Danny and Dakota

Chapters 35-46

by Lindabrit





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author. The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 35     Lucinda. 


Two days later, Heath Barkley and Danny Mathews rode into the logging camp.  It had been a fascinating trip for the boy, he had never before been this high in the mountains and he had lost his heart to this high country, he loved everything about it, the magnificent peaks, the rushing rivers, the vivid and vibrant colours of the wildlife and vegetation.  Above all he loved the trees, the soaring, splendid trees.  He felt drawn to this place, felt in his heart that it was his place, his spiritual home.  A little shyly, he had tried to explain these feelings to Heath and to his surprise Heath had understood exactly what he meant, confiding that he had experienced similar sensations himself on his first visit to this place. 


They pulled up their horses in front of the Bentells modest house and Danny liked the look of that too, not an intimidating mansion like the Barkley ranch house nor a mean shack like he had shared with Mama and Grandma, but something in between, a comfortable little home, with flowers and a herb garden and a balcony with a swing and chairs set out comfortably on it.  Danny felt that same sensation of being drawn to the place, of belonging, just as he had felt among the tall trees.


A lady appeared at the door of the little house and she came smilingly out to meet them, "Heath!  Oh what a wonderful surprise, I thought you were coming next month!" She advanced toward them her arms held out and Heath caught her to him in a warm embrace, he kissed her cheeks too, "hello Lucinda, you look wonderful."


"Thank you Dear, I feel very well, I got through the winter without a single ailment I'm glad to say."


She turned to Danny, "and who is this handsome young man?"


"Lucinda I'd like you to meet Danny Mathews, he lives with us at the ranch since his mother and grandmother died, he's Jarrod's ward."


"Hello Danny," she smiled, "I'm very happy to meet you," she held out her hand and Danny shyly shook it and murmured that he was happy to meet her too.  He thought she was a sweet lady, he liked her soft gentle voice and although she wasn't as tiny and delicate looking as Aunt Victoria or as beautiful as Sarah, he thought she was lovely.  He liked her kind face and sweet smile, for some reason he could scarcely define he felt comfortable with her at once.


Lucinda smiled at the boy and he returned it, his own smile was sweet and amiable, a nice looking boy she thought, sturdily built, evidently he liked his food!  "Are you hungry Danny?"


"Yes Ma'am a little."


"We ate on the trail Cinda," Heath assured her.


"Well if the poor boy has been eating your cooking Heath Barkley he must have a constitution of iron to still be alive!"


Danny laughed delightedly and willingly accompanied his hostess indoors while Heath rode off to find Mrs. Bentell's husband Matt who was in charge of this exciting place.  The woman and the boy got along well, she fed him a substantial lunch including a large piece of apple pie which Danny ate with relish.  "This sure is good Ma'am, my...my Mama made it this way, Mrs. Barkley's tastes kind of funny though."


"Cinnamon," said Lucinda at once, "I don't have any here and anyway I think it spoils the flavour of the apples, I use brown sugar that's all."


"Well I think it's just perfect," her new friend assured her with that peculiarly sweet smile of his.  Just as Victoria Barkley had, Lucinda found herself thinking that this boy would be a breaker of hearts one day, there was something very charming and nice about him altogether.


After lunch Lucinda made them both some coffee and to her surprise the boy got up and did the dishes without the slightest prompting.  She smiled at him, "did you do this for Mama Honey?"


He answered her with a shy yes, eyes bright with unshed tears, Lucinda's gentle heart went out to him and she tenderly smoothed his thick wavy brown hair.  As if it were the most natural thing in the world he moved into her arms and held on tight, she cuddled him close and they clung together for a time.


Afterwards they talked, talked for hours!  All afternoon they sat together on the verandah and Danny poured out his heart to his new friend, telling her all about his first meeting with Jarrod/ Dakota and his shame at having deceived the man he adored.  The story of his mother and grandmother's death were haltingly told too and again the tender gentle woman comforted the bereaved boy.  He told Lucinda of his unhappy beginnings in the Barkley house and she assured him she understood his actions during that miserable period.  He explained how he had become reconciled with Jarrod and little though he knew it she had some inkling of how Sarah might have felt about Jarrod's adoption of a twelve year old boy. 


Danny confided his educational difficulties to Lucinda and she listened intently as he told her about Jarrod's plans to engage a tutor and then to send Danny to the Stockton Boys School.  She smiled at the boy, "you know Danny it isn't at all unusual for the education of children to be neglected because of their circumstances," she smiled.


"It isn't Ma'am?"


"No not at all, most of the children who live at this camp during the summer wouldn't go to school at all if I didn't have my own little school here."


Danny was surprised, "are you a teacher then Ma'am?"


"I used to be certainly."


"Well you sure are a whole lot nicer than any teacher I ever met!"


"Thank you Danny, I take that as a compliment." She looked appraisingly at her new friend, "you know Danny having had a neglected education is nothing to be ashamed of, but not taking the opportunity to change that situation, that would be a poor way to behave."


The boy's sigh was deep, "I guess you're right Ma'am, I just get so...plain embarrassed when I try to learn is all."


"I understand Honey, I really do, what you need is the right teacher," she smiled at the boy may I show you what I mean?"


"Alright Ma'am," said the boy doubtfully. 


Lucinda went inside to a cupboard and returned with some sheets of paper, pencils and a ruler.  The woman and the boy spent the next hour drawing a detailed floor plan of Jarrod Barkley's law office, to Danny it was an absorbing happy hour at the end of which they had together produced a detailed and neat piece of work good enough to show off to Heath when he returned.  "So Honey", asked Lucinda, "what have we been doing for the last hour?"


"Playing!" Danny sounded positive.


"Are you sure we haven't been learning?"


"No Ma'am!  I had FUN."


"Well I'm glad you did but we did some mathematical calculations to make our drawing to scale and we looked up the words we didn't know how to spell in the dictionary to be sure we had labelled everything correctly and we used the ruler to draw all our lines straight so, did we learn a little bit while we were having fun?"


The boy looked at her for a long minute, "yes Ma'am I guess we sure did.  Mrs. Bentell?"


"Yes Dear?"


"You sure are a good teacher, real sneaky too!"


Lucinda laughed and hugged Danny, "I'll take that as a compliment too Young Man!"


When Heath returned, Danny said hello to Mr. Bentell politely then proudly displayed his floor plan to Heath.  Heath was impressed, "that is a great piece of work Danny, bet you never knew you could do something like that did you?"


"No Sir.  I sure didn't!"


Heath handed the paper to Matt Bentell, "what do you think Matt?"


Bentell studied the plan carefully, he smiled at the boy, "well now Danny, I would say maybe you're fixing to be an engineer like me huh?"


"D...do you think a boy like me could become an engineer Mr. Bentell?"


Matt smiled and patted the boy on the back, "judging by this young fellow I'd say you could do pretty well anything you wanted."


Danny beamed with happy pride, he was beginning to like Mr. Bentell almost as much as Mrs. Bentell!




Chapter 36     Matthew.


Danny knew quite a lot more when he went to bed that night about the camp, the logging operation and the Bentells, he hadn't been the only one who had talked that afternoon, Lucinda Bentell had told him a great many interesting things about herself, Matt Bentell and about Heath Barkley too.  Danny had been amazed to learn that only a year ago Matt Bentell and Heath had been deadly enemies.  Lucinda had told him frankly about her husband's time as the commander of the Carterson prisoner of war camp and about Heath's imprisonment there.  Danny already knew a little about the war service of Jarrod, Nick and Heath Barkley but Lucinda had been the first to mention Carterson to him.  He now knew that his beloved Jarrod had played a major part in reconciling Heath with his former enemy Matt Bentell and Lucinda had explained to Danny that hate is a deadly poison and a sensible man shouldn't let it rule his life.  She had gently pointed out to Danny that Heath had killed his hatred and in so doing found a new and very good friend in Matt.  Danny had understood her and made her a promise that he would try not to think badly of his dead father Scott any more. 


Next morning, Danny was permitted to accompany Matt Bentell and Heath on their survey of the logging operation.  The boy was fascinated by the magnificent log flume that sent the great logs thundering down and into the rushing river below.  He experienced again that strange sensation of belonging, of being in the place where he was meant to be and when they sat eating a brief picnic lunch he talked to Matt Bentell of his feelings.  Mr. Bentell understood perfectly and told Danny many interesting things about the trees and the logging operations.  Danny liked Matthew Bentell, he was a quiet but authoritative man who clearly loved his work and this high country, it crossed the boy's mind that Mr. Bentell was the kind of man he might have wished to have as a father, rather than the disinterested Scott Mathews.


Heath watched the growing intimacy between his friend and his brother's ward with interest and truth to tell with a little unease as well.  It was not long since Jarrod and Danny had reconciled with each other and Heath was acutely aware that his brother was growing fonder of his ward with each passing day.  Now, if Heath was reading the signs aright, it seemed that Danny might have a new future in mind, a future that excluded Jarrod Barkley from his life.  Heath told himself he was making too much of the boy's pleasure and interest in his surroundings, after all, they were only staying a few more days and what could happen in that short time?




Chapter 37     Teacher and pupil.


Over the next few days, Danny worked hard with Lucinda Bentell, she was a gifted teacher with a knack of engaging her pupil's interest and she helped the boy to make a remarkable amount of progress in the few days they worked together.  She gave him a great deal of much needed confidence during these days and he began to believe that he could actually make up the education he had missed over the last few years.  One afternoon as they sat companionably together, Danny impulsively reached for his hostess's hand and blurted out "I wish..."


Cinda squeezed his hand, "what is it Honey?"


"I wish I could stay awhile...with you."


Cinda's eyes were bright with unshed tears, "so do I Sweetheart," she whispered, bravely trying to smile.  "Do you think perhaps Heath might let you, if you were to ask him?"


Danny was dubious, "I don't know Ma'am, you see I'm Jarrod's Boy and I'm not sure when he's due home, he'll expect me to be there I guess."


Cinda didn't push the matter, "well we will just have to see, won't we?"


The next time Danny got Heath on his own he tentatively broached the subject of his staying on at the camp for a while but found Heath non-committal on the matter.  Heath in fact found himself in something of a quandary, he could sense how strongly his friends the Bentells had taken to the boy and there was no doubt that the boy reciprocated their feelings, but Heath didn't feel it right to take it on himself to agree to Danny's remaining here, even for a short stay.  That was surely Jarrod's decision and no-one else's.  Heath wished that he had someone else to discuss the matter with and that same day, to his astonishment, his wish was granted when Nick Barkley rode into the camp.


"Hey Heath!" Nick's voice boomed out as he trotted Coco up to the Bentell's barn door, he dismounted and shook hands with his brother.


"What happened to the cattle sales?"


"Anthrax!" Nick's voice was a growl, "not a beast I would have wanted there anyway!"


Heath grinned at him, "no poker either?"


Nick's face showed his disgust, "would you credit it Heath?  Some interfering do-gooding busybodying prissy-faced women's league got up a petition and the Sheriff closed down the saloon!"


Heath burst out laughing, "you surely have suffered Big Brother!"


Nick grinned, "anyway the plans you and Matt were waiting on finally arrived at the ranch so I thought I might as well bring them up to you." He slapped his brother on the back, "how are you Boy?"


"Glad to see you Nick!  I need to talk to you about the boy." Heath's anxiety was printed clearly on his handsome face.


"Danny?  What in tarnation has that young rascal done now?"


While Nick rubbed Coco down and stabled him, Heath told his brother of the growing friendship between Danny and the Bentells and the schoolwork the boy had done with Lucinda Bentell.  "The boy really likes it here Nick, I think he feels more at ease in the Bentell house than he does at the ranch and he seems to have a feel for this country."


Nick wasn't wholly convinced, "well so do you have a feeling for this place but it doesn't mean you want to spend the rest of your life here, now does it?"


"Dammit Nick!  We're not talking about me!  Danny is Jarrod's ward and his responsibility, you know as well as I do how fond Jarrod is of that boy, how's he gonna feel if Danny comes right out and tells him he wants to stay with the Bentells?"


