By Mrs. Nick B

Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.

Chapter 31

Later that afternoon, Laura and Audra ride into town, and head straight to Madame Claire's Ladies Dress Shop.

"Good afternoon Miss Barkley, Miss Thomas. It's so good to see you up and about Miss Thomas. Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you Madame Claire. You're very kind to ask."

"Not at all, the fitting room is vacant, walk this way please." Laura follows the shop keeper. One of the woman in the shop speaks to Audra.

"How do you do Audra?"

"Hello Mrs. Evans. How is your son Lucas?"

"Well, he is getting ready to go back east to college in a few days."

"Oh dear, then he won't be here for my brother's wedding. I was so hoping I could say good bye to him there and we would be able to have a dance before he leaves."

"Lucas is disappointed too Audra, but I'm afraid with Lucas leaving us practically the same day, that we won't be able to attend your brother's wedding. He is getting married this Sunday? Is that for certain this time? I know he's had many postponements."

"Yes, but that couldn't be helped," defends Audra.

"I'm sure they couldn't," agreed her companion, Mrs. Wheeler.

"You and Virginia will be going, won't you Mrs. Wheeler?"

"Of course, that is, if it takes place," She tittered.

"Oh, it will take place," Audra smiled assuringly.

"How is dear Nick these days? Is he nervous?" asked Virginia.

"Oh goodness no, he's quite anxious to marry his intended. Laura's such a wonderful girl!"

"Do tell," Virginia comments tersely.

"You know Audra, my Lucas is at the general store, I am going to meet him there, maybe you can come along and say good bye in person, I know he would love to see you."

"Well, I really shouldn't, I have to have my fitting too."

"Oh but Lucas will be so pleased and it will only take a minute or two, won't you come?"

"Well, I suppose, for just a minute, I do want to say good bye to him."

"Good, you'll excuse us, won't you Lavinia and Virginia?" asked Mrs. Evans.

"By all means, we will see you this evening." Mrs Evans, led Audra out of the shop.

"Hmmph, "anxious to marry, hmmph, I just bet. Wouldn't be a bit surprise if she had to marry him, living there all this time. If her father were alive...well."

"Hush now Virginia, she's in the next room!" chided her mother.

"Like I care! If she hadn't come here, I would be the one in that fitting room, not her!" complained Virginia, "Nick was sweet on me after all before that tramp came here!"

"Please Virginia!" Another woman overhearing the conversation joined in.

"Hello Mrs. Wheeler, Virginia. You know, I heard Sheriff Madden's wife say that there was going to be an Inquest next Thursday, and depending on the results maybe there won't be a wedding after all."

"Why whatever do you mean, Mrs. Caste?" asked Virginia, hopefully.

"Laura Thomas is the prime suspect in her father's murder!"

"Oh my Goodness!" cried Mrs. Wheeler, shocked at the revelation.

"It would serve the Barkleys right, they are always taking in riff raff anyway, what do they expect?" added Mrs. Caste, jealousy referring to Heath.

In the fitting room:

Madame Claire, stared at her customer and noticed her distraught face. "I will tell them to stop, Miss Thomas, I'm sure they do not realize you can overhear them."

Laura listened to the gossipmongers, her face reddened and eyes filling with tears. Finally she can't listen any more to their prattle, as she tears at her dress, "Take this off me!"

"Miss Thomas, I'm not finished! Please!" Laura yanked at the dress, ripping part of it, as she hurried to separate herself from the dress. "Please! My work, Miss Thomas, you're ripping it!" The seamstress said visibly upset at the sight before her.

"I don't give a damn! Get it off me!" The seamstress tried her best to get her quickly out of the dress without her ripping it further.

Laura hurriedly changed into her riding clothes on as fast as she could. Once she has finished dressing, she angrily pulled the double doors that opened up into the fitting room. The women in the shop stared at her without saying a word. Laura glared at them, then stormed out, mounted her horse and rode away as fast as she could.


Later at the Barkley Ranch:

Audra speedily ran up the staircase out of breathe, she opened the guest room door, hurriedly looked in, then just as quickly closed it. Her mother meets her in the hallway, stopping her before she ran downstairs.

"Audra, what are you doing?"

"Have you seen Laura?! Did she come home?!" Audra asked frantically.

"No of course not, she's suppose to be with you, what happened?"

"I have to find Nick!" Audra rushed down the stairs...Jarrod met her at the foot of the steps and stopped her with his hands outstretched.

"Whoa, just where do you think you're going?!"

"Jarrod please don't stop me, I have to find Nick!"

"First you tell me what happened before you go running off looking for Nick. What is going on?"

"I think Laura ran away!" she said excitedly.

"Ran away?! What for?" he quizzed her. Victoria joined them at the bottom of the steps.

"Why would she run away? What happened in town?"

"There were some women in the dress shop and she overheard them say some awful things about her!"

"I was afraid this would happen! What was said?"

"Some women there had said that Laura killed her father and that it would all come out at the Inquest. Madame Claire said Laura overheard everything, and she was really upset! She tore the dress right off herself and ran off. I had hoped she came home! That's why I've got to find Nick. He must know where she went!" Audra began to weep.

"Nick's in the vineyards, isn't he?" Jarrod asked his mother.

"He should be home any minute," Victoria assured them.

"I have to find Nick!" Audra cries hysterically as she rushes to the front door just as Nick enters.

"Hey! little girl, where 're going in an all fired hurry?" Nick grabbed his sister, stopping her in her tracks.

"Oh Nick, I was looking for you!" she cries in his arms.

"Well, ya found me, what's the problem?"

"It's Laura..."

"Oh no, the sheriff didn't arrest her, did he?"

"No, she ran away!"

"What do you mean she ran away, she wouldn't do that!"

"Some women were gossiping in the dress shop about her, and she got upset. They said..."

"I don't care what they said! I'm going after her!" Nick quickly turned around, heading out from where he came.

"Do you know where she is?" His mother called out to him.

"I have a good idea!" Nick mounted his horse and rode as fast as he could. Heath walked in the house and wondered about all the commotion.

"Where's he going?"

"To find Laura, she ran off." Audra informed him. Heath makes a face of disbelief.

"They have another fight?" Heath said pulling off his hat.

"No, it's much worse!" Audra yelped. She proceeded to tell Heath what went on in town, Victoria and Jarrod listen to the story again and ask more questions. After listening quietly, Heath grabbed his hat and headed out the door.

"Heath, where are you going?" His mother asked, standing at the opened door.

"Gotta go, I think I know where they are," said Heath intuitively, quickly mounting Charger.

"Why are you going then, Nick can....?" Audra wondered.

"I think Nick's gonna to need my help."

"To get Laura back?"

"I don't know, I just got a feeling he's gonna need my help." Heath spurred his horse into a full gallop to catch up to his brother.

"What is it with his feelings? Like he knows things before they happen almost," asks Audra.

"More often than not, Heath's right," Victoria worried outloud.

Chapter 32

Laura sat alone on the settee in her father's house, in her lap was the red satin box she had forgotten to take with her several days before. The box contained Nick's love letters that he wrote while he was away on buying trips, or on a cattle drives, and one love telegram, her favorite of them all, because it showed his desperation in wanting to please her. She wiped a tear from her eye as she read it over and over again.

"Don't cry honey, I'm here," A familiar voice said. Laura jumped up from the settee, the box and it's contents spill on the floor. She turned toward the voice, and faced her father's murderer.

"OH no, no, not you again! Haven't you done enough to me?"

"Laurie, come on , how can you say that, I love you girl."

"Please go away. Why are you here? Can't you leave me in peace!"

He sneered, "I'm just a sucker for a pretty face."

"You left me for dead before! Did you come back to finish the job?"

"What are you talking about, I never wanted you dead, I love you baby."

"You don't know how to love anyone!" She said with clenched teeth.

"Sure I do, I'll show you." He walked around the settee moving closer to her, with his grin widening at every step. She pushed backwards near the fireplace and desperately grabbed the fireplace poker, pointing it at him.

"Don't you dare come a step closer! I mean it, I will kill you if I have to, I swear I will!" He threw his hands up in a defensive gesture.

"Okay there gal, easy now, ole Johnny ain't gonna hurt ya, we're friends and all. I wouldn't hurt ya."

"Keep away, I mean it!" She weilded the poker like a sword.

"Shush now, I ain't gonna hurt ya, I'm glad ya made it through your little accident, now we can work things out, you and me, huh? We can be together like old times Laurie. Your old man can't stop us anymore, you took care of him for both of us!" He grinned, pleased with himself.

"I didn't kill him, you did! And you're the one who's going to hang for it, and when that day comes I 'm going to be there to watch!" She glowered at him, her eyes flashing with hatred.

He gritted his teeth angrily, and in one swift movement, grabbed the poker out of her hand, throwing it through a window, the sound of breaking glass interrupts the stillness outside. He snatched her by the scruff of the neck, crushing her against his body. "You don't talk to me like that! You understand?! Unless you want to meet your daddy in Hell!"

"The only one going to Hell is you!" She struggled to get away from his grasp.

"Ah, you're still a feisty one, I'll give ya that!"

He pulled her towards him and roughly kissed her, she battled as she pushed him away trying to scratch his face. He unexpectedly released her, causing her to bang into the fireplace, bruising her arm. He scowled. She wiped his kiss off her mouth with the back of her hand and spit the taste of it on the floor.

"You killed my father and I hate you for it!"

"Now you're wrong there sweetheart, " he grunted, "'re the one who killed Daddy, not me! And a fine job ya did of it too!"

"How could I ever had cared about you? You are evil, you sicken me! The thought of you breathing the same air makes me sick!"

"That's too bad Laurie, it's gonna make it all that much harder to make love to you, but I'll do my best!"

"I'll see you dead first!"

"Ladies first!" He threatened as he angrily raised his gun pointing to her heart. A sound of a horse riding quickly toward the house, caused him to release his finger from the trigger.

"Who is that?!" He growled. Laura looked throughthe broken window and saw Nick riding hard and fast; his face etched in determination.

"Who is it?! Tell me damn it! You know him?!" She glared at Johnny with cold eyes.


"Get rid of him!" he threatened.

"I can't, he won't go."

"Who is he?!"

"DEATH!" She smiled scornfully at her tormentor.

Johnny squinted, as he looked out the window, "That's him, isn't it? Your cowboy..." He laughed to himself, "Now this is going to be too easy." He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her close. "Since we can't get rid of him, we'll just have to wait. Won't he be surprised?" He covered her mouth with his hand so she wouldn't warn Nick of his impending death.

The sound of his spurs jangled furiously as they hit the porch with each step. Laura held her breathe, while Johnny trained his gun on the door. In Nick's fury with Laura not coming back to the ranch, he kicked the door down with his boot, and bellowed her name, "LAURA!"

Johnny was startled by Nick's unusual entrance and lost his concentration with his gun, which had been poised for Nick's enntrance. "Ya sure know how to walk into a room, don't ya cowboy?!"

Nick stared straight into Ray's gun barrel, "Let me guess...Johnny Ray."

"You got the name right cowboy! Now keep your hands up where I can see em!" Johnny took his hand off Laura's mouth and put it around her neck.

"You like hiding behind women, don't ya?!" Nick spat as he slowly raised his hands.

Johnny grinned, "When it serves move for your gun and she's dead cowboy!"

"Name's Nick...Nick Barkley. You should know the name of the man who is going to kill ya!" He threatened the murderer.

"I agree. Glad you know my name!" Johnny Ray laughed as he aimed his gun at Nick's heart, Laura struggled to break away, but he held her tighter.

"LET HER GO, YOU BASTARD!" Nick glowered.

"Laurie you wanna tell your cowboy here what happen the last time someone called me that?"

She stared at Nick, pleading for him not to provoke the gunslinger. Nick motioned with his eyes for her to move left. She bit her bottom lip as she brought her elbow up and swiftly released it as hard as she could into his ribcage. The jab from her elbow forced her assailant to release her. Nick made short work of quickly drawing his gun, shooting him as Laura threw herself on the floor. The gunslinger clutched his stomach, gasping for air, his face in a pained grimace. Laura crawled over to him. She noticed that he was laying in the same place where her father died some time before..

"Laura, stay away from him!" Nick warned.

Refusing to listen, she slowly crawled on all fours, toward her assailant, his fearful eyes watched her movement. Ray desperately searched with his right hand for his missing gun which was just out of his reach. She lunged for the gun before he could grab it. She pointed it at his heart. The blood drained from Nick's face as he watched his fiance clutching the gun, kneeling close to his body. Nick seemed to read her mind and yelled at her....

"Laura! What are you doing?! Don't do it! STOP! DROP THE GUN! PLEASE LAURA, DON'T!"

Nick's legs became like lead; he couldn't move them. Laura began to slowly squeeze the trigger. Nick watched in paralized fear as she spoke to Johnny in a whisper. A rushing noise screamed in his ears. Time stopped, as seconds slowed to a crawl; he heard the gunslinger's voice plead,.... "Laurie,.... please!.....I'm sssoorryy...."

Laura whispered to him. "You taught me well Johnny.... like a bug to be squashed, ...isn't that what you said? ...."

"LAURA ! NO!!!!!" Nick roared. The bullet found it's target, stopping the next heartbeat. Finding his legs, Nick sank near her on the floor. She pulled herself back from a kneeling position. Terror spreaded across his face as he noticed the blank expression on hers.

" God.....Laura! You've killed him!"

"I'm not sorry...I'm not sorry... I'm not sorry..." Tears traced her cheeks as she shook her head over and over again. Nick breathes in a long sigh trying to change the look on his face from terror to one of calmness.

"Give me the gun, honey, come on, give Nick the gun." He spoke gently, slowly motioning with his gloved hand not wanting to startle her. She blankly stared into his hazel eyes. He easily takes the gun from her as it slides out of her hand onto the floor.

"Nick? What happened?" She finally looked at him bewildered.

"It's all right, I'll take care of it," he says attempting a reassuring smile and brushing her cheek with his thumb. He places Johnny's gun into the gunslinger's hand and moves the dead limb so that it is near his chest, making sure to affix Ray's finger on the trigger. Nick speaks calmly. "I shot him... and he fell on his gun...., that's how he died..... Do you hear me Laura? ...That's How He Died.... Okay? ....Laura, what did I say? Tell me. ....Repeat what I just said."

"You shot him and he fell on his gun," she mouths, staring into his eyes.

"That's right. He fell on his gun, ....there, ...ya see? He's got the gun in his hand. Right? Do you see that?"

"Yes... Is he dead?" She asked blankly.

