A Haunted Child

Part 2

by sharie05





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





"And how’s our little patient doing this morning?" Doc Baker asked as he entered the room.

"He’s still asleep Doc," Nick responded getting up out of the chair. "My brother spent the night with him, he was pretty restless for a while. Other than what Heath told me I haven’t heard a peep out of him," Nick informed the doctor.

"Well his coloring seems to be picking up," the doctor noted as he bent down to examine Jessie. "Doesn’t seem to be running any sort of fever," he commented as he ran his hand over Jessie’s forehead. "Nick would you mind getting me some fresh water? I’m going to change the bandage on his arm."

Nick returned with the water as the doctor began unwrapping the bandage on the boys arm. Nick could see the child starting to stir as he neared the bed.

Jessie could feel someone pulling at his sore arm, he tried pulling it away from the pain but who ever was causing it held him fast. He struggled even harder as he started to panic, he felt alone and scared. Someone was hurting him again, "Please no," his small voice cried out as he continued to try and pull his arm back.

"Hang on son, I just need to change your bandage," Doc Baker stated as he continued to gently wrestle with the boy. "Come on son, it’ll only take me a minute."

"Please let me go," he moaned softly as he opened his eyes expecting to see Hank. "Please," he moaned looking up at the doctor.

"It’s all right son, we don’t want an infection to set in now," stated the doctor as he continued to try and change the boys bandage. "Nick can you help me a moment?" he asked looking over at Nick.

Nick walked up to the bed and stood next to Doc Baker, "Sure, what can I do?" he asked.

"Hold him for me, so I can change his bandage without pulling out these stitches," replied the doctor.

Jessie shuddered as the second man approached him and tried to scoot backwards towards the head of the bed away from the man. "No, no, no," he repeated as the man with the dark hair held him still as the other man pulled at his sore arm.

Nick didn’t like holding the boy down, he could feel the terror rising within him; hell he could see it in the boy’s eyes. "We’re not trying to hurt you boy," Nick spoke softly, "the Doc here just needs to check that wound of yours."

Jessie’s heart raced as he looked between the two men, he needed to get away, to run as fast and as far as he could. He needed to get away before Hank found him, before Matt found him. "Please let me go," he cried tears starting to stream down his small face.

Nick was just about to let the terrified child up when Heath walked back into the room. He was over to the bed and at the boy’s side before Nick could even open his mouth.

"It’s all right little guy," Heath spoke softly as he ran his fingers through Jessie’s hair, "No one here will hurt you, I promise," he added calmly. "Nick, it’s OK, I’ve got him now," Heath stated as he picked the frightened boy up and cradled him once again in his arms.

Doctor Baker was amazed at how quickly the child calmed down once Heath picked him up. "Thank you son," he said to Heath as he continued to change the bandage on the boys arm. "I should be done with this in a moment," he said as he looked at Jessie. He noticed how the boy’s eyes had lost their terrified gaze from just moments ago and now seemed so peaceful.

Jessie felt instantly at ease the moment Heath was at his side, he felt even better being back in the man’s arms. Something deep inside him told him this man would protect him; he would keep him safe. He felt so relaxed once again, it was a feeling that had been so foreign to him for so long now, he enjoyed it and relished in it.

"See I told you everything would be all right," Heath said as he looked down at the boy. "The good Doctor here just needed to check his handiwork," he added, pointing over at Doc Baker.

"Everything looks good, son," replied the doctor, "how do you feel this morning?" he asked looking down at Jessie.

Jessie looked up at Heath for an answer, he thought he could trust the doctor but he wanted to make sure and he trusted Heath.

"It’s all right," Heath told him answering the pleading and questing look the boys eyes held.

"Fine Sir," Jessie spoke in a soft voice that the doctor almost missed it was so quiet.

Heath smiled down at the boy, his eyes all aglow at the boy’s response. "Well then little guy, since your feeling fine, how about eating a little breakfast. The Doc’s wife makes some pretty fine biscuits," he added, hoping the boy might open up more.

"Will you come?" Jessie asked quietly as he looked up at Heath.

"Where else would I go," he laughed as he picked Jessie up and carried him towards the door.

"That brother of yours seems to have quite a way with that little boy," said Doc Baker as he and Nick followed Heath and Jessie downstairs towards the kitchen.

"I’m afraid they have a lot in common," Nick answered, stopping the doctor in the hallway. "Do you think that boy is all right?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"I think he will be with time and help," stated Doc Baker, "but then again I don’t know everything that went on with him. Someone was extremely brutal with him and has been for some time. But he’s young and pretty strong to have survived the abuse he has for this long."

"Thanks again Doc," Nick smiled as he continued on into the kitchen.

"Mr. Barkley, I see you’ve brought a friend with you," said Laura Baker as Heath walked into the kitchen with Jessie in his arms.

"Yes Ma’am," Heath replied, setting Jessie down in a chair at the table. "I told my young friend here just how delicious those biscuits of yours are," he said smiling.

"Well now I’m certainly glad you enjoyed them Heath." She replied walking over towards the pair, "can I get you some milk young man?" Laura asked Jessie.

"Please Ma’am," Jessie replied shyly as he looked up at Heath.

"Now enough with that Ma’am business young man, you just call me Laura, OK?" she stated bending down and handing Jessie a tall glass of milk.

" Thank you Ma’… Laura," he replied eyeing the glass of milk.

"Go a head son, you can drink it." Laura stated watching the boy’s hesitation, "Don’t you like milk?" she asked.

"Yes, I do," Jessie replied quietly, "It’s just been so long since I’ve had any." He added in a voice so soft both Laura and Heath almost missed it.

"Well don’t you worry about that son, I have plenty more so drink up." Laura replied, ruffling the boy’s hair.

Jessie eagerly grabbed the glass and let the cool milk slide down his throat, it tasted sweeter than any candy could to him, he drank the entire glass straight down.

"Well now that’s what I like to see," stated Laura, "a young man who finishes all of his milk." She smiled down at Jessie before walking back over to the stove to fetch him some biscuits.

"Boy Howdy, you sure did make short work of that." Heath said as he put his hand on Jessie’s shoulder. He was a little surprised when Jessie looked up at him with concern in his eyes. "What’s the matter?" Heath asked.

All Jessie could do was to point at his stomach, he was afraid if he opened his mouth he wouldn’t be able to keep the milk inside him, and he didn’t want to throw up in front of Mrs. Baker.

"Your stomach bothering you?" Heath asked looking down at the boy who was turning green before his eyes.

Jessie just shook his head up and down.

Heath picked Jessie up and quickly took him out the back door. He had just barely put him down when the poor boy gave up the contents of his stomach.

After a few moments Heath asked Jessie if he was feeling better, "you felling OK now?"

Jessie couldn’t look Heath in the eye, he felt ashamed of his lack of control over his stomach, and he was also embarrassed by the whole episode. So he simply shook his head, yes.

Heath knelt down in the grass and turned Jessie around to face him, "don’t you worry about that little guy, I should have known what all that milk would do to you on an empty stomach." He stated, staring Jessie straight in the eyes, "so lets say we try just a little this time to wash one of those biscuits down with."

Jessie’s spirits picked up with Heath’s kind and understanding words, "I’m sorry I wasted all that milk," he said quietly.

"Like I said don’t you worry about that at all, I should have known better myself," Heath said as he picked up Jessie and took him back inside.

Heath gave Laura a quick wink to let her know that everything was all right as they entered back into the kitchen. He was glad to see Nick sitting at the table.

"This here is my brother Nick," Heath said as he lowered Jessie back down into his chair. "He helped me with you last night," he added.

Jessie stared at Nick, not to sure what to make of the tall dark haired cowboy. "But if he was Heaths brother than he had to be all right," thought Jessie as he shook Nicks hand. "My names Jessie, Jessie Thorton," he said quietly.

"Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Jessie Thorton," replied Nick smiling first at Jessie and then up at Heath. "I hear Mrs. Bakers biscuits are just about the best in the state, at least that’s what my little brother here says," he stated pointing up at Heath.

" Well thank you Mr. Barkley, I’m not sure that they’re the best in the state now," she replied blushing slightly.

"Well here you go Jessie, a nice fresh biscuit and some scrambled eggs, I hope you like eggs?" Laura said as she put a fresh biscuit and a plate of eggs in front of him.

"Yes Ma’am I mean Laura, I’m sorry about the milk," he added looking down at the floor.

"Well now, don’t you go fretting over that. How about we try only half a glass this time," she smiled. "And don’t worry about finishing all of this food either, you just eat until that little tummy of yours is full."

Jessie sat up a little taller in his seat as he stared at the food placed before him. When was the last time he had eggs he wondered, he was lucky to get scraps from Hank and his men. They would never have given him eggs, at least not ones that smelled as heavenly as these. Quietly he bent down his head and said a prayer, "Bless us O God, Bless our food and drink, since you have purchased us at great price save us from every evil."

Heath watched as Jessie spooned mouthful after mouthful of eggs into his mouth. He had to remind him a few times to slow down, as he didn’t want to have to rush him outside again. Heath could see even more color coming back into the boy’s cheeks as he ate.

Jessie ate so much he thought his stomach would burst; it had all tasted so good. He couldn’t remember the last time his stomach was full.

"Well little guy, I think we had best get you back upstairs for some rest before you fall out of that chair." Heath said as he walked over to Jessie’s side, taking the tired boy’s hand he started to lead him back upstairs.

Jessie pulled on Heaths arm stopping him and turned around towards Mrs. Baker, "Thank you for the biscuits and eggs, they were real good," he stated giving her a quick smile.

"Your most welcome, Jessie, a good eater like you is always welcome at my table," replied Laura.

Heath smiled down at Jessie as he lead him up the stairs, "your quite the charmer young man," he stated helping Jessie up into bed. "Now get some rest, I’ll be just downstairs if you need me, all right?" he added watching for Jessie’s reaction.

"Ok, and thanks Heath," he said wrapping his arms around Heath.

"Your more than welcome, Jessie, I’ll be up later to check on you," he stated as he tucked the tired boy under the covers. After making sure he was all right, Heath closed the door part way and made his way back down to the kitchen.


Sam and Peter made there way slowly back to the cabin only to find it empty with no trace of anyone, and no clues as where the rest of the gang might be.

"I wonder what happened," Peter questioned upon entering the empty cabin.

"I’d have to say it’s nothing good," replied Sam coming through the door behind him. "I don’t know about you Pete, but I gotta lie down for a while. My head and stomach are killing me," he said as he headed off towards the back room.

"Sounds like a good idea to me too," replied Peter. "We’ll need all the rest we can get before checking out the neighboring towns any how," he added as he followed Sam’s lead and headed off for a nap.

Hank awoke from a restless sleep and tried to sit up on the cot before the pain in his shoulder made him gasp out and lay back down.

"Here Hank, let me do the work for you," stated Matt as he quickly came over to Hank’s side. With Matt’s help Hank managed to sit up on the bunk with his back leaning against the wall for support.

"You feeling any better, Hank?" questioned Matt as he sat down on the bunk.

"A little, my head sure hurts like hell, and this arm is still useless," he said while trying to lift his injured arm, "but at least my stomach seems to have settled some."

"I’ve been thinking Hank, I think that damn brat may have poisoned our food somehow." Matt said as he handed Hank some water.

"Come on Matt, I know the boy is smart but where the hell would he get poison?" Hank replied with a scowl on his face.

"I’m not sure, maybe he found it or maybe he used something in the woods, you know there are a lot of plants out here that are poisonous," he replied.

"Matt, he’s just a kid, how would he know what you could and couldn’t eat?" Hank questioned Matt his voice growing louder.

"Well then you figure it out!" Matt shouted as he walked back over to his bunk and sat down.

"It’s over now Matt, let’s just concentrate on figuring a way out of here, all right?" he asked, trying to lighten Matt’s dark mood.

Matt cast an angry look over towards Hank before realizing that he was right, there was nothing he could do about that little whelp until they got out of this place first. "Don’t worry Hank, I’ve got a few ideas about that." He replied as the front door opened and the sheriff walked in with a tray.

"Good afternoon fella’s," the sheriff stated as he walked back towards the cell. "You boys up to eating anything yet? Mrs. Laura made up some biscuits and eggs for you," he said as he slid the tray under the cell door.

Matt walked over, picked up the tray and carried it over to Hank’s bunk. Pulling back the cloth he found two plates both containing a biscuit cut in half with scrambled eggs covering it. Matt handed a plate to Hank and then began eating his. The eggs and biscuit tasted fantastic, he hadn’t had anything like this since their last trip into Emerald, and that was over a month ago.

Hank looked at the plate in front of him not certain weather or not he could trust his stomach just yet. The problem was the food smelled wonderful and he was hungry. He decided to try a little just to see if he could keep it down.

"Well you boys let me know if you need anything else, I got some paper work to finish before the sheriff from Modesto comes for you two and your friends." Stated the sheriff as he walked over to his desk.

"What friends!" Matt asked through a stunned mouth full of biscuit and eggs.

"Why the three other men that were with you when you boys robbed the stage," replied the sheriff. "Mel has them over at his place while he works on their coffins," he added.

"You mean their dead?" asked Matt as he looked at the sheriff and then to Hank.

"As dead as you fellas are going to be once the judge gets a hold of you in Modesto," laughed the sheriff as he started his paperwork.

"Did you hear that Hank?" Matt asked quietly. "Three of the guys are still free, our chances are looking better and better all the time." Matt smiled, is black eyes gleaming. "Yup better and better."

Heath made his way back down to the kitchen where Nick and Doc Baker were waiting for him.

"How is he?" questioned Nick as Heath poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with them.

"He’s sleeping again," stated Heath taking a sip of his coffee.

"Heath, the Doc here and I have been talking," Nick started as Heath looked up at him. "You seem to be the only one so far that’s been able to calm the boy. The Doc feels the boy has a long way to go before he’s healed. His physical wounds will heal, but his mental wounds will take a much longer time." Nick finished, carefully watching Heath.

"We both feel the boy may be best helped by you, Heath," stated the doctor. "You’re brother told me some of your past history of abuse. The boy could really benefit most from the kind of understanding only you can provide." Spoke Doc Baker as he looked over at Nick.

Heath sat back in his chair and stared at his hands as he spun the coffee cup around and around in them. After what felt like an eternity to Nick, Heath looked up at the two men and said, "Well I’m glad you two figured all of this out," he paused taking a deep breath, "that’ll leave me more time to help Jessie," he finished with a lopsided grin.

"Must you always be so dramatic!" Nick laughed, relieved that his little brother took all of this so well.

"The boy should be all right to travel by tomorrow," said Doc Baker, "when you get him home just have your family doctor keep an eye on that wound of his. The stitches can come out next week providing it continues to heal as well as it is right now. Also have him keep an eye on that collar bone, have him give Jessie some exercises that he can do to strengthen his arm too." Added Doc Baker as he stood up from the table. "I’m afraid I must head out to check on a few patients, you boys make yourselves at home. You’re more than welcome to stay the night again, it’s not often that Laura and I get the chance to entertain visitors."

"Thanks Doc," Nick replied, "we’ll just take you up on that!" he said standing up and shaking the Doc’s hand as he walked him out of the room. When he returned to the kitchen he saw Heath deep in thought.

"Heath, what is it?" asked Nick sitting down across from Heath.

"I’m not sure I can do it Nick," Heath said while turning the cup around and around again in his hands. "I’m not sure I can go through all of it again," he almost sighed.

"Heath you’re the strongest man I’ve ever known," Nick replied trying to get Heaths attention. "Trust me little brother, I know you can do this. Also remember," Nick added as he walked over next to Heath, " you won’t be going through it alone this time. I’ll be there to help, so will the rest of the family." Nick said placing his hands on Heath’s shoulders.

Heath pondered over Nick’s words for a moment before speaking, "thanks Nick," he replied, "I know I can always count on you."

"Come on little brother, let’s go and send a telegram off to that older brother of ours before he sends a search party out to look for us!" laughed Nick as he and Heath walked off towards the front door.

As darkness began to fall, Peter stirred from his sleep and stretched his stiff muscles. "How long have I been asleep?" he wondered as he stood up from the bed and went off to find Sam.

"Sam, Sam," he spoke as he tried to wake his friend.

"What!" Sam replied, turning over on his bed.

"Come on, it’s getting dark outside. We need to get moving," Peter said as he headed for the door, "I’ll get the horses ready, you coming?"

"Yeah, I’m coming!" he said swinging his feet over the edge of the bed and standing up, "that is if my head will let me," he thought as his head pounded with every step.

"Where do you think we should start?" asked Sam as he and Peter started to ride away from the cabin.

"Well Silida is the closest town to where we robbed that stage, but then again Modesto is bigger, what do you think?" he replied.

"If I was in trouble I’d head to the closest town for help, so I say we try Silida," answered Sam as he looked over at Peter.

"All right let’s start there first," replied Peter as he kicked his horse into a gallop.

Nick and Heath returned to the Doc’s house just as the sun was kissing the sky goodnight.

"You’re both right on time for supper," stated Laura as she escorted the two men into the kitchen. "Heath can you do me a favor and wake up Jessie for me. We should really get some more food into him, that child’s nothing but skin and bones."

"Has he been sleeping all day?" questioned Heath.

"He’s just plum worn out son," Laura replied placing a hand on Heath’s shoulder. "I felt it best to let him rest."

"I’ll be right down with him," Heath said clutching Laura’s hand before turning and heading towards the stairs. As he started up a smile crossed his face as he heard Nick in the kitchen loudly letting Laura know how good everything smelled, "especially compared to Heath’s beans!" he added in a booming voice.