Nick considered the matter, "I think you're making too much of this Heath," he said at last, "the boy hasn't said he wants to stay up here for good, he just wants to visit for a while, where's the harm in that?"


Heath shook his head, "you haven't seen Danny with Cinda, they're like mother and son Nick I'm telling you."


"How can that be?  He's only known her a week or so and anyway, you can't have the same feeling for a woman who isn't your real mother!"


Heath's clear blue eyes showed his hurt, "what ever you say Nick," he said quietly and turning he walked out of the barn.


Too late Nick realised what he had said and cursed himself for a fool, he strode out of the barn and caught up with his brother, "wait up there Heath," he forced his brother to stop and gripped Heath's shoulder, "I'm sorry," he said simply, "I didn't mean that, you know I didn't."


"Forget it," smiled Heath, he sighed, "maybe you're right about Danny, I just don't want Jarrod to be hurt."


"Let's just see what happens," recommended Nick.


"Alright Nick, but I warn you the boy will ask you if he can stay for a visit the minute he sets eyes on you."


Heath proved to be right, Nick was sitting on the verandah of the Bentell house having been handsomely fed by his hostess and he had dozed away most of the afternoon when Danny returned home with Matt Bentell.  Danny no sooner set eyes on Nick than he let out a cry of joy and launched himself at the tall dark cowboy.  Nick caught him up and hugged him warmly, "how are you Danny?"


"Good Nick!  I've had a great time here and you should SEE the work I've done with Mrs. Bentell!"


"So Heath's been telling me, good for you Boy!"


Nick and Matt shook hands, "how has this young man been behaving himself Matt?"


Matt smiled, "very well indeed Nick, I don't know who is enjoying Danny's visit the most, Cinda or me."


Danny broke in eagerly, "Nick, I asked Heath but he said he wasn't sure, do you think I could stay here for a little visit, Jarrod wouldn't mind would he?"


Nick hesitated, sitting back down and Matt Bentell quietly excused himself and went tactfully away leaving the man and the boy together.  "Well Danny, I'm not too sure when Jarrod is due home so maybe it would be better if you came home with Heath and me huh?"


The boy was crestfallen, "do I have to Nick?  I want to surprise Jarrod by how much I've learned, that's why I want to stay with the Bentells for a while," he stood before Nick, his hand on the dark man's arm, eyes beseeching.  Nick was trying to decide what to do when Heath came out of the barn and crossed over to the verandah to join them.  "Please Nick, please may I stay?  Just for a short visit?" Nick's eyes met Heath's and the younger Barkley shook his head briefly, Nick looked at the boy but was powerless against that wounded puppy look, "well...I guess there wouldn't be any harm in a short visit," he conceded.


Danny was overjoyed, hugging Nick rapturously before pelting indoors to tell the Bentells he could stay.


Heath was deeply angry, his mouth was a hard line and he glared at Nick who shrugged defensively, "well what else could I do?"


"You could have said no," said Heath flatly.


"I did!  At least I tried to, but when he looks at me that way...well it's done with now anyway."


"Is it?  I think you just started something Big Brother!"


"For God's sake Heath!  You heard the kid, he wants to surprise Jarrod with what he's learning with Cinda, that's why he wants to stay."


"I don't buy that Nick and if you're honest neither do you!"


"Meaning what?" Nick was on his feet aggressively confronting his brother.


"Meaning go ahead Nick!  Do what you want, you always do anyway but don't try to tell me that everything is alright because it's NOT.  And another thing, you can damn well tell Jarrod you agreed to this, not me."


Heath turned and strode away from the house leaving his older brother seething on the verandah.


Nick sat down when he cooled off a little and thought about the situation but he still wasn't convinced that Heath was right, his younger brother had some set ideas about family and such, ten to one he was making a mountain out of a molehill.


But that evening, watching Cinda Bentell and Danny, talking and laughing together as they dried the dishes, Nick began to feel a little uneasy.  There was a curious intimacy between the woman and the child, it was easy to imagine that they were mother and son so freely did they communicate.  She was affectionate with the boy too and he was lapping it up.  Nick was coming to the conclusion that Heath might have a point, but he was determined not to admit it!  Heath was very quiet, not talking to Nick at all and only when addressed to anyone else, he slipped from the house towards bedtime and strolled down the track leading to the log flume.


Heath was a worried man, the introduction of Danny Mathews into the Barkley family had caused a deal of upset and unhappiness, now it seemed as if there might be more trouble to come and Heath would have given a great deal to spare Jarrod the hurt he feared awaited him.  He saw his brother's tall figure walking towards him and sighed, he didn't want to fight with Nick about this.  Nick came slowly up to the younger man and dug his hands in his belt, he fidgeted awkwardly, "I ...er...I think you were right, maybe."


Heath didn't answer, just stared at his brother, unsmilingly.




"Well what?"


"Dammit Heath I SAID you might be right, what do you want from me?"


Heath sighed, "nothin' Nick but I wish you hadn't let the boy stay that's all."


Nick scuffed the ground with his boot, "I'll tell Jarrod I agreed to it," he murmured.


"You bet you will!" Heath was determined on that.


"I SAID I will!"


Heath shook his head, "I have a bad feeling about this Nick, I really do."


Nick tried to make the best of things, "I expect the boy is just enjoying the different surroundings, it's the novelty is all."


Heath was sceptical but kept his thoughts to himself, "I hope you're right Nick, I hope you're right."


The Barkley brothers departed for the ranch next day, there was urgent work awaiting them but both promised to return to the logging camp in a couple of weeks to inspect the progress on Matt Bentell's latest feat of engineering, an extension to the log flume already in operation.  Lucinda embarrassed both men by fervently thanking them for allowing Danny to stay at the camp.  "I can't thank you both enough!  Danny will be just fine here with Matt and me, he really wants to make some progress with his studies and impress Jarrod!"


Heath didn't answer her, just looked angrily at his brother, Nick ignored his gaze and spoke a little awkwardly to Cinda Bentell, "well of course it's only a visit you know Cinda."


"Oh yes Nick I realise that but it is SUCH a pleasant thing for me to have a child to spoil!"


Nick was sorry for the childless woman and smiled warmly at her, "I know we're leaving the boy in safe hands here with you and Matt Cinda."


Heath's voice was icy, "time we were leaving Nick," he turned to Lucinda and said quietly, "take care of yourself Cinda, see you soon," he kissed Lucinda's cheek and walked out of the house without waiting for Nick.  The older Barkley also kissed Cinda and strode out to join Heath, "what the hell is wrong with you?"


Heath glared at him, "every time you open your mouth you make it worse!  You can SEE what that poor woman is hoping for and it is never going to happen Nick!  No way will Jarrod abandon his responsibility for Danny, I like Cinda Bentell and Matt too and all I can see ahead for them is unhappiness."


Nick was defensive, "I couldn't help myself, she was so...so damn grateful!"


Heath set off for the barn, "I don't want to hear it Nick," he snapped.


Lucinda didn't come outside to see them off but Danny and Matt were both coming down from the tree plantation and Danny ran to both men for a hug before they mounted up.  Heath ruffled the boy's mop of wavy hair, "you be good for Mr. and Mrs. Bentell now you hear?"


"Yes Sir I will, I promise."


Nick patted the boy's back, "we'll both be back in a couple of weeks, you got any messages for home?"


"Yes Sir!  A hug for Silas and Sarah and Aunt Victoria and TWO hugs for Jarrod from his boy!"


Nick smiled, "I'll see to it, you behave yourself Boy!"


"I WILL I already SAID I will Nick."


"See you do!" smiled Nick.  Both Barkley men shook hands with Matt Bentell and at last they were allowed to ride away.




Chapter 38     Friends and Brothers.  Nick, Heath and Jarrod.


The ride home was accomplished in near silence, there was no actual quarrel but Heath had nothing to say and Nick was a prey to his thoughts, he was gloomily coming to the conclusion that Heath was right about things.  The boy maybe did have ambitions to stay for good with the Bentells and Nick knew that Matt and Lucinda both disliked their childless state.  Heath was certainly right about Counselor Barkley!  Under no circumstances could Nick imagine Jarrod relinquishing responsibility for Danny to someone else.  Hell, he had refused even to consider leaving the boy at the ranch with Victoria and Nick and Heath when he and Sarah set up home together as they hoped to in the near future.


Riding moodily alongside the silent Heath, Nick recalled a day a week or more ago back at the ranch.  He and Jarrod had gone into the library to look up a boundary reference map and they had found Danny at the big desk with the plans for the house Jarrod and Sarah were planning to build in the near future.  The boy had been a little embarrassed at being caught looking at the plans, but Jarrod had smiled and spreading them out had explained the design to his ward.  The boy had been very interested and highly delighted when called upon to say where he wanted his own room in the new house to be.


What Nick didn't know, nor did Jarrod for that matter, was that Danny had gone soon after this encounter to consult his friend Silas in the kitchen.  Silas had told the boy on his very first morning in the Barkley house that he could ask Silas anything he needed to know at any time.  Danny had many times availed himself of this facility and on this occasion he had asked Silas if Jarrod and Sarah loved each other.


"Sure they do!"


"Well, is that why they need their own house?"


"Yes Sonny that's about the size of it, a pair of young lovers should have their own love nest I reckon."


When the two brothers made camp that night Nick cooked up a passable meal and both men ate their fill.  Heath's prolonged silence was beginning to get Nick down and he shot several searching glances at his younger brother from under his black brows.  Eventually he could stand it no longer and jutted his masterful chin in Heath's direction, "go ahead," he invited the blond man, "take your best shot!"


Heath frowned and replied quietly, "cut it out Nick."


"Well I don't know what else to do!  I told you that you have a point, I told you I'll tell Jarrod what's going on, how long are you gonna keep giving me the cold shoulder?"


Heath's long suppressed anger bubbled up to the surface, "you NEVER listen, not to me anyway, you just bore right in, headfirst usually and where does it get you Nick?  Answer me that, where does it get you?"


"Right now it's got me in the dog-house!" Nick's tone was dry.


Heath's slow smile dawned despite himself, "I just wish you would THINK once in a while," he sighed.


They said nothing more, both understanding one another tolerably well.  They turned in early and made good speed the next day, arriving back at the ranch before dark.  They stabled their horses and went on up to the house, Nick flung open the big front door yelling for Silas and was surprised to hear his eldest brother's voice from the stairs, "for the love of heaven Nick, hold it down!"


Jarrod came downstairs and shook hands with both his brothers, "what are you doing here?" Nick asked.


"The case is awaiting judgement, the judge is considering his verdict."


"Is that good?" Heath's intelligent question made Jarrod smile, "I believe so Heath, they gave me a hard time but I rather think I have them on the run."


The three men provided themselves with whisky and sat down to wait for Silas to serve supper.


"Where's Sarah?" Nick looked around expecting to see his sister in law somewhere.


"Well that's really why we came home for a few days rather than staying in Sacramento, Sarah isn't too well and I thought she ought to be at home to get some rest."


Heath frowned, "is it serious Jarrod?"


"I don't believe so Heath, she's just a little out of sorts, over-tired I daresay." The Lawyer's clear blue eyes glanced intelligently from Heath's sombre face to Nick's moody one and he smiled wryly, he could read both his younger brothers like a book and the constraint between them was palpable.  "Well?" Jarrod's enquiry was light-hearted, if there were any serious reason for the absence of Danny, doubtless Nick would have blurted it out before now.


"Well what?" Nick's voice was a growl.


Jarrod smiled and his tone was ironic, "well I might be wrong but when you left it was to bring Heath and Danny back with you, I can see Heath but of Daniel Charles Mathews I see no sign!"


Heath stood up, "Charger was a little lame when we rode in, I need to check his leg for swelling," he said quietly and with a searing glance at Nick he walked away from the fireplace toward the front door.  He stopped in the foyer as his sister in law came gracefully down the stairs.  She was a little pale but as lovely as ever, "Heath!  Welcome home." She gave him her hands and he kissed her cheek, "It's good to see you Sarah, I'll be back when I've checked my horse." She did not detain him and came to the two in the living room, both stood as she approached and Jarrod tenderly handed her to a chair, Nick brought her a glass of sherry and she smiled at them both.  "Stop fussing gentlemen!  I feel fine this evening, she glanced around and smiled, "well the door didn't come off it's hinges when you got home so I assume Danny is still up at the camp?"


