Answered Prayers

Parts 13-19

by MrsNickB





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





This story is a departure from what I usually write.  You will find this one a melodrama.  Although it focuses on Jarrod, it has liberal amounts of Heath and his budding romance with Hope, Laura Barkley's cousin.  Thank you Abby, Lily & Kandy; you ladies know why.  A small section in this story was written by Abigail of Dreamers, that section is in blue.  Warning: this story includes adult situations.




 I always wondered what went on with Jarrod Barkley in San Francisco, all those weeks and months he was away from the Barkley Ranch.  And it always bothered me that when he was home in Stockton, he never was in competition with his brothers when it came to the ladies.  So I use to imagine what if Jarrod had a secret life in San Francisco that no one in the family knew about; and what exactly would that life be like? We knew he had an office in San Francisco, and an apartment there, maybe a town house where his office was.  Anyway it got me to thinking; I always had a secret passion for that good looking lawyer and I imagine he is a very passionate man.  This story is about him, my second favorite Barkley, and answers that question as well as a few others.  It takes place in San Francisco in the Winter of the new year  (after The Weaker Vessel).




Part 13


Later that evening Nick was getting ready for bed while Laura sat at the desk reading her personal journal.  "Two weeks."  she muttered to herself. 


Nick stopped what he was doing and stared at her, "Are you talking to me, finally?"  When she looked up he noticed her eyes shedding tears.  "Honey, what's wrong?  Why are you crying?  Aw, please don't start crying that's worse than not talkin' to me!"  He knelt down beside her, a flood of tears began as she hugged him.  "Laura, what's wrong?"  She pulled back shaking her head.




"What do you mean nothing?  No one cries over nothing."


"I've made such a mess of things."


"You?  What did you do to make a mess of things?  I'm the one, not you.  I should have talked to you about how I felt; it's what married people should do.  Talk about what's bothering them.  And I like being married to you."  His infectious smile met her own.


"I like being married to you too."  She confessed, giving him a gentle kiss.


"So, what do you want to talk about?  I know something's bothering you."


"It's about Jarrod."  Nick stood and angrily turned away.  "Nick please listen!  You need to forgive Jarrod, he's your brother!"


"NO!"  he thundered.


"Please Nick, for all our sakes.  Think of your mother!" 


"I know what I saw!  I can't forgive him!  Please don't ask me Laura.  Ask me anything but that!"


"He didn't touch me Nick!  He didn't!  I swear it!"  She stood behind him and touched his back to comfort him.


"I know what I saw!"  He angrily turned, his hot hazel eyes boring into her.


"And I know what I felt!  I was there!  ...All right!  ...I let him kiss me, but I thought he was you!"


"How did he kiss you?!  How far did he go?!  Tell me that!"  He clutched her shoulders.


"Nick please!  I told you he didn't...!  Please sweetheart, you have to believe me!  Please!  It was a mistake, can't you let it go?"  She begged, and he released her.


"NO!  He's in love with you."


"That's not true!  He has that woman, Carol somebody, Hollister, that's her name.  He loves her, I know he does!  He told me!"


"You forget; I met her!  She could be your twin!  He couldn't have you so he found someone who looked like you!"  He spat out stormily.


"In God's name, let this go!  Please, I'm begging you for all our sakes!  You must let this go!"


"I need to get a drink!"  He slammed the bedroom door behind him.


She stood and stared at the closed door, the sound of the bang still rattling in her head.  "If only you had trusted me enough."  She wiped an errant tear from her eye.  "Dear God what am I going to do?  This anger against his brother can't go on.  Why didn't you talk to me Nick?  If you hadn't gone to Carson City, I wouldn't have gotten so angry and gone off to San Francisco; then we wouldn't all be living this horrid nightmare!"  She walked toward the window, pulled back the curtains and stared out into the darkness, as if it, could supply the answer.


She had searched the Stockton Library for books that would answer her questions but there were none.  Sometimes she hated living in such parochial times; she knew her only other recourse was to speak to Doctor Merar, but before she did, he had to swear to keep her confidences.  "No one must know; no one must ever question it."  Her hand caressed her tummy.  "How am I going to tell Nick?  And if I do, will he wonder?  Dear God, why now?  Please God, don't let it be now; not yet!" 



 * * * * * * * *



Some weeks later, Victoria and Audra arrived home from San Francisco and all had been for the most part back to normal, however Nick and Laura never spoke again about Jarrod and what had happened in San Francisco.  Victoria was at a loss as to why Jarrod had refused to come back to the ranch to recuperate, preferring instead the company of his companion C.  B.  Hollister and a newly acquired home in San Francisco in the fashionable Russian Hill district.  Victoria was tending to her fledgling rose garden when Laura joined her after a ride from town.


"Well, good afternoon, how is everything at the library today?"


"Doing well, I'm really pleased.  Dora said there has been a steady increase in patrons.  Hope is doing her part by gathering a Summer reading list for her students.  She came in today after school and looked through the books we had for them so that she could make up her list in time for summer."


"It sounds exciting, you must be very pleased with the way it turned out.  Just think a few short months ago you were worried that the Stockton Public Library would never be opened and now you have a steady stream of borrowers."


"Yes, I'm quite pleased.  Oh and you'd never guess who came in with her three year son, none other than Mrs. Sally Ann Gruber."


"Sam Gruber's wife?" 


"The very same.  Now you know I can't abide Sam Gruber but I must say his son is the most adorable looking little boy.  He has the softest red curls and the loveliest green eyes."


"Sounds like he's going to be a heart breaker when he gets older.  What's his name?"


"I'm sure.  Charles Samuel Gruber the third.  He is a darling!"


"Who's a darling?"  Audra interrupted when she walked in on the pair.


"Sam Gruber's little boy."  Victoria offered her cheek to her daughter.  "Is that the mail?"


"Oh yes, I have a letter from Nick for you Laura.  And here's one for you Mother from Heath."  She handed them each their respective letters.


"Oh good, I hope the trail drive is going well."  She opened up her letter.


"I wouldn't know, neither one of my brothers bothered to write to their only sister!"  Audra complained.


"Come now Audra, we're lucky those two write home at all!"


"That's true."  Victoria laughed.  "Oh look, they had the buyer meet them outside San Jose, and bought the cattle so they are coming home in a few days.  Is that what yours says Laura?"


"Yes basically, it's mostly personal though."  She looked up from her letter with a wistful smile.


"Oh before I forget, I have a telegram for you from San Francisco."


"For me?  I wonder who ...."  She opened the envelope.  "It's from Jarrod.  Oh my!"  She felt faint and sought the nearest chair, Audra took her by the arm and helped her to sit down.


"My goodness is it bad news?" 


 She shook her head, "No, actually it's somewhat good, I suppose you would call it.  I've just waited so long for this."


"What in the world is it?"


"Jarrod has informed me that Mama's casket is arriving by train this Saturday next for re-burial.  He said he arranged for Mr. Becket, the undertaker, to meet us at the station.  He did everything.  I don't have to lift a finger."


"Dear Jarrod, I miss him."  Victoria's voice quivered with a tinge of saddness.


"As do I."  Audra resounded.


 Laura stood from the chair, "Would you excuse me please I'm going to lie down before dinner.  I'm a bit tired."


She rushed into the house hiding glistening tears.  Closing the bedroom door behind her, she moved toward the mantle where a picture of her mother was lovingly kept.  It had belonged to her father.  It was the only item she had taken from his house after he was murdered .  She had been wrongfully accused of the murder and Jarrod had helped exonerate her.  After the Inquest Jarrod had promised Laura that he would have her mother's coffin exhumed and reburied with her father in Stockton so that her parents could rest together.  Jarrod's promise was finally going to be fulfilled.



 * * * * * * * *



Nick and Heath settled camp for the night, outside the town of Merced.  The brothers sat by the town river fishing for their supper.


"Had it dead easy this time out.  We'll be home by Friday with any luck Thursday."


"What's the rush Nick?"


"Just wanna get home to my best girl is all."


"Gettin' along pretty good lately huh?"


"Whadaya mean lately?"


"Well there was a while there..."  Heath tossed his line out further.


"Ah, that was nothin'."


"Didn't seem like nothin' at the time."  Nick fell silent and concentrated on his fishing line.  Heath knew it was best to change the subject at that point.  "How's the cabin coming at Indian Springs?"


Nick gave a wide grin, "Aww wait until you see it Heath.  You're not going to believe your eyes.  Five huge bedrooms, with fireplaces, two bathrooms, huge kitchen and downstairs one large room with a dining room and parlor."


"Hardly call it a camp ground anymore."  Heath chuckled.


"Well I like to think of it as a fishing lodge."


"A fishing lodge?"


"Yup, and I got a real good name picked out.  She's gonna love it!" 


Heath let out a loud chuckle.  "Boy howdy Nick, you sure do spoil that woman!"


"Indeed I do Boy, indeed I do!  I can't wait for her to see it!"


So it's going to be ready when we go up end of June?"


"All ready, and I'm looking forward to her seeing it." 


Heath tugged thoughtfully on his fishing line.  He pulled in another quarry for their dinner.  "Well, look at that?  She a beaut or what huh?"


"We got enough for a meal.  whadaya say you start the campfire and coffee, I'll clean the fish and set them to cooking."  Nick offered.



After the two cowboys had their bellies full they rested back on their saddles for the night.  Nick pulled out a bottle of whiskey from his saddle bag and handed it to Heath.  He took a generous swig then returned the bottle.


"Think Pappy will be joining us at Indian Springs this year?"


"I'm gonna check on the horses."  Nick started to get up but Heath grabbed his arm and pulled him back.  "Let go Heath!"  Nick growled.


"Don't you think it's time we talked about this?"


"Get your hands off me!"  Heath did as he asked but stood as Nick did.


"Whatever you think Jarrod might have done, he's still your brother."


"I know what I saw!"


"What did you see Nick?  It was dark when we went down there.  The lantern you had didn't give off much light.  Are you sure you know what you saw?  Or did you just think you did."


He grunted and walked away.  Heath wouldn't let up.  "What about Mother?  Did ya ever think about her?"


"What the hell are you talking about ?!  What's she's got to do with it?"


"Jarrod is her son, her first born.  Don't you think she wants to see him every now and again?"


"I'm not stopping her from seeing her son."


"What, by letting her go to San Francisco?  Real generous of you Nick, real generous!"  Heath could no longer keep his anger in check.


He chose to live in 'Frisco."  Nick gruffed.


"He had no choice.  Would you have let him come home?"


"He can come home if he wants, but I don't have to be around when he does!"


"Aww Nick!  That's no solution!"


"It's the best I got!  I don't want to see him!  Do you understand!  I don't want him around me and mine!"


"What does Laura have to say about this?"


"It don't concern her!"


"You can't let this continue Nick.  We're a family, all of us, and we make mistakes, but we forgive each other 'cause that's what families do!  Jarrod's your brother!"


"And that's the only reason I didn't kill him!  The only reason!  Now let it go, I'm warning you Heath, let it go!"


"Did Laura say he touched her?  Did she?!"


"I told you to let it go!"


"Okay, but what about the holidays Nick?  Thanksgiving and Christmas?  Mother's gonna want to have him with us.  You gonna break her heart like that?  Make her choose between her two sons?'


Nick sat back down on his bed roll, and took a long gulp of the whiskey bottle.  "Best we cross that bridge when we come to it.  I can't think on it now."  He said with finality.



Part 14


The first Saturday of May had promised a long hot summer ahead, as Padre Sanchez led the black draped mourners to the train depot.  Heath stood with Audra and Hope at each arm, behind them was Nick, his wife Laura, and his mother.  They watched as all the passengers alighted the train and made claims to their baggage.  They knew that the coffin would be taken off the very last.  Laura dabbed the perspiration on her forehead with a lacy handkerchief.  Nick squeezed her arm, bringing her close to his chest.


"Are you alright?"


"Fine, it's just a little warm today."


