Growing Pains

By Marion


Annie and Tess walked through the woods looking for some late season berries. Tess was her usual cheerful self, but Annie was quiet and didn't respond much to Tess's jokes. Finally the older girl asked "Are you all right, Annie? You seem quiet today."

"I'm just thinking. Look ­ here's a patch that the birds haven't eaten yet!" The girls filled their buckets then headed back towards their horses and the picnic basket that Hop Sing had packed for them. They were both enjoying their day together. Although Annie would never actually say anything, sometimes she missed the company of another girl and Tess enjoyed pretending she had a little sister.

Finally, as they finished their lunch, Annie looked at Tess seriously. "Tess, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Tess finished wiping her fingers on her napkin and looked at Annie.

"Do you like kissing Hoss?"

Tess choked on the water she had just drunk. She turned a little red and smiled. "Well, sure, I guess I do."


"I don't know, I, it, I just like to." Tess turned even redder. Annie nodded sagely.

"I thought you might. I know he likes kissin' you."

"How do you know that?"

"I heard him tell Adam."

Now Tess looked mad. "You heard him tell Adam that he liked kissing me?"

"Yeah, it was after we had that picnic when Joe told Uncle Ben that we saw you kissing. Uncle Ben must have lectured him about the kissing, but he told Adam it was a good thing we didn't come sooner 'cuz you were doing more than kissing. What were you doing?"

Tess's mouth was set in a thin line. "You never mind. Hoss said that? You really heard him talking to Adam about me and him? Are you sure?" Her tone was clipped. When Annie nodded, she said "I think it's time we got you home."

They rode home and found all the Cartwright men in the yard when they rode in. Annie handed her bucket to Hoss and Uncle Ben helped her off her horse. She could get off the horse herself, but he seemed to enjoy helping her all the time so she let him.

"Tess, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"No, thank you Mr. Cartwright. Ma is expecting me home." She shot a withering look at Hoss. Oblivious to the look, he grinned at her.

"You want to go riding with me tomorrow, Tess?"

"No thank you, Eric. I have other plans. Danny Johnson said he might stop by." Tess's tone was frosty, and Hoss's grin quickly faded. She urged her horse on and Ben and Adam looked at Hoss. He looked confused.

Adam nudged Hoss's arm. "What'd ya do to her? Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth." Hoss just shrugged.

A little while later, Hoss came looking for Annie as she brushed down her horse. "Annie, did Tess say anything about bein' mad at me?"


"Do ya know why she might be mad at me?"

Annie finished brushing the horse and put the brush back in its place. "I don't know Hoss. I just asked her if she liked kissing you, and she said she did." Hoss puffed slightly. "But then when I said I knew you liked kissing her 'cuz I heard you tell Adam, she got all mad looking." Hoss stared at her.

"You told her what?"

"Well, remember when Joe and I overheard you telling Adam that Uncle Ben was mad at you for kissing Tess and you said it was a good thing we didn't come along earlier 'cuz you were doin' more than kissing? Well, when I told her that she got all funny and decided it was time to go home."

Hoss's jaw dropped. "What did you go and say a stupid thing like that for? She's never going to talk to me again!"

Now Annie looked upset. "It wasn't stupid, I just wanted to know about kissing is all."

Hoss glared at her. "Just don't talk to me. Just get outta here before I pound you. I need to think." Annie burst into tears and fled. Hoss sat on a hay bale and put his head in his hands. How was he going to get out of this one?

A few minutes later, Ben came into the barn.

"Hoss, Annie just came into the house in tears and said you threatened to pound her. Is that true?"

Hoss was so lost in his misery that he didn't even hear his father approach and he jumped when Pa started to talk.

"Hoss, I asked if it's true that you threatened to pound her. Is it? Look at me, son."

Hoss nodded, but didn't look up. Ben began to get impatient. "Eric, when I am talking to one of my sons, I expect him to stand in front of me and look me in the eye. Are you doing that?" Hoss slowly got to his feet and looked at Ben. Great, now he was in trouble with Pa and with Tess. He wasn't sure which would be worse.

"Yes, Pa. I threatened to pound her."

Now Ben was getting angry. "And would you care to tell me why you threatened your cousin?"

Hoss shook his head. "No, sir, I'd rather not tell you that."

