Girls, Girls, Girls

By Gail G.


"Hey Adam," Hoss called over to his older brother, who was loading some supplies into the wagon.

"Come over here and look at this." Hoss was waving his hand for his brother to come and join him by the poster he was reading.

Adam strolled over to where his brother was standing. "What are you looking at?"

Hoss was in a trance, staring at the provocative poster that was nailed to the wall of the livery stable. "Look here Adam, what do ya think of it."

Adam raised his head to look at what Hoss was pointing at. "Looks like some kind of show is coming to Eagle Station." Adam’s eyes widen as he looked at the scantily dressed picture of a young women.

"Do ya think pa will let us go?" Hoss asked, licking his lips and slightly blushing at the same time.

"Are you crazy? For one, Pa would never allow us to watch a show like that. And for two, it’s sponsored by Jack Wolf and its going to be at his place. You know how pa feels about both of those things." Even though Adam was speaking these words, his eyes never left the poster. His thoughts already filling with ideas of how they could get around their fathers rules.

They both stood there entranced by what they were seeing.

"Hey, what ya looking at?" Little Joe was now standing beside his brothers. He had a piece of black licorice hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Adam and Hoss jumped when they heard his voice. "Nothing, were not looking at anything." Adam answered quickly. He and Hoss had speedily shifted their weight, so they were now blocking the object of their interest.

"Then why where ya standing there for so long?" Joe was now hopping from side to side, trying to see around them.

"I said, it is nothing Little Joe. Go get in the wagon, pa will start to worry if we are not home soon." Adam said not moving from the spot where he stood. He pointed to Joe and then the wagon..

With a deep sigh, Joe turned and strolled to where the wagon was parked in front of the Trading Post. He climbed into the back and shifted his weight so he could get comfortable. "Ain’t you two comin?" Joe called back to his brothers who had once again turned to look at the announcement.

"Yeah, yeah, we’re coming." Hoss shouted to Joe. "Adam, we have to find a way to go to this show."

Even though Adam knew it was against his better judgement he heard himself saying, "Your right Hoss, we do need to find a way. But we can’t let Pa find out, or Joe."

With that they both went to the wagon, hopped up onto the wooden seat and started to head for home. They were both in deep thought as to how they would be able to get to the show. Adam knew his father would forbid them from seeing it.

This is silly, Adam thought to himself. I’m almost twenty-one, old enough to make my own decisions. Much too old to be forbidden to do something. Adam began to chew his bottom lip, if he was such a grown up, why was he so nervous. Pa didn’t think he was too old to get a few swats from his belt a few weeks ago. This happened when he was having to live by Joe’s rules, a punishment that he had been given because he started a food fight. And it did not matter then that Adam was almost twenty-one and it wouldn’t matter now. A few weeks would not make a difference and Adam knew this for a fact.

"We absolutely cannot let Pa find out." Adam stated this aloud. Hoss nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"We can’t let Pa find out about what?" Little Joe was very much interested in the conversation.

"Nothing Little Joe!" Adam and Hoss chorused together like chirping birds. "Ok. Ok I’ll mind my own business." Joe rolled his eyes, for now anyway, he stated under his breath.

He knew that his two older brothers were up to something and he wanted to know what it was. He would have to do some of that eavesdropping that Pa is always telling him he better not be doing. But if he wanted to find out what was going on, he just had too. Any how, it was nice that for once he wasn’t the one heading for trouble.

It took a little longer than normal to get back to the Ponderosa. With Adams and Hoss’ thoughts on other things, they had run off the road twice and had gotten stuck in a mud hole.

When Ben heard a wagon approaching the house, he stepped onto the front porch. Much to his relief, it was his three sons. He had sent them to town hours ago to retrieve a few small supplies that were needed.

After coming to a halt in front of the barn. Joe jumped from the back of the wagon and was headed to help unload the supplies. Adam and Hoss also had gotten down. They noticed their father walking toward them with a frown on his face. "Uh oh, Hoss, this doesn’t look good." Adam whispered to his brother. "You let me do the talking OK?"

"Sure thing Adam. I don’t like talkin no way." Hoss muttered back to Adam.

"Would you like to tell me where you have been?" Ben had stopped in front of his three sons. When they had seen their father coming across the yard, they had instinctively lined up by age.

"Pa, we ran into a little trouble, that’s all." Adam began to explain.

"Trouble?" Ben’s angry expression had now turned to concern.

"It wasn’t anything bad Pa. We just got stuck in a mud hole. And, well it took some time for us to get the wagon out" This wasn’t the whole truth, but Adam didn’t think Pa really needed to hear about everything.

"I see." Ben was looking at his sons one at a time. Hmmm, I think there is more to this than what they are telling. Oh, well I’ll find out sooner or later Ben thought as he ran his hand over his face. "Adam, you and Little Joe can unload the supplies. Hoss you take care of the horses. Then get washed up for dinner. Hop Sing is already throwing a fit that his stew has boiled down to nothing."

The three young men hastily went to work. Adam and Joe rapidly carried the supplies into the house. Hoss unhitched the horses and gave them a quick rub down, he then filled the water buckets and gave each horse a scoop of feed. After his task was finished, he went to the wash basin that Hop Sing had set out on the porch. Adam and Joe were already washed and waiting at the table when Hoss came in.

"Bout time boys at table. If stew had to cook much longer, it would have to be thrown out." Hop Sing made this announcement as he dipped out large servings of stew to each person at the table. Hop Sing then sat down with the family to enjoy the meal.

"Anything interesting in town today?" asked Ben as he buttered a piece of bread.

Adam and Hoss quickly glanced at each other from the bottom of their eyes.

Adam answered back half choking on his stew, "No Pa, everything was the same as always." Which was the truth. Everything was the same, he just failed to mention the poster they had seen.

"What about that notice that you and Hoss looked at forever." Joe questioned as he took a bite of stew.

"Notice? What kind of notice?" Ben asked as he observed his two eldest sons glancing at each other.

"Uh, It was nothing Pa. Just something about some kind of show coming to town. Nothing we are interested in." Adam said this while looking into his bowl. He didn’t want his father to look him in the eye. Somehow Pa could always tell when he was not speaking the whole truth.

