By Mrs. Nick B

Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.


Chapter 1

Two o clock in the afternoon and a train whistles in the distance, as the local barber locks his shop for the day. He's a short thin man, unremarkable in appearance, except for a thick, graying handlebar mustache, and sad, grey eyes. Even though a barber, his own appearance is somewhat unkempt, with unruly hair sticking out of his small grey hat. After securing the shop door, he places his key, attached to a vest chain, in his gray plaid vest pocket. An impeccably, well dressed man stops in front of the shop claiming to be in need of a hair cut.

“Carson, I was just dropping in for a hair cut, why are you closing so early, are you ill?”

“Not at all, Jarrod, in fact I've never felt better. Do you hear that train whistle? My daughter Laura is on that train, coming home,” the barber smiles at the blue eyed gentleman.

“Ah, for a visit?” the handsome lawyer inquires.

“No, she is here to stay,” was the answer. “...coming back from that school I sent her to in San Francisco.”

“That was some time ago, wasn’t it Carson, I don’t think I remember her.”

“Well, when I moved to Stockton she was only here for a very short time before I sent her there, twelve years now. She doesn’t know anyone here. Listen Jarrod, why don’t you come with me to greet her?”

“Oh no,” Jarrod grins, “ I couldn’t intrude on your reunion. Another time perhaps.”

“Please, I would love for you to join us, Laura knows no one here, she has to start meeting people if she’s going to live here, and who better than one of Stockton’s most prominent citizen, huh?”

“Well, I’m flattered Carson,” taking the barber’s bait, “since it looks like I won’t be getting a hair cut today, I will go along just to say hello and welcome the young lady to Stockton.”

They walk across the boardwalk to the train depot. Jarrod remembers a time when the train was not always a welcomed sight with many of the townsfolk, but that was a different day, and this train was bringing a new citizen to its fair city, perhaps a lovely new lady that he and his brothers could vie for. He would have fun at dinner tonight teasing his brothers about the pretty young thing that he was privileged to meet before them. His younger brothers always seem to attract the loveliest ladies around, this time he would get first choice at the new attraction, he grinned to himself..

At the depot, the anxious barber and the gentlemen lawyer watch for the special passenger, when suddenly a well dressed blonde woman alights the train, she wears a dark blue traveling dress, and carries a rose decorated carpet bag, in her gloved hand she holds a small purse to match her dress. Her golden hair pulled back with two small buns at the nape of the neck, in the fashion of all well bred women of the day. Jarrod is the first to spot this stunning woman, with the most sparkling blue eyes he's seen in some time, and yet there was something behind those eyes, a touch of whimsy, he noted that those sapphire eyes of hers held a fire in them. There was something about her that intrigued him, yet he couldn't put his finger on it, a slight danger perhaps?

“Is that her Carson? Over there.” says Jarrod taken by the young woman’s beauty.

“Laura!” The excited barber shouts her name.

“PAPA!” Her voice rings back, and soon she is running to greet her father with enthusiastic energy. Carson twirls her around in his arms as Jarrod pleasantly looks on.

“Oh Papa, I couldn’t wait to get here, the train just couldn’t go fast enough for me! Papa, you look wonderful!” She holds him at arms length.

“So do you, my sweet child, as lovely as your mother,” he sniffs. They embrace again.

“Oh, where are my manners, excuse me, Jarrod, this is my daughter Laura. Laura this is Mr. Jarrod Barkley, one of the best attorneys in the state of California,” brags Carson.

“Thank you Carson, but I assure you the pleasure is all mine,” he gallantly tips his hat, “May I be the first to welcome you to Stockton Miss Thomas.”

“You are very kind Mr. Barkley” as she curtsies to the handsome gentlemen. “Jarrod, please.”

"And I’m Laura,” she puts her hand out and Jarrod kisses it, she smiles, surprised to find such manners so far away from San Francisco.

“You know Carson, we must have you and your lovely daughter out to the ranch as our guests.”

“You have a ranch Mr. Barkley?” she brightens, seeming to show true interest in him.

“Jarrod.” he corrects her. “Yes, a few miles from here.” He uses his most charming smile.

“How kind of you to invite us. I would love to see your ranch. Do you raise horses?”

“Yes, and cattle, as well as farming with what the market will bear.” he shamelessly brags.

“I am sure my father and I would be most delighted to be your guests, how kind of you to invite us, Jarrod.” she smiles her most fetching smile at the interesting gentleman.

“Not at all,” Jarrod smiles back, “ My mother and sister would be most anxious to meet you, Laura”

“And I, them.” she curtsies again, smiling sweetly.

"Well now,” Carson interrupts, “let’s get your belongings in the buggy I have around the side. It’s time we got you home and settled.”

They say their polite good byes to the gentlemen lawyer and are soon on their way to the small Thomas Ranch, not far from town. Laura enjoys the breathetaking beauty of the valley, while her father talks incessantly about the virtues of Jarrod Barkley. She revels in the expansive beauty and the hills surrounding the fertile valley. She sits up in delight when she spies brood mares as the fly across the plains, following their stallion master, kicking up the white dust clouds. What a joy to see not one grey city building, or the smell of stock yards, and rotting fish by the bay. This is the place she longed to live, out in the open spaces, with wild horses, and men tending cattle. Just like her home in Tucson, where life was free of genteel ways, and pretentious manners. Here, it was all real, everything was real, and wild and free and she was finally going to be part of this world she so longed for all her life.
Her father's voice interrupts her thoughts.

"He is from the most prominent family in California, you would do well to get acquainted with them.”

“Yes, Papa,” she says in an automatic tone she had long perfected in her schooling of genteel manners and high society trappings.

“Now, you take Jarrod there, now he’s as fine a catch as any. The Barkleys are a fine family.”

“Yes Papa, she says wearily, trying to hide a yawn with her gloved hand.

“Did I mention that Jarrod Barkley is unattached?”

“Yes, Father, twice now. You know Papa, I just arrived here and you already have me married off to the first man I meet,” she protests.

As the buggy drives over a rise, Laura spies two shirtless men digging fence posts in the earth, both tanned and muscular, one a blond with broad shoulders, sweat pouring down his back, the other dark haired, larger, and as muscular as the first. Finally, the lady, intrigued by the sight, inquires about the two men.

“Who are those men over there, Papa?”

Carson squints in the sun until he recognizes the two.

“Those are the Barkley boys, Jarrod’s brothers.”

“You mean there’s more of them?” she smiles, “ my goodness, they seem to be all over the place. Can I meet them?”

“You can meet them when Jarrod invites us over to the ranch.”

“No,’’ she is adamant in her voice, “ I want to meet them now!”

Carson is surprised to hear what he thought would be a docile daughter, in such determination, but he relents, for the sake of peace.

Carson stops his buggy a few feet from the two men. The blond, Heath, is the first to turn around, he nudges his big brother, Nick.

“Huh?” Nick’s concentration broken from his task.

“Howdy.” Heath is the first to greet the pair, snatching his shirt quickly from the wagon loaded with fence posts.

“I want you two to meet my daughter, Laura,” Carson begins. Nick stops working and turns around, Heath already has his shirt back on and is quickly buttoning it. Laura smiles at them.

“Laura,” her father begins, “this is Nick and Heath Barkley.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” she smiles sweetly.

Heath nods his head, smiling shyly. Nick pulls his hair back, by running his large hands through like a comb, he hurries his shirt on and is the first to step up to the buggy, smiling, wiping the sweat off his hand by swiping it on his pants.

“Laura, is it? a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." A wide, white smile showing off a deep dimple.

"Thank you Mr. Barkley.” She is capitvated by this large man's bright smile, but she bites her bottom lip to prevent her from an even wider smile then she is willing to show.

“The name’s Nick,” his hazel eyes twinkling.

She puts her hand out for him, he takes her small hand in his large, callused hands and shakes it. Laura smiles broadly at the noticable difference between the two brothers. Heath, not to be outdone by his older brother, steps up to the buggy and offers his hand, after wiping it on his pants, to sapphire eyed newcomer.

“Name’s Heath, Miss.”

“It’s a pleasure Heath,” she offers her hand, to the equally handsome cowboy. Ah yes, she thinks to herself, this is going to be a wonderful experience.

Laura smiles at the blond young man.

“Are you visiting Stockton, Miss?” Heath asks, not wishing her to leave anytime soon.

Carson intervenes, “My daughter is here to stay, she’s been away at school in San Francisco.”

"San Francisco’s loss, is Stockton’s gain,” the dark haired cowboy smiles, in a shameless flirt. She matches his smile.

“Welcome to Stockton, Laura,” Heath says brightly, hoping to catch a glimpse of those eyes again.

“Thank you, Heath.” she nods politely, at the blond one.

Carson, not wishing to prolong their stay with the two Barkley boys, nudges his buggy to a trot and says,

“Well, we best be on our way. Good day boys.”

The buggy moves on, as the two “boys” stare after it's contents.

“That’s one fine looking woman!” Nick marvels.

“Did you ever see eyes that blue in your life?” Heath breathes.

“I was not just looking at the color of her eyes, didn’t you notice the rest of her? Boy, there was not much there I wouldn’t want to get a closer look at,” comments Nick, still watching the buggy move away.

“One fine looking woman.” Heath says.

Nick gives Heath an evil grin, “Oh yeah, one fine looking woman and I saw her first!”

“No, you didn’t! I had to get you to turn around just to look!”

“Boy, you are whistling in the wind, if you think she even took a second look at a dirty old cowpoke like you!” Nick fights back.

“Like you’re any cleaner!” Heath resounds. “Let’s get finished with this work, we can fight over her another time.”


At the Thomas Ranch, Laura busies herself unpacking twelve years of her life in a room she has never been in. Everything is so new here, she thinks, new home, new town, new people and a new life and she is finally going to be able to live it! No more starched old maid teachers telling her what to do and how to act, controlling her very thoughts and actions, she is finally free to be herself. Her thoughts are interrupted by her father’s voice, as he brings in another valise.

“This is the last of it sweetheart, do you need me to help you unpack the rest?”

“No, I ‘ll be fine, really, you can go back downstairs. I am going to unpack and rest a bit, I am tired.”

He leaves her with her thoughts again. When the door is fully closed she opens her rose colored carpet bag and produces a cloth wrapped package; carefully opening the package, she takes out a pearl handle gun in a brown leather holster, she looks around to make sure no one is looking as she smiles to herself, then cautiously hides the weapon in the bottom drawer of the dresser.


That evening the Barkleys are gathered around the dinner table sharing the days events.

“I met a lovely lady today and you would never guess who’s daughter she is,” Jarrod teases.

“Carson Thomas and her name’s Laura,” Heath volunteers to the stunned Jarrod.

“And how did you know that?” Jarrod asks incredulous.

“Carson stopped by on his way to his ranch when Nick and I were mending fences,” Heath grins at his older brother, happy to have caught the astute lawyer off guard for once.

“What is she like?” Audra asks. Victoria interrupts.

“Now that you mention it, I do recall Carson mentioning that he had a daughter when he first came here from Arizona. He was having difficulty raising so young a girl after his wife died, so he sold all he had to put her in a finishing school in San Francisco, and he moved here and took up the barbering business.”

“How sad,” Audra says, “ and she’s here to live and she doesn’t know a soul. Couldn’t we invite the Thomas’s here one afternoon?”

“Oh yes, we must,” Victoria answers, “Audra maybe you can go over there tomorrow and introduce yourself. I would go with you but I do have that church meeting in town I must attend." Victoria looks over to her middle son.

“You’re unusually quiet Nick, are you well? Is the food not to your liking?”

“No, Mother it’s fine, just thinking about things is all.”

“Oh, that’s the burning I am smelling then,” Jarrod jokes, “ Nick Barkley deep in thought!”

The family laughs at Nick’s expense, with the exception of Victoria who wonders about her son’s pensive mood.


The following morning Audra rides out to the Thomas Ranch on her good neighbor visit. She dismounts. While tieing her horse to the rail, she hears gun shots coming from the back of the house. Audra cautiously walks behind the house and finds a young blonde woman shooting at bottles, not much bigger than perfume bottles. Audra watches in amazement as the girl hits each target dead on. She waits until the shooter empties her gun before she makes herself known.

“Hello, excuse me?” The girl is startled and aims her gun at Audra.

“Don’t shoot!” she yells. Laura takes a deep breathe, “Thank goodness, I thought it was my father. Who are you?” Laura asks.

“I’m Audra Barkley.” Laura smiles at the pretty blonde girl.

“Just how many are there in your family? I 've been here less than 24 hours and all I 've met in this valley has been Barkleys. Doesn’t anyone else live here?” she jokes.

“There are others, honest.” Audra laughs, taking an immediate liking to the girl, who seemed to be not much older than herself. Sliding the gun back in her holster, she smiles at the girl.

“Forgive me, where are my manners, I’m Laura Thomas, it’s a pleasure to meet yet another Barkley.”

“Where in the world did you learn to shoot like that?” Audra asks amazed.

“As a young girl. Please don’t tell anyone you saw me doing this, my father would not be pleased.” Laura begins to gather up the evidence of her target practice; Audra helps her. "Careful, don't cut yourself," the girl warns Audra.

“Then I guess your father didn’t teach you to shoot like that.”

“My father couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a rifle at 5 paces,” she laughs, “would you care for some tea?"

“Love some, so who taught you?” Audra begs to know.

“A man of course,” she smiles wickedly at the girl, causing Audra to giggle. They walk into the house carrying the broken bottles. Laura wraps them carefully in an old newspaper she left on the kitchen table, expressly for the purpose of hiding the evidence of her target practice. Then she sets the pot to boil for tea. Later in the living room the ladies get acquainted.

“Your ranch sounds wonderful, my father and I use to have a ranch in Tucson, before my mother died. I loved living on a ranch,” she says dreamily.

“Do you ride as well as you shoot?” Audra asks.

“Of course, why do you ask?”

“Maybe we could go riding one day soon.”

“I would love that. So, tell me more about your ranch. Who runs it for you?”

“Oh, my brother Nick runs it, he’s the foreman, he does the hiring and the firing and anything else that needs to be done, my other brother Heath helps him.”

“Heath is the blond with the blue eyes, and Nick is the dark haired one with hazel eyes and the...” Laura stops herself, her face turning a light shade of crimson.

“I see you already know which brother is which,” Audra smiles at her new friend.

“I don’t know them that well, yet. However, I do know, from my meddling father that your brother, Jarrod the attorney, is unattached. Are your other brothers unattached as well?”