"I'll take you for a cool drink later, huh?" 


"You've got to get back to work, Nick.  You don't need to..."


"Stop that, the ranch can wait, I'm here for you all day if you need me."


Laura wrapped her arms around his slender waist, " I love you."


"Same here Milady."  he dropped a kiss on the top of her head.


Four railroad workers entered the baggage car and all heads turned to watch as they carefully carried the polished oak coffin.  Laura drew a quick breath, holding it in to keep her tears at bay.  She felt Nick's arms tighten around her in support.  Following the coffin was a dark suited gentleman, holding a hat in his hand.  For a moment the sunshine blocked his facial features.  Audra was the first to recognize him.


"Jarrod!"  Audra rushed to her brother's side, hugging him warmly.  Victoria quickly broke away from Nick's arm and joined her daughter, happily hugging her eldest son.  Heath escorted Hope over to Jarrod.


"Boy howdy, it's good to see you, it's been a long time!"  The two brothers hugged, patting each other on the back.


"Welcome home Jarrod," said Hope, offering her hand.


"It's good to see all of you too.  It has been a long time."  Jarrod glanced over toward his other brother who hadn't moved from his spot on the boardwalk, but gave him an indifferent stare, with bloodless lips.


"Darling why didn't you tell us you were coming home?"  Victoria's eyes glistened as she kissed her son's cheek.  The son she had not seen home since Christmas last.


"I had to personally see to the crating and transport of the coffin.  I didn't want to trust it in anyone else's hands.  It's a promise I made some time ago."  Jarrod's eyes wandered to Laura who hadn't left her husband's side.  He nodded, politely acknowledging her.  She quietly nodded back, holding her tears at bay.


Padre Sanchez watched expectantly for a sign.  Laura motioned for him to begin.  The priest opened his prayer book and began reciting prayers over the coffin, and sprinkled it with Holy Water, then the priest signaled the undertaker to take possession of the coffin.  Mister Becket, the undertaker, motioned to his men to take the coffin into the hearse, then signaled to the young woman draped in black.


"Anytime you're ready Missus Barkley."


"Now please Mister Becket."  Laura spoke flatly.

The undertaker climbed aboard the hearse to begin it's slow journey to the cemetery at the edge of town.  Nick and Laura silently got in step behind the hearse.  The other Barkleys followed, Audra and Victoria took Jarrod's arm and walked behind Heath and Hope.  The mourners gathered around the open grave marked Carson Thomas.  Hope moved toward Laura taking her cousin's hand to lend her support.


"How are you doing cousin?"  She whispered.


"I'm fine, Hope."  Laura patted her cousin's arm assuredly. 


Padre Sanchez began reading the committal prayers.  The fifteen minute prayer service continued as the grave diggers stood a distance away, waiting for the mourners to leave.  Laura produced a small pouch from her black purse.  Her fingers searched inside until they pulled out a child size pink rosary beads and placed them on her mother's coffin.  "Keep them for me Mama," she whispered, then she turned and took Nick's already offered hand.  He caressed her as they walked away from the gravesight.  Jarrod had taken up a post away from the others.  He watched as Nick and Laura walked wordlessly past him; but then she broke away and stood in front of Jarrod.  She gently touched the arm that still held his hat, "Thank you Jarrod."


"You're welcome Laura."  He said hoarsely, his throat choking back checked emotions.


Nick held out his hand and called out curtly, "Laura, come along."


She turned too quickly and lost her balance, Jarrod caught her in his arms.  Nick rushed to his wife's side and coarsely grabbed her away.  "Don't touch her!"  The tone was lethal, and his eyes held a murderous glare.


"I'm, I'm sorry Nick...  I.."  Jarrod said apologetically.


"Nick, I'm not feeling well, I think the heat is..."  She fainted in his arms.  He promptly gathered her up in his arms, and started a quick pace to the doctor's office.


"Heath, I'm going with them.  Laura might need me."  Hope said hurriedly without looking back. 


"Sure honey, go ahead."


"Oh mother, what do you suppose is wrong with her?"


"Nick will let us know.  Let's go to the Inn like we planned and wait for them there.  Jarrod you'll come with us."  Victoria gave a gentle command.


"I don't think so Mother.  I really need to register at the Cattlemen's."


"You're staying with us Jarrod!  In your own room!  I won't hear of you staying in a hotel, you'll stay with us."


"No Mother, thank you but I think it's best I stayed in town."


"Jarrod please!  You can't."  Audra chimed in.


"Tell you what, I'll compromise.  Just let me register at the hotel and I will join you at the Inn, I promise."  Jarrod quickly left them before his mother had a chance to voice a protest.  Victoria turned a questioning eye toward Heath who shrugged, his hat still in his hand.


"Heath, I want my family back."  Victoria's eyes held back large tears.


"I'm sorry Mother, there's nothing I can do.  It's Nick you need to speak to.  I've told you that before."


Audra moved over to her blond brother, " You were there Heath, can't you tell us anything?  Why does Nick hate Jarrod so?  Come on, he tells you everything!"


"Sorry Sis.  You really have to talk to him about it."  Heath placed his hat on his head, and offered his arm to each lady.



 * * * * * * * *



At the doctor's office: Doctor Merar had just finished examining his patient and walked into another room he used as a laboratory.  Laura walked out from behind a screen, buttoning her dress.  Hope sat by the examination table watching her.


"How do you feel?"


"Stupid."  Laura gave her cousin a small grin.


"Oh stop, it's a hot day out, you're wearing all black.  The heat is bound to have an adverse effect on you."


"Trust me it wasn't the heat that did me in."


"Then what?"


"Missed my friend last month and I know I'm already a full week late this month."  Hope smiled at her cousin, then frowned again.  Laura placed her hands on her hips, "Now what's that look for?!"


"You will tell him this time won't you?  I mean right away?"


Of course I'll tell him!  Good Lord Hope!"  She gave her a teary eyed smile.  "This time Hope, it's going to happen, I know it will."


"Of course it will.  We'll both see to that!"  Hope stood and gave Laura a generous hug.


Doctor Merar stepped back in the room, "Well it looks like I'm too late with my good news."


"Not at all doctor, please make it official."  Laura encouraged with a smile. 


"It's official, you're going to have a baby, I would say in December sometime Missus Barkley."


"Thank you Doctor."  Laura hugged him.


"Don't thank me, I had nothing to do with it.  But I will tell you this young lady; you take care of yourself, plenty of rest and don't go overboard doing things like you tend to do."  He gave a fatherly warning, "Take it easy.  And you cut down on the hours you spend at that library."


"Now Doctor Merar, the library isn't a strain at all for me."


"Are you going to listen to me, or do I have to speak to Nick?"


"Oh very well.  I'll cut back on the hours, I promise."


"Good.  Shall I call him in?  Or do you want to take your chances again this time?"The doctor teased, reminding her of what had happened at the Harvest Festival.

"Call him in, I'll be good."


"For a change."  Hope smiled as she followed the doctor to the outer room where Nick was impatiently waiting.


Laura didn't have long to wait when the anxious rancher burst into the examining room at full speed.  "All right, tell me what's going on?  And I want the truth!"  He warned her, "Is it sun stroke?  What's going on with you?  How come this happened and why didn't you tell me this morning you weren't feeling well?  You know we could have postponed all this!  Honestly Woman, you make me crazy!"


"May I please get a word in?"  She stood defiantly with her hands on her hips.


"Go ahead I'm listening.  ...WELL?!"  he bellowed fists firmly glued on his hips.


"Would you please be quiet so I can tell you!  Damnit Nick, you are the most exasperating man on God's green earth!  I can never get a word in with you!  You just go running off at the mouth and not thinking for one solitary minute if anyone has any thing to tell you!"


"Now who's running off at the mouth?!  Tell me damnit!" 


She decided to tell him in one long breath, "We're going to have a baby and you heard it first!  So there!"


Nick's face glowed into a wide grin, "You did it!  We did it!  EEEYAAAHH!"  Nick shouted out as he grabbed his wife, hugging her tightly.


"Easy Nick...I can't breathe!"  She struggled to pull away.  He grabbed his wife by the shoulders and escorted her out of the room to be greeted by the smiling faces of Doctor Merar and Hope Dougherty.


"Did you hear?!  We're gonna have a baby!  Huh??  How about that?!  Is that the best damn news ya ever heard?"


"It sure is Nick, congratulations."  Hope hugged Nick.


"Thanks Hope!  Wait until I tell the others!  Where are they?!"


"At the Inn."  Hope answered.  Nick wrapped one arm around his wife and the other around Hope and led them both out of the Doctor's office. 


Nick stopped the first couple he found on the street who happened to be strangers.  "Hey, I just want you to know we're gonna have a baby!"  The couple stared at both Hope and Laura.  Nick pointed to Hope,

"Oh no, not her; her!"  Nick exchanged his pointing finger over to his wife.


"Thank you for clarifying that Nick.  It's much appreciated" Hope said teasingly.


Nick gave Hope a tight squeeze.  "You know Tidbit if I weren't married...  you would NOT be my next choice."


"That is also much appreciated Nick!"


"Little gal, I'm so happy even your big mouth can't upset me."


"I'll try harder next time."  Hope said dryly.


"Would you two stop!"  Laura admonished them both, "You know you two like each other."  She laughed.



 * * * * * * * *



 The Barkleys gathered at the Stockton Inn.  Jarrod sat between his mother and Audra at the table.


"I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see you again Jarrod."  She happily squeezed his hand.


"It's good to be home, Mother and to see all of you."


"How long are you staying?"  Audra dimpled sweetly.


"I'll be leaving on the morning train."  He took a thoughtful sip of his coffee.


"Oh Jarrod no!  You must stay longer," his mother protested.


"I'm afraid I can't Mother I'm sorry.  I only came to see that Laura's mother was put to rest as I promised."


"Won't you please stay a little longer Jarrod?  We've missed you so."  Audra pleaded.


"I'm sorry Audra I really can't.  I have a lot of business to take care of.  back in 'Frisco."  he lied.


"You have business here too; there is the ranch that needs your attention," Victoria added.


"Nick is capable of handling all the business on the ranch, Mother."  Jarrod shifted nervously in his seat.


"Well big brother we've always shared it before between the three of us.  You know I hate paper work and Nick doesn't always want to do it," his blond brother added.


"I'm sorry Heath, but you and Nick have done just fine without me."


Heath was about to protest but stood when he noticed Nick walking into the restaurant with the two ladies.  The three had smiles gracing their faces.  Jarrod also stood when they entered.  Heath pulled out a chair for Hope while Nick and Laura remained standing.


"Nick, Laura?  How did it go?  Are you well dear?"  Victoria asked concerned.


 "You might as well know now, you're going to be a grandmother."  Nick said beaming with pride.  Victoria stood quickly hugging both of them.  Audra followed suit.  Heath shook Nick's hand in congratulations and kissed Laura's cheek.  Jarrod readied himself to leave, smiling warmly, hat in hand.


"When is the baby due Laura?"  Victoria asked.




"That's wonderful, maybe by Christmas we will have a new Barkley in the house.  I'm so happy!  I'm going to be an aunt, I can't wait to tell everyone."  Audra hugged Laura again. 


"Congratulations Nick."  Jarrod said as he held out his hand.  Nick stared at the offered hand, but gave a terse 'thanks' under his breath instead, Jarrod quickly retreated his hand to his side.


"Thank you Jarrod."  Laura said demurely.  She felt her husband squeeze her arm tighter, pulling her away from him.


"Well, if you'll excuse us, I promised to take my wife out for ice cream at that fancy new parlor they opened up down the street at Millard's Bakery."


"But Nick I thought you were going to join us for brunch here."


"Plans change Mother.  You have yourself a nice visit we'll see you at the ranch later."  He turned to leave, but his brother's voice stopped him.


"Nick please don't leave on my account.  You stay here and celebrate, I'm going anyway."  Jarrod said with an apologetic tone.


