In the Land of Barkley

(A Big Valley Fairy Tale)

by MagdalenMary495





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Once upon a time in the land of Barkley, there lived a winsome, blond Princess named Audra. While the princess could have anything her heart desired, having command of all the wealth of the kingdom, her greatest riches were not counted in currency. For this Princess ruled more than four Princes of considerable worth. Most of the time.

There were two dark Princes in the land of Barkley and two light Princes. The dark Princes were Prince Jarrod, the oldest and bravest of the Princess’ royal family and Prince Nicolas. Prince Nicolas was often a problem to the Princess, attuned as she was to hearing only the most delicate of sounds. Prince Nicolas had the bad habit of shouting, disturbing the peace of Castle Barkley, reducing the Princess to tears. Other than that annoying quirk, the Princes found him to be courageous and steadfast.

The two light Princes were closest in age to the Princess Audra. The Prince Heath was a quiet escort, in sharp contrast to the Prince Nicolas. The Princess found him to be dependable, kind and unfailingly honest. The Prince Eugene was an enigma. He had yet to prove his valor to the Princess. Perhaps soon he would slay a dragon to prove his worth.

Besides the noble Princes, the Princess Audra also lived with the King Father and Queen Mother of the land of Barkley. The King Father was kind and good and wealthy beyond compare. The Queen Mother, who was also kind and good, loved to sing and smile at the Princess, dressing her in lavish gowns of silk, satin and lace,

On one particular afternoon, the King Father proposed to the Queen Mother that they leave the royal Princes in charge of the Princess while they went on a visit to the nearby village of Stockton. The Princess Audra frowned her disapproval at this announcement, desiring instead that the Queen Mother stay home to cater to her every whim. Over her loud objections, the Royal Parents departed, good, kind and smiling, Quite glad, in fact, to be free of their royal offspring. The Princess Audra protested this in loud wailing that assailed the ears of the handsome Prince Jarrod who had been left in charge and wanted nothing so much as to finish reading a particularly entertaining book.

“Nick! Quit trying to lasso that lamp and jiggle the baby cradle! That kid is driving me out of my mind.”

The Prince Nicolas, engaged in the forbidden activity of lassoing Mother’s best china lamp, sneered and objected, “You jiggle the cradle! Mother left you in charge.”

“That’s right, Mother left me in charge and I’m telling you to jiggle the dad-blamed cradle!”

Both of the dark Princes scowled at one another while the Princess Audra cried louder. Her demands were not being met fast enough. Into this skirmish stepped the light Prince Heath. “I’ll jiggle the cradle,” he said gallantly, coming forward to smile down at the baby. “Hey, Princess,” he cooed, “You wanna rock off to sleep?”

The Princess Audra did not. Although happy for a few seconds to have the undivided attention of the Prince Heath. When he did not understand her wails, she raised them to a higher level resounding through the Castle Barkley.

“Jarrod,” the Prince Heath turned a worried face to his older brother after several attempts to mollify the Princess failed. “I don’t think she wants to go to sleep. Maybe she’s wet her pants or something.”

Jarrod looked up from his book, mouth agape. It wasn’t so much the wet diaper he minded as the “other” ones. “Nick.”

“Oh, no,” Nick protested, “I’d rather step in a pat of cow manure than change a smelly baby diaper.”

“It’s the same thing, Nick.”

Nick shook his head, backing away with his hands out in front of him. Acting as if Jarrod had told him to take a bath in the manure pile. “No way! I ain’t touchin’ her.”

Jarrod turned to Heath, “Heath just feel her diaper and see if it’s damp. “

Now it was the Heath’s turn to widen his eyes in shock. “Ya want me to touch her diaper? Under her dress? I don’t think Father would like that.”

“She’s just a baby!” Jarrod slammed his book shut, stood up and stalked over to the cradle. Idiots! All his brothers were idiots. A little gingerly, just in case she was more than damp he felt Audra’s diaper. “She’s dry. Maybe she just wants someone to play with.” Jarrod picked Audra up and sat her down on the floor, looking around for someone to order around. “Gene, get that Noah’s Ark and play with her.”

