Nick's Saga

Parts 9-10

by nlindabrit





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.




Part 9A -- Summons to Mexico

(Victoria, Heath and Jarrod have no idea where either Nick or Eugene have disappeared to...that is until the telegram arrives. A telegram that sends Jarrod and his mother on a journey into Mexico, neither realising there are a number of shocks in store for them.)

Victoria and Heath agreed between them that they must stay in San Francisco with Jarrod. Neither wished to leave the lawyer alone, for he was still deeply upset by his confrontation with Eugene and was growing increasingly frustrated by his inability to turn up any leads on the whereabouts of either Eugene or Nick Barkley. The investigator hired by Jarrod had not found any trace of either of the missing Barkley brothers but Heath Barkley had a notion he wanted to follow up. Heath had gently, tactfully but thoroughly interrogated Jarrod and had realized that Jarrod's enquiries at the railroad stockyards had not been as complete as they might have been. Normally Jarrod was the most careful and dogged of investigators, relentlessly pursuing the truth and generally finding it even if he had to root it out from wherever it had been buried.

Jarrod had certainly enquired at the railroad offices about Nick and had ascertained that he was in no way employed by them. He had also checked the stock transactions, without finding any trace of Nick's name, but there it seemed his questions had stopped. Heath was not surprised by what Jarrod had found out, he had never given any credence to the theory that Nick had sought work there anyway. Heath did think long and hard about Jarrod's other evidence, the fact that Nick had massively depleted his bank account. It seemed to Heath that further enquiries were necessary at the stockyards and not wishing to raise Jarrod's hopes without cause, he went there alone to follow his hunch.

Heath shared Victoria's belief that Nick had not left home for good but he also knew that his brother had gone ostensibly on a mission to help a friend. Heath had grown very close to his brother Nick, after initial difficulties the two men had worked in contented companionship for the last three years and Heath believed that he knew Nick pretty well by now. If Nick's friend had needed either money or cattle, Heath knew that Nick, always a generous man, wouldn't hesitate to provide either. So Heath thought it might well be interesting to examine the stockyard sales records. He had been surprised that Jarrod had omitted to do so and when he thought the matter over, he had concluded that Jarrod was just too plain upset to see the wood for the trees.

When Heath returned from the stockyards, Victoria greeted him with a smile, "Well timed young man! I was about to serve lunch, come and help me persuade Jarrod into eating something."

Heath grinned at her, "I may have some news that will tempt his appetite Mother."

"Really? That's wonderful Darling!"

Over lunch, Heath shared the information he had found with his mother and brother. "I thought it might be a smart move to check the recent stock transactions..."

"I already did that! Nick's name doesn't appear in any of them." Jarrod's impatient voice cut across Heath's narrative.

"That's right," agreed Heath with unruffled calm, "but I took a good look at the actual transactions and narrowed it down to the fact that only two recent transactions have involved stock shipments to Mexico. Both are to the same outfit and the second one took place the day you spotted Nick."

Jarrod leaned back in his chair, sighing and passing a hand across his brow, "I apologize Heath, I should have thought to do that myself!"

Victoria laid a hand on his arm, "you've had a great deal on your mind lately Darling, please don't blame yourself."

The lawyer smiled at her reassuringly covering her hand with his own, "I'll try not to Mother." He turned to his brother, "you've done well Heath, did you get any more details?"

"Yep, the outfit who bought the stock goes by the name of Del Rio and the man who signed for the stock is a guy called Carlos Castillo, so whether he owns it or works for Del Rio, I don't know. The stock bill was paid in cash so if Nick was involved it would explain why there's no record of his name anywhere."

Jarrod thought for a moment, then smiled at Heath, "you've done a fine job, it may be a long cast but since we know Nick was headed down to Mexico when he left home, its got to be worth following up."

"I agree," said Heath, "The stock were shipped to a town called Coalhuo, so I guess that's where I'm headed."

Jarrod nodded, "in the meantime I'll keep trying to track down the boy." The shadow was back in Jarrod's eyes as he thought of his missing youngest brother and it went to Victoria's heart to see him so upset. Once again she tried to convey an optimism she was very far from feeling, "I'm certain he'll turn up soon Jarrod, he can't have just vanished."

The plan was for Heath to set out for Mexico the next day but as sometimes happens, it was a plan destined never to be carried out. For the next morning brought an extraordinary communication from the older of the two missing Barkley brothers.

The telegram that was delivered came from Audra Barkley and her sister-in- law Sarah, it was addressed to Victoria and when Jarrod handed it to her, the Barkley matriarch sat very still, just holding it for a moment. There was such dread in her hazel eyes that Jarrod quietly offered to open it and read it for her. Victoria shook her head decisively, Jarrod had already suffered so much from the disappearances of his brothers, his mother was not about to put him through this as well. With a resolute air, she opened and read the wire. It was a long telegram, explaining that a telegram from Nick Barkley had been received the previous day at the Barkley ranch and that Audra and Sarah had opened it and were now forwarding its contents.

Victoria read it through, a puzzled frown on her face and then, to the chagrin of her waiting sons, she re-read the whole thing. At length, Victoria sighed and passed the wire to Jarrod, "I can't make sense of this, it says so little, see what you make of it boys."

Jarrod almost snatched it from her in his eagerness to read it. Heath moved to stand beside his brother and both men read it together. It was easy to see why Victoria was puzzled, the text of Nick's wire from Mexico consisted of a mere eight words. It read,


Jarrod was as puzzled as his mother and her distress was mirrored in his vivid blue eyes, he was about to say something, in the hope of comforting her when, to his astonishment, Heath began to laugh, it was just a chuckle at first but soon he was doubled up with uncontrollable mirth, tears of laughter rolling down his face. As his bemused mother and brother watched him, Heath fought for control and when at last he conquered his laughter, he looked at the slightly shocked faces of Jarrod and Victoria and smiled at their amazement. "Oh come on you two, isn't this message 100% pure Nicholas Jonathan Barkley? He's been away four months and we get eight words, two per month! One thing's for sure there isn't anything wrong with Nick!"

Victoria and Jarrod were forced to agree, never much of a hand at letter writing, the terse telegram was typical Nick, it told his anxious relatives where he was, where his little brother was, what else did they need to know?

Victoria was able to laugh in her turn but Jarrod's face wore a grim frown, "what the devil does Nick think he's playing at? How dare he take Eugene to Mexico with him!" The lawyer struggled to contain the sudden fury that had gripped him and made a valiant attempt to calm down. "I take it that masterpiece of literary composition is from Mexico?"

Heath grinned with satisfaction, "yeah it sure is, the address is the Del Rio estancia at Santa Alva and the wire was sent from a town called Coalhuo!"

Jarrod nodded, "well done Heath. You were right in your hunch! And I have to admit that it doesn't look as if anything very terrible has happened to either of my absent brothers!" He looked at his mother and brother and said, "so now what do we do?"

Heath answered him without hesitation, "simple Counselor, you and Mother high-tail it to Sant...Santa...whatever the hell that place is called and fetch our brothers home!"

"What about you Heath?"

He grinned at them both, "I have a ranch to run and I can wait to learn all about Nick's adventures when he comes home, although he won't be able to tell me right away!"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm gonna bust his jaw for him, that's why not!"

The journey into Mexico was long, hot and very weary, Jarrod looked after his mother to the best of his ability, glad to have something to do, to keep himself from fretting about his coming re-union with two of his three younger brothers. As yet he was unconvinced that he was not the cause of this whole situation, Victoria had given up trying to persuade him, realising that only Nick and Eugene themselves could do that. She hoped the two brothers were intending to reconcile any differences they had with Jarrod, the eldest Barkley brother had suffered a great deal in the now nearly five months since Nick had left his home and the confrontation with Gene had rubbed the wound raw again. Jarrod now needed the love of the two missing men, his mother could only hope and pray that he would get it.

When Jarrod brought his mother a drink of water as the train rocked and lurched on a particularly bad bit of track, he was able to tell her that they would be arriving in Coalhuo in a few minutes.

"Thank heaven for that," said Victoria easing her cramped limbs, "I've got bruises on my bruises!"

Jarrod was about to answer her when his attention was caught by a flash of movement and glancing through the train window, the lawyer saw something that startled him and also gave him a weird sense of deja vu!

There was a rider, galloping furiously along the track beside the line, clearly intent on racing the train. For a second, Jarrod's mind was back three years ago, watching the blond stranger race the train, risking his own and his horse's life. That stranger had turned out to be Heath Barkley, on his way to claim his birthright from the Barkleys. As Jarrod continued to watch the rider, the peculiar feeling of deja vu passed as he perceived the differences between this intrepid rider and the Heath of three years past. First and foremost, this rider was only a child and not a very old one at that. Jarrod estimated that he could be no more than nine or ten, though it was a full-grown horse that he rode. The boy was thin and looked pretty puny, it was a wonder he could control the swiftly moving and obviously powerful horse, but he rode with enormous skill, gaining steadily on the train with every moment that passed.

The fact that the under-sized boy rode a horse that was way too big for him was not the only incongruity in the picture he presented. He was clearly a pale- skinned child and had fair hair as well, yet he was dressed in the Mexican fashion, in waist-length jacket and britches that had silver buttons decorating the outside seam of the legs. No sombrero though, Jarrod noted, the child wore a stetson hat. The lawyer's sharp eyes remained locked to the furiously galloping horse and rider until the boy moved too far ahead of the rail-car Jarrod was in to be seen any more.

Jarrod startled Victoria by springing up out of his seat and with a hasty word to her, the lawyer dashed to the foremost observation platform to see the child meet his fate. Again, Jarrod knew a sense of deja vu, for, just as Heath had done, the boy rode his horse triumphantly across the track ahead of the train bearing down upon him, reining in his horse on the other side of the crossing to yell his victory aloud as he gleefully patted his sweating horse's neck. Instinctively, Jarrod raised a hand in salute and the boy waved back, just as the train roared past and he was lost to the lawyer's sight.

Jarrod returned to his mother and explained his sudden disappearance to her. She shook her head, "I don't know Jarrod...this is all too...well it's so strange! It's as if we are somehow meant to be coming to this place, or am I letting the heat and the journey get me down?"