“Why, yes they are,” Audra gaily teases the girl, her dimpled smile firmly in place.

Laura smiles at her, “Good.”


Several days later, Laura brings a picnic basket to her father's barber shop for lunch in Stockton. The barber shop is empty of customers since it is lunch time.

"Oh Laura, I am so glad you're here, I have got some wonderful news.

“What do you mean Papa?" She clears off a small table, gathering up old newspapers, neatly placing them on a chair near the wall.

"Victoria Barkey was just here and she invited us to Sunday dinner."

"Oh how nice. Sorry missed her."

"Don't you know what this means to us?"

"I know what it means to me, I don't have to worry about what to make for Sunday dinner," she smiles at her father, as she sets the table for his lunch.

"No, it means you and Jarrod Barkley can get together finally," Carson beams, his eyes widen with glee.

"Jarrod Barkley, what are you talking about?” she looks at him with geniune curiosity.

“Don’t you see girl? Jarrod Barkley is perfect for you! He's the type of man I have always wished for you to marry and now is your opportunity.”

“What makes you think I want to get married to Jarrod Barkley or anyone for that matter?” she quizzes her father, looking at him as if he's gone daft.

“He’s perfect for you, he's a prominent attorney, successful, wealthy and handsome. What more could a girl want in a husband?” her father adds.

"Who said I was looking for a husband?” she folds a napkin by his plate, and starts the coffee pot to boil on a small heating stove in the corner of the shop.

“All women are looking for husbands and Jarrod Barkley is a prize catch.”

“Well, papa, he’s NOT the only available Barkley,” Laura says, slightly teasing.

“No, but he’s the one for you.” Laura looks at her father in wonder, and shakes her head, her hands on her hips.

“I can’t believe that I just came home after 12 years in a boarding school and the first thing you want to do is marry me off to the first man I meet!”

“What’s wrong with Jarrod Barkley?” her father chides her.

“There is nothing wrong with Mr. Barkley, he a very handsome and charming man, he's..."

“He’s perfect!” Carson finishes for her. Laura sighs at her exasperating father, deciding it best not to pursue the matter any further, thus avoiding an arguement.

Chapter 2

Sunday afternoon at the Barkleys and Laura Thomas finds herself in the company of three very handsome and attentive men. They are seated at an elegantly set dining table, Victoria at the head of the table, Carson and her daughter Audra on her right, to Audra's right, Heath. To Victoria's left is her son Nick and Laura on his left, with Jarrod close by at the head of the table.

“This is a wonderful soup Mrs. Barkley, french, isn’t it?" Laura compliments her hostess, as she was taught in polite conversation.

“Why yes, it’s a recipe of Audra’s, she learned it in her school,” answers Mrs. Barkley.

“Did you go to school in San Francisco, Audra?”

“No, I went back east, to Boston,” Audra answers her new friend.

“Really, you know my Aunt Polly teaches in an all girl school there. You didn’t happen to have a teacher named Polly Thomas did you?”

“No, but if you had an aunt who was a teacher in a Boston school, why didn’t you go there instead of San Francisco.?”

“Luckily, my father thought better of it, then to leave me to my dear aunt.”

“I wouldn’t wish my sister Polly on any child!” adds Laura’s dad. The girls giggled.

“Surely, your aunt couldn’t be that bad!” Audra laughs.

“Afraid so! Sounds like you’re lucky too, to not have had her!” They both laugh at the thought of what being in an all girls boarding school is like.

Nick, bored with the girls’ conversation, hopes to change it, so that their lovely guest can turn her attention towards him, so decides to help change the subject.

“So, Laura what do you think of Stockton?” She turns to Nick and gives him a smile.

“I beg your pardon, I wasn’t listening. What did you say?” She smiles sweetly at him.

“Well, I said..." Nick stares at her shining sapphire eyes and loses all train of thought.

“Yes?” she inquires again, still smiling at Nick.

“What Nick is trying to say in his clumsy way is what do you think of our fair city?” corrects Jarrod. Laura directs her smile towards Jarrod.

“It’s beautiful. The rolling hills, the valley, positively beautiful. Everything is so lovely and green. I can certainly understand why you all love it here.” She turns towards Nick, who is still smiling at her, she smiles back.

“Yes, it’s lovely. We love it here.” Nick finally adds almost in a stupor, staring at her eyes, “would you like more wine?”

“No, thank you.” She smiles, then she self consciously looks at her hostess, when she notices Nick staring. “Rather warm today don’t you think?”

“Yes,” Victoria agrees with her guest. Nick stands up and grabs up a pitcher of water in his hand.

“Oh, have more water.” Nick offers as he pours the pitcher in her glass, spilling some of the water on the lace tablecloth, while staring at her.

“Oh, careful please!” Laura cautions him. Nick, seeing the mess he’s made and cleans it up with his napkin.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t get any on you did I?” Nick apologizes nervously holding his soaking napkin, as it drips from his hand onto his trousers.

“No, you didn’t,” she stares at him, thinking: big, handsome and very clumsy!

“Good, I'm glad,” he smiles at her. He then sits, placing the wet napkin on his lap, then quickly removes it, putting it on the table

“Audra tells me you run this ranch, it must be quite a responsibility to run a ranch as big as this one.”

“Yes it is,” Nick grins, pleased with her focus on him.

“He doesn’t run it alone, exactly,” Heath politely corrects their pretty guest, anxious to finally get his say.

“Of course,” Laura smiles brightly at Heath.

“I can give you a little walking tour if you like after dinner,” Heath adds.

“Oh, thank you Heath, I would love to see your ranch,” she beams at him. Nick looks annoyed at his younger brother, for thinking of the walk outside before he had a chance to do so himself..

“I will be glad to escort you, I know every inch of this ranch. I 'll see that you are safe,” Nick promises the girl.

“She’ll be safe with me,” Heath protests.

“I’m sure, I can be safe with both of you escorting me,” she soothes both brothers, thoroughly enjoying the attention of the handsome men.

“After dinner then.” Nick agrees as he gives Heath a scowling look, which Heath promptly ignores while finishing his food. Jarrod looks at both his brothers and shakes his head. Victoria smiles at all three of her sons.


After dinner, Nick offers to show Laura around the ranch, once they settled in the grand parlor.
“Your tour milady,” Nick smiles gallantly, offering his arm to the lady.

“Why thank you kindly Sir,” as she takes his arm.

“I believed I offered the lady the tour first,” Heath offers his arm as well, to her unocupied hand.

“So you did, Sir,” and she takes his arm as well. Nick opens the great door as Heath escorts the lady outside.

“Thanks for holding the door for us big brother,” Heath smiles a crooked grin at Nick, who scowls back. Carson is distressed that the wrong Barkleys, in his eyes, has gotten the attention of his only daughter, so he tries to rectify the situation by suggesting:

“Jarrod, why don’t you join them?”

“I’m afraid your lovely daughter has her hands full already with those two; I would only burden her further.” Jarrod laments, smiling at the barber.

“You know, I think I’ll join them. Laura may need a chaperone with those two.” counters Audra as she makes a hasty exit outside and catches up to the threesome.

“May I join you?” Audra calls out to them. Laura turns to Audra, letting go of Nick and Heath’s arms, she practically runs over to Audra and takes her arm, whispering to her.

“I want to be alone with your brother Nick, can you help?” Then loudly she says, “Please do join us Audra.”

Nick and Heath look at eachother disgusted. Audra is bemused at her brothers reactions and smiles.

“Why don’t we go into the barn. Let’s look at the horses, you like horses don’t you Laura?”

“Why, I adore horses, what an excellent idea Audra.” The two girls link arms and follow the boys into the barn, they smile at eachother in girlish glee, giggling to themselves at some private joke. Audra delights in the fact that she has her two brothers scowling . this is too delicious she thinks to herself.

Suddenly Audra trips.

“OOHHH !” she cries.

“Oh Audra, are you all right?!” Laura exclaims. Nick and Heath run over to their hurt sister to help.

“Honey, are you alright?” worries Nick, standing by his sister's side, with Heath on the other.

“Did you hurt yourself Sis?” adds Heath.

“I think the heel of my shoe is loose, I knew I should have taken them to the cobbler’s last week. I think I turned my ankle, it hurts a bit.” Audra takes Heath’s arm.

“Maybe you can help me back to the house Heath. I can change my shoes.”

“Sure Sis, lean on me.” Audra leans on Heath’s arm. Laura smiles, as Audra winks at her.

“Goodness, I hope your sister is all right.” Laura feigns concern. Nick smiles down at the beautiful golden haired lady.

“Oh, no need to concern yourself I 'm sure Audra will be fine. Shall we go see those horses?” he says secretly thanking his sister for her bad luck.

“Yes, please.” Taking his arm again, she smiles; struggling to contain her delight at being left alone with the handsome cowboy. In the barn, Laura lets go of Nick’s arm once again and walks over to one of the horses.

“Oh, isn’t he beautiful?” as she rubs the horse’s ear.

“That’s Coco, he’s my horse. He’s a real good work horse.”

“I can see that, he’s a very strong horse. He’s your favorite, isn’t he?”

“Yes, he is, I raised him from a colt, trained him myself.”

“He likes you very much too.” she adds.

“Huh?” Nick puzzles.

“Your horse, Coco, he likes you too,” she informs him.

“Really? Did he tell you that?” Nick smiles, amused at her sense of humor.

“I can sense it, he likes you too, but he wishes you would take more time currying him, he likes your touch the best. It’s very gentle.” Nick smiles at her even more intrigued. She looks at his puzzled face and smiles at him.

“I can just sense things about horses, I don’t know why but I do. I’ve been around them most of my life. I can read them sometimes. I know that sounds silly, but ...”

“No, not at all,” Nick grins, but wanting to test her just the same.

“This is Buttercup, Audra’s horse.”

“Yes, she’s lazy isn’t she? She not a very good work horse.”

“That’s right, she not a work horse, strickly for pleasure. That’s why she belongs to Audra.” Nick smiles at the beautiful woman even more intriqued, she smiles back, but then becomes self conscious and averts her eyes away from his, petting Buttercup’s nose.

“I certainly wish I had a good riding horse, the ones we have don’t care to have a saddle on them.”

“Well, if it’s a good riding horse you want we have some here you can look over.”

“Where are they?”

“Outside, in the corral, would you like to see them?”

“Yes, please,” she adds, grateful to be able to leave the intimacy of the barn.


The couple watch the horses canter in the corral.

“They never had a saddle on them, have they?” she notes.

“No, we just got them, we are going to start breaking them tomorrow.”

“May I come by and watch?” she asks, trying to hide her excitement at the prospect of seeing them being broken.

“We will be most happy to have you watch.” he smiles, pleased to be able to show of his prowess with a horse.
Again feeling self conscious from him staring at her, she turns her attention to a horse in the corral.

“Now, there’s a fine looking horse,” she points to black stallion.

“Yes, he’s a spirited one, he will take longer to break. Would you like that one for yourself?” he quips.

“Oh no, I couldn’t afford such a fine horse as that one,” she laments.

“Well, I don’t know about that,” he smiles, “maybe we can make a deal? I happen to be very friendly with the owner.” She smiles up at him, he returns the smile.

My what a wonderful smile he has, she thinks.

“You know, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen eyes quite as blue as yours,” Nick almost whispers. Taken off guard, by his boldness, she blushes and averts her eyes from his gaze. He cups his hand under her chin, and raises it up so that she is forced to look up at him again.

“Eyes like yours should never look away. The whole world should see those beautiful eyes and that lovely face.”

“Please, your embarassing me.” she begs, biting her bottom lip. Nick moves closer to her face and is about to kiss her when he is interrupted.

“Oh there you are, Laura, I might have known my brother would take you to see those smelly horses,” Jarrod interrupts, “Now I would have taken you to see Mother’s rose garden. Here’s your rap, your father thought you might be cold so he suggested I bring it out to you.”

“Oh thank you Jarrod, it is getting cool,” she lies, feeling the warmth in her already crimson cheeks. Jarrod gallantlly puts the shawl around her shoulders.

“Would you like to go in, Laura?”

“Yes, I think I would,” she smiles gratefully, walking into the house with Jarrod, Nick grudgingly following.



Inside the house, everyone settles in the game room for dessert and after dinner drinks.

“Would you like some sherry Laura?” Mrs. Barkley offers.

“Yes, please that would be wonderful, Mrs. Barkley,” Laura said, hoping to settle her nervousness.

“Papa, Nick had mentioned that he had horses for sale.”
“Really, I wasn’t aware we were in the market for horses, Laura.” he answers, not at all surprised as he knew his daughter's love for horses, would somehow make him loosen his change purse to buy her one.

“Well, I thought it might be nice to have a good riding horse,” she turns to Mrs. Barkley and explains, "We would ride every day at the school, I’ve gotten into the habit of going for a ride every morning.”

“Oh yes, I do so enjoy a morning ride myself, I find it lifts the spirits,” Victoria adds pleasantly.

“Yes, I agree.”

“Well I suppose we could look into buying you a horse,” her father relents to the undertone of pressure, not wantng to look like a skinflint in front of the Barkleys.

“I invited your daughter to see my men break the new head of horses we brought in, tomorrow,” Nick explains, “you’re welcomed to come too course Carson."

“Oh I don’t think I can, I have to open up the shop tomorrow, Monday morning you know.” Then Carson adds, "of course, if Jarrod promises to watch out for you Laura, I suppose you can come and see them break horses.” her father hints to the lawyer

“Oh, I wish I could Carson, but I do have a meeting in town tomorrow with a client,” Jarrod quickly apologizes to the barber.

“I’m sure Laura will be quite safe with us Carson, if you allow her to come,” adds Victoria. Laura smiles gratefully at the silver haired woman.

“Well, of course she would, I didn’t mean to imply that she wouldn’t be.”

“Maybe then, you can join us for lunch if you’re here Laura.”

“Oh, you are too kind Mrs. Barkley, I couldn’t impose on you, but I am grateful for the invitation to see the horses being broken.”

“Very well, we will expect you then, and the invitation for lunch still stands,” she smiles at the charming guest.

“Carson, would you care to join my brothers and I for some billiards?" invites Jarrod.

Oh, I’m afraid I ‘m very rusty in that game. But I will play to be sociable.”

“Good,” smiles Jarrod.

“I’ll rack them up,” says Nick, happy to have something to take his mind off the incrediably beautiful lady.