Gene rolled his eyes. He’d been down on his hands and knees searching under the parlor sofa for the marble he knew had rolled under there last night. “How come I gotta play with her? Mother left you in charge. You play with her.”

“Gene! You want me to tell Father you wouldn’t mind me?”

Admitting glumly that he didn’t, Eugene got the stupid Noah’s Ark and sat down to play with the stupid baby, making sure Jarrod heard every grumbling word. Jarrod turned a deaf ear to the complaints and went back to reading. As long as the baby was quiet, he didn’t care.

The Princess Audra was quite content to play with the Noah’s Ark, chewing on the wooden head of a giraffe. After awhile, she noticed a most distressing problem. The Princes’ Heath and Eugene had decided to play War with the animals of the ark. They lined them up in two battalions that fought to the death with loud shouts of victory and defeat. This would not do. It would not do at all. She, the royal Princess Audra was being ignored.

“Aw, shut that baby up, why dontcha?” Nick shouted at the Light Princes on the floor. “I just about pulled Mother’s lamp off with her howling like that.”

“You better stop that anyway, Nick,” Jarrod told him mildly. “You break Mother’s lamp you’ll have to answer to Father.”

Nick sneered. “Old Pappy the tattletale. You gonna tell on me?”

“I won’t have to. Mother will know someone broke the lamp. Pick the baby up and see if she quiets down.”

Deciding to stay in Jarrod’s good graces, Nick picked up the crying baby and thumped her awkwardly on his hip. “Hey, baby, wanna take a ride?” Nick began to swing his body around, dipping the Princess Audra perilously close to the floor. She squealed with delight, glad that one of the Dark Princes had come to her rescue. The Prince Nicolas stopped swinging and began to gallop across the floor as a royal stead. This the Princess Audra enjoyed too until her head bumped against the door jam after the Prince Nicholas tripped on a carpet. The Princess, more shocked at this treatment than injured, began to scream her anger. Off with his head!

“Nick! What’re you trying to do, kill her?!” Jarrod yelled to his white-faced brother. “Give her here!” He began to rub the Princess’ head as energetically as he’d curry his horse. This bewildered the Princess Audra so much that she sniffed back a few tears and rubbed at her blue eyes.

“Is she gonna die, Jarrod?” Asked the Prince Heath with concern in his voice. The Prince Eugene crowded close just in case he might see this interesting event.

“No, she’s not gonna die! Nick just bumped her head. I think she’ll be okay. Gene, go get her a cookie or something. Heath get her blanket.”

Jarrod carried the Princess Audra to his Mother’s rocking chair, sitting down with the baby on his lap. Heath hurried back with a tattered yellow blanket that became the Princesses’ royal cloak as she played in her cradle. Jarrod rocked quite a while before Eugene wandered back into the parlor with a whole cookie in one hand and a partially eaten one in the other. He handed the bitten one to Audra. “What did you do, Gene? Bake them before you got here?”

“No,” Eugene answered simply before going back to the Noah’s Ark.

“You sure she ain’t gonna die, Jarrod?” Heath asked again, needing lots of reassurances that the Princess would not succumb to the Prince Nicholas’ mishandling. The Prince Nicholas shoved him rudely away, afraid too that he’d harmed the treasured Princess. Afraid too, of facing the Royal King if she did.

Jarrod told them both the Princess would be fine. “See, she’s sleepy, she’s closing her eyes already.” As Jarrod rocked, the Princess Audra, cookie crumbs ringing her mouth, sighed happily. Yes, this is what she had wanted all along. Sitting on the lap of the Dark Prince Jarrod with his arms tight around her, his heart beating beneath her ear, humming softly as he rocked. The Prince Jarrod was noble indeed. Quite worthy of his royal crown. The others . . . well. she’d have to work on them. It was her royal duty as the Princess Audra in the land of Barkley.