Jessie was sleeping soundly as Heath made his way quietly into the room.

"Jessie," he called out softly as he gently ran his fingers through the boy’s hair. "Time for supper little guy," he said as Jessie started to stir.

Jessie awoke to find Heath sitting on the bed next to him. The room had a soft warm reddish glow, "how late is it?" Jessie asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Well sleepyhead, seems you’ve managed to sleep the entire day away." Heath chuckled as he helped Jessie out of bed. "I got something for you today," he said handing Jessie a large brown paper package.

Jessie’s eyes grew as big as saucers as he took the package from Heath. He sat staring at it for a few minutes before carefully opening it. Inside Jessie found a pair of blue overalls, a light green and a light blue shirt button up shirt, a few pairs of undergarments, a new hair brush, and just about the best pair of cowboy boots he’d ever seen.

"I hope everything fits, I had to guess at your size, the lady in the store was a big help though." Heath stated as he watched Jessie stare at the cloths.

Jessie couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he dropped the cloths jumped up and threw his arms around a stunned Heath. "Thank you Heath," he cried tears streaming down his small face as he continued to hug him.

"Come on little guy, we better get downstairs before that brother of mine eats all that fine chicken Mrs. Baker fried up for us." Heath replied returning the small boys hug, "I’ll wait out in the hall while you get ready," he said before letting go of Jessie and walking over to the door.

Jessie sat down on the bed and took off his nightshirt, he carefully slipped on his new green shirt and buttoned it up. He pulled his legs into the overalls and pulled them up, the only problem seemed to be getting the straps up and over his shoulders. With his one arm injured and his other shoulder being so sore it was impossible.

"Heath?" he asked slowly as he opened the door.

"Yes Jessie?" answered Heath as he walked in the room.

"I’m afraid I can’t do up these straps." Jessie said softly as he looked up at Heath his face flushed.

"Here let me help you," Heath said as he helped Jessie fix up the straps on his overalls. "Here sit down on the bed and we’ll get those new boots on you."

"There, now don’t you look better!" Heath said as Jessie stood before him in his new cloths. The pants were a little to big but other than that the boy looked much better, thought Heath. "Come on let’s go and get some of that chicken," Heath said ruffling Jessie’s hair as he headed towards the door.

"Well Jessie! Don’t you look grand!" Mrs. Baker stated as Heath and Jessie entered the kitchen together. "I hope you’re hungry young man," she added as she helped Jessie into his chair.

"Yes Ma’am," replied Jessie his eyes widening as Laura brought out a plate full of fried chicken and placed it on the table in front of him.

"Jessie son, would you do us the honor of saying grace for us?" asked Laura as she took a seat at the table.

Jessie looked over at Heath and he nodded back, "Bless us O’ God, Bless our food and drink, since you have purchased us at great price, save us from every evil, Amen." Jessie finished.

"That was a lovely blessing Jessie, I don’t think I’ve heard it before." Said Laura as she passed the potatoes over to Nick.

"My Mamma taught it to me when I was little," replied Jessie as he took a chicken leg.

"I hate to tell you this squirt, but you’re still little!" laughed Nick as he heaped potatoes on his plate.

Jessie blushed at Nick’s comment and started to eat his chicken. "This is the best fried chicken I’ve ever had!" he commented through a mouthful of food.

"You just eat as much of it as you want Jessie," Laura said, pleased to see Jessie’s appetite improving. "Good eaters are always welcome at my table, not to mention handsome ones at that."

"I don’t know little brother, I think he’s better at charming the ladies than you are." Laughed Nick as he smiled over at Heath. "You’re going to have some real competition with that kid."

After the meal was finished, Heath asked Jessie to join him outside on the porch.

"How are those boots working out?" asked Heath as he took a seat on the top step.

"There great!" Jessie replied sitting down next to Heath and looking at the moon reflecting off his new boots.

The night air was warm, and the crickets were singing happily as Heath gazed up at the stars. He was beginning to perspire but it wasn’t from the warm night, he simply wasn’t sure how to begin with Jessie when the boy shocked him and spoke up first.

"My Mamma and Papa died, Heath." Jessie said looking up at him, his eyes showing the anguish he felt in his heart.

"I’m sorry Jessie," Heath said as he put his arm around the boys shoulders, "so did mine," he paused before asking, "can you tell me what happened?’ he asked looking down at Jessie.

"They got real sick, Papa thought they got it from Mr. And Mrs. Butler," Jessie answered quietly.

"Who are the Butlers?"

"Oh Mr. Butler owned the ranch next to my Pa’s, they worked together," Jessie said with a gleam in his eye. "My Pa and Mr. Butler always did things together."

"Sounds like this Mr. Butler and your Pa were pretty close." Stated Heath as he watched Jessie’s face.

"Yeah they were," he replied, frowning a little. "Mamma and Mrs. Butler got along real well too, they were always having us over for supper and stuff, we all really liked um," he added.

"Who’s we?" questioned Heath.

"My brother and sisters," he replied looking away from Heath, his breathing becoming quicker. "But their dead too." He said, hanging his head his voice growing quieter.

"Did they die with your parents?" Heath asked as he drew Jessie closer.

All Jessie could do was to nodded his head yes, all of the memories of his family were starting to flood back in at an alarming rate. He could see his Mamma and Papa in his head, he missed them all so much, why did they all leave him. Jessie started to break down.

"I miss them so much!" he cried holding onto Heath. "Why didn’t they take me with them!" he sobbed into Heath’s shoulder. "I can’t do it by myself! I tried! But Hank took it all away from me!" he sobbed as he held onto Heath.

Heath held Jessie tight against his chest as the boy grieved for his family. He slowly felt the boy relaxing and his sobs decreasing. "It’ll be all right little guy, I won’t leave you." He stated softly as he cradled Jessie in his arms. As Jessie quieted down Heath decided to carry him inside and up to bed.

Tucking him in bed, Heath wiped the tears off the sleeping child’s face. "Don’t you worry little guy," he said looking down on Jessie, "you don’t have to do it alone anymore, I promise."

The town was dark and deserted as two men slowly made their way down main street on foot. The half moon shed just enough light for the men to see, keeping to the shadows they made their way down towards the jail house. Coming up behind the small jail the two men discussed their next move.

"Pete, boost me up so I can look into that window," whispered Sam as he stood under the jails only back window.

Peter laced his fingers together so Sam could use them as a step. Placing his foot in Peter’s hands, Sam felt himself being lifted upwards. The room was pretty dark but Sam thought he could make out to bunks housing two sleeping forms. Motioning for Peter to let him down, Sam planned his next move.

"I need something I can use to get their attention," Sam told Peter.

"Do you think it’s Hank?" questioned Peter.

"I can’t tell, it’s to dark in there, but I can see two figures." Replied Sam.

"Here try this," offered Peter as he handed a handful of pebbles to Sam.

Peter boosted Sam back up to the window, he took one of the pebbles and tossed it towards the figure below him. After a minute Sam decided to try again and threw another pebble through the window.

Matt thought he felt something land on his chest as he shook the sleep from his head. Hearing a noise outside, he quietly got up and stood on his cot to look out the window just as Sam threw another pebble through the window.

"Ouch!" Matt groaned through clenched teeth as he rubbed his sore head. "Who’s out there?" he whispered, trying to look out the window.

"Matt? Is that you?" Sam asked as he tried to get a better view.

"Yeah, it’s me," he said, "Hank’s here too but he’s pretty sick."

"I’ve got Pete with me," replied Sam. "Henry’s dead though, you know where Marcus, Dave, and Dan are Matt?"

"Their dead too," Matt whispered back.

"Damn!" thought Sam, "what’s the layout in there?" he asked Matt.

"One sheriff, and only one cell. The sheriff’s asleep on a cot by the front door." Replied Matt, "he’s not the brightest I’ve seen but you shouldn’t underestimate him." Matt added.

"Can Hank travel?"

"Yeah, I can help him," replied Matt.

"All right, we’ll be back tomorrow night same time to get you out." Sam informed him.

"Sam, is the kid with you?" Matt asked, his blood starting to boil at the mere thought of the brat.

"Haven’t seen him Matt," answered Sam. "It took Pete and me a while to find you and Hank, we’ve both been feeling pretty poorly."

"I knew it! That damn brat poisoned us!" Matt stated as he punched the wall.

"Listen we need to get going, we’ll be back tomorrow night same time, you guys just be ready." Sam stated as he jumped down from the window.

"Sam, keep an eye out for that kid, will ya?" asked Matt.

"Sure Matt," Sam said before he and Peter made their way back out of town.

Heath sat out on the front porch steps watching as the stars gently faded from view as the early morning sun tried to grace the sky. A deer made his way across the Doc’s front yard unaware that he was being watched. Heath began to think about Anna, he missed her smile and most of all her sweet laugh. He sure could use her wisdom right now, he was almost positive that Anna would know how to help Jessie.

Nick walked outside and sat down next to Heath. "Morning little brother," he said, trying to start up a conversation.

"Morning," Heath replied as he continued to watch the sun come up over the horizon.

"How did things go with the boy last night?" questioned Nick softly.

"All right I guess," Heath replied slowly, "he managed to cry himself to sleep," added Heath shuffling his feet.

"Feel like talking about what happened?" questioned Nick as he placed a hand on Heaths back.

Heath took in a deep breath before he began, he told Nick most of what Jessie told him regarding his family and his loss, he also told Nick about the boy’s breakdown.

"How are you holding up Heath?" Nick asked concerned for his brother.

"It’s not easy Nick, but so far I’m hanging in there," he replied looking up at Nick.

"Did you talk to Jessie about coming to the ranch with us?" asked Nick.

"Not yet, I’ll talk to him after breakfast," Heath stated. "It sure will feel good to get home Nick," he added with a sigh.

"Yes it will little brother, you know I still have first dibs on the tub," Nick laughed.

"We’ll see about that big brother," Heath smiled.

Peter and Sam began making plans for their evening activities as the sun broke over the horizon issuing the start of a new day.

"I say we rush in once the sheriff is asleep and subdue him, he’ll never know what hit him, said Sam as he sliced a piece of bread from the loaf on the table.

"We don’t have any idea how strong the locks are on the door, by the time we break in the sheriff could be all over us." Replied Peter as he chewed.

"Well then what do you think we should do?" remarked a frustrated Sam.

"We should catch the sheriff as he enters the jail for the night, that towns all but deserted once the sun goes down." Replied Peter as he took a swig of his coffee. "It’ll be a little earlier than we told Matt but it shouldn’t matter, any how it seems like our best bet," he stated looking over towards Sam for approval.

"I like it Pete, let’s go with it," smiled Sam as he stood up from the table. "I tell you what, you stay here and get things settled and I’ll head into town for supplies and to check for that kid."

"Be careful, if that kid sees you," Peter began.

"Yeah I know," replied Sam, "I’ll watch myself. I’m just going to poke around and see if anyone’s seen him. I’ll be back in a few hours."

Sam began his trek into Salida, he began going over what he should do once he got into town in his head. "I’ll head over to the store, grab some supplies and see if I can wiggle some information out of the shop keeper. I’ll bet there’ll be some loose tongues in the saloon too," he thought with a smile, "besides I could really use a drink."

Heath and Nick walked back inside Doc Baker’s house after their conversation on the porch.

"I’ll go wake up Jessie so we can get ready to leave after breakfast," said Heath as he started up the stairs. Walking quietly into Jessie’s room he found the bed empty, as he looked around the room his heart began to beat a little faster. Panicking a little, Heath rushed back down stairs and ran into the kitchen. It was there that he saw the boy; he was covered in flour and had a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Hi Heath! I made some flapjacks for you!" Jessie said as he handed Heath a plate heaped full of flapjacks.

"My favorite!" stated an astonished Heath as he took the plate from Jessie, but not before noticing the sparkle in the boys green eyes, "thanks."

"I’m afraid little brother that this kid not only has you beat in the charm department, but he can cook better than you too!" Laughed Nick as he shoved another forkful of flapjacks in his mouth.

"Jessie wanted to surprise you Heath," said Laura as she handed him a cup of coffee. "He did everything by himself, he’s pretty handy in the kitchen," she added, smiling at Jessie.

"Who taught you how to cook? No wait, I know," laughed Nick, "your Mamma taught you when you were little, right?" he laughed, thinking he was one up on the kid.

"No, not at all, my Pa showed me when we went camping." Jessie explained as he took a drink of milk.

"I’ll just bet!" Nick shouted in defeat banging his hand on the table.

Nick’s outburst caught Jessie off guard and he spit out a mouthful of milk. Much to Jessie’s horror the milk he once had in his mouth was now dripping from Nick’s hair, his face, and it even coated the front of his shirt. But before Jessie could grasp what happened he heard someone laughing.

Jessie looked at Heath who was sitting next to him and watched him laugh hysterically. He was laughing so hard he had to hold onto his sides so he didn’t fall out of the chair. Jessie turned to look at Laura just as she too broke into fits of laughter that she was unsuccessfully trying to hide behind her napkin.

"I told you big brother," Heath laughed, "that loud voice of yours was going to get you in trouble!" He laughed as the tears rolled down his face.

"Humph!" Nick said as he forcibly pushed his chair back from the table, "Oh, shut up!" he yelled at Heath, smacking him in the head as he stormed by.

Heath continued to chuckle as he tried to get back to his breakfast.

"You don’t think Mr. Nick is mad at me do you Heath?" asked Jessie, worriedly eyeing Heath.

"Don’t worry little guy," smiled Heath as he ruffled Jessie’s hair, "you’ll learn that my big brother has a lot of bark but very little bite," he laughed.

"Huh?" Jessie asked, puzzled by Heath’s comment.

Jessie’s reply and puzzled look made Heath laugh all over again, after he regained some of his composure he said, "don’t worry he’ll get over it."

Laura cleaned up Nick’s plate and had a new one already for him by the time he returned from cleaning up. He sat down in a huff keeping his eyes on his plate as he ate.

"Nick?" Jessie said nervously.

"Yeah," came the gruff reply.

"I’m awful sorry about your shirt," he said in a low voice.

The image of Nick with milk dripping off of him popped into Heaths head and he began to chuckle again. Nick shot him an angry look before answering Jessie, "it wasn’t your fault kid, I shouldn’t have startled you."

Jessie looked relieved after Nick spoke and dove right back into his flapjacks.

Breakfast was finished without any further incident. Heath and Jessie both tried to help Laura clean up the kitchen but she would hear nothing of it and chased them both outside.

"Jessie, do you like horses?" Heath asked as they walked down the street.

"Boy do I!" replied Jessie looking up at Heath with his eyes ablaze.

"Good, then you can help me with Charger. He’s been cooped up in the livery for over a day now. I bet he’d just love to get out and stretch his legs, what ya say?" he asked, putting a hand down on Jessie’s shoulder.

"You mean I can ride him?" Jessie replied, the excitement in his voice bursting forth.

"Sure," said Heath, "he needs to be brushed first though."

"I can do that!" Jessie said as he practically dragged Heath down the street by his arm.

"Hang on little guy, you’re pulling my arm out of the socket," Heath laughed. It was a treat to see Jessie so excited, thought Heath as they made their way into the livery. Heath walked over to Charger and started talking to him, as he looked up he noticed Jessie standing a little ways behind him, his arms hanging loosely at his sides, his mouth wide open, and his eyes as large as saucers.

"Jessie, this here is Charger," he said, running his hand down Charger’s nose.

Jessie just stood there mouth agape and said nothing. Heath was beginning to think that maybe Jessie was afraid of Charger, after all he was an extremely large horse.

"He’s magnificent Heath!" Jessie said as he moved closer to Charger. "He’s the best horse I’ve ever seen!" he said reaching up and running his hand along Charger’s side.

"You sure are a special horse, Charger." Jessie spoke as he walked around to Charger’s head. "My Pa never had a horse like you," he continued to say as he rubbed Charger’s nose. "You’re the best looking horse I’ve ever laid eyes on. You see these new clothes?" he said while modeling them for Charger. "Your Heath got them for me, he’s the best, but I bet you already know that. Would it be OK if I was to brush you?" he asked the horse.

As if understanding the boy, Charger stomped his foot in the hay.

"I think he’d like that." Heath said as he handed Jessie a brush.

Jessie eagerly began brushing Charger, he chatted none stop with the horse as he brushed him. Heath sat back on a hay bail and watched as Jessie worked. He remembered back to his own childhood, he too had always enjoyed tending and talking to the horses. They were always faithful, never mean or hurtful like so many others were to him. They were his most trusted companions, save for Aunt Rachel, Hannah, and of course his Mamma. He was always in a good mood when it came to tending horses. Now here was another young man who seemed just as at ease around horses as he was. But there was still so much he didn’t know or understand about this boy. All he knew was that the boy’s family had died, and a man he called Hank had taken something away from him. "But where should I begin?" he wondered.

"Jessie?" Heath said as he walked over towards the boy and Charger.

"Yeah Heath," Jessie smiled.

"Last night you mentioned a man named Hank, and that he took something away from you. Can you tell me who he is?"

Jessie stopped brushing Charger as the smile slowly disappeared from his face. "He’s a real bad man," he said quietly looking at the ground.

Heath took Jessie’s hand and led him over towards the hay bail so they could sit down.

"Was Hank one of the men that robbed the stage two nights ago?" Heath asked as he sat next to Jessie.

"Uh Huh," Jessie replied in a dull voice as he stared at the ground.

