Parts 1-5

by Mrs. Nick B.





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





"Faith cannot exist without Love, and Love cannot exist without Faith"

(paraphrased from writings of St.  Paul)


"He who loses faith loses love."




Prologue (ending excerpt from Answered Prayers)


Heath & Hope


That Summer Heath and Hope were married in a beautiful garden ceremony at the Barkley Ranch.  As a surprise to his new bride Heath had arranged to have Hope's family brought out to the ranch for the wedding.  Hope's brother Sean, a newly ordained priest, performed the wedding ceremony.  Hope had made her wedding dress.  It was a simple but elegant gown of ivory silk.  The dress was fitted at the waist with 3/4 length sleeves and ivory colored lace sewn on the edges that reached down to her wrists.  The same lace covered over the dress like a long opened coat.  The neckline was a wedding ring style adorned with roses sewn around it.  A wreath of small white flowers crowned the lovely bride's head and held a sheer silk veil.  Hope's bouquet of ivory roses was specially grown in Victoria's rose garden. 


Six month old, Colleen Victoria Barkley, also wore a silk and lace dress, similar to the bride and was the unofficial flower girl.  She was carried down the aisle by her mother.  Bridget Dougherty served as her sister's maid of honor.  Nick was Heath's best man.  The bride was given away by both her mother and father, Michael and Margaret Dougherty.  After a three week honeymoon at Milady's Camp in Indian Springs, the couple settled into a newly built home a short mile from the Barkley mansion.  It was a large two story whitewashed house, with a wrap-a-round porch that went from the front of the house to the side where Heath and Hope's bedroom was located.  The large bedroom naturally faced the Eastern sky so that the young couple could enjoy the early morning sunrise, before they commenced to "messing up" the day. 



Jarrod and Carol


They also had a house built on the Barkley Ranch, not far from Heath and Hope's.  It was a smaller but a richly elegant house, just like the occupants.  It was painted white with black shutters and a large front porch that held two white rocking chairs, that were for the most part seldom used except when Laura came to call on those rare occasions with young Colleen.  Jarrod loved to sit with his sister-in-law on the porch and rock his little niece.


The attorney had reopened his law practice in Stockton, but this time he had a partner, C.B.  Holister, who's specialty was women's issues.  C.B.  had become a formidable force in California politics as she became Senator Bannard's assistant in Sacramento for the affairs of women and children.  She had managed to convince the old Senator that laws protecting women and children were seriously lacking and although they had yet to succeed in passing protective laws, they at least made lawmakers in Sacramento aware of the problem.


As much as Jarrod would have loved it, he and Carol didn't have children, but he did manage to have two nieces and a nephew to spoil.  Heath and Hope's first child had turned out to be twins, a boy named Michael and a girl named Leah.  He loved the children but most of Jarrod's attention was paid to the niece he called.  'My little Princess'.  Hardly a visit from Uncle Jarrod was not without some small token gift to the little dark haired girl whose eyes were extraordinarily and penetratingly blue.



Victoria Barkley


Although Heath no longer lived at the main house, he and Nick still ran the ranch together.  Sundays the entire family came to the Barkley Mansion to spend the day.  Victoria was beside herself with joy because she had more family around her than ever before.  She still maintained her matriarch status in the house although she slowly gave away some of her authority to Nick's wife, who was very careful to discuss all household decisions with the silver haired woman, whom Nick sometimes called the Duchess.



Nick and Laura


Tried as they might it looked to the disappointed couple that Colleen would be their only child.  Laura kept herself busy with the library and her sister-in-law Carol urged her to become more involved in Women's suffrage.  It was a cause close to Laura's heart and she clandestinely organized the Stockton Women's Literary Club that would meet at the Stockton library once a month, with Carol Holister Barkley often spearheading the discussions that had little to do with literature, unless it was written by Lucretia Mott, Susan B.  Anthony or Elizabeth Cady Stanton. 

Nick adored his wife and child but secretly longed for more children.  It was his brother Heath, who with Hope's encouragement became a baptized Catholic, continued to urge his big brother into keeping faith.


Whenever Nick felt discouraged it was his dear brother and best friend Heath, who reminded him with one word, "Faith."




Part 1


Doctor Howard Merar delivered more babies and saved more lives than anyone could count.  Many people in the valley owed their lives to the man.  Victoria Barkley knew only too well how her dear old friend and physician had saved her own children, and last year her grandchild, when three year old Colleen took a spill from a pony, in an attempt to imitate her Papa.  Little Colleen Victoria Barkley had been in a coma for three days.  The ordeal terrified her mother and tore her father apart with guilt.   It was Howard Merar's quick wit that saved the child and possibly Nick and Laura's marriage at the time.   The child's illness placed a heavy strain on the couple's marriage.  Nick had begun to drink heavily and he and Laura quarreled bitterly.   It frightened Victoria to see the young couple fight.  Of course they fought many times before but never as angrily as those days.   It took all Victoria's strength to keep her promise to not get involved in their quarrels, but the arguments had been filled with harsh words, and she found herself seeking comfort in her bible and earnest prayers more each day for solace.


"Grandlee! Grandlee! Look! Look!"


Victoria turned smiling at the little girl calling her name.  Four year old Colleen Victoria was the center of the Barkley household.  She was a petite child with a small pixie-like face that held a button nose.  She had jet black ringlet hair and piercing blue eyes.  Her voice had a clear, melodic sound.  Victoria imagined her beautiful granddaughter may have a voice for singing one day, but for now she captured the heart of everyone who saw her angelic face and infectious smile. 


"Oh dear Colleen must you shout when you enter a room? You're just like your father." Although she admonished her, Victoria's face shone in a wide smile and her arms were opened in a welcoming hug. 


"Sorry Grandlee." She jutted out her bottom lip and made her blue eyes glisten with the right amount of teardrops.  Even at such a young age she knew well how to wrap anyone in the family around her finger.  "Look, a flower for you.  See?" The child held out a short stemmed pink rose.


"Young lady, have you been in the rose garden again, picking flowers? Now you know what your mother said about you doing that."


"I sorry Grandlee.  I forgot." The curly head bowed in remorse.  "Mama will punish me huh?"


"I will speak to her, but you mustn't do this again Colleen, or Mama will be very cross with you."


"I promise."


"Come along, let's find a small bowl and place it in water.  It will look lovely on Grandlee's writing desk."


She took her grandmother's hand to follow her out when the front door flew open.


"Hey! Where's the beautiful girls in my life?" Nick strutted in, throwing his hat on the table.


"Papa!" Colleen ran to her father.  He bent down and scooped her up in his arms giving her wet kisses all over her face and neck while she scrunched up her face and neck from his oncoming assaults.


"Hey Pixie face!"


"Papa you tickle!"


"I tickle huh? I'll show you tickling young lady! Take that and that!" He started to tickle her ribs as she squealed in delight.  He let her down on the floor and he knelt down so that he was eye level to her.  "Now suppose you tell me where your Mama is so I can tickle her too.  Huh?"


"Mama's at liberry!" She giggled until he finally stopped.


"Library huh? Kinda late for the library.  I'm afraid I'm gonna have to punish her when she gets home."


"Punish Mama?" She said with wide eyes.  "How?"


"Like this!" He grabbed her in a bear hug and kissed her ear and neck causing the little girl to giggle even more.


"That's not punish Papa! You're silly!" She said stopping him with a bear hug of her own with her thin waif-like arms.


"It's not? Oh well, I guess I'll have to think of something else." He smiled up at his mother who stood by enjoying the sight of her son and his daughter playing.


"Isn't Heath with you?" 


Heath and Hope had married two years before and had built a home about a mile from the main house, as the Barkley mansion was now referred to.  They were expecting their first child.


"He went home to eat and change.  He and Hope will be here for Doc Merar's party.  Why isn't Laura here?"


"I suppose she got caught up in some meeting.  She'll be home soon I'm sure." Nick grunted a terse reply, then looked down at his daughter.


"Colleen, why don't you go find Lupe?"


 "Lupe's upstairs."


"Then go see her.  Now."


"Ah aw right." She said with a pouty face. 


Nick pointed at her.  "Now don't go around with that face, you'll freeze up like that.  Go on, get!" He waited until his daughter disappeared from view then went to the parlor to pour a drink for himself.


"What's wrong Nick?"


"Laura's spending too much time at that place and not enough time home with our daughter." He gulped down the hot mixture then poured another one.


"Now Nick, you know how important it is for her to work there."


"Work? She doesn't need to work! Her work is here with that kid! She spends her time there plotting, you mark my words! Her and those other women, I'm not stupid you know.   I know Laura was directly responsible for getting that Dr. James to take over for Doctor Merar."


"But Dr. James is a fine doctor.  You said so yourself when she first came here under Howard's tutelage.  She's done wonderfully."


"There, that's the problem with her, you just hit the nail on the head."


"Oh for heaven's sake, what? Because she's a woman? Nick there are women doctors in this country and they are fine doctors."


"A woman's place is in the home!"


"Oh Nick, really." Victoria said annoyed.  She wondered if Nick would ever change his attitude about women and the times they lived in. 


The front door opened and Laura Barkley entered the house.  "Hello, sorry I'm late.  Agatha was showing us some wonderful new research equipment she ordered for her office.  Victoria, you should see the marvelous things she has in her office.  State of the art she called them, which she said means the best anyone can possibly have.  I tell you Stockton will be fortunate to have such a skilled doctor in our midst once Doctor Merar retires."


While she spoke she pulled her hat behind her back and snapped off her riding gloves.  She leaned over to kiss her husband's cheek while he stood near the liquor table.  "Hello sweetheart, how was your day? Where's Colleen?" She asked without taking a new breath.


"If you were home like a mother should be you would know where your daughter was." He said through clenched teeth.


"Oh Nick please don't start.  I stopped off for just a bit to see how Hope was doing.  She's positively glowing.  I must say being with child seems to agree with her." Victoria nodded her head in silent agreement.


"You can bet she'll be home to take care of her own kids!" Nick scowled.


"I suspect so, as will Heath." She had refused to be baited.


"Are you saying I'm not a good father?"


"No Nick, you're a wonderful father, but you're implying that I'm not a good mother and I resent that." She spoke the words calmly not wishing to get into another quarrel so soon after the one they had the night before.   "Excuse me.  Colleen, where are you?" She called to the direction of the staircase.


"She's in the nursery with Guadalupe."


"Thank you Victoria." She stared coolly at her husband.  "Are you coming with me, or do you plan to stand there and drink until dinner?"  Nick placed the empty glass noisily on the table and followed her upstairs.  Wordlessly the parents entered the nursery.



"Colleen sweetheart, are you here?" The dark haired child sat on the carpeted floor with Guadalupe, her nurse.  She stood immediately and ran into her mother's arms.


"Mama! You're home!"


"Hello my angel.  Were you a good girl today for Lupe?"


"Good as gold, " the young Spanish girl answered for her.  Colleen moved toward her father and pulled at his pants leg.


"Papa? Did you punish Mama yet?" Nick scooped her up in his strong arms.


"Not yet Pixie face, but I will.  You can count on that." He planted another wet kiss on her cheek.


"Punish Mama, please?"


"Punish me? What is she talking about?" Nick took his free arm and wrapped it around his wife's shoulder pulling her toward him.


"She means this."  He gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek


"That's not it Papa!" The cherub complained with pouty lips.


"Well that's the best I'm gonna do with an audience.  Hey come on, how about a short ride on your pony before supper?" He said effectively changing the subject.


"Yes! Ride Starlite." She squealed in delight.


"Nick please be careful." Laura warned.


"You know I will, relax.  Why don't you come and watch us?"


"No, I'm going to get cleaned up before the party.  You two go on; enjoy your ride." She kissed her daughter's cheek then gave her husband a concerned smile as she patted his shoulder and brushed her lips on his cheek.


"Don't worry, she'll be fine.  I'll be with her every second."


"Mama worry too much." Colleen decided and then changed the subject.  "Horsey ride Papa!"


"Up ya go!" Nick bent down and let the child climb up on his shoulder.  "Watch your head cowgirl."


"It's a mother's job to worry.  Go on, but be back in time to wash for dinner." Nick and his daughter quickly left the room without a backwards glance.  Laura turned to the nursemaid.   "Would you come with me Lupe?"


