Danny and Dakota

Chapters 23-34

by Lindabrit





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 23     Revelation


Sarah started by going back in time, “Danny, do you remember when Jarrod first came to your ranch?”


The boy cast a fleeting look at her, nodded and hung his head again.


“You didn’t know who he was or what he might have done in the past but you and your family took him in and were good to him, weren’t you?”


Another silent nod was her only answer and the boy squirmed uncomfortably in his seat.


“I don’t know whether he has ever discussed that time with you, but I think you should know that Jarrod is truly grateful for the kindness all of you showed him then.”


The boy made a hasty movement and shot a surprisingly angry look at her, for a moment she thought he was going to speak but he subsided again and remained silent.


Sarah paused, surveying the boy, she was proceeding instinctively, knowing where she hoped this talk would lead but unsure exactly how she was going to get there.  “You see Danny,” she went on, “I think that you feel very guilty about the fact that you shot at Jarrod and hurt him.”


The boy flushed scarlet and his lip trembled but still he didn’t respond.    


“What I would like to tell you is that Jarrod doesn’t blame you for what happened, he knows you were only trying to frighten him off and that you never meant to hurt him.  He understands that you were only doing what you did to protect and help your mother and your grandmother.  He’s too grateful for the friendship you showed him then to hold what you did against you, do you understand me Danny?”


The boy was trembling with emotion and fighting back tears, but still only nodded, Nick exhaled impatiently, what the devil did they have to do to get a response from him!


Sarah soldiered on, “I said you showed Jarrod friendship Danny and it was friendship wasn’t it?”


The boy nodded, tears rolling down his face and he spoke for the first time, “yes...Dakota was my friend.” His voice was no more than a whisper.


Sarah and Nick exchanged glances, a response at last, Sarah thought she saw a way forward and she said, “you see Danny, you may not realise how unhappy your attitude since you came here has made Jarrod.  He thinks you hate him and also that you are actually frightened of him”


The boy’s tear-stained face was raised to hers, he looked incredulous and shook his head disbelievingly, “no...he couldn’t think that!”


“He does Danny, why wouldn’t he?  You don’t talk to him or even look at him if you can help it.  If you so much as say his name you stammer over it, it always comes out J..Jarrod.”


The boy looked pleadingly at Nick willing him to refute Sarah’s words, but Nick nodded and said quietly, “that’s true Danny, believe Sarah, she’s telling you the truth Son.”


The boy shook his head and wiped away the tears trickling down his face, “I...don’t hate him,” he said sadly.


Sarah’s voice was encouraging, “I believe you sweetie, I don’t think you do hate Jarrod,” she paused, was this the moment to play her ace?  She decided it was and spoke softly, “I mean, why would you hate Jarrod if you liked Dakota?  After all, he’s the same person isn’t he?”


That did it!  Danny sprang up from his seat, fists clenched, standing over her, tense and angry and from the boy who had been monosyllabic for weeks there erupted a positive torrent of words.


“He’s NOT...he’s not the same man!  He’s CLEVER!  He’s a LAWYER!  He’s rich and...and...important!  “Why the...the DEVIL would he want anything to do with a STUPID, dirt-poor kid like m..m..me!” He broke off convulsed by sobs and in a flash Nick was up and standing over him, Danny buried his face in Nick’s shirt front and sobbed bitterly.  Nick held the child close, comforting and soothing him until at last he was calm again.


Over Danny’s head, Nick’s eyes met Sarah’s, he nodded in acknowledgement, her theory had been right.  She had reasoned that to Danny there was a world of difference between the nameless and homeless man he had befriended and the influential, powerful being he knew Jarrod Barkley to be.  Sarah’s conclusion was that Danny didn’t think himself worthy of Jarrod’s interest and she was right, but she had also told Nick she thought the boy harboured some dark secret from that time and Nick was sure now that it was so.  He had experienced a flash of insight whilst Sarah was talking to Danny, there was something in the boy’s defensive posture and hunted expression that touched a deep chord in Nick Barkley, It had awakened an old, almost forgotten memory, Perhaps he could use that memory to help the boy, but first he would let Sarah carry on with what she had begun.


Eventually, they managed to settle Danny down beside Sarah again, he was woe-begone and weary but the lady-journalist and the cowboy knew that there could be no stopping now, if they didn’t get the rest of his story this morning, Danny might never confide his troubles at all.


Sarah held the boy’s hand and spoke as gently as she could, “Danny I know you’re tired and you don’t want to do this but there are things I need to tell you and I believe there are things you need to tell us.”


He shot her a wary troubled look and hung his head again, not replying but not resisting either.


“You said before that you are stupid, but Danny not being educated isn’t the same as being stupid you know.  With the right schooling you can be anything you want to be, that is one of the things Jarrod wants to give you, it’s one of the main reasons he brought you here.”


The boy wasn’t looking at her or at Nick but Sarah could sense that he was listening intently and it gave her the impetus to press on.  “You said Jarrod and Dakota are not the same man, tell me Danny, what was it that you made you like Dakota?”


His reply was very quiet, “I didn’t like Dakota...I loved him.”


“Why though Danny, what was it about him that made you love him?”


The boy thought for a moment, Sarah could feel him relaxing beside her, opening up at last.  She was too skillful an interviewer not to know the signs.


“He was so kind, he used to spend time with me, talk to me, ask me how I felt about things.  I never had that before, my Pa never had time for me, I didn’t know Pa very well, but it was like I had known Dakota all my life.  We used to do things too, fixing up the place, working together, then we would sneak off swimming and stuff like that.” He looked at Nick and smiled slightly, “it was like having a friend and a Pa too, that’s why I loved him.”


Nick nodded encouragingly, “I understand Boy.”


Sarah squeezed his hand, “ I have another question for you Sweetheart, why do you think Jarrod brought you here?”


Danny trembled and replied in a low sad voice, “he told me he promised Grandma he would raise me.”


“Do you think that was his only reason?”


Danny looked at her, “you said he wanted to see to my schooling.”


“Yes but he could have done that and provided for you without offering to adopt you.  You said it yourself, he’s a rich, powerful man and Grandma didn’t expect him to adopt you, that was Jarrod’s decision.”


Danny’s eyes were fixed on Sarah’s face, his body rigid with tension beside her, he was listening attentively to her.


“Would you like me to tell you why Jarrod brought you here Danny?”


“Yes Ma’am.”


She smoothed his hair back from his eyes, “because he loves you too.”


Fresh tears sprang to his eyes, he looked from Sarah to Nick and the dark-haired cowboy nodded his confirmation, “it’s true Son, Jarrod loves you too.”


The boy sighed as if the world was about to end, “I don’t deserve that,” he said flatly.


For a long moment there was silence then Sarah made him look at her and asked very gently, “Why Danny?  Why don’t you deserve it?”


The boy tried to wriggle away from her, avoid her eyes but she held him fast, “something happened back then,” it was a statement not a question.  There were tears rolling down his face but the boy wouldn’t answer her.


“That’s what all this is about isn’t it Danny?  You did something and everything you’ve done since then has been to stop Jarrod finding out what you did.”


He looked mournfully at her and slowly nodded, “yes Ma’am,” he whispered.


She gave him an encouraging smile, “tell us Dear, I promise you it will be better if you do.”


He shook his head, wiping tears from his face, “I c..c..can’t,” he said brokenly.


Nick made a sign to Sarah and she understood at once and sat back, letting him take over.  He sat forward in his chair, his voice was quiet but firm, “Danny, come here to me.”


The boy came slowly over and stood before him, Nick reached for him drawing him between his knees again and this time Danny put his hands trustfully on Nick’s arms.  They made a touching picture, thought Sarah, she had long felt that all three of the older Barkley brothers had the makings of being good fathers.


Nick spoke gently, “you know Danny, my father used to say that the man who never made a mistake never made anything.  He also said that it doesn’t matter too much if you do something wrong, because everyone does at some time or another, he said what matters is what you do about it.” He paused and his mind went back down the years again, he smiled slightly, “I did a bad thing once, I was fifteen and I accepted a stupid dare, the details aren’t important but I didn’t own up to it.”


Danny was sympathetic, “did you get in trouble Nick?”


“No, at least not right away, because no-one knew I was the culprit and I didn’t own up because I didn’t want my father to find out about it.”


“Were you scared your father would lick you?”


Nick grinned, “no, although my father’s lickings were something to be scared of!  No, I was more afraid of letting him down, he was a man who set high standards and I knew I had fallen below them.  His good opinion mattered a lot to me, as much as Jarrod’s obviously matters to you.” He looked searchingly at the boy and Danny blinked away tears, “I can’t tell him Nick!  He...he’ll hate me for ever.”


“Well now Danny, let me tell you something else, I eventually told my father what I did, I didn’t want to but my best friend persuaded me that it was the right thing to do and also that it was the only way I could make myself feel any better.  I owe that friend a lot, can you guess who my best friend is?”


The boy shook his head, genuinely puzzled.


Nick smiled, “my best friend is Jarrod Barkley.”


“But...but Jarrod is your brother.”


“Yep, my big brother but also and most importantly my best friend.  Does it surprise you that he and I are friends as well as brothers?”


“I guess so Nick, I mean you and Jarrod are pretty different!”


Nick laughed, “that’s a fact!  Ask yourself though Boy, if Jarrod and I can be best friends, don’t you think you and he can love each other like you loved Dakota?”


Danny’s answer was solemn and sad, “if he finds out what I did, he won’t ever love me again!”


Nick smiled and stroked the boy’s hair, “I learned a long time ago never to under-estimate my brother Jarrod, I don’t think you should either Son.”


Danny thought for a while then looked anxiously at Nick, “did your father lick you hard?”


“No, actually he didn’t lick me at all, he knew I’d done a fair job of punishing myself, what he did do was send me to sea for a year.”


“WOW!  In a big sailing ship Nick?”


Nick smiled at the boy’s eager face, “yes a beautiful ship, I’ll tell you all about it one day soon but we have other business now don’t we?”


Danny nodded reluctantly, “I...guess so.”


Nick led him back to the settee and the child sat between Sarah and Nick and heaved a huge, sad sigh.


Nick ruffled his hair, “out with it Danny, trust me, you’ll feel better with it off your conscience.”


Danny took a deep resolute breath, “it...it was the letter, he said with difficulty. 


Sarah spoke gently, “letter Danny?”


“Yes Ma’am, you see when Jarrod got hurt...when I hurt him...he wandered around a bit and then staggered into our place and fell down out cold.  He just had his shirt on but his horse was missing and so I spent the next couple of days trying to find the horse, I figured Jarrod’s coat might be on the horse and...and I wanted to find his things for him, kind of to make up for what I did.” He swallowed hard and his pale blue eyes anxiously searched the faces of his listeners, looking for signs of condemnation or contempt, there were none.  Sarah took one of the boy’s hands in both of hers and Nick patted his shoulder encouragingly, “go on Son, let it all out now,” “I found Jarrod’s coat and his hat, they were near the river but I couldn’t find his horse.  I...I brought his things home and...Mama...” His voice tailed away, he was painfully embarrassed.


Neither of the adults spoke and after a slight hesitation, the boy went on with his story.  “Mama found a letter in his coat pocket, It...it had his name and address on it.” He stopped, blushing fiery red, deeply ashamed.


Sarah’s voice was gentle and filled with understanding, “what did Mama do with the letter Sweetheart?”


“She burned it,” Danny whispered, “she told me to say nothing about it and...and I didn’t.”


Nick squeezed the boy’s shoulder comfortingly, "how long before Heath and I came did you find the letter Son?”


“A...few days, I’m sorry Nick, I’m so so sorry!” His voice was overwhelmed with his distress and Nick slipped a comforting arm around the child.