"Yes, Laura, he's dead." He grasps her arms and lifts her up from the floor. "Now I want you to listen to me; go wash the blood off you, I'll take care of this. Go right now."

She obediently walked into the kitchen. The sound of a horse galloping urges Nick to draw his gun. Heath cautiously walked over the broken threshold into the house, gun drawn. He spied Nick standing over a dead body of a stranger, gun at the ready. Nick holstered his gun, Heath did the same.

"Nick, what's going on?"

"Meet Johnny Ray, or what's left of him!"

"Laura okay? Where is she?"

"She's okay, he didn't hurt her this time, just scared her, is all. Listen, I'm going to have to get the sheriff and tell him what happened here. I want you to take her home, see that she rests, don't let anybody bother her with questions, ya hear?"

Heath is taken aback by Nick's unusual calm voice. "Sure Nick." Heath stared at the dead body, unanswered questions swirled in his mind.

Laura entered the parlor again, her rolled up sleeves wet from the water she used to wash the splattered blood from her clothes. Nick stood, his thumbs hooked in his gunbelt. "Honey, Heath is going to take you home, I'm going to get the sheriff and tell him what happened here. You wait for me home, do you understand?"

"Yes Nick." She slowly made her way over to Heath, her eyes downcast, avoiding the dead body. Heath protectively placed his arm around her shoulders and looked back at Nick who nods his head, encouraging him to leave with her.

"Come on Laura." Heath invited the pale girl.

Laura turned towarded Nick who placed his index finger to his lips in a 'silence motion'; she nodded her understanding as she left with Heath. Once he heard them ride out, Nick turned his attention back to the dead body of Johnny Ray.

Chapter 33

Later at home Laura sat in the Barkley parlor, a blanket around her shoulders as she stared at the floor.

"Didn't you see anything Heath? Did you see how he died?" questioned Jarrod.

"All I know is what Nick told me, I got there after the fact." Heath poured himself a drink from the table.

"Laura? Can you tell us what happened, what did you see?" Jarrod continued his cross examination.

"Nick said he didn't want anyone bothering her with questions." Heath informed them.

"Did he?! Well, how is he going to stop the sheriff from wanting to ask her questions?" Jarrod complained as he tucked his hands in his front pockets.

"Don't know. All I know is Nick said the family shouldn't be throwing a lot of questions at her, and I 'm here to make sure of it." Heath took his drink and sat near Laura, taking up a seemingly guarded detail, complying with Nick's wishes.

"All right then, we'll wait for Nick." Jarrod resigns as he walks away from them.

"She seems so quiet. I am going to have Silas bring us some tea." Victoria leaves the room, with a worried look on her face. Audra sits on the settee, very upset.

"It's all my fault. I should never have left her alone." Audra tears up.

"Now sis, don't go blaming yourself. It will all work out, you'll see." Heath attempted to comfort her.

Heath watched Laura, his thoughts reliving what he heard in the house..... ('go wash off the blood, I'll take care of this.' ) Something happened; Heath felt it. Nick didn't ride to the sheriff's when they rode off. He stayed in the house. Heath had turned around after they had rode a spell, but he could clearly see Nick's horse was still tied to the post. What was he doing in that house? Heath wondered.

"Heath? Heath? Are you listening?"

"What? Oh sorry Mother."

"You were lost in thought, you didn't hear me," complained Mrs. Barkley.

"What did you say Mother?" Before she can utter another word, Nick walked into the house, letting the door slam behind him.

"Laura?" he called out.

"NICK!" She jumped up from the chair, letting the blanket fall from her shoulders as she ran into his open arms. Nick gave her a bear hug embrace, making an audible sigh of relief.

"Lets go outside," he suggested. The others in the family watch this odd scene, wondering what Nick would have to say to her that he couldn't say in front of them all.

But Heath knew, just then, Heath knew! Silently, he vowed to himself never to repeat what he knew. 'never Nick, never, I swear it,' his heart promised his big brother. He placed his empty glass on the table and quietly walked upstairs to his room.


Outside on the veranda, Nick's face soften as he studied her with pleading eyes; his hands embracing her soft cheeks. Love and fear almost bursting together in his heart as he loses himself in her saphire eyes.

"It's between us. Between a husband and wife, understand?"

"Yes Nick." She whispered softly.

"No one will ever know. We won't ever speak of this again, my love. Never."

"Never." She repeated, eyes filling with tears.

She hugged him tightly crying into his chest. He smoothed down her hair with his hand. After a time, the tears ended, she reachd up to touch his cheek, staring into his gentle hazel eyes. "Please Nick, can we sell my father's house?"

"Of course, if you want, it's yours to sell, but are you sure?"

"It was never really my home; my real home is here."

"You mean this ranch?" He smiled.

"No. Here, in your arms." She embraced him tighter.

He smiled, hugging her tightly, he thought to himself, "'s finally over."

Chapter 34

Thursday, the day of the Inquest into Carson Thomas's murder. In attendance, Judge Jeremiah Rodgers, Prosecutor Gilman Howard, Sheriff Fred Madden, Counselor for the Defense, Jarrod T. Barkley and defendant Laura M. Thomas. They are the only people in the court room, Jarrod sat by Laura's side, at the defense table, a concerned look on his face. He studied his client's, unusually pale appearance and whispered to her,

"Are you going to be all right Laura?" She nodded to him. A puzzled look crossed his face as his thoughts wandered, 'why is she so quiet? almost fearful of the outcome, but she has no need to worry, it will....'

The gavel's pounding sound broke his thoughts.

"I've read your affidavit Miss Thomas about what occurred in your father's house. I am sorry for your loss Miss Thomas." Jarrod squeezed her arm in a comforting gesture.

"Thank you, your Honor," she answers almost inaudbily.

The Judge begins: "I also have the testimony that there were rope burns on Mr. Thomas's wrists according to the doctor's report." Judge Needham looks over his spectacles, "Sheriff Madden, did you ever find evidence of rope at the murder scene?"

"Yes, your Honor. We found pieces of rope on the ground in back of the Thomas house, where Mr. Ray dropped it when he fled the scene."

"Objection your Honor, we have not established that Mr. Ray was the assailant here." objects Mr. Howard.

"Your Honor," Jarrod stands from his chair, "Miss Thomas is the only eye witness, and stated as such in the affidavit that Mr. Ray was indeed the assailant. Murderer, if you will!"

"Thank you Mr. Barkley, but if you don't mind I have not ruled on Mr. Howard's objection as yet."

"I apologize your Honor." Jarrod sits down again.

"I understand," the Judge begins, " that you have a personal interest in this case Mr. Barkley, so I will overlook your zeal."

"Yes, your Honor, I apologize to the court."

"Apology accepted. Mr. Howard your objection is overruled, for the specific reasons so eloquently stated by Mr. Barkley."

Laura placed a congratulatory hand on his arm. Jarrod patted hers in return.

"If I may your Honor." begs Mr. Howard. Judge Needham motions with a nod of his head to continue. "Sheriff Madden, was there any rope found elsewhere at the scene?"

"Yes, there was rope tied around one of the kitchen chairs."

"And that is where you first found your father Miss Thomas?" adds the Judge.

"Yes your Honor."

"And you untied your father?" asks Mr. Howard.

"Yes sir," she answered quietly.

"What did you do then?" The prosecutor continued.

"We were told to go into the parlor," she answers, visibly starting to shake.

"By whom?"

"Ah... Johnny Ray." She forces herself to push the words out, tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Did Mr. Ray threaten you?"



"Objection Your Honor!" Jarrod stood again, "Please, Mr. Howard is rehashing the whole scenario, that has already been recorded in the affidavits. You can see that my client is not well, must we continue to go over the same ground?" He re-seated himself.

"Jarrod..." Laura's eyes glaze over as she teeters near him. Jarrod turns towards Laura just in time to catch her from falling off the chair.

"Baliff! Get the smelling salts. In my chambers, quickly!" ordered the Judge.

The baliff rushes for the smelling salts as Jarrod supports her in his arms. The baliff puts the oderous bottle under her nose to revive her.

"Laura are you with us?" asks Jarrod, as he gently pats her face.

"What happened?"

"You fainted, Honey."

"I've never fainted before in my life." She protested.

"There's always a first time for everything, Laura. Listen if you want I could postpone this to another time."

"Jarrod my whole life has been one big postponement. No more, for once I want to get on with my life, I've wasted enough time."

"Good girl, then lets get on with it. Here, have some water." Jarrod hands her a filled glass, from a pitcher on the table.

"Mr. Barkley is you client ready to continue?" sniffed the Judge.

"Yes your Honor, my client was just a little overcome by the August heat."

"Do you feel you are well enough to continue Miss Thomas?"

"Yes your Honor, please."

"Very well. .... Before we began this inquest we had one death, but as of last week we now have two. I have before me Mr. Nicholas Barkley's affidavit of the event in question, but I don't see yours Miss Thomas. According to Mr. Barkley's affidavit, you were also there. Why don't I have an affidavit from you?" The Judge asks.

"Miss Thomas did not witness the shooting, she had moved out of the way and did not see Mr. Ray kill himself."

"Mr. Nicholas Barkley stated that Mr. Ray fell on his gun, after he shot him, is that correct Miss Thomas?"

"Your Honor, my client did not see what happened," Jarrod informs the Court.

"I would like Miss Thomas to answer if you don't mind Mr. Barkley." The Judge quiped.

Laura's heart begins to pound. Jarrod watches her with curious eyes.

"I saw Nick, Mr. Barkley, draw his gun. I was on the floor."

"So you didn't see what happened to the victim?" Mr. Howard raised an eyebrow in reply.

"Victim?" She questioned as her heart pound faster.

"Yes, Johnny Ray." Mr. Howard continued.

"Johnny Ray was never a victim, he victimized!" Laura said with determination, eyes filling with tears.

Jarrod, touches her arm with a calming hand.

"He had already killed my father, he had planned to kill Nick, he had already attempted to kill me, I don't know what stopped him from doing so. Believe me Mr. Howard, Johnny was never a victim. Never! He deserved to die and I'm glad he did! I'm not sorry, I am not SORRY!"

"Enough Laura please! STOP THIS!" Jarrod cautioned then stood to speak. "Your Honor, I was not aware this was an inquest for Mr. Ray as well?! The only victim here is my client's father, and it is his Inquest! Isn't that the reason we are here?"

"You are right Mr. Barkley but the two deaths are related," The Judge reminded the prominent lawyer.

"Surely Mr. Barkley doesn't mind if we save the state some time and money, by having both cases here to discuss. As Your Honor has stated we already have Mr. Nicholas Barkley's affidavit. Why not ?" Mr. Howard challenged the Court.

"I do not care to have Miss Thomas upset any more than she already is! She has already told this court that she did NOT witness Ray's death and you have the testimony of Mr.Nicholas Barkley who has stated that same fact! Had I known you were going to have two inquests for the price of one, I could have had Mr. Barkley here to testify in person, so that there would be no doubt! This is already difficult enough for my client to have to relive her father's brutal death yet again! I beg you please your Honor!"

"Is your brother here, Mr. Barkley?

"No Sir, he is not." Jarrod, visibly upset, sits down near Laura, and gives her his hankerchief to wipe her eyes. He whispers to her, "Please Laura, you mustn't say anything more!"

"I'm sorry, Jarrod." She whispered back.

"Then it is a mute point!" comments the Judge.

"Possibly the sheriff can give us some insight. Sheriff Madden, if you will." The prosecutor motions to the witness stand. The sheriif is seated once again. "Sheriff, can you tell us what happened the day Nick Barkley came to see you?"

"Nick came into my office and said there been another shooting at the Thomas place. He told me, he had shot this Ray fellow who was holding Miss Thomas hostage, and that's when Ray fell, his gun when off in his hand and he shot himself in the heart."

"Nothing more?"

"No, I went out to the Thomas ranch to investigate myself."

"Did you see Miss Thomas there?" Asked Mr. Howard.

"No Sir, Nick had sent her home with Heath."

"Heath Barkley was there?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then why wasn't Heath Barkley mentioned in Nick Barkley's statement? Was Heath Barkley a witness?"

"No sir, Heath was questioned, he said he didn't witness the shooting, he only heard it from outside as he was riding up to the house."

"Tell us Sheriff Madden, what did you find when you went back to the Thomas place with Nick Barkley?" Asked the prosecutor.

"I pretty much found what Nick told me I would find, Ray's body on the floor, dead."

"And the gun?" Mr. Howard continued.

"In his hand," answers the sheriff.

"So then, it looked like he shot himself?" At this comment, Jarrod looks questioningly at Laura, she averts her eyes from him.

"Yes, I would say so."

"Do you wish to ask the witness any questions Mr. Barkley?"

Jarrod slowly stood up from his chair, purposely taking time to think carefully how to form his next question.

"Sheriff, you said you saw the gun in Ray's hand? And it looked to you that he shot himself by falling on his gun? Is that correct?"

"That's right."

"He shot himself in the heart?"

"That's what I said."

"And that's what my brother told you happened?" Jarrod turned toward Laura who avoided his eyes again.

"Your brother would have no reason to lie to me," comments Sheriff Madden.

Jarrod stood before the defense desk and watched his client's reaction. Her eyes still downcast. "No Sheriff, my brother would have no reason to lie to you."

Jarrod took a long, drawn breathe before turning towards the witness. "If I may interject my own thoughts here. My brother Nick, is quite a marksmen in his own right. He's been known to have won a turkey shoot or two from time to time."

Jarrod had a wry grin and paused to clear his throat. He had the court in rapt attention. "I would imagine as a result of that first bullet from my brother's gun, it would have killed Ray given time. isn't that so?"

"What are you impling Mr. Barkley?" asks the Judge.

"Ray was already dieing from my brother's bullet, so his falling on his gun only speeded up the process; the Sheriff just confirmed how Ray died and I venture to say, it was a justified shoot when my brother shot him. Therefore I would say that you have two deaths now solved, so there won't be a need for another inquest."

Judge Needham slowly stood up from his chair, quietly gathered up the legal papers before him and looked over his spectacles at the Court. "Well I 've heard enough. I will render a judgement in a short while."

All rose in respect as the Judge entered his chambers.


"Almost over Laura." Jarrod looks at her, half smiling.

"I hope so. I'm so tired of reliving this."

"I know. So am I. Jarrod agreed. "Why don't we get some coffee? They will call us when the Court reconvenes." Jarrod and Laura walk out of the courthouse. Some of the townspeople stare as they walk pass.

"Why are people staring at us Jarrod?"

