Nightmare Wedding

by Peg





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Boy Howdy! This is the day I've been waiting for since I laid eyes on her. I just knew we’d be husband and wife. Who would ever have thought it? Me of all people, Heath Barkley, formerly known as Heath Thomson, the bastard son of Tom Barkley, the brother of Jarrod Nick Audra and Eugene, the son of two women Leah Thomson the woman who gave me life and Victoria Barkley the woman who accepted me as her own and soon to be the husband of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, Maria Montero.


I still can't believe she’s chosen to marry me, despite the fact her father is against us being married. That is the only cloud in this otherwise wonderful day. Personally, I don't care if he comes to the wedding or not, I choose not, but he is Maria’s father and she does love him. I do know what she’s giving up by marrying me.


He swore to disown her, if she goes through with this wedding. I was willing to let her go, if that’s what she wanted, but she didn't want that, she wanted me and I will spent the rest of my life making sure she never has cause to regret that decision.


I, Heath Thomson Barkley will forever make one Maria Montero happy and not be sorry she ever married me. That is my promise to her.


“Hey little Brother.”


“Nick, Jarrod, what are you doing in here? Is it time yet? Are they ready for me? My tie is all wrong? What are you laughing at? Nick, Jarrod?


“Whoa there Heath! Calm down and take a breath boy, you are wound up tight.”


“That he is Nick. Ok brother Heath let Pappy help you out here, let me fix this tie for you.”


“Thank you Jarrod. Boy Howdy, I haven't been this nervous since the day I first rode onto this ranch.”


“You’re doing fine boy, of course if you’re not man enough to handle a man duty I'll be willing to step into your place.”


“Well thank you Nick, but I'm pretty sure I can handle a ‘man duty’ and if ever I need advice from a man I know where to find Jarrod.”


“Watch that mouth boy!”


“HAHA, come on Nick let us allow little Brother to finish getting dressed. Five minutes Heath, be down in five minutes.”


“Ok Jarrod, I'll be down.”


“Wait, we should share a drink together, how about it Heath, could you use a drink?”


“Yeah, ok Nick, I'll have one...or two...or three.


“What was that you said?”


“Oh, nothing Nick.”


“Do you have any regrets Heath?”


“No, of course not Jarrod, I love Maria, I want to be married to her. I just wish it was over. I hate this attention.”


“More likely Jarrod, he wants to start on the honeymoon..oh look Jarrod, you’d better get rid of that red face Boy it doesn't match your shirt.”


“Get out you and thanks for the drink.”


“Remember Heath, five minutes.”


“All right Jarrod, I'll be there. Boy Howdy, that Nick is something, little do they know the honeymoon all ready started. It started the day I asked Maria to marry me.”




It was a beautiful May day. I just turned twenty-five the week before. My family threw me a small birthday party, Maria was there accompanied by her father, Don Alfredo. When we got a chance to be alone for a few minutes, Maria told me her father only let her come after she  fought with him to let her come and he finally agreed only if he came with her. I was glad she had come, we stole a kiss and parted company. A week later I ask Maria to meet me on the north ridge for a picnic.


I'm not allowed to come calling on her at her place, so we usually meet on the north ridge where we both love to go riding. On the day of the picnic Silas fixed us a nice basket to take with us, chicken, cheese and fresh bread and I added a bottle of wine to the basket. Silas looked at me and I gave him a wink.


This was gonna be one special day. I was gonna ask the woman I love to marry me. I got to the north ridge first. I found a secluded spot under a big tree and spread the blanket out. I set the food out, laid two glasses along with the wine on the blanket and sat waiting for my love. I didn't have to wait long before she came driving up in her buggy. I walked over to her and helped her down. I unhitched the horse and led him to where I tied Charger so he could drink some water when he wanted it.


I led Maria to the blanket and helped her sit down, I sat down across from her. I poured us both a glass of wine and we talked a little. She was telling me about her days at the finishing school and how she couldn’t wait to get home.


“You like it here in the Valley?”


“Oh yes Heath, I love it here. My family is here so are my friends, places I am familiar with, but most important of all because you are here.”