"Si Senora." The young woman dutifully followed her mistress out of the room.



  * * * * * * * *



Heath sat in a tub of hot water in his bathroom, when his wife walked in with towels that covered her protruding stomach.


"You know you don't have ta go to this party iffen ya not feeling well." Hope placed her hands on her hips after she set the towels down on the counter.


"Now who says I'm not feeling well? I'm fit as a fiddle and you know it.  It's you who doesn't want to go to this party and you're looking for any excuse not to go."


"Well, can ya blame me? After a hard day's work a man wants to sit down and relax with his wife and enjoy the evening, not go out to some fancy hoedown." He elaborately struggled with a loud groan as he stretched his arm to scrub his back.   He gave his wife a lopsided grin.  She smiled and knelt down by the tub.


"Here, give me that." Heath chuckled at getting his wife to scrub his back.  "You know Laura's been right about you all along, you're a scoundrel." She happily teased.  He leaned over the tub and gave her a wet, soapy kiss.


"Get in here and I'll scrub yours."


"I have far too much to do husband."


"Like what?"


"For one, I have to let out my gown again before that party.  Do you know I've gained more inches around my middle? This baby is going to be huge."


"There's just more of you to love and I love every inch of ya, darlin'!"


 She leaned into the tub and kissed him.  "Scoundrel!"



  * * * * * * * *



Jarrod had built a small but elegantly appointed home not far from the Barkley mansion.  The three homes of the Barkley brothers formed an odd shaped triangle with Jarrod's home being furthest away from the main house but the closest to the town and his office, which he now shared with his lawyer wife, Carol, known professionally as C.B.  Holister.  Heath and Hope's larger ranch home was closest to the main house as Heath still shared equal duties running the ranch with his older brother.


The library/office of Jarrod's home was the largest of rooms on the first floor as it held matching desks that stood adjoining each other at the head.  The room had access to four large french doors that let in the eastern light which bathed the office in warmth and gave it an airy, open feel to it.  It was here that Jarrod found his wife working diligently.


"C.B.  Cook has prepared an early supper for us before we go over to the main house."


"I was really hoping to finish writing this bill for the Senator."


"Now honey, you've been writing and re-writing that bill for weeks.   It's fine the way it is.  What you really need is to write a good speech for the Senator to introduce the bill, and you need case studies for a precedent."


"I know you're right." She dropped her pen down on the desk in frustration, stood, and folded her arms as she stared wistfully out the french doors.  "Just how do I get a woman to come forward to say she's been beaten by her husband? Without that, this bill to protect women doesn't have any teeth."


Jarrod stepped towards his wife from behind and squeezed her shoulders.  "You'll find a way; you always do.  Eventually someone will come forward."

"Granted I've heard rumors here and there, but how do I reach out to these women? They are fearful.  I just keep thinking of that poor woman in Oregon, the one that was thrown in prison for killing her husband.  Can you imagine, the judge thought he was being merciful to her when he put her in prison for life rather than hanging her, even though her lawyer showed proof that she had been horribly abused by her husband."


"I know it's frustrating Darling, but things will change in time, you'll see.  There are others out there who are working just as hard as you for these laws to be passed." She turned in his arms and they embraced.


"I just wonder how many more women must suffer under this tyranny."


"Now, enough of this, let's go have dinner before it's cold, and I am looking forward to seeing you in that new party frock of yours."  The comment brought a smile to her lips as she pulled from his embrace.


"You're a damn liar.  You could care less; it's just your way of changing the subject.  I don't know why I put up with you J.T."


"You know perfectly well why you put up with me," He squeezed her waist as he escorted her to the dining room.  "Because I am a perfectly charming, handsome man and I put up with you!"


She gave him a knowing laugh as they entered the dining room.



  * * * * * * * *



Victoria Barkley twirled around in the rich gray taffeta dress.  Her granddaughter sat on the chair of her vanity table and squealed with delight, clasping her tiny hands together.


"Grandlee, so pretty!"


"Why thank you sweetheart, I do believe your Aunt Audra chose well.  This dress does compliment me."


"Comm-plee..  what?" Colleen repeated with a scrunched up face, struggling with the word.


"Compliment.  It means the dress is perfect for me.  It looks good on me." She picked up her granddaughter and set her down on the floor so she could sit at the vanity.  "Your Aunt Audra has wonderful taste.  You know she sent this dress all the way from Paris France.  I do miss her so." Victoria began to brush her hair.


"Aunt Audra buy dress for me too Grandlee?" The dark haired child twirled around as she held out the skirt of the blue silk dress she wore.


"She most certainly did.  And that color compliments you.  By the way young lady, didn't your mother say you were to save that dress for a party?"


"I go to party." Victoria turned to face the little girl.


"What party?"


"For doctor."


"Oh no you're not.  This party is for adults, not little girls.  Did your mother tell you to put that dress on?"


Colleen stared down at her shoes with her arms behind her back, and swayed back and forth.


"Uh huh, I thought so.  You put that on yourself didn't you?"


"Lupe help."


"No doubt Lupe had no idea you weren't to wear it today, did she?"


"For a party." The little girl's eyes shined with happiness.


Victoria stood from the vanity table and held out her hand to the child.  "Come along, let's change before your mother sees you in that."


"Aww Grandlee..." She took her grandmother's hand and obediently walked out into the hallway.  They met her father dressed in his black tuxedo as he left the bathroom.  Colleen stared up at her father in awe.


"Papa! So handsome!" Nick knelt down and opened up his arms in an invitation to her to run into them, which she did.


"Compliments will get you lots of hugs and kisses from me!" She giggled as her father planted wet kisses on her pink cheeks.


"I know that word means looks good."


"And where did you get that beautiful dress Pixie face?"


"Aunt Audra.   Go show Mama." She ran off before Victoria could stop her. 


"Colleen..., oh dear." Nick stood up again.


"What's wrong?"


"I'm afraid Laura's going to scold her, she wasn't supposed to wear that dress."


"Well, it won't be the first time.  Don't you look beautiful Duchess?" Nick smiled at his mother.


"Thank you, and you look quite handsome yourself." She brushed her lips on his cheek.


"Not bad for an old cowpoke huh?" Nick gave her a dimpled grin as he smoothed out his lapels. 


The two heard the scolding from the bedroom, after Colleen had left the door open. 


"Colleen Victoria Barkley! Who said you could wear that dress young lady?"


Nick rolled his eyes.  "I better go save my daughter from her mother's wrath." He gave a half grin as he strolled over to his bedroom.  He stood at the opened door observing his wife with her hands on her hips admonishing their daughter.  "Well now, look at the two beautiful women in my life.  I am truly a lucky man." He walked in the room and scooped up his daughter in one arm and wrapped his free arm around his wife's shoulder when he walked into the room.


"Mama so pretty, huh Papa?"


"She most certainly is.  Both my girls are." Nick had apologized privately for the cross words to his wife while they dressed for Doctor Merar's retirement party.  He noted she looked delectable in her wine colored taffeta dress and the drink he had before dinner had already made him feel so amorous that Laura had pushed him out of their bedroom so she could finish dressing..


"Never mind trying to flatter me with your charming ways you two.  You young lady take off that dress."


"But Mama, I wanna go to party and see the pretty dresses."


"Colleen, the party is for adults and past your bedtime."


"Can't I see the pretty ladies please Mama? Pretty please?"


"Aw come on, she said pretty please?" Nick smiled at his wife. 


She sighed.  "Well if the two of you are going to gang up on me what choice do I have?" 


Nick hugged his daughter and they both cheered.  "Hurray!"


"But after young lady you go straight to bed, understand?" She shook a warning finger at her.


"Yes Mama."


"Now go take off that dress."


"Oh but everybody has a pretty dress, me too!"


Nick raised his eyebrows and hands to mediate, "Can't expect a lady to go to a party in a nightgown now can ya?"


"Oh you two! Very well, but when I say bed you scoot, is that understood?"


"Yes ma'am." She hugged her mother around the waist.  "Mama that dress is a compliment." She gave her mother a charming smile then fled the room, slamming the door behind her.


"What is she talking about?"


"She means you look good.  Now me, I think you look beautiful." He took her shoulders in his hands and drew her close for a kiss.  "Very beautiful.  You'll be the prettiest woman there."


"Nick, I think we spoil Colleen."


"Oh that's nonsense.  She's perfectly unspoiled."


"Uh huh." She said with a sideways glance.


"Now you on the other hand are very spoiled, but it's my own fault." Laura wrapped her arms around his waist.


"You're incorrigible." She placed a kiss on his lips.


"Ah, you already knew that before you married me, but you've tamed me; why I haven't been in a barroom brawl in five years."


Laura gave a light laugh.  "Sounds like you're about due; and there is nothing tamed about you Nick Barkley, that's just a facade."


"But you like me that way, in fact we have time..." He said with a hint of a devilish gleam in his eye.


"Oh no you don't; every time we're dressed for a party you want to make love."


"It's my untamed nature." He gave her a kiss on the nape of the neck and attempted to work his way down to the low cut bodice of the dress but she pushed him away.


"After the party."


"I'll be too drunk after the party."


"Don't drink too much and you'll be fine."


"Come on, let's make another baby." His arms found their way around her waist and he gently pushed her closer to the bed.  She laughed as his kisses tickled under her chin.


"Nick, come on, stop, we can't....  Nick." She gave a tiny laugh as he pushed her on the bed, but she gave him little resistance, enjoying his flirtatious advances.


"Come on, let's make a baby."


"Not now, later, come on we have to stop.  People will be coming soon, we can't...Nickkkk..."


She succumbed to his warm kisses as he lifted her dress up and searched for her under things.


"You always wear too many damn clothes!" He complained as his fumbling hands continued on their quest.


"Papa?" The couple froze when they heard their daughter's voice.


"Colleen, what are you doing here?!" Nick gulped.


"Papa, are you punishing Mama?" Laura's shock at being discovered in a compromising position gave way to a fit of uncontrollable laughter.  Nick quickly pulled her dress down from around her waist and covered his bulging front with several folds of her dress.  Nick sat up on the bed.


"Honey why don't you go see Grandlee? Have her brush your hair." Beads of sweat now forming on his forehead.


"Lupe did it."


"Just go see Grandlee, go on now, close the door, SCOOT!" He said with more force than necessary.


"Yes Papa," She said glumly her eyes filling with disappointed tears.  Laura stopped laughing and stood from the bed, leaving Nick uncovered.  He quickly grabbed the pillow from the bed and placed it in front of his waist.


"Go downstairs sweetheart and wait for the first guests to arrive.  Papa and I will be down in a minute.  Go on now."


"Papa's not mad with me?" She whimpered rubbing her eyes with tiny fists.


"No sweetheart, Papa's not angry with you.  Go downstairs now, we'll be there soon, promise." She led her daughter out of the room and closed the door.  Once closed, Laura turned and leaned against it smiling at Nick.  "Bolting the door would be wise Mister Barkley the next time you want to get amorous."


Nick huffed and threw the pillow at her to silence her giggles.




Part 2


Several hours later, guests began to arrive.  Although Jarrod no longer lived at the old homestead he felt no need to knock on the large oak door; instead he opened the door and announced himself.


"Hello, we're here." He held the door opened to let his wife proceed him.  Silas met them as he entered from the dining room.


"Welcome Mr. Jarrod, Ma'am." Silas nodded to Carol.  Silas had refused to call her Miss Holister as she requested; he felt it wasn't fittin' to call a married woman by her maiden name so C.  B.  Holister Barkley was relegated to the formal term of Ma'am.  In Silas' mind the only person who was referred to as Mrs. Barkley was the matriarch of the family, Victoria Barkley.   Silas was pleased that Mr. Heath's bride didn't mind being referred to as Mrs. Heath, and although Mr. Nick's wife had first balked at being called Mrs. Nick in the beginning, she soon  came to realize that the good servant meant no harm and took it as a term of endearment.


"Uncle Jarrod!" Came a young voice shouting from the top of the stairs.  Jarrod turned to the sound of the child's voice.


"Hey my little princess! Come give your uncle a hug!"


"Be right there!"  The little tike lifted her small leg over the banister and before anyone could protest the little blue dress was streaking down the smooth surface.