"Jessie, why were you with Hank? Is he your Uncle?" questioned Heath.

Jessie’s head shot up and he looked Heath directly in the eyes, "He’s no relative of mine!" he spat and then looked away from Heath. "After my family died I was alone for a while, then he came," Jessie said coldly, "him and his men. They took me away from my home. I didn’t want to go Heath," he said, tears welling up in his eyes, "but they forced me."

"Jessie, how long ago was that?" Heath asked as he knelt down in front of Jessie and placed his hands on the boys arms.

"I’m not sure Heath, I think a year," he said quietly, trying not to look Heath in the eye.

"How long ago did your parents die?"

"About three months before Hank took me away," Jessie answered tears falling down his cheeks.

"Three months, you were all alone for three months?" a stunned Heath replied.

"I had to take care of the ranch, I promised my Pa, I promised him Heath!" Jessie sobbed, "but Hank took it and I couldn’t stop him!"

Heath pulled Jessie into his chest and let the boy cry. It was all so hard to comprehend; Jessie had lived alone for three long months after his family died. That alone must have been hell, but then to be taken away from the only thing you have left and beaten was simply unimaginable.

"Jessie, Hank’s gone, you don’t have to worry about him any more. I promise not to let anything bad happen to you again." Heath said in a soft quiet voice. Once Jessie’s sobs quieted down, Heath propped him back up on the hay bail.

"Jessie, Nick and I’ve been thinking, we’d like you to come back to our ranch with us. At least until we can sort all of this out."

"Home? With you?" Jessie said aloud as he tried to process what Heath said.

"We can always use an extra hand around the ranch, and you’re already pretty good with horses," Heath said smiling.

"I really love horses Heath, I could clean out Charger’s stall. It wouldn’t be any trouble at all." Jessie stated, his excitement building. "I can mend fences, feed the stock, clean the barn, milk the cows, gather eggs, cook, clean, do laundry, you name it I can do it!" he rambled so fast that Heath almost couldn’t keep up.

"Whoa little guy," Heath laughed, "this is a big ranch, we already have men to do most of what you described."

Jessie smiled, a little embarrassed at his sudden outburst, but the idea of going home with Heath was more than he could keep inside, he was bursting at the seams with excitement!

"What do you say we take Charger out for a little exercise, you can ride him back to the Doc’s for me. We need to get ready if we’re going to make it back to the ranch in time for supper. Just wait until you taste Silas’s cooking!" Heath said as he helped Jessie saddle up Charger.

Heath let Jessie walk Charger out of the livery while he paid the bill. Once outside he sat Jessie up in the saddle.

"Now you hold on tight, Doc Baker will skin me alive if anything happens to you." Heath smiled as he walked next to Jessie and Charger.

Jessie felt as if he were on top of the world! He had never ridden such a wonderful horse, he felt at least twenty feet tall. He wished Heath would let him go a little faster, after all he wasn’t a baby.

"Heath, can we go a little faster?" he asked hopefully.

"Hang on little guy, lets let that arm of yours heal a little more first. You’ll have plenty of time to ride when we get to the ranch," Heath laughed, grateful to see such joy in Jessie’s eyes.

Neither one of them noticed the man lurking in the alley when they passed by him. But he sure took notice of them……….


"Well Doc, we’d really like to thank you for everything you’ve done, and I for one am really going to miss that fried chicken of yours Laura." Said Nick as they walked out onto the porch to say their good-byes.

"You’re most welcome Nick, our home will seem so quiet with out you around." Stated Laura winking at Heath.

Laughing Heath gave Laura a hug and shook Doc Bakers hand, "thanks for all your help Doc."

"It was a pleasure meeting you Heath, and you too Jessie," Doc Baker said ruffling Jessie’s hair. "You take it easy and let that arm heal, all right?"

"I will, and I’ll send you some money for everything as soon as I can," Jessie stated as all eyes turned towards him.

"Son, you don’t owe us a thing," said Laura as she gave Jessie a hug.

"But my Pa always told me to pay my debts, and I know doctoring costs money Ma’am, I mean Laura." Jessie said as he stepped back from Laura and looked over towards Doc Baker.

"That’s true Jessie," replied Doc Baker, "but you see there’s a code among doctors that you may not be familiar with. We can’t accept payment from anyone under the age of fourteen. But if you’re older than fourteen I’ll expect payment from you when you can." Said Doc Baker as he smiled over at Nick and Heath.

"I just turned twelve, but I’m old enough to pay." Jessie stated loudly, not wanting to back down.

"Twelve?" the Doc thought, "the poor boy is so under nourished he only looks nine, ten years old tops."

Rubbing his chin for a moment the Doc replied, "I tell you what Jessie, you leave my wife the recipe for those flapjacks of yours and we’ll call it even."

"Are you sure?" Jessie asked cocking his head sideways not really sure if the doctor was serious.

"You bet I am!" Stated Doc Baker, putting a hand on the boys shoulder. "Those were the best flapjacks I’ve ever eaten!" He said as he smiled over at his wife.

Jessie looked up at the doctor then held out his hand, "you got a deal Doc," he said as he shook hands.

"Come on boy, quit flapping that jaw of yours. We’ll never get home if you don’t get a move on." Said Nick as he grabbed Jessie by one of his overall straps and led him down the porch stairs. "Up you go kid," he said as he handed the boy up to Heath who was already sitting atop Charger.

"Here you are Jessie," said Heath, handing Jessie Charger’s reins. "Slow and easy now, OK?"

"OK," replied Jessie grabbing a hold of the reins smiling. "Bye Doc Baker, bye Laura!" Jessie yelled as he led Charger proudly down the street towards the edge of town.

"I’ll send a telegram next week, letting you know how they’re doing." Nick told Doc Baker before leaving to catch up with Heath.

"Those sure are special boys," Laura said, clutching her husband’s arm as they watched the three ride off.

"That they are," he replied, "I just hope they can get through everything yet to come all right." He replied squeezing his wife’s arm.

Sam made his way back to the cabin loaded with both supplies and information.

"How’d it go?" asked Peter as Sam dismounted.

"Good Pete, I found that kid. Don’t worry he didn’t see me, seems he was at the doctor’s house with some men." Sam replied as he began unloading the supplies from his saddlebags.

"How many men?" asked Peter, as he tried to access the boy’s situation.

"Just two, according to the shop keeper their last names Barkley. There from up near Stockton. I know one of them is named Heath, seems he bought the kid some new cloths. I also saw him leading the kid down the street on his horse, nice horse too. I can’t wait to get my hands on it," he smiled.

"Hang on Sam, let’s get Matt and Hank out first. I’m sure Matt’s got plans of his own for that kid and anyone who helped him." Peter stated as he helped Sam with the supplies.

"I’d hate to be that kid once Matt gets his hands on him," snickered Sam.

"He’s had it in for that kid since day one. I think he enjoys messing with him," replied Peter.

"Come on Pete, Matt loves messing with everyone. Damn guys sole is as black as those eyes of his. Lets just say I’m glad he’s with us instead of against us, I for one never want to be on the wrong end of his knife." Stated Sam, cringing at the thought.

Jessie was having the time of his life riding along with Heath and Nick. The afternoon was warm and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The warm breeze gently caressing his face only added to his excitement. Everything seemed so fresh and alive, the mighty oak trees shimmered in the bright sunlight, their leaves gently swaying with the wind. He couldn’t remember a time when the birds sounded so lovely, he watched as they soared in the sky overhead, dancing on the air like angel feathers floating down from heaven.

Heath laughed to himself as he watched Jessie. Jessie was leaning back against his chest, his head looking up at the blue sky. Heath could see the treetops, the blue sky, and if he looked long enough even the birds flying above all reflected in Jessie’s clear green eyes.

Jessie closed his eyes, the warm breeze and the secure feeling he felt when ever Heath was near were making him sleepy. He just wanted to lean back against Heath and ride like this forever. He finally felt safe, he hadn’t felt this way in a long time and he didn’t want to loose it ever again.

"I see all that jabbering you do put the boy to sleep, little brother." Snickered Nick, as he rode up along side Heath.

"You have it all wrong Nick," said Heath smiling, "it was that non stop chatter of yours that put the boy to sleep. It was the only way he could think of to get away from it." Heath chuckled as he watched Nick’s expression.

"You sure are lucky that kids riding up there with you," Nick replied as he took off his hat and swiped it at Heath.

A little later as the trio approached the beginning of Barkley land, Heath decided to wake Jessie up.

"Hey sleepyhead," Heath said as he gently shook Jessie.

Jessie opened his eyes to find the sun easing it’s way towards the horizon. "I’m sorry I slept so long Heath," Jessie said as he sat up straight in the saddle.

"Don’t worry about that, besides you’re still on the mend. I only woke you because we’re home." Heath stated as he pointed up towards the sign above them.

Jessie looked up and read the sign, "Barkley Ranch," it read, but Jessie couldn’t see any house nearby or a barn for that matter. All he could see was the road going up and over a small hill about half a mile away. The meadow it ran through was beautiful, Jessie could see violets, daisies, snapdragons, and so many more flowers just rocking back and forth in the summer breeze.

"It’s beautiful!" He sighed, as he looked first at Heath and then over to Nick.

"This is only the beginning," Nick stated proudly, "you haven’t seen anything yet," he added, urging CoCo on.

As they rode on Jessie kept looking all around him. "I’ll bet this is what heaven looks like," he thought as he watched a butterfly float from flower to flower.

"Well what’d ya say now?" Nick asked Jessie as he pointed over towards the mansion.

"That’s your house?" Jessie asked, his eyes glued to the huge home in the distance.

"Of course it is." Replied Nick.

"How many folks you got living with you?" asked Jessie. "A hundred?" he added looking up at Heath.

Heath had to laugh at the boy’s statement, "no Jessie, a little less than that," he said laughing again. "There’s Nick and I, our older brother Jarrod, he’s the lawyer I told you about, our younger sister Audra, Silas our Butler, and our mother," he replied looking over at Nick.

"Come on slowpokes, let’s get a move on!" Nick hollered as he pushed Coco into a run.

"Hang on Jessie, let’s show that brother of mine how to really ride!" Heath stated as he wrapped an arm around Jessie’s waist and pushed Charger on.

Jessie could feel Heath’s strong arm around him and Charger’s strong muscles below him, they both worked as one as they raced across the field. He couldn’t contain the joy he felt as they raced on with the wind, he laughed out loud and encouraged Charger on faster. Tears of joy were falling from his eyes as the wind rushed back and through his hair.

Heath could feel and hear Jessie’s excitement as they raced; pulling him a little closer, Heath urged Charger on a little faster. He winked at Nick as they galloped past; he knew Nick held Coco back a little so the boy could beat them.

Heath pulled Charger up just outside the barn and dropped Jessie off to the ground before dismounting himself.

Jessie walked up to Charger’s head, "thank you boy!" he said rubbing Charger’s nose, "that was the best ride I’ve ever had!"

"Nice riding," Nick, commented as he dismounted from Coco.

"Isn’t Charger a great horse!" an excited Jessie boasted.

"Well he’s not bad, but Coco here can out run him any day. I just didn’t want to tire him out and all." Replied Nick as he placed his hands on his hips and faced the boy.

"Sure big brother," Heath said as he led Jessie and Charger into the barn.

"Now wait a minute Heath!" Nick began as he followed behind the two with Coco.

"Well Nick, Coco is getting on in years," Heath remarked as he unsaddled Charger.

"On in years!" Nick bellowed, "Well I’ll have you know that Coco here is the best cutting horse on this ranch!"

Heath winked at Jessie who was trying not to laugh before he replied, "that may be Nick, but Chargers still faster."

"Faster!" Nick shouted walking out of Coco’s stall.

It was more than both Jessie and Heath could take, hearing Nick’s response and seeing his defiant stance in front of Coco’s stall, sent them both laughing. Nick stood and watched the two laughing before finally joining in himself.

"Lets go you two," he said as he headed for the barn door, "I for one could eat a horse!" Turning around quickly and pointing at Heath he added, "and not a word little brother, not one word!"

This only sent Heath and Jessie laughing once again, followed soon by Nick as the three made their way towards the house.

Heath placed his arm across Jessie’s shoulders as they made their way up to the front door behind Nick, "sure is a mighty big door," thought Jessie as Nick opened it and walked inside. As Jessie watched Nick walk into the house he suddenly became fearful and stopped quickly on the front step.

Heath almost walked over the top of Jessie when he stopped so suddenly. Bending down in front of Jessie, Heath tried to reassure him that everything would be all right. "Don’t worry little guy, they’re real nice folks," he said as he looked into the boys frightened eyes. "I was once afraid myself to walk through this door," he added.

Jessie looked at Heath now more puzzled than frightened.

"It’s a long story Jessie," Heath began, "I’ll tell you all about it sometime. But one thing I can tell you is that once I gathered up my courage and entered that door, my life changed forever. I’ve never been happier," he said smiling at Jessie. "Come on let’s go in and get something to eat," he added, noticing the fear leave Jessie’s face.

"Heath!" Audra shouted as the pair walked through the door. "I’m so glad you’re home!" she said as she hugged her brother tightly.

"And who’s this?" She asked, bending down in front of Jessie, who was currently glued to Heath’s leg.

"Jessie Thorton, I’d like you to meet my sister Audra." Heath said as he introduced the shy boy to his sister.

"It’s nice to meet you Jessie," stated Audra as she watched Jessie eye her nervously. "He’s so thin," she thought as she watched him, "there also seems to be some bruises healing on his face. But who would hit a child?" she continued to think until a small voice interrupted her thoughts.

"You too Ma’am," the small voice stated quietly as he stared at Audra. "She looks just like Heath," he thought with a smile.

"Please Jessie, call me Audra," she said as she smiled at him. "Those sure are some fancy boots you’re wearing." She stated as she watched the little boys eyes light up, "What a pretty green they are," she thought as she watched them sparkle.

"Heath bought’em for me," he replied proudly looking up at Heath.

"Well I’ve always said Heath is the only brother I have with good taste." She replied winking at Heath.

"He sure does!" Jessie replied, as his love for Heath come shining through in his voice.

"Would you like to come in and meet the rest of our family Jessie?" Audra asked taking Jessie’s hand in her own.

Jessie looked up at Heath to see if it would be all right.

"Well what are you waiting for?" stated Heath as he put one arm around Jessie’s shoulder, and walked into the parlor with Audra and Jessie.

Jessie was amazed at the size of the fireplace in the room; it was bigger than any he had ever seen. The furniture was also among the finest he had ever laid eyes on. "Surely they won’t allow me to sit on it in my dusty cloths," he thought as he continued to look around the room at all of the fine chairs and couches it held.

"Heath! Glad you’re back!" Jarrod said as he walked over and shook Heaths hand.

"I see you’ve brought a friend with you," he commented as he looked down at Jessie. "Hello there young man," Jarrod spoke as he held out his hand to Jessie, "my names Jarrod, I’m Heath’s older and better-looking brother," he said shaking Jessie’s hand and winking up at Heath.

"My names Jessie Thorton," he replied quietly as he quickly shook Jarrod’s hand.

"Well young Master Thorton, I hope you’ll be staying on with us for a while." Jarrod replied, trying to make Jessie feel welcome.

Jessie looked up at the smiling Jarrod unsure exactly how to answer him so he simply shook his head, yes. Jarrod sure was one sharp dresser, thought Jessie; he doesn’t wear the same cloths as Nick and Heath. They’re much to fine for working outside in, he thought as he admired Jarrod’s suit. He looks like Nick more than he does Heath, but his eyes look more like Heaths. Maybe a little darker but just as caring and kind, he thought.

As he looked away from Jarrod he noticed a small elegantly dressed woman, with white hair, seemingly glide effortlessly across the floor towards them.

"Welcome home Heath!" she stated as she put her arms around him.

"Thank you Mother," Heath replied as he kissed her cheek.

"And who’s this fine looking young man?" Victoria said as she placed a hand on Jessie’s shoulder.

"This is Jessie Thorton, Mother, he’s agreed to help Nick and I with the ranch work for a little while," replied Heath as he smiled down at Jessie.

"Well Mr. Thorton," Victoria spoke as she took Jessie’s hand. "I’m Mrs. Barkley, I’m glad you could come all this way to help my boys," she added.

"You’re welcome Ma’am," Jessie stated shyly.

"I hope you’ve brought your appetite with you Jessie, Silas has prepared a nice roast for us this evening." Victoria stated as she continued to hold Jessie’s hand. "Heath why don’t you take Jessie upstairs and get him settled in the guest room, dinner won’t be ready for about half an hour yet."

"All right little guy," Heath stated looking down at Jessie, "let’s go and get you settled, then we can wash up for dinner."

"Well little brother," Nick said with a smile on his face, "while your helping the boy I’ll just go and familiarize myself with that tub of ours," he stated smugly as he headed for the stairs.

"Nicholas!" Victoria called out to him, "may I see you for a moment in the study."

Nick looked over at Heath who was now wearing a large smile across his face and trying hard not to laugh. "If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you had something to do with this!" He shouted, pointing at Heath as he stomped off towards the study his spurs jingling.

Heath led Jessie up the stairs and into one of the guest rooms. "Well here you go," he said as they entered the room. "This room is yours for as long as you’re with us."

Jessie looked around the large room, it was so elegant, why the bed was bigger than his Mamma and Papa’s bed had been. There was a large chest of drawers, "it’s taller than I am," he thought, on the wall by a large window. There was a smaller chest of drawers across from the window with a large mirror over it. Sitting in front of the window was a fabulous looking blue velvet high back chair. At the far end of the room was a fireplace almost as big and elegant as the one downstairs, Jessie thought as he looked over at Heath.