"Yeah, Well if it weren’t interestin, then why did you and Hoss stand and look at it for hours?" Little Joe was hoping he would get an answer to the mysterious poster he had not been allowed to see.

Adam was starting to become a little flustered at his youngest brother. "Joe, we did not look at it for hours. It just took a few minutes for us to figure out exactly what it was."

Ben turned and started questioning Adam once again, "Well, what exactly was it?"

Adam was trying to think of a sufficient answer, when he was saved by a knock on the front door.

"I wonder who that could be?" Ben started to fold his napkin and raised from the table. He then walked over to the door and opened it.

"Well, Maggie what are you doing out so late." Ben motioned for Mrs. Greene to enter the house. "Is everything all right? Where’s Tess?"

"Ben everything is fine, well almost everything. Tess is at home, and she is fine too. I’m sorry to interrupt your meal." Maggie had now entered the warmth of the house and was taking off her shawl.

Ben guided Maggie over to the table and directed her to have a seat. "It’s all right Maggie, would you like to join us?"

"No Ben, but thank you. I could use a cup of coffee though, if it’s not too much trouble." Hoss hurried out of his seat to retrieve a cup of coffee for their visitor.

After Maggie had her coffee and begin to relax a little, Ben started to question her. "I’m sure you did not come all the way to the Ponderosa just for coffee. Did you?"

"Of course not Ben. I came to show you the notice that Jack....Jack Wolf has put up all around town. It’s a disgrace Ben, and I think we should do something about it." Maggie handed Ben a thick folded up piece of paper.

Ben took the paper from Maggie, a mystified look on his face. He started to unfold the paper slowly, aware that his two oldest sons had all of the sudden became remarkably still. When he had the paper opened, he began to study it quite intently.

"What’s it say Pa?" Joe was stretching his neck across the table to see the paper. He had seen it before in town. But his brothers had not allowed him to read it.

"Nothing that concerns you young man. If you are finished with your dinner, then you may go and do your chores. I want them caught up before you go to bed." Ben was still mesmerized by the bulletin he held in his hand.

"Do I have ta Pa, I’d rather see that piece of paper?" Joe said hoping to catch his father off guard.

Ben turned his head and frowned at the boy. "Joseph, I hope I will not have to repeat myself."

Joe got the hint. "Nooo sir." He answered as he excused himself from the table. Adam and Hoss were also getting up to go and help their brother. But Ben stopped them in their tracks, "Not you two, have a seat please."

Both young men held their breath as Ben passed them notice he had been reading. "Is this by chance the notice, that the two of you seen in town?"

Each one took great consideration while looking at the paper that their father had passed them. After a minute Adam finally answered his fathers question, "Yes Pa, this is the notice we saw in town."

"You lied to me Adam," Ben now had Adam pinned in place with one of his famous looks.

"NO! Pa, I mean no I didn’t." retorted Adam. "Pa you asked me what kind of notice it was. And I told you that it was something that we were not interested in. You’re not interested in seeing those girls, are you Pa?"

"A-dam." Ben warned. "You know I don’t want to see such ladies. But I have a feeling that you and Hoss might have been thinking about it. Am I Correct?"

Adam was starting to flush ever so slightly, "Well at first we did, but we know you would never allow it, so the thought left our heads."

Ben now was ogling at Adam and Hoss. "I know I don’t have to remind the two of you of what the consequences would be if I ever caught you at a presentation such as this, Do I?"

Both young men answered as one, "No sir, Pa sir."

Ben continued, "Let alone what would happen if I were to catch you near Mr. Wolf or his establishment."

Again, Ben received the same answer as before. No sir, Pa sir. "You both would do well to stay away from town for the next few days. Understood?"

"Yes Pa, We understand, both of us, but what about Little Joe." Adam was truly concerned for his younger brother. Joe could find trouble even when he wasn’t looking for it. He was like a giant trouble magnet.

"I’ll explain to your brother what I think he needs to know. Now why don’t you two go help Joseph with the rest of the chores." Ben moved his eyes toward the front door.

As the boys stood, they politely excused themselves. They both grabbed their hats as the headed outside. "What are we gonna do now Adam?" Hoss asked as they moved near the barn.

"Shsss, We’ll talk about it later, tonight when everyone is asleep. Come on, we better help Joe or we will never get done." With that Adam and Hoss entered the barn.

Back in the house, Maggie was still somewhat upset about the whole situation. "Ben what are we going to do?" Maggie said as she fanned her face with her hand.

"Well, Maggie, it looks like it is too late to do anything now. This so called show is scheduled in just a couple of days. There is no time to stop it, and there is no law against such things. I suppose the best we can do is watch over our children and pass word around to our friends and neighbors. Ben set his coffee cup on the wooden table. "Do you have any suggestions?"

Maggie began to stand while she spoke, "No Ben I really don’t. But I felt like you should know. I really have to get back home now. I’m sure Tess is getting worried. And I’ll make sure to spread the word."

Ben also stood and wrapped Maggie’s shawl around her shoulders, "Thank you for letting me know. Do you want one of the boys to escort you home? I’m sure they would be more than delighted."

"No Ben, but thank you for the offer." Maggie stepped onto the porch and Ben followed. He helped her into the buggy and with a quick strike of the reins, the horses took off taking Maggie toward her home.

Ben stood and watched his three sons in the distance. He would have to make sure to watch them more closely for the next several days. With that thought fresh in his mind, he reentered the house and began to help Hop Sing clear the dinner dishes.


After the boys had finished the chores, they all went into the house to relax around the fire. Ben took Joe to the side and explained the poster to him. Joe wanted to see the picture of the not so well dressed lady, but Ben refused. Ben also went on to remind Little Joe that he was not to go into town without him or one of his brothers. And since Adam and Hoss and been told to stay away from town, Ben felt that Little Joe had little chance in getting there himself.


Little did Ben know that all three boys were already trying to think of escape plans. He, of course would learn about this in the days to come.

After everyone had went to bed, Adam and Hoss laid awake. They were making sure Ben had went to his room and that Little Joe was fast asleep.

"Do ya think he’s sleepin yet?" Hoss whispered down to Adam.

"I don’t know Hoss, you know how he pretends to be asleep." Adam whispered back.

"Well, poke at im or somein. I have to get some sleep." Hoss was rubbing his eyes, with his over sized hands.

