By Mrs. Nick B

Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.


Chapter 8

"Nick Barkley!" says his shocked sister.

"Boy howdy, so that's why Carson looked like he swallowed some bad whiskey last night at the dance!"

"I didn't threaten to kill him, not directly anyway!" Nick defends himself.

"You told him you would make me an orphan! That is a direct threat!" They both turn their backs on eachother, Nick smiles. Laura bites her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling. Audra and Heath witness this exchange and look at eachother questioning.

"Ahem...." Nick clears his throat, "Well, I suppose it could be thought of as a threat, I guess."

"You guess?!" They still don't look at eachother.

"Well, it's not like he didn't deserve it, after what he did to you!"

"That was none of your business!"

Nick finally turns around to face her, "None of my business? When a man hits a woman I make it my business and no one is going to tell me different! INCLUDING YOU!"

"He's my father!" She turns towards him with her hands on her hips again.

Nick also repeats her stance, peering down at her and scowling. "I don't give a damn who he is! If he lays a hand on you again it will be the last thing he ever does on this earth! DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

"THE WHOLE DAMN VALLEY HEARS YOU, YOU BIG JACKASS!" Laura shouts at the top of her lungs.

"Just who ran that fancy boarding school you went too, a bunch of sailors?! Because you have a MOUTH on you that would make a SALOON GIRL BLUSH!!"

Heath picks up his luncheon dish and leaving the kitchen, saying...."I' m out of here, I know what comes next and I don't want be here!" Audra looks at her brother puzzled as he runs out of the kitchen.

"AAUGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Laura screams. With all her might, she takes a swing at Nick with her fist, but he sees it coming and ducks, causing Laura to lose her balance, tripping on his big feet. In an effort to prevent her from falling, he grabs her by the waist and they both fall backwards into the sideboard where an opened 3 pound bag of flour falls on top of them both.

"OH MY! Are you hurt?!" Audra shouts astounded at the whole scene. Nick helps Laura into a sitting up position on the floor.

Laura looks down at herself. "Oh my God, what a mess!"

Nick looks at her covered from head to toe with flour and starts laughing. "Look at you!!"

Laura looks at him and points. "Look at yourself!!" She joins him in the laughter.

Audra takes her luncheon dish from the table. "I don't want to be here when Silas sees this mess!" Audra makes a hasty retreat up the back staircase.

"This is your fault!" Laura throws a handful of flour in his face then laughs. Nick does the same to her and they continue to pick up handfuls of flour and throw it at eachother, laughing. Soon they are taking the flour and rubbing eachother's hair and face with it, laughing loudly. They pull and push eachother in a tug of war, rolling on the floor. Suddenly, they are surprised by a loud shriek:

"Oh My, Oh My Lordy, Oh My! I never in all my life!" exclaims poor Silas in horror. Hearing the shock in Silas' voice, Mrs. Barkley comes running into the kitchen.

"Silas what's wro..., Oh MY!! Nicholas Jonathan Barkley what have you done! Are you out of your mind!!"

Nick scambles to get up from the floor and helps Laura up as well. They both feel mortified to have been caught in such childish behavior by the matriarch of the Barkley family. Laura covers her face with her floured hands and ducks behind Nick in an effort to hide herself from his mother.

"What on earth is going on here?!"

"Well..." Nick begins. He wipes his mouth with his hand and gets flour in his mouth, he spits it out, "Sorry."

"Is that all you can say? Surely you don't expect Silas to clean up this mess, do you?"

"No ma'am, I don't," Nick says apologetically.

"Just how did this happen?!" Victoria demands of her embarrassed son.

"Now mother, it was an accident, there 's no need to get upset about it." Nick says, gaining some composure.

"An accident?" she repeats.

"Yes ma'am. We'll clean it up!" He gestures behind him with a jerk of his thumb, referring to Laura, hiding behind him.

"Yes, you will be cleaning this kitchen up! And I want you to make sure it shines!" his mother demands.

"Yes ma'am," says Nick meekly. Laura peeks out behind Nick and shyly looks at Victoria, "Yes Mrs. Barkley," she says, redfaced with embarrassment. Victoria takes Silas' arm and leads him out of the kitchen. Heath enters with his dirty dish and hands it to Nick.

"I guess I best be going back to my ranch work, while you tend to your kitchen duties." He smirks with a grin and walks out. Laura comes out from behind Nick and stands beside him, he hands Heath's dirty dish to her, with an angry look on his face.

"I'm so sorry!" she begs apologetically.

"I'm not," his face changes into a wide grin. They both start laughing as they look at eachother covered in the white flour.

"Wash or dry?" she smiles at him.

"Dry." he answers. They both get to work cleaning the messy kitchen. Nick fills the large washing pan with water from the pump, while Laura sweeps up the flour on the floor. Nick starts gathering the dirty dishes around the kitchen and places them into the soapy water.

"The dishes are ready for you, let me sweep that up." Nick takes the broom from her hand, and smiles at her.

"You can start washing, I'll get more dishes for you," he orders.

"Are you ordering me around Mr. Barkley?" she teases.

"I afraid it's become a habit, it's what I do all day, ordering people around."

"Well you can't order me around, so stop," she warns him.

"Your wish is my command Milady," he bows to her.

"Oh knock it off! And stop calling me that!" she says annoyed.

"Yes Milady," he can't resist teasing.

Though she is tempted to throw the dish water at him, she thinks better of it for fear a retaliation would only cause a bigger mess to clean up later. Nick brings over more dishes to put in the watery pan. With his left hand he puts one dish in the water, and with his right hand he puts another dish in the water as he stands behind her, both his hands in the water before her. Laura feels his breathe on her neck, she moves slightly away but is blocked in by his arms. He smells the perfume on her neck, and it awakens a desire for her, she doesn't move an inch as he has her totally surrounded by his entire body, she holds her breathe, to keep herself from sighing and giving away what she feels for him.

"Silas?" Comes a voice from the back stairs, Nick quickly moves away from Laura and grabs a towel to dry his hands. Audra enters the kitchen.

"Oh hello, I see you two had to do the clean up. Was mother upset?"

"She'll get over it? What do you want?" Nick says annoyed by his sister's interruption.

"I brought my dish down to wash," Audra defends herself.

"Fine, give it here!" Nick grabs it from her and puts it in the water.

"Anything else?" he says.

"No, I guess not," Audra answers.

"Good, then why don't you run along, we got alot to clean up, you'll just be in the way."

"I could help you, " she offers, smiling.

"Well... you..." Laura starts to say, but Nick interrupts, "No, don't need any help, we made the mess, we'll clean it up."

"Yes, your brother is right, we'll clean it up. Thank you for offering though Audra."

"You're welcome." She smiles at them and scurries back upstairs. Laura lets out the breathe she was holding and looks backwards at Nick, he smiles at her, she bite her bottom lip and turns away so he won't see her smiling, but he has already become familiar with that little habit she has of biting her lip to avoid smiling or laughing. He begins to walk over towards her; hearing his spurs on the floor she turns around quickly to face him.

"Are there any more dishes?" she asks, wanting to avoid the previous situation of him blocking her in at the dish washing.

"Looks like that's all of it," he answers.

"Oh, well, that's good." She turns back toward the dish water.

"Except for this one," he offers a platter, smiling as he walks over to her again. She turns quickly and grabs it from his hand.

"I'll take that! Thank you," she says quickly. He smiles widely, amused by her embarrassment of their previous closeness. He moves closer and softly speaks to her, leaning into her ear, "Is the water warm enough for you? I can get more hot water if you want."

"No thank you, I'm warm..., I mean it's warm enough."

"Are you sure?" He moves away from her.

"Yes, thank you!" she looks at him annoyed. He smiles as she turns away from him. A few minutes pass without them saying anything. Then Laura breaks the silence, "Shouldn't you start sweeping up the mess on the floor, I don't intend to be here all day, you know!"

"Is that a fact? Well Milady you'll stay here as long as it takes to clean up the mess you caused!"

"I caused?!"

"Yes, Milady, you!"

"Stop calling me that! You are just pretending to be a gentleman. You Sir, are NO Gentleman!"

"And you Madam, are NO Lady!" he raises his voice. She pull her hands out of the water, turns on her heels and with wet hands on her hips, yells back at him, "I don't like you!"

"And I don't like you!" he retaliates with his own insult.

"GOOD!" she replies.

"FINE!" he answers. Nick takes up the broom and starts pushing it along the floor. She turns and puts her hand back in the water. They don't speak to eachother until Laura finishes all the dishes. Then she speaks, "You said you were going to dry the dishes."

"I'm busy, I 'll dry them later."

"I'll sweep and you can dry the dishes," she offers.

"I can sweep."

"You're not doing a very good job, you're sweeping is causing more dust!" she chides him.

"And I suppose you can do better?"

"I can."

"Fine, take the broom!" He offers her the broom handle. She takes the broom from his hand.

"It's woman's work anyway," he says smugly, walking over to the dishes.

"You're trying to start a fight with me aren't you?"

"Just stating a fact!" She walks over to him, and while his back is turned, she speaks quietly in his ear.

"Here are some facts for you, Nick Barkley, I can sweep better than you, I can ride a horse better than you, and I can shoot a gun better than you! So there!" He turns around smiling.

"Shoot better than me? You? A Woman? HAH!" She begins to sweep the floor, ignoring him.

"I don't believe you," he adds. He wipes a dish as he watches her sweep the floor. She answers him without looking up from her sweeping.

"I don't care." They don't speak, but continue their work for some time until Laura breaks the silence
again. "This trash is ready to be taken out."

"So?" Nick questions her. She gathers up the flour sack full of trash.

"Taking out the trash is a man's job!" Nick puts the last dish away in th pantry and grabs the sack from her.

"Give it here!" he growled.




After the clean up:

Laura heads upstairs to see if she can borrow a change of clothes from Audra. Outside Nick greets Heath as he rides in from his work. Heath dismounts and gives the reins to Ciego to take into the barn.

"And what are you doing home so early?" Nick protests.

"I'm finished. How about you?" He takes his hat off and wipes the sweat from his brow with his shirt sleeve.

"Nevermind me! Did you do everything that was suppose to be done?"

"Yeah." Heath heads into the house with Nick at his heels.

"Did you pick up those supplies at the..."

"Yeah, and I also picked up another sack of flour, 'thought Silas would be needing another one after today." He grins.

"Ha, Ha, very funny!" Heath throws his hat on the side table.

"So, what's for dinner?"

"Whadya asking me for?!" Nick scowls.

"You mean you been in the kitchen all day and you didn't make anything to eat?"

"I've been cleaning all day!"

"Well I guess it's true what they say, a woman's work is never done!" Heath points to a smudge of flour on his shirt.

"You got some flour there on your" Heath grins as Nick pushes his hand away. At that moment Laura comes down the stairs wearing Audra's riding clothes, she is buttoning the sleeves as she greets Heath.

"Hello Heath," she smiles.

"Well, don't you look prettier than a junebug on a hot summer's day," Heath flirts with her, as she enters the foyer and joins Heath by his side.

"How sweet you are Heath. These clothes are your sister's she was kind enough to let me borrow them."

"I don't believe I ever made mention of clothes, I was speaking about the lady wearing them," he smiles. Laura takes Heath's arm and squeezes it.

"You are dear Heath Barkley, after you worked hard all day, doing double the work load, you still take the time to say such lovely things to a lady. Why you are just a treasure, Heath, just a treasure," she flirts back. She gives Heath a little peck on the cheek, Laura watches Nick from the corner of her eye, noticing the enraged look on his face. She rubs Heath's muscular arm.

"My goodness, you have such strong arms. Must be from all that hard work you do everyday." Heath smiles at her, but then notices Nick, his eyes bulging with rage. Heath takes a deep breathe, and gently pulls, away from Laura 's grasp.

"I believe I 'll go wash for dinner. Excuse me."

Heath leaves Nick and Laura standing in the foyer, looking at eachother. Nick as usual, with his hands and his hips, Laura with her arms folded across her chest. Neither one knowing what to say and not really wanting to leave. They are quiet for a few minutes until Silas enters.

"Oh Miss Laura, you and Mr. Nick did a fine job in the kitchen, I never saw it look so good, shinin' like a new penny!" Silas gushes. Laura walks up to Silas and surprises him with a hug.

"Oh I'm so glad Silas that you are pleased. I am so sorry that it happened. I promised never to enter your kitchen again. It was all my fault."

"Oh no, ya welcomed in my kitchen anytime, and thank ya for taking the raisin bread out of the oven, I forgot all about it. Mr. Heath sure do love his raisin bread."

"My pleasure Silas, it was the least I could do. Tell me, do you put applesauce in your raisin bread? You know it makes it very moist."

"No, I didn't know that? Is that how you make it? Well, I 'll have to try it. Though Mr. Heath sure does love my raisin bread the way I bake it now.

"You try it next time, I guarantee Heath will be quite pleased; just put a few teaspoons in the recipe."

"I'll surely do that next time," smiles Silas, nodding.

"Good, let me know what he thinks." As Silas walks back to the kitchen smiling, Nick impatiently changes his stance noisely, causing Laura to turn to his way.

"Trying to please Heath now?!" he growls at her.

" No...," she says calmly, "Silas."

"You like pleasing men do you?" he sneers. She slowly walks over to him, as he stands with his arms folded in front of him.

"Some men," she smiles.

She walks around the back of him, her eyes taking in his broad shoulders; he watches from the corner of his eye as she walks around him slowly, she lightly traces hills and valleys on his back with her index finger, sending shivers up his spine. When she reaches the other side of him, she stands near the front door. He watches her an she puts that same finger in her mouth and sucks on it, making it wet, then she wets her lips with it. He gives out a loud audable gasp. She opens the front door .

"Good bye...Nick," she almost whispers, then leaves, slowly closing the door behind her. Nick rolls his eyes and lets out a loud, slow deep breathe.

"Goddamnit, that woman's killing me!"


Outside, still feeling quite playful, she greets the just arriving Jarrod Barkley, with her sweetest smile.

"Leaving? You mean I don't get to enjoy the pleasure of your company?" he laments, flirting.

"Not this time. I've been here most of the day. I'm so sorry I missed you," she flirts back.

"I'm sorry I missed you too," Jarrod grins.

You're so sweet Jarrod, you really are." She gently touches his arm and stands on her tip toes to kiss him on the cheek.

"Well, thank you!" he says pleasantly surprised. "What was that for?"

"Actually, that was for my father," she teases.