The women watch the men play billiards as they chat about various things.

Heath laughs, “Now that was an easy shot Nick, if we knew you were going to be off your game we would have played you for money.”

“Just our luck Heath,” Jarrod snickers.

“Well now, I always play better when there’s some money on the table,” Nick hints to his brothers with a gleam in his hazel eyes.

“Since when?’ Heath teases, resting on his pool stick with his arms.

“You people are just jealous of my many talents!” Nick brags loudly.

“He’s got talent?” Heath jokes, jerking a thumb towards his older brother.

“First I heard of it little brother,” counters Jarrod. Audra laughs, and looks at Laura, “They go on like this all day.” Laura smiles and sips her sherry, feeling a little braver for it.

“Do you think they would let me play?” Laura smiles impishly.

“Do you know how to play?” answers Audra.

“Haven’t a clue,” she laughs, the sherry making her feel a bit tipsy.

Audra gets up from the chair, “Laura wants to learn how to play the game.”

“By all means. Please Laura,” invites Jarrod as he takes her hand and leads her to the billiards table.

“Now, I didn’t mean to interrupt your game gentlemen.” Laura apologizes, flirting with all three men.

“The way Nick is playing it’s more of a massacre anyway,” Heath laughs, and hands Laura a pool stick. “Let me show you how to hold this,” Heath offers, when Nick pushes him away with some force by his hand on Heath's shoulder.

“Why don’t you let the pro show the lovely lady how it’s done.” Nick takes the pool stick from Laura. “Here, you hold it like this.” He puts his body behind her and positions her hands on the pool stick. “Now, you hold it like this." Nick instructs as she looks up into his face, their noses inches away from eachother; blue eyes and hazel dancing together.

“Am I holding the stick correctly?” He stares into her sapphire colored eyes, “Huh?” he utters, as he feels himself drowning in them.

“...Holding the stick correctly,” she says, confused by the lightheadedness she feels from the sherry, or was it him, she wondered.

“Holding what?” he stares back..

“The stick, am I correct?”

“You’re perfect,” Nick sees his reflection in her gem colored eyes.

“Ahem! Is anyone going to play the game?” Carson interrupts, annoyed at the scene of his daughter with again the wrong Barkley.

“Yeah, sure, give us a second, your daughter’s just learning after all,” defends Nick, “ Now, I ...ah,’s what you got to do. You got to hit the ball in the pocket.”

“Pocket? What does a pocket look like?’ she asks, lost in Nick’s hazel eyes again. Heath and Jarrod watch this exchange and shake their heads. “Looks like we're both out of luck, Heath,” laments Jarrod.

“Yup, afraid so,” agrees Heath. “What do they see in him?”

“Beats me,” Jarrod rubs his chin. "Just no accounting for taste," he claims as his brother continues his instruction.

“Pocket, yes well, that’s where you hit the ball. You hit it and it falls in the pocket in the table," Nick explains.

“Oh, my, it’s rather warm in here don’t you think?” she breathes out, in a sigh.

“Yes, why don’t I take you to see that rose garden my brother talked about?”

“Your brother? Yes, he mentioned that didn’t he?” she smiles.

“Yeah, he did,” Nick returns the smile as he places the pool stick on the table and takes her hand.

“You can finish the game without me gentlemen,” he says, never taking his eyes off her. The pair walk out of the house. Audra looks at her mother attempting to stifle a giggle.

“More tea, anyone?” Victoria offers, smiling back at her daughter, amused.


In the rose garden, Laura gently touches the rose petals with her hand in an attempt to keep her distance from him, “It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?” Laura comments.

“Oh yes, very beautiful,” he answers, moving behind her closer, “especially with you standing in the middle of it.”

“Please, you shouldn’t say those things, you’re embarrassing me.”

“I’m only saying the truth.” he smiles, shamelesly flirting again, moving inches from her back now.

You know, it’s not much cooler out here, maybe we should go back in,” she says nervously, suddenly fearing she is losing control of the situation, she turns to face him.

"Not quite yet.” Nick pleads, and clutching her shoulders, he boldly steals a kiss. Laura is taken by surprise at his forcefulness, and frighten by his strength. Nick looks down at her smiling in satisfaction. Her fury building inside, she reaches her arm back and slaps him as hard as she can across the face.

“What the ... what did you do that for!” Nick rubs his cheek, in shock at her reaction.

“How dare you do that!! Just what kind of a woman do you think I am that I would ever let you do that to me!” she stands, with her hands firmly planted on her hips, enraged by his actions.

“The kind of woman who wanted me to kiss her!” he says, still amazed at what he thinks is a strange reaction, as he imitates her stance, his fists on his hips.

“Well, you were wrong! You must have mistaken me for some saloon girl if you think you could do that without so much as a warning!” She turns towards the house, but Nick stops her by forcefully grabbing her arm.

“If it’s a warning you want, then I will give you a warning next time!”

“Take your hands off me!" she pushes his hand off, "Trust me, there won’t be a next time!” she glares at him, her teeth clenched.

“Trust me, there will! Here’s your warning!” With that warning, Nick embraces her, gently kissing her this time. She surrenders to his kiss, feeling very safe in his strong, powerful arms and she returns his kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck, succumbing to his passion. When they release their embrace; Laura turns away from him, completely embarrassed and furious with herself for having surrendered to his kiss so readily.

“I 'll escort you inside now if you wish.” Nick smirks, satisfied that he conquered her with only one kiss. Laura, seething with anger for letting herself weaken at his touch, doesn’t speak, but lets him lead her into the house.

“There you are!” greets Audra, smiling at Laura who gives her a half smile, but it is obvious to Audra that something is definitely wrong. "Are you all right Laura?” she wonders about the girl's strange demeanor, but notices the satisfied grin on her brother's face.

“You know, I think I am a bit tired, I still haven’t quite recovered from that long train ride from San Francisco. Papa, maybe we should leave,” she states, trying to compose herself.

"Of course daughter, no need to tire yourself out. We do thank you Victoria for your fine hospitality,” says her father, with a polite bow.

“Surely, it was our pleasure, we must do this again soon,” smiles Victoria cordially.

“We certainly will, thank you,” says Carson.

“I’ll get your shawl for you Laura,” Nick says smugly. Laura, glares at the smug look on Nick’s face, she pulls the shawl out of his hand.

“Thank you,” she says tersely to Nick then walks over to Jarrod, “Would you be so kind Jarrod?”

“My pleasure,” smiles Jarrod. He wraps the shawl around her. Laura smiles sweetly at the attorney, which causes her father to beam at this new development.

“I do hope we can get together soon Jarrod, maybe in Stockton for lunch perhaps?” Nick’s jaw drops at her comment to his brother.

“I will certainly look forward to that,” Jarrod smiles, then glances over to his scowling brother.

“Oh yes, maybe the three of us will have lunch one day next week,” brightens Laura’s father, thrilled that his daughter sees things his way finally.


Once they have seen their guests out, Heath walks over to Nick and Jarrod, “What happened there? I thought she was interested in you,” Heath slyly grins at his older brother, enjoying Nick's confused state.

“Yeah, I thought so too,” Nick scowls, oblivious to what he did wrong.

“What did you do to that girl?” Jarrod quizzes him, "She was cold as ice to you just now." Nick gives his brothers an angry look, growling his answer, “Nothing!”

“Well, whatever you did, this is a nice turn of events,” Jarrod says, smiling in delight, eyes twinking.

"I'll say, we may have a chance yet, cause Nick blew it!" Heath grins with a wink, as he slaps Nick shoulder.
Nick scowls at the two of them.

Chapter 3

The next day, Laura is dressed in riding clothes. She saddles up one of her father’s horses and rides over to the Barkley ranch determined to buy a horse from them, and to try to make up for her weakness in letting Nick Barkley get the best of her. She rides over to the corral where she sees Heath Barkley sitting on the corral fence. He smiles and jumps off to greet her.

“Well, it’s good to see you again so soon.”

“Thank you Heath." Heath helps her down from her horse, by holding her waist as she climbs down. She smiles sweetly at the handsome cowboy, her hands lingering on his strong shoulders.

“It’s good to see you to Heath," she squeezes his arm.

“I’m glad you decided to come watch us.”

“Well, I wouldn’t miss it. I 'm really looking forward to it,” she smiles. Heath escorts her over to the corral. Nick is attempting to break one of the horses. They lean on the corral fence and watch him.

“Nick has quite a way with the horses,” Heath informs her, then watches for a reaction from her, as to how she really feels about him.

“Does he?” she says, trying to sound disinterested. She notices that the horse Nick is attempting to break is the very horse she showed interest in the day before. As Nick hangs on the bucking bronc, he finally notices Laura standing at the corral fence and immediately loses his concentration and the horse bucks him off. Laura smirks as he falls off the horse with a loud thud.

Heath laughs. “You given up that quick?”

“ ‘figure I let the boys work with him for a while,” Nick slaps off some of the dust from his clothes with his hat, as he walks over to the pair. He smiles at Laura as he puts his hat back on his head.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning Mr. Barkley,” she says coldly, not daring to look at him, but watches the horses instead..

“Ohh, it's Mr. Barkley today is it? Yesterday it was Nick!” he smirks with teasing grin, his fists curled at his belt.

“I’m here on business Mr. Barkley,” she says, looking quite serious, still avoiding his eyes, her arms folded in front of her.

“I see. Well ...Miss Thomas...., what can I do for you?” He smirks.

“You can find someone on this ranch who knows how to break that horse. It’s obvious you’re having problems achieving that goal Mister Barkley.”

"Ahem....." Heath clears his throat and pulls his hat over his eyes, hiding a grin. Nick glares at him, then squints his eyes at her.

“Is that a fact now? You think I can’t break that horse?”

“I just saw you attempt to do that and fail miserably!” she answers, finally looking at him with a smirk of her own.

“I was just warming up!” He takes on her challenge and walks back into the corral, squaring his hat on his head. Heath smiles at his brother’s stubbornest. They watch as he tries a second time at breaking the black stallion. Try as he might, the spirited horse would not succumb to Nick’s skillful handling, and in the end it throws Nick once again to the ground. Laura tries to look unconcerned and bored at Nick’s second attempt.

“Damn fool horse!” Nick wipes the dust off his clothes.

“He’s just gonna take a little longer Nick. You okay?” says a concerned Heath.

“Of course I’m okay! There’s never been a horse I couldn’t break! He’s just gonna take longer, is all!” Nick spits.

“Do you mind if I try?” Laura demurely asks. Nick scowls at her.

“YOU!? Are you crazy?! You’ll break your neck! Absolutely not!”

“Afraid to let a woman show you up, Mr. Barkley?” Laura challenges him.

“Afraid of a woman? You?!” he laughs outloud, scornfully.

“That would be a damn cold day in Hell lady!” he swears, letting his temper get the best of him.

“Nick, easy now!” says Heath, in warning for him to watch his language in front of a lady. Nick takes his hat off and bows.

“Be my guest, Miss Thomas. Go break that horse!" he scowls at her.

“Now, that’s not a good idea Nick,” a worried look crossing Heath's face. Laura walks into the corral.

“Nick you gotta stop her, come on Nick!” Heath grabs his arm, Nick shakes it off.

“Let her go!” Nick grits his teeth, already seething with anger.

“Boy howdy Nick! This is really a bad idea! What if she gets hurt?!” Heath pleads with his stubborn brother. Nick answers with a deeper scowl on his face. Both men watch as Laura walks over to the horse. The saddle still attached to the horse's back. She carefully takes the reins of the horse, and whispers in it’s ear. She feeds the horse some sugar cubes from her pocket.

“Is she sweet talking him?” Nick asks puzzled.

“Looks like,” exclaims Heath with a smile.

Laura pets the horse and feeds him more sugar, talking to him the whole time. Then she lets go of the reins and walks away from the horse. Nick and Heath are fascinated by the entire scene. The horse begins to follow her every move around the corral. Laura ignores the horse as she walks away from it, then she stops, but doesn’t turn to look at the horse. The horse walks up to her very slowly and nudges her.

“He’s following her around like a puppy dog!” Nick exclaims, amazed at the sight. She gives the horse more sugar from her pocket and smiles at it.

“Horses, just like men, you ignore them and they always follow you around. And then they do whatever you want them to do. It’s almost too easy!” she whispers to the horse. She takes the reins of the horse and very carefully mounts it. The horse makes little attempt to buck her off. Nick and Heath look at eachother in wonder. Victoria joins them at the corral, she notices Laura on the horse in the corral.

“Isn’t that the horse you were breaking before Nick?”

“Yeah.” he answers still dumbfounded.

“Well, you did a wonderful job, he’s as gentle as a lamb. Congratulations, I didn’t think you would break him that fast,” his mother exclaims.

“I didn’t, she did.” He points over to Laura with his gloved hand.

“What! You let her in there alone with a wild horse?” his mother starts to admonish him.

“I’m seeing it with my own eyes and I still don’t believe it!” Nick complains.

“I knew there was more to that girl then meets the eye. She has the gift,” Victoria smiles at the rider.

“What?” asks Heath, both sons look at their mother.

“It’s an idea from the old country, about people who have the gift to talk to animals. It’s like a sixth sense, I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s an old Irish belief. My father once spoke about it when I was a child, he said he knew people who had the gift. I never actually believe it. Until now that is.”

“Boy howdy, if that don’t beat all!” exclaims Heath. Laura rides the horse over to the three Barkleys.

“Good morning Mrs. Barkley,” she dismounts, letting the horse walk off.

“Good morning Laura, that was some fine riding.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Barkley,” she opens the gate to join them.

“How long did you say you lived on a ranch?”

“Until I was ten or so, I 've ridden all my life. I think I learned to how to ride before I could walk,” Laura adds, smiling at the woman and completely ignoring the two Barkley men still staring at her.

“Well, that’s obvious,” Victoria smiles.

“Well, I suppose you want that horse?!” a growling Nick interrupts the women as he recovers some of his composure.

“Yes please,” Laura smiles sweetly at him, changing her demeanor in front of his mother which causes Victoria to wonder why her son is so rude to the girl. “I’ll give you fair market value.”

“Fine, he’s yours!” he says gruffly, annoyed by being showed up by a woman. Heath and Victoria watch in amusement. Laura takes a wad of money out of her skirt pocket and hands it to Nick. He counts the money, then glares at her.

“You’re short! That horse is worth twice this!”