Adam slung his leg over the side of the bunk. He carefully poked at Joe’s backside with his toe. "Joe, Joe, are you asleep? Helloooo."

Satisfied that Little Joe was asleep, Adam and Hoss began to plan their liberation. The night of the show at Jacks, they simply would wait for everyone to go to sleep and sneak out. How hard could that be?

Hoss suggested they use some of the extra blankets they keep in the truck in their room, to make it look like bodies in their beds. This way if Ben was to come in and check on the boys, it would appear someone was in each bunk.

"That’s a good idea Hoss." Adam stated. "Also we will not ride our horses until we get out of the yard."

The next dilemma was how they were going to get their hands on a pair of tickets. "Do you have any money Hoss?" Adam muttered.

"Yeah, I got three dollars. What about you Adam? You got any money?"

"Sure Hoss, I have a lot more than three dollars. Now we know we have the money. But how are we going to get into town to get the tickets?" Adam was thinking so hard he was getting a slight headache.

"I think I have an idea." Hoss started speaking, "Wait till tomorrow, I’ll take care of it."

With that both young men turned and went fast asleep. Neither aware that young master Joe was wide awake listening to their forbidden plan. Joe decided at that very moment, that a little black mail never hurt. He figured that he too may be able to make it to the show, well he was going to give it a good try anyhow.

Morning came only too soon. All three boys were quite tired from staying up late last night. The three of them sat at the table yawning and rubbing their eyes. When Ben come into the room he looked at them suspiciously. "Are you three feeling alright?" He asked as he poured his morning cup of coffee.

The three conspirators looked quickly at their father. They almost answered in unison, "Were fine Pa." Ben raised an eyebrow. He could feel the tension in the air. I wonder what they are up to Ben thought to himself, as he sipped on his coffee. He knew he would eventually find out, he always did. His sons were always amazed at how he found out the things they did. Especially, when they knew no one else had seen them do whatever it was.

For awhile, he had them convinced that he could read their minds. This made them mighty nervous for a few weeks, until they figured he was just joking. Or at least they hoped he was.

After Ben took another sip of his hot java, he began to pass out the orders for the day. They did not need to go repair fences or check on the cattle today. It was the little things that needed to focused on. Such as wood being chopped, the barn being cleaned really well, the chicken coop needed some repairs, and just a whole bunch of little stuff that everyone hated to do.

"I’ll chop the wood Pa." Hoss volunteered while scooping some scrambled eggs onto his plate.

"You will?" Ben asked with a surprised look on his face. Hoss hated chopping wood and they all knew it.

"Sure Pa, anything to help." Hoss smiled back at his father.

When everyone had finished eating, Joe helped clear the table and then did the dishes with Hop Sing. Ben went to the front door, he had opened it when he realized Adam wasn’t behind him. He and Adam were going to work together getting the stalls cleaned.

"Adam, are you coming son?" Ben asked as he reached for his hat. "I’ll be right there Pa." Adam was now getting up from the table. Ben then turned and went on his way.

Hoss and Adam grabbed their hats and stepped onto the front porch. "So, Hoss how do you plan to get into town today?" Adam asked in a hush hush tone.

"Just watch older brother. I’ll make sure at least one of us goes. Do you have the money?" Hoss was leaning close to Adam so know one could hear the conversation.

Adam scanned the yard to make sure their father was not in sight. He then pulled eight dollars from his pocket. "The tickets are four dollars per person. So you owe me a dollar. I’m going to hide the money under that big rock by the corral fence. That way who ever gets to go to town can get to it without anyone knowing."

By this time Ben had stepped out of the barn. He was watching his two sons talk in private. "ADAM! We don’t have all day son."

Adam jumped at the sound of his fathers voice. He then started proceeding to the barn. Ben turned his back and retreated inside. When Ben was out of sight Adam slid the money under the rock that he had shown to Hoss. He then entered the barn, grabbed a pitch fork and started pitching hay into an empty stall.

Hoss had walked to the pile of logs that needed to be split. He placed one of the biggest logs he could find on the stump they used for chopping. Then with all his strength he slammed the ax into the piece of timber. Crackkk, the ax handle broke right off from the blade. Hoss smiled at his accomplishment, for this is what he had intended on happening. "Dagnabbit," Hoss yelled so Adam and Ben could hear him in the barn.

Ben came flying around the side of the barn. "Are you alright Hoss? What happened?"

Hoss had the ax handle in one hand and the blade in another. He lifted them up so his father could see them. "Sorry Pa, I guess I don’t know my own strength." By this time Adam was standing beside his father. He had a mischievous grin on his face, good thing pa couldn’t see him.

"It’s all right son, get the spare ax, you can use it." Ben was pointing to where the other ax was leaning against the house.

"I can’t Pa, that ones broke too. Remember you were suppose to take it into town and get it fixed a few days ago. But I guess you forgot." Hoss was slightly flushing at the thought that he was telling his father that he had forgotten to do something.

"Well we need to get the wood chopped. I suppose I will just have to go to town and get the axes repaired." Ben turned and headed in the direction of the barn.

"NOOO!" both Adam and Hoss roared at the same time. Ben turned and glared at them. "What the devil is wrong with the two of you." Ben asked a puzzled look on his face.

Adam spoke up first. "Nothing Pa, but don’t you remember that Maggie errr I mean Mrs. Greene said she might stop by today. She wanted to talk to you about something. Isn’t that right Hoss." Adam elbowed Hoss lightly in the stomach. Hoss just nodded his head up and down.

"She did, I don’t recall her saying that." Ben scratched his head with his finger. "Sure she did Pa, last night when she stopped by about that notice of Jack’s. I mean Mr. Wolf’s." Adam was chewing slightly on the inside of his jaw, eyes wide. Adam hated telling a lie to his father, but he had to if he ever wanted to get to town.

"Well maybe I do remember her stating something like that." Ben did not want to admit that he could not remember Maggie saying such a thing. But if Adam and Hoss say it is so, it must be.

Both boys let out a silent breath of air, relief washed over them. "Adam, I guess your going to have to go then. But go straight to town, get those axes fixed and straight back. Do you understand me?" Ben had his right hand in the air, pointing his index finger at Adam.