"I beg your pardon?" he asks, a surprised look on his face.

"Don't worry, this is for me," She wraps her arms around the surprised attorney's neck, and gives him a long, lingering kiss; which causes his hat to be knocked off his head, leaving him speechless for a moment. He looks at her in stunned surprise.

"I had to do that, just once. Thank you." She smiles brightly at him and gives him a wink. Jarrod's eyes widen as he smiles that crooked smile of his.

"Thank you," says Jarrod very pleased.

"Don't tell your brothers," she warns him, smiling.

"Not a word." He shakes his head no.

"Bye." she winks at him. With that said, she mounts her horse. Jarrod bends down to pick up his hat, not once taking his eyes off her.

"More's the pity," he sighs with a shake of his head as he heads into the house. When he walks into the foyer he finds his brother Nick, exactly where Laura left him.

"Why are you standing there? And just what is all that white stuff on you?"

"Flour, why?"

"Ask a silly question..." Nick sighs another long breathe out.

"What's wrong?" Jarrod wonders..

"I think I 'll go to the Cattlemen's Club after supper, ya wanna come?"

"Do I want to come? ....Oh yes, I surely do," Jarrod sighs audibly.

Chapter 9

At the Thomas home, Carson Thomas looks unusually disheveled, as he sits in his chair, exhausted, reliving the incident that took place hours earlier.

As he opens his front door, a cocked gun is pointed inthe barber's face....

"What are you doing here in Stockton?! I thought you went over the border to escape the hangman."

"Well, you thought wrong old man. Ain't ya gonna invite an old pal from Tucson in?" Johnny Ray sneers as he forces himself into the house wearing a week's worth of grim and dust. His face grizzled with a a grimy stubble of a beard. Under a greasy hat, cold blue eyes dart nervously around the room for an unseen enemy.

"Go away, we don't want your kind here!" Carson says fearfully.

"Now is that any way to treat an old friend, just come here to visit with ya?"

"Get out!" he demands.

"Where is she old man?" he growls, pointing his gun at him, trigger finger at the ready.

"San Francisco." Carson backs away into the room, with the gunman following his every step.

"You're lieing, now you tell me where she is or I'll give you the butt of this gun! She's not at that school you stuck her in because I checked, they told me you two settled here in Stockton. So, where is she old man? Where's my little Laurie?"

"She's not here!" Carson insists. Johnny pushes the barber against the wall and wraps his hand around his throat.

"I told you old man I came to see Laurie, now where is she?! TELL ME!"

"And I told you she's not here! She's visiting friends out of town!"

"The truth!" he scowls.

"I am! I swear, she's visiting friends!" Johnny takes his hand from the old man's throat.

"You better be telling me the truth if you ever want to see another day!" He returns his gun to his holster.

"Listen Johnny, be reasonable, she's got a whole new life now, she doesn't even think about you and those times long ago in Arizona."

"Oh, she thinks about me all right! I know she does, I'm not easy to forget! She tell you I met up with her in ...Frisco? The little spitfire sent me packin', told the U. S. Marshall where I was, had to get out of there fast. I still owe her for that one! She's lucky I let that go! She hasn't change one bit, huh Carson? Oh, she looks like a woman right enough, and a fine lookin' one at that, but she still got that hellfire in her! Just like I remembered..."

"She wants nothing to do with you!" Johnny pulls his gun out of his holster again.

"Are you tryin' to tell me she's got herself another man? Hell, that's all right, he won't be around long enough to enjoy her company." Johnny lovingly rubs the barrel of his gun on his cheek.

"Just forget about her! Go away before you're caught. You go away now and I swear I will tell no one I ever saw you!" Carson begs the outlaw.

"Now you know I'm not going to forget about little Laurie, I've been waitin' on her a long time and now the wait is over! You really thought you were going to keep us apart, huh old man; you really thought you could do that!" Johnny laughs at him.

"I tell you she's forgotten about you!" Carson yells, desperately. Johnny points his gun at Carson's face.

"NO ONE FORGETS ABOUT ME! THIS GUN MAKES SURE OF IT!!!!" He puts his gun back in his holster, "You tell her I was here when you see her. I'll be seein' ya around, both of ya..." Johnny leaves the house as quickly as he came, by the back way.


Carson's thoughts are broken by his daughter's voice.

"Papa? Papa, hey didn't you hear me?" She stands behind his chair.

"Laura, what are you doing home?" he jolts his head up as if in a trance.

"I came home to start supper," she swifty moves towards the kitchen.

"Where have you been?" He stands from the chair and follows her.

"At the Barkleys' Why?"

"You should have stayed there, didn't they invite you for supper?"

"Yes they did, but I told them I promised to make you supper."

"Still, you could have stayed there, I don't need you to make supper for me, I've got along without anyone looking after me all these years."

"So you keep reminding me, thank you." She enters the kitchen.

"Wouldn't you like to visit your Aunt Polly in Boston?" he asks hopefully, standing by her side.

"Goodness no, where did that idea come from?!" She gathers the pots and pans together.

"Don't you want to see her?"

"She's your sister, wouldn't it be better if she came to California and visited both of us and then you could see her too?"

No, you should go to Boston," he insists.

'"But I don't want to go to Boston, it's a very long trip on a train, and I hate long trips, besides, I really don't like city life. It's too crowded and smelly and dirty."

"How about your cousin Hope? You could visit her, you would enjoy that. Do you still write to her in Boston?"

"Yes, but I really don't want to leave here, I've fallen in love with this valley, I want to stay."

"Well isn't there one of your friends from school you want to visit? That good friend of yours, Lily what's her name?"

"Father, there are no school friends I want to visit, I spent 12 years with them and I am not anxious to see any of them again. My guess is they are all busy finding suitable husbands and my visiting them would just get in the way of that quest." She smiles remembering how cutthroat competitive some of those girls were when it came to eligible bachelors.

"Speaking of suitable husbands, what is new in that quest for you?"

"No one proposed yet," she jokes.

"Well you've spent enough time at the Barkleys don't you think you would have gotten one of them by now?"

"You would think that wouldn't you? Oh well." She laughs.

"Laura, I'm serious!" he chides her.

"Oh Papa, all three are so handsome it's hard for me to choose just one! Too bad I can't have them all!" she laughs at her own joke.

"You need a man in your life. Some one to protect you."

"Protect me from what?"

"From anything that comes up."

"I can protect myself! Good Lord, I don't need a man for that!" she says stubbornly. She busies herself making supper, while her father attempts to convince her to leave the valley.


Much later that same evening at the Cattlemen's Club. Nick Barkley watches as a feminine hand pours another drink into his empty glass.

"Now Nicky, tell your Belle all your problems sweety."

A buxom blonde woman dressed in immodest attire, wraps her arm around his neck, as she settles close to him leaning against the back wall in a quiet corner of the club.

"Oh know..." he sighs sounding dejected.

"I know, it's a woman again, huh?"

"Damn it Belle, isn't it always?" Nick swallows his drink down in one gulp.

"That's why you have me sweetheart. You know your Belle will take care of you." She kisses his cheek and pours another drink in his glass.

"She's killing me Belle!" he takes another swig of the whiskey.

"Ah, she's a tease huh? I hate women who tease men, it makes men all twisted in knots. I hate to see my men twisted in knots. I could take care of that for you honey." She pours yet another drink in his half empty glass.

"It's not the same Belle, she's different," he gulps down the rest.

"Honey, they are all different, but they all want the same thing."

"What's that?" Nick wonders.

"To make you suffer!" she playfully tugs at his chin, and gives him a kiss on the lips which he accepts absentmindedly.

"Well, she's got that going, that's for sure!" he complains, heaving another deep sigh.

Belle also gives a deep sigh, knowing she's going to have to hear Nick's sad story before she can enjoy his manly charms, so she sits back and pours herself a drink, as well as refilling his, "Go ahead, I'm listening," she surrenders to the inevitable.

Nick smiles; "She's got flowing yellow hair, eyes as blue as sapphires gems. She round where a woman is suppose to be round, nice and round too, not small, just right, you know. Perfect! In fact everything about her is perfect. She smells like fresh rose buds all the time, even after she's been riding hard, in fact she smells even better when she's all sweaty."

"The good ones usually do, honey," Belle interjects.

He sighs thinking, "One time there was this one little bead of sweat just sliding down the nape of her neck, after a hard ride and I just watched it slide down right in between those beautiful, firm, round......, " he sighs, "I wished I could have been that bead of sweat... it took all my strength not to take her right there on that ground. I mean a lesser man would have done it! ...Damnit, I hate that woman!"

"Oh Nick, you got it bad. You really disappoint me. This gal is turning you into a bowl of mush!"

"I know Belle, she killing me! She gets me so crazy! I HATE HER!"

"Uh huh, sure Nick," she pours herself a drink

"I do, I hate her! She's everywhere! No matter where I turn, she's there! I'm working with the cattle and she's there! I'm bustin' broncs, she's there! I go to sleep and I see her in my dreams! I see her in the mirror when I'm shaving! She haunts me no matter what I do, or where I go, she's there! Belle? You don't suppose, I mean... you know, I'm a ...."

"Crazy?" she attempts to find the answer for him.

'"NO!" he protests.

"In love with her?" she offers.

"Yeah, ya think?"

"Well, have ya been thinkin' of settlin' down?"

"You mean the M word?"


"I came close once, and that was a big mistake! I mean, that's forever, ya know! Why would I even want to think of it? I got women after me all the time! After all! I'm a helluva catch! Right?!"

"Right Nick."

"So, what am I gonna do?" he laments.

"You need help fast! Come with me, bring the bottle."

She pulls him by the hand and he grabs the bottle of whiskey. They head upstairs.


Much later in Belle's room, Nick looks out the window at nothing in particular as he puts his shirt back on; Belle gets out of bed and slips into her robe. She walks over to Nick and puts her arms around his waist, hugging him from the back. He pats her arm lovingly.

"Thanks Belle."

"It was my pleasure Nick." He lets out a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong honey? You still don't seem right. That's not like you after we had such a good time. You usually feel much better."

"I don't know sweetie, nothing really seems right anymore these days," he complains. Belle releases him from her grasp and walks away from him.

"Oh Nick, I don't like the way this is going."

"What do you mean Belle?" he turns from the window to look at her.

"Just how much does this girl mean to you?" she wonders.

"She on my mind every minute of every day, Belle. It just never stops. She makes me crazy, one minute I want to cover her with kisses and the next I want to padded her backside black and blue!"

"Well, I knew it wasn't me you were making love to tonight." Nick smiles shyly, looking at her apologetically.

"Nevermind, I'm use to it. You were definitely different tonight, more passionate. I really enjoyed it. I sure would hate to lose you Nick, we've always had great fun together."

"What do you mean, lose me?"

"This girl is the one, isn't she?" She stands by the dresser.

"The one?"

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," he smiles sadly. Nick takes money out of his pants pocket, walks over to her and puts it in her hand; kissing her gently on the forehead as he does so.

"Good bye Belle." He leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

"Good bye Nick. I'm gonna miss ya..."

Chapter 10

Several weeks have passed since the kitchen incident at the Barkley ranch and Laura has not seen any of the Barkleys since that day. As is her habit each day she brings lunch to her father at the barber shop. She quietly sets out the lunch for him on a small table.

"Why so quiet Laura?" asks her father as he cleans his cutting tools.

"I'm not Papa, I just haven't anything to say." She folds the napkin, placing it on the table with a fork and knife.

"It's not like you. You're always so cheerful, but lately ... I don't know, you seem very down."

"Don't be silly, I'm fine. See you at home." She heads out the shop door.

"You're not going to stay and keep me company?"

"No, I have work to attend to, see you later at home." She quietly leaves the shop and is about to mount her horse when she hears a familiar voice,

"Laura! Hey! Over here!" Audra Barkley greets her, beaming.

"Audra! Hello!" Laura smile, as they greet eachother with a hug as friends do.

"How have you been? It seems like ages since we've seen you!" exclaims Audra.

"I know it does seem like that," she say almost apologetically.

"How have you been?" adds Audra.

"Well thank you, been keeping busy at home these days. How is your mother?"

"Well thank you."

"Good; and your brothers, I haven't seen them around town."

"Yes I know, Jarrod's been stuck in his office in San Francisco on some messy business there, and Nick's is in Sacramento, at a horse auction, he been gone well over two weeks, he really should have been back long before this."

"Really? Have you heard from him, is he all right?" Laura asks worried.

"Oh yes, I didn't meant to imply anything, he's fine, it's just, he's been gone longer than usual for him," explains Audra.

"Oh, I see," she smiles.

"Poor Heath is home with the lion share of the ranch work, he's working very hard, I guess he misses Nick more than the rest of us because of it," adds Audra.

'I doubt that,' Laura thinks to herself, "I bet Heath's sorry he didn't go instead," Laura adds.

"Heath really wasn't interested in going and Nick wanted to go. He said he needed to get away for a while. The house is really quiet without him. Listen, why don't you come over this afternoon and keep me company. Mother is away at Mrs. Higgins helping her with her new baby and I could sure use the company."

"Oh, I don't know..."

"Come on, we can have an old fashion hen party, it will be fun. We can have tea and cakes and catch up on all the gossip," Audra begs her.

"All right, you tempted me, I'll be there this afternoon."

"Good, it will be fun!" Audra smiles.


That afternoon Laura arrives at th Barkley home, Silas greets her at the door.

"Welcome Miss Laura, Won't ya come into the parlor, I'll tell Miss Audra you're here."

"Thank you Silas." Silas heads to the kitchen, then turns around to speak to her.

"Oh Miss Laura, I tried that recipe you said about putting the applesauce in the raisin bread , and you were right, Mr. Heath loved it!"

"Oh, I'm so glad Silas," she smiles at him.

"As a matter of fact, everyone loved it. Mr. Nick and Mr. Heath fought over the last piece. It was somethin' to see," Silas laughs delighted.

"I'm glad it was a success, Silas."

"I have you to thank for it Miss Laura."

"Glad to help out," she smiles at Silas. Silas bows before he leaves Laura alone in the parlor.

Laura walks into the grand parlor, it seems so large and empty, then it was when she was there last. Nick always seems to fill up any room he is in with his presence. Nearby, she finds a carelessly place sewing basket with a grey shirt draped over it, she recognizes the shirt as belonging to Nick. She picks it up, fingering a tear at the seam. She brings the shirt up to her face, and notices it still has Nick's scent, a mixture of pine soap and cinnamon. She closes her eyes as she takes in the smell, remembering the happy incident after the Spring Dance when he took her home. She doesn't notice Heath entering the room, he watches her thoughtfully, as she lovingly holds the shirt. Heath smiles; then clears his throat; startled, Laura drops the shirt on the floor.