"Ignore them." Jarrod puts his hand on the small of her back to hurry her along. Suddenly a voice is heard.

"Murderess!" Said a woman's voice.


"Shhh, ignore it."

"Barkleys love taken in trash, first a bastard than someone who kills her own kin..." calls out a man's voice.

"Don't speak to anyone. Just keep walking, don't listen. We'lll go to my office instead." Fear rises up inside her as she rushes along the sidewalk with Jarrod.

"The Barkleys always protect their own!" a woman's voice trails off.

"Hell, she ain't no Barkley! She just sleeps with one." A man's voice added. Jarrod stops walking and turns towards the voice, he sees a scruffy man leaning against a hitching post, grinning at them. Jarrod leaves Laura by herself and walks over to the offender.

"Jarrod what are you doing? Jarrod, please!" Laura attempts to call him back. Jarrod reels his right arm back and swiftly punches the heckler, who falls hard on the ground before him. Jarrod's eyes, shining with anger, his face red with rage, looks down at the man laying in a heap on the ground, dust flying up around him.

"APOLOGIZE TO THE LADY!" Jarrod pulls the man up by his shirt, and forces him to look at Laura.


The man nods in her direction, swallows his breathe, "Sorry ma'am..."

Jarrod lets go of the man's shirt. "NOW, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" The heckler quickly sauntered away. Laura ran toward Jarrod's office, he sprinted close behind, following her.


At the office he opened the door to let her in. She sat in a chair and began to cry.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." He closed the door to his office. Walking over to a table on the side, he opened a bottle of brandy and poured two glasses.

"I had no idea people in town think I killed my father. Oh Jarrod what have I done? I've shamed your family! I shamed myself! I had no idea! At first I thought it was just a few gossipmongers, but it's the whole town that feels that way!"

"It's not the whole town. I promise you once the truth comes out at the inquest, they won't think that any more. It's only a short while away, once the Judge makes his ruling you'll
see. They will have to apologize to you." He handed her a glass as he sat beside her in another chair.

"Jarrod, maybe when all this is over, I should just go away."

"And where would you go? You belong here, with us. You're going to be married soon, you can't postpone that wedding again. Nick would hit the roof! You know how he is."

"Maybe it would be best if Nick and I called it off instead," she said tearfully.

"And why would you want to do a foolish thing like that? For a few stupid people who don't know the facts?!" He argued.

"Your family doesn't need this. I could go to back East, to Boston; I have family there."

"You have family here too, and you're going to have to fight us if you try to leave. And you know us Barkleys, we're a tough bunch to deal with!" He brushed her cheek with his thumb teasing a smile from her.

After some time has passed there is a knock on the door, Jarrod's secretary peeked her head in.

"The Judge is back Mr. Barkley."

Quietly Jarrod offered his hand to Laura, she took it. They both look at his secretary who smiled reassuringly and wished them, "Good luck."


In the courthouse, Judge Needham ruled in favor of Jarrod's client. Jarrod grinned ear to ear as he stood nearby the defense table, savoring his latest victory.

"So, how about a steak to celebrate? I'm always famished when I win a case." She hugged him gratefully.

"Thank you Jarrod for all you've done for me, but I don't want to stay in town any longer than I have too."

"I understand, home then." They walk out of the court room. There was a reporter from the Stockton Eagle who wanted an interview with them. Jarrod was the one to speak. "You just tell your readers, the good people of Stockton, that Miss Laura Thomas was found innocent of all charges and that Johnny Ray, a known gunslinger who had terrorized Miss Thomas and her father for some time, is the real murderer. And you may quote me on that!"

Jarrod offered his arm to Laura as they walk outside.

"Jarrod, before we go home, there is one place I would like to go to if you don't mind."

"Of course, where?"

"I have never seen my father's grave site. I would like to go there."

"Certainly." They walk to the church yard at the edge of town. Laura read the stone marker,

"Carson Thomas, husband of Meredith Margaret, father of Laura Meredith...."

She knelt down next ot the grave. She noticed flowers growing near the stone marker. She looked up at Jarrod who stood nearby, his hat respectfully in his hand.

"Someone has been caring for this grave."

"Mother and Audra." Laura wiped a stray tear.

"I should be the one to do it, I've been so selfish not even thinking of my father."

"You've had other things on your mind Laura; no one is going to blame you."

After a long pause in the conversation, "It's not right."

"What's not right Honey, the names? I could have them ..."

"No, I'm not talking about that, it's my parents. A husband and wife should at least rest together in death. My mother is buried in Arizona, my father here. They loved eachother so much Jarrod. They had just eachother for so long, I wasn't born until they were wed almost ten years. I do remember them so happy together. I know you didn't know my father then, he wasn't like you knew him here. He use to laugh so much, and he would tell stories and jokes, but after my mother died, he changed, he hardly spoke to me other than in anger, he didn't want me around, I think I reminded him too much of her."

"I'm sorry. I never knew that about him."

"I never got to say good bye to them when they died. It just happened, no words, it just happened. They both died such violent deaths, it doesn't seem right that they should be apart forever."

"They are not apart, not really. ..... Laura, I can arrange to have your mother's remains brought here and buried with your father if you want. It will take a while, a lot of red tape, but I am an expert in the red tape department." Jarrod smiled.

She rose from the ground, he offered his hand. "You would do that for me?"

"I would do it for any family member. And you are family."

"How can I ever repay you Jarrod?" She hugged him.

"I will have to ask a high price! After all you owe me for all that misery you put me through!" he smiled teasingly.

"What do you mean?! Just what is your price?"

"Like I said it's a high price and probably too unpleasant for your taste, but my price is you have to marry my brother, Nick," he said with a delightful twinkle in his eyes.

"Ah Mr. Jarrod Barkley you do drive a hard bargain, but you have yourself a deal." She stood with her hands on her hips. Jarrod laughed as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Come on, lets go home everyone is waiting."

Chapter 35


Saturday, the day before the wedding had proven to be a very busy day in the Barkley household. The three Barkley men had wisely chosen to avoid being near the house while the ladies of the house busied themselves in a maddening whirl of activity. Strangely enough the only one who seemed to be calm and cool was the bride.

Silas was busy overseeing the extra servants. Newly hired maids were busily rushing around the house, several of them, along with some of the male wait staff were decorating the grand staircase with endless garlands of sweet smelling flowers, and large white satin ribbons and bows. Several of the outside hired hands did the unlikely chore of bringing packages of wedding gifts into the house and plopping them down in the grand parlor for lack of any other place to put them.

Victoria Barkley was dismayed when she saw all the packages in the room. "Oh my God, who in the world is responsible for this! We can't have these here, the chairs are suppose to be set up for the guests. Silas! Audra! Laura! Anyone please help!"

A young spanish girl walked into the great room, "Si Senhora?"

"Oh Guadalupe, we must do something about all these gifts!"

"I am sorry Senhora, there are so many and we are running out of room!"

Audra stood at the top of the staircase, and shouted down, "Mother! Where's Laura?!"

"Oh I don't know Audra, and please stop shouting there is already enough noise around here. LAURA! Where are you?!" She shouted.

"You don't want ME to shout? If you find Laura please tell her that Madame Claire needs her for a final fitting!"

"Again?! How many final fittings is that woman going to ask for?! Doesn't she know what final means?!"

"Just find her mother, please. She driving me mad!" Audra quickly turned on her heels, her hair flying about as she rushed back into the room.

"Why does that not surprise me? LAURA! Where are you?!" Victoria shouted to anyone who will listen.


In the kitchen, Laura was happily mixing contents in a large bowl, while Silas was nervously moving around the kitchen, trying to maintain some assemblance of order with the extra servants. He stopped long enough to look anxiously at the bride to be,

"Miss Laura, please Miss, does ya haveta do that now?!"

"I'm not in your way am I Silas? You know baking relaxes me and I need to be relaxed." she tasted the mixture with a dab of her finger, "Mmm, perfect."

"Well, Miss, ya is the only one who is, because I's hears Missus Barkley yelling for ya, and it's not a good idea ta make her wait!" Silas warned her.

"Oh damn! Sorry. All right, but don't touch that batter, I'll be right back."

"Is this here raisin bread ya be baking?"

"Why yes Silas it is, look at these wonderful raisins Heath brought in yesterday, I couldn't let them go to waste and you know how Heath loves my raisin bread."

"Yes'm Miss, I know." Silas sulked, at being second best at something he prided himself in. "Day before yourn wedding ya shouldn't be baking for some man other than yourn own."
Silas complained under his breathe, but she heard him just the same.

"Nick will have some tomorrow for breakfast, he just has to plan to be faster than Heath." She laughed.

"We got a wedding to get done tomorrow and yourn worried about what Mr. Heath is eating for breakfast!"

"Why Silas, I do believe you're jealous!"

"Ya best be gettin' out dere, Mrs. Barkley still looking for ya! It's best not to keep her waitin' on ya!"

Laura wiped her hands on her apron and walked out of the kitchen, laughing at Silas.

"Too many women here, just too many women....!" Silas mumbled to himself.

Laura entered the grand parlor. "Did you want me Victoria?"

"Where have you been?" She said annoyed, her hands on hips.

"In the kitchen, baking."

"BAKING! Why in the world are you baking?! We have things to do here!"

"Baking relaxes me." She said without apologizing, pulling off her apron tossing it on a chair.

"Why should you be relaxed, no one else is!"

"Sorry, I didn't know it was required." She said slightly sarcastic placing her hands on her hips and frowned at her soon to be mother in law.

Victoria waved her off, "You could at least pretend to be nervous!"

"I'll do my best," She joked.

Victoria smiled at her. "I'm sorry."

"So am I. What do you need me to do?"

"What do we do with all these gifts? They can't stay here."

"There must be some room we can put them in."

Audra called out from upstairs again, standing by the bannister, "There you are! Laura, Madame Claire wants to do a final fitting, you have to come upstairs! NOW!"

"Another one, this final fitting is going to make six! Doesn't that woman know the meaning of the word, final?!" Laura complained.

"That's what I said," Victoria pointed a finger for emphasis.

"Tell her I'll be right there, but this is going to be the last final!"

"Laura, you should look at this. It's a package from Boston." Victoria interrupted. She took the package from Victoria 's hands and read the card.

"It's from Aunt Polly, my father's sister."

"Ah yes, the one you said was a teacher in an boarding school for girls."

"The very same."

"Why don't you open it, I know you' re dieing of curiosity." Victoria smiled at her.

"Well, alright just this one."

She pushes some packages laying about on the settee aside and sat down. Opening up the medium size box she was surprised by its content. Her hand went to her mouth in shock. Victoria rushed over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Laura, what's wrong."

"It's wonderful and very sad at the same time. I've forgotten all about it."

"What is it Laura?"

"It's the Thomas Family Bible. It's past down to the women in the family. My Aunt Polly had it, and now she's giving it to me. I wonder if she...."

Laura opened the good book to the section where the family tree is kept. She found a new named added to the Bible, and along with it a note.

Dear Laura,

It's time for you to take over the Thomas Family Bible. I have taken the liberty of adding your husband 's name to the family tree, I hope you will be able to fill in the rest in time.
I wish you all the happiness in the world. Love your aunt, Pollianne B. Thomas.

Laura heaved a loud sigh as Victoria looked over her shoulder at the bible. She read it out loud.

"Laura Meredith Thomas wed to Nicholas Jonathan Barkley." She began to cry.

"You shouldn't be sad, this is a happy occasion."

"You don't understand, her giving me this Bible means a great deal on her part. You have no idea what she can be like."

"I am sorry Laura I know you don't have any family around here, but I hope you consider us your family. I am sorry she can't attend the wedding."

"Thank you, and I do consider all of you my family now." She stood and the two women hugged eachother.

"Well, now..." says Victoira wiping away a stray tear from an eye, "...I'm afraid Madame Claire is still waiting for you."

"Yes, you are right there, I better go up before Audra takes a gun to the woman."

"I am going to get some people to put all these gifts someplace, although God only knows where we are going to find the room!"

Victoria leaves the room, after Laura puts the bible back in the box and heads upstairs. When she is half way up a knock on the door beckons her back. On the threshhold stood a young man about fifteen, with red hair and blue eyes, he pulls his hat off his head and nods.

"Hello. May I help you?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm lookin' for Nick Barkley."

"Well, you've come to the right place but he's not here now. Won't you come in please?" She opened the door and waved him in with her hand.

"When do you expect him, ma'am?"

"Not really sure, but I do expect him home for dinner. Please won't you make yourself at home?"

"Thank you ma'am. Looks like yer all plannin' a party." He said taking note of all the decorations and servants milling about.

"A wedding actually, tomorrow."

"Oh, I 'm sorry I shouldn't have come here, 'real sorry to come barging in," he bowed apologetically.

"Then I imagine you 're not one of the invited guests?"

"Oh no ma'am...," he bowed nervously again.

I don't believe you said your name young man?" She lead him into the parlor.

"Oh, sorry ma'am, it's Tommy, Tommy Barkley."

"Then you're family, well I am sure you will be welcomed to attend the wedding, please won't you sit down? Just move a box or two, sorry for the disarray, it's not usually like
this. I'm Laura Thomas by the way." She offered her hand, he shook it..

"How do you do Miss Thomas? A pleasure to meet you."

"And I you, Mr. Barkley."

"This is quite a house." The young boy looked around in awe as he sat himself down, pushing away packages.

"I take it, you've never been here before?"

"No ma'am, first time."

"Where are you from Mr. Barkley?"

"I've been living on farm twenty miles outside of Boston."

"Really? I have family in Boston. My mother's family, the Doughertys, do you know them? A rather large family."

"No Ma'am, don't get in town much 'cept for the Farmer's Market."

"I wasn't aware there were any Barkleys around Boston."

"There's not, I 'm pretty much it," the redheaded teen continued to take in the grandeur of the spacious home.

"You're alone, no family?"

"No ma'am, my mama died some time back, when I ten, lived with my Mama's sister and her husband, until now."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my mother at a young age too. And your father?.. You said you lived with your Aunt and Uncle?"

"My father's ...." Victoria entered the parlor.

"Laura.... Well, hello, I thought I heard voices." The young redheaded boy stood again as Victoria entered.

"Victoria, I was just going to get you, this young man is family from Boston."

"Really? How nice Laura, your family did come..."

"He's not my family, he's yours."

"I don't believe we have any family in Boston, what is your name boy?" He stood, rolling the brim of his hat, nervously.

"Tommy ma'am, Tommy Barkley."

"Barkley?! Really? I wasn't aware we.... Who's your father young man?"