Nick was grateful for the opening, "that's it," he agreed heartily, "the boy has hit it off really well with the Bentells and Cinda's teaching him plenty!"


Sarah smiled, "I thought if anyone could engage Danny's interest in education it might be Cinda, she's a very gifted teacher."


Jarrod refilled Nick's glass and handed it to him, slapping his back in friendly fashion, "out with it Nicholas," he smiled.




"What ever has Heath so quiet and giving you such dirty looks!"


Nick stood up restlessly and kicked at the massive log on the fire, "oh, that!"


Jarrod waited patiently and eventually Nick went on, "the boy wants to do some more work with Cinda is all, he wants to surprise you Jarrod." His brother nodded encouragingly, Sarah said nothing but her brain was working furiously and already she perceived much of what Nick had not yet said.


"Heath thinks...well...he may have a point, but he thinks the boy has taken a pretty big shine to Matt and Cinda, Heath was kind of put out when I let the boy stay for a while." He looked into Jarrod's face, "if I've done the wrong thing, I'm sorry Jarrod," he shrugged and finished defiantly, "but what's done is done!"


Jarrod punched his arm, "don't worry about it Nick, for the time being it's no bad thing that the boy is up in the high country.  You and Heath have work to do, Sarah needs rest and I'm headed back to Sacramento.  So if Danny is happy and doing some school work with Lucinda then that's fine."


Nick was feeling guilty, "but what if Heath is right?"


Jarrod smiled, "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it Nick, forget about it now, I bet you're hungry aren't you?"


Nick cheered up, "starved!"


Jarrod started toward the front door, "I'll pry Heath loose from the barn while you get Sarah another sherry Nick.


The eldest of the Barkley brothers came quietly into the barn, Heath was stroking Charger's glossy nose, the fine chestnut butted his master's chest and snorted contentedly.  This great horse had been Nick's first gift to his new brother, a tangible token of acceptance and the beginning of the deep bond that existed between them now.  If there was ever a line to be taken, a choice to be made, Heath invariably came down on the side of Nick, his next brother had his loyalty as well as his love.  For him to be so overtly against Nick's actions on this occasion could only mean that he felt strongly about the matter.


Jarrod smiled, he too had a powerful bond with this young man, though of a different nature perhaps to the bond Heath had with Nick.  Jarrod was confident he could set matters straight.  He advanced toward the fair haired cowboy, "well, if you've been eating your own cooking for the last couple of days you must be pining for Silas's supper!"


Heath managed a smile but his brother could see the trouble in his face.  "Heath, I understand your concern but I think I also know exactly what happened up there."


There was an arrested expression in Heath's eyes, "how could you know that Jarrod?"


The Lawyer grinned, "because I know Nick!  Stop me if I get any of this wrong, Danny stood in front of him with a beseeching look like a wounded puppy and said pleeease Nick can I?"


Heath couldn't help laughing, "something like that," he admitted.


"And Lucinda told him what a thrill it was for her to have such a willing pupil to spend some time with?"


Heath nodded "yeah she sure did, Nick was trying to tell her one second that Danny could only stay for a little visit and the next thing I know he's patting her hand and telling her he knows the boy is in good hands!"


Jarrod laughed, "he never has been any good with pleading eyes, women's or children's." He put a friendly hand on Heath's shoulder and urged him forward, the brothers began to walk slowly out of the barn and up to the house.


"Nick used to have the same trouble with the kids, I know he talks big about how he kept Gene and Audra in line but the truth is they used to play him like a fish on a line.  He CAN be stern if things get serious but the things those two imps got away with by a little judicious use of the cow eyes is nobody's business!"


They had entered the house by this time and Heath was laughing but he stopped as Jarrod closed the door and put a tentative hand on his brother's arm, "I just thought...well...what if I'm right and the boy decides he wants to stay up there?"


Jarrod's answer surprised him, "if he does Heath, I won't let any personal feelings I may have stand in his way."


Supper was pleasant, Silas always took the view that during any absence from his home Nick Barkley had as near as makes no difference starved the whole time and the repast he laid before the family was a handsome one.  Nick gratified the old man by making a hearty meal and Heath too ate well, although as Jarrod noted he and Nick barely said a word to each other.  The main burden of conversation fell on Jarrod and Sarah and they told the other two that their mother had arrived safely in San Francisco and been re-united with Audra.  The three ladies were now engaged in a frenzy of shopping before returning home.  Sarah's eyes teased Nick wickedly, "Victoria says Audra has already bought up half of Denver!  She's a little surprised that Audra had enough money to buy all the clothes she has."


Nick glared at her and growled something indeterminate.  Jarrod looked at his wife, shrewdly guessing that Nick had sent the extra pin money to his sister and that Sarah somehow knew about it.  His mind flashed back to the night before he went to Maybury, Nick and Sarah had laughed over a letter he was writing, yes!  That must have been it.  Jarrod hid a wry smile, and I was fool enough to...but he would think no more of that.  He knew his wife and brother better now and it was time to negotiate a brotherly truce between his younger siblings.


Sarah excused herself and went off to bed after supper, Jarrod's eyes followed her a trifle anxiously as she went upstairs, he turned back to the fire to find the eyes of both his brothers on him. 


"She seems alright, a little tired is all," said Nick and Heath nodded in agreement.


Jarrod smiled, "I'm sure you're both right, in the meantime Gentlemen what say we repair to the library and a game of pool." Both the other men fidgeted and began to make excuses, but their big brother wasn't having any.


"It wasn't a request Boys follow me."


Nick exploded, "what for?"


The Lawyer's eyes twinkled, "I'm going to conduct a small cross-examination Nicholas and get to the bottom of all this."


The brothers had reached the pool table now, "the bottom of what Jarrod?" Heath's blue eyes were wary.


His eldest brother smiled, "you see Heath I can't stand the cold."




Jarrod nodded, "yes the air between you two is decidedly frosty and I've had about enough of it!"


His voice was still light-hearted but there was a firmness about his mouth that signalled that he meant to get his way. 


Heath looked at Nick and then back to Jarrod, he smiled reluctantly, "you're right Jarrod, I guess I have been giving Nick a hard time, I...just didn't want you to be hurt if the boy set his heart on staying up there, that's all."


Nick would have intervened then but Jarrod quelled him with a single glance of his compelling eyes.  He spoke to Heath, "I appreciate that Heath but as I said to you, nothing about Danny's future is set in stone yet and I can as well fulfill my responsibilities toward him up there as I can here at home."


Heath was greatly re-assured, "well I guess if that's so Jarrod I can quit worrying huh?"


"That you can Heath, that you can."


Heath punched Nick's arm, "so how about that game Nick?"


Nick however was not to be so easily silenced, "oh FINE!  You ride all the way down here with me, giving me the silent treatment the whole way and you won't believe me when I tell you you're worrying over nothing but Jarrod says ONE word and it's all over huh?"


The Lawyer held up a pacific hand, "now Nick, you DON'T listen when Heath tries to tell you things and you know that you should, you've admitted that to me in the past now isn't that so?"


Nick was outraged, "dammit Counselor, will you cut it out, I'm NOT in the witness box you know!"


Jarrod looked affectionately at the dark haired cowboy, "well I guess there's no more to be said, after all, you know I'm right, don't you Nick?"


His brother glared at him for a long moment, then reluctantly forced out the words "There is SOME truth in it yeah."


Heath held out his right hand, "truce Nick?"


Nick slowly grinned, "truce Heath," they shook hands.


The Lawyer clapped them both on the shoulder, "excellent Gentlemen, I can feel a thaw setting in, so I'll bid you both goodnight."


"I thought you wanted to play pool," Nick roared but Jarrod was already headed out of the door.  Heath grinned at him, "that's lawyers for you Big Brother, craftier than an old dog fox!"


"I'll say they are," agreed Nick.


The two men settled down to their game, both considerably easier in their minds than they had been for days past.




Chapter 39     Father, Mother and Son.


Danny was having a wonderful time, he worked hard with Lucinda Bentell at his studies, finding each new day absorbing and stimulating.  Sarah was right, Mrs. Bentell was a very gifted teacher, she had the happy knack of being able to tailor her lessons to the interests and enthusiasms of her pupils.  She had known considerable success with the loggers children, some of whom had known little formal study and were considered by many to be unteachable.  Cinda had a gentle but firm way with her, her love and concern for those she taught shone through everything she did and even the most intimidating of the big boys she instructed worked as docilely as lambs for her.


Danny was no exception, she had soon ceased to be Ma'am or Mrs. Bentell, now she was Aunt Cinda and he wanted nothing better than to please her.  So he worked diligently with Lucinda and she crafted her lessons carefully to maintain his new-found eagerness for study.  On a more personal level, the boy loved her, she was kind and good, a great cook and so tender toward him that the grief of losing both mother and grandmother was greatly eased.  He felt with every passing day more comfortable and more settled in this happy place.  With a child's wisdom he knew too that his presence was equally important to Aunt Cinda and he resolved to do nothing that would upset or sadden this fine but rather delicate lady.


Just as Mrs. Bentell had become Aunt Cinda, so Mr. Bentell soon became Uncle Matt and man and boy spent many happy hours together around the plantations, it was a pleasant thing for Matt, the company of this intelligent and interested child.  An engineer in the making if Bentell knew anything of the matter, eager to learn and always with a question on his lips.  Some of his men thought Bentell was a dour man, austere and unapproachable but he was never more human than when he was with young Danny and the closeness that had blossomed so rapidly between Lucinda and the boy was soon mirrored in his relationship with Bentell.


Matthew and Lucinda had never had a child of their own, her health was extremely delicate and she had never carried a child to term.  It had not seemed right to consider adoption in those dark wilderness years when the history of Carterson prison cast such a dark shadow across their lives.  Matthew had marvelled many times at his wife's indomitable loyalty, a lesser woman would have abandoned him to the forces that sought his utter destruction.  But frail and ailing as she had been, she had stood by him with a fierce and stubborn pride, no wife could have loved her husband more and he adored her in return.  She was the golden ray of light that comforted his darkness and there was nothing he would ever wish to deny to her.  That was why he had supported her in her wish to have young Danny's company for a time, she loved to teach and truly this boy needed her help badly.  For both their sakes then he had not had the heart to deny either his wife or the boy their present happiness but he was beginning to have grave doubts now about his wisdom in letting this state of affairs come about.


For with each day that passed Cinda's devotion to her young charge grew, a gentle woman full of love and compassion, for too long denied an outlet.  She now lavished her maternal affection on Danny and the boy reciprocated her feelings, of that there could be no doubt.  Matthew Bentell was an introspective man and he had examined his own feelings also, did he like playing father?  Damn right he did!  Danny was a fine boy, open, amiable and with a good heart, a man would have to be impossibly hard to please not to enjoy playing the paternal role to such a child.  What worried Bentell to the depths of his soul was wondering what the future held for Danny, for his wife and in truth for himself as well. 


Bentell knew Jarrod Barkley well, the Lawyer was a man of fine principles and total integrity, it was like him to have assumed responsibility for Danny, it was not a duty he would abandon lightly.  Considering the issue as dispassionately as he was able to, Bentell could see that Jarrod might come to believe that Danny's best interests would be served by being permitted to remain in the Bentells care.  However, if Jarrod came to a different conclusion Bentell had no doubt that he would act as he thought right, notwithstanding the distress such a decision might cause.  Matt Bentell was a very worried man, he would give his life to spare his wife pain but he knew that in this situation he was powerless to influence events, he could only wait and hope and worry.


Considering that Matt Bentell had never been blessed with a child of his own he showed a good deal of skill in his handling of Danny, the boy was respectful and obedient to both Matt and Cinda, But Matt was a good judge of people and he could see the fearless adventurous spirit of this boy very clearly.  So he was careful to establish the ground rules at the start of Danny's stay in his care, telling the boy exactly where he could and could not play, what he could and couldn't do, important rules, designed to keep the boy happy but safe.  Danny had fervently promised to behave himself and not to step outside the bounds that Matt had set for him, and in the main, this was a promise he kept.  Matt had never doubted that he would try to do so, equally he never doubted that at some point Danny would test these boundaries, Danny was all Boy!


