"Now don't you fret about that!" Nick said firmly, "Minnie Perlman will keep her in check."


"True Dear, Minnie can be trusted to keep a tight rein on Audra, I won't worry any more."


Victoria was looking at her next letter, "oh!  Eugene says he'll be home tomorrow for a couple of weeks."


Jarrod looked up in surprise, "why?"


"He doesn't say, there isn't a college vacation is there Jarrod?"


"No!  There is not." The Lawyer's voice was grim.


"Do you suppose he's in trouble again?" Victoria's voice was anxious.


Jarrod sighed, "probably Mother," he said in a resigned tone.


Victoria handed Jarrod a letter, "this one is for you Dear."


Jarrod opened and read the brief letter and frowned over it in silence.  Sarah touched his arm, "is anything wrong Jarrod?"


"I don't know what to make of it," said her husband handing her the letter. 


Sarah read it through in silence and handed it back to Jarrod without a word, her lovely face had darkened and she looked sombrely at her husband.


Nick was his usual direct self, "well?  Who is it from?"


"From a Doctor Hall, on behalf of old Mrs. Mathews," answered Jarrod quietly.


"What!" bellowed Nick.


Nicholas!  Lower your voice," ordered Victoria.  "Is she the mother of Libby Mathews?"


Jarrod nodded silently, "Libby is dead," his tone was carefully neutral and he was conscious of Sarah's stillness beside him.


"What does she want Jarrod?" Nick was characteristically blunt and Jarrod was aware that everyone was watching him closely.


"She simply asks me to come to Maybury, she says she needs my help."


Heath spoke quietly, "Maybury is a two day ride from here, we can be back in under a week."


Nick's voice was a roar, "oh no you don't!  We have work to do, in case it slipped your mind."


Jarrod smiled at Heath, "thanks Heath, but I know how busy you and Nick are, I'll go alone."


Victoria was looking anxiously at her daughter in law, her shrewd eyes taking in the rigidity of Sarah's body and the stricken expression on her beautiful face.  "Do you need to go in person Jarrod?"


"I feel...obligated to go myself mother."


Sarah sprang up from the settee, "you are under NO obligation to that family!" Her voice throbbing with emotion, she turned and ran through the foyer and up the curving staircase.


Jarrod had stood as she fled, "excuse me please," he said quietly and he followed his wife up the stairs. 


Sarah was standing by the curtain in their bedroom, arms crossed looking stonily out of the window.  This was the bedroom Jarrod had always used since he grew up, it was warm and comfortable, but hardly big enough for both of them.  Victoria had insisted that Sarah have a dressing room as well, to give her a little more space.  Nick had offered to vacate his own more magnificent room for the couple's use but Jarrod and Sarah had agreed that it wasn't necessary. 


Nick's room had been Tom and Victoria's, she had felt unable to use it after Tom's death and had moved to the airy, sunny room she currently occupied.  It was quiet and overlooked her flower garden.  Victoria had naturally offered Tom's room to her eldest son but Jarrod was attached to his own room, his peaceful haven and study and he had told his mother to let Nick have it.  He had genuinely not wanted to move but that was not his only reason for suggesting that Nick succeed to Tom Barkley's room. 


Tom Barkley's death had been a dreadful shock to his family.  It had not seemed possible that so vigorous and vital a man could actually die.  Jarrod had felt an enormous responsibility to take over the reins and lead the family through this difficult period.  He had been worried about that responsibility and knew that, in a different sense it weighed equally heavily on Nick.  All his children held Tom Barkley in the highest possible regard, but Nick's relationship to his father, with whom he had worked side by side, was exceptionally close.


With his father's death, a lot of Nick's madcap youth vanished overnight.  In some ways, this was no bad thing, Nick had had some hair-raising adventures, in the years when he was growing up.  Indeed when he was fifteen, Tom had despatched him to sea with an English captain friend, a tough man who had worked the rebellious boy hard and disciplined him severely.  This trip had been designed to clip Nick's wings, typically however, the boy had returned home in tearing spirits, having loved every perilous minute of his time before the mast.  To this day, he had a model of the Camberwell Beauty, the ship in which he had sailed, in his bedroom, to remind him of that time.  But, although some adult sobering was needed, the death of his adored father seemed at first to have drained away Nick's confidence as well as his high spirits. 


Jarrod, aware of Nick's self doubts and his fervent desire to run the ranch as Tom would have wished, had strained every nerve to help and support his younger sibling, whilst Nick, slowly but surely found his feet.  Giving the youthful Nick the magnificent room had been a small but significant gesture, Nick had been thrilled and it had helped to heal him after his father's death.


Jarrod quietly entered his own bedroom and closed the door behind him.  Sarah turned, her face was stormy and she spoke in a low throbbing voice, "don't talk to me Jarrod, I don't want to hear it!"


"I'm sorry Sarah, please try to understand, I feel I have to go." Jarrod's voice was as calm as Sarah's was angry.


"So you said," she flashed at him, "I find myself wondering why Jarrod!"


Some of Jarrod's composure deserted him, "that is ridiculous, Sarah and you know it!"


"Do I?  This Libby Mathews allows her son to attack you and you could have been killed Jarrod!  Then she deceives you, tries to rob you of your identity, almost lets you shoot your own brothers.  Now her wretched mother sends for you and you feel obligated?" Sarah strode across the room, pacing like a caged animal.


Jarrod had calmed down again and he spoke gently to his wife.  "I do understand how you feel Darling, believe me I do, but I don't see things quite as you do you know."


"Obviously not!"


Jarrod tried again, "the boy never intended to do more than frighten me off, it was an accident that I was hurt." Sarah had turned to Jarrod but didn't come near him.  She was still angry but was at least listening to him.  He went on, "as for Libby, I've told you all there is to know about her, she was a sad and desperate woman and what she did to me was both out of character and against her conscience." Sarah flashed an angry and suspicious look at her husband, he noted that look and said quietly, "nothing happened between Libby Mathews and me Sarah, I swear it."


"I never asked you that!" Sarah was defensive but her eyes betrayed the fact that Jarrod's assurance was welcome to her.


Sarah's eyes were bright with unshed tears and she fought for control.  Slowly she came back to her husband and stood in front of him as he went on.


"The old lady went to town looking for Nick and Heath, trying to set matters straight.  I don't know yet how Libby died, but Mrs. Mathews must be in considerable distress.  There's Danny too, I have a fondness for that boy Sarah, I can't, I cannot abandon them."


Tears were rolling down Sarah's lovely face, "do you have any idea how scared I was?  I almost lost you Jarrod," her voice broke and she was in his arms.


"I do know Darling, believe me I was scared too, that period without a past was the worst time of my life, and coming home to you was the best."


Sarah pulled away from him, "alright Jarrod, I accept that you must go but come home soon and come home safely, I need you."


Jarrod pulled her to him again and kissed her till she was dizzy.


Dinner was very quiet, Nick confined his attention to his food and Heath was dog tired and hardly said a word either.  There was no apparent tension between Jarrod and Sarah but she was a little forlorn and Jarrod was covertly watching her, a tiny frown of anxiety between his eyes.  After dinner, Nick sat down to write a letter to his sister, depositing in it a handsome present to assist her with her Denver shopping.  Jarrod was at his desk, writing instructions for his secretary, there were appointments to defer until his return.  Sarah had gone to pack his overnight bag for him, somewhat to Victoria's surprise.  Evidently Jarrod had, to some extent at least, reconciled his wife to his intentions.  Heath had excused himself and gone to bed early, quietly wishing Jarrod a safe journey and success in whatever was in store.


Victoria stood at the French windows looking out at the stormy night, she was not a weak woman and it was not her way to let her troubles oppress her.  Tom Barkley had taught her many years ago to confront her difficulties and use her brain to find solutions to her problems.  But in this instance there was very little tangible enough to be grappled with.  Rather, she had a number of vague concerns too indistinct to be capable of positive action.


It had been an eventful eighteen months for her family, Victoria reflected, hard to believe how much had happened, some things, like the arrival of Heath and Jarrod's marriage to Sarah had changed the family forever.  Positive changes in Victoria's view, she had taken the angry and troubled Heath to her heart, he was too much Tom Barkley's son for her to do otherwise.  He had been a bitter and vengeful young man, as witness his fervent desire to kill Matt Bentell when he discovered the identity of the Barkleys logging manager.  But Heath had learned the art of forgiveness and reconciliation from his new family, strange to think that Matt Bentell was now Heath's friend.


In Sarah Faires, Victoria had recognised a kindred spirit, an intelligent, independent woman and, she felt sure, Sarah was the right wife for her brilliant eldest son.  Sadly, tragedy had struck the newly-weds all too soon.  Jarrod and Sarah had gone on an expedition to Islas Del Cielo, Jarrod's favourite spot on the extensive Barkley lands, a beautiful lakeside haunt of his boyhood days.  It was Jarrod's intention, if Sarah liked the place, to build their first home there.  She had liked it, indeed they were sitting together by the lake, planning their future home, when the assassin struck.  Cass Hyatt, a man sentenced to a lengthy jail term as a result of Jarrod's work as a prosecuting attorney had chosen this fateful day to get even.  He had fired a rifle, intending to kill Jarrod but instead he had seriously wounded Sarah, who had almost lost her life as a result.  She had also given premature birth to the child she was carrying, a perfect little girl, who lived for only an hour.


There had been moments when Victoria, who knew her daughter in law for a strong person, had feared that Sarah would lose her reason, Jarrod had certainly lost his for a time.  Going on a quest for vengeance which but for the intervention of his brothers, could have ended in his disgrace, his death, or both.  For two weary months, Sarah had struggled back to health, rarely smiling or able to enjoy any aspect of her life, but Jarrod's love and devotion had won her back to the world at last.  The couple had been trying to conceive another child, so far without success.  The independent Sarah was not a confider, and sometimes Victoria wondered how deeply Sarah longed for a further baby, or how great was her fear that she might never have another child.


Now there was this mission to Maybury, Jarrod was going to the aid of the people who had concealed his identity from him.  What would this new development mean for her family? 


