A Haunted Child

Part 3

by sharie05





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Heath jumped down from the carriage and quickly opened up the barn doors and led the horse and carriage inside. Anna was still hiding under the blanket as Heath approached her side of the carriage.

"You plan on hiding under that all day Miss?" He asked as the rainwater dripped off his hat and a smile crossed over his face.

Peeking out from under the wet blanket, Anna smiled at him. "You’re soaked." She said as she began to laugh.

"I gave you the blanket, remember." He said smiling and extending his hand up to her.

As she placed her hand in his and started to get down from the carriage she replied, "Promise you won’t drip all over me." She said unable to hold back her laughter.

Heath, realizing that Anna was playing with him, quickly pulled her arm forward causing her to fall on top of him as they landed in the soft hay. He rolled over on top of her pinning her in the hay as the rainwater dripped off of his wet cloths onto her.

"Heath! You’re dripping all over me!" She laughed as she tried to turn this way and that to avoid the water dripping off of him.

"Oh I’m sorry Anna," he said as he removed his hat, "Am I getting you wet?" He asked as he shook his wet hair.

"Heath!" She hollered, laughing harder than ever at him. She looked up at him and gazed into his blue eyes, they were so alive; she had never seen them quite this way before. She had always been able to tell his mood by what she saw in his eyes, but this was different this was something else. This was…. love; yes that’s what it was! Her heart melted, she wanted to reach up and pull him down on top of her. She needed to feel him all around her to hold him.

Heath saw Anna’s face soften and her eyes take on an extra sparkle as she looked up at him. Her wet cheeks where beet red from all of her laughing, he wanted to touch them to feel their warmth. He slowly reached a hand down and caressed her cheek; it was so soft and warm.

As Heath’s hand came down and touched her cheek, she intern reached up and ran her fingers through his hair and down around his ear towards the back of his neck.

Heath lowered himself down gently on top of Anna and took her lips in his. He ran his fingers through her hair and held her close as they continued to kiss. He had waited so long to have her this close, to feel her, to wrap him self up in her.

Anna’s heart was beating faster than ever, so fast in fact she was afraid it might burst out of her chest at any moment. She could feel the muscles in his back as she ran her hands over it and drew him closer as they kissed. The weight of his body on hers was like nothing she had ever felt before, she knew right then that she was his forever. He was the one that would make all of her dreams come true.

Heath released his hold on Anna and lay down next to her in the hay looking up at the barn roof. "I’m sorry Anna, I never meant to take advantage of you." He said, as his faced turned red.

Sitting up, Anna looked at Heath her eye’s blazing. "Heath Barkley, what makes you think I would even give you a chance to take advantage of me." She stated as she folded her arms across her chest.

Heath could see the fire in her eyes as she spoke, he was just about to respond to her when she spoke up again, "Heath," she said softly unfolding her arms and placing her hand on his chest. "You didn’t do anything to me that I didn’t want you to do." She said smiling at him and drawing a hand across his cheek.

Heath sat up and drew her into him, they kissed for while longer before he broke their kiss. "Well Miss Anna Holden, we had better get you inside, you’re bit wet." He said as he looked at her wet dress.

"I think Mr. Barkley that just may be a good idea," she replied laughing.

Heath helped her to her feet and held her hand as they walked towards the barn door. "It’s still coming down pretty hard." He said as they opened the door and watched the rain come down. Walking back to the carriage, Heath retrieved the blanket and placed it around Anna.

As a devilish smile crossed her lips she quickly dropped the blanket and ran out into the rain. "Come on Heath, you’re not afraid of a little rain are you?" She stated as she spun around in the rain her dress spinning about her.

Heath laughed and ran out after her, grabbing her by the arm, they ran towards the house and entered through the back door.

"Howdy Silas," Heath stated as he and Anna came in the back door. "This is Miss Anna Holden, we kind a got caught in the rain." He stated as he looked over at Anna, and the two of them laughed.

"It’s nice to meet you Miss Anna, why don’t you let me show you where the bathroom is so you can dry off. I’ll get one of Miss Audra’s dresses for you to change into, I’m sure she won’t mind none." He stated as he took her arm and led her up the back stairs.

Heath followed them up the stairs and went to change in his room as Silas showed Anna where to change. "I’ll meet you downstairs when you’re finished." He said as Anna went into the bathroom.

Jessie heard Heath’s voice and ran down to his room, he knocked quickly on Heath’s door anxious to tell him about his day with Nick.

"Come on in," came the reply from inside. Jessie entered Heath’s room to find him doing up the last buttons on his shirt. His hair was still wet and uncombed, and his feet were bare. Jumping up on Heath’s bed Jessie began talking, "Hi Heath, how come you’re all wet?" He asked smiling up at Heath.

"In case you haven’t noticed, it happens to be raining outside." He stated as he ruffled Jessie’s hair and sat down next to him.

"I know that, me and Nick got caught in it too." He replied laughing.

"Well if you knew that then why did you ask such a silly question." Heath stated as he bent over to pull on his socks.

"I thought you and Miss Anna would a stayed in the barn until the rain stopped. You was in there for a while." He said as he crossed his legs on the bed.

"And just what were you doing spying on us?" Heath asked as he reached over and started to tickle Jessie on his stomach.

Falling on his back and laughing hysterically, Jessie tried to answer. "I saw you two ride in and when you didn’t come right out I thought you would stay there until the rain stopped." He replied through bouts of hysterical laughter.

"You two mind keeping it down!" bellowed Nick as he stood in the doorway to Heath’s room. Both Heath and Jessie looked up at Nick, they noticed the way his hair was sticking up and decided he must have been napping.

"Sorry to ruin your beauty sleep big brother." Heath replied as he looked at Jessie and began laughing.

"Yeah Nick, I thought this was a working ranch." Jessie stated as Heath laughed so hard he fell off the bed.

"This is all your doing Heath!" Nick shouted as he walked into the room. "He’s gonna turn out just like you!"

"And what’s wrong with that?" Heath laughed as he sat up on the floor rubbing his elbow.

Nick stared at Heath and then at Jessie, throwing his hands up in the air he said, "you two are impossible!" And stormed out of the room.

Heath and Jessie both continued to laugh for a while after Nick left. After they both settled down Jessie dove right in and told Heath about his day with Nick while he finished dressing.


As Anna walked into the parlor she could see Mrs. Barkley quietly sewing by the fire. Audra and Heath were engrossed in a game of checkers, and Jessie was curled up in a chair sleeping, with a rather large book resting next to him.

"Good afternoon," Anna stated as she walked into the room smiling.

Heath and Audra both stood and went to Anna’s side. "Hello Anna, I’m so glad your staying with us for dinner," stated Audra as she took her friends hand and led her over to the settee.

"Thank you for letting me borrow one of your dresses Audra, it’s simply stunning." She stated as she looked down at the elegant dress.

"It looks lovely on you Anna," Audra replied, delighted to have one of her girlfriends over. "Mother you remember Anna Holden, she and Heath got caught out in the rain this afternoon. I invited her to have dinner with us tonight." She piped happily.

Victoria rose up from her chair and walked over to greet Anna. "I’m so glad you decided to join us," Victoria stated as she took the young girls hand. "I’m sorry you were caught out in that storm, sometimes I have a hard time getting those boys of mine to come in out of the rain. Now please make yourself at home." She added as she patted Anna’s hand. "I’ll just go into the kitchen and let Silas know to set and extra place at the table."

"Thank you Mrs. Barkley, I hope it’s no bother." Anna stated as her cheeks took on a lovely shade of red.

"No none at all dear, we could really use the company this evening," she added with a smile before walking off to the kitchen. Just before entering, she turned around and looked back on her family. Heath was sitting down next to Anna with Audra seated across from them; each one had a smile on their face as they sat and talked. Something seemed different between Heath and Anna she thought; they seemed closer, more at ease with one another. As she walked into the kitchen she hoped this was a sign that things were moving along in their relationship.

Jessie stretched his arms and legs as he awoke to the sounds of laughter, Audra, Heath, and Anna were sitting together talking and laughing with one another. As he stretched his legs a little more the book he had been reading fell to the floor with a loud thump. The sudden noise made him jump and he too landed on the floor with a thump.

Anna, who had been seated the closest to him, was up and at his side in no time. "Here Jessie, let me give you a hand," she stated as she bent down next to him extending her hand out to him.

Jessie took her hand and sat down once again in the chair, a red blush slowly filled his cheeks as he realized how foolish he must have looked falling out of the chair. "Uh, thanks …Anna," he said quietly while looking down at his feet.

Anna noticing Jessie’s shyness tried to lighten the situation. "This sure is a mighty nice book you’re reading Jessie, can I ask what it is?" She stated as she picked up the book and handed it back to him.

Looking up and seeing the sincerity in her eyes, Jessie replied, "Jarrod let me borrow it to read, it’s Hamlet. You know the one by William Shakespeare."

"Yes I know it well, I love all of his work. Have you read anything else he’s written?" She asked Jessie as she sat on the arm of his chair.

"Not to many but a few, my favorite is Titus Andronicus, I also liked the Tempest and the Taming of the Shrew a lot too." He said his voice filled with enthusiasm as he looked up at Anna smiling.

"One of my favorites is also The Taming of the Shrew, but Titus Andronicus, that one was far to bloody a tale for me." She said as she wrinkled her nose at him and then smiled.

Laughing Jessie said, "That’s exactly what my Mamma used to say, she didn’t like the part when Titus baked Chiron and Demetrius in the pie and feed it to their mother. I thought that was the best part!" He said laughing.

"That must be because you’re a boy," she said teasing him. "Tell me, how far are you into Hamlet here?" She asked, tapping a finger on his book.

Jessie opened up the book and turned it to where he left off before falling asleep. "The ghost of Hamlet’s father is telling him that Claudius poured poison in his ear while he was sleeping." Jessie looked up from his reading with a puzzled look on his face, "Anna do you think it’s really Hamlet’s father, you know that came back as a ghost?" he asked her.

"I’m afraid I really don’t have an answer for you Jessie," stated Anna as she pondered over his question. "I’ve also wondered the very same thing, every time I read it my mind changes."

"What’s your favorite, Anna?" Asked Jessie as he closed his book and looked up at her.

"Oh it would have to be A Midsummer Night’s Dream," she stated as she looked over at Heath and gave him a quick smile. "It’s such an interesting story with so much going on, it has just about everything in it."

"I haven’t read that one yet, can you tell me what it’s about?" He asked as he moved over a little in his chair and motioned for her to sit next to him.

Sitting next to him, Anna began, "It’s a comedy about two sets of couples, Hermia and Lysander, and Helena and Demetrius. There’s talk of love, and dreams, and fairies, it’s a beautiful story."

Scrunching up his face Jessie replied, "sounds like a girls story if you ask me."

Reaching over and squeezing his shoulders gently she replied, "maybe it is Jessie, but I think you’ll be surprised once you read it. There really is a lot more to it." She said laughing.

"I see you’re still making noise!" Stated Nick looking at Jessie as he walked in the room.

"I see you finally decided this was a working ranch." Jessie replied as he hid is face behind Anna.

Heath and Audra laughed out loud at Jessie’s comment, as Nick shook his fist at Jessie before laughing himself. "I’ll get you yet," he told Jessie as he poured himself a drink.

"Nick, seems to me he’s already a head of you." Said Heath as he stood up and walked over towards the mantle.

"Now nobody asked you to stick your nose it!" Barked Nick as he swatted a hand at Heath.

"Nicholas, lower your voice," stated Victoria as she returned from the kitchen. "Is that any way to act in front of company?" She added as she watched him fiddle with his drink.

"I suppose not…. but something’s gotta be done about those two Mother!" He stated pointing at Heath and Jessie who were trying hard to stifle their laughter.

"Right now is not the time or the place." She stated, placing her hands on her hips. "I’ll talk with you two later," she said looking over at Heath and Jessie. "Now if everyone would follow me dinner is ready in the dinning room."

Audra grabbed her mother’s arm and went with her into the dinning room followed by Jessie and Anna. Jessie had taken Anna’s arm and was taking great pride in leading her into the dinning room. Nick and Heath watched as they left the room and turned towards one another laughing.

"I think that little kids gonna steal that girl right out from under you little brother," laughed Nick as he slapped Heath on the shoulder before the two walked into the dinning room.

Hank was waiting outside the cabin when Sam rode back up the hill. He could tell by the scowl on Sam's face that the news wasn't good.

"It's no good Hank, there's men all over out there. There's no way we can move down to Mexico now, they'll spot us for sure." He said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "If we did move any where I'd say it'd have to be up north. They're probably figuring on us heading south, maybe it would throw them off. We could always double back around later."

Hank stood and thought about their options, he would much rather head down towards Mexico than up north, but from what Sam had told him that might not be such a wise move. "Lets go in and talk it over with the rest of the guys," said Hank as he started to climb up the cabins steps.

Once inside the cabin, Hank gathered his remaining men together and explained the two options to them. "Sounds like there's really only one choice," said Peter as he looked over at Hank, "we head up north."

"Sam, you saw what was going on down there, what do you think?" Asked Matt.

"One things for sure if we stay here they're going to find us, there's a lot of activity coming this way. Our best bet would be to head up and over the ridge towards Brentwood, I don't think they'd expect us to head north." Replied Sam as he looked around at everyone's face.

Hank sat quietly as the other men talked amongst them selves, after listening to them for a while his mind was made up. "We'll head up north then." He stated as he stood up from the table, "let's get everything together, we're leaving tonight."

After dinner everyone flowed back into the parlor, Heath challenged Jessie to a game of checkers while Audra and Anna talked about the up coming dance. Nick used this time to practice up on his pool game; half way through his practice game Jarrod entered the study.

"Evening Jarrod," Nick said as Jarrod entered the room and walked over to his desk laying down some papers.

"Evening brother Nick," he replied with a smile, "where is everyone?" He added looking around the room as he took off his wet rain slicker.

"They're all in the parlor, Heath and Jessie are playing checkers, and Audra and Anna are talking about the dance and mother's reading. Darn!" He stated as he sunk the cue ball in the corner pocket.

"Seems you're not much better playing against yourself." Jarrod chuckled as he turned to leave the room.

"What's that supposed to mean!" Shouted Nick as he followed Jarrod out of the study and into the parlor, "Jarrod!"

"Nick! How many times must I remind you about the level of your voice." Victoria stated as she put down her book and threw him a stern look.

"Sorry Mother," stated Nick as he sat down to watch Jessie and Heath play checkers.

"Jarrod, we missed you at dinner. Is everything all right?" Asked Victoria as Jarrod bent over and kissed her cheek.

"Yes Mother, everything's fine. I just had some casework to finish before I left. I was hoping the rain might've let up a little by the time I left, but it's still raining pretty good out there." Jarrod said as he walked over towards Jessie and Heath. "Heath, can I see you in the study for a moment?"

"Sure Jarrod," stated Heath as he got up from the checker game and turned to follow Jarrod.

"Don't worry little brother," said Nick as he slid into Heath's empty chair, "I'll finish the kid off for you." He snickered as he jumped one of Jessie's pieces.

"Jessie take it easy on him, OK?" Laughed Heath as he winked at Jessie before following Jarrod into the study.

"What is it Jarrod?" Heath asked as he poured himself a glass of whiskey.

"Sheriff Roger Corners from Modesto should be arriving here at the ranch some time tomorrow morning. He felt it would be safer for Jessie if he came up here to interview him." Stated Jarrod as he watched Heath stare into his glass. "Heath, have you told him anything yet?"

"No," replied Heath as he swirled the whiskey around in his glass. "I was going to tell him tonight."

"Heath, I know this isn't going to be easy for either one of you. Hopefully it will help to have the family all around when he talks to the sheriff." Jarrod said as he walked over and placed his hand on Heath's shoulder.

"Has there been any word on Hank's whereabouts?" Asked Heath looking up at Jarrod.

"No, I'm afraid nothing yet. There were very few leads to go on I'm afraid. They're probably long gone from this area by now." He stated hoping to relax Heath a little.

"I hope you're right Jarrod," said Heath as he looked out the window. Turning around to face Jarrod he asked, "How did Mother and Audra take the news?"

"They were concerned for Jessie, but overall they took it well." Replied Jarrod. "Speaking of Mother, I should pull her aside and let her know about the sheriff." He said as he started towards the door. Turning around he said, "Heath, I noticed Anna was wearing one of Audra's dresses, care to explain?"

Heath smiled as he looked up at Jarrod, "not much gets past you does it lawyer?" He laughed, "we got caught in the storm this afternoon and Anna was soaked. Audra let her borrow something dry to wear and I asked her to stay for dinner. I promised to take her home once the rain lets up."

"Well I think Miss Anna may be here a while, it's still coming down pretty hard out there." Replied Jarrod as he opened the door.

"Jarrod, would you mind asking Anna to come in here for a moment?" Asked Heath as he walked towards the door.

"Sure Heath," he replied with a smile as he left.

A few minutes later Anna walked silently into the big study; she could see Heath standing over by one of the windows looking out into the darkness. Her heart went out to him as he stood there deep in thought; he was leaning slightly against the windowpane one hand in his pocket and the other holding onto a drink. She could see the worried look on his face as she walked over to him, "Heath, what is it?" she asked as he looked up at her.

"I need to ask you something," he replied letting out a small sigh. "I need your help."

"Certainly Heath," she stated as she reached up and place her hand on his upper arm.