“Yes, if he were broken, but he still wild,” she counters, still smiling sweetly at him..

“What do you mean he’s wild?! You were just riding him around like a pet!”

“He really isn’t broken, I’m paying a fair price for an unbroken horse.”

“Oh we’ll just see about that!” Nick stomps into the corral and mounts the stallion. At first the horse lets him on; causing Nick to smile; then the horse starts bucking furiously around the corral. Try as he might to tame the stallion he still falls off with another large thud. Laura tries not to laugh by biting her bottom lip. Nick scrambles up from the ground and pulls the reins of the horse. He marches over to Laura and hands her the reins.

“Take him! He’s yours!”

“Thank you,” she says in her sweetest voice. "I wonder if maybe one of your men could transfer my saddle on to Tipper?”

“Tipper? You’re calling him Tipper! What kind of a name is that for a horse?!" Nick says on the verge of a shout.

“It’s a good name,” answers Heath, “especially for one that tips people off!” Victoria and Heath laugh outloud, Laura again avoids laughing by biting her lip; instead she smiles sweetly at Nick.

“Hmmph! I’ll saddle your horse for you! It’s the least I can do for your breaking him for us!” Nick scowls at the woman.

“Why thank you,” she smiles. While Nick transfers the saddle; Laura speaks to the other Barkleys.

“You sure know your way around horses,” Heath says admiringly.

“Yes, you rode him very well,” Victoria adds.

“Thank you,” Laura smiles demurely at them. Nick walks over to Laura.

“Your steed awaits milady,” Nick exaggerates his bowing to her. She chooses to ignore his smarmy behavior.

“Have a good trip!” Nick stands with his hands on his hips, smirking at her. Laura mounts her new horse; but when she puts her boot in the stirrup the saddle gives away and falls on top of her. Nick starts laughing wildly.

“Maybe I should have said, have a good TIP!” Nick pulls the saddle off her, as he laughs even harder. He offers her a hand up from the ground. “May I help you up milady?” She takes his offered hand, pulling herself up from the ground and wiping the dirt from her clothes. “You gotta expect to eat a little dirt when you 'break' a horse,” he laughs outloud.

“So they say.” Laura smoothes down her clothes then smiles at her assailant. Heath offers to place the saddle on her horse for her.

“Thank you Heath.”

“No problem, your’re not hurt are you?” Heath asks concerned.

“I’m fine, thank you for your kindness.” Victoria shakes her head, disappointed at Nick’s childish behavior. Laura smiles at Nick as she walks closer to him. He is still laughing.

“Do you remember, Mr. Barkley, last night when you were kind enough to give me that warning?” She smiles prettily at him.

“Why yes I do Miss Thomas,” he smiles his sweetest smile.

“Well, I have a similar warning for you.”

“Now, isn’t that nice, let me have it..... Right here,” he smugly points to his lips.

“Gladly.” She pulls her arm back and punches him as hard as she can on his jaw. Nick tumbles back to the ground. She mounts her horse, squares her hat on her head and smiles at him on the ground. “Nice doing business with you Mr. Barkley, good day.” She rides away with her other horse in tow.

“You okay Nick? Looks like your bleeding there,” Heath tries to stifle a laugh.

Nick wipes the blood from his mouth with his gloved hand. He laughs as he looks at his blood.

“I think she likes me,” he smiles.

"Nick, if she liked you any better you would be dead!” Heath says.



The following Sunday, as is their habit, the Barkleys go to Stockton Community Church. The church goers greet eachother as the meet outside the church. Carson Thomas makes it a point to greet the Barkleys with his reluctant daughter in tow.

“Come with me,” Carson pulls his daughter by the arm.

“What are you doing Papa?” she says annoyed, knowing she is going to be put on display by her father.

“We’re going to say hello to the Barkleys.”

“Must we Papa?” she protests, knowing full well, it will go unheeded, as her father pulls her towards his quarry.

“Hush up!” her father warns, “Victoria, how are you this fine morning?" Mrs. Barkley stands in between Jarrod and Nick, dressed in their Sunday best suits, looking equally handsome. Heath and Audra are beside them, looking almost like twins, with Heath in his dark blue and Audra in a very fashionable soft blue dress and matching hat.

“Well, good morning Carson, Laura. Don’t you look lovely this morning," Victoria compliments Laura who is dressed in a most becoming emerald green dress, with a matching bow in a her golden hair flowing down around her shoulders. The sight of her, with those saphire eyes is enough to take Nick's breathe away as he struggles to avoid looking at the stunning woman who has already captured his heart though he would die rather than admit it.

“Thank you Mrs. Barkley. Good morning Jarrod,” Laura smiles at Jarrod purposely avoiding Nick.

“Good morning Laura, Carson,” adds Jarrod with a gentlemanly bow to them.

“Laura will you be staying for the social later, after church?” Audra asks.

“I suppose so, if my father wants to,” she answers her new friend.

“Have ya been enjoying riding your horse, Laura?” inquires a slyly smiling Heath, knowing the question will serve to vex Nick even further, leaving a chance for Heath to vie for the beautiful woman's attention whilst his stubborn brother wastes time, fuming over the loss of the prize horse, while the 'true prize' slips from his grasp.

“Why, yes I have Heath, thank you for asking,” she smiles sweetly. “He hasn’t tipped me off once, of course I know how to saddle a horse,” she gives a slight glance over to Nick, who stands with his arms folded in front of him, pretending to watch others walking into the church.

Nick clears his throat, in protest of her comment, “I have no problem knowing how to put a saddle on a horse!” he says, still avoiding looking at the beautiful woman, as difficult as it is for him.

“I don’t believe I was addressing you Mr. Barkley,” she admonishes him with an aloof air, also avoiding looking at the incrediably handsome man in his dark suit.

“Pardon me!” Nick bows sarcastically. Victoria squeezes Nick’s arm tightly to stop him from acting rudely in public. She interrupts them further with an invitation to go into the church. “Shall we go in, we wouldn’t want them to start without us.” They walk into the church, and take their usual seats.


After, there is small social gathering outside, behind the church there are picnic tables set up, and many of the parishioners have brought picnic baskets to share. People gather around in groups chatting. Audra has several handsome young men already milling around her. Laura makes her father happy by joining in a conversation with the Barkley lawyer. Jarrod offers Laura a cup of lemonade.

“Thank you Jarrod, it's just what I needed on this warm day,” she smiles, taking a sip from the offered cup.

“You know, Heath told me what happened about the incident with your horse. I do hope you can forgive my younger brother’s childish behavior.”

“Some men don’t mature as fast as others,” she complains as she looks over his shoulder at Nick who is entertaining a brunette beauty named Linda Darrow, her smile immediately disappears. This change in the girl's demeanor does not go unnoticed by the observant attorney. He glances over to see what Laura has in her sights, and notices his smiling brother giving all his attention to another young lady.

“... and some don’t mature at all, I’m afraid,” Jarrod sighs loudly, knowing he lost this lovely girl to his very lucky middle brother, who is undeserving at best! Laura stops Heath as he walks by them, hoping to have at least two of the Barkley men around her to make Nick jealous. “Heath, why don’t you join us?”

“Well, if I’m not interrupting...” Heath smiles shyly, pleased with his luck.

“The more the merrier,” Jarrod smiles, knowing full well what the girl has on her mind.

“Well, I would be more inclined to want ya all to myself,” Heath flirts with the pretty blonde. Jarrod shakes his head smiling to himself, knowing well, his blond brother doesn't have prayer. “Aren’t you sweet Heath,” she smiles at him.

“You know there’s a dance coming up in a couple of weeks...” Heath starts his supposed invitation.

“Oh, isn’t that wonderful! Would you excuse me please gentlemen, I have to speak to Audra about something.”
With that, Laura makes a hasty retreat, before Heath could ask her to the dance. Meanwhile, Linda has Nick’s full attention and she decides to take advantage of the situation.

“You know Nick, the Spring Dance at the Stockton Inn is coming up...”

“So I hear, can I get you a refill of this fine punch?” Nick interrupts her.

“No, I have enough thank you. As I was saying...” she continues.

“Then would you excuse me, I’m very dry.” Nick walks over to a table and pours himself a drink of punch. His mother walks over to him. “Enjoying yourself Nick?”

“NO. Can we please leave sometime soon?!”

“What’s wrong, you look like you were having a lovely time there with that young lady.” his mother notes.

“Please mother, she not my type; can’t stop talking for a second. Almost hogtied me into asking her to the Spring Dance! Just what I needed, to be saddled with a date to that!”

“You mean you’re not asking anyone to the dance? That’s not like you Nick.”

“I’m going stag this time out.”

“Why?” she wonders, with so many of the Stockton girls ready to date any one of her handsome sons.

“Looks better. Besides I want to keep my options open.” Nick looks jealously over towards Laura, speaking to the men flocking around his sister Audra. “You don’t think she really hates me do you Mother?”

“Who’s that Nick?” Victoria feigns ignorance, noticing him looking at the lovely Miss Thomas.

“Laura Thomas!" he says impatiently, "Do you think she hates me?”

“Oh, I’m sure she doesn’t hate you ...much.” Victoria laughs at her own joke.

“That’s not funny!” he scowls at his mother.

“Oh Nicholas, why don’t you just apologize to the girl?”

“Why should I?! She’s nothing but a horse thief!” Nick scowls.

“Oh, now that’s going to make her look at you twice; accusing her of being a horse thief. You certainly know how to charm a girl! I may never have grandchildren with that attitude!”

“Grandchildren!” Nick cries, arching his eyebrows up.

“Let’s go home. Get the others.” Victoria moves away from Nick.


Audra is chatting with the young men surrounding her and Laura, who prays secretly to herself that none of Audra's suitors will ask her to the dance. “Of course I will save a dance for you Lyle, that is if I have anything to wear to the Spring Dance...” Audra pouts, delighted to catch her suitors' worried glances.

“Do you need a new dress Audra? ” asks Laura.

“I have one, but it 's not finished and Madame Claire already informed me that she can’t possibly finish it in time for the Spring Dance! She is so bogged down with everyone elses’s party frocks,” laments Audra sadly.

“Tell you what Audra, you get that dress from her and I’ll help you with it,” Laura offers.

“Oh Laura!, could you? That would be so wonderful. I can get it first thing tomorrow morning and you can come by later and help me with it, I would be ever so grateful."

“It would be my pleasure, Audra. I do owe you a favor.”

“I don’t know how much of a favor I did for you considering how it all turned out. You’re not even speaking to him!” she frowns over to her brother, who scowling face is slowing heading in her direction.

“True enough, but I still owe the favor, and I pay my debts.”

“You are a dear for doing this Laura, you have no idea what this means to me. You are so good for putting up with his rude behavior,” Audra insists.

“Anything for a friend, especially one who has so many handsome brothers to choose from,” she laughs. The two girls are still giggling, when Nick approaches his sister.

“Excuse me, don’t mean to break up this hen party, but Mother wants to leave, now!” he says annoyed that he even has to be in HER presence.

“Nick, you are so rude!” Audra admonishes him, with a slap on his arm.

“Excuse us Miss Thomas, but my family has to leave,” he says scornfully.

“Not at all, Mr. Barkley, by all means, leave!” she looks just as scornfully. They both glare at eachother, she defiantly, and he somewhat befuddled. Laura turns away and talks to the men around her. Nick pushes his hat on his head and leads his sister away, "COME ON!" he growls with a grab of the arm, ignoring Audra's protests.

Chapter 4

The next day, as promised, Laura helps Audra with her party frock. Mrs. Barkley assists them with the task. in Audra's bedroom “Audra that color is perfect for you,” exclaims Laura, sitting on a chair, watching Audra primp in the mirror.

“Oh yes, it is lovely color on her,” agrees Mrs. Barkley, as she stands by Audra near the mirror.

“What do you think if we changed the neckline on the pattern, like this?” Audra puts the fabric down off her shoulders. “Now Audra, that really is too much,” chides her mother as she grasps her pin cushion from a nearby table.

“Oh Mother, you can be so old fashion at times! What do you think Laura? Is that how they are wearing dresses in San Francisco these days?

“Actually Audra, your mother has a point. A smart woman always maintains an air of mystery about her. She should never reveal too much if she wants to keep a man interested.”

“Thank you Laura,” approves Mrs. Barkley with a nod to the young woman. Audra makes a face by wrinkling her nose at Laura who simply grins.

“Is that what you do with men you're interested in, like my brothers perhaps?” Audra teases her new friend as she primps in the mirror.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, I haven’t any interest in any of your brothers, Audra,” she assures her as she stands behind Audra, holding the material around her friend to see how it looks.

“Your only problem is you haven’t decided which one you want yet!” Audra winks at her friend's reflection in the mirror.

“Think so huh?” Laura challenges. Suddenly there is a loud slam of the front door, which startles Laura, causing her to flinch. “Oh my God, what was that, an earthquake?” she exclaims, her hand on her heart. Both Audra and her mother answer in unison:

“No, that’s Nick.”

“He’s the family earthquake,” jokes Audra.

Downstairs in the foyer:

“MOTHER!!” Nick shouts out. “Where is everybody?!” he shouts even louder, his curled hands, in a fixed position on his belt.


Upstairs in Audra room, Victoria excuses herself, rolling her eyes in a exasperated sigh. She leaves the bedroom, only to meet Nick after he has bounded up the staircase, his spurs jangling on every step. She smiles to herself as she sees in her mind's eye a little dark haired boy doing much the same thing, not so long ago, but now a grown man stands towering before her ready for her expected admonishment.

“Nicholas, must you always shout when you enter this house?”

“It’s a big house, I have to be heard,” he defends himself.

“The whole valley can hear you! Now, what is it?”

“Where’s Audra?”

“She’s in her room, but she is busy having her dress done.”

“Oh, yeah, who’s with her?” Nick asks, already knowing the answer. Just then, Laura comes out of the bedroom and looks at him, seemingly amused .

“What’s wrong Mr. Barkley, didn’t your recognize my horse tied up outside, or did my horse bucking you off last week addle your brain?” Laura smirks at him. Victoria smiles, then leaves them, to go downstairs. Nick smirks back at her, then walks over to where she stands by Audra's bedroom, his fists on his hips.

“Well, I don’t know, Miss Thomas, it could have been that right cross of yours. Tell me, is that what they teach you in that fancy finishing school of yours?”