"It's not polite to sneak up on people!" She says irritated with Heath, cursing him in her mind for being as quiet as Nick is loud.

"I didn't sneak, you just didn't hear me come in. I walk into a room a lot quieter, then some people around here."

"Obviously," she says still annoyed. Heath grins and walks over to where she stands. He picks up Nick's shirt from the floor.

"I believe you dropped this." Laura quickly grabs the shirt from Heath's hand and put it back in the sewing basket.

"Miss him, huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" she says pouting, her arms laced behind her, avoiding eye contact with the blue eyed Barkley.

"Don't... you ... just..." he drawls, giving her a crooked grin. Heath turns his back on her and walks over to a small table to pour himself a drink, "Can I pour you a sherry?"

"No thank you, Audra invited me to have tea with her."

"Oh, so you waited for an invitation to come on over, huh?" Examining the drink in his hand at eye level, before he drinks it.

"Most polite people do," she says sarcastically.

"I didn't think friends needed an invitation to visit friends." She doesn't answer Heath, instead she folds her arms in front of her and paces back and forth, waiting for Audra to come in. Heath sips his drink while he watches her.

"Why are you staring at me?" she asks, annoyed, as she stops pacing.

"I wasn't aware that I was staring, sorry," Heath continues to watch her as he finishes the drink, then he continues... "So tell me, when are you two gonna quit playing games around here and get serious?"

"I beg your pardon?" she looks him squarely in the eye, definately.

"Laura, you got my brother Nick so turned around he don't know which end is up, and it's causing a lot of problems around here with the rest of the family."

"Like what?!"

"Well, for one thing, Nick's taking longer than he should in Sacramento. That horse auction he went to ended ten days ago, he should be back by now with those ponies."

"And that 's my fault?!" Heath puts the empty glass down on the table, taking his time answering her.

"You know it is," he says in a serious tone. He walks over to where she's standing, and hooks his thumbs in his gun belt loops.

"You've had Nick hanging on that hook long enough woman, either reel him in, or cut the line!" he says in a his serious tone.

"And that would be your recommendation would it?" she stares into his liquid blue eyes.

"Yeah. You keep a fish on a hook too long and they start smelling really bad, and no one wants to get next to it..... Nick's starting to smell bad, and it's causing the whole family a lot of misery. He hasn't been himself since you came into his life."

Laura bites her lip, to keep from smiling. Audra walks into the parlor with a tea tray.

"Sorry I took so long, are you joining us Heath?"

"No thanks, I just came in to get a drink, see ya." Behind Audra's back, Heath makes a motion with his hands as if he is reeling in a fish. Laura smiles at Heath. Audra looks behind her at her brother who starts to walk out of the room whistling to himself.

"What's so funny? What were you and Heath talking about?"


"I didn't know you liked to fish Laura?"

"I've been known to go after a fish or two." Laura smiles at Audra and sits down with her to enjoy the tea and cakes.

Chapter 11

Almost three weeks in the city of Sacramento did nothing to clear his mind, or even give him any solutions to his problem. Nick had hoped that by being away he could resolve things in his head, but it only made it worse. He could hardly sleep while he was away, so he thought he might as well come home, at least he could toss and turn in his own bed. He had hoped being back home with his family would be enough, but it wasn't, nothing was, there was something missing in his life and his mind wouldn't give him peace. In bed, Nick continued to toss and turn, trying in vain to sleep. Finally giving up; he sits up in bed putting his legs over the side and rubbing his tired, bloodshot eyes with his hands. Suddenly, the solution comes to him! He jumps up from bed and begins to dress. Once he is dressed, he heads downstairs and unbolts the front door just as the hall clock chimes midnight. An hour later, he finds himself banging on the front door of the Thomas home. Carson Thomas answers the door with a rifle in hand. He is shocked to find Nick Barkley at his front door.

"What are you doing here? It's after midnight!" he lowers the rifle resting it on his arm.

"I know what time it is. Where's your daughter?" he stands with his hands on his hips.

"Sleeping of course! Like most decent people this time of the night!" Nick heads up the stairs located in the middle of the parlor. Carson Thomas nervously aims his rifle at Nick's back.

"Just where do you think you're going?!" Carson shouts, cocking his rifle.

Nick stops in his tracks when he hears the rifle trigger being pulled back, he turns towards the sound, staring back at the obviously nervous barber, "Carson would you put that damn rifle down before you hurt yourself!" He starts up the stairs again.

"Not until you tell me exactly what you're doing here!" Still on the steps, Nick turns to face Carson again, and sighs, Well, I suppose you should know."

"Yes, since this is my house you invaded!" Carson agrees. Nick puts his hands on his hips again and rolls his eyes.

"I didn't invade your house! You opened the door to let me in." He points to the door he had just entered.

"Be that as it may, what the hell are you doing here at this time of the night Barkley!"

"I 'm gonna ask that miserable daughter of yours to marry me!" he says in frustrated anger.

"Now?! At this time of the night!!" Carson spits angrily.

"It's as good a time as any, besides I want to surprise her."

"Oh she'll be surprised all right! And you'll be too! She's been known to sleep with a gun under her pillow! She thinks I don't know about that dang gun of hers, but I do!" her father complains.

Nick laughs outloud shaking his head in wonder, "That's what I love about her, she's so different from any woman I ever met! Sleeps with a gun under her pillow... god, she's incredible!" He chuckles to himself, as he walks up the stairs. Once he gets to her room he quietly opens the door and lights a lamp near the bed. He finds her sleeping peacefully.

Looking like an angel, sleeping there; ....the witch!" he sneers. Then he very carefully puts his hand under her pillow, she stirs momentarily. Ever so slowly, Nick pulls the gun out from under the pillow, he chuckles quietly to himself as he tucks it in his belt. He quietly calls her name...

"Laura... Laura..." She smiles in her sleep and turns slightly in bed.

"Hmmm..." she mumbles.

"Laura... Laura... Ohhh L.a.u.r.a..... ." he sings her name.

"Hmm... Nick....," she smiles, hugging her pillow as she turns in bed.

"Laura? Open those pretty blue eyes and look at me. Come on, wake up," he grins as he watches her move around in the bed and stretches out her arms.

"Mmmm...; what time is it?" she says, her eyes still closed.

"It's about one o'clock in the morning." he says quietly. She recognizes the sound of Nick's voice and realizes she isn't dreaming. She opens her eyes quickly to see him standing over her. She jolts up in the bed pulling the covers up around her neck.

"What are you doing here! Get out!" she screeches at him.

"I needed to see you." he stands above her, his hands on his hips.

She looks out the window, "It' s dark outside, what time is it?"

"I told you 1 o'clock." Nick repeats himself.

"In the morning?!" she asks incredulously

"Yeah, it's usually dark 1 o'clock in the morning."

"You have got to get out of here! If my father finds you here, he'll shoot you!"

"He already knows I'm here; he let me in." Nick informs her.

"He let you in?!! Then YOU can let yourself OUT!" she cries indignantly.

"Not until I say what I came here to say!" He seats himself beside on her bed. She speedily scrambles out of it, and ends up standing in front of the window wearing only a camisole and pantaloons. Nick looks at her and smiles, the moonlight shining behind her shows the silhoulette of her body. "Well this is a pleasant surprise. Is that what you wear to bed?" he asks still smiling.

"Yes. Why?"

"Nothing. I like it; I just imagined you wearing one of those frilly french things, what are the called?"


"Yeah, that's it," he continues staring and smiling at the sight of her in front of the window.

"Well, I do wear them sometimes, but..... What business is it of yours what I wear to bed! Get out of here!" Her hands fly to her hips. He starts laughing outloud at her.

"What's so funny? What are you staring at!?"

"I wish you could see what I see, " he laughs, still sitting on her bed, his hands folded on his knee, She frowns at him, then looks down at herself , she realizes he can see right through her clothes.

"OH MY...!" She quickly grabs her robe, covering herself with it.

"I think you better leave. Now!" she yells pointing to her door.

"And I told you, I'll leave when I say what I came here to say and not before!" he insists again.

"Then say it and go away!" Nick gets up from the bed and begins to walk over to her.

"You stay right there!" she warns him, shaking an angry finger at him, then as an afterthought. she dives towards her bed to search under her pillow.

"Looking for this?" He smiles wickedly holding up the gun he retrieved from under her pillow.

"You give that back! Right now!"

"NOT a chance, Milady; I ain't no fool!" He places the gun on a bureau away from her grasp.

"Look, I' m tired, say what you came here to say then get out of my bedroom!" she snaps at him.

"Fine, I will..." he places his hands on his hips, "I've come here to ask you to marry me."


"You heard me! I'm asking you to marry me. Isn't that clear enough for you?!" he barks as if he's giving an order to one of his men.

"Yes," she answers meekly.

"Yes it's clear enough; or yes you'll marry me? Which is it?!" he growls.

She shakes her head in disbelief, "You're lunatic!"

"Yeah, and I have you to thank for it! You've turned me into a lunatic! But that stops here! Right now!" he jerks his finger pointing to the floor, "So like I said before, which is it?"

"YOU ARE A LUNATIC!" she yells.

"You already said that! You're beginning to repeat yourself, that 's not going to get us anywhere, I really hate it when people repeat themselves!"

"I cannot believe that you would do this! Not this way! In my father's house! In my bedroom! In the middle of the night! With me in my underwear!! DAMN YOU NICK BARKLEY!"

"You know..., when you become my wife, you're going to have to watch your damn language, especially in front of my mother. Trust me, she won't tolerate that!" he stands with his hands on his hips again, glaring at her. She walks over to him and stands toe to toe in front of him.

"You're worried about your mother?! And what about your children!?" she challenges him with an icy glare.

"My children?" Nick says furrowing his brow questioning.

"Yes. What are you going to say to them when they ask you, 'Papa, how did you propose to Mama' and you have to say I proposed to your Mama in the middle of the night, in her bedroom, while she was dressed in her underwear!!"

"Maybe they won't ask," he smiles satisfactorily.

"Of course they'll ask! Children always ask!" she argues back.

He moves closer, looks deep into her eyes as he grabs her shoulders saying... "I'll just tell them that I loved their mother so much; I didn't care, what time it was, or where it was, or how she was dressed. I just knew I wasn't going to rest until I made your mother mine. That's, what I will tell our children."

"That sounds good," she takes a swallow of air to calm down.

"Good." he breathes as he leans down and kisses her. She wraps her arms around his neck. Nick break from their kiss.

"Is that a yes then?" he asks her, smiling.

"What choice do I have? I have to marry you; if only to make a decent man out of you," she kisses him, "I love you Nick Barkley," she smiles.

"I love you Laura Thomas, and that does bear repeating." They kiss again, this time a long, lingering, passionate kiss.

Once she accepts his proposal of marriage, they kiss in a passionate embrace, enjoying being in eachothers' arms, when Nick loosens the robe she is wearing so that it opens to once again show her lacey camisole, his fingers pull at a satin ribbon holding the camisole together. He pulls the ribbon so that it unravels from the eyelets. She looks down at his hand working the ribbons of her camisole, then continues to kiss him not really caring what he's doing. With the satin ribbon finally free, Nick leans down and kisses the side of her neck, she moans.

"Ah...Nick... what" she moans with her eyes closed, and enjoying his open kisses covering her neck, she begins to unbutton the top of his shirt, the smell of his sweet scent driving her on... Nick answers her question.

"Just taking a souvenir."

He wraps the ribbon around his index finger. Laura opens his shirt, exposing his tanned chest. She leans forward and kisses his bare skin. With his index finger still wrapped in the satin ribbon, he slides it down the nape of her neck very slowly, so that the ribbon only, is touching her skin. He slides it further until it reaches between her breasts, she gives out a soft moan of delight.

"Oh Nick... I love you, ... take whatever you want."

She works on unbuckling his gun belt, once it is loosen, Nick grabs the gun belt so that it doesn't drop on the floor; instead he puts it on a table near by, then he wraps his arms around her waist, putting his hands under the back of the camisole so that he touches her bare skin, and he speaks again, his eyes closed, his kisses assaulting her willing lips.

"I will take what I want," he says.

"Good," she sighs, breathing heavy.

He moves her to the bed, and pushes her down on it, she hungrily kisses him as she attempts to unbutton the rest of his shirt, but when she does, Nick stops her by grabbing her hands and pinning them down to the bed. She gives out a little gasp, then moans as his kisses move from her lips to the nape of her neck, ever so slowly he moves further down her body to the middle of her partially exposed breasts. She tries to release herself from his grip on her wrists so that she can touch him, but he refuses to free her. She moans all the more in pleasure, repeating his name...when Nick abruptly stops, and lifts himself to look into her eyes, smiling. When he doesn't do anything else, she opens her own eyes staring at him.

"Why did you stop?" But he just smiles back at her.

"Nick? What are you doing?" He continues to smile without saying a word, looking at her.

"Nick?!" she pleads.

"Like I said, I will take what I want... but not tonight." He quickly jumps up from the bed.

"What?" ...Nick?!" She pushes herself up, leaning on her elbows.

"You... you... can't just leave me here!" Nick buttons his shirt and tucks it in his pants. "What...what...what are you doing?!" she cries out.

"You ARE a virgin, right?" he asks her still smiling.

"Well, of course I am!" she says indignantly.

"Then you've got a lot to learn and I haven't got the time to teach you right now."

"What?! ...But...?"

"Sorry," he apologizes picking up his gun belt and strapping it back on.

"How.. can you leave me like this?!" she pleads again.

"Oh, believe me, .... it's not easy, ....BUT; ... it's for the best."

"What are you talking about?!"

"You know; I never made love to a virgin before," Nick states as a fact.

"So, here's your chance! Why are you leaving?! STAY!"

"No..can't...sorry... Wouldn't be right, not until after we're married." Nick puts his hat on and walks over to the door.

"YOU BASTARD! Why did you do this, only to stop in the middle of it?!!!"

"Well, Miss Thomas, I believe they call it; PAY BACK!" he gives her a quick wink and a grin. Then opening her bedroom door, tips his hat and waves to her, with the satin ribbon dangling from his hand.

"Thanks for the souvenir, ma'am." He leaves her room, shutting the door, and laughs wildly as he walks down the stairs.