Turning to face her, "Anna, Sheriff Corners from Modesto will be coming by the ranch tomorrow morning to talk with Jessie. I haven’t told him about Hank yet, I’m just not sure how he’s going to handle it." He told her, his eyes showing the inner turmoil he faced. "I was wondering if you could be there with me tonight when I tell him." He stated nervously looking into her eyes.

"Heath, I’d be glad to help. He’s such a sweet child, I’ll help in any way I can." She said as she rubbed his arm and smiled.

Looking down at her and seeing the sincerity and love in her eyes, caused his heart to pound in his chest. "Thank you Anna," He sighed pulling her into him, "You don’t know how much this means to me."

Returning his embrace, she did know how much it meant to him, because it had meant the world to her to hear him ask for her help. To trust her in this way was more than she could have ever hoped for. She gently rubbed his back as he held her tightly against his chest, she could feel his heart beating beneath his shirt, it’s sound was very comforting.

Pulling out of their embrace, Heath suggested they should head back in with the family. "I’m afraid my brothers may start getting suspicious if we stay in here alone much longer." He said smiling at her.

Taking her hand in his, Heath led her out of the room and back into the parlor. Nick looked up from his checker game with Jessie as Heath and Anna strolled into the room. "It’s about time you two showed back up." He stated as he snickered at Heath’s flushed face.

"King me!" shouted Jessie as he jumped Nick’s piece.

"What! I look away for one moment and you get a king!" Shouted Nick as he stared at the smiling boy.

"Come on, king me," Jessie said as he held out his hand grinning from ear to ear.

"I’ll king you!" Nick said as he waved his fist in the air before handing Jessie the piece.

"Come on it’s your move Nick," stated Jessie triumphantly as he eagerly awaited Nicks next move.

"All right, calm down a minute!" Nick said as he leaned forward surveying the board. "Ha!" he shouted as he jumped one of Jessie’s pieces, "I’ve got you now," he added smugly as he sat back and crossed his arms.

Jessie wasted no time making his move, taking the king he had just crowned he proceeded to jump over the rest of Nick’s pieces cleaning off the board. "I win," he replied as he stacked Nick’s captured pieces next to the board.

"What a minute, you set me up!" Nick shouted as the boy sat there grinning at him.

"Yup" He laughed looking over at Heath who was also starting to laugh.

"Jessie, take it easy on brother Nick here," stated Heath as he walked over next to Nick’s chair and place a hand on his shoulder. "He’s still learning the game," he laughed.

Quickly brushing Heath’s hand aside, "Just learning! I’ll show you who’s just learning!" He shouted as he jumped up out of the chair and grabbed the laughing Heath in a headlock.

"Nicholas! Cut it out this instant." Stated Victoria as she viewed her playful son.

Nick let Heath loose and sat back down in his chair winking at Jessie. "You up for another game, sport?" he asked.

"No he isn’t," replied Heath before Jessie could answer him. "It’s getting late and we’ve got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow." Said Heath as he smiled at Jessie.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" Jessie asked as he stood up from his chair.

"I’ll tell you as you get ready for bed, OK?" Stated Heath as he placed his arm around Jessie’s shoulders; "Anna would you like to join us?" asked Heath smiling over at her.

"I’d love too, that is if you don’t mind the extra company Jessie." She replied.

"No not at all," he replied happily walking over to take her hand. "Good night everyone," he said as they made their way towards the stairs."

"I get a rematch tomorrow night!" shouted Nick as he walked out into the foyer. Jessie smiled up at Heath and shook his head as they walked up the stairs.


As Heath, Anna, and Jessie entered Jessie’s room Heath asked Jessie to get ready for bed and told him that he and Anna would be back in a few minutes. "Jessie, you get ready for bed and Anna and I will be back in a moment. There’s something I need to talk with you about." He said as they left the room.

As they waited out in the hallway Heath was deathly silent, taking his hand and looking up at him Anna said, "Heath, we’ll get him through this, I promise."

Heath looked down into her eyes and drew comfort from them. "I’m all ready," came Jessie’s small voice through the door. Squeezing Anna’s hand he opened Jessie’s door and walked inside.

As Heath entered Jessie’s room he found Jessie sitting up cross-legged on the top of his bed. The nightshirt he was wearing was one of Nick’s when he was a boy, however it was huge on Jessie’s small frame. Heath chuckled a little at the sight of the small boy’s head poking out of the large nightshirt that covered him from head to toe.

"Jessie, is it all right if Anna comes in?" He asked hiding his chuckle.

"Sure," replied Jessie as he smiled from ear to ear.

Heath opened the door and motioned Anna inside. Taking her hand he guided her over to Jessie’s bed and they both sat down next to the boy.

Heath turned slightly on the bed to face Jessie; the boy was all smiles as he looked up at Heath. "God, why do I have to hurt him again," his mind screamed as Jessie’s smile seemed to stab at his heart. Looking up at Anna and seeing her warm and loving gaze gave him the strength he needed to begin.

"Jessie, I need to talk to you about something important," he began as he placed his hand on Jessie’s arm.

Jessie could see the concern in Heath’s eyes and he could certainly hear it in his voice.

"This isn’t going to be easy for you," he said watching Jessie’s face take on a concerned look. "Doc Baker from Salida sent a telegram to Sheriff Madden yesterday. It was about Hank, Jessie."

Jessie’s eyes immediately took on a haunted look at the mention of Hank’s name, his shoulders slumped and his breathing grew faster and shallower.

Heath held on to both of Jessie’s upper arms as he continued on, "Seems Hank and Matt escaped from the jail two days ago." He said softly as he held on to Jessie tightly. "Sheriff Corners from Modesto is coming up to the ranch tomorrow morning, he wants to ask you a few questions about Hank and his men. He’s hoping you may be able to give them information they can use to capture Hank." He stated as the tears began falling down Jessie’s cheeks.

"They’re coming," Jessie’s mouthed just barely audible as he looked up at Heath.

Jessie’s eyes seemed to be looking at something very far away, thought Heath as he looked into them. Trying to bring him back Heath said, "Jessie, you’ll be all right here. I won’t let anything happen to you, you’re safe."

"No, he’s coming," came the reply again just barley audible. Matt’s face flooded Jessie’s mind, all he could see were Matt’s dead black eyes staring at him, through him. All he could hear was Matt’s laugh, the one he snickered whenever he came after Jessie. He knew Matt was coming for him, for him and Heath. He had to get away, he had to lead Matt away from Heath.

Jessie screamed and jumped off the bed running for the door. Heath was after him in a flash, grabbing him before he could get out the door. Jessie screamed and struggled in his arms as Heath tried to calm him. "Jessie! You’re all right! Heath yelled as he wrestled with him, "Hank’s not here, no one is going to hurt you!" He said just before one of Jessie’s elbows caught him square in the nose. Momentarily loosing his grip on the boy, Jessie fell to the wood floor landing on his collarbone.

Jessie lay curled up on the floor as pain radiated down through his arm, the sudden pain actually managed to bring him back from his horrible vision. As he lay crying, Heath reached down and tried to comfort him with one hand as he used the other to hold his bleeding nose. Anna got down on her knees next to Jessie and gently ran her fingers through his hair as she talked softly to him. "Don’t worry Jessie, Heath and I are here to take care of you." She said quietly as she carefully picked him up. "Let’s get you over into this nice soft bed," she said quietly as she laid him down on the bed. "Heath, can you go and get me a cool cloth?" She asked as she looked up at him.

Heath nodded and grabbed the washcloth next to the water basin, after submerging it in the cool water he handed it over to Anna who was quietly trying to comfort Jessie.

"Heath go take care of your nose, I’ve got him." She said as she squeezed his hand and took the washcloth.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he continued to try and stop his nose from bleeding.

"Yes," she smiled up at him, before turning her attention back towards Jessie. She started to wipe away his tears with the cloth as she continued talking softly to him.

Opening Jessie’s door and walking out into the hall, Heath almost ran right into Nick. "What happened to you?" Nick stated as he tried to get a better look at Heath’s face.

"It’s nothing, just a bloody nose," said Heath quietly as he started walking towards the bathroom.

"Heath," Nick said as he grabbed Heath’s arm stopping him. "I heard him scream, is he all right?" he asked, his eyes pleading with his brother for an answer.

Looking back at his brother Heath could see the concern Nick felt for the boy, turning to face him, Heath replied, "He had such a far away look in his eyes Nick, I think he was remembering back. That’s when he screamed and ran for the door, I grabbed him and tried to calm him down but it was like holding onto a wild cat. His elbow hit me in the nose and I lost my grip on him, I think he may have injured his shoulder again when he hit the floor." Replied Heath as the blood from his nose continued to flow, "Anna’s with him right now, he’s calmed down some."

"Let’s go and get you cleaned up so you can get back in there," stated Nick as he began to steer Heath towards the bathroom. "No complaining either little brother, I’m helping you and that’s final." With that said, Nick steered Heath into the bathroom.

Anna looked at Jessie’s arm to make sure nothing had been broken in the fall; she could feel the large lump on his collarbone as she ran her fingers across it. Her light touch caused Jessie to cry out, "I’m sorry Jessie, I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t broken," she said as she wiped his face with the cool cloth.

Anna looked down at Jessie as tears filled her eyes; he was curled up next to her on the bed in a tight ball with his eyes clamped shut. His face was beet red and his breathing was fast and shallow, and he was shaking uncontrollably. Carefully picking up his head she placed it in her lap and slowly began running her fingers through his hair.

Once Heath had finished cleaning up his face he went back to Jessie’s room. As he slowly opened the door he could hear Anna softly singing. She was sitting up on the bed with Jessie partially curled up across her lap, her fingers running through his hair as she quietly sang to him.

Heath quietly walked over to the bed and sat down near Jessie’s feet, taking the blanket from the end of his bed he brought it up and covered the shaking child. Anna looked up and smiled at him as she continued her song.

"O first I came a-courted by a bonny young Irish b’y,
He called me all of his jewels, his sweetheart, pride and j’y;
‘Twas in fair Dubelin city, a place so old an fair,
Where first I came a-courted by a bonny young Irish b’y.

His cheeks was of the roses and his hair was of the brown
And hung in ringlets heavy to his shoulders hanging down
His teeth was of an ivory white, his eyes was black as sloes;
He’d charm the heart of any fair girl, no matter where he goes."

Heath watched Anna as she continued to sing, her sweet voice so soft and gentle. He looked down at Jessie and saw that he was finally asleep, he looked almost as relaxed in Anna’s lap as he had in…. What was her name? Mary, yes it was Mary, as he had in Mary’s arms next to the stagecoach.

Anna looked up at Heath as she stopped singing, "I think he’s asleep," she whispered softly as she smiled at him. "Help me get him settled into bed," she asked as she began to move him.

Heath helped Anna tuck a weary Jessie into the large bed. Anna sat down next to Jessie with Heath right by her side, holding Heath’s hand she said a goodnight prayer, "May He support us all the day long, till the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed and the fever of life is over and our work is done. Then in your Mercy Lord grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest and peace at the last with you, Amen."

Heath pulled Anna into an embrace as they sat on the bed together next to the sleeping child. Her gentle touch with Jessie had warmed his heart and soothed his worries. "Let’s let him sleep," Heath said as he started to get up from the bed.

"I’m going to stay with him just a while longer," she replied as she stood up and caressed his cheek. "Your nose looks like it’s going to be pretty sore, Mr. Barkley," she added with a smile before standing on her tiptoes and placing a soft kiss on it.

"Ouch," Heath jokingly replied as he put a hand up to his nose. "I’ll met you downstairs, I should go and let everyone know what happened." He said as he placed a kiss on her forehead before turning to leave, as he opened the door he turned around and looked back at Anna. "Thank you Anna," he said, "I couldn’t have done it without you."

After Heath left the room Anna turned down the lamp and sat back down on the bed rubbing Jessie’s back. Feeling a little tired herself she curled up next to Jessie on the bed and began softly humming to him while she gently rubbed his back. She remembered back to when her own mother used to curl up next to her in bed rubbing her back and singing softly. This usually happened when she wasn’t feeling well, and her mothers soft touch and voice always made her feel better.

Heath sat in the parlor as Audra poked and prodded at his nose. "Ouch, that hurts Sis!" Stated Heath as Audra placed a cloth filled with ice on his nose.

"You’re a bigger baby that Nick," replied Audra laughing at Heath.

"Heath, is Anna still upstairs with Jessie?" asked Victoria setting down her sewing.

"Yeah, she wanted to stay with him for a little while longer," he replied as he spotted Nick laughing at him. "What’s so funny?" he asked directing the question towards Nick.

"Oh nothing little brother," laughed Nick as everyone in the room watched him, "it’s just that you sound like you’ve got peas or something crammed up your nose," he laughed thinking that he had finally one upped his brother.

"Nick just because you used to stick them up your nose, doesn’t mean I ever would," Heath replied winking at Audra.

"You told him!" Nick shouted, pointing at Audra as she burst out laughing. "I was only ten when that happened." He answered trying to defend himself, "and it was on a dare!" Nick placed his hands on his hips and glared angrily at everyone as they all started laughing. Realizing he had been bested once again by Heath he stormed out of the room, but not before shouting at Heath, "you know it’s about time you finally got what’s coming to you!" He said pointing at Heath’s nose as he stormed out.

Victoria rose out of her chair with a smile across her face, "Heath I’m going to go up and see if Anna needs anything." She said as she patted him on the shoulder.

"Thank you Mother," he said as she turned towards the stairs.

Quietly entering Jessie’s room, Victoria could see two still forms lying on the bed in the dim light. As she walked up next to the bed she could see Jessie’s sleeping form with Anna’s curled up next to him, her arm was across his back as the two slept peacefully. Victoria left for her room and returned with a quilt to place over Anna, as she watched to two sleep an idea slowly crept its way into her heart. Placing a kiss on each of their heads she walked out of Jessie’s room and down to her own. Sitting down at the small table in her room she put the idea down on paper.

His head was pounding and his shoulder was protesting loudly as he stretched his muscles in the pre dawn light. As his arm struck something in bed next to him his heart leapt up into his chest, he sat up quickly and drew his knees up to his chest. The form next to him stirred quietly at his movement, and looked up at him.

"Good morning Jessie," said Anna as she sat up next to him and placed a hand on his arm. "How are you feeling?"

Jessie tried to calm himself down; his heart was beating a mile a minute as his eyes tried to focus on the figure next to him.

Seeing the frightened look on Jessie’s face, Anna tried to comfort him, "It’s all right Jessie, you’re fine. I didn’t mean to startle you, I guess I must have fallen asleep here last night."

Jessie relaxed slightly as the soft voice talked to him, "Anna?" he whispered quietly as he hugged his knees to his chest.

"Yes dear," she said rubbing his arm and smiling at him.

Instant relief swept over him and he threw himself into her arms. He ignored the pain in his shoulder as he held on to her tightly; tears running silently down his face.

"Jessie, it’s all right," she said softly to him as she rubbed his back and held him tight. Her heart went out to the small boy who had been through so much. She could feel his heavy breathing on her neck and the gentle sobs that caused him to shake slightly in her arms. As she slowly rocked him back and forth trying to ease his fears, she noticed Heath asleep in the chair next to the bed. A smile crept across her face as she watched the sleeping man; he was still dressed in his work cloths minus his boots. His long legs were stretched out in front of him, his arms were crossed over his chest, and his head was resting against the side of the high backed chair. He had such a peaceful expression on his face, her heart went out to him, she wanted to rush over and hold him close.

As the early morning light slowly crept in the window, Heath began to stir. Stretching his stiff muscles he looked over towards Jessie’s bed and smiled. "Morning," he whispered quietly to Anna as she smiled back at him. "How is he?" He questioned as he watched Anna slowly rocking Jessie in her arms.

Before Anna had a chance to answer Jessie lifted up his head and looked over at Heath.

"Morning little guy," stated Heath as he walked over and sat on the bed next to them. "How are you feeling today?" He asked as his hand brushed away some of Jessie’s tears.

"I’m sorry about…. last night," he said quietly as he looked down. "I didn’t mean to get scared and run away."

"Jessie, there’s nothing to be sorry for. And as for being scared, everyone gets scared, even me." Heath added putting a hand on his own chest.

Jessie looked at Heath; he couldn’t believe Heath was afraid of anything. "You’re just being nice," he said smiling up at Heath, "you’re not afraid of anything."

Heath had to laugh at Jessie’s statement, "that’s not true, why just ask Anna here." He stated as he smiled up at her, "the first time I took her out I was so scared I fell down her front steps."

Heath’s comment elicited a laugh out of both Jessie and Anna, "its true Jessie, Heath was so nervous he couldn’t even walk." She laughed remembering the embarrassed look on his face as he lay at the bottom of her steps in the dust.

"All right, now that you’re both through making fun of me, what’d ya say we go and have some breakfast." Heath said standing up from the bed.

"I’m famished," replied Anna as she looked at Jessie, "how about you?"

"Me too," he smiled at Anna as he began to get down from the bed.

Heath noticed Jessie wince as he used his left arm to help himself off the bed. "Hang on a minute Jessie," Heath said as the boy scooted past him following Anna. "Anna we’ll catch up to you," he stated smiling at her. "Jessie, how’s your shoulder feel?"

"Fine," he replied as he looked down at his feet.

