The Crying Angel

by MrsNickB





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





It was the last few hours of a happy Christmas day when Nick secured the house for the night. The presents were all unwrapped and "oohhed" and "aahhed" over. The Christmas roast was officially declared leftovers for the following day, and everyone was satisfied with their gifts.


It was a special joy for Nick to watch his daughter, Colleen, make one childish giggle after another with each gift she received. 'Next year,' he thought happily, 'they'll be another child, Colleen's new brother or sister to enjoy the festivities.' Nick smiled. He and his wife Laura had all but given up hope of having another child after Colleen. Even though Laura was on complete bed rest in the final months of her pregnancy, it was still a small price to pay for her health and this new blessing.


The final task of locking up the house was Nick's duty. He was pushing up the bolt on the front door when he heard the sound of little bare feet on the stairs behind him.




"Pixie face, what are you doing up so late?"


"I had a sad dream, Papa."


"A bad dream?" he corrected, thinking he hadn't heard his daughter right.


"No, Papa. I said a sad dream," the child stated as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.


Nick walked over to the edge of the stairs and held his arms out. "Come on, Sweetie, tell Papa all about it." He gathered his daughter in his strong arms and brought her over to the chair by the fireplace. Colleen cuddled in her father's embrace as he wiped the tears from her eyes with his thumb. "Now, tell me this sad dream you had."


"The little Christmas angel, you know the one Mama made for me to hang on the tree?" Her father nodded. "It was crying in my dream."


"The Christmas angel was crying? Why?" Nick asked as he stroked her soft ebony curls.


"She was very sad. She was crying real loud too."


"And why was your little angel crying?"


"She told me that the Baby Jesus was sad, 'cause everyone forgets his birthday. I was sad too, 'cause it's my birthday and sometimes I forget Him too."


"Well, now, you can't help that. It's your birthday and Christmas all rolled into one. Sometimes, it's easy to forget it's Baby Jesus' birthday too."


"But, Papa, that makes the Baby Jesus sad. Wouldn't it make you sad if people forgot your birthday?"


"I guess I never thought of it that way, Colleen. I suppose you're right."


"Papa, do you know what jelly-us means?"


"You mean jealous? Yes, it's what you feel sometimes when someone has something you want."


"The angel in my dream said Jesus was jelly-us of Santa Claus." Colleen's tearful blue eyes stared up at her father. " 'Cause people think of Santa more than Baby Jesus."


"Ahh, I see. I suppose the angel is right there. I guess we all tend to do that."


"Why, Papa?"


"Well, I suppose it's because Christmas is a busy time of the year. People buy lots of gifts and do lots of baking and preparing for the holiday and, well, I suppose Baby Jesus gets lost in the shuffle is all, Pixie face."


"It's not fair, Papa. Poor Baby Jesus." Renewed tears began as Colleen wrapped her waif-like arms around her father's neck and pressed her button nose on his cheek.


"I know, Pixie face, I know." Nick's eyes stung with tears as he held her tightly and thought about all the hustle and bustle that went with this time of the year. Curing the meat for the family as well as the ranch hands and their families, seeing to the needs of the livestock on the ranch, repairing broken fences so the cattle wouldn't drift off, going up to the high country with Heath to cut down the right tree for the family and of course getting all those special gifts for the loved ones, as well as doing all the last minute chores that need to get done on a large ranch. So much to be done and not one thought as to what or why. The true meaning of Christmas, the true reason for the season.


Nick stood with his child in his arms and walked over to piano where the nativity scene was set up. He picked up the porcelain Christ child from its straw manger and laid it in his child's delicate hand. Colleen placed a sweet kiss on the head of the statue. "Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus," she said.


Nick placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead. "Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus and thank you for the gift of children."




Based on a song sung by Toby Keith called "Jesus Gets Jealous of Santa Claus",

by Vernon Rust and Keith Urban.