“Yes, it’s the lesson called, ‘how to take care of arrogant men’, Mr Barkley.” Nick moves closer to her, as she moves back, the bedroom door stopping her from going any further. Nick puts one hand on the wall to block her way, as he moves even closer.

“And did they teach you how to swindle a man out of some prize horse flesh?”

“You were not swindled Mr. Barkley, you were given fair market value for an...”

“an unbroken horse, yeah I know,” he finishes her sentence, looking down his nose at her.

“A horse that will only let YOU ride it,” he squints his eyes at her.

“Is is my fault that Tipper won’t let you ride him?” she says smugly.

“Well, I suppose I can’t blame the horse if he prefers you over me, but that right cross was uncalled for!” rubbing his chin in memory.

“After you caused me to fall off my horse! I would say it was very much called for! Besides I gave you fair warning, didn't I?” she smiles sarcastically.

“I didn’t think your warning was for a bloody mouth! I was expecting something else,” Nick puts his other hand on the wall, blocking her exit on both sides.

“You would do well Mr. Barkley to remove yourself from my way,” she warns him.

“And what do you plan to do about it if I don’t?” He leans his face closer to hers and is about to kiss her, when she puts her hand up to strike him, but he quickly blocks her with his arm, smiling.

“I’m ready for you this time milady!”

“Very well, I tried to be nice,” she warns him.

“Oh, this is what you call nice? First you slap me; then you punch me; they you try to strike me again! What else do you have for me?”

“This,” she leans closer to him as if to kiss him, then she digs her heel in his boot, causing him to pull away from her in pain, yelling out. She gets away from him, and runs down the stairs. Nick starts shouting from the top of the stairs.

“You little...You come back here!! I’m not finished with you yet!” Laura falls into Heath’s arms as he walks in the door.

“Now this sure is a nice homecoming!” Heath smiles as he catches her in his arms.

“Your brother is after me! Help!” she hides behind Heath.

“You let go of her! I’m not finished with her!” Nick shouts at his brother.

“You are finished, if ya think I’m going to let ya harm the little lady!” Heath warns him.

“You don’t know what she did to me!” Nick hollers.

“No more than ya richly deserve I would suspect! Leave the girl alone, you’re always trying to harm her!” Heath hollers back. Laura tries to hide a smirk with a hand covering her mouth as she clings protectively behind Heath.

“ME!!? I’m the one who's all black and blue from her!” Heath takes Laura by the shoulders and walks her into the parlor.

“Don’t ya worry little lady, I’ll make sure that big bully brother of mine doesn’t bother ya again.”

“Thank you Heath, you’re so sweet!” She glances back at Nick, smiles coyly, then sticks her tongue out at him, causing Nick to be further enraged.

In the parlor, Laura turns to Heath and whispers, “I 've got to get back upstairs to Audra’s room, she waiting for me to help her with her dress, but I want to avoid your brother.”

“No problem, come with me.” Heath leads her through the kitchen. Where they meet up with Silas.

“Hello Silas.”

“Mister Heath?” Silas watches curiousily as Heath leads the girl up the back stairway. A few minutes later Nick comes bounding into the kitchen.

“Silas,” Nick greets him as looks around the kitchen, Silas watches him with interest.

“Can I help you find something Mister Nick?”

“Yeah, did Heath come by here with a woman?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Where did they go?” Silas swallows before he answers.

“Well?!” Nick questions again his voice rising an octave.


“What do you mean he took her upstairs?! Just what does he think he’s doing?!” Nick takes the back stairs two at a time. Silas shakes his head. Nick finds Heath walking in the hallway alone, he grabs Heath by the shirt, and pushes him into the wall with a crash.

“Where is she?!”

“Away from you! Let go!” Heath roughly pulls Nick’s hands off him.


“She’s in Audra’s room, you leave her alone, you’re scaring the poor girl!” Heath admonishes his older brother.

“Scaring her! She’s the one who’s dangerous! And I got the black and blues to prove it!” Nick shouts.

“Just leave her alone!” Heath shouts back then walks away, leaving Nick standing there dumfounded.


Several hours later, Audra peeks out of her room, then sticks her head back in.

“Coast is clear! No Nick.”

“Good,” Laura says pleased.

“He probably went back to work, he won’t be back until dinner time. You will come back tomorrow won’t you? Just come after breakfast he won’t be here then.”

“All right, I’ll see you tomorrow, bye,” Laura heads outside.


She unhitches her horse from the post, but when she turns to mount her horse she finds Nick standing there blocking her, his hands on his hips. His presence startles her and she gives out a little yelp. “Aaaghh!” she clasps her throat.

Leaving so soon?” Nick smirks, with a steely gaze. “Yes,” catching her breathe, “Excuse me, you’re in my way.” He doesn’t move an inch from where he stands. “I said excuse me!” she demands as she regains her composure.

“Not so fast, I want to talk to you.”

"I really have to leave!"

“It will only take a minute,” he promises.

“What?” she says, impatiently. Nick folds his arms across his chest, grinning. “Mother tells me you’re helping Audra make a dress for the Spring Dance.”

“Yes,” she raises her hand on her hips, showing her impatience.

“I’m just wondering what you’re wearing to the Spring Dance?”

“I don’t recall telling you I was going to the Spring Dance.”

“Well, you should.”


“Well now, if you do, then I’ll be sure to save a dance for you.” Laura laughs outloud at his impertence. He smiles slyly. “Well, as enticing as that offer is, I don’t think I’ll be going to the dance.”

“Everyone will be there,” he tempts her, a dimpled smile forming.

“Really? Everyone?”

“That’s right; everyone,” he says enticingly.

“Then your brothers Jarrod and Heath will be there?” she askes demurely, giving away a smile.

“Yeah, they'll be there,” he equals her smile.

“In that case, I think I will go to the dance. Excuse me,” she attempts to mount her horse, but he still blocks her access. “Mr. Barkley, if you don’t mind! You are blocking my way! Must I call your brother Heath to come to my rescue yet again?” Nick puts his fists on his hips, his smile disappears as he clenches his teeth.

“...And that’s another thing! ...Why do you call my brothers by their first names and I’m Mr. Barkley?!”

“I should imagine that would be obvious to you,” she sighs impatiently, her arms crossed in front of her.

“Well, it’s not!” he says on the verge of a shout. Then she puts her fists on her hips imitating his stance.

“I don't like you!” she spits at him. Nick’s eyes widen in surprise.

“WHY THE HELL NOT?!” Nick bellowed.

“Because you are a loud, arrogant, stubborn, narrowminded BOOR!” Nick is taken aback, but recovers quickly from her verbal attack. “I got all of those other insults, but what does BOOR mean?!”

“Boor means you are a rude, insensitive clod!” She clenches her teeth at the word, clod. Nick fumes, with eyes glaring down at her. “Lady I got more sensitivity in that little finger...” he sticks his baby finger out to demostrate. “...then you have in your whole body!”

“Is that so?!” she argues.

“Yeah! That’s so!!” his face inches from hers.

“Prove it!” she challenges him.

“Name it!” he takes the bait.

“Get out of my way!” she shouts.

“You got it lady!” he yells back. Nick moves away from her horse, his fists still on his hips. Then he moves over to help her.

“Let me help you up,” he offers. Laura raises her hand in a stop motion.

“Don’t you dare! Just stay away from me!”

“I was just going to show you how sensitive I can be!" Raising his eyebrows.

“Everytime you come near me, I end up getting hurt!” Nick holds his hands up in surrender.

“Fine, fine, I won’t touch you!”

“Good!” she exclaims, her hands on her saddlehorn.

“Still, it’s going to be hard dancing if I can’t touch you!” Nick sneers. She finally mounts her horse and looks down at him, “I don’t see that as being a problem for me!” Nick grabs her saddlehorn before she has a chance to rein her horse away... “You know what Miss Thomas?” he smiles at her.

“What is it Mr. Barkley?”

“As boorish as I may be to you, I think you like me!” Nick teases her with his dimpled smile.

“It’s a free country, and you can think what you like!”

“That’s right! It is!” He lets go of her saddlehorn, and she gallops away as fast as she can. Nick can’t see the smile on her face as she rides away. Heath walks over to his brother. Nick smiles, “She’s crazy about me.”

“Yeah, like a toothache.” Heath grins.

Chaoter 5

The day of the Spring Dance finally arrives. Heath Barkley arrives in town for a shave and a haircut. He enters the Stockton barber shop, and greets Carson Thomas.

“Are ya busy Carson?” asks Heath. “You’re in luck, not at the moment, but it has been busy all morning, with people getting ready for the big dance tonight, everyone getting all spruced up,” Carson laughs.

“Well that’s why I’m here.” Heath takes a seat in the barber chair. Carson puts the apron around his neck.
“So what can I do for you today Heath?”

“Just trim the edges, and give me a nice close shave.”

“You got it. So how’s the family?”

“Just great; and hows that pretty daughter of yours? I haven’t seen her out at the ranch much since she helped finish Audra’s party dress.”

“Oh she keeps herself busy, riding that horse of hers mostly," the barber lathers Heath's face up.

“Is that a fact?”

“She really does love that horse. I was really proud of her saving up all that money I sent her when she was at school and using it to buy that fine horse of hers. Who knew she could be so frugal with money? She’ll make some man a good wife,” Carson states proudly.

“I suspect so, it’s always good to have a woman who can stretch a dollar, during the lean times,” Heath agrees.

“How much would you say that horse was worth?” the barber asks. Carson begins to shave his face.

"Fine looking horse like that, Nick was expecting to get $600.00 for it.”

“Six hundred!” cries Carson impressed, “I had no idea my daughter had saved that much!”

“Oh Nick didn’t sell it to her for that,” Heath confesses.

“Oh, he gave her a deal, huh? That was good of him.” Heath starts laughing, “Some deal, she had old Nick over a barrel!”

“What do you mean?” Carson asks, stopping his razor in mid air.

“Your daughter only paid $300.00 for him.”

“Three hundred! Why did Nick let it go so cheap? Is he loco or something?” Heath starts laughing.

“No, he didn’t have much of a choice. No one at the ranch could break that horse.”

“What are you talking about? She rides him like a new colt.”

“True enough, but he wasn’t broken by us. She paid for an unbroken horse.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well it was the damnest think I ever saw. Your daughter walks up to the horse and begins to sweet talk 'em, and before ya know it, hes following her around the corral like a puppy dog. Then she gets on his back and rides that horse around like they were raised together,” Heath grins.

“She did that huh?” Carson tries to hide his growing anger.

“Yeah,” Heath laughs, “and when Nick tries to ride the horse, he bucks him off worse then before!”

“Is that a fact?” the barber wipes Heath's face after he finishes the shave and begins to cut his hair. Laura walks in with a picnic basket for her father’s lunch.

“Well hello pretty lady,” Heath smiles at the barber's daughter.

“Hello yourself Heath Barkley, don’t you look handsome today. Getting ready for the dance tonight?”

“Sure enough. Are you going to save me a dance or do I have to fight off all your other beaus?” Heath teases.

“I promise to save you a dance,” she laughs, “You won’t have to fight off anyone.”

“That’s good to know, I would hate to have to mess up your Daddy’s fine work.” Heath winks at her. Carson pulls the apron off Heath.

"All done Heath."

"Well, that was fast, thanks Carson." Heath flips a coin to the barber, who catches it in his hand. Heath winks at Laura who is setting up her father's lunch on a table.

"And I will see you tonight pretty lady, and I'm holding you to that promise of a dance," he smiles as he leaves the shop, with a wave of his hand. She waves back. Carson walks over to the front door and turns the close sign around. Laura continues unpacking the basket for her father’s lunch. The barber's eyes bore into his daughter, while her back is turned.

“I hope you’re hungry Papa, I’ve got all your favorites.” she places the silverware on the napkin.

“Trying to butter me up Laura?” he pulls his work apron off and places it on the barber's chair.

“Butter you up? Why would I do that?” she turns towards him.

“Heath told me what you did at the Barkleys.”

“You sound upset. Just what did Heath tell you?” she stares at her father, finally noticing his anger.

“You swindled the Barkleys out of a fair payment for that horse of yours.”

“That’s a lie! I can’t believe Heath would say such a thing!” Carson walks over to Laura, and slaps his daughter hard across the face causing her to fall onto the floor. “You’ve been seeing HIM again haven’t you! After all I did for you, and the sacrifices I made!” her father bellows. Laura pulls herself up from the floor, by leaning on a chair. She looks at her father confused. “Seeing who?! What are you talking about? Why did you hit me?!” She rubs her cheek as she stands up, leaning against a wall.

“You know who I’m talking about! That half breed, Johnny Ray from Tucson! You’ve been seeing him again,” he spits at her.

“I haven’t seen him in years! Why are you saying these things?!” still rubbing her cheek.

“Johnny taught you that Indian trick with the horses, I remember that!”

“That was a long time ago, and it’s not an Indian trick, it’s how they train horses without breaking their spirit!” she defends herself.

“And that half breed taught you that! When did you see him last? Has he been around?!”

“No, of course not, I told you I haven’t seen him in years!” Carson moves closer to her and whips his belt out from his trousers. Laura backs away from him, leaning against the wall. “Don’t you lie to me girl! You tell me the truth! When did you see him last?! Tell me or I’ll take a strap to ya!” he yells. She backs into a corner of the room, where there is a coat rack, her father's gun belt hanging there under his jacket.

“All right, I saw him in San Francisco, about a year ago. He came to the school looking for me; he told them he was my brother. But I sent him packing! I told him I didn’t want to see him again!” she confesses.

“You better be telling me the truth girl!” he wraps his belt around his hand.

“I am! I knew he became a gunslinger! I told him I didn’t want any part of him! I send him away! I swear it ! Honest! Please believe me Papa!"

“And he went away? Just like that huh?!”

“I threatened to call the U.S. Marshall if he ever came around me again! And I haven’t seen him since!”

“You better be telling me the truth. Or I’ll take a strap to ya...” He rushes at her, ready to whip her with his belt.
In desperation, Laura grabs his gun from the holster, and aims it at her father, “Don’t you dare hit me again!” she warns him, her anger boiling.

“You would shoot me, your own father?!” he says surprised.

"I won’t let you or any man hit me! Not ever, and if it takes a bullet to stop you then I will!” She warns her father, her eyes dark with rage.

“Ray taught you well. Did he teach you how to shoot a man too? Because all that half breed mongrel knows how to do, is kill! Do you know he’s got a price on his head? 3000 dollars, dead or alive! That’s the kind of man I took you away from, and this is how you repay me!”