"MISSY!" Shouted Silas in warning.  Jarrod rushed to the bottom of the stairs to catch the little girl in his arms.


"Colleen do you know how dangerous that is? You could have fallen!" The lawyer hugged his niece tightly.  His heart was in his throat.  The thought of anything happening to the little girl was devastating to him.  He had remembered his niece only a year before lying at death's door from a fall off her pony.  Jarrod hadn't left the main house to go home then, but stayed with the others to watch, wait and pray for the recovery of his "little princess".


"Young Missy if yer mama seen ya doin' that she woulda tanned your hide but good! Youse just about give your ole Uncle Silas a heart attack! Doncha go doin' that again now, ya hear?!" Silas admonished her with a shaking finger.


"I sorry Uncle Silas." Colleen's brilliant blue eyes shone tears of remorse and her bottom lip jutted out. 


Jarrod couldn't resist giving the child a hug.   "Oh it's alright Silas, my princess won't do it again.  She's sorry, aren't you sweetheart?"


"Yes Uncle Jarrod." She wrapped her arms around his neck. 


"Come on princess." Jarrod carried his niece into the parlor then set her on her feet while he poured some sherry.  Victoria glided into the room from the dining room.


"Ah I thought I heard your voice.  How are you darling?" She kissed her oldest son's cheek.


"Very well thank you Mother.  Carol and I are just having a drink can I get you anything?"


"Not right now thank you.  I've still so much to do.  Don't you look lovely Carol, is that dress new?" She patted the blonde, blue eyed woman's arm.


"Yes thank you.  I had it made in Sacramento." She swung around and sat on the settee while Jarrod handed her a drink.  Colleen tugged at her Uncle's pant leg.  Jarrod stared down at her.


"Yes sweetheart?"


"Did you forget?" She searched his face with large inquisitive azure eyes.


"I never forget you my princess." Jarrod reached in his pocket and pulled out a gold piece.  He wrapped his fist around the coin and hid it behind his back along with his other fist.  "Guess which one?"


"That one!" She pointed to his left arm.  Carol watched as Jarrod passed the coin into his left hand.  He held out an opened palm.


"Well my goodness! You are amazing.   You win every time we play this game.  You're going to make a pauper out of me Colleen Victoria." Jarrod complained with a wide grin.  The delighted little girl grabbed the coin and hugged her uncle as he bent down to her level.


"You're so silly Uncle Jarrod."


"I'll agree with that." Jarrod winked at his wife's comment while he accepted another grateful hug from his niece.


Laura and Nick entered the parlor from the grand staircase.  They watched as Jarrod scooped her up in his arms for another hug.


"Mama! Papa! Look what Uncle Jarrod gave me." She held out small fingers to show a five dollar gold piece.


"Jarrod, she already has a bank full of those; you're spoiling her.  She expects a gift from you every time you come here." Laura admonished him as she brushed her lips on his cheek in greeting.


"I'm not spoiling her, it's for her college education.  Isn't that right Princess?" Was the lawyer's defense.  The little girl nodded her dark curls in agreement.


Nick gave him an accusing glare but only grunted as he poured himself a drink and gave his sister-in-law a sideways glance.  "Hello Carol."


"Nick." She greeted coolly, keeping her eyes focused on the drink in her hand.  It was obvious to all that neither one really liked each other and kept their conversations to a minimum of terse greetings.  Nick and C.B Holister (Carol) had first met in San Francisco when Jarrod and Laura were caught under the earthquake rubble, and again after she had married Jarrod.  He had brought her to Thanksgiving dinner and the rancher was sure that she and his Laura had angry words, but his wife refused to speak of it.  Since then Laura and Carol became fast friends but Nick was never that forgiving and only tolerated Jarrod's wife to keep peace in the family.


"Colleen it's time you went upstairs and get ready for bed." Nick reminded, his lips pausing at the rim of the glass to speak.  Jarrod set the child down on her feet again after giving her another kiss on the cheek.


"Ohh Papa, you said I could stay up and see pretty dresses!" Colleen pouted.


"Colleen." He said in a no nonsense tone that told her his order was to be obeyed.  Nick rarely raised his voice to his daughter unless she was particularly defiant, and even at her young age the dark haired child knew well that she was no match for her father's will.  His wife took the child's hand. 


"Come along Colleen." Laura was acutely aware that Nick abhorred Jarrod's gushing over his daughter.  It had been the subject of several late night arguments between the couple.  Laura had always excused Jarrod's behavior because she felt he secretly wanted children of his own, so Colleen being the only child in the family was the object of his fatherly affection.


"But Mama...." the little four year old whined.


"Enough, you heard your father." She dutifully let her mother lead her upstairs.



  * * * * * * * *



The house filled quickly with guests anxious to wish Doctor Howard Merar and his wife well on their retirement and to inspect the new doctor in town who was a woman, Dr. Agatha James.  Dr. James came to Stockton with the full approval of the Barkleys.  Agatha James had treated Laura Barkley when she was injured in the San Francisco earthquake.  When Dr. Merar had spoken to Victoria about wanting to retire if only he could find a suitable replacement, Laura had suggested the lady doctor; having a female doctor was, she thought, the natural order of things, especially if women were to one day have the vote. 


Dr. Merar agreed but only if the new doctor would come and work with him in the town.  Dr. James did just that, and eventually received the approval of enough townsfolk that she thought it was worth her while to set up her practice in Stockton.  Her hardest conquests still seemed to be the men in the valley.  Men avoided going to her unless they were desperate, bleeding and Doc Merar was unavailable at the time. 


Of the Barkley men only Heath would let himself be ministered by her.  He saw no difference in her caring for him as his mother or wife would, but even he wouldn't let the woman care for any part of him below the belt.  Nick had determined that he just wasn't going to have any need for a doctor and that was it as far as he was concerned.  Fortunately of the three Barkley men, Nick seemed to be the healthiest.  Jarrod had succumbed to a few bouts of influenza but he just placed himself on bed rest when it was severe and never bothered to call any doctor. 


Men weren't the only people who avoided the lady doctor; some of the older women had still gravitated toward Dr. Merar, rather than a woman doctor.  Dr. Merar knew as long as he stayed in Stockton he was always going to be called upon, so he and his wife Iva made plans to move down to San Diego where he planned to help another doctor friend he knew there care for a small mission clinic. 


Jarrod lifted his champagne glass.  "Ladies and gentlemen we are all here to celebrate one of Stockton's leading citizens and wish him well on his retirement.  Doctor Howard Merar, the people of Stockton will greatly miss you."


The guests cheer and sip their champagne.  Others called for a speech, and encouraged the doctor with applause.  Doctor Merar gave a large smile and drew his hands up to halt the applause.


"Thank you everyone, and thank you for your kind words Jarrod.  I'm afraid I'm not much for giving speeches.  I'm more for giving medical advice then anything else."  The crowd of well-wishers laughed.   "It's been a pleasure to serve you all these years, more years than I care to count.  As I look around the faces here, my fondest memories have been helping bring new citizens into this world, including some of you who are standing here now.  I share many happy and sad memories with just about everyone here and I thank you in letting me share them with you."


The guests applauded the good doctor.  Howard shared a hug with his wife Iva as they sipped their champagne.   When the applause died down Doctor Merar continued.  "Many of you have met my replacement.  Some of you have experienced her talents and gifts already.  I know that you will make her feel as welcome as you have me.   May I officially introduce you to Doctor Agatha James."


Polite applause filled the room as Doctor Merar encouraged the woman doctor to step forward.  Doctor Agatha James, although no great beauty, was a mildly attractive woman, tall, with dark auburn hair that she kept pinned up behind her neck in a severe bun.  She had gray eyes that shone with intelligence behind metal frame glasses, but there was a hint of mirth in them which she kept in check.  She was very serious and determined, but also a gentle caring woman on the warm side of thirty.  Her voice was clear and had a soft lilt that tended to soothe her patients' anxieties.


"Thank you all for your kind welcome, and I thank Doctor Merar for all his kindnesses to me.  But I would be remiss if I did not thank the two ladies who were responsible for my coming here.  Mrs. Laura Barkley, and Mrs. Carol Barkley.  Thank you ladies for showing such deep and abiding faith in my medical skills." Agatha James gave the two women a slight bow and the crowd politely clapped.


Nick whispered to Heath who stood beside him.  "She's about as welcome in Stockton as a case of anthrax." Heath cleared his throat to stifle a laugh hiding his mouth with his hand.  Laura leaned into her husband. 


"I heard that!" Laura elbowed him in the side and he gave a small chuckle.


"You won't see me going to her."


"Keep it up and you will need a doctor." Laura applauded and walked near Dr. James; she joined her voice with the others, "I do hope ladies and gentlemen that you will take some time out of your busy lives to visit Doctor James' office and laboratory, and see the wonderful new equipment she has there.  We in Stockton are very fortunate to have the latest in medical science at our disposal."


"Yes, Laura, I mean Mrs. Barkley is correct and you're all invited to come visit and look over my office and laboratory at your convenience.  I would be most happy to answer any questions you might have.  So do please visit.  Thank you." More polite applause.


"Doctor and Mrs. Merar why don't you lead us in the first dance?" Laura gave the musicians in the corner a nod.  "Gentlemen if you please."


Carol Barkley joined the two women.  "Well, that went smoothly."


"Do you think so?" Whispered the lady doctor.


"At least the best we can expect, until Doctor Merar leaves Stockton." Said Carol.


"True, the people of Stockton only tolerate me because of him."


"Once the good doctor leaves they will come to you." Laura chimed in.


"Still, I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands.  If it wasn't for Hope Barkley's being with child I wouldn't have any patients at all these days." Agatha lamented.


"That will change in time, you'll see.  They'll come around."


"That's right, even if we have to start wounding people." Joked the blonde attorney.


"Carol!" Laura admonished her with a chuckle.  "You're terrible.  I'm going to find my husband and dance with him."


"See if you can break his big toe while you're at it.   Agatha could use the business and I could use the laugh."


'You're a wicked woman C.B." Laura left the two women to join her husband for a dance.

She found him talking to Jarrod and a tall blond stranger.


"Gentlemen." She greeted them with a nod.


"Ah Jarrod, you must introduce me to this ravishing beauty." The elegantly dressed man bowed in greeting.  He had slick back blond hair, steel blue eyes and his clean shavened handsome face was stamped with a permanent dazzling white smile.


"Allow me to introduce you to Laura Barkley, she is Nick's wife." Jarrod said with a hint of a warning. 


"May I compliment you on your choice of a bride.  You Barkley men have excellent taste in women." The debonair man bowed once again taking in the blonde beauty.


Laura curtsied to him then entwined her hand in the crook of Nick's protective arm.


"Laura may I introduce Mister Simon Jacques Landelle, originally from Nevada, but now resides in our capital city."


"Mister Landelle, welcome to our valley."


"I thank you dear lady.   Mr. Barkley, I would consider it a great honor if you would allow me a dance with your lovely wife."


"Be my guest." Nick said quickly as he took a generous gulp of his drink.  The first dance she traditionally saved for her husband as he well knew so Laura cast an angry sideways glance, but he took little notice. 


"Ahh, wonderful.  May I Mrs. Barkley?" He held out his hand to her.


"My pleasure Mister Landelle.  It seems my husband is in a generous mood this evening you might want to ask him for his horse as well." Laura took the offered hand of the handsome gentleman and cast another angry glare Nick's way.  Jarrod cringed at the exchange but Nick seemed oblivious to his wife's biting remark.


"You've done it now brother Nick."


"What? She likes to dance!"


"Ahh Nick..." Jarrod walked away to seek out his wife.  Nick finished his drink and grabbed another glass from a servant with a passing tray.



 While Jarrod danced with his wife she glanced over to the handsome gentleman dancing with her sister-in-law.


"Do you think that's wise J.T.?"


"What sweetheart?"


"Introducing Laura to your friend Black Jack."


"He's just a business acquaintance, not my friend and I wish you would stop calling him that name."


"Mister Landelle earned that name and you know it."


"Ah but as far as we know he comes by it honestly.   He's a very astute businessman, and he's made all his money in speculating and investments."


"And gambling; also let's not forget he has his hand in about every politician's pocket in the State House as well as the Governor's Mansion."


"Many successful businessmen have politicians as acquaintances.  As do you and I.  That isn't a crime yet."