Ben's face turned beet red. "That really wasn't a request as much as it was an order."

"Then why'd you ask?" Hoss winced as soon as the words left his mouth. His misery made him forget everything he'd learned in 17 years of talking with Pa.

"Go to your room." Ben held up his hand to silence Hoss's apology. "Not a word. Just go to your room before I forget you are too old for my belt." Hoss needed no further urging and he fled the barn.


Ben sighed as he pushed away from the dinner table. "The meal was excellent as always, Hop Sing. Thank you." He got up, poured himself a cup of coffee and sat in front of the fire. Dinner was excellent, but the company was not. Annie pecked at her food and spent the whole meal on the verge of tears. Hoss was still in his room, no doubt even angrier with Ben because he missed dinner. Adam and Joe were able to read the signs and they sat quietly at the table, unwilling to draw attention to themselves. Finally Annie asked to be excused and went to start the dishes. Ben was at a loss with Hoss. The boy had never been that disrespectful before and Ben had no idea why he would threaten Annie. He always seemed so protective of her before.


"Yes, Uncle Ben?"

"Annie could you come here please, I need to talk with you." Annie obediently came and sat next to Ben. "Joe, Adam could you finish the outside chores, please?" They both headed outside. "Annie, why did Hoss threaten to pound you?"

Annie hesitated, not sure if her answer would get her in trouble with her uncle. He looked pretty mad. Finally she told him all about her conversation with Hoss and her conversation with Tess. Uncle Ben didn't look too happy when she got done with the story but he nodded and told her to go finish the dishes and then get ready for bed. He finished his coffee and headed into the bunkroom.

Hoss jumped up as soon as Ben walked in. "Pa, I'm real sorry that I was disrespectful. I said something I shouldn'ta said, and I'm sorry." Ben nodded.

"I accept your apology, but right now Hoss, I'd like to talk to you about you and Tess. I'd like to know what you two were doing before Joe found you after the picnic. " Hoss inwardly groaned. He mumbled through an explanation, and turned more red the more he explained. Every few words he'd glance up at his father. His father looked pained more than anything. Finally Hoss was done. Ben sighed.

"Hoss, I was young once, I know what it's like when you're alone with a girl, especially one you really care for. But I also know what can happen if you don't discipline yourself, and that's why I don't like you boys to be alone with girls. You and Tess are too young and could find yourselves some place you don't want to be. And another thing, a gentleman never brags to anyone, not even to his brother, about the time he spends with a young lady. I think you should not see Tess for a while, but first you need to apologize to her. And, I'm going to have to speak to Mrs. Greene about why you can't see Tess."

Hoss looked at his feet again. "Yes, sir, but thanks to Annie, it looks like I'm not gonna be seeing Tess ever again."

"Well, I'll speak to her about what she did. However, that doesn't excuse you threatening her. You should consider yourself restricted to the yard for the next week. Good night, son."

Ben closed the door behind him. One conversation down, one to go. Annie was not in the main room, so he assumed she was getting ready for bed. He knocked and opened the door. Annie was sitting on the brushing out her dark braids. Ben sat on the bed behind her and took the brush. He started brushing the back of her hair. "Annie, why did you tell Tess what Hoss had said to Adam? No, no, I'm not mad at you, I just want to know."

"I just wanted to know about kissing." The brush faltered.

"What did you want to know?"

"I wanted to know why people like to kiss. I mean, I saw Hoss and Tess and they looked like they were liking it, and I saw Adam with that new girl in town and they looked like they were liking it, so I want to know why people like it." Ben nodded several times, trying to think of what to say next. "Do you like kissing, Uncle Ben?"

"Well, um, well, yes I enjoyed kissing my wives just like I'm sure your pa enjoyed kissing your ma."


Oh, Lord, help me through this, thought Ben. "Well, kissing is one way that married people show that they love each other."

"But Hoss and Tess aren't married, and Adam and that girl aren't married."

"Yes, well, sometimes people who aren't married like to..well, that is to say.."

"Do you like kissing Mrs. Greene?"

"I don't kiss Margaret."

"Sure you do. I saw you kiss her last week after church."

"Well, Annie, you see there is kissing that friends do and there's kissing that men and women do."