Danny had become very familiar with his surroundings now, he knew every inch of the logging camp and had quickly made friends with the first of the loggers arriving for the summer season of work.  His favourite among these men was a foreigner by the name of Paulic, a big friendly bear of a man who had endeared himself to the boy by telling him that Heath Barkley was a very fine man and a friend of Paulic's.  It was Paulic too who taught him how to swing an axe and introduced him to the work the men did up here.  Danny loved it all and one game in particular he especially enjoyed.  There was a steep once-wooded slope, now devoid of trees and lightly grassed over stretching down to the rushing river below the camp.  Danny had found this area on one of his explorations and had accidentally lost his balance, falling down backwards.  Gravity had done the rest and before he knew what was happening to him, he was sliding down the hill feet first and at break-neck speed.  Coming to a stomach churning stop only a few feet short of the edge of the river bank and the foaming torrent of racing water.


That first descent had been by accident, all the subsequent descents on that memorable afternoon had been by design!  Danny had a reckless streak in him and he loved his hazardous new game, during the course of which he acquired a profusion of cuts and bruises and ruined both his shirt and his pants.  He didn't let these factors trouble him as he spent a pleasurable afternoon dicing with death but he reckoned there would be a certain amount of female fuss when he got home again.  He was right, Aunt Cinda near fainted away at the sight of him, battered, bloodied and unbelievably dirty and at first she seemed afraid that he had met with an accident.  It struck the boy that this was in fact the case, at least as far as his first slide went and he told her so.  She was full of sympathy, anointed all of his injuries and fussed him into fresh clothes before they all three sat down to supper.


The boy looked up from his plate to find his Uncle Matt looking rather thoughtfully at him.


"You seem to have managed to do a fair bit of damage to yourself and your clothes with that slide down the ridge Son."


Danny had the grace to blush but deemed it prudent to make no reply.  He had the uncomfortable feeling that Uncle Matt knew exactly what he had been up to all day.  Bentell's next question proved Danny right, "precisely how many times did you slide down the ridge if I may ask?"


Danny hung his head and murmured that he didn't know, perhaps a few times.  Aunt Cinda had been horrified, "Oh Honey!  You mustn't do that any more, that river is a death trap, you must promise not to go there again, mustn't he Matthew?"


Uncle Matt had nodded with his gentle austerity, "Aunt Cinda's right Son, that's a dangerous game you've been playing, from now on that ridge is off limits, understood?"


"Yes Sir."




Chapter 40     Danny makes a rescue and a request. 


He had meant to be good and indeed for some days avoided the steep ridge but he had loved the fast slides and his fearless spirit wanted to play the game again.  He knew that he would have to be cunning, he couldn't ruin any more clothes for a start.  Fortunately he had retrieved the old clothes after Aunt Cinda had thrown them out, so he would take these things with him and change into them to slide.  He also carefully wrapped and padded his hands, elbows and knees to prevent doing any visible damage to himself.  He didn't quite like deceiving Aunt Cinda and Uncle Matt but he had no intention of killing himself and reasoned that what they didn't know couldn't really hurt them.


He carried out his plan and spent another wonderful day sliding down to near destruction before returning to the house for dinner, so weary he almost fell asleep in his food.  He repeated this illicit pastime a couple of times and took heart from not being detected in his mischief, though more than once he thought his end had come when he nearly went tumbling into the raging waters of the river. 


It was his next afternoon of unauthorised sliding that proved to be his undoing, he had already slid down twice and had scrambled up to the top of the ridge for another death defying rush when from further upstream he heard a sharp scream of terror.  He looked up river and saw to his horror a man in the water struggling wildly as the current carried him inexorably along.  No man could swim against such a current and death seemed certain but under Danny's stricken gaze a man appeared from nowhere on the river bank.  It was Paulic, running like a deer and moving with incredible speed for so large a man, he held a coil of rope and with desperate strength threw a line to the drowning man.  Against all odds the struggling figure in the water caught the lifeline and Paulic heaved with all his might to land his human catch. 


Danny had been standing frozen with shock but now he galvanised his young limbs and made his final slide down the perilous ridge coming to a halt inches from the river's edge.  It was the nearest he had yet come to destruction, he sprang up from the edge of the bank and ran to Paulic's aid.  He helped the big man to haul the terrified young logger out of the wild water and together they laid the casualty on the grass.  Paulic felt the soaking wet limbs with professional skill, "a broken leg I think maybe," his English was heavily accented, "go Boy, fetch Mr. Bentell and some men to carry Jimmy, run!"


Danny raced away to the camp and arrived panting at the Bentell house where his aunt and uncle were sitting on the verandah enjoying a cup of coffee together.  The breathless boy blurted out his errand and at once Bentell set up a shout for his Lieutenants, his rather hard grey eyes took in every detail of Danny's dirty and half ruined clothes and with a sinking heart the boy knew that he had completely betrayed himself.  The rescue team was soon prepared and equipped with a stretcher they set off to the aid of the injured man.  Bentell accompanied them, Danny had started to go with him but Bentell had turned to him and in a voice of deep but quiet anger ordered him to stay with Lucinda.


Danny did so and she extracted from him the full history of his activities on the ridge.  "Oh Danny, how could you be so reckless?  Why you could have killed yourself, it's a miracle you haven't!" She was upset both by his disobedience and the risks he had taken and tears sprang to her eyes.  The boy was ashamed of causing her such distress and tried to soothe her as best he could.  She gathered her strength and calmed herself bidding him in a voice of gentle reproach to go and change his clothes.  "You had better bring the old clothes to me to burn, since it seems I cannot trust you."


Scarlet with shame Danny did as he was told and when he had changed his clothes he stood miserably beside Aunt Cinda whilst she burned the ruined garments.  He went with her then to the outbuilding set up as a hospital and they awaited the return of the rescuers.  Whilst they waited Danny asked the question that was weighing quite heavily on his mind, "is...is Uncle Matt very angry with me?"


Aunt Cinda's reply was gentle but her words hurt nonetheless, "of course he's angry Daniel, you disobeyed him and you've let both of us down, we trusted you Dear."


The injured man was one of the younger loggers still a greenhorn and he had lost his footing working near the log flume.  Lucinda helped her husband set the broken leg and pronounced herself satisfied that it would mend well.  The injured young man was called Cyrus Roarke and he shrugged aside his pain to anxiously ask Bentell if there would still be a job for him when his leg mended.  Matt Bentell smiled and patted the boy's shoulder, "certainly there will young fella, you aren't likely to do this again, once bitten twice shy eh?  You get some rest now Cyrus and tomorrow we'll send you down to the Doc to check Mrs. Bentell's handiwork alright?"


Cyrus relaxed against his pillow, "yes Sir, thanks Mr. Bentell," he turned to the sheepish Danny, "And thank you too young 'un you and Paulic saved my life."


Paulic clapped a big hand on Cyrus's shoulder, "I was green myself only a year ago, now I work good huh Boss?"


"One of my best men," agreed Bentell.  He took his wife's arm, "shall we go indoors Dear?  I believe you're tired, come Daniel."


Once indoors Matthew pressed Lucinda into a chair and poured her a glass of sherry which he insisted she drank.  She was pale and tense and she clung to his shirt-sleeve, "Matthew..."


"Presently Dear, I need to speak to Daniel just now," his voice was gentle but firm and she knew him too well to argue further.  Bentell turned to the apprehensive boy, "I don't want to distress Aunt Cinda any further Daniel so you and I will discuss your behaviour out in the barn, come with me."


Danny reluctantly followed his stern uncle out of the house and Bentell closed the door behind them both.  Cinda sat as still as a wooden doll, her heart was heavy, why did everything always turn sour on her and Matthew?  All the years of hatred and unfair disgrace, all the failed pregnancies, now just when she had found a dear child on whom to bestow her maternal love it was all about to go wrong again.  Matthew would punish Danny, make him afraid, unwilling to stay and the joy that had filled the last few weeks would be over.  Two large tear drops rolled slowly down her face.


A short time later, the door opened again and Matthew and Danny entered hand in hand.  The boy was dry eyed but pale and he looked miserable, he released his uncle's hand and came to stand in front of Cinda.  As one carrying out an instruction he said, "Aunt Cinda I'm very sorry I disobeyed you and Uncle Matt and I promise not to go near the ridge ever again."


Lucinda's voice quivered a little, "I accept your apology Daniel." She wanted to hug him close and tell him it didn't matter but knew that her husband would disapprove.


The boy turned to Bentell who nodded curtly, "go to your room and think over what I've said Daniel."


"Yes Sir," Danny went sadly away into his room and shut the door.


Matthew put a gentle hand on his wife's shoulder and smiled down at her but his smile faded to a look of puzzled hurt at the expression in his wife's face.  She spoke in a low fierce voice, "if you've driven that boy away Matthew, I don't think I'll ever forgive you!"


Bentell turned away from her and picked up his pipe from the table, over his shoulder he spoke quietly, "I haven't raised a hand to that boy Lucinda, but I have told him a few home truths and if that does drive him away so be it.  I can't overlook his every fault to make him want to stay here with you...however much I might want to." He walked out of the house leaving his wife sitting rigid in her chair looking after him as though he had signed her death warrant.


Presently she came to her senses and a tide of shame flooded through her, what had she done?  She got up and went out on to the darkening verandah, Matthew was standing leaning on the rail looking out over the peaceful camp.  She came to him then standing behind her husband and putting her arms around him.  She leaned against his solid back, "forgive me Matthew please, I don't know what came over me, of course you're right about the boy, what kind of parents would we be if we let him run wild instead of trying to raise him properly?  It was just..." She didn't finish the sentence but her husband understood, he turned to her and took her gently in his arms, "I know Sweetheart, you've been so happy taking care of Danny that you panicked when you thought I might be hard on him, I understand." He kissed her forehead and she leaned gratefully against his chest, "he's such a dear good boy Matthew, I've come to love him so much these last weeks." A knife twisted in Bentell's guts, he prayed his poor wife wasn't going to have her tender heart broken, he found himself wishing that the Barkleys would return to the camp, this situation had to be resolved, for good or ill before Cinda's delicate nerves broke under the strain of her uncertainty.


It was growing chilly on the verandah and Matthew led Lucinda indoors, they sat at the kitchen table and she smiled at her husband, "are we giving our young miscreant any supper?"


He returned her smile, "I think we'd better, that young man certainly likes his food and a day's adventuring gives a boy an appetite.  If we don't feed him his growling stomach will most likely keep us awake all night!"


Cinda knew her husband was trying to keep her cheerful and she tried her best to appear so and began to heat up the stew she had prepared for supper.  Danny's bedroom door opened and the boy came hesitantly into the living room, Bentell saw him through the kitchen door and called to him, "we're in the kitchen Son."


His voice was reassuringly mild and Danny took heart and joined his aunt and uncle in the kitchen, he looked gravely at Matthew, "may I speak with you please Sir?"


Cinda smiled at him, "shall I go away and let you talk to Uncle Matt in private Dear?"


The boy shook his head, "no, I want to talk to you both and...and to ask you something too."


Bentell smiled, "come and sit down Danny."


Danny didn't do so, he came instead to stand in front of Matthew and he spoke in a clear voice meeting his uncle's eyes, "I just want to say that I've been thinking about what you said and I'm sorry I disappointed you.  You're right, I let you down when you trusted me and...and I want you to know that I can do better.  I WILL do better, if you'll please give me another chance I'll prove to you that I CAN be trusted and I am very sorry Sir." His anxious eyes scanned Matthew's face, it was evident that he had taken to heart the whole of the stern lecture Bentell had earlier administered.  His uncle smiled "apology accepted Son, I wanted you to think over what I said and this is exactly how I hoped you would respond." Danny sighed with relief and looked at his aunt, "I promise I won't scare you like that again Aunt Cinda."


She hugged him warmly, "you are very precious to me Danny, I hope you know that."