"No, but men who make their money speculating and have the ear of certain politicians can be most dangerous indeed."


"There has never been a hint of scandal around him, only vicious rumors, and you know that."


"Still, you have to wonder what he wants here when his power base is in Sacramento."


"Obviously he's looking at some investments."


"Has he hired you?"


"Not yet, but I expect he will at some point in time.  After all, I am the best attorney in Stockton, present company excepted of course." He bowed his head and smiled sweetly.


"Still, do you think it was wise to introduce him to Laura?"


"It wasn't my idea, it was his."


"You know he's a well known womanizer, Jarrod."


"Be that as it may, our dear Laura will surely not succumb to his charms."


"Are you so sure?"


"I am, besides, Nick would kill him." Jarrod said quickly dismissing the idea.


"Well Nick looks like his wife is the furthest thing from his mind right now.  Have you noticed how much he's drank tonight, I mean, even for him it's quite a bit." She gave her brother-in-law a nod while he stood by the fireplace talking to some of the other ranchers.


"Since when have you been so concerned about Nick and his personal life? You barely tolerate him as it is." He wondered out loud.


 Carol silently shrugged at her husband's comment, but kept a wary eye on Laura's dance partner.



  * * * * * * * *



"Are you here on business or pleasure Mr. Landelle?" Laura asked her dancing partner our of nervousness.  She felt unusually uncomfortable as he seemed to stare at her with such intensity.


"Right now Mrs. Barkley it is pure pleasure I assure you."


As she danced she noticed a curly dark head peeking out from the upstairs between the stair spindles.


"Would you excuse me Mr. Landelle; we have an unwanted party guest." She pulled away from his grasp but he followed her to the foyer and the bottom of the staircase.  Laura lifted her skirts to ascend the stairs.  Simon Landelle smiled when he caught sight of the child atop the stairs dressed in a pink and white nightgown.


"What a lovely child Mrs. Barkley.  Is she yours?"


"Yes, and she's about to be punished, excuse me." She started up the stairs.


"I hope not too severely.  She's such a beautiful child."


"Yes, which is why she often escapes punishment."  Laura headed up the stairs.  The little girl attempts an escape to her room.  "Young lady, stop right there."


The child stopped and turned to face her mother's wrath.  "Yes Mama." Laura stood in front of her contrite daughter.


"And what is the meaning of this?"


"I wanna see the pretty dresses."


"You are supposed to be sleeping Colleen Victoria."


"The music waked me."


"I don't think so."


"What a lovely young lady you are Miss Colleen Victoria." Laura was startled to see that Simon Landelle had silently followed her up the stairs.  He scrunched down to be eye level with the little girl.  "And how is it such a beautiful young lady as you not allowed to go to the party?"


"Mama said I'm too young, but I have a pretty dress, Aunt Audra sent it from Paris.  It's very come.., come..., good for me, it's blue like my eyes."


"I bet you look lovely in your party dress young Miss Barkley."  He took her small hand in his and kissed it causing the child to giggle.


"You tickle like Papa!"


"Come along Colleen, please excuse us Mr. Landelle."


"May I assist you Mrs. Barkley?"


"No thank you, I can manage taking her back in bed, please feel free to join the other guests downstairs."  He bowed at the waist and left.  Laura gave a relieved sigh.  She didn't know why but the handsome stranger made her feel uneasy.


"Who's that man Mama?"


"A friend of your Uncle Jarrod's."


"He's very nice."


"Uh huh." They reached the nursery.  "Now in you go young lady and no more getting out of bed.  It's much too late."


"Can Papa come upstairs and said good night?"


"Papa already said good night.  Once is enough.  He will be cross with you for not being in bed sleeping."


"Papa's never cross with me." The child scooted under the covers.


"Yes I know you've got your father wrapped around your finger.  You're going to grow up to become a dangerous woman; but until then you need still your beauty sleep.  Good night sweetheart."  She tucked her in bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  "Love you."


"Love you too Mama."



  * * * * * * * *



The party had begun to wind down when she glided into the library.  The music from the next room muted as she closed the door and walked over to the bookshelves.  Laura Barkley didn't notice the man sitting at the large oak desk in the corner, nor did she hear him when he snaked his arms around her waist.  She gave out a yelp and dropped the book she had taken from the shelf.


"Hello beautiful!"


"Nick, damn you!" She turned around in his arms.  "You scared the life out of me! I wish you wouldn't sneak up on me like that!"


"Why, were you expecting someone else?" He leaned in to kiss her lips, but she turned her head and he kissed her cheek instead.


"What are you doing in here?" She asked still annoyed.


"I was getting a headache from all the noise.  I came in for some quiet."


"It's not the noise that's giving you a headache, you're drunk!" She forcefully pushed herself out of his arms.


"I am not!" He slurred indignantly.


"I can smell it! Did you eat anything at all, or did you just drink tonight?"


"It's a party, everyone drinks." He moves in to nuzzle her but she resists him again with a push.


"That's your excuse this time." She bent down to retrieve the book that had fallen.  Nick grabbed at her and pinched her bottom.   She stood up fast and hit his arm away with the book in her hand.  "Would you stop!"


"I want you.  Now.  Come on let's make a baby."


"NO! You're drunk and I won't do it! Stop it!" When Nick moved in closer to take his kiss, he didn't notice the hand that clutched at his shoulder and spun him around, while the other hand gave him a right cross to the jaw, sinking him to the floor.  "OH MY GOD, NICK!"


Laura rushed to kneel by his side and stared at the person who punched her husband.  It was Simon Landelle.  "What did you do that for?!"


"He was making unwarranted advances."


"He's my husband!"


"You mean you wanted him to grope you?" Simon said with an amused glee.  He had been charmed from his first meeting with the blonde woman and kept his eyes on her all evening, searching for an opportunity to get her alone.  When Landelle spied her slipping into the library he followed her.  It was unfortunate that the woman's husband was also there.


"That has nothing to do with it! He's my husband! How dare you hurt him!" Laura placed Nick's head on her lap and tried to bring him around.  "Nick, sweetheart, can you hear me? Honey? Damnit! Look what you've done to him!" She lightly tapped him on his face.


"Now I didn't hit him that hard.  I suspect he's passed out.  It's obvious he's had too much to drink." Simon waved an accusing hand at the prone man.


"Well who asked you? Why don't you mind your own business?  Nick, honey, wake up sweetheart.  Well, don't just stand there, get his brothers, I need to get him off the floor!" She ordered.


"No need, I can do that for you." Before Laura had a chance to protest, Simon Landelle had Nick's body over his shoulder and carted him off to the nearest sofa with very little effort.  Laura gasped at the man's strength.


Heath walked into the library.  "What's all the commotion....? What happened to Nick?"


Laura now stood by the sofa to comfort her husband.  "This madman hit him!"


Heath bent down to inspect his brother's injury.  "You got some explaining to do Mister.  You best start now before you find yerself in the same condition!" Heath threatened, his hands rolled in taut fists.


"I thought Mrs. Barkley was being manhandled, I merely came to her aid." Landelle defended with a slight smirk curling his lips.


"Manhandled?! Laura what went on here?"


"Nick was being..., Nick.  This gentleman mistook it for something else.  You sir, should mind your own business!"


"Look, I am sorry Mrs. Barkley, really, I didn't...  well, at any rate I'm truly sorry." Though he apologized profusely he kept an amused smile on his face. 


"I think you best be on your way Mr. Landelle.  The party's starting to break up anyway."


"Yes of course, it's been a long day.  Good evening.  Please forgive me Mrs. Barkley." He bowed low at the waist then backed out of the room.  He still kept himself within earshot of any conversation behind the now opened door.


Heath slapped Nick awake, but his eyes remained closed.  "Laura, he wasn't hit that hard.  It looks to me like he passed out.   What's goin' on?"  She sat beside the unconscious Nick, and averted her eyes away from Heath.  He knelt down in front of her and crooked his finger under her chin to force her to meet his eyes.  "You wanna tell me?"


"He's been drinking more than usual." She said almost in a whisper.


"How long?" Although, Heath asked the question he had also noticed his brother's increased drinking but kept it to himself.


"It's been a while now, and it seems to be more than usual.  Heath, I don't know why, or even how it started but sometimes, when he's drinking, it's like I don't know him.  He acts differently, oh I don't know how to explain it." Her voice trailed off. 


"He hasn't hurt you has he?"


"Oh NO never, not Nick! It's like..., well, sometimes he picks a fight with me for no reason.   And he's angry but I don't know why.   He's unhappy and I don't know what to do for him."


Heath stared down at the floor, weighing his words before he spoke.  "Laura, you said Nick seemed unhappy.  You must have some idea.  Maybe if you think about it a little more."


Laura bit her lip in an effort to keep tears spilling from her sapphire eyes.  "Yes, he's unhappy."


Heath waited silently until she was ready to speak again.  "He...oh Heath, he's so unhappy and it's all my fault!"


"Ya wanna tell me?"


She shook her head, giving into the shedding tears but continued to speak.  "It's so hard to talk about it."


"Why do you think it's you're fault?" He placed her hand in his to encourage her to speak.


"Because, I haven't been able to give him children." She collapsed into tears and Heath embraced her, his face betraying a look of confusion.




Part 3


C.  B.  Holister was as shrewd as her husband when it came to gathering facts about her fellow man or woman.  She had been on a mission, and one lesson her profession taught her was that the virtue of patience reaped its own rewards.  Through both Laura and Hope she made many acquaintances among the women of Stockton; and one thing women could be counted on was gossip, or what C.B.  considered valuable information. 


The door to the small shack was opened to prospective customers.  Inside the smell of biting lye soap and steam from a large hot water vat choked what little breath hung in the air.  The bell that hung precariously on the screen door alerted the occupant to a new arrival.  The petite woman entered from the back room, she pushed an errant strand of hair from her hot redden face and wiped the sweat from her brow with the damp greasy apron tied around her waist.


"Good morning ma'am, may I help you?"  Her light brown hair was tied back in a loose bun at the end of her neck and her dull brown eyes already betrayed a lack of sleep.


"Yes please, my name is Carol Barkley.  I have some shirts of my husband's that need mending and washing.  I was told you had a fine hand for sewing."


The woman gave a shy smile, averting her eyes to the floor.  "Why thank you kindly ma'am." She gave a grateful bow of her head to the stylishly dressed blonde. 


Carol was about to speak again when the sound of broken glass interrupted her thoughts.


"Where the hell is it woman? Tell me now!" The woman nervously wiped her roughened hands on her apron and moved toward the raucous voice.


"Excuse me please.  Ahh, Sam, we have customers out here.  I'll be right with you honey! Promise!"


But the large, barrel chested man tore into the room.  "Where's that money you hid from me you little bi..." Carol loudly cleared her throat.  "Well, whadaya want?" The unkempt man growled in Carol's direction.


"I'm a customer and I was inquiring about my husband's shirts being mended.  You rudely interrupted us." She said haughtily.


"This is my house lady!" The angry man turned again to address his wife.  "Where's that damn money?! Didja hide it on me again?!"


"Sam, I can't give you that money, I need it to pay what we owe at the general store.  Mr.
Swenson won't let me charge anymore if we don't pay him."


"The hell with Swenson, I need it! I'm going out tonight! I got business to attend to.  Give it to me! Where'dya hide that money jar, I know ya moved it!"


"Let me take care of Mrs. Barkley I'll get it for you I promise!" 


"Barkley huh? Whatcha doin' here? Thought you uppity ups got yer wash done at the fancy chinese place? Ain't ya lost down here?"


"I was told that this good woman had a fine hand for mending." Carol answered the disheveled, unshaven man, who stood in front of her wearing a white shirt, with tight black and grey check pants held up by red suspenders.


"Well ya better do yer best work woman ya got quality in our place.  And ya better charge her a pretty penny; her kind can afford it." The man started to the back room when he spied a small glass jar under a table partially hidden by freshly laundered clothes.  "AH HAH! There's where ya hid it!"


He bent down and grabbed the glass jar, shoving his stubby hand into the jar; when it caught on the rim, he smashed the glass on the side of the table, which shook the neatly folded clothes from their perch and sent them tumbling to the dirty floor.


"Sam! All my work!"