The lawyer smiled and shook his head, "well we're both a little tired, but I think I know what you mean Mother and yes, I would have to say I agree with you!"



Part 9B


Upon arrival in Coalhuo, Jarrod had no difficulty in hiring a suitable buggy and prudently, he also obtained detailed directions to the small hamlet of Santa Alva, whither, according to Nick's all too brief wire, they were bound. In the early afternoon of a blisteringly hot day he and Victoria arrived at last in the tiny and dilapidated village of Santa Alva.

They knew only one thing about this little place, it was the place from which Nick Barkley's telegram had been sent, so it was their only link with the two missing Barkley brothers. Jarrod brought the buggy to a halt outside a shabby cantina and looked swiftly up and down the one street, if the rough track could indeed be called a street! He glanced anxiously at his mother beside him, she was holding up gallantly but Jarrod knew she was close to exhaustion and there was an urgent need to find her somewhere cool to rest.

"I don't think this place boasts a hotel Mother will you come in here?" He indicated the cantina but before Victoria could answer him, the swing door of the cantina opened and a young Mexican woman came out onto the shaded verandah carrying a comfortable looking chair. A young boy followed her carrying a second chair and placed it on the verandah beside the first. The woman curtseyed respectfully, "good afternoon Senor, Senora, will you sit here in the cool shade and I will fetch you something refreshing to drink? Tomas will ride out to the Estancia to tell them you are here and someone will come."

"The Estancia?"

The woman nodded in answer to Jarrod's query. "Si Senor, all visitors to Santa Alva are offered the hospitality of the Estancia."

The lawyer smiled at her, "I see, actually my mother and I are here looking for my brother, his name is Nick Barkley."

The woman nodded, "si, you are looking for Senor Nick."

She seemed totally unsurprised and the Barkleys exchanged glances as Victoria accepted Jarrod's hand out of the buggy.

Victoria sat gratefully in the shade, "you Nick?"

The woman nodded, "but yes Senora, of course I do," smiling she hurried to fetch her guests refreshment leaving mother and son to sit looking bemusedly at one another.

"What shall we do Jarrod?" Victoria was hot and weary and close to the end of her tether, Jarrod could hear the despair in her voice. He thought rapidly and took his mother's hand in a reassuring clasp, "well, I think our best course will be to accept the hospitality of the local land-owner, there isn't a hotel here and we need a base to pursue our enquiries from. Nick may even be working there, the people here seem to know who he is at any rate."

Cool drinks and the rest in the shade of the verandah restored both mother and son a little and before very long there was the distraction of another arrival in the little village. A large buggy with a quartet of nuns and an obviously very sick little girl who lay limply in the lap of one of the holy sisters. This buggy drew up outside the cantina and the Mexican woman came out of the cantina and greeted the sisters.

"Good day to you Rosa," said the eldest of the holy women, "my sisters and I are heading to the mission of San Cristobel and as the little one is a bit stronger we thought she might go home for a time. Will you send for someone to come from the Estancia for her? We are pressed for time and it will be helpful if we do not have to go out there ourselves."

"But yes Holy Mother, the matter is simple, these good people are waiting for Tomas to return from the Estancia!" She indicated the Barkleys and both Jarrod and Victoria came to their feet and approached the buggy.

The wise old eyes of the Mother Superior appraised them frankly and she appeared satisfied with what she saw for she nodded briskly, "that is good, we may safely leave our precious little charge with these friends I am sure."

Jarrod bowed courteously, "we are only too happy to help Mother, I am Jarrod Barkley and this is my mother Victoria Barkley."

The old nun's eyes crinkled with amusement, "yes I rather thought you might be," she replied cryptically.

Victoria held out her arms, "shall I take the child?"

The nun holding the little fair-haired mite, tenderly placed her in Victoria's arms saying, "please ensure that you do not bend her legs Senora, she is sadly crippled."

Victoria looked into the tiny face of the little girl in her arms, there were lines of suffering etched into the tender skin but for all that she was a pretty little creature, her eyes were palest blue and her hair, so blonde it was almost white, clustered around her face in long waves. She was so light that holding her was no burden, Victoria could feel that she was skeletally thin and the sight of the severely twisted and wasted stick-like little legs laying almost flat along Victoria's arm, moved the Barkley matriarch. The little one was looking trustfully up at her and as Victoria smiled at her she responded with a smile so serenely radiant and sweet that Victoria's whole heart turned over and in that instant she felt a rush of affection for this sick and starved little scrap of humanity. Instinctively, she knew that this was the start of a new bond of love, although as yet she didn't even know who this pitiful little girl was.

The identity of the crippled child was about to be revealed to Victoria and Jarrod Barkley, and was destined to be the first of a series of shocks they were to get on this memorable afternoon!

The Mother Superior smiled and said to Victoria, "you will wish to know the name of the child Senora, her name is Audra-Jane Barkley."

Both Barkleys fairly gaped at her and the old nun's eyes danced with mischief, making her look years younger, she smiled seraphically upon the stunned Victoria and turned to Jarrod, holding out her hand, "here is a letter for the little treasure's father, to let him know her state of health."

Jarrod took the letter too surprised to answer her and before he had a chance to glance at the envelope in his hand the religious cavalcade had driven away.

Victoria sat gently back down and smoothed the child's tumbled hair back, bending her head to softly kiss the little forehead, she could not begin to explain the name of this little girl but that didn't seem as important as bonding with her somehow.

"Hello Audra-Jane, go to sleep now, I'll take good care of you," she whispered and she had the satisfaction of seeing the blue eyes close as the child relaxed and slept in her embrace.

Victoria looked at Jarrod who stood rooted to the spot gazing intently at the letter in his hand.

"What is it Jarrod?"

He looked up at her words, his vivid blue eyes held a startled expression, "Mother this letter is addressed to Nick!"

Victoria Barkley was rapidly becoming numb to further shocks and she couldn't take all of this too seriously. She made a face at Jarrod, "this little pet must be at least four Jarrod, possibly five, do you really think that Nick has been a father for the past few years and not told us?"

The lawyer laughed, pressing a hand to his aching head, "no, I guess not, I think I may be a little tired Mother!"

"I can understand that Darling, I've aged at least ten years in the past few hours myself!"

The woman Rosa had brought the child a drink and Victoria took it from her and held the cup to the little one's mouth. She looked at the kindly young Mexican woman, "does this child ever talk Rosa?"

"Hardly ever a word Senora, only to her brother, the Little Wolf! She talks to him sometimes I think."

Jarrod's eyes met his mother's, so there was another child, a boy! Now why was he called the ‘Little Wolf' Jarrod wondered. In a few short minutes he was destined to find out the answer...the hard way!

The next two shocks about to smite Jarrod and Victoria Barkley were approaching them simultaneously from either end of the track that wound through this tiny village. From the West came a solitary child, a fair-haired thin boy of about nine or ten, his pinched face alert and watchful, his manner furtive, he walked slowly and stealthily, hugging the walls of the few buildings, coming closer and closer to the verandah where the Barkleys sat.

From the opposite direction came the promised transport from the Estancia driven by young Tomas who was accompanied by a handsome Mexican man of about forty, his clothes spoke to his being something more than a ranch hand and his right arm was reposing in a sling.. He stopped and alighted, crossing gracefully to where Victoria sat, still with her little burden asleep now in her cradling arms.

"Forgive the long wait Senora and gracias for caring for the little one, I will take you somewhere more comfortable now."

Victoria thanked him and he turned to Jarrod who introduced himself and his mother. The man bowed politely, "I am Carlos Castillo, foreman of the Del Rio Estancia, it is a pleasure to meet the mother and brother of Senor Nick!"

Jarrod said quickly, "you know my brother Senor?"

"I have that privilege Senor yes."

He indicated the waiting buggy and Jarrod turned to Rosa, handsomely paying her for her services, she thanked him warmly and wished them well. Jarrod took the sleeping child from Victoria and she warned him as she stood up to be careful not to bend the child's twisted legs. He was careful but even so a whimpering cry escaped the little girl as he eased his hands under her painfully thin body. Which was the moment when the boy, with a scream of rage hurtled from the shadows of the cantina wall and attacked Jarrod his teeth sinking savagely into the lawyer's right hand. It was not the assault of a child, nor was it half-hearted, it was violent, desperate and akin to what a wild animal might do.

"Marric! No!" Castillo's sharp voice cried and in the same instant Jarrod caught hold of his skinny assailant and smartly whacked his backside once, before releasing him and saying sternly "now behave yourself young man!"

The boy backed away from Jarrod, glaring fiercely at the lawyer, Jarrod was struck by the boy's vivid green eyes, just now glittering with hatred and mistrust.

"Marric, apologise at once!" Castillo's voice was stiff with rage.

The boy did not move or speak, just continued glaring at Jarrod, Carlos spoke sternly to him.

"Marric your father will be very angry with you!"

The boy ignored Carlos totally, turning and fleeing from them all at tremendous speed back the way he had come.

Jarrod's hand had been ripped open by the ferocity of the attack and his shirt cuff was rapidly staining red. His mother had taken the little girl again and Jarrod bound up his hand with his handkerchief and the help of Carlos.

"I take it I just met the ‘Little Wolf'!

Carlos smiled gravely, "that is not a name we use at the Estancia Senor, you have just met Marric Barkley for the first time!"

Jarrod smiled wryly, "a first meeting perhaps, but it's the second time I've seen him today."

Castillo smiled politely, "oh?"

"Yes, we saw him racing the train we were on as we arrived in Coalhuo."

"Madre de dios! Is he still playing that mad game? Patrone will be angry!"

The eyes of mother and son met in anguished, puzzled enquiry, neither felt they could absorb much more at this point. Senor Castillo saved his final revelation until they were riding in the buggy toward their destination, when in answer to an enquiry from Jarrod as to whether Nick Barkley worked at the Estancia he shook his head and said to Jarrod, "but no Senor, he is not employed there, he is Patrone."

Jarrod frowned, "Patrone?"

"Si Senor, Nick Barkley owns the Del Rio Estancia now, he is its Master!"