Sarah’s lovely mouth had tightened to a hard angry line, inwardly she raged at the actions of the dead woman, Libby Mathews had allowed her beloved Jarrod to suffer the mental agony of his amnesia and had forced this poor child into deceit.  She felt no anger at the boy, torn between his growing affection for his new friend and his loyalty to his womenfolk, he had been in a terrible position and at his tender age, all that he had done was understandable and forgivable too.  She kissed the tear-stained Danny, “Nick and I understand Darling, really we do.”


Nick nodded agreement,” that’s right Boy.”


Danny looked pleadingly at them both, “are...are you gonna tell him?”


The two adults exchanged glances and Sarah signalled almost imperceptibly to Nick that he should answer the boy.


Nick stood Danny up and drew him between his knees again, holding his hands, the boy stood before him, eyes fixed on Nick’s face.


“Remember what my father said?  What matters is what you do to put things right?”


Danny nodded.


Nick’s blue-grey eyes held Danny’s and he spoke compellingly, “the only thing you can do is to tell Jarrod the truth.”


Danny shook his head, “no, please!  I...I can’t Nick, he’ll hate me!”


“Now you listen to me Boy, if you don’t set matters straight you are NEVER going to put all this behind you, it’s the right thing, the only thing to do.  It’s what a young man would do, it’s what a Barkley would do, you have to Son.”


Danny thought for a long moment then finally sighed and nodded, “alright Nick I...I will.”


Nick gave him a brief hug, “good boy, you hightail it out to the barn and saddle Coco and that horse of yours, what did you call him?”




“What does that stand for, Jarrod Barkley?”


Danny shook his head, No Sir, It...it’s a secret.”


Nick laughed indulgently, “alright, saddle up Coco and J.B.  and hurry it up!”


Relieved to escape the interrogation the boy ran to the library door, then he turned back, “where are we going Nick?”


“We’re off to Stockton to talk to Jarrod right this minute, now go on, git!”


Danny ran off and Sarah looked enquiringly at Nick, “Jarrod will be home in two more hours, why go to town?”


“Sarah, that poor little boy has carried this burden of guilt for too long already and there is someone who is gonna be even more relieved than Danny and that’s Pappy!  That is a FACT!”


Sarah smiled, “I believe you’re right Nick,” her beautiful face darkened momentarily, "I'll tell you one thing, Nick, it's heartless I know, but it's a good thing Libby Mathews is dead!  If she weren't…" her voice failed her as tears of renewed rage and pain brimmed in her smoky eyes.




Chapter 24     Contemplation


Sarah saw Nick and Danny off and repaired to the kitchen for a much needed cup of coffee.  Her head ached sickeningly now and she was utterly weary, but she felt a deep contentment, her instincts had been correct and her execution of her plan to crack open the boy had been excellent.  Thank God for Nick though!  He had handled the child so gently but masterfully too.  The reference to his deep friendship with Jarrod, a thing quite separate from their relationship as brothers had been inspired and had given the boy the courage to confess.


Sarah's fears for Danny and Jarrod could finally be put to rest.  She knew that Jarrod would be overjoyed and would treat the child with kindness, guiding him with a loving hand into this new life.  The future looked considerably brighter than it had at any time since the boy's arrival at the Barkley ranch.  At least for Jarrod and Danny.  Reflectively sipping her coffee, Sarah tried to decide what her true feelings about the situation were.  She felt satisfaction that she had played a crucial part in solving the mystery of the boy's behaviour.  It had been a devastating experience for Jarrod.  A woman who loved her husband as much as Sarah loved Jarrod Barkley could not but take satisfaction in what she had achieved.


Still, she wondered what the future held for her now.  What this change in their family would mean to her marriage.  Because they were going to be a family now, not just a couple.  Danny was clearly here to stay.  She had no doubt that a loving relationship, a father and son relationship, would now be established between Danny and Jarrod.  She felt mortified when she realized how much resentment boiled up in her when she admitted that truth.  The first child Jarrod should be a father to should have been their child.  Her child.  Not the child of some desperate, deceitful woman who had almost Jarrod.  Stolen Jarrod from his wife and stolen Jarrod from himself.


But their child was gone.  Their tiny, perfect, too small baby girl had been taken from them after only that one wretched dark hour.  No.  It had not been a dark hour.  For that brief instant in early April 1877 they had been spellbound by the miracle of Martha Sophia Barkley.  Then she slept.  For all eternity.  They had buried the baby among the daisies by Jarrod's special place, Islas Del Cielo.  The place they had planned to build their home, now was home for all time for their baby.  The child Jarrod should have been father to.  But Danny Mathews was to be the child that enjoyed that part of Jarrod first.  The death of her baby had left a bitter void in Sarah.  She felt a hollow hurt still.  Only another pregnancy would fill the void and cure the pain.  She thought that she could bear Jarrod's pleasure in his relationship with young Danny if she could give him -- give herself -- a child of their own.


So, where precisely did that leave Sarah?  She had established a good rapport with the child and he plainly admitted her.  She could, she felt sure, attain a happy co-existence with the boy, but she had no maternal feeling toward him.  Sarah wondered if that should bother her.  She had accepted Danny with a good grace.  A damn good grace in view of the lack of consultation on her husband's part.  She was too intelligent to blame the child for the wrongdoing of the mother, but she knew that her hatred of Libby Mathews was not something she could ever change.


That said, she would make her very best effort not to let her feelings poison things with Danny either.  The luckless woman was dead, Sarah was alive and had her Jarrod back.  He was safe and happy.  That was what mattered, that was what she must focus on now.  Sarah pressed a hand to her aching head, she knew that she should be in bed, but wanted to have lunch with the family and truth to tell she was curious to see how things now stood between her husband and his ward.  She finished her coffee and set about the preparations for lunch, which was a cold one and took little effort to get together.  That done, she went into the library and lay down on the sofa, she would nap until the family got home, perhaps her headache would clear a little.  Seconds after she closed her eyes, Sarah was fast asleep.




Chapter 25     Confession and Forgiveness.


Jarrod had spent a largely unprofitable morning at his desk.  He attempted to concentrate, but found his thoughts continually returning to Danny and his encounter with Sarah and Nick this morning.  Jarrod hoped fervently that things would reach some kind of conclusion today,.  He knew that things couldn't go on any longer as they were, and be it for good or ill, he wanted a resolution to the matter.  He glanced at his watch and thought that very likely some kind of results had been reached by now, he found himself wondering if they were destined to make his life easier or harder.  He wished he knew how Danny was, at which point his office door opened and Nick and Danny entered, Jarrod smiled wryly.  So!  He was about to find out was he?


He looked first at Danny, the boy held Nick's hand tightly and he was so white and exhausted that Jarrod's heart went out to him.  Danny cast one deeply apprehensive glance at the Lawyer and hung his head.  Dear God thought Jarrod in alarm, he looks as if he's going to the gallows!  His brother on the other hand was smiling reassuringly at him, "sorry to disturb you Jarrod, I know you're busy this morning."


"That's alright Nick, I was thinking about you two anyway, I'm glad to see you."


Nick released the dejected boy's hand, "Danny has something to tell you, seems he did something he's ashamed of back when you were staying at his house, he's had it on his conscience ever since and Sarah and I think the sooner he talks it over with you the better."


Jarrod felt a surge of excitement, they had got somewhere then!


He was aware that he might appear a little intimidating behind his big lawyer's desk and he immediately got up and came round to stand in front of the tall cowboy and his young companion.


Nick punched Jarrod's arm in friendly fashion, "I'll leave you to it then," he jerked his head slightly in the boy's direction and spoke quietly to his brother, "it took Danny a lot of courage to come here with me, I know I don't need to ask you to be kind to him." He headed for the door, "I'll go find Mother."


"I just saw her Nick, they went into the dress shop across the street here."


"Oh Good!  I LOVE that place, see you both later." He went quickly away, leaving Danny looking after him as if his last hope of survival had just vanished.


"Oh Lord, I shouldn't have told him!" Jarrod smiled at Danny, "the last time he invaded that shop he managed to knock over ALL the dress displays, Mother said a bull in a china shop was nothing to it.  She had to buy a dozen dresses to smooth the manager down, he was all for calling the Sheriff."


The boy managed a wan smile but it was clearly an effort, Jarrod led him to the big leather chesterfield, "why don't we sit down and you can tell me all about it Son?"


They sat side by side and Jarrod realised that the boy was trembling pitifully, he knew an impulse to snatch him up and hug his troubled look away, tell him that whatever it was, it didn't matter.  His intelligence and his instincts told him not to do this, the child needed to confess if he was to regain his peace of mind.


Jarrod had been thinking over his time at the Mathews ranch in the troubled days since he had brought Danny home with him.  He had enjoyed a pleasing and deepening relationship with the boy back then, but thinking back to those days now he was aware for the first time that there had been moments of constraint between him and Danny.  He wondered why he hadn't been more conscious of it at the time, too caught up in his own nightmare as the man from nowhere, he thought wryly.


He looked at the distressed child and tried to help him get started, "you had a talk with Nick and Sarah Huh?"


Danny pulled himself together and answered with all the composure he could muster, "yes Sir, I told them...what I did and Nick said your father told him that what matters...when you do something wrong..." he broke off fighting back tears.


Jarrod finished it for him, "what matters is what you do about it."


"Yes Sir."


"My father was right about that Danny."


"Yes Sir, I...I know.  Nick said about you being his best friend and how you made him own up to your father, the time he got sent to sea and...and he said I should t...tell y...you w..what I d...did."


Jarrod smiled reflectively, "ah, Nick's time before the mast, yes I remember that very well!" He tried to lighten the atmosphere slightly, "you should get him to tell you about his adventures sometime." Danny nodded, "he promised he would," he paused and found the courage to meet his guardian's eyes.  "Nick said a young man, a Barkley would tell you the truth...so I'm going to." He took a deep breath and sat resolutely upright, ready to confess.  Jarrod felt a rush of love for his ward, just as he had back in Maybury, he felt a flash of pride in the boy too, Danny Mathews was no coward that was certain.


Slowly, haltingly, the tale of the burned letter was recounted again, Danny didn't stop until he had told Jarrod everything, including most of what had passed at the ranch between himself, Nick and Sarah.  When at last he came to the end of his story he looked gravely at Jarrod his expression both humble and vulnerable, clearly he was expecting an explosion of wrath and condemnation.


There was a heavy silence in the office during which Jarrod stood and went over to the window, he stood looking out for a short while, his face calm but his mind racing as he rapidly thought over the boy's revelation and formulated his response to it.  The Lawyer was experiencing several different emotions, the first of which was a wave of tremendous relief, at last he knew what all of this meant!  Danny's entire pattern of behaviour from his initial reaction to Jarrod's adoption of him, to his campaign of terror here, now made perfect sense.  To the Lawyer, accustomed to being able to deduce facts, elicit the truth, the last few weeks had been a nightmare of doubt and misery, now all that was swept away.  He also felt a surge of gratitude to his wife and brother, he could never sufficiently thank them for bringing this confession about. 


Towards the unfortunate child he felt no anger whatsoever, poor little boy!  He had carried around his guilty secret with it's burden of shame and misery for months!  Again Jarrod felt the urge to draw his boy close and tell him everything was alright, that it didn't matter a jot.  He once more refrained from doing so, it mattered terribly to Danny, he must be allowed the expiation he so clearly needed.


Jarrod turned from the window to find the boy's eyes fixed on him, in painful anxiety.  He smiled reassuringly and kept his voice gentle, "well now Young Man..." At once the boy came smartly to his feet, squaring his shoulders.  Dear God, thought Jarrod, is he expecting some sort of retribution, does he actually imagine I mean to punish him?  He came forward and laid a gentle hand on the child's shoulder, "do you mind if we sit down again?  I'm still pretty shaky on my legs I'm afraid."