There was Eugene too, he had been kicking over the traces since he went to college, what mischief was he up to now?  Audra too could be a worry, she had let her friend the redoubtable Minnie Perlman take Audra to Denver with her, but Victoria missed her lovely if headstrong daughter.  She wouldn't really know complete peace of mind until Audra was safely home again.


Nick's tall and comforting figure appeared behind Victoria, his hands rested gently on her shoulders, it was how his father had always touched her and just as she had with Tom, Victoria leaned gratefully back against him.  She felt his kiss in her hair and he said quietly, "now, now, no use in worrying is there?  It'll all work out, you'll see." Victoria turned into his arms and rested her head against his chest.  He held her warmly but gently and she marvelled at his ability to sense her mood, another characteristic he had inherited from his father.  Only I know how gentle this middle son of mine can be thought his mother, and not for the first time, she wished he could find a woman with whom he could enjoy the same wedded happiness as Jarrod had found with his Sarah. 


The next morning, Jarrod met Heath and Nick at the breakfast table, he wanted to make an early start and had got up quietly, leaving Sarah to sleep on. 


"I know you have a lot of work on hand but could you spare a man to take this letter to my office?" Jarrod looked an enquiry at his two brothers.


"I'll take it," grunted Nick, "when I take Sassy to town this morning."


"Oh?  Jarrod hoped his tone of voice sounded casual.


"She has an article to discuss with Martin, I don't like her riding when the ground's this treacherous," said Nick briefly.  There was a proprietorial air about his words, which brought a frown to Jarrod's face but he simply thanked Nick and kept his reflections to himself..  The previous evening, the only time Sarah had smiled had been when Nick had shown her his letter to Audra, he had whispered something to her and she had laughed and hit him across the back of the head They shared many such interludes these days and for a reason he couldn't define, Jarrod had felt a little wistful.  Heath took the opportunity of Nick's departure from the table to look searchingly at his eldest brother, "They are very good friends Jarrod, but that's all they are," said Heath quietly.


Two hours later Jarrod had taken his leave of his mother and his wife and was on his road to Maybury, the small town from whence Mrs. Mathews plea for help had come.  Sarah had clung to him at parting, not reproachful but so plainly unhappy that Jarrod had felt oppressed and guilty for the first part of his journey.  However the weather was crisp and clear, a startling contrast to the storms of the day before, it was pleasant to be out of his office and gradually Jarrod felt his spirits rise.  He didn't anticipate any insuperable problems ahead of him, he felt confident of giving the old lady whatever help she needed.  If her need was financial, well he could afford to be generous, he had some affection for Danny, who would be about twelve now, Jarrod looked forward to meeting the boy again.  He would always be grateful to Danny, in that dark time when his name and history were lost to him, the child's cheerful acceptance of his new friend Dakota had meant a lot to Jarrod, he would never forget it.




Chapter 2     Reunion


His journey was uneventful, he spent the night in a shabby hotel in the one horse town between Maybury and Stockton and if the place was down at heel, the dinner was excellent and the bed clean.  The weather remained fair and he rode into Maybury after lunch the next day, making his way to the office of Dr. Hall, the address on the letter from Mrs. Mathews.  Dr. Hall was an elderly, kindly man and he greeted Jarrod warmly, "Glad you came promptly Mr. Barkley, she hasn't long, I'm afraid."


Jarrod was startled, "Mrs. Mathews is dying?"


"Afraid so, the family were in contact with some travelling folk a ways from here and the two women contracted a particularly virulent fever, Libby Mathews didn't last a week.  I thought the old lady might make it, she's a tough one, but she's taken a turn for the worst and I'm afraid I have no hope for her at all now."


"I see, Is the boy alright Doctor?"


"Danny's fine, I have him doing odd jobs and errands for me, keeps him occupied, stops him worrying too."


"They won't have any money I take it?"


" The old lady paid me what she could for taking care of Libby, I've done my best for her too."


Jarrod liked this down to earth but compassionate man, "Please consider me responsible for your fee Doctor, I'd also like to thank you for all you've done."


"Much obliged Mr. Barkley, I'll take you to Mrs. Mathews."


The room was in the Doctor's own house, airy and pleasant, he had indeed done his best for the old woman.  She lay unmoving in the big bed, a pathetic shrunken figure, wasted and worn with the violent illness she had suffered.  Danny sat beside the bed, a silent disconsolate figure, he looked up when the Doctor entered and his eyes widened as he saw Jarrod come in.  With a cry of "Dakota!" he was across the room and in Jarrod's arms clinging to him, sobs of relief convulsing him.  Jarrod hugged the boy warmly, thank God he had come, this child needed him desperately. 


He soothed Danny's distress and held him gently away from him, "we'll talk later Son, I need to speak to Grandma now."


"Come with me Danny, we'll make Mr. Barkley some coffee shall we?" Doctor Hall led the boy away, leaving Jarrod to sit beside the bed.  The fierce old eyes gleamed at him, "knew you'd come," she said with satisfaction.  "I don't have the right to ask...but I need your help."


Jarrod smiled at her, he took her hot, shrunken hand and held it comfortingly.  "I'm here and I want to help you Mrs. Mathews."


"I have no right," she said again, "not after what Libby did, I should have stopped her."


Jarrod's voice was soothing, "as I recall, you did stop her, you went and found my brothers."


She shrugged this away and for a moment her weakness overwhelmed her, she lay panting for breath, barely conscious.  Jarrod looked at her in concern, he squeezed her claw of a hand, "perhaps you should rest, we can talk later?"


The eyes opened, a gleam of grim humour in them, "I may not live that long young man!"


Jarrod smiled slightly, "very well, tell me what you want to say, I promise you I'll help you all I can."


"Obliged to you, I have four things I want," she gasped for air again and Jarrod raised her and held a glass of water to her mouth, she sipped feebly at it and it seemed to ease her a little.


"First is, I want a decent Christian burial and a stone, for Libby and me, I couldn't afford a stone for her, it ain't decent else."


"I'll see to that," said Jarrod, "I'm sorry about Libby and to see you in such a bad way."


"I've had my life, but Libby never had much luck at anything.  I'll rest easier if I know we've been laid to rest decent."


"I promise to take care of it, you said four things?"


"I owe money, ain't never owed anyone in my whole life, there's the Doctor, the rooming house too."


"I'll settle your debts," said Jarrod simply, his voice was deep and re-assuring.


"Thank you Jarrod, the third thing is...can you write off for me...I don't know what it might take...but can you try and find out what happened to Scott?  I know he's dead, more likely than not, but it don't seem right not to find out.  Danny has a right to know what happened to his Pa."


" I can do that for you, leave it to me, I'll make the necessary enquiries."


"Last is...the boy, I sold most everything, he has nothing to come from me and his ma, he ain't had much learning, never did like school much.  I thought you could maybe give him a job, at your ranch?  Teach him a trade maybe?"


Jarrod thought rapidly, Danny was only twelve, time enough to improve his education to give him a chance to make something of himself, but he was a child still and a child needs a home and parents.  He felt a little rush of love for the frightened boy who had called out "Dakota" and clung to him so desperately.  Sarah?  His wife was as clever as she was beautiful, she was also compassionate and kind, Sarah would understand.  His decision made, Jarrod squeezed the old lady's hand, she was watching him anxiously.


" I'll do better than that Mrs. Mathews, I'll take Danny into my home and raise him like my own, educate him to make you proud of him.  I promise you that."


She was astonished, "I never asked that of you, I wouldn't presume."


"I want to do it, I'm sincerely fond of the boy, I promise you he won't leave my care until he is a man and I'll see he's well equipped to make a good life for himself.  I solemnly promise you that."


Tears were running down the old lady's face, "heaven bless you Jarrod Barkley, heaven bless you and yours."


Soon after, Jarrod took his leave of the old lady, she had asked him not to let Danny see her again, she felt that the end was near now.  After a brief low voiced conversation with Dr. Hall, Jarrod took Danny out into the fresh air with him.  They walked slowly over to the rooming house where the family had stayed before Libby's death.  Danny was awkward and shy with Jarrod and didn't seem to know what to call him.




"What is it Son?"


"Do...do you think Grandma's any better?"


Jarrod didn't hesitate, "no Danny, I'm afraid not, this terrible fever has been too much for Grandma, she's dying I'm sorry to say."




"Did you know I was coming Danny?"


"No Sir, Grandma talked about sending for you, but I didn't know she did it.  Grandma can't write you know."


Doctor Hall wrote her letter for her."




They had reached the rooming house now and were initially greeted with some hostility, but Jarrod paid the outstanding bill and the landlady's attitude changed considerably.  She helped Jarrod and Danny pack the boy's few slender belongings and she undertook to dispose of what would no longer be needed..


Jarrod took Danny to the hotel and checked them both into a double room.  Danny barely had any clothes but what he was wearing, clearly, Mrs. Mathews had sold almost all they had to bury Libby decently.  Jarrod took Danny to the general store and bought him new boots and a warm sheepskin lined coat.  Then they had dinner at the hotel together.  The boy was bashful and quiet, once he started to call Jarrod Dakota and stopped, blushing furiously.  Jarrod smiled gently, "if the odd Dakota slips out Danny, don't you worry about it!  After all, it was my name all that time I stayed at your house wasn't it?  I really don't mind, but I would also like you to start using my real name, Jarrod.  You've been calling me Sir all afternoon and I don't think that's what friends call each other is it?"


"No Sir...I mean J..Jarrod."


"You'll get used to it," smiled Jarrod.


After dinner, the boy could barely keep his eyes open and Jarrod tucked him into bed.  Danny was asleep in seconds and Jarrod left him.  He walked over to Doctor Hall's house and the Doctor's housekeeper admitted him.  Doctor Hall was with his patient when Jarrod quietly entered the room.  "She slipped into a coma about an hour ago, won't be long now."


The two men kept vigil together and shortly after midnight, old Mrs. Mathews breathed her last.  They said a brief prayer and Doctor Hall drew the sheet up over the worn old face, now at peace.


Jarrod broke the news to Danny next morning.  The boy took it calmly enough, he didn't cry, just looked so sad that Jarrod's heart went out to him.


"Do you want to see Grandma to say goodbye?"


Danny shook his head at once, "do...do I have to?"


Jarrod's voice was gentle, "no, we'll both say goodbye to her at the funeral this afternoon, alright Danny?"


"Alright J..Jarrod."


At Jarrod's request, Doctor Hall arranged for the funeral to take place immediately after lunch, he also undertook to oversee the ordering and placing of a suitably inscribed stone.  Jarrod kept Danny busy during the morning, he bought him a suit to wear for the funeral and also some more clothes and a horse to ride back to the ranch.  He hadn't yet discussed the future with the boy, time enough for that on the ride home.  Danny seemed to take it for granted that he was to accompany Jarrod.  Jarrod foresaw no difficulties, the warmth of Danny's greeting for "Dakota" had been genuine, the child would be happy enough living at the ranch.  Jarrod was a little uneasy about Sarah's possible reaction but he was sure that her kind compassion would reconcile her to the situation rapidly.  Jarrod thrust his misgivings about his wife to the back of his mind and concentrated on supporting Danny through the coming ordeal.


The funeral was quiet, just Jarrod and Danny, the Doctor and his housekeeper and the lady who ran the rooming house attended.  Danny was composed throughout the funeral, but as the old lady was lowered into the ground, an icy cold hand stole into Jarrod's.  He held it in a warm comforting clasp and as they turned to leave the cemetery, he slipped an arm around the subdued boy's shoulders.  An hour later, having liberally repaid Doctor Hall for his kindness to the Mathews family, Jarrod and Danny rode out of Maybury together.


That night, Jarrod checked himself and Danny into the same hotel he had stayed in on his way to Maybury.  They ate dinner, and then Jarrod sent Danny up to their room to prepare for bed.  He had a solitary brandy at the dinner table then made his way upstairs, it was time to discuss the future with his protégé.


Danny was sitting up in bed, obviously waiting for him, Jarrod sat on the boy's bed, "not sleepy yet?"


Danny shook his head, "No Sir."


"Good, I want to talk to you for a little while.  Danny, did Grandma tell you why she wanted me to come to see her?"


"No sir, but I guess I know, she wanted you to help us."


"Well yes that's right, Grandma wanted me to take care of her affairs for her, that's what lawyers do for their clients you know."


There was a hint of a challenge in the boy's clear blue eyes, "Grandma wasn't your client."


"No," admitted Jarrod, "but she knew I would be willing to help her and you too."


Danny hung his head, "she had no right."


Jarrod laid a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder, "Grandma was in a fix you know, she didn't have anywhere else to turn."


"What...what did she want from you?"


"She wanted me to see to it that she and your mother were decently buried with a headstone and to settle her debts for her." Jarrod hesitated, then decided to be frank with the boy, "she also wanted me to try and find out what became of your father."


The boy looked hard at Jarrod, "do you think my Pa's dead?"


Jarrod nodded, "it seems likely Danny, Grandma thought so, but she asked me to look into it."


"Did...did Grandma ask you to take care of me?"


"Yes, she thought I might give you a job on my ranch, maybe teach you a trade."


"Are...are you gonna do that?"


Jarrod pushed up the boy's chin making him look at him, "I think I can do better than that Son, how would you like to live with me in my house, be brought up as a part of my family, go to school?"


"What!" There was no disguising the consternation in the boy's voice or his appalled expression.


Jarrod was taken aback, he hadn't known exactly what reaction he would get, but he certainly hadn't expected the boy to be horrified at the prospect.  He put a friendly hand on Danny's shoulder but it was violently shaken off.  " Now calm down!" ordered Jarrod, "tell me what is so terrible about coming to live with me?" His tone was friendly but all he got from Danny was a scowl.


Jarrod tried again, "you need a proper home Danny and an education too, if you're going to make something of your life.  I can give you those things.  I made a promise to Grandma that you would stay in my care until you grow up."


"I AM grown up!  I can work for you, you don't have to r...raise me."


Jarrod smiled, "well, I guess you need a little time to get used to the idea," he ruffled Danny's hair, "it won't be so terrible, you'll see."


Tears were rolling down the boy's face, "it ain't right!" His voice was breaking and he turned from Jarrod, burying his face in the pillow quietly sobbing. 


Perplexed and worried, Jarrod stayed sitting on the child's bed, patting his back until the bitter crying subsided at last and the boy fell into an exhausted sleep.  Jarrod went to bed and lay wakeful, trying to understand Danny's distress.  I'm expecting too much of him, he decided at last.  An awful lot has happened to the poor kid, I must be patient, patience and kindness are what he needs.  He'll come around.


The next day, Jarrod decided to let Danny have his sleep out, the boy was clearly exhausted.  Jarrod thought it was reaction to the weeks of anxiety and suffering watching both his mother and grandmother sicken and die.  He spent the morning strolling along the one main street and wakened Danny in time to share an early lunch with him.  The boy was sullen and silent but he ate his food and Jarrod continued to be patient with him.




Chapter 3     The Homecoming


They had a hard time on the road home, there had been more rain and they had to go carefully.  They ate by the side of the track, later in the day and at last came to the ranch, very late in the evening.  By this time Danny was swaying in the saddle and Jarrod had to hold him steady as he shouted for Ciego to come and take their horses.  As Ciego emerged from the barn another rider trotted into view, Heath returning home late.


"Jarrod!  Welcome home."


"Hello Heath, I see you're still doing all the work around here."


Heath dismounted and handed Charger's reins to Ciego, "not really, just keeping out of Nick's way!"


He held out his arms to the weary Danny, "come on Sonny, let's get you out of the saddle, looks like you had a long ride huh?"


Danny literally toppled into Heath's strong arms more asleep than awake.  Jarrod dismounted and Ciego led their tired horses away.


"What have you done to Nick?" Jarrod enquired as they walked slowly over to the house.


"Not me," grinned Heath, "Little Brother!"


"Oh, so Eugene is gracing us with his presence is he?  Well, tell me the worst, what's he been up to?"


Heath smiled, "I won't deprive Nick of the pleasure!"


"You have a point," sighed Jarrod, "he'll tell me anyway, probably at the top of his voice!"


They had reached the house by this time, Heath still carrying the now sleeping Danny and Jarrod opening the big front door and leading the way in.  Victoria and Silas came through from the kitchen together, "Jarrod!  How nice to have you home again." Victoria lowered her voice as she saw the sleeping child in Heath's arms.  Silas betrayed not the smallest surprise at seeing Danny, he simply smiled at Jarrod and said "does he need feeding or bathing before we put him to bed?"


"Neither, just tuck him up, he's pretty well all in."


"Follow me Mr. Heath," said Silas, leading the way up the stairs.


Victoria tucked her hand in Jarrod's arm and they went into the living room together.  Jarrod poured sherry for them both and sat down with a sigh of contentment, "it's good to be home."


Victoria looked searchingly at her eldest son, she had a dozen questions in her mind but decided to bide her time.


"Sarah is working late tonight, Nick has gone to meet her and bring her home, she'll be glad to have you back so soon."


Jarrod's head came up at the mention of Nick meeting Sarah but he didn't comment on the matter.


"I gather Eugene is also home?"


"Victoria laughed, "well in a manner of speaking he is, Nick has despatched him to some far-flung corner of the ranch on a very unpleasant job involving a mud-filled ditch, I haven't seen him for two days, but Heath tells me Nick is working him into the ground."


Victoria was pleased to see that her light hearted conversation had banished the frown from Jarrod's face.


"How much trouble is he in?"


Victoria shook her head, "being a mere female dear, I am unable to enlighten you, Nick told me it was nothing for me to concern myself with."


"Oh!  That kind of trouble," grinned Jarrod.


Heath came back downstairs, "he's sound asleep in the old nursery." He helped himself to a drink and came to stand leaning an arm along the mantelpiece.


"Thanks Heath," Jarrod glanced at the enquiring faces of his mother and brother.  "Well, I might as well get this over with, old Mrs. Mathews died yesterday."


"I'm sorry to hear that Jarrod," said his mother.


"It was a fever, it killed Libby in less than a week, the old lady fought hard but she was too weak to recover I'm afraid."


Heath gestured towards the staircase, "then the boy is an orphan now?"


Jarrod nodded, "he hasn't a soul unless his father can be found and I seriously doubt that Scott Mathews is alive.  However, I promised the old lady I would try to discover what happened to him and I will."


Victoria's shrewd eyes were on Jarrod's face, he was tense and serious and his mother had an inkling she might know why.


"What else did you promise her Jarrod?"


Jarrod's bright blue eyes met her cool hazel ones, he smiled reluctantly.  "I saw to it that she had a decent burial, paid her trifling debts and she asked me to give the boy a job here."


Heath frowned, "A job?  He can't be older than twelve."


"He isn't, he hasn't had much education either, he needs a stable home and a chance to catch up with his schooling."


"I'd say he needs a mother and father," said Victoria quietly.


Jarrod looked gravely at his mother, "I promised Mrs. Mathews that I would raise him as my own," he said flatly.


Heath looked startled but he didn't speak, Victoria raised an eyebrow, "I see." Her tone of voice was neutral and she smiled at Jarrod, "well you and Sarah will no doubt talk it over, together!" She put a small emphasis on the last word and Jarrod reddened slightly.  He stood up, "well if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take a bath before Sarah gets home." He walked away and Heath spoke to his mother.




"Yes dear?"


"Do you think Jarrod should maybe have talked to Sarah before he made that promise?"


Victoria sighed, "it would have been better Heath, it would have been better."


Jarrod took a bath and changed into fresh clothes, he was about to go downstairs again when the front door was flung wide and Nick and Sarah came in, "Jarrod!" roared Nick at once.


"Quiet Nicholas!" hissed his mother, there's a child asleep upstairs."


Jarrod groaned inwardly, it would not have been his preferred method of breaking the news of Danny's presence to his wife.


Victoria came across the foyer and Sarah caught her hands eagerly, "Jarrod is home isn't he?  That was Jingo I saw in the barn just now?"


"Yes dear, he's here and young Danny Mathews is here too."


Jarrod started down the stairs and catching sight of him Nick hurried into speech, "Jarrod I have Eugene up to his ears in mud but if you take my advice you'll flay him alive!"


Sarah turned to Nick and put both her small hands on his chest.  "Nick!  You promised me not to start in on Jarrod the moment he got home, Eugene's escapades can wait."


Nick covered one of her hands with his own and smiled down into her eyes, "alright, alright, you win." His voice had a teasing but affectionate note.  It was a curiously intimate little exchange and it stabbed Jarrod to the heart.  Then he told himself fiercely that he was a fool.  He reached the bottom of the stairs and at once his lovely wife was in his arms.  "I'm so glad you're home," she smiled at him. 


Jarrod felt another quiver of misgiving, what was Sarah going to say about the inclusion of a twelve year old boy in their household?  Well, he thought ruefully, I guess there is only one way to find out.  Sarah was holding his hand and walking with him to the library.  Nick started to follow them but his mother grabbed his arm and led him firmly towards the living room.


"I think we should give Sarah and Jarrod a little privacy Nick, he has something to tell her."


Briefly, Victoria acquainted Nick with Jarrod's intentions regarding Danny, she paused, waiting for Nick's reaction.  He thought for a while before he spoke, "is he out of his mind?  Sassy lost her BABY last year, how does he think she's gonna feel about him adopting a ready made son?"


Victoria sighed, "you know your brother Nick, he's confronted with an old woman in distress and an orphaned child that desperately needs his protection, I don't suppose he thought about anything except offering those people the help they needed."


"Nick thought of the many lame ducks Jarrod had aided over the years, "I guess you're right Mother, but I wouldn't blame Sassy if she slaughtered him!"


In the library, husband and wife sat together on the settee.  Jarrod told Sarah of Mrs. Mathews death and of his promise to investigate the disappearance of Scott Mathews.  He also confirmed that he had indeed brought the orphaned Danny back with him.


"Oh poor little boy!" Sarah was full of sympathy and eager to help too.  "What do you plan to do Jarrod?"


He didn't flinch or try to deflect her query, "I gave the old lady my word that I would raise Danny myself."


Sarah neither moved nor spoke, she sat utterly rigid, as if she were a beautiful marble carving, every vestige of colour drained from her lovely face and in her smoky blue eyes there was a deeply hurt expression.  Jarrod was anxiously watching her and her stricken silence moved him more than any outburst of rage could possibly have done.  He took his wife's unresisting hand, "try to understand Darling, I beg of you!  I felt I had no choice, Danny has suffered so much this last year, he needs a real home, stability...Sarah please, don't look at me like that."


A shuddering sigh escaped Sarah and with it the rigidity left her body.  She seemed to shrink away from her husband, gently withdrawing her hand from his fervent clasp, she rose and with all the dignity she could muster she addressed Jarrod in an icy low voiced tone.  "Look at you like what Jarrod?  Like a stranger?  Well I must be a stranger mustn't I?  Certainly not your wife!  Since you made this decision without feeling ANY need to consult me about it!" She caught her breath on an angry sob and dashed a shaking hand across her face wiping away the tears that sprang to her eyes.


Jarrod was on his feet now, he put his hands on her shoulders, "Sarah, please!  Give me a chance to explain," he said.


She shook him off, "explain?  Why should you explain?  You are Jarrod Barkley!" He thought his name had never sounded so bitter on her tongue.


"Sarah," he moved toward her but she backed away, trembling with rage and distress.


"You've made your decision Jarrod!  God grant us both the strength to live with it!" She turned and swept out of the library, making her way to the staircase and going swiftly upstairs.  In the corridor outside their bedroom, she halted, looking rather blindly around, she desperately needed solitude, away from any interruption.  Seemingly from nowhere Silas appeared at her side and gently took her elbow, without a word he ushered her into Audra's room and shut the door quietly behind her.  Sarah could feel the strength draining from her body, she almost lurched to Audra's bed and cast herself down on it, fighting the wave of nausea that shook her.


In a paroxysm of grief and misery, composed of many elements, including Jarrod's betrayal and the loss of her baby, Sarah wept as though her heart would break.


Jarrod emerged from the library, he was pale and drawn, he came to his mother and brother in the living room and spoke quietly to Victoria, "Mother, please will you go to Sarah?"


Nick was on his feet facing Jarrod and Victoria glanced from one of her sons to the other, both faces wore an uncompromising expression and their mother was reluctant to leave them confronting each other so challengingly.  Nick's hot blue-grey eyes glared into Jarrod's deeper blue eyes and all at once Nick perceived both the lurking pain in Jarrod's expression and his obvious tiredness.  His fists unclenched and his body relaxed.  He spoke to his mother, "you go on, it's alright."


Victoria knew that this particular crisis had passed and she nodded, "alright Nick," she went slowly toward the stairs, halting for a moment to confer in a whisper with Silas, then she went quietly upstairs.  Nick spoke roughly to his older brother, "I suggest you sit down before you fall down!"


Jarrod nodded wearily and sat down in the nearest chair, Nick poured each of them a generous measure of whisky and handed Jarrod a glass.  He sat down on the table facing Jarrod and drank some of his drink.  Jarrod sat unmoving, "drink!" Nick ordered.  Jarrod obediently sipped some of his whisky and a tinge of colour returned to his face.


"What have I done Nick?" Jarrod's voice shook with emotion and he leaned back in his chair fighting the exhaustion that threatened to engulf him.


"Now, take it easy," Nick's voice was gentle, "I admit I felt like belting you and when she gets over the shock you just gave her Sassy will probably murder you herself!"


Jarrod smiled faintly, "I should never have made that promise without talking to Sarah first."


"No!  You shouldn't, but what's done is done, give Sass a little time and then ask her forgiveness, there's nothing else you can do."


Jarrod thought for a while and sipped the rest of his whisky, "I don't know Nick, I hadn't realised how much my adopting Danny would hurt Sarah, am I asking the impossible of her?"


"Now listen to me Jarrod, Sarah is a remarkable woman, the kind of woman any man would count himself fortunate to marry, don't under-estimate her.  Give this whole situation a little time huh?"


"You think the world of her don't you Nick?"


"Yes," answered Nick sincerely, "Sarah has a good heart and if she can support you in this I know she will." He thought for a moment, "anyway, there's no reason why the kid couldn't stay here with Mother and me is there?"


Jarrod's eyes turned stubborn again, "I made a promise Nick," he said flatly.


Nick's eyes snapped fire, "you made a promise to Sassy too," he rapped, " or doesn't that matter?"


Jarrod was hurt, "it matters Nick, but I have no choice, I have to raise Danny myself."


Nick looked into Jarrod's determined face, just like Father , he thought, and they say I'M stubborn!


Jarrod changed the subject, "tell me about Eugene Nick."


Nick grinned wickedly, "well it's not too serious really, not that I let HIM think so!  I threatened him with a horse whipping, after that he thought ditch digging wasn't so bad."


Despite his distress following the scene with Sarah, Jarrod laughed.  "Honestly Nick, you're awfully tough on that boy sometimes!  I don't know why he thinks the world of you, but he does."


"Not this week he doesn't!" Nick retorted, relieved to see Jarrod relax a little.


"So?  Tell me the worst Nick."


"Now don't worry about it, just more of the same really, getting out of line instead of studying.  I gave him a lecture that would have been worthy of you!"


"The roof didn't fall on you or anything?" Jarrod's tone was dry.


Nick was indignant, "I may have only done a one year course at college, but I worked when I was there!"


"You did when Father concentrated your mind by threatening you with another year!"


Nick laughed, "Gene has learned his lesson this time, I'm working the pants off him to drive the point home, so don't you worry Big Brother."


Jarrod smiled affectionately at Nick, "thanks Nick, how about another drink?"


Victoria listened outside Audra's bedroom door and could clearly hear Sarah's heart rending sobs.  She hesitated, wondering what to do.  If it had been Audra in such distress, she wouldn't have wasted a moment, but gone in and gathered her daughter into her arms, petting and soothing until the tears and grief were eased.  But Sarah was not Audra, better perhaps to let the girl have her cry in private.  Victoria went down the back stairs to the kitchen, Silas raised an enquiring eyebrow.  "She's crying, I'll let her get it out of her system, then take her some tea."


"Alright," agreed Silas, but I'm carrying the tea tray!"


"Very well," agreed Victoria equably.  A little later, mistress and servant went up the back stairs together, Silas carrying the tray of tea.  Victoria knocked on Audra's door and went in, her lovely daughter in law was blowing her nose and had clearly indulged in a hearty burst of tears.  Victoria smiled at her, "we thought you might need some tea".


Silas put down the tray, smiled briefly at Sarah and made himself scarce.  Victoria studied Sarah's stormy countenance, grief had given way to the beginnings of anger now.  "How could he Victoria, how could he, after the baby?  Didn't he know how I would feel, didn't he think of me at all?"


"In all honesty Sarah, I don't think he thought of anything except that pathetic old woman and that orphaned child.  Jarrod has always acted on a compassionate impulse and then worried about the consequences later, that's Jarrod!" Victoria smoothed Sarah's tumbled red-gold hair and looked earnestly at her forlorn but angry daughter in law.  "I know that doesn't make it any easier, but I honestly don't believe that Jarrod meant to hurt you, or realised how much you would be hurt".  Sarah's eyes flashed, "he has though, he has hurt me!"


Victoria nodded, "I know Darling, and you have every right to feel as you do."


Sarah changed the subject, "It was Silas who led me in here," she smiled, "he really is the kindest of men!"


"One day I'll tell you how Silas came here, " said Victoria, "no-one will ever know how good a friend that man has been to me." The two women drank their tea and with the renewed strength that the refreshment gave her, Sarah felt her temper rising.  She began to pace the room, feeling her anger at her husband's high-handedness build inside her.  A high spirited woman herself, Victoria could recognise the storm signals.  She indicated the row of glass ornaments on the mantelshelf above the fire-place.


"Audra is very attached to the one on the end", she remarked, "but feel free to smash the rest!"


Sarah stopped her angry pacing and laughed reluctantly, "it's all right, if I break anything it won't be trinkets!  I need to sleep on all this, but tomorrow Mr. Jarrod Barkley and I need to have a serious conversation!"




Chapter 4     Reconciliation


Nick and Heath had arranged to make an exceptionally early start next day, they had a lot of work to finish.  A little past dawn Silas placed a gargantuan breakfast before them to which both brothers did justice.  To their surprise Victoria joined them at the table, "good morning boys."


"What in the world are you doing up this early?" demanded Nick frowning at his mother.


Victoria sighed, "I couldn't sleep."


"Now Mother, I forbid you to worry!  It's early days yet, Danny will settle down, you see if he doesn't."


"I hope you're right Nick," Victoria said a little wearily.


Heath's slow smile dawned, "after all I settled down eventually didn't I?"


Nick regarded him with a baleful eye, "you did?  I hadn't noticed, you still manage to get in trouble every time I let you out of my sight!"


The two men continued their banter until they were satisfied that they had cheered their mother up as much as they could.


"Tell you what mother, I'll bring that brat Eugene home tonight, how will that be?"


His mother laughed," I wish you would Nick, he must have just about frozen to death out there last night."


When they had gone off to their work, Victoria told Silas that she was going to drive into Stockton to buy Danny some clothes and that he should let the boy sleep late.  She wondered if Jarrod and Sarah would be able to settle their differences today.  Poor Sarah had been dreadfully hurt by Jarrod's action in adopting Danny and in justice to her daughter in law Victoria acknowledged to herself that if her Tom had ever behaved in such a high handed fashion, she would have been just as hurt and just as deeply angry as Sarah undoubtedly was.  Victoria left the house early, better to let Jarrod and Sarah have it out in peace, she would take a soothing ride through the meadow before doing her shopping.


Jarrod had spent the night lying wakeful in his lonely bed, Sarah had not as yet left Audra's room and Jarrod was too ashamed of the injury he knew he had done her to disturb her.  Ask her forgiveness Nick had said, but it wasn't as simple as that.  He had irrevocably decided to adopt Danny, Sarah knew that, so it was a fait accompli he had presented her with.  All very well to say sorry, but how was she to forgive him when there could be no compromise?  With a heavy sigh, Jarrod got up and prepared to face the new day.


Sarah had not slept well either, Audra's room was cosy enough but she had missed the comforting warmth of Jarrod's body in bed beside her and she rose early, washing and dressing quickly, anxious to face her troubles and determined to say her piece to her husband.  They literally came face to face at their respective bedroom doors.


"Good morning," said Jarrod quietly.


"Good morning Jarrod," Sarah looked very levelly at her husband, "we need to talk."


"I know, Come in here."


Sarah followed him into their bedroom and husband and wife seated themselves at the table facing each other.


Neither seemed to know where to begin and for a long moment there was silence, then Jarrod said "I want to tell you Sarah, how deeply sorry I am but after what I've done to you, sorry doesn't seem adequate somehow."


Sarah's face was bleak, "it isn't adequate," she said flatly.  "How could you Jarrod?  How could you take a huge decision like adopting a child without even consulting me?  Am I your wife or your possession?"


He flushed and couldn't meet her questioning eyes for a moment.  When he answered her his voice was very low, "You're absolutely right of course, it was an unforgiveable thing to do, my only excuse is that I acted on the spur of the moment, it seemed the right thing to do and I made," he hesitated, "I made a snap decision I suppose."


"One that will affect us for the foreseeable future!" Sarah couldn't keep the bitterness out of her voice.  Jarrod nodded gravely, "yes, I'm afraid it will.  I don't know what to say, except that I will do everything in my power to make amends to you Darling."


Sarah stood and deliberately walked away from Jarrod, she stood near the window looking out for a moment before turning to face her husband again.  When she spoke her voice was soft, even gentle, though her words stung him like a lash, "it isn't possible for you to make amends though is it Jarrod?  You have made your decision, given a promise to a dying old lady.  It isn't in you to break that promise, you and I both know that."


She paused and Jarrod gave a reluctant nod, he had known her cool and analytical mind would reason this way, she was too intelligent not to see this situation for what it was.  Sarah spoke again, "so what you have presented me with is a fait accompli, isn't it Jarrod?"


His answer was no more than a whisper, "yes."


Sarah hardened her tone of voice, "so the choice, if choice you can call it, now rests with me it seems.  Either I accept this situation as it is, go along with your decision and include Danny in our household," she paused and then concluded softly, "or our marriage is over."


Her blue eyes, anger sparkling in their smoky depth, looked into her husband's agonised face.  Jarrod felt as though he were on the brink of an abyss, his future happiness was hanging by a thread and it seemed as if a knife was slowly being twisted in his guts.  There was a heart stopping pause and then Sarah said, "I accept your decision Jarrod." He sprang up then and would have taken her in his arms but she stopped him with an upraised hand and he stood still and tense before her.


Sarah looked into his extraordinary eyes, she could see the lurking pain in their blue depths, not a doubt but that Jarrod regretted his actions but she couldn't let it rest just yet.  She owed it to her own self respect to make her point crystal clear.


"Listen Jarrod, what's done is done, you've hurt me and we both have to live with that, but I have to say this.  This had better be the first and last time you ever ride roughshod over me and over my feelings.  If you were ever to treat me this way again, I would leave you, please believe that Jarrod, because I mean it."


Jarrod let out a slow breath and nodded, "I understand Sarah and believe me I will never give you cause to leave me, I promise you".


She smiled mistily, "I have a promise to give you too, I promise to do my best to be a mother to poor little Danny, I'll try to help him settle down and be happy here."


"Bless you for that Sarah, It's more than I deserve," answered her husband in a low voice.  He reached for her again and this time she allowed him to embrace her.  Jarrod could feel the tension in her, he was not yet forgiven, he knew that, but she had accepted the situation and he felt a thrill of hope that all would in time be well. 




Chapter 5     A Bad Beginning


Later that morning, Danny awoke and sat up in the most comfortable bed he had ever slept in, rubbing his eyes.  Slowly and with eyes round with wonder, he looked around the room.  It was the most beautiful room he had ever been in, there was a carpet on the floor and fancy curtains at the windows.  There was paper, pretty patterned paper on the walls too.  He thought wistfully of Mama and Grandma, they sure would have loved sleeping in a room so fine.  He jumped as the door opened and the elderly black man came in.  Danny vaguely remembered him from the night before, but with a slight sense of panic, couldn't remember his name.


"Morning Danny, my name is Silas and you and I are going to be friends!" The old man handed Danny a steaming mug and the boy sniffed it cautiously.


"Thank you Silas," he answered shyly, looking dubiously at the contents of the mug.


"Drink it!" Smiled Silas, "you'll like it, it's hot chocolate."


"I never had that before," Danny was doubtful.


"Try it, Sonny, you'll love it."


Danny sipped and smiled dazzlingly at Silas, "it sure is good!"


"Miss Sarah thought you'd like it."


"Who is Miss Sarah?"


"She's Mr. Jarrod's wife."


Danny was so surprised he nearly spilled his drink, "J..Jarrod has a WIFE?"


"He sure does, a very beautiful wife, they just got married last year."


A cloud had descended on the boy's good-natured face and he just answered "oh!" In a subdued tone of voice.


Silas smiled at him, "you drink that up now, Danny and don't you forget, we're friends you and me, anything you want to know about this place, you can ask me, alright."


Danny's sunny smile dawned again, "alright, thank you Silas." He paused, glancing round again.






"Are...are all the bedrooms in this house as big as this?"


"This is the smallest one," answered Silas gently.  He went out and shut the door behind him, shaking his head regretfully as he heard the sound of muffled crying from the other side of the door.


A while later, Silas rejoined the forlorn and tear-stained Danny, "time for your bath," he smiled.


Danny was indignant, "but I don't NEED a bath!"


His protests were to no avail, Silas had been bathing reluctant Barkley children for thirty years and after a far more thorough scrubbing than Danny considered at all necessary Silas indicated the fresh clothes he had laid out on Danny's bed and told him to get dressed.


"Those aren't my clothes."


"No, they used to belong to Mr. Eugene, but they should fit you fine for now."


"Who is Mr. Eugene?"


"Eugene is Jarrod's youngest brother."


"Jarrod has another brother?  That makes three!"


"That's right, he has a sister too, her name is Audra, but right now she's away on a visit to Denver."


Danny wrinkled his brow, trying to sort out the members of the Barkley clan in his mind.  "Is Heath the fair haired one, the one who carried me to the house last night?"


"That's right."


"The dark haired one is Nick, the one with the loud voice?"


"That's him!"


Danny nodded his head, he had a vague memory of the day Jarrod had ridden away with his two brothers, the day his friend Dakota had left him.


"You told me before that Jarrod has a wife named...Sarah?"




"Is that everybody now?"


"All excepting Mrs. Barkley, Jarrod's Mama."


Danny was amazed, "Jarrod still has a Mama?  Golly, she must be really, really old!"


Silas laughed, "she's younger than me!"


When Danny finished dressing, Silas took him down the back stairs to the kitchen.  "Tomorrow you'll be having your breakfast in the dining room with the family, but everyone is out and about at their work now, so today you can have breakfast right here with me." He began to fry ham and scramble eggs.  Danny looked around the kitchen, he liked it and didn't find it as grand as the upstairs of this big house.  "Couldn't I have all my meals here with you Silas?"


Silas slipped a friendly arm around the boy, "don't you worry, everything is going to be just fine. 


When you've had your breakfast I'm going to show you around the house, once you know where everything is, it won't seem so scary."


Danny ate heartily and then Silas did conduct him on a tour of the house, the magnificence of which intimidated the boy, who grew more silent and more withdrawn as they walked from room to room.  By the time Victoria arrived home from her shopping trip to Stockton, Danny was dumb with misery and homesickness.  Victoria introduced herself and gave Danny a warm kiss.  With considerable skill she managed to put the boy at his ease and by the end of the morning she had persuaded him to call her "Aunt Victoria" and he had tried on all the clothes and boots she had bought for him in Stockton.  He helped her put the clothes away in his closet and drawers, inwardly reflecting that he had never in his life owned so many things.


They were coming downstairs together when the front door burst open and Nick came striding in yelling "Mother!"


"Yes Dear?" She answered calmly reaching the bottom of the stairs.


"Mother, I'm starving!" Nick caught Victoria in an embrace and grinned down at her.  She smiled and patted his lean cheek, "how you can be hungry after eating enough breakfast for two people I don't know!"


"Simple!  I do the work of two men!"


His mother laughed and headed for the kitchen.  "You may join Danny and I for lunch, I won't be long."


Nick ruffled Danny's hair in friendly fashion, "hello Danny, remember me?"


"Yes Sir," came the shy response.


"You don't have to call me Sir, my name is Nick." Nick put an arm around Danny and led him to the dining room They sat together at the big table and soon Victoria and Silas appeared with food.  Danny ate his lunch and Nick, who had a way with children coaxed him out of his shyness and talked to him about the ranch and horses.


"Are you a good rider Danny?"


"I think so sir...I mean Nick."


"Well, Heath brought home some nice stock from a sale last week, how about we go out after lunch and choose a horse for you to have for your very own, would you like that?"


The boy's face lit up with joy, but almost at once he sobered again and answered in a subdued voice, "I don't need my own horse."


"Sure you do!  Nick's voice was hearty, "Jarrod will want you to have a good horse of your own."


"No Sir!"


Nick threw his mother a puzzled glance, she gave a tiny shake of her head. 


"Well, you come out with me and take a look at the horses huh?" Nick smiled at the boy.


Danny shook his head, his voice was almost panic stricken, "No...I don't need my own horse, I don't deserve a horse...or ...or ANYTHING!" He ran from the table and headed up to his room as fast as his legs would take him.


Nick shrugged, "sorry Mother, I thought the horse was a good idea!"


Victoria sighed, "it was a good idea Nick, but this isn't going to be easy I'm afraid.  Jarrod will have to talk to Danny and try to get out of him whatever it is that's eating him alive.  Otherwise I don't know how he's ever going to settle down here."


Nick headed out to the range again and Victoria left Danny in his room, Jarrod should be the one to decide what happened next.  In the event, he and Sarah arrived home together in the middle of the afternoon, much earlier than Victoria had expected them.  She told Jarrod what had happened and he went straight upstairs to see his protégé.


Danny was sitting in the window seat hugging his knees when Jarrod entered the room.  He looked fleetingly at his mentor and then stared at the carpet, his face closed and stony.


Jarrod spoke cheerfully, "well this isn't the place I'd choose to spend such a nice afternoon, especially if there was a horse on offer to me"


Danny shot him an angry look before the sulky expression settled on his face again and he stayed silent.  Jarrod came and sat beside the boy, taking that stubborn young chin in his hand, "now suppose you tell me what all this is about hmm?  You don't deserve a horse Or anything, I believe that's what you said?  Tell me why you think that Danny."


There was no reply. 


" If you won't talk to me son, how am I supposed to help you?"


"I...I only need to WORK here, you don't have to r...raise me, it ain't right."


Jarrod sighed and turned the boy to face him, hands on Danny's shoulders, "we've had this conversation more than once Danny, I told you, I made a promise to your Grandma and I am a man who keeps his word.  You may as well make up your mind to it, this is now your home and you are staying here with me.  In time you will be going to school and you won't be leaving here until your are a full grown man, and not even then unless you want to.  Now, that's not so dreadful a prospect is it?"


Jarrod ruffled Danny's mop of light brown hair as he spoke but the boy pulled sharply away from him and wriggled to the edge of the seat away from Jarrod.  His voice was no more than a halting whisper, "I...w..won't!"


Jarrod's voice grew stern, "I BEG your pardon?"


Danny glared at him, "I won't stay with you, I won't!"


"Now that is quite enough young man, there is no point in you working yourself up into a state, I want you to come downstairs with me now and meet my wife Sarah."


Danny was gripping his underlip between his teeth, determined not to cry, he shook his head.


"Danny, you are coming downstairs," Jarrod paused, "one way or another!  I suggest you don't make it necessary for me to TAKE you downstairs."


Danny looked at his mentor, Jarrod's face was perfectly good-humored but Danny didn't doubt that he would be taken downstairs if he didn't go willingly, so he sniffed, gulped and stood up reluctantly.  Jarrod held out his hand, standing up himself.  Hesitantly, Danny put his hand in Jarrod's and together they went downstairs.


Five minutes later, Jarrod was watching Sarah making friends with his protégé and trying not to feel aggrieved.  Danny talked to her, smiled at her and readily agreed to call her Sarah.  He even agreed to go riding with her, after she explained that she was still a little nervous on horseback and really missed having her nephew living locally as he used to ride with her.  Drawing himself up to his full height, young Mr. Mathews gave Sarah to understand that it would be his pleasure to ride with her, though not, he scowled upon his OWN horse!  Well no, agreed Sarah with her most dazzling smile, it would be a Barkley ranch horse, that was quite understood.  Only the ones Nick and Heath had recently bought were VERY nice, and if he was going to ride at all, even on a ranch horse, he may as well choose WHICH one hmm?


Moments later they were gone, Sarah giving the slightly stunned Jarrod a saucy look on the way out.  Victoria was shaking with silent laughter and peeped mischievously at her speechless eldest son.  He spread his hands wide slapping them down on his knees, "well," he said at last, "that's all there is to it."


Victoria laughed, "don't try to understand it Dear, it's called feminine guile and it is way out of your league."


"I'm afraid you're right Mother," agreed the still baffled Jarrod.


The truth was that Danny thought Sarah was the most beautiful creature he had EVER seen!  He had thought Aunt Victoria lovely, so delicately made, but Sarah!  She was as pretty as an angel from heaven and he would do anything for her.  With some assistance from an indulgent Nick Barkley, he chose a spurting pure bred fast chestnut horse and he and Sarah rode out together for a short time.  Nick came indoors laughing, "Sassy's charmed the pants off that brat!"


Victoria frowned at Nick, "Nicholas?"


"Yes Ma'am?"


"Where is my youngest son?  You promised me his company at dinner."


"Oh yeah, I forgot, you know he could stay out again tonight, it's not so cold!"


"Nick!  Don't you dare!"


He grinned at her, winked at Jarrod and set out as noisily as only he could to extract Eugene from his ditch-digging duties.




Chapter 6     Friends and Brothers, Jarrod and Eugene


Jarrod was helping himself to a whisky when the front door opened a little later to reveal an exhausted, frozen and quite incredibly dirty Eugene.  He surveyed his erring young brother with a raised eyebrow and a somewhat sardonic expression.  Gene was not thrilled to see his eldest brother, "hello Jarrod," he ventured rather sheepishly.


Well!  there seems to be more mud on you than in the ditch."


Gene grinned, "I have truly suffered, you don't need to make me sorry I promise."


"Fortunately for you I haven't the energy to get on your tail." He poured his younger brother a drink smiling, "I suggest you drink that standing up unless you want to incur Mother's displeasure by laying mud on the furniture."


Eugene stood beside Jarrod, "actually Jarrod, I wanted to say I'm sorry, I know it's high time


I settled down to work...the thing is..."


Jarrod gave his shoulder a friendly slap, "I know what the thing is."


"You do?"


"Uh huh, you got so sick of the Dean and all my old professors telling you what a model student I was and how much you have to live up to, am I right?"


Gene nodded, "something like that, yeah."


Jarrod laid a hand on his brother's shoulder, "listen Gene, you have absolutely nothing to prove to anyone here at home, so do me a favour please?  Relax, enjoy college and be yourself."


Eugene smiled at Jarrod affectionately, "I will, and no more trouble, I swear it!"


Jarrod grinned at him, "don't make promises you might have trouble keeping!"


"Eugene dear!" Victoria came and kissed the cleanest part of her youngest son that she could see.  "What on earth?" She lifted his right hand and examined the palm, it was calloused to blood raw blisters and his other hand was worse.  "When I get hold of Nick!" Victoria coaxed Gene up the stairs with promises of a hot bath and bandages.  Jarrod watched them go, smiling, his little brother would be alright, nothing to worry over, if only Danny presented that small a problem!


When they had a quiet moment alone, Jarrod thanked Sarah for her skillful bestowing of the horse on Danny.  Sarah smiled naughtily at her husband, "dazzled him didn't I?"


Jarrod gallantly kissed her hand, "you have that effect on a lot of men my dear!"


Sarah grinned, "I can't take all the credit, Nick and I sort of plotted it together."


Jarrod felt a serpent of jealousy twist in his guts and was instantly ashamed of it, "I didn't know you and Nick had spoken about it," his voice was light and casual.


"Just when we arrived home, he mentioned it in the barn, he thought maybe I could entice Danny out to at least see the horses."


Jarrod smiled, "well good for Nick and you, it's a start at least."


"Actually Jarrod, I was waiting to talk to you privately, to tell you that I've done something rather more useful in connection with Danny today."


"Oh yes?"


"Yes, I know that you've sent some wires to San Francisco, to start investigating the disappearance of Scott Mathews and it occurred to me that I could probably help.  After all if he has been killed or something else sensational has happened to him, my journalist friends should be able to dig out the details.  So I've sent a few wires myself." Her eyes searched her husband's face, seeking his approval for her actions.


Jarrod was touched by her thoughtfulness and her concern, he kissed her warmly, "thank you Darling, that was well done of you." It was indeed well done, he reflected inwardly, and more than he deserved after his cavalier treatment of her.  Not for the first time, Jarrod Barkley silently thanked God for bringing Sarah Faires into his life.


It was the custom in the Barkley family to share problems and troubles and if necessary to face them as a united group of people.  So it was natural that late that evening, with Danny safely tucked up in bed, the family were gathered together in the library, enjoying their last coffee of the day and discussing Danny's situation.  Jarrod had told them that he had made it plain to the boy that he was here to stay and that no further argument would be brooked.


"It's a puzzle Jarrod," sighed Victoria, "didn't you tell me that you and the boy got on fine when you lived with them?"


"Yes, that's why I felt I could adopt him, I was even arrogant enough to imagine that he would be pleased about it."


Victoria smiled at Jarrod, "we'll all help you as much as we can Dear, you know that."


"I do know," Jarrod looked at them all, "I want all of you to know that I appreciate your support, I hope you'll all continue to be patient with the boy."


Heath took advantage of a lull in the general conversation to take Jarrod to one side, "you know Jarrod I've been thinking, if I were Danny, after the talk you two had this afternoon, I know what I'd be planning on doing tonight."


"What might that be Heath?"


"I'd be planning on running away," said Heath bluntly.


Jarrod was thoughtful for a moment then he smiled ruefully at his younger brother, "much obliged Heath, I hadn't given it any thought, but you may well be right."


"Want any help keeping an eye on him tonight?"


Jarrod sighed, "no thanks Heath, I have work to do anyway, I'll take care of it, but thanks for the advance warning!"


"My pleasure," said Heath quietly, "God knows you've done enough for me since the day I came here."


Jarrod was rather touched and laid an affectionate hand on the blond young man's shoulder, "the day you came here was a good day for this family Little Brother."




Chapter 7     Flight


Jarrod's trip to Maybury had interrupted his preparatory work on his latest case.  The matter was one dear to his heart as he was defending the rights of some of the poorest farmers in the Valley and though it was not a case from which he expected to make any money, there was an important principle at stake.  He relished the forthcoming courtroom battle in which he would be fighting for some decent and deserving people against the might of the State Government.  Staying up late to deter any break for freedom by his protégé would give him an opportunity to catch up with his preparation on the case.


After everyone else had gone to bed, Jarrod settled himself in his favourite arm chair, it had been his father's favourite also, he spread his papers on the low table in front of him and set to work.  He had considered whether Danny would choose to exit by the front or back door and had reasoned that the boy would choose the front door.  Silas had comfortable quarters behind the kitchen and Jarrod felt that Danny would not want to get his new friend involved in his escape attempt by going out the back way.


He worked steadily for a time, pausing only to help himself to an occasional brandy and was beginning to think that he and Heath had perhaps been wrong, when he distinctly heard the sound of stealthy footsteps on the stairs.  Jarrod glanced at the clock, it was almost midnight.  A moment later Danny's tiptoeing figure came into view, headed straight for the front door.  He didn't glance Jarrod's way and Jarrod stood up silently and moved to the centre of the foyer.  Danny was reaching for the door handle when Jarrod's voice froze him in his tracks, "going somewhere Danny?"


The boy turned around and glared resentfully at Jarrod, he didn't answer the question.  Suddenly he made a grab for the door and Jarrod spoke more sharply, "don't make me come and fetch you boy!"


Danny stood irresolute and Jarrod softened his voice a little, "close the door and come and sit down Son."


Reluctantly, Danny came and sat in the chair next to Jarrod's, he stared at the floor, his face a sullen mask.  Jarrod began to sort and tidy the papers in front of him, "where were you going to go?"


"Don't know, just away I guess."


"That doesn't sound like much of a scheme, how did you plan on taking care of yourself, making your living?"


There was only a shrug in reply to this.


Jarrod went on, "well it doesn't much matter Danny, I won't permit you to run away anyway." His voice was pleasant but Danny didn't doubt that he meant what he said.  He looked at the papers on the table, "I thought everyone would be asleep," his voice was sad and weary, Jarrod felt sorry for him.  "I have a case coming into court soon, I have a lot of preparation to do for it."


Danny grimaced, "it sure looks hard!"


"Not for me, I love my work." Some words of Sarah's from earlier in the day came back to Jarrod, she had suggested that Danny needed to get to know Jarrod the man, as the man he knew was Dakota.


"Tell you what, why don't you come to court with Sarah next week and see what a lawyer does, would you like that?"


Danny was about to nod eagerly, bethought him of his policy of non co-operation and shrugged indifferently instead.  Jarrod was not deceived, "I'll arrange it," he said cheerfully.  Danny shot him an angry look and scowled sulkily, resuming his study of the floor.


Jarrod had finished tidying his work and put the documents into his leather case, he smiled at the glowering boy, "back to sleep for you young man, go and get undressed and into bed, I'll be there in a minute."


Danny went slowly back to his room and was sitting up in bed when Jarrod came in and sat on the chair beside the bed.  The boy looked forlorn and miserable and Jarrod patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, "Danny I know you feel sad and lonely and that this ranch seems very strange and scary to you.  It's only natural that you should feel that way, you've been through a great deal, more than any boy should have to face.  I want you to try not to worry too much, everything will settle down and in time you'll start to feel at home." he pushed up Danny's chin and smiled, "who knows you might even like it here."


The boy pulled away, "I...won't!"


Jarrod hid his irritation, "I hope you will, but whether you do or not, you ARE staying here Danny.  I don't intend to stand guard every night to prevent you running off but if you do, I'll have all forty men on this ranch looking for you and they will find you, I can promise you that" He considered the boy for a moment, "I'd like you to promise me that you won't run away again."


Danny scowled and shook his head.  Jarrod spoke more sternly, "there are locks on your bedroom door and the windows Danny, I hope you don't force me to use them."


Danny thought this over for a moment then whispered reluctantly, "I promise I won't run off."


Jarrod ruffled his mop of light brown hair, "glad to hear it, get some rest now."


He turned and had reached the door when the boy spoke again, "but I won't stay with you, I'll...I'll MAKE you send me away!" He cast himself face down in his bed and pulled the bedclothes over his head.  Jarrod didn't respond just went quietly away.




Chapter 8     A campaign begins


It had sounded like an empty threat, just childish petulance, certainly that is what Jarrod took it for but the very next morning provided him with a demonstration of Danny's new strategy.  Jarrod had left his leather attaché case, containing his opening speech to the jury, on the living room table, where he had been working the previous night.  About to leave for Stockton, he was checking his case ensuring all was in order, to his surprise, the papers were not in the case.  Jarrod thought for a moment, running over the previous evening, no, he was certain the speech was in the case.  He checked with Silas that he hadn't cleared any paperwork away, knowing quite well that he wouldn't have done so.  It was Silas who drew his attention to the little pile of untidy ashes spilled on the hearth.


A cold fury gripped Jarrod for a moment, so his ward had decided on a new course of action had he?  He crossed to the stairs and shouted "Daniel!  Come down here immediately!"


Danny came, pale and grim, well aware of what had provoked Jarrod's wrath.


Jarrod indicated the ashes, "Did you burn my papers?"


The boy looked at his guardian with defiant eyes, "yes Sir."


Jarrod was sorely tempted to wallop him, but a different lesson might be more effective, "very well, you've just condemned yourself to a very boring morning, wait for me in the library!"


Heath and Nick had ridden out before it was light to set the men working on some much needed fence repair work.  They returned mid morning and were dismounting outside the barn when a high pitched animal squeal startled them.  Heath looked at Nick, "that sounds like Wiley's old mule Jenny!"


The brothers made their way to the grassy pasture behind the barn, where it was their practice to keep those of their horses now too old to work.  Animals past working age were not disposed of on the Barkley ranch, rather they were treated to a comfortable retirement.  Horses were Nick Barkley's passion, a passion Heath shared.  It was one of the many things they had found in common since Heath's arrival the year before.  Horses had been one of the things that had helped to forge the strong bond between the two brothers.


As the pasture came in sight, Nick and Heath could see Eugene rubbing the old mule's nose, and tickling her ears, an activity she enjoyed enough to squeal with delight.  Gene turned to his brothers, "where did this old gal come from?"


Nick grunted and indicated Heath, "Heath and Jarrod seem to think I'm runnin' a rest home for every stray animal in Stockton!" He turned and strode away to the barn.


Heath grinned at Eugene, "ignore him, he sneaks out here every day feeding old Jenny sugar!"


Gene laughed, "I believe it!"




Chapter 9     Friends and Brothers, Heath and Eugene


Heath looked appraisingly at his younger brother, "missed you on the fence mending crew this morning."


Gene triumphantly brandished his bandaged hands, "Mother says I can't," his voice was too smug for Heath's liking and he looked austerely at Eugene, "in that case shouldn't you be catching up on your neglected study?"


Gene's usually amiable face wore a frown, "I don't think that's any of your business Heath," his body had stiffened and he faced Heath challengingly.  Both pairs of pale blue eyes locked in a glare.  Their very similar eyes clearly marked these two as brothers, as did the challenge in both men's expressions.


Gene spoke fiercely, "I've had all the lecturing I'm gonna take from Nick and Jarrod, I'm not taking it from you!"


Heath held the younger man's gaze an instant longer, "you know you're right, it isn't my concern," he said quietly and walked away. 


Eugene headed toward the barn, still seething and met Nick there, "what's eating you?" demanded Nick looking keenly at his youngest brother.


"Nothin!" Eugene was glaring indignantly at Heath's retreating figure.


"Don't give me that nothin' hogwash, out with it!"


"Oh, it doesn't matter I guess, but I already have you and Jarrod at me about college and I sure as hell don't need it from him as well!  I mean, why is he so worked up about it anyway?"


Nick looked sternly at his youngest brother, "well now, for a college boy you're not awfully smart are you?"


"What does THAT mean?"


Nick jabbed Eugene's shoulder with a hard hand, "ask yourself Baby Brother, if you had a dirt poor start in life like Heath's and little or no educational opportunities since then, how would you feel about a spoiled little rich kid who wasted his?"


Eugene digested this blighting remark for a minute, then he nodded sheepishly, "so I guess an apology wouldn't come amiss huh?"


Nick nodded curtly, "he's in his room, working on the accounts," he turned away from Gene and gathered up Coco's reins.


Eugene went indoors and up to Heath's room where he found his brother wrestling with the stock accounts.


"I can come back if you're busy," Gene said hastily.


Heath slow smile dawned, "please, any break from this torture is welcome!"


"Well, I just wanted to apologise for biting your head off, sorry Big Brother."


Heath shook his head, "forget it."


Gene indicated the welter of paper in front of Heath on his desk, "what is all that?"


Heath sighed, "stock accounts, Nick makes me do em and I'm no damn good at it!"


Eugene frowned, "then why does Nick make you do them?"


Heath shrugged, "well I'm not gonna get any better at it if I don't try."


Gene flushed slightly, "you know Heath, sometimes you make me feel ashamed," he said quietly.


"ME?" Heath was astonished.


"Move over," smiled Eugene pulling up a chair, "you look like you could use a hand"


"Little Brother, I can use all the help I can get!"


The two young men sat companionably together and commenced their attack on the outstanding paperwork.




Chapter 10     Defiance


In the library, Jarrod had been reworking his speech for well over an hour, fortunately for him he possessed an excellent memory and it wasn't a difficult task.  He had ordered Danny to stand beside the big desk and to stay still.  The child was heartily bored, as the Lawyer had intended he should be, but he thought it might be a good idea to let the boy see the amount of work it took to prepare a case for court.  At length, he sat back satisfied that he had captured the essence of his previous night's work.  "How does this sound to you Daniel?" Jarrod read his speech aloud, he had a compelling voice when he wanted to and his impassioned plea on behalf of the valley's small farmers was stirring stuff.  He could sense that Danny was listening intently.  He came to the end and smiled at the boy, "well?"


Danny hid his admiration behind a sulky shrug.  Jarrod laughed at him, "I hope the judge is more impressed tomorrow young man." He glanced at his watch, "I think you've served your punishment now, why don't you get some fresh air."


At lunchtime, Victoria's kitchen was invaded by the perpetually ravenous Nick and he proceeded to get in her way as she prepared lunch, stealing food and chatting to her as she worked.  She had seen the small confrontation between Heath and Gene and quietly asked Nick what is was about.  He told her and her brow cleared.  "Oh I see!  That explains why Gene has been in Heath's room with him all the morning, he must be helping him." She kissed Nick's cheek.


"What did I do?" Nick asked, filching another cake from under his mother's nose.


"More than you know Nick, as usual," answered his mother cryptically.


She looked at her tall handsome son, in so many ways, the image of his father re-born, how anyone could ever think Nick insensitive or boorish, she couldn't think.  Indeed, the very thought of trying to run the ranch or cope with the escapades of Audra and Eugene without Nick's strong dependable presence made her feel almost afraid.  She comforted herself, one good thing about Nick was that he never strayed far from his beloved ranch!


(Author's note, my next long story Migration From Mexico will show that Victoria is wrong about Nick!)


There was a sudden commotion from outside, Silas could be heard shouting and there was a general bustle of activity.


"What the devil is going on?" Nick headed for the back door, closely followed by Victoria.  The reason for all the noise was soon made clear.  Danny Mathews had celebrated the end of his incarceration in the study with Jarrod by releasing all the chickens from the hen run, Silas was distractedly trying to re-capture them whilst Ciego got in his way trying to assist him.  The culprit was standing helpless with laughter at the devastation he had wrought and didn't spot Nemesis until Nick Barkley seized him by the collar and hauled him off to Jarrod again. 


Jarrod sighed as Nick marched the recalcitrant boy up to the desk, "trouble?"


Nick looked sternly at Danny, "are you going to tell him or am I?"


The boy glared resentfully at both Barkley men before resuming his study of the floor.


Jarrod's voice was as cold as ice, "well someone had better tell me and fast!"


Nick told him what had occurred and the harasses guardian looked at his ward in exasperation.  "Can't you stay out of trouble for five minutes together?"


Danny had his stone face on and Jarrod gave it up.  "Very well, if you can't behave out of doors or in, you can spend the afternoon in here in disgrace.  I can see I need to keep both my eyes on you!  Now get washed up for lunch before I decide not to feed you!"


Danny went slowly out and Jarrod leaned back in his chair, "you know Nick, I have a feeling this isn't going to be easy!"


Nick nodded, "I wouldn't have said Danny was the kind of kid to do something like this."


"I don't think he is, I think this is a scheme he has in train to convince me that he's a bad child, so I'll send him away."


Nick grinned, "someone should tell him he's under-estimating you."


Jarrod smiled ruefully, "I wonder what his next trick will be!"


During the afternoon, Sarah arrived home and learned from her mother in law of Danny's misdemeanours.  She brought the coffee tray into the library and she and Jarrod sat together on the settee.  Danny was standing in the corner by the desk, face to the wall, a dejected figure.  On entering Sarah had asked her husband if he wanted his coffee in the library or the living room.  Jarrod had raised his voice so Danny could hear the reply, "I'm afraid it needs to be here Sarah, this young man can't be trusted without constant supervision."


They drank their coffee and then Sarah noticed that Danny was surreptitiously wiping away a few tears.  "Jarrod, he's had enough," she told her husband quietly.


"Daniel, come here," ordered Jarrod.


The boy came and stood shamefaced before them.


"Danny?" Sarah's voice was soft and gentle.


"Yes ma'am?"


"Who is ma'am?"


"Yes S...Sarah?"


"Would you please saddle our horses and take me riding?"


Danny looked at Jarrod who nodded.


"I'll just be a minute ," the boy smiled at Sarah.  He went to the door and looked back, "J..Jarrod?"




"It was a very good speech" He turned and left, leaving Jarrod looking thoughtfully after him.




Chapter 11     The Jailbird


It was a few days before Danny's next transgression, not that the intervening period was easy.  Danny was sullen, silent and difficult.  He was polite and obedient with both Victoria and Sarah but the boy never uttered a spontaneous remark and answered only in monosyllables when he was addressed.  He kept his promise though and made no attempt to run off again.  With Jarrod himself he was reticent and seemed almost nervous, invariably stammering over his name, calling his mentor J..Jarrod.  The Lawyer was becoming increasingly concerned that he was not going to be able to achieve any kind of workable relationship with his difficult charge.


A few days after the burning of Jarrod's speech and the release of the chickens, Jarrod took Danny into town with him, leaving him at the home of an old friend of his mother's, Miss Prentiss, a retired teacher.  She had agreed to spend an afternoon with Danny, discovering the precise stage his education had reached, she would then advise The Barkleys about how to tackle the problem of Danny's future schooling.  His guardian had warned Danny to behave with Miss Prentiss and the boy had been docile enough when Jarrod left them.  He went to his office and busied himself in his work until his office door opened suddenly in the middle of the afternoon to reveal Sheriff Fred Madden.


Jarrod was surprised, "afternoon Fred, what can I do for you?"


The Sheriff scratched his head, "well I don't quite know how to tell you this Jarrod, but I have the Mathews boy over in the jail."




"It seems he got upset at the Prentiss house and ran off, Miss Prentiss was coming to tell you when I met her in the street, she asked me to keep an eye out for the boy and right that minute we saw him.  He was running along the street smashing windows with a stick as he went."




"I grabbed him and he bit me!" The Sheriff displayed a mauled hand and Jarrod frowned with annoyance. 


"He was fighting mad so I thought my best course was to lock him up to cool off while I came to see you."


Jarrod stood up, "thank you Fred, I appreciate it.  Naturally I'll pay for any damage he's done and I'd be grateful if you'll help me to teach him a lesson."


"Anything I can do Jarrod, you know that."


The culprit was sitting forlornly in a cell and he looked only briefly into Jarrod's stern face when he and the Sheriff came through from the office.


"Well?  What have you got to say for yourself young man?"


Danny cast a swift resentful look at Jarrod but didn't answer.


"I believe you owe Sheriff Madden an apology."


Danny shyly told the Sheriff he was sorry.


Jarrod turned to the law man, "Fred, what is the penalty for smashing windows in the town?"


"I believe it's a night in jail Jarrod."


Danny's eyes were wide with shock, he looked a startled query at Jarrod but his guardian's blue eyes were cold and stern.


"In that case I'll see you in the morning Daniel!"


"J...Jarrod?" it was a sad whisper.




"I...I'm sorry, please don't leave me here."


The Lawyer walked up to the bars of the cell and pushed Danny's chin up, forcing the boy to meet his eyes, "you have a lesson to learn Boy, actions have consequences, if you continue to behave as you have today, you may wind up spending a lot of time in places like this."


Danny was trembling and trying manfully to hold back tears.  Jarrod turned to the sheriff, "keep him locked up this afternoon Fred and IF he behaves himself I may...just may come get him this evening." So saying Jarrod walked from the room, leaving his ward to reflect on his conduct.


A conversation with Miss Prentiss revealed that Danny had become agitated with her gentle questioning and had rushed from her house in a fury.  Miss Prentiss told Jarrod that as far as she could tell Danny was an intelligent but largely uneducated child, she felt careful tuition would be needed before he could be expected to cope in a classroom amongst other children.  Jarrod had thanked her for her efforts and extended his apologies for Danny's behaviour.


As dusk fell, Jarrod returned to the Sheriff's office and collected his charge.  The boy was subdued and silent all the way home and as soon as they arrived, Jarrod dismissed him to his room in disgrace.  His reaction to his brief imprisonment encouraged Jarrod to hope that the campaign of bad behaviour might now be at an end.  However, the very next day dashed any such hope.


Jarrod had told his wife and mother how neglected Danny's education had been and it had been agreed between the three of them that Victoria would talk to the boy and tactfully suggest some lessons at home with her.  Jarrod had already tentatively tried some gentle lessons with Danny himself, but had shrewdly guessed that he was the very last person before whom Danny wished to display his ignorance, so he had abandoned the project.  Victoria had broached the matter as kindly as she possibly could but immediately Danny had flown off the handle bouncing up out of his chair, shouting at her that he wouldn't learn, couldn't learn!  Then he had seized her beloved music box, a rare seventeenth century piece bestowed on her by the whole family last Christmas, and had hurled it at the marble fireplace.  It had hit the fireplace then crashed to the floor, surviving in one piece but dented and with the mechanism broken, it was whole but spoiled.  Victoria had been visibly upset and Silas, who had picked up the damaged music box, cast a look of burning reproach at Danny as he carried the box away to his own quarters with him.