"No, you stay.  I'm kinda glad you're here in a way, 'cause I needed to straighten some things out."


"Oh?"  Jarrod questioned hopefully.


"Well, Mother and Audra miss you, so I just wanted to tell ya, you're welcome to come to the ranch to visit; stay if you want.  I just need to know ahead of time, that's all, so me and Laura can clear out."


"Nick!"  Victoria scolded him.


"Sorry Mother, that's the way it's gotta be.  Excuse us."  Nick hastily led Laura out of the restaurant.


As they walked out of the hotel, Laura pulled back on her husband's arm stopping him from walking any further.  "Please Nick, must it be this way?  It's tearing our family apart."


"Our family is standing right here Laura.  The three of us, we don't need anyone else.  I only did that for Mother's sake.  He's still her son."


"And he's still your brother."


"No, not anymore."  He took a strong hold of her arm leading her down the boardwalk.



 * * * * * * * *



Nick and Laura's sudden departure left the five in a reserved quiet.  Victoria placed her hand on Jarrod's arm.  "I'm sorry Darling."


"No need Mother.  It was quite a generous offer on my brother's part.  Family was always important to Nick."  Jarrod sat again staring at the hat in his hand.  "I will try to come home more often, it's just that I don't want to put Nick and Laura out, so when I do come I will stay at the Cattlemen's.  It's best this way."


"The ranch is your home too Jarrod!"  Audra pouted.


"No Honey, its always been Nick's.  Father gave it to him.  That's as it should be."


"And what about Indian Springs?  You promised last year that you would come with us."


"Oh yes, you will all be going in June again."


"We're going the end of June, when school lets out so that Hope can come with us."  Heath chimed as he squeezed Hope's hand under the table.


"Ah, good for you Hope.  You will enjoy the wilds of Indian Springs with your adventurous spirit."  Jarrod smiled at the diminutive teacher.


"Oh it's not so wild anymore.  Nick had a house built there to surprise Laura."  answered Heath.


"Well, that should please her."  He smiled gallantly trying to hide his disappointment at not being able to join his family at their annual vacation spot..


"And it would please us if you would come too Jarrod.  There's plenty of room.  Nick did a lovely job on the house plans.  I would love you to see it, I'm rather anxious to see it myself."  begged his mother.


"I'm afraid I will have to break my promise, I have a previous engagement this June.  I will be in Denver, on my honeymoon."  He smiled pleasantly at his family.


"Jarrod!"  Audra squealed.  "How wonderful."  Giving him a peck on the cheek.


"Oh Jarrod, I think Carol is a wonderful woman.  I was so glad I could meet her last month."


"And she you."  Jarrod patted his mother's hand, a proud smile on his face.


"So you finally convinced her Jarrod?  What did you say to change her mind?"  Heath grinned knowingly.


"Yes, I know she wasn't agreeable to the idea of marriage."  Victoria added.


"Actually I had some unexpected help with that.  It was Laura who gave me the words to convince her."


* * * * *


His sister-in-law looked so vulnerable as she stood in his hospital room dressed in a hospital issue robe, her blonde hair tousled around her face.  Jarrod looked even more vulnerable laying in the hospital bed with his leg up in traction.


"I can't understand the two of you, You are both lawyers and you haven't figured any of this out!  It's so incredibly stupid on your part!  All you need to do is draw up a marriage contract, spelling out what the two of you expect out of your marriage.  It will be legally binding, especially with two lawyers drawing it up."


"Please Laura, you need to leave here, if Nick saw us, he would kill us both!"


"Don't change the subject Jarrod Barkley.  You stop what you are doing with this woman.  Your reputations are being ruined!  Do you know how fortunate you are that this scandal didn't reach Stockton?!"


"Which scandal are you referring to!  I seem to be surrounded in scandals these days!  First C.B.  and now you!"


* * * * *


"Well, what did she say?  ...Jarrod?"


"What?  Oh sorry Audra.  What did who say?"


"What did Laura say that helped you to convince Carol to marry you?"


Jarrod placed his napkin on the table after dabbing his mouth, "Would you all excuse me, I remembered I was planning to speak to Jed Capwell about some legal documents I came across in my old files that I forgot to give him.  Please forgive me, I will see you later Mother," He dropped a kiss on her forehead.


"We will see you before you leave Jarrod won't we?"  asked his concerned parent.


"Yes of course Mother.  Take care, good bye all."  Jarrod gave a quick wave to the occupants at the table and left.



 * * * * * * * *



"How's that lemon flavored ice cream?"


"Delicious."  Laura said as she took another spoonful.  "Nick sweetheart...."


"You know Mister Millard is buying our sugar beets for this new confectionary store of his.  Have you tasted his pastries?" 


"No not yet.  ...Honey..."


"He let me sample them when I talked to him about his buying our sugar beets, they're really good, you should try them."  Nick dove his spoon into the ice cream dish.  "You know I do believe this vanilla ice cream would taste great with our strawberries.  We really should put them to market rather than keep them for ourselves.  Can you imagine what this would taste like with our strawberries in them?  You love strawberries wouldn't it...."


"Nick I want to talk about Jarrod."


Nick angled his head toward the baker's counter where Mister Millard was chatting with some customers.  "Hey Millard when you have a minute I want to talk to you, okay?"


"Sure Nick, just give me a minute or two here," the busy proprietor called out.


"Nick did you hear me?"


"Of course I heard you, Laura."  He refused to look at her, instead he kept his eye on his dessert dish. 

"I just don't want to talk about it.  Would you like more ice cream?"


"No thank you.  I think now that Jarrod is home we should discuss it."  She placed a gentle hand on his arm.


"This is not a place to discuss personal matters."


"Then where Nick?  You won't talk about it at home when we're alone.  You continue to refuse to discuss your brother at all."


 Nick spoke in a low voice, "Look I told him he could come to the house and visit Mother, even stay there if he wanted.  What more do you want from me?  Forgive and forget?  NO!  NEVER!"


Heads turned at his raised voice.  She sat back in her chair and dabbed her mouth with a napkin.  "I want to go home Nick."


"As soon as I have a talk with Mr. Millard."


"I'm afraid I can't wait, I'm not feeling well, excuse me."  She stood and her husband did in kind.


"All right, I'll take you home now."


"Thank you."  She said with a hint of curtness.


 Nick followed her out of the bakery after waving good bye to Mr. Millard. 



 Part 15


That evening Victoria found her middle son alone in the game room.  He stood in what had become his usual stance, clutching a glass and staring into the spent fireplace.  Victoria had noticed a more serious, almost reservedness to her Nick since he came home from San Francisco.  Oh she knew he was happy in his marriage but she also knew there was an underlying strain tugging at her strong rancher son's heart. 


"Nicholas?"  He turned as if shakened from a trance.


"Oh, evening Mother.  Thought you went to bed."


"I thought I would have a night cap before bed.  Where's Laura?"


"Aw, she's fast asleep.  It's been a trying day for her with burying her mother and all."


"Yes, it's been a trying day for all of us.  ...Nicholas, I've asked Jarrod to have Sunday dinner with us tomorrow."


"That's fine Mother, I'm taking Laura on a picnic.  It's been quite a while since we've been on one." 

"Did you just decide that?"


"Does it matter?"  He poured another drink for himself and one for his mother. 


"I was hoping to have my whole family with me tomorrow."  She took the drink he offered and sat on the settee.  Nick sat on a chair across from her.


"You will have your whole family with you tomorrow."


"Then you and Laura will be having dinner with us?"


"No Mother, that's not what I said.  I said you will have your whole family with you.  And I will have my whole family with me, on a picnic.  Isn't that what the bible says, a man will leave his father's household when he takes a wife...he starts another household?  Well, I know I'm not saying it right but you understand."


Victoria gave a crestfallen sigh.  "What is it Nick?  What is between you and your brother that the two of you can't even be under the same roof!"


Nick stood from his chair and placed his now empty glass on the liquor table.  "My wife's waiting for me, I better go upstairs.  Good night Mother."


"I thought you said she was sleeping?"


"She is, but after a while she wakes up when I'm not there.  Good night."


"Nicholas I won't have this!  I simply won't have it!  Whatever is wrong between you and Jarrod must be resolved.  I won't have my family torn apart again!"


"Your family is not torn apart Mother, it's intact, just like mine is."  Nick placed his hand on his mother's shoulder, and knelt down to look steadily into her gray eyes.  "Duchess, I have my own family now.  Laura and the baby she's carrying.  We are a part of this family, but we are a new family too.  And they come first with me Mother, always.  And I will do whatever it takes to preserve it, anything.  Please understand that."


"Are you saying your brother Jarrod is a threat to your family?"


"That's all I'm gonna say on this.  Good night Mother, love you."  He gave a quick kiss on her forehead then left the room.



 * * * * * * * *



After he disrobed he quietly crawled into bed beside his wife.


"I was wondering when you would come to bed."  She turned over and cuddled herself on his bare chest.


"You're supposed to be sleeping woman.  You need your rest, that's my baby you got in there."


She raised her head, glaring.  "Who's?"


"Ours, didn't I say our baby?  I'm sure I did.  You must be losing your hearing.  Didn't know that was a sign of being pregnant, hmm, have ta speak to Doc Merar about that; deafness, who woulda thought?"  he chuckled. 


She slapped him on his chest.  "OHH YOU!"


He laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around her.  "We're going on a picnic tomorrow."


"Oh Nick, that's wonderful!  Just the two of us?" 


"Just the three of us.  Hmmm, forgetful too, I can see I'm gonna have my hands full taking care of you.  Sure do have my work cut out for me!"


"Would you stop!"  She laughed as she playfully hit him again.  He gave her a noisy, wet kiss.  "Think it would hurt the baby if we.., you know?"


"It didn't last night, or the night before that, or the night before that..."  She chuckled.


"Hmm, seems you can't get enough of me Woman!"


The laughter coming from Nick and Laura's room rang out into the hall as Victoria moved past.  She smiled but couldn't help wipe a stray tear from her eye.  She knew that eventually she would have to resign herself to having a disjointed family at least for the time being.  Walking through the hall she stopped in front of Jarrod's now empty room.  She entered; it was just as he had left it when he was there at Christmas.  It was a more subdued celebration than they had in the past, because of the loss of her first grandchild, but never the less, the whole family had been there to lend their support to the grieving couple.


* * * * *


Jarrod unwrapped another Christmas joke gift from his brothers.  "And what pray tell is this supposed to be?"


Nick and Heath both laughed as they watched.  Jarrod held up a large ladies' fan attached to a pink ribbon and a lacy handkerchief.


"Why that's the latest thing for fancy lawyers who go on cattle drives," laughed Heath.  "Ya fan yourself when you feel warm."


"That's right and the handkerchief is to dab the sweat off your brow, or in your case brother Jarrod, perspiration."  Everyone laughed outloud.


"Uh huh, well I'm glad you two didn't go to great expense over any of my gifts.  An extra pillow for my backside and a fan.  And now you expect me to join you on the cattle drive this Spring after you treat me like this?  Well, just for that, I'm going to show you two broken-down cow hands how it's done this year!  And I'll put you both to shame doing it too!"


Nick laughed louder, and pointed to his older brother, "Now I would like to see that, I surely would!"


"That's right!  Why when I'm done you'll be begging me to come every year!  Begging me!"  Jarrod predicted to his amused siblings.


* * * * *


Victoria ran her hand over the top of Jarrod's desk as another memory came to mind, that of a sixteen year old Jarrod.


Jarrod threw his school book down on his desk in frustration as he looked at his parents standing in his room.  "I don't know how anyone in this house expects me to get into a good University when I can't even study here!  Nick is forever running around this house, whooping and stomping; yelling at the top of his lungs!  He never shuts up!  I don't get a moment of peace!  He's always coming in here begging me to go riding with him, or watch him target shoot!  Or he wants me to go fishing with him!  The kid will not leave me alone!"


"Now Jarrod, he's your little brother, you know he loves you and wants to share things with you."


