The Story of My Life

(A Jarrod Story)

by Peg





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Jarrod was in his elegant San Francisco home, having lunch with the woman he loved with all his heart. He was going to ask her to marry him, but he wasn't just going to say ‘Will you marry me?’. No! Not Jarrod. He was going to make this proposal something she would never forget. So, after they finished eating, Jarrod poured some more wine and handed her a glass. After they took a sip he said to her:


“Someday I'm going to write the story of my life.

I'll tell about the night we met,

and how my heart can't forget

the way you smiled at me.”


“Jarrod what are you...?”


“Hush! I'm not finished,” Jarrod said.


“I want the world to know the story of my life,

about the night your lips met mine,

and that first exciting time

I held you close to me.”


She started to blush as Jarrod continued.


“The sorrow in our love was breakin' up,

the mem'ry of a broken heart.

But later on, the joy of makin' up

never never more to part.


There's one thing left to do,

before my story's through.

I've got to take you for my wife

so the story of my life

can start and end with you.”


Jarrod took her hand and slipped the ring he had for her on her finger. She just stared at the ring.


“Well?” Jarrod asked.


She looked wide-eyed at Jarrod. “Did you just ask me to marry you, Jarrod Barkley?”


“Yes, and I'm waiting for you to give me an answer.”


Oh, Jarrod, yes, yes of course I'll marry you!”


Jarrod gathered her into his arms and they shared a long lingering kiss.






"The Story of my Life" by Marty Robbins