Yep, she said that, I must have blushed because she giggled and said I was cute in red. I hate that I can't control that. I grabbed her gently by the back of her head and brought her face down to mine and gave her a gentle kiss.


“I love you.”


“Oh Heath, I love you too.”


God my heart was beating fast, I wanted to take her right there but being the good boy that I am, I restrained myself from doing anything. We ate our lunch and drink some more wine and just gazed at each other. I confess I was drunk with her beauty. I was in love and I wanted the whole world to know. I sat up against the tree and pulled Maria onto my lap. I started to kiss her lips then her face, I moved down to her neck drinking in the taste of her. I started nibbling on her ear, she in turn was kissing me on my face and lips. She was letting out a moaning sound and I knew I had to end this. I gently pushed her away from me and told her we have to stop before I lose control of myself. She looked at me like she wanted me to continue, but she got control of herself and sat down on the blanket next to me.  I put my arm around her and she laid her head on my shoulder. “I've got a question for ya,” I said.


Boy Howdy was I ever nervous. I knew how her father felt about me and I knew what she'd be giving up if she said yes, but I loved her and I had to ask.


“What is it?”


“Oh it's nothing much, just a token of my love for ya.”


I took the ring box out of my shirt pocket and handed it to her. She looked at the box, then at me, then down at the box again. She whispered my name as she opened the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw the ring.


“Will you marry me?”


For a minute she looked at the ring then she brought her eyes up to meet mine.


“Marry you?”


I nodded my head yes, my mouth was too dry to speak. After swallowing a couple of times I took her by the hand and stared into her eyes.


“Maria, I know by asking you to marry me, I am asking a lot from you. I know your father doesn't approve of how I came to be and if you agree to marry me, I know what you will be sacrificing. Your father will probably disown you, cut you off from your family and your home, so if you want to say no I will understand. If you want to think about it, then take all the time you need. I love you, that’s a fact. I want you for my wife, that’s a fact, but I also want you to be happy and if you agree to marry me I never want you to regret it.”


She got up and started to walk away. My heart sank as I thought, well that’s that. I started to get up when she walked around me and sat on my lap. She took my face in her hands and kissed me, just a soft kiss at first and then she started to kiss me hard. I responded by kissing her back. I know we were losing control when I started touching her in places I shouldn't have. I honestly tried to pull away but she wouldn't let me. I admit I didn't pull all that hard, We were both kissing passionately.


I pulled her away from me and looked her in the eyes, I could see she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I started to take her clothes off her raining kisses all over her as I went along.

When we were both without clothes I had to give her one more chance to stop this.


“Are you sure?” I asked her, “I can stop this.”


I lied, I doubted I could stop even if I wanted to and I didn't want to, I hoped she didn't want to either. She smiled at me, reaching for me and guiding me into her. We became one that day. I knew that she was telling me that I was her man and she was my woman, getting married was just a formality. We belonged to each other.


Afterwards, we lay side by side staring at the sky. So I teased her, “is that a yes or a no?”


She slapped at my arm. “Yes Heath Barkley, I will marry you.”


I grabbed her and started kissing her and we were soon lost in one another again. Eventually,  we packed up and left to tell the family the good news.


As I expected, my family was really happy for us, there were hugs and kisses all around. Nick went and got a bottle of champagne and we had a small celebration. Mother and Audra wanted to know when the wedding was to be. Maria told them we hadn't made any plans yet, she needed to tell her father first. The room became quiet (yes even Nick was quiet). I knew what was on everyone’s mind, Don Alfredo is not gonna like this news at all. I walked up to Maria took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were sad and I pulled her to me and held her tight.


“You won't have to tell him alone Maria, I'll be right there with you.”


“You can't Heath, I have to do this myself.”


“No way I'm gonna let you go and tell him yourself, there's no telling what he’ll do.”


“Heath, It will only be worse if you come with me, Father might..well he might shoot you like he did that bull, remember Heath? It will be better if I tell him myself.”


Before I could say anything more, Jarrod came over to me.


“She's right Heath you can't go with her, you know how he feels about you.”


I nodded my head, I remembered the day he killed that bull, all because it mated with a cow that wasn't pure bred, just like me, or at least his perception of me. Boy Howdy! I was so stupid to ask her to marry me, I didn't think of the trouble she would have by me asking her to marry me. There seemed only one thing to do.