"Heath, it’s so big." He said as his eyes continued to scan the room.

"Come on," Heath laughed as he ruffled Jessie’s hair, "I’ll show you where you can clean up."

"Yes Mother!" Nick shouted as he stormed into the study.

Victoria Barkley looked sternly at her son with her hands on her hips as he entered the room.

Nick realizing he had come on to strongly apologized to her. "I’m sorry Mother," he said walking over and placing and kiss on her cheek.

"Nicholas, just what happened out there," she asked him, her tone more concerned than questioning. "Just where are that child’s parents?"

"Heath and I were on our way back to the ranch when we ran into a stagecoach robbery. We pitched in and helped capture the robbers." He said taking a seat.

"Where does this child come in?" questioned Victoria.

"Heath found him next to the stage, he was in pretty bad condition," Nick began, "seems the men who robbed the stage took the boy from his home about a year ago now."

"Nicholas, how awful! The boy’s parents must be worried sick about him." Victoria stated as she sat down across from Nick.

Nick leaned forward slightly and placed his elbows on his knees, "Mother," he said softly, " that’s not really the worst of it. The men who abducted the boy really mistreated him, they beat him, kept him tied up, God Mother one of them used a knife on him, more than once too." Nick paused a moment and took a deep breath before going on, "Doc Baker in Silida tended to the boy after the robbery. He was wounded in the arm by one of the robbers, the Doc also found evidence of other injuries on the boy. His collarbone is still healing from a pretty bad break; the Doc figures it was broken about a month ago. He also has some ribs that are still on the mend along with some knife cuts on his back. The boy’s entire body is one mass of cuts, scars, and bruises!" Nick finished as the anger inside him came boiling upwards.

"How could anyone hurt a child like that!" Nick shouted, as he stood up out of his chair.

"I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you Nicholas," Victoria replied as she walked over and took his arm in her own. "I’m grateful that it was you and Heath that finally came to his rescue, do you have any idea where his parents are?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I’m afraid I do," Nick replied sighing, "I’m afraid they’re dead. He opened up to Heath and told him his family died about three months before those men came and found him." Nick stated growing quiet.

"Nick, are you telling me that child was alone for three months?" Victoria questioned as she put a hand up to her mouth.

Nick nodded then added, "the Doc thought his best chance of recovery would be for Heath to help him. I guess they really do have a lot in common," he said looking up at his mother.

"Thank you Nick," Victoria said as she hugged her son, "why don’t you go and get cleaned up for dinner."

After Nick left Victoria stood alone in the empty study for a moment going over and over everything Nick told her. One thought kept making it’s way into her head, "she must help," if not for the boy’s sake then for Heath’s. She knew if Heath failed to reach the boy it would be a devastating blow to him, he would once again have to relive all the painful memories of his past. He had only recently started to leave the past behind him and embrace the future, and she didn’t want him to lose that. The thought of loosing him once again to his past made her shudder, "I won’t let that happen, I can’t, not now." She thought as she walked out of the study.

Heath walked down the hall and knocked on Jessie’s door, "you ready little guy?" he asked as he entered the room.

"I can’t get this last buckle," stated Jessie as he tried without success to buckle his overalls.

"Here you go," Heath stated as he fastened the strap, "lets get a move on, I’m starving," he added as he headed Jessie towards the door.

Entering the dinning room, Heath led Jessie over to the table and pulled out a chair across from Nick for him. He then sat down next to Jessie and across from Audra.

Silas walked in from the kitchen carrying a wonderfully smelling roast. Jessie had never seen one so large before, "they sure must have a big oven," he thought as he eyed the roast.

"Good evening Mr. Nick, Mr. Heath, it’s good to have you two home again," stated Silas as he placed the roast down on the table.

"Boy Howdy! That smells good Silas." Exclaimed Heath as he smiled up at Silas.

"Well I sure do hope you enjoys it Mr. Heath," Silas replied, excited to see his friend in such a good mood.

"Silas, this is Jessie Thorton. He’s going to be helping Nick and I around the ranch for a while," stated Heath as he clamped his hand on Jessie’s shoulder.

"It sure is nice to meet you Mr. Jessie, you just let me know if there’s anything I can get you," Silas stated as he started to head back towards the kitchen.

"Mr. Silas?" Jessie spoke up, "it’s not Mr. Jessie, it’s just plain old Jessie," he finished.

The room grew deathly silent, Jessie was afraid that maybe he had done something wrong. That was before Jarrod and Nick burst out laughing, closely followed by Heath and Audra, why even Mrs. Barkley had a smile on her face. Poor Silas just chuckled to himself as he walked back towards the kitchen. "That boy’s a kindred spirit," thought Silas as took a look back at the boy before entering the kitchen.

Once things quieted down the rest of dinner was pretty uneventful, Jessie ate his fill of the delicious meat. Heath watched him carefully; he didn’t want another episode like yesterday morning. Once dinner was finished Audra asked Jessie if he was up for a game of checkers.

"Jessie, would you do me the honor of challenging me in a game of checkers?" she asked as she gently took his hand.

"Sure," he said quietly as he let Audra lead him out of the room.

Once Jessie and Audra where out of the room, Jarrod began his questioning. "Heath, Nick filled me in on some of the events that occurred with the robbery, but I’m unclear on a few things."

"What can I help you with Jarrod?" asked Heath as he placed his napkin on the table.

"Has Jessie told you much about the men that abducted him?" Jarrod asked, looking over at Heath.

"Not really, other than they took him away from his home over a year ago. He gets pretty upset talking about them, so I haven’t brought it up much." He replied as he looked over at Victoria.

"I’m only asking because he may have to testify against these men," Jarrod stated.

"You can’t be serious!" Nick shouted, standing up from the table. "You can’t put that little boy in front of those men again! You haven’t seen what they did to him! He stated slamming his fist down on the table.

"Nick! I’m not saying that he has to face them, but there is a possibility that he may." Stated Jarrod, trying to calm his brother down. "I just wanted to find out from Heath if he felt the boy could handle something like that."

Victoria looked over at Heath as Jarrod spoke, she could see the intense concern in his eyes. Just as she was about to ask him a question, Audra came rushing into the dinning room calling for Heath.

"Heath! I’m sorry I couldn’t catch him! You have to get him!" She cried, tears running down her face.

"Audra, what is it?" Heath asked, as he grabbed her by the arms.

"He heard you all talking," she said looking between her brothers, "I don’t know this awful look came across his face and he ran for the front door! Oh Heath, I’m sorry I wasn’t fast enough to catch him before he ran out!" She cried.

Heath didn’t even let his sister finish before he ran towards the front door. Running out into the courtyard he frantically looked around in the darkness hoping to spot the boy. "Calm down Heath," he told himself, "now where would you go if you were frightened?" he asked himself. "The barn! Of course he’d head to the barn!" with that thought Heath raced over to the barn and ran inside.

The barn was dark but Heath could hear someone softly sobbing in the loft above. Climbing the ladder he quietly called out to Jessie; "Jessie, it’s me Heath, are you up here?" he asked as he crawled across the loft. He could just make out Jessie’s small frame huddled against the hay bails by the back wall, "Jessie, what’s wrong, come on you can tell me." He stated calmly as he finally reached the boy.

Jessie was curled up in a tight ball, much the same way he had been when Heath had first touched him. This frightened him, "come on little guy, I promise no one’s going to hurt you." He said as he reached out and stroked Jessie’s hair.

"You said they were gone!" Jessie cried out as he continued to sob. "You lied!"

"Jessie who are you talking about, the men that took you?" Heath asked as he tried to draw Jessie closer to him.

"Yes, you lied Heath!" he sobbed as he fought against Heath’s strong grip.

"Jessie, those men are gone, two are in jail and three of them are dead." Heath replied as he continued to try and calm Jessie.

Jessie stopped fighting and tried to look at Heath through the darkness, "dead?" he questioned.

"Yes Jessie, three of the five men that attacked the stage were killed. The other two are in jail in Silida." Replied Heath calmly, "you see they can’t hurt you any more."

"No!" Jessie screamed as he tried desperately to get away from Heath.

It was all Heath could do to hold onto the boy with out hurting him as he tried to get away, "Jessie calm down, you’re only going to hurt yourself!" He shouted at Jessie as he continued try and get away.

"They’re still out there! Don’t you see they can still find me! He yelled as he struggled, "When they find me they’ll kill you! Please let me go, if I go now maybe they will let you go!" He desperately needed Heath to understand this, the image of Adam hanging from those trees with Matt in front of him with his knife came flooding back to him. He froze in Heaths arms, he could see Matt’s cold dead eyes, he could hear Adams screams, and Adams image was slowly being replaced by one of Heath. He couldn’t let that happen not again and not to Heath.

When Jessie stopped fighting Heath drew him close and held on tight, "Jessie, how many men were with Hank?" he asked softly.

Jessie’s mind raced trying to find it’s way back to the loft and away from those horrible images, slowly he found his way back. He was in Heaths arms, safe, for the moment. "He had seven men." He said quietly.

"Can you tell me what Hank looked like?" Heath asked as he continued to rub Jessie’s back.

"He was real big, tall like Nick is but much heavier and older, he had cold blue eyes like ice." Jessie replied as the image of Hank came into his head.

"That sounds like one of the men the sheriff had locked up, he was pretty sick as I remember." Heath said as he tried to look into Jessie’s face in the dark loft.

"I put Water Hemlock in their food that night." Jessie said as he remembered watching Hank go up for a second helping.

"Water Hemlock!" Heath said amazed, "I’m surprised they’re all not dead, how did you know what that was?"

Jessie was sitting up in Heaths lap now as he remembered back to when his Pa took him camping. "My Pa told me all about the plants around our home," he replied as he pictured the camping trips he used to take with his father. "He showed me which plants I could eat and which ones would hurt you. He knew lots of things, Heath."

"He sure did, he seems like a mighty fine man, one that you should be very proud of." He stated in hopes of lifting the boys spirits. He was actually impressed himself by the boys knowledge of plants, his father must really have been very special.

Jessie looked down at his hands as he spoke, "I put the Hemlock in the stew hoping to make them fall asleep so I could get away, but it didn’t work." He said with a sad sigh.

"Oh but it did, the Doc told me both of the men in jail had been extremely ill. I think your idea kept those people on the stage from getting killed." He said as Jessie looked up at him. "By making those men ill you saved the stage."

"Saved the stage?" thought Jessie as he looked at Heath. "But…

"But nothing little guy," Heath interrupted, "you did it, you saved them Jessie." He said as he held the boy close.

For the first time in a long long time, Jessie felt relieved. His plan had worked, Hank was in jail and three of his men were dead. "Hopefully Matt is one of those men," he thought as he hugged Heath. "Maybe we can beat them, can I dare hope," he thought.

"What do you say we go back inside, I know Audra was pretty upset when you ran off. I think she was finally hoping to win a game of checkers." Heath laughed as he stood up with Jessie holding on to him.

Jessie wiped his face with his shirtsleeves, "I was already winning before I left," he smiled up at Heath. "I can let her win if you want me too," he added.

"Don’t worry, if she really wants to win she’ll just get Nick to play with her. She beats him every time," he added as the two climbed down from the loft.

As Jessie and Heath walked out of the barn and back into the house they never noticed the dark figure emerge from the barn after they left.

Nick watched the two walk away with a smile on his face. How was it that Heath could always manage to turn a bad situation into a good one? Nick had been right on Heath’s heels when he ran out of the house after the boy, he saw his brother enter the barn and followed him inside. Once inside he could hear Heath talking with the boy, the boy was extremely upset and lashing out at Heath. But Heath took his time with the boy and calmed him down, listening to Heath and Jessie made Nick feel extremely proud of his little brother. After everything Heath had gone through he was still so gentle and caring, he had taken his time with the boy and had gotten through to him. "I think this just may help both of them," he thought as he slowly made his way towards the house smiling.

The night air was still warm as Peter and Sam made their way into Silida. They tied their horses up outside the saloon and made their way inside.

"What’ll ya have boys?" asked the bartender as he walked down towards the end of the bar.

"Two whiskeys," replied Sam as he looked around the saloon.

The saloon was almost completely empty save for a few men involved in a game of poker near one of the back tables. Sam could see the sheriff’s badge on his vest as he watched the men play. "This may be easier than I thought," he laughed under his breath.

Peter and Sam took their drinks over to one of the tables not far from the poker game and sat down. Peter had his back towards the game so Sam would have a better opportunity to keep his eye on the sheriff. There were three other men playing with the sheriff, Sam guessed they were just some locals and nothing he had to worry about. The game progressed on for about another hour before the sheriff announced this was going to have to be his last hand as he needed to head back to the jail. Sam and Peter took that as their sign and quietly left the bar.

The street was dark and deserted as the two men made their way down to the jail. The small alley next to the jail offered the two men an excellent hiding spot, all they had to do now was to wait for the sheriff. They didn’t have to wait long, the sheriff made his way down the street whistling softly about ten minutes later. Peter could hear him jingling something in his pocket as he walked; he thought it must be his night’s poker winnings. As the sheriff neared the jail and prepared to unlock the door, Sam sprung into action. He quietly walked up behind the sheriff and stuck a gun in his back.

"If I was you I’d be mighty quiet right now," he said quietly to the stunned sheriff. "I wouldn’t want this itchy trigger finger of mine to go getting any funny ideas now. Why don’t you just open that door nice and slow so we can go in and have ourselves a nice little chat now."

The sheriff knew he was in no position to try anything so he followed the man’s instructions and opened the door. As he was forced inside the jail by the gun at his back, he felt his gun being removed out of it's holster.

"Now why don’t you be a good boy and go sit in that chair right over there." Stated Sam as he pushed the sheriff forward towards the chair.

Peter was right behind him, he closed and locked the door checking out the window to make sure they weren’t seen. "Looks pretty quiet out there Sam," he stated as he made his way over towards the sheriff.

Taking a pair of handcuffs off the wall behind the sheriff’s desk, Peter used them to secure the sheriffs hands behind him. He then removed the sheriff bandana from around his neck and shoved it in his mouth. "Can’t have you spoiling things on us now can we," he laughed.

"Pete, I’ll cover him, you go get Matt and Hank." Said Sam as he waved his gun in front of the sheriff.

Peter walked over and grabbed the keys off the hook and made his way back to the cell. Peter could hear Hank’s snoring and laughed to himself, "Matt, Hank you guys feel like stretching your legs?" He asked as he tried to wake the two sleeping men.

"You’re early," came a gruff reply from Hank.

"Some how I didn’t think you’d mind," replied Peter with a grin as he unlocked the cells door.

"Where’s Sam?" asked Matt as he walked past Peter.

"He’s out front keeping the sheriff company," said Peter as he helped Hank from the cell.

"I think I’ll go join him," snickered Matt gathering up his gun belt and knife.

Matt walked into the front room and up to Sam, "nice job, Sam." He stated as he looked down at the sheriff. "Mind if I take over his care for a while," he asked with a devilish smile on his face.

"By all means don’t let me stand in your way," joked Sam as he stepped aside.

"Well how is our smug sheriff doing this evening," he asked, running his knife under the sheriff’s chin. "Looks as though I won’t be having my neck stretched after all now doesn’t it," he laughed as his black eyes stared into the sheriffs frightened ones.

Peter and Hank entered the room as Matt was having his fun with the sheriff. "Come on Matt, let’s get a move on." Stated Hank as he watched Matt toy with the man. "We got a long way to go," he added as he and Peter made their way towards the door.

"Well sheriff it seems that I must be on my way, so it’s time for me to say goodbye. Here why don’t I just leave you a little something to remember me by." He stated coldly.

The sheriff didn’t even have time to fully understand Matt’s statement before Matt shoved his knife into the sheriffs stomach slicing it wide open. He could feel the knife cut through him just as easily as a hot knife does through butter, but he felt no pain. He could see the cold dead eyes laughing at him but he couldn’t hear any laughter. His legs felt warm and as he looked down to figure out why, all he saw was blood, his own blood. As his vision began to fail him he looked up one last time, but all he could see were those cold dead eyes staring at him, laughing at him, then he saw no more.


Audra was waiting in the parlor as Heath and Jessie entered the house. She desperately wanted to help Jessie, the look on his face when he heard Nick yelling about those horrible men, had really frightened her. She felt the terror he had held in his eyes, she wanted to take that fear away for him, to help him become a little boy again.

"Well there you are," she said as she walked over towards them. "I was wondering if you’d be back to finish our game," she stated as she reached out and held Jessie’s hand. "I can let you win if you want me too," she whispered in his ear hoping to get a smile out of him.

"Let me!" he said surprised, as he smiled at Audra, "Why I was beating you, remember."

"That’s not how I remember it young man, why don’t you just come with me so we can settle this dispute." She stated as she looked up at Heath, with a sparkle in her eye.

"Is it OK? If I bet her Heath?" Jessie asked looking over at Heath and winking.

"OK? You just try and beat me!" she stated as she turned and pulled the boy along after her.

"Jessie, if you need me I’ll be in the study with Jarrod," Heath stated to the fleeting pair as he watched Audra happily leading the boy away.

"Is everything all right Heath?" asked Jarrod as Heath entered the study. It was apparent by the look on Heath’s face that indeed things may not be.

"For now," he stated as he made his way over to the whiskey decanter and poured himself a drink.

"Heath I’m sorry if I said anything out of line that frightened him," Jarrod stated referring to Jessie.