Adam nodded, "Yes Pa, straight to town and back." Ben once again started back to the barn. He stopped and called over his shoulder, "Hoss you can come help me in the barn while Adam is gone."

"Yes Pa," Hoss called back, even though he was giving one of those brotherly looks at Adam. As Hoss passed Adam he said, "You best not take too long brother, and good luck." Adam barely nodded, just enough that Hoss would know that he heard him.

Once Ben and Hoss had retreated into the barn. Adam headed for the rock where he had placed the money. With one quick motion he lifted the rock and placed the money in his pants pocket.

"What are you doin?" Little Joe’s voice came out of nowhere. Adam jumped and turned to face his youngest brother. "I’m not doing anything, I just dropped something."

"Sure big brother." the edge of Joe’s mouth curled up. "Aren’t you suppose to be cleaning the chicken coop?" Adams brows were now furrowed together.

Joe let out a long sigh, "Yep, I guess I better get started before Pa starts yellin at me." With that Joe turned on his heals and headed for his unpleasant duty.

Adam went into the barn and saddled his horse Beauty. When he was finished he walked the horse out into the yard to mount her. "Remember Adam, straight to town and straight back." Ben once again reminded his son. "Yes Pa." Adam answered back and he nudged his horse on its way, slowly he galloped out of the yard.

On the way to town Adam was beginning to wander if Jack would even sell him the tickets. He was sure that Jack would know that Ben Cartwright would not support such activities. But then again, just maybe this was the key to getting tickets.

When Adam pranced into town, their seemed to be a buzz in the air. When he passed one of Jacks posters, he noticed a few women standing in front of it. They looked as if they were going to faint. Adam took to axes and dropped them off to be repaired. It would take about twenty minutes for the repairs to be completed. This would give him enough time to go to Jacks hotel and hopefully buy a pair of tickets.

Adam looked both ways before taking long strides across the street. When he approached Jacks establishment. Mr. Wolf himself was standing on the front steps.

"Well, what do we have here, Mighty Mr. Adam Cartwright." Jack said sarcastically, his cigar clenched between his teeth. "What can I do for you, boy?"

Adam shook slightly at being called a boy. He hated to be called that and Jack knew it. Adam however keep his calm, "I need two tickets to the show, please."

Jacks face had a stunned look on it. "Does your daddy know your comin to the show?" Jack was almost laughing.

Full of bravado Adam took a step closer. "I really don’t care what my father thinks. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. And I have decided to come to the show. So are you going to sell me the tickets or not?!"

Jack took the cigar out of his mouth, "For you Cartwright, no charge. It will be payment enough, to see Ben’s face when he finds out one of his sons came to enjoy my special entertainment." Jack reached in his pocket and pulled out a pair of tickets. He then handed them to Adam.

"I don’t want anything for free from the likes of you." Adam handed Jack the eight dollars he had in his pocket.

"Suit yourself." Jack replied as he counted the bills.

With the transaction completed, Adam went to pick up the repaired tools. He placed them gently into his saddle bags and hurried for home. He did not want to arise any suspicion from his father. If he did, it would just make their plans more difficult to follow through.

Adam slowed his horse to a slow gait when he was near the yard. Hoss and Ben stepped out of the barn to greet him. "Did you get the tools repaired." Ben asked as he tied Beauty’s reins to the fence.

"Yes Pa, And I came straight home, like you asked." Adam jumped off of his mounts back. He then reached into the saddle bag to retrieve the axes.

"I’ll take care of your horse. You and Hoss can get busy chopping. I want the woodshed full by the end of the week." Ben took Beauty and strolled inside the barn. Adam followed him a questionable look on his face. "Pa did you say full. You want the whole woodshed full?"

"By the end of the week." Ben answered. "Is there a problem with that son?" "Nooo, no problem. I think Hoss and I better get busy right now." Adam turned and carried the tools over to where Hoss was waiting.

"Hoss, did you hear that? He wants the whole shed full, before the end of the week. We’ll be chopping wood day and night." Adam lifted a log onto the chopping block.

Hoss lifted the ax and brought it down, the log split in half like he was slicing butter. "Ah, he’s just doing that to keep us busy. That way we cain’t get into any trouble. And I don’t think he wants us to be thinking about what’s going on in town." Hoss stopped for a minute and rested his foot where the log once laid. "Did you get the, you know, the t-i-c-k-e-t-s?" Hoss spoke as he looked around the yard.

"Sure I did, they are safe and sound in my pocket." Adam patted the right side of his shirt.

"What ya whispering about!" Little Joe hopped up on the chopping block. "Joe don’t you have anything to do but bug us?" Hoss asked giving his little brother a disgusted look.

"I know what you guys are a plannin. I overheard ya." Joe now had his hands propped up on his hips. "And unless you cut me in, I’m a tellin Pa."

Adam glanced at Hoss, "Joe what in blue blazes are you talking about. Hoss and I aren’t up to anything."

"I wasn’t asleep last night. I was just pretending. So I know about the two of you sneaking to that show tomorrow. And either you let me go or I am tellin!" This time Joe stomped his foot.

"Dang it Joe, we just can’t take you, Pa would kill us dead." Hoss was leaning really close to Joe as he spoke.

"Then I’m tellin." Joe jumped down and headed to find his father.

Adam and Hoss ran after their little brother. "JOE!" Joe stopped in mid-step to turn to face them,


"Maybe we can work something out, come over here." Adam motioned for Joe to come stand with him and Hoss.

"You know Joe if you tell Pa, he’s gonna wonder how you found out. Then your going to have to tell him you have been eavesdropping, and didn’t Pa warn you about that?" Adam was using their last defense.

"Well I’m a willin to let Pa find out. Cause I think my information would be mighty interestin." Joe hadn’t paid attention to the intended threat. "Any ways you two would be in as much trouble as me."

"Dagburnit Adam, the little squirt is right. What are we goin to do now?"

"Joe...How about we let you sneak into town with us, but that’s it. We just can’t let you go to the show, we don’t have a ticket for you. There’s only one for Hoss and I." Adam held the tickets up for his little brother to see. "I don’t think they would let you in anyhow, your too young."

"Spit on it?" Joe spit into his hand and held it out for Adam. "Ok, I’ll spit on it, but if we get caught I’m not covering for you. Adam spit in his hand and the two brothers shook vigorously.