The boy hugged her back, "I know it Ma'am and I love you too."


The little family sat around the kitchen table after supper and talked, "you wanted to ask me something Son?  Bentell reminded Danny.


The boy nodded, "yes Sir," he hesitated looking shyly at his aunt and uncle, "I was wondering...I mean if you liked the idea...I wondered if I could stay here with you, for good and all."


Lucinda clenched her hands in her lap trying to hide her joy, she looked imploringly at her husband and Danny too had anxious eyes fixed on Bentell's face.  Matthew thought for a moment then laid a fatherly hand on Danny's shoulder, "Aunt Cinda and I would be proud and happy to have you make your home here with us Son, but that decision rests with Jarrod Barkley and we will all three of us have to abide by whatever he decides to do.  It was Jarrod who assumed responsibility for you when your grandmother died, he's your legal guardian and he has the right to decide your future until you come of age."


Danny nodded, "yes Sir, I know that and it isn't that I don't love Jarrod, I'm his boy!" This was said with sincere pride, " I like all the folks at the ranch and I LOVE Jarrod but...but he doesn't need me, not like Aunt Cinda does," he turned to Cinda, "you DO need me don't you?"


She couldn't deny it and smiled at him through her unshed tears.  The boy looked earnestly into his uncle's face, "and besides Uncle Matt, I...I BELONG here, I knew almost the minute I got here that this was my place, do you know what I mean?"


Matthew squeezed the boy's shoulder, "yes Son I think I do, you have our permission to tell Jarrod how you feel but I repeat, he has the right to decide your future and we must accept his decision, fair enough?"


"Yes Sir, fair enough."




Chapter 41     The Lawyer returns.


The wire from Sacramento came on a rainy afternoon when Sarah, still out of sorts was seated beside the living room fire.  Heath and Nick, both dripping wet had arrived home a little earlier and were upstairs changing into dry clothes.  Silas brought a tray of coffee for them all, "oh Silas I was going to come and do that," protested Sarah.


The dear old man looked serenely at her, "you sit right there and rest Miss Sarah, like you promised Mr. Jarrod you would!"


She blushed under his gaze, thinking that his wise old eyes saw a great deal!  The knock on the big front door relieved the tension and as Nick and Heath both came downstairs together Nick called, "I'll get it!" He crossed to the door and flung it open, to reveal a dripping boy from the telegraph office.


"Wire from Sacramento Sir."


"Thanks Billy, here, sorry you had such a wet ride!"


"Gee!  THANKS Mr. Barkley!" The happy boy pocketed the silver coin and departed, it had been worth punching out the other two boys to get to deliver this wire!  Hang the rain, he was RICH!


Nick brought the important piece of paper to the group around the fireplace and teased Sarah with it until Heath firmly took it from him and handed it to his tense sister in law.  She tore it open and read it eagerly, looking up to the waiting cowboys and teasing them in her turn.


"Well?" demanded Nick, "did he do it?"


She grinned, "he did it!"


Heath and Nick both hollered with joy and Silas beamed from ear to ear, Sarah sat in her chair and relaxed properly for the first time in many days.  This was one of the most important cases Jarrod had ever won, not only did it secure the financial future for a group of deserving people, it also established an important principle, that the State was not bigger than the citizens it was supposed to represent.  Jarrod would be deeply contented and more richly rewarded by the knowledge of what he had achieved than he could have been by any fee.  She smiled to herself he would be home as swiftly as a train could bring him, home to her arms but much as she longed for him, she intended almost at once to send him away again.  He must go up to the logging camp, settle all this business with Danny and the Bentells, there could be no looking to the future for her and Jarrod until this was done She thought about her discussion with Danny and Victoria, she had yet to tell Jarrod of their plans, perhaps she should not?  It might only cloud the issue.  She would think it over.


The triumphant Lawyer came home with all speed, delayed only by an unavoidable celebratory lunch with his grateful clients at the Cattlemens Hotel in Stockton.  He kissed his wife at length and his striking blue eyes searched her face, "I'm fine, getting better every day," she assured him.  Jarrod was satisfied and they spent a blissful afternoon alone before his brothers joined them for dinner.  Jarrod and Sarah had already discussed Danny and at dinner Jarrod told his brothers that he intended to set off for the camp next morning.


"I'll ride with you Jarrod," said Heath at once.


"Me too Jarrod," added Nick.


The Lawyer laid down his fork, "don't you two have any work to do?"


"McCall can run things for a bit," Nick's voice was casual and Heath nodded in agreement.


Jarrod suppressed a grin, "well I'm much obliged Boys but I think I can manage on my own!"


Nick pointed his fork at Jarrod, "oh now you can't spoil those lily-white lawyer's hands of yours Counselor, I'll go with you."


"Yeah and I'll cook," offered Heath.


"Oh no you won't," chorused his brothers in unison. 


The three men rode out early, Sarah didn't get up to wave them off, she said a private and quite thorough goodbye to her husband in the privacy of their bedroom and settled down to sleep again.  Snuggling into her pillow she wished for a happy outcome to the dilemma potentially facing her beloved husband.  She knew Jarrod would do what he considered right and until he had spoken to his ward there was no saying what that decision would be.  Sarah prayed that he would decide wisely, she herself had said little on the matter not wishing her own feelings to influence his judgement, although given the past history her wishes would be at the forefront of his mind, no doubt of that.


It was a pleasant trip on the trail, the weather was kind and Jarrod enjoyed the banter and companionship of his two brothers as they had known he would.  Neither of them knew exactly what Jarrod intended to do in regard to Danny but both had felt instinctively that they should be with him to back him up in whatever conclusion he came to.  It was the Barkley way, to be there for one another, it was unspoken but tangible and Jarrod, whose mind was in turmoil, appreciated the comforting presence of his siblings.


A leisurely three day ride with side trips to hunt and fish, brought them within striking distance of the logging camp and it was Heath's keen eyes that first detected the faint red glow up ahead.  Moments later they all three could smell the smoke.  Spurring their horses forward, the three men made all speed for the camp, cold dread gripping the hearts of each man, as they galloped headlong towards the raging forest fire.




Chapter 42     Inferno.


As the Barkley brothers reached the camp a scene of the most intense activity met their eyes.  Men were running everywhere gathering together what was needed to fight the blaze, it was a disciplined team, each man knowing his task and performing it faultlessly.  As soon as Bentell caught sight of them he came to meet them and the riders dismounted their horses.  "A timely arrival Gentlemen, Heath, with me please, I need a hand with the dynamite!"


"Right Matt!" Heath vaulted lightly back into Charger's saddle as Bentell mounted his own horse, the logging manager turned to Nick, "Nick, take charge of the gang on the west side of the plantation, you have to beat it back before it hits the flume, understood?"


Nick was already back in Coco's saddle and wheeling around, "consider it done Matt," he called over his shoulder.


Bentell spoke to Jarrod, "organise the medical team Jarrod and take care of Lucinda for me please?"


"I will Matt, do you know where my boy is?"


Bentell's mouth was a thin anxious line, "I'm sorry Jarrod, we let him camp out overnight on his own as a treat...and he hasn't been seen since."


Jarrod nodded decidedly, "right, I'll set things up here then try to find him, good luck to you all Matt!"


Jarrod went about his allotted duties with his customary efficiency and thoroughness but inside he felt like screaming, God couldn't be so cruel as to strike down an innocent boy like Danny could he?  Not after all that the child had been through in the recent past.  His stomach twisted with fear but he forced himself to concentrate on the tasks in hand and soon he and Cinda Bentell had the makeshift hospital and supplies organised.  She assured him she could manage and urged him to begin a search for the boy and he mounted Jingo and set off along the track in the direction of Danny's likely camping area, which Cinda had pointed out to him.  The serpent of fear in his guts was increasing it's grip for his path was leading ever nearer to the fire itself.  Jingo was nervous and his expressive ears were twitching, the horse didn't want to go this way and snorted skittishly but Jarrod held him with an iron hand, his eyes searching the terrain for signs of his boy. 


Jarrod sat his horse peering through the trees, the gathering smoke was making him squint and so far he had seen no sign of his missing boy.  He dismounted from Jingo's back, it was unlikely that he would be able to get the sidling frightened animal to go any nearer the fire anyway.  He tied the reins to a tree and walked slightly further along the track.  There came the sound of thundering hooves and Jarrod had to leap sideways to avoid being flattened, his heart lurched with fright as he realised that the riderless horse galloping headlong away from the fire was JB.


The desperately worried lawyer began to run along the steep track, scanning the smoky ground on both sides and almost immediately saw a crumpled figure, inert on the ground to the left of the track up ahead.  Jarrod made toward it, heart pounding uncomfortably fast, if he was lucky the boy had merely been thrown by his scared young horse and was simply stunned, if not?  Jarrod shut his mind to doubt and fear, he would know soon enough.


Jarrod crouched beside his unconscious boy and gently raised his head, there was an ugly gash on his forehead, he had indeed been thrown it seemed.  To his guardian's relief Danny was breathing steadily and a superficial examination indicated no broken bones either.  The boy had evidently tried his hand at fire-fighting, there were ugly burns on his hands and his clothes were singed.  Tenderly laying the child's head down again Jarrod made swiftly back to Jingo and encouraged the chestnut along the track.  It wasn't easy getting the inert boy up onto the horse's back but Jingo was co-operative and although Jarrod was sweating freely by the time he swung himself up into the saddle he had done it and had only to turn the chestnut around and start back the way he had come.  Jingo was more than willing to head in this direction, indeed it was all Jarrod could do to control the powerful horse and hold onto the unconscious boy, fortunately he was near the camp and as he brought his horse to a halt outside the Bentell house there were willing hands to help them. 


Danny was carried into his own bedroom with his concerned Aunt Cinda in attendance and Jarrod was able to turn his attention once more to his hospital duties.  For the rest of that long afternoon Jarrod worked among the minor casualties of the fire-fighting teams.  A sweating Nick came in to have a nasty gash on his arm dressed, a falling tree had grazed him and he was lucky it was no worse.  His brother cleaned and dressed the deep cut and Nick reported on the progress being made in tackling the blaze.


"Matt's a good manager, these men are well trained and we've pretty well got it on the run now, Matt and Heath are about to blow a fire break and that should help us to contain it to the one plantation, Oww!"


"Sorry Nick, I'm almost done now, any idea how it began?"


The dark cowboy shook his head, "I daresay Matt may have some ideas though."


A short time later the camp was rocked by a series of short sharp blasts and the fire break had been created.  An hour later Matt Bentell and Heath Barkley rode back into the camp.  Nick's weary team had already completed their assigned task and the men were cleaning themselves up and taking a much needed respite.  Matt went straight indoors to check with his wife and Heath gratefully accepted a drink from his eldest brother.


"You found Danny?"


"Yes, he's going to have a sizable bump on his head and he has a burn or two but he'll be alright.  Are you in one piece?"


"Fine, Matt did a great job, the damage has been limited to one plantation and there's no serious damage to the flume or equipment, it might have been a whole lot worse."


How Lucinda had found time to cook dinner the men couldn't imagine but she had and the Barkley brothers gladly joined the Bentells for their evening meal.  Danny had regained consciousness earlier, smiling groggily at his aunt and uncle before slipping into a more natural sleep.  Jarrod had visited him but hadn't disturbed the boy's rest.  There was little conversation at the dinner table, truth to tell they were all too tired for talking, although Lucinda did talk to Jarrod a little of Danny, stressing to him how diligently the child was studying with her.  He returned civil if non-committal answers, unwilling to say anything too controversial until he had a chance to speak to his boy.  Immediately after dinner the weary Cinda went straight to bed, watched out of sight by her anxious husband. 


"How is she these days Matt?"


Jarrod's question caused a shadow of unease to cross Bentell's face, "pretty fit nowadays thank you Jarrod but right now, well...she has her heart set on something and I confess I'm a bit worried about her."


Jarrod was direct, "would this concern the boy?"


Bentell nodded, "please believe that nothing has been done behind your back Jarrod, the possibility of the boy staying with us was raised by Danny not us."


Jarrod smiled, "I accept that Matt but you'll understand that I can't say anything until I've spoken with him."