The remainder of the drive was accomplished in silence, for the Barkleys were too weary and too stunned to ask any questions but Jarrod Barkley was thinking rapidly all the same. Nick had been away from home for about five months, during which time he had apparently adopted two children and become a land-owner in Mexico to boot! For the whole time Nick had been missing Jarrod had tortured himself with the thought that he had driven Nick from his home and throughout this journey into Mexico Jarrod had dreaded his coming reunion with Nick, now he was eager for that meeting. My little brother has some explaining to do, thought the lawyer grimly and I can't wait to hear it! Then? Well then I may just kill him!



Part 9C


Victoria barely noticed as the buggy arrived at the Estancia, her attention was wholly focused on the frail sleeping child in her lap, to whom she had, in an instant it seemed, lost her heart. Jarrod on the other hand was keenly interested in the place. The buggy swept through a pair of handsome wrought iron gates which needed painting and bowled along an imposing drive, which also showed signs of wear. The drive curved around a marble fountain that would have looked more at home in front of a French chateau, it too was past it's best but sparkling water cascaded from it's statuary into a marble basin. The house itself was long and low, built in the Hacienda style and it looked as if it needed some attention and repair. Taking in all these details the shrewd lawyer concluded that this was a once prosperous ranch, now fallen on hard times.

The buggy pulled up before the front door, which opened at once and a small dapper man dressed in the Mexican fashion bowed to the visitors.

"Welcome to the Del Rio Estancia Senor and Senora, I am Luis please come inside out of this terrible heat."

He helped Victoria out of the buggy and a waiting nursemaid took the still sleeping Audra-Jane from Victoria's arms and went indoors with her. Luis was quick to notice how keenly Victoria's eyes followed the child, he smiled at her, "she will be well cared for Senora, would you like to visit the nursery presently?"

"Thank you, yes I would like that very much."

The observant major-domo had noticed Jarrod's mauled hand too, "I will have your hand attended to Senor, please do come inside."

They followed him into the house and were conducted to a comfortable living room, blessedly cool and airy compared to the stifling heat outside. Victoria sank into a chair, she was weary and her head ached abominably, the day had brought a host of surprises even shocks and she felt drained by the uncertainty of it all. She had enormous faith in her second son Nick, she had never until this moment doubted that he would return to California with her, return to the home and the ranch he loved. It was plain however that a great deal had happened to Nick in the few months he had been away and with a frightened heart his mother now wondered if Nick Barkley was ever going to live in the Big Valley again.

Carlos was speaking to Luis, "where is Patrone?"

"He went out with the men, he is expected back soon."

"Is your Mistress also out?"

"Out riding."

"Not Royale?" Carlos asked the question with sudden anxiety but Luis smiled.

"No, her own horse, she will be gone all the afternoon no doubt."

Carlos frowned, "Mademoiselle Derval?"

"At the mission, she too should be home soon." Luis's voice was placatory but then took on an offended tone, "in the meantime, I shall take care of the Senor and the Senora!"

Carlos bowed to the Barkleys, "if you will excuse me, I will find Patrone, there must be a search for Marric before it is dark."

Victoria said "does the boy often run off?"

"Yes Senora, frequently, especially when he has done wrong."

Jarrod held up his injured hand, "you mean this?"

"Si Senor, Marric promised Patrone that he wouldn't bite anyone else you see."

Neither Jarrod nor Victoria did see, the wild attack of the young boy had been shocking in it's ferocity and both the Barkleys were eager to know Marric's history, indeed eager to know so many currently unexplained things! Both were wise enough to realise that these questions must wait for Nick and neither made an attempt to detain Castillo, but before he could depart the front door of the Hacienda was flung open and a familiar and cheerful voice bellowed "Luis? Where the devil are you?"

Jarrod smiled faintly at his mother, "I think Patrone is home," he said dryly, moving away from the settee where Victoria sat and standing silently a little apart by the window, suddenly he was nervous about meeting Nick, reluctant to find out if he and his sibling were enemies or friends. Nick Barkley entered the big living room and as he did so Victoria rose to her feet, her face alight at the sound of his voice, she closed her eyes to stem the sudden rush of tears, he was here alive, healthy and as noisy as ever! Why on earth should she weep? He saw her at once and with a joyful shout of "Mother!" he was across the room, catching her up in his powerful arms, swinging her round and kissing her soundly, "oh Mother, it's good to see you! I've missed you so much!"

She hugged him and kissed him, laughing and crying all at the same time as her eager eyes absorbed the reality of his presence. He looked just the same, he looked wonderful, vigorous and well, laughing at her tears and pelting her with eager questions.

"I never thought you'd get here this fast! How are you? Is everything alright at home? I bet Heath's about ready to murder me isn't he?"  Nick broke off, his shrewd hazel eyes taking in his mother's pallor, "Mother sit down, you look done in you know!"

With an effort of will Victoria managed to overcome the nausea and faintness that had rolled over her in a wave and she summoned up all her forces. "I should think I do look all in after traipsing all over Mexico looking for you! If you ever, ever frighten me like this again Nicholas I will make you sorry!"

He dropped on one knee beside the chair into which she had sunk, his eyes gleamed with amusement but he spoke in a soft, serious and loving voice to his adored mother.

"I know Mother, I'm so sorry but when you hear all my adventures, you'll forgive me, really you will."

She stroked his lean cheek, "you're already forgiven Darling."

He held her close, pressing his lips to her hair, "good to have you here Duchess!"

He stood again and frowned slightly, "just how did you get here Mother? Surely you didn't come alone!"

Victoria's eyes sought Jarrod and he moved into the centre of the room looking gravely at his brother, "hello Nick."

Nick's reaction banished instantly and forever the idea that his absence from the Barkley ranch had anything to do with Jarrod!

"Jarrod! Hey Big Brother, good to see you!"

The tall rancher bear-hugged his brother lifting Jarrod clear off his feet, and slapping his back heartily.

Jarrod was undergoing the same confusing mixture of emotions as his mother, he was relieved and warmed by Nick's affectionate greeting and with relief came irritation.

"Nick what the devil do you mean by disappearing into thin air? You have some explaining to do and then some!"

Victoria held her breath, were they about to re-open hostilities?

Nick grinned and hugged Jarrod again, "it's been quite a while since I got a lecture from my big brother! It feels mighty good!"

The lawyer's own smile dawned, "it feels pretty good to me too Nick."

Victoria felt a new rush of tears, there would be much to tell and talk about but clearly all was going to be well, she pressed a hand to her throbbing head, Nick's hearty voice was not helping her head-ache and she was so exhausted that she felt faint again.

Jarrod crossed swiftly to her, "Mother?"

He dropped to his knee to look searchingly at her and was about to ask Nick to send for help when it walked in through the door, in a quietly beautiful form.

The girl who came towards them was perhaps 17 or 18 years old, shapely and tall, with dark, straight glossy brown hair and a truly lovely face. She was simply dressed in a dark riding skirt and a cream silk blouse. She wore highly polished riding boots and was drawing off leather gloves as she entered the living room. Evidently she was newly returned from a morning in the saddle. The exercise had put roses in her cheeks, enhancing her smooth complexion. Jarrod especially noticed her large luminous eyes, they were dark brown, soft and warm, the lawyer liked her frank, sweet expression, she really was an exquisite creature.

Nick advanced upon the girl, "Adri, these people are..."

She frowned at him and her voice was softly reproachful, "I know who our visitors are Nick, what I don't know is what you mean by not looking after them properly!"

Nick spluttered something but she ignored his protests and turned to Victoria and Jarrod, "Mr. Barkley, Mrs. Barkley, my name is Adrienne Derval, I know you must feel as if you've wandered into a mad-house but please let us take care of you and later you can hear all Nick's adventures."

Her voice was quietly musical, with a hint of a French accent, it was a lovely voice, as beautiful as her face.

She turned her head toward Nick, "did Carlos tell you Marric bit your brother?"

"No he..."

"Well perhaps if you had let him tell you, he might have been able to do so! Have you asked for rooms to be prepared for our guests?"

"No, I..."

"Really Nick, I don't suppose you have given your mother any tea either?"

This time Nick didn't bother interrupting, just winked at Jarrod and smiled as the elegant girl helped Victoria to rise from her chair, "Please come with me Madame, I can see how weary you are," she held a cool hand to her guest's forehead, "also I think you have a touch of sunstroke, that is why you are feeling sick. I shall prepare a tisane for you, you will enjoy it very much."

"Will I?" Victoria was a little doubtful, but the lovely brown-haired girl nodded, "but yes Madame it will help, trust me."

She assisted her weary guest from the room and Nick watched the two women depart before turning to Jarrod with a proprietorial grin, "isn't she the sweetest gal you ever saw?"

Jarrod raised an eyebrow, but there was nothing lover-like in Nick's words, they were almost paternal in tone! He nodded agreement, "a lovely girl, er...half-French is she?"

"Yeah, she is." Nick burst out laughing, "I need to tell you about Adri."

"I bet you do!"

"'s not like that!"

"Like what Nicholas?"

"Now you cut it out Jarrod!"

The lawyer burst out laughing, "I have to hand it to you brother Nick, you've gotten yourself in some situations now and again but I do believe you've surpassed yourself this time! Correct me if I've jumped to any wrong conclusions but since you rode away from home five months ago, have you become a Mexican land-owner, the adoptive father of two children and the er...what are you to Mademoiselle Adrienne exactly?"

The dark rancher stood aggressively in front of the lawyer, "I'm her guardian," he grated.

"Just so, a Mexican Estancia, two kids and a ward!"

"Yeah, exactly," said Nick in a flustered manner.

Jarrod cocked an enquiring eyebrow, he was tired, aching, weary and still bleeding from his mauled hand but he was nevertheless hugely enjoying himself "No?"

Nick flashed his older brother a rueful grin, "no...well...there are actually two other people, although they aren't my wards, there's Susannah and Brooke as well."



The lawyer smiled, "is she pretty too?"

"What the devil is that supposed to mean?"

Castillo interrupted his wrathful employer, smoothly asking if he should begin a search for Marric, Nick agreed and the Mexican bowed politely to Jarrod and left the two brothers alone. Nick wheeled around to confront Jarrod again but the lawyer disarmed his anger with a smile, "I hate to be a pest Nick but I am making a mess of the carpet you know!" he held up his maltreated hand and Nick grinned, "sorry Big Brother, let's get that seen to huh?"