Adam knew he was making a huge mistake when it came to letting Joe sneak into town with them. But if the entertainment was anything like the poster had promised, it would be well worth it. Besides, there was no way for them to get caught. They had a fined tuned plan, totally fool proof.

Joe ran over to help Hop Sing in his vegetable garden, while Adam and Hoss continued to chop the endless supply of wood.

Later that night the family was seated around the dinner table. Hoss was complaining that his arms hurt so much he may never be able to lift them again. Adam was trying to persuade their father that the whole wood shed didn’t need to be filled. He truly believed half full would be sufficient. Then it was Joe’s turn to try and convince Hop Sing that those vegetables that he grows is a waste of valuable play time. Everyone at the table was having a good laugh. Well everyone except Little Joe.

After everyone had finished eating, Hoss decided to turn in. He was truly tired from swinging that ax all day. He was very glad that it was Adams turn tomorrow. Ben sent Little Joe to bed even though he protested. Ben, Hop Sing, and Adam moved to the sitting area, by the light of the fire. There they relaxed for awhile. Ben and Adam continued the wood shed discussion. Unfortunately, Adam lost this battle and the wood chopping would continue the next day. On that note Adam excused himself and headed for bed.

When he entered the bunk room, Hoss was already snoring so loud the windows were shaking, Little Joe was lying in his bed, his hands tucked securely over his ears. Adam slid out of his dust covered clothes and laid them on the back of the chair that they sit in to pull off their boots. He then sashayed over to his bed, pulled back the cool inviting covers and slithered beneath them.

He was so tired that not even Hoss’ snoring could keep him awake tonight. He dreamt of Jack Wolf and his wonderful dancing ladies. What had started out as a nightmare about Jack Wolf ended as a wonderful dream.

The next morning the boys woke totally refreshed. Adam was the first up, he hurriedly dressed and stumbled to the breakfast table. Next, was Hoss his arms were even more sore today. So sore matter of fact that he couldn’t button his shirt. Joe had to stand in the chair and button it for him.

Little Joe and Hoss soon joined the rest of the family at the breakfast table. Adam and Hoss were almost giddy. "What are you two so happy about this morning." Ben asked smiling. "Excited about chopping fire wood I suspect." Ben laughed out loud. Adam and Hoss rolled their eyes at their father, they didn’t think his joke was funny.

"Joe, you can help your brothers stack the chopped wood today. And don’t forget since this is Saturday young man that you will need to take a bath."

"Ahhh...Paaa...Do I have ta take a bath. I mean I will just get dirty again. No sense in wasting water." Joe whined as he pleaded his argument.

Ben reached up and tousled the boys hair, "You still have to take a bath, but its nice for you to be concerned about water conservation Joseph."

With that, Ben stood from the table and headed outside to start his morning chores. He stopped for only a moment and called back to his three sons that had yet moved. "Get a move on boys, there’s plenty to get done today." He then continued on to go and start his first task.

The three Cartwright brothers began to whisper about their plans for the night. "We have to make sure we stay out of trouble today. If we don’t Pa will watch us like a hawk. We don’t want him to have any reasons to be watching us like that." Adam started to explain.

Hoss and Joe agreed that everyone must be on their best behavior. Adam begin to speak once again, "Joe that means take your bath without any argument. OK?"

"Sure Adam, I’ll take it, I don’t have to like it, but I’ll do it." Joe said with a frown on his face.

When they had all the plans finalized, and breakfast was eaten. The three got up from the table and headed to do their chores. They had decided that Joe would take care of the normal everyday task, so that Adam and Hoss could get started on the wood chopping. Hoss’ arms were real sore so he was glad he didn’t have to chop, stacking it wasn’t as bad and it did work out the soreness a little.

The day seemed to go on forever and ever. "Have you ever noticed when ya got big plans that the days seem so much longer." Hoss made the observation while heaving the next piece of wood to the shed.

"Yep, I know what you mean." Adam shouted over the sound of the ax. By this time Joe had began to help with the stacking. This made the chore go by much faster.

Later that evening, all the Cartwright men had hot baths before supper. They then gathered at the supper table. Enjoying the chicken pot pie that Hop Sing had made, they discussed how many more days it would take to fill the wood shed. Adam once again tried to persuade his father that the shed didn’t need to be completely full, but dropped the subject when Ben started to frown at him.

"I just wanted to Thank You boys for being so understanding, about why I didn’t want you in town the last couple of days." Ben addressed his three sons, "After tonight things should return to normal. I’m sure the town council will have a meeting about this so-called show that Jack is putting on. Maybe we can prevent such activities in the future."

All three young men shifted nervously in there seats. Here Pa was thanking them for behaving themselves, when in fact they were going to break the rules later tonight. The three boys all decided to excuse themselves and go to bed. They were afraid they would let some information slip out, or even worse Pa would make them feel mighty guilty, and one of them would confess the crime even before it was committed.

The three boys laid in their bunks and whispered about the upcoming plans. They had to make sure that Ben was in his room asleep, before they attempted to sneak out. They decided to do a test, one of them would get up to go to the outhouse. Usually, if Pa was still awake, he would come to his door and ask where they were going. Joe was chosen to be the test subject.

When no light shone under the bedroom door, Little Joe tiptoed out into the great room. He opened the door and headed outside. A few minutes later he returned, that’s all they needed, Pa was asleep and it was safe to put the plan in action.

Each of the boys dressed quickly. Adam and Hoss dressed in their Sunday Best, while Joe wore his everyday clothes. Joe had decided he would do some exploring in town, while his brothers were at the show. So he didn’t want to take a chance on ruining his good clothes.

They then crept out of their room and slithered like snakes out the front door. As quickly as possible the trio entered the barn, saddled their horses and walked as quietly as they could away from the house. Thank goodness the moon was full so they could find their way easily.

When arriving in town there were men everywhere. Most of the men were miners that had come down from the mountains when they had heard about the show. Adam did not recognize one person, which was a good thing. He and Hoss figured that all the family men had stayed at home with their families, like their father had done. They rode up in front of the hotel and tied their horses to the hitching post.

"Joe, what are you going to do while were inside?" Adam asked as he tugged Joe’s hat over his eyes.