"Good then, let’s go through some of those exercises the Doc taught us, OK?" Heath remarked as he began moving his shoulder around.

Jessie looked up at Heath, he knew he wouldn’t be able to do the exercises, his shoulder was just to sore. "But I’m starving and Anna’s waiting for us," he replied hoping Heath would let him off the hook.

"Come on, you know what the doctor said; we need to do these everyday. You don’t want to go back on your word now, after all you did promise." He responded knowing exactly what the boy was up too.

Jessie lowered his head in defeat, "I can’t do them," he said quietly.

Bending down in front of Jessie, Heath lifted up his chin, "you did land on it pretty hard last night, I thought it might be bothering you." He said as Jessie looked at him. "Mind if I take a look at it?"

Jessie pulled his nightshirt down over his arm so Heath could look at his shoulder; he flinched when Heath ran his hand over the lump on his collarbone. "Doesn’t look as though it’s broken again, but you sure do have some nice coloring in it," he remarked as he pulled Jessie’s nightshirt back up. "How about we take it easy on that arm for a few days, the doc can check it when he takes your stitches out tomorrow."

Jessie smiled at Heath and took his hand, "come on, I’m starving!" He said as he started to pull Heath out of the room.

Anna slipped silently into her room as Jessie tugged Heath out of his room. She had stayed quietly outside Jessie’s door as Heath questioned him about his shoulder. She was amazed at Heath’s gentle touch with Jessie; she had never known a man with such compassion. She was finding herself falling further and further in love with him, this made her a little nervous, she had never felt this deeply for anyone before. She only hoped his feelings for her were the same.


"Good Morning Silas!" shouted Jessie as he jumped down the last two steps of the back staircase.

"Well good morning Jessie," replied Silas with a smile as he looked up from the oven.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs Heath called out to Jessie, "I thought we agreed that you'd take things easy today," he stated with a frown.

"Huh?" Jessie questioned puzzled, "I didn't do anything to strenuous," he thought as he looked over at Heath. "Oh! Jumping," he thought as he started to smile, "sorry Heath," he piped up as he walked over next to Silas.

"Can I help with something?" he asked Silas excitedly. "I always used to help my Mamma in the kitchen."

"Lets see... you know how to knead bread dough?" Silas asked as he watched a large smile spread across Jessie's face.

"Sure do! My Mamma taught me when I was little!" he replied as he followed Silas over towards the table.

Jessie's response to Silas's question generated a chuckle from Heath, he remembered Jessie making that same comment to Nick in Doc Bakers kitchen.. Silas's expression looked very similar to what Nicks had been on that day.

Silas pulled a chair up to the table for Jessie, "here now," he said patting the seat of the chair, "jump up here." Walking over towards the stove Silas returned with a large bowl, placing the bowl on the table in front of Jessie, he removed the towel revealing the bread dough. "OK Jessie, take some of this flour and spread it out on the table." Silas stated as he handed the flour bag to Jessie.

Jessie generously spread the flour out on the table, Heath snickered a little as Jessie also managed to coat the chair and floor around him with flour as well. "When your done kneading the dough split it into two halves, I'll get the pans ready for you." Said Silas as he continued about his morning chores.

Jessie eagerly dove his hands straight into the dough trying to lift it out all at once. Realizing his sore shoulder wasn't going to let him bring it all out at once, he took out as much at a time as he could. He soon had a pile of dough in front of him, getting up onto his knees he leaned over the table, keeping his arms straight he used his body weight to push down on the dough. This way his shoulder didn't hurt much at all.

Heath sat at the table sipping his coffee as he watched Jessie work on the dough; it certainly was a sight to see. Jessie had flour all down the front of his nightshirt; he had dough stuck all over his hands and arms. His brown hair was speckled with white flour, he had flour on his nose and streaks of the powdery substance on his cheeks. Heath really got a chuckle out of the expression Jessie had on his face as he worked the dough. He was concentrating so hard at doing a good job for Silas he never noticed that his tongue was sticking out as he worked.

"Better be careful Jessie, you wouldn't want it to fall out of your mouth and hit the floor," Heath chuckled as he watched Jessie.

Jessie turned to look at Heath trying to figure out what he was referring to, "what's going to fall out of my mouth?" he thought. That's when he realized his tongue was sticking out, quickly drawing it back in he smiled at Heath and finished up with the dough.

"All ready Silas!" He hollered as he jumped down from the chair sending a small cloud of white powder into the air.

Mockingly Heath started waving his hand in front of his face and coughing "Jessie what are you trying to do, coat the entire kitchen in flour?" Heath laughed as he stood up from the table and continued to cough.

"You pay him no mind Jessie, he's just foolin with you." Said Silas as he winked at Heath, "you come on over to the sink and wash up while I go and stick your bread in the oven." Stated Silas as he led Jessie over to the sink.

Heath picked up one of the kitchen towels and went over to help Jessie, "you sure do know how to make a mess," he said as he came up behind him. As he was about to reach over Jessie and wet the towel, Jessie turned around and planted his wet sticky hands right on Heath's shirt.

"Hey!" shouted Heath as he tried to peal Jessie's sticky hands back.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said," stated Jessie as he tried to suppress his giggles

"Oh you didn't did you, well maybe I'll just have to make it more clear," he said as he grabbed Jessie around his waist with one hand while putting the towel under the water with the other. "Here let me help you clean up," he laughed as he wiped Jessie's face with the sopping towel.

Jessie struggled to get free from Heath as the water went all over the front of him, reaching into the running water he started flinging it at Heath as he continued to scream in delight. Both Heath and Jessie were soon soaking wet, water was all over the floor, the table, even the ceiling.

"What the Heck is going on down here!" Bellowed Nick as he ran down the back steps two at a time. Rushing out into the kitchen wearing only his long johns, Nick's bare feet met up with the floury water mixture on the floor. His feet went straight out from under him as he flew up about three feet in the air before falling straight down onto his back with a thud.

Jessie and Heath looked over at Nick and then at one another, the same devious thought crossed their mind at the same time. Smiling they each grabbed a pot of water out of the sink and walked over towards Nick.

"You all right Nick," Heath asked trying to hide his smile.

"What are you doing down here!" Hollered Nick as he reached a hand around towards his back as he sat up.

"I guess we'll have to show you," he replied as both he and Jessie dumped the contents of their pots on top of him. The cold water momentarily stunned Nick, Heath and Jessie's laughter quickly brought him out of it. "Why you!" Nick shouted as he grabbed Heath's leg and pulled him down into the mess. "You're going to get it now little brother!" Stated Nick as he wrestled with Heath in the wet floury mess on the floor.

Jessie stood next to the table laughing at the two grown men rolling around in the muck. Nick and Heath both looked at one another and then turned towards Jessie.

Jessie stopped laughing as he saw Heath and Nick look up at him. "Lets get him!" shouted Nick as he sprung forward at Jessie. Jessie turned and tried to run but his feet just slipped in the wet muck, screaming he lunged forward and just managed to dodge Nick's hand as it grazed his nightshirt. Heath was right on Nick's heels, when Nick lunged at Jessie and missed, Heath landed on top of him. Both men went sliding into the table knocking off the bag of flour, which promptly landed on top of Nick's head.

"Heath! Nick!" shouted Victoria Barkley as she stood at the bottom of the back staircase in her bathrobe. "What in the world is going on down here? You've managed to wake the entire house!" She added as she started to walk out into the kitchen.

"Mother no!" Shouted both Nick and Heath in unison as Victoria started across the floor. Much to their horror she started to slip and slide in the mucky mess, her feet slipped out from under her and she started to fall towards the floor. Just before she hit, Jarrod snatched her in his arms.

"Careful there Mother," Jarrod said smiling at her as he stood her back up.

Regaining her footing Victoria looked over at her two sons sitting on the floor covered in flour. "Not a word Nicholas!" Victoria stated as Nick opened his mouth to speak, "I don't care how it started, I just want it cleaned up now!

Heath and Nick watched her turn and head back upstairs, "well you've done it this time," stated Jarrod as he looked over at his brothers and laughed. "I'm just wondering how you're ever going to make this one up to her," he stated laughing as he walked up the stairs.

"Brilliant Heath!" shouted Nick as he slapped him in the head, "got any other great ideas!" He added as he slowly rose to his feet, "don't think I've forgot about your hand in this!" He shouted pointing over at Jessie, "don't just stand there we had better get this cleaned up before she comes back downstairs." Stated Nick as he began cleaning.

Nick started ordering Heath and Jessie around the kitchen as they tried to clean up the white mess. "You really did it this time little brother, you know this isn't just going to blow over. Mother is going to be angry with us for quite some time!" Nick hollered at Heath as he mopped the floor.

"It isn't all that bad Nick," laughed Heath as he wiped up the table.

"What do you mean it isn't all that bad! Didn't you see mother's face!" Shouted Nick as he stopped mopping and stared at Heath. "And quit laughing!"

"Sorry Nick, it's just that..."

"Just what!" He hollered cutting Heath off.

"It's just you look ridiculous standing there shouting with flour all over your head." He replied laughing at Nick.

"Well you don't look much better!" Nick shouted at Heath before a smile started to creep across his face. "Seems we both look pretty silly," he added as he resumed mopping.

Heath shook his head in agreement and then looked over at Jessie who was busily wiping up the water underneath the sink. "Jessie, Nick and I'll finish up down here. Why don't you go and get cleaned up for breakfast."

Looking out from under the sink Jessie asked, "are you sure? There's still a lot of cleaning to do."

"It's all right, we'll finish." He replied as he went back to work on the table.

Jessie made his way slowly across the wet floor, reaching the back stairs he turned around to watch Nick and Heath for a moment. He giggled to himself as he watched the two men clean the kitchen, they were both covered in flour and water. He couldn't ever remember having such a fun time making a mess, especially with two grown men.

Continuing on up the stairs he was startled as Mrs. Barkley opened her door when he walked by, "Jessie, may I speak to you for a moment?" She asked opening her door to him.

He shook his head as she led him into her room and closed the door, "I see you've been having a little fun with my sons in the kitchen," she stated with a smile as she touched the flour on his nose.

"I'm sorry about that Mrs. Barkley," he replied quietly as he looked down towards the floor.

"Oh Jessie, don't worry about that," she laughed softly. "I'm not upset at all," she added lifting up his chin.

"You're not?" he questioned a little baffled by her comment.

Victoria had to smile at the befuddled look on Jessie's flour streaked face. "Just don't tell Nick and Heath that all right? It'll just be our little secret." She added placing a hand on his shoulder.

"OK, if you want," he replied smiling up at her.

"Jessie I asked you in here because I wanted to find out how you're feeling. I really haven't had a chance to talk with you much since you came, and I'm sorry about that." She stated as she watched him fidget a little, "he really does act a lot like Heath," she thought as she continued to watch him.

"I'm feeling fine, Mrs. Barkley," he replied quietly as he pulled at his nightshirt.

"Well I'm glad to hear that," she replied, "are you enjoying yourself on the ranch?" She asked trying to find something that would spark his interest.

"Yes Ma'am," he spoke up quickly with a gleam in his eye, "it's fantastic! I've never seen anything so big!" He added grinning ear to ear.

"I take it Heath has been showing you around the ranch then," she stated as she sat on the end of her bed and took Jessie's hand.

"He sure has! He let me ride Buck, we went fishing, we rode through the orchards, he showed me all your cattle, he let me brush Charger, I got to feed the horses, we chased the chickens around, we went swimming, and we haven't even seen the entire ranch yet!" He replied so quickly that Victoria had to laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Heath certainly does get around doesn't he," she laughed as she saw the sparkle in Jessie's eyes.

Jessie was a little embarrassed by his out burst, "Nick took me out mending fences," he added a little slower this time.

"Oh did he now, I hope he didn't make you do all of the work." She stated as she squeezed his hand.

"No Ma'am, he really didn't let me do too much at all. He said I could do more once my arm mended some." He replied as he shifted from foot to foot.

"How is your arm?" She asked, glad he was being so open with her.

"It's much better now, Heath's taking me tomorrow back to the Doctors to get the stitches out." He replied, as he rubbed his arm a little embarrassed that he was talking to her about it.

"I'm glad it's getting better Jessie, I know it must be hard for you to talk about." She replied, "Jessie," she said as she pulled him closer to her, "I know today's going to be a hard day for you. I want you to know you have nothing to fear, no one with think anything bad about you or what those men did to you. We'll all be here for you if you need us, we really do want to help you, Jessie." Victoria stated as she held Jessie's arms.

"Thank you Mrs. Barkley," he replied quietly as he hung his head down. He didn't want this sweet woman to hear anything about Hank and his men; she was much to nice for that. How could he possibly let her hear those awful things? Tears began to well up in his eyes as he thought about Hank and his men.

Victoria noticed the change in Jessie, taking his chin in her hand she lifted up his head once again and spoke to him. "Jessie, nothing those men did to you will change my opinion of you in any way. You have a very loving heart in there," she said as she placed her hand on his chest. "Don't let anyone steal that from you. If you want I can be there to help you when the sheriff comes this morning." She stated hoping to ease his nerves.

Jessie's heart jumped in his chest, "Please No Mrs. Barkley," he almost sobbed, "please don't come." He said as the tears started to fall down his face.

Victoria pulled the wet child into an embrace, calmly holding him tight and stroking his hair she tried to calm him. "Jessie, I won't go in if you don't want me to," she quietly told him a little unsure of why he didn't want her there.

Jessie was relieved a little by her last statement, "thank you," he replied as he wiped the tears from his face. " Hank and his men did awful things Mrs. Barkley, things a woman shouldn't have to hear." He stated as he looked up at her.

Reaching up and touching his cheek she replied, "and things a little boy should never have been forced to deal with."

Jessie stood and stared at Victoria, "she really understands," he thought, "Heath sure is lucky to have such a smart Mamma," he smiled as he gave her a hug. "I'm sorry to get you all dirty," he said after he stood back up.

"It's all right Jessie, why don't you go and get changed. I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast." She said as she led him back to the door.

"Thanks again Mrs. Barkley," he said as he went through the door and smiled back at her.

"Thank you Jessie," she said as she closed her door. Walking over towards her window she looked down at her bathrobe and noticed the flour on it and smiled. This just may work she thought as she gazed out the window.




Nick, Heath, and Jessie slowly made their way down the front staircase, through the foyer and into the dinning room. Audra and Anna were sitting next to one another with their heads down as the boys entered the room, they were both quietly trying not to laugh at the nervous look both Heath and Nick had on their faces.

"Good morning Mother," both boys said as they kissed Victoria on opposite cheeks.

"I trust the kitchen is in order," she stated as she winked at Jessie, while Nick and Heath took their seats.

"Yes Mother," they replied in unison, looking dejectedly down at their plates like two little boys awaiting punishment.

"Good then, lets eat before this gets any colder," she stated as she started passing the hot food around.

"Mother, where's Jarrod?" asked Audra as she spooned jam on her toast.

"He left early for town to await Sheriff Corners arrival on the stage," she replied looking over at Jessie trying to gauge his reaction.

Jessie just continued to sit passively eat his eggs as though not hearing their conversation. But inside a knot once again formed in his stomach as he thought about the sheriff and the horrible questions that he would soon have to answer.

"Jessie, Jessie" Heath called before finally having to elbow the boy to get his attention.

"Huh?" he looked over at Heath with a far away look in his eyes.

"I was trying to find out if you felt up to helping me with Charger this morning," Heath replied as he chuckled at Jessie.

"Sure!" Jessie shouted. He quickly growing red as he realized how loudly he had replied.

"All right then," said Heath as he laughed and placed a hand on Jessie's shoulder.

"You go out and yell like that in the barn all those horses are gonna run away from you." Laughed Nick, through a mouthful of food.

"He's right Jessie, he should know it happens to him all the time," joked Heath as he winked at Jessie.

"It does not!" shouted Nick as he smacked Heaths arm.

"Boys, haven't you two caused enough trouble for one day!" stated Victoria as she put her napkin down on the table. "Would it be asking to much to have just one meal in peace?"

"Sorry Mother," replied Nick as he pushed back his chair, "I'll see you later," he added as he kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

"You ready Jessie?" Asked Heath as he too finished his breakfast.

"Yup," replied Jessie as he put down his napkin and shoved his last piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Anna, we'll be out in the barn if you'd like to join us when you're through." Stated Heath as he and Jessie started to leave the dinning room.

"Thank you Heath, I'd like that," she said smiling up at him her eyes shinning.

Heath and Jessie walked through the kitchen and talked with Silas for a few minutes before going outside to the barn. The morning air was warm and sunny and the ranch was already ablaze with activity. As they walked up to the barn Jessie spoke up, "she really likes you Heath," he stated as he continued to walk.

Stopping, Heath watched Jessie as he continued on towards the barn. "Hey wait a minute," he said running up to Jessie. "Who are you talking about?"

Laughing at such a silly question Jessie replied, "Anna of course, who else."

Bending down in front of Jessie, Heath asked, "And what makes you say that?"

"I can see it every time she looks at you," he smiled, "I can see it when you look at her too. You two look at each other just like my Ma and Pa used to." He replied grinning ear to ear.

"You sure are something," Heath laughed as he ruffled Jessie's hair. "Come on lets get a move on," he said as he grabbed Jessie's arm as the two headed into the barn.

"Good morning Jarrod, what brings you into town so early," questioned Sheriff Fred Madden as Jarrod entered into his office.