Part 9D


In fact it was the capable Luis who efficiently cleaned and dressed Jarrod's hand whilst the two brothers talked, companionably now, each glad that their recent separation and the minor estrangement that had split them was past. Jarrod tentatively brought up the subject of Soreback meadow and at once Nick interrupted him, "I owe you an apology over all that Counselor! I was acting dumb about it, after all that was a good deal you put together."

"You were not acting dumb," said Jarrod firmly. "Once Mother explained the matter to me I quite understood your reasons and I wouldn't have minded a bit!" He smiled affectionately at his brother, "another time Nick, just tell me will you, don't bottle things up?"

"I promise Jarrod and I'm sorry if you've been worrying about me all this time."

Jarrod punched his arm, "forget it Nick and for the love of heaven tell me what's been happening to you, before I die of curiosity!"

Nick ran a hand through his thick unruly hair, "I swear Jarrod I have so much to tell you, I don't know where the heck to start so you can make the least sense out of it!"

The lawyer smiled, "I'm familiar with your powers of self-expression Nick! You just start from the beginning and I'll sort it out for myself."

When Luis had finished dressing Jarrod's injured hand the brothers sat together in the cool living room and Nick poured two tall glasses of beer for them.

Jarrod bethought himself of his youngest brother, "Gene is here isn't he Nick?"

Nick grinned, "well of course he's here! I told you so in the telegram I sent you didn't I?"

"Ah yes, the erudite explanation of your absence...consisting of precisely eight words!"

"Now Jarrod you know I hate writing letters and besides there was so much to explain, I did try writing some of it down, but I couldn't understand it myself!" Nick grinned disarmingly, "sorry if the telegram made you worry even more Big Brother!"

It was Jarrod's turn to laugh, "actually it didn't, the instant Heath read it, he burst out laughing and said it was obvious there was nothing much wrong with you!"

"Good ol Heath! I feel kind of bad leaving him in a hole like that but I couldn't help it Jarrod really I couldn't."

"Tell me all about it Nick, I can't wait to hear about all your adventures, but first, tell me about Gene, is he all right?"

Nick jabbed a hand at Jarrod, "now you quit worrying about that badly behaved brat! He's told me all about your quarrel and all the devilment he's been up to and I've dealt with him as he deserves!"

"What do you mean Nick?"

"I'll tell you later, but for now all you need to know is that Gene is fine, he's not exactly here though.  He's out leading a search party at the moment but I expect him back in a day or two, don't worry about him."

"A search party?"

"Yeah, that's kind of a long story too Jarrod, perhaps I should do like you said and start at the beginning huh?"

Jarrod settled comfortably in his chair and took a long pull at his cold beer, "go ahead Nick, I'm all ears."

Nick leaned back in his chair, drained the cold beer in his glass and started to talk.

"I guess it all began about three years ago now, before Heath ever came to the Big Valley. I used to do all the stock buying myself back then, hell I used to do everything myself back then! I've been thinking about that a lot since I've been down here. All these weeks I've been away and I've not once worried about things at home ‘cause I know Heath's there and taking care of it all. Jarrod do you think I should talk to Heath when I get home, tell him how much I appreciate his help? I've been thinking, you know I don't think I've ever actually said it. Not right out, well you know me, I can't really..., well anyway should I try to tell him, tell him how I feel?"

Jarrod smiled slightly and said gently, "I think your brother knows how much you rely on him Nick, he isn't the sort of man that needs telling, I think you and he demonstrate your love for each other in everything you do together, Heath knows what's in your heart."

Nick sighed with relief, "well good, ‘cause you know I'm not real good at that kind of stuff! Anyway, like I was saying I was on a trip down Sonora way when I met Don Miguel Del Rio for the first time. He owned this Estancia and he was there buying stock, same as me. To cut a long story short, he stood up to the biggest, baddest bandit in those parts, a man half his age and twice his size! There were men I would think twice about challenging in the saloon at the time and none of them was about to tangle with this character!"

Jarrod smiled affectionately at Nick, "so you had to help Don Miguel out yourself?"

Nick smiled at the memory, for he truly loved a good fight! "Yeah, I got stuck in to the bad guy and the Don he held a gun on his cronies so they couldn't intervene. Then we got the hell out of there! He was an impressive old man the Don, we liked each other immediately and I told him if he ever needed my help in the future he had only to ask."

"I take it he did ask and that was why you left home in such a hurry?"

Yeah Jarrod, and that's the only reason, it had nothing to do with our argument, I swear it didn't."

Jarrod sighed and set down his empty glass, "that's a relief to me Nick, you don't know how much of a relief!"

Nick went on, "When I got down here, I was looking forward to seeing Don Miguel again, but he came as a shock, he was real sick Jarrod, in fact you could see death in his face already! He told me the Estancia was in trouble, a combination of Anthrax and a bad harvest three years in a row, he had to get to buy replacement stock in time to meet a contract he had signed, otherwise, he stood to lose everything and Carlos his foreman had broken his arm very badly and was sick with fever too. Don Miguel asked me to buy new stock in San Francisco for him and I did that and brought the new animals back here. That was a couple of months ago but that herd got wiped out in a bandit attack here, so I've just repeated the trip and the new stock is here ready to meet the contract with the Mexican Army."

Jarrod smiled ruefully, "I have a confession to make Nick, I saw you in San Francisco, stripped off and sweating over the cattle, I thought you were a drover, down on your luck!"

Nick roared with laughter but sobered quickly, "I'm sorry Jarrod, you must have been pretty upset."

Jarrod shook his head, "maybe, but I can see the funny side of it now anyway."

"Didn't you try to speak to me in San Francisco?"

"No Nick, you were too far away and I only saw you for a moment, in fact I wondered if it was my imagination, thinking I had seen you at all!"

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I had the same sensation when I spotted our baby brother in the stock yards!"

"Then he was there! I was told so, but I couldn't figure out why he would be in such a place."

"The explanation's simple Jarrod, the kid was clean out of his senses, he was burning up with fever and real sick. I don't think there is any more to his being there than that he wandered that way. I could see something was up so I ran over to him and he just about collapsed in my arms."

Jarrod looked searchingly at his brother, "what did he say Nick?"

Nick was reluctant to answer saying testily, "oh, I don't know, some nonsense about a quarrel with you and something about running away, he wasn't making any sense!"

Jarrod's voice was low, "tell me what he said Nick, please?"

Nick spoke severely, "you're not listening to me Jarrod! I told you the kid was off his head! It doesn't matter what he said to me, or what he said to you for that matter, it wasn't Gene talking, not really."

Jarrod sighed, "Nick I confess I'm worried sick about the boy, when he went off to college he was so proud and happy but since then, well, it's as if his whole life has gone off the rails."

Nick nodded, "yeah, you're right, I've talked to him quite a bit these last few days, I think I understand it all a little better now."

"Then for God's sake explain it to me Nick!"

"I'm gonna ask you to be patient Jarrod, Gene wants to talk to you himself and he'll be back tomorrow or the next day."

"All right Nick, if that's what the boy wants then I'll wait. Tell me how you came to bring him here with you."

"Well I was in kind of a jam, Don Miguel and Dominica were here waiting for me to bring them the money from the cattle sale and any delay was going to lose them this place."

There was a teasing note in Jarrod's voice, "Who's Dominica Nick? Don't tell me you have another ward?"

Nick looked at Jarrod and there was an answering gleam in his bright hazel eyes, "Dominica is Don Miguel's daughter, she's also my wife."


"Yes, she...well I fell for her the instant I saw her and we were already engaged by the time I headed off to buy the Don's herd. So you see, she was depending on me as much as her father, our whole future together hung on my getting back to Mexico and fast!  Gene was out of it completely by then, but just looking at him I could see that even though he was sick he was in no danger. I couldn't just leave him and I had to catch the train so...I just threw him into the train car with me and we came down here!"

Jarrod had to laugh, it was all so very typical of his brother! "You must have had the devil of a time with him on the train Nick."

"I was lucky, there was a doctor travelling too and he was a big help. He gave Gene some stuff that really brought his temperature down quick, the boy was sitting up and taking notice within hours, then I got the whole tale out of him."

Nick looked sharply at Jarrod, "I sent the telegram the minute we made Coalhuo, I didn't want Mother to fret."

Jarrod sighed, "Nick, Mother has been her usual gallant little self but she hasn't known a moment's true peace of mind since you rode out. I think it's that as much as sunstroke that has gotten to her now."

Nick squirmed in his chair and covered his feelings by pouring more cold beer for them both, "I guess I know that Jarrod and I'm sorry, but, so much has happened, I can't explain but the weeks just flew by, I am sorry Jarrod!"

"I know Nick and I'm not criticizing you, believe me I'm not! Go on with your story please, I'm agog to know what happened to you next?"

Nick made a face, "what didn't happen you mean! When I got back here things were...chaotic, half the men and Don Miguel were about to set out looking for a lost wagon train, which we still have not found I might add."

"Is that the search party Gene is leading now?"

"Yeah, not that I expect to find any survivors, they've been missing in a very dry area and it's so damned hot! There are about a half dozen wagons, Mormon families hoping to start a new life in Mexico. Unfortunately for them their guide was a rogue and it came to Don Miguel's ears that he had deliberately abandoned the party. There isn't any law around here, only the Don so he dealt with the guide himself. Caught him and offered him two choices, hanging from the closest tree or leading the Don to the Mormons. He chose the latter but when they got to the spot where he left them, there wasn't a sign of them anywhere. It was spooky, no tracks, no trail, just nothing, not a trace."

Jarrod frowned, "is there any realistic hope of finding them now?"

"I doubt it, but the Don wouldn't give up and the Mexican Army have tried too. I felt we had to try again, we've searched three out of five possible areas now, Gene badly wanted to help so I let him lead this one. Don Miguel had left his sick bed to lead the men and I had to take his place, I led the second and third searches."

Nick's face was shadowed with memory, as he said in a low voice, "less than a week later Don Miguel died. I had asked him already if would consent to our marriage and he did. Dominica and I were married in his sick room, the day before he passed away."