“Maria, I'm sorry I didn't realize...I mean I...ahh Hell. I don't want to cause you any pain, I'm sorry, forget that I asked you to marry me, the wedding is off.”


Everyone was on me at once, none of them could believe I just said that. Hell, I didn't believe I just said that, but I had to spare her the trouble her father might cause her. I can take it, it's nothing new to me, but I love her too much to see her get hurt. I felt I had to step aside, but God it sure hurt!


“Oh no Heath,” from Mother.


“Heath you can't,” from Audra,


“Heath think about it,” from Jarrod.


“What the hell is wrong with you boy,” from Nick.


But the one that got my attention was from Maria.


“I love you Heath and I want to marry you, if you don't want to marry me then just say so, don't use my father as an excuse. What will it be Heath?”


I swear there was fire coming from her eyes, she was so mad.. Boy Howdy, she is so beautiful looking like that. I wanted to go to her, take her in my arms and kiss her, make love to her, but I had to try one more time.


“Maria, you know at the very least your father will disown you. I'm afraid that he will do something worse than that, like take you away, lock you up in a convent or something like that. I don't want to have to see you with pain in your eyes when your father forces you to choose between him or me. I've been through all this before but I don't want you to have to go though this ugliness...please understand.”


“I will handle my father. If he makes me choose between you or him, then I'm afraid he will be disappointed because I choose you Heath. You asked me a question earlier and I believe I gave you my answer. Now I will ask you the same question, Heath Barkley will you marry me?”


I looked around at my family they were all staring at me waiting for my answer, all holding their breath. I took Maria in my arms, pulled her close to me and gave her a very deep kiss. She responded fervently. I forgot about the family until Nick spoke up.


“All right you two, break that up, save some of that for the honeymoon.”


Maria and I reluctantly pulled apart. She looked up at me and said, “does that mean yes or no?”


I smiled down at her, “yes Maria Montero I will marry you.”


We both laughed and the family laughed with us, all was fine again. We had more  champagne, more rounds of hugs and kisses and all too soon it was time for Maria to go. I walked to the door with her.


“I know you have to do this yourself, but I don't like it. I'll be worrying about you until I hear from you.”


“I know you will Heath, I'll tell him as soon as I get home. It will be all right, no matter what happens we will be married ok?”


“Alright, be careful, let me hear from you as soon as you can.”


“I will, bye.”


I watched her get in her buggy and drive away. It took everything in me not to follow her, plus Nick was there to stop me.


“She's his daughter Heath, he won't hurt her.”


“He doesn't have to physically hurt her Nick, you can hurt someone mentally or emotionally, that is something I know lots about.”


Nick put his arm around my shoulder and led me back to the family.


Four hours later, after we had finished eating, Nick and Jarrod were playing pool, mother was doing needlepoint and Audra and I were playing cards when there was a knock on the door. Silas went to answer it and a few moments later came in with Maria following him. I jumped up and went to her, I could see she'd been crying. The first thing I wanted to know...


“Did he touch you? I'll kill him if he did!”


She threw herself into my arms, really crying hard. “Oh Heath it was awful...”


“Maria? Look at me, tell me, did your father hit you or put his hand on you?”


I couldn't bear to see her crying like this, I had known he would say some mean, cruel things and maybe even throw her out, but I had prayed that he wouldn’t hit her.


“No Heath, he didn't touch me.”


Thank God, I was thinking. I didn't want to have to go after her father and made things worse. I let Maria lean on me while she cried her heart out. After a bit I made her look at me again


“Can you tell me what happened Maria, what did your father say or do to you?”


“Oh Heath, it was awful, the things he said about me and about you.”


“Maria, I'm sure your father didn't say anything I haven't already heard. I'm sorry you had to hear such things and I'm sorry for whatever he said about you.”


“Heath what really got me worried is his hatred for you. It's not what he said as much as the look on his face when he said it. He told me I was no longer his daughter and I was no longer welcome in his home and he threw me out. He told me he will have me shoot me if I set foot on his property, but before that the things he said about you, I can't even say them.”