"Damn you Nick Barkley, ...DAMN YOU!!!" She takes the pillow from the bed, and throws it at the already closed bedroom door. She lays back on the bed, with clenched fists on her forehead and shaking her head back and forth, "Damn you, damn you, DAMN YOU!!! You son of a....ARRGHH!!"

Chapter 12

The next morning at breakfast, Nick is the last to walk into the breakfast room; a big smile on his face. He kisses his mother.

"Good morning everyone! Sorry I'm late, I overslept... Beautiful day, isn't it?!"

"It's raining." Audra pouts.

"Oh really?" He sits in his chair and adjusts his napkin on his lap.

"Well, that's good for the crops," he smiles at his sister. Audra looks at her mother questioning. Victoria smiles at Nick, pleased to see his dark mood finally gone after these many weeks.

"What has put you in such high spirits Nick?" she asks.

"Not that anyone is complaining mind you," Jarrod adds as he watches his brother skewer a generous portion of beef into his plate.

"Nice change, I'd say," Heath implies between chews.

"Can't a man be in a good mood around here?" Nick questions his family.

"Of course he can, but it's usually not you," Heath grins.

"Shut up." Nick orders his blond brother, "It just so happens I'm in a good mood, because God's in His Heaven, and all's right with the world," Nick smiles pleasantly.

"You don't say... I wasn't aware the Good Lord had been anywhere else these past few months," Jarrod smiles.

"Very funny! Pass the eggs," Nick reaches out his hand to anyone who offers the platter to him.

"Please Nick, tell us what's going on. What good news do you have for us?" Audra pleads.

"I'm not sure any on you deserve to hear my good news today," he teases as he pushes a forkful of eggs in his mouth.

Heath faces brightens, as he starts to laugh outloud, "She reeled ya in, didn't she?"

"Huh?" Nick stops chewing his food to stare at his brother.

"She said yes, didn't she?" Heath surmises.

Nick smiles and points his finger at Heath, "That she did, Boy!" The whole family jumps up from the table and congratulates the still sitting Nick, hugging him and patting him on the back.

"Oh I'm so happy for you, Nicholas." his mother beams, taking her seat again.

"Me too, we all love Laura!" smiles Audra.

"Laura? Who said anything about her?" Nick asks.

"What?! Who else!!?" Jarrod asks incredulously. Nick laughs at Jarrod.

"There is no one else Pappy, I just wanted to see your face!" He laughs.

"I owe you for that!" Jarrod relaxes. "Actually, I was kind of hopeful there; You know Laura and I hit it off right from the beginning. I think we could have made a nice couple," Jarrod suggests teasingly.

"Keep those thoughts to yourself! Better yet, get them out of your mind!"

"Please Nick, you have to tell us what happened? When did you propose? Was it romantic? Did you get down on one knee? Tell us everything!" begs Audra, back in her seat.

"ONE KNEE?! Sis, you've been reading too many dime novels! I asked her last night, well, really, this morning."

"This morning, what do you mean this morning? You were in bed, I saw you." Heath says accusingly.

"Exactly when did you propose to the girl?" Jarrod asks wondering.

"Well, I'm guessing it was about 1 in this morning, give or take.." Nick answers, chewing on a piece of steak.

"One in the morning? How is that possible?" Asks Nick's mother.

"I went over to her house and woke her up." Nick offers in a matter of fact tone.

"You'd did What!?" Victoria says aghast.

"You got her out of bed in the middle of the night, to propose?!" Jarrod asks incredulously.

"You're lucky she didn't shoot you!" adds Audra.

"Oh, there was no chance of that, I took her gun away first. Good thing too, 'cause she went for it!"

The whole family looks at Nick in shock.

"She had a gun?" Heath asks surprised.

"Yeah, she sleeps with it under her pillow." Nick laughs.

"I can see why," interjects Jarrod, "that would be the prudent thing to do with the likes of you around. ...Wait a minute, how did you know she had a gun under her pillow?"

"Her father warned me."

"And when was that?" Jarrod raises his eyebrows at him.

"When he let me into his house last night." Nick answers.

"Boy howdy..." Heath exclaims in wonder.

"He let you into his house? Her Father?" Jarrod questions.

"Yeah. Why not?"

"And he let you go into his daughter's bedroom?" Jarrod continues his cross examination.

"Yeah." Nick answers again.

"So you compromised the poor girl!!!" Victoria says admonishingly.

"How else was I going to get her to marry me?!" He defends himself.

"OH NICK!!! Victoria throws down her napkin, and slams her hands down on the table in exasperation..

"I would give anything to have seen that!" Audra laughs hysterically, holding in her sides as she is bent over in laughter. The rest of the family chides her, for encouraging her older brother's bad behavior.

'"Audra!" both Jarrod and her mother admonish her together.

"No wonder you got her to say yes. You dog!" Heath tries to stifle a laugh of his own..

"Of course! What choice did she have at that point!" Victoria continues.

"Mother!" Nick says insulted, banging his fork on the table.

"Looks like we got a wedding to plan." Victoria laughs as she puts her hands on her hips.


At the Thomas home Laura is sitting at the kitchen table, still in her robe, sipping her coffee to help get her awake. When her father enters.

"Good morning Papa."


"What's wrong? You sound out of sorts this morning, Papa."

"I just wonder what will become of it."

"What do you mean?"


"Which one?" she says, knowing full well which one he meant.

"The fool that came here in the middle of the night of course!! Is he going to marry you?!"

"He said he was. Why?"

"Well he better! Did you set the date?! How soon is this going to happen?"

"You really can't wait to get rid of me can you?!" she noisily places her coffee cup down on the table.

"You know that's not true. I just want to know if you set a date for this wedding!"

"We really didn't talk about it."

"What did you two talk about?"

"We.. ah.... didn't do much talking..." Laura smiles.

"If Nick Barkley doesn't marry you soon, I'll shoot him!"

"Don't be silly, you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn; and if Nick doesn't marry me I 'll shoot him myself " she resumes drinking her coffee with a whimsical smile.

Carson sits down with his own coffee, "I really thought it would be Jarrod."

Laura dully shakes her head at her father's comment, "If you really knew me then you would have known it would be Nick all along."

"Okay, so I'm a terrible father," he says irritated.

"You're not a terrible father, you just haven't had much practice at it."

"I thought I was doing the right thing at the time. I wanted to do what was best for you! I couldn't raise a little girl alone; what would I do with a little girl?"

Laura sighs, " ...If you had to ask..."

"I'm sorry daughter, with your mother gone.. I couldn't think straight! My sister Polly helped me to figure things out. I will always be grateful for what she did, for both of us." Laura hides her displeasure at the mention of her aunt. He stands, walks around the table and puts his arms around his daughter for what seems like the first time since she came to Stockton, "I am so sorry I ever hurt you, I truly am. Nick Barkley is a blessing really, now you won't be alone when I'm gone."

"Gone?! Don't be melancoly, you're not going anywhere! Good Lord Papa, the way you come out with things," she shrug off a sense of a premonition as a chill grips her. He moves back to sit in his chair again.

"Laura Meredith it's not melancoly, but I am an old man. Your mama and I had you late in life. We were married a good ten years before you came along. Quite a surprise to both of us you were."

"You're going to be there to walk me down the aisle, I have no doubt about it! You'll be there!"

"Well now, that's going to depend on you isn't it? When are you going to set the date? The sooner the better I always say."

Laura stands to place her cup in the washing tub, by the water pump, avoiding her fathers's sad eyes. Those sad eyes that seem to get sadder with each passing year, Laura knew it was her mother's death that left him that way. Even at the tender age of ten Laura saw the special bond that grew between her parents. A bond so strong that no amount of prodding or pushing would get Carson to part with the memory of his wife in his mind. Laura had always hoped to have a love like that someday, she had prayed she found it with Nick, but she wasn't really sure; how could she be, she really only knew him for ... how long....

"Papa? When did you know that you first loved Mama?"

Carson smiles at the memory of his youth and the little Irish lass who stole his heart so long ago. An errant tear escapes his eye, "I knew I loved my Merry the first hour of that first day. Never had I seen a more beautiful girl, sixteen she was, only sixteen. I have never seen any woman to compare with your mother. Sometimes I see her face in yours, although you don't have her coloring in eyes or hair, you have her smile and sometimes when you speak I can hear..."

Carson abruptly stands from his seat and walks out the back door of the kitchen without another word, preferring to stand outside on the back porch, in the summer rain.

Chapter 13

After the cloud burst had cleared up, Laura takes her horse, Tipper for his daily ride, across Barkley land. When she sees a familiar figure over the ridge. The dark haired rider joins her by her side.

"Good afternoon Mr. Barkley," she greets the black vested gentleman with a smile.

"A good afternoon to you Miss Thomas." Nick tips his hat, "And how are you feeling this fine day?'

"A bit tired, thank you," she brings her horse to a slower gait.

"Really? What happened to ya?" Nick paces his horse along side of hers.

"I had this very strange dream last night, about a man who broke into my bedroom in the middle of the night."

"Ya don't say! What did he look like?" he rubs his chin, pondering.

"Humm? I remember he was quite tall, and kind of good looking in a rugged sort of way," she glances over to him, a slight smile crosses her face.

"Yeah? Anything else?" a smile curling at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, he wasn't as stupid as he looked; after all, he did ask me to marry him." She smiles teasingly.

Nick raises his eyebrows and looks down at her, "Not as stupid as he looked, huh?! So what was your answer to this tall, very handsome, not stupid fellar?"

"You know, I don't seem to recall, I think I woke up before I could answer him."

"Funny. I had that same exact dream last night." Nick teases.

"You mean a stupid looking fellow asked you to marry him too?!" She teases back.

He pretends to be peeved with her, "NO! I was the stupid looking fellar who did the proposing; and the lady I proposed to thought I was as handsome as she was beautiful and she said YES! In fact, she BEGGED me to marry her. After all, I 'm quite a catch!!"

"Quite a catch huh? Now I know you were dreaming!"

They both laugh and rein their horses to a stop. Nick puts a gloved hand around her neck and brings her closer for a kiss, "I love you," he smiles dreamily.

"You were awful to me last night! I shouldn't even speak to you!" she feigns a pout as she pulls away from his grasp.

"I know; not that you didn't deserve it though! Don't worry there will be other times Milady." Nick grins as he urges his horse into a trot; Laura follows him. They ride side by side, again.

"Did you tell your family about us?" Laura asks.

"I broke the news to them this morning."

"And how did they react?"

"They were very upset, they want us to call it off." He laughs.

"Come on, what did they really say?" she swats him on the arm.

"They all want to know when we are setting the date."


"And what?" he furrows his brow pretending not to understand her.


"Music to my ears, ya finally calling me by my given name," he laughs.

"I have a few more choice names to give you if you don't tell me!"

"Ah Milady, seems impatient to marry her conqueror, especially after having had a taste of things to come," he teases unmercifully, pulling a white satin ribbon out of his vest pocket waving it at her.

"That's it! Conqueror indeed!" She scowls as she pulls her horse into a gallop, and rides off. Nick laughs as he follows her. Nick, moves up beside her and pulls her reins back to get her horse to stop.

Nick laughs..."How does tomorrow sound to you?"

"Tomorrow, for what?" she asks.

"Us getting hitched."

"No, of course not!"

"Why not?" Nick asks.

"Too soon, there's alot of things that have to be done. People might think something was wrong if we  married too soon "

"What do you mean, wrong? What's wrong with us getting married  soon?"

"People might think you compromised me, in some way," she smiles.

"Well, if that's what I got to do to get you to marry me sooner, I could oblige..." He leans over to kiss her, but she pushes him away with the palm of her hand on his chest.

"That's not going to happen Nick Barkley, not until we're married, like you said last night!"

"You're going to make me eat my words ain't ya? The first time you ever listen to me and it has to be that!..." Nick feigns frustration as he rides away.

She follows him with her horse. "Just what kind of a girl do you think I am?"

"I all ready know what kind of a girl you are, but, I'm willing to marrying ya anyway!" He gives a hearty laugh as he spurs Coco to a gallop.

"Why you rat!" Laura takes his challenge, as they race their horses. The horses ride hard until they reach the Barkley ranch. Nick ties his horse near the barn, then he helps Laura off he horse.

"You let me win, didn't you?" He smiles at her.

"I took pity on both you and Coco."

"Ain't ya sweet?" He wraps her in his arms, and they kiss.

"Come on, I'm guessing Mother wants to talk to you right away."

"Why?" she questioned.

Little bit of arm twisting I would suspect, Barkley style," warns Nick. He leads her into the house opening the door for her.

Victoria rushes over to Laura the minute she sees her, and gives her a firm, welcoming hug, "Oh dear Laura, I am so glad you came by, we have so much to talk about. Come sit down here."

Victoria leads her to the settee, Laura looks back at Nick helplessly. He smiles at her as he pulls his gloves off.

"Now, tell me, have you set the date yet? June is a lovely month, although it is a very short time from now, June comes up so quickly, but we could make it the end of June, but there is the family camping trip in June, so maybe a July wedding will be better, it will certainly give us a little more time to plan. You will of course come on the camping trip with us, after all you 're almost family."

"Camping trip?" she swallows her breath, frowning.

"Oh that's our family camping trip we take to Indian Springs, a family tradition." Victoria adds joyfully.

"Why?" Laura asks dubiously.

"What do you mean, why?" Nick asked as he strode into the parlor in three long steps, his hands flying to his hips.

"Just what I said, why?" Laura glared.

"To celebrate my birthday for one thing!" Nick almost sneers back.

"You're birthday is next month? But I thought..."

"November, yeah, it's in November, but the camping trip is in June because the weather is better and the family has always gone in June."

"I see... ahem... I've never been camping before," she winces at the thought, trying to hide her disapproval of the idea.

"Really!? Never?" Victoria asks surprised.

"No ma'am, never. No one camps out in San Francisco if they can avoid it." Laura smile sheepishly.

"Well now that you are going to be part of this family we will have to teach you the fine art of camping, Barkley style." Victoria sparkles excited at the prospect of having a daughter-in-law.

"Is it required before you join the family?" Laura says half seriously.

"Oh Laura, you are going to be a wonderful addition to the family, you're very amusing. I am going to see Silas,

I want you and Nick to set the date and tell me what you decide when I get back so we can start planning." She pats Laura's hand then leaves them alone. Nick moves closer to Laura, with his hands folded in front of him and an amused smile on his face. Laura looks at him puzzled.