"Nick ma'am."

"Nick? Nick who?" Asked the matriarch still not believeing this young man was a real Barkley.

"Nick Barkley, ma'am." Laura slowly walked toward Victoria her mouth agape as she listened intently.

"My son? My son Nick, is your father?!"

"Yes ma'am," The boy stated with a proud grin. Laura turned and slowly walked toward the staircase.

"Laura? Don't jump to conclusions, Laura! Lets hear what Nick has to say, LAURA?!"

When she reached the staircase she quickly ran into her room. Opening the door she found Madame Claire standing with her wedding gown drape over a dress form.

"Ah finally Miss Thomas, now if you please, just once more I promise."

"Get you and that dress out of my sight NOW before I forget I'm a lady!"

"What? But Miss Thomas, what is wrong? Did I do something to offend you?" pleaded the seamstress.

"Get out! NOW! And take that damn dress with you! I don't ever want to see it again!"

Remembering the last outburst the bride-to-be had, the terrified seamstress quickly gathered up all her sewing equipment and pushed the dress form as fast as she could out of Laura's room. Audra met the frightened woman in the hall.

"Madame Claire! What are you doing?"

"That woman! She's crazy! She threw me out! I was afraid she was going to tear the dress again! I tell you I am not going to be responsible for this! Wedding or not, she's getting my bill!"

"Madame Claire, put that dress in my room, don't leave with it. I am sure there is some kind of misunderstanding. Please, just take it in there, I promise it will be safe." Audra attempted to calm the frightened seamstress, directing her to another room.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the parlor, Victoria stared at the redhaired boy. The boy nervously fumbled with his hat again.

"Ma'am did I do something wrong?"

"Don't MOVE from that spot!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Victoria rushes to the front door, then turns to look at the boy again. "DON'T YOU DARE MOVE! Do you hear me boy! You stay right there in that spot!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Victoria quickly opened the front door, "CIEGO!" she yelled. The Spanish servant came running. Victoria grabbed the frightened Ciego by his jacket lapels and shook him.

"You find my son Nick and you get him here PRONTO! And don't you take NO for an answer! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

"Si Senhora Barkley! Si!"

"NOW!" She shook her head in anger. Ciego ran off as fast as he could, not knowing where he is going to find Nick Barkley but knowing damn well if he wanted to keep his job he would do as the white-haired matriarch had ordered and fast!

Victoria angrily walked back into the house, slamming the door. Her face set in stone as she pointed again to the boy in the parlor, who had automatically stood when she entered.

"SIT! NOW!" She ordered.

"Yes ma' am!"

Victoria scurried up the staircase holding her skirts close to her. She knocked on Laura's bedroom door, not waiting for an answer she walked in to find Laura sitting on her bed, wiping her weeping eyes with a hankerchief.


"I can't believe this is happening!" she sniffled.

"There has got to be an explanation Laura."

"Have you ever seen that boy before?!" She asked tearfully.

"No, never."

Laura stood from the bed and started pacing the floor; angrily. "I know Nick has sowed a few wild oats in his time, but I didn't think any of them took ROOT!"

"Laura, there has got to be an explanation. I've sent for Nick and as soon as he comes in, I am sure he will be able to explain himself!"

"No, no Victoria, this is it! I've had it! I am giving up!" she waved her hands in the air.

"What in the world are you talking about?!"

"Fate has postponed this wedding so many times, and I thought this time; this ONE time we would actually get through it! But I tell you Victoria, this is the last straw! All the fight has just been drained out of me! I am convinced, finally convinced, that this wedding is NOT going to take place! EVER!"

"Please Laura, you can't give up now!" Victoria pleaded.

"It's over!" She shouted for the first time ever at Nick's mother.

"NO! You are not going to give up on my son! I won't let you! We are NOT postponing this again!" Victoria shouted back, matching her own anger with the girl.

"Don't you understand, I surrender, I give up! It's OVER!" She yelled angrily.

"You have got to let him explain himself! What kind of a marriage are you going to have if you don't take the time to listen?!"

"There isn't going to be a marriage!"

"You must listen to Nick!"

"The time for him to talk is pass! Why didn't he tell me he had a child?!"

"Maybe he didn't know!" Victoria argued.

"Oh, like father, like son! Well Victoria I am not you, I am not accepting a ... "

"Don't you dare say IT!!!" Victoria wagged her finger in a lethal warning.

"I don't have to say it! You know exactly what I mean; and I am not accepting it! NEVER!"

"Think you're better than anybody else, do you?! You can't accept a husband's mistake?! I love my son, and I know he's far from perfect, and he may be guilty of sowing a few wild oats, but I know this! He loves you, he has gone through HELL for you and if you can't at least listen to my son than maybe you don't deserve to marry him, and maybe you had better pack your clothes and leave!"

Laura folded her arms turning her back on Victoria not wanting to cry in front of her. "I can't even pack my clothes! They are already packed and down at the train depot for our honeymoon! Which won't take place now!!"

Victoria realized that she struck a nerve as Laura had backed down, for now, So like my son Nick, stubborn and pigheaded when hurt. She thought.

Laura sighed and plopped herself on the settee, "I don't have the strength anymore to argue. I'm worn out!"

Victoria drew a relieved breathe, "Good, because now you will be able to listen." Renewed tears streaked Laura's face as she turned away from Victoria's stare. "I've told you once before Laura. Love is never easy."

Laura stared at the floor and spoke under her breathe. "And this one is impossible!"

The sound of a door slamming shut and Nick's familiar spurs clacking about on the bare floor, downstairs in the foyer caused Laura and Victoria run out of the bedroom.

Chapter 36


"MOTHER! LAURA! Where is every body?.. God, look at this mess, ya think all those servants we hired could have cleaned it up by now!"

"It is a mess I'll give ya that ..Sure is busy around here, never seen so many strange faces." Heath agreed, as he threw his hat on settee in the corner.

"Yeah, I know," Nick muses.

"Speaking of strange faces, we got company Nick." Heath motioned to the young redheaded boy in the parlor, now standing and fiddling with his hat in his hand.

"What?" Nick sees the young man for the first time, and recognizing him, gives a wide grin.

"Tommy? Is that you?! Well, I'll be damned!"

"Hi Nick." The young man says shyly.

"Come here Kid!" Nick gives the teen a bear hug.

"How have you been Tommy?! Your aunt and uncle are they well? What in the world are you doing in these parts son? My, it's good to see you. Heath, come here, you remember my brother Heath, don't you son?"

"Oh yeah, hi Heath."

"Oh, now I remember ya! Tommy from Willow Springs, sure, how are ya doing? You're along way from home kid."

"Sure am, I'm kinda sorry I came, I seemed to have barged into some big doings," Tommy smiled shyly.

"Well, I guess ya have, but ya are more than welcome to stay! You're family after all." Nick gives him another bear hug.

Unbeknownst to Nick, is his mother and fiance at the top of the stairs listening to the conversation. Laura turns to Victoria, "Now, did that answer your question?!" Laura said sarcastically then stormed back into her room.

"Laura, wait!" Victoria calls back to her but is ignored.


"So, what brings you here son?" Nick says slapping the boy's back.

"I wanted to come out and see Mama 's grave, and I did that; anyway I thought I would drop by and see how you were doing Nick, but I didn't expect the greeting I got."

"Greeting? What do you mean?"

"Seems your mama is powerful angry with me."

"What for boy, what did ya do, trample a rose bush, or something?" Nick joked, Heath took a more serious tone as he watched the exchange, sensing something amiss.

"I don't rightly know, but...."

"Nicholas?!" His mother called as she glided quickly down the staircase.

"Aw oh," Heath said under his breathe, strolling back into the safety of the foyer.

"Mother, what's going on?" Nick asked innocently.

"I was just going to ask you the same thing. Perhaps you would like to tell me?"

"Tell ya what, ya met Tommy haven't ya?"

"Oh yes, I've met Tommy, so has Laura."

"Oh good."

"That's all you have to say?"

"Mother, what are ya talking about?"

Victoria walked over to Tommy and placed her hand on his shoulder, Tommy flinched, fearful he was going to get slapped by the woman. "Nicholas, this young man says he's your son." Nick throws his head back and roars with laughter.

"Boy howdy..... ya got yourself in it this time brother Nick." warns Heath, not that anyone heard him above Nick's laughter.

"Well, I 'm glad you find this so amusing Nicholas, because your bride is planning to leave as we speak." She stood with her hands on her hips.

"Bride? Laura?" Nick immediately stopped laughing.

"You have any more brides we don't know about?" His mother quipped.

"Oh brother Nick, " Heath muttered under his breathe, grateful he wasn't in big brother's boots.

"Leaving?" He repeated, a sickening feeling grabbing the pit of his stomach. Nick eyes wander over to Heath for help, but he had none to give other than a shrug of his shoulders, and a look of pity.

"Leaving? We'll just see about that, right now!" Nick headed up the stairs taking them two at a time, his spurs jangling furiously. He opened Laura's bedroom door without knocking and a china vase came whizzing by his head, just missing him, as he moved to one side.

"Now Laura, I can explain!"

"GET OUT!" She screamed at him. Another vase flew by, almost catching him in the shoulder.

I HATE YOU, GET OUT!..." She searched for something else to throw, and finding a small dish, she launched it toward his head.

"Please Laura, if you'll let me explain, this not what it looks like!" He dives to the floor, avoiding another flying object.

She frantically looked for something else to throw. Nick decided to speak fast before she armed herself with any more weapons.


"What did you say?" She stopped in mid launch.

"Tommy 's not my son!"

"Then why did he say he was?" She dropped her arms to her side.

"Because I sort of adopted him after I married his mother."


"YES, NO! it was only for a FEW MINUTES and it wasn't really LEGAL!!"

"Which is it?!" She stood gritting her teeth angrily at him.


"You never told me you got married, legal or otherwise!"

"I didn't?" He looked incredulously at his intended.

"No, you didn't DAMN YOU!!" she stamped both feet on the floor one after another.

"It slipped my mine I guess. I thought sure I told you about that!"

"What kind of a man forgets he was married?!" She shouted, her hands firmly planted on her hips.

"You don't understand."

"Make me understand Nick, I really want to understand just what kind of a MONSTER ARE YOU!!" She screamed the last few words.

"Tommy's mother was a woman named Julia Jenkins. She was a saloon girl."

"A saloon girl? Why does that not surprise me?!" She flailed her hands in the air.

"She wasn't a saloon girl when I first met her, she was a laundress."

"A little tame for Nick Barkley, isn't it?!"

"Will you please listen! Damnit! We were never in a romantic relationship!"

"I see, you just married her!" She said enraged.

"It's a little more than that!"

"Obviously, a child is involved!"

"I told ya HE IS NOT MY SON! He doesn't even look like me!"

"That doesn't mean anything!" She spat out.

"HE IS NOT MY SON! Now, you listen to me, I was sick for some time and Julia, Tommy's mother, took care of me. I repaid her by marrying her and adopting her son."

"Wouldn't a polite thank you note be simpler?!"

"I don't need your smart mouth remarks!" He pointed a threatening finger at her. "The woman was dieing, she took a bullet meant for me, her one wish was that her son Tommy would have a legimate name, so a Taoist priest married us. That's how Tommy got the name Barkley. I gave it to him."

"A what priest?"

"A Taoist priest, ya know, Chinese. That's why it wasn't legal ya see, but it was good enough for Julia. Honey, it was her last dieing wish, I couldn't say no to the woman. She was dieing for chrissakes!"

Laura sat herself on a chair, and mulled over what he had said. Nick moved toward her touching her shoulder.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed at him, causing him jump.

He bravely moved near her again, and knelt down beside her chair, looking contrite. "Please Sweetheart, we're so close, don't do this to us. You know I love you more than life itself. You know that! Please Laura, don't let a little misunderstanding ruin what could be the best time of our lives. Think of our children! "

"What children?" She stared into his sadden hazel eyes.

"The children that won't be born if you don't marry me. Think of it, all those great kids!"

"How many?"

"How many do you want?" He smiled hoping her forgiveness was near.

"I meant how many do you have around the country? You are Tom Barkley's son after all!" She snapped at him.

"Now, that was DAMN WELL uncalled for!" He angrily pulled himself up from his kneeling position, "The only children I have are the children waiting to be born, our children!"

"No others lurking in the shadows?"

"NONE!" He said still seething over the remark about his father.

"Get out!"

"Get out? Why?"

"I need to think about this!"

"Okay, ya think about it, but you remember one thing, Milady, you think about how much we've been through! And how much I love ya, and no one else but you! You think about that! YA HEAR?!"

Nick waved his finger making each point, then left her, slamming the door behind him. He joined the others downstairs, Heath had already filled Victoria in about the story of Tommy's last name. Victoria smiled proudly at Nick and squeezed his arm. "What happened with Laura? Heath told me the whole story."

"Ya know that china vase ya didn't care for; well, its not going to be a bother to ya anymore."

"I don't care about the breakage, I care about this wedding? Is it postpone again?'

"I don't know; she's thinking about it." Nick folded his arms, a worried look on his face. Victoria sighed as she looked at Tommy.

"I'm real sorry, I never meant to cause any harm to anyone. Maybe I best be going." The teen said.

"No Tommy, you stay. It wasn't your fault, I should have told her a long time ago. I just never thought about it. Pappy's right again, I just don't think!" Nick walked outside.

Once outside the house he stopped in his tracks, gave his chin a rub then walked back into the house. Heath stood by Tommy and his mother when he spied Nick walking back in again.

"Forget something?" asked Heath.

"Yeah. Tommy come with me. Are ya hungry?"

"Yes Sir!" Nick hung his arm around Tommy's shoulder, in a fatherly grip.

"Good. Mother, I'm taking Tommy into town."

"Nick, what about dinner?" she asked.

"Figure I'll let Laura cool off a bit. That's gonna take most of the night anyway, if I know her. I'm gonna take Tommy into Stockton for dinner."

"Very well." Victoria resigned herself to the fact that everyone will be in bed by the time Nick got home.

"Coward!" Heath teased smiling. Nick waved Heath off as he opened the door for Tommy.

"You got a horse boy?"

"Yes Sir, rented from the livery," grinned Tommy.

"Well, lets go then," He slapped him on the back.

Chapter 37

Nick and Tommy get reacquainted while they ride into Stockton.

"I'm really sorry I caused ya all this trouble with your girl Nick. You're still getting married tomorrow, ain't ya?"

"That was the plan."

"Gee Nick, I'm really sorry I messed things up for ya."