"It wasn’t you Jarrod, I never told him all the details about the men the sheriff had in custody. When I told him the men were gone he assumed I meant they were dead, when he heard they were alive and only in jail it shocked him." Heath replied taking a sip of whiskey. "I’m afraid there’s more, there are still three men unaccounted for. I think we should get word up to the sheriff in Silida as soon as possible, he should really know about this."

"Your right about that Heath, I’ll ride into town first thing in the morning and send a wire off to him. I’d also like to run all of this by Fred." Jarrod stated as he joined Heath in a drink. "Do you think Jessie’s is in any danger, Heath?" asked Jarrod.

"I’m not sure, he’s scared to death right now." He paused a moment before continuing, "He wanted to run away Jarrod, for some reason he felt that if could get away from here nothing bad would happen to us."

"Why do you think he feels that way?" questioned Jarrod trying to pull more information out of Heath.

"The only thing I can figure is someone must have tried to help him before and things didn’t go well for them. He was really trying hard to get away, more afraid for us than himself, Jarrod." Replied Heath looking up at his older brother.

"Heath, about what I said in the dinning room, do you think he could face those men again if it were to come to that?" Questioned Jarrod more as an older brother than as an attorney.

"In time perhaps," Heath began, "It’s going to be awful hard on him Jarrod, these men really did some horrible things to him." Replied Heath as he lowered his eyes to the floor.
Jarrod walked over and placed a hand on Heath’s shoulder, "Heath, we’ll all help him, we’ll get him through this."

Heath looked up at Jarrod and smiled; he really admired that older brother of his. He never treated Heath inferior in any way; he was always open and understanding, Heath knew he could trust and rely on Jarrod.

"Jarrod, I’m not sure how to bring up the subject of the abuse Jessie received with him. If you saw the haunted look in his eyes when ever those men are even mentioned…" Heath trailed of a little before continuing, "I’m just not sure if I can hurt him again by bringing it all back."

"Heath, I have seen that look in someone elses eyes before, yours. When you first opened up to us about your past you too had that same haunted look. But the more you opened up to us about those times, the less we saw it. Maybe you should talk to Jessie about your past a little, it may help him open up some." Jarrod said in a soft calming voice as he watched Heath working over what he had said.

"Well you know big brother," stated Heath as he stood up and placed a hand on Jarrod’s shoulder, "Some times you lawyer fellas can be pretty smart." He stated throwing Jarrod a lopsided grin.

"Well it’s nice to know someone in the family appreciates me," chuckled Jarrod, his blue eyes sparkling.

"NICK!" Audra shouted from the parlor, in a frustrated tone.

"Well little brother shall we go and separate those two?" Jarrod questioned as he tried to hold back his amusement.

"I think we should before Audra really lays into him," laughed Heath as the brothers walked out of the study together.

Jessie couldn’t help but laugh, every time Audra went to make a move on the checkerboard Nick was right there taunting her.

"I don’t know baby sister," he would say whenever she picked up a piece. "Are you sure you want to move it there?" He would say as he smiled at Jessie.

"Nick!" Audra would shout at him, "how can I possibly play with you harping on my every move!" She would state placing her hands on her hips and throwing him a scowl.

Jessie was lost in thought for a moment as he watched the two argue, he could remember his brother and sister arguing in much the same way. Of course they were a little younger but he could see his little sister Carrie shouting at Thomas much the same way Audra was now yelling at Nick.

Heath and Jarrod walked into the room just in time to see Audra shove Nick off the footstool he had positioned himself on near the checker game.

A loud bang startled Jessie out of the past and back to the present, as he looked up he saw Nicks feet sticking straight up in the air.

"Audra!" Nick shouted as he tried to right himself. "You didn’t have to push me so hard!" he stated as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well I warned you Nick," she stated angrily, but her face soon broke into a smile and she started laughing at her up ended brother.

"Oh you think that was funny do you!" shouted Nick as he struggled to get back on his feet. "I’ll show you what funny is!" he added as he tried to grab her.

Audra was up and running before Nick could grab her, she ran around the backside of a loveseat still laughing as Nick tried to chase her around it. Jarrod and Heath stood in the doorway watching the entire production with smiles on their faces. Jessie was also amused as he watched Nick try unsuccessfully to capture Audra. The sight of the grown man running around with his hair hanging down in his eyes, chasing his little sister was more than Jessie could take and he too started laughing.

Nick turned around at the sound of Jessie’s laughter, "Oh so you thought it was funny too did you!" he shouted as he made his way towards Jessie.

"Run Jessie, run!" shouted Audra as tears of laughter fell down her rosy cheeks.

Jessie looked over at Heath before sprinting over to Audra's side; Nick now had the both of them cornered behind the loveseat. Audra placed a protective arm across Jessie’s shoulder as the both of them continued to dodge Nick’s attempts at catching them.

"What in the world is going on in here?" exclaimed Victoria as she came down the stairs and into the parlor. "Nicholas, why on earth must you make so much noise?" She stated as she watched him straighten his hair and tuck in his shirt.

"Me!" he bellowed, "It was them!" he said as he pointed towards Jessie and Audra, who were both trying to hide their giggles.

"Honestly Nick, I don’t think you’ll ever grow up." She stated as Heath and Jarrod joined in on the laughter.

"Well Nick, I see you managed to disrupt the entire household once again," laughed Jarrod.

"Now you stay out of it! It’s between me and them!" he said as he pointed over towards Audra and Jessie. "And not one word out of you Heath!" he said quickly turning around to face his little brother, "Not one!"

That was it the room erupted into laughter. Poor Nick looked around at everyone as he stood in the middle of the room wondering if they had all gone insane before he too had to laugh at himself.

"Jessie, come on little guy. It’s time you went to bed, we’ve got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow." Heath stated once the laughter settled down.

"But we didn’t finish our game," he replied as he made his way over towards Heath, making sure to give Nick a wide berth as he did so.

"We can finish it tomorrow Jessie," Audra said as she picked up the over turned footstool. "I’ll be up to help tuck you in, that is if you don’t mind?" she asked looking over at him.

"I don’t mind," he said smiling at her. "Good night Mrs. Barkley, thanks for letting me stay a while," he said as he and Heath made their way towards the stairs.

"You’re more than welcome Jessie," Victoria stated as she walked over to hug the small boy. "It’s nice having someone so mature around, I’m hoping it will rub off on Nick." She said as Jessie looked up at her puzzled. "I’ll see you at breakfast." She added before letting go of him.

"Heath, can I ask Jarrod something before I go up?" Jessie asked as he tugged on Heaths sleeve.

"Sure," Heath said, smiling at Jessie.

"Jarrod?" Jessie questioned as he ran up to Jarrod’s side. "Can I borrow one of the books you have in your study? You see I haven’t been able to read for a while and I know my Mamma…. Well she wouldn’t want me to forget how." He said as he looked up at Jarrod.

"Well now, we wouldn’t want that to happen now would we." Stated Jarrod as he walked Jessie over towards the study. "Did you have one in mind?"

"Do you have Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare?" he asked hopefully.

"Jessie are you sure you want that book?" asked Jarrod. He was finding it hard to believe such a young boy would want to read Shakespeare let alone understand him.

"If it’s OK, I’ve read lots of his stuff. I really liked the Tempest and the Taming of the Shrew, but I think my favorite so far is Titus Andronicus. My Mamma thought there was to much killing in it, but I still liked it." He stated shyly. "Rise, Marcus, rise. The dismall'st day is this that e'er I saw, to be dishonored by my sons in Rome! Well, bury him, and bury me the next." Jessie added as Jarrod grinned down at him.

"Well I guess young man you have a pretty good handle on Mr. Shakespeare." He said as he handed the book down to Jessie. "We’ll have to talk about this one after you read it, I’d really like to know what you think about it." Said Jarrod as he walked Jessie out of the study.

"Thanks Jarrod," stated Jessie as he stared down at the book in his hands.

"Well brother Heath, seems we have quite a Shakespearian in our midst’s here." Exclaimed Jarrod as he led Jessie over to an awaiting Heath. "Yes, Jessie’s more familiar with his works than I am." He added as he ruffled the boy’s hair.

Jessie could only blush as Heath led him up the stairs and questioned him about Jarrod’s comments. Once he was washed up, tucked in bed, and everyone had said their goodnights to him; he quietly snuck out of bed and curled up in the big chair by the window. There was just enough moonlight shinning through the window for him to read by as he took out the book Jarrod had lent him and dove in.

Later that evening as Heath was turning in for the night he decided to peek in on Jessie. As he entered the room he quietly made his way over to the bed only to find it empty. Quickly looking around the room, he noticed the book Jarrod had given to Jessie on the floor by the window. Walking around the high back chair he found the boy, he was curled up in the seat of the chair sound asleep. "Silly kid," thought Heath as he picked up Jessie and tucked him back in bed, "I’ll see that you have plenty of time to catch up on everything you’ve missed," he said as he placed a kiss on Jessie’s forehead.

"Matt must you always leave such a big mess where ever you go?" laughed Sam, as the men all sat around the small table located in the cabins kitchen.

"He got what was coming to him," replied Matt as he sat cleaning his knife. "Besides a guys gotta have a little fun now and then, right?" He stated as his black eyes danced from one man to the next. "You find out anything on that kid?" he asked looking over at Sam.

"Yeah, he’s staying on a ranch up near Stockton, a Heath Barkley took him there." Said Sam as he watched Matt polish his knife. "Seems the Barkley’s own a pretty sizable ranch too."

"Well maybe we should just ride up there and pay them a little visit." Snickered Matt. "You know get nice and friendly with them."

"Forget about that kid for a while Matt, you sealed our fait for a while when you killed that sheriff. Every law man around here will be gunning for us." Hank stated growing angry. "I think it’s time for us to head down to Mexico for a while, we need to let things cool off around here."

"You’re not going to let that kid get away are you!" Shouted Matt, glaring at Hank.

"Don’t you think I want him too? Now is just not the time!" Shouted Hank as he sat forward in his chair and leered at Matt. "We’ll come back for him when things cool down!"

"Come on Matt, just think about all those lovely ladies just waiting down there for you to buy em a drink." Peter stated trying to break the tension in the room.

"Pete’s right, there sure are a lot of lovely ladies down in Mexico. This way you can relax and plan what you want to do with the kid while playing with all the ladies." Joked Sam smiling over at Matt.

Hank and Matt continued to glare at one another before Matt broke the tension, "Well I ain’t one to keep the ladies waiting, beside Hank, and you could really use some color." He said reaching over and pinching Hank’s cheek.

Swatting Matt’s hand away, Hank sat back and thought about the past two days while the others made plans for Mexico. The boy had played them for fools and that wasn’t sitting very well with him. "Oh that boy’s going to pay," he thought, "I’m going to see personally about that!"

Jessie awoke and stretched in the early morning light, his room was still dim as he made his way over to the window. The last of the morning stars were slowly giving way to the rising sun, the sky was a beautiful red on the horizon giving way to violet and then a deep purple color. Jessie could make out a few horses in the corral below running around and playing in the early morning light.

Quietly making his way down the hall, Jessie opened Heath’s bedroom door. Finding him not there he decided to make his way downstairs. Slowly walking down the stairs in his borrowed nightgown, he could see a light coming from the kitchen. Quietly making his barefoot through the dinning room, he peeked his head around the doorframe to see who was in the kitchen.

Silas saw the small figure in the doorway and silently motioned for Heath to look over that way.

"You’re up awful early," Heath said as he stood up from the table and walked over towards Jessie. "You up for some breakfast?" he added, escorting Jessie over to the table.

"Maybe a little," he stated, jumping up into one of the chairs. "Morning Mr. Silas," he chimed grinning.

"And a good morning to you, Mr. Jessie." Silas said as he handed the boy a glass of juice.

"Mr. Silas, how come you call me Mr. Jessie? I’m not really old yet." He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well," Silas began as he stepped over towards Jessie and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I’d say it’s out of respect, it takes a man to help out on this ranch and with you helping with the work, I’d say that makes you a man."

"Mr. Silas, can I ask you a favor? I’d like it a lot better if you just called me Jessie, if it’s OK?" he asked Silas nervously, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"I’ll tell you what, Jessie," Silas stated as he looked into the boys green eyes, "I’ll treat you the same way I treat my friend Heath here," he replied touching Heath’s arm, "When it’s just the three of us, or you and I, I’ll call you Jessie and you call me Silas. But when we’re around everyone else it’ll be Mr. Jessie, all right?" he asked a slightly confused looking Jessie.

"I guess," Jessie said scratching his head, "If that’ll make you happy," he added smiling.

"That it will!" replied Silas as he walked over to the stove. "How about some eggs and potatoes before you go out and work with Heath."

"Better make a little extra for him Silas, I’ve got a lot of work pilled up for him." Heath stated as he sat down next to Jessie. "You ready for a tour of the ranch today?"

"You mean I get to see the whole ranch?" Jessie asked excitedly.

Laughing Heath replied, "Well maybe not the whole ranch, it’s pretty big, but we’ll make a day of it." He finished as he ruffled Jessie’s hair. "Besides we need to make a trip into town too, Doc Merer needs to check that arm of yours."

"It’s Ok Heath, it doesn’t bother me at all," Jessie stated through a mouthful of buttered bread.

"That may be but we still need to have the Doc check you over," he said smiling.

"How about I pack you boys up some lunch to take out with you," stated Silas as started cutting up some of the bread for sandwiches.
"Thanks Silas, we can stop for lunch and get a little fishing in," Heath replied as he looked over at Jessie.

Jessie’s head shot up, his eyes wide open, looking at Heath. "Can we? Can we really go fish in! I haven’t gone fishing in… in forever!" Jessie exclaimed the excitement he felt came bursting forward.

"Calm down, little guy. We don’t want you choking on Silas’s food." He laughed as he noticed the excitement in Jessie’s eyes. "When you’re done we’ll get you dressed and be on our way."

Jessie ate his breakfast in record time; the excitement of spending an entire day with Heath was almost too much for him. His heart raced in his chest and his breathing came in fast shallow gulps. He hardly remembered rushing up the back staircase to get dressed; all he knew was that he had a whole day with Heath and he wanted to get started.

"That boy sure is something," remarked Silas as Jessie raced up the stairs.

"That he is Silas," replied Heath as he too watched the boy race up the stairs. "It should be a grand day," he thought as a smile crept across his face.

Silas watched as the sun kissed one blonde and one brown head as they walked towards the barn. He had to laugh as he watched Jessie dance around Heath, that boy was so excited his feet didn’t even seem to touch the ground. He could hear the boy carrying on and on as he danced around Heath, Silas could also see how at ease the boy was around his Heath. "I think that boy can help him as much as he can help that boy," Silas thought as he watched the pair enter the barn.

"I can get Charger all ready for you," Jessie stated as he ran over to Chargers stall.

"Hang on Jessie, you’re going to wear yourself out before we even get out of the barn." Heath said laughingly. "How about you get Buck here ready to go."

Jessie walked over to where Heath was standing; in the stall next to him was a magnificent looking Paint. He had white legs, a velvety brown and white stomach and back; his head was mainly the same velvety brown with a white line running down his nose. His mane was black and white as was his tail, he stood proud and tall in his stall.

"Heath, he’s beautiful," Jessie said as he stood outside Buck’s stall and gazed at the horse his mouth agape.

"Well I can’t have you riding with me all day if you don’t have your own horse now can I?" Heath stated smiling down at Jessie.

Jessie walked into the stall and gently touched Buck’s shoulder, "howdy Buck, my names Jessie. Would you like to go riding with me and Heath today?" He asked the horse as he gently stroked him. Heath handed him a brush and Jessie continued to talk with Buck as he brushed him.

"Let me know when your ready to saddle him and I’ll carry it over for you." Heath said as he went about readying Charger. Once he had Chargers saddle on Heath took a moment out to watch Jessie, as he was still brushing and chatting away with Buck. Heath did notice Jessie had to change hands with the brush when ever he tried to reach up high with his left hand. "That collar bone must still be bothering him," he thought as he walked over to grab a saddle for the boy.

"You ready for this yet, or are you planning to brush him all day," Heath joked as Jessie looked up at him.

Heath helped Jessie saddle up Buck and back him out of the stall. He walked over and grabbed Charger and the two headed out of the barn together. Outside Heath boosted Jessie up into the saddle so he wouldn’t have to pull himself up with his sore arm.

Mounting Charger, Heath asked if Jessie was ready. "You ready little guy?"

"Yup!" came the exuberant reply.

"Where going to take it nice and easy, all right?" Heath stated, trying not to laugh at the excited child sitting on the horse next to him.

Jessie shook his head indicating that he understood, but in actuality he had barely heard a word Heath said. He was so lost in the splendor of the day that Heath could have said just about anything right then and he wouldn’t have noticed. He took a deep breath breathing in all of the day as the two rode off through the meadow, the sun was warm on his back and the breeze was light on his face. The land around him held something new and magnificent with every turn, he was constantly turning around in his saddle to look at something different. He wasn’t sure what part of the ranch he loved the most, the cattle grazing in the tall grass where sure a sight to behold. He had never seen so many cattle all in one place, and when Heath informed him that this was just part of their herd he almost fell off Buck. The meadows and rolling hills were equally beautiful, the wild flowers were in full bloom and there seemed to be hundreds of butterflies dancing on the flowers, and birds flying around singing.

"You ready for lunch yet?" Heath asked as he pulled Charger to a stop near a small pond.

"Huh?" Jessie replied as if in a daze.