Jarrod could see the pain in his brother's hunched shoulders and bowed head and he laid a comforting hand on Nick's arm, saying gently, "it was probably a great comfort to him to see his daughter safely wed to a man who could be depended upon to take care of her."

Nick sighed and reached out a hand for the whisky decanter, he poured two generous measures.

"Maybe you're right Jarrod, I hope so. I only know that marrying Dominica is the best thing I've ever done, I'm a very happy man!"

Jarrod was relieved to hear it, he knew how quixotic Nick's behaviour could sometimes be. When a boy, Nick had loved and strongly identified with the stories of the Knights of the Round Table. He was quite capable of playing Sir Galahad to a damsel in distress, but this didn't sound like that. It sounded very much more like a man deeply in love with his new bride. Jarrod wondered what Victoria would have to say when she found out that amongst his other adventures Nick had now become a married man!



Part 10


It was early evening when Victoria awoke from a refreshing sleep and the air was noticeably cooler. She lay under a silk counterpane on a comfortable bed in a very pretty and decidedly feminine bedroom. For a moment her clouded mind couldn't remember exactly where she was or how she came to be there but then memory flooded back and with it came a sense of profound relief. They had reached the end of their quest she and Jarrod for they had found Nick. She felt a bubble of happiness well up in her and almost cried from joy, there were things to be explained and perhaps resolved, but they had found Nick, alive and well! The door opened and Adrienne entered bearing a tray that held a fresh pot of tea, cups and saucers and some sliced lemon in a silver dish. She had changed her riding clothes for a green silk gown and her hair was neatly pinned back, she looked fresh, cool and even more lovely than Victoria had thought her earlier. The Barkley matriarch smiled, a welcome, "excellent timing young lady! I've just this minute woken up and I was wishing for tea."

Adrienne returned the smile, "bon, you look much better, not grey and weary now. How is your headache Madame?"

"Thanks to your excellent tisane, gone completely."

"Peut etre but I think finding Nick was the real cure non?"

"Perhaps. Is this your room Adrienne?"

"Yes, it is, I did not wish to keep you waiting while a room was prepared for you and I knew that you would be comfortable here. I live here as the companion of my friend Dominica, her father Don Miguel owned this estancia, he died a few weeks ago."

Victoria was beginning to see the light, "I'm sorry to hear that, but it does explain how Nick comes to be in charge here. At least, I suppose it does, but didn't Don Miguel leave his estancia to his daughter then?"

Adrienne blushed, "no, not exactly, it would be better perhaps if Nick tells you about it himself."

Victoria rescued her from her dilemma, "yes of course, I'll look forward to that."

Adri smiled gratefully, "you must drink some tea and complete your rest, that is what matters now. Nick is worried about his Maman you know!"

Adri poured tea and settled her guest on a comfortable sofa, wrapped in a soft robe, she herself sat on a nearby footstool at Victoria's feet and soon the two women were talking easily, building on the warm friendliness of their earlier encounter. Victoria had been too sick and weary to talk much before and her young hostess had treated her with a gentle kindness, not overwhelming her with explanations until she had rested. Adri had ministered to Victoria, laying cool damp cloths on her aching brow as well as coaxing her to drink the tisane. This remedy had helped Victoria to find sleep and now that she was refreshed she was eager to learn all she could about the young girl to whom she had already decided to be a friend.

Adri seemed to understand her guest's need for information and she begged Victoria to ask her whatever she wished. Victoria availed herself of this offer as a consequence of which Adri hesitantly and shyly confided her own sad history to her new and sympathetic friend.

"My father Jean-Marc Derval was a professional gambler, Maman and I used to travel everywhere with him, sometimes we lived high on the hog's back, sometimes hand to mouth. It depended on Papa's luck you understand? It was an interesting life I suppose but also an uncertain one."

The girl's head drooped, her glossy brown hair streaming down her back. Her voice was quiet and sad, "I hated it, I loved him but I prefer a quiet life at home. Papa used to call me his little bird and I am a bird I think, a homebird! Maman died when I was twelve, we were on a Mississippi river boat and it sank, Papa saved me but she drowned."

Victoria stroked Adri's cheek, "I'm so sorry Dear."

"Such things happen Madame, I survived, Papa was always kind and I continued to travel with him. He hooked up with an Englishman, Rodney Charles, he said he was a retired Army colonel but I was not so sure, I never trusted that man! Although his daughter Susannah became my friend, she travelled with her Papa as I did with mine."

"Was Colonel Charles a gambler too?"

Adri smiled ruefully, "I think Colonel Charles was anything he chose to be! He led my father into many different ventures, they were not always legal I think."

Adri poured more tea for both of them and went on with her narrative. "My father was killed about three years ago, an argument at the card-table of course! A man who had lost a great deal of money shot my father, I saw it happen," she broke off bowing her head and Victoria reached for her hand, holding it in both of her own.

"Adrienne, if this is too painful for you to continue..."

"No, I want to, I want to tell you about need to know...may I go on?"

"Yes please do if it's what you want."

"Colonel Charles told me I could travel with him and Susannah, I had no relatives in America and only some cousins in France whom I did not know and had never met. So I stayed with Susannah and her father, we continued to move around, there always seemed to be money enough then. It was three and a half years ago that it happened."

"What happened Dear?"

"Colonel Charles ran out on Susannah and me, he effectively abandoned us."

Victoria was shocked, "his own daughter? He just left you both behind?"

"Yes Madame, I am not sure exactly what he was up to but he was always scheming, playing dangerous games, he had swindled some powerful men I think. Anyway, he told us he had to leave Sonora where we had been staying for a time. He said he would find somewhere safe and then we could join him. We were to wait two days and then take the stage, our fares were paid and we would be taken somewhere where he could contact us. I never trusted Colonel Charles but Sue did and she loved him too. She was at this time nineteen and I was fifteen, so I did as she asked and we waited. Two days later we took the stage and it stopped here in Santa Alva."

Adri broke off, her eyes clouded with the shadow of a dark and unhappy memory, "it was then that we learned what Colonel Charles had intended. He had given the driver a certain amount of money with instructions to take us as far as that money would allow. This turned out to be Santa Alva, a hamlet in Mexico, we were alone and we thought without friends."

An involuntary tear stole down the girl's cheek and as if it was the most natural thing in the world, Victoria reached for her and held her close, Adri clung to her for a moment before pulling away with sudden shyness, "forgive me Madame, I did not intend to cry."

Victoria's heart went out to this gallant girl and she said tenderly, "I hope you and I are already friends Adrienne and if you ever need another cry, I'm right here."

Adri smiled tremulously, "merci Madame."

"My friends call me Victoria Dear."

The frank brown eyes looked bravely into Victoria's, "perhaps you should hear the rest of my story before you make me free of your Christian name Madame."

Victoria shook her head, "I don't know yet what you've done, or what you think you've done Adrienne, but my name is Victoria and I should consider it a favour if you use it."

Adri blushed rosily, ""bien...Victoria, it shall be as you wish. Where was I? Ah yes, Sue and I had arrived in Santa Alva. We were stunned by what Colonel Charles had done and poor Sue was devastated, for she adored him you know. This Estancia has always extended hospitality to the few travellers who come this way and we soon found ourselves here and pouring out our story to Don Miguel. He was all that is kind and his daughter Dominica was just my age, we were fast friends and Dominica begged her father to adopt me as his ward and he did so."

Victoria could understand the Del Rios taking this gentle child to their hearts, but she asked a question, "did Susannah get the same treatment?"

"No, she was of course older than me and Don Miguel did not adopt her although he was good to both of them, employing them as tutors for Dominica and me."

Victoria was puzzled, "them?"

"Oh pardon Madame, I mean Victoria, I should have mentioned Brooke Sanders, we met him on the stage and he too was dumped here, he was an out of work teacher of English, Sue is musical so they taught here and at the local mission school too. Sue I think sometimes resents the fact that Don Miguel did not treat her quite as me, but we neither of us had any claim on him, it was just that Dominica was so fond of me."

Adrienne broke off, her lovely face clouded by what were obviously very dark memories indeed and Victoria said gently, "do you want to tell me the rest Dear? It's clearly painful for you but sometimes sharing your troubles helps too."

Slow sad tears rolled down Adri's face, "I am the trouble Victoria, I bring death to my friends and disgrace to all, I am the trouble!"

Victoria shook her head, "I don't believe that," she said calmly. "Admittedly I haven't known you very long, but already you've shown me what a kind sweet girl you are and I flatter myself that I'm a pretty good judge of character. If evil things have happened to those you care about, you are wrong to take the blame upon yourself, please try to believe that."

Adri shook her head, "you don't understand," she said sadly.

Victoria took her young hostess by the hand and squeezed it encouragingly, "tell me Adrienne, tell me everything, I'm a good listener."

The door was opened by a young maidservant leading by the hand a tiny little girl perhaps two years old, the child had dusky skin and dark long wavy hair, the little one's face lit up when she saw Adrienne and she released the Mexican girl's hand and toddled to Adrienne holding out her arms, "Maman!"

The Mexican girl smiled apologetically, "Forgive me Senorita she would give me no peace until I brought her to you."

Adri had scooped up her daughter and was responding to the rapturous hug the child was giving her. "It's alright Maria, leave Missy here with me."

The servant departed shutting the door behind her and Adri still clasping the toddler turned to Victoria again, there was no trace of tears now, rather her chin was up and there was a suppressed air of defiance about her resolute little face, "now Melissa, don't be shy Cherie, I want you to meet someone."

The little one peeped at Victoria from the shelter of Adri's arms, "Victoria I want you to meet Melissa, we call her Missy at home," Adri hesitated, her clear frank brown eyes looking straight into her guest's eyes, trying to assess Victoria's reaction. "Missy is, as you have no doubt realized, my daughter. Do you still want me to share my story with you?" This was said with a mixture of defiance and hope. The Barkley matriarch looked at the girl seated on the footstool before her and at the shy little child nestling in her arms. Victoria did not hesitate, "yes I do, perhaps now more than ever, tell me Adrienne, tell me everything, you'll be telling a friend, I can promise you that!"

Adri smiled tremulously, "eh bien Victoria, I wish very much to tell you my story, I will do so too, but first I will settle this sleepy babe of mine and send for more tea hein?"