"Morning Fred, I'm here to see Sheriff Corners from Modesto off the stage." He replied as he shook Fred's hand and sat down. "He's coming in to question Jessie, he's hoping Jessie may be able to give him some information to go on."

"How's the boy doing Jarrod?" questioned Fred as he poured Jarrod a cup of coffee.

"He's had some rough moments but Heath's been there for him and that's really helped." Replied Jarrod as he took the cup from Fred. "I'm a little nervous about today though," he said taking a sip of the coffee. "This will be the first time he's had to face direct questions concerning what happened to him all those months."

"Do you think he'll be able to handle it?" Questioned Fred as he pondered over what little details of the story he all ready knew.

"That's why I'm here early, I'd like to get a chance to talk with the sheriff before he sees Jessie. Just to give him a little background on the boy." Stated Jarrod as he looked at his watch. "Well I'd better get over to the stagecoach office, they should be pulling in any time now." He said putting down his coffee and standing up.

"Let me walk over with you Jarrod, there's a few details I'd like to find out about myself." Answered Fred as he followed Jarrod out the door.

Heath and Jessie we busy taking care of the horses in the barn when Anna walked in.

"Hi Anna," said Jessie as he ran over and gave her a hug.

"Well thank you Jessie," she replied as she returned his hug, "I couldn't have asked for a better greeting." She replied winking at Heath.

"Heath's gonna let me take Charger out for some exercise," he stated happily as he pulled her by the hand over towards Heath.

"That is once you finish feeding Buck over there," Heath commented as he continued to clean out Chargers stall.

"Yeah," Jessie laughed as he picked up the feedbag and went back to Bucks stall.

Heath looked up as Anna made her way over towards him, "I'll be able to drive you back home shortly, Anna." He said smiling at her.

"Heath, I'd really like to stay until after the sheriff leaves today, if that's all right?" she asked, taking his hand. "I'd like to help you with Jessie." She added looking into his eyes.

"Anna, are you sure? It may be pretty rough." He said as he took her other hand.

"I've never been so sure," she replied squeezing his hands and smiling.

"All right have it your way," he said throwing her a lopsided grin, "I guess we'll just have to put up with you for a little while longer," he added as he started raking Charger's stall again.

"You're impossible!" Anna shouted as she swatted Heath's arm laughing at him.

"Careful Ma'am, I'm carrying a weapon here," he said taking a defensive stance and holding up the rake. "I'd hate to have to use it on you," he said smiling and slowly walking towards her shaking the rake.

"Heath! You wouldn't dare!" Anna hollered then laughed at him as she tried to back pedal away from him.

"Was that a dare? Miss Holden?" He asked with a wicked smile on his face as he continued to creep towards her. Dropping the rake he ran forward and grabbed her, cradling her in his arms. He called out to Jessie, "Jessie, what do you think we should do with her," he asked laughing.

"You should put me down Heath Barkley!" Laughed Anna as she hung onto his neck.

Jessie walked out of Buck's stall to see what all the commotion was, he found Heath cradling Anna in his arms. Anna had her hands laced around his neck as she laughed at his teasing. He smiled at the pair as Heath let Anna's legs down, her arms remained on his shoulders as the two laughed at one another. Heath pulled her closer and kissed her.

"Yuk!" Jessie shouted as two stunned flushed faces looked over at him.

"Oh have you got a lot to learn," laughed Heath as he and Anna walked over towards him.

"Like what?" piped up Jessie.

"Like....not asking silly questions," Heath replied as he scoped Jessie up into his arms and spun him around.

"Put me down!" he laughed as Heath spun him around.

Heath put Jessie back down on his feet as the boy continued to laugh. "You done with Buck yet, Chargers just waiting over there for you." Said Heath as he smiled at Jessie and then Anna.

"I'm all set," he replied eagerly.

"Well then, lets get moving. Charger needs his exercise," he added as he walked with Jessie over to Chargers stall. Heath let Jessie lead the horse out into the coral next to the barn. "OK up you go," he said as he lifted Jessie up into Chargers saddle. "Nice and slow around the coral, all right?" He asked looking up at Jessie.

Jessie shook his head yes as he started to lead Charger around the coral. Heath climbed back over the coral fence and stood next to Anna.

"He sure does like Charger, Heath," said Anna as she watched Jessie proudly prance Charger around the coral.

"He's really good with horses," Heath began as he leaned forward placing his elbows on the top of the fence. "Anna thanks for staying today." He said turning his head to the side and smiling at her.

Anna walked up next to Heath and placed her arm across his back and smiled at him before turning back to watch Jessie with him.

From her vantage point in the rose garden Victoria smiled over at the young couple standing by the coral. They reminded her of another young couple she once knew, "thank you Tom," she whispered as she took one last look at them before getting back to her work, "you'd be very proud of him," she smiled.

Jarrod rode with Sheriff Madden, Sheriff Corners and Doc Baker towards the Barkley Ranch. He was pleased with his discussion with Sheriff Corners; the sheriff agreed to take things nice and slow with Jessie. He was only interested in some of the details concerning how Hank and his men usually traveled, and what parts of the area they most frequently visited. He didn't plan on prying too much into the physical torments Jessie had suffered. Doc Baker from Salida had joined the sheriff for the journey, he was anxious to see Jessie again and felt that maybe a friendly face would help comfort him.

"Well Jarrod, I can see why your brothers were so eager to get back here," stated Doc Baker as they rode across the Barkley Ranch. "It's magnificent!" He commented as he continued to look around at all of the beautiful scenery.

"Thank you, my brothers are mighty proud of this ranch." Replied Jarrod as they turned a corner and headed up towards the main house. As they rode up next to the coral, Jarrod could see Jessie riding Charger. Waving to him, Jessie turned Charger towards them, "Howdy Jarrod!" he shouted as he jogged Charger over to the fence next to Jarrod. "Hi Doc Baker!" he added as a smile crept across his sweaty face.

"Hello to you Jessie," replied the Doc as he watched the excited child pull up next to them. "Looks like you're feeling much better," he added noticing the boy's smile and the excitement that his voice held.

"I sure am!" He stated as he sat proudly on top of Charger petting his neck. "Charger and I are just getting a little exercise," he replied leaning forward and putting his arms around Chargers neck. "Isn't he something Doc! Have you ever seen a better horse!"

Doc Baker had to laugh as he watched Jessie, here was a small child who just days ago looked to be on deaths door, now prancing around a ring riding a truly magnificent horse and really enjoying himself. He finally had some of his coloring back and looked more like a little boy than a skeleton, he was still thin but he looked much better. There was still something different about him that the Doc could just not put his finger on, "His eyes, that's it," thought the Doc as a smile caressed his face. "His eyes are full of life.... hope, that's what it is." He thought as he spoke to Jessie, "I don't think I have ever seen a finer horse Jessie, he seems to really like you." Added Doc Baker as he watched Jessie smile.

"Jessie this is Sheriff Corner from Modesto, he would like to talk with you if your up to it." Stated Jarrod as the sheriff tipped his hat to Jessie.

"OK," replied Jessie as he looked over at Jarrod, some of the enthusiasm he previously had leaving as he replied.

"We'll meet you up in the study when you're done with Charger," said Jarrod as he started to lead the men up towards the house.

Jessie nodded then slowly started to lead Charger around the coral and back up towards the barn. As Charger walked around the coral Jessie stared down at his feet watching the dust poof out around each hoof as Charger stepped. "Well this is it," he thought, "this is were I have to tell them about everything." A shudder ran through him as he continued to watch the dust fly up from Chargers hoofs.

"Hey!" shouted Heath as he watched Jessie from the coral gate; "You're going to tire Charger out riding him in circles all day." He yelled over to Jessie trying to get his attention.

Jessie looked up to see Heath over by the gate with his hat pushed back on his head waiting for them. Smiling he gathered a tighter hold on Charger's reins and trotted over to Heath. "I could ride him all day!" He commented as he pulled up next to Heath.

Opening up the gate and walking over to Jessie, Heath replied, "I'm glad to hear it, as soon as you feel better we'll have you in the saddle all day helping out around the ranch." Said Heath as he helped Jessie off Charger.

"Heath, the sheriff's here," said Jessie quietly as he looked down.

Putting his hands on Jessie's upper arms and bending down, Heath looked Jessie in the eyes. "Jessie, I'll be there to help you. You don't have to go through it alone any more, this is your chance to finally do something to get Hank. With your help, there's a much better chance of finally catching him and putting him away. You're helping ensure that he never has a chance to do this to anyone ever again." Said Heath as he watched the tears once again welling up in Jessie's eyes. His heart really went out to the little kid, here he was an adult and even he couldn't bring himself to divulge everything that had happened in his past. But he was asking a child to do just that, he had to keep reminding himself that it was the right thing to do.

Heath gave Jessie a hug and then walked into the barn with him and Charger. After the two were finished getting Charger settled back into his stall they headed off towards the house.



The camp was hidden near Brentwood, and the men hidden within it were restless. They had made their way north traveling mainly at night to avoid detection. Things had gone well and they had remained unseen by searching eyes. But the air in the camp was growing stale, these were men of action, they didn't enjoy sitting around. Plus they had a score to settle, a child had bested them, one they had considered beaten. But that child had help, and that meant more problems, more people had seen them. They needed to rectify this and fast before word spread and their faces were on wanted posters across the country.

"Pete should be back any time now," said Sam as he dropped his armload of wood next to the growing pile.

"He better be," stated Matt as he also dropped wood into the pile. "I'm getting tired of just sitting around here, especially knowing that kid is close by."

"You never let go do you Matt," laughed Sam shaking his head.

Pulling out his knife and grabbing Sam by the shirt, with fire in his eyes Matt put the knife up under Sam's chin. "Shut up Sam! God damn kid tried to kill us, or did you forget!" He spit in Sam's face as he held his knife up to his throat and glared at him.

"Matt, knock it off!" hollered Hank as he walked up next to him. "Sam didn't mean anything."

Matt pulled back his knife and let Sam's shirt go, he was still fuming as he walked around the camp trying to calm him self down.

"Damn it Matt!" Stated Sam and he smoothed out his shirt. "I didn't forget anything! They were my friends too." He added as he sat down.

"That's enough out of both of you!" Hank stated as he grabbed the coffee pot. "We'll be able to settle all of this once Pete gets back." He said as he poured a cup of coffee.

"I hope so," replied Sam as he rubbed his chin. "I'm getting tired of running."

"Once we hear what Pete has to say, we should be all set. We'll have everything we've ever wanted once we make them pay, and pay they will." Laughed Hank.

Heath led Jessie into the study, Jarrod, Nick, Doc Baker, Sheriff Madden, and Sheriff Corners were all ready in the room. Jessie's heart quickened underneath his shirt, beads of sweat were beginning to form on his forehead. He put his hands deep into his pockets in an effort to calm himself down as he walked with Heath over towards the couch.

Heath noticed Jessie's discomfort as they sat down on the couch together, putting his arm across Jessie's shoulders he leaned over and whispered something in his ear, " remember, it's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it that matters most."

Jessie looked up at Heath as his heart almost jumped out of his chest, he had almost expected to see his father sitting next to him and not Heath when he looked up. Hadn't his father always used those same words, how could Heath have known. Jessie smiled and leaned into Heath gathering strength from his presence.

"Jessie, the sheriff here is hoping you might be able to help him." Stated Jarrod as he and sheriff Corners sat across from Jessie and Heath. Nick and Doctor Baker walked over and stood behind Jessie. Reaching down and placing his hand on Jessie's shoulder he said, "remember were all right here if you need us," he smiled.

Jessie looked back at Nick and then over towards the sheriff, "I'm ready," he said quietly.

"Thank you young man," stated sheriff Corners as he reached out and shook Jessie's hand. "I need to ask you a few questions about the men you were with this past year. Now it's my understanding that you were with them against your will." He asked.

"Yes sir," replied Jessie as he looked up at the sheriff.

"Jessie do you know the names of these men?" he asked as he brought out his notebook.

"Yes, sir," he said stirring in his seat. "I only know part of most of the names," he added.

"That's fine son, just tell me what you can remember." He stated smiling at Jessie.

"Hank was the one in charge, I heard Marcus call him Hank McDonald once, so I guess that's his last name. Peter and Henry were brothers but that's all anybody ever called them, the same with Dan, Sam, and Dave." Said Jessie as he looked up at Heath.

"Is that all of them son?" asked the sheriff.

"No sir," he replied hanging his head, "Mat Shaffer, he was another one of Hank's men." Jessie felt Heath tighten his grip as a sigh escaped his lips.

"Jessie, do you know where they hide out?" asked the sheriff as he continued to write in his book.

"No sir, every time they took me some place I always had to hide underneath the wagon tarp."

Nick cringed at the thought of Jessie being forced to travel in such a manner, no better than a sack of grain.

"Their cabin was someplace up in the hills, I didn't get a chance to see more than the inside much though." Jessie added looking around at everyone's face. "I only saw the outside when they took me out to the wagon. There were lots of trees around as I remember."

"Son the last night you were with Hank, how long did it take you to get to the spot where the stage was robbed?" asked the sheriff as he looked over at Jarrod.

"Most of the day." Jessie replied as he tried to remember the trip in his head. "He only stopped once or twice to rest the horses."

"Did Hank and the other men always stay in one place together?" questioned the sheriff.

"Most of the time they were always in the cabin, but some times Hank would let some of them go into a town. I'm not sure what one though," he replied as he tried to push his hands even further into the pockets on his overalls.

"Jessie, did anyone other than Hank's men ever come to the cabin?" Asked Jarrod as he leaned forward in his chair.

Jessie looked up at Jarrod as he spoke, "No, I don't remember anyone else...." Then it hit him, Adam they had brought Adam to the cabin. He could see Adam hanging from the tree with Matt in front of him, laughing. "How could I forget," he thought as tears filled his eyes.

"Jessie, …Jessie," said Jarrod as he knelt down in front of the boy and placed a hand on his knee. "Who else was there?"

Jessie looked up at Jarrod as the tears ran freely down his cheeks, "Adam," he whispered quietly. "They brought Adam there," he added staring at Jarrod.

"Jessie who was Adam?" questioned Jarrod as he looked up at Heath. Heath shook his head at Jarrod indicating he didn't know who this man was.

"I killed him," Jessie said as his body trembled.

"What are you talking about!" Bellowed Nick from behind Jessie, "you couldn’t have killed anyone!"

"Yes I did!" Shouted Jessie as he jumped up from the couch with fire in his eyes as he turned to face Nick. "I killed him! He tried to help me and now he's dead! It's all my fault!" He half shouted, half sobbed.

Heath stood up and grabbed Jessie by the arms and turned him around, "Jessie you didn't kill anyone," he stated as Jessie shook his head. "Hank is the reason he’s is dead, not you." Heath said as he tried to make Jessie understand him.

"If he didn't help me he wouldn't be dead, it's my fault!" Jessie said as he tried to shake free of Heath's grip.

"Jessie did he know the risks? Did he know about Hanks men?" Asked Heath as he struggled to keep Jessie still.

Jessie stopped for a moment and looked up at Heath, "yes," came the small reply.

"Then he knew what would happen if they caught him, but yet he still wanted to help you. Jessie don't you see, he was willing to take the risk. He knew you were in trouble and needed help; he couldn't just up and leave you. I know how he felt Jessie, because I feel that way too. Hank used you, and Adam, none of it is your fault, none of it." Said Heath as Nick and Jarrod gathered around him.

Jessie saw the sincerity in Heath's eyes along with pain, the pain he had caused. Jessie grabbed Heath around the neck and hung on. "I'm sorry," he sobbed as Heath held him tight, "I'm so sorry," he cried.

Heath finally managed to calm Jessie down and Sheriff Corners resumed his questioning. After a few more questions the sheriff realized he had enough useful information to go and get started on. "I want to thank you for your time, Jessie," stated the sheriff as he stood up and extended his hand out to the boy. "You should be proud of yourself young man, not many men would have survived everything you have." He added with a smile.

"Thank you Jarrod, I'll let you know if any new information surfaces." Said Sheriff Corners as he shook Jarrod's hand.

"Thanks I'd appreciate that," he stated walking the men towards the door.

"Jessie, you take it easy on Charger now," said Doc Baker as he placed a hand on Jessie's shoulder. "And don't forget you still owe me a flapjack recipe," he added with a smile.

"I will," said Jessie as he gave the doctor a hug. "Tell Mrs. Baker her biscuits are still the best."

"I’ll do just that young man," smiled Doc Baker as he returned Jessie’s hug.

Heath and Jessie watched as Jarrod led everyone out the door, "you all right?" Heath asked Jessie as he stood with his arm around the boy.

"I think so," he replied placing his arm around Heath's waist as he watched the men riding away. Just having Heath next to him holding him was comforting, he felt so safe and secure with in Heath’s arms. He hoped never to lose that feeling again.

"It’s about time you got back!" shouted Matt as Peter rode into camp. "What took you so long!" He added as he walked over towards Peter.

"Gathering information takes time," replied Peter as he dismounted. "Worth while information that is; here," he said throwing a bottle of whiskey over to Matt.

Removing the cork and taking a swig, Matt smiled at Peter, "now this is more like it!" He said as he continued to drink down the brown liquid. "So what did you find out?"

"Lets get Hank and Sam so I only have to say it once," he stated as he walked over to the tent. "Hank, Sam, you guys in there?"

