Quiet Words 3

by soho178





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





“Mornin’ Silas.”


“Mornin’ Mr. Heath. What you doin’ down here this early?”


“I always have breakfast with you!”


“You supposed to sleep late on your birthday, Mr. Heath.” He filled his voice with mock indignation.


“What’s Mrs. Barkley goin’ ta think if she finds out I fed you early today.?”


“I don’t know about Mother, but you know Nick. I sleep in and all I’d hear today is…”


“This is a working ranch!” They said it in unison, then shared a quiet chuckle over the man they both loved.


The two settled down to the food Silas served them, eating in companionable silence. When the meal was done Heath put out his hand to stop the older man from rising. “Silas, I have something for you.” He turned to the staircase and pulled out two packages that had been waiting there.


“Mr. Heath, this is your birthday, why you givin’ me presents?” A blush was visible on the dark, weathered face.


“Well I reckon that means I can give a friend a gift if want to, and he has to accept it, ‘cause it’s my birthday.”


“Boy, you makin’ no sense. I’m callin’ Mrs. Barkley you keep this up.” The tears in his eyes betrayed his real feelings.


“It’s not much Silas, just something I hoped you’d like.”


He opened the paper carefully, with shaking hands, to reveal a handsome Bible, bound in smooth black leather with pages edged in gold. It was finely crafted, but simple. It reminded Heath of Silas. “Why Mr. Heath, this is beautiful. And I reckon it’s a might bigger than my old Bible. I guess you know my eyes ain’t what they used to be.”


“Silas, your old Bible…” Heath looked across at his friend, “You brought it with you from Georgia didn’t you?”


“That I did. It was the only thing I had, ‘cept the clothes on my back. Only thing I have from my Momma. Me an’ that Bible go back a long way. I reckon I’ve read it almost every day of my life.”


“How’d you learn to read Silas?” Curiosity had gotten the better of him.


“Oh, my Momma was a house slave, so Mizzus Boudwin made her learn. Then Mama taught me an’ my sisters.”


“You know where your sisters are?”


“No, they were sold when I was just a boy. I never did learn where they went to.” Sadness passed across his face and lingered for a moment as he remembered the two beautiful young women. No need to tell this gentle man that they’d been sold to a whorehouse in New Orleans.


“I am truly sorry.” Heath paused then drew the other man’s attention to the unopened package. “You best get to that.”


When the wrappings fell away, they revealed a dark Maple box, hand-rubbed to warm rich bloom. Inset into the top was the Big Dipper and near it the North Star carved larger than the others, shining down on a tree laced horizon. Inside the box was padded and lined with rich blue velvet.


“Oh Mr. Heath, this is beautiful.” Intuition guided his words. “What a fine place for my old bible to rest.”


The lopsided grin appeared. “A special book deserves a place of honor. I surely am glad it gave you the strength to make it here, my friend.”


“I don’t know what to say.”


“Don’t say anything.” He placed his hand on the other man’s arm and gave a squeeze.


“You take good care of me, Mr. Heath.”


“My pleasure, Silas.”