“I am grateful for everything you have done, I know the sacrifices you made for me, but you can’t change who I am! We have spent 12 long years away from eachother, and you don’t even know me! You don’t know who I am or what I’m like, or even what I want out of life! Ever since I got here you have been trying to get rid of me!"

“That’s not true!” Carson puts his belt down.

“Isn’t it?” Laura puts the gun back into the holster. “I was a child when you sent me away, 10 years old! I came back a woman and you can’t even handle that. You couldn’t raise a child after Mama died and you have no idea what to do with the woman I've become! So your only solution is to marry me off! Well, I’m not letting you off that easy! You owe me a family life! I was raised by old maid teachers! I was never comforted when I cried, or felt a cool hand on my head when I was sick! Never a hug, or a kiss good night! Yes, Papa I am very grateful for all you did for me! Thank you!” Laura storms out of the barber shop.


She jumps on her horse and rides away. Once she is out of the city limits she takes the horse into a full gallop cutting across Barkley land. While tending cattle, Nick watches her, impressed by her riding skills, but concerned for her safety, he decides to ride out to meet her. He finally catches up to her, but she refuses to stop her horse, so he grabs the reins to stop her. Laura hits him about the arm and shoulder, screaming at him enraged. “Let go of my horse! Let go of him!!” She continues to hit him.

“Stop hitting!” Nick yells, trying to block her blows as well as trying to make sure she doesn’t fall off her own horse. "LET GO OF MY HORSE!!” she screams at him, still hitting his arms and shoulders.

“STOP YOUR DAMN HITTING!!” Nick shouts back at her. “Oh I’ve had enough of this!” With that he grabs her by the waist and pulls her off her horse onto his.

“Let go of me, NOW!” she yells and hits him even harder. Causing Nick to lose his own balance and they both fall off, with Nick landing on top of her. She punches him with her fists.

“Get off me you BIG OX!” Nick clenches his teeth and grabs her by the wrists, pinning them down, so she can't hit him anymore, “Now, stop it. Do you hear me STOP IT!” he uses all his force to stop her.

“GET OFF ME! DAMN YOU!” she swears at him.

“OH HO!” Nick roars with laughter, “Just what kind of a school did you learn that language from?” She tries to kick him in the groin, but he anticipates her move by blocking her leg with his boot. “That’s not going to happen milady! Not to me! Now, you stop your yelling!”

“GET OFF ME!” she screams.

“I’ll get off you when you stop your godamn yelling!” Laura takes a deep breathe, tired of fighting against his stength, she relents, “Okay,” she exhales, exhausted from the fight.

“Good,” he stares at the nape of her neck as he watches a bead of sweat roll down towards her breasts, he becomes lost in thought; still laying on top of her.

“Well?!” her bellowing voice bringing him back from his daydream.

“Well what?” he questions.

“Are you going to get off me?!” she yells in his face.

“I told you to stop yelling! You could ask me nice, it wouldn’t kill you!”

“Please get off me. ...How’s that?”

“Better!” He gets off and sits beside her on the ground, he wipes his sweaty forehead with his shirt sleeve, then turns to look at her, “Are ya hurt?” She sits up beside him.

“Of course I’m hurt! I always seem to get hurt when you’re around!”

“That’s a fine thing to say after I saved you from breaking your neck!”

“What are you talking about?!” she asks irritated.

“The way you were riding that horse, you could have fallen off and broken your neck!” he answers.

“Right! Instead you come by, pull me off, and I end up falling anyway! Thanks!”

“Your welcome.” Nick notices the bruise on her face. He takes her chin in his gloved hand and turns her face to get a better look. “Who did that to you?”


“That bruise on your face. Who did it?” She pushes his hand away from her, “No one, I fell.”

“I may be alot of things lady, but stupid I’m not! That bruise on your face was put there by someone. Who?”

“No one!”

“You’re lieing through your teeth!” he takes his hat off and wipes more sweat from his brow.

“Don’t you have work to do? Why don’t you leave?”

“I don’t need to leave, this is my land.”

“Fine, I’ll leave then!” She starts to get up from the ground, he quickly rises up to help her, by giving her a hand up. “Thank you,” she begins to walk over to her horse when Nick stops her by grabbing her arm.

“Hold on. I’m serious, I want to know who did that to you.”

“I already told you, no one!”

“Old boyfriend?”


“New boyfriend?”

“Of course not! I don’t have a man in my life and I don't need one!” she angrily pulls away from his grasp. He looks at her, thinking, “Your father did that to you, didn’t he?”

“I told you! I fell! Now, leave me alone!”

“All right, then maybe I’ll just have a talk with your father,” Nick leaves her standing there and walks over to his horse. She runs over to him and touches his arm to stop him from mounting his horse. “Please don’t!” she begs. He turns towards her, his hand still on his saddlehorn, “Now you look here. No man should hit a woman I don’t care who he is!”

“Please Nick! I’m begging you not to do this!” she pleads, holding back her tears. Nick’s face changes from anger to compassion as he gently touches the bruise on her face, “No one should ever touch this face in anger.” Laura bows her head down, hiding tears that are beginning to flow.

“Hey, hey... what’s the tears for?” he embraces her as she sobs even harder, tears staining his shirt. They stand there for a few minutes, without speaking, them she pulls away from him, “I’m sorry,” she sobs.

“What are you sorry for?” he asks puzzled.

“I got your shirt all wet.” He laughs, as he looks down at his wet shirt.

“That’s okay, I've got other shirts.”

“Good.” She continues to sob into his chest. He stays there enjoying the experience of just holding her in his arms. Finally she pulls away from him again. “I got to stop this.”

“Why? ...I mean, are you sure you’re feeling better?”

“Yes, thank you. I better go home.”

“I”ll escort you.”

“No, really, I’ll be fine, thank you.” She mounts her horse and rides off. He regretfully watches her leave.

Chapter 6

That evening at the Stockton Inn the entire town is dressed in their most elegant finery for the annual Spring Dance, the first social event of the season. The Thomas family arrive at the dance, Laura dutifully walks in on the arm of her father as they greet everyone they know there with polite smiles.

“Am I doing my fatherly duty well enough for you?” he smiles as he greets everyone, hiding the strained relationship between them.

“You can escort me over to where Audra Barkley is and then you can go where you will father dear,” she says coldly to him, as she nods greetings to people with a smile.

“Fine, we will walk over to the Barkleys.”

Audra greets them, “Laura, where did you get that beautiful dress? Is it new?”

“Actually not at all, I am very lucky all my party frocks are new to Stockton so I can wear all my favorites again. This one is a copy of a French design, I made it myself.”

“I love it, it’s so elegant looking. Laura you could open up a dress shop and give Madame Claire competition.”

“That’s if I care to spend my life in a dress shop all day, no thank you.” They laugh. Carson makes his getaway from the ladies, “Would you excuse me ladies,” Carson bows to them.

“Of course Papa, I’ll be sure to save you a dance,” she adds politely to her father, although she does not intend to dance with him at all.

“Please do, daughter,” Carson continues the polite charade, then walks over to the bar, located at the far side of the room.

Jarrod greets the ladies, “The beauty in this room is dazzling this evening,”

“Oh Jarrod, really,” Audra titters.

“Leave it to you Jarrod to always make a lady feel like a princess,” Laura comments, smiling.

“What a sweet compliment, dear lady; thank you, now before all these men have a turn to take you away, I insist on having the first dance, before you disappear in the middle of all of them. At least they can envy me for a short time.” Jarrod bows to Laura.

“Jarrod, I would be honored to have the first dance with you, and possibly a second?” Laura asks sweetly.

“My lucky day,” Jarrod smiles as he takes her onto the dance floor. Heath and Nick look at eachother as they watch their older brother take the prized first dance, with the same lady they are both interested in.

“Looks like our big brother beat us to the punch,” Heath laments.

“For now,” Nick smiles, looking very handsome is his dark black suit.

“At least I don’t need to worry about you as my competition, Laura won’t give you the time of day,” Heath laughs.

“Oh, you think so do you? Well, we’ll see about that, Boy. Both you and Pappy are in for a surprise tonight.”

“Dream on Nick, dream on.” Heath grins, as he slaps his shoulder.

“Come on, lets get a drink at the bar while we’re waiting for the competition to thin out,” Nick offers.


At the bar Nick notices Laura's father. He saunters over to him and puts his arm around the barber's shoulder, a big smile on his face. “Carson old friend, let me buy you a drink. George, a whiskey for my friend here. Put it on my tab.”

“Put mine on his tab too, since my brother is being so generous tonight.” Heath motions to the bartender. Nick nods to the bartender, and waits for him to pour Carson a drink.

“You going to join me in a drink Nick?" wonders the grey haired gentleman.

“No, the ladies don’t like the smell of alcohol when you’re dancing with them.”

“Well, that’s considerate of you.” Carson sips his whiskey.

“Yeah, not bad for a boor,” he replies, remembering Laura's description of him.

“A what?”

“Never mind. You know Carson, I was talking to your lovely daughter earlier today.”

“Really? Where, did you see her?”

“Out riding that horse of hers,” Nick folds his arms and leans over the bar, staring into the mirror above, grinning at the old man's reflection.

“Oh yeah, about that horse, I was really sorry about what happened,” he apologizes.

“What do you mean Carson?”

“Heath told me how you only got half price for the horse; I feel like my own daughter swindled you out of a fair price. I’m really sorry about that.”

“No body swindles me when it comes to horses. I let her have it. Just being nice is all,” he laughs at the thought.

“Really?, ‘cause Heath said you were angry.”

“No, not me. Why Carson? ..... Did it make you angry?” Nick feigns a concerned look at the barber.

“Well, you know I was a little upset with her, but I got over it.”

“Really? .....And ah..., just when was that, Carson? ...Before... or after.... you hit her?” Nick calmly pours another whiskey for Carson in his empty glass. The barber nervously takes the drink and downs it in one gulp.

“What do you mean, Nick?” he feigns knowledge of the incident, but he notices the reflection of Nick's face change into a dark demeanor in the mirror.

“ I mean... I saw that bruise you left on her face today; she managed to hide it pretty well tonight, I thought.” Nick coldly stares at the old man image in the bar mirror.

“I .i..i d.d.didn’t ...” Carson stumbles on his words.

“Oh come on now Carson, don’t try to deny it. I’m not as stupid as I look.”

“Did she tell you that I did it?” he says fearfully.

“She didn’t tell me a thing, except that she fell.... . She didn’t fall, did she Carson? The truth.” Nick demands in a quiet tone.

“,” he hangs his head in remorse, staring at the whiskey in his glass.

“I didn’t think so,” Nick's anger begins to come to the surface. as it shows even more on his face. He notices Carson, nervously twitching. He edges closer to his victim and puts his arm around his shoulder again, in a mockingly friendly gesture, he grits his teeth as he looks down at the shorter man, "I just wanted to tell you Carson, daughter or not, ...if you ever..., EVER.... lay a hand on her again, your daughter is going to find herself an orphan! Do I make myself clear?"

Carson looks at Nick's reflection in the mirror and sees the furious look on his face. Having witnessed for himself Nick's wrath in a barroom brawl a time or two, Carson certainly did not relish angering Nick Barkley in any way, shape or form; so he readily surrenders to Nick's threat.

"Yes," Carson speaks quietly. Nick slaps Carson on the back, almost knocking the man off his feet. "Glad to hear that Carson! I knew you would see things my way! Good man!" Nick walks away from the bar, smiling to himself.

Heath; curious as to what he just witnessed follows his older brother, "What was that all about?"

"Nothing. Just a friendly talk." Nick continues to walk away with Heath at his heels, "Looked like more than just a friendly talk. What's going on between you and Laura's father?"

"That's between us. Let's not keep all those lovely ladies waiting Heath!" They join their brother Jarrod who has just finished his third dance with Laura.

"Why you are a wonderful dancer Jarrod, Laura gushes over Jarrod when she knows Nick is in earshot.

"Thank you Laura, you are too kind." Jarrod smiles. Heath interrupts them, "Now I know I'm not as good a dancer as my brother here, but I have learned enough so that I won't step on your feet. Promise." He smiles his boyishly shy smile at her, knowing full well how irresistable it can be to women and offers his hand to her, she takes it, smiling back at the blond Barkley, "I did promise you a dance, didn't I?"

"Yes ma'am, you did." Heath smiles sweetly. They walk onto the dance floor leaving the two brothers behind. Jarrod glances over to Nick, "I haven't seen you dance yet, Nick."

"You will." Nick smiles and heads over to where his sister to talking to several of her prettier friends.


Everytime their is a new girl around, she gets all the men's attention," complains Audra's friend Linda.

"Oh Linda, the novelty of a new person wears off soon, there's no need to worry. Men are so fickle," offers Gloria.

"Now, the two of you are just jealous! Laura Thomas is a wonderful girl, and a dear friend of mine, I'll not have you talking that way about her," chides Audra to her friends.

"Oh well, that's easy enough for you to say Audra Barkley, she's not after any of your beaus yet. She has your handsome brothers to occupy her time. Of course you would think that!" Linda pouts.

"My handsome brothers are just as available to you as they are to her."

Nick interrupts the ladies conversation, "Good evening ladies, anyone here want to dance with a poor fellow with two left feet?" He smiles his most charming smile. The ladies smile back enjoying the attention.

"Why Nick Barkley, you darling, we all know you're one of the best dancers in the valley. You are just shameless trying to fish for a compliment." Gloria chides him.

"Well, how did I do?" he flashes a dimpled smile at them.

"You were excellent and I do remember promising you a dance Nick." offers Linda. She grabs his arm and leads him to the dance floor. She looks back at her two friends, "Excuse us ladies," Linda smiles.

"Well of all the nerve! Did you see that? He was going to ask me first! I know he was!" complains Gloria.

"I guess Linda was too fast," Audra amuses.

"That's probably why she so popular with men!"

"Gloria! You know that's not true! Now there's Patrick Barnes over there; I bet he would love to dance with you, go over there."

"Well, he's not your brother, but he'll do in a pinch I suppose." Audra laughs as she sees her friend head over to the unsuspecting gentlman.


As the dance wears on towards it's closing hours, Laura excuses herself from one of her dance partners, to freshen her make up to make sure the bruise on here face doesn't show. She walks out into the lobby where there is better light and looks at herself in her powder compact, as she powders her cheek she notices a familiar reflection in her mirror, Mr. Barkley," she closes her compact

"Miss Thomas." She turns to face him.