“Then don't, I can guess what he had to say, all I want to know is do you still want to marry me. I won't hold it against you if you walk out that door now.”


“Do you still love me?”




“Do you still want to marry me?”


“You bet!”


“Can we get married soon?”


“How soon?”


“Next month?”


“If that’s what you really want, then we can be married next month.”


“It is what I want and Heath, I am very happy as long as I have you.”


“You'll have me for as long as we both shall live.”


I had hoped to ease the tension with the little touch of humor and it worked, everyone started laughing. Mother told Maria she could stay here in the guest room until after the wedding. Mother, Audra and Maria left talking about doing shopping for the wedding. I can see they were trying to distract Maria. Ain't it no wonder I love this family? Jarrod, Nick and I stayed and had a drink talking about what had happened. They wanted to have a talk with Don Alfredo, but I told them it would do no good. We left it at that and went to bed.


So here we are a month later, June 16 1877 and I’m getting ready to marry the woman I love. We have heard nothing more from Don Alfredo. Maria stayed in the guest room, Boy Howdy, you don't know how hard it was not ta sneak into her room, but I was good, we both were good, because she wanted to sneak into my room too. After today, we won't have ta worry about sneaking. Boy How-dy I can't wait!


Well here I am, with my brother and best man Nick, waiting for the ladies to descend the stairs. Only my family (Silas included) is here, Maria and I decided not to invite anyone else. Maria didn't want her father mad at any member of her family or friends and I like things simple, so we just settled on the family.


Usually it’s Nick who would pace back and forth and we always try to get him to settle down, now the role is reversed, Nick is trying to calm me down while I am pacing back and forth.


“Calm down Heath, it will all be over with soon.”


I just smile at him. I start to pat my packet, then I start to panic.


“My God Nick I lost it!”


“Lost what?”


“The ring Nick, I lost the ring! We got to stop the wedding Nick, what am I going to do? Help me Nick!. I am getting really desperate, then I notice Nick is laughing.


“This is not funny! I yell. “Why are you laughing?”


“Calm down Heath.”


“I can't, Nick help me here?”


Easy Boy, I've got the ring remember? You gave it to me yesterday.”


I know my face is red again, I just turn around and with my head held high I walk away. Nick and Jarrod are both laughing. I can't wait for the day they get married!


Then it started, mother began playing the piano. First, Audra came down the stair, she was lovely with her hair piled high on her head and the light blue gown she wore brought the color of her eyes out. Jarrod escorted her to where Nick and I were standing and placed her to the opposite side of Nick. We both smiled at one another. Then Jarrod went upstairs and came back down with Maria on his arm. To say she was beautiful was an understatement. No words could describe how she looked, no words could describe how I feel for her, I can't wait for this to be over I just wanna hold her in my arms. I know I had a smile on my face a mile long, I couldn't help but feel proud that she was marrying me.


Jarrod brought her over to stand next to me. and she smiled up at me. Looking at her I got a sudden feeling in the pit of my stomach, a feeling that we are never going to marry, but that’s stupid, here we are ready to say I do. The minister started reading from the bible saying everything he was supposed to until he got to the part that asks, is there anyone here who thinks this man and this woman should not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace.


“I've got something to say!”


Two men came from the back, with guns drawn, one of them covered the family while the other one grabbed Audra and held a gun on her. Nick started to go towards the man with Audra, but I grabbed him and held him back. The man who had Audra told Silas to open the front door. Silas came back with three men behind him.


“Father!” Maria screamed.


Don Alfredo stood in front of Maria and I, one man forced Silas to sit back down and held his gun on the family, like the other was doing. The second man went behind me grabbed my arm and held his gun on me. Maria was crying, Nick was standing there wanting to do something but knowing he couldn’t, without someone getting hurt. Don Alfredo and I stood face to face staring into each other eyes and I knew before this was over someone was going to die.


Still looking at me, Don Alfredo said to Nick, “Mister Barkley will you please sit down with your family, along with the minister. We won't be needing his services today.”


Nick started walking towards Don Alfredo, “Why  you son of a...”




I called out to him urgently and stopped his movement with my hand. Just then we heard Audra scream. We both turned in her direction and the man that was holding her held her by the throat, his gun pointing at her face. I looked at Mother and she had lost all the color in her face. I turned towards Nick.