"You already said that Tommy, don't go repeatin' yourself, hate it when people repeat themselves!"

"Sorry Nick." Nick shook his head.

"Forget it, she'll calm down once she thinks about it. It's just best for us to stay out of the line of fire for a while. One thing ya gotta learn about women, stay far away from them when they're riled up! Rather face a grizzly then a woman when her temper's working overtime, especially Laura's. WHEW, she can pack a wallop!"

"Sounds like you've been on the receiving end of that," commented Tommy trying unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh. Nick chuckled along with him.

"Yep, a number of times. Now, don't get me wrong, she's a fine woman, won't find none better than her, but she does have her moments. It's like everything else in the world, gotta take the good with the bad, but for my money she's mostly good."

"Still she sure seems powerful mad at ya Nick."

"Hell, it's not the first time and it won't be the last. Besides, she's got a right to be mad, I should have told her about you and your Ma a long time ago. But don't go tellin' her I said that now! Can't let women get the upper hand, ya know!"

"Seems to me, she's already got the upper hand. You're the one who's leaving the house, not her."

Nick gave Tommy a sideways glance, "Shut up, Kid!" Nick spurred Coco ahead of Tommy's horse.


Later at the Cattlemen's Club, the two Barkleys sit down to a man size steak.

"Boy Nick, this is quite a place!"

"Wait until you sink your teeth in that steak! Here, have some wine to wash it down." He pours the wine in his glass.

"Gee, thanks Nick! Uncle John never let's me drink."

"Why not?"

"Don't believe in drinking."

"Temperance man huh? Your aunt too?" Nick poured a drink for himself.

"Yep, 'fraid so."

"Well, you're here now, besides a man needs to know how to handle a drink before he can decide not to drink."

"Huh?" said a confused Tommy.

"Nevermind, just drink." As Nick poured more wine in Tommy's glass he noticed a familiar form walking over to greet them. "Aw damn!" He muttered to himself.

"Hi Nick honey."

"Hello Belle, what are you doing over here?"

"You know I only come to the Cattlemen's Club when I have a date," she coos.

"Where's your date?"

"Upstairs, sleepin' it off. Who's your cute little friend Nick?"

"Belle, this is Tommy, Tommy, Belle." Tommy stood up from the table and bowed. Nick stared at him dumbfounded.

"Well, isn't he a polite one! How old are ya honey?"

"Fifteen Ma'am, I'll be sixteen in a few months."

"That's so huh? Well Nick, that's about how old you were when your daddy brought ya to see me. Remember Honey?"

"Who could forget it. Sit down kid, eat your dinner!" Belle sat beside them. Tommy sat down, his mouth partially open, staring at the woman.

"Belle, if you don't mind, we're having dinner." Nick hinted to the saloon maven.

"Oh I don't mind." she said winking at the young boy.

"Would you like a piece of my steak Ma'am?" Belle laughed at the double meaning.

"Well Sweetie..."

"BELLE!" Nick gave her a warning.

"No thank you Sweetie, you eat it."

"Nick shakes his head, "You know Belle, I'm having a nice dinner with my son here, so if ya don't..."

"Son?! Nick Barkley, I've never known you to be so careless before! So that's why you're eating here, she threw you out of the house, huh?"

Nick rolled his eyes, as she laughs. "No one throws me out of my own house! I decide when I leave! And I wanted to take Tommy out for a nice steak dinner! And he's my 'adopted' son!"

"And that girl of yours bought that? Hell, even I thought she was smarter than that!" Belle laughed.

"It happens to be the TRUTH!" Nick protests to his former mistress.

"Nick's right ma'am, he adopted me after my Ma died."

"Well, that's right sweet of you Nick." She pats Nick's cheek with her hand, much to his annoyance.

"Don't you think you should check on that date of yours, maybe he came to," He suggested to rid himself of her presence..

"Nay, he's out for the night. Listen Tommy, you ever been with a woman?"

"Ma'am?!" The boy croaked out his answer.

"BELLE!" Nick blurts annoyed more than before.

"Just asking!" Belle said teasingly.

"Leave him alone Belle, he's just a kid!"

"No older than you were Nick, when we dated," she winked knowingly.

"He's too young for you. You and I were closer to the same age then."

"Hell, I don't date youngsters, but I do have a new girl who's closer to his age, name's Lottie. So honey, you never answered my question, you ever been with a woman?"

"No Ma'am, but I sure would like to!" Tommy 's eyes were like saucers. Nick rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the anxious boy.

Tommy turned to Nick, pleading his case, "Well, didn't you say I had a lot to learn about women!"

"I wasn't talking about that! Eat your steak! Your mother would be rolling in her grave if she knew what you were thinking about!"

"Hell Nick, that's what all boys my age think about!" Tommy answered with a mouth full of meat.

"Well I know that, I was your age once!" Nick yelled back.

"Don't let Nick fool ya, he still thinks about it. In fact, I bet even more so these days, huh Nick? Ain't gettin' any are ya honey?" She teased him with a sly smile.

"Belle, go away! You have done enough damage!" Belle got up from the table leaned over and planted a kiss on Nick's cheek.

"What's that for?" He said surprised and somewhat embarrassed.

"Heard you were getting married tomorrow, just wanted to give you a good luck kiss. You'll need it, especially married to that gal!" Belle sauntered away from them, swinging her ample hips, as she headed for the Stockton Saloon.

"She knows your lady?" asked Tommy.

"Oh yeah kid, they're old friends." Nick said sarcastically, shoveling a piece of steak in his mouth.

"Hey Nick?"

Nick stared at the pleading face of Tommy, "The answer is no! Now eat!"

Tommy attacked his steak with a vengence. Then he waved his fork at Nick, "You know, my uncle wouldn't let me touch liquor. How do you think he's going to feel about me learning about women?!"

"You don't need to learn about women that way!" You should save yourself for when the right gal comes around."

"Like you?!"

"Shut up KID!" Nick attacked his steak again, shoveling it in his mouth. Then, he tried to change the subject. "So Kid, you never told me what you're doing here, and don't give me that crap, I just decided to look you up busniess; I wasn't born yesterday ya know!"

"Well, I got tired of working on a farm, told my family I wanted to come out here and be a rancher like you."

"You think being a rancher is any easier than farming?" Nick gulps down his wine, and pours more into glass.

"No, of course not, I'm not afraid of work Nick."

"That's good, because ranching is back breakin' work! No better than farming!"

"I want to be a wrangler, you know, ride horses, go on cattle drives, break horses!"

"Cattle drives! Boy, you don't know what your asking! You been reading too many dime store novels if you think it's easy out here in the west. What do your kinfolk say to these ideas you have?"

"Well, they're not really happy with the idea, but they knew they couldn't stop me. I saved my money to buy a train ticket out here. A rancher is what I really want to be!"

"Don't your family need ya to work on the farm?"

"Yeah, but... I'm not cut out to be a farmer!" He argued.

"Hell Kid, what do you think ranching is? It's just farming different things, and alot of the same things as farming."

"I really would like to stay Nick, please don't send me back to Massachusetts."

"There's nothing wrong with farming son. Farmers are the backbone of this country!"

"So are ranchers! Don't you need another hand at the ranch?"

"We have plenty of ranch hands already; and I sure don't need an inexperience one underfoot."

"How am I going to get experience if you don't hire me?!" pleaded Tommy.

"You're better off back in Massachusetts kid!" Nick growled as he devoured another piece of steak.

"I don't want to go back, Nick. I want to be with you!"

"Kid, I'm not even going to be around. I 'm leaving on my honeymoon tomorrow for four weeks, that's if my woman didn't change her mind; and I can't be babysitting you!"

"You don't need to! I'll stay in the bunk house with the other hands. You won't even know I'm around."

"While I'm gone Heath is responsible for the ranch and I wouldn't feel right if I dumped ya on him. He'll have enough to worry about with me gone. He doesn't have time to babysit you either!"

"He won't even know I'm around, I swear it Nick, please!"

"You're right, Heath won't know you're around because I'm sending ya back to Massachusetts to your kinfolk!"

"I won't go and you can't make me!" He bawked.

"Kid, I'm getting married tomorrow. A wife is enough of a responsibility to take on without a fifteen year boy too!"

"I'm not a boy!"

"A man knows where his responsibilities lie, and you owe your aunt and uncle for taking ya in. It's what your Ma wanted and what I promised her! So you 're going back home and that's the end of it!"

"You promised me something too Nick. You promised to teach me how to ride a cutting horse, and all about ranching! That's what you promised me!"

"You know that all changed when your Ma died. Your Ma wanted me to take ya to your aunt and uncle and that's what I did, so you belong there now."

"Not until you keep your promise to me, I've waited over five years, saved up all that money for a train fare out here, and I 'm not leaving, not yet!"

"Fine! Why don't I go home right now and postpone my wedding! I'll just tell my bride that I have to teach you to ride a damn cutting horse first!" He slammed his fist down on the table causing the other patrons at the restaurant to glare at the tall Barkley.

"Come on Nick! You know I didn't mean that. I can wait until you get back; or Heath can show me."

"I thought Heath wasn't going to know you were around! Do ya know how much work it takes to run a ranch? Even with Heath and me sharing the load we still work from sun up to sun down, and we're dog tired when we get home! I'm not burdening Heath with ya! You're going back! And that's my last word on the subject!"

Tommy pushed his chair back and stormed out of the Cattlemen's Club.

"TOMMY, COME BACK HERE! ...DAMNIT! I don't need this too ...!" Nick grabbed his hat from a chair nearby, threw some money down on the table and followed Tommy's tracks. Outside he watched Tommy heading for the saloon.

"Hey Kid, wait up!"

"I'm not a kid! I'm a man and I'm going to prove it!"

"Where are you going?!" Tommy marched into the Stockton saloon, and sidled up to the bar.

"Whiskey!" He demanded, punching his fist down on the bar.

"Don't you mean milk kid?" the bartender laughed as he wiped a glass with a cloth, smiling at the boy.

"I said whiskey! You deaf Mister?!" Nick stood beside Tommy and put his hand up in a gesture that told the bartender he would take care of it.

"Give us two beers Milt."

"Sure Nick." The bartender served the beer. Nick took the glasses and motions Tommy towards Nick's usual table in the saloon. He handed Tommy his beer.

"Thanks," Tommy said grudgingly.

"Okay, what can I do to convince you to go back home?"


They both take a sip from the beer. Tommy wipes the foam off his mouth, avoiding Nick's stare. "Come on, there's got to be something back home ya miss."

"Nope!" Still avoiding Nick's eyes.

"I bet ya got some pretty little gal waiting ya."


"Are ya sure there ain't some little gal you're sweet on?" He cajoled the boy further.

Tommy is quiet for a minute, then he spoke, "Well... there was one."

Nick slaps him on the back, "Hah, I knew it! A nice lookin' fellar like you, and I bet she misses ya."

"Said she didn't want to see me again. She was sore at me 'cause I decided to come out here instead of taking her to some fool dance!"

"Ah... So what's she look like?"

"Green eyes, long dark hair, has a real nice turned up nose. Short little gal, names Betty."

"Sounds pretty. Betty huh?"

"Yeah, but everyone calls her Bet, especially all the other guys!"

"Lots of suitors huh?" He smiled at Tommy.

"Yeah, plenty, but she liked me best, that is until I came out here."

"You got some sweet young thing like that back home and ya come out here for a stupid horse? Hell boy, ya have more in common with my brother Heath than me. I'll tell ya the truth, it's like I always say, a horse feels good under ya; but a woman feels a lot better!"

Tommy looked at Nick, questioning. "That's another thing I need to learn."

"Well, I don't have time to teach ya about riding cutting horses, or ranching, but I guess I could help ya with that. But, you've got to promise me, that you'll go back home."

Tommy brightens up, excited. "You mean it Nick! A girl?!"

"Don't get anxious now! Women don't like it when you're too fast on the draw, if you catch my meaning. ...Hey, Belle!"

Belle Blakesen slid over to Nick's table. "Hey Nick honey, did ya change your mind about a date with me?"

"Not me...him. Tommy needs some tender loving care, but not by you, no offense Belle."

"None taken. Just so happens, Lottie is available, you're in luck honey," she winked at Tommy. Nick pushed some money in Tommy's hand..

"It's on me, kid... er...Mister."

"Gee.. thanks Nick, I won't forget this!" Tommy shoves the money on his pocket.

"Yeah, I know ya won't, a man never does. Just remember, YOU GO BACK HOME!"

"I promise Nick!"

"Good! Because I'm holding you to that!" Tommy followed Belle, to a young girl,waiting near a piano. Nick leaned back in his seat drank his beer and waited. "It's going to be a long night," he said to no one imparticular.

Chapter 38

While Nick was out dining with Tommy Jenkins Barkley, Laura was feeling very down, and quite tired from the excitment of the day.


"Yes Miss?"

"I'm afraid I forgot about Heath's raisin bread, in all the turmoil."

"I took care of it see, already coolin' fer tomorrow," Silas smiled.

"Thank you Silas, I 'm sorry I gave you extra work."

"No Miss, it was no trouble it'all, I figured ya forgot about it. Are ya all right Miss?"

"I'm just tired, I'm going to bed," she half smiled at him.

"That would be best; it's a busy day tomorrow."

"Yes. ... Silas, has Nick returned from town yet?"

"No Miss, ya woulda heard him iffen he did, Mr. Nick was never know'd for bein' quiet." Silas chuckled.

"No, I suppose not. Good night Silas." She turned toward the back stairs to the upper rooms. Audra stopped her.

"There you are, I want you to know that I have your wedding dress in my room, it's all covered up, I didn't peek at it, I promise."

"Thank you Audra," she said blandly.

"Are you all right Laura?"

"Yes fine, just tired. I think I'm going to turn in." Laura turned toward her room, closing the door. Audra was puzzled by her forlorned demeanor.

About 11:30 that evening, Laura snuck out of her room. She noticed the light on in Nick's room, she walked over to his door, and was about to knock when she thought better of it and turned away. Instead she followed the light to Victoria Barkley's room and knocked on that door instead.


"Laura wake up! Today's your big day! Come on get up!"

"What is it Audra?"

"It's your wedding day, that's what it is!"

"Am I late?"

"No you're not late, but you should get up, I brought your breakfast."

"Why did you bring my breakfast upstairs?"

"The Bride and Groom can't see eachother before the wedding, it's bad luck you know that!"

"Oh that's so silly," She threw the covers off her and tied on her robe.

"Would you just come here and eat, We have a long, busy day ahead of us. Oh, by the way, Madame Claire will be coming for your final fitting."