"Mother I'm sorry but I don't have time for him!  He's nothing but a nuisance!"


Tom Barkley stood rigidly and pointed a warning finger at his eldest.  "Now I will not have you speak of your brother like that!  He's a fine young man who has a real zest for life.  The world needs more people like him!"


"And less like me I suppose!"  Jarrod spat out jealously to his father.


"Now I never said that!  Don't you go putting words in my mouth young man!  And you hold your tongue!  I am still your father!"


"Admit it Father, you do resent the fact that I'd rather go to college than work this ranch along side of you!"


"Jarrod please, your father does not resent you!"


"Doesn't he!  Why don't you ask him?"


"Jarrod Thomas Barkley you apologize to your father right now!"  Jarrod's shoulders slumped as he stared at the floor.  His parents didn't notice the twelve year old slip into the room.  Young Nick ran to his brother and hugged him.


"I'm sorry Jarrod, I won't make you mad anymore and I'll try to be quieter so you can get into a good college, I promise.  It's just that I know ya gotta go away soon and I wanna have my big brother around a little longer.  I'm gonna miss ya.  I'm sorry I'm a pest, really sorry.  I promise I won't bother you again, Honest In-gin!" 


Jarrod smiled and hugged his brother back, "You're not a pest Nicky, I'm sorry."


Tear filled hazel eyes met up with trusting blue eyes, "I'm not?"


"Nah.  Come on, what do you say we go catch some fish for supper huh?  I sure do feel like some catfish, how about you?"


* * * * *


Victoria smiled at the memory, and she became determined to some how help the two brothers find their way back to each other again. 


"Mother?"  She turned and fell into Heath's arms, crying softly.  He escorted her back to her bedroom.



 * * * * * * * *



In late June The Barkleys head out to Indian Springs for their annual vacation.  Victoria and Audra took turns driving the buckboard while Heath, Hope, Nick and Laura rode beside them on horses.


"Wait until you see the mountains Hope."  Heath said as he rode beside her.


"I am looking forward to it."


"Say how good are you at hunting for game?"  Heath pushed his hat back on his head, trying to look serious.


"I've never hunted for game before.  Only fished."


"Hmm that's too bad, looks like you'll be out of luck."


"Why?"  She angled her head with a stern look toward him.


"We eat a lot of fish at the camp, and I know you hate fish.  Lucky for you though I brought along a lot of beef jerky.  Hope your teeth will hold out, Hope."  He couldn't resist a wink.


"You mean you won't be gallant enough to catch me a rabbit or a pheasant?"  She placed her hand over her heart in a mock display of shock. 


"Well, I'm kinda partial to fish myself, but maybe your cousin will bag ya a mountain lion.  She did it last time we were here."


"Laura?  She killed a mountain lion?  You mean there's mountain lions?"


"Yup," he tried to hide a grin, "but don't worry, ya won't be eating any snake meat though."


"Snake meat?"  She said with a skeptic eye toward him.


"Yup, ain't no snakes at Indian Springs.  No matter what Laura tells ya, don't believe her now, ya hear?"


"Uh huh.  Come along Naomi, we're going to have a chat with cousin Laura."  She spurred her horse up ahead to catch up to Nick and Laura.  Heath laughed and rode up behind her.


"Hi."  Said Hope as she rode aside her cousin.


"Hello, how are you doing?"


"All right."


"Want to rest Hope?  We've been in the saddle for a while now."  Nick said concerned.


"No, I'm fine.  I just came by to ask a question."


"Ask away."  Nick answered.


"What's this I hear about mountain lions and snakes at Indian Springs?"  Nick gave a loud chuckle. 


Laura smiled at Hope, and then looked back at Heath who was trying his best to stifle a laugh.  "You're a scoundrel Heath Barkley!  Pure and simple." 


"Keep tellin' ya I'm the only good one in the family!"  Nick bragged.  "Listen once we cross the river we can rest and water the horses.  Come on."


"Good, I'm tired."  Laura said.


"Want me to help you across?" 


"No, I can manage."  Nick took the reins of his wife's horse anyway.


"Nick what are you doing?  I said I could manage!"


"Don't be so blasted stubborn; you look like you're ready to fall off.  Come on."  He pulled her horse along.


"You know if I wasn't so tired you wouldn't be able to get away with this."


"Uh huh.  You're just anxious to get to Indian Springs to set up camp.  I know you're dying to lay out under the stars in your bedroll."


"Oh yes, can't wait.  Been looking forward to it all winter.  Sleeping on a cold hard ground.  With all sorts of ravenous animals ready to make a meal out of me.  Oh yes, I can't wait!  And of course we can't forget the snakes!




"Except for the water snakes, huh sister dear?"  Shouted out Audra with glee as they past by them with the buckboard.  Her mother chuckled.


"Which reminds me sister dear, I still owe you!"  Laura said pointing a threatening finger at her sister-in-law.


"Who me?"  Audra laughed teasingly.



 * * * * * * * *



Once they crossed the river, Nick spread out a blanket for the ladies to sit on and then tended to the horses.


"How are you holding up Hope?"  Victoria took a seat on the blanket, beside her daughter-in-law who was already laying down.


"Well Mrs. Barkley, but it is nice to get out of the saddle for a time."


"If you want you can ride in the buckboard."  Audra knelt down on the ground beside Hope.


"Thank you Audra, you're a dear, but I don't mind riding Naomi."  Victoria put her finger to her lips in a quiet motion and pointed to her sleeping daughter-in-law.


"I thought she couldn't sleep on the ground."  Audra whispered in a smile.


"Any port in the storm, as my Da would say."  Hope added.  "Poor L.  she's been so tired lately.  Dora Hamon told me she found her asleep in her office one day last week."


"Oh, if Nick ever heard that he would be furious."  Audra predicted.


"If Nick heard what?"  He stood over the women, his hands on his gun belt.


"Laura's sleeping, that's all."


"Ahh, I knew she was tired.  Well, wanna stay a little longer and have something to eat here?"


"That's a good idea.  Audra go get the hamper from the wagon, we'll have some sandwiches and lemonade."


"I'll help you Audra."  Hope followed the blonde to the wagon. 


Heath joined the others under the tree.  "Seems someone's all tuckered out."  He grinned staring at his sleeping sister-in-law.


Nick sat next to his wife and drew her head up onto his lap.  "Yup, my own Sleeping Beauty.  If this keeps up we won't be there until night fall."


"I don't know, we can just eat an early dinner here then we won't have ta rush so much to get the camp ready."  Heath left them to help get the food.


"Yup, I suppose."  He pulled his glove off and gently pushed a wisp of hair from her face.  "She's tired all the time.  Do you think that's normal Mother?"


"Of course it is sweetheart, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's a good sign; it means the baby is growing and taking up a lot of her strength."  His mother assured him.


"That's good then."  Nick rubbed his sleeping wife's cheek with his thumb.  "We can't lose this baby Mother, I don't think either one of us could take it a second time."


"You won't Nick.  I just know it.  This time your prayers will be answered."


"That's what Laura always says.  Her Mama would tell her that.  Except she said, sometimes the Lord answered prayers with a no."  Nick watched his Mother's face in earnest.


"Not this time Nick, I feel it; not this time."



Heath joined Hope to help with the picnic supplies.


"Are you hungry?"  She asked him.


"Like a grizzly bear."  he smiled, placing an arm around her shoulder and taking the lead.


 "Are there grizzly bears at Indian Springs?"


"Yeah, are ya partial to bear meat too?  I'll see if I can get ya some."  Hope chuckled at the blond cowboy and slapped the strong hand that rested on her shoulder.



Part 16


Over the rise they spied a two-story log cabin, surrounded by tall pine trees.  The front porch lined the length of the large house.  At the foot of the stairs were several small bushes of wild roses in a variety of pinks, reds and yellows.  Large planters of reddish, purple flowers hung between the four posts holding up the extended roof.  The sight of the beautiful home took the women's breath away.


 Laura stood up in her stirrups, "Nick, there's something wrong here?" 


"What do you mean Honey?"  He attempted to hide a smile from his bewildered wife. 


"Someone built on our campsite.  They must be squatters.  What are we going to do?  They already built a house, and a beautiful house at that!"


"Well, there's only one thing we can do.  We'll just have to throw them out!"  He pulled out his gun and spurred his horse towards the expansive log cabin. 


"Nick, NO!  Please don't start a fight with anyone!  Nick?"  She kicked her horse to follow in Coco's hooves, and sidled up along side her husband as they reached the house.  He turned a grin on her.  "Nick?  What's going on here?"


"You can read woman; what does the sign say?"


A carved rustic sign above the door read, 'Camp Milady' Laura burst out laughing and the others joined her.  "Nick Barkley you're a lunatic!"  He dismounted and helped his wife down from her horse.


"It's what I call roughing it, Laura Barkley style!  Come on, let me show ya the tent I built for you."


"You are truly a madman!"  He swept her up in his arms as the two of them laughed while he carried her over the cabin threshold.



 * * * * * * * *



The next morning she woke up alone in a large four-poster oak bed.  Stretching away her sleepiness, her hand reached out and felt a small piece of paper lying on an empty pillow.  She sat up and read the note.  " 'Gone fishing L.N.', L.N.  What does that mean?  N.  is Nick, L.  is?  Oh for heaven's sake, Love!  That man is the master of understatement."  She chuckled then arose from bed to wash and dress.  The light coming into the window told her it was at least seven o'clock, and she knew she had overslept.  The others would be just finishing their breakfast.



 * * * * * * * *



Nick cast out his line again.  "Now this is what I call living, huh Heath?"


"It don't get better Nick."  Heath had just unhooked another fish from his line and dropped it in the bucket.  He prepared his line again for another catch.  "Except..."


Nick gave his brother a suspicious eye.  Heath pretended not to notice and started whistling to himself.






"Except what?"


"Whadaya mean Nick?"


"You said it don't get better, except...  Except what?"


"Oh, that."


Nick rolled his eyes, "Would you say what you were going to say!"


"Except it would be nice if Pappy were here too.  You know, three brothers, like we planned."

Nick fell silent.  "Mother invited Jarrod ya know, but he said he was going to be in Denver on his honeymoon."  Heath eyed the back of Nick's head.  He noticed his back stiffen.


"He married that tramp?"


"Tramp huh?  Ya sure like using that word."  Heath gave Nick a bitter scowl, remembering how he had called Hope that same name before he knew her.


"Whadaya call a woman who lives with a man without the benefit of marriage?  Huh?  I ask ya?!"  Nick scoffed.


The blond brother challenged.  "Whadaya call a man who does it?"


"Aw shut up!"



"Don't wanna talk about it!"


"If Jarrod said nothin' happened, then why don't you believe him?"


 "Dishonorable."  Nick grunted after a time.


"What's dishonorable?"  Heath stared at the back of his brother's head.


"That's the answer to your question.  A man who does it, is dishonorable."  Nick turned his piercing hazel eyes on Heath.  "Only a fool trusts a dishonorable man, and I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a fool."  This time it was Heath who fell silent.


 * * * * * * * *



Hope climbed the stairs holding a filled coffee cup in her hand, taking care not to spill a drop.  She stood by the bedroom door and heard movement coming from inside.  The petite brunette knocked firmly on the door.  "Laura, are you decent?"


"NO!  But come in anyway!" 


Hope warily opened her cousin's bedroom door and poked her head in.  "Brought you coffee.  What in heaven's name is all this?"  She eyed the array of clothes on the bed.


"Come in Hope.  Thank you for the coffee."  She gratefully took the cup, and had a generous swallow.  "Ah, that's better.  You're an angel.  I need your help." 


"I can see that.  Girl didn't you unpack and put away your belongings yesterday when we arrived?"


"Well of course I did!  Do you see all these clothes I brought?  None of them fit!  I blew up!  Overnight I just blew up!" 


"What do you mean you blew up?"  Hope watched her cousin pace the floor, then stopped angrily, pulling off her robe to reveal a light cotton nightgown. 