"Hey Pete," replied Sam as he walked out of the tent closely followed by Hank. "Got any news for us?"

"Yeah, seems there’s a lot of loose tongues over in Stockton," replied Peter smiling. "I had no trouble at all finding out about that kid." He added looking over at Matt. "He’s staying at the Barkley Ranch, it’s a pretty nice spread to from what I hear. You were right Sam, that fella Heath Barkley’s been taking care of the kid. Seems he’s got a few people in town that don’t care much for him."

"Just how well off are these Barkley’s?" Asked Hank, taking a swig from the whiskey bottle.

"They’ve got one of the biggest spreads in the valley," he replied as he waved his hands in front of them.

"Think they’d pay to get that kid back?" Hank asked eyeing Peter.

"Yeah, I hear the families taken a real shine to the little whelp. And from what I hear about the Barkley pride they’ll pay all right, and pay well." Laughed Peter as he dug a second bottle of whiskey out of his pack.

"Good," replied Hank as he began to formulate a plan in his head. While the three other men drank, Hank sat down and ran over the details of his idea in his head. If what Pete told him was true and the Barkley’s would pay, they’d soon have all the money they ever wanted. But how to get the boy away from them, first they’d have to observe the ranch, learn its routines. Then they’d have a much better chance abducting the boy.

"Tonight before sunset we’ll head over and get ourselves a closer look at that ranch. The more we learn about how that ranch works the easier it’ll be to grab that kid." Stated Hank as the other three men stood looking at him.

"How are we supposed to get close to that ranch? They know what you and Matt look like, hell that kid knows what we all look like." Replied Sam.

"I’m not saying we should waltz up to the front door and knock Sam! But we do have to find out the layout of the land, how many hands they got working for them, what parts of the ranch are less traveled." Stated Hank as he stood up. "Come on let’s start getting set." He added as he walked towards the tent.

"I sure hope this works, seems awful risky to me," whispered Sam as he and Peter stood up.

"Hank knows what he’s doing," replied Peter, "he’s got a score to settle too, I’m sure he won’t let anything go wrong this time." Stated Peter as he slapped Sam on the back.

"I hope your right, Pete," said Sam as watched Peter walk into the tent. "I don’t know, I got a bad feeling about this." He thought as he rubbed his stomach.

Dinner had been a relatively quiet affair at the Barkley household, not much mention was made about the sheriff’s visit, or anything else for that matter. Victoria had watched Jessie half-heartedly shuffle the food on his plate from one place to another for most of the meal, hardly eating a morsel. Heath had done much the same thing as he sat and watched Jessie; Victoria knew Heath was worried about him. Anna had tried to engage everyone in conversation but her only takers had been Nick and Audra, and even then the conversation didn’t seem to last long.

After dinner Anna started to say her good-byes to the family as Heath readied the carriage. "Mrs. Barkley, I really want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me these last two days. Thank you for taking me into your home." She stated as she hugged Victoria.

"Oh Anna, as I’ve told you before dear your always welcome here," she replied holding onto Anna’s hands and smiling.

"And Audra, thank you for letting me borrow some of your cloths while I was here. I promise to get them back to you as quickly as possible." She said smiling as she walked over and hugged her friend.

"It was such fun having you here with us Anna, please do as Mother asks and stop by anytime," she replied returning Anna’s hug.

"Well you about ready to go Miss Holden?" asked Heath as he walked in the front door.

Looking up at the smiling cowboy she replied, "I guess I am Mr. Barkley." Heath walked over and took her arm in his and led her out the door.

"There you are Jessie," stated Anna when she spotted him standing next to the carriage. "I was afraid you didn’t want to say goodbye." She added bending down to give him a hug.

"Bye Anna," cried Jessie as he hung onto her tightly, "thanks," he added as he softly kissed her cheek before letting go of her.

"No need for tears now, I’ll see you again real soon Jessie." Said Anna as she wiped the tears off his cheeks. "You can have Heath bring you over anytime," she added as Heath helped her up into the carriage.

"Anytime?" he questioned looking up at Anna and Heath.

"Anytime Jessie," replied Anna as she blew him a kiss. She waved back at him until he was out of sight. "I hope he’s OK Heath," Anna said softly as she wiped a tear from her eye.

Putting his arm around her shoulder and squeezing, Heath replied, "You’ll just have to help me make sure of that, all right Miss Holden?"

"All right Mr. Barkley," replied Anna as she leaned into him, "all right."

Hank and his men hid and watched as the small carriage drove past them heading off towards town, "this may be better than I’d hoped for," he stated out loud, "how much do you think they’d pay for a Barkley!" He laughed as he discussed his new plan with his men.



As Heath and Anna arrived in Stockton, the evening sky was a blaze in color as the setting sun reflected off the low hanging clouds. Pulling up in front of Anna's home, Heath jumped down off the carriage and walked around to help her.

"At your service Madame," he said as he bent over and bowed before offering his hand up to her.

"Why thank you Sir," she laughed as she took his arm.

The pair laughed and joked with one another as they walked up the porch steps arm in arm. At the door Anna turned to face Heath, "Heath thank you for the picnic, I really had a lovely time. Just next time remind me to pack a change of clothes." She said as a small laugh escaped her lips.

"I'll do just that," replied Heath as he smiled at her. "Anna," he stated taking on a more serious look, "I can’t thank you enough for your help with Jessie, I.....I couldn't have done it with out you." He said as he stood holding her hands.

As she stood across from him on the porch with the setting sun reflecting in his blue eyes, her heart went out to him. Tears started to well up in her eyes; she knew what it took for him to say such words.

Heath saw the pained look her eyes took on at his words, "Anna I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." He said as he pulled her into an embrace, his heart beating hard underneath his blue shirt.

"Oh Heath, these aren't tears of sadness!" she said as she smiled up at him, "There tears of joy!" She could see the relief in his face as he smiled down at her, "Heath I couldn't have been happier helping you with Jessie. More than anything I'd like to continue helping you with him."

"Anna," he began before she cut him off.

"Heath, nothing you can say will change my mind about this!" she stated in a stern voice as she placed a finger on his lips to keep him quiet.

Reaching up and taking her hand in his, he put it up to his lips and kissed it while staring into her eyes. How could one look from her make him feel so....loved, could she, could that really be what he saw in her eyes?

"Well Mr. Barkley, you had better get a move on. That is unless you don't mind the whole town gawking at us." She said as she placed her hand on his arm.

"Well lets leave them with something to really gawk at," he replied as he picked her up in his arms. She wrapped her arms around him tightly as they kissed, after he set her back down she replied, "Now that should leave them guessing," she laughed as she opened her door.

"Good night Anna," Heath said as he held the door open for her.

"Good night Mr. Barkley, and be careful on the stairs," she laughed as she entered her house.

Heath had to laugh as he closed the door and walked back down to the carriage. She sure was something, leaving her was getting harder and harder, he'd have to fix that and soon; he thought as he headed back towards the ranch.

Peter heard the carriage coming as he sat on his horse in wait, walking his horse out onto the road he dismounted and began rubbing the horses leg as the carriage drew closer in the growing darkness. Hank, Matt, and Sam waited close by, once Peter had the Barkley at ease they were going to make their move on him.

Heath thought about Anna as he drove back towards the ranch, up a head of him in the road he could see a man kneeling in front of a horse. He appeared to be rubbing the horse's leg, pulling up along side of him Heath asked, "You need any help?"

"I think he may have stepped in a hole, he just started favoring this leg," Peter replied as he bent down and rubbed the horse's leg and knee area again.

"Here let me take a look," stated Heath as he jumped down from the carriage.

Peter stood up and let Heath move in front of his horse, bending down Heath started rubbing his hands up and down the horse's leg. "Feel's all right, he should be just fine," stated Heath as he stood up and turned around to face Peter.

"That's close enough mister, now drop your gun belt," stated Peter as he leveled his gun at Heath's chest.

Nick found Jessie in the study staring out the window into the dark night. As he silently watched the boy stand in front of the window with a book in his hand he realized how small and thin he really looked. He imagined Heath looked much the same way at that age; Heath should have been here then not off joining the war at that age, he thought. Not much he could do about any of that now, but he could do something for this boy.

"Hey Jessie, something catch your eye out there?" Nick asked enthusiastically as he crossed across the library towards the boy.

Startled a little by Nick’s loud voice he looked over and replied, "Not really, I was just waiting for Heath to get back." He said as the turned to look back out the window.

"Don’t worry he should be back soon. What book you reading?" He asked as he sat down in a chair next to the window.

"It’s Hamlet," replied Jessie as he held up the book for Nick to see.

A little amazed by the boy’s choice of books, Nick replied, "Hamlet? What in the world made you pick that one?"

Jessie had to laugh at Nicks comment, "It’s a great story, Nick. Haven’t you ever read it?" He asked knowing full well Nick probably never had.

"No, I haven’t gotten to it yet." Replied Nick trying to cover up the fact that he found Shakespeare boring. Not to mention the way everyone talked, "all those O’s, and thou’s and thee’s, how where you supposed to read through all of that anyhow?" he thought.

"You should really read it, it’s great!" piped up Jessie as he stood in front of Nick. "Have you read Titus Andronicus?" asked Jessie figuring that Nick would really like this one.

"Uh, no I haven’t gotten to that one yet either," replied Nick growing a little restless.

"Nick you’d really like that one, it’s about a Roman General!" stated Jessie excitedly.

"A general, now that part I like," he replied smiling as he motioned Jessie over to his lap. Once Jessie was up in his lap Nick asked, "so tell me more about this Titus Andro…something."

Smiling at Nick, Jessie began, " Titus was a Roman General who defeated the Goths. He had 21 sons but after the war only four sons and one daughter were left. During the war with the Goth’s Titus captured Tamora, she was Queen of the Goths." Stated Jessie as he dove into the story.

"So this Titus, he was a great soldier then," replied Nick as he listened Jessie’s story.

"He sure was Nick he fought for 40 years! But he did some bad things too." Replied Jessie. "He killed, or I should say sacrificed Tamora’s oldest son for his dead sons, it was part of a victory ritual back then."

"Now who let you read this book?" Nick asked, a little amazed that someone so young would read about such brutality.

"My Mamma let me read it, but she didn’t really like it at all. She never wanted to talk much about it." He replied looking up at Nick.

"I can see why," he laughed.

"But you haven’t even heard the best part yet Nick!" stated Jessie as he almost jumped out of Nick’s lap with excitement.

"All right how much more is there?" Nick asked realizing the boy was going to burst at the seams if he didn’t let him finish.

"Lots!" Jessie said excitedly, before spending the next half an hour telling Nick about the story. "And as he invites Saturninus and Tomaora over to eat, when they arrive he is dressed like a chef. Titus kills his daughter because she was raped, and then states that the real killers are Chiron and Demetrius. Saturninus asks for them to be brought forward and Titus tells them that they are all ready here. They’re baked in the dish that Tamora has all ready eaten! Titus then jumps across the table and kills Tamora. The emperor then kills Titus and Lucius then kills the emperor. So now he is the new emperor of Rome." Finished Jessie as he watched Nick go over the last part in his head.

"Very well recited Jessie," said Jarrod as he stepped towards them. "You know you have a real flair for story telling young man." He added with a smile.

"Hi Jarrod, sorry I didn’t see you come in," stated Jessie as he smiled up at him.

"Well I didn’t want to interrupt your story," he replied as he sat across from them.

"Wait, everybody dies in the end?" Asked Nick with a puzzled look on his face.

"Not everybody silly," replied Jessie with a chuckled. "Lucius is still alive."

"This one may be a little over my dear brothers head, Jessie." Joked Jarrod as he smiled at the boy.

"What a minute!" shouted Nick. "You trying to pull one over on me runt?" He asked Jessie as he started to tickle him.

"No, Nick, it’s…really a. …story," he laughed as Nick continued to tickle him.

"I think you made the whole thing up," he laughed as he continued to torment Jessie.

Nick finally stop his tickling and let Jessie recover, still holding him in his lap he asked, "So does Titus’s death mean that Rome is now clean and the cycle of revenge is broken or that it is forever tainted by these crimes."

Jessie looked over at Jarrod; his stunned expression concerning Nick’s comments masked the one he was also wearing.

"Excellently put brother Nick, and here I was thinking you hadn’t understood a word Jessie said." Replied Jarrod with an amazed look on his face.

"Well big brother," he said as he lifted a yawning Jessie off of his lap, "I thought by now you’d know better than to underestimate me." He added with a smile. "Come on you, it’s off to bed you go." Stated Nick as he stood and picked up Jessie.

"Do I have too? Heath’s not back yet." Answered Jessie as he looked over towards the window.

"Yes you do, and I’ll make sure Heath comes up once he gets back here," said Nick as he began carrying Jessie towards the door.

"Night Jarrod," shouted Jessie waving, as Nick carried him from the room.

Carrying the boy up the stairs Nick really got a feel for how light he was. His temper once again started to rise to the surface as he thought about what those so-called men had put the boy through. "All right, you go and wash up while I get your bed ready," said Nick as he watched Jessie walk down the hall towards the bathroom. All night long as he watched Jessie, images of what Heath might have looked like at his age kept flashing in his head. As he turned down Jessie’s bed a sick feeling about his little brother started forming in his stomach.

"I’m all done, Nick," stated Jessie as he walked over to the bed and hopped up. "See, all clean," he said showing Nick his hands and teeth.

"Good job, now get under those covers and get to sleep," Nick replied as he pulled the covers up to the boys chin.

"Nick? You’ll send Heath up when he gets home, right?" Jessie asked sitting up in bed.

"I all ready told you I would," replied Nick as he smiled at Jessie, "Now lay back down."

As Nick was about to close Jessie’s door, the boy called out one more time to him, "Nick?"

Walking back into Jessie’s room, Nick sat on the edge of his bed, "what is it now?" he asked a little agitated.

"I’m…well…I…" he began before Nick cut him off.

"Your what?" asked Nick with a harsh edge to his voice.

Jessie looked up at Nick almost afraid to say anything. Nick seeing the hurt in Jessie’s eyes apologized, "I’m sorry Jessie, I didn’t mean to snap at you." He said placing a hand on Jessie’s shoulder.

"I’m afraid something’s wrong, Nick." Stated Jessie quietly.

"Afraid what’s wrong?" asked Nick as he looked at Jessie, "something with Heath?"

Jessie jumped when Nick said Heath’s name, "how could he know," he wondered as he looked at Nick. "Did he feel it too?" Jessie shook his head yes to Nick’s question.

"Jessie don’t you worry, I’m sure Heath’s just fine. You saw him and Anna together; he probably just couldn’t tear himself away from her. Don’t forget he knows how to take care of him self too." He added trying to reassure Jessie that everything was all right. "Now go to sleep, I’ll send him up when he gets home," he added as he hugged the boy.

"Thanks Nick," replied Jessie as he lay down. Once the door was closed and he heard Nick’s footsteps head down the hall, Jessie jumped up and went over to the window and began watching for Heath. He had a bad feeling as he watched the moon rise; something was out there, something bad.

As Nick walked back down the stairs that nagging feeling he had about Heath just wouldn’t go away. "Well it is a nice night for a ride," he thought as he opened the front door and walked outside. "And Coco could use the exercise," he tried to convince him self as he walked in the barn and saddled Coco. "That’s what I’ll say if I ride into him, Coco and I were just out for a stroll in the moonlight," he told him self as he rode away from the ranch towards Stockton.



Heath looked carefully at the man in front of him, this man was no stranger with a gun, he’d have to move carefully. "What is it you want?" asked Heath as he slowly raised his hands.

"Nothing much, just you," replied Peter as a smile crept across his face. "Now do like I said and drop that gun belt!"

Heath slowly dropped his hands to his gun belt, unhooking the buckle he let it fall to the ground at his feet.

"Now kick it over here nice and easy," stated Peter as he watched Heath carefully.

Heath thought over his next move carefully, if there was just this one there was a pretty good chance he could over power him, but if there were more…. Just as the thought finished in his head he heard the sound of approaching hooves.

Peter looked up to see Hank, Sam, and Matt riding up, it was all the diversion Heath needed to leap at Peter. He dove at Peter hitting him mid chest causing both men to go crashing into the carriage. Matched evenly in both size and strength Peter and Heath wrestled back and forth in the dust next to the carriage for control of the gun. Peter had his finger on the trigger, and as Heath rolled on top of him he pulled the trigger hoping to shoot him.

The bullet grazed Heath’s side but found a home in Sam’s stomach. Sam looked down at the growing stain on his shirt and then up at Hank, "Hank?" he said weakly before falling on his knees. Hank couldn’t stop to help; he needed to assist Peter before all of their plans were ruined.

Heath heard the shot and felt it graze his side as he continued to fight for control of the gun. He had to gain control of it before the others over powered him so he could make some type of stand. Just as he was about to gain the upper hand over Peter, two extremely large hands grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him against the side of the carriage.

Stunned, Heath raised his head and saw the gun lying just a few feet from him. Making one last attempt to gain control of it, he lunged forward. Hank fired at him striking him in the side of the leg, midway between his hip and knee.

Heath landed in a heap clutching his leg. "Damn it Pete!" Hank shouted as he kicked the gun further away from Heath. "Can’t you do one simple thing? All you had to do was stand here and hold a gun on him!" He added as he reached down and pulled Peter to his feet.