"That woman doesn't know the meaning of the word final! "

"Now you must admit she is persistant. Besides you wouldn't let her touch you yesterday. I can't believe you and Nick had another fight. You know it's a good thing you two can't see eachother before the wedding! The way you two fight, you'll never get married if we don't keep you two apart! You eat now, I'll send Madame Claire up when she gets here and between the two of us, we will get you into that wedding dress and married!"

"Where are you going?" Laura asked her future sister in law.

"Downstairs for breakfast and I have to hurry before Heath eats all the raisin bread."

Laura is sadden as Audra leaves the room. A feeling of loneliness overcomes her as she sits down to her breakfast alone. She reaches for her coffee, but when she puts it to her lips she doesn't taste it. She gathers up the eggs on her fork, but there is no taste. She dropped the fork onto the plate and quickly stood up, the tray disappeared before her. Then the room itself disappeared, and she found herself standing in the parlor of her Father's House. Her heart pounded as fear gripped, the blood stained carpet laid before her at her feet. Johnny Ray laid on the floor, a gun in his dead hand, and she heard Nick's voice over and over again, "Go wash off the blood Laura ...."

"What's going on here?! What's happening?! NICK! NICK WHERE ARE YOU? NICK PLEASE HELP ME, PLEASE NICK! OH GOD NO!!"

Her hands flew up to her face as she covered her eyes, not wanting to see the house again!

"Please God, I don't want to be here! Please God! Help me Please, I don't want to see it again!" she searched around for the front door, but it had disappeared as well! Then suddenly she hears familiar voices:

"Daughter, don't be frightened. It's not real, nothing you see is real."

Laura uncovers her eyes, and sees her father standing before her.

"Papa? You're alive! You're here?"

"Of course I am daughter, we both are. We're here for you."

"Sweet babe, me little colleen, come see yer Mama." Her mother's arms open in an invitation.

"MAMA?! Is it really you? Are you really here?!"

Of course I'm here me darlin', what mother would miss her own child's wedding, I ask ya?"

Laura hugged her mother, "Oh Mama, mama, I've missed you so much!"

"I know me darlin, sweet baby girl, I 'm always here for ya, ya know that don't ya?" Her mother stroked her hair, smoothing it down with her hand.

Laura looked at her father, her eyes brimming with tears, "Papa, I am so sorry for what I did to you. They way I treated you!"

"Daughter, you did nothing to be sorry for. A man could not ask for a finer daughter than you." Her father kissed her softly on the forehead.

"Aye, no finer, and that's the truth of it!" Her mother hugged her tightly, in a comforting gesture.

"We just want your happiness daughter," her father whispered

"Aye, are yer happy with this young man then?" her mother asked.

"Very much so, Mama."

"Aye, then that's half the battle then isn't it? He certainly is loyal to a fault I'll give 'em that. He is a fierce protector of ya!" Her mother laughed outloud, "Yer won't have much troubles with 'em astrayin'. "

"Do you think so Mama?"

"Aye, and yer know your mama knows a good man when she sees one!" She reached out for her husband's hand. "Yer be good to him, ya hear and he'll be good to ya."

"I will. I promise."

Her parents released her from their embrace. "Here, this is fer our sweet baby girl, fer ya wedding bouquet, from yer papa and me." Laura's mother gives her a pink rose. "Well it's time for yer wedding, me little colleen, yer 'ave to wake up now ...



"Laura, wake up dear, come on Laura? Wake up!" Laura opened her eyes to see Victoria Barkley standing over her. "It looks like you were having sweet dreams," Victoria smiled.

"Yes, very sweet dreams," she smiled back at Nick's mother.

"Our talk helped last night, about Nick and all your other concerns?"

"How could I ever be so foolish to have doubted him. I'll never make that mistake again."

"Good, I'm happy to hear that. Come on, you get up now, Silas put your breakfast over there
on the table." Laura threw the covers off and walked over to the tray set on the table. She notices a pink rose sitting in a small vase.

"Where did the pink rose come from? I thought the roses had all died in the summer heat."

"They did, but Silas found this one sweet rose, just hanging on for dear life, funny how I didn't notice it before when I went into my garden yesterday, but Silas found it growing in the garden this morning and he thought you would like it. He said you seemed so sad yesterday, he thought it would cheer you up."

"Silas has no idea how much it cheers me up." She took in it's sweet scent as she delicately held the pink rose in her hands. "It's not a dream this time, is it? Nick and I are really getting married today?"

"I promise you, it's not a dream." The two women embrace in a geniune hug.

After breakfast. Laura is washing herself from a basin when she hears a knock on the bedroom wall. She pulls her robe back on and leans her head near the wall, "Nick, is that you?"

"Of course it's me, who else would it be! It's my bedroom after all!" She rolls her eyes, making a face. "Well, what do you want?" She whispered through the wall.

"Do you still want to go through with all this?"

"Through with what?"

"FOR GOD'S SAKES! YOU KNOW WHAT! Getting married for chrissakes!"

"Stop shouting!"

"I am not shouting!" WELL?!" He asked impatiently.

"Well what?"

"Do you still want to get married?"

"Why are you asking that now with people coming!"

"I'm asking because I want to know!" Nick shouted back through the wall.

"Are you trying to back out, is that it?"

"HELL NO! Thought you might want to, though!" He asked cautiously.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because of yesterday, and what happened, with Tommy and all! I didn't want to be left standing there at the altar, looking like a jackass!"

"No," She said a little above a whisper.

"No, what?"

"No I am not backing out." She said a little louder than before.

"Why didn't you say so yesterday then?! The last time I talked to you, all you said was you'll think about it, then you never said another word! I was waiting for you to talk to me! You know I didn't sleep a wink all last night wondering what you were thinking!"

"I'm sorry Nick, I was going to talk to you last night."

"Well, what happened?"

"I decided to talk to your mother instead."

"About me?"

"Yes. Some of it was about you."

"What did she say?"

"Lots of things."

"Like what?"

"It's personal."

"If it's about me, I think I have a right to know what is being said about me!"

"You know, not everything is about you Nick Barkley!"

"Well, what else did you talk about?"

"Things that a woman needs to talk about to another woman!"

"Like what?"

"Nevermind! Just women things, that's all!"

"Oh that?! You talked about THAT with my mother?!"

"Never you mind! I don't want to discuss this with you!"

"Later then, we'll talk."

"Maybe. Listen I've got to get ready, I don't have time to talk to you about this anymore." She pretended to be annoyed even though she had a smile on her face.

"What are you in an all fired hurry for?! It 's not like they can start without us!"

"True enough." The two are quiet for a few minutes then Nick spoke again.

"Laura, are ya still there?"

"Yes Nick."

"I love you Laura."

"I love you too Nick."

"See ya downstairs."

"All right. Bye."


Chapter 39

Guests begin arriving for the wedding. Servants show them where to sit, as an orchestra plays relaxing music for their listening pleasure. Meanwhile the Barkleys are upstairs anything but relaxed. In Nick's room, Heath is struggling with his tie.

"Boy Howdy! This here thing is cutting off my windpipe!"

"Come here, let me see that! You're hopeless!" Nick complained as he retied Heath's tie.

"Damn it Nick! You're making it tighter! Let go!"

"Stop your damn fidgetting! You think you were getting married ! Just hold up there!" Heath slaps Nick's arm away.

"Keep your grubby paws off me! I'll get someone else to do it!" There is a knock on the door. Nick and Heath yell in unison, "COME IN!"

Victoria walked in, dressed in a lovely high necked pale blue gown. "Goodness, I can hear you two all the way down the hall! Must you quarrel today of all days! Guests are already arriving. Heath, that tie is a mess!"

"There I told you! Nick did it! 'tried to choke me!"

"Would you please help that fool boy do his tie! He's hopeless!"

"Come here Heath..." Victoria sighed, but smiled at the two of them. She adjusted Heath's tie.
"There, you look very handsome."

"Thanks Mother."

"Nick, let me fix that for you," Victoria asked..

"What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing really, I just want to look at you," She fiddled with his tie, then looked at her son.

"What are you doing Mother?" Nick held her at arms' length.

"Just looking at my handsome son, Oh Nick, I'm so proud of you today," She hugged him.

"Now you're not going to get all weepy on me are you? Because if that's the case we'll just postpone the wedding." Nick joked.

"Don't you dare! If you do anything to ruin this wedding I 'll take my wooden spoon to you! It has been postpone more times than I care to count! I am not going to go through this again! You are not cheating me out of finally having grandchilden!" She shook her finger at an amused Nick.

Nick and Heath roar with laughter at their mother's reaction. "Oh well, if it's grandchildren you want, then I 'll get to work on that right away!"

Victoria's hands flew up to her head, as if she has a headache. "Oh my, this whole wedding is driving me crazy, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore."

"I think you got your point across Mother very well," Nick chuckled.

"I'm leaving. I'm going to see if Laura needs my help."

"Be sure to tell her what you told me, so she can be prepared." Nick teased his mother.

"Nicholas Jonathan Barkley!" Victoria left the room, waving after the pair of them. Nick and Heath were still laughing when Jarrod walked in, impeccably dressed in his tuxedo with white tie.

"Look at you two, I hardly recognize the pair of you," chimes Jarrod, approving of his brothers' attire.

"Not bad for two cowhands huh?" Heath and Nick look at themselves in the full length mirror, primping themselves. Jarrod pushes them both aside as he stands between them and looks at himself in the mirror, fixing his tie.

"You two ruffians have a long way to go before you have my style, grace, and sophistication." He tunred his nose up at them.

"Aw, you're just jealous because we show you up!" Heath taunted him.

"That's right! Why when me and Heath get all gussied up, it drives the women wild and you can't stand the competition!"

"Hah!, You brother Nick, will be out of the running which leaves more women for me!" laughs Jarrod.

"And me!" Heath chimes in smiling.

"Well, the ladies of Stockton will still be in mourning for me, before they turn to you two, the second best of the Barkley breed!"

"Oh is that so?! Considering some of the women I've seen you with in the past, it's not saying much!" Jarrod teased.

"Yeah, I always figured Laura took pity on him anyway!" Heath joined Jarrod in the ripping.

"Pity is right! She could have done better!" Jarrod smoothes back his hair at his comment.

"Who? Like you ? Hah! You're just jealous!" Nick looked at himself in the mirror, "I'm quite a catch after all." Nick smirked at his brothers.

"Yes, isn't that what your old friend Belle told your intended?" Jarrod couldn't resist reminding Nick of that heated arguement with Laura.

Nick groaned, "Don't remind me of that!"

Jarrod looks at his pocket watch. "Hey you two, we better get a move on. Look at the time!"

Are you ready?" Heath asked Nick. "I'm ready, you got the ring?"

"Oh yeah! Where did I put it?" Heath feels around in his jacket pocket. He looks at Nick and Jarrod with a sick look on his face.

"You better not have lost it Heath!"

"Try your vest pocket," suggests Jarrod. Heath searches his vest pocket and finds the ring, He holds it up, displaying it on his index finger.

"Whew!" Nick and Jarrod breathe out a relaxing breath. "You're going to give me a stroke one day Boy!" Nick hits Heath on the shoulder.

Jarrod opened the bedroom door, "Come on you two, get down there and wait while I get the bride. Hopefully she hasn't backed out yet."

"Wouldn't blame her," Heath joked.

"SHUT UP!" gripes Nick. Jarrod smiles as he watches his two brothers walk down the back staircase to meet the preacher in the grand parlor. Then he heads towards Laura's bedroom door and knocks.

"Who is it?" asks Laura.

"It's your attorney, any last words before sentence is pronounced?"

"Come in Jarrod," She laughs.

He opened the door to find Laura dressed in her wedding gown. She glistened in the white satin dress, decorated with pearls and crystal beading, from the bodice to the form fitting empire skirt, which clinged to her, then fanned out at just above the ankle. The sleeves of the dress were short and puffy made of soft satin, slightly off the shoulder, with a neckline low enough to show some cleavage, but still modest enough to be elegant. Her train was made of white silk and casaded from the back of the dress from the shoulder to beyond the length of the floor. On her arms were long white gloves, and in her hands she held a cascading bouquet of white flowers, with a pink rose in the middle of the bouquet, that she retrieved from her breakfast tray. Instead of a traditional veil, her hair was cascaded with ringlets, decorated with fresh flowers dotting her hair.

Jarrod was speechless at the vision before him.


"Laura, you are a vision, positively exquisite. You take my breath away."

"Thank you so much Jarrod, but surely you must be glad to get rid of me."

"I think I am going to miss having you in my custody. I hate having to give you up to my undeserving brother."

"No Jarrod, I'm undeserving, Nick is my heart, and I am the lucky one."

"My guess is that you are both lucky." Jarrod offered his arm to her, "Lets get you in this family, shall we?"

"Lets." They walk out of the room and meet Audra at the top of the stairs. Audra is dressed in a very pale green gown, she holds a bouquet of pink flowers.

"You look beautiful Audra," Jarrod smiled at his sister.

"I'll see you down there," Audra waved at them then began her descent slowly on time to the music.

Jarrod looks at Laura, "Nervous?"

"Strangely enough, I'm not."

"Good. I am, so I'll depend on you to hold me up."

"I'm right here for you Jarrod," She smiled as he pat her hand. They await their muscial cue.

In the grand parlor all eyes turn to the top of the staircase as Audra descended. Victoria smiled proudly as she watched her beautiful daughter, looking very much like a confident young woman. She turned slightly and spied Heath and Nick from the corner of her eye as they stood near Reverend Stacy both smiling at their sister.

Heath gulped down a breath of air tugging again at his collar. Nick stared at Audra taking a deep cleansing breath to settle his nerves; then he glanced over to the preacher who gave Nick a reassuring smile.

Audra reached her destination, the opposite side of Nick and Heath. The siblings smile at eachother, but when the wedding march begins, their eyes turn to the top of the stairs, as they await for their first glimpse of the bride.

At the top of the stairs, Jarrod grinned at Laura; "You know you don't have to do this, we can always run down the back stairs."

Laura starts laughing, as did Jarrod. "Stop making me laugh, Jarrod! We're suppose to be serious." She whispered.

"I am serious, lets go!" he whisperd back, smiling, pretending to pull her away.

"Stop it! Now I can't stop laughing, damn you!"

"Okay, lets take a few deep breaths. I'm sorry, really, we have to be serious," confessed Jarrod.

"Okay, serious," she took in a deep breath, "Sure could use a drink."

"Me too, wish I kept a bottle in my room," complained Jarrod.