"What just happened here?"

"You just got ramroded into the family; Barkley style," he laughs.

"Oh dear, your mother is a very strong willed, formidable woman." Laura complains, biting her bottom lip.

"Yeah, she is, and so are you! Life should get real interesting around here with the two of you."

"I don't camp Nick, I really don't camp!" she stood to face him.

"What do you mean you don't camp?"

"Just what I said, I don't camp! I don't sleep on the ground where there are snakes crawling everywhere." Laura shutters at the thought of the slimy, crawling things.

"You're afraid of snakes?" asks Nick surprisingly.


"Well you're in luck, there are no snakes in Indian Springs!" he announced quickly.

"How do I know you're not saying that to convince me to go?"

"Why in the world would I lie to you? I love you. Trust me, there are no snakes at Indian Springs." Victoria walks back in the parlor.

"Well, did you decide yet?"

"Let's ask Mother." Nick pushes Laura in front of his mother as he stands behind her, his hands on her shoulders

"Ask me what?" she smiles at them, thinking only of possible wedding dates.

"In all the years you and Father have been to Indian Springs, you have never seen any snakes there, have you?" Nick motions with his head, 'NO' to his mother, behind Laura's back.

"Snakes? I... ah..." Victoria imitates her son's action and shakes her head NO, "No, I don't believe Tom and I ever came across snakes there. You're not concerned about snakes, are you Laura?"

"Well, I...ah....." Laura hesitates to speak.

"Laura doesn't have anything to worry about, does she Mother?"  Nick coaches his mother.

"Oh no, of course not, we're very safe, there are no snakes there." Victoria promised.   "Now have you and Nick set a date yet?"

"No. We were discussing other matters."

"How about July, maybe after the fourth of July?" Victoria smiles.

"We will consider it, Mother, but later." He pushes Laura towards the foyer, saying good bye to his mother, he opens the front door as he whispers to his intended, "She'll never let us be, if we don't settle the date. Come on, we'll talk outside."

Chapter 14

Several days later, Mrs Barkley, Audra and Laura go into Stockton to look over patterns for wedding dresses at Madame Claire's dress shop. Each woman has a book of patterns to look over.

"Laura how about this one?" asks Mrs. Barkley, showing her a picture in the style book.

"It's pretty, but it's not what I'm looking for; I"ll know it when I see it." She flips through the pages of the book.

"How about this one Laura?" Audra asks, showing her a picture in another book.

"It's closer to the idea of what I want but..."

"Perhaps Madamoselle Thomas you can tell me what you want and I can draw it, for you here?" says Madame Claire, pointing to a drawing pad in her hand.

"That's a wonderful idea." Laura brightens. She sits down and begins to explain to the dressmaker exactly what she wants.

"Well, I 'm glad that's settled, now all we need is our own dresses. I think I like this one, in a pale blue perhaps for me. What do you think Audra?" Victoria points to a very elegant Paris fashion.

"That will be beautiful on you Mother. Now I just need to find something suitable for me." complains Audra.

"It's almost lunch time and we are suppose to meet Jarrod at the Stockton Inn. And I still have to send that telegram to Eugene."

Laura rejoins them. "I'm done, how about you Audra?"

"Mother found a perfect dress but I'm still having trouble."

"Let's look more then." Laura suggests..

"While you girls do that I'm going to the telegraph office and send that message off to Eugene. Then you can meet me at the Inn, I don't want to keep Jarrod waiting," warns Victoria Barkley.


When the girls finish at the dress shop they each decide to separate to save time searching for Mrs. Barkley.

"I'll check the telegraph office, then I meet you at the restaurant for lunch." says Laura.

"Alright, don't keep Mother waiting too long." Audra winks.

"Goodness, I wouldn't dare!" Laura laughs at Audra.

At the telegraph office:

"Hello Miss Thomas, I hear congratulations are in order, your future mother- in- law was just here," says the telegraph officer.

"Thank you Mr. Jenkins, I just came by to see if she was here, I'll be on my..." Laura recognizes a familiar face, on a wanted poster, she walks over to the wall and reads:

'Wanted - John Ray for Murder, Six feet, 180 pounds black hair, blue eyes, no visable scars, last seen Southern California, Reward 3000 dollars dead or alive'

Laura looks over to the telegraph officer and noticing he is not looking at her, she quickly takes the poster down, folds it and hides it in her pocket. She leaves the telegraph office and joins the Barkleys for lunch.


In the restaurant, Laura apologizes for being late.

"Not at all, we waited for you." Jarrod stands and holds a chair out for her, "Are you well Laura, your face looks rather pale?"

"No, I guess I've been a little tired lately with all the planning."

"Of course. Did you ladies have any success at the dressmakers?" Jarrod politely inquires.

"I finally found something to wear, and Laura had Madame Claire design her wedding dress, I can't wait to see it. She wouldn't let me peek at the drawing though."

"Keeping secrets Laura?" Victoria chides her.

"Excuse me?" She says, occupied in her own thoughts.

"I said are you keeping secrets Laura?" Victoria repeats.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Laura face turns even whiter.

"Are you sure you are well Laura?" Mrs. Barkley asks concerned.

"Yes, of course I'm fine, really."

"Maybe some wine will bring the color back in those lovely cheeks, huh Laura?" Jarrod pours a glass of wine for her.

"Yes, thank you Jarrod." She gratefully accepts the wine and the change of subject.

Jarrod raises a glass in toast, "To the newest member of the Barkley clan, Laura." Audra and Victoria agree by saying together: "Here, here." and raising their glasses.

"Thank you," Laura smiles a little embarassed.

"Tell me Laura, has my brother talked you into going on the camping trip to Indian Springs yet?" She laughs.

"He's still working on it."

"Oh Laura, you must come. It's so lovely there, the mountains are beautiful and the lake is wonderful for swimming. Please come, we'll have so much fun." pleads Audra.

"Oh I have every intention of going, just don't tell Nick, he still trying to convince me with all kinds of favors and promises, I want to see how far I can get him to go, before I decide to say yes to him," she smiles teasingly.

"Oh you are a wicked woman!" Jarrod laughs. Victoria and Audra join him in the laughter.

"It's been wonderful, I got this beautiful bouquet of flowers before he left for Modesto."

"Did he buy you any trinkets?" Asks Audra.

"No, he's not allowed to buy anything, that would be too easy, I want more thoughtful gifts. I told him he has to write me love letters next."

"Wicked woman! Jarrod laughs again, " I almost feel sorry for Nick, almost."

"Nonsense! Good for you Laura, " adds Mrs Barkley, "A lady should receive love letters."

"Of course, I don't even have so much as a note from him, I've let him off far to easy, for far too long!"

"Good for you!" Audra agrees.

"Now I do feel sorry for brother Nick!" Jarrod grins as he pours everyone another glass of wine.

"You just keep it to yourself, or I'll find ways to torture you next!" Laura teases Jarrod, smiling.

"My lips are sealed!" He smiles, his blue eyes twinkling.

"You should receive a few letters while he and Heath are in Modesto." Victoria says delighted..


Mr. Jenkins, from the telegraph office walks up to their table.

"Excuse me Mrs. Barkley I got a reply to your telegram."

"Oh thank you Mr. Jenkins, it's from Eugene," Victoria smiles.

"Oh, and I have a telegram for you too Miss Thomas." offers Mr. Jenkins.

"For me?! Who would sent me a telegram?" She opens the telegram, reads it and laughs.

"What is it?" asks Audra.

"It's a telegram from Nick, only Nick would do something like this, A love telegram!"

"Please, will you tell us what it says?" Audra begs.

"Why not, every telegraph office from here to Modesto knows what's in it"

She read:

"Milady, your Knight is busy slaying dragons with Squire Heath. Haven't time to write proper love letter. Indian Springs is calling your name... promise to slay any snakes there if you come along.
Your loyal and loving servant, Sir Nick. Await your reply."

They all laugh at hearing the telegram recited.

"Do you want to write out a reply, I have a pencil and paper." informs Mr. Jenkins.

"Yes, I will, thank you."

She takes the pencil and writes the following:

Sir Nick,
Slaying dragons is a poor excuse, however I do appreciate the offer of slaying snakes at Indian Springs. Still await a more personal reply, not shared through the telegraph company. Strongly suggest you find pen and paper soon. Your benevolent monarch, Milady.

Laura shares the reply with the rest of the family.

"I wish I could see Nick's face when he reads that!" laughs Audra.

"If he knows what's good for him, he better get that pen and paper!" offers Jarrod.


Luncheon over, The ladies leave Jarrod to settle the check. When a waiter comes up to Jarrod carrying a piece of paper.

"Excuse me sir, but the young lady you dined with dropped this."

"Thank you." Jarrod answers, as he opens up the folded paper. He is surprised to see it's contents. He refolds it and walks outside. He notices his mother talking to Laura as she sits on her horse.

"Excuse me ladies, the waiter gave this to me, he said you dropped it Laura, is it yours?"

"Yes, thank you." Laura takes the folded paper from Jarrod.

"What is it?" inquires Audra.

"Oh it's just a list of things to do," Laura lies. Her eyes dart to Jarrod, a puzzled look on his face.

"You're welcome Laura, if there is anything you need me to do, to help you with that list don't hesitate to ask me. Whatever you need. ...Understand?"

"Yes, thank you Jarrod," she answers him. She turns her horse and waves good bye to them.

Once Jarrod says good bye to his mother and sister, he heads over to the sheriff's office.

Chapter 15

In mid June the Barkleys do last minute preparations for their camping trip.

"I swear we bring more damn things every year. You would think we were traveling across country, then just going up into the mountains!" complains Nick as he packs another box in the buckboard.

"We need every thing we packed! Don't you want Laura to be comfortable on her first camping trip?" Audra pouts, as she rearranges the packing.

"That's if she ever gets here! Where is she?!" Nick complains again.

"Maybe she changed her mind Nick." Heath grins as he puts a barrel in the wagon.

"No, not after I jumped through hoops just to convince her to go!"

"She had you jumping through hoops did she?" Jarrod pushes his hat back as he leans on one of the house columns, watching them load.

"Only because I let her get away with it!" Nick defends himself, leaning on the wagon.

"Ah huh. Heard you got writers cramp too." amuses Jarrod.

"Sure did use up a lot of paper in Modesto if I remember." Heath teases, as he also leans on the wagon, pushing his hat back.

"Shut up!" growls Nick, then turns to mount up. Victoria and Audra laugh as they climb into the wagon.

"They are just jealous of you Nick," smiles Audra.

"Not at all, I for one think Nick and Laura are a perfect couple! Both are strong-willed and stubborn." Jarrod says defending himself as he moves near the wagon.

"Not to mention both have tempers bad enough to scare storm clouds away!" Heath adds with a crooked grin.

"Imagine the children they'll have." Jarrod laughs, as he pats Heath back.

"Just thinking about it scares me," Heath laughs. They all laugh at Nick's expense.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way!" Nick smiles as he settles on his horse.

"Here's comes Laura." Victoria announces

"It's about time!" Nick turns his horse to meet her at the gate. He stops near her horse and they kiss. "Thought you changed your mind."

"And miss spending two weeks with you in the wilderness, watching you slay snakes for me...? Never!" Laura jokes. They kiss eachother again.

Heath yells over to them... "Are you two coming on this trip or are ya gonna spend the next two weeks spooning over there?"

"Keep your shirt on!" Nick yells. He turns to Laura whispering in her ear, "Love you."

"Love you too," she smiles back at him, then they join the others in front of the house, with a wagon load of supplies.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." Laura says.

"Not at all, we always have last minute packing to do," says Victoria. Nick notices Laura wearing a gun holster.

"What are you doing wearing a gun?"

"If you expect me to sleep in the wilderness, I am wearing a gun."

"Don't ya think I can protect you from all the wild animals?"

"Sure I do, I brought this gun to protect you from all those wanton women at the mining camps you told me about; after all, you keep telling me what a fine catch you are. I'm just protecting my fine catch!"

Nick gives a hearty laugh as he straightens his hat on his head, "Come on, lets get going before it gets dark. Pappy, try not to sell the ranch out from under us while we're gone!" says Nick, as he leads the wagon off the ranch.

"I'll try to restraint myself brother Nick," Jarrod calls back with a wave to all of them from the veranda.


While riding along Nick tells Laura about the wonderful things she will find at Indian Springs.

"There's so much trout there that they practically jump into the skillet!"

"Right into the skillet huh?" she gives him a skeptical look.

"Well, practically," he teases with a chuckle.

"So then I can expect my first meal to be fish?"

"Or beans, if those fish don't jump in the skillet fast enough." They both laugh.

"Well maybe you can shoot some game with that six shooter of yours," adds Nick

"Maybe I 'll do just that," she grins.

Nick leans over to kiss her and she returns the kiss, "Just how well can you shoot that gun?" he squints an eye to her.

"Well, I can hit the broad side of a barn with it," she winks.


They arrive at Indian Springs and set up camp, by taking turns carrying supplies.

"What did I tell you, beautiful huh?" He pulls the supplies from the wagon.

"Yes, it is beautiful Nick. Could use a house though, rather then a tent," she carries some of the supplies.

"Never thought you would be a tenderfoot, I thought you were a country girl."

"I am, a country girl who likes a solid roof over her head."

"I'll make sure that tent is as solid and cozy as an old shoe." he gives her a peck on the cheek.

"Isn't it beautiful here Laura?" asks Audra, as helps unload the wagon.

"It certainly is, I can see why you all love it so much."

"My husband Tom and I came up here every year, we hardly missed a year, I even came up here when I was carrying Nick, I was almost 5 months along then," Victoria reminisces as she sets about readying an area for a camp fire.

"Wasn't the trip difficult for you, Mrs. Barkley?" She laid a box of pots on the ground.

"It didn't really bother me, I just loved it here. Jarrod was about four years old at the time, he loved to explore the edge of the water there, I swear that boy's feet were forever wet and muddy!"

"I wish Jarrod could have come with us this year," says Audra as she disappears into the tent that Heath has finished staking to the ground.

"Hopefully, next year, if he doesn't have another case to keep him away like this time." Victoria rubs her hands together to get rid of some of the dirt from her black gloves.

Heath interrupts them. "Nick and I are going to get some big juicy trout for supper, how's that sound?"

"I want to join you too," replies Audra.

"Get your fishing pole then, let's go, those fish are just waiting for us."

Laura helps Victoria with the camp fire.