"But you're a man and Mrs. Greene's a woman, so what kind of kissing is that? Are you feeling okay, Uncle Ben? You're looking a little red."

"What? Oh, well, I just realized I needed to talk to Adam about something important. Good night sweetheart." Ben kissed Annie and helped her under the covers. Ben practically bolted from the room and closed the door behind him.

"Pa? You feeling okay? You're looking kind of red."

"I'm fine Adam. I'm going to bed, good night."

Ben left the house early the next morning. He didn't think he could face Hoss or Annie first thing that morning. He rode for a while, trying to work out his dilemma. Obviously Annie needed some guidance that he didn't feel that he could give. Not surprisingly he soon found himself by Marie's grave. Marie, my love, help me. I have the daughter you always wanted and now I don't know what to do. She needs a woman to talk to. Once again, I wish you were here. Ben sat for a while by Marie's side and cleared his mind. Suddenly it came to him that he knew several women that could talk to Annie. There was Shelby, no, on second much as he liked Shelby, she just wasn't a role model for a young lady. There was Ruth, but he wasn't sure he could bring the topic up with Ruth. Margaret. She had the experience with Tess, she would know how to talk to Annie. Besides, he had to go talk to Margaret anyway about Tess and Hoss. Thank you, my darling, you've never failed me.

He arrived at the Greene's ranch just as Margaret and Tess were finishing breakfast. "Join me for some coffee, Ben?"

"Yes, thank you. I left the house before Hop Sing this morning and I could really use the cup." He politely declined her offer of breakfast.

"Margaret, I need to talk to you about a, well, a rather delicate matter. Two rather delicate matters actually."

"All right, Ben. Why don't we go in the parlor and close the door."

"Now then, what two matters are so delicate?"

Ben twirled his hat in his hands, much the same way his sons did when they were nervous. "Well, I've come to talk to you about Hoss and Tess. It, that is to say, I've told Hoss that I think he and Tess need to stop seeing each other for a while. "

Margaret nodded. "Tess spoke to me about what happened, and I guess you talked to Hoss. I think you're right. It's not that I don't like Hoss, but she's so young to be seriously involved with anyone, Ben."

Ben nodded. "Oh, I agree. If, in a few years, they want to get married, then I would be pleased to welcome Tess into the family. I have told Hoss that he needs to apologize to Tess. I'll bring him over later for that."

"I'm not sure Tess will listen, but you may bring him over. Now, Ben, I need to talk to you about Annie." Ben looked surprised. "Tess told me what Annie was asking and I think she has questions that would be best answered by a woman. Tess didn't feel right talking to Annie without your permission, and of course she would never ask you. She suggested maybe I could offer to speak to Annie."

Ben looked relieved. "Actually, Margaret that was the other delicate matter I had for you. She started asking me questions about kissing last night and I'm afraid I just made a mess of it and confused the poor girl more."

"I'm sure you did, Ben. Men usually do." Margaret smiled and Ben just rolled his eyes. "If it's all right with you, I'll talk to Annie. There are a lot of things she needs to know about growing up that she'll never learn in your house of men. Bring her over today when you bring Hoss back and I'll talk to her then.

Several hours later found Ben leaving the Greene ranch with Hoss. He had supervised Hoss's apology to Tess. Tess had tearfully accepted it and then ran from the room crying. Margaret had told her she and Hoss were not to be alone together anymore, and Tess realized that she wasn't so angry with Hoss after all. Hoss didn't look too happy when he left the Greene's but he knew better than to argue with Pa. Ben left Annie with Margaret, who said she would bring Annie home after dinner.

Hop Sing had just cleared the dinner dishes away when Margaret drove up with Annie. Ben lifted Annie down from the buggy. "Come in for coffee, Margaret?"

"No, thank you, Ben. I want to get home before it gets too dark." Annie and Ben watched the buggy drive out of sight before going up to the porch.

"Did you have a good talk with Mrs. Greene?"

"I guess. I knew some of that stuff already but Mrs. Greene was real nice about explaining other things. She said if I have any more questions about kissing I should come ask her, 'cuz you'd just get embarrassed. Is Hoss still mad at me? Hey, Hoss, Tess helped me make a pie for you! Don't be mad at me anymore!" She ran into the house and Ben just watched her, shaking his head. At least with four young people in the house, life would never be dull.

The End