"Hank!" called out Matt as he sat next to Sam, "he’s hit pretty bad." He added as he tried to control Sam’s bleeding.

"Get him up in the carriage, we’ll put this fella over Sam’s horse." Stated Hank as he and Peter moved towards Heath.

Heath tried to get up as the men approached but the pain in his leg was to great, the best he could muster was to sit up with his good leg curled beneath him and his wounded one out to the side.

"You sure put up a good fight, boy," stated Hank as he laughed at Heath. "To bad it’ll be your last," he added still laughing.

Looking up at Hank, his face covered in dust and sweat, Heath replied, "what a ya want from me?"

"I all ready told you stupid!" Laughed Peter as he kicked Heath’s wounded leg, "You!"

Both men roared with laughter as Heath groaned and lay on his side in the dust holding his leg. "Tie him up Pete, make him nice and comfy," stated Hank as he threw a rope at Peter and walked back towards Sam.

"Come on now fella, were gonna take a nice little trip," laughed Peter as he knelt down and grabbed one of Heaths arms.

Heath’s heart raced in his chest as he realized the men meant to take him away with them, as Peter grabbed his wrist Heath swung around grabbing Peter’s arm and landed on his back. Heath’s momentum caused Peter to fall forward on top of him; quickly using the strength in his good leg he propelled himself over thus rolling on top of Peter. Grabbing him by the neck he started to choke the man underneath him.

Hank, having heard the commotion turned around to see Heath on top of Peter choking him. Running back towards Peter, Hank swung the rifle butt hard into Heath’s lower back.

Feeling the savage blow to his back only caused Heath to concentrate harder at the task in front of him; it wasn’t until Hank struck him in the back of the head that Heath lost focus and blacked out.

"I’m going to kill him!" shouted Peter as he flung Heath’s limp body off of his own. Standing up he began to kick the unconscious man repeatedly until Hank finally stopped him.

"That’s enough Pete! It’s your fault everything went down like this in the first place! Now tie him up before he wakes up!" He shouted as he glared at Peter.

"Hank! I hear somebody coming!" Shouted Matt as he tried to move Sam. "We gotta get out a here!" he added as he dropped Sam and jumped up on his horse.

"Matt, bring Sam’s horse over to Pete!" Shouted Hank as he mounted his own horse and grabbed Peter’s.

Peter had just finished tying up Heath when Matt brought Sam’s horse up next to him. "Come on help me throw him up there," shouted Peter as he tried to lift an unconscious Heath. Matt and Peter managed to tie Heath’s body across Sam’s horse, "let’s ride," shouted Matt as he held onto Sam’s horse and took off through the meadow.

"What about Sam?" asked Peter as he mounted his horse.

"He’s gone," replied Hank as he took off after Matt.

Peter took one last look back at his friend before following the other two, "Sam had been right all along, this one didn’t feel good at all." He thought as he rode away.

Riding along in the moonlight, Nick was beginning to feel silly. "Heath's going to be awfully upset if he finds me riding out here to check up on him," He thought as he rode along. He was almost half way to town when he heard a shot slice through the still night air. Urging Coco into a gallop he rode towards the sound, only to be rewarded by yet the sound of another shot. His heart thundered in his chest as he rode, his mind raced as he kicked Coco on faster.

Cresting over the top of a small hill in the road Nick could see a carriage up ahead, "Heath!" he shouted as he rode up next to the empty buggy. Jumping down off of Coco, Nick began walking around the carriage calling out Heath's name. Coming around to the front of the carriage he noticed a dark stain on the ground, his heart almost stopped. Bending down, he reached out and touched the stain. There was blood on his hand, "Oh God! Heath's blood!" he thought as he jumped up and continued to search for his brother.

Sam groaned as he tried to sit up, he need to get back on his horse, "how did I fall off?" he thought as he continued to struggle and moan.

Nick's heart jumped as he heard the soft moan, "Heath!" he bellowed as he ran towards the dark figure lying at little way off in the field. "Heath!" Nick shouted again as he landed on his knees next to the injured man. "Oh thank God, it's not him," he sighed, as he assessed the strange mans injury, "but who is he and where is Heath?"

"Hang on Fella, you've got a pretty bad wound here," said Nick as he tried to control the man’s bleeding. "We need to get you to a doctor," He stated before running back to the carriage; tying Coco to the back, he drove over to the injured man. "Easy now, let me help you up slowly," he said as he lifted Sam up and helped him into the carriage.

Sam continued to moan as the carriage weaved and bobbed back and forth on the road as Nick made his way back to the ranch. Nick tried to comfort the man as best he could along the way, "Hang on were almost there, we'll have you patched up in no time." He said trying to reassure the injured man. But he wasn’t sure that would be the case, he’d seen this type of injury before and knew the man was dying.

Pulling up to the house, Nick jumped down from the carriage and ran inside. "Jarrod! ….. Jarrod! He shouted as he ran up the stairs two at a time.

"Nick, what is it?" Questioned a sleepy Jarrod as he ran out of his room, his shirt only half buttoned.

"I need your help," he stated quickly as he ran back down the stairs.

Jarrod raced after Nick down the stairs and out the front door where he found Nick standing next to the carriage trying to move an injured man. "Nick what happened?" he asked running over to help him.

"I had a bad feeling about Heath," Nick stated as he looked up at Jarrod while picking up the man under his arms. "I went looking for him and ran across our buggy and this man." Nick added as he and Jarrod lifted Sam out of the carriage. "Jarrod…. I didn’t find Heath," Nick said his voice trembling.

"Nick lets get him up to the spare room," stated Jarrod as the brothers carried Sam up the stairs.

"Jarrod, Nick, what's going on?" questioned Victoria as the brothers carried Sam past her and into the spare room. Following behind them Victoria helped them ease the man down onto the bed. Checking his injury, she looked up at Nick, "what happened to him Nick?" she asked trying to hide the gravity of the man’s condition from showing through in her voice.

"I’m not sure mother, I found him on the road heading into town." Replied Nick as he stood next to the bed.

"Nick have you ever seen him before?" asked Jarrod.

"No," replied Nick as he scratched his head.

"Nick, run down and ask Silas to start some water boiling." Stated Victoria as she tended to Sam’s wound. Victoria placed a cool cloth on the injured man’s forehead as she waited for Nick to return with the water.

Jessie awoke to the sound of Nick’s voice as he ran past Jessie’s room hollering for Silas. Thinking that possibly Heath was finally home, Jessie jumped out of bed and ran barefoot over to his door. Opening it up quietly he peered down the long hallway. He could hear voices coming from the room Anna had stayed in just last night. "Maybe Heath brought her back," Jessie thought as he crept quietly down the hall towards the room.

Jarrod and Victoria didn’t hear Jessie as he walked into the room behind them, they were to busy trying to make Sam more comfortable.

Jessie crept further into the room so he could see whom Victoria and Jarrod were tending to; when he noticed the blood on Victoria’s hands he raced forward to the side of the bed fearing it contained Heath. He wasn’t prepared for who he saw; a scream rose up in his throat but he couldn’t get it past his lips.

"Jessie, let me get you back to bed," stated Jarrod as he walked around the bed.

Jessie never heard him as he continued to stare in horror at the man before him. He watched as Sam slowly opened his eyes and looked at him. A smile slowly made it’s way across Sam’s face as he reached out a shaking blood covered hand and grabbed Jessie’s forearm. Pulling the boy closer to him, Sam barely whispered, "I’ve got you now boy!" as he continued to hold onto Jessie’s arm.

The scream Jessie was holding in finally made it’s way out of his throat as he desperately tried to pull away from Sam.

Jarrod grabbed Jessie around the middle and pulled him free from Sam’s grasp. "Jessie calm down!" Jarrod shouted as he tried to hold him.

Jessie continued to struggle; his only desire was to get away from Sam. If Sam was here then Hank wasn’t far behind. Twisting around in Jarrod’s arms Jessie managed to break free from his grasp; he bolted straight for the door. As he came charging out of the door and into the hall he ran head first into Nick.

"Damn it Jessie!" Nick growled as water flew all over him and the hallway, "what’s the matter with you!"

Jessie didn’t even try to answer he had to get away. As he scrambled back up to his feet, Nick grabbed a hold of him by the back of his nightshirt. "Jessie! Stop it!" He shouted as he pulled the boy close and wrapped his arms around him.

Jarrod ran out into the hall just as Nick caught Jessie. "Jarrod, what happened!" shouted Nick as he looked up at his older brother.

"That man, said something to him and he starting screaming. I tried to catch him but he broke free." Stated Jarrod slightly out of breath.

"Jessie," Nick stated as he turned the boy to face him. "Do you know this man?" he questioned seeing the fear Jessie’s eyes held.

Jessie’s head was spinning, "what was Nick asking him?" He knew he had to get away, "there here," he whispered as his eyes darted around the hall.

"Jessie! Who’s here!" shouted Nick as he grabbed Jessie’s chin forcing the boy to look at him.

Jessie really saw Nick for the first time, "Nick their here, Hank’s here," he cried as he looked into Nick’s eyes.

"Jessie that’s not Hank in there, I know what he looks like I helped take him in remember?" Nick stated as he held onto Jessie’s arms.

Jessie’s mouth quivered as he replied, "it’s not Hank…. it’s Sam," he replied quietly as he started to tremble.

Nick’s eye’s widened as he realized who the man in the next room was. Drawing his gun he quickly ran into the room, leveling his gun at Sam, Nick demanded answers. "Where is he?" He shouted as Sam smiled up at him from the bed, "Where’s my brother!"

"How could you just leave him there!" shouted Peter as he confronted Matt.

"What, would you rather do? Get us all killed for the sake of a dead man!" replied Matt as he stood up to Peter.

"He was still alive Matt! You left him there alive!" shouted Peter as he stood face to face with Matt.

"He wouldn’t have lived much longer, not with a wound like that! Your stupidity is what killed him Pete, not me!" Matt answered back as he turned away from Peter.

Pure hatred flashed across Peter’s face as he lunged at Matt’s back. The force of Peter hitting him knocked the wind out of him as he hit the ground hard. Peter quickly took advantage of the situation and began beating Matt about his head and upper back.

Seeing the fight as he emerged out of his tent, Hank quickly went over and pulled Peter off of Matt. "Damn it Pete, haven’t you caused enough trouble for one day?" shouted Hank as he slapped Peter across the face.

"He accused me of killing Sam!" stated Peter as he glared at Hank.

"So what were you going to do, kill Matt?" replied Hank. "Let it go Pete, I’ll talk with Matt. Go check on our friend over there." He added pointing over at Heath’s still form tied to a tree.

Peter glared at Hank for a moment longer before walking away. Rubbing his face he made his way over towards Heath. "Damn that Matt!" thought Peter as he stopped in front of Heath. "If he hadn’t of talked Hank into getting even with that boy none of this would have happened!" He thought as he nudged Heath’s wounded leg, not getting a response he kicked the leg harder.

Heath let out a groan as Peter kicked him, his head pounded as he tried to look up at his attacker. His eyes were so heavy, he had a hard time trying to focus them as the figure in front of him knelt down and grabbed the front of his shirt.

"What’s the matter boy, that leg bothering you," laughed Peter as he grabbed the front of Heath’s shirt and pulled him forward; causing Heath’s arms to be pulled against the back of the tree they were tied behind.

Heath clenched his teeth as he felt the ropes on his wrists tighten as the man pulled him forward. His shoulders also loudly protested as the strain was increased on them. Not willing to give the man the satisfaction of knowing the pain he was causing, Heath tried to regulate his breathing. But as the man pulled him even closer, Heath let out a small moan as the pain in his already injured shoulder became to great to ignore any longer.

"This is nothing boy, just wait until we get through with you!" Laughed Peter as he watched Heath’s pain stricken eyes look up at him. "There just might not be anything left of you boy!" He added laughing once again. "Take care now," he said as he shoved Heath backwards.

Heath’s injured head hit the tree he was tied to and blissful darkness once again over came him.




Heath shivered uncontrollably as he lay semi conscious in the chilly night air. His breathing came in short shallow pants; his ribcage just wouldn’t expand far enough in his current position to allow much more than that. His shoulders ached from the constant pressure put on them by having his arms tied behind the tree. He could no longer feel his hands as the ropes holding him bit cruelly into his wrists. His leg had finally stopped bleeding but the pain he felt in it grew by the minute, there was no way he could move it with out sending waves of pain up to his brain. The back of his shirt was stuck to him as the blood from his head wound continued to seep slowly down his neck.

"How is he?" questioned Hank as he walked out of the tent and back over to the campfire.

"He’s alive, I don’t think he’ll be trying to go anywhere soon," laughed Peter as Hank sat down.

Seemingly out of now where Matt rushed in and grabbed Peter by the shirt lifting him up to his feet. Taking out his knife he placed it under Peter’s eye and said, "If you ever touch me again I’ll kill you!"

"Matt…" Peter started.

"I’ll ram this knife straight through you, you rotten coward!" He spit in Peter’s face. "I should’ve killed you long ago!" He added as his black eyes glistened in the moonlight.

"Matt! I told you to let it go!" Shouted Hank as he walked up to the two men.

Matt dropped his hold on Peter’s shirt and took a step backwards, he kept his knife out and his eye’s never left Peter’s. "He’s useless Hank! We should just get rid of him now!" He replied as he continued to glare at Peter.

Walking up between the two men, Hank turned to face Peter. "Pete, go in and write that ransom note we talked about earlier. We need to send it off to that boy’s family." He stated as he looked over at Heath’s still form.

Peter reluctantly walked away to write the note leaving Hank and Matt alone by the fire. "Matt," Hank stated as he turned around to face him. "I need him a little while longer, he’s the only one left that knows how to read and write. Once we have the money you can finish him off along with that fella over there." Hank stated as he watched the fire dance in Matt’s eyes as he looked over at Heath.

"With pleasure Hank," replied Matt with a laugh, "with pleasure!"

Nick ran out to the bunkhouse and gathered some of the men to help him track down Heath. "Claude, you Mark, Bill, and Joe come with me. David, ride into town for the sheriff and the Doc. Paul I need you to help Jarrod, he’s in the house upstairs." Shouted Nick as he directed the men around. Grabbing Coco’s reins he quickly mounted and headed off with the men to the spot he found Sam.

Audra had finally managed to calm Jessie down; he was now sleeping quietly on her bed. Getting up she decided to see what was happening down the hall with Jarrod and Mother.

As Audra left the room Jessie quickly slipped out of her bed and walked over to the door. Looking around the doorframe he saw Audra enter the spare room, quickly scurrying down to his room he grabbed his clothes and made his way down the back stairs. Quietly making his way through the kitchen so Silas wouldn’t hear him, Jessie made his way out the back door. Dressing quickly and discarding his nightshirt by the back door he ran out to the barn. Making his way to Charger’s stall he quietly talked to the beautiful horse.

"Charger I need your help, we have to find Heath," Jessie said quietly as he backed Charger out of his stall. "I know you can find him, you have to," he said as the tears began falling down his face. "I can’t put a saddle on you boy, I can’t lift it that high." Said Jessie and he walked Charger towards the hay bales. "I hope you don’t mind," he said as he climbed the hay bales and then jumped up on Charger’s back. "Let’s go find him boy!" He said as he took Charger out of the barn and set off in a gallop down the road.

Peter sat in the tent and wrote out the ransom note; it wasn’t easy as he was still plenty mad at Matt. "How dare he threaten me!" thought Peter as he stood up with the note in his hand. "We wouldn’t be in this mess if he didn’t want that damn kid!" He thought as he walked out of the tent and made his way over to the campfire. "Here," he stated as he handed the note to Hank.

"Good, now go and deliver it to the house." Stated Hank as he handed the note back to Peter.

"Me? Why don’t you make him go!" he shouted as he pointed at Matt.

"Because he’s to hot headed, I don’t need any more trouble right now!" Replied Hank as he stood up in front of Peter. "I trust your judgment Pete, I know you can handle this." He added as he put a hand on Peter’s shoulder.

Peter looked at Hank and then over at Matt, a smile crossed his lips, "all right Hank, I’ll go." He said shaking Hanks hand.

"Pete, give them a little extra something. Put a little Barkley blood on that note for them," laughed Hank as he motioned Peter towards Heath.

"Sure thing," stated Peter as he walked over to Heath. "Time to wake up," he said as he kicked Heath in the side.

Heath groaned as the kick jarred his all ready-battered ribcage. Peter knelt down and grabbed him by the hair, "here boy let me see those eyes," he said as he pulled Heath’s head up. "Come on open up," he laughed shaking Heath’s head back and forth.

Heath felt sick as his head swayed back and forth, try as he might his eyes just didn’t want to obey his commands. They felt so heavy and he was so tired and cold, everything hurt. The constant shaking of his head finally won out over the battle he was having with his stomach and he threw up all over Peter’s arm.

"Damn you!" Peter shouted as he dropped Heath’s head and started shaking the mess off his sleeve. "Now you’ve done it boy!" He shouted before calling over for Matt. "Matt, hey Matt! This boy needs a little assistance," shouted Peter as he began untying Heaths arms from around the tree.

"What now?" asked Matt as he came up next to Peter.

"Help me stand him up," replied Peter as he bent down and grabbed Heath’s left arm. Matt grabbed Heath’s right arm and the two began to lift the injured cowboy to his feet.