"Of course, just...if you intend to take him away Jarrod...I mean if you should decide that is appropriate, then I want it done soon, I have Cinda to think of."


"Understood Matt, may I ask you something else?"


"Of course."


"How do you feel about the boy staying?"


The older man smiled reflectively, "I've never had the opportunity to play father before, it's been...quite simply the most enjoyable period of my life, for me that is, not just because Cinda's been so happy." Bentell was a self-contained rather private man but the grey eyes turned towards Jarrod were frank and honest, "I love that boy, we both do, but having said that I know you love him too Jarrod, I'll understand if..." He couldn't finish the sentence and Jarrod put a hand on his arm, "alright Matt, I'll talk to Danny tomorrow and I promise to bear in mind what you've told me.  I can't tell you at this stage what conclusion I'll come to, but I promise I won't prolong the agony, believe me the last thing I want to do is hurt you or Cinda." He hesitated and then went on, "but Danny has to be my first concern, fair enough?"


"More than fair, thank you Jarrod."


Before he turned in for the night, Jarrod again visited his ward and this time the boy was awake, sleepily exclaiming "Jarrod!" Rapturously hugging his guardian and kissing him hard on both cheeks.  No welcome could have been warmer or more sincere and it gladdened Jarrod's heart, he still had his ward's love that was obvious.  He settled the weary child down, promising to talk properly next day and was aware of the tension in young Danny.  Aware too of something more, a stricken guilty expression in the child's eyes.  Going to his own bed and wearily stretching his tired limbs Jarrod wondered what the cause of that haunted look was.  It was an expression he had hoped never to see on the boy's face again, but what precisely was the cause this time?  Jarrod smiled wryly in the darkness, whatever it was, he was going to have to resolve it, he prayed for the wisdom and insight to make good choices on the morrow and fell asleep at last. 




Chapter 43     Aftermath.


Matt Bentell decreed the next day a rest day, all the men were exhausted and needed a break before the clean-up could begin in earnest.  He also needed to plan how to extract the salvageable timber from the affected area and to discuss with his logging captains the necessary re-planting and re-generation of the fire-site.


Matt Bentell and the Barkley men sat at their breakfast coffee and naturally talk was of the fire and it's aftermath.  Of Danny, there was no sign, he was reported by Lucinda to have dressed and slipped from the house before anyone could stop him.


"How do you think it began Matt?"


The typically blunt question was from Nick Barkley.  Bentell didn't hesitate,


"I believe the boy did it," he said quietly. 


There was a murmur of disbelief around the table but Jarrod was unsurprised, he had noted Danny's stricken eyes and Bentell's words merely confirmed his suspicions.


"How did he do it Matt?"


Bentell turned to him, "It wasn't deliberate Jarrod, the truth is the boy loves it up here and Cinda and I let him camp out on his own Tuesday night, as a reward for paying attention to his lessons."


Jarrod nodded, he was beginning to understand why Lucinda Bentell had told him so earnestly what a good boy Danny was and how hard he was trying to learn from her.


"You think he was careless with his campfire?" Heath asked.


"I'm sure of it Heath, I can trace the course of the fire back that way."


They were all looking at Jarrod, he after all was Danny's mentor.  Jarrod sighed,


"I suppose I'd better find him!"


Nick smiled and gestured to the track leading to the camp.


"Not necessary Jarrod."


Jarrod followed Nick's gesture and saw Danny walking resolutely towards the verandah. 


The boy came slowly up to the table, looking dubiously at the sombre faces of the four men seated there, he stood squarely in front of Bentell.  He glanced around the table, meeting Jarrod's eyes only fleetingly.  Then he exhaled sharply and jerked his head up.  Jarrod felt sorry for him, it was no easy thing for a lone child to approach a table with four stern men seated at it.  The boy drew a deep breath. 


"Uncle Matt, I'm REALLY sorry but....  the fire is all my fault!"


Jarrod had silently noted the fact that Danny had been calling the Bentells Uncle Matt and Aunt Cinda yesterday.  Bentell nodded to the boy.


"I thought that was the case Son, but I'm glad to have you tell me so yourself."


His voice was unemotional and Danny drew a little courage from the calm response.


"I swear I didn't mean to do it Sir, I guess I just wasn't careful enough when I put my campfire out was I?"


Bentell smiled slightly.


"No I guess not.  Can I take it that you will be extra careful from now on?"


"Yes Sir!"


Bentell smiled at the vehemence of the reply,


Danny glanced at Jarrod's impassive face and looked Bentell in the eye again.


"Uncle Matt...Sir, I...I'll understand if you and Aunt Cinda ch...change your minds...." the boy's voice trailed miserably away.


"No Danny, we won't do that!" Bentell's voice was reassuringly gentle and Danny flashed him a grateful smile.  He looked in Jarrod's direction again, "If...if J..Jarrod says I can't, then I guess it's what I deserve." He was blinking back tears and red with embarrassment.  Bentell glanced swiftly at Jarrod and spoke to the boy again.


"Well you know Danny, I don't think Jarrod will hold this accident against you, but it might be a good time for you both to talk it over don't you think?"


Danny looked sheepishly at his mentor and Jarrod was aware of feeling a flash of pride in his protégé, it had taken courage to confront them all and confess his guilt.  The boy couldn't have known how Bentell or he himself would react


He smiled at Danny," let's take a walk shall we Danny?".


The boy's relief was obvious and he breathed more easily, "Yessir!"




Chapter 44     Guardian and Ward.


Jarrod and Danny walked slowly through the trees to the river bank and sat on the warm slope overlooking the fast-flowing water.


Danny peeped at Jarrod's impassive profile,"are...are you mad at me?"


"No, actually, I'm a little proud of you."


"Proud of me!"


Jarrod smiled, "that wasn't an easy thing you just did, you had no way of knowing what Mr Bentell...Uncle Matt, would say or how I would react, but you had the courage to stand there and tell the truth, like the brave boy you are and yes Young Man I am proud of you!"


Danny was beaming with pride and said earnestly, "I swear I never meant to do it, it was an accident and I will be VERY careful from now on I promise!"


Jarrod ruffled his hair, "I know you will"


He hesitated, but Danny seemed uncertain how to go on, so Jarrod decided to help him out.


"You seem to have settled in really well with the Bentells?"


Danny glanced doubtfully at Jarrod, "J..Jarrod..."


Jarrod held up a hand, "no you don't!" He said and Danny stopped short puzzled.


"Don't start stammering J..J..Jarrod again!  Just tell me what the big secret is, alright?"


Danny was re-assured, grinned at him and broke into a flood of words


"Well you see, I really, really like it up here Jarrod, I love the trees and Uncle Matt has been teaching me ALL about them and I can learn a lot!  Aunt Cinda LIKES giving me my lessons and she says I try real hard and...and she's lonely you know, so it would be good for her too...".  Jarrod laughed and laid a hand on the eager boy's shoulder. 


"Stop a minute, let me see if I have any of this straight.  Are you telling me you want to stay up here with the Bentells and make your home with them?"


Danny's eyes were searching his face desperate to know how the idea was received.  His anxiety was touching.


"Yes sir, I really want to stay but ONLY if you don't mind!  I mean I LOVED living at the ranch and all, it...it isn't that, I just...." He broke off distressed, unable to find the words to express the feelings that his heart was plainly full of.


Jarrod was on tricky ground here and he knew it.  He needed to establish exactly where this idea had come from and what Danny's true feelings on the matter were, He owed it to the boy to do that.  At the same time his own response to the proposal would be crucial to the boy's future happiness.  Dear God, let me get this right!  he thought.


Jarrod spoke in a deliberately mild tone, "whose idea was all this Danny?"


"Mine Sir, I suggested it, but Aunt Cinda and Uncle Matt like the idea too and I do!  So it solves everything d..doesn't it J..Jarrod"


"Well Danny, that depends."


"Depends?  On what?"


"On whether you really have taken a shine to the high country and really do want to learn about the trees from Uncle Matt."


"I have!  I really have!"


"Have you Danny?  Or do you just think this is a fine way to dispose of yourself so you'll be out of my hair from now on?"


"NO!  I swear it isn't that..."


Jarrod held up a hand, "hear me out Son," he said gently.


"Danny, they were difficult times when you first came to the ranch weren't they?"


The boy hung his head, "I was a lot of trouble," he whispered.


"You were in a lot of pain," corrected Jarrod gently.


"You didn't know me well enough to trust me and you were desperately anxious not to be in anyone's way, especially not mine and Sarah's."


The boy was puzzled, "I don't understand Jarrod."


"You see Danny, I want to be sure that this is really what you want and not just a plan to rid me of the responsibility of taking care of you."


The boy's face cleared and he smiled happily.


"Oh, I see now, No Jarrod it isn't that, I swear it's not, that wasn't going to be a problem anyway!"


Jarrod was totally adrift now, "no?"


"No, I wasn't going to live with you and Sarah when your new house is built."


"Oh no?"


Danny grinned, "no, I worked it all out with Aunt Victoria!"


"I might have known my Mother would figure in this somewhere!  Well, are you going to enlighten me?"


"Well, Aunt Victoria said that newlyweds need a little privacy and I knew that was true on account of I saw you and Sarah kissin' and suchlike."


"Oh did you now?"


"Yes and so we decided, Aunt Victoria and me, that I was gonna live at the ranch with her."


Jarrod shook his head but couldn't help smiling.


"I see!  And...er...had anyone planned on informing me of this decision?"


Danny nodded kindly, "Sarah said she would."


"Sarah knew about this?" Jarrod was genuinely startled.


"Uh huh but she said she had to pick her moment or you wouldn't understand."


Jarrod hid a smile, "I'm trying Danny, believe me, I'm trying!"


"Well, we told Sarah that I was gonna stay at the ranch but she said you wouldn't like it and anyway, Sarah said she needed me!" Danny said proudly.


"Needed you?"


"Yes, to escort her home from town whenever you couldn't and to stay with her if you weren't there."


He noted Jarrod's puzzled frown, "to protect Sarah!" he explained helpfully.


Jarrod laughed inwardly, clever Sarah!  Trust an experienced Aunt to know precisely how to make a boy feel wanted and needed.


"So we agreed that I would do those things and spend a little time with you and some with Aunt Victoria and Nick and Heath of course!"


"I see!" Was Jarrod's only comment.


"But when I came up here, well...I just KNEW that this was the place for me."


There was no doubting the sincerity of the boy's feelings.


Jarrod thought for a time, while Danny anxiously watched him, awaiting his decision.  At length Jarrod laid a hand on Danny's shoulder.


"Alright young man, now you listen to me, I accept that this is something you really and truly want to do..."


Danny jumped with excitement and hugged Jarrod hard but Jarrod held him off.


"Listen to me very carefully," he commanded.  Danny sobered at once and sat still and straight, drinking in Jarrod's every word.


"I can see a lot of advantages here for you, careful one to one teaching from Cinda Bentell and a proper home with some discipline and security.  But IF I let you stay here, there are conditions Danny."


"Anything Jarrod!" said the boy eagerly.


First, you are not committed to life in the logging industry!  If you decide later that you want to do something else, that will be quite all right, is that clear Son?"




Secondly, you have to promise me that you will work as hard as you can with Aunt Cinda, you have a lot of education to catch up on and if you don't do it with her, I won't have any choice but to send you to school.  Do you understand?"


Yes Sir Jarrod, I will I PROMISE!"


"Thirdly, you are and will remain my responsibility, I do NOT intend to lose touch with you!"


Danny was clearly delighted by this, "no Sir!"


Fourthly and lastly, I expect you to spend several holidays a year with all of us at the ranch."


So saying, Jarrod held out his arms and Danny flung himself on Jarrod arms tight around his neck.


"I will!  I promise I will!"


He broke free and looked a little more hesitantly at Jarrod, "J..Jarrod?"




Danny grinned at the gentle mockery of his stammer.  This was a game they had begun playing back at the ranch, if the boy had suffered from a real stammer Jarrod would never have dreamed of mimicking it.  But this hesitancy over his name was no genuine stammer just a measure of the boy's intensity of feeling.  For a short time whenever he said J...Jarrod his guardian had answered y...yes." It had been Sarah's idea, a device to reduce the tension and help the boy to comprehend that Jarrod was not a demi-god, just a man, a man who loved Danny and of whom he need never be in awe again.


The Lawyer smiled and spoke lightly, "out with it brat."


"I know you're a really busy man and all..."


"What is it Son?"


"Would...would it be alright for me to write to you?  Just sometimes, I mean...to tell you how I am and all...you wouldn't have to write back or anything!"


Jarrod took that dogged chin in his hand, "now you listen to me Boy!  There had better be a letter from you to me in EVERY mail bag from this camp or else!" He took Danny's face between his hands, "and every mail bag delivered here will have a letter from me to you, with my love." Jarrod held up a warning finger, "I want you to always remember something, Danny, you are MY boy, you are now and always will be, wherever you live."


Danny hugged him again, trembling with emotion, "I love you Jarrod, I told Aunt Cinda and Uncle Matt that I was your boy, they understand that." This was said with happy pride, hard now to recognise that sullen child who came to the Barkley ranch such a short time ago. 


"I love you too little man." Jarrod held his boy close and they stayed there on the river bank for some little time.


When at last they returned to the Bentell house, hand in hand, Nick and Heath were off with Matt inspecting the damage to the plantation.  Lucinda Bentell was seated on the balcony watching Jarrod and Danny approach.  Jarrod could see the expression of painful suspense on her face.  His heart went out to her, she was a delicate woman but with a brave spirit and strong principles.  She had steadfastly supported her husband, through the days when he was a Pariah.  Her life had not been easy and she had longed for motherhood.  The Bentells had never been blessed with a child, Jarrod could be sure that she would be a good mother to his boy.  He stooped down and said to Danny, "why don't you run on ahead and tell Aunt Cinda that you're staying?"


Danny did so and Jarrod smiled as she exclaimed with delight and hugged Danny to her.  When he came up to them, Lucinda gave him both her hands and kissed his cheek, "Jarrod I can't thank you enough!  Matt will be as thrilled as I am, I promise you."


Jarrod shook his head, "It's I that should thank you Cinda, the home you and Matt can give him is just what Danny needs.  Perhaps I can discuss the details with you and Matt later tonight?"


Two days later, the three Barkley brothers prepared to take their leave of the Bentells.  Jarrod had spent the preceding days sorting out precise arrangements for Danny's education and welfare.  He had encountered no difficulties in reaching an accommodation with Matt and Cinda, who would in future stand in the place of parents to the boy.  Jarrod was certain that Danny would be surrounded with love and receive nothing but kindness from this likeable couple.  He himself intended to remain as Danny's legal guardian.  He had explained his reasons for this to the Bentells, both of whom had assured him that they understood his sense of obligation to old Mrs. Mathews.


When Matt Bentell was alone with Jarrod he had quietly thanked him for deciding to allow Danny to stay.  "I can't tell you what it means to Cinda, she has missed out on many of the good things in life, this means a lot to her...and to me too if I'm honest."


Jarrod had answered with simple sincerity, "Matt, I couldn't ask for better parents for the boy, are you sure you don't resent my keeping legal custody?"


Bentell smiled, "I'll tell you something Jarrod, when The boy first broached the idea to Cinda and me, the first words out of his mouth, were to tell us in no uncertain terms, that he was YOUR boy and always would be."


Jarrod had been satisfied, after the weeks of anxiety and soul searching and when he had almost despaired of a happy outcome, thanks to the love and care of his wife, brother and friends, a well nigh perfect solution had miraculously surfaced.


When the time to leave came, Nick and Heath both hugged Danny and wished him well.  Jarrod held the boy close and kissed his forehead, Danny clung fiercely to him for a moment.


"I'll be waiting for the mail sack," smiled Jarrod.


Danny nodded tearfully, "yes Sir!"


As they rode from the camp, Jarrod turned to wave, Danny stood between the Bentells, both had an arm around him, Jarrod smiled to himself as he waved and turned his horse to follow his brothers.  The boy would be fine here, Jarrod offered a grateful prayer to God and headed eagerly for home...and Sarah.




Chapter 45     Homecomings. 


Sarah was still feeling decidedly seedy, her appetite had all but deserted her which didn't disconcert Silas a bit.  The most delightfully light but exquisite dishes were produced to tempt her appetite and he would triumphantly set some delicacy before her, smiling, "now you can eat that can't you Miss Sarah Dear?"


She was indeed able to do reasonable justice to his efforts and gradually began to feel more the thing.  Silas made a special tea, Sarah rather thought it had ginger in it and this seemed especially beneficial in combating her nausea.


She had just finished a simple but delicious lunch of steamed fish and herbs followed by freshly picked strawberries, the first of the summer, when there was a commotion outside and she heard Audra's happy voice.  Sarah hurried to the foyer as the front door was flung wide and an extraordinary procession entered.  Her sister in law was first through the door running instantly to fling her arms around her friend, "oh Sarah!  It IS good to see you, I've missed you so much!"


Sarah smiled affectionately at the radiant and beautifully dressed blond girl, "yes Sweetie I can see you've just been pining away for all of us at home."


She turned to greet Victoria and gestured to the animated Audra who was kissing Silas.  "Has she stopped talking since you met her in San Francisco?"


Her mother in law sighed, "if she has I haven't noticed!" The older woman embraced her daughter in law, her shrewd eyes taking in Sarah's pallor and the languor which was so unlike the usually lively Sarah.  "How are you Sarah?"


Sarah shrugged, "oh just a little peaky," she turned from Victoria's perceptive eyes to greet Minnie Perlman who was rather ruthlessly supervising a positive cavalcade of sweating ranch hands, all staggering under the weight of a profusion of trunks and bags.  It seemed Audra had brought home with her a great deal more luggage than she had left with. 


Victoria smiled at Minnie, "you WILL stay the night with us won't you Minnie Dear?"


Her friend returned the smile, "bless you Victoria, I won't though, I have a yearning to rest my feet on my own hearth tonight!"


Audra's blue eyes danced, "why Aunt Minnie, you aren't tired of my company are you?"


"Surprisingly enough chatterbox no I'm not!  I am however exhausted so I'll take my leave of all of you."


Audra kissed her, "I've had the MOST wonderful time Aunt Minnie, thank you so much!"


Minnie flicked her cheek with one finger, "it's been a pleasure my Pet."


Audra ran to the foot of the stairs and detained the panting Ciego who was trying to take a huge trunk up the stairs, "just a moment Ciego, I need something from this one!"


Victoria protested, "Audra!  You can't start unpacking in the middle of the foyer!"


"I'm not Mother, I just have a small gift for Aunt Minnie, I know it's here somewhere!"


Victoria looked helplessly at the welter of tissue paper cascading to the floor, "I suggest you at least join us for tea Minnie, this may take some time!"


The ladies did drink tea and then Sarah excused herself to go and rest, she smiled at her mother in law, "I'd really like a little private chat later Victoria, I need your advice."


"Alright Darling," Victoria's intelligent eyes followed Sarah as the girl went out of the living room.  Minnie looked at her friend, "I wonder..."


"Yes Minnie, so do I!"


Audra returned, "wonder what Mother?"


"Never mind Dear, I hope whatever you were looking for is worth all the mess you've made!"


Audra proffered a tissue wrapped package to her Godmother, "I bought this for you in Denver Aunt Minnie, I saw you looking at it and I wanted to say how much I appreciate all you've done for me."


Minnie unwrapped the box and opened it to reveal a perfectly lovely pearl brooch, "oh Darling!  I went back to the shop to get this and they said it had been sold and I was SO put out!  Thank you Dear Child how kind of you," she kissed her God-daughter and shortly afterwards took her leave. 


Victoria frowned slightly, "Audra, just how much money did you have in Denver?"


Her daughter's eyes danced with mischief, "plenty thank you Mother, you mustn't worry!" She darted away to unpack before she could be interrogated further.


Victoria spent a private half hour with Sarah in Jarrod's room and emerged from this tete a tete wearing a secret smile and saying a small prayer to herself.  The three ladies spent a pleasant afternoon admiring the many treasures that Audra had bought on her travels, Audra wanted to try on dresses but Victoria put her foot down and forbade the fashion show until the next day.  Coming down the stairs she asked Sarah if Jarrod had sent his sister extra money while she was away.


"I don't know about Jarrod, but Nick certainly did," laughed Sarah.


When they were seated in the living room, Victoria asked her daughter outright whether Nick had sent her more pin money.  Audra laughed, "well...yes, but you can't shout at him Mother," she gave her Mother a saucy look, "after all, Jarrod and Heath both did too!"


Sarah laughed aloud, "oh Audra it is good to have you back!"


When Nick, Heath and Jarrod arrived home.  His brothers headed straight out to catch up with the hands, leaving Jarrod to enter the house alone.  His wife and Mother were in the act of setting the coffee tray down in the living room.  Both turned at the sound of his voice and Sarah ran to him.  Jarrod scooped her off her feet and kissed her at length, without embarrassment, before calmly wishing Victoria a good evening. 


"Good evening Jarrod, what have you done with my favourite ruffian?"


Jarrod looked at both women quizzically.  "I've left him with his Aunt Cinda and Uncle Matt, with whom he has chosen to make his home," he announced.


"No!  Really?" Victoria was delighted.  "What a wonderful idea, poor Cinda has always longed for a child!"


Sarah was equally enthusiastic, "Jarrod!  It's the perfect thing for him!"


Jarrod smiled a trifle ironically, "is it?  By what I hear, you two ladies pretty well had the future mapped out!"


Sarah gave her husband a slightly guarded look, "oh, he told you huh?"


"Well, it was nice that somebody did, don't you think?"


Jarrod's expression was enigmatic, his voice light-hearted, but neither woman was deceived.  Sarah didn't speak and after a glance at each of them, Victoria decided to leave the field.


"I'll leave you two to talk things over, I'll have my coffee in the kitchen with Silas."


She glided away, her silken train hushing on the floor as she went.  Sarah watched her go,


"I wish I could walk as if I was floating!" she sighed.


Jarrod did not respond, he was looking rather sternly at her, oh heavens thought Sarah, he's going to be difficult!  Very well Husband!  Have your say.  She sat at the table and began to pour out coffee.


"What was it Sarah, revenge for my offering the boy a home without consulting you?"


Sarah gripped her hands in her lap, determined not to lose her temper.


"I think you know better than that Jarrod."


"Do I?  Can you imagine how I felt, when that boy calmly told me the arrangements made for his future?"


"I imagine you must have felt something like I did when you arrived home here with him!"


Sarah looked very levelly at her husband and he stared just as hard back at her. 


For a long time there was silence in the living room, then Jarrod reluctantly smiled.  He let out a long slow breath and his body relaxed.  He came and sat beside his wife.


"I suppose I earned that," he remarked


Sarah tucked a confiding hand in Jarrod's, "It really wasn't like that Darling, Danny approached Victoria himself.  He was worried about coming between you and I and he asked her for her advice.  Victoria did what she always does, she told him the truth."


"Which was?"


"That you and I had been through a lot and needed...deserved to have a home where we could be together alone without any distractions."


"I know that's true but I felt awkward about it when Danny mentioned the scheme, I was afraid he would feel rejected."


"He doesn't Darling, he liked the idea of dividing his time between us and Victoria, I promise you."


Jarrod slipped an arm round Sarah and kissed his wife's glorious hair.  "Can you forgive me Sarah?  For my...insensitivity."


She stopped his mouth with a gentle hand, "you only did what you thought was right, I know you never meant to hurt me."


"Nevertheless, I did hurt you."


"A little," she acknowledged, "but that's all in the past now." She grinned at Jarrod and gave him her sauciest look.


"Anyway, if you ever do it again...I'll kill you Jarrod Barkley!"


"Oh yes?" Jarrod wrestled her into his arms and they made up their quarrel long and lovingly.




Chapter 46     A Time of Gifts.


Next morning early, even before they had got up out of bed, Jarrod reached into the drawer of his bed-side cabinet and extracted from it a slim jewellers case of green leather.  He handed it to the wondering Sarah saying quietly, "I've had this a little while, I guess I wanted to find the perfect time to give it to you, no thank you is adequate for what you have done for me, over Danny, over everything, but...well."


She sat up, pushing her flowing red-gold hair out of her eyes and took the case from her husband, "what have we here?" There was genuine excitement in her tone as she opened the case, "oh!  Jarrod, it's beautiful Darling, simply perfect!" From the case Sarah took a bracelet of unique design.  It was a silver one with a carved cameo surrounded by diamonds, the cameo was cream coloured on jet black stone.  Sarah had never seen such a fine thing before, no piece of jewellery could have been more calculated to appeal to her taste and she kissed Jarrod at length, her smoky eyes filled with love and gratitude.  Then to her husband's bitter disappointment she scrambled out of bed and began to wash hurriedly at the washstand in the corner.  "I must hurry!  I have a very early appointment in Stockton this morning, I mustn't be late." She smiled apologetically at Jarrod, "will you drive me to town please?  You needn't wait for me though, Silas is coming in later and he'll bring me home."


Jarrod sank regretfully back against his pillows, he had been hoping for a more tangible sign of his wife's appreciation of her present but an appointment was an appointment he supposed.


He did drive Sarah to Stockton and checked his office desk whilst he was there.  Then he returned home and ensconced himself in the library to write his letters and deal with some ranch business Nick had left for his attention.  Truth to tell, he was missing Danny badly, the good understanding he had latterly enjoyed with the boy had been a source of joy.  It had been wonderful to come home in the evenings and be greeted with a triumphant cry of "Jarrod you're home!" Whilst a young figure ran headlong down the stairs to hug him fiercely.  He smiled wryly, admit it Jarrod, he told himself, you want a son, or at any rate a child.  In all sincerity, he believed himself ready for fatherhood, God knew both he and Nick had gained enough experience in the art, Fathering not only their own younger siblings but a succession of waifs and strays, offered help or refuge by this most hospitable and charitable of families.


The handsome Lawyer glanced at the door into the library, empty now, but Jarrod's mind wandered back down the years and he seemed to see himself at age 8, four year old Nick's fat and grubby hand clutching his as they peeped round the library door.  His father, big and fair-bearded would look up from his work and spot them.  Tom Barkley's powerful voice would boom out "come to Papa boys!" Jarrod and Nick would run to his arms to be scooped up and hugged.  A formidable parent, Tom Barkley but a warm and demonstrative man, unafraid to show his feelings and affectionate towards his children.


Jarrod's imagination leapt forward to that dark time immediately after Tom's death, he would be working at this same desk and either Eugene or Audra's disconsolate young figure would appear at his side.  He would say nothing, just reach out and draw the younger sister or brother close, hold them in his lap, letting them draw comfort for the loss of their father, from his solid reality.  Nick had done the same, he might be in the barn overseeing a sick horse and one of the younger ones would seek him out.  Nick would draw them between his knees and talk soothingly in that deep comforting voice of his.  Nick had worked wonders with the children, despite the depth of his own sense of loss.  Bleakly, Jarrod acknowledged to his inner self that he longed for a little one of his own to toddle through that door, wanting Papa.


He was trying to decipher Nick's execrable hand-writing when Sarah came into the library and to his astonishment she swiftly locked the library door, ensuring their privacy and threw the key almost joyously into the air before catching it again and throwing it deftly onto the desk in front of him.  Jarrod rose and came to her, amused and curious, "well now Mrs. Barkley you look inordinately pleased with yourself I must say!", her husband's wonderful eyes smiled into her own and a look of slight puzzlement crossed his face.  Sarah smiled up at him, there was a sort of glow about her, a suppressed excitement that had Jarrod wondering what was in the wind.  "What?" He asked, puzzled and intrigued.


Sarah's eyes gleamed, "I wanted you to know that your timing is perfect, I deserve this special present." She held up an elegant wrist to display the cameo bracelet, "I can't take it off."


"I know you deserve it Darling, I owe Danny's happiness to you and my own peace of mind, I'll never be able to repay you properly, but maybe this is a start."


Sarah gave a tiny shake of her head and moved away from Jarrod to seat herself on the settee.  "You deserve a present too you know." "What for?" "I think you passed the fatherhood test with flying colours."


"You do?  We all barely survived it." "You did a fine job with Danny, darling.  No one could have done better.  Are you ready for the real thing though?" "Sarah, what on earth are you talking about ..." Jarrod came and sat beside her, "have you added mind-reading to your accomplishments Sarah..." He broke off suddenly as the implication of her words hit him.


Sarah didn't speak just smiled a serene and wondrous smile and taking his hand, rested it on her belly.


There were unshed tears in Jarrod's eyes, "it's a little too soon for you to feel anything yet, but it won't be long," she whispered.


He gathered his wife into his arms, "Sarah!" He could get no further, just held her to him, she caressed him and stroked his hair, "I know Jarrod, I know Darling."


She had locked the library door for a reason and soon both had exchanged another gift, their ecstatic love-making laying to rest many past ghosts of bitterness and misunderstanding, they were joyous and juvenile and for a time entirely lost touch with reality.  For this brief and golden period nothing and no-one else existed outside this room, and Jarrod and Sarah, self absorbed and intent focused the whole of their consciousness on their own beings, lost as they were in their own universe of love.


They talked for hours, making plans, establishing ground rules.  When she had been carrying baby Martha, Sarah had been driven mad by Jarrod's over-protective behaviour and determination to stop her working.  Jarrod fervently assured Sarah that this time, he would behave differently.  She laughed at him, caressing his face, "oh My Love, I know you better than you know yourself!"


At length, Sarah went to rejoin her mother and sister in law who were upstairs trying on all the delicious things Audra had bought in Denver.  Jarrod returned to the desk, his heart full with happy pride and anticipation.  Upstairs, Sarah shared her news with the other Barkley women, Audra was ecstatic and amazed but Victoria was not surprised.  "I thought so," she said with quiet satisfaction and kissed her lovely daughter in law.  "I'm so happy for you both Darling." She smiled wryly, "you had better insist on the new house being built before you deliver Sarah!  If you live here I just KNOW I'm going to interfere." The three women laughed heartily, Victoria could feel the last shadows lifting from her family's happiness and she was more than content.


Some weeks later, Jarrod Barkley sat at the study desk in the Barkley house library.  He had received three letters from the logging camp, one from Matt Bentell, another from Matt's wife Cinda and the third from Jarrod's boy, Danny.  He contemplated the outside of Danny's letter with pleasure, he would read that one last.  He turned his attention to Matt's letter first, it contained various items of business concerning the logging operation but the final paragraph was more personal.


Finally Jarrod, I need your help, Danny and I are planning a rather special surprise for Lucinda, but I want your professional advice first.  Early in the hiring season a pair of brothers called Harrison came to me for work.  The elder one had a tiny daughter, she is a little princess just four years old.  I know you can imagine how much fuss Cinda has made of the little one, her name is Abby and she is a pet.


Jarrod grinned, Matt had evidently been just as captivated as his wife!


Cutting a long story short Jarrod, the child's father had a bad infection of a leg wound when he got here and we couldn't save him.  I've talked to the brother and he doesn't feel he can give the little girl a home.  He is willing to allow us to adopt her.  Danny and I are keeping it dark, I cannot tell Cinda until you have made it all legal, if I raised her hopes to dash them again, I would never forgive myself.  I propose to bring Danny down to you for his summer round-up trip, can you arrange to draw up the papers for me?  I apologise for giving you the work, but it means a lot to Danny and I, we want to give Cinda a little girl who can call her Mama, Danny is as delighted as I am with his little sister.  I have enclosed all the necessary details and I look forward to hearing from you.  Thank you for everything Jarrod, you have given Cinda and me a precious gift in Danny, I shall always be in your debt, the joy of my dear wife has enriched all our lives.  Be assured that your boy is well and happy and averaging about three stern lectures a week at present.  Shades of Nicholas Johnathan Barkley perhaps? 


Yours sincerely,


your friend Matthew Bentell.


Did it give Jarrod a pang, the father and son like sharing of a secret surprise for the woman they both loved?  The obviously deepening relationship between Matt and Danny?  Well, yes a little perhaps, but Jarrod was too fond of his boy to begrudge him this relationship, already making up for the years of Scott Mathews indifference.  Also, he now had his own impending fatherhood to look forward to.  He drew a sheet of paper toward him and wrote a re-assuring reply to Matt.  He thanked him for the offer to bring Danny down to the ranch but declined it, he had deliberately cleared his own schedule to enable him to fetch Danny himself, he told Matt he would bring the papers for the adoption with him.  So his boy was to have a sister, wonderful, if she was the joy to him that Audra was to Jarrod, Danny would be blessed.  The Lawyer smiled wryly and if little Abby was half as mischievous as Audra she would keep her big brother busy!


Cinda Bentell's letter was all about Danny, she wanted to assure Jarrod that he was working hard and learning fast.


I'm not saying he is a saint Jarrod, a strange twelve year old he'd be if he were!  Matthew has had to give him a few talkings to but they get on so well that Danny takes notice of him and they have a good understanding.  I simply wanted to tell you that you made the right decision, when you let the boy stay, he is truly happy here and so excited about spending the summer being a cowboy with your brothers!  Danny is sending you a piece of his work which I think will show you how much progress we have made.  It is no exaggeration to say Jarrod that for perhaps the first time, I feel like a complete woman, I do thank you from the bottom of my heart.


This letter too needed a reply and Jarrod wrote expressing his gratitude for what he rightly guessed was Lucinda's very hard work with Danny's educational needs.


Time now to read his boy's letter, Jarrod opened it eagerly and it warmed his heart.


Dear Jarrod,


You will be VERY pleased with me, look what I have enclosed for you to see.  Aunt Cinda says it is nearly perfect. 


It was a new floor plan of Jarrod's office, he had seen the first attempt on his visit to the camp


but this was altogether more sophisticated and was a truly meticulous piece of work.  He grinned at the level of carefully labelled detail in it, which included a tiny human figure at his desk marked My Jarrod.  His guardian reflected that Matt Bentell was undoubtedly right, Jarrod's ward was evidently destined to be an engineer of some sort.


There was much more, it was a blissfully contented little letter from a child who was clearly as well and as happy as his Uncle Matt had indicated.  It warmed Jarrod's heart, especially in it's ending.


I have designed and drawn a calendar and I am marking off the days now until it is time for my vacation on round-up with you all.  I know you are always busy but I will see a lot of you won't I Jarrod?  I love and miss you so much and I am counting the days.  It was so nice of you to send DG up to me with the supply wagon, I surely was missing her.  Love to all at the ranch, especially to you Jarrod.


With Love from Your Boy,




Jarrod drew paper and a pen towards him and set about writing an immediate reply to the boy.


Dear Danny,


Thank you for the beautiful floor plan of my office, which is complete with me I notice!  It is very special and I really am not surprised that Aunt Cinda is so pleased with it and with you too.  I have written to her today to say thank you for all her hard work and I want you to know that I am very proud of you too.  Keep this up and pretty soon you will have made up all the ground that you missed through no fault of your own. 


I have also written to Uncle Matt to assure him that your wonderful secret is safe with me and I will put the matter in hand right away.  I have told Uncle Matt that I will collect you from the camp myself.  I hope that is to your liking, I thought we could do a little hunting and you can demonstrate your prowess with your rifle to me.  If the word prowess is not familiar to you, then look it up! 


It was kind of Uncle Matt to offer to bring you down to the ranch but I know how busy the summer is for him and besides I want you to myself for a while!


You are obviously well and happy and I am very glad that living with Uncle Matt and Aunt Cinda has worked out well.  However, we expect to have you here for round-up in the summer and Nick and Heath are looking forward to your company.  You will be amazed to hear that I am going on round-up with you!  I can hear you laughing from here, but I will have you know that I can rope a steer with the best of them, well nearly anyway. 


Take care of yourself little man and in a few short weeks we will be together again.  What do you say to an early morning swim every day?"


Jarrod read over what he had written then signed his letter in the same way he signed all his letters to Danny,


With My Love,


From Your Friend,