She grabbed the material taut, sticking out her stomach.  "Would you look at this?  I can't get into my riding clothes or my trousers!  They won't go around my stomach!  I'm going to spend two weeks here naked!"


"Don't be ridiculous, I'm sure your dresses fit."


"I'm not going to wear a dress to go riding now am I?  Hope I'm gaining weight!"


"Laura you're going to have a baby!  What did you expect, you're almost four months along."


"Three and a half!  And it's much too soon to be showing!"


"Dearie, you're not showing yet, you just gained a bit around the middle."


"Jennie Miller didn't show until she was almost six months!  Look at me!  I'm huge!"


"An inch or two around the middle is not exactly huge.  You do have a flair for the dramatics don't you?  Besides, my Ma always said that all women carry differently.  Why when she was carrying little...."


"Hope!  What am I going to do?"  She quickly interrupted another one of her cousin's homey stories.


 "Put on one of your skirts, lets see.  Maybe we can let it out a little.  I'll go get my sewing kit."



 * * * * * * * *



After some artful sewing on Hope's part, Laura stood at the mirror, wearing her riding outfit.


"You mean I have to wear the blouse over?  Like this!"  she pouted.


"It's the only way cousin."  Hope said as she stood behind the forlorn mother-to-be, staring into the mirror.


"I look awful!"


"Remember this, you're going to have a baby Laura, and a woman never looks more beautiful than when she's carrying a child."


"I agree."  Nick said smiling as he watched the two women from the doorway.


"And with that true comment I shall leave you."  Hope smiled at the couple, then closed the door behind her.



 * * * * * * * *



Daybreak's first light revealed itself at Heath's upstairs bedroom window gently shaking him from a peaceful sleep.  He slipped on his tan pants and headed toward the bathroom located near Nick and Laura's room.  He smiled wistfully when he heard whispered voices and muffled laughter filtering through their door.  It was good to hear his brother well and happy again after the ordeal he suffered in San Francisco.  'Had four months already past since then?' He thought.


Down the hall Hope was also up and about.  She looked with an artist's eye out her window.  The dawn's light was the most perfect light to get the scene she wanted and Hope wouldn't let the moment escape.  She impatiently tied her robe around her waist, gathered up her pencil box and sketch pad, and brazenly climbed out her bedroom window onto the flat roof of the porch.  Her bare feet smarted on the rough roof shingles, but she wasn't going to let that stop her from capturing the Eastern sky on her paper.  She thought if her efforts were of any worth then she would send it to her family in Boston.  She had sketched several scenes from Stockton, the school and the main street so that her family could see her newly adopted home.  She started to sketch the Barkley Mansion but wasn't quite satisfied with the results as yet.  Her younger brother Liam wanted her to send pictures of cowboys and horses on a round up, but she never felt she drew living beings very well, so to appease him she sent him books about the west.  The fresh morning air inspired her to start her drawing.


Once back in his room, Heath stood with arms raised, leaning on the window frame to catch a deep breath of the early morning dew.  Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed at a curious sight, ten little toes attached to two small feet.  He stuck his head out and smiled at the sight of Hope sitting with her sketch pad, busily scribbling away, her glasses sliding down her nose with each brisk stroke.  Heath grabbed his burgundy shirt, buttoned a few quick buttons and stretched over the windowsill feet first to join her on the roof..


"Good morning!" 


Hope glanced up from her work and grinned widely.  "Good morning to you!"


"Can I see whatcha doing there?"


"It's not much but help yourself."  She pushed the sketch pad in his hand as he sat beside her.  The drawing was of the Eastern sky and the sun rising above the lake before them.


"You're good."


"Thank you."


"Think you'll be putting color to it?"


"Maybe, if I think it's good enough."


"I think it is."


"Then I'll put color to it."  She smiled agreeably.


"I bet it will be as fine a picture as in any art gallery."


"I thank you kindly sir."


"Do you have any pictures of your home?"


"Yes, when I first came out here I drew quite a few.  It made me miss home a little less."


"Sure would like to see them sometime.  Never been that far East."


"I'd be glad to show you when we get back to Stockton."


"I'll hold you to that."  He smiled generously and then looked out onto the vista she was capturing on paper.  Hope took in his form from the corner of her eye.  She thought she would like to draw him one day.  His quiet steady countenance fascinated her artist's eye, but how could she, when his handsome, virile face made her woman's heart quicken.


"So," Hope began after shading a tree in her sketch, "you like mornings do you?"


"Always have."


"Me too.  Seems like everything's ripe and fresh and perfect, and I can just enjoy a few moments of it before I mess it up."


"Yeah, morning's good like that.  Don't have ta worry, don't have ta fuss, just get to enjoy it.  Special.  Sometimes evenings can be like that, but all your mistakes are already done, so it's harder."


"I know what you mean.  When the air's a little cooler, when the sun's still getting up itself, it's nice to breathe and take it all in.  Just sit there, quiet, and relish the day yet to come."




Heath and Hope sat quietly on the roof top together enjoying the beauty of the brand new day before them and the quiet company.  Beneath them the squeak of a screen door sounded and the other couple in the house sat on the double porch swing, enjoying their coffee and quiet conversation.


"I love this swing."  She said as she cuddled in her husband's strong arms.


"You know, we saw this in one of those catalogs and I was going to order it, but Heath said we could build one even better, so we did."


"When did you find time to do all this?"


"I hired me a crew.  Me and Heath would come up here and oversee the work, just to make sure it was going along as planned."


"And how did you do that without my knowledge?"


"You know all those buying trips my brother and I went on and came back empty handed?"


"Now why didn't I notice that?"  She laughed.


"Because you've been too busy with that damnable library.  Which reminds me...."


"Nick, don't start!"


"What do you mean don't start?  Just what are you planning on doing with this baby; bring it to the library with you?"


"Why not?"


"Because it's ridiculous that's why not!  A baby belongs home with it's mother; who should be home taking care of it and not working at a job she doesn't need!  And don't think you're hiring a wet nurse because I won't have it!"


She stood bolt upright and glared down at her husband still sitting in the swing.  "YOU WON'T HAVE IT?"


Nick stood with his hands on his hips and glared down at her.  "YOU GOT THAT RIGHT WOMAN!"


Laura turned on her heels and flew into the house letting the screen door slam shut.  She was greeted by her mother-in-law.  "Good morning dear, you're up early."


"Good morning!  Victoria are you aware just what a stubborn pigheaded son you have?"


"Very aware.  I assume the son you're talking about is Nick, because all my sons are pigheaded."


"You assume correctly!  Excuse me!"  The angry young woman stormed up the stairs. 


Nick stomped into the house, scowled and pointed at his retreating wife.  "She is without a doubt the most stubborn pigheaded woman I have ever met!  Do you know what she wants to do?"


Victoria brought her hands up to stop him.  "No, and I don't want to know.  It's between the two of you.  I don't wish to get involved.  Now are you going to have breakfast?  I'm making flapjacks."


"No, yes, I'll have some!  Why should I suffer because of her!  Damn insufferable woman!"  He poured himself another cup of coffee and sat at the table.  Heath and Hope, having conceded to the first 'mess up' of the new day, joined them in the kitchen. 


"Good morning everyone."


"Good morning Sweetheart, Hope.  Coffee for you both?'


"I'll get it Mother.  Hope?"  He held out two coffee cups and grabbed the coffee pot from the stove.


"Yes please.  Can I help Mrs. Barkley?"


"You can set the table, dear."


"I've got the picnic hamper almost packed Mother."  Audra volunteered.


"Picnic lunch?  For what?"  Nick scowled.


"For our trip to Wallace for the fourth of July celebration.  Did you forget what day it was Nicholas?"


"Oh yeah, I forgot we were planning to go there.  Heath and I will saddle the horses after breakfast."  He cleaned up the last of his breakfast, gulped down a large portion of his coffee, then stood from the table.  "Excuse me."


He quickly left the kitchen area and bounded up the stairs to his bedroom.  Heath watched him.  "Now, either it's gonna be real quiet or real noisy in the next few minutes."  He sat beside Hope at the table.  "Care to make a bet which is it?"


"No thank you, I don't like the odds."  She winked.


Victoria began serving the flapjacks to the others at the table, "You can make a safe bet that those two will have made up by night fall."  She winked.



 * * * * * * * *



Several hours later the vacationers arrived in the township of Wallace to celebrate the 4th of July.  The large streets were teeming with pedestrians trying to avoid the firecrackers that the young boys threw.  All around people were smiling as they milled about the various open-air shops dotting the sidewalks and streets.  A man with a megaphone was barking out the next event for the crowd to enjoy:


"Come one, come all!  The rodeo is about to begin!  Right this way folks!" 


"How about we go see the rodeo Hope?"


"I would love to."  She joined her arm with his as they headed for the fairgrounds. 


Audra and Laura were inspecting the wares being sold.  Victoria watched from the sidewalk excitedly, and taking in all the festivities around her.  Nick stood leaning against a hitching post, wishing he hadn't come to the event in the first place.  He was in a foul mood because he wouldn't back down from an argument earlier, and his wife wasn't speaking to him.  If there was one thing Nick Barkley hated most it was people who wouldn't talk to him.  He could always hold his own in any argument, be it with a man or woman but the silent treatment was something he just couldn't abide.



What Nick didn't know was that Laura's silences weren't really a way to anger him, but her way of re-thinking the argument.  She hated being wrong, but when she suspected that Nick's argument was valid she would stop arguing and remain quiet.  It would take more years of married life for Nick to realize this characteristic in his wife, but in time he would.



"Nick!  Nick Barkley!  Is that you?  Oh, I can't believe it!"  A beautiful blonde woman threw her arms around him, hugging him soundly.  Nick smiled from the attention but wasn't sure who it was until he got a good look at the face, so he gently pulled from the grasp and held her out for a look.


"Teresa Anne!  How the hell are ya?"  He gave her a bear hug.  The woman was wearing a wrangler outfit, and had it not been for her shapely form and a long blonde pony tail protruding from her stetson, anyone would think she was a boy.


"As right as rain cowboy!  As right as rain!  Well, just look at you Barkley!  As handsome as ever!"  She slapped him on the back.


"Well, you haven't changed a bit yourself!  As pretty as ever!  Say what are you doing so far from home?"


"Not that far, I'm here visiting my Uncle Gus's spread, it's just twenty miles outside of town."


"Well, is that a fact?  Good for you!  I never expected to see you so far away from home."


"How about you?  Don't they have a fourth of July celebration in Stockton?"


"Well, yes we do.  My family and I come up here once a year, we have a fishing lodge at Indian Springs."


"Then we will be meeting more often, 'cause I travel up these parts a lot.  Hey how's that good looking brother of yours, Heath is it?"


"Yeah, that's right, he's here too, he just headed over to the rodeo."


"That's where I'm heading, a couple of my Uncle Gus's ranch hands are competing.  If ya play your cards right I just may let ya escort me."  She stood on his left and linked her arm in his.


"Ohh...well...  I'm afraid, I can't do that, sorry T.A."


"Whatcha mean ya can't?"  She said disappointed.


Laura appeared by Nick's right side and smiled at the woman.  "What my husband is clumsily trying to tell you is that he can't escort you today or any other."


"Nick!"  the girl squealed, "You're hitched!  Well, who woulda thought!  Someone finally hogtied Nick Barkley!  I'll be damned!"  She gave him a friendly punch on the arm. 


Nick laughed nervously.  "Yeah,...  I mean, NO!  Let me....Ah, ...This is my wife, ah..."


Laura gripped Nick's right arm, and continued to smile at the woman.  "The name's Laura, but you can call me Mrs. Barkley.  And you're...?" 


"Nick and I are old friends from way back, I'm a business acquaintance, the name's T.A.  Holcombe."


"Business?"  She eyed her suspiciously.  "Oh, I see."


"T.A., I mean, Miss Holcombe owns a spread near Cheyenne."  Nick volunteered.