Little Joe straightened his hat as he replied, "Don’t know, but I’m sure I can find something." Adam started to speak again, "Ok the show should be over in about an hour and a half. You meet us right here and we will ride home together. And Joe, for gosh sakes, stay out of trouble." On that note Joe ran off down the street to livery stable. Adam and Hoss pulled out their tickets and headed for the door of the hotel.

Some of Jacks pretty ladies where collecting the tickets. As Adam handed his ticket to the lady on the right she made a comment that there would be entertainment offered after the show, if he was interested. Adam flushed and pushed his way into the small room inside. Soon Hoss come filing in, the same flushed look on his face.

"Mr. Adam Cartwright, and Erik, I’ve been waiting for you two." Mr. Wolf was standing beside the young men. "You are my special guest tonight. I have saved the best seats in the house just for you."

Adam gave Jack a puzzled look, "Why would you do that Jack?"

"Now, your daddy would want ya to have the best if he were here. And I don’t want Mr. Benjamin Cartwright to think I would not treat his sons right. This way gentlemen." Jack pointed to the two empty seats at the front of the room.

The seats sat at center stage, Adam and Hoss walked over and plopped down in the vacant chairs, feeling slightly uncomfortable as they did so. Suddenly a young girl was standing beside the young men. "My names Sara, can I get you two a drink. Mr. Wolf says its on the house." Feeling much older than his years Adam decided he would order a whisky. Hoss figured a beer would be sufficient.

They both began to sip their drinks, when a young lady walked out on the stage to announce the beginning of the show. Within a split second, piano music started playing and a group of the loveliest women Adam and Hoss had ever seen, were doing a dance on the stage in front of them. When an article of clothing fell on Adams head, he and his brother choked on their drinks.

Drinks now forgotten, the boys focused on all the bare beauty that was before them. All thoughts of their disobedience and possible consequences were left behind. Their thoughts were now filled with long slender legs and bountiful bosoms.

Meanwhile, Little Joe had snuck into the back door of the hotel and had found a spot behind a beaded curtain to hide. When he saw the ladies, his heart had started to race and the lump in his throat was impossible to swallow. And to think his brothers were going to leave him out of the sultry show. He would defiantly have to pay them back for leaving out bits of information. Sitting on his knees he was now frozen in place by the scene before him. This was much better that playing marbles, that was for sure, Joe thought as one of the girls threw a silk stocking into the audience.


For some reason Ben could not sleep, he tossed and turned, beat his pillow, and kicked at his blanket. He laid in his bed wide awake for a great length of time. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something was not right. He started to get the funny gnawing feeling in his stomach and decided to get up and check on things around the house.

Ben slung his legs over the side on his bed, leaving his warm covers behind. He then slipped his feet into a pair of slippers that he keep beside bed in case he had to get up in the night. Standing up from his bed, he drug himself to the bedroom door, walked out into the hall and started to investigate.

What was it that was bothering him? He just couldn’t shake this weird feeling that was bubbling inside him. He walked into the great room and glanced around. Nothing seemed to be out of place. Not wanting to disturb his sleeping sons, he tiptoed to the front door and stepped out onto the porch into the moonlight.

Again he looked around, not seeing anything out of place. He went back in the house, carefully closing the door behind him. Seeing that everything was ok, Ben decided to go back to bed. Before he did however, he would check on the boys to make sure they were sleeping.

He strolled over to the bunk room door and opened it carefully. The moonlight was shining in the window ever so slightly, so he could see three lumpy forms in the light. He almost shut the door, when he realized that Hoss was not snoring. Hoss always snored, and Ben became concerned that he might be ill. Ben crept into the room and walked over to the bed. He lifted his hand to put it on Hoss’ forehead, only to find a blanket laid ever so carefully on the pillow. Ben jerked the covers back quickly, no Hoss. He then turned and did the same to Adam’s bed, no Adam. "Joseph, JOSEPH, wake up, where are your brothers?" Ben reached down to shake his youngest son. Only, instead of finding Joe he again found rolled up blankets.

"HOP SING!! HOP SING!!" Ben began to bellow. The little Chinese cook came running into the room. "What is it Mr. Cartwright? Is something wrong?"

"The boys, their gone. Do you know where they are?" Ben was truly worried.

"No, Mr. Cartwright, I thought they stay home tonight. They tell father they go to bed. They would no go to town at this hour?" Hop Sing asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Did you say to town?" Ben had turned, inspiration in his eyes. "Tonight, in town is that show. The show that I forbid them to see." Anger was now overtaking Ben’s thoughts.

Hop Sing was now wide awake, "Mr. Cartwright, you not think boys go to see show?"

"That’s exactly what I think, and when I get my hands on them, they’ll never want to see another show as long as they live." Bens voice rising with each word he spoke. He then turned, marched to his bedroom and got dressed.

"Hop Sing, please stay here in case they return. And if they do, make sure they don’t go anywhere." With that Ben marched to the barn and started to saddle his horse. He noticed that three horses were missing from the barn. Adams, Hoss’, and Joe’s. Like a bolt of lighting, Ben mounted his horse and headed for town.

As Ben galloped into town, he noticed the crowd of horses tied in front of Jacks hotel. He slowed his pace and rode closer. There right in front, tied to the hitching post, were Beauty, Chubb, and Paint. There was now no doubt in his mind where at least two of his sons were.

Ben brought his horse to a stop beside his sons mounts. He carefully tied Buck to the hitching rail and headed for the door of the hotel. When he went to step through the door, he was stopped by one of the ladies that had been collecting tickets earlier. "You can’t get in without a ticket mister."

Ben tipped his hat at the lady, "Ma’am I do not mean to be disrespectful, however, my sons are inside this hotel. I plan to retrieve them one way or the other. So you may let me enter nicely or I will break that door down to get in. With that information, the young lady stepped to the side and let Ben pass.

As he stepped inside, he noticed some almost naked ladies upon the stage. One had removed her long glove and threw it into the crowd. That’s when he saw the familiar outline of his middle son. Hoss had stood so that he could catch the glove as it floated onto the ground.

With his sight set, Ben began to push his way to the front of the room. In just a few short moments he was standing before his wayward sons.

At first they didn’t realize who it was, "Hey mister! Get out of the way will ya!" said Hoss as he pushed the leg of the man before him.