The level in the whisky decanter was slowly going down as the two oldest Barkley brothers settled comfortably into their armchairs and shared their recent pasts with one another. Both men were relaxed and contented, happy to be sharing their habitual togetherness again. Now, with hindsight, Jarrod could see how wrong he had been to fear any permanent estrangement from his brother. For Nick, away from his beloved Big Valley all these tempestuous months, it was a keenly felt pleasure to have his deeply loved eldest brother to talk to. He asked after everyone at home and repeated his hope that Heath was not planning to kill him the next time they met.

This gave Jarrod a chance to ask a question to which he badly wanted to know the answer, "Just when are you and Heath likely to see each other again Nick?"

"I wish I could tell you Jarrod! I mean I never...that is...when I left home, I didn't intend it to be permanent, but a lot has happened to me since then. Don Miguel left this place to me, I can't just turn my back on it...but...I guess I'm torn between my old ties and my new ones." He turned troubled eyes on his brother and Jarrod hastened to reassure him, "I think so much has happened to you and so quickly Nick, that you need a breathing space. Right now you have too much to contend with, what do you say we get through the next few weeks before we consider the longer term future?"

"That's a good notion Jarrod, why don't we do just that!"

There was no mistaking the relief in Nick's voice and inwardly Jarrod wondered whether Nick would be able to reconcile his old ties with his newer responsibilities in some way or whether Nick's destiny now lay in this place. He also wondered how his mother was likely to react to this unexpected turn of events.

Nick told Jarrod Adrienne's story, including the existence of little Melissa and about the evil renegade Jai.

"Is Jai the reason you needed the second herd from San Francisco?"

"Yeah, he attacked us when half the men weren't here, I had to choose between defending the house or the herd."

"Is that unfortunate girl still in danger?"

"Not while Jai has the Mexican Army on his tail but for the future, I just don't know Jarrod."

Jarrod smiled at Nick, "tell me how you came by the children Nick, Audra- Jane and Marric, I gather he's known as the Little Wolf?"

Nick's powerful voice exploded into speech, "don't call him that!"

Jarrod was startled by his brother's vehemence, and for a moment didn't say anything. He reached out a hand, gently squeezing Nick's shoulder, "easy Nick."

Nick lowered his voice and waved an apologetic hand at the lawyer, "I'm sorry Jarrod, I didn't mean to yell, it's just that we never use that name here, Marric...well...he hasn't had a normal childhood. Hell, he hasn't had any childhood! He was given that name in the hell-hole I rescued him from and I've promised him he'll never hear that name again. I hope you understand?"

Jarrod was as yet far from understanding, but he smiled warmly at his brother, who was clearly distressed. "He won't ever hear it from me Nick and I hope you intend to let me help you with the boy too?"

Nick grinned with obvious relief, "you bet I do Big Brother, when it comes to my adopted son Marric I'm gonna need all the help I can get!"

Jarrod was curious, "Marric, it's a strange name, do you spell it M A R R I C?"

"I guess so, I never heard anything quite like it before but he says it's his name."

"Tell me about the children Nick."

The dark rancher's face was shadowed with bitter remembrance, I'll tell you the basics Jarrod, but I find it kind of hard to talk about, ask Carlos for the details will you? He was with me when we rescued Marric and the rest of them."

"I'll do that Nick, you just tell me what you feel able to," said the lawyer gently. Jarrod couldn't ever remember seeing his brother so upset before.

Nick needed another drink before he could begin and when he did start to talk, his voice was low and trembling with emotion.  "They called it the Circus of Human Despair, a grand name for the most...pathetic collection of freaks and...and monsters, that I've ever had the misfortune to see! It was a sort of travelling freak show, run by a woman and her henchmen, brutes every last one of them. The state of some of the poor wretches there, I can't tell you Jarrod, I never knew such things existed!"

Jarrod listened intently not interrupting at all, he could tell how much the whole experience had affected Nick and he let his brother tell him the story in his own words.

"There isn't really any law in these parts, Don Miguel, he was the law as such, so the locals, when they saw how this woman Zelda was treating some of the creatures she had in this show, well they came to me. I went and looked at it, it made me sick to my stomach! I rounded up my men and we drove Zelda and her men off. Some of the others went with her, not many though, most of them were glad to be released from her cruelty."

Nick stood up and went to the decanter again, re-filling both his own and Jarrod's glass.

"I helped the ones we had set free, some of them needed no more than a few dollars and a train ticket to help them on their way, others needed nursing care and the Sisters over at the mission saw to that. Incidentally Big Brother I hope you're loaded, I've spent pretty near every cent I had with me these last few weeks."

"Don't worry about that Nick!" The lawyer grinned, " the liberty of examining your bank balance, so I have a fair idea of what this escapade has cost you first and last. I made sure I had plenty of money before Mother and I left the City."

"That's my big brother," said Nick admiringly.

"Of course I convinced myself that the amount of money you'd used meant you had really gone for good," admitted Jarrod with wry self-mockery.

Nick looked earnestly at his eldest brother, "Jarrod I swear I never meant to put you through the mill this way, believe me, I would never treat you that way! You've been my best friend since the day I was born and nothing and no-one could ever change that."

Jarrod's smile was serene as he replied, "let's put the whole stupid episode behind us Nick! Water under the bridge, what do you say?"

The two men shook hands, "agreed Jarrod!"

"Tell me more about the children Nick, that is if you feel able to."

Nick visibly relaxed and continued his narrative, "in the end, we had settled the futures of everyone we had rescued, except for the occupants of the last little wagon, well a wagon that was also a cage! In it were a seven foot tall black man, that was Jim, strong as an ox but the mind of a four year old! He was with an old, old man, he was a Professor in his own country, it's thanks to him that my poor little girl is alive, and that Marric can read, under the circumstances the old man did a fine job of educating the boy!"

Jarrod couldn't resist a question or two now, "is the Professor still here with you?"

"Yeah, he's very sick though, he's been lapsing in and out of consciousness ever since he got here. He's told me what he can about the children, but it isn't much. It seems Marric and his parents joined the circus when Marric was about five, that would be about four years ago. His parents died of some illness and that left the boy orphaned. Zelda started training him, if that's the word for child-torture soon after his parents died. How he survived for the last four years I'll never know."

"Perhaps Jim protected him," suggested Jarrod.

"Other way around! As far as I can gather, Marric and his trusty knife protected Jim, the Professor and Audra-Jane."

Jarrod was puzzled, "I don't understand about the little girl, I thought she was Marric's sister?"

Nick smiled, "Marric decided she was! I guess he adopted her, the same way I've adopted both of them."

"Then, where did she come from Nick?"

"No-one knows! According to Andre, the Professor, Zelda apparently took it into her head that she wanted a daughter and just appeared at the camp with this little girl one day."

"Good God! She might have abducted the child or anything," said Jarrod in horror.

"Andre doesn't think so, he thinks Zelda probably bought her from a prostitute or some such thing. Anyway, Zelda's maternal urge didn't last very long! The first time the little one angered her, the evil witch swung her against a rock, that's how she got her legs all smashed up."

Jarrod felt sick, it was almost impossible to conceive of such brutality to a helpless toddler.

Nick understood Jarrod's feelings, "sorry Jarrod, it's not a pretty tale I know." Nick's hazel eyes flashed with remembered rage, and Jarrod smiled inwardly, Nick loved kids, these two youngsters had clearly had a dreadful early life, but from now on they would have the protection of Nick Barkley, that was for sure!

Nick shook his head, "she didn't have a name Jarrod, can you imagine that? Four years old and called Girl, just Girl!"

Jarrod smiled, "so you named her yourself?"

"Yeah, I thought she was so sweet and pretty, just like Sis, so I wanted to name her Audra. Then I remembered Father saying how he deliberately never called us Tom for a first name, so we weren't saddled with ‘little Tom' and I thought I should make it different. So I settled on Audra-Jane."

"It's a lovely name Nick, I can tell you Mother has already lost her heart to that little lady!"

Nick grinned with delight, "yeah, that's good to hear Jarrod."

Jarrod looked at his brother, "I'll fill in the details with Carlos Nick but just tell me a little about Marric, tell me why they called him ‘Little Wolf'."

Nick clenched his shaking hands together and held them hard, "he was beaten and starved like every other wretch in that hellhole but with him, there was so much more, so much...torture! They had an iron mask, they would put it on him, sometimes for days on end, he couldn't see, hear or speak, couldn't drink a sip of water or eat a single bite. They goaded him, like a performing bear, drove him into a mad frenzy, then with the mask off he would bite, savage anyone foolish enough to come near him, he became a child-wolf!"

Jarrod was beginning to understand the depth of Nick's distress, that anyone could so mistreat a child was almost unimaginable. Jarrod's thoughts dwelt on his wife and baby son at home and he felt the bitter taste of bile in his mouth.

"I understand Nick, don't speak of it anymore, I do understand."

Nick nodded gratefully, "thanks Jarrod, I knew you would, you can see how much that boy needs me, needs my help, I don't know if he can ever be a normal boy, but I aim to try Jarrod, I love that kid, I think I started to love him the instant I met him, even though he was biting me at the time! I whacked his behind and he stopped!"

Jarrod laughed, "I did the exact same thing Nick!"

Nick laughed too, then sobered again, "I wish I could bring the children home to California, so Dominica and I could have the help of Mother and Audra and you and Heath! I don't see how that can be though." He sounded sad and Jarrod's voice was warm and definite, "well we want you home Nick, you and your new family! You need all the help we can all give you and you'll get it Nick believe me you'll get it!"

Nick's eyes were wet, "thanks Jarrod, that's what I needed to hear!"

The last rays of the sweltering sun were dying away and Adrienne was still relating her sad history to the kind, motherly woman at whose feet she sat. Her hands were held in a comforting clasp by Victoria and the Barkley matriarch stroked the glossy hair of her protégé from time to time whenever Adri's distress made it a struggle for her to tell her tale.

"I was fifteen when Jai saw me for the first time, he swears he fell in love with me the instant he saw me but he lies Victoria, he lies! It is not love to be obsessed and to hound the object of one's love out of their peace and almost out of their life. He wanted to court me but he is a bad man and Don Miguel, he would have none of it! He sent Jai away and when he persisted, Don Miguel had his men drive Jai's renegades from this area. But..." her voice failed her and she had to overcome her tears before she could go on again. "Jai came back...stole back like the thief and ravisher he is, he away with him and stole my innocence from me!"