"Really?"  She said icily through thin lips.


"So how long have you and Nick here been hitched, ...Mrs. Barkley?"


"Long enough."  She answered curtly. 


Nick interrupted in an attempt to defuse what was sounding like an explosive situation.  "Laura and I are expecting."  He said, for want of something to say.


"So that's how ya got old Nick hogtied!"  The female wrangler pulled back and gave out an unladylike belly laugh.


"I beg your pardon!"  Laura answered indignantly, then just as quickly composed herself.  "Tell me, Miss Holcombe, since you're an old business acquaintance of my husband's, I was wondering, does the T in your name stand for Trollop?"


The woman cut off her laugh in a choke and scowled, "What?"


Nick shielded his wife from the woman's wrath and pushed her away.  "Well, it was sure nice seeing ya again, T.  A., so long now."  He dragged Laura down the street and pushed her into the first available doorway.  "Are you out of your mind?  She coulda killed you!"


"Let that witch try!"  She swiftly pulled Nick's gun out of his holster, "I still know how to use one of these!" 


He quickly disarmed her, shoving the gun back in his holster.  "Would you behave!  Leave my gun alone!  Do you want to get arrested for shooting in the streets!  Blasted woman!"


"Who is that woman?"


"Like she said an old business acquaintance."


"Just what kind of business?  Or should I ask?"


"Chrissakes Woman, would you settle down!  I told you she owns a cattle ranch in Wyoming.  Heath and I met her at a cattle auction."


"She owns a cattle ranch?  A woman?"


"Well what's wrong with that?  You're always telling me a woman can do anything a man can!  I bet the two of you might get along pretty good, if ya had a mind to!"


"Why, so we can compare notes?"


"That's it!  I'm not talking about this with you!  Let's go!"  He took her arm, dragging her away.


"Where are we going?!"  She stopped walking and jerked her arm out of his grasp.


"To the rodeo!  Now lets go!"  She folded her arms across her bosom and stood in defiance, glaring angrily, which only caused him to fume more.  He moved closer until he towered over her.  "You got a choice, now you can either walk there or I can carry you!  Which is it?"  He growled in a low angry tone.


"You are a BULLY!"  Nick threw his arms up in the air in agreement.  She hotly moved past him.  He followed her out and they silently headed to the rodeo.



Part 17


The August heat was relentless and although much of the difficult ranch work was out of the way, the unforgiving heat made even the lightest chore hard.  However the oppressive heat did not diminish Nick Barkley's enthusiasm for this very special day, because today was his and Laura's first wedding anniversary, August 15th, and he had their special evening planned; a night time picnic at their favorite secret spot.  Victoria and Silas both helped Nick plan the menu of cold fried chicken, fresh garden salad and sparkling cider to wash it down.  Being that Laura was in her fifth month of pregnancy, the doctor had forbidden her to drink anything stronger than her morning coffee and even that he had warned her to curtail.


Silas tried his best to run his kitchen in an orderly fashion but Mr. Nick was making it very difficult for him that day, following him around like a nervous cat.  Silas added more sugar to the cream and expertly churned it.


"Are you sure that's going to be sweet enough Silas?  It's gotta be just perfect you know that!"


"Yas sir Mr. Nick I promise, it'al be perfect just like ya 'spect."  He prayed in rhythm to the churning that Mr. Nick would leave him be.


"And the strawberries are they all ready?"


"Yas sir Mr. Nick, chillin' in the ice box."


"Now they won't go bad in there will they Silas?  They've gotta be right perfect ya know."


"Yas sir Mr. Nick, I'sa promise ya, I swear it."


Victoria walked into the kitchen, spying on the scene, she anchored her hands on her hips.  "Nicholas Jonathan Barkley!  Just what are you doing to poor Silas?!  You leave him to his work!  It's much too hot to bother him with details, he knows exactly how you want everything, you have been after him for weeks!  Now you leave him be and busy yourself elsewhere on this ranch.  Get out of this kitchen now!"


"But Mother."


"Don't but mother me, GET!"  He left the kitchen without protest.


"Thank you Mrs. Barkley."


"You're welcome Silas, please don't work too hard, you really should go into your room and rest, it's much too hot in this kitchen."


"Now ya know Missus I'm use to da heat, I'm just gonna finish up this here whippin' cream for Mr. Nick then I'm done."


"Good, but please do rest after that Silas, I insist."


"Yes ma'am."



 * * * * * * * *



On the veranda, Laura was laying on a wicker chaise lounge, eyes closed, fanning herself.  A young Spanish girl about seventeen sat by her side, pouring lemonade in a glass.  The girl was Ciego's niece, Guadalupe Santiago, and she had been hired to help Silas in the kitchen with the intention of being a nanny for the new baby when it was born.  But she spent much of her time with her mistress since Silas wasn't amicable to having anyone in his kitchen.  The two women spent much of the time chatting and preparing for the new arrival.


"Would you like more Senora Nick?"  She offered her a cooling glass.


"No thank you Lupe, not just now, but do help yourself."  Nick joined the two women.


"Well look at Milady, cooling herself in the garden."


"Not much else to do my Love.  What are you doing?"


"Gettin' in the way it seems, so I'll just join ya for a glass of lemonade."


"Good.  Would you pour Mr. Nick a drink Lupe, please?  Then why don't you take your siesta, it's really too hot to do anything else."


"I can do that myself Lupe why don't you go now, thanks."  Nick grabbed the pitcher and glass from the young girl.


"Si Senor.  I will be in the nursery if you need me Senora Nick."  Laura sleepily nodded her approval to the girl.


Nick took the seat that the young girl vacated and took a generous gulp.  "Far cry from a year ago wouldn't ya say sweetheart?"


"Yes, I sure don't remember our wedding day being this hot, do you?"


"Well,.  I remember working up a good sweat!"  He chuckled.


"Are we thinking about the same thing?"  She eyed him suspiciously.


"I was thinking what happened right after we were married.  We both worked up a good sweat!"


"You would think of that.  I was thinking about before we were married."


"Honey there was nothin' before we were married."  He leaned over and smacked her cheek with a wet kiss.


"So what surprises do you have planned for us?"


"In due time my dear, in due time!"


Mine too, in due time."  She smiled and rubbed her small, protruding tummy.  His hand covered hers, and he leaned over to kiss her stomach.


"Nick, someone might see."  She chided, but truly loved the attention he had given her these last few months when they found out they were expecting.  Nick was so very attentive that on occasion he had slacked off work around the ranch to be close to his growing family.


"Shouldn't you be upstairs resting?"


"It's cooler here.  Shouldn't you be working?"


"I am working.  Ciego told me this morning that Daisy is showing all the signs of foaling so I'm checking up on her."


"And when did you look in on her last?"


"Ciego's with her."


"And you call that working, huh?"


"Yup.  I'm the boss and a good boss knows how to delegate responsibility.  Besides I got you to watch over too."


"I've got some time before I 'foal' thank you."  She said with a warm smile. 


Nick laughed.  "This will be Tipper's first off spring and all yours like I promised."  He assured her.


"Do you think she'll foal tonight?"


"Well Daisy has been kinda restless, pacing in her stall, eating a little bit, then pacing around in circles.  Ciego said he noticed her pawing at her bedding, but it could still be hours before anything happens."


"No signs of contractions?"  She asked concerned.


"No, not yet.  I'm hoping it won't be tonight, because I don't want anything to spoil my plans."


"What do you have planned Nick Barkley?"


"Never you mind, you'll find out tonight and not before."  He grinned slyly.



 * * * * * * * *



Eight o'clock that evening found Nick rushing into the kitchen dressed in a clean white shirt and black string tie.  "Silas!  Have ya got everything?!" 


Silas handed him a large wicker basket.  "All right 'ere Mr. Nick just like ya ordered."


"Perfect Silas, thanks." 


Heath walked into the kitchen, grabbed a peach from a bowl on the table and stared at his brother.  "Boy howdy, where are you going all prettied up like that?"


"I have a date with the most beautiful girl in the valley."


"Your wife know?"  Heath said with impish glee and got an angry glare for his trouble.


"Shut up!  There is no other as far as I'm concerned!  Stand aside peasant!  I'm off to see Milady!"


Heath moved to one side as Nick brushed past him holding the filled picnic basket.  Heath couldn't resist a little more teasing so he quickly followed his older brother who had positioned himself at the foot of the grand staircase, looked up and yelled, "LAURA!  LET'S GO!"


"Well if that ain't Romeo callin' out ta Juliet I don't know what is, yes siree.  Romance is in the air on the Barkley Ranch."


Nick gave him a critical eye, "Heath when are ya gonna learn ya not funny!"  He shook his head as he looked expectantly to the top of the stairs.  "Women, they take forever!"


Heath threw a peach to Nick who deftly caught it in his hand, "Better eat somethin' no tellin' how long your date's gonna be."


"I suppose."  He took a bite of his peach and placed the picnic hamper on the hall table.  He followed Heath into the parlor.


"Good peaches huh?"


"The best we've had in years."


"So what are we gonna do about the shipping contract for our new buyer?"


"What shipping contract?" 


"The one we need and don't have."  Heath lazily sat on a chair and threw his leg over the arm rest.  "You do realize we can't ship without one, don't you?"


"Of course I know that!"


"Could ask Jarrod."  Heath said studying the peach in his hand.


"We could, but we're not."


"Why not?  He's done all of our others, and his lawyer's prices are right."


"I'd rather pay for a lawyer."


"Then pay Jarrod and keep it in the family."


Nick threw the spent peach pit in the fireplace.  "Why are you bringing this up?  Do you always have to ruin my good mood?"  He began to pace the floor.  "What's keeping that woman!"


"Nick I haven't seen you in a good mood since Frisco.  This whole thing with you and Jarrod has gone on long enough."  Heath threw his peach pit in the fireplace and stood with his hands resting on his belt.


He quickened his pace, muttering under his breath.  "All right!  Ya got something to say, then say it!  I know it's been sticking in your craw for weeks, so spit it out!"


'The whole family has been hurt by this Nick.  You need to make peace with Jarrod."




"Why the hell are you so damn stubborn?  Look, I don't know what you think you saw in that cave in, but it was dark, you were far away!"


"I know what I saw!"


"What did you see Nick?  For once tell me what you think you saw."  Nick stood in front of his brother with a scowl on his face.


"Jarrod is in love with my wife!  He was on top of her, kissing her!"


"How do you know he wasn't there shielding her from the blast?"


"Her clothes were ripped off!"


"He ripped her clothes to make bandages, and if he hadn't done it then the two of them woulda bled to death.  Would you prefer that?"


He turned his back on Heath, his hands on his hips.  "You don't understand.  Jarrod's been in love with her since he first laid eyes on her."


"Aw come on Nick, look, when Laura first came to this valley, every man in the valley was after her, including me and Jarrod and you; but she chose you, so that's the end of it.  You can't believe either one of us is secretly in love with her can you?"


"I know what I saw!"  He turned angrily toward his brother.


"I don't think you do."


"They were kissing!"


"You don't know that!  It was too dark to see anything.  Don't forget you were tired and afraid, we both were.  Maybe you just imagined seeing it."  Heath said in another attempt to reason with his brother.


"No!  I didn't imagine any of it!"  He shook his head while he walked away.  Heath moved closer placing a calming arm on his shoulder, Nick whirled around angrily and grabbed Heath by the shirt collar, when suddenly the front door burst open and Ciego excitedly ran in.


"Senor Nick!  Senor Nick!"


"What is it?"


"Iz Daisy, she foalin', come quick!"


Nick let go of his brother and rushed out following the gardener.



 * * * * * * * *



By the time Nick arrived in the barn with Ciego, the mare was rolling on the straw nest in her stall.  This action was to get the foal in position for birth.  After several rolls the mare stood and began to pace.