"I asked if you were hungry," replied Heath laughing at the look on Jessie’s face.

"Sorry Heath," Jessie said as his face turned red. "It’s just all so grand!" He said sliding down off Buck. "There’s probably no other place like it!" He said looking over at Heath.

"Here, you spread the blanket out under that tree over there while I take care of the horses." Stated Heath as he smiled and shook his head at Jessie before leading the horses over into the shade.

Jessie carried the blanket over to the tree and spread it out in the shade. "It sure is a great spot for lunch," he thought as he looked around. The pond was brilliant, the slight breeze made the water ripple slightly, the sun glistening off those ripples made it appear that the pond was full of diamonds. Lying down on the blanket he stared up at the sun shining through the green leaves of the tree as they gently swayed in the breeze. When the breeze would blow just right, Jessie could see the leaves veins as the sun shone through them turning them to a light green.

"Thanks Heath," Jessie said as Heath sat down on the blanket. "I’m having a great time," he said the words just flying off his tongue.

"Well I’m sure glad to hear that," Heath replied handing Jessie a sandwich. "You’re not sore at all from riding in the saddle all morning are you?" He asked taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Not at all!" Jessie stated as he munched on his own sandwich. "It sure must a been fun growing up on this big ranch Heath." Jessie exclaimed before taking a drink of the lemonade Silas packed for them.

"I didn’t grow up here, Jessie," Heath said wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I grew up in Strawberry with my Mamma, Aunt Rachael, and Hanna."

"Where was Nick?" Jessie asked puzzled.

"I meet Nick when I first came here two years ago." Replied Heath.

"But you said you two were brothers?" stated Jessie as he sat Indian style with his elbows on his knees and his face resting in his hands.

"We are, we both share the same father but we have different mothers. Jarrod, Nick, and Audra are my brothers and sister but I never found that out until my mother died two years ago." He replied facing towards Jessie.

"So Mrs. Barkley isn’t your Mamma?" he asked still a little puzzled.

"That’s right, she’s my step mother. Jarrod, Nick, and Audra are her children." He said watching Jessie’s reactions.

"What happened to you’re Pa? How come you didn’t live with him?" Jessie asked wondering why Heath hadn’t lived with both his Ma and Pa.

"I never had a chance to meet my Pa, some men working for the railroad killed him over eight years ago now. He died six years before I even knew he was my father."

"I’m sorry Heath," Jessie said looking down at the blanket as thoughts of his own father filled his head.

"Don’t be sorry for me Jessie," Heath said taking Jessie’s chin in his hand and lifting up his head. "I’ve got a great family now, one where I really belong. There’s no use in feeling bad about that." He stated with a gleam in his blue eyes.

"Heath, what was your Mamma like?" Jessie asked.

"She was a warm, loving, kind hearted person, she cared a great deal for others and often because of that put herself last. We were dirt poor but she still managed to make our home comfortable and loving, she never wished for money, she would always tell me that love mattered more than any amount of money ever could." Heath said as his thoughts wandered back to his Mamma’s face.

"If your Pa was so rich how come your Ma was poor?" Asked Jessie as Heath looked back over at him.

"Well like I told you I never found out Tom Barkley was my father until my mother passed away. It turns out that he never knew my mother had a son and that I was his. He was hurt when they met and he couldn’t remember anything about his past. But once he got better his memory came back and he went home to his family. He sent my mother a few letters and hoped that she to would find someone to love the way he loved Victoria. She loved him so much that she couldn’t bring herself to tell him about me, she didn’t want to ruin his marriage." Heath stated as he took a drink of lemonade.

"Your Mamma sounds like a real strong lady, I bet I would have liked her." Jessie said hoping to put a smile on Heath’s face.

"I know she would have liked you Jessie, you even have the same color hair she had." He stated as he ruffled Jessie’s hair with both hands.

After the two wrestled on the blanket for a few minutes, Jessie asked Heath another question. "Heath, how did your Mamma die?"

Heath thought about Jessie’s question, the vision of his frail mother lying in their little house near death came into view. He could still hear her ragged breathing as she struggled for each breath; she had remained strong for him. Shaking the vision from his head he replied to Jessie, "She got very sick while I was away, by the time I made it home to her there was nothing anyone could do, she died shortly there after."

"Do you still miss her Heath?" Jessie asked as the tears began welling up in his eyes.

"Yeah, I do. I suppose I always will, but I know she’s in a better place so I try and honor her memory by remembering all of the good times we had together instead of dwelling on the sad ones." Stated Heath as the tears began to fall from Jessie’s eyes.

Jessie looked up at Heath and in a voice that made his own heart break, the boy cried, "But it hurts so much in here," he cried pointing to his chest. "I know she wouldn’t want me to be sad all the time, but I just can’t make that feeling go away." He sobbed.

Heath drew Jessie into his chest and held him tight as he cried. "Jessie, tell me something about your Mother. Something that the two of you loved doing together." Heath said as he held the boy.

Jessie turned his head sideways against Heath’s chest and looked out over the pond as his sobs gradually slowed. There were big white fluffy clouds floating just above the horizon, a small laugh escaped him as he remembered back. "My Mamma always loved watching the clouds float up in the sky," he said as he pointed towards the horizon. "She saw a different animal or person in everyone. We used to lay on the hill behind our house and watch the cloud parade float by. It was just about the only time Mamma and I had any time alone together." He answered lost within the clouds.

Heath looked down at Jessie’s face, he could see the shimmering pond reflecting in his eyes as he looked out at the clouds. "Well when ever you feel sad just think of the times you two spent together watching those clouds. Remember the happy times and the sad times will eventually dwindle away." Replied Heath as he sat Jessie upright. "Say I’m hot, what’d ya say we go for a swim." Heath asked sitting Jessie down on the blanket.

"Swimming? But what will we wear?" asked Jessie as he looked at Heath.

"You’ve got briefs on don’t you?" Heath asked.

"Sure I do."

"Well then let’s go!" shouted Heath as he began removing his boots.

"Won’t somebody see us?" asked Jessie with a worried look on his face.

"There’s nobody around here for miles." Heath replied as he pulled off a boot.

"I’m really not that hot," Jessie stated as he stood up.

"Not hot, I can see the sweat on your face from here. If you’re worried about no knowing how to swim that’s all right we won’t go in very far." Replied Heath looking up at Jessie.

"I can swim! I just don’t want to!" He snapped as he turned his back to Heath.

Heath stood up behind Jessie and put his hands on the boy’s shoulders. "Come on Jessie, what’s really bothering you?"

Jessie continued to look down at his feet, how was he going to explain about all of his cuts and scars. It would be so much easier if he just didn’t go swimming, then Heath wouldn’t have to be ashamed of him.

Heath watched Jessie as he continued to fidget, kicking himself he finally realized what the problem must be. "Well I’m going in," he said as he began to unbutton his shirt, after dropping his shirt to the ground he sat down and began to remove his socks. Sitting with his back towards Jessie, Heath asked him to take the basket back over to the horses.

Jessie wasn’t ready for what he saw on Heath’s back as he turned around, his face turned pale and a small gasp escaped his lips.

Heath turned around at the sound of Jessie’s gasp as the boy quickly shot his eyes downward, embarrassed. "You say something?" He asked knowing full well why Jessie was avoiding him.

Jessie just shook his head no, as he continued to keep his eyes on the ground.

Looking up at Jessie, Heath said, "They don’t hurt anymore."

Heath’s words hit Jessie hard, all of the energy drained out of his legs and he sat down in a heap in front of Heath. "I’m sorry Heath," he said just above a whisper.

"Sorry? Jessie you have nothing to be sorry about." Heath said, as he looked into the boy’s sad eyes.

"Yes I do!" He answered, "I thought you’d be embarrassed by me, or wouldn’t like me anymore when you saw what I let Hank do to me." He said his voice cracking.

"Jessie," Heath replied softly as he placed his hands on Jessie’s arms, "you didn’t have any control over what those men did to you. None of it is your fault, they were wrong Jessie not you. And nothing those men did to you could make me embarrassed of you, you’re a great kid and don’t ever let what anyone else says take that away from you."

Jessie threw himself into Heath’s arms, "I’m sorry," he cried, "I’m glad you’re my friend."

"Well come on friend," Heath shouted as he helped Jessie stand up, "let’s get in that water, last one in is a rotten egg!" He added as he hopped around on one foot pulling off his sock.

Jessie pushed his overall straps down around his waist and quickly kicked his boots off while unbuttoning his shirt. He looked over at Heath who was busy with his belt buckle as he threw his shirt to the ground and pulled his pants off, he made quick work of his socks and started a mad dash to the pond.

"Oh no you don’t!" shouted a voice behind him as he ran. "I’m not letting some skinny little kid beat me!" Heath shouted as he chased after Jessie.

Jessie took four long running steps in the water before falling into it. Heath was right on his tail and fell in next to him. Coming up to the surface, Heath shook his head spattering Jessie with water as the boy laughed and put up his hands to try and protect himself. The two played around in the water splashing and dunking each other for about the next half an hour.

"We better head into town soon before we’re both water logged," stated Heath as he grabbed a laughing Jessie like a sack of potatoes and carried him out of the water. The pair quickly redressed and were putting on their boots when Jessie spoke up, "thanks Heath."

"For what?" Heath asked as he stood up.

"For everything." Jessie stated as he finished pulling on his last boot. Jumping up to his feet he quickly threw himself at Heath and hugged him.

Returning the boys hug, Heath smiled and told him, "your welcome."


Doctor Baker walked down the street towards the sheriff’s office; he really wasn’t looking forward to seeing the sheriff’s prisoners. Especially the smaller man, his eyes had frightened the doctor, and now those eyes would be awake and looking directly at him. But he had a job to see to so inside he went; he wasn’t prepared for the sight that greeted as he walked through the door.

The room was dimly light but the doctor could see the sheriff’s body still seated in his chair, his hands were cuffed behind his back, his chin was resting on his chest, and his shoulders were slumped slightly forward. There was what appeared to be a cloth hanging part way out of his mouth and his eyes were wide open.

Doc Baker didn’t have to move any closer to the body, he could see perfectly from where he stood that the sheriff was dead. The lower part of his shirt and his pants were covered in thick red blood, the blood had pooled on the chair where the sheriff sat and all around the floor underneath him.

Turning his back to the horrible sight he tried to keep his stomach under control. His stomach muscles knotted and jerked as a nauseating feeling started to spread through him. He bolted quickly out the door and tried to calm himself by taking deep breaths of fresh air. Once his stomach started to settle his mind kicked in, "There out there!" He thought frantically looking about him on the street, "I must get word to the sheriff in Modesto!" He thought as he started to run towards the telegraph office. "Oh God!" He thought stopping suddenly in the middle of the street, "Jessie! I have to get word to the Barkley’s!" With that last thought he continued on in a dead run to the telegraph office.

Heath and Jessie made their way into town under the early afternoon sun. Jessie wasn't really excited about seeing another doctor, one who would most likely have a ton of embarrassing questions for him. But at least he got to spend time with Heath, and for that he'd be willing to see a hundred doctors.

"Well this is it, little guy," said Heath as he dismounted from Charger. "Here let me help you down," he added as he grabbed Jessie around the waist and lowered him to the ground. Heath's shoulder let him know that it was still not fully healed.

"What's the matter?" Jessie asked as Heath rubbed his shoulder.

"Oh nothing," Heath said as he placed an arm across Jessie's shoulders and led him into Doc Merer's office.

"Hello Heath, what brings you in?" Stated Doc Merer as he walked over to shake Heath's hand.

"Well Doc, my friend Jessie here hurt his arm a few days ago. Doc Baker in Salida put a few stitches in it and suggested we stop by and let you take a look at it, to make sure it's healing right." Said Heath as he ruffled Jessie's hair.

"All right young man why don't you follow me," stated Doc Merer as he walked back towards his examination room.

Jessie hesitated, a little afraid to follow the doctor. He looked over at Heath who motioned for him to follow the doctor with a smile on his face. "Doc? Is it all right if Heath comes in with me?" Jessie asked nervously.

Turning around to look at Jessie, Doc Merer replied, "how about you come with me for just a minute and then I'll send Heath right in."

Jessie shook his head and set off slowly after the doctor. Entering into the examination room Doc Merer asked Jessie to climb up on the table. "OK you stay right here and I'll be back in a moment with Heath. I need to get a few things from the other room." He added patting Jessie on his shoulder.

Heath was waiting for him when he came back into the front office. "Heath, what happened to that boy?" asked Doc Merer. He could see right away how thin the child was; he was also very nervous and clung to Heath.

Heath began telling the older man what had transpired since they found the boy until they brought him to the ranch. He gave the doctor as much detail as he could regarding the boy's injuries and some of the emotional trauma he had been through.

"Heath I really think the boy would benefit having you in the room during my exam. From everything you've just told me it may ease his fears some." Said Doc Merer.

Heath followed the doctor into the exam room and walked over to Jessie. "Well as a special favor to you the doctor has graciously allowed me to stay during your exam, that is as long as you follow all of his instructions," stated Heath as he smiled at Jessie.

"All right young man, I'm going to have to ask you to remove your shirt so I can see that arm of yours." Stated Doc Merer as he placed his stethoscope around his neck.

Jessie slid the straps of his overalls down his arms and began unbuttoning his shirt. As he was about to take it off he looked up at Heath, seeing Heath nod his head and smile Jessie felt his confidence returning some. He took his shirt off and after folding it placed it on his lap.

Doc Merer took a hold of Jessie's arm and inspected the stitches. "These look like they're healing very nicely, I should be able to take them out in a few days. Jessie I'd like to check your other shoulder for a moment, OK?"

Jessie shook his head yes as he nervously eyed the doctor. "OK Jessie, let me see how high you can lift that arm over your head." Said Doc Merer as he gently held Jessie's arm as he raised it.

Jessie lifted his arm up just past his shoulder level, but he couldn't raise it up any further with out it hurting. "I'm sorry, that's as far as it goes," he said putting his arm back down.

"No problem son, now try lifting it up again. I'm going to try and stop you from lifting it with my hand." Jessie tried to raise his arm again but with the doctor trying to press it back down he couldn't raise it very far at all.

"That's a nasty knot on your collar bone Jessie, how long ago did you break it?" asked Doc Merer as he ran his hand over the lump on Jessie's bone.

"I think a little over a month ago, I fell off a horse." He said hanging his head.

"Well in the future young man, please try and stay on the horse." Doc Merer said smiling down at Jessie. "OK, I'm going listen to your lungs for a moment. When I tell you to I want you to take a deep breath and then let it back out for me."

Doc Merer placed his stethoscope on Jessie's chest, "OK," he said listening to Jessie's lungs. "Again," he said moving the stethoscope, "Again," he repeated several more times. "OK now I'm going to do the same thing but I need to listen from your back. When I tell you take the same big breaths for me again."

As the doctor moved to Jessie's back he looked up at Heath, the boys back was covered with healing knife marks. There appeared to be older injuries on his back also, "OK," he said listening to Jessie's lungs and looking at his back for any signs of infection. "Again," he repeated a few more times until his examination of Jessie's back was completed.

"All right, just a few more tests and you'll be all set," he said walking back around to Jessie's front. "Now if you'll just lay back on the table for me I need to examine your stomach and ribcage."

"How come?" Jessie asked as he scooted backwards on the table to lie down.

"Since you're a growing boy I need to make sure everything is growing right. I do it with all my patients." Said Doc Merer as he began feeling around Jessie's midsection. "Now you let me know if anything hurts, OK?"

"I will," said Jessie as he looked up at the ceiling.

Doc Merer continued pressing on certain organs in Jessie's stomach, it wasn't until he got to Jessie's ribs that the boy flinched. "Did that hurt son?"

"A little, it must a happened when I fell off that horse." He said as he continued to look at the ceiling.

"I think you cracked a few of these, do they bother you now?" asked the doctor as he pulled Jessie back up to a sitting position.

"No only if I run for a while or jump from a high place." He said looking over at Heath.

"Well were pretty much all done here, you did a fine job Jessie. I'd like to go out in the hall and talk to Heath for a moment. I'll be right back in, I have a few exercises for you that will help you regain your strength in that arm." He stated as he turned to walk out of the room.

"I'll see you in a minute kid," said Heath as he followed the doctor out the door.

Making sure they were far enough from the exam room as to not be overheard, Doc Merer expressed his concern over Jessie's injuries to Heath.

"Heath, that boy has been through a lot. Someone's really handled him in a rough manner. He's has had numerous broken bones that have had little or no time to heal. That collarbone should heal but I think his arm will always be a little weaker than his other one. He may not get all of his mobility back in it either. I'll give him some exercises to do, just make sure he keeps up with them. Why don't you bring him back in three days and I'll take those stitches out for him." Said Doc Merer.

"Thanks Doc, I really appreciate your help with him." Heath replied, shaking the Doctors hand.
"I'll wait out here for him," he added sitting down.

Doc Merer returned to the exam room and ran through a series of exercises for Jessie to do that would strengthen his arm. "Your all done, young man. Just promise me you'll do those exercises, every day now." He said helping Jessie dress and then jump down from the table.

"Doc?" Jessie asked.

"Yes, son?" he replied bending over as Jessie motioned him down and whispered in his ear.

"Well you ready to get going little guy?" asked Heath standing up as Jessie and Doc Merer came into the front room.

"Just a minute Heath," Doc Merer said as he walked over to him. "Jessie here tells me you've been having a little trouble with your shoulder."

"I'm fine, Doc, it's really nothing." Heath said as he sent a scowl Jessie's way.