They sat together once more and Jarrod half turned to face his ward.  The boy was watching him intently, his face solemn and apprehensive.  Jarrod spoke very gently to him, "Son, I won't pretend that what you did wasn't wrong, you're an intelligent young man and you know better.  What I will say is this, I think what you did was very understandable and in the circumstances it was probably the only thing you felt you could do."


Danny was incredulous, "but...but I lied to you, we all lied to you," he looked at Jarrod uncertainly, not sure his guardian had grasped the full extent of the Mathews Family's treachery.


The Lawyer nodded, "I know, but you were in a terribly difficult position, if it had been my mother who needed my help, I might have done the same thing you did."


Danny shook his head, "you wouldn't Jarrod, I know you wouldn't!"


"Wouldn't I?  Maybe not now, but when I was your age, well, I'm not so sure."


Danny shook his head, he was evidently still deeply troubled by what he obviously saw as his betrayal of his friend Dakota and tears were spilling from his eyes.  Jarrod reached for him, yielding at last to his desire to comfort the boy.  He held him close and spoke firmly but kindly to him.  "Now you listen to me Little Man, in your short life you've had to face things that no child should have to face.  You had to step into your father's shoes and try to look after your mother and grandmother as best you could.  Since then you've had to deal with losing them both," he felt the tremor of grief that ran through Danny and cradled him closer still.  "I know how miserably unhappy you've been since I brought you here too, I want you to promise me that you'll try to put all this behind you now, will you do that Son?"


The child pulled away from him, not in an act of rejection this time, but to look searchingly into his guardian's face.  "I thought you would hate me," he admitted, "I didn't think you could forgive me for what I did." Jarrod took the boy's face in his hands and gently kissed his forehead "I know Nick told you a couple of my father's sayings, I have another one for you, my father always said that once you had owned up to something and done your best to put matters right, it was time to move on, I forgive you Little Man, what I want you to do is forgive yourself, will you do that for me?"


Danny's answer was to fling his arms around Jarrod's neck almost throttling him with a fervent hug.  Jarrod could feel the child's tears on his neck and he cradled him again, before tenderly wiping the tears from Danny's face with his handkerchief.  "You've cried many times in recent weeks Danny, for Mama, for Grandma and all the misery since then, I hope you don't have a reason for tears for a long time now."


Danny looked at him almost shyly, "J...Jarrod?"




"When you lived at my house, when you were Dakota, I loved you, I mean I loved Dakota." The boy was anxiously watching his guardian to see how this was received.


Jarrod smiled, "Dakota loved you too Little Man."


The boy was pleased with this response, he returned the smile, Jarrod had forgotten what a sweet and sunny smile the boy had.


Danny said hesitantly, "I thought Jarrod and Dakota were different people but Sarah said it wasn't so.  I think she's right, Jarrod is Dakota, but a whole lot more besides, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love Jarrod too."


Jarrod hugged him again, "I think a part of me will always be Dakota and if you can love Jarrod that's fine." He smiled wryly, "could you try and do something else for me too?"




"Could you try and say just Jarrod instead of J...Jarrod?  It makes me think you're afraid of me.  Can you do that do you think?  Just Jarrod?"


Danny's eyes danced with mischief, "I guess so, but isn't JustJarrod kind of a funny name?"


Jarrod swooped on the laughing child and wrestled him to the floor, they tussled happily, the lawyer letting the boy get the best of it, indeed Danny was sitting on Jarrod's chest when the office door opened to admit Victoria. 


She had been briefed by the exultant Nick and she too was brimming with happy relief, she truly felt that the last few weeks had been a nightmare, now at last it seemed the evil dream was past.  The sight of the man and boy on the floor, wrestling in gleeful enjoyment was both pleasant and painful at the same time, just so had Tom wrestled with his boys , their boys.  She thrust her remembrances to the back of her mind, later perhaps, when she wrote her nightly entry in her journal, she would think of these things again, but not now.


Victoria put her hands on her hips and in mock outrage said, "well!" The struggling bodies stilled at once and the Lawyer and his ward turned towards her, though Danny still straddled Jarrod, who was lying on his back on the carpet.  Victoria spoke dulcetly to her son, I'm afraid it's time for lunch Jarrod, I'm so sorry to drag you away from your work Dear," she looked innocently at him and added dryly, "I can see how busy you are!"


Jarrod pummelled his ward and pushed him off, he got to his feet and smoothed his jacket, adjusting his shirt cuffs.  Danny too scrambled to his feet and Jarrod bent a mock-ferocious glare on him, "now look what you've done, we're in trouble!"


Danny's grin was care-free, "you're in trouble, you mean, you're bigger than me!"


Jarrod tickled him until he begged for mercy, "be gone impudent child!  Tell the livery stable we're ready for the carriage and get Silas to dig Nick out of whatever saloon he's in!"


"Yessir!" The exuberant boy ran from the office leaving Jarrod looking smilingly after him.


Victoria burst out laughing, "well!  What a transformation, he's a different child Jarrod."


Her son stretched out a hand and drew her into his arms, "he most certainly is Lovely Lady and if I'm honest, I feel like a new man myself."


She put her small hands on his chest, "have you straightened it all out with him Darling?"


The Lawyer nodded, "I believe so, poor little kid, I honestly think he was convinced I'd throw him into the street and tell him never to darken my door again!"


She nodded, "so Nick tells me, they've done a wonderful job with him Jarrod." Her shrewd eyes were searching her son's face, seeking, as he was swift to realise, for re-assurance.  Re-assurance that all his doubts and suspicions about his wife and his brother were at an end.  He drew her closer and kissed her forehead, "I can never thank Nick or Sarah enough, for understanding Danny, or for understanding me either."


His mother was satisfied and took his arm, "come along Young Man!  Time for lunch and then you need to take a nap!"


"Yes Ma'am," agreed her son meekly and he allowed himself to be escorted to the carriage.


The drive home was somewhat more hazardous than it should have been, Nick had tied the reins of both Coco and JB onto the back of the carriage and was letting Danny drive home, under his supervision.  It was the first time the boy had handled the reins of such a sizable vehicle and there were moments when Victoria, holding onto her hat, was sure they were destined to finish in the ditch beside the road.  However, home was reached safely and the smiling Ciego took the carriage away.


When they came into the foyer, Danny was about to go in search of Sarah, anxious to tell her all about his reconciliation with Jarrod.  Victoria restrained his eagerness, "I think we should let Jarrod tell Sarah Dear, shall we give them a little privacy?"


He nodded his understanding, "oh!  Alright, I understand, they have more kissing and stuff to do I guess."


"Something like that," laughed Victoria, "let's go and help Nick and Silas shall we?"


When they got to the kitchen Nick was there and Heath too walked in through the back door.


"What in blue blazes are you doing here?" Nick's demand didn't ruffle his younger brother's feathers, "well, I've worked hard all morning, in fact I've done everything I wanted to get done and I'm hungry!" He winked at Silas and the old man laughed, "I'll have lunch ready soon...IF everyone gets out of my way!"


His mistress smiled, "we can take a hint Silas, come children," she swept into the living room, followed by Heath and Nick, who swept Danny up onto his shoulder and bore the delighted child away in his mother's wake.


In the living room, the family sat down to await the call to lunch, Danny was asking Victoria eager questions, about many aspects of the house, it's routines, the ranch, many little matters which had evidently all been bottled up during his sullen silences in the preceding days.  She was the mother of a string of boys and answered him calmly and smilingly.  Their absorption gave Heath an opportunity to quietly question Nick.  "Everything obviously went fine this morning?"


"Sassy was wonderful," agreed his brother. 


Not just Sassy, thought Heath, if I know anything about it you played your part too Big Brother.


Danny had finished his interrogation of Victoria and turned his attentions to Nick and Heath.  Were there any good fishing holes on the ranch?  If he promised to be EXTRA careful, could he have his own hunting rifle?  Was there anywhere to swim here?  The brothers indulgently coped with the barrage of eager enquiries, both reflecting that although the stony, silent Danny had been a trial, the new boy promised to be something of a handful.


Eventually Nick held up a commanding hand, "enough, whoa there Boy!" Danny stopped dead and looked at the tall dark cowboy, Nick grinned down at him, "I have a question for you young Daniel!"


"Yes Sir?"


"What in the world does JB stand for?"


Danny blushed and didn't answer immediately, Heath smiled encouragingly at the child.  "Isn't JB your horse's name Sonny?"


"Uh huh."


"Well?" Nick was forthright, "what does JB stand for?"


Victoria intervened, "Danny may want to keep that a secret Nick," she said reprovingly.  The boy smiled that sunny, wonderful smile of his, "It's alright Aunt Victoria, it isn't a secret any more, I...I don't mind telling." He faced Nick squarely, "JB stands for Jarrod's Boy...and that's me!" He stood proudly as he made this declaration and Heath and Nick burst out laughing, Heath tousled the boy's wavy light brown hair, "I guess you are at that Danny."


The boy smiled at Victoria, he was a handsome boy she reflected, with a smile that would certainly break hearts one day.  A sudden thought struck her, in fact, he was very like Jarrod at the same age.  Less educated of course, but with a charm of manner that would take him far.  She felt hungry suddenly, thinking it was the first time in weeks that she had actually looked forward to a meal.




Chapter 26     Husband and Wife. 


Jarrod had started upstairs to look for Sarah and then changed his mind and went to the library.  She was curled up on the sofa, her shawl clasped in her small hands even though she was sleeping.  He felt a rush of concern.  It was not like her to sleep in the middle of the morning, or to sleep in such a tense way ...  holding onto her shawl like that.  His first thought was that she was coming down with that horrible fever and the terror of that propelled him across the room to shake her awake.  "Sarah!  Sarah, darling!  Wake up.  Sarah, wake up!" She recoiled from him ever so slightly, pushing his hands away as he continued shaking her with one, while trying to feel her brow with the other.  "Jarrod, what's going on?  Is everything all right?" she asked, blinking her eyes to focus on him.


"Are you all right?" "I'm fine," she said, sitting up and pushing her hair into place.  "You were asleep, but so tense.  I was afraid ...  I thought you may have come down with the fever," he said, reaching out to stroke her forehead.  It was cool, save for the warmth around the area of the cut, which now rested on a fair sized bump and was beginning to bruise.  She smiled gently and caught his hand and kissed his palm, "I'm fine.  I'm a little tired and my head hurts still, but I'm fine.  Really, darling.  How are you?" "Oh, Sarah!  It is so wonderful!  Danny told me everything!  I cannot tell you how relieved I am.  How happy!  I almost feel reborn!  Thank you, darling!  Thank you for all you did to help us get through to him!  I can finally help him start to heal now, to get over all his horrible losses and all that anger.  We can start to become a real family!" Sarah continued to smile as her husband's joyfulness, his great relief and high hopes tumbled happily out and made him practically radiant.  And all the while, she prayed her eyes were not giving away the darkness in her heart.


All prayers are answered.  And the answer to Sarah's prayer was not the one she desired.  Suddenly Jarrod stopped and studied her closely.  Behind her lovely, warm smile there was something in her eyes he had hoped he would never, ever see again.  In those beloved, smoky eyes was a haunting sadness.  It tore his heart then as it had the first time he had seen it, when their baby girl had quietly died in their arms.  He took hold of her hands, "Sarah?  What's wrong?  I thought you wanted this as much as I did!" Jarrod expected tears to punctuate her answer, instead the cold fury in her tone was like a slap.  "Is it something you WANTED, Jarrod?  I thought it was what you felt you had to do.  The right thing.  I could support that.  I will support that.  But if it is something you wanted ...  Something ...  someone to take the place of our baby..." She did not finish.  Danny burst in the room then, unable to contain his excitement about making amends to his adored Dakota and not willing to lose any more time with him.