“Please Nick,” I pleaded, “Please do as he says.”


Nick stood his ground for a couple of seconds but he came to his senses and along with the minister sat down next to Jarrod and Mother. I turned back to Don Alfredo and waited for his next move. We stood staring at each other and I could see the hatred he had for me shining out of his eyes. Maria’s pleading ended the staring contest.


“Father, please stop this craziness now. You wanted nothing more to do with me you disowned me. Why are you doing this now?”


“Quiet Daughter, I've got something to say to this young man, to the both of you.” He said this to Maria, never taking his eyes from me. “I've asked you to stay away from my daughter. I've asked you to stop seeing my daughter. I've told you about family and what it means to me, but did you listen? No, you did what you wanted and now someone will pay the price for your actions.”


I could hardly breathe. “What are you talking about? I could barely ask above a whisper, the tightness in my chest preventing me from speaking louder.


He ignored me and spoke to Maria. “As for you, you know how I feel. You know the family means everything to me, but you choose to ignore my feelings and I will not have it. You will not bring a bastard into my family!” The more he was talking the louder he got until he was shouting the last part. “I will ask you a question and you will answer me truthfully.” He cast an angry glance back at me as he asked Maria, “are you with child?”


“What?” Maria and I said together.


I looked at Maria, then back at her father as he continued speaking, addressing his next question to me.


“Did you formicate with my daughter?” He shouted at me.


He was completely angry now, I felt there would be no reasoning with him. I was taken completely by surprise with that question, how could he know? I looked at Maria, then back at him. I guess everyone could tell from Maria’s crying and my anger that, that is exactly what had happened.


He confronted Maria, “now I will ask you again Maria, are you with child? You’d better tell me the truth.” I looked at Maria. She couldn't be with child...could she?


“Answer me,” he shouted. The man who was holding me slammed me in the stomach with his gun. I doubled over in pain and would have fallen to my knees if the man hadn’t had a hold of me. Through my pain, I could hear Maria screaming my name. I knew she would have come to me if her father wasn't holding her back.


“Heath!” I heard her screaming my name. “Heath, my God. Father please stop this. Just leave we can leave together. I promise I won't have anything more to do with him. Please let’s just leave.”


I saw him grab Maria by the throat. “I want an answer from you. I know you soiled yourself with him. Now I want you to answer me or Miss Barkley will pay with her life.”


The man holding Audra pulled her by the hair put the gun to her head and made her scream. I stood back up just as Maria started to answer him.


“I don't know father, it’s too early to tell, I think I might be. The doctor will know in another month.”


I stood staring at her in shock as Maria went on, “how did you know father, how did you find out?”


“I know everything you did, I had you followed. I had someone watching you at all times. I saw you go into the doctor’s office last week. I knew you gave yourself to him. I just guessed that the reason you went there was to find out if you are. How could you Maria, how could you act like a common saloon girl? You didn't want to listen to me when I told you to stop seeing him that nothing good will come out of it, but no, you did what you wanted and to hell with the family. You betrayed our family Maria. You should never turn on your family. You just had to be a whore like the woman who gave him life.” Don Alfredo’s voice was harsh with contempt.


“No Father, I am not a whore I never betrayed you or anyone else in the family, it’s you who betrayed me, you who turned against me. I love him Father and if I am with child, then I am proud to be carrying his child and if you are comparing me to his mother then you just paid me a compliment.”


For a couple of seconds I was really proud of her, I was gonna smile at her to offer her my strength, but Don Alfredo grabbed her arms and slapped her hard across her face. She would have fallen backward but for his hold on her. I wanted to get my hands on him but a gun upside my head kept me in check.


“There is no way you are going to bear a child of that bastard. He is nothing,” said Don Alfredo, turning to face me. “You are nothing, a nobody, you have nothing. You are nothing but someone’s mistake, you were not supposed to be. If it weren't for the goodness of this family you wouldn't even have a home or a name. You are nothing but a charity case this family took in.”