"Well to be on the safe side I'd like to take a look at it," replied Doc Merer as he stood his ground in front of Heath.

"You don't have to Doc, really it's fine." Stated Heath as he tried to back towards the door.

"Heath Barkley, do I have to get your mother involved in this?" asked the doctor as Heath froze in his tracks, and looked down defeated. "I didn't think so," he added smiling. "Now I want you to press your arm up as I press down on it…. that's good, now let's see what kind of mobility you have."

After the doctor finished his exam he recommended the same exercises for Heath that he had for Jessie. "Now Jessie, you make sure Heath does these everyday with you, all right?" Said Doc Merer as Jessie smiled up at him.

"I will," he said beaming.

"We'll see you in three days gentlemen," said Doc Merer as Heath and Jessie opened the door to leave.

"Thanks again Doc," stated Heath with a lopsided grin as they walked out the door. "Oh are you going to get yours little guy," said Heath as they walked along the street towards the store.

"What?" Jessie said laughing, "I didn't do anything," he laughed again.

"What! Wait until I get my hands on you!" Heath said as he tried to grab Jessie.

Jessie took off in a dead run with Heath close on his tail, Heath caught Jessie around the middle and the two spun around in the dirt and fell in a heap. Heath couldn't tell who was laughing harder, Jessie or himself. Picking himself and Jessie up they continued on down the street to the store.

"Heath, Jessie!" Audra shouted as she came out of the dressmakers shop with Anna Holden. "What are you two doing in town?" she asked giving both of them a hug.

"Hello Anna," said Heath as he tried desperately to hide the excitement he was feeling. She was lovely standing there in the warm afternoon sun, her hair glistening in the sunshine, her eyes sparkling above her rosy freckled cheeks, he could gaze at her all day. Realizing he was standing there staring at her; he lowered his gaze and turned a lovely shade of red.

"Hello Heath," Anna said as she walked over and put her hand on his forearm. "I missed you," she added softly as he looked up at her. Oh how she wanted him to hold her, she wanted so much to be lost within his warm embrace, to lay her head upon his chest. His blue eyes comforted her in ways that words could not, she had waited so long to see him she didn't want it to end.

Jessie and Audra looked at one another and started laughing at the two lovebirds. How silly they looked gazing at one another, Jessie started making faces at the pair as Audra doubled over laughing.

Heath turned just in time to catch one of Jessie's faces. "Jessie!" Heath yelled as he lunged for Jessie. Grabbing him by his overall strap, Heath pulled him over to Anna. "Jessie, this is a friend of mine, Miss Anna Holden." He stated his face growing red once again as he looked up at her.

"It's nice to meet you Jessie," Anna replied bending down in front of him.

"You to Miss," Jessie said as a small giggle escaped his mouth.

"Jessie's going to be helping Nick and I around the ranch for a while," said Heath as he swatted Jessie's head playfully.

"Well Jessie, I look forward to seeing more of you," Anna said as she smiled at him.

Jessie liked her, she was really pretty and seemed to like Heath a lot he thought. There was something very familiar about her too but he just couldn't figure out what it was.

"Jessie, come on let's go get you some new cloths before the store closes," said Audra grabbing a hold of his hand. "Heath, we'll meet you back her in a little while," she added winking at him, as she and Jessie trotted off giggling together.

"Anna," Heath began but then stopped.

"What is it Heath?" she asked taking his hand into hers.

Placing his other hand over hers he looked into her eyes, "It's nothing, I...I missed you too." He said nervously.

"Oh Heath, you don't know how much I missed you," she replied squeezing his hand. "I've been driving Audra crazy asking about you," she laughed blushing.

"Anna, can you get away and have lunch with me tomorrow?" he asked, his voice showing the excitement he felt. "There are so many things I need to... talk about with you."

"I'd love to Heath," Anna stated as her heart almost leapt out of her chest with excitement.

"I'll be over to pick you up around noon, all right?" He asked blushing at her smile.

"Noon it is Mr. Barkley," she said giving his hand one final squeeze before letting go. "I'll see you tomorrow Heath," she added as she walked away.

Heath watched her walk down the street until she was out of sight, "tomorrow sure seems a long way off," he thought as he made his way over to the store looking for Jessie and Audra.

Walking into the store he had to laugh, there was Jessie surrounded by women as Audra had him dressed in a little blue suit with a ruffled white shirt. Jessie had a pitiful look on his face as Audra fussed over him, combing his hair first one way then another.

"Well don't you look mighty grand," Heath stated crossing his arms across his chest and smiling. "I don't know how much ranch work you're going to be able to do in that get up though," he laughed.

"Heath, this suit isn't for ranch work." Stated Audra as she continued to fuss over Jessie. "It's for Church and special occasions."

"Oh, silly me sis." Laughed Heath, "Are you almost done torturing him yet?"

"Heath! I'm doing no such thing," she stated placing her hands on her hips and staring at him. "He all ready picked out some new shirts and pants, seems he has the same boring taste as you." She added smugly.

"Jessie, go get changed we need to start heading home," Heath said snickering at the boy.

Jessie couldn't get out of the awful suit fast enough, at least Audra hadn't insisted on dressing him, and for that he was grateful. Heading out of the store with Heath and Audra he thanked Audra for her help. "Thanks Audra," he said hugging her.

"Your welcome Jessie," she replied handing him a package filled with the cloths they picked out. "I had fun," she added smiling at him, "Heath never let's me pick out his cloths," she laughed.

"Well Audra I guess I just have enough blue suits," he joked as they walked down the street. "Can we accompany you home, sis?" he asked taking her arm.

"No thank you, I promised Jarrod the honor. I'm on my way over to his office right now." She said squeezing his arm, "I'll see you both at dinner."

As Audra left, Jessie and Heath walked back to their horses and rode off towards the ranch.

Dinners at the Barkley home were an occasion where the entire family could get together and enjoy one another’s company and tonight were no exception. There was a festive atmosphere in the air that everyone could feel, that was except for Jarrod.

Jessie was seated next to Heath and across from Nick who was seated in his new spot next to Audra. Victoria watched as three of the four young people joked and laughed amongst one another.

"Oh Nick, you should have seen them," Laughed Audra as she looked across the table at Heath. "They were so cute together, I think they forgot we were even there." She laughed again as Heath's color started to change.

"Yeah, they were making googolie eyes at one another," piped in Jessie as he made a funny face.

"Well little brother, seems you and Miss Anna made quite a spectacle of yourselves in town this afternoon." Joked Nick as he watched Heath turn a nice embarrassed shade of red.

"Why Heath that's just about the same color you were this afternoon talking to Anna," giggled Audra as she watched her brother squirm in his chair.

Heath wished at that moment that he cold just crawl under the table and hide. He knew his face must be beat red and probably getting even redder as he thought about it. "Seems to me you two are in a story telling mood tonight," he said quietly as he threw a scowl at Audra and Jessie.

"We aren't telling stories," chimed in Jessie defending himself. "I think you're just real sweet on her." He added smugly.

"Come on Heath, are you real sweet on her?" Questioned Nick as he smiled at Audra and Jessie.

"Very funny Nick!" Stated Heath as he tried hard to ignore them.

"Jessie, these googolie eyes did they look anything like this," Nick said as he puckered his face and attempted to kiss the air in front of him.

Jessie who had just taken a big sip of milk couldn't hold it in as Nick continued to kiss the air mocking Heath. The milk burst out of his mouth as he laughed and once again coated Nick.

"Not again!" shouted Nick as he stood up from the table wiping his face. "Can't you keep anything inside that little mouth?" He added as he stared at Jessie and continued to wipe the milk off.

Heath couldn't hold in his laughter as Nick stomped around the Dinning room ranting and raving about kids and milk. It was nice to have the focus of the evening's conversation off of him for a while too.

"I'm sorry Nick, but you made that funny face and I couldn't swallow." Jessie said looking down at his plate.

"Jessie don't worry about it, after all Nick asked for it by making that ridiculous face." Laughed Audra as she tried to cheer Jessie up.

"Asked for it!" Bellowed Nick, "this is the second time that kids doused me with milk!" He said pointing at Jessie.

"And the second time you've asked for it big brother," laughed Heath.

"Nicholas, go upstairs and change. I'll have Silas fix you another plate." Stated Victoria as she tried not to laugh at the situation.

Nick grumbled something as he walked out of the room but Heath, Audra, and Jessie's laughter drowned his comment out.

"And that's enough out of you three also," commented Victoria as a small smile caressed her face. As she looked down the table towards her oldest child she realized how quiet he had been during the meal. It wasn't like Jarrod not to join in on the teasing of his siblings. He seemed concerned about something, she told herself to make it a point to talk with him after dinner.

After dinner the boys took Jessie into the study to explain the finer art of billiards to him. He seemed to be a natural; Heath figured Jessie would be pretty serious competition in a few years. That was after he grew a little more, as it was right now he was having trouble reaching into the middle of the table for a shot.

"Jessie, what do you say we take on these two?" Heath asked as he pointed his pool cue at Nick and Jarrod.

"Really I can be your partner," Jessie said unable to contain his excitement.

"Sure," Heath said patting the boy on the back.

The boys played a few games before Heath noticed Jessie growing tired. The poor boy could hardly keep his eyes open, but he didn't want to give up.

"Come on little guy," said Heath as he put their pool cues away. "Let's get you upstairs to bed before you curl up on the floor." He laughed putting his hand on Jessie's shoulder and leading him towards the door.

Turning around at the door Jessie thanked Jarrod and Nick, "Thanks for letting me play with you," he said sleepily.

"You're welcome Jessie," stated Jarrod as he smiled at Jessie. "We'll see you in the morning. Heath, can I talk with you when you come back down?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"Sure Jarrod, just give me a few minutes." Heath said as he wondered what could be bothering Jarrod. He had noticed Jarrod's quietness at dinner and his lack of concentration during their pool games. It wasn't like Jarrod to distance himself from the family unless something was really troubling him.



After putting Jessie to bed Heath made his way back downstairs where he found Jarrod and Nick waiting for him as he entered the study; both had a serious look on their faces.

"What is it Jarrod?" asked Heath as he grew more concerned.

"I went over to talk with Fred this afternoon and while I was there this came," said Jarrod as he handed the telegraph to Heath.

Heath looked up at Jarrod and Nick before he opened the telegram, he could tell by their expressions that what information there was in the message wasn't good. Opening it he began to read, "From Doctor Samuel Baker, Salida California, To Sheriff Fred Madden, Stockton California. Please be advised that a manhunt is currently being conducted to find the men responsible for the death of Sheriff William French of Salida California. These men are the same men responsible for a series of stagecoach robberies over the last five years. They are to be considered armed and dangerous. If you have any information regarding these men, contact Sheriff Roger Corners in Modesto. Please relay this message to Nick and Heath Barkley immediately. End of message." Heath read the message a second time before looking up at Jarrod and Nick.

"Heath we need to take Jessie down to Modesto, he needs to talk with the sheriff there. He's the only one that really knows anything about these men, he may be able to help find them." Jarrod said hoping his brother could see the wisdom in his statement.

Heath stood staring at Jarrod trying to figure out the best solution, how could he make Jessie relive that nightmare again so soon. But without his help those men would most certainly continue their rein of terror.

"Heath, I know this is a hard decision and I'm not asking for an answer right now but think it over carefully." Jarrod said as he placed and hand on Heath's shoulder.

Jarrod watched as Heath stood staring at the folded note in his hands. "No Jarrod," Heath began.

"What do you mean No!" shouted Nick, walking over to confront Heath.

"Nick! Let him finish," Jarrod said turning back to Heath.

"What I'm trying to say is that your right Jarrod, we need to take him. I'm not sure how to tell him though." He said looking up at his brothers.

Nick studied his little brother's face and frowned at the haunted look his eyes held. "How could he be so furious with him one moment and feel such pain for him the next," he thought as he reached out for Heath. "I'm sorry Heath, I didn't mean to jump on you."

"I know Nick," Heath replied with a lopsided grin.

"Why don't I take Jessie out with me tomorrow for a while. He can help me check fences, don't worry I'll take it easy on him." Stated Nick as he noticed Heath's concerned look. "That should give you some time to think things over," he added patting Heath on the shoulder.

"Thanks Nick, I think Jessie would like that." Stated Heath, "Jarrod did Fred think Jessie might be in any danger."

"He did, since Jessie is really the only one besides you, Nick, and the doctor in Salida that can identify these men, Fred felt we had reason to worry." Stated Jarrod as he walked over to his desk and sat down.

"I'll put everyone on the ranch on alert tomorrow, we should be able to keep him safe here." Said Nick as he tried to sound reassuring.

"What about Mother and Audra, they should know as well," said Heath as he poured himself a shot of whiskey.

"I'll tell them, I'll also wire the sheriff in Modesto to let him know we'll be there the day after tomorrow." Said Jarrod as he thought about what to tell Audra and his mother without worrying them too much.

"Heath how did everything go with the kid today, he seemed in pretty good spirits." Said Nick as he sat down.

Heath walked over with a whiskey in his hand and sat down in one of the room's big chairs and faced Nick. "He had a few rough moments but we managed to get through them all right. He's embarrassed by all of his cuts and scars, he actually thought I wouldn't like him any longer if I saw what he let Hank do to him."

"What he let Hank do to him?" Questioned Nick concerned, "what's he talking about?"

"He had it in his head that he should have been able to stop Hank from hurting him, since he couldn't he felt weak, inferior." Said Heath as he remembered Jessie's expression. "I told him he had no control over what those men did, he had nothing to be ashamed about. I also showed him my back."

Nick watched as Heath lowered his gaze, "Sounds like you two had some afternoon. He seems more relaxed Heath, I'd say you helped him a great deal."

Heath looked up at Nick, "I hope so Nick, I hope so."

The morning sun was shinning in Jessie's window as he awoke. Realizing what time it must be he quickly dressed, ran down the stairs and stormed in to the dinning room on his way to the kitchen. He didn't want to miss breakfast with Heath and Silas. He quickly put on the brakes as he noticed everyone all ready sitting around the dinning room table as he rushed in. His stomach quickly did a flip-flop as he tried to settle down in his chair realizing how foolish he must have looked racing in the room.

"It's about time you woke up!" growled Nick as Jessie was sitting down. "Oh no you don't! You switch places with Heath, I'm not taking any more milk baths! He stated throwing a stern look Jessie's way before letting it melt into a smile.

Jessie looked up at Nick grateful for the smile, "I promise Nick, no more milk baths." He said as he took the eggs from Heath. "Sorry I'm late for breakfast I must have over slept." Before eating his breakfast he bent his head down and said a small prayer in Irish.

Victoria noticed the boy's prayer and decided this would be a good opportunity to open up a conversation with him. "Jessie, I didn't realize you spoke another language dear." Stated Victoria as he looked over at him.

"Oh it's just a blessing my Mamma taught us... me a long time ago. I only know a few songs and verses in Irish Mrs. Barkley not really much at all." He said as his face started to blush.

"I'd love to hear it, if that's all right." She said smiling at Jessie.

Jessie could hear the sincerity in Victoria's voice as she asked to hear the prayer, "it's just a little prayer to say before you eat a meal. It goes like this, May the blessing of the five loaves and two fishes, which God divided amongst five thousand men, be ours; and may the King who made the division put luck back in our food and in our portion. Amen."

"Jessie, that's a lovely prayer, thank you for sharing it with us. Would you say grace for us this evening at dinner?" Victoria asked, happy to see the smile it brought to Jessie's face. She was really starting to see the hidden charm this child held and she was looking forward to seeing more of it.

"Thank you Mrs. Barkley, I'd be honored." He said before digging into his plate.

"See I told you Heath, he's a charmer," laughed Nick.

"I think your right Nick," laughed Heath looking over at Jessie and winking.

"Well I think you both could take lessons from Jessie," stated Audra smiling at her brothers.

"Audra's right you two could learn a lot from Jessie." Said Jarrod joining in the fun.

The table erupted into laughter as the light hearted banter kept up. It warmed Victoria's heart to see everyone is such a festive mood; maybe things were going to work out for Heath and Jessie after all. But something in the back of her mind told her trouble was brewing on the horizon, she wasn't sure what but she knew it was deadly and it frightened her.

As breakfast was winding down Jessie asked Heath what they were going to work on today.

"Nick asked if you'd like to ride fences with him today, we're short one man and he could really use your help." Said Heath as he wiped his face with his napkin.

"I don't take to slackers, I'd expect you to put in a full days work." Stated Nick as he looked across the table at Jessie, "Think you're up to it?"

"I'm ready when ever you are," chimed Jessie, pushing his chair back and standing up.

"Now that's what I like to see," stated Nick as he rose from his chair. "Heath you could really take some lessons from the kid," he joked.

"Jessie you just remember to take it easy on Buck, that shoulders got a lot of healing left. And keep Nick in line for me, he tends to take it easy when I'm not around." He joked as he stood and put his hand on Jessie's shoulder.

"Take it easy! I'm not the one taking the time off to have a picnic lunch now!" Stated Nick teasing his little brother.

"Tell Miss Anna I said Hi, OK." Said Jessie as he followed Nick out of the dinning room.

"Yes Heath, tell Anna I said Hello also," joked Audra.

Heath looked over at Jarrod half expecting him to join in and make fun of him too. But all his older brother did was smile, some how that was almost worse.

As the morning wore one Nick was becoming more and more impressed with Jessie's abilities, "he may be small but that kid sure doesn't give up easily," he thought as the two rode along. "How about taking a break for a minute," he asked pulling up on Coco's reins.