"I MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT." Bens voice carried over the noise in the room. Hoss stood up getting ready to confront the intruder in front of him. "MISTER Ya better mo...Pa, what....what are ya doin here." Hoss gulped as he looked into his fathers face. "Hey Adam, Adam." Hoss reached back hitting Adam on the shoulder.

Without looking up Adam answered back, "What is it Hoss, can’t you see I’m busy." One of the scantily dressed girls was sitting in his lap, as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

Hoss hit at his brother again, "Adam, I think this is real important."

Adam stopped what he was doing and looked up. When he discovered his angry father standing before him, he jumped to his feet. The young girl that was sitting in his lap hit the floor with a THUMP.

Adam was breathing quite heavily, "PA.....What in tarnation are you doing here?"

By now the music had stopped, and the ladies had quit dancing. Everyone in the room had directed their attention to the two young Cartwright boys at the front of the room.

"I believe I should be asking you the same question. Don’t you think?" Bens lips had become a thin straight line and his eyes flamed with anger. "And while I’m at it, where in blue blazes is Joseph?"

"Joseph?" Adam asked as if he had never heard of such a person.

"Yes, Adam, JOSEPH, you know your twelve year old brother." Bens voice had become very low and even. This meant things were actually becoming worse.

Adam stammered with the answer, "I...I...I don’t know Pa, sir."

"You don’t KNOW!" Ben shouted, "You mean to tell me that you don’t know where your twelve year old brother is?"

"No sir, Pa, I don’t know where he is, but I’ll go find him right know." Adam was getting ready to take a step but Ben grabbed his arm. "You’re not going anywhere young man, unless it’s to the nearest woodshed."

Adam flushed, as everyone in room started to chuckle.

"I think it would do the two of you well, to gather your things and go out the door. NOW!" Ben waved his hand to the open doorway.

It didn’t take a second request from their father. Adam and Hoss both gathered their hats and with embarrassed looks on their faces headed for the porch of the hotel, Ben following close behind.

As they were getting ready to go out the door, Little Joe ran from behind the beaded curtain. He was afraid that he would be left behind.

"Pa, Adam, Hoss, don’t go nowhere without me." Joe yelled as he ran up to his father.

"Joseph, you were here inside the hotel?" Ben asked as he glared at his youngest son.

Joe eyes became as large as biscuits, "Yes Pa.....I....was hiding behind that curtain over there." Joe pointed to direction he had come from.

Ben whirled around to face his two older sons, "Did you two know that he was in here?"

Hoss put up his hands and was waving them in front of his father, "NO..Pa we didn’t know. I mean we knew he was in town. But when we came in here, he had ran toward the livery stable.

"It that the truth A-dam." Ben moved his eyes to look at his eldest.

"Yes sir, just like Hoss said, he had ran to the livery stable."

This was the straw that broke the camels back, Ben was about to explode and he knew it. He gritted his teeth and pointed to the doors. "The three of you had better be on your horses within the next five seconds or I will deal with you right here, right now."

With that revelation, all three boys ran out the door and hoisted onto their horses, never even looking back into the hotel.

Jack Wolf who had been watching the scene unfold, walked up to Ben. "I’m real sorry about you’re boys Ben. Maybe you should keep a better eye on them."

Ben turned and stood face to face with Jack. He was so angry he couldn’t even speak, with one quick movement, he brought up his fist and punched Jack in the jaw. This caused Jack to tumble to the floor.

Ben then moved to the open doors and mounted his own horse. "Lets go boys, NOW!" All four Cartwrights were now headed for the Ponderosa.


It was quite late when the Cartwrights arrived back at the ranch. The ride home had been silent, the only noises was the occasional sounds of the wolves howling in the distance.

Everyone slid off the back of their horses. Ben handed his reins to Hoss, "Take care of my horse, I’m going to bed." Hoss nodded as Ben turned and tracked to the house.

All three boys hurried to finish taking care of the animals. When the chore was finished, they headed inside to go to bed.

After they had gotten undressed, the three scamps laid in their beds, eyes wide open.

"Adam, what do ya think Pa’s goin to do to us." Hoss asked as he pulled the covers up to his chin.

Adam answered back as he slid into his own bed, "Hoss I don’t even want to think about."

They both could hear Joe sniffling from his bed. "What’s wrong Joe?" Adam asked.

"I know what Pa’s going to do to us." Joe mumbled back, tears in his large green eyes.

"You do, do you? Well what do you think? Adam was very interested in hearing the answer to the question.

Joe spoke two simple words and then turned to go to sleep, "Kill Us."

"We can only hope Joe, something tells me we won’t get off that easy." Adam turned over and tried to drift asleep.


Bright and early the next morning, the boys awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking. Hoss had already started to get dressed, when Adam set up in his bed.

"Is Pa up yet?" Adam asked while rubbing his forehead. For some reason he had a headache. Ahh....must be from the whiskey, he thought.

"Don’t know yet Adam. I aint been brave enough to look." Hoss said as he slipped on his boot.

"Well remember, there’s strength in numbers. So we will all go out at the same time, ok?" stated Adam as he pulled on his black pants.

Little Joe just nodded his head, he looked terrified. "Joe." Adam began, "Your not afraid of Pa are you."

Joe bit his lip and mumbled back, "NO, I’m not afraid of Pa, only of what Pa can do to a persons backside." Adam grinned and reached over to mess up his little brother hair. "Well we knew what would happen if we got caught, so there’s no since in prolonging the inevitable."

As the bunk room door opened, Ben looked up from his cup of coffee. The trio staggered out into the room, and fell into their places at the table.

"Good Morning, boys, sleep well?" asked Ben with an edge in his voice.

The offenders glanced quickly at one another, Adam was elected spokesperson. "Sure Pa, we...well we sleep fine, I guess."

Ben had placed his elbow onto the table and folded his hands before him, "Good. There’s lots to be done today. When your finished with breakfast I want everyone started on their chores. Then after the chores are finished, I believe I need to have a discussion with each of you."

"A discussion Pa?" Adam almost spit his coffee across the table.

"Yes Adam, a discussion. We’ll talk about later." Ben took one last sip from his cup, stood and headed for the door.