"We'll just have to consider that next time. For medicinal purposes of course." She took another deep breath.

"Of course," agreed Jarrod, smoothing down his shirt front.

"We should go down there before the orchestra finishes the music Jarrod," Laura suggested.

"You're right of course, but you do have the added assurance that they can't start without you," Jarrod advised.

"Could we just please go? Everyone is waiting for us!"

"If you insist."

"Don't make me laugh again!" She slapped his arm.

"Sorry," His blue eyes mischieviously twinkling.

Meanwhile, the guests downstairs start to fidget in their seats. Nick whispered to Heath, "Where is she?"

"You don't suppose she changed her mind?"

"I'll kill her!" Nick says under his breathe. Heath taps him on the arm.

"It's okay, relax,there she is... Boy howdy, would you look at that!"

All eyes turn as Laura walks down the stairs on Jarrod's arm. Guest smile and nod their approval, a few whispers are heard. Audra smiles, and Victoria's eyes tear up. Nick watches as his bride walks towards him, his eyes focus on nothing but her. Heath smiles as he notices his brother's face.

"Nick? you okay?" Heath whispered to him.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life," Nick said breathless without taking his eyes away from her. The bride arrived near her groom, they smile at eachother.



Reverend Stacy begins, "We are gathered here to join this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony. Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" asked the Reverend.

Jarrod placed Laura's hand in Nick's hand, "I do, in her father's name," answered Jarrod, smiling.

Laura smiled at Jarrod. She hears familiar voices as Jarrod kisses her cheek.

"Daughter... , me sweet colleen..."

She looked up at Nick and smiled biting her bottom lip, he smiled and shook his head as if to admonish her, of that silly habit.

"She's in your custody now brother Nick," Jarrod couldn't help but joke.

"Thanks Pappy." Jarrod takes his seat next to his mother.

The Reverend Stacy turned to Nick, "Do you, Nicholas Jonathan Barkley, take this woman to be your lawful, wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, forsaking all others so long as you both shall live? "

"I do." Nick said smiling, not once taking his eyes off his bride.

"And do you, Laura Meredith Thomas, take this man to be your lawful, wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, forsaking all others so long as you both shall live?"

" I do." She answered smiling, her eyes never off his handsome face.

"Join hands and repeat after me." Laura gives her bouquet to Audra then takes Nick's hands in hers.

Nick repeats his vows first:

"I Nicholas, take you Laura, to be my wife, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, and I pledge to be a loving and faithful husband, until death parts us from eachother."

Laura repeats her vows next:

"I Laura, take you Nicholas, to be my husband, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, and I pledge to be a loving and faithful wife, until death parts us from eachother."

"Who has the rings?"

"I do." answered Heath as he searches his pocket and comes up with two rings on his finger. He breathes a sigh of relief, and smiles at Nick. Then he gives the rings to the preacher. Nick glances over to him, and smiles approvingly at Heath's success.

"As these rings have no end so shall this union be."

The Reverend gives Nick a ring, telling him to repeat :

"I Nicholas, give you, Laura, this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness."

Laura repeats the same:

"I Laura, give you, Nicholas, this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness."

"If anyone has an objection to this union let him speak now or forever hold his peace.
Having witnessed Nicholas and Laura, exchanging of rings and pledging of their love for one another, I now pronounce them husband and wife. What God has joined together let no man put assunder. You may kiss the bride Nick."

"With pleasure," he smiled. They kiss eachother.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have the great pleasure of introducing to you, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Barkley!" Victoria is the first to hug and kiss the new couple. "Finally!" she almost shouts out.

Everyone laughs, hugs and kiss eachother, congratulations are all around. The guests follow the bride and groom to the dining room, where everyone takes their seat for the wedding feast. The servants begin to serve the meal and pour champagne for a toast .

Nick smiles at his new bride as the sit at the table. "Do you know what Heath said to me when he first saw you walk down that staircase?"

"Let me guess, did it start with, 'Boy Howdy'?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, it did!" Nick laughed.

Jarrod stood up from his seat, "Now listen everyone, we need to have a toast first before we do any eating, so Heath as Best Man you need to do the honors. Come on Heath, get up!"

Heath reluctantly stands from his seat. He picks up his champagne glass.

"Ya know, the only thing bad with being a best man is ya haveta make a toast, 'course ya gotta know which pocket ya put the wedding rings in too." Everyone laughs, Heath blushes, with a crooked grin for good measure, which makes everyone laugh more.

"This is the longest Heath has ever talked! It's a red letter day!" jokes Nick, encouraging more laughter.

"Boy Howdy Nick! With you around, who can get two words in anyway! Now, you shut up and let me talk for a change." The bride an groom smile then kiss eachother.

"Yeah, that's good Laura, keep yer man busy."

"Continue Heath, I'll try to keep him quiet." Laura promised.

"Well sister-in-law, that's gonna be a full time job for ya!" Heath laughed.

"Heath! Get on with the toast! Everyone's thirsty!"

"I'm coming to it! ...Well, when Laura first came to this valley, she had a lot of men after her, me and Jarrod included, but for some reason she liked ole Nick best, don't rightly know why 'cause Nick is the homeliest of the Barkley brothers. I'm guessin' she just took pity on 'em."

"Aw Now! I 'm not gonna take this!" bellowed Nick.

"Shh, let your brother talk, this is too rare an opportunity to miss!" His Mother noted laughing.

"Okay, here goes!" smiles Heath. Everyone cheered him on..

"To Nick and Laura, here's wishing ya both long life, prosperity and lots of little Barkleys."

Everyone applauds and takes their toast.

"Ya know, I never thought I would ever say this, but I thought Heath would never shut up!"

Nick laughs, as he sips his champagne.


After the dinner, servants push out a five layer wedding. Silas hands Laura a large knife decorated with strings of satin ribbons.

"Here you go Mrs. Nick, for cuttin' the cake."

"Mrs. Nick, Silas?" Laura laughs at the new name she's given.

"Yer not Miss Laura no mo and there's only one Mrs. Barkley."

"That is a fact Silas, just like there's only one Silas." She wrapped her arms around Silas, and gave him a peck on the cheek. Silas pats his cheek where she kissed him.

"Oh my, Mrs. Nick, oh my!"

"Whatta doin' getting Silas all flustered like that?" complained Nick, good naturedly.

"I'm going to miss him when we leave. Who's going to give me coffee in the morning?"

"I think I can manage that while we're away."

The new Mr. and Mrs. Nick Barkley cut the wedding cake and feed eachother while guests look on and applaud. Nick kisses his wife. Then orchestra begins the first of the dance music.

"May I have this dance Milady?" He bows dramatically to her.

"You may have as many as you want Sir Knight," She curtsied.

"A far cry from the first time we danced. Remember what you called me?" said Nick. He takes her onto the dance floor in the grand parlor, they begin twirling around the dance floor.

"I didn't call you anything when we first dance," She protested.

"Oh yes, you did, something about a bore, I think." Nick teased her playfully.

"Actually, I think it was a rude, insensitive clod," She smiled back at him.

"Of course, how could I forget, you always did have a way with words Mrs. Barkley. Especially when you were insulting me." They laugh kissing eachother.

"I'm sorry I called you those names Nick."

"Well, you can call me any name you want, as long as husband is included in that list."

"Always, husband." They dance on... eyes only on eachother.


Victoria was chatting with some of the ladies of Stockton, enjoying the gala before her. "Nick was going to take her to San Francisco, but since she spend a good part of her life there already she wanted to go someplace else."

"So where are they going on their honeymoon?" asked Mrs. Miles.

"Sacramento, four weeks, they will be leaving on the midnight train tonight."

"The Capitol city, how exciting, I've only been there once, it's a beautiful city. They are going to have so much fun there."

"Oh, I'm sure they will," adds Victoria smiling, "We just have to make sure they leave here in plenty of time to catch the train."

"Oh, but that's such a long ride and at midnight too," added Mrs. Gardner.

"Oh they will be quite comfortable, they will be using Jarrod's private pullman, the one he takes when he travels to San Francisco."

"Well, that was very generous of Jarrod," Mrs. Miles added.

"It was Jarrod's gift to them," Victoria beams as she watches her son dancing with his bride. "They are so wonderful together, you know, I should have a dance with my son before he leaves on his honeymoon, but they are so sweet together I hate to interfer."

Heath taps Nick on the shoulder, while he dances with Laura. "Yeah, what do you want?" Nick growled.

"I want to dance with the bride, why don't you go fill your face with something while I dance with my new sister; I am the Best Man after all," Heath informed him.

"Okay, I could use another drink, don't step on her toes!" Nick warned him.

"I'll try my best not to hurt her now go away," Heath smiles as Nick strides off. Laura wraps her arms around the blond Barkley. "You have improved since the last time we danced, Heath."

"Audra insisted she was gonna to get me to do it right, she didn't want me to embarass her when I dance with her friends."

"You have become a wonderful dancer. Maybe this time next year we'll be dancing at your wedding," Laura smiled at him.

"Now why is it anytime a woman gets married she can't resist getting everybody else married? You just save your matchmaking for Audra. She's the one who wants to get
married next."

"Heath, I think you would make a wonderful husband."

"Maybe so, but now that Nick is out of the competition I mean to take some advantage before I settle down with one woman."

"Heath, do you mind if we sit this one out, my feet are killing me."

"Okay by me, come on I'll get us something to drink." They walk to some chairs in the corner of the parlor. Heath grabs two champagne glasses off a passing tray and hands one to Laura.

"Oh, thank you, Heath. It's good to get off my feet, I don't think I've danced this much since I was in school."

"Hey sister-in-law, you wanna go outside and sneak a smoke with me?" Heath smiles a wicked smile at her.

"You stop that Heath Barkley, you know your brother would kill me if he ever caught me doing that!" Heath laughs, "Remember when Mother caught you?"

"Don't remind me, I could have died of embarassment! Thank God, she never told Nick! I totally blame you for tempting me!"

"Me?! You were the one who begged me to try it!"

"Oh be quiet! I did not! Besides you could have said no to me."

"Oh yeah, like ya would ever take no for an answer!"

"Are you saying I'm stubborn?!" She feigns shock.

"Come on, we all know how stubborn ya are, we just ain't sure which one of ya is worse, you or Nick!"

"You know, just for that my dear brother-in-law I am going to make it my duty in life to see you are the next to get married!" She squeezes his arm and laughs.

"Oh no you don't!" Heath shakes his finger at her. Jarrod walks over to them and sits down.

"Say it isn't so, Heath and Laura quarreling? Now I've seen everything!" Jarrod pretends to be shocked.

"No, Heath is the only one in the family I can't rile up, no matter how hard I try." She hugs Heath's arm, and gives him a peck on the cheek.

"That's good to know, how about a dance with your handsome brother-in-law?"

"She already did that with me." Heath grinned teasingly.

"I meant me! Your other handsome brother-in-law!" answered Jarrod.

"Actually, I' m still dancing with Heath, we are just sitting this one out."

"Oh, in that case I'll sit this one out with you." Jarrod smiled sweetly.

Chapter 40


As the wedding goes on, Nick and Laura seem to be having an important discussion while they are dancing together. The bride listens while her groom tries to convince her of his plan.

"Well, what do you say?"

"We are in the middle of a wedding Nick!"

"Not true, the wedding is over, this is the party and everyone knows wedding parties are for the guests, not the bride and groom."

"There are over a hundred guests here. Don't you think they would notice us gone?"

"With all the champagne everyone has drunk, not a chance!"

"Your family will notice. Look at your mother, she's beaming at us. How could we just disappear without her knowing?"

"She would certainly understand."

"I don't think so Nick," She shook her head at him.

"Laura, why the hell do you have to be so damn stubborn?!" He clenched his teeth.

"I am being reasonable, just because I don't agree with you, you argue that I'm stubborn! I am not stubborn!" She clenched her teeth right back at him.

"Right, and my name's not Nick Barkley!" He added sarcastically.

The music ended and everyone stops dancing to wait for another song. Victoria joins them, admiring her son dressed handsomely in a black tuxedo, as she rubs his arm.

"I do believe you owe your mother another dance. Do you mind Laura?"

"Not at all Victoria, I could use a cold drink, excuse me." Laura walked away to look for some champagne, feeling quite grateful to get away from arguing with her stubborn husband, when a hand grabs her.

"Mrs. Barkley may I have the pleasure of this dance?"

"Judge Needham, the pleasure is all mine!" She dances with the judge who played a large part in her father's murder inquest. Nick looks anxiously over his mother's shoulder at his bride.

"Nick, is anything wrong?" Victoria wonders.

"No mother, what makes you think that?"

"You seem a bit anxious."

"Do I? I guess I am looking forward to getting out of these clothes," Nick smiles while small beads of sweat begin to form on his brow from his anxiety.

"I know, but you look so handsome!" She smiles proudly at her son..

"Thank you Mother. Infact, before I forget, thank you for everything."

"Your welcome sweetheart." She kisses his cheek.

"I hope you're happy Nicholas."

"I could be a lot happier if I could get out of these clothes, Mother. You have no idea!" Nick exhales out some of his nervousness.

"You will be leaving for your honeymoon soon. Everything is ready, the train leaves for Sacramento at midnight tonight, and Jarrod's private car awaits you, already hooked onto the train."

Nick suddenly beams as he gives his mother an unexpected kiss, on her lips, "Thank you Mother!"

"What was that for?!"

"You just gave me a brilliant arguement for my side!" Nick rushes his mother over to Judge Needham and Laura who are still dancing. Nick taps the judge on the shoulder.

"Judge, my mother is dieing to dance with you!" Victoria looks at him surprised.

"Well, it's my pleasure dear lady. You don't mind, do you Mrs. Barkley?" The Judge looks in Laura's direction, all eyes look at her awaiting an answer.

"OH, you were speaking to me! I'm sorry, not use to the new name. Please Judge Needham, go right ahead. Victoria, it is true what everyone says, the judge is a most wonderful dancer."

"I look forward to it then!" She added politely. The judge moves Victoria onto the dance floor. Laura stares at her new husband.

"What's going on in that twisted mind of yours Nick Barkley!?" She whispered suspiciously.

"Let's dance. I have something for ya to think about!" He smiles delightfully.

"Is is good?" She eyed him cautiously.

He takes her in his arms as they dance again. "It's brilliant if I do say so myself, and I do! Now, answer me this Mrs. Barkley. Where are we going from here?"

"On our honeymoon to Sacramento of course."

"That's right! And how are we getting there?"

"By train."


"In Jarrod's private pullman car of course."


"Yes, what?"

