
by Nzie




Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Victoria stepped out into the cold, dark air. It was the day after Christmas and she had risen early to continue in a secret escapade. Dressed in her riding pants and coat, she stepped across the light inches of snow. Only five inches, though it is a bit much for around here. Not for back home, not at all. I’ll bet there’s at least four feet. She saddled Misty quietly and rode off at a brisk trot. Reaching a favorite spot after about a half-hour’s ride, she dismounted and let her mare have her reins.

The day had always been one of remembrance. Since leaving home at seventeen she had always set the day aside. In the beginning, she thought of her hometown and life before marriage. Later, she mourned her parents and lost child. But today, she mourned Tom as she had since his death. So sudden. So awful. So, so, so everything. So nothing. The first December after his death had been filled with questions, too soon after an all too subdued holiday. Why? Why now? Why him? Why? Questions God didn’t answer, or at least not loudly enough.

The cold air made her pants crisp and cold to her skin, but she liked it. The shiver it created was oddly comforting and fun and, and crisp. It was as if nature was giving her ice-hugs. A welcome and goodbye through reminders of her hometown. She surveyed the beautiful spot on the ranch that was for the day hers and hers alone. Hers, blanketed in the snow so much like a little New England town she loved. Hers, not a working ranch but a patch of earth that held a patch of her heart. A place that always brought peace, even through pain that faded but did not end. A place to talk to God and wait for an answer that always came somehow. Perhaps not that day, not that week or month, but soon enough, and at just the right time.

The year after Tom’s death, the day had fallen on a Sunday. She had taken her ride earlier so to get to Mass on time. God’s answer came soon that year, for she had never realized or taken into account that her special day was the feast of St. Stephen. The old priest told the story of the saint traditioned to be the first martyr. Not long after the death of Christ he had stood up for his faith and beliefs and he been stone. On her way back from church, she detoured from her family to stop at the grave to talk to Tom about Stephen. Oh Tom, you are so like him! He wasn’t perfect, but he tried and he was killed for his faith, too. Oh Tom, I miss you. Keep watch over us with St. Stephen. We miss you so much. Now I share this day with you. I never told and you never asked, but now it is our time. Help it stop hurting so much. I can’t stop thinking on the bad but I know there was so much good. Help me see that again.

Victoria smiled remembering her prayer that day. This year all she had was thanks and memories. So many wonderful memories. Such a wonderful time with Tom. she mounted up, blowing a kiss into the wind where she knew Tom was and smiled as she caught his in the cold air that blew back. There was not so much pain there now, just a glimpse of Heaven through old memories.