Adam puckered his lips, "Ooooh, this is bad, real bad."

"Yep, I knew it would be Adam. And I for one am goin to go get my chores done. No since in adding any new transgression to the list." Hoss hopped up from the table, opened the door and was on his way.

It was wasn’t long before all the boys were busy doing chores. Adam had even started on chopping that extra wood that Pa still wanted for the woodshed.

It was sometime before any of the delinquents saw their father again. Ben emerged from the barn, arms crossed, as he called for his eldest son. "A-dam!" The young man looked to where his father was standing. "I’d like to speak to you in the barn, now." Ben turned and stepped back inside the wooden structure.

Adam stood with the ax in his hand, he reached up and wiped the sweat from his brow. He then laid the ax on the ground and proceeded to the barn. Once inside his father motioned for him to come stand in front of him. Adam obeyed, he stood before his father, somewhat nervous, and was looking at the ground.

"A-dam, look at me please." Ben demanded. Adam raised his eyes to meet his fathers, he almost looked back down, he sure didn’t like what he saw. Not only was there anger, there was disappointment, and he hated to disappoint his father.

"Would you like to explain to me what you were thinking last night?" Bens voice was calm.

"Pa, it’s a long story." Adam began.

Ben stared back at his oldest, "Give me the short version, please."

Adam began to explain everything that had happened, how the plan had been formed, how they had gotten tickets, he even let his father know about the whiskey he drank. He’d probably find out anyways, so might as let him know now.

"Adam I must say I am extremely disappointed in you. Didn’t we just go through this a few weeks ago. When you act like a child you will be treated like one. I thought for sure that living by Joseph’s set of rules for a month, would make you stop and think about what you did before you did it. But apparently I was wrong once again." Ben stopped talking for a moment to collect his thoughts. "I believe that you’ve broken enough of the house rules for a severe punishment. Don’t you?"

Adam paused before he answered, "Yes, sir. I do believe I should be punished, but.....don’t you think I’m just a little to old for what your thinking?"

"Nooo....I don’t think your ever to old to be put back on the right path. Adam don’t you understand, the things you do know will effect your life in the future. I want you to be able to make the right decisions about things. Someday I won’t be here to guide you when you make a mistake. As you get older and you break rules the punishment become harsher. It isn’t as simple as a tanning, or being restricted to the ranch. As an adult, you could face prison or even worse, someone might choose to handle the situation on their own and not wait for the law. I don’t want any of my sons not to be able to face a problem they have gotten into. But sometimes when a problem is to great people act irrational.

It hurts my soul, to have to punish you or your brothers, but I feel as a father its my duty. Do you understand?"

With tears in his eyes Adam looked at his father, "Pa I think I do understand. I’m real sorry about my behavior lately. I knew you wouldn’t approve of that show, yet I broke all the rules just to go see it. That was a stupid kid thing to do. So what ever punishment you give, I’ll accept with no complaint. However, if it’s a tanning your planning on, it will be the last one I ever receive, I hope. I’m just getting to old for all the stress that comes with waiting."

With the lecture over, Ben had nothing more to do but disburse the punishment. "Adam are your chores done?"

"Yes sir, Why do you ask?"

"Because, when I’m finished I want you to go to your room for the rest of the day or until its time for your evening chores. So, here it goes, first you are restricted to the ranch until you can prove to me that I can trust you again. That could mean a week, a month, or even longer. This totally depends on you and your behavior. Second, since your going to be spending so much time on the ranch, I’ll have a list of extra chores for you to do everyday. Starting with making sure the woodshed is full, not half full, not three quarters full, but full top to bottom. Third, Adam I really hate to do this, but I want you to remember this day the next time you try to do something sneaky."

Ben took one of the leather straps off the barn wall and had Adam bend over slightly. He then applied several swipes across his oldest sons backside. Even though Adam did not cry out, when he straightened up, there was tears streaming down his face.

"I want you to go to your room and think about all of this Adam." Ben then hugged his son and walked with him to the house.

Ben had to set at the table for a few moments to collect his nerves. He had two more sons to punish, it was hard enough to do one, but all three in one day was really tough on him.

Ben walked out onto the front porch, "Erik, I need to speak to you in the barn, now!"

Hoss wrinkled up his face and headed off to have his talk with his father. He knew for a fact that he was in trouble when his father called him Erik. And he and Little Joe had seen Adam walk to the house and knew their fate would be the same.

Once in the barn, Ben had the same conversation with Hoss as he did with Adam. Like Adam, Hoss too, had tears come to his eyes when the lecture was over. Somehow the words that Ben was speaking to his two older sons was sinking in.

After the lecture with Hoss, the same punishment was applied, restriction, chores and a "necessary talk."

He too hugged Hoss and walked him into the house.

Finally, it was Little Joe’s turn to face his father. Ben knew however, that Little Joe wouldn’t understand the point that he had made with his two oldest sons.

When he had Joseph in the barn, he gave him a stern lecture. Then he was too restricted, however Ben set his restriction for a month. He knew if he had to wait for Joe to act grown up that Joe would never leave the yard again. Then he passed the punishment of extra chores, and at the end the dreaded "necessary talk." Unlike Adam and Hoss, Joe cried full tears and Ben held him for the longest time, rubbing his back and assuring Joe that he was still loved. He then walked his youngest into the house and escorted him to his bedroom.

That night after everything had calmed down, Ben went to say goodnight to his offspring. When he opened the door all three jumped.

"Good night Boys." Ben spoke softly.

"Good night Pa." All three chimed together.

"I’m sure we won’t have a repeat of last nights behavior anytime soon." Ben had now stepped into the room. "And I’m sure no one will be visiting Mr. Wolf again?"

"No, sir." They again all spoke together. Ben then walked over and kissed each of his sons on the forehead.

As he turned and walked out the door, he paused and looked back over his shoulder, "I love you boys. More than the air I breath."

All the young men blushed, "We love you to Pa."

Ben then headed for his own room. With all back to normal in the Cartwright house, he would sleep well tonight.

Each having learned an important lesson, the boys drifted into a night's slumber, as silence and peace overtook the Cartwright house.

For once in their lives, all three young men shared two things in common. They would each have wonderful dreams of the events from the day before, and they each sported bright red, freshly tanned bottoms.


The End