Victoria didn't say a word just drew the weeping figure close and held her until Adri's tears ceased. Then Victoria smoothed back Adri's tumbled hair and patted her cheek, "he made you pregnant with Melissa?"

"Yes and since her birth I have been a social outcast here, as I will be everywhere, for the rest of my days." This was said not in a self-pitying tone but with a gentle resignation, an acceptance of how things were.

Victoria was indignant, "I can't believe that people condemn you for being raped Adrienne!"

Adri's smile was bitter, "mais non, not for the violation, I am outcast because I would not repudiate my daughter!"

Now Victoria understood, people could comprehend that no blame attached to an unfortunate girl who had been brutally used, but they could not accept that such a girl would wish to keep the child of that assault. It was usual for such a child to be quietly settled at some suitable institution and it's mother would do her best to forget the ordeal she had undergone.

Adri's clear dark eyes pleaded with Victoria, "may I ask you a question?"

"Of course Darling!"

"Do you blame me for wishing to keep my child?"

Victoria did not hesitate, "blame you Adri? I honour you for having the courage to keep Missy and the wisdom not to blame her for her father's actions. Only a very fine young woman could do as you have done and I admire you more than I can say."

Adri was once more in Victoria's arms "oh merci, merci Victoria."

The sky was rapidly darkening and more than once Nick glanced anxiously out of the window, Jarrod stood up, "I'm sorry Nick! I'm so darned pleased to see you, I was forgetting that Marric is still missing. You must be wanting to join the search, I'll come as well."

"You will not! You've had a long journey already, anyway, Marric runs off all the time, he'll come home soon."

Jarrod protested but Nick wouldn't have it and conducted his brother upstairs to change his clothes and freshen up before dinner. As Jarrod washed and changed, he reflected that he was indeed tired, but so contented in spirit that his physical weariness seemed unimportant.

Jarrod's thoughts dwelt on Nick, who he could see from his window striding across the courtyard to the bunk-houses, calling for his foreman. Nick's movements were vigorous and his mighty voice was in good order too, but the elder brother had been concerned when talking to the younger. Nick's face was almost haggard with exhaustion, his eyes red-rimmed from lack of sleep and Jarrod wondered why this was. Clearly his brother had many new responsibilities, but Nick was the most confident of men and Jarrod could not imagine him losing sleep over any responsibility, however onerous.

It was as Jarrod bent to comb his hair into place that he spotted the flash of movement in the mirror and saw the reflected form of Marric, peeping around the bedroom door. The boy didn't see him, he was looking not at Jarrod's face but at his bandaged hand, his little face a grave picture of guilt and sadness. Without turning around, Jarrod said calmly, "it doesn't hurt a bit."

For a second the alert little figure seemed poised for flight, then he seemed to think better of it and advanced shyly into the room a little way. His voice was no more than a whisper, "I...didn't mean to."

"I know," answered Jarrod in the same calm relaxed voice.

"I wish...I wish I could put it right."

The lawyer smiled, turning around to face his new nephew, "you can."

"I can? How?"

"All it takes to make things right is for you to say sorry. You can do that, a brave boy like you, try it."

Marric solemnly came up to Jarrod and his green eyes looked fearlessly into the lawyers friendly face. "I'm...very sorry I bit you...Sir."

Jarrod smiled, "a handsome apology, there was only one thing wrong with it. Try calling me Uncle Jarrod instead of Sir."

Marric gravely repeated his apology, this time ending it with a shy "Uncle Jarrod."

"I'm sorry too you know Marric, sorry I walloped you!"

The boy's appreciative smile was a revelation, it transformed his serious face, making him look more like a child not the grave little ghost he often appeared to be. Jarrod urgently wanted to see that smile again, "I guess the spank was rather like the bite, an instinctive reaction," smiled the lawyer.

The beautiful smile dawned a second time, Marric even laughed a little. "Papa did the same when he first met me and I bit him," confided the child.

"I know, he told me."

Marric sighed, "he's going to be mad at me, for running off, I'm not supposed to do that, I know he understands about...about the bites, but he won't like me running off."

Jarrod laid a tentative hand on the boy's shoulder, "well I think that's because he worries about you. How did you get back in the house without anyone seeing you?"

Marric looked at him scornfully, saying with simple pride, "no-one ever sees me, not if I don't want them to."

Jarrod had to laugh, "so what will you do to deflect your father's wrath?"

There was that smile again, Jarrod was happily aware that he was well on the way to gaining this unusual child's trust.

"I'll say sorry of course," murmured Marric dryly, green eyes sparkling with mischief. Jarrod could only wonder that, in spite of his years of suffering, so well rounded a sense of humour could have been engendered in the boy.

Then, the lawyer recollected something, "I should warn you, my new nephew, that I have rather put my foot in it! I told Carlos I saw you racing the train."

Marric was smug, "I like doing that! Papa told me about his brother doing it." The boy wrinkled a thoughtful brow, "I don't think it was you though was it Uncle Jarrod, or Gene either?"

"No, it was your Uncle Heath, you haven't met him yet. Er...doesn't Gene get an ‘Uncle' in front of his name?"

"No," said Marric scornfully, "he's much to young to be my uncle!"

Jarrod laughed, "well I suppose there is only about a decade between the two of you. So Gene is just Gene is he?"

Marric nodded and spoke in a confidential tone to his new friend, "Gene is worried about meeting you, he isn't scared of you is he?"

Jarrod smiled, "no, but I'm his guardian, do you know what that means?"

"I guess so."

"Well Gene and I have some things to discuss, I guess he's a little apprehensive about that."

Throughout this conversation, Jarrod had deliberately used words he felt might test the boy's knowledge of English, but it was as Nick had told him, despite the enormous drawbacks of their situation, the old Professor had done a wonderful job of educating the boy.

Marric trustfully placed his hand in Jarrod's, the lawyer was deeply pleased by this evidence of his new-found friendship with the child and when Marric asked if he would come with him to find Nick, he agreed with a smile. Together, the newly-fledged uncle and nephew headed for the stairs.

As they drew level with the door of the room allocated to Victoria the door opened and a maidservant came out. At a sign from Jarrod she left the door open and the lawyer stood in the doorway, Marric's hand still in his. Victoria was just slipping her silk shawl around her shoulders, the long sleep and the lemon tea and conversation with Adrienne had completely restored her and she looked refreshed and cheerful. Jarrod smiled at her, "well, you look wonderful, I hope that's the way you feel?"

"Oh yes, thank you Darling, I'm fine and ready to meet the rest of the family. This must be Marric?"

Jarrod could sense the rigidity in Marric's slight frame, he recalled something Nick had said, that the boy was much more tense around women than around men. He tried to convey some of this to his mother with an expressive look and she smiled to reassure him, "Adrienne tells me that Nick has adopted Marric and Audra-Jane as his own children and that they both call him Papa, is that right Marric."

The boy nodded, face solemn but not overtly hostile.

Jarrod approved, she was talking with calm friendliness to the boy but making no attempt to touch him. Victoria looked at Jarrod, "is Marric calling you ‘Uncle'?"

"Yes, apparently I merit the courtesy of the title but Eugene doesn't."

"Marric, I would like you to call me Grandmother or Grandma like your sister does already, would you like to do that?"

Marric's green eyes were suspicious, "Audra-Jane talked to you?" His voice was incredulous and Victoria smiled. "Yes, indeed she did, I just spent the last half-hour in the nursery talking to her."

The respectful expression on Marric's face made Jarrod's lips twitch. The boy spoke more warmly to the Barkley matriarch, "my sister doesn't often talk to anyone except me, she...she must really like you."

Victoria nodded solemnly, "I believe she does, maybe you can learn to like me too. Shall we go downstairs now?" She held out her hand and after a momentary hesitation, Marric placed his free hand in hers. The trio moved to the stairs and began to descend.

Nick was standing in the hall, talking to Adrienne, he glanced up the stairs and his eyes widened at what he saw. Marric seemed fairly relaxed, holding hands with his newly acquired grandmother and uncle, he even responded to something Victoria said to him as they came down stairs. Nick could only marvel at the skill of his mother and brother, he had not dreamt of such easy acceptance by the mercurial Marric of the changes in his new home. Not for the first time, Nick inwardly chafed at his current circumstances. How he wished he could go home! He could ask for no more positive influences in the lives of his new little family than those that would be provided by the rest of the Barkleys. He felt trapped by the burden of his legacy from Don Miguel, but it was a burden he had accepted, he was not the man to turn his back on that responsibility. There was Dominica too, she loved her life here, how could he uproot her? It wasn't fair!

Nick kissed his mother as she came to the bottom of the stairs, "well you look wonderful Duchess, doesn't she Jarrod?"

"Indeed she does Nick."

Nick looked at his new son, "you sneaked indoors again huh?"

The boy's intelligent green eyes gleamed with triumph, "no-one saw me," he murmured.

"No-one ever does do they Marric?"

"No Sir, I...I'm sorry about biting Uncle Jarrod though."

Nick's voice softened, "well I expect you said sorry already huh?"

"Yes and Uncle Jarrod said it was an instinctive reaction."

Nick grimaced, "yeah, that sounds like something Uncle Jarrod might say! However, you're not quite out of the woods yet Marric! What's this about you racing the Coalhuo train again? I told you to quit that!"

Marric surveyed his father from under his long eyelashes, "you told me Uncle Heath did it," he reminded Nick.

Nick's arms were planted on his hips, "you cut that out Boy! You ain't even met your Uncle Heath yet! Now you listen to me, no more racing the train, I want your promise Marric."

Marric smile dazzlingly at him, "I won't do it again Patrone, I promise."

Nick held out his arms and the boy ran to him for a bear-hug.

Victoria and Jarrod were both laughing and exchanged swift glances to share their pleasure at the spectacle of Nick being twisted round Marric's small and decidedly grubby finger! Just then the front door opened and Dominica came in, she was generously spattered with mud and was limping, clinging for support to the arm of Raoul Castillo, who tenderly helped her inside and bowed courteously to Nick, "the Senora came off her horse at the bridge, where the ground is treacherous, she has sprained her ankle. Luckily I was in the area to bring her back on my horse. We...had to lead Royale, she is lame I fear."