"Why aren't you in there dancing with all those men, I am sure they must miss you."

"A lady does have to get away to check her make up sometime."

"I see," Nick looks concerned as if inspecting her face.

"You don't see it, do you?"

"See what?" he wonders, raising his eyebrows.

"The bruise on my face, can you see it? How does my face look?" She tilts her face up towards him, for him to examine the hidden bruise.

"Incredibly beautiful," he beams at her.

"I was talking about the bruise on my face, can you see it?" she says impatiently, already bored by all the usual compliments men have been giving her all evening. For once she had hoped for an honest answer at least from Nick, a man she had heard was known for his honesty throughout the valley.

"Don't see it at all, I just see an incredibly beautiful face, like I said," he smiles.

"Oh please..." Tired and bored by the same old conversation with yet another man.

"What did I say?"

"Nothing. Excuse me Mr. Barkley." He stops her by gently touching her shoulder.

"If you don't mind, Can I have a moment of your precious time Miss Thomas?"

"Yes Mr. Barkley?" Nick sighs when he hears 'Mr. Barkley' yet again.

"You have been dancing with every single man in this place, including three times each with my brothers." He informs her.

"I wasn't aware you were counting, Mr. Barkley."

"I may be a boor as you say, but I can count!" Nick volunteers. She bites her lip to avoid laughing at his comment.

"I just wanted to ask you, if there is any room on your dance card for at least one dance with a rude, insensitive clod?" She can't help smiling, hard as she might to bite her lip again. She looks at the palm of her hand, pretending to hold a dance card, and flipping through imaginary pages with her index finger. Nick smiles at her, capitivated by her whimsy.

"Humm?, let's see...Oh, here it is! 'One dance with a rude, insensitive clod, refer to Nick Barkley.' Well, what do you know! That's you! You ARE on my dance card after all!"

They smile at eachother as Nick offers his hand to her and she takes it. They enter the dance hall. Nick excuses himself for a minute, walks over to the band and talks to the band leader, handing him something from his trouser pocket. Then he returns to his beautiful partner as the music starts."

"What did you do?" she asks as she puts her hand on his shoulder to dance.

"You said one dance, I am making sure it lasts," he smiles at her.


The one dance seems to go on for long time, because couples start to leave the dance floor after tiring from the endless song that is played. Soon it does not go unnoticed by the other party goers that there is only one couple on the dance floor. The lone dancing couple are unaware that they are alone on the dance floor, or that anyone is even watching them. Heath and Jarrod watch their brother dance with their former dance partner.

"What's going on over there?" Heath wonders to his brother. The brothers both look at the dancing couple alone on the dance floor.

"What do you mean?" Jarrod smiles.

"I thougth she hated Nick. 'Wouldn't give him the time of day, I even thought I had a chance with her." Jarrod laughs as he puts his hand on Heath's shoulder.

"Little brother, you have alot to learn about women. I knew from the beginning you and I didn't have a chance with little gal."

"You did?"

"Afraid so Heath. She only has eyes for Nick, sad but true."

"Boy howdy, and I bought a new suit, had a hair cut and a shave. I even scrubbed my fingernails raw getting the dirt off them all for nothing!" Jarrod laughs at his brother.

"I can assure you Heath we all appreciate your cleaning up as well as you did, even if Laura Thomas didn't notice. I don't think she notices much else around her anyway, except for our very lucky brother."

"How does he do it? I'm better looking then he is, ain't I?" Heath furrows his brow at Jarrod.

"You're asking me?!...Sorry, neither one of you are my type; and definitely the wrong persuasion!"

"Come on, I'll buy you a drink, we can both go cry in our beer," Jarrod jokes, as he slaps Heath's shoulder.


"Doesn't this dance seem long to you?" Laura inquires of her dancing partner.

"I didn't notice," Nick lies. She looks around the dance floor, and is embarassed to find no else on the dance floor.

"Did you notice, we're the only two people on the dance floor?"

"You mean there are other people here tonight?" Nick smiles at her. Laura smiles up at Nick, their eyes glued to eachother, for the rest of the dance. Suddenly the music stops and the band leader announces gentlemen's choice for last dance.

"Oh no," says Nick, disappointed.

"I didn't realize it was so late," she says, disappointed that the dance is almost over. They stop dancing and awkwardly stand there on the dance floor. The music starts again. Nick looks at her.

"Last dance?"

"Getnlemen's choice," she smiles. They begin to dance again. As they whirl around the dance floor, a young man taps Nick on the shoulder. Nick turns to him looking irritated.


"I want to dance with the lady," he explains.

"The lady is dancing with me, go away," Nick hisses. The bold young man taps Nick on the shoulder again.

"The last dance is gentlemen's choice."

"Then go be a gentleman and choose some one else!" Nick suggests. Nick continues to dance with Laura, but the fellow persists, Nick tries to ignore him, but to no avail, the young gentleman stands his ground, defiantly.

"Now see here!" the fellow growls at Nick. The dark haired cowboy whirls Laura around so that her back is toward the young gentleman, and deftly punches him without missing a dance step, the young man drops down to the floor. Laura, seemingly awaken from a trance dancing in the handsome Barkley's arms, hears a thud on the floor behind her.

"What was that noise?" She sees the man on the floor behind her.

"Don't know, I guess he tripped, probably drunk." He leads her away from the man laying on the floor.

"That Creep! He can't do that to me!" the man says angrily as Heath helps him get up.

"I believe he just did fellar, you best be on your way. Take it from me, you don't want to get on his bad side; he'll put you into the middle of next week!" The object of Nick's fist, takes Heath's advice and leaves the dance. Heath smiles at Nick, and shakes his head.


With the last song played, and the Spring Dance over for another year, Laura finds herself alone on the dance floor still holding Nick's hand, "Thank you for the dance, I really enjoyed it," she smiles.

"Let me take you home," says Nick.

"I couldn't, I came with my father in our buggy."

"What if I convince him to let me take you home in the buggy, he can take my horse and..."

"I really don't think my father will agree to that," she shakes her head.

"You let me worry about that, I am sure I can convince your father into seeing things my way. He likes me. Be right back, don't go away," smiling, he rushes off, leaving her on the dance floor. Nick finds Carson at the bar. When the barber sees Nick, coming over to him, he turns pale, cowering at the sight.

"Now Nick, I don't want any trouble from you! We are already talk about..."

"Carson, I'm taking your daughter home and I'm using your buggy. You can take my horse, you know which one it is don't you?"


"Good, you get on him now, he's already for you. Don't wait up. I'll unhitch the horses for you and put them in the barn when I get there. You just go to bed. Good night." Nick slaps him on the back, and leaves him as quickly as he came. Carson stands there speechless from the one sided conversation. Nick joins Laura again.

"All set, let's go." Nick takes her hand and leads her away.

"You mean he actually agreed?" she asks in surprise.

"Well he did give me a hard time, but I convinced him you would be safe with me. I can be very persuasive, when I need to be," he smiles.


Nick drives the buggy back to her house as slowly as he dares, but even if Laura notices how much longer it takes to get to her home from Stockton, she doesn't complain, as she enjoys his company as much as he does hers; then she interrupts the comfortable silence between them, "How long have you lived in this valley?"

"All my life, was born here right in the house I'm living in now," informs Nick.

"It's so beautiful here," Laura comments.

"No better place to be. You're originally from Arizona?"

"Yes Tucson. Ever been there?"

"No, never had any business there, but if I knew you were there, I would have made it a point to go."

"You wouldn't have liked what you saw then. I was a dirty little tomboy."

"I would never have figured you for a tomboy," Nick laughs.

"Oh, I was notorious. My mother was beside herself having a child like me. I was always running around with the boys in the town. The other girls would shun me, but I didn't care. I was happy for a time."

"Until your mother died."

"Yes, until then. How about you? What kind of a boy were you?"

"Typical I guess, I did what little boys do, run, climb trees, ride horses, stick little girls' pigtails in ink wells. Fought with my brother. Fun things like that," he laughs.

"Then we would have gotten along well, because I did the same things, except for the pigtails in ink wells. That's definitely something only boys do," she laughs.

"You mean no boy every stuck your pigtails in an ink well?"

"I would beat him up if he tried!" her eyes dancing at the thought. Nick smiles, as he watches her eyes twinkle in the moonlight. Aware of him staring at her, she changes the subject, "Did you always want to run a ranch?"

"No, I wanted to become a knight and slay dragons. Of course I was 12 at the time. My father gave me a book for my birthday called King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, I must have read that book three times. I really was taken with the stories in it. Always pictured myself slaying dragons and saving damsels in distress."

"I read that book too when I was about that age, but I never imagined my self a damsel in distress," she reminisces.

"So what did you imagine yourself as, a female knight?" he chuckles.

"No, by the time I was twelve I hated boys, so I imagined I was Queen of the Knights of the Round table and I often ordered my knights to entertain me with their jousting, and if they were really good at entertaining me, I would let them live!" They both laugh outloud.

"You're a tough monarch to please! I hope you still don't feel that way about men?"

"Thankfully I grew out of it. As I got older, I learned to like men again."

Laughing, Nick adds, "That makes me feel safer!" They ride a little longer not saying a word for a few minutes, but just enjoying the quiet; feeling comfortable in their silence, like genuine friends sometimes do. Then Nick breaks the silence, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you mean?" she inquires.

"I mean what do you want to do? What are your plans now that you're out in the real world, and not in some stuffy, old school?"

"No one has ever asked me that before," she adds, surprised.

"No one?" he says.

"No. All my life people have been telling me what I should do and what I should be. No one has ever asked what I wanted to be or do. You're the first!"

"Really? Well don't you think it's about time?" Nick asks. She laughs, he joins her in the laughter.

"Yes, I do. It's about time."

"So tell me, what does Laura Thomas want to do with your life?" She laughs at the thought of her having the freedom to do whatever she wants.

"Women don't have that kind of freedom. Women are expected to marry and have children."

"So what's wrong with that?" Nick chides her.

"Nothing, but what if a woman doesn't want to marry and have children? What if she wants to be a doctor or a lawyer?"

"Well then, if she wants it bad enough I guess she just has to fight for it," he answers.

"Why should she have to fight for it?" she argues back to him.

"Because anything worth having is worth fighting for. Do you think my family got where we are today by wishing? My father and mother together, fought for everything we have today. Everything, with blood and sweat, and if that's want you want then that what you do. Fight for it!" He doesn't notice her looking at him with pride, as he continues his tirade.

"That's what my father taught me and that's what I'll teach my own children! You have to fight for what you want in this world, whether it's land, or a career or freedom to do what you want. No one is ever going to give it to you. And once you have it you still have to fight to keep it or... I'm ranting again, sorry. I didn't mean to get on a soap box. I ask you one question and I end up shooting my mouth off. I do that sometimes; but I guess you all ready know that," he laughs sheepishly.

"Is that the prepared speech you are going to give your children one day?" she teases laughing.

"The very same! Whadya think?" Nick chuckles to himself.

"It's a good one, I like it!" she says admiringly.

"Thank you. I stole it from my father." They ride along quietly again, smiles on their faces as they think about the previous conversation. Nick notices Laura rubbing her arms with her hands.


"A little, I should have brought a shawl. I forgot how cool the spring nights can be." Nick stops the buggy.

"What are you doing?" she inquires.

"Taking care of a damsel in distress." Nick takes off his jacket and carefully places it around her shoulders.

"You shouldn't do this, what about you?"

"I'm fine. I don't feel cold at all."

"Thank you." She wraps herself in his jacket, smelling his scent on the lapels, just the scent of him gives her a safe, warm feeling as she smiles to herself. Nick watches her from the corner of his eye.

"What are you smiling at?" he asks her, as he drives the buggy forward.

"Oh nothing...your coat feels warm." she bites her lip trying not to smile too much. Nick watches her amused, taking note of that habit she has of biting her bottom lip when she is trying to hide something.


They finally arrive at Laura' s home. They both can't help feeling a little disappointed that they have arrived at their destination. Nick helps Laura down from the buggy by taking her by the waist, she holds on to his shoulders; they linger for just a few precious seconds...

"Home safe and sound," he grins, still holding her in his arms.

"Thank you." He walks her onto the porch, she stops at door and turns towards him, "I see your horse made it safe and sound too, my father must be in bed." Nick glances over his shoulder at his horse Coco tied to the post.

"Yes," he lingers longer on the porch with her.

"Thank you for bringing me home."

"My pleasure. Can I ask you question?"

"Of course, what's your question?"

"Can Mr. Barkley give Miss Thomas a good night kiss?" he smiles.

"No," she bites the bottom of her lip as she smiles at him, teasingly.

"But Nick can give Laura a good night kiss if he wants."

"Oh yes," Nick smiles, "he wants." He wraps her in his arms, leans forward and kisses her; she doesn't put her arms around him, but holds tightly to the his jacket still around her shoulders. They break off the kiss. "I promised your father I would put his horses away." His long legs stride off the porch.

"All right. Thank you." She watches as he pulls the horses and buggy into the barn, when he disappears into the barn, she walks inside the house, and leans against the closed door. She hugs the jacket around her shoulders, enjoying the smell of Nick's scent, cinnamon and pine soap, with the slightest hint of lemon. She closes her eyes, lingering for some time until she realizes she still has his jacket.

"Oh my, I forgot!" She opens the door, just as he is coming out of the barn, she smiles.

"I forgot my jacket," he says, returning the smile. He rejoins her on the porch.

"Turn around, I 'll put it on you." He obliges. She lets her hands linger on his broad shoulders, as she helps him into his jacket. This does not go unnoticed by Nick as he turns to face her again. She brushes off imaginary lint from his lapels, "There, that's better."

As she removes her hands from his lapels, he captures them in his and kisses each opened palm, taking her breathe away that she can hardly speak. An overwhelming desire pushes them into an embrace and lingering kiss. Finally Laura pulls away, biting her lower lip.

" I've a,... got to... Ah,...Good night." She hurries into her house, closing the door behind her. Safely inside the house, she takes a deep breathe.

"Good Night!" Nick yells from behind the door, startling her. She runs upstairs to her bedroom. Peering from her window, she watches Nick mount his horse and ride away. Then he abruptly stops, looks back and sees her in the bedroom window, he waves.

Damn, she thinks to herself, he caught me staring at him.