Heath felt his arms being released from behind the tree, and then two sets of hands were on him dragging him up to his feet. His leg screamed as the men forced him to stand, the pain was too much and Heath started to flail his arms in an attempt to stop the men from moving him.

Matt quickly stopped Heath’s movements by slamming a fist into the gash left by the bullet on his ribcage. Heath’s body went limp as he tried to get enough air in his lungs to breath. This gave Peter and Matt all the time they needed.

Peter quickly wound a rope across Heath’s chest, under his arms and around the tree securing his upper body tightly to the tree. Taking his arms and wrapping them backwards around the tree, Peter once again secured Heath’s hands there. Peter then wrapped another rope around Heath’s hips further tethering him to the tree in an upright position.

Matt stood back and reflected on Peter’s handy work, "Nice job Pete," joked Matt. "But we can’t have this poor boy looking at the ground all day can we?" he snickered as he pulled up Heath’s head by his hair.

"I guess we can’t," laughed Peter. Taking a piece of rope he placed it across Heath’s mouth. Tying the rope tightly behind the tree, it cruelly held Heath’s head up and forced his mouth open. "There now, don’t he look pretty." Laughed Peter as he stood laughing at Heath.

"He sure does," laughed Matt. "Come on you better get going," he said as he started to walk back to the campfire.

"Sure, I just wanna leave him something to remember me by," stated Pete as he walked up and grabbed Heath by the throat. "I’ll be back soon," he whispered in Heath’s ear before kneeing him in his injured leg.

Matt sat back and watched as Peter said his goodbyes to the cowboy, "maybe I could teach him, he might not be so useless after all," he thought as a smile slowly crept across his face.

Jessie and Charger raced through the cool darkness, their two hearts beating as one as the same thought raced along with them. Ahead in the road he could see a group of riders, as he drew nearer he could make out Nick sitting a top Coco.

Hearing someone approaching from behind them, Nick turned Coco around and drew his gun. "Jessie!" Nick hollered as he came riding up next to him on Charger. "You shouldn’t be out here!"

"I’m going to find Heath!" Stated Jessie confidently as he sat on top of Charger staring at Nick.

"You’re going back to the ranch, right now!" Replied Nick as he tried to grab Charger’s reins.

"No, I’ve got to find him! It’s my fault!" Shouted Jessie as he pulled back on Charger’s reins and headed him off across the field at a full gallop.

"Jessie!" Yelled Nick as he turned Coco and began to follow him. "Claude, you men keep searching. I’ll catch back up with you!" he added as he rode off.

Nick was having a hard time keeping up with Charger, having such a small rider on his back he raced along like the wind. Nick began making up ground when Jessie slowed Charger down to rest him awhile.

"We’ve just got to find him Charger, he’s out here because of me," he cried as he hung onto Charger’s neck while they walked along under the moonlight. As Jessie lifted up his head to wipe away his tears, a small flicker in the distance caught his eye. He was concentrating so hard on the light in the distance he didn’t hear Nick ride up next to him.

"All right young man, you’re coming with me!" Nick stated as he finally grabbed Charger’s reins from Jessie’s hands. "Come on, didn’t you hear me?" he asked as he started to turn Charger around.

"Nick look!" said Jessie as he pointed off towards the distant flickering light. "It’s Heath, I know it is!" He said looking up at Nick his eyes shinning.

Nick followed Jessie’s arm and saw the light in the distance. "Jessie we have no way of knowing if Heath is out there or not."

"He is Nick," insisted Jessie, "can’t you feel it?" he asked almost pleading with Nick.

Nick looked back towards the light, there was something drawing him towards it. "All right, we’ll head the horses over to those trees," he replied pointing off to a clump of trees over to their left. "You’ll stay there and I’ll go and check things out." Stated Nick as he and Jessie started over towards the trees.

Heath’s world was one of constant unending agony; he desperately wished the black curtain of unconsciousness would over take him. This new position he now found himself in was pure hell. His leg was a source of never ending torment, the ropes around his shoulders, wrists and hips bit cruelly into his skin. But the rope holding his head up was pure and simple agony; it forced his mouth to remain open and cut into the sides. Drool ran freely down his chin mixing with blood.

There was no way to relax, no way to escape the never-ending pain. As his heart began to beat faster as his breathing became more and more labored, his body just wanted to give up. His ribcage was just simply too painful to allow him to take a deep breath, he started to panic as his body craved more air. As his breathing came in shorter and shallower pants he heard a soft voice singing quietly. The voice sounded somehow familiar, struggling to open his eyes he felt a soft hand caress his cheek.

"Heath, relax love," the soft voice cooed as the hand continued to caress his cheek. "Help is on the way, love."

Heath’s eyes opened slowly, it took him a few moments to focus on the lovely face now before him. "Mary?" his mind questioned as he looked at the beautiful woman standing before him.

"Yes love," the woman nodded. "You helped my son, now it’s my turn to help you." She said softly as she brushed her hand gently through his hair.

"Your son?" His mind questioned as Mary tried to ease his pain. Her gentle touch helped him to relax a little. His breathing started to slow down and his pain seemed to ease up some. He tried to talk to her but the rope cutting across his mouth made it impossible.

"Shhh, love you just relax," she said placing her hand gently on his cheek.

He was finally starting to feel some relief from the constant torture as Mary started to sing softly to him as she gently caressed his cheek.

"Oh, come by the hills to the land where fancy is free. Stand where the peaks meet the sky and the boughs meet the sea; where rivers run clear, bracken is gold in the sun; Ah, the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done."

"Oh, come by the hills to the land where life is a song. Stand where the birds fill the air with their joy all day long, Where the trees sway in time, even the wind sings a tune; Ah, the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done."

"Rest dear boy, yer brother is coming," spoke Mary softly as she caressed a sleeping Heath’s cheek.

Anna awoke with a start, her heart beating hard under her nightgown. She had a terrible feeling that Heath was in trouble. "Calm yourself Anna," she said out loud. "He’s fine, you just miss him is all," she said to tell herself as she lay back down on her bed. But the feeling remained as she tossed and turned about trying to fall back asleep. Frustrated with herself she got out of bed and paced back and forth across her bedroom. "This is ridiculous!" she told herself as she started to get dressed, "what are they going to think when I show up in the middle of the night?" She wondered as she made her way down stairs, "easy, they’ll think you’re crazy!"

"Jessie, you stay here with the horses, I’ll be back as quickly as I can." Said Nick as he prepared to go and check the campfire burning about a half mile away from them.

"No, I’m going with you Nick," stated Jessie as he walked up next to him.

"There’s no way you’re going with me boy!" Replied Nick as he grabbed Jessie by the arms, "you shouldn’t even be here!"

"Nether should you! It’s my fault Nick. I have to help him! I just have to!" Jessie shouted at Nick as his anger and frustration level rose.

Nick looked at Jessie standing before him in the moonlight; he could see the fire his eyes held. "All right, but you stay behind me at all times! You got it?"

Jessie shook his head yes as his heart soared.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" Asked Nick as he handed Jessie his rifle.

"Yeah, my Papa….." Jessie started.

"Let me guess," stated Nick cutting him off, "you’re Papa taught you when you were little," he finished smiling.

A smile crossed Jessie’s face as he beamed at Nick. "All right, remember stay behind me and keep quiet," said Nick as they started walking towards the distant campfire. Nick looked skyward and said a quiet prayer, "Lord please help us find him."

Peter mounted his horse and prepared to ride off. "Don’t have too much fun with him while I’m gone Matt," laughed Peter as he watched Matt walking over towards their captive.

"I’ll leave you something by the time you get back, but you’d better hurry!" shouted Matt as a devious smile crossed his face. Taking out his knife he walked up to the unconscious man tied to the tree.

Grabbing Heath by the throat he attempted to wake him, "after all it’s no fun playing with someone unless they can feel it," thought Matt. "Hey no sleeping there pretty boy," Matt said with a laugh as he started cutting the buttons off of Heath’s shirt while applying a little more pressure to Heath’s neck with his other hand.

He couldn’t get in enough air and started to come around as his lungs struggled to draw in oxygen. Opening his eyes slightly he looked at the man who’s face was just inches from his own.

"There now that’s better," smiled Matt as he released the hold on Heath’s neck and stared into his pain filled bloodshot eyes. "I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced," smiled Matt as he waved his knife in front of Heath’s face. "My name’s Matt, not that you’ll ever be able to tell any one," he laughed as he traced along Heath’s jaw line with his knife.

Heath looked at the man before him, "my God he’s totally insane," he thought as he looked into Matt’s dead black eyes. "There’s nothing there, nothing at all."

"So you’re the one that helped the little brat," Matt snickered as he cut the last button off of Heath’s shirt. "Well Barkley, I’m afraid that was a big mistake on your part. I’m just going to have to teach you a little lesson." He laughed pulling Heaths shirt back.

Matt looked at the bruises forming along Heath’s ribcage, poking a large bruise with his finger he watched the pain on Heath’s face as he continued to poke at it. "Ah, that doesn’t hurt now does it pretty boy," he laughed. "That’s a nasty cut you got," he said as he looked at the gouge in Heath’s side. Taking his knife he drew it across the bloody wound opening it further.

Heath bit down on the rope across his mouth as he tried to draw his stomach in and way from Matt. He could feel blood once again running down his side, as he desperately tried to control his breathing.

Seeing Heath suck in his stomach, Matt placed his knife underneath the bullet wound on Heath’s side. Pressing against his flesh with the knife Matt said, "Come on boy, suck it in for me," he snickered as he began to press harder and harder with the knife as Heath tried to get away from it.

Heath tried to get away from the pressure Matt’s knife was putting on his side but his battered ribcage just wouldn’t allow him to suck in his stomach any further. His body shook as his lungs screamed for air and he was forced to try and take a breath.

Matt delighted at the struggle Heath was having, he drew even closer as he continued putting pressure on the knife. He could see Heath’s body shaking and the perspiration running down his forehead into his eyes. "How long can you hold it boy," Matt laughed just inches from Heath’s face.

His body giving out on him, Heath readied himself for the inevitable pain as his body started to relax. He could feel the cold tip of the knife break through the skin, as the knife sliced in deeper the pain became almost unbearable and his entire body shuddered. Just before he passed out he felt Matt push the knife in deeper as he said, "And that’s only the first time we’ll play this game pretty boy!"


Anna ran down the sidewalk towards the livery stable as the fear inside her grew with each passing moment. She almost collided with doctor Merer as he came running out of his office.

"Excuse Miss Holden," stated Doc Merer as he held onto Anna’s arms steadying her. "I didn’t mean to almost knock you over," he added with a smile.

"No, it wasn’t your fault I’m the one who should be apologizing," she said embarrassed.

"Where is it that you’re off to in such a hurry? Is so late." He said releasing Anna’s arms.

"Well its kind of silly really," she replied her face turning red. "I’m heading out to the Barkley Ranch."

"Well I’m heading out that way myself and I could use the company if you don’t mind," he said offering his arm to her.

"Thank you" stated Anna as she took the doctors arm and headed over towards his buggy with him. A few moments later the pair were on their way to the Barkley residence unaware of what was in store for them.

Nick and Jessie made their way slowly towards the burning campfire, "Get down," whispered Nick as he laid down in the tall grass pulling Jessie down with him, "someone’s coming." Jessie could hear a rider approaching as he lay in the grass next to Nick.

Peter never noticed the two dark figures hidden in the tall grass as he rode by them. He had a job to do and this time he wasn’t about to let Hank down.

"Come on," whispered Nick as he helped Jessie up.

"Nick," whispered Jessie as he pulled at Nick’s arm. "That man, I think it was Peter. It’s just he was on Henry’s horse and he don’t let anybody ride it." Stated Jessie as a faraway look crossed his face.

Nick’s nerve endings stood on end as he realized they where on the right trail; his little brother was close by. "All right, let’s go get Heath, Jessie," Nick said as he started moving ahead quietly. "Remember stay behind me."

Matt laughed as he walked away from an unconscious Heath, this was turning out to be more fun than he thought. "This boy is strong; I could play with him for days," thought Matt as he wiped his knife clean.

"You playing with our young friend again," questioned Hank as Matt plopped down beside him next to the fire.

Taking a swig of the whiskey Hank handed over to him, Matt replied, "This one’s a lot of fun, Hank. The boy’s pretty strong."

"How’s he doing?" asked Hank as he heard a small moan come from Heath.

"He’s hanging in there," laughed Matt-making reference to Heath hanging from the tree. "I see Pete left."

"It shouldn’t take him too long," stated Hank, "once we get the money we’ll head further north up into Canada for a while." He added lying back against his saddle.

"What are you going to do with him?" Matt asked pointing his knife in Heath’s direction.

"Like I said before, he’s all yours Matt," smiled Hank as he clasped Matt on the shoulder.

As Nick and Jessie drew closer to the campsite they could hear laughter. Jessie’s blood ran cold as he heard Matt’s evil laugh and he began to shiver. Nick looked back at Jessie and saw the terror in his eyes. "Jessie," he whispered quietly, "what is it."

Jessie turned his head towards Nick, "it’s him… Matt," he said in a whisper that was barely audible. "Hank’s there too," he added as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Ok, stay here," Nick, whispered as he prepared to move forward. Grabbing Nicks pant leg Jessie shook his head no. Frustrated Nick reluctantly let the boy follow along behind him, as they came within about 30 feet of the edge of the camp, Nick saw him. His heart sank as looked at his brothers motionless body tied to a tree on the other side of the campfire. He looked down at Jessie who by the look on his face had also seen Heath. Putting an arm around Jessie, they watched as Matt and Hank pasted a bottle of whiskey between them as they sat around the fire. Before Nick could figure out his next move he watched as Matt stood up and staggered back towards Heath.

"Hey boy you’ve been sleeping long enough," laughed Matt as he walked up to Heaths limp form. He heard Heath groan as he stepped up in front of him, taking his knife he brushed the hair away from Heaths forehead. "Time to wake up pretty boy," Matt teased as he ran his knife over Heaths left eyebrow, "Maybe you need a little something to get you going," he laughed as he made a cut just above Heath’s eyebrow.

Heath groaned and forced his eyes open as Matt’s knife sliced into his skin once again. He could feel the blood running down the side of his face forcing him to close his left eye.

Matt smiled at Heath as he taunted him with the knife. "You know you’re really not that pretty anymore," he laughed in Heath’s face.

Heath didn’t think he could take much more as he watched Matt switch his knife from hand to hand and grinned at him with cold black eyes. He wondered how it would all end when an inhuman scream cut through the still night air. Whirling around just in time to see a flash of light, Matt felt a bullet rip through his midsection. Looking across the campfire in disbelief he stared at a small figure with a rifle in his hands, seconds before crumbling to the ground he realized who the figure was. "Jessie…" his mind shouted before he collapsed in a heap.

Nick was just as startled by the scream as Matt and Hank had been; recovering quickly he opened fire on the remaining man in the camp. Hank never had a chance to draw his gun, with his shoulder still injured and the shock of the noise he just couldn’t move quickly enough. Nick’s shot’s hit their mark and Hank fell next to the fire, he was dead before he even knew what hit him.

Nick looked up in time to see Jessie already on the other side of the camp next to Heath. Checking to make sure the big man was indeed dead Nick made his way over to them.

"Heath," Jessie sobbed as he used Matt’s knife to cut the rope so cruelly slicing through Heath’s mouth. Jessie pulled a cloth out of his pocket and started to wipe Heath’s face. Suddenly he was pulled down to the ground, and Matt was on top of him. Blood dripped down from Matt’s mouth coating the front of his shirt completely red. His blood covered hands found their way up to Jessie’s throat as his dead black eyes stared into Jessie’s terrified green ones. Laughing as the blood bubbled out of his mouth Matt tried to strangle the life out of Jessie.

Still gripping Matt’s knife in his hand Jessie brought it up quickly and stabbed it into the side of Matt’s neck. A shocked look came over Matt’s face as he let go of Jessie and frantically grabbed at the knife protruding from the side of his neck.

Seeing Matt grab Jessie, Nick rushed over and knocked Matt off of Jessie just a moment after Jessie stuck the knife in him. Jessie was up and on top of Matt in a flash grabbing for the knife, ripping it out of the side Matt’s neck Jessie held it up over his head with two hands. Bringing it down as a scream escaped his mouth, Jessie plunged the knife straight into Matt’s chest.

The last thing Matt saw was Jessie holding his own knife over his head, the boy’s eyes had taken on an almost white glow as he plunged the knife down. Matt knew the instant the knife entered his body who was behind the boy’s eyes.

Jessie watched as the blood gurgled and bubbled out of Matt’s mouth until finally forming a pool in his mouth as he stared lifelessly up at the sky.

"Jessie," Nick said as he picked the boy up and looked him over, "are you all right?" he asked seeing the blood on the boy’s neck and shirt.

Jessie didn’t answer him as he looked blankly at Heath, "Please take him down Nick," the boy cried as he looked back at Nick.

Nick put Jessie down and turned to face Heath, "Heath," he said softly as he looked at his little brother. "I’m here," he cried as he placed a hand on Heath’s cheek. Nick was horrified at Heath’s condition; he was almost completely covered in blood. Blood, which still flowed freely from several wounds. "Jessie, go and see if there’s anything we can use to warm him." Nick stated as he began to cut away the ropes that held Heath. "Jessie go!" Nick shouted trying to knock the boy out of his stupor.