Nick's face was alight with pleasure as his wife came into the house, for he was dying to introduce her to his mother, he wanted to see the surprise on Victoria's face when she learned he was married! His pleasant expression faded into angry sternness as Raoul told his tale, then Nick quietly thanked the young man and himself supported Dominica under the elbow, so that Raoul could release her. The young Castillo brother effaced himself, he had done his best for the Senora, now she must face her husband's wrath alone.

Nick looked earnestly into his wife's tearful face, "Dominica, are you all right? I mean apart from the ankle."

"I...I think so...just a bit shaken," she stammered, well aware that Nick had forbidden her to ride Royale as yet.

Nick turned to his mother, "Mother, there's someone very special I want you to meet..." This was as far as he got before his mother came forward to smile at Dominica and Nick both, "you want me to meet your wife," she smiled at Nick and turned from him to kiss Dominica's pale cheek.

Nick gaped at her, "oh now who spoiled it? I wanted to surprise you Mother!"

Victoria laughed, "sorry Darling, but I'm afraid I spotted your wedding ring the instant I set eyes on you this morning!"

Nick grinned, "trust you Mother!"

Victoria smiled, "it's a mother thing Nick, don't try to understand it."

She turned back to Dominica her hands still on the younger woman's shoulders, "I'm very happy to meet you Dominica and we can get to know one another later when your hurts have been attended to."

Dominica burst into tears, "oh, I wanted to be here when you arrived, I have been so stupid and you must hate me for marrying Nick anyway!"

Victoria laughed, "why?"

"It was wrong," wept Dominica, he has been so good, so noble! I should have refused him, I know it."

Nick squirmed uncomfortably, "cut it out Honey, I'm the happiest man on earth and you know it!"

His mother nodded, "quite right too Nick, a man of thirty one should be well able to pick the right wife and I don't doubt that you have. Why don't you carry Dominica upstairs and I'll come and help Adrienne tend that foot."

Only too glad to have this highly embarrassing conversation curtailed, Nick swept his protesting wife off her feet and carried her upstairs. Adrienne and Victoria followed and Jarrod found himself alone with his new nephew again.

Marric led Jarrod by the hand into the cool living room and they sat together on the long couch. Marric's expressive green eyes were gleaming, he smiled at his uncle, "well that's me off the hook for racing the train!"


"Dominica isn't supposed to ride Royale yet, not until Papa says she has been fully trained. She's a fine horse but really skittish."

"Ah, I see what you mean, however I fail to see that anything Dominica has done lets you off in any way young man!"

Marric shot him an appraising look, decided his new uncle was teasing and grinned at him. Jarrod was amazed how much the child had relaxed in his presence, Nick was right, he needed all the help he could get with this boy and how the devil is he going to get it if he's in Mexico and we're in California, he thought.

Marric's voice broke in on Jarrod's thoughts, "I think it will all be all right, about Patrone and Dominica and your ranch I mean."

Jarrod returned a bland and indeterminate answer, hiding his uncomfortable feelings at having his thoughts so accurately read. He recollected a passing remark of Carlos Castillo's on the way to the estancia from Santa Alva, what had he said? Something about Marric seeming to always know what was going on, or even being considered. Well, he was certainly an unusual child, with such an unhappy history how could he be otherwise? The lawyer smiled at the boy, "what time do we eat around here? I'm starving!"

Marric looked curiously at him, "are you? I never feel hungry."

"Not like your father, when he was your age he was permanently ravenous," retorted Jarrod.

The boy's green eyes glowed and he sat upright, leaning interestedly toward Jarrod, "was he? Tell me about him, tell me all about him Uncle Jarrod...please!"

An interesting discovery, thought Jarrod, the boy likes to hear about Nick, about Nick's life and his family too. That presumably is why Nick told him about Heath and that blessed train! If Marric thirsts for knowledge of Nick, maybe the rest of the family can use that thirst as a way of reaching him and bonding with him?

To test his theory, Jarrod began to tell his nephew a few snippets from Nick's tempestuous boyhood and had the satisfaction of knowing that his reasoning was correct. Marric sat listening attentively, eyes rapt with enjoyment, as he drank in every detail of his adopted father's own childhood. His hero-worship of Nick was blatantly apparent and as he entertained his new nephew, Jarrod began to perceive a possible strategy for helping his brother to rehabilitate this unfortunate child. At first, Jarrod had been astounded at Nick's decision to adopt the boy, but the more he saw and heard of Marric, the better he understood how Nick had felt. Marric was both intelligent and endearing, almost as much as Nick, Jarrod wanted to nurture and help this child, so clearly deserving of a decent life after all his sufferings.

Upstairs in the palatial bedroom occupied by Nick and Dominica, Adrienne and Victoria attended to the still tearful Dominica's sprained ankle. She had been badly shaken by the fall from the highly strung horse Royale and her husband's seething but as yet silent displeasure was adding to her woes. Nick had been preoccupied by the many calls on his time since he had bought Royale from Don Miguel and as yet, had not had an opportunity to spend any appreciable time training the horse. He had extracted a promise from his wife that she would be patient and not ride her treasure until Nick agreed that Royale was sufficiently trained to be safe. Dominica had now broken this promise and Victoria knew her son well enough to know that his wrath would not be pent up for very much longer. In her view, the sooner the pair had the quarrel that was inevitably brewing the better. So, as soon as the ankle was strapped up and Dominica's many bruises anointed, Victoria whisked herself and Adrienne from the room. Almost as soon as the door closed behind them, they heard the storm break and by the time they reached the stairs, Nick and his wife were yelling at each other at the top of their considerable voices.

Downstairs, Adrienne was inclined to be anxious about the newly-weds and Victoria advised her not to be concerned, "admittedly, I've only just met your friend Dominica, but I get the impression that my new daughter-in-law is a tigress. Nick has a temper of his own and therefore life is always going to be a stormy affair for them."

Adrienne shrugged, "I suppose you are right Victoria, there is nothing anyone else can do."

The Barkley matriarch smiled and patted her cheek, "if they have enough affection for one another, they can weather the odd storm," she assured her young friend.

"I'm sure you're right."

Victoria introduced Adrienne to Jarrod, who had heard enough of her troubles from Nick to understand her rosy blush and the slight hesitation before she shook hands with him. He warmed to the girl, she might be embarrassed but she was no coward, her chin was up and she looked straight at the lawyer, "if you should prefer not to make my acquaintance Monsieur Barkley, I would quite understand."

Jarrod bowed over her hand with his customary courtesy, "would you Mademoiselle Derval? I wouldn't understand it at all! I'm very pleased to meet you, I've heard a lot about you from my brother, who obviously thinks the world of you. I haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting your little girl but I look forward to it."

Adrienne blushed more rosily than ever, "merci, merci beaucoup Monsieur!"

Jarrod gave her his most charming smile, "my name is Jarrod and I believe yours is Adrienne, I think we ought to be on first name terms, after all Nick is going to be your guardian isn't he?"

"I...I believe so, yes."

"Well if he tries to play the tyrant, you come to me, I'm a pretty good lawyer and I'll deal with him, I promise you."

Adrienne smiled at his playful nonsense and began to relax a little. Jarrod turned to his mother, "Mother, I'm a rather good good attorney aren't I?"

"Yes indeed Dear, it's your modesty that's particularly appealing," replied Victoria demurely.

Adrienne laughed, she had a pretty laugh, like silver bells and she seemed to Jarrod, almost to blossom like a flower when she was sure she was amongst friends.

When at last dinner was served that evening, the host and hostess finally made an appearance and it seemed they were completely reconciled with one another, for both were wreathed in smiles. Dominica seemed anxious to get upon good terms with her mother-in-law and chatted happily to Victoria throughout the meal. She played off her flirtatious tricks on Jarrod too, but the lawyer was blandly amused by her antics and she soon abandoned the chase. Watching her, Jarrod thought she was very lovely and very willful! Nick old boy, you're going to have your work cut out with that young lady!

Much later that night, Jarrod enjoyed a nightcap with his brother, he was enjoying his reunion with Nick and sensed that he too was revelling in their renewed intimacy. The two men chatted for a while and then said goodnight. Before going to his own room, Jarrod knocked softly on his mother's door and entered when he heard her call to him to come in.

"Am I disturbing you Mother?"

She held out her hands to him and he came to her, "not at all Darling! In fact I've been longing to talk to you alone all the evening. Oh Jarrod! Such a lot has happened to us in the last twenty four hours that my head is just in a whirl, I hardly know where I am or what I'm doing."

The lawyer smiled, "I know what you mean, so many facts and so much news to absorb, not to mention all the new faces."

Victoria went on, "and married, I never dreamed that I would arrive here to find Nick actually married!" She raised a face that was suddenly stricken to Jarrod's, her hazel eyes were swimming with tears. "I just realized something before Jarrod."

"What was that Mother?"

"Nick's going to stay here isn't he?"

"I don't think he knows the answer to that question himself yet Mother. It's troubling him, I could see that, so I suggested that we just get through the next few weeks before we make any long term plans."

Victoria turned away and fiddled with the silver hair brushes on her dressing table. "Oh he may not know his own mind yet but Dominica's wishes are plain enough. This is after all her home and her father left the estancia to Nick. I know my son, this isn't a charge he will lay aside lightly." She came back to Jarrod and now the tears were rolling sadly down her face, when she spoke there was a distinct break in her voice. "I think I've found my Nick, only to lose him again. I can see he's happy in his marriage and God knows I don't begrudge my son his happiness, but I never in my worst dreams thought I'd see the day Nick Barkley left the ranch for good."

Jarrod took her tenderly in his arms and held her in a comforting embrace. For once the lawyer's famous eloquence had deserted him, he couldn't think of a single thing to say to comfort Victoria, or to refute her reasoning about Nick. Indeed, Jarrod shared his mother's views, he was certain that Nick would stay here in Mexico with his new family and despite the solidly reassuring presence of Heath Barkley back at the ranch, the prospect of the ranch in California, bereft of Nick was a disturbing thought.