That evening they sit around the camp fire talking and eating trout.

"Remember Nick when your father taught you how to hunt game?"

"How can I forget, I shot my first jackrabbit here, but I couldn't eat it." complains Nick.

"Poor Nick, that jack rabbit became a personal friend, Nick couldn't eat it after he shot it," his mother laughs.

"How could I, with those little rabbit eyes staring at me. I ate beans for a week," he groans.

"What did you do the second week you were here?" Heath laughs.

"I made sure not to make friends with jackrabbits."

"He was very hungry, by the second week we were here." Victoria chuckles.

"I think that's why I like fishing better, you can't make friends with a fish! They are not as cute." They all laugh.

"Anyone want the last of the coffee, before I throw it out?" asks Mrs. Barkley, she stands grabbing the pot from the camp fire.

"Not me, I'm tired, I going to turn in," says Audra.

"Me too, it 's been a long day." Heath sighs.

"Feel like taking a walk before you turn in Laura?" Nick asks as he offers her hand up.

"Yes, I do." She takes his hand, and joins him. They slowly walk by the lake, their hands laced together as they watch the shimmering moonlight follow their pace.

"So what do you think, you've been here all this time and not one snake, just like I told you." Nick teases her.

"So you were right, so far no snakes. That makes me very happy," she says as her hand plays with the button on his shirt, looking up at him lovingly. He stops walking to look down at her, "It's all I ever want to do is make you happy."

"I've never been happier." she moves her hand around his front to his waist.

"I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life." his hands grasp her waist as he pulls her towards him into a kiss.

"I'm the lucky one, " she breathes as her lips touch hers. Then he hugs her tightly, bringing his face to her neck in an embrace, "I love you so much; you know you make me crazy. We just have to wait a few more weeks. I wish we were getting married tomorrow."

"Me too." she hugs him tighter to herself not wanting to let go. He kisses her on the neck; she pulls away from him, her breathing becoming heavier. Nick pull her tightly again in an embrace, "What am I saying, I wish we were already married! This waiting is torture."

"You don't think it's any easier for me do you?" She breathes out in a heavy sigh, "Let's sit down and just talk, no more kissing, it will only lead to trouble," she pulls away from his embrace, her hand still enmeshed in his.

"I guess you're right, we should just ...ah... sit and ah... talk." They sit on the ground, leaning against a tree and watch the ebb and flow of the lake before them.

"Of all the years my family has come up here I have never enjoyed it as much as I do this time."

"You know, I was rather surprised how my father acted when I told him about this trip."

"He didn't want you to go, right...but you being stubborn, told him you were going ..."

"No, it was just the opposite, he was quite anxious for me to go. It was almost ...I don't know; it was just strange. And what's that about ME being stubborn? You invented the word!" she playfully slaps him on his chest.

"Admit it, we're both alike in that respect."

"I am not! And I refuse to admit that I am!" She sits up, her arms folded over her knees.

"Stubborn..." He laughs as he says the word, he pulls her back in an embrace again. Smiling, she cuddles with him under the tree, he kisses the top of her head as she nestles herself under his arm, they close their eyes enjoying the comfortable closeness they share together, ....and fall asleep.

Chapter 16

"Nick. Nick. Wake up. Nick, wake up!"

"Humph , what's the matter??" He stirs, and inadvertently pushes Laura off his chest, she hits the ground, landing on her elbow.

"OUCH! What's going on?" she complains. She looks up to see Victoria Barkley standing over her with her hands on her hips.

"Good morning. Sleep well you two?"

"Oh my!" Laura cries out. as she scrambles to sit up. Nick looks at Laura, then at his mother with a guilty look on his face, he is also leaning on his elbows.

"This is not what it looks like you know!" he stares at his mother.

"Of course not, it never is." she smiles. Nick gets up from the ground and helps Laura up as well.

"Good morning Mother. I'll get us some breakfast." Nick volunteers, trying to regain his dignity.

"Heath already did, come and eat." Victoria nods in the direction of the camp. He takes Laura's hand and they walk to the camp site, where Heath and Audra are having breakfast, they look at them smiling."

"Did you sleep well Nick?" asks Audra.

"Still looks a mite tired to me. Coffee Laura?" adds Heath.

"Yes, thank you." She takes a cup from Heath, and sits down beside him. He pours the coffee for her.

"You look a mite tired too Laura." Heath observes with a grin. He replaces the coffee pot.

"I slept very well thank you." she drinks her coffee. Nick pours himself a cup of coffee, and sits near Audra.

"You didn't answer my question Nick, did you sleep well?" Audra repeats.

"Yes I slept well, everyone slept well, okay! Now shut up about it," growls Nick.

"Don't sound like it." Audra says with a twinkle in her eye, as she sips her coffee. Victoria seats herself near her older son, she quietly sips her coffee, Nick stares at his mother.

"Nothing happened!" Nick says angrily.

"Did I say anything?!" she continues to drink her coffee, trying to hide her smile behind the coffee cup.


Later the day, Audra and Laura decide to go for swim in the lake. The girls undress down to their underwear and go into the water. Victoria sits on a rock, with her feet in the water keeping a watchful eyes on the girls.

"Ohh, its wonderful, don't you think?" praises Audra. Laura stares at the water, while she wades through it.

"What are you looking at?" asks Audra.

"It's not what I'm looking at, it 's what I'm looking for," she says cautiously.

"And what could that be?" says Audra.

"Water snakes." Audra laughs. "There's no water snakes here."

"And how would you know?" Laura continues to look around at the water.

"Because I never seen one here before, that's why," she answers.

"That doesn't mean they aren't here now," Laura says, still looking.

"Would you relax! What is it with you and snakes? I thought you had no fears?" Audra chides her.

"Everyone is afraid of something and I'm afraid of snakes! Can't I be afraid of something?!" Laura states.

"And here I thought you were the bravest woman I knew; next to my mother of course."

"I suppose your mother isn't afraid of snakes." Laura complains.

"Do you know how many snakes and lizards my brothers use to bring home when they were children? My mother never even flinched!" Audra proudly states.

"Well, your mother is an exceptional woman, I never doubted that for a minute; she would have to be, raising you children." Laura teases.

"Never you mind!" Audra says as she splashes Laura with water.

"HEY!" she yells. The two girls begin splashing eachother and laughing. Victoria watches from the shore and laughs at them.

"Careful you two, it's slippery out there, you might fall!" They don't acknowledge her warning but continue to splash eachother, laughing. The two get completely wet from the head down, splashing eachother with the water, when Laura abruptly stops. Audra continues laughing.

"What was that?!"

"What was what?" asks Audra, as she stops splashing her.

"I felt something go down my clothes?" Laura says fearfully. Audra laughs,

"Maybe you caught a fish! Oh, I know, maybe it's a water snake!" Audra continues to laugh.

"OH God!! Help me!" Laura begins to scream as she searches in her clothes. Audra laughs hysterically, while Laura continues to scream searching her bodice. Victoria stands up and calls out to them;

"What's going on?! Laura!!" Audra!" Laura continues to scream louder.


Nick and Heath are hunting game when they hear the screams.

"THAT'S LAURA!" says Nick.

"LET'S GO!"  yelled Heath.

The two of them run towards the screams. They reach the lake and witness Audra standing in the water laughing hysterically, while Laura is screaming at the top of her lungs, and Victoria is still trying to be heard above all the screaming.

"What is going on?! AUDRA!" yells Victoria.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! LAURA!" Nick bellows. Heath just watches with a very confused look on his face. Forgetting that he is seeing both girls in their underwear.

"AUDRA! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Nick shouts again. Not having any success searching her clothes for an elusive snake, Laura rips her bodice off exposing herself, still screaming. Nick's eyes widen, almost bulging out of their sockets.

"LAURA!!" he yells at the top of his lungs.

"OH MY GOD!" shouts Victoria. Heath witnesses the scene and immediately covers his eyes with his hand.

"I didn't see that. Heath replies, "No. I didn't see a thing." Heath smiles to himself.

Audra is so beside herself with laughter that she falls in the water.

Back on the shore:

"LAURA! COVER YOURSELF, NOW!!!" Nick screams. Laura covers herself with her arms.

"OH MY GOD, I'M NAKED!! AUDRA GET MY TOP!" Audra, still laughing, wades after Laura's ripped bodice as it floats down the stream. Nick looks at Heath.

"Don't just stand there! Get her a blanket!!! AND DON'T LOOK!!!"

"I didn't see a thing, I swear!" Heath grins as he walks away; his eyes partially covered.

"Audra Barkley, you get out of that water right now!" Yells Victoria. Audra, still laughing, retrieves the ripped bodice and gives it to Laura. Then she wades out of the water to her mother who has a towel for her to wrap herself in, leaving Nick to take care of his half naked fiance. Meanwhile Laura covers her breasts with her ripped top as well as her arms, muttering to herself:

"If it the last thing I do, I 'm going to get her back!" Laura wades out of the water, towards Nick. Heath gives Nick a blanket and walks away, grinning at the sight.

"I'll just go wait at the camp site for everybody." Heath says, attempting to avoid the scene.

"Yeah, you do that!!" Nick says angrily. Laura wades out of the water into the blanket that Nick has outstretched for her, she stands in front of him dripping, still clutching the ripped cloth to her chest. He wraps her in the blanket.

"I could die! I could just die of embarrassment!"

"Just what the hell do you think you were doing out there!" Nick growls.

"You sister, threw a water snake at me and it went down my clothes!"

"There are no water snakes out there! There has never been water snakes in this place!"

"Well how was I suppose to know! You never told me!" she shouts back.

"I have been telling you for weeks there's no damn snakes here! Why the hell don't you ever listen to me!"

"Stop yelling at me! I'm cold and I'm wet and I'm tired!" Victoria and Audra walk over to them.

"Are you all right Laura?" asks Victoria.

"Yes, thank you." She gives Audra a dirty look. Audra is still smiling.

"Audra, you apologize to Laura!" Victoria chides her daughter.

"I'm sorry you ripped your clothes off..." Audra starts to giggle.

"That's not funny Audra!" Nick yells at his sister.

"I owe you!" Laura spits at Audra. Then she walks back to the camp, clutching the blanket. Heath is at the camp sight enjoying a cup of coffee, when he sees Laura walking towards him, he stands up, and looks at her.

"Howdy," he says.

"What are you looking at?!" she growls at Heath.

"Nothing! Nothing at all, I didn't see a thing, honest." promises Heath.

"Get out of my way!" Laura marches towards the tent.

"Yes ma'am." says Heath as he moves away, trying to stifle a laugh.

"Ah...Laura...? Heath dares to speak again, with a slight twinkle in his eye. She turns to face him before she walks into the tent.

"What?!" she asks impatiently.

"You're very beautiful, Nick's a lucky man." Heath smiles a crooked grin at her.

"OH Shut up!"

"Yes ma'am." Heath smiles as he sits down and returns to his coffee. Nick walks up to the camp site.

"Where is she?" Heath points to the tent, not saying a word.

"LAURA? ARE YOU DECENT? Nick yells at the tent.

"I MAY NEVER BE DECENT AGAIN!" she yells back.

"Now it's not that bad, Audra was only funning with you." Nick attempts to console her. Laura angrily sticks her head out of the tent.

"Don't you dare defend your sister to me, not if you ever want me to speak to you again!" She pops back into the tent. Nick looks at Heath sitting there drinking his coffee. Heath shrugs his shoulders. Nick sits down beside his brother and mutters to himself.

"Women! ... Got anymore of that?" Without saying a word, Heath pours Nick a cup of coffee and hands it to him.

"What are you so quiet about?" Nick asks.

"I was just wondering."

"About what?" Nick asks.

"Which one of you is the worse, when it comes to a bad temper."

"Seems about equal to me." Nick chuckles.

"Yeah; You're probably right." Heath agrees.

"I think I'll take Laura riding tomorrow. That should keep her out of trouble."

"You think?" Heath asks.

"Here's hoping." Nick clinks his coffee cup to Heath's, giving his brother a wink.

Chapter 17

The next day, Laura and Nick are riding along a mountain trail when Nick reins up his horse, "Whoa, right here boy..."

"Why are we stopping here?" Laura questions him.

"This is where I want to take you, just up there is the place I want to show you." He points to a top of a rock formation. Laura makes an unpleasant face at the sight he's pointing to, "But we can't take the horses up there."

"I know, we 're going to climb."

"CLIMB? I don't think so!" she protests vehemently.

"Yeah. What do you mean you don't think so?!" Nick asks.

"You want ME to CLIMB up those rocks?"

"That's what climbing means, going up, on foot, Climbing! Come on, where's that tomboy you told me about?"

"I keep her in the wood shed permanently, it's where she always ended up anyway every time she came out!"

"Come on! Stop being such a girl! I'll help you up, Milady." He helps her off her horse.

"Is it safe?" she worries as she keeps her hands on his shoulders.

"As safe as being in your own bed." he grins showing off his dimple.

"With you?" she smiles teasingly.

"Woman, you don't learn, do ya?" Nick warns, shaking his head. He keeps his arms around her waist.

"Maybe you can give me another lesson," she grins, tugging at his shirt collar.

Nick laughs as he kisses her, she returns the kiss passionately. Then she starts to unbutton his shirt. Nick snatches her hands pulling them away from his shirt.

"Behave yourself! I 'm beginning to think you did that strip yesterday on purpose!"

"What if I did? What would you do?" she bites her bottom lip coyly.

"Next time, make sure no one else is watching, then you 'll see what I'll do!" he laughs, grabbing her face between the palms of his hands he give her a very hard kiss on the mouth. "Now behave yourself, before I tan your backside!" he warns her.

"HAH! you and what army?!" She places her fists defyingly on her hips.

"Just me Milady, I'm more than enough for you! Now come on!" Nick grabs her roughly by the hand, pulling her towards their destination.

"HEY!" she protests. They begin to climb the rocks before them, with Nick leading the way.

"I can't believe I'm doing this, I don't like climbing any more than I like camping!" says Laura.

"Quit complaining. A little physical activity will take your mind off other things physical." He chides her good naturely as he looks back at her, "Come on, let that tom boy out that's in ya!"

"You might be sorry if I let her out!"

"I'll take my chances." They climb up further.

Nick looks down at her concerned. "Be careful now." He warns.

"I will."

She looks up at him and smiles, but then he notices her smile quickly disappearing. "What's wrong?"

"I think I saw something above the rocks." Nick looks up squinting his eyes from the sun.

"I don't see anything. What was it?" he asks.

"I don't know, but I swear I saw something." Nick takes out his gun.

"Stay behind me." he warns. Laura releases the safety on her own gunbelt.


Victoria helps Heath with the wood chopping. She hands him the bits of wood for him to chop.

"Nick's having all the fun on this trip, and I'm doing all the work." Victoria smiles at her complaining son.

"Maybe next year you'll bring a special girl on this trip and you'll have all the fun then."

Heath smiles. "I just might do that."

Audra joins them carrying kindling wood in her arms. "Do you think this will be enough for tonight?"

"That's fine Audra, it may get cold tonight." suggests her mother.

"Just where did Nick take Laura, he was so secretive?" she wonders placing her hands on her hips.

"Away from any hard work for one!" Heath grumbles.

"Oh you, you're just jealous!" his sister waves him away with a hand.

"Nick took her to a little area in the mountains that has very beautiful water fall. It's really a lovely place; but to get to it you must climb some rocks." Victoria informs her daughter.

"It sounds beautiful. I would like to see it myself."

"Maybe I can take you there tomorrow Sis, I would like to see that myself."

"It is a beautiful spot..." A gun shot rings out in the distance.

"...That sounds like it came from where those rocks are!" Another gun shot rings out. a minute later. Heath drops his ax, and hurriedly pulls his shirt and gun belt on.

"I'm going over there!"

"I know where it is. I'll show you. Audra you stay here!" orders Victoria.


She watches in horror as Nick tumbles to the ground with the creature clawing at his throat! She silently prays that her aim is sure...BANG!... Stillness, deadly quiet. How she got down so quickly was anyone guess but the terror inside her made her fly to his side. She musters up every bit of strenght she has to push the dead body off him, giving a loud grunt and a final push! Done! The large dead carcus of the mountain lion was off Nick's stilled body. She could not only feel, but hear her heart pounding in her chest. Her short, fast breathes matched only by her quickness as she shreds the blood soak shirt away from him to examine his body searching for a bullet wound.

"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead! Please Nick, I didn't shoot you, please God, I didn't hit him."

Laura puts her head on his chest and is relieved to hear a still strong heart beat, though beating fast, speedly pumping blood out of his body. She runs to Nick's horse and gets the saddle bag with the first aid items, snatching the blanket roll off his horse, and the other off her own. She takes Nick's torn shirt and washes the wounds with the canteen water she brought over, then covers the wounds to try to stop the bleeding.

"Nick, wake up, please open your eyes, please. Please Nick! Don't be dead! Please!!!!" she begs.

She covers him with the blankets, pressing them down on his chest to help stop the bleeding. She begins to sob.

"Please Nick, please open your eyes! Don't die! Please don't die!" She sobs uncontrollably, her hair falling on his face, tickling his nose, when she hears his weaken voice.

"Hey...stop that."

"NICK, YOU'RE ALIVE. You're all right!" she sighs relieved, her hands still on his chest.


"You were attacked... There was a mountain lion... in the rocks...., he jumped you... you fell, ...fighting him all the way," she says taking quick breathes.

"Don't remember.. Where...?"

"It 's over there...dead."

"Dead?" Nick asked.

"Yes, ... I killed it."

"You killed it?" he said surprised.

"Yes.." She covers him with the blankets to keep him warm, patting his chest to soak up the excess blood. Nick half smiles at her, his eyes closed.

"That's a..... hell of a..... finishing went to......" Laura laughs and cries at the same time. Nick flinches with pain.

"Starting to hurt.....get Heath."

"I can't leave you!" she pleads with him.

"Get shotgun it....." Nick winces in pain. She runs to Nick's horse, takes out his rifle and shoots it in the air. Then she lays beside Nick trying to keep him warm, tears staining her face. Nick slides in and out of consciousness.


Soon Heath and Victoria arrive after hearing the gunshots.

"NICK!" Heath yells, as he jumps off his horse. He kneels beside Nick. Laura stands up, and lets Nick's mother take her place beside Nick.

"What happened?" asks Victoria. Laura stands there sobbing, trying to get control of herself. Heath and his mother see the dead mountain lion.

"The lion's been shot, what happened Laura?" he asks her. Nick moans.

"Nick darling, is there anything broken?" His mother strokes his face gently.

"My shoulder..."

"It looks like he dislocated it. I can put it back Mother, but I need your help, do you think you can hold him?"

"I can. Laura come here." Victoria orders. Laura dutifully does as she is told, and numbly kneels down beside Victoria.

"You and I are going to hold on to Nick while Heath pulls his shoulder in place, understand?" Victoria tells her.

"Yes," she says almost inaudibly. She does exactly as she's asked, wiping the tears from her eyes with her fingertips. She holds Nick down, forcing herself to find more strength. Heath pulls at Nick's left arm and it slides back into it's shoulder socket. Nick gives out a blood curdling yell, making Laura shiver in fear.

"Got it!" Heath says pleased. Victoria sits back on her legs, sighing with relief. Laura sits beside her on the ground.

"I gotta make a sling." He searches for long pieces of Nick's shirt, but most of it is in tatters and bloody.

"I'll use mine." He rips his own shirt and makes a sling.

"We got to get you up...Think you can ride your horse back to the camp?"

"Sure, I'll race ya..." Nick jokes. The three help Nick onto his horse, and very carefully and slowly ride back to the camp site.


Once Heath settles Nick on a cot in the tent he rides to the closest town to find a doctor. Victoria and Audra re-dress Nick's wounds with clean bandages. Leaving the tent Victoria finds Laura standing outside the tent, her arms tightly folded across her chest and kicking the dirt on the ground with her boot. She still has the same clothes on her with Nick's blood on it.



"Don't you want to go in and see Nick?" Laura bites her bottom lip to avoid crying in front of her, and shakes her head, NO.

"What's wrong Laura?" The girl just shakes her head, avoiding looking at her.

"Please." Victoria begs her. Again Laura just shakes her head, trying not to cry in front of the woman.

"Then tell me exactly what happened up there in the mountains."

"Please...don't ask me to relive that," she begs her, choking back tears.

"That's exactly what I'm asking you to do, and I don't ask twice... Laura?!" Tears roll down her cheeks and she visbly shivers. Victoria gets a blanket and covers her with it.

"You're in shock, come here by the fire. Come on." Victoria's voice softens as she pulls her over to the camp fire and makes her sit beside it. Victoria's impatience with the girl soon turns into concern. She sits by her and quietly rubs her shoulder to help warm her.

"I'm going to make you some hot coffee." Victoria offers. Laura sits quietly, staring into the fire, while Victoria makes the coffee. Neither woman say a word to eachother. Victoria is reminded how Nick is exactly the same way when he is fearful. He becomes unusually quiet, like the time he was bitten by that rabid wolf and told no one, save Heath. Victoria's eyes fill with her own tears, remembering...

When the coffee is done, Victoria pours a cup for the girl and herself. Laura sips the coffee, welcoming the warm feeling on her ice cold hands. The two women quietly sip their coffee, staring at the fire, lost in their own thoughts. Victoria finally breaks the silence:

"When Nick was a little boy he found this dog caught in a trap, he freed the dog, but no one could save the leg. That little three legged dog followed Nick everywhere. He loved that dog so much." New tears glisten as they run silently down Laura's face listening to Victoria's story.

"One morning I sent Nick out to the hen house to get some eggs for a cake I was baking. In the barnyard, Nick and the dog cornered a fox who had been bothering our chickens. The fox, being cornered, tried to attack Nick, but that little three legged dog bravely defended him. The dog killed the fox, but ended up being hurt very badly. Nick did everything he could to save that dog, but it was no use; he died in Nick's arms. He was inconsolable; for weeks he hardly spoke. Even Jarrod couldn't get him to talk. Then one day Nick sat on the floor playing with his toys when he suddenly spoke, he said, 'Why does love hurt so much?' Victoria's voice cracks when she quotes her son; her eyes filling with tears.

I told him when you love, you give your heart away; and that leaves it vulnerable to all kinds of hurt. He looked up at me with that determined look of his and said, 'then I'll never love anything or anyone ever.' I told him that if he did that, then no one could ever love him, and that would lead to a very lonely life. He thought about it for a while then said, 'I guess you're right, because I can't stop loving all of you and I don't want you to stop loving me.' Renewed tears fall from both women.

"How old was he?"

"Ten I think."

"Love hurts, that's a lesson I learned today too," Laura wipes the tears from her eyes with her hands, then continues, "I watched as he fell from the rocks, that lion at his throat. I froze. All I could think about was stopping that lion, so I aimed and shot it. It wasn't until later I realized the bullet could have hit Nick too! I was terrified! I don't know how I got down that mountain, or how I ever got that lion off Nick's body; I just did it. I was so frightened that I had killed him as well, I never prayed so hard in my life! I couldn't live with myself if I had killed him... I swear to God I couldn't live if I killed him, I couldn't..!" She buries her face in her hands sobbing. Victoria puts her arms around her.

"But you didn't. He's going to be all right."

"I'm so ashamed of myself."

"Ashamed? Why?"

"Because I'm not good enough for him, he deserves better than me."

"Now I think you'll get an arguement from Nick on that. Why would you say that?"

Laura looks up at her. "It's true, I would make an awful wife for him. I'm arguementative, I 'm bad tempered and damn stubborn! Ohh, forgive me, I didn't mean to swear in front of you! Nick warned me! He knew I would slip one day! I'm not what you think, I am a terrible person Mrs. Barkley!"

"I certainly don't think you 're a terrible person Laura. I really like you, how could I not like you? Your just like ..."

"Nick said I had a mouth on me that would make a saloon girl blush!" Victoria throws her head back and laughs outloud.

"He said that?!" (laughing) " And you didn't hit him?!"

"I did; but I missed! That's how the kitchen got so dirty that day. Remember? He blocked me with his arm, I lost my balance and we both fell on the floor with the flour going everywhere!"

"Oh!... So that's how that happened!"

"He really good at blocking punches." Laura adds.

"Yes, it comes from all those barroom brawls he's been known to get into." Victoria sighs. Laura begins to cry again.

"Damnit! I didn't want to cry in front of you.." She covers her face with her hands, then she looks up at Victoria. "I just swore again in front of you, didn't I? Oh God, I hopeless!" Victoria hugs her tighter, and smiles to herself.

"After what you went through today, you can DAMN WELL say anything you want!" Victoria grants her permission. Laura laughs through her tears.

"Mrs. Barkley you are truly a great lady. I wish I could be more like you."

"You just be yourself and don't go changing for anyone." They hug eachother. Victoria smiles at her.

"Don't you think it's about time you stopped calling me Mrs. Barkley, after all you'll have that name too."

I never really thought about."

"Why don't you call me, ...Victoria."

"Oh no, I couldn't, I would have to sort of practice it before I did that." Audra comes out of the tent.

"Laura, Nick is asking for you, please Laura. He really wants to see you," his sister begs. Laura wipes the tears from her eyes, and pinches her cheeks to get some color back into them. In the tent she finds Nick lieing on a cot, with his arm in a makeshift sling. She walks over to his right side and kneels down beside him, he smiles at her.

"Hello Beautiful." he says.

"Hello Handsome." she whispers. She leans forward and gently kisses his lips, her left hand smoothing the hair on his forehead, and her right hand caressing the newly formed stubble growing on his face.

"Please forgive me," she begs.

"For what?" he wonders.

"For not saying often enough how much I love you."

"I think we're both guilty of that. I know I don't say it often enough, but I do love you." Nick smiles at her. New tears form in her eyes, daring to run down her cheeks.

"Your're not crying are you?" he admonishes her.

"Who me... I never cry," she smiles.

"And I never lose my temper," he jokes.

"You see, we're perfect."

"To a fault." he answers smiling then winces with pain. She pulls the covers up closer to his chin to keep him warm.

"Heath will be here soon with the doctor. Are you cold?"

"I'm okay." Nick whispers.

She leans down and kisses him gently on the lips. He closes his eyes, falling asleep.

"I love you so much Nick Barkley that sometimes, hurts," she whispers to him, through new tears. She watches as he falls into a deep sleep, she continues to stroke his forehead, kiss his cheek and wait, until she hears Heath's horse outside the tent.

Chapter 18

After several days, Nick is well enough to make the trip home. Nick lays in his bed; Dr. Merar, his mother and brother Heath by his bedside. The doctor closes his medical bag.

"Lots of bed rest Nick, I mean it! You lost a lot of blood! Let Heath do your share of the work." warns the doctor.

"That's no problem I 've been doing that all along." Heath jokes. Nick shakes his head, Victoria smiles at both her sons.

"From what I read in the papers you're getting married in a few weeks, isnt' that right?" Dr. Merar inquires.

"Yeah, two weeks." Nick says happily.

"Afraid you're going to have to postpone it a while."

"What?!" Nick says as loudly as he can in his weaken state.

"You're in no shape to be walking down no aisle, not yet! You'll end up falling at your bride's feet." warns the doctor.

"That's about where she likes me anyhow," smirks Nick.

"Nicholas!" Victoria laughs, Heath grins at his brother's comment and the good doctor laughs agreeing with him, "Most women do! But I am serious about this, a few extra weeks wait would do you a world of good. I'm sure your bride doesn't want a sick groom on her hands on the honeymoon."

"It would give us more time to prepare, there's still so much to do." Victoria attempts to appease her son's disappointed look on his face.


"You can talk it over with Laura then, I'll send her in, but I think it's a good idea."

"And she'll agree with you!" Nick acknowledges.

"Of course she will, because she's an intelligent young woman." His mother smiles, as she pats his hand. Victoria shows the doctor out while Nick talks privately with Heath.

While outside Nick's bedroom door, Laura greets the doctor.

"Laura, Doctor Merar feels Nick needs more rest and he suggested that we postpone the wedding, until Nick gets back on his feet," says Victoria.

"Of course, that won't be a problem Doctor." Laura nods in agreement.

"Well it is for Nick, I thought you might want to convince him of that."

"I will...thank you Dr. Merar."


In Nick's bedroom, Nick is quietly talking to his younger brother, "It will be a great present, but I need you to do it for me, I would if I were able! I'd do it for you!"

"I know ya would Nick, but I don't think she's gonna be all that happy about it, ya know women like more personal things like jewelry and such, givin' her a hide is kinda...."

"Hell. don't worry about that I got it covered, Bought it in San Francisco a few months ago, but I still think she'll like this too."