I couldn't help looking at the people I now call family. They were all sitting there, Mother, Jarrod, and Nick. They were all watching this drama unfold, waiting for the outcome. I could see Nick flexing his hands wanting to get at Don Alfredo. I looked back at Don Alfredo, I knew what he had it in mind to do. I knew my child, if there was one, would never be born. I tried fighting with the man who had me but the man with Audra was ready to pull the trigger, so I stopped fighting. Don Alfredo nodded to one of the men holding a gun on my family and he aimed the gun at me. I knew he wasn't going to kill me. God, how I wished he would, but no I was not going to be that lucky.


“You don't wanna do this,” I cried. “I will leave Stockton and promise to never come back. Anything you want,” I begged. He knew that I realized it wasn't me he was gonna kill.


“It's too late for that now, you had your filthy hand on my daughter. You soiled her body, you have put your dirty seed into her and will most likely produce a child. No grandchild of mine will have a bastard for a father. They will not go through life being the sons or daughters of that Barkley bastard. They will not be born to a name that is not theirs by birth. The Barkleys name will not truly be their name.”


He was implacable, but I had to try and get through to him. “Excuse me Sir, but Jarrod had my name legally changed to Barkley. Any children I have will be a Barkley, legally.” I was desperate to take his mind off of what he wanted to do.


“You Sir,” he said pointing his finger at my chest as he spoke, “you were not born to the name and I will not have my grandchild’s blood tainted. No daughter of mine will carry a bastard child let along give birth to one. You soil my daughter, you made her dirty just like your mother dirtied the Barkley's name by having you. You will not soil my family's blood line.”


“Please Father...” but that was as far as Maria got. Don Alfredo nodded at the man who had his gun aim at me and he turned the gun towards Maria and shot her point blank in the heart. Maria died before she even hit the floor.


“Nooo!” I screamed.


I wanted to go to her, but the man who held me forced me to stay where I was. I could hear Audra screaming. I looked at my family. I could see Jarrod and Nick wanting to get up and do something but they were forced to stay seated, by the gun still aimed at mother. I turned back to look at Maria. I thought she looked beautiful sleeping, but the blood stain spreading on her gown told me she would never awaken from this sleep. Don Alfredo bent down and ripped a piece of her gown, wiped her blood on it and stood back up facing me. He walked to me, took my hand and put the piece of cloth into it.


“You are going to have to live with this, her death will be on your head, you will forever carry her blood-stain on your soul. I hope you think twice before you go after someone else’s daughter.”


He faced my family. “One of my men will give each of you a glass of water it will have sleeping powder in it, you will all drink a glass. I just had my daughter killed so I will not hesitate to kill anyone who refuses.”


The man passed a glass of water to everyone and they all drank, Nick being Nick didn't drink his at first, he stared at Don Alfredo, like his look alone was going to get him his revenge. Mother got Nick’s attention and told him to drink it, which he did slowly. Don Alfredo turned, picked up his daughter and walked out of the door. One by one my family along with the minister passed out. Nick being the last one, we kept our eyes on each other, me willing him to stay awake . I didn't want Nick to go out. I kept thinking that if he went to sleep I would lose whatever it was that was holding me together. So I kept staring at him and he at me, he seemed to know that I needed him awake. He tried so hard to fight it, but not even Nick Barkley could fight it for long, it won in the end. Oh so slowly, Nick's eyes closed until he was out. The four men were watching Nick until he went out, they then turned their attention to me.


One held me by the arms while the other three took turns in beating me. They kept pounding on me until I couldn't stand any more and when I fell to the floor they started kicking on me. I know a couple of my ribs broke, my face was battered and bruised, I could feel the blood running down my face. Through it all I remember thinking Don Alfredo succeeded where everyone else had failed, my Uncle Matt from Strawberry, Bentell from Carterson, Chivas from Rio Blanco and Risley from that hell hole he called a prison, they all had tried to break me but I fought them tooth and nail and I came out the winner. Now, I didn't care, there was no fight in me anymore, I felt nothing. I knew they broke my leg but I didn't feel it. I just wanted to die, I was not going to fight anymore. I had my eyes closed, when I opened them I saw that I still held that piece of cloth in my hand. I closed my fist on it. The last thing I remember seeing before my eyes closed was Maria’s blood staining the rug.