"Ah shut up, it serves ya right for hiding the money from me!" He rumbled out of the room with the small wad of money in his hand.  The washer woman tried to hold back tears.  The entire scene broke Carol's heart and caused her to move around the counter to help pick up the clothes.


"Let me help you with that.  Not all of them are dirty, see." The woman quickly took the clothes from Carol's hands.


"Oh please Mrs. Barkley you shouldn't do that, please I can take care of it; please don't."


Carol was startled to hear fear in the woman's voice.  "Was that your husband?"


"Yes he's...  he sometimes can be impatient with people, I'm sorry if he offended you.  I hope you don't..."


"Please," Carol interrupted, "There's no need to apologize, Mrs?"


"Driscoll, Sally Driscoll.  I will have your husband's shirts done in just a few days.  I'm very sorry about all this."


"There's no need to apologize and you don't need to rush about the shirts.  I could pick them up next week about this time if you think that's long enough for you to finish, Mrs. Driscoll."


"Oh yes ma'am more than enough time."



  * * * * * * * *



A short time later C.B.  burst into Jarrod's office excitedly.  "Jarrod the most wonderful thing happened.  The rumor mill in this town finally proved true."


Jarrod stood up from his desk, annoyed.  "Carol, can't you see I am with a client?"


C.B.  glanced over at the leather back chair in front of the desk.  A familiar face was turned in her direction, no less annoyed by her intrusion.


"Oh, hello Nick.  Honestly Jarrod, I thought you were serious.  It's only your brother."


"I was serious.  Nick and I have business to discuss.  If you will please excuse us Carol." Jarrod tucked his thumbs in his vest pocket and walked around his desk.  Nick impatiently jumped up from the chair and placed an empty brandy glass on a nearby table. 


"Well, I'll be on my way." He said, carrying his hat.


"Nick there's no need to go.  I'm sure Carol will kindly wait until we conclude our business."

"Don't bother." Nick moved over to the door and opened it.  "I've got my own wife if I want to hear an argument.  Talk to ya later Jarrod." He slapped his black hat firmly on his head and quickly left the office.


"Damn it Carol! That was rude."


"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, but I'm so excited.  I think I might have found a way to introduce the new bill I am writing about protection for women." She gave him a quick hug and pulled off her hat, placing it on the hat rack in the corner.


"What are you talking about? What bill?"


"What do you mean, what bill? I've been working on it for months.  I finally found someone who could be a case study.  Someone who could finally make those legislators stand up and take notice.  This is my first break J.T.  " She cried out excitedly.


"A case study? What in the world are you talking about?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows.


"Have you heard of Sam Driscoll?"


"Oh no! Oh no, you are not getting involved with that.  Absolutely not! I know what you're thinking and you can just forget about it.  I am not allowing you to get involved in that mess!"


"I beg your pardon! Not allowing me?! Whom do you think you're talking to?" You're not my master!"


Jarrod gave out a deep sigh and raised his hands in surrender.  "I apologize.  I didn't mean for it to sound like that.  I'm just concerned for your safety.  I've heard the rumors about the Driscolls, but..."


"You've known about this and you haven't said a word to me? How could you Jarrod? You knew I've been looking for a case like this for ages.  You knew and you said nothing to me! I thought we were partners.  I thought you cared enough to want to help me pass this legislation, but you don't! You're just like all the others I've encountered, waging a war against me!"


"Carol please, that's not true."


A slamming door being shut was her only answer to him.



  * * * * * * * *



Try as she might Laura Barkley couldn't concentrate on her work in the library.  The disastrous evening before continued to play in her mind:


She had been asleep when Nick came staggering into their bedroom.  He noisily made his way to the bed and purposely woke her from a sound sleep.  He sprawled across the bed, his shirt unbuttoned but boots still on.  He began to grope her, and give wet kisses.  She angrily pushed him away which caused him to fall sloppily onto the floor.


"Now what the hell didya do that for?!" He said from a sitting position on the floor.


"You know perfectly well, you're drunk!"


"I'm not drunk! I know what I was doing!"


"Oh Nick! Just come to bed please." She sighed.


"That's what I was doing when ya pushed me off!" He turned over and crawled on all fours moving over to the bed.  He pulled himself up and sat on the bed.  One boot dropped and its mate followed.  He stood again, swaying as he removed his pants.  Laura sighed and pulled the bed covers over, her back turned.  He crawled under the sheets and wrapped his arms around her waist giving her a kiss on the back of her neck.


"Go to sleep Nick."


"I'm not tired." His voice husky.


"I am."


"Come on, it's still early.  Let's have some fun.  Make a baby with me, come on, huh?"


"No, not when you're like this!" She sat up and turned to face him.


"Are you tellin' me no?"


"That's exactly what I'm telling you."


He stood up from the bed.  "Fine! That's the way you want it then you got it! I'm gone!"


"What? Where are you going?"


"Some place where I'm appreciated!" He pulls his pants back on then storms over to the bedroom door.


"Don't slam the door, you'll wake Colleen!" 


Nick stared scornfully in her direction, but closed the door quietly.  He heads towards the next room in his stocking feet, and entering his daughter's room, he moves over to her small bed and pulls the covers over the little sleeping form tucked in a fetal position.  She is holding a small carved wooden horse, a gift from Uncle Heath, in her hand.


"Sweet dreams angel.  Papa's gonna sleep here tonight."   Colleen's bed was low to the floor and had wooden partitions on either side to prevent the child from falling.  Not far from it was a larger bed which the nanny Guadalupe sometimes used when she shared nap times with the child.  He sprawled across the bed on his stomach and fell asleep; soon his loud snoring woke the child.


Colleen rolled over on her back, eyes still closed.  "Mama? Mama?" When she spied her father in the large bed she left her own.  The dark haired child climbed onto her father's back and whispered in his ear.  "Papa? Papa? You're snoring silly!" She tried shaking him awake, but he never moved or felt her weight on his back.  "I'm tellin' Mama!"  She complained then pushed herself off the bed, clutched her toy horse, and scurried into the room next door.  Bursting in she rushed to her mother's side.  "Mama, mama!"


"Colleen what are you doing up at this hour?"  Laura was sitting up in bed with a book.  After Nick left she knew she wouldn't get to sleep worrying about where he went in the middle of the night. 


"Can't sleep, Papa's too loud." She complained teary eyed as she hugged the small horse figure to her cheek.


"What do you mean Papa's too loud?"


"He's snoring Mama! He woke up Starlite, see?" She held up the toy horse for her mother to inspect.


"Is Papa sleeping in your room again?" The child nodded in affirmation, her bottom lip jutting out to show her disapproval.


"Well, in that case you can sleep here with me." Colleen gave her mother a large grin.  She loved to sleep in her parents big bedroom but they seldom let her unless she had a bad dream and even then she would always wake up in her own bed by morning.   "Come on, get under the covers.  Cuddle down and go to sleep.  I'll be right back."


Laura put on her robe and slipped into her daughter's bedroom.  She found Nick sleeping on his stomach, and snoring loudly.  She took a folded quilt from the edge of the bed and covered him, placing a kiss on his cheek.


"I love you, you big lug." She whispered in his ear, but he gave no indication that he heard her.



  * * * * * * * *



"Laura, there's someone here to see you.  Laura, did you hear me?"


The voice of her assistant Dora Hamon brought her from her musing.  "I'm sorry Dora, what did you say?"


"There's a handsome gentleman here to see you." Dora implied with a teasing smile.  Laura's face brightened at the thought of Nick visiting her at the library since he usually avoided the place.  Even though Laura had been in charge of the Stockton Library since it's inception Nick always resented the fact that she divided her time between the library and her wifely duties at home.


"Just give me a minute to freshen up and send him in." Dora nodded in agreement and closed the door behind her.  Laura stood from her desk and went to the glass covered bookcase near the office door.  She examined her reflection, bit her lips to redden them and pinched a blush on her cheeks.  She was smoothing down her hair when the office door opened.  She turned to greet her husband.


"Sweetheart, I'm so glad..." She stopped herself short of embracing and kissing the man before her.  "Oh, it's you.  I thought you were my husband." She blushed furiously.


"Well, I'm sorry I'm not him.  I'm betting he just missed a very delicious greeting." Simon Landelle said with a wide smirk as he bowed his head.  Laura backed away and moved toward her desk.


"Is there something I can help you with Mr. Landelle?" He bowed from the waist as he waved his hat off his head, throwing it on a nearby table.


"Actually Mrs. Barkley I have something to give you." The well dressed gentleman made his way to the desk and stood in front of it.  "I was told that you have a fondness for collecting books for your library.  I have in my possession several books that I thought you might enjoy."


"How very kind of you Mr Landelle.  It's true I am always looking for new books for our library, but you understand the Stockton Library does not have funds to purchase books; we rely solely on donations sir."


"I am well aware of that.  I have no intention of selling these books, my intention was to offer them as a gift to you.  They are my own personal copies, two of which are first editions from the eighteenth century." He offered her a package wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.  Strangely, the sight of the serpent offering Eve the forbidden fruit flashed in her mind and she instinctively resisted the temptation to take the package.


"Eighteenth century first editions?" She repeated.   "Mr. Landelle you are very generous sir.  Are you sure you want to part with them?"


"Oh I most certainly do.  I know a woman of your quality would certainly appreciate them."


"You flatter me.  I truly don't know what to say."


"Only say that you'll accept them." He moved around the desk and placed the package in her hands and let his own hand linger on her forearm longer than priority dictated.  Laura moved from his grasp and placed the package down on her desk.  She began to untie it.  He watched as she opened the package.   She delighted in having new books for her library and held the first book lovingly in her hands as she read the title.  "Tom Jones by Henry Fielding.  I don't believe I've heard of this author."


"He's quite popular in England.  I bought that in a little shop in Soho."


"Really?  Exactly what is Tom Jones about?"


"It's about a young foundling who is adopted and the story follows his adventures in England."


"Ah, I see." She picked up the second book, reading it.  "And this one, Moll Flanders by Daniel DeFoe, what's that about?"


"About a young woman and her adventures and how she finally emigrates to America."


"Sounds interesting." She smiled pleasantly.


"Yes, I'm sure you'll enjoy it immensely.  I know I did.  I read it several times in fact."

"And this third book.  The Kama Sutra, is that how you say it? Is it an oriental book?"


"Actually it's Hindu, from India.  It's sort of an art book."


"Really? We don't have many art books here." She begins to open the book but Simon quickly moves to stop her.  He takes the book and places it back on the desk, then holds her hands in his.


"Would you do me the honor of having lunch with me?"


"Oh, no, ah, I couldn't." She was taken off guard and became quite flustered at his forwardness.


"Surely you won't refuse such a small request, after I offered my favorite books for your library?"


"I didn't know they came with strings attached Mr. Landelle.  I really can't accept then."


"Oh please, my dear, I was only teasing.  Of course you are most welcome to the books.  I meant them for you.  I hope you will think fondly of me as you read them.  But surely you wouldn't refuse a small luncheon date with me?"


"Mr. Landelle it wouldn't be proper for me to have lunch with you.  I'm sorry.  I just couldn't." He sighed still holding her hands in his.


"Ah yes, I forget this is not Sacramento, but the little provincial town of Stockton filled with small minded people who would talk should a lovely married woman have lunch with a bachelor.  But you know it's done all the time in Sacramento."


"But as you pointed out Mr. Landelle we are not in Sacramento." He patted her hand.


"More's the pity lovely lady, more's the pity." He took her hand and brought it up to his lips for a kiss, and let his mouth linger on the back of her hand.


The dark haired cowboy stood rigidly in the open doorway like an angry storm about to descend with lightning flashes.  "Get your damn hands off my wife!"


"Nick!" Laura gulped and quickly pulled her hands from Landelle's grasp.


"Ah Mr. Barkley so good to see you again.  I just donated some of my favorite books for your wife's library."


"Good; then your business here is concluded." Nick moved away from the opened doorway, but put a gloved hand on the doorknob to show him the way out.


"Yes, well, good day Mrs. Barkley.  It's been a pleasure.  I do hope you enjoy the books."


Simon Jacques Landelle gave her a quick bow, an amused grin plastered on his face.  He swept his hat up from where he left it on a small table in the room and tipped it to them both before he exited the office.   Nick slammed the door shut after him. 


"What's he doing here?" Nick nodded to the closed door.


"Like he said.  He donated some books, see?" She held up the three books as evidence, but when Nick continued his harsh gaze she placed the books down on the desk and took a cleansing breath.  "You don't often visit me here.  This is a pleasant surprise." She smiled but bit her lip in anticipation of another show of his temper. 


"We need to talk." He moved almost menacingly toward her, but she bravely came out to the front of the desk to meet him, steeling herself for his inevitable outburst.  He came within inches of her face, his ominous darkened hazel eyes searing her own.  "Don't you ever say no to me again." His voice was low but with an undercurrent of rage.


"W.w.what?" She stammered, but before she could say more his lips locked on her with a punishing kiss.  Her arms reached around and welcomed his advances as she pressed her lips on his.   His hands swiftly reached up to her face and pulled her lips from his.


"I want what you owe me."


"Owe you? You were drunk last night."


"Not that drunk and if you hadn't refused me you woulda found that out." He placed another unyielding kiss on her already swollen lips.  


"All right, maybe I was...wrong." His lips left wet trails from her jaw line and followed down to her neck.  His fingers sought the buttons on her white silk blouse.   "Nick, ...the door....someone might..."  She moaned with pleasure as his lips assaulted her already tingling skin.


"Is there a lock on it?" He said, stopping at the nape of her neck.


"You know there is, you put it there yourself." She said breathless.  He left her leaning against the desk to turn the lock, then moved behind the desk to pull down the shades.  It cast a grey shadow in the room.  He hastily made it back to his position before her and continued his pursuit in relieving her of the soft white blouse.  She pulled the blouse out of her dark skirt in an effort to assist him.  He grabbed her thin waist and heaved her up onto the desk, quickly raising her skirts.  She helped him with her undergarments. 



* * *A Loving Prey * * * (Email only to those over the age of 21  Please specify age if requesting this portion of the story.)



When he finally released her she slowly lowered herself in a spent heap on the floor.  Nick couldn't help letting a smirk cross his face as he recovered his pants from around his ankles.  He buckled his belt and rebuttoned his shirt.


"You all right?"  She silently nodded in affirmation as she wiped the perspiration with the palm of her hand off her flushed face.  "Good.  How about some lunch, I'm starving! Stockton Inn alright with you?"


Her eyes darted up to him in disbelief.  "How do you expect me to go out in public like this? My camisole is ripped.  You can see through my blouse."


Nick took two steps over to the coat rack and pulled off her dress jacket, throwing it in her direction.  "Wear this.  Just button it up.  No one will know.  Except me." He snickered. 




Part 4


It was unusually cool for April but the morning sun promised its warmth, as the day grew older.  Laura Barkley sat at her desk in the bedroom, drinking her morning cup of coffee and writing a letter when a light tap on the door interrupted her thoughts.  She snatched her glasses off her nose and peered at the door expectantly.  "Yes? Who is it?"


"Mama, can I come in?" Laura smiled as she stood and walked over to the door to open it.


"It's may I come in, and yes you may.  You're up early this morning."


Colleen held up a china teacup.  "Look Mama, Uncle Silas gave me coffee like you."




"Don't worry Mama, it's milk,  pretend coffee so I can be like you."


"Oh, well that's perfectly alright then.  Come on in, but be quiet Papa's still sleeping."


"Can I wake up Papa?"


"Not yet honey, Sunday is the only time Papa can sleep late; besides it's too early.  You can wake him up just before breakfast." Laura went back to her desk and her daughter followed on tiptoes when she heard her father stir with a loud snore.


"Papa's noisy."


"Yes, especially when he's had too much fun the night before." Much to his wife's chagrin, Nick had spent his Saturday night in the Stockton saloon with some of the ranch hands playing poker.  The dark haired girl pulled a chair near her mother's desk and set her china cup of milk on the edge of the desk.


"Whatcha doin' Mama?"


"What are you doing?"


"I said that." The child said with a hint of exasperation. 


"I'm writing a letter to Aunt Polly in Boston.  You remember her don't you? She was here last summer for a visit."


"Oh yeah, I mean yes, Pollygirl, Papa calls her.  He's silly." Her mother tenderly smoothed back her daughter's unruly curls then continued with her writing, replacing her glasses back on her face.  "Mama?"


"Yes Colleen?"


"Where do babies come from?"


"What made you ask that?"


"Well Grandlee said Auntie Hope's baby's my cousin, but it didn't come yet.  Where's Auntie Hope's baby?"


"Where do you think the baby is?" Her mother placed her pen down and gave her a bemused look.


"Lupe said the doctor has the baby in his bag but I looked and I didn't see any baby."


"You shouldn't have looked in the doctor's bag.  You know it's wrong to search other people's property."


"Yes Mama." She said demurely.  "But where's Auntie Hope's baby?"


"Where's Auntie Hope's baby?" She repeated.   "Well, it's growing inside your Aunt Hope." A sigh betraying her demeanor.


"How did the baby get in there?" Her ocean colored eyes widening.


Laura pulled her glasses off her nose.  "I had thought we would have this discussion in the future but I see that's not to be the case.  To put it simply God's good love put the baby there.  Now I think it's time for you to wake your father, "  knowing the suggestion would move her daughter to abandon more questions.


"I can?!" She squealed in delight. 


"Do your worse.  Papa will love it." Laura leaned her chin on her hand and smirked as her daughter joyously jumped on Nick's back  "UHHGH!" Nick groaned in pain.   Colleen leaned into her father's left ear and greeted him with a smacking noisy kiss.


"Wake up Papa! It's Sunday!"


"Be a good girl and let Papa sleep."  Her little hands dug into his shoulders and shook him.


"Come on Papa, we have to eat and go to church you silly!"


"Go find your mother.  I'll be up in a minute."


"Mama's here! She told me to wake you up!" Nick raised his head slightly from the pillow and looked over to his wife who was now at the side of the bed with her hands on her hips grinning at him.


"She did huh?" He said with one wary eye opened.


"Revenge is sweet." She smirked with a wink. 


"Colleen go downstairs, Papa's gotta get dressed." He ordered.  She looked expectantly at her mother for approval.


"Go on Sweetheart, Papa and I will be down directly." Colleen gave her father another quick kiss on the cheek then jumped off the bed and ran out of the room slamming the door behind her which made her father wince from the noise.  Laura's eyes watched as her daughter left, so she didn't see Nick get up on all fours until he grabbed her arm and pulled her across the bed.




"Revenge is sweet and it goes both ways!"


"Let me up!" Nick straddled her and held her arms down on the bed.  He leaned down and gave her a bruising kiss.  She struggled under him but he held her fast.


Ya missed me last night, didn't you?"


"Go to hell!" He gave a sinister laugh then jumped up from the bed, grabbed his robe from the chair and left the room.   Laura quickly sat up and threw a book she found on the nightstand at the closed door.   "Damn you!"



  * * * * * * * *



After church services everyone gathered at the Barkley Mansion for Sunday dinner.  Jarrod sat at one end of the table with Victoria at the opposite.  To Victoria's right sat Heath, Hope and Carol.  To her left were Laura, Colleen and Nick.


"I am so pleased everyone was able to join us.  I must admit I was worried that you and Heath wouldn't be joining us because your time is so close." Victoria said directing her comments to the very pregnant Hope Dougherty Barkley.


"Doctor James has assured me that even though I am rather rotund, I have several weeks yet."


" 'Sides, the first one is always late, remember our little Colleen?" Heath added.


"Yeah, but Colleen waited 'cause she figured she'd get more gifts at Christmas," Nick joked.  "Isn't that right Pixie face?"


"Yes Papa! More gifts! Umm, wait for what?"


"Never mind honey," Her mother interrupted.  "Would you like more milk?"


"No thank you Mama.  May I be excused?" She wiped her mouth with a napkin.


"Don't you want dessert Colleen?"


"Maybe later."


"Very well you may be excused."  Laura granted.


"Here, let me help you down." Offered Nick, and gave her a helping hand off the pile of pillows that brought Colleen up to the proper table level to eat.


"Thanks Papa." She gave him a quick hug then went around the table to kiss and hug each relative, beginning with Uncle Jarrod and working her way around the table until she got to her Aunt Hope.  She accepted her Aunt's embrace then hugged her protruding tummy.  "I just wanna hug my little cousin.  Mama said my cousin's in there." Colleen gently patted Hope's stomach.


"You're Mama's correct sweetheart."


"And she told me how it got there too." Colleen's blue eyes crinkled in a smile. 


"Really?" Hope said with a sideways glance to her cousin. 


Laura stood from her seat.  "Excuse me.  Why don't I escort you up stairs to the playroom Colleen Victoria." She quickly moved to take her daughter's hand and exited the dining room.


"Hmm, too bad, I wanted to hear that." Heath chuckled.  Hope leaned over and whispered in her husband's ear, which made him blush slightly. 


"We'll make Laura tell us when she comes back." Nick laughed.


Victoria couldn't help noticing that her other blonde daughter-in- law, Jarrod's wife Carol, was unusually quiet during the course of the meal.  "Carol dear, is there something on your mind? You seemed preoccupied today.


"Oh, I'm sorry Victoria, I guess I am.  Please forgive me."


"That's quite all right.  Would you care to share it with us."


"Oh it's just some bill she's drafting, politics you know, quite boring." Jarrod interrupted to his wife's chagrin.  Nick caught the glare she gave her husband and almost felt sorry for his older brother.  Nick never understood Jarrod's attraction for Carol Baelee Holister other than the fact that she did bear a strong resemblance to his own wife Laura, but that was where the similarity ended because Nick felt she didn't display any of the warmth his Laura did, in fact he felt she was rather caustic and overbearing for a woman.  A lot like those awful women suffragers he and Laura encountered in Sacramento during their ill-fated honeymoon.  He shrugged off the memory, just as Carol spoke his name.


"Nick, I was asking you a question."


"What, who me?" He pointed to himself with a fork in his hand.  Nick was surprised that Carol would even bother to speak to him unless good manners dictated she must.


"Yes, you.  Do you know Sam Driscoll?" Carol repeated her question for his benefit.


"Oh yes, the prize fighter; at least he used to be.  What about him?"


"How much do you know about him?"


"He's pretty much a washed up has been.  Works at the livery stable in town but you're more likely to see him in the local saloon.  In fact I saw him there last night.  Me and some of the boys were playing cards."


"Really? Did you speak to him?"


"No reason to.  Like I said I was playing cards."


"Rumor has it that he beats his wife." Carol volunteered the information.


"He does? That's awful if it's true." Hope chimed in. 


Nick nodded to her affirmatively.  "Oh it's true.  I heard those same rumors." His voice taken on a more gentle tone to Heath's wife.


"Rumors are not facts." Jarrod reminded Nick.


"These are." Heath said as he pushed the food around in his plate looking for another morsel to eat.


"And how do you know this Heath?" Jarrod asked, his curiosity piqued.


"Saw it, with my own eyes.  Gave her a back hand that sent her into the middle of next week."


"Heath Barkley! And you did nothing to help the poor woman?!" Hope chastised.


"I offered to help but she wouldn't take it.  Told me and Doc Merar to leave."


"Doc Merar? What does he have to do with it?" Carol asked her blond brother-in-law.


"It was the night Colleen was born.  I went looking for the doc and found him at the Driscolls, tending to Mrs. Driscoll's broken arm.  Driscoll pulled a gun on the doctor when he threatened to call the Sheriff."


Laura entered the room again.  "Good Lord, when was this Heath?" She sat back in her seat.


"Christmas, The night Colleen was born."


"You never told us this."


"Didn't see a need to.  My concern was getting Doc Merar here for you."


"You are a wonder Heath Barkley." She shook her head pleased with her brother-in-law's generous concern for her welfare, but exasperated by his penchant for keeping things to himself.

"That's a fact." Nick agreed with his wife.  Heath winked at them both, his mouth full of food.


Carol sat silently now but Jarrod noted the wheels turning in his wife's head.  He knew that his wife was determined to make a case out of this wife beating incident in order to move her bill along in the Sacramento state house and no amount of arguing was going to dissuade her from the quest now.



  * * * * * * * *



Black Jack Landelle always enjoyed a good evening when he won at poker but last night was all the sweeter because he had bested Nick Barkley out of two hundred dollars of his own money.  The fool was ripe for the picking after he had one too many drinks under his belt, and Black Jack found it all too easy.  Money, cards and women always came easy to Simon Landelle and he hated to lose any of it.


Nick Barkley had been so drunk he had forgotten he had seen Landelle several days earlier flirting with his wife in the Stockton library.  Laura Barkley was a delectable treat, and bored, neglected housewives were the entrepreneur's specialty.  These sad women were so hungry for the attention of a man, any man, that Simon Landelle easily persuaded them into his bed and he knew that if he wanted the lovely Mrs. Barkley could well be his next conquest, but that wasn't in his plans; he had an old score to settle with the woman and he prided himself in always paying his debts, no matter how long it took to pay.  Simon Landelle was a very patient man, and he believed in the old adage that revenge is a dish best served cold.



  * * * * * * * *



The silence between the two was deafening as Jarrod drove the buggy home.  He had already apologized for once again dismissing his wife's work in front of his family, but she wasn't nearly ready to forgive just yet.  She was determined that this time she was going to make him squirm just enough to get him on her side to help.  C.  B.  Holister knew that in order for a woman to get anywhere in this man's world she unfortunately had to use a man to get there.


"Just how long do you plan to remain silent?"


"Silent? Whatever do you mean?" Carol asked tersely.


"Must I apologize again for my careless attitude to your most worthy cause?" He said sweepingly.


"You're mocking me!"


"I am not! C.  B.  your safety in this venture of yours is my main concern here.  You are treading on dangerous ground.  Driscoll is a hard man and if you continue to pursue this he may well go after you, or at the very least injure his wife worse than he already has.  You could be putting the poor woman in grave danger."


"Not if I can convince her to finally press charges against him."


"It will never happen.  Women don't, or at least seldom do press charges against their abusive husbands."


"But if I can get her to trust me J.T.  then I will be able to keep her safe."


"And just how do you expect to do that?"


"We could hide her."


"Hide her? What are you thinking? How could we possibly do such a thing? We can't get involved between a husband and a wife.  He could sue us.  What you're talking about is illegal.  Have you even thought of the ramifications of this?"


"Look, don't we protect witnesses before they are about to testify?"


"Yes, when they are going to testify in a criminal case.  Carol, Driscoll is not a criminal, not in this sense.  There is no law against a man abusing his wife, unless she presses charges and even that is tenuous at best.  What am I doing even telling you this?! You know the law as well as I do!"


"What if she divorces him? Then she would..."


"Oh for heaven's sakes! You are not even making sense! You are letting emotion cloud your better judgment in this."


"You are the one who told me I needed a case study for my precedent.  Sally Driscoll is a perfect case study."


"Ah yes, if she agrees to that and my guess is she won't.  You heard Heath, Driscoll pulled a gun on Doctor Merar when he threatened to report him to the sheriff.  Mrs. Driscoll didn't agree to it did she?"


"No, but..."


"No, she defended her husband and threw both the doctor and Heath out of her house.  And you think you're going to persuade her to file charges? Hah!"


"You said before that eventually someone will come forward and Sally Driscoll is perfect."


"Yes, someone will eventually come forward.  Mrs. Driscoll has not, and if you pursue this case you could easily be sued for alienations of affections by her husband."


"Alienations of affections! Honestly J.  T.  there's no affection there and you know it!"


"I know no such thing and neither do you my dear wife.  None of us knows what goes on behind closed doors."



The arguing couple finally arrived at their destination, their home.  Jarrod stopped the buggy and offered his wife a hand down, but she refused his assistance, pushing his hand away.


"Carol, for the love of..."


"The subject is closed Jarrod.  I refuse to discuss this any longer with you."


"Good.  Then that means you have given up on this fool notion of yours."  Carol stood on the ground and glared at her husband.


"Not by a long shot!" She stormed up the stairs to the home she shared with Jarrod and slammed the door behind her, effectively ending their conversation. 



  * * * * * * * *



Nick gave his daughter her nightly 'horsey ride' to her bedroom.  She scrambled on the bed attempting to get away from his teasing tickles.  Laura leaned on the doorway taking in the loving scene.  The child's joyous laughter joined with her father's filling the room. 


"Papa stop!" Colleen giggled.


"Are you sure ya want me to stop?"




"Did you brush you teeth?"




"Did you wash behind your ears?"


"Uh oh."


"Ahh I knew it! I thought I saw a potato growing back there! And it looks delicious!" Nick began to kiss the back of her ear and she laughed uncontrollably.




"Then go wash behind your ear, both of them! Now!" The little girl jumped off her bed and headed to the bathroom.  Nick straightened his body and glanced over to his wife.  "Did you wash behind your ears?" She smiled at him.


"Why don't you come over here and find out." Nick slowly advanced to his wife's side when they heard a voice yell out.






Part 5


Nick and Laura rushed out of Colleen's bedroom in time to see Heath rushing up the stairs with his wife in his arms.  The couple had left for home not twenty minutes before.  A worried looking Victoria was trailing behind Heath shouting orders frantically to Laura as she stood transfixed above the second stairwell.


"Laura open the door to Heath's room!" Colleen entered the hallway in time to see her anxious Uncle carrying his wife into his old bedroom.


"Papa?!" The frightened child called out.


"Come on Pixie face, lets get you to bed." Nick quickly pushed her away from the commotion taken place as Victoria followed Heath into his bedroom.


"What's wrong with Auntie Hope? Why is Uncle Heath..."


"Shhh, relax everything's fine, go to bed.  Auntie Hope is gonna have her baby is all." He said as calmly as he could, despite the excitement going on around them.


"Really?! Can I see it?!"


"Not yet, maybe tomorrow.  It's time you went to bed.  Come along."  He scooped her up in his arms.


"Where's Mama?"


"She's helping Aunt Hope.  Come on, I'll tell you a story tonight, Mama's gonna be busy."


"Oh goody! I like your stories Papa.  Tell me about Indians."



  * * * * * * * *



Laura pulled the sheets back on the bed and quickly fluffed up the pillows.  Heath gently placed his wife in the bed.   Victoria cupped her hand on his shoulder.


"Heath go get one of the ranch hands to get Doctor James."


"I don't want to leave her Mother." He entreated, worried blue eyes betraying his fear.


"Go on Heath, I'll be fine.  Do as your mother says." Hope lifted a palm to her husband's face.


"Hope we discussed this, I want to be with you, all the way, Sweetheart." He leaned over her on the bed and gently kissed her glistening cheek.                


"Honey, you will, I promise.  There's plenty of time." Hope assured him with an imploring kiss before he left the room.  After the door was closed Laura leaned down toward her cousin.


"What happened? Are you sure it's time Hope?"


"Oh yes, it's time.  I've been feeling contractions all day.  At first I thought it was false labor like Aggie said, but then my water broke when I was in the buggy.  At least I saved your carpet Victoria not like other people we all know and love." Hope attempted a smile through a grimace.


"You're a plucky Irisher Hope, even in pain you mock me!"  Laura complained good naturedly.


"Aaah, oohh...That was a big one!" The sharp pain lifted the petite brown haired woman off the bed.


"We better get her out of these clothes." Victoria enjoined.  "Oh dear, we have to get something for her to wear first.  Laura, go into my room and get one of my nightgowns.  I can handle this."


Laura leaves the room and meets Guadalupe in the hallway.  "Lupe, go downstairs and have Silas boil some water, then go into the linen closet and get bedsheets, bring them into Mr. Heath's bedroom."


"Mr. Heath? Is he staying the night?"


"No, Hope's in there having her baby, get about a half dozen sheets.  Oh and get Colleen's baby cradle from the attic we're going to need it."


"Si Senora Nick, right away." The young teen smiled as she began her task.



  * * * * * * * *



After putting his daughter to bed Nick stood in the parlor pouring himself a drink when Heath rushed into the house.  "Whoa, hold on there Heath where are you going in an all fired hurry?" Nick admonished him with an amused grin.


"Hope's having the baby, I'm going up to be with her." Nick roughly grabbed Heath by the shoulder and led him into the parlor.


"Relax, no rush, it won't be for a while yet." Nick poured another drink and handed Heath a glass.


"What are you talkin' about? I gotta be there for her."


"Come on, ya got time.  You're not gonna miss much, just a lot of sweatin' and gruntin'.  Trust me, you don't want to see your woman go through that, not without a stiff drink first."


"Is it really that bad?" Heath's face scrunged up.


"Oh yeah.  Ya don't need the guilt."




"Yeah.  After watching your woman go through childbirth ya feel real guilty, of course that could be good for a while.  Ya won't miss it as much."


"Miss it? Whataya talkin' about?" Heath's lips paused on the rim of his glass.


"You know, miss it."  Heath shook his head, finally understanding Nick's ribald remark.


"Nick sometimes you can be a real horse's ass!"

"What?! I'm tellin' ya the truth! I've been through it!"


Heath swallowed his drink in one quick gulp.  "I'm goin' up there, see ya."


"All right, don't say I didn't warn ya!" Nick poured himself another drink then sat himself down in the brocade covered chair by the fireplace, before long he began to doze off from the drinks he had previously.



  * * * * * * * *



Several hours later, Nick, with an unsteady stride, answered a loud, persistent rapping on the front door.


"Good evening Mr. Barkley." Dr. Agatha James greeted him; medical bag in hand.


"Oh hello.  Whatchaya doing here?" He groggily stared at her through slitted eyes.


"I was summoned here.  I believe Mrs. Barkley is having her baby now."


"Mrs. Barkley? Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot." He chuckled to himself.   "Hope.   She's right upstairs."


"Would you be kind enough to show me the way? You can manage that can't you?" The doctor took note of his slurred speech and unsteady gait.


"Sure.  Follow me, ah, I mean, after you.  It's just up the stairs and to the left, ah, I mean right." He chuckled.  "Heath's room's on the right."


"Thank you."  Agatha said tersely.


The doctor knocked on Heath's bedroom door.  Laura opened it.


"Oh Doctor James, thank goodness you're here.  Hope's having an awful time of it." She whispered as to not alarm Heath who sat by his wife's bedside.


She opened the door enough to let the doctor in, then went out to join Nick, cupping her arm in his she led him away.


"How's it goin' in there?" Nick said trying his best to sound sober.


"Hope won't admit it in front of Heath but she's worried that the baby will be born too soon."


"Ya mean it's s'early?" Nick slurred.


"About two weeks." She noted the smell of liquor on his breath.


"Hah, that's not too bad, the baby will be small but it'd be all right.  Come on, let's go downstairs.  Have a drink, it will relax you."


Laura had it on the tip of her tongue to say that she noticed he had already drank enough to relax both of them but she thought better of it since she was too tired to start another argument, so she ignored his inebriated condition.  "I pray she'll be all right.  Poor Heath, he's a mess.  He looks so helpless."


"I know how he feels.  I felt the same way with you."


"Did you?" Her face betraying a loving smile, despite it all, she adored her husband, and tried to remember him in their better times together.


"You know I did." He gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead.


"How's Colleen?"


"Fast asleep."


"You didn't tell her that awful story about the Indians again did you?" She said warily.


"She loves hearing about the Indians attacking the wagon trains.  It's my best bedtime story."


"Oh Nick! The last time you told that story I had nightmares.  What if she does?"


"She's a Barkley, she's made of stronger stuff!"



  * * * * * * * *



Doctor James rolled up her sleeves and finished washing her hands.  She stood at the foot of the bed and watched her patient earnestly.


"You take that worried look off your face, you and this baby are going to make it fine.  I promise you."


"We're holding you to that doc." Said an anxious father-to-be.


"Now I'm just going to check to see how dilated you are.  Remember we talked about this part in my office Hope."


Hope nodded but concentrated as another wave of pain coursed through her small frame.  Victoria continued to wipe the young woman's brow with a wet cloth.


"How long doc?" Heath implored.


"Not long now from what I can see." The doctor covered her patient again.  "You're fully dilated Hope and I do believe I can see a wisp of a head.  How does that make you feel?" The doctor gave her patient her best confident smile.


"Good.  It's almost......over."


