
by Peg





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Give me one good reason why I shouldn't do it, why I shouldn't pull this trigger? I've got nothing to live for. I always try to do what’s right, but I'm just tired of it all. I'm tired of struggling, tired of these so-called decent people saying things about my Mama and me. Things like people calling my Mama a whore or calling me a bastard. I'm tired of having to prove myself to people, prove that I am more than just a bastard. God, I'm so tired of it all, just a pull of this trigger and I will not be tired anymore. A long rest is what I will have, peace, I will finally have peace.


Sitting here, on this hill outside of Strawberry, the place where I grew up, contemplating pulling this trigger, my life passes through my mind. I can see my Mama, Aunt Rachael and Hannah the only people in this world who care if I live or die. Mama will cry and grieve when I am gone. Aunt Rachael will comfort her, she will hold her own feelings in to take care of my Mama. Hannah will worry about whether I will go to Heaven or Hell, but if she thinks about it, I've been in Hell my whole life.


Being born a bastard, living amongst these hostile people in Strawberry, being around my Uncle Matt and Aunt Martha, was this not Hell? For me, it was and if that’s not enough, I ran away from home when I was twelve and two years later did something very, very stupid, I joined the army. Oh I thought it was a good idea at the time, I could send Mama some money and I could try to make something of my life. At least that’s what I thought, God was I wrong, I was so wrong. I thought I could get a break when I joined the army. Boy howdy, that was a bad mistake. I didn't like the war, I didn't like killing people who weren’t shooting back at me, but I was  a sharp shooter and...well... I had my orders.


Even though I didn't like any part of the war, I felt I could survive it, if I could live through it and with it somehow. But when I became a prisoner and was sent to Carterson prison, well, I learned that Hell was infinitely worse than a childhood in Strawberry. The horror of that place, a living nightmare, of maggoty food, filthy water, of beatings and even rapes. My God, there was no end to the horror!


When rescue finally came to deliver us from that place, I believed I could finally find some peace. Boy howdy was I wrong there, eight months in the army hospital and another four months at home and the nightmares just kept coming. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I wanted to hurt someone, anyone, I wanted someone to feel my pain. It had to happen and when it did, it destroyed any self respect I still possessed. I did hurt someone, I hurt the one person who loves me above everything, my Mama. I hurt my own Mama, I slapped her in the face. Some son I am, slapping my own Mama. All she wanted me to do was to stop drinking, to eat more, to sleep more. She said I was gonna be like my Uncle Matt (that no good drunk!). I got angry, I saw red before I knew what was happening and I slapped my Mama across the face. I saw my hand print on her face and I ran out of the house. How could I do that, how could I slap my own Mama? ''HOW?''

I'm no good, I'm just a bastard like everyone says. I am out of control, there is nothing left inside of me, only bitter emptiness. There is only one thing left to do and that is to pull this trigger. One gun, one bullet, one pull and it will be over, then I can rest for a long, long time. There is no one to stop me.


Don't do it!


What! Who said that, who's here? No-one, there is no one here. Funny how light this gun is, putting it to my head, the gun is not heavy at all.

I said don't do that, put that gun down!


What the hell..... who's here, who said that? I can’t see anyone here at all. Great! Now I'm going crazy. Maybe that’s what happens when you’re ready to die, you go crazy. Or, maybe I was already crazy. Maybe it's my mind telling me not to do it. Tough I'm going through with it you hear me? You can't stop me.  Just pull the damn trigger Heath get it over with, I'm sorry Mama!


Get that damn gun away from your head! You pull that trigger and by God, Heaven or Hell won't stop me from beating the crap out of you!


What the Hell is going on? Who the hell is this, who is talking to me?


Listen to me Boy, you can't do this to yourself, if you go through with this then you will never find your way to me.


I.....don't...... know.........


I want you to find me, you won't be sorry when you do. I'll be here waiting, but if you go through with what you got in mind, we both lose out on something very special.


I....... don't know .......what.......ya .......talking about...... who are......ya.  Am I crazy? God help me, someone help me please. Damn it Heath, just pull the damn trigger don't listen to the voice.


Boy don't do it! I'm here waiting for you, find your way to me. Then you can lean on me, you won't be alone anymore. We will go through your pain together. You just have to find me.


How? I don't know who you are, or where you are, help me please?


I'm here Boy waiting for you. you just have to hang in there until we are together. Just hang in there please.... I promise you won't be sorry you didn't go through with it. Hang in there just hang in there please.


How will I find you?


When the time is right, you will find your way to me. In the mean-time you just have to be strong.


I'm tired I don't want to be strong no more.


Than let your family be strong for you until you can.


There’s just my Mama, Aunt Rachael and Hannah...I hurt them.


Go to them Boy, they’ll be there for you.


NO! I can't go to them, I can't go to no-one.


DAMN IT BOY! Put that gun down. Get off your butt and go home. I don't have time to baby you and hold your hands. This is a working ranch and I need you here to help me.


All right.....all right you don't have to get mad I'm going......Thank you who ever you are.... whatever you are.



Leah's house


Mama..... Mama.... I'm home.


Boy howdy, was I afraid to come home. I didn't want to see the hurt in the faces of the three ladies I love. When I walked into the kitchen there they were, all three of ‘em.


I look ed at my Mama, all I said was, “I'm tired Mama.”


She just opened her arms out for me. I hesitated to go to her then that damn annoying voice said GO and I swear I felt someone give me a little shove in Mama’s direction. That was all I needed, I ran into Mama’s open arms and she held on to me for dear life. Then the tears started, Boy Howdy, when they started they wouldn't stop. My Mama,  Aunt Rachael and Hannah were all holding on to me and we all cried together.


I now have a mission to complete, no matter how long it will take me, or where it will lead me, I will find the owner of that voice and I will pound the crap out of him for making me think I was crazy!  Hmm, maybe I will hug him and say thank you.



Barkley Ranch


“Nick...Nick...wake up.”


I'm waiting Boy.


“Nick wake up, come on its me Jarrod, wake up Nick.”


“Huh...what... Jarrod, what are you doing here?”


Waking you up. Who are you waiting for Nick?


“What...what are you talking about?”


“When I tried waking you up, you were mumbling about waiting for some boy, what boy Nick?”


“I don't know, but Jarrod I had me some dream!”


“What was the dream about? You were telling him to hang in there and that this was a working ranch. Who were you talking to Nick?”


“I don't know, I don't remember all of it. There was this feeling of sadness and I was afraid for someone. Someone very special and if I didn't help him all would be lost.”


“What would be lost Nick?”


“I don't know Jarrod. I'm tired let me sleep,  hmm?”




“I don't know, something about tired.”




“Yeah, go back to bed Jarrod.”


“Are you ok?”


“Yeah I'm ok.”


“Can you go back to sleep?”


“Yeah, I'm fine Jarrod.”


“All right good night Nick.”


“Night Jarrod.”


As Nick went back to sleep, he mumbled, “I'm waiting boy,” and he saw a lop sided smile as he drifted off to sleep.