"Think about it. Jarrod's private car, the one he takes to San Francisco all the time. The one he sleeps in! Think about it! Jarrod's bed!"

"Oh my! Oh no,... Jarrod's bed! ... Damn! I never thought about it that way!" Her face revealing her disappointment. Nick's smile widens as if its about to burst.

"Yeah well, think about it!" Nick said, beside himself with joy at winning his arguement.

"Okay, you win," she sighed surrendering to his arguement.

"Finally, I won one!" Nick shouted.

"Don't get too use to your victory, I don't give up that easily!"

"Don't I know it! But still, I won this one and that's big!" Nick's face almost pained him, smiling so much over his victory.

"So, Sir Nick, how do we get past our loyal subjects, and over the moat?"


"Up the stairs."

"Stairs will be easy! Follow me, Milady," Nick smiled wickedly as he led her through the kitchen.


The kitchen is filled with all types of maids and servants milling about, and Silas happily overseeing the entire brigade."

"Mr. Nick! Do ya need anything?" Silas said, pleased with the way everything is going.

"Silas, you are doing a great job, we are both very pleased!" compliments Nick.

"Oh thank ya Mr. Nick! It's my pleasure!" thrilled that Nick actually gave him a compliment, not easily obtained from the middle son.

"Yes Silas, everything is just wonderful," Laura agreed gratefully.

"But ya know Silas, we could use your help in one thing," Nick added.

"Of course Mr. Nick, anything. Ya just name it!" Silas was delighted to be of service.

"If anyone ask you and your staff, ya never saw us!"



"Ya can count on Silas Mr. Nick!"

"I knew I could Silas, good man!"

Nick slaps him on the shoulder, then leads Laura up the back steps.


As they are about to steal into Nick's room, they are met by the maid of honor, Nick's sister. "Hey where are you two going?"

"Audra!" Laura smiled, feeling embarrassed at being caught.

"We were just gonna get ready ta go, don't want to miss that train!" Nick lied.

"Oh well, good I'll help you get dressed!" Audra offered her services as a good maid of honor.

"That's not necessary Audra, I can manage on my own," the bride insisted.

"You can't manage that dress on your own, it has so many, well, you know..."

"I'll help her Audra." Nick offered.

"You?! ....Oh..., yes of course, you can do that, well, all right. I ... guess." Audra blushed at them.

"Why doncha go downstairs and join the fun, that Evans fellow has been looking for ya."
Nick encouraged her.

"Oh, he has? Then I better go." Nick pushes Laura into his room as he waves good bye to Audra. Then Audra stops them, "Oh wait! You can't."

"What is it now?!" Nick says impatiently.

"You can't get dressed in there, all your clothes are in your room Laura."

"Yes, that's right Nick. Thanks for reminding me, Audra. Nick lets go get my things, then I can change."

"Yeah, sure okay," He said even more impatient.

Nick strolled into Laura's room to help with her things. Audra gathered up some of them.

"I'll take that Audra, why don't you go downstairs and enjoy the party."

"All right. I guess you can manage from here." Audra leaves the room, and joins the party downstairs. Nick breathes a sigh of relief.

"That was close!" Sweat formed on his brow.

"Too close, we're going to get caught, Nick! We almost did! Maybe we shouldn't!"

"WE ARE MARRIED LAURA!" He whispered loudly.

"I KNOW THAT NICK!" She whispered loudly back.

"Two words! Just two words I have for you Mrs. Barkley! JARROD'S BED!"

She heaves a long sigh, bites her lower lip and shakes her head, "I don't know Nick, I feel very wicked, all those people downstairs and us up here..."

Nick laughs devilishly. "Yeah, I know!" He pushes her into his bedroom, holding all her clothes with the other hand.


They take Laura's clothes in Nick's bedroom. Nick throws them on the sofa in his room.

"Nick! Careful with that; I have to wear that later!" She straightens out the clothes he threw on the sofa, near the fireplace. Nick locks the bedroom door. She turns towards him. "What did you just do?"

"Locked the door." He pulls off his tuxedo tails and throws the coat on a near by chair.

"Oh.." She smiled shyly biting her bottom lip.

She feels her face rising to a blush, then turns away. Nick smiles and stands behind her, putting his arms around her waist. He nuzzles her on the neck, she closed her eyes as she enjoys feeling his arms around her.

"Finally alone," Nick smiled delighted.

"Do you think we have time?"

"More than enough, trust me."

"I really do need help with this dress, you know, I can't manage it alone."

"You don't have to manage anything alone now," He kissed sweetly her on the shoulder.

"Oh, ...I ah, if you could just... there's alot of buttons, and you have to unhook the train."

"I'll try to be careful." Nick began by unhooking the train of the dress, letting it drop on the floor, then moves ahead to unbutton the endless row of buttons. About twenty buttons later and nowhere closer to the end.

"That seamstress you go to; is she good at her job?" Nick wondered outloud.

"Yes, Madam Claire is very good; why?"

"Good! Have her fix this dress for you," He tore apart the rest of the dress, the buttons fly every which way around the room.

"Nick! You've ruin my dress!"

"You' re not going to wear it again!" The dress falls to the floor. She looks down at her feet, and the dress all around her.

"Step out of it," he ordered. She does as she is told. He kicks the dress away with he boot. She turned to face him.

"How am I going to explain that dress to Madame Claire?"

"I don't much care or give a damn!!" He smiled, as he unbuttons his collar after pulling off his tie. She eyes him angrily, then pulls his shirt apart, his buttons flying away.

"You can explain that to your mother!" Nick laughed then stared at what looked like rather tight corset.

"What the hell are you wearing woman?!"

"You know very well it's a corset. I 'm sure you've seen one before!"

"Don't start! Now turn around!" He scowled then turned her around roughly.

"Look at this! All tied up like a calf for branding! You remember this, Milady this is the last corset you are ever going to wear, because I am not going through this again!"

She smiled, as he struggles to get the corset off.

"Ah damn it! Where's my knife?!" He hollered looking around.

"NO! I'll take it off my self! This cost a lot of money!"

"Well, you wasted your money!" She shimmies herself out of the corset, as it also falls to the floor. He watches her delighted.

"I kinda enjoyed watching you do that," he smiles wickedly.

"See, a corset does have it's advantages. Now you, Mr. Barkley...."


Downstairs, Victoria walks into the kitchen. "Silas, have you seen Nick and Laura?"

"They' re dancing, Missus." Silas avoided her eyes.

"No, I haven't seen them dancing in some time, they seem to be missing." Audra walked into the kitchen.

"Silas, we're running out of champagne."

"I got more bottles to chillin... Miss Audra." Grateful to be away from Mrs. Barkley's probing questions.

"Audra have you seen Nick and Laura?"

"Yes mother, they went upstairs to change their clothes."

"And when was that? It's almost time for them to leave."

"I guess some time ago. I really don't remember." Victoria quietly headed up the back steps to the bedrooms. She knocks on Laura's door, "Laura are you in there?" No answer, Victoria tried the door, but found the room empty. So she walked on towards Nick's bedroom. She knocked on the door, no answer. She tried the bedroom door and found it locked; a knowing look crossed her face. She raps on the door louder.

"NICK! You must hurry! you'll be late! NICHOLAS!"

Laura is coiled in Nick's embrace on the bed, sleeping peacefully when she is awakened from her slumber by Victoria's voice. Startled she shakes Nick awake. "Nick, your mother is at the door! I told you we would get caught!" She whispered.

"Huh? What?!" He said blurry eyed.

"Your mother, she's at the door!" Nick jumps out of bed pulling his pants on quickly. Laura gathered up the covers around her.

"I don't have anything to wear! Don't open the door!" She whispered to him. Nick walked over to the door, trying to calm her with a wave of his hand.

"Shush! Get my robe, it's on the chair!" he whispered ...." Yes mother, what is it?"

"Nick it's almost time for you to leave, you'll miss your train if you don't leave soon."

"Yes Mother, we getting ready now." He watched as Laura covered her nakedness with his robe. He smiled and wanted her all over again. "Just what time is it Mother?" he shouted through the door.

"You have a little more than two hours Nick before that train leaves."

Nick smiled. "That's plenty of time," he smirked....." we'll be right down, Mother. .... Later."

"I'm sorry Nick, what did you say? I didn't hear what you said," Victoria asked through the door.

"We'll be down, in plenty of time." Nick walked over to where Laura was standing at the foot of the bed, wearing his robe.

"You know that robe doesn't fit ya, it's mine, wear your own robe."

"But I don't have my robe in here." She pouted mockingly.

"Well, that's your problem! This is my robe!" He untied the sash and pulled it off.

"Nick, what are doing, ....Nick? Nick... We don't have time for this..." She giggled.



As time moved closer to their leaving on their honeymoon:

Laura looked at herself in the full length mirror, and buttons up the dark blue suit jacket, over her skirt.

"Oh, look at my hair; it's a mess! The flowers have all fallen out of it, I'll never get my hair back to the way it was. I look a mess!" Nick sauntered up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck.

"You look like my beautiful bride, my wife, my best friend, my lover." They look at their reflections in the full length mirror and smile at eachother.

"I've never felt so happy and so satisfied in my life," she smiled at his reflection.

He kissed her cheek, "Glad I could oblige."

"You were right, this was the best thing for us to do," she patted his arms around her waist.

"A husband is always right in these matters," He smirked, giving her another peck on the cheek.

"Now don't get carried away Nicholas Barkley. You won't win all our arguements!"

"Oh, I am sure of that!" She turns in his arms, they embrace and kiss, "I love you."

"I love you too," He answered as another kiss past between the lovers.

"We really have to leave or we are sure to miss that train tonight," she warned him.

"Oh no, not just yet, I have something for ya." Nick walked over to his bureau and pulled out a flat blue velvet box. She smiles at him, "What's that?"

"Open it Mrs. Barkley and find out!" She carefully opened the blue velvet box and the sight of the contents took her breath away.

"Oh my God, Nick! This is too extravigant! I can't accept this!"

"I'm not taking it back, I've had it for too long anyway. I bought it in San Francisco, months ago."

"But a diamond necklace, no this is too much! I can't accept this!"

"I wanted to give it to ya yesterday, but I was afraid you'd throw it at me, so I though I would wait until ya calmed down, I really had planned for you to wear it when we got married, but that didn't work out either."

"I don't deserve this, I was awful to you, yesterday, Nick."

"I deserved what ya said, I should have told ya about the Jenkins family a long time ago. I promise I won't keep things from ya again, except maybe a birthday surprise once in a while."

"I don't know what to say, Nick," Her eyes glistened with tears.

"Well then, now that's worth the price of the necklace to get ya to be quiet!"

"You haven't got enough money to keep my mouth shut Nicholas Jonathan Barkley!"

"I was afraid of that! Well, at least I tried. Now are ya going to put on that necklace, we'll miss the train if we don't go soon. You've kept me up here long enough with your wanton ways woman!"

"I've kept you here?!"

"Turn around, let me put that necklace on ya." She holds up her hair so that he can fasten the clasp, he kisses her neck.

"There, all done, now Mrs. Barkley are ya ready to leave or do ya want to seduce me some more?"

"You just wish Mr. Barkley, you just wish! Come on, everyone is waiting to see us off."


Nick opened the door for her following her out. Nick was dressed in a dark grey suit and black ribbon tie. They head down the stairs. Greeters are already at the foot of the stair waiting for them. Laura feels her face flush from all the attention.

"Oh my goodness, they know!" she whispered to Nick.

"Relax, no they don't, most of them are too drunk to even notice,"

Audra is at the foot of the stairs when she yelled up to them, "Throw the bouquet! Come on Laura, where's the bouquet, you have to throw it before you leave!"

"Oh no, I left the bouquet in the bedroom!" Victoria stands behind the couple on the stairs.

"Nevermind, I'll get that bouquet for you, Laura." Victoria heads towards the bedroom.

"Oh wait!, No Victoria! No, I'll get it!" Laura cried out after her.

"Too late!" Nick said with a sly smirk on his face, as he watched his mother walk into his bedroom.

"DAMN IT!" Laura said under her breath, causing Nick to burst out laughing.

As Victoria entered the room to look for the bouquet, she noticed Nick's bed unmade and the blankets and pillows at the foot of the bed on the floor. She also found wedding clothes
discarded everywhere, including an array of little white buttons dotting the floor. She grabbed the bouquet that she found on Nick's bureau and smiled knowingly, shaking her head.

She handed the bouquet to the bride. "Here you are, Laura." Victoria smiled at her new daughter in law.

"Thank you," She said blushing crimson, and biting her lip at the same time.

"Throw it, so we can get the hell outta here! Come on!" Nick coaxes his bride. Laura pulled the pink rose out from the bouquet and placed it in her button hole. Then turning her back she threw the bouquet over the stair bannister. It falls right into Heath's hands.

"Hey!, I don't want it!" Heath yelled out then throws it to Audra.

"Let's go!" Nick shouted smiling..

Nick and Laura run down the stairs under flying rice. Outside in the warm August night air they climb into a waiting carriage, that had shoes, old tins cans and a Just Married
sign hanging on the back of it.. Nick took the reins of the horse and forced it into a full gallop as they wave at everyone standing on the veranda.


They drive a little way until they come to the edge of Barkley property, Nick stopped the carriage.

"Nick, what are you doing?" wondered the new Mrs. Barkley. He climbed out to the carriage and pulls off the Just Married Sign and yanks at the shoes and tin cans until they are also free of the carriage.

"I'll be damned if I going into Stockton with these things hanging off the carriage!"

"That's better, now we look like an old married couple. No one will ever suspect!" She said laughing as she shook more rice out of her hair.

"Be quiet woman, a man doesn't need any guff from his wife at this time of the night!" He climbed back into the carriage grabbing the reins of the horse. Laura pulls Nick's arm to stop him.

"Nick wait ! Don't you know where we are?"

"Of course I do, we're at the edge of our property."

"No, not that, look over there, remember?"

"All I see is a fence post."

"Oh Nick!, don't you remember? This is where we first met."


"Laura, this is Nick and Heath Barkley." Carson Thomas said in introduction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Laura smiled at them.

"Laura, is it? A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Nick smiled, barely taking his eyes from her.

"Thank you Mr. Barkley," she said smiling in return.

"The name's Nick." His hazel eyes twinkling.


Nick smiled at his new wife. "A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." They kiss eachother, then Nick flicks the horse reins to start again.

"You know, when we get to Sacramento, remind me to send a wire to Heath; that damn fence post needs mending again."



Next: Nick and Laura's honeymoon adventures in: