by Lindabrit
Oh Lord above
stretch out your hand,
and tell me
something I don’t understand.
I try to be as
good as can be,
so why are
those women so mean to me?
They call
themselves fans, they say I’m the best,
so why do they
keep putting me to the test?
It’s as plain
as the blood on my pale blue shirt,
these gals
just love it when I get hurt!
I’ve been
beaten, shot, stabbed, whipped time and again,
oh why if they
love me am I in such pain?
I’ve been
poisoned and strangled, I’ve even been hung,
I’ve had
diseases of heart, liver and lung.
I’ve been
kicked, coshed and spat on, thrown into jail,
is it any
wonder that I’m turning pale?
They say I’m
good-looking, tell me so all the time,
so why am I
permanently covered in slime?
I have a dream
Lord, it’s simple to tell,
I want to be
hale, hearty, healthy and well,
to get from
one end of a tale to the other,
with any hurt
sustained by one of my brothers!