"Get the rakes, we'll muck out the stall and give her more hay before she has a chance to lay down."  Nick ordered.  Ciego quickly complied and the two men cleaned out the stall.  The mare impatiently watched them as she paced and pawed at her bedding.


"Easy now girl, give us a minute to clean your bed for ya.  I know you're anxious.  Quick Ciego, get more clean straw before she lays down."  Ciego moved fast and threw a pitchfork of straw into the stall.  Daisy pawed at the new straw then laid herself down in her newly cleaned nesting bed.  She rolled a few times for good measure then lay quiet. 


"I t'ink Senor Nick, she iz gonna have a good time of it."


"Lets hope so Ciego."  Nick pulled off his gloves and proceeded to wash his hands with the soap and water that Ciego had prepared earlier for the foaling occasion.  After he cleaned his hands he knelt by the horse and palpated the mare to feel the position of the foal; by this time the animal laid rigid grunting with active contractions.


"How iz she Senor Nick?"


"Well positioned, this should be easy but it's best to be prepared just in case.  I want you to get the tincture of iodine."


"Here it iz.."  Ciego handed him the bottle.


"Good.  Where's the towels?"


"In the tack room.  I git dem."


Laura walked into the barn.  After Heath told her that Nick was with the pregnant mare, she changed out of her dress and into ranch clothes so she could join her husband.


"I see you stood me up for another pregnant female."


"Honey, you shouldn't be here."


"Why not?  I've seen a mare foal before.  I even assisted once."  She leaned over the stall and watched the mare as she stood up again and paced.


"And where did you assist in foaling?  Your fancy boarding school I suppose?"  He smirked as he stood by her watching the mare.


"As a matter of fact, that's exactly where I did it, so there!"


"Now this I gotta hear!  Tell me."


"I was assigned to care for the school's mounts my last year in school."

"You?!  Are you telling me you mucked out stalls with those dainty little tea pouring fingers of yours?"


"Among other things."  She smirked back, leaning her chin on her forearms.


"And how did you get that job?"  He snickered.


"Well..., it was sort of a punishment for borrowing a few horses without permission."  She said guiltily with downcast eyes.


Nick gave out a loud laugh.  "Oh yeah, Aunt Polly told me about the time you were caught horse stealing."


"I was NOT caught horse stealing!"  She straightened, glowering indignantly, "I just borrowed a few mounts for myself and my friends to ride."


"Uh huh."  He laughed and draped his arm around her shoulder.  "Don't you worry now Honey, I never told anyone in the family I married a horse thief."  She playfully slapped his arm when he gave another hardy laugh.  Then he walked into the stall as Daisy stood up yet again.  He patted the horse and bent down to check on the position of the foal when the mare's water broke sending the spray all over Nick's head. 


His wife gave out a loud guffaw and Ciego joined her in the merriment.  "Ah Senor Nick...!" 


"Say another word and YOU'RE FIRED!  DAMN FEMALES!"  He stood and took the towel Ciego quickly offered his boss.  Daisy laid down in her stall and began grunting with contractions.  Nick glared at his wife, "And you Miss Expert horse woman, get over here and help me with this mare!"


"Yes sir."  She smiled and knelt by the horse's neck, Nick took the position at the bottom.  "See anything yet?"


"Not yet.  No wait, I think it's starting."  A whitish translucent 'bubble' appeared after several contractions.  Laura moved to Nick's side.  "There it is, you see it?"  Nick smiled.  A small hoof pointed out.  "Won't be long now."


"That's a girl Daisy, push it out, come on girl you can do it!  I see the other hoof!"


"Good, it won't be long now!  Ciego!  Get some of that grease and give it to Mrs. Barkley!  Laura, you're hands are smaller; see if you can put your hands in and guide the foal out!  Quick!  It looks like he's stuck."


She held out her hands as Ciego slapped some of the wax-like substance on them.  "Now don't pull on the leg, Nick warned.  "Just help guide the head out, but don't force it now."


"I won't.  Come on baby, come on out and see the world, that's it."  The foal's head slid out easily as she guided it along. 


"Beautiful honey, ya got him!  Great job!"  Nick quickly tore open the amniotic sac around the foal's head so he could start breathing.  "Ciego get more towels then clean up the mare; you know what to do."


Nick placed the foal on his breastbone with his legs out.  Then both he and Laura rubbed down the animal to help stimulate circulation and dry him.  While Ciego attended to the mare.

"Ciego how's the mare doing?"


"Very good Senor, she iz just about cleaned out.  Ciego do good job."


"Get me the iodine."  Nick took the offered bottle of iodine from the Mexican and proceeded to clean the broken umbilical cord with the mixture.  Gimme the belly band."  Nick tied a clean strip of cloth around the middle of the colt to cover the cord.


"Now I've never seen that done before.  Where did you ever get that idea?"  Wondered Laura.


"Well, I've seen doctors do it to babies, figured it should work for foals as well, just to keep the cord from getting infected.  It won't stay on long because his mama will take it off, but it will keep it a bit clean until then."


She smiled at him, "You know you're brilliant!"


"Of course I do, why did it take you so long?!"  He smiled teasingly.  "you keep wiping the colt down, I'm gonna help Ciego clean up the afterbirth."


After the cleaning was finished they both sat down in the stall to admire the colt.  "Well Mrs. Barkley he's your colt; what are ya gonna name him?"


She placed her arm around his neck and gave him a kiss on the sweat-smeared cheek.  "I'm going to name him after you."


"Oh no you don't!  I'm not gonna have a horse named Nick running around on my ranch!"


"Who said I was going to name him Nick, I'm going to name him Hero, after you, my hero."


Nick smiled at her, "You know Milady, you're really something.  I'm proud of the way you handled yourself.  I'm sure glad they taught ya something useful at that school ya went to besides pouring tea."


"You play your cards right cowboy and I'll show you something else they taught me."


"Really?"  He snickered.  "And just what is that?"


"Come in the house and I'll show you."



 * * * * * * * *



The weary, sweaty couple entered the upstairs bathroom.  Nick began the water for the tub.


"I'll get the towels and a change of clothes for you."


"Get them for yourself too."


"Well, you're going to wash first."


"Nope we wash together.  I can't have me smelling like a rose and you smelling like a barn."


"But what if someone wants to use the..."


"They can use Silas' downstairs or one of the outhouses near the bunkhouses.  Now git!"  He gave her a short kiss on her cheek.


By the time she came back with the clothes and towels, Nick had already undressed and was soaking in the tub.  She was wearing a robe over her underwear.  "Well, look at you Mr. Barkley, already smelling better."  She placed the clothes on a counter and knelt by the tub.  She reached in, grabbed the soap and the sponge and started to lather him up, washing his neckline and chest first.  He dunked his head in the water, and came up dripping.  She started to wash his hair.  "Have to get all that nasty smell out.  I can't believe you were foolish enough to get under a mare about ready to foal."  She chuckled.


"That's what I get for trying to help a female."


"Oh is that so?  My poor sweetheart, you just don't get any respect from females do you?"


"As long as I get it from you."  He grabbed her robe with two wet hands and pulled it away.  She let it slip off her shoulders onto the floor.  He smiled at her laced up camisole, " Mmm, I do like those satin ribbons."  He began to untie it and pulled the ribbon through the eyelets.


"Now, I wish you wouldn't do that, I have a devil of a time putting those strings back into the little holes."  She smiled as he slipped the ribbon through the last eyelet exposing her creamy, full breasts.


"Do my eyes deceive me or are those beauties getting bigger?"  His smile widened.


"Why my love, that's one of the little bonuses of being an expectant mother."


"Oh yeah, God is good, yes, indeed; He even thought of expectant fathers."  Nick cupped her breasts in his hands and tenderly kissed each one.  "Get in here, now!"  He held out his hands to help her into the tub.


"Now honey, we really shouldn't do this.  What if someone wakes up?"


"I said NOW!"  She pulled down her pantaloons, exposing her protruding tummy.


"I'm so big I might not fit in there with you," she lamented, knowing it would evoke a compliment from him.


"You're perfect and beautiful.  Give me your hands so I can help you in."  He watched cautiously as she stepped into the bath.  He moved to give her room as she sat opposite him.


"The water feels wonderful.  We haven't done this since our honeymoon." 


"It's your own fault, there were several times we could have, but you refused."


"And I should have refused this time.  We're taking an awful chance."


"Why do I have to keep reminding you that ..."


"...We're married.  Yes, I know."  She smiled and moved closer to kiss him, "I'm so lucky."


"Me too."  He took the soap and sponge, lathered it up and began to wash her in the same fashion that she had washed him.



Part 18


November 13th was Nick's birthday.  The family had decided to have a huge birthday party and invite all of Stockton.  When the last of the guests had left Nick decided to enjoy a box of cuban cigars that Jarrod had sent him for his birthday in his absence.  Although it was a briskly cold November night, he stood outside on the veranda enjoying his smoke.  Heath, pulled off his string tie, unbuttoned his vest and joined his brother outside.


"Mind if I share one of those?"


"Help yourself.  It's a fine smoke."  Heath helped himself to the cigar box that sat on the table with the other gifts.  He cut the nib off with a cigar clip, lit it and joined Nick. 


Heath took a long puff of the cigar.  "Fine smoke."


"Yup.  Hope all settled in the guest room?"


"Yeah, she and Laura are up there now having a hen party, talkin' about past times."


"Audra's not with them?"


"Nah, she's plumb tuckered out.  She danced with every manjack in the valley at least twice tonight."


"Yeah I know, Carl was none too pleased with her either.  Seems they had another falling out tonight."


"Ah, they'll make up."


"People who love each other always do."  Heath took another long puff, staring out into the night.  Nick eyed his brother with suspicion, but said nothing.  "Sure was good of Pappy to remember your birthday."


"Pappy never forgets my birthday, why I remember the time he came home from school for my sixteenth birthday.  The headmaster was all angry 'cause he had missed some test he was supposed to take, but Jarrod told him he wasn't gonna miss his little brother Nicky's sixteenth birthday.  He stopped calling me Nicky that year."




"Cause I told him to!  Said I was gonna bust him if he didn't.  I was sixteen, thought I was a man then, but I was nowhere near a man.  I don't think I really ever took on being a man until Father died.  If it wasn't for old McCall helping me back then, I don't know what I woulda done.  Twenty-two and running a ranch this big by myself; like ta have scared the crap outta me.  I really needed Jarrod then.  He was my rock, always encouraging me, telling me, "You can do it Nick!  I know you can!  You know this ranch better than any man!"  He breathed out a long sigh.


"Ya miss him, doncha?"


"Whadaya want from me Heath?  He's still my brother."


"I overheard Mother talkin' to Silas this afternoon when they were getting the food prepared for the party.  Silas was cutting up the turkey for sandwiches and he talked about Thanksgiving.  It's coming up real soon."


"I know that."


"Mother wants to invite Jarrod and Carol this year."


"She can if she wants, it's her house too."


"Maybe you should tell her that, because she doesn't know how you feel about it.  How long has it been Nick, eight months now?  As long as Laura's been in a family..."  Suddenly Heath stood rigid and stared at his brother.  "My God Nick!  Is that what this is all about?  You think Jarrod mighta fathered this baby?"


He threw his cigar on the ground and grabbed Heath by the lapels of his jacket.  "I'll kill you if you say that again!  I swear I'll kill you!" 


Heath grit his teeth and angrily pushed him away, "Why not?  You think it don't you?  That's what this is all about.  You don't know for sure?  This whole thing has been eating you inside.  Laura really doesn't remember what happened cause she was so weak, and you can't forget what you think you saw.  But even you're not sure are you?  She can't tell and Jarrod won't!  That's what this is all about."


"SHUT UP!  Shut up you lying bastard!"  Nick swung at him but Heath ducked, causing Nick to fall into the white column of the house. 


Heath stood with his fists clenched, his face red with rage at being called that name.  "Then what do you believe Nick?  Isn't that why you're making everyone around you miserable?" 