"Soon I would say.  Now Heath why don't you help your wife up so that she's sitting a bit? It will give her more leverage.  Hope you bear down but only when I tell you to.  Mrs. Barkley would you get my instruments and place them right next to me."  Victoria did as she was told and brought a small table near the doctor.  The instruments were already in a pan of hot water.   The doctor smoothed out a white sheet on the bed.  "Lift up just a bit Hope.  That's a girl, perfect.  We're all set.  Hope I don't think we'll have a problem here; the baby looks just small enough to fit fine.  No need to worry.  How are you feeling?"


"Like I really need to push."


"Then I suggest you do just that." Hope gave out a loud grunt.


"Come on sweetheart.  You can do it!" Heath said encouragingly.


"Once more Hope, we almost have it." Hope took in a strengthening breath, then gave another hard grunt, her face red with determination.




"Yeah Hope, what do you want me to do for you?"


"Let me hold onto your arm."


"You can hold on to both of them.  I'll just sit up behind ya." Heath straddled her from behind, his legs out on either side of the bed.  Hope leaned her head against his now sweat-soaked chest and held tightly to both sinewy arms.  Victoria moved closer to the doctor to offer her assistance.  Hope gave out a very loud grunt.  The sound traveled downstairs.


"I better get back up there.  Sounds like it's any time now." Laura ran up the stairs, Nick followed but waited outside the room, sitting on a settee located in the hallway.  She entered in time to see the doctor guide out a tiny body from the birth canal.  "Oh my God! It's beautiful!" Her hands flew to her mouth. 


The doctor held up the baby for the couple to see.  "It's a boy!" The doctor announced.  Heath and Hope couldn't sustain their joy as they both gave out exhausted laughs.

"Well what do ya know sweetheart; the first Barkley boy!" Heath announced joyfully.  "I knew you could do it!"


"We both did it!" Hope cried out happily but exhausted.  "Can I hold him?"


"Just a minute, let me take care of the umbilical cord and wash him a bit.  Mrs. Barkley would you get the warm water and towels."


"Right here Doctor.  Heath, he's beautiful.  I think he looks like you!" Victoria squealed.


"How can you tell, he's a mess!" Heath smiled proudly.

"Must be all the blood on him." Laura joked as she winked at Heath.  She took a towel and helped the doctor wipe the tiny baby dry as quickly as she could.  Then the doctor placed the baby into Hope's arms.


"I never thought I would see the day I would hold my own baby in my arms." Hope said delighted.


"I did." Laura assured her smiling.


"So did I." Heath agreed and gave his wife a kiss on the top of her head. 


 While the new family enjoyed a moment with their son, the doctor checked for evidence of an afterbirth and was concerned when she didn't see any.


"Hope, how are you feeling?"


"Fine why?"


"Curious.  You don't feel any other sensation?"


"Sensation? What are you talking about?"


"Is something wrong doc?" Asked Heath worried.


"OHH! L.  Help me, take the baby!"


"Hope! What's wrong?!" Laura asked startled, but quickly took the baby boy from her arms.


"I..I have to push again!"


"Push? Push? Whatdaya mean ya gotta push again! Honey what's, what's going on?!" Heath stammered.


"I kind of had a feeling there was another one.  Come on, let's give another push." Advised Doctor James.


"Another baby?!" Victoria burst out excitedly.


"Twins! Wait until I tell Nick!" Laura rushed out of the room with the baby still in her arms.


Nick sprawled across the settee with his legs dangling over the side of the too short sofa.  He had fallen into a pleasant dreamful sleep.  He unwillingly opened his eyes when he heard his name called, but his eyes beheld a beautiful sight, that of his wife holding a baby in her arms.  He smiled.


"Nick.  It's a boy."


"A boy?" He whispered.  Laura held the baby up so that he could see it.


"Isn't he beautiful?" Nick stood, still sleepy, but moved over to his wife.  He pushed aside the small blanket to find a tiny pink face, with wisps of blond hair.


"He's perfect, Laura, just perfect.  Can I hold him?" He very gently took the tiny bundle in his large arms.  "He's just a little mite, isn't he? He's no bigger than my hand almost."


"I know, but the best part is he's a twin!"


"Twin? What do you mean?" Nick's puzzled face asked.


"Hope is having another baby as we speak." Laura said joyfully.


"Hope?" Nick inwardly shook himself from his still dream-like state.

"Yes, Hope is having twins.  Isn't that marvelous? Two babies.  Excuse me, I better go back in there and see if I can help." She quickly left him still holding his nephew. 


Nick held the bundle close to his face.  For a moment he stood quietly staring at the child in his arms.  "Your papa is one lucky man, not one but two.  Well now young fellar, welcome to the Barkley family.  I'm your Uncle Nick.  You are one tiny little guy, seems to me ya got a lot of growing up to do." Nick gave him a small kiss on the child's tiny forehead.  "Yes siree, a lot of growing up." He blinked back the wetness forming in his eyes.  The baby began to fuss a little so he walked the length of the hallway.



  * * * * * * * *



"I am pushing!" Hope insisted through clenched teeth, her face ruddy and wet with perspiration..


"Good girl, just a bit more, we almost have it." The doctor encouraged.


"She's doing the best she can!" Heath complained angrily to the insistent doctor.


"Not enough! The afterbirth is threatening to come out before.  We need the baby out now!" Come on Hope! You can do it! PUSH!" Feeling helpless both Laura and Victoria silently willed the baby out with their prayerful thoughts.


"Come on Hope.  One good one Sweetheart!" Heath entreated his wife.  Encouraged, she gave a final groan.


"YES! YES! Good that did it! It's out!" The doctor gave a relieved sigh.  "And it's a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations." All in the room breathe a sigh of relief at the doctor's pronouncement.


"A girl?" Please let me have her." Hope begged.


"Just a minute, almost through." The doctor snipped the umbilical cord and washed the child with warm water.  Victoria dried the baby as Laura looked on with a teary smile.


"Oh she's beautiful, simply beautiful!" Victoria gushed.  The doctor placed the newborn into her mother's arms.


"Oh Heath look at her." Hope cried.  The new parents stared lovingly at the tiny blonde dot of a girl in their protective arms.


"She's as beautiful as her mama." Heath said proudly as he sat behind his wife.  He placed a kiss on her head.  Hope smiled at her husband.


"That she is my dear husband, that she is." Hope turned toward her cousin.  "Laura, where's our son?"


"OH, yes, be right back!" She flew out of the room.  She found Nick walking the hall cooing in hush tones to the baby cradled in his arms.


"I know you're going to grow up to be a fine man like your Pa.  He'll teach ya how to ride and break a horse.  No one can break a horse better than your ol' man, but I tell ya, iffen ya wanna learn some fine roping you come see yer ol' Uncle Nick, 'cause no one's better than me and that's a fact!" He rocked the child gently in his arms while pacing the floor.  He didn't hear his wife come up behind him.  "Sure wish you were my son.  Not that I would ever give up your cousin ya understand.  Colleen's a sweetheart, you'll meet her later; but you know a man always wants a son to carry on his name, ...his legacy." Nick wiped an errant tear from his eye.


"Nick?" He turned quickly toward his wife's quiet voice behind him.


"Oh, I didn't hear ya there.  Me and my nephew here were just gettin' acquainted.  I think I talked his ear off, he fell asleep.  Sure's a lot like his father huh?" Nick grinned.


"Hope wants him.  She has a girl too.  She's so beautiful, very tiny though."


"Boy and a girl huh?  The best of both worlds." Nick gave a her a crooked grin.


"Yes." Laura took the baby from Nick's arms.  "I'll be right back."


"Yeah, sure." Nick sat back down on the settee across from Heath's room.  He had remained there, until his wife emerged again from the bedroom.


"Don't get up." She urged him.  She knelt in front of him, her hands on his knees.


"How's Hope doing?" His eyes betrayed a glistened tear hidden there.


"She's well, and I haven't seen Heath smile so much since his wedding."


"Can't say I blame him.  I know how he feels." Nick smiled wearily.


"I imagine you do."  A feeling of love so overwhelmed her heart as she searched his forlorn face.  It was so painful to see him suffering and feeling that she was the cause of it.  She became determined to find a way to resolve their problems.


"Shouldn't you be in there helping out?"


"They have plenty of help with your mother and the doctor in there.  I thought maybe you needed me instead."


"Always."  A loving grin creased his face. 


She placed her hands on his rugged lined features.  "Do you have any idea how much I love you?" She asked him.


"More than I deserve I suspect."


"Not true.  You deserve all I have to give." He shook his head and his dark locks tumbled onto his forehead.


"After the way I've be acting..."


 "Hush." She whispered as she placed her fingers to his lips.


"I love you." He whispered back and kissed her fingertips.


"I know."  Nick placed his hands on her arms and brought her up to sit on his lap.  Her arms went around his neck in an embrace and they sweetly and lovingly kissed each other.



  * * * * * * * *



Heath could have sat there forever, his small new family tucked safely in his arms.  So often he had wished his mother were alive, but never as much as that very moment.  He silently prayed that she could see her golden haired son now from her heavenly perch.  Heath Thomson Barkley with his wife, son and daughter enveloped in his arms.  Never would he have dared to dream of such a life, but his mother had.  She told him one day he would have a family of his own and would understand the pride and love that she felt for him.


"Mama." He absently whispered to himself.  Hope instinctively knew what her husband was thinking.  How she ached for him to be able to share this moment with the woman who so lovingly raised him.  Hope often silently thanked Leah in her prayers for raising such a fine son through so much hardship.  She couldn't imagine being married to any other man.  Heath was the epitome of strength in Hope's eyes.  No one could ever compare with him and she blessed the day she married this wondrous gentle man. 


"Leah." Hope whispered.  "Let's call our daughter Leah.  That way a small part of your wonderful mother will always be with us."


So overwhelmed was he by his wife's gesture that he nuzzled her still damp hair in silent thanks as he choked back his own tears of happiness.  Heath blessed the day she came into his life and wondered what he had done to deserve all the good fortune he was given since entering this big valley that he now called home.


 The child in the crook of Hope's right arm began to cry out in a squeaky soulful sound.  "I think our son wants a name too." Hope chuckled.


"And he deserves a good strong name.  Michael is a good strong name.  Think your Dad would mind iffen we name him that?"


"Da would be very pleased, but wouldn't you want a Heath Junior instead?"


"No, he deserves a name for himself.  And Michael's one of the finest names I know."


"Then Michael it is then."


Doctor James always hated to interrupt the tender moments she was privileged to witness when a young couple looked upon their first child, but her medical sense dictated that her new patient was her first priority and she now had two.  "Hope, the babies need to be fed, since you have two we must get started."


"Yes of course." She smiled shyly at the doctor.


"Would you excuse us for a while? The first time can be awkward for the new mother and I want her to feel comfortable with this." The doctor informed both Victoria and Heath.  Heath gently, but reluctantly glided himself out from behind his new family.  Victoria cupped her arm around his waist and walked out of the room.  In the hallway Victoria stood on her toes to kiss Heath's cheek.  He brought his face down to meet her.


"I don't have to ask to know how happy you are." She began.


"I can't even begin to explain how I feel.  Where's Nick?" Heath always shared his pain with his brother Nick and now he wanted to share his joy.


"Right behind you little brother.  Laura and I were just going to bed when I heard you out here so I had to...." Nick choked back stinging tears as he embraced his blond brother.  "Congratulations Heath."


Heath attempted to hold back his own tears once again as he accepted the brotherly embrace.  "Thanks Nick.  I'm afraid you can't see the babies just yet, they're being fed." Heath apologized.


"Plenty of time for that tomorrow.  I did meet the boy; we had a good talk, but I think he fell asleep on me.  Sure is a lot like you Heath."


Heath chuckled, "Talked Michael's ear off did ya? Not surprised."


"Michael, that's a fine name for the boy, and the girl?"




"Perfect.  Well, I best be getting to bed, early day tomorrow, lots of work.  You take the day off tomorrow to be with your family.  I'll take up the slack for ya."


"No Nick..."


"Don't argue.  There's plenty of work for you to do right here.  Can't expect Tidbit to do it all herself do ya? The girl's tired, needs her rest.  This is where you find out what a chore it is to be a father.  Believe me Heath, it's the best job you'll ever have.  Good night.  'night Mother."


"Good night son." Victoria gave her cheek to her middle son for a kiss.  "Sleep well."