The palpable tension between the adults was entirely lost on the child who ran straight to them, he was plainly over-excited and words spilled from him without a pause for breath.  "Aunt Victoria says to come, lunch is almost on the table and oh Sarah!  I'm so HAPPY, you were RIGHT about...about EVERYTHING," this was accompanied by a warm hug.  Jarrod wondered for a heart-stopping moment if she would reject the hug, she did not.  Her eyes held that look of bitter hurt still, but it seemed to her that to repudiate the boy would be like kicking a puppy, it wasn't in her to do so.  "Told you so Sweetie!" She managed to force a smile to her lips and her voice held only affection.  The child was still jabbering, turning now from Sarah to Jarrod, still blissfully unaware of the rigidity and pain in the adults attitudes.  "Jarrod I have to tell you about my horse's name!  Nick made me tell him but YOU should know first, you...might not like it, you have to decide...PLEASE Jarrod?"


His guardian couldn't drag his gaze from the stricken face of his wife, he pulled himself together with an almost superhuman effort and tried to speak lightly, "not...not just now Danny, Sarah's got a nasty head-ache," he was barely in control of himself.  The boy whirled around to Sarah again, "oh Sarah!  I'm so sorry, it's my fault!" Again she found the inner strength to caress him, "now, now, I'm going to be fine, I'm going to have a little wash and then some lunch and after that a nice sleep." She stroked his anxious little face with genuine tenderness, "what did you want to ask Jarrod about JB?"


Re-assured the boy turned to the Lawyer again, "I called him JB to stand for Jarrod's Boy!  It...it is alright isn't it Jarrod?  I mean you won't mind b...because I AM your boy now aren't I?"


Jarrod closed his eyes in anguish as the unwitting child turned the knife in Sarah's wound again.  His own heart and brain were in turmoil, what had he done, what in God's name had he done?


Then he heard the surprisingly calm voice of his wife replying for him, "well of course Jarrod doesn't mind Dear, in fact it's a sweet idea, it was what you were wishing and hoping for right?"


He turned to her eagerly, "yes Ma'am!"


Jarrod drew a shaky breath, his striking blue eyes glittered with unshed tears, "Sarah?" The question was almost a sob, she half-smiled tremulously at him, "not now Darling," her voice was quiet and sorrowful and he felt her pain as keenly as if he had stabbed her with a knife.  He squared his shoulders and addressed the boy.  "JB is fine Danny, please ask Silas to make his special medicine for Sarah's bad head right away will you?"


"Yessir!" The child thundered out of the room and Sarah rose to her feet ignoring Jarrod's hand out-stretched to help her.  "I'll go and freshen up, see you at the table" she whispered, leaving the library without a backward glance at her husband.  He stood stock still staring after the love of his life, wondering what on earth to do now.


His decision was swiftly reached, he could not lose a second in making his peace with his wife, he had hurt her too deeply already and she HAD to be his first concern.  He crossed the foyer with his clean swift stride and almost ran up the stairs after her.  The intelligent eyes of his mother had already noted Sarah's hasty dash up to her room and she gently dissuaded Danny from following Jarrod.  Victoria's appetite seemed to have deserted her once more, so?  It wasn't over yet then, the season of troubles that seemed to be casting such long shadows over the happiness of her family.  She was not the sort of woman to sit brooding though and there were both big and little boys to feed so she concentrated on doing that.  Lunch was eaten without Jarrod and Sarah, Heath took the exuberant Danny out onto the range with him, under orders from his mother to tire the child out before bedtime.  Nick however remained at home, frowning at his mother from under his black brows and demanding to know what the devil Jarrod had done to Sassy now?




Chapter 27     Mother and Son.


They were back in the living room and she had looked very seriously at Nick, sighing that she didn't know, they must be patient and allow the married couple to resolve their differences themselves.  This Nick was far to impatient to do, giving it as his opinion that Jarrod was pushing his luck and if he had upset Sarah again, well!  He for one would NOT stand for it.  It was then that the long weeks of tension and anxiety caught up on Victoria and she lost her temper with her second son.


"Nicholas I forbid you!  I absolutely forbid you to interfere, it is an unforgiveable thing to do, coming between husband and wife!  Haven't you complicated things enough for Jarrod and Sarah!" Hasn't there been enough distress and misery and illness without you blundering into the situation and making everything twice as awful?" She broke off, tears streaming down her face, appalled at herself for the sudden loss of control and the turning of the blame onto Nick.  He hadn't argued with her or blustered or anything, just looked at her like a wounded animal, his voice quiet and almost pleading, "not you!  Mother, not you," he had seized her hands in an almost frenzied grip, "tell me you don't think there is anything beyond friendship between Sass and me?" His hurt eyes begged her for re-assurance, "I can take it from Eugene, he's only a kid and Jarrod was ill or he never would have suspected me, but you Mother!  " His voice, always so deep and masculine was almost breaking, "tell me you know me better than that...please?"


She broke down at that, reaching for him blinded by her tears, all the anxiety of recent weeks sapping her strength of will and her nervous energy, "Nick, darling dear Nick, forgive me?  I don't know what came over me," she sobbed, feeling the comforting warmth of his strong arms around her, his voice soothing her, telling her it was alright, sshhh now, not to worry.  But it wasn't alright, she could feel the emotion in him, still making him tremble and they clung together, both giving and receiving comfort.


Jarrod came quietly into his room, Sarah sat on the window seat.  It was one of the few improvements suggested by the family that they had agreed to when they had taken possession of it as a newly married couple.  There was a bowl of water on the little table beside her and she held a cold compress to her bruised head.  There might be a yawning gulf of misunderstanding and bitterness between them but Jarrod couldn't bear a physical separation from his wife for another instant, he went swiftly to her side and took the damp cloth out of her hand.


"Let me do that,." he said sitting on the edge of the seat, facing her.


"Jarrod...I..." Sarah started to protest, but he put the fingers of his free hand to her lips.


"Sshh, not now, " his voice was gentle.  "Silas will bring your tea soon, you can drink that and start to feel a little better.  Then we can talk and we certainly have things to talk over you and I...about our baby, about ourselves...and about the boy.  But not just now, " Jarrod leaned back against the wall and drew Sarah's unresisting body to him, she leaned in gratefully resting her aching head against him.  He cradled her gently, tenderly kissing her red-gold hair and applying the compress with loving care.  "The only thing that needs to be said right now is that I'm sorry Sarah, sorry for every wound I've inflicted on you through this whole affair, sorry for every injury I've done you.  Believe me Darling there was never any intention to hurt you.  I could never, ever INTENTIONALLY hurt you!  And no-one will ever take the place of our baby in my heart.  I swear it."


She turned to look up at him, still that horrible haunting sadness was in her eyes, "Jarrod..."


He hushed her again, "be still my Darling, you'll be better soon, time enough to talk then, be still, I'm taking care of you now."


She nestled in his arms, her spirit might still be bleeding, but he was here and at last she thought he understood her feelings, she was content for the present to rest in the arms of her beloved husband.  She believed him, but there were things she had to know though.  Still resting against him she quietly asked , "do you think of her very often Jarrod?  Wonder what she would be like if she were here now?  She would be ten months old, maybe crawling and trying to talk."


"Always Sarah.  I think of her all the time," he said.  He shifted and pulled his watch from his vest pocket and handed it to his wife, showing her the small, glass encased locket he had attached to it.  Inside, behind the glass cover, was a lock of fine, jet black hair.


"Oh Jarrod!" Sarah whispered, her voice cracking with sorrow.


"Shh, now just rest," he soothed pulling her back to him and blinking away his own tears.


Silas, ever attuned to the atmospheres and under-currents of this house had silently brought coffee for mother and son, depositing the tray on the table and departing again, before either his mistress or her son had even noticed him, he went back to the kitchen to put the finishing touches to the tisane he was preparing for Miss Sarah.  An old Frenchwoman in New Orleans had taught him how to make many herbal remedies and his skills in this field had served him well over the years.  He had first come to this family when Jarrod was a gravely ill six year old, stricken with pneumonia, the first of Jarrod's several encounters with an illness to which he was highly susceptible.


Practically the first act of Silas on entering the Barkley home, not this magnificent house but the small cottage beside the corral, had been to make a remedy of his own to administer to the rapidly weakening child.  The result had been a dramatic over-night improvement in Jarrod's condition, so marked that it appeared little short of miraculous.  It had given Silas deep personal satisfaction to have helped the stricken child, it had also endeared him for all time to little Jarrod and it had been the beginning of the measureless bond of affection and trust between Silas and the mistress he was proud to serve.


He sighed as he poured Sarah's tisane into a glass and put the glass into an elegant silver filigree holder.  So much misery and uncertainty, no wonder his poor mistress had been overwhelmed by it all.  He smiled slightly as he carried the glass up the back stairs, temporarily overwhelmed!  He knew Victoria Barkley better than most people, she was the most resourceful and resilient of ladies, she would recover herself and do all in her power to guide her family through it's difficulties.  Silas knocked on Jarrod's bedroom door and entered the room, as to these two, they had their own personal reconciliation to achieve, but the old man didn't doubt that they would do so.  If ever a couple truly loved each other it was Jarrod and Sarah Barkley.  He smiled briefly at his sombre young master and handed Sarah the steaming glass, before gliding silently away, leaving them to their privacy.


As he returned to his peaceful kitchen, Silas reflected that it was no wonder the sparks flew sometimes between Jarrod and Sarah, so much intelligence and spirit on both sides, the odd clash was an inevitability really.  In this the son was like the father, Tom and Victoria's relationship had been similar, nothing had been more certain to provoke trouble than for Tom to under-estimate the woman he had married.  But theirs had been a great marriage, a special marriage, Silas was convinced that the troubled young people upstairs could have a union just as wondrous, with his customary serenity, the old man set about the duties he loved.


Mother and son drank their coffee together, seated side by side on the settee in the living room.  Nick talked to Victoria, she had always possessed his confidence and knew herself to be one of the very few people to whom he would ever unburden himself.  Her second son was a man of intense and vivid personality, as his father had been, he inspired a strong reaction in others.  People either loved Nick Barkley or couldn't stand the man, none were indifferent to him, he wasn't that kind of man.  Ostensibly gregarious and sociable, he had a deeply private side to his nature, especially where his deepest feelings were concerned.  He had a small group of good and close friends but Victoria couldn't think of one in whom he was likely to confide.


Beside herself, Nick's principal confidant had been his adored father and the older brother to whom he had been devoted almost from the hour of his birth.  A devotion unchanged by the passage of time, their divergent natures and the very different lives they led.  To his mother's satisfaction there was also now a third confidant, Heath, the new younger brother with whom Nick worked in such close proximity.  Victoria had been touched by Heath's absolute faith in Nick.  His gentle certainty that Nick and Sarah were no more than friends had allayed any fears in her own mind that the lovely Sarah might come between her cherished sons.  The situation regarding his sister in law was not a subject on which Nick had so far confided in any one, but seated here with his mother and still shaken by her attack upon him, he did so now.


Victoria had already apologised for that attack, assuring Nick that she didn't, in any sense, believe him guilty of any wrongdoing whatsoever.  "I know everything you have done has been to help your brother, why I turned all my anxiety and sadness on you like that I simply don't know, forgive me Nick!"


"I'll tell you why," he had answered at once, "because you're worn out with all the upset and upheaval around here!  When the dust settles you and I are going on a little camping trip together, just us, you need some fresh air and some peace!"


"I'd like that Dear."


He shot her a glance, half defensive half rueful, "did I fall for Sarah Faires the first time I saw her?  What red-blooded man wouldn't!  I thought she was a beauty, but almost from the first, I never thought of her as the woman for me.  Too..." he laughed, "too sassy for me, and if I'm honest too clever as well, no woman as clever as her would ever consider me as a husband."


Nick tried to explain his feelings, "Sarah's friendship is very special to me Mother, I never had that kind of a friendship with a woman before, I consider Sassy my sister and my friend and truth to tell there isn't much I wouldn't do for her, just about the only thing I wouldn't do is to ever hurt Jarrod."


"I understand Darling," replied Victoria leaning toward him to kiss his lean cheek, "I truly do understand, the only thing you and I can do now is to hope that Jarrod and Sarah can find a solution to their problems together."


Nick smiled lovingly at her, "and you're right Mrs. Barkley, they'll do a better job without me sticking my nose in!"




Chapter 28     Mourning and Reconciliation


Sarah drank her tea and was persuaded by Jarrod to lie down for a while.  He lay with her, his back comfortably settled against the polished wooden headboard of their bed, his wife held tenderly in his arms, her wounded head pillowed on his shoulder.  She fell asleep almost at once, an effect both of Silas's tisane and her own exhaustion.  Jarrod didn't move, hardly daring to breathe for fear of waking her and an hour passed.


As she slept, Jarrod willed himself to remember all that he had tried so hard to forget about all they had gone through when they lost Martha.  When he had almost lost Sarah.  She had bled horribly from the wound.  It was as if another man worked frantically to stem the flow of blood.  He had done as much as he could and somehow was able to get her unconscious form back to the house.  Back to this room.  The labor pains had returned her to consciousness.  It was too soon.  She was only six or seven months pregnant.  There was nothing in the world Sarah wanted more than that baby and that tiny infant shared her strength of will it seemed.  The two of them fought mightily, defying those impossible odds and Martha came into the world ...  too soon, too tiny, but so perfect ...  perhaps too perfect.  They had held her for one hour.  Held her and held one another.  And then the baby was gone.  Sarah had not cried.  She had only whispered in agony, "Oh, God." Then had slipped away into unconsciousness.  He had screamed then, in terror and fury, sure he was losing his wife within a breath of losing his child.  The doctor tried to reassure him.  He could not remember the words.  She finally regained consciousness -- in a way.  He went to her and was confronted with cold silence and that haunting sadness in her eyes.  Jarrod told her that they had made the arrangements to bury the baby by the lake where they had planned to build the house.  She would live there, waiting for them.  Sarah had turned her face to the wall then and another piece of his heart broke.  Still she had not cried.  He had asked them to give him a lock of Martha Sophia's jet black hair in a little locket.  Jarrod had intended to give it to Sarah when the time was right.  He found he could not part with it.


When Sarah woke again she felt considerably better, if her headache had not gone, it was certainly in abeyance and she no longer felt dizzy or sick.  Jarrod suggested tea and she agreed readily.  He went to ask Silas to fix a pot and bring it up to them. 


Then he returned to her, thankfully avoiding his family and Danny.  She was sitting by the fireplace studying the locket.  She had clutched it tightly from the moment Jarrod had showed it to her.  He watched her for several long moments and ached with both love and sadness.  Sarah looked up at him then, and gave him a small, half-smile and held her hands out to him.  Jarrod crossed to her and took her hands.  "Sit with me, Jarrod." He did her bidding and watched as she looked at the locket again and stroked it, then she handed it back to him.  "I'm glad she is always with you, darling." Her tone was hard to read, that troubled him.  For so long, soon after they had met, they had been strangely in tune with one another.  "I had it made for you.  I was going to give it to you when the time was right, but ..." "There was never a right time," she finished for him.  "And I did not want to part with it.  That was selfish.  Forgive me." "Stop!" she commanded, her voice surprisingly sharp.  "Sarah, why does that make you angry?" "Why do you think wanting to keep something to remember your daughter by is selfish?  For God's sake, Jarrod!  You lost as much as I did!  How could you think I would think it was selfish?  That it was something to forgive?" "It was meant for you," he said softly.  Jarrod's tone defused her sudden anger, and she collapsed into the corner of the little sofa, drawing away from him.  "Will you take it now?" "No!" she flared again, then recovering, quietly repeated, "No.  Jarrod, you keep it.  Please.  You want to don't you?" He looked at the locket and caressed it.  Remembering how the baby's hair had felt when he had held her, tears brimmed in his eyes.  Jarrod looked back at his wife, she was crying too.  "Forever," he whispered.  They were holding each other then, crying together over their lost baby.  It was the first time.  In all those months since Martha's death they had each mourned in their own way, but never together.  They had talked about their loss, about how it had pushed each to the edge of a kind of madness.  They admitted to one another they each felt guilty about the loss: Jarrod for the fact that Cass Hyatt had been gunning for him and what he had done about it; Sarah for the fact that she had not been strong enough to keep their baby alive.  Just before Christmas they had even talked about putting it all behind them and trying to start their family anew.  But they had never mourned their baby together until that moment.




Chapter 29     A New Life.


It was doubtful that Danny Mathews had ever known a happier time in his short life, he adjusted rapidly to his exciting new world and free of the haunting shadows of his past deceit, he blossomed like a desert flower after rain.  The contrast between the sullen, silent child the family had grown accustomed to and the sunny natured, cheerful, talkative boy he had become was startling and took a little getting used to.  Not least because the new Danny and as Jarrod remarked, the new Danny was the real Danny, had an intrepid streak a mile wide.


He considered any tree he had not yet climbed a challenge, no matter how tricky a climb that tree might be.  He attempted to ride any unbroken horse he came across, the meaner the better.  In consequence of which he took a couple of nasty tosses and nearly broke his arm.  He explored the extensive Barkley lands and was irresistibly drawn to such things as abandoned mine shafts, derelict buildings and the like.  Anywhere in fact, as Nick and Heath Barkley informed their brother Jarrod, where he was the most likely to break his fool neck!  Jarrod had listened sympathetically, he himself was hard at work on the Valley Farmers tax case and had largely left Danny to the supervision of his brothers whilst he completed his preparations for the Sacramento hearing, due soon.  He promised to take his ward to task and try to curb his more adventurous tendencies.


The boy was quite incredibly noisy, he slammed doors, chattered nineteen to the dozen and seemed to run everywhere he went.  One afternoon, he exploded into the house calling for Jarrod at the top of his voice.  Victoria and Jarrod both came out of the library in answer to this summons and Jarrod told Danny peremptorily to stop yelling!  The boy took no notice at all of this command, "oh Jarrod there you are!  Good!  Nick and Heath are going hunting and they say I can go, if I behave and do like they say and I will!  But I have to ask you first, so I can, can't I?  Please Jarrod?" He hadn't stopped to draw a single breath whilst making this speech and laughing at his enthusiasm Jarrod had agreed that he could go.  The child turned at once and ran for the door, shouting his thank yous over his shoulder.  As one, Jarrod and Victoria called, "don't slam the..." the word door being drowned by the vigorous slamming of the door behind the boy.  Jarrod slipped an arm around his mother, "you know I never thought I'd say this, but I think that boy may be as noisy as Nick!"


"You may be right, " laughed Victoria adding, "oh well, we survived Nick's boyhood, I dare say we can live through Danny's too."


In a short space of time, Danny managed to get into an impressive number of scrapes.  He had an adventurous nature, which had for too long been kept in check by the circumstances of his life.  When his father had left the family, Danny had been a boy of nine, too young to take on the burden of hunting for meat and trying to keep the ramshackle ranch afloat.  Nevertheless he had taken on that burden and helped his womenfolk as much as he could.  It had left little time for play and none for education.  He had been forced into a maturity beyond his years and had missed out on the simple pleasures of boyhood.  His time at the Barkley ranch up to now had been a miserable guilt ridden ordeal from which he was now mercifully freed, he could be a boy again and kick over the traces.  Kick them over he did, earning himself several stern lectures from his guardian, although truth to tell Jarrod hadn't the heart to be hard on him, understanding as he did, that the boy was revelling in his new life.


During the course of the next two weeks Danny received a number of things, some extremely nice, two of them far from nice and one positively painful!  Among the nice things, he got a whole shower of presents, including a handsome saddle and bridle from Nick and Aunt Victoria.  It was a smart rig, decorated with real silver and to his delight, the saddle bore his initials tooled into the leather.  Under Nick's benevolent supervision Danny oiled the leather until it shone and rode proudly on his OWN horse JB with his grand new rig. 


His present from Jarrod and Sarah trotted at the horse's side, for they had given him a dog, a white long haired German Shepherd that looked like a white wolf, it was only a pup but already big enough to play with, he called her DG, which he confided to Jarrod stood for Danny's Girl.  Guardian and ward had developed a pleasant little ritual in the evenings, when Danny went up to bed Jarrod would drop in to his room for an hour before the boy settled down to sleep.  The day's doings were talked over and many secrets and impressions exchanged.  It was hard to say which of the two enjoyed these bonding sessions the most, the man or the boy.


Heath had given Danny a most exciting present, a magnificent rifle, just the right size and to his wonder and joy, it too had his initials on it, in the form of a brass plate.  There were rules attached to this gift as Heath spelled out, he was on no account to go off on his own with it until he had satisfied Heath he could be trusted and had to ask permission to even handle it.  Danny promised he would be good but before the day was out had sneaked off on his own with his prize possession.  Encountering Heath as he returned to the gunroom he had learned that although Heath was a softly spoken, usually amiable young man, he could be quite formidable when required.  The tall blond man had spoken very sternly to him, his cold blue eyes burning into the boy's face and Danny had penitently begged Heath's pardon. 


Jarrod gave his ward a fine fishing rod to add to his growing hoard of treasures and one day, old Silas too gave the boy a gift.  Danny tore the paper open eagerly and his face fell almost ludicrously when he realised that it contained a book.  He didn't wish to hurt his friend's feelings but he smiled a little sheepishly and murmured that he wasn't much for reading.  Silas was unperturbed, "name me a twelve year old boy who is?  'Cept Mr. Jarrod maybe," he added reflectively.  He smiled at Danny, "this book was given to Jarrod by his father, it's a wonderful story by a distinguished Scotsman Sir Walter Scott.  It is called Redgauntlet and it sure is a most exciting story," he ruffled Danny's hair, "especially when read by an expert like me, see you in the kitchen after dinner Sonny." Danny was delighted and eagerly agreed to join his friend for the reading later.


At dinner he prattled happily to Jarrod and mentioned Redgauntlet, whereupon Heath smiled and said, "Silas gave that book to me when I began reading just after I came here."


Nick smiled remembering, "Jarrod used to read that book to me when we were supposed to be asleep." To the amusement of Sarah and Victoria, not one but four boys repaired to the kitchen for the reading after dinner and Silas, seeing the three eldest Barkley brothers in young Danny's wake was unsurprised.


Less pleasantly, Danny sustained one walloping and was threatened with another.  He had begged hard to be allowed to accompany Nick, Heath and the hands on the hunt for a dangerous bear that was ravaging the stock, forbidden to go he had shadowed the brothers, only to have his horse bolt when the men starting shooting at the bear.  Nick the consummate horseman had galloped after him and plucked him from danger, promptly turning the boy over his saddle and whacking him a few times for good measure.  Jerking the boy upright again, Nick had said, "don't you EVER do a crazy thing like that again!" Since he palliated this severity by hugging the life out of Danny, clearly relieved to have recovered the boy in one piece, Danny took the walloping in good part.  But he wondered if Nick would tell Jarrod and decided that it might be better if he owned up himself.  He had gone into the library and manfully confessed, Jarrod had hidden a smile, threatened a worse walloping if he did it again and that had been an end of the matter.




Chapter 30     Clouds On The Horizon.


Life tasted very sweet to young Danny, there were indeed only two clouds on his horizon.  One was the nagging fear in the back of his mind that his father might appear to claim him.  Danny didn't remember Scott Mathews very well but what he did recall he didn't much like.  He remembered an excitable discontented man, impatient with his little son and disinterested in him too.  Danny didn't want to swap the loving guardianship of Jarrod Barkley for an uncertain life with the father he barely knew and he asked Jarrod from time to time whether there was any news of Scott.  Jarrod was perceptive enough to understand the boy's concern and in fact it was an anxiety he shared to some extent.  As little as Danny wanted to leave Jarrod did Jarrod want to give him up.  The Lawyer thought however that he had a pretty fair measure of the type of man Scott Mathews was, it shouldn't be too hard, if he did appear, to induce him to surrender his rights to the boy.


The other cloud on Danny's horizon was the vexed question of his education.  He had tentatively begun lessons with Victoria but she had been quick to realise that he needed more professional help than she could give him and had told Jarrod so.  Sarah and Jarrod had discussed the boy's needs and had decided to let him have a brief period of freedom before hiring a tutor to work intensively with the boy.  They had not yet told Danny of their plans and unbeknown to them, Danny had been doing some educational research of his own.  He had asked Silas about Jarrod's school days and been dismayed to learn that Jarrod had gone away to a very fancy school indeed.  It seemed likely to the boy that Jarrod might choose to send him there too and the thought of going to school at all was enough to fill him with dread, let alone having to be parted from Jarrod for long periods of time as well.


Danny made up his mind to talk to his guardian about school but was disappointed to learn that Jarrod wasn't expected home until very late.  He resolved to sneak downstairs when everyone else was in bed and lie in wait for Jarrod, he really couldn't go to sleep with the prospect of a fancy boarding school hanging over him.  He managed to slip down to the living room unobserved and settled down to wait for his guardian, however he had been in the saddle most of the day and it wasn't long before sleep overtook him.  Jarrod didn't get home until nearly midnight and looked in surprise at the boy curled up in an armchair fast asleep.  He crouched in front of the chair and flicked Danny's cheek with a finger, "wake up sleepy head," he whispered.


Danny opened his eyes, "Jarrod," he said sleepily but with definite pleasure.


"What are you doing down here Son?"


"I was waiting for you," answered the sleepy voice.


"Yes, I can see that, any special reason?"


"Uhh huh, I don't want to go."


Jarrod was a little lost but did his best to keep up, "go where exactly?"


Danny was still half asleep, "the boarding school."


"What boarding school?"


"The fancy school you went to," said the drowsy voice.


"What made you think I was going to send you there Danny?"


"I...don't know, I guess I just thought you would, cause it's where you went to school."


Jarrod smiled at him and smoothed the tousled hair out of his eyes, "I think we should talk about this tomorrow when you're a little more awake don't you?"


"Mmmm," murmured Danny, drifting back into sleep again.


Jarrod carried the boy up to bed and tucked him up before gratefully slipping into his own warm bed beside the sleeping Sarah.


The next morning, Jarrod and Danny lingered at the breakfast table after everyone else had gone about their daily work.  "How did you find out where I went to school?" Jarrod's question made the boy blush, "I...I asked Silas," he answered shyly.


Jarrod smiled, "well, I wouldn't worry about it, my old school isn't a suitable place for you to catch up your education anyway."


"It isn't?" There was obvious relief in the boy's voice.


Jarrod stretched out a hand and squeezed the back of the boy's neck, "did you actually imagine that I meant to pack you off to a boarding school, miles away from here, away from me?"


"I ..I guess I did, yeah."


"Idiot child!" Jarrod's voice was full of love, "why did you think that?"


"Well, your Papa and Mama must have sent you!"


Jarrod laughed, "well yes," he acknowledged, "but I didn't go away from home until I was older than you are now and only then because it was what I wanted."


"I do have to go to school I suppose."


"You suppose right!" The Lawyer's voice was firm.  He looked at his crestfallen ward, "look Danny, I know you don't want to go to school and at the moment you aren't able to go either, you need some special lessons here at home with a tutor."


"A tutor!" Danny was horrified. 


Jarrod laughed at his consternation, "don't worry about it, it isn't going to happen for a little while and when it does, it won't be so bad."


Danny was not convinced, "so...I have this tutor man and then I get to go to school?" It was evident that he didn't think much of his guardian's plans.


"Yes, I have it in mind that you should attend Nick's old stamping ground, the Stockton Boy's School eventually."


Danny brightened a little, "you mean I can go to school right here in Stockton and keep living at home?"


The Lawyer's heart was warmed by the "at home" and he nodded "that's right, tell you what, why don't I take you to see the place this morning?"


Danny seemed about to protest but thought better of it and nodded, "alright Jarrod."


His guardian had noted the hesitation, "what is it Son?"


"Nothing, it's alright, Nick and Heath said I could go fishing with them this morning but I'd rather be with you."


Jarrod was touched by this handsome statement and grinned at Danny, "looking at a school?"


Danny nodded, not too convincingly.


"Well I'd rather go fishing," declared Jarrod.


Danny was visibly surprised, "you like fishing Jarrod?"


Jarrod leaned back in his chair and laughed out loud, "you really do think I live in a cupboard in my law office and just get wheeled out when I have a client don't you?"


Danny grinned at him, "I guess so."


Jarrod rose, "on your feet brat!  I am about to show you how good a fisherman a lawyer can be, go and saddle the horses while I take my brothers to task for daring to go fishing without me!"


"What about the school?"


"We'll do that tomorrow," smiled Jarrod and followed the exuberant boy out to the barn.


They did spend the day fishing and in the succeeding days spent a fair amount of time getting better acquainted.  Their obviously deepening relationship was plain for all to see but if it gave Sarah any pain she hid it well and she too furthered her relationship with the boy, accompanying Jarrod and Danny on the trip around the Stockton Boy's School.  She and Danny behaved badly, getting the giggles when the Principal remarked that it was unkind of Jarrod to remind him of Nick's time at the school, which the Principal had spent many years trying to forget!  On the whole the trip went as well as it could and if Danny wasn't wholly reconciled to attending school, he was at least resigned to the need to do so.




Chapter 31     Discovery


The investigation into Scott Mathews disappearance had been underway practically since the day Jarrod returned from Maybury, Jarrod and Sarah had both made enquiries in San Francisco, he in legal circles, she in journalistic ones, but as time went on, both husband and wife were beginning to wonder if they were ever to learn the missing man's fate.  One morning, the couple rode into town together, they often met for coffee in the middle of the morning but on this particular day had agreed not to do so but to work straight through to lunch, they could then finish work and have the afternoon free.  So Jarrod was surprised when an errand boy from Sarah's office brought him a note asking him to meet her for coffee.  Evidently, his wife has something to tell him that wouldn't wait.  Jarrod lost no time in joining Sarah, she smiled at him, "sit down Darling, my sources have come up with the goods on Danny's father, you aren't going to like this Jarrod". 


"That sounds ominous!"


She smiled, "it is and it isn't, first and foremost Scott Mathews is dead."


The Lawyer frowned, it seems unkind but I feel a certain sense of relief at that news."


"I have to confess to the same feeling," agreed his wife.  She covered Jarrod's hand with hers, "the circumstances are pretty sordid Jarrod."


Jarrod sighed, "tell me."


Sarah did tell him and Jarrod's frown grew blacker.


"I wonder how the boy will take this news Sarah."


She reflected for a moment, sipping her coffee, "perhaps you shouldn't tell him all the facts now Jarrod?"


"I have to Sarah, I made the boy a promise that I would tell him the absolute truth about his father's fate."


She nodded her head, "I know Darling, I wasn't suggesting that you might lie to him, but perhaps not give him all the facts until he's a little older."


Jarrod considered, "no," he said at length, "I can't take the risk that he might find out some other way," he paused sighing, "I'll tell him this afternoon."


Sarah's hand covered his, "we'll tell him this afternoon," she corrected.


Jarrod carried her hand to his lips, "thank you Darling."


After lunch, everyone went about their business, leaving Jarrod, Sarah and Danny still sitting around the table.  Jarrod spoke lightly, "well young man, what have you got planned for this afternoon?"


"Nick and Heath have important work to do and I can't go," he recited.  "Aunt Victoria is going to visit ladies and I WON'T go!" Jarrod and Sarah both laughed as the boy went on, "Silas says you two both have work to do too so he and I are going to bake a surprise!"


Jarrod smiled, "well that sounds nice but first come into the library with Sarah and me will you?  We need to have a little talk."


As they walked from the dining room to the library Danny glanced from Sarah to Jarrod, they sure did look serious, he mentally reviewed his activities of the last few days and could think of no reason why either should be cross with him.  He peeped up at Jarrod, "am...am I in trouble?"


Jarrod looked at him with the ghost of a smile, "should you be?" There was a note of gentle teasing in his voice.


"I mean...did I do something bad?"


Jarrod ruffled his hair, "if you have I have yet to find out about it," he said dryly.


They had reached the library and Sarah sat on the settee, she patted the seat beside her, "come and sit down Sweetie," she smiled.  Danny sat beside her, frowning with anxiety, he spoke to his guardian, "you and Sarah both look so serious."


It was Sarah who answered him taking one of his hands in both of hers, "Jarrod has something serious...and sad to tell you Danny but it isn't anything to worry about, truly."


Jarrod sat on the low table facing the boy, he put his hands on his knees , "we have some news about your father Danny."


The boy's eyes flew to his guardian's face then to Sarah and back, "he...he isn't coming for me!  He isn't going to take me away is he?"


Jarrod squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, "no Son," he said very gently, "I'm afraid your father is dead Danny."


The boy was very still, he simply said "oh."


The two adults exchanged glances, they hadn't been sure how the child would react but had expected a little more emotion than Danny had shown.  The boy thought for a moment then asked, "how did he die?"


Jarrod sighed, he didn't want to do this but saw no alternative, he had given the boy his word after all.  . 


"Danny do you remember that night in the hotel when we were travelling here from Maybury?"


The boy nodded, "yes Sir, I remember."


"I promised you then that I would be absolutely honest with you didn't I?"


"Uh huh."


"In particular, I promised to tell you everything I was able to find out about what happened to your father."


Danny didn't speak but his eyes were fixed on his guardian's grave face.  Jarrod spoke quietly, "I'm going to keep that promise Son, I'm going to tell you exactly what happened to your father, but I want you to try not to get upset, will you do that"


"I guess so."


Jarrod nodded, "good boy!" He hesitated, then said quietly, "I'm afraid your father was killed Danny."


The boy's eyes widened, "you mean...he was murdered?"


"I'm afraid so yes."


"How did it happen Jarrod?"


"Well, Scott was in San Francisco where he was supposed to be getting backing to develop his gold mine but he had lost all his money it seems."


Danny grimaced, "gambling I suppose?"


Sarah nodded, "it seems so Danny."


The boy looked at her, "he did that sometimes, he and Mama used to have fights about it."


Jarrod took up the story once more, "evidently Scott got involved with two men who were criminals, they persuaded him to help them rob an assay office.  It wasn't a very clever crime and all three were caught.  Your father stood trial and was sentenced to go to prison for ten years."


"Prison!" The boy's face was rigid with disgust and he reddened angrily as if the shame of his father's actions reflected on him personally.  He drew a couple of shaky breaths while the two adults looked worriedly at each other.


"Are you alright Sweetheart, " asked Sarah gently.


The boy nodded, "so...how did he get murdered if he went to prison?"


Jarrod put a hand on the boy's knee, "he was murdered in prison Danny.  He got into a fight in the prison yard with a violent, dangerous prisoner and he was killed before the guards could save him."


The boy was trembling visibly and Jarrod assumed he was distressed, he spoke gently and reassuringly, "it must all have happened very quickly Danny, I don't believe your father would have suffered, he may not even have had time to be scared." He put his hand on the back of Danny's neck and squeezed, but the boy shook himself free and sprang up.  It was not distress but raw anger that sparkled in his pale blue eyes, "a jailbird!" He spat the word vehemently, "a stinking rotten robber, murdered in prison, what sort of a m...man is THAT to have as a father?" He turned and ran from the library and seconds later Jarrod and Sarah heard the big front door slam behind him.


Jarrod got to his feet, "I'd better go after him."


Sarah shook her head, "no Jarrod, he's had quite a shock, he needs time to come to terms with what you've told him.  Let him be for a while."


Jarrod glanced through the window, "I don't want him to wander too far, Nick says there's a storm coming up."


Sarah looked at the sunny day in surprise, "a storm?  Really?"


Jarrod smiled, "believe me, Nick can smell bad weather a hundred miles away, so can Heath for that matter, if they say we're in for a storm, we are!"




Chapter 32     Heath's Philosophy.


Danny didn't linger to saddle up his horse or call his dog, he ran full pelt across the meadow and into the trees beside the nearby waterhole, he needed time to think, time to get a grip on the cold fury that possessed him.  He sat on the bank and hugged his knees, the strength of his rage made him feel sick he was so mad at his father.  How could he?  How could he leave Mama, Grandma and me for all that time and how could he be so...so STUPID?  Danny was not an educated boy but he was no fool either, a ten year prison sentence meant that a serious crime had been committed, probably a violent crime too.  Impossible to grieve for a man who would steal, maybe hurt folks as well.  Besides thought the angry boy, it was HIS fault Mama lied to Dakota, made ME lie to him, my father hurt Jarrod not us!  I hate him, I HATE him, he kicked savagely at a fallen tree trunk, he needed to vent his wrath on something.


When at last his rage cooled it was replaced by a grey tide of despair, he was doomed!  For the rest of his life people would see him as the son of a jailbird, a robber, murdered in prison.  His only comfort was that poor old Grandma was dead, she had loved Scott and she had stubbornly kept her faith in her son, this revelation would have broken her heart!  The boy was bitterly upset but he didn't cry, Jarrod had wiped away Danny's tears in his office, he had said he hoped his ward wouldn't have cause for tears for a long time to come.  Danny adored Jarrod...Dakota, he had vowed to himself then and there that he would never cry again, that if he was really Jarrod Barkley's boy then nothing bad could ever hurt him, ever be important enough for tears.  He didn't cry but he was sunk deep in gloom, the stigma of his father seemed to bear down on him like an actual weight on his back.


He jumped as a familiar voice spoke behind him, "I wouldn't sit there too much longer if I were you, there's a storm comin'."


Danny wheeled around to see Heath Barkley leading his horse Charger to the water's edge to drink.  He looked at the grey sky, it didn't seem very stormy, "how can you tell Heath?"


The fair haired cowboy smiled, "experience," he said.


Danny sighed as if the whole weight of the world was on his young shoulders.  Heath let Charger drink his fill then looped the big horse's reins over a branch, he sat beside the dejected boy on the bank and gave his shoulder a friendly pat, "wanna talk about it?"


Danny told him the fate of Scott Mathews and confided his own fear of being marked ever after as the son of a convict.  Shyly, the boy asked the man what he thought.  Heath contemplated the still water of the lake for a while before he answered, then he said quietly, "you know Danny, when I came here, I had nothin', no name, no heritage, I felt like I had no stake in anything at all.  I was proud when I became a member of the Barkley family, proud of my name and my birthright but it didn't change anything Danny."


"I don't understand Heath."


"What I mean is, I was still the same man I'd been before I became Heath Barkley, being a Barkley didn't make me what I am, I made me what I am."


Danny wrinkled his brow, "I heard Aunt Victoria tell Sarah that you had changed a lot in the last year."


Heath nodded, "yeah, I know what she means, I was kind of angry inside when I arrived here, you know what that feels like don't you Danny?"


"Yes Sir, I sure do!"


"Well if you let it, that feeling goes away and leaves you a better, happier person, I want you to think about that."


"I will Heath."


"As to your father, you aren't responsible for anything that he's done and you can't go through your life worrying whether people think badly of you because of him.  You owe it to yourself to be the best person you can be, and if you're happy with who you are, I say to hell with what others think of you."


Danny reached for Heath and the blond cowboy gave him a hug, "thanks Heath."


"Feel better?"


"I sure do!"


"Good!  What do you say we hightail it indoors before the storm hits?"


Jarrod was in the library writing letters at the big desk when Danny appeared in the doorway, he looked a little sheepishly at his guardian and hovered in the doorway uncertainly.  Jarrod glanced at him and carried on with his letter remarking casually, "good, I hoped you might come home before the storm hits, I think we're in for a strong one."


Danny came over to the desk and stood beside the Lawyer, "are you mad at me?"


"Of course not."


"Sorry I stormed out like that Jarrod!"


"You were upset," the Lawyer laid down his pen and looked at his ward, "how do you feel now?"


Danny nodded his head positively, "better!  I talked to Heath about it, he found me by the waterhole so I asked him what he thought and Heath says I'm not to let what my father did spoil my life."


Good for Heath!  thought Jarrod and he turned his chair to face the boy a little more.  Danny went on, "Heath says that I have to try to be the best person I can be and if I can live with myself then it doesn't much matter what other people might think." The boy edged closer to his guardian and put a tentative hand on Jarrod's arm, "do you think he's right Jarrod?" Jarrod's own hand covered the boy's, "I think Heath Barkley is a very wise young man and yes, he's absolutely right." He ruffled the boy's hair, "why don't you see if Silas needs any help, Mother isn't coming home to dinner and Sarah is helping in the kitchen too."


"I'm on my way," called Danny pelting from the library, his high spirits evidently fully restored.


Jarrod found Heath in the gunroom carefully cleaning his rifle, his younger brother looked up as the Lawyer entered the room.


"I was going to come find you Jarrod, I hope you don't mind but I had a talk with Danny about his father."


Jarrod smiled, "not only do I not mind Heath I came to thank you, the boy seems a whole lot easier in his mind now, I'm much obliged."


Heath's twisted smile dawned, "I just told him what I think," he said quietly.


Jarrod laid an affectionate hand on the younger man's shoulder, "well I think Heath Barkley's philosophy of life is pretty sound and I thank you."


Jarrod crossed to the decanters, "how about a drink?"




The Lawyer glanced at the rapidly darkening sky, "won't be long before the bad weather hits, I expected Nick home sooner."


Heath didn't quite hide his grin and Jarrod looked shrewdly at his younger brother's too innocent expression, "alright," he sighed, "what have you done to him?"


"Nothin'!" Heath's tone of voice was virtuous, "I just told him I caught sight of that big buck he's been after for weeks, he CHOSE to go off after it instead of doing the sensible thing and gettin' home before the rain starts."


Jarrod bent a mock-paternal frown on his younger brother, "Heath!  Tell me the truth, did you really spot that deer?"


"Well," conceded Heath, "I guess it could have been a trick of the light at that!"


Jarrod roared with laughter, "you are a BAD boy Heath Barkley!  He's gonna kill you."


Heath shook his head, "I think he'll be too wet for that Jarrod." The two brothers laughed companionably together and contentedly drank their whisky while the first cracks of thunder boomed above the house and forked lightning rent the sky.  Seconds later torrential rain began to batter the windows.


When Nick eventually arrived home he was wet to the bone, water streamed from his waterproof and his hat, settling in a substantial puddle around his feet, he regarded his younger brother with a fulminating eye, "not a damn sign of it, not one," he grated. 


Heath was sympathetic, "no?  Shame!"


Nick glared at him, "if I thought..."


The fair haired young man was all innocence, "thought what Nick?"


"Never mind!"


Jarrod and Danny came down the stairs together, "evening Nick, wet enough for you?" Jarrod crossed to the decanters and poured the wet man a drink, Nick grabbed it and tossed it back in one, handing the glass back to his older brother for a refill without a word.


Danny smiled at Nick, "Heath knew there was gonna be a storm Nick, didn't he tell you?"


"I KNEW that!"


Danny blinked and Nick stopped yelling, "you're right Danny, I should have listened to Heath!"


He shot his younger brother a look that promised ample vengeance at some future time. 


Danny could see the tall dark cowboy was put out, "shall I go run you a hot bath Nick?"


Nick grinned at him, "thank you Boy, that would be nice!"


Danny pounded up the stairs two at a time, Jarrod closed his eyes, "I swear he's even noisier than you were at that age Nick!"


"Nothin' wrong with that," growled Nick finishing his second whisky and squelching damply after Danny up the stairs.




Chapter 33     Friends and Brothers, Nick, Jarrod and Heath.


Two evenings later, a little before dinner, Nick and Jarrod Barkley were seated either side of the fire in Nick's splendid bedroom, glasses of brandy in their hands.  This companionable getting together was an old established custom of the two men, it had begun very soon after their father's death, just after Nick had taken possession of Tom's room.  It became the only place where either man felt able to display their true feelings, everywhere else it was necessary to be strong, with their grieving mother and bereft siblings, with the shaken ranch hands, in their dealings with business associates.  This room was a haven in which they could relax, share their troubles with each other, seek each other's advice and be themselves.  It had remained so till this day and as was their custom the two brothers were sharing a problem between them. 


"So," said Nick, "the wire came this morning huh?"


"Yes the hearing is scheduled for four days hence in Sacramento, I need to leave tomorrow ideally."


Nick glanced at his older brother, he seemed fully fit now and the boy wasn't worrying him anymore either.  "How do you feel about the case?  You gonna win?"


Jarrod smiled slightly, "I'll have a rougher ride than I got in Stockton, but yes I'm confident I'll win."


"Sassy goin' with you?"


"I want her to but I'm afraid she's nominated herself to babysit Danny here at home"




"Well Mother's going to meet Minnie and Audra in San Francisco, I haven't the heart to stop her, she's missed Audra dreadfully."


Nick nodded, "she sure has, she needs the break!"


"I know it Nick and I also know Danny would be miserable on a female dominated shopping expedition!"


Nick grinned and got up to refill their glasses, "not to mention that he'd get up to God knows what mischief!"




Nick handed Jarrod his drink and sat down again, "I could take him to the cattle sale with me."


Jarrod shook his head, "and miss your poker festival with the other buyers?  I wouldn't hear of it Nick!"


"I wonder if Heath can postpone his trip to the mines?"


"No Nick, you and Heath have both done more than your fair share of looking after the boy."


Nick frowned at Jarrod, "Sass will want to support you and I know you want her there too!"


"It can't be helped Nick," sighed Jarrod.


There was a knock on the door and Heath poked his head in, "sorry for interrupting," he said diffidently.


With a slight shock Nick realised that Heath had never been a part of the sessions he and Jarrod spent in this room, "what kind of foolish talk is that?  Come in and have a brandy." He glanced around the room slightly embarrassed, "I ought to get another chair in here, Heath there are a couple in your room aren't there?"


"I'll get one," said Heath heading for the door.


Nick's voice stopped him, "I'll get it, you sit here, make yourself comfortable."


He indicated his armchair and Heath sat down.  While Nick fetched the chair, Jarrod poured the younger man a drink.  Nick returned and set his chair down between his brothers, facing the fire. 


"That's better," said Nick as Jarrod handed him another drink.


"I didn't mean to disturb you both," said Heath quietly, "I just wanted a word with Jarrod."


Nick grinned rather sheepishly at Heath, "I don't know how it is but Jarrod and I got into kind of a habit of using this room as a meeting place in the early evenings.  I guess I never actually invited you to join us, I know you sometimes like your own company and I suppose I figured if you wanted to join us you would."


"Nick's right Heath, we never intended to exclude you," agreed Jarrod.


Heath was a little embarrassed and Nick lightened the atmosphere, "just remember Little Brother, the bar opens about six alright?"


Heath smiled, "I'll remember that Nick, thanks."


"So," said Jarrod, "what's on your mind Heath?"


"Well it's about the boy, would I be right in thinkin' you don't know what to do with him while you're in Sacramento?"


Quite right, as a matter of fact we were just discussing it.  Danny has offered to stay right here with Silas and he promises me he'll be good, I'm sure he means it too."


Heath grinned, "and you're equally sure that he'll get in trouble the second your back is turned?"


"Exactly right!"


Heath beamed at both his brothers, "well, I think I have a solution for you!"


Jarrod and Nick both said "you do?" in unison.


"Yeah, I have two trips I need to make, up to the high country and to the mines, I was going to leave for the mines tomorrow but what do you say I switch the trips around and take Danny with me up to the logging camp?"


Jarrod grinned broadly, "Heath that is a brainwave!  The Bentells won't mind you having Danny with you I know."


"On the contrary," said Heath, "Lucinda loves kids and she'll spoil him rotten."


"Are you sure you don't mind Heath?" The Lawyer smiled at his younger brother gratefully.


"My pleasure Jarrod, I'll go and tell the boy."


Heath left the room and Nick smiled ruefully at Jarrod, you know it never occurred to me to invite Heath to join us, I feel kind of bad about that."


"No need Nick, like you said Heath has a solitary side and sometimes he prefers his own company, he knows he's welcome now, that's what matters."


Minutes later they heard the thunder of young feet down the landing outside the bedroom door, "brace yourself Jarrod," laughed Nick.


The door burst open and Danny flew across the room to his guardian's side, "Jarrod!  Guess what?"


"Out!" The Lawyer's voice was terse, "knock on the door and wait until Nick tells you to come in."


Danny went quickly to the door and knocked, "come in," Nick called and the boy burst in again running straight to Jarrod, "Jarrod!  Guess what?"


"I give up," sighed Jarrod, "I despair of ever teaching this brat any manners!"


Danny grinned at him, totally unabashed, "Jarrod!  I want to TELL you!"


Jarrod relented, "I already know about your exciting invitation from Heath."


"Well can I go?"


"I beg your pardon?"


"Please Sir, I promise to be good and may I go with Heath PLEASE Jarrod!"


"Yes you may."


"YIPPEE!" The boy erupted from Nick's room hugging Heath on the landing before galloping down the stairs, "Sarah, guess what, SARAH!"


Heath came back in to Nick's room and sat down again, "this is only a guess but I think he likes the idea."


Jarrod smiled, "I'm grateful Heath, Sarah and I need some time alone and this solves our dilemma nicely."


The fair haired cowboy smiled, "it's my pleasure Jarrod," his pale blue eyes flickered in Nick's direction, "besides, having the boy with me, well...it will help."


Jarrod's eyes twinkled, he could always tell when Heath was ribbing Nick.


"Help?  Help what?" Nick's voice was puzzled.


Heath answered him with a show of earnestness, "well Nick I miss you so much when I'm away on a trip, but having that noisy badly behaved boy with me, why it'll be just like you were there, I won't miss you a bit!"


"Oh haha Heath very funny!"


Jarrod laughed, it was pleasant to feel so relaxed and happy, life hadn't been easy for the last few weeks, he looked forward eagerly to his court case, he would win, he felt certain of it, and now he could look forward to having Sarah with him while he did so.




Chapter 34     A Trip To The High Country.


The next morning passed in a whirling bustle of departures, Nick set off early for the cattle sales, he would drive some hard bargains, do some good deals and more importantly play poker till he dropped!  Jarrod and Sarah set off for the State Capital and the final round of Jarrod's fight on behalf of the Valley's small farmers, he was quietly confident that he would win and blissfully happy to have Sarah to himself for a few days.  She was equally contented and determined to enjoy herself, she had been feeling queasy for days and told herself a change of air was all she needed to be well again.


Victoria went with her son and daughter in law to the station and they saw her onto the San Francisco train, she was to meet the redoubtable Minnie Perlman there with Audra at the end of their extended tour.  This was the longest trip Audra had ever made without her mother and truth to tell Victoria had missed her terribly.  More than she had expected to, dearly as she loved all her children, her daughter held a tender place in Victoria's heart and the house had seemed lonely without her constant companionship, despite Sarah's comforting presence.


As the train rattled along, Victoria had leisure to think about her conversation with Danny prior to leaving the house that morning.  He had sought her out in her own room and asked if he might speak privately to her as he had something on his mind.  "Of course Dear, come in and sit down."


The boy sat nervously beside her and Victoria patted his hand, "what can I do for you Danny?"


"Well Aunt Victoria, it's about Jarrod and Sarah, do you mind if I ask you something?"


"No Darling, ask me anything you want and I'll do my best to help you."


He had confided in her then, told her exactly what he was thinking and feeling and anxiously asking for her advice.  She had responded as she always had with her own children, she had been completely honest and told him what she felt about the matter.  They had been interrupted by a knock on the door and Sarah had entered the room.  "Oh!  I'm sorry," Sarah had smiled, "I didn't mean to disturb you."


"Actually Sarah we are rather glad you did, Danny has been asking my advice and since the matter concerns you I think you should hear what he has to say and what I have suggested too."


Sarah had sat, listened and largely agreed with her mother in law and Danny.  "Better leave it to me to break it to Jarrod though," she had counselled, "I'll need to pick my moment and ensure that he understands how we all feel."


It had been agreed between the three of them that the subject would be left in abeyance until the family were all together again and Sarah had been able to tell Jarrod about the decision she, Victoria and Danny had come to.  Victoria wondered if she, if they had done right, she hoped so, she fervently hoped so!


Danny and Heath saw everyone else off on their travels and spent a pleasurable morning preparing their gear before an early lunch after which they too would set out.  Danny had been subjecting Heath to a constant barrage of eager questions and enquiries about the logging operations, the Bentells and the trip up to the high country.  Heath reflected that his joke to his brothers about not missing Nick was certainly coming true!  Not even Nick at his most expansively verbose could rival Danny Mathews unbounded enthusiasm.  Not that Heath really minded, he had felt desperately sorry for the orphaned boy when Danny had first arrived at the ranch and it was good to see him happy at last.


They set out right after lunch, waved off by Silas who stood watching until they were out of sight before letting out a sigh of relief at clearing the house for a few days and repaired to his peaceful kitchen for coffee and a slice of the cake he had baked himself that morning.  A few days without anyone in this house was a rarity and Silas intended to relish every minute of it.  He had been here many years now, rescued from a life of miserable terror and was content to serve the family he loved, he had been offered and refused the opportunity of a different kind of life but he knew what he wanted and that was to stay right here.  He was an intelligent man and could have had greater aspirations, but he knew himself well and he was content to stay with the Barkleys for the rest of his days.


The Man and the boy made good progress on the first afternoon of their journey, Danny was a competent young horseman and JB was a fine horse, Heath could set a fair pace and the boy had no difficulties keeping up.  They had left the dog DG at home, Danny had been keen to bring her but Heath had persuaded him that she was still a little young for such a long journey and reluctantly Danny had agreed, parting from DG with many hugs and kisses.  Unbeknown to Danny it had been Heath who suggested to Jarrod and Sarah that they give the boy a dog.  He had quietly told Jarrod that an orphan needs something to pour out his love on, the Lawyer had recognised the personal pain from which Heath's knowledge had come and he had promised to discuss it with his wife.  It was not now Jarrod's practice to take any decision regarding the boy without consulting Sarah first and he related Heath's words to her, Sarah had agreed at once.  She was far from being the lonely orphan Danny was, but her childhood had been spent in being passed from one reluctant family member to another and parts of her life had been bleak indeed.  She too could see the sense in providing the boy with a pet to love.


At the end of a very long afternoon in the saddle, Heath had called a halt and Danny had helped him make camp.  They dined sumptuously on the picnic provided for them by Silas and the amused Heath watching Danny consume the last of the apple cake reflected that in matters of appetite too there was little difference between travelling with Nick Barkley or Danny Mathews.  When the boy had eaten his fill and they had squared away all their gear and tied the horses down for the night they turned in.  "Best get plenty of rest, "smiled Heath, "we have a longer day in the saddle tomorrow and now you ate all the food we'll have to hunt up some more!"


Danny had promised his guardian faithfully that he would behave himself on the trip with Heath and Heath himself had told the boy he expected him to act like a young man not a child and that he must act responsibly at all times.  Danny had every intention of doing so but he reckoned without two things, one was his burning desire to use his new rifle and the other was his wish to impress Heath Barkley.  Danny had developed a lively admiration for Heath, he was drawn to the quiet, competent cowboy, who despite his quiet ways never backed down to anyone and usually got his way about things.  Waking before Heath very early next morning, Danny took his rifle and set out to hunt up a rabbit or two for their evening meal that night.  He had good fortune and returned to camp with two fat rabbits and feeling more than a little pleased with himself.  He displayed his prizes to Heath Barkley expecting words of praise, "look Heath, I hunted these, we'll eat well tonight huh?"


"Well I guess I will anyway," said the fair haired man extending a hand for the rabbits.


Danny handed them over, "I don't understand," said the boy puzzled by Heath's stern expression and cold voice.  Heath indicated the rifle in the boy's hands, "I guess I'd better take that too, since you can't be trusted to keep your word."


"But Heath..."


"Did I or did I not tell you that on no account were you to go out alone with this gun?"


"Yes Sir but..."


"No buts, I told you I was expecting a young man along on this trip not a naughty little boy, if I can't trust you Danny, you can't go with me."


The boy flushed under Heath's icy gaze, "I...I'm sorry I just wanted to show you I could handle the rifle is all."


Heath turned away and strapped the boy's rifle onto Charger's saddle, "you better get some breakfast inside you, it's a long ride back to the ranch."


Danny stared at him horrified, "you...you mean we're going back home, not...not to the logging camp?"


Heath shook his head, "no, I'm going on up to the camp, this is a business trip and I have my work to do but you can head home to the ranch by yourself"


Danny's jaw nearly hit the ground, "b...by myself?"


Heath nodded, his face and voice still stern, "it's an easy enough ride you won't get lost, tell Silas I said you weren't quite old enough to be on this trip."


Danny hung his head in shame, "please don't send me back Heath, I...I want to go with you," his voice trailed miserably away.


"you should have thought of that before you disobeyed me," said Heath uncompromisingly.


Breakfast was eaten in cold silence and Danny miserably rinsed the plates and cups in the nearby stream before saddling up JB.  He turned from the horse to make a last appeal to Heath, "c...couldn't I go with you Sir, I promise to be good really I do."


Heath was implacable, "you better get going, it's a long ride home."


Danny gritted his teeth determined not to be a baby and cry, he murmured sadly "Yes Sir, goodbye Heath."


He mounted his horse and trotted sadly off down the track as Heath stood watching him go.


Under no circumstances would Heath have allowed a twelve year old boy to make a full day's ride by himself but Danny didn't know that and it was a dejected boy that rode his horse away, Heath let him get a full six hundred yards away, right to the bend in the track that would have taken the boy out of sight before he put his fingers to his mouth and let out a piercing whistle.


Danny turned and saw his mentor beckoning him back, eagerly, he turned JB and rode back to their camp.  He dismounted and stood before Heath, humbly but with hope in his heart.  Heath spoke severely to him, "this had better be the first and last time you cross me on this trip, clear?"




"Alright you can go with me and later on we'll do a little more hunting and you can show me that I can trust you with your rifle, fair enough?"


"Yes Sir Heath, fair enough."


With soaring spirits Danny set off with his companion for the long day's ride.  He was circumspect with Heath and carefully respectful, fearing that the blond man might have a down on him for the rest of the trip but to his relief Heath was his usual amiable self.  During the course of that day Heath went hunting with Danny and pronounced himself satisfied that the boy could handle his rifle.  They dined that night on a mess of rabbit stew that Heath perpetrated, it gave Danny indigestion but he ate it manfully.  Before they had set out on this trip Nick Barkley had laughingly warned Danny that Heath was an awful trail cook, trying to sleep that night with his growling stomach for company, Danny was inclined to agree!