He staggered a bit then stood up to his six foot two frame, shaking his downcast head, "I don't know."  Nick fell to his knees and began to weep; Heath was at his side immediately, embracing his stricken brother.  "I'm, ..I'm sorry Heath, ...I didn't mean to call you that...."


"Nick!  ....Aw God Nick!"  Tears flowed out as he hugged his anguished brother.


"I don't know what to do Heath...  I don't know what to do." 


Heath clung tightly to his big brother, sharing the anquish he felt in his own heart.  "We need to talk Nick.  Whadaya say?"  Nick nodded his head.  Heath hugged his brother reassuredly and patted him on the back.  The two walked away into the night.



 * * * * * * * *



Jarrod had acquired the habit of getting the mail before his wife as she had an annoying habit of opening every piece of mail that came into the house whether it was addressed to her or not, and there were just some things he didn't want her to know about.


"Here's your mail Mister Barkley, mostly bills but there is a letter from Stockton so it's not all bad."


"Well thank you Mister Cheevers, you've brightened up an otherwise dreary day."  The handsome lawyer smiled while he closed the large oak door.


"How's the Missus?"  The postman said as the door was closing on him.


"The Missus is just fine thank you Mister Cheevers.  Good day."  Jarrod said through the crack in the door, finally closing it, "Old busybody," he mumbled as he took the mail into his office, and threw it on the desk.  Finding a letter opener he searched first for the Stockton letter.  The letter had been addressed to he alone by his Mother's fine hand. 


My darling Son,


 I hope this letter find's both you and dear Carol well.  The news here is mostly good.  First off I am quite certain that Heath is going to ask Hope to marry him.  He hasn't said so in so many words; you know Heath, but I guess you can put it up to a Mother's intuition.  Hope is such a lovely girl; I know that she fits him perfectly, just like my Nick and Laura.  Speaking of Laura, poor dear, she is healthy, but uncomfortable.  She doesn't sleep well as she is great with child, so she is a bit irritable; both she and Nick are quite anxious for this babe to be born.  Of course I also relish the day when I can hold my first grandchild in my arms.


 The Harvest Festival came and went without much incident, thank God; certainly not like last year.  This year Hope organized a craft booth with crafts made by the school children, and they were allowed to keep whatever monies they earned from the sale of the crafts.  Hope thought, and rightly so, that the children would learn the discipline of hard work and "getting paid for their endeavors" as she put it.  Laura wanted to organize a donation booth again for the library, but Nick really put his foot down this year and she finally relented, but not without much argument as you can imagine with those two.  Nick seems to be winning most of the arguments these days as the poor girl is too weary to keep up with him and his rantings; but I'm sure it won't last.


 Of course we are looking forward to this Thanksgiving.  It can only be an improvement from last year.  And we will certainly have a full house, especially with you and dear Carol coming.  I am so looking forward to it, but I do wish you would reconsider and stay at the ranch, you know we have plenty of room and you and Carol can stay in your old room, just say the word and I'll have it opened up and freshened for you both.


The sound of the front door opening and closing caused the attorney to look up.




"I'm here darling."  C.B.  walked into the parlor.  "How did you make out with Judge Rodgers?"


"Well, I was fortunate today, he actually gave me a continuance, granted it's only four days but it's enough time for us to take that trip to Sacramento for the holiday.  I can't wait."  She pulled off her coat and hat, hanging them on the coat rack by the door.  Jarrod had held off telling his wife about being invited home for Thanksgiving, but he knew he couldn't avoid it any longer.


"Darling do you mind if we skip going to Sacramento this Thanksgiving?  I know we talked about it, but..."


"Why on earth should we?  We've been planning this for some time Jarrod.  We promised the Wellingtons that we would go there, and the Governor is having that huge party."


"I know dear, but; well, I just got a letter from Mother and she's expecting us to go home for Thanksgiving."


"Stockton is not our home!  Oh really J.T.  why would you subject yourself to your miserable family?"


"Carol!  They are my family and I thank you to not refer to them in that tone!"


"I'm sorry, you're right of course.  I should have said your miserable brother.  That fool still blames you for that stupid wife of his leaving him."


"C.B.  please.  That is all forgotten now, in the past."


"Is it?  Well, I haven't forgotten how he came after you in the hospital, trying to tear you limb from limb."


"I am sure Nick has forgotten all about that."


"He has treated you shamefully and you have been nothing but kind to him and that wife of his.  Your brother is just jealous of you and your success."


"My brother is not exactly a bum.  He runs a fifty thousand acre ranch and at a very tidy profit I might add.  Not many men could boast of such a feat.  And he didn't come by it easy I'll have you know."


"Well, it's too bad your brother doesn't share a mutual admiration with you." 


"Oh he does, trust me on that." 


C B.  pushed back the chair her husband was sitting on at the desk and set herself comfortably on his lap.  She ran her long fingers through his raven black hair.  "I love you Jarrod Thomas Barkley.  You make me crazy, but I love you."  She gave him a long, lingering kiss then sighed, "All right, we'll go to Stockton and spend Thanksgiving with your family, but I refuse to stay under the same roof with that overbearing, loud mouth brother of yours!"


"I think I can arrange that without much of a problem.  I'll make reservations for a suite at the Cattlemen's.  It's the finest hotel in Stockton."


"It had better be, or you're going to owe me a champagne and lobster dinner at The Palace when we come back."  She warned.


"It's a deal."  He smiled up at her.  "Now let's see what Mrs. Tam has for dinner, shall we?"



 * * * * * * * *



He snored and then snorted when something brushed his upper lip.  Another annoyance disrupted his slumber; he moved to slap it away but slapped himself awake instead.  "Damnit."  He mumbled then closed his eyes again.  A warm gentle breeze entered his ear.  He covered his ear with his hand.  A soft finger traced his lips, and again he swatted it away with his hand.  The fingertip traced the line of his lips again, this time he pulled his pillow over his head.  He felt the pillow being forced up and out of his grasp.




"Go away."




"I said, go away!"


"Nick, I need to speak to you."


"Not now, I'm trying to sleep."


"I love you Nick."


"If you loved me you'd let me sleep!"


"Niiiccckkk?"  She whined.


"Aww Hell!  What is it?"  He propped himself on his elbows and scowled at his wife, who was sitting up in bed. 


"I want to talk."


"Why is it that women always want to talk after?"


"Why is it men always want to sleep after?"


"Because we do most of the work!"  He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.


"I resent that!  I do my share!  Can I help it if I can't move around as well?  Just look at me, I'm huge!"  She placed both hands on her stomach.


Nick sat up and propped his pillows up behind him so he could sit up in bed.  "Aw blasted!  I shoulda seen this coming!  What time is it?"  He reached over to glance at his pocket watch.  "One thirty!  Alright what do you want to talk about at this hour?"  He folded his arms in front of him, his hair falling in his eyes.








"You know if ya didn't take all those cat naps during the day you could sleep at night."


"If I could sleep at night, I wouldn't have to take cat naps during the day!  You try sleeping with this huge mound in front of you!"  She looked forlornly at her swollen stomach.


"Alright, I'm sorry, go ahead, talk, I'm listening."  He huffed rolling his eyes.


"Do you think it's easy carrying all this extra weight around?"  She continued without acknowledging his surrender.  "I don't even walk anymore!  I waddle like a duck!  Waddle, waddle, waddle."


"Now...  ya don't waddle like a duck ....much."  He snickered under his breath.  She swatted his arm.  "Alright, I'm sorry!"  He muffled another laugh. 


"I want to talk to you and you're making jokes!"


"Sorry this is the best I can do at one thirty in the morning!"  he yawned.  "Now, you said you wanted to talk about Thanksgiving.  What about it?"


"Well, today is Thanksgiving."


"You woke me up out of a sound sleep to tell me that?  You sure do like to live dangerously woman!"


She smiled at his threat, "You always make me laugh, do you know that?"


"Good!  Let me make you laugh with my snoring, good night!"  He punched his pillow and lay back down.  She pulled on his arm.


"Come on Honey, I want to talk."


He settled himself comfortably in his pillow.  "Talk, I'm listening."


"I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you let your Mother invite Jarrod and Carol to celebrateThanksgiving with us.  Heath said they arrived yesterday and are staying at the Cattlemen's.  Too bad they couldn't stay here; but Heath said that they preferred to stay in town.  Heath said Carol told him she felt more comfortable there.  What do you suppose she meant by that?"


"I don't know; why don't you go across the hall to Heath's room and ask him!"


"Nick, be serious.  Heath's sleeping."


"Yeah, ....'cause he's not married."  He mumbled.


"What was that?"


"Nothing, go to sleep."  She slid down in the bed and reached over to touch his broad shoulder.  "You have reconciled with Jarrod haven't you?  You will be civil to him when he gets here won't you?"


He rolled over to stare at her.  "I said I would didn't I?"


"Everything is fine now with you and Jarrod isn't it?  I don't know what Heath said to you but I'm so glad he finally got through.  God bless Heath." 


"God blessed Heath already 'cause he's sleeping.  I'm not!"


She ignored his remark and sighed, "I do feel better now about everything, don't you?"


"Yeah."  He turned away and fluffed the pillows under his head.  She leaned over and kissed his cheek.


"I love you.  Good night."


"Love you too.  G'night."  She turned over and settled into bed to sleep. 


After several restless minutes Nick sat up and swung his legs over the bed.  He gave out a long sigh.  "Sonofabitch, now I can't sleep," he mumbled under his breath.


He grabbed his robe from the chair and slid into his slippers.  He gave a look of disdain to his wife who was fast asleep, then left the bedroom to head downstairs.



 * * * * * * * *



In the parlor, he poured himself a drink, sat on a chair and stretched his long legs out before him.

"Heath said this and Heath said that..."  he mimicked his wife's words. 


* * * * *


They had come to blows on his birthday but just as quickly made up.  Heath had led him out to the barn for a brother to brother talk.  The two men leaned across the stall, watching the new three month colt that Nick and Laura helped bring into the world.


"Good looking animal."  Heath choked out trying to regain control of the raw emotions the two had shared.


"Yup."  Nick readily agreed through dried tears.


 "Tipper's first huh?  Sure don't look like him.  Don't look like Daisy either.  Kinda looks a bit like Coco doncha think?"


"Ya think?" 




"Well ya know it can't be Coco's, he's a gelding."


"Yup, he is.  Still looks like him though."


The two brothers stood, watching the colt, and smoking their cigars, neither saying a word for a long time; each with their own thoughts.  Heath prayed silently to himself that this time he could get through to his thick headed brother.


"It reminds me; once I saw a picture of Audra when she was a baby."


Nick smiled, "Yeah, she was a pretty little thing I remember."


"I found this picture of me and Mama when I was a baby too, and I showed it to Mother and ya know what?"




"She said that Audra and I could have passed for twins, we looked so much alike."


"Yeah?  How come you never showed me that picture?"


"A man doesn't go around showing off his baby pictures, ya know."


"Speaking of baby pictures, I caught our mother showing my baby pictures to Laura.  The two of them had their heads together giggling like two school girls."


"You musta been one funny looking kid, huh Nick?"  Nick stood up and glared at him.


"I'll have you know I was a beautiful baby!  Why I won a beautiful baby contest once during the 4th of July celebration."  He bragged.


"You won a beautiful baby contest?!  You?"


"That's right!  Me!  Beat that!"


"Hell, musta been some ugly babies born that year in town."  Nick gave Heath a swat across the head, but he ducked down, causing his older brother to swing at the air. 


The two brothers laughed good naturedly, then stood quiet again watching the young colt.  Heath secretly said another silent prayer.  Finally Nick was the one who broke the silence.


"How am I gonna know Heath?"  The blued eyed brother thought long and hard before he answered, praying to the heavens.  Then he uttered one word:




"Faith?"  Nick said questioning.  Heath looked sincerely into his brother's eyes and simply nodded.


 * * * * *


Nick finished his drink and sat quietly, staring into the fire; dried tears streaked his cheeks.