Jessie looked up at Nick and saw the pain in his eyes, turning around he ran back up towards the campfire. He quickly found two blankets and started to run back towards Nick. He didn’t see Hank’s body until he was right on top of it. He looked down to see Hank’s eyes staring straight up at him; a small gasp escaped his mouth as his heart raced. Hearing Heath moan brought him back and he jumped over Hank’s body and ran back to Nick.

Nick had managed to cut Heath free of the tree. He was lying in the soft grass as Nick started checking his many wounds. "Here Nick," said Jessie quietly as he presented the blankets to Nick.

"Thanks kid," smiled Nick trying to ease the fear he saw on Jessie’s face.

Jessie couldn’t take his eyes off Heath, kneeling down he started wiping the blood away from the cut above Heath’s eye as he quietly talked to him. "Hi Heath," he whispered into his ear, "we found you, Nick’s here and Charger too." He cried softly as he ran his small fingers through Heath’s hair. "We’re gonna take you home now, you can sleep in my bed if you want to, it’s nice and soft." He sobbed softly.

Heath slowly opened his good eye a crack and saw the small boy kneeling next to him; slowly reaching up his right hand he placed it on Jessie’s shoulder. He tried to comfort him but he couldn’t get any words to come out.

Jessie jumped as Heath’s hand found it’s way not only to his shoulder but his heart. "Heath," Jessie cried as he hung onto his arm, "I’m so sorry! It’s all my fault!" He cried looking down at Heath.

Heath pulled Jessie’s head down to his face and barely whispered, "you…sssaved…me…. nnnot…your fault…dddon’t...cry."

Jessie looked at the pain in Heath’s eyes and hugged his arm tight; he looked up at Nick and noticed tears staining his cheeks.

"Jessie," Nick said wiping away the tears on his face, "see if you can find something we can use for bandages. Nick watched as Jessie scurried back up towards the campfire, turning back to Heath he said, "we’re going to get you out of here, little brother." Taking one of Heath’s hands he added, "Just hold on for me, OK? That’s an order."

Nick’s comment brought a faint smile to Heath’s lips before his closed his eyes and let the black sea of darkness engulf him once more.

The house was a beehive of activity as Doc Merer and Anna pulled up out front. Doc Merer had explained what brought him out to the Barkley Ranch so late at night as the pair rode along together. Anna had been even more anxious to get to the house after listening to the Doctor explain what little he knew. As they quickly walked up to the house together Silas met them at the front door.

"Miss Anna!" exclaimed Silas, delighted but still surprised to see the lovely girl.

"Hello Silas," stated Anna with a smile as she took Silas’s hand. "Where’s Heath?"

Silas could see the fear in her eyes; he wasn’t sure how to tell her Heath was missing. He didn’t have to, his silence and the solemn look on his face spoke volumes.

"No," she said quietly squeezing Silas’s hand.

"Mr. Nick is out there right now looking for him Miss Anna. He’ll find him and bring him home you just waits and see." Spoke up Silas as he tried to ease Anna’s fears.

"Jessie…. Silas where’s Jessie?" Anna asked as the shock of Heath’s disappearance started to settle in.

"He’s asleep in Miss Audra’s room," replied Silas as he held Anna’s hand.

"Thank you Silas," she said with a smile as she hugged him.

Silas watched as she ran up the stairs, "don’t you worry none, Nick will bring our boy home," he whispered.

Anna could hear Jarrod’s voice as he and Doc Merer were discussing something in the spare bedroom. Upon entering the bedroom she could see what or rather whom their discussion was about.

"Anna!" shouted Audra as she rushed over to her friend. "What brings you out here?" she asked as she held Anna’s hands.

"Oh Audra, I had a terrible feeling that Heath was in trouble. I couldn’t sleep so I walked outside and ran into Doc Merer, he mentioned that he was headed out this way so I rode along with him." She replied looking at all of the faces now on her in the room.

"Anna dear," spoke up Victoria as she made her way across the room. Walking up and taking her hand, Victoria explained about Heath’s disappearance. When Victoria finished Anna looked over at the man lying on the bed and asked, "Is he one of them?"

"Nick found him out on the road next to the empty carriage. I’m afraid he’s been unconscious most of the time, there’s really not much more we can do for him." Replied Victoria.

"Silas said Jessie was asleep in Audra’s room, does he know what’s happened?" Anna asked as she looked at Audra and Victoria.

"He thought Heath had returned from taking you home, he came in here while Jarrod and I were trying to assess his injuries." Victoria stated as she pointed over at Sam. "Jessie came right up to the bed, that’s when the man grabbed his arm and said something to him. He was pretty upset but Audra finally managed to calm him down enough so he could fall asleep." Replied Victoria as she watched a worried expression cross Anna’s face.

"Would you like to go and check on him? Asked Audra as she took Anna’s hand.

"Yes, thank you Audra," Anna stated with a smile as she followed her friend out of the room and down the hall.

Quietly opening Audra’s door, the girls made their way into the dark room. Walking up to the side of Audra’s bed, Anna quietly called out to Jessie. "Jessie, it’s Anna Jessie," she said softly as she reached down onto the bed. "Jessie?" She questioned a little louder as her hand met the empty bed. "Audra, can you turn up the lamp?"

As Audra lit the lamp an empty room greeted the girls. "Oh No!" cried Audra as the girls began frantically checking the rest of the room. "He was asleep when I left him, maybe he went back to his own room or Heath’s." exclaimed Audra as the girls rushed down the hall to Heath’s room. Finding it also empty they raced over to Jessie’s room, "Audra his boots are gone," stated Anna, "you don’t think…"

"He wouldn’t would he?" questioned Audra as the shocked girls looked at one another. "Anna, I’ll go and get Jarrod, you go down and get Silas he’ll help us look for Jessie!"

The girls quickly went on their separate ways, Anna ran down the backstairs as Audra raced into the spare bedroom.

"Jarrod!" she shouted running up next to her oldest brother, "Jessie’s missing!"

"Audra are you sure?" Jarrod asked as he held onto Audra’s arms.

"Oh Jarrod, Anna and I went to check on him and he wasn’t in my room! We thought maybe he went back to his or even Heath’s but he’s not there either!" Cried Audra.

"Audra stay here with Mother, I’ll go and find him," replied Jarrod as he placed a kiss on Audra’s forehead.

Rushing down the front staircase Jarrod met up with Anna and Silas. "Any sign of him?" asked Jarrod as he reached the bottom step.

"No Sir, Mr. Jarrod," answered a worried Silas, "he’s not down here anywhere."

"Jarrod," Anna said as she placed her hand on his forearm. "I think he may have gone looking for Heath." She stated, her voice trembling.

"All right, let’s check the barn," stated Jarrod as he and Anna headed for the front door. The more Jarrod thought about it the more convinced he was that Anna was probably right; Jessie had gone after Heath. Entering the barn Jarrod headed over towards Charger’s stall, "Damn!" He stated eyeing the empty stall. "Anna did Heath take Charger tonight?"

"No, Heath drove me home in the carriage, he left Charger here." She replied as a tear slipped down her face.

"Anna go back inside and let Mother know I’ve gone to find Jessie," said Jarrod as he carried his saddle over to Jingo.

"Jarrod, please be careful," stated Anna as her voice trembled again.

"Don’t worry I’ll find him," replied Jarrod as he led Jingo out of the barn.

Anna stayed behind for a moment as the tears fell freely down her cheeks. "Please lord, he’s just a child watch over him for us," she prayed.



Jessie frantically searched through the few items in Hank’s camp for something they could make bandages from. Finding a satchel containing clothes, he grabbed a bunch of shirts and ran back to Nick. "Will these work?" he asked as he stared at Heath.

"These are fine," stated Nick. "Jessie," Nick said grabbing the boy’s arm and forcing him to look away from Heath, "I need water, can you find something to put some in?" Questioned Nick.

As Jessie ran off Nick turned his full attention back to his little brother. Ripping the shirts into long strips, he began to wrap them around the bullet wound in Heath’s leg. Heath groaned as Nick wrapped the wound, "Sorry little brother," Nick said softly, "I’m almost done."

Finishing with the leg wound, Nick moved on to the wounds in Heath’s side. There were two major wounds; one looked to be a knife wound and the other was a deep laceration. Both cuts were still seeping blood. Taking a bunch of the torn fabric, Nick fashioned a bandage and placed it firmly over the knife wound. As he applied pressure on the bandage to control the blending, Heath let out a loud moan.

Heath tried to twist away from the pain in his side but only managed to cause himself even more agony. He couldn’t escape the pain; he thought if he could just move and get away from it he’d be OK.

Jessie ran back to Nick with a full canteen of water, hearing and seeing Heath in such pain, Jessie knelt down beside his head. Placing his small hand on Heath’s forehead, he leaned forward and began to whisper in Heath’s ear.

"Heath, it’s me Jessie," he whispered quietly while continuing to run his hand through Heath’s damp hair. "Please don’t move it’ll just hurt you more; Nick’s trying to help you." Jessie whispered while trying not to cry. "Please Heath, I can’t lose you too. Not now, please Heath."

Jessie’s gentle words made their way through the red fog of pain Heath was engulfed in. He tried to relax but the pain he was in was overwhelming him. As he grew more and more restless, a frightened Jessie looked up at Nick.

"Jessie, there’s no way Heath’s going to be able to ride a horse. We need a wagon; do you think you can find your way back to the ranch," asked Nick as his fear for Heath also grew.

"Charger knows the way," Jessie replied quietly as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I need you to get back to the ranch, tell Jarrod or one of the hands to bring back Doc Merer and a wagon for Heath. Do you think you can do that?" questioned Nick as he looked up at the frightened child.

Jessie looked down at Heath; he didn’t want to leave him, he couldn’t. He was afraid if he left he might never see Heath again. "Nick…." He started.

"It’s the only way Jessie, I promise I won’t let anything happen to him," said Nick as he placed a hand on Jessie’s shoulder.

Jessie nodded and then bent back down next to Heath’s head. Whispering in his ear, he said, "Heath I’ve gotta go and get Jarrod. I’ll be right back I promise. Heath ….I love you." He said as he placed a kiss on top of Heath’s head.

Heath’s good eye opened slowly and a tear ran down his face as he looked up at the small boy. "I’m coming right back," he said running his hand through Heath’s hair one last time before standing up. Turning to face Nick, Jessie hugged him, as he cried, "Please don’t let him die Nick, Please!"

"I won’t," replied Nick as he held onto Jessie. "You be careful, Heath’s going to need your help getting better," he said ruffling Jessie’s hair. "Now get moving, we’ll both be here when you get back."

Jessie hugged Nick again and then turned back to look at Heath one last time before running out of camp at full speed. Running through the field in the moonlight, Jessie had to hold his arm tight against his chest. It was just to painful to let it swing as he ran, and run he did, he wasn’t about to let Heath or Nick down.

Rushing up to Charger, he grabbed his rope and untied him, "Come on boy, we have to get back to the ranch. Heath needs us!" He started looking around for something he could use to help him mount the large horse, but there was nothing around. No rocks, no small hill, even the trees were too tall to climb.

"Charger I’m sorry but I’m going to have to pull on your mane in order to mount you," Jessie said quietly to the horse as he rubbed his nose. Stepping up to Charger’s side, Jessie grabbed onto his mane with both hands. "Easy boy," he said softly as he tried to pull himself up. Charger snorted as the small child pulled on his mane trying to climb up on his back. But try as he might with his injured shoulder, Jessie just didn’t have the strength he needed to pull himself up.

Exhausted, he dropped down next to Charger and began to cry, "I’m sorry boy, I’m just not strong enough to pull myself up," he cried looking up at Charger. "How am I going to help Heath now!" he sobbed as he hung his head in shame.

Jessie was lost in grief until Charger’s nose nudged him in the back. Looking up at the horse he asked, "what is it boy?" Jessie watched as Charger stomped his foot and then much to his surprise, Charger knelt down on first one front knee and then the other one. "Thank you Charger!" cried Jessie, as he was now able to easily mount the kneeling horse. "Come on boy lets ride!" he shouted as Charger rose back up to a standing position. A little nudge from Jessie and the two were on their way racing across the field towards home in the moonlight.

Jarrod and Jingo made their way down the dark road towards Stockton. Coming across the spot in the road where Nick discovered Sam, Jarrod dismounted and began looking around at all the tracks in the dirt. After a while looking around he noticed two separate sets of hoof impressions heading off toward the valley. One set was much more indented into the soil than the other set. "These just have to be Nick and Jessie’s tracks, Nick must have gone after him," thought Jarrod as he mounted Jingo. Following the impressions in the dirt, Jarrod set out to find them.

Jessie raced along through the darkness on Chargers back, his mind reeling, he had to get help for Heath he wasn’t about to let him die too. Up ahead of him in the meadow he saw something twinkle in the moonlight. Slowing Charger down he could just barely make out a lone rider coming towards him. Fearing the rider was Peter, Jessie quickly looked around for a place to hide. But there was nothing to take cover behind in the meadow, "lets give him a wide berth, Charger," stated Jessie as he angled the horse away from the rider. Charger took off in the direction Jessie headed him but quickly changed direction and headed straight back towards the rider. "Charger No!" Jessie shouted at him as he tried to steer the horse away. But Charger easily resisted the small boys attempts at changing his direction.

Jarrod could see a horse approaching in the darkness, the horse looked familiar as it drew nearer to him. He could also now make out a small figure riding the horse, "Jessie?" he shouted as he hurried Jingo on.

"Jarrod?" came back the small reply.

"Thank God!" thought Jarrod as he closed the distance between them. "Jessie you had everyone scared to death!" Jarrod stated as he came up next to the boy. "What were you…." He began before Jessie cut him off.

"We found him Jarrod! Exclaimed Jessie, "but they hurt him real bad," he added quietly.

"Jessie where is he? Can you take me to him?" he asked, reading the despair on Jessie’s face.

"We need a wagon and the doctor!" Jessie stated as he turned Charger and started to ride off towards the ranch. "We have to hurry!" he yelled back over his shoulder as he and Charger took off down the road.

"Jessie!" cried Jarrod as he turned Jingo around to follow.

Jessie could see the lights from the ranch as he headed up the road. Riding up to the front door he slid down from Charger’s back and ran inside. He hadn’t taken more than three steps into the foyer when he saw Peter.

"God damn it!" Shouted Peter as he saw Jessie run in through the front door. "You’re the cause of all our troubles!"

"No," Jessie mouthed as he began to panic.

"Jessie, do you know this man?" asked sheriff Madden as he held Peter out to the boy.

Jessie stared at Peter a few moments longer before realizing the sheriff had Peter in handcuffs. Looking back towards the sheriff Jessie nodded his head yes.

"Shut up boy!" Peter shouted angrily at Jessie. "I’m gonna kill you! You’re dead! Do you hear me boy! Dead!" he shouted as the sheriff started to drag him out the front door. "I’ll get you kid if it’s the last thing I do!"

Jessie stood in the foyer and watched as the sheriff led Peter away, his heart was racing in his chest and he had to remind himself it was all right to breath.

"Jessie!" Shouted Anna as she ran down the stairs and engulfed the small boy in her arms. "We were so worried about you," she exclaimed as she held him out in front of her. "Oh dear! Are you hurt?" she cried as she stared at his blood covered shirt and neck.

"It’s… it’s not mine," he replied, looking into Anna’s worried eyes.

"Heath…." Anna mouthed as her eyes bore through Jessie.

"No, Anna," Jessie said quickly seeing the distress in her eyes. "But…they hurt him real bad Anna…I gotta get the doctor out to him." Jessie stated his voice cracking and tears welling up in his eyes as he spoke.

"He’s upstairs," Anna replied as she took Jessie by the hand and ran up the stairs with him. "Doctor Merer! Doctor Merer!" Anna shouted as they raced down the hall towards the spare room.

"Anna what is it?" Asked Doc Merer as he met her out in the hallway.

"It’s Heath… he’s been hurt. He needs your help!" Pleaded Anna as she squeezed Jessie’s hand.

"We need to go now Doc," stated Jessie as he grabbed the doctor’s hand and began to pull him back towards the stairs.

"Jessie, hang on son. Let me check you over first," said Doc Merer as he too noticed the blood stains on Jessie’s shirt.

"Please we have to go!" Shouted Jessie as he pulled on the doctor even harder. "He’ll die! Please!" He screamed.

"Doc it’s OK, it’s not his," stated Anna as she looked down at Jessie.

"All right son, lead the way." Stated Doc Merer as he grabbed his bag and followed Jessie down the stairs with Anna close behind. As they rushed out the front door, Jarrod was just pulling up out front in a wagon. Doc Merer grabbed Jessie and handed him up to Jarrod, "I’ll follow you in my buggy," he stated as he turned and walked away. Anna started to get in the wagon when Jarrod spoke, "Anna, I think you better stay here, it’s safer. We don’t know who’s still out there." He stated, worried about what condition Heath might be in. He didn’t want her to see Heath if it was all ready to late.

"Jarrod Barkley, there’s no way you’re getting off this ranch unless you take me with you!" She stated as she climbed aboard the wagon and sat down next to Jessie.

"Anna…." He began.

"I’m going Jarrod and that’s all there is to it!" She replied.

Jarrod could tell by the look in her eye that he would lose this battle. "OK then lets move," he stated as he urged the team forward. "I hope we’re in time little brother," he thought as they headed away from the ranch.