Nick helped Jessie down from Buck and walked over to a group of trees and sat down in the shade. "Sure is hot out here today," he said taking off his hat and fanning his face.

"Boy Howdy it sure is," chimed Jessie as he sat down next to Nick and took a swig from his canteen.

"Boy Howdy? I think you've been hanging around Heath a little to much," Nick joked as he elbowed Jessie. "You're starting to sound just like him," he added laughing.

"Is that bad?" asked Jessie a little puzzled.

Laughing at Jessie's question Nick answered him, "Well no, it's just that I think one Heath Barkley is enough, don't you?"

"I guess so," stated Jessie as he thought a little bit more about Nick's question. "Nick, are you mad Heath didn't grow up with you?" Jessie asked hoping Nick wouldn't get upset with him.

Jessie's question threw Nick for a moment, "man that kids just full of surprises," he thought. "I was for a while Jessie, I was upset with my father mostly, and for the conditions that Heath had to grow up in while I had it so easy. But after a while the hurt started to go away and I realized I finally had the little brother I always wanted. I see Heath told you a little about his past yesterday." Nick replied as he looked down at Jessie.

"Yeah a little, I know he's mighty proud to have you and Jarrod as his brothers." Jessie stated as he smiled up at Nick.

"Well he should feel mighty proud to have me as a brother, don't you think?" He asked Jessie as he began to laugh. "Jessie, did you have any brothers or sisters?" Nick asked as a lump formed in his throat as he wondered how well his question would go over.

Jessie dropped his gaze back down to his lap as he thought about his family, "I had a younger brother and two younger sisters," he said quietly.

"I'm sorry Jessie, you don't have to talk about them if it hurts to much," said Nick as he placed his arm around Jessie's shoulders.

"It's OK Nick, I'd like to tell you about them." He answered looking up at Nick his voice a little stronger. "My brother Thomas was 7, my Pa always called him a fireball cause he was always moving. He had red hair just like my Mamma's too. My sister Carrie was Thomas's twin, but she wasn't like Thomas at all, she liked to help Mamma with the baking and housework all the time. My baby sister Mary Beth was only 4; she was always such a quiet kid, she loved following Carrie around. Carrie would always yell at her for following her but I could tell she really enjoyed it." Jessie said as he gazed out over the meadow.

"Sounds like your Ma and Pa had their hands full with all you youngens," stated Nick as he watched Jessie carefully.

"Yeah I guess they did," he laughed as the vision of his father chasing Thomas around the yard came into view. Thomas had somehow fallen into the creek and his father was trying to get him into the house for a bath. Thing was Thomas hated baths even more than he hated vegetables.

"Thomas! Stop running around and come over here this instant." His father had shouted. "I don't want to have to tell you again young man."

Oh how he missed his fathers voice, the voice he would never hear again. Tears formed in his eyes and fell silently down his cheeks. "Sorry Nick," Jessie said as he wiped the tears from his face.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for, I know how hard it is to loose someone you love. Sometimes you just can't stop the pain you feel inside, I get that way sometimes when I think about my father." Nick said, holding Jessie a little tighter.

"You cry?" Jessie asked looking up at Nick.

"If you were to ask me in front of anyone else I'll deny it, but yes Jessie, there are times when I miss having my father around so much I can't stop the pain. Just after he died I almost wanted to die too. Ever since I was a little boy all I wanted to do was work on this ranch right next to my father, and when he died I thought all that was gone. But then Heath came and everything seemed to take on new meaning for me. I'll always miss my father but I found out you can't live in the past, you have to go on and live life." Replied Nick wiping a tear from his own eye.

"Nick...I promise not to tell anyone, if you don't either, OK?" he said as he wiped away his own tears and smiled at Nick.

"Deal!" said Nick as he ruffled Jessie's hair. "Now come on, we've got a lot more fences to check on before lunch."

Heath drove his family's carriage towards Stockton, or rather the horse drove the carriage towards Stockton. Heath was lost in thought as the carriage swayed back and fourth down the dusty road, he had only a loose hold on the reins, as his thoughts were a million miles away from the road in front of him.

Yesterday afternoon he was really starting to believe everything was going to work out with Jessie. He was starting to open up about his past and his time with Hank, he was also really beginning to open up with the family as well. He no longer followed Heath everywhere like a shadow all the time; he would even go off and talk with Audra, Nick, Jarrod or Silas without Heath having to be there with him.

But all that was about to change, the telegraph from Doc Baker had sealed that. He'd have to tell Jessie about Hank and make him relive the nightmare all over again, if only there was another way, but what? And how was he going to explain all of this to Anna, they were just starting to discover everything about one another. Maybe it wasn't fair to drag her into this, maybe he should just cool things down for a while. But he didn't want to hurt her, why did everything always have to be so hard. Couldn't anything in his life go easily for once especially where Anna was concerned.

As the town came into view his attention focused back to the task at hand, steering the carriage towards Anna's house he could feel the butterflies building up in his stomach. His hands gripping the reins were beginning to sweat as well, "calm down Heath," he thought as he pulled up in front of Anna's house. Jumping down from the carriage and walking up Anna's front steps, he tried to keep his emotions under control as the excitement of seeing Anna began building inside him with every step he took.

Just before his hand struck Anna's front door, it swung open. "Hello Heath," spoke Anna as she greeted the cowboy with a smile.

"Hi Anna, you all ready to go?" he asked, as a lovely shade of red began to creep up his face.

"Certainly Sir," she stated happily as she closed the door and took Heath's arm.

Heath helped Anna up into the carriage and the two headed out of town towards the Barkley Ranch together. Heath took Anna to the same spot he and Jessie had eaten lunch the previous day, it was one of his most favorite spots. He would often come to this spot when things were troubling him; the air here always seemed to help clear his head.

Heath helped Anna down from the carriage and led her over towards the blanket he had already spread out under a tree.

"Oh Heath, it's absolutely beautiful here," Anna said with a sigh as she sat down on the blanket taking in the view.

Sitting down next to her on the blanket he replied, "It's one of my most favorite spots on the entire ranch." He said as he could see the water reflecting sparkles in her eyes as she looked out over the pond. The butterflies in his stomach once again started fluttering as he looked at her; she was so beautiful, so alive. Her face wore a large smile as he watched her looking out at the scenery before her, her cheeks were rosy and her eyes sparkled. The freckles on her face danced in the sun as the leaves above her blew in the slight breeze letting the suns rays fall down upon her.

Anna turned her gaze back towards Heath, he quickly looked down at the blanket embarrassed that she caught him staring at her.

"I'm sorry Heath, I guess I was just a little lost for a minute. Everything out here is so beautiful, it's so different from what we had back home." She said a little embarrassed about losing herself in the areas beauty.

Heath let out a small laugh as Anna looked at him, "What's so funny?" she asked smiling at him.

"It's really nothing, seems we were both caught up in the beauty here." He answered blushing.

"Oh Heath, I've really missed you. I guess I didn't realize how much I would until you were gone." Anna said taking his hand in her own. "I'm just so glad you're back," she added smiling at him.

Heath watched as the sun danced across her face, as she looked at him her eyes sparkling. The butterflies in his stomach were finally settling down, after all she had missed him. This beautiful woman, one he would do anything for had actually missed him. The love he felt for her only grew larger as she spoke those words and took his hand. He reached out and drew her into his chest, holding her close, "Anna I missed you too," he said softly holding her and resting his chin on the top of her head.

Oh how she had longed for this moment, to finally be encased in his strong arms, her head resting on his chest, his smell filling her. She held on tight, not wanting this moment to end, it felt so right so perfect as if they had been meant for one another. And he had opened up to her by saying that he missed her too, his comment had almost caused her heart to burst with excitement.

"Anna, there are some things I need to talk with you about," he said still holding on to her.

Hearing the concern in his voice, Anna sat up and held his hand once again. "What is it Heath?" she asked as she could see the concern in his eyes now as well as being able to hear it in his voice.

"Remember the young boy with me yesterday in town?" he asked looking at her.

"Jessie, I think his name was?" she replied thinking back to the thin little boy Heath had with him yesterday in town.

"Yes," he said looking down for a moment. "He's had a real rough time, Anna." Heath said as he looked back up at her.

"What do you mean, Heath?" she asked as a look of concern crossed her face.

"On our way back from Bakersfield, Nick and I happened to camp one night just outside of Salida," he began. "We were awaked by the sound of gunfire close by, just over a small hill by our camp we could see some men trying to rob a stagecoach. Nick and I rushed down the hill to try and help, as I ran towards the stage I could see a small figure carrying a lantern. A man on horseback shot at the stage hitting the figure. That figure turned out to be Jessie, Anna." He said as a look of shock crossed her face.

"Oh Heath, that poor child!" she cried out as tears started to form in her eyes.

Heath finished telling Anna everything that went on during the attempted stagecoach robbery, including the mysterious woman who had come to Jessie's aid.

"I went to look for her after the sheriff came but I couldn't find her. She wasn't a passenger on the stage and there weren't any homes in the area. I just don't know where she could've gone." He said as he thought back on that night. "She reminded me of you," he added looking over at her.

"You sure she wasn't on the stage, Heath?" Anna asked.

"The driver told me he only had two passengers and they were still on the stage." He replied.

"What was Jessie doing there, Heath?" asked Anna as she squeezed Heath's hand.

"The men, Hank, who were robbing the stage had taken him from his home about a year ago. They kept him captive all that time." He said as the anger inside him began to grow. "They treated him worse than a stray dog, Anna he's been through so much and he's so young." Stated Heath as he looked out over the pond.

"Heath, where are his parents?" Anna asked in a worried voice, as she put her hand on Heath's upper arm.

"He hasn't mentioned how they died but his entire family is dead. It happened three months before Hank came and took him. He was alone for three months Anna, all by himself, I don't know how he did it." Heath said as he hung his head down.

Anna was for a moment at a loss for words, the shock about first hearing Jessie had been taken from his home by these men was bad, but then to learn his entire family was dead and that he had been alone for it was almost unthinkable. Moving in front of Heath and placing her hands on his upper arms, she tried to comfort him.

"Heath, Jessie couldn't be in any better hands than yours. Gosh Heath you should see him when he's with you," she stated the enthusiasm in her voice shinning through almost as brightly as the sparkle in her eyes. "He's so happy Heath, I think you've helped him so much more than you realize. You've given him hope again, hope that there will be a tomorrow, hope that he can have a future."

Heath's arms drew Anna into an embrace once again, how could she in an instant make him feel so worthwhile, so valued. "Thank you Anna," he said softly to her. "I'm afraid after tonight I may just be taking all of that away from him again." He stated as he let her go and watched the growing clouds darken on the horizon.

"What do you mean, Heath," she asked as she looked into his sad blue eyes.

"A telegraph arrived yesterday from Salida," he began, "the sheriff there was found murdered. The men responsible are the same ones that had Jessie and now they're on the run." He said his voice carrying a worried tone.

"Heath you don't think they'll come for him do you?" She asked as her concern for the small boy grew.

"I shouldn't have told you any of this, it's not fair to you." He said standing up and turning away from her.

"Not fair? Heath if you hadn't told me then it would have been unfair. Not now, don't you understand what you mean to me; I want to help, both of you." Anna stated as she stood up and grabbed Heath's arm turning him towards her.

Heath watched Anna as she stood in front of him defiantly; her face flushed, her eyes burning, "I have no right burdening you with this on top of everything else. It's not the type of life you should have, you were meant for so much more." He said reaching out and holding her hands, as he desperately tried to make her understand.

Anna's eyes softened as she looked at Heath, her body relaxed and she squeezed his hands, "Heath, don't you think I should be allowed to choose how I want to live my own life? Who I want to spend that life with?" She asked smiling at him.

"Anna I can't drag you into this, please try and understand." Heath replied, pleading with her.

"You're not dragging me anywhere that I wouldn't go willingly, Heath. As long as we have one another we can tackle anything that comes our way. I don't care what others may think or say about us, I only care what you think. Please let me help Heath, we can both help him, together." She said as a tear fell down her soft cheek.

Heath reached out and wiped the tear from her cheek, he stood caressing her cheek for another moment before pulling her into him. Lifting up her chin with his hand, he gazed in her bright green eyes, slowly moving forward he placed a kiss on her forehead. Thunder rumbled off in the distance as the two young people stood holding one another in a long embrace.

"I think I had better be getting you home Miss Anna Holden before you get wet." He said smiling down at her.

Quickly gathering up their belongs they ran hand in hand back towards the carriage. The sky was growing darker by the moment and the wind was really starting to kick up. Jumping up in the carriage and gathering in the reins, Heath decided it might be better to take Anna back to the ranch.

"Here Anna wrap this around yourself," he said as he helped wrap a blanket around her. "It'll help keep you dry. I think we should head over to the ranch; it's closer than your house. I can take you home once this storm blows over." He said as he urged the horse forward.


Silas almost dropped the pot of water he was carrying over to the stove, as a laughing Nick and Jessie burst through the back door of the kitchen soaking wet.

"Heavens sake aren’t you two a site," he said as he placed the pot on the stove. "Here let me get you some towels, go stand by the stove it’s nice and hot." Silas stated as he made his way up the back stairs.

Still laughing at a joke only the two of them shared they made there way over and stood next to the stove. "Your hair sure looks funny wet, Nick." Laughed Jessie as Nick’s hair hung limply down over his eyes.

"Well you’re not exactly any prize either," stated Nick as he brushed the hair out of his eyes and smiled. "Come on let me help you get those wet boots off."

Nick was helping Jessie remove his wet boots when Silas returned with the towels. "All right, take off those wet cloths and we’ll rap you in this towel." Nick said as he took one of the large bathroom towels from Silas and unfolded it.

The smile on Jessie’s face slowly faded, "It’s OK Nick, I’ll just go up stairs and change." Said Jessie as he bent over to pick up his boots.

"And track water and mud all over the house? I think not, mother would have my head!" Nick stated loudly as he stood in front of Jessie with the towel waiting.

Jessie stood up and looked at Nick and then over at the stove, "I’ll just stay here and dry, it won’t take long." He stated trying to sound as though it was no big deal.

"You’re sopping wet, besides Silas doesn’t need you in his way all afternoon. So come on, hand me those wet cloths." Said Nick as he held his ground.

Jessie’s heart sunk, he didn’t want to undress in front of Nick. He knew he shouldn’t be ashamed of the way he looked, Heath had told him that, but right now he didn’t feel that way.

Silas noticed Jessie’s sudden change in attitude as Nick asked him to change. Remembering his conversation early this morning with Heath he knew immediately what was troubling the boy. "Mr. Nick, may I see you for a moment in the dinning room?" Asked Silas as he walked over in front of Nick.

"All right," stated Nick as he turned to follow Silas. Quickly turning around to face Jessie he added, "here take this towel and wrap yourself in it after you get out of those wet cloths, I’ll be back in a minute."

As soon as Nick and Silas left the kitchen, Jessie quickly undid his overalls, pushed them down to the floor, and began unbuttoning his shirt. He tried to unbutton it so fast that he forgot one and popped the button as he pulled off the shirt. Once his shirt was off he quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his shoulders. The towel was so large that it hung all the way down to his feet. Breathing a sigh of relief he stood and warmed himself by the fire until Nick came back.

"What is it Silas?" Asked Nick as he crossed his arms in front of him.

"I’m sorry Mr. Nick, Mr. Heath was telling me this morning how awful that little boy felt about those scars of his. I think he was embarrassed to let you see them just now." Stated Silas in a concerned voice.

Nick remembered back to the conversation he had with Heath and Jarrod in the study last night. Heath had mentioned Jessie being embarrassed about what Hank had done to him. "Damn!" he thought to him self, "how could I have forgotten something like that!"

"Thank you Silas, Heath did mention that last night. I think you’re right, let’s go back in and see if we can make him more comfortable." Nick said as a large grin spread across his face.

Walking back into the kitchen they could both see Jessie standing next to the stove in the large towel Nick had given him.

"To quote a line from my little brother, Boy Howdy! You’re a quick changer!" Replied Nick as he walked over towards Jessie with a big grin on his face.

Jessie was relieved to see Nick in a good mood once again, he was also glad he had managed to change without anyone seeing him. "Boy Howdy? Maybe now you’re spending to much time with Heath." He said laughing at Nick.

"That’s gonna cost you!" Nick shouted as he picked up Jessie and cradled him in his arms like a baby. "Time I showed you who’s boss around here, I think a good dunking in a hot tub might work!" He said as he started to laugh and carry Jessie up the stairs.

Silas could see the glint in Nick’s eye as he scooped the boy up and carried him upstairs laughing, "I don’t think that boy will ever grow up," he thought as he smiled and picked up Jessie’s wet cloths.

Nick put Jessie down next to the tub and began drawing him a hot bath. "All right, you soak in here for a while. You were pretty soaked, I don’t want you coming down with a cold; Mother and Heath would never let me hear the end of it." He said as he looked at Jessie’s worried expression.

"Jessie, don’t worry I’m not here to judge you, just to be your friend. I’ll see you after your bath." Stated Nick as he turned to leave.

Dropping his towel Jessie ran over and grabbed Nick from behind hugging him. "Whoa there," said Nick as he tried to turn around without knocking Jessie over. "Go on get in that tub! Your going to catch a cold for sure standing around in those wet briefs!" He added as he ruffled Jessie’s hair and smiled at him.

Closing the bathroom door, Nick stood in the hallway for a moment. "Boy that kid sure does grow on you," he thought as he began walking towards his room.