She returns the wave, then quickly closes the curtains. She looks at herself in her mirror and is embarassed to see her face all flushed and warm. She closes her eyes, and licks her lips, trying to taste his kiss on them, she sighs at the memory.

Chapter 7


The morning sun spills into her bedroom as she stretches herself awake, she turns over and hugs her pillow, smiling, not wanting to open her eyes, but letting her imagination take over her mind's eye instead, she moans... A rapid knock on her door breaks her thoughts.

"Laura, Laura, are you awake?" her father calls to her.

"oh go away...I don't want to wake up," she whispers to herself.

"Laura. Come on girl, I got the coffee waiting." he says.

"I'm up." She forces herself out of the bed and walks over to her window where she last saw him ride away. She leans her head against the window sash and sighs, remembering the dream she has last night, she smiles to herself, "I haven't had a dream like that in a long time."

A loud rap on the door breaks her daydream, "Laura, are you up?"

"Yes!" She puts on her dressing gown and joins her father downstairs in the kitchen. She pours herself a cup of coffee to help her wake and stands by the stove, sipping it.

"What time did you get home last night?" asks her father as he sits down at the table.

"You know exactly what time I got home last night; I saw the light on on your room. How do you want your eggs?"

"Don't care, however you want to make them." Putting her coffee cup down on the side board, she begins to cook breakfast, avoiding her father's eyes.

"All right," he sighs, "let's talk."

"We have nothing to say to eachother," she claims, still avoiding him.

"I know you're angry with me."

"Then I have made my point!"

"Daughter, I'm sorry." She cooks the breakfast without offering an answer to her father. He folds his arms on the table in front of him.

"I am sorry I hit you yesterday, but you shouldn't have cheated the Barkleys in that horse deal." She bangs the spatular on the stove, it makes a loud knocking sound, startling him.

"I cheated no one! Did any of the Barkleys complain to you?" she clenches her teeth in anger as she turns to look at him.


"Fine! Then the subject is closed! Your hitting me had nothing to do with them anyway and you know it!"

Carson rises quickly from the table and stands in front of her, "Daughter, he is a gunslinger, a killer!"

"I am well aware of that! And I told you I have not seen Johnny Ray in a year. Nor do I care too! He is out of my life!" she spat angrily at him.

"He came to you in San Francisco! He could come to you again here!"

"And I'll send him packing again! Look, Johnny is in the past, the long dead past! I was just a girl then, a child, infatuated with an older boy, nothing more."

"He's not a boy any longer!" her father argues.

"And I'm not a child! No man is ever going to get the best on me, not you, not Johnny, not any man, ever!"

"Fine, I'm glad to hear that because you best stay away from Nick Barkley too!" She looks at her father, dumbfounded..

"Now, what brought that on?! You have been extoling the virtues of the Barkley clan since I came to this valley, now you have a problem with one of them! What's going on?"

"You just stay away from him, is all I mean!"

She laughs at her father, "Now you know I am not going to let that go! You tell me what happened that put you off the Barkleys all of a sudden. It's not that foolish business with my horse is it?"


"Then you tell me!"

"Last night at the dance, Nick came over to me while I was at the bar and he threaten me!"

"Threaten you!? How? Why would he do that?" she stands with her hands on her hips.

"Well, the true be told, he threaten to kill me!"

She laughs at him. "I don't believe that! Why would he do such a thing?"

"Apparently he saw the bruise on your face yesterday. Did you tell him I caused that?"

"I didn't have to, he figured it out!"

"Well, I guess he's not as stupid as he looks!" Laura makes a face at her father as she defends Nick,

"He doesn't look stupid!"

"Do you know what he said to me?!" he raises his voice.

"No, you have yet to tell me," she answers sarcastically, already bored by the conversation.

"I'll tell you what he said to me! He told me that he would make you an orphan if I ever hit you again!" Laura bites her bottom lip to keep from laughing, she turns her back so he won't notice her smiling. Her father continues his tirade, as he paces the kitchen floor, waving his arms in the air for effect, "I don't know why you would want to keep company with a man who threatened to kill your father!"

She bites her lip harder as tears of laughter start to stream down her face. "Would you excuse me Papa," she attempts to compose herself, hurrying upstairs to her bedroom. Once there she shuts the door and bursts out laughing, collapsing on the floor.


Later, Laura comes downstairs dressed in her riding clothes, her father greets her at the bottom of the stairs.

"And where are you off too?" he asks annoyed.

"As is my custom these days I am going for a ride. Bye." she answers him.

"And who is going to clean up in that kitchen?" he chides her.

"Who's been doing it for the past 12 years?" she heads towards the front door.

"Is that how I raised you?!" her father asks.

She stops dead in her tracks, and looks at him angrily, "You didn't raise me, you paid others to do it, and they raised me to be independent. You just got what you paid for Papa," she opens the front door.

"I hope you're not going to see that Nick Barkley; not after he threaten your own father!"

"Papa, if you ever hit me again, it won't be Nick Barkley you have to worry about!" She warns him.

"Laura, you surprise me with the things you say, I don't even I know you!"

"That's my point, you don't me! I'll be back in time to make supper. Don't forget to clean up, I do hate to work in a dirty kitchen." She waves to him as she leaves the house.


While riding her horse Tipper, she meets up with Audra Barkley, along the rode. "Well, what are you doing this fine morning Audra Barkley?"

"Taking a morning ride to clear my head," offers Audra with a smile.

"Same here, shall we ride together?"

"Love to," Audra smiles. They ride side by side, as they chat.

"So tell me, did you enjoy the Spring Dance?"

"You know, I can't remember when I enjoyed a dance more," Laura smiles back at her.

"Was that because of Nick?" Audra teases her new friend.

"Not at all, I had a wonderful time in spite of Nick," she teases back.

"Now wait a minute, didn't Nick take you home?"

"Yes he did."

"Well?" Audra asks.

"Well what?"

"Oh you're an awful tease! You know exactly what I'm asking. What happened when Nick took you home?!"

"Well, he walked me to my front door as he should, he put the horses and buggy away in the barn, then he went home," Laura answers her query.

"Is that all?" she pouts.

"Why Audra, whatever do you mean?"

"Did he kiss you good night?" she demands to know.

"Oh that! Hummm, yes, I suppose I let him do that."

"If you ever want me to help you with any of my brothers again, you better tell me everything, and don't you dare leave a thing out!"

Laura starts laughing, "All right, You've got me over a barrel. Your brother is the most amazing kisser! He took my breathe away, and if you ever tell him I said that I will make you very sorry!" she points a warning finger at her.

Audra giggles, "I won't, promise."

"I'm glad you and I are friends, it's almost like having a sister," Laura smiles.

"Me too, with brothers there was never anyone to tell my secrets too, it' fun to have you around. Hey, I'm famished; why not come home with me, we'll have lunch."

"I couldn't, I'm a mess, I've got trail dust all over me."

"So do I, we'll eat in the kitchen. Mother won't allow us in the dining room anyway the way we look," informs Audra.

"No, I couldn't let anyone see me like this, I'm a mess!" she looks down at herself.

"If it's my brothers you're worried about seeing you, don't be, they said they wouldn't be home for lunch today." she promises.

"Well, in that case I'll go, but we'll stay in the kitchen, I don't want your mother to see me like this either."

"Come on, I'll race you," Audra calls to her as she gallops away.

"Now you know my horse is faster then yours!" She calls out.

"That's why I took a head start!" Audra yells back laughing. Laura kicks Tipper's haunches to get him moving into a gallop. When the girls get to the Barkley ranch, they slow down, "If my mother saw me racing, she would kill me!" she cautions.

"You call that racing?!" Laura laughs at her, as she points a gloved thumb at her horse.

"You sound like my brother Nick!"

"You take that back!" Audra laughs as she dismounts near the kitchen. Laura follows her in the kitchen, the two of them sharing a laugh.

"Hello Silas," greets Audra.

"Hello Miss Audra, Miss Laura, nice to see you again."

"Thank you, nice to see you too Silas."

"Silas, Laura and I are going to have a quick lunch. Where's mother?"

"She taking lunch on the veranda. I'm just taking a tray out to her. I'll tell her you're here." Audra takes some meat and bread out of the larder, and some dishes.

"Would you like some tea, or lemonade?"

"Tea would be nice. Why don't you brew the tea and I 'll make the lunch." Laura takes Audra's place, and cuts the bread.

"What's that nice smell?" Laura sniffs the air.

"Oh, that smells like Silas' raisin bread, probably for breakfast tomorrow. Heath loves raisin bread, that's his favorite dessert." Audra pauses and looks at her friend, "Want to know what Nick's favorite dessert is?"

"Now, why would I care to know that?" she pauses from cutting the meat, turning in her direction

"Ah huh." Audra returns the smile. Suddenly there is a loud rumble coming from the front of the house. Nick bounds into the house with his usual high energy entrance, "MOTHER?! SILAS?!"

Laura is startled by Nick's voice. She looks annoyed at Audra, "I thought you told me your brothers weren't coming home for lunch!"

"I guess I was wrong." Audra smiles wickedly.

Laura tries brushing the dirt and dust off her clothes with her hand, "Thank you Audra Barkley; I owe you one!"

"Well, maybe they won't come in the kitchen," she tries to comfort her. Laura shakes her head in anger, then washes her hands at the water pump at the sink.


Meanwhile, in the foyer:

"Don't ya ever walk into a place quiet like?" chides Heath.


"They can hear you in three counties!" Heath complains. Nick waves his hand at him in a "get away" gesture.

"SILAS!" Nick looks down and sees Silas before him, having just come from the veranda.

"Oh, there you are. Where's mother?"

"She is on the veranda having lunch, she asks that you both join her there."

"Don't have time Silas, we just came in to grab a quick lunch, we're very busy today."

"Hmph, just like Miss Audra and her friend, no one knows how to sit and eat a good meal anymore," complains the faithful servant.

"Friend, what friend did Audra bring home? Not that little fool she was dancing with the other day," Nick grins, hoping for an opportunity to tease Audra again about the shy fellow she took pity on.

"No Sir, Miss Laura is here."

"Laura's here? Where?" Nick smiles widens.

"In the kitchen," Silas answers.

"Why don't you join Mother for lunch Heath?" Nick heads to the kitchen.

"Shouldn't you wash up first?" reminds Heath his older brother, "ya wouldn't want her to see ya all messed up."

"Oh yeah, I should do that." Nick heads into the wash room, while Heath, heads into the kitchen, smirking, "That Nick, he never learns!"


"Well, hello ladies," Heath greets them. Heath kisses Audra cheek.

"Been out riding I see," he smiles at Laura, she smiles back.

"We're hiding from your mother, so she won't see how dirty and dusty we are, while we have lunch in the kitchen."

"You look just fine to me, all pretty and glistening from your morning ride." Heath flirts with her.

"You do make a lady feel good about herself, Heath." she smiles.

"It's not too hard with a such pretty lady like yourself." his eyes twinkling. Audra rolls her eyes at her brother's shameless flirting.

"I was just making some sandwiches for us Heath, can I make you one?" Laura offers.

"I would be most proud to have you make me something to eat, pretty lady."

"You do turn a girl's head, Sir." she smiles at him.

Nick walks into the kitchen and scowls when he sees Heath there ahead of him, "I thought you were joining mother on the veranda?!"

"This sweet lady was kind enough to offer to make me something to eat by her very own hand, how could I refuse," Heath smiles.

"Yeah. ...Hello Laura." Nick smiles brightly at her. She turns her back on him as she makes Heath his lunch.

"Mr. Barkley," she says tersely.

Nick rolls his eyes and sighs. "We're back to that again?"

Laura walks over to Heath and sets a plate in front of him, she smiles sweetly at Heath, "I hope you enjoy it Heath."

"I surely will Laura," Heath beams at her, flirting back.

Nick puts his hands on his hips as Laura walks by him toward the sideboard, "Okay, what did I do this time to rile you?" Nick says angrily.

"Are you speaking to me, Mr. Barkley?"

"Of course I'm speaking to you, MISS THOMAS."

"You mean you have no clue?" she hints.

"What can I say, I'M STUPID!" Nick snorts.

"I guess it is true what people say about you then." She puts two dishes down on the table, one for her and one for Audra

"Can I get you a something to eat Nick?" offered Audra stifling a giggle.

"No." Nick grumbles.

"Suit yourself then." Audra sits herself down to eat her lunch.

"Would you like lemonade Heath?" Laura offers.

"Surely would, thank you kindly."

Laura pours a glass of lemonade for Heath as she sits next to him. "How is your lunch Heath?" Laura asks.

"Great, best ever, don't tell Silas I said that," Heath grins.

"Your secret is safe with me." she smiles.

Nick makes a face mimmicking their exchange. The three ignore him. Finally with his hands on his hips he bends down so that his face is near hers, "You know what milady, you are always running hot and cold! One day you hit me, next day you kiss me! I'm not sure you're even worth my time!"

Laura angrily slams her knife down on the table and slowing gets up from the chair, seething with anger, she stands in front of him imitating his stance, "Well you know what! I already know you're NOT worth my time!" Nick folds his arms in front of his chest and raises his eyebrows.

"Is that a fact?!" he scowled at her.

"That's a fact!" she scowled back.

Nick turns his back on her, and walks away to rethink the situation; he turns to face her again, this time his arms at his side, "Let me be the voice of reason here."

Heath stops eating and looks at Audra, "Now this I gotta hear," states the younger brother.

"Me too." Audra agrees. The two siblings look up at their older brother with keen interest. Laura folds her arms in front of her and looks away  as Nick speaks.

"First of all, you have to tell me what I did to get your feathers all ruffled. All I remember about last night is that I drove you home; walked you to your front door like a gentlemen, I might add! Asked, mind you now, ASKED, if I could kiss you good night and you said yes! I was a perfect gentleman! I see no reason for you to be riled up at me today!"

She stands with her arms still folded, refusing to look at him, "Think back to earlier in the evening."

"We didn't even speak to eachother. You were too damn busy dancing with every man jack in the place! You didn't talk to me until later in the evening!"

"That was my first mistake!" Laura scolds  him.   Arms still folded she turns her back to him again.

Nick walks closer, standing behind her, he leans forward so that she feels his breathe on the back of her neck, and whispers in her ear, "This is getting us nowhere," he straightens up, puts his fists on his hips, and bellows... "TELL ME, DAMN IT!"

She turns quickly on her heels to face him, putting her hands again on her hips, "You threatened to kill my Father!"

"Oh....that... " Nick says in a matter-of-fact tone