Laura knocks on Nick's bedroom door. Heath walks over and opens the door.

"Hi, how's the patient?" she asks.

"Ornery as ever," answers Heath with a smile.

"Sounds about right!" she smiles at her intended sitting up in bed.

"Come here, you didn't let the doctor talk you into postponing the wedding did you?"

"He didn't have to, I agreed with him." She walks into the bedroom.

"I knew you would cave in!" She moves over to the foot of the bed, her hand on the wooden foot board.

"Nick, you're not well enough yet."

"I'll show you who's..." Nick stops and looks at Heath.

"Didn't I give you something to do? Why are you still standing there? GO!" Nick growls.

"Oh, sure Nick." Heath smiles, leaving the room. Nick pats the side of his bed.

"Come here."

"I don't know if that's wise."

"You just said I wasn't well enough, what are you worried about?" Nick smiles at her. She sits on the bed, facing him. He begins..."I don't want to postpone the wedding, but the doc's right. You don't need to spend our honeymoon taking care of a sick husband in bed."

"At least I would have you where I wanted you." She teases smiling.

"Yeah... but, I wouldn't have any strength to teach you all the things you need to learn."

"It's your own fault, you had your chance," she smirks.

"No, not yet. What would we tell our children?"

"Maybe they won't ask?" she teases, echoing his previous comments.

"As you said, children always ask." Nick reminds her. She leans over and kisses him. He brings her towards him and hugs her with his one good arm.

"Come sit beside me."

"Your mother..."

"She always knocks first. Come on." Laura turns around and sits beside Nick, leaning against the head board and putting her feet up on his bed. Nick puts his good arm around her.

"Now that's better." She wraps her arm around his waist and rests her head on his shoulder.

"This is nice." She touches the bandages around his chest.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not much, if you don't squeeze too hard that is."

"I'll be careful." She raises her head to receive a kiss from him.

"Tell me something," he asks.

"What?" She snuggles in the crook of his arm, feeling very comfortable.

"How far away were you when you shot that mountain lion?"

"I don't know, I really don't want to relive that awful day, Nick."

"I just want to know how far away you were when ya shot it."


"Because I want to know!"

"I was up on the rocks I suppose, I really don't know how far."

"That was a good twenty feet."

"I was lucky I guess," she attempts to shrug it off.

"That wasn't luck. Where did you learn to shoot like that?" She releases her arms from around him, and leans back on the headboard, folding her arms across her chest.

"I really don't want to talk about this Nick."

"I know, ...but I do. So tell me."

"Who taught YOU how to shoot a gun?" she asks him.

"My father, I just got better with practice."

"I see."

"Now you're not gonna try to tell me that your father taught you; 'cause I know better. Your father barely knows which way to aim a damn gun."

"I know; he is pitiful," she laughs.

"Why are you avoiding my question?" he asks.

"I'm not avoiding anything, but it does remind me that my father doesn't even know we came home today. He thinks we were going to be at Indian Springs another week. I really should let him know that I 'm home." She gets up from the bed, but he grabs her by the arm and pulls her backwards.

"Hey!" she yelps, as she falls back on the bed again.

"No so fast Milady, we're not finished yet." She leans over and kisses him to distract him from any more questions.

"I really have to get home." She gets up from the bed again and quickly walks over to the bedroom door. She opens the door, then turns to him.

"You know this is the first time I've been in your bedroom, and you know what I learned?"

"What's that?" his eyes shining in anticipation.

"We need to re-decorate! This room is much too Nick Barkley, it needs the Laura Barkley touch." She snatches his neckerchief off his bureau, and waves it at him.

"Thanks for the souvenir."

"Hey! That's my favorite neckerchief you're taking!"

"And that was my favorite camisole, you ruined!"

"I'll trade ya?" he grins.

"No! ...See ya cowboy!" she winks at him. He laughs; then with his right arm rubs the pain in his side, wincing.


As she quickly moves down the stairs to the front door, Jarrod walks out of the game room and stops her.

"Laura, may I speak to you a minute."

"I was just on my way home Jarrod."

"It will only take a minute please..." He smiles assuredly.

"I really should let my father know I'm back. Couldn't it wait until tomorrow?"

"You know if I didn't know better I would think you were avoiding me. In fact ever since that luncheon we had in Stockton, with Mother and Audra, I've had the feeling you didn't want to talk to me."

"That's not true, Jarrod, I've just been busy, that's all"

"I see. Well, like I said, it will only take a minute, please." He motions with his hand into the library. She reluctantly gives into his request. He follows her into the library and closes the door behind him.

"Please, sit down Laura."

"I rather stand if you don't mind." She stands eyeing him with her arms folded in front of her. This defiant stance does not go unnoticed by the lawyer.

"I really wish you would sit down, then I could sit down, and we could both be more comfortable."

She obliges him by sitting down in a chair by the desk.

"Thank you." Jarrod leans in front of the desk with his legs crossed. He reaches back and shuffles some papers on the desk, he picks up a yellowed, folded paper.

"Do you recognize this?"

"Should I?" she challenges him.

He unfolds the paper and shows it to her opened, "Now do you recognize it? I believed you told Audra it was a list of things you needed to do."

"How did you get that? I threw it away!"

"It's not the one you had. The Sheriff's office has dozens of these wanted posters." He puts the wanted poster back on his desk, then folds his arms in front of him, "Now, is there anything you want to tell me?"

"There isn't anything to tell."

"I showed that wanted poster to your father last week, and got the same reaction. Now why do you suppose that is? He wouldn't talk to me about it; just shrugged it off."

"What do you want from me then?" She folds her arms tightly and squeezes her knees together.

"The truth would be really nice."

"There's nothing to say," she turns her face away from him, avoiding his piercing blue eyes.

"I don't agree. I think there's plenty to say."

"It's in the past Jarrod." her voice trails off.

"I beg to differ, this John Ray has been spotted close by. He was in Modesto only last week."

The color drains from Laura's face. Noticing her sudden paleness Jarrod gets Laura a drink. "Here, take this, you look like you' re about to faint." says Jarrod concerned.

"Thank you." She sips at the offered glass of brandy. Jarrod kneels down beside her.

"Laura I don't want to upset you, but I need to know; is this man a threat to you or this family?"

"No! No, I would never let him hurt anyone in this family. Never!"

"I need to know about him Laura. I need to know everything, please." She rubs her forehead trying to push away an oncoming headache, knowing she has to tell him and dreading having to do so.

"I grew up with him back in Tucson, I was about 10, he was 15 years old I guess. We were friends. I was a tomboy, I didn't have any girl friends, just boys to play with, he was one of them."

"There was quite an age difference between you," Jarrod observes.

"Yes, I think..., rather I know now, he had a crush on me. I really liked him, he taught me things. You see, he was half Indian, and he knew an awful lot, I guess as a child I was impressed with him."

"What did he teach you?" Jarrod gets up from his knees and sits in a chair beside her watching her intendly, listening carefully to every word.

"He taught me how to ride a horse, how to train them, and he taught me how to use a gun."

"From what I hear, he taught you well, otherwise Nick wouldn't be alive today."

With downcast eyes, she begins to tear up, remembering that horrible day when she thought she had killed her dear Nick.

"Were you close?"

"I suppose I had a crush on him too. He was one of the reasons that my father sent me away to school. My father hated him. He found us one time in the barn, kissing. It was my first kiss from a boy. My father was furious. I was 10 at the time but I looked older. My father was so angry. He went after him with a pitchfork. I was so scared he was going to kill him. I found myself, packing for the boarding school in San Francisco soon after."

"And you never saw him again after that?" Jarrod asks.

"I saw him a year ago, he found me, I don't know how. He showed up at the school. He told the head mistress he was my big brother. The stupid woman never even bothered to check if I had any siblings."

"What happened?"

"He wanted me to run away with him, but I knew what he had become, I read the papers about how he killed people. I told him I didn't want any part of him and to leave me alone. I even told the U.S. Marshall that he was there. That's how I got rid of him."

"And you haven't seen him since?"

"Only that wanted poster I saw in the telegraph office that day. I don't know why I even took the foolish poster, Jarrod, but I did. It just frightened me to see it there."

"Does Nick know about this man?"

"No, of course not!"

"Why not?"

"Because Johnny Ray is not important in my life, he was just a childhood crush."

"That childhood crush is a murdering gunslinger, who went looking for you only last year, and now he's not far from Stockton!" Jarrod furrows his brow as he uses an angry tone.

"It doesn't matter, I told you, I sent him away. He knows I'm not interested in him!"

"But is he still interested in you?!"

"Of course not! I sent him away! He knows I want nothing to do with him!"

"Laura, some men don't take no for an answer. He had what you call a crush on you 12 years ago, and after all that time he still looks you up in San Francisco just this past year. That's more than a crush Laura. He's obsessed with you!"

"No, no he's not! He's not after me. I told you he's in the past! Please believe me Jarrod!"

"You need to tell Nick about him, he needs to know."

"No, I can't. That would make Johnny seem important in my life, and he's not! I want nothing to do with him!"

"Laura, you're not the type of a woman a man easily forgets. If he comes around here looking for you..."

"He won't! I'm sure of it!"

"I wish I could be as sure of that as you are."

"Please don't tell Nick."

"It's not up to me to do that, it's your responsibility to tell him."

"I can't, I.. I... I won't!"

"I think you're making a big mistake Laura. Nick's going to be your husband, you should trust him with this!" Jarrod pleads.

"Jarrod this man is NOT important to me, therefore, he's not important to Nick! I won't have Nick worry about him needlessly. He's ill, he needs rest, he doesn't need this!Please!"

"All right; I think you're wrong, but I will respect your wishes; but please understand I'm here if you need me."

"I understand that Jarrod, and I appreciate your concern, but I really think this is all needless worry."

"I hope so Laura, I really do for your sake." Jarrod shakes his head.

"I really have to get home." She rises from the chair and walks towards the door, Jarrod stands and opens it for her. When she walks out of Jarrod's office she is greeted by Audra.

"There you are; Nick told me you left."

"I'm on my way out now."

"Well don't forget we have that appointment tomorrow for our fitting. Remember I told you about it before." She reminds her.

"Oh that's right, good thing you reminded me, I completely forgot. I will meet you at Madame Claire's at 11 o clock."

"Good, I will see you then," smiles Audra.


Laura quickly leaves the house, the disturbing conversation with Jarrod fresh in her mind. She doesn't notice Heath sitting on a bale of hay near her horse. He is packing tobacco on a slip of paper between his fingers.

"Well, that's a fine howdoyado; a woman's got somethin' powerful on her mind not to notice her very handsome future brother in law." Heath grins at her as he licks the rolled paper.

Laura stops and sits by his side on the bale of hay, "I'm sorry Heath, I didn't see you here."

"What's on your mind Laura? ... Nick?"

"Yes," she lies.

"Aw don't let it worry ya, Nick's tough, he 'll be up and around in no time; long before he's suppose to be I'd wager."

"You're right there." Laura watches as Heath lights his cigarette.

"Is that pleasant?" she asks him.


"That cigarette, is it pleasant?" Laura asks again.

"I suppose so, sort of relaxes ya like, when things bother you, it just sort of helps for a while."

"Really? Can I try it?" she asks curiously. Heath laughs.


"Yeah, me? What's wrong with that?"

"Women don't smoke, not your kind anyway."

"What do you mean, NOT my kind?" she says indignately.

"Now don't get riled with me, you best save that for Nick; I'm just saying ladies don't smoke. I've only seen saloon gals smoke."

"Does it bother you to see them smoke?"

"Never gave it much thought... They pretty much do what they want."

"And a lady doesn't; she has to maintain an air of dignity."

"Yeah, I guess. If that's what ya wanna call it." Laura stares at Heath, and the cigarette dangling from his mouth. She smiles expectantly at him.

"Oh what the heck, ya always end up doin' whatcha want anyway....... Here I'll show you. Ya take a drag in this way...., sort of suck it down into your lungs, like this...... they ya let it blow out....... I don't believe I'm showing ya this, Nick would have my hide if he knew."

"I won't tell him, if you don't, give it here..." Heath grins and passes her the cigarette.


"Oh be quiet!" She takes the cigarette and takes a puff on it.

"No, not that way, give it a long drag... That 's it."

She coughs, "Hmm... That does have a little kick to's kind of pleasant, like a brandy when you first drink it. My goodness, no wonder you men never listen to us women, with all the smoking and drinking you men do, you don't ever hear us!"

Heath laughs... "That must be the reason," he muses. She laughs along with him and takes another drag of the cigarette. Heath motions to her to give the smoke back with his hand.

"Come on..., Women smoking!...You'll be wanting to vote next!" Heath chides her.

"And what's wrong with that?!"

"Women don't know when they're better off!" Heath takes a drag of the cigarette, Laura motions to have him give it back.

"Again?" Heath complains.

"Once more... please."

"Okay, but you're going to be sorry." She doesn't notice Heath looking over her shoulder.

"Aw oh....," warns Heath.

"Nick 's coming?!" she asks. Knowing full well that the doctor's orders wouldn't keep him in bed if he didn't want to stay.

"Worse," he informs her. She quickly gives Heath the cigarette back after one last drag, when she hears a familiar voice.

"I'm glad you're still here Laura. Audra told me you are going to Stockton tomorrow." Victoria asks her future daughter-in-law. Laura nods yes to her, while holding her breathe.

"Good, will you please tell Madame Claire that..... Are you all right Laura?"

"Uh huh....." Laura nods yes and smiles, lips close together.

"Really, because you look rather flushed, are you sure?" Heath tries to stifle a laugh as he witnesses the scene, knowing full well his mother knows exactly what's going on, and is just prolonging Laura's agony.

"I do believe you're turning blue Laura." Victoria feigns concern. Laura shakes her head no in protest.

"Here dear, let me help you!" Victoria gives her a sharp rap on her back which causes the girl to cough out smoke. Heath doubles over with laughter. Victoria starts laughing too.

"That's exactly what Nick did when I caught him smoking one of his father's cigars out behind the chicken coop when he was 10 years old. At least you're starting later in life!"

"I'm sorry, it was all Heath's fault." Laura jokes, trying to regain some dignity.

"It was NOT! Boy howdy yer gonna pay for that!" Heath demands. Victoria shakes her head and laughs.

"Oh you are something Laura, you are so much like my Nick."

"I see no reason to insult me Mrs. Barkley!" She pretends to be offended, as she mounts her horse tethered near the barn. Heath and his mother both laugh as they watch her ride home.