The First Born

By Sunshine


The sun slowly crept above the trees as a new day greeted the Nevada territory. With every new day came new jobs that had to be done before the day ended. Adam Cartwright had gotten up early in order to help his father begin setting up post for the new fence they were to build. Adam quietly dressed and left the bedroom he shared with his brothers. 'Awe, the joys of being the oldest' he thought to himself as he slipped on his boots and walked out onto the porch. His father, Ben, was already saddling the horses as he walked into the barn.

"Looks like we are going to have a beautiful day to work with," Ben said as he watched his oldest stroll into the barn.

"Yeah, so it seems," Adam responded rather gruffly.

"I guess I can't say the same about your attitude." Ben said with a frown on his face.

"Sorry, pa, I didn't mean to say it quite like that," Adam said while looking sheepish. "So is Hoss going to come out and help us or is he going to get to sleep the day away." Adam questioned.

"No, Hoss has chores of his own to take care of today, that is why you are with me." Ben continued "Considering you are up so early helping me, there might be a little extra in your pay."

"Pa, that is not necessary, I am not little Joe, I am not a child," Adam said as he mounted Beauty. "I don't mind helping you."

"Well that is good to know, bends you are pretty much my right hand man," Ben said as he trotted up the hill to where their work awaited them.

Adam felt a sense of pride as he put Beauty into a gallop. Maybe being the oldest had its benefits.


The day, no doubt, turned out to be a beautiful one. However it also turned out to be an extremely hot one as well. It was only a couple of weeks into summer and so far the temperatures were scorchers. This only added to the misery of a hard day's work. Around noon Ben decided that it would be best to take a lunch break. It was well appreciated too.

They sat in the tall grass and talked while eating the lunch Hop Sing had prepared for them. Ben glanced over at his son and was mesmerized by how much his son looked like his mother. With his dark hair and blue eyes he was the spitting' image of his dear Elizabeth. He even possessed the charming smile that his mother had; the one that won Ben's heart all those years ago. Had it really been twenty years ago since he lost his beloved Liz, and now here he sat with his only link to the beautiful woman she had been. Life had it's strange ways about it. Time really flew and it seemed that with each day it just got a little bit faster.

"What is it pa?" Adam asked when he noticed his father looking at him.

Startled by the question, Ben answered. "Oh, nothing son I just never really realized how much you look like your mother."

Adam for a moment could not think of anything to say, but then finally found the words. "What was she like pa?" He asked quietly unsure of how Ben might react to the question.

"Your mother was one of a kind," Ben continued as if he had just been swept back in time. "She was sweet, proud, and no doubt stubborn, all wrapped up into one." "She cared deeply for others, even those she didn't even know, but if you ever crossed her she would stand her ground."

"Her son reminds me a lot of her," Ben said with a laugh.

"Yeah I guess I can be somewhat stubborn at times," Adam said with a smile.

"I won't argue with you there, son, but of course you inherited that quality from both your mother and myself." Ben said with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

They both laughed for a moment and then fell silent.

"I am glad that you inherited her heart and her willingness to help others in distress." Ben said while looking at Adam. "It makes me proud."

Adam made no comment only smiled at the compliment his father paid him. He was afraid his emotions would get the better of him if he attempted to speak. So they just sat there in silence enjoying each others company while looking across the horizon that was covered with the tall grass and wildflowers. 'It certainly did turn out to be a beautiful day' Ben thought to himself. Little did he know that within a few hours his life would take a dramatic turn.


It was a couple of hours before sundown when Ben and Adam decided to pack up and head home.

"I guess we should head back and check up on the boys, well check up on little Joe at least." Ben said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Adam said as he gathered up the equipment. "We can find out what kind of mischief that boy has been up to."

"With both Hoss and Hop Sing there maybe they can keep him in line." Ben said with hope in his voice.

"Pa, I wouldn't hold my breath." Adam said while grinning.

" I think I will take your advice." Ben said as he mounted Buck.

"Hey, if you are worried about him why don't you go on home, I can finish up here," Adam continued "It won't take me long."

"Are you sure? I feel bad about leaving you." Ben said with worry creasing his brow.

"Go pa, I will be fine, and I should be home by supper." Adam insisted.

"Alright, but be careful coming home." Ben said as he started towards the homestead.

"I will pa I'll see you in a little while." Adam said as he threw his hand up to his retreating father.


As Ben was approaching the barn he heard an awful commotion coming from the inside. "what in the world are they doing?" Ben said to himself.

As he was walking into the barn where the noise was coming from he was met with a very red little Joe. The redness, being paint, that was suppose to be on the barn and not all over the child.

"Oh, hi pa how was your day?" Joe said nervously as if trying to act like his father could not see paint all over him.

"DADBURNIT, little Joe when I get my hands on you." Hoss yelled as he came out of the barn. When he finally noticed his father standing there he looked down to the ground in embarrassment. Ben noticed that there was not a part of his teenage son that was not covered in red paint. Trying to hold back his laughter he looked sternly at both of his red sons.

"Would you two like to explain to me why you are covered in paint and this barn is not." Ben asked in a booming voice.

"Well pa it's all Joe's fault." Hoss exclaimed.

Little Joe could only look at the ground because he knew that is big brother was speaking the truth.

"Is this true Joseph?" Ben asked

"Yes pa" Joe responded in a low voice.

"Look at me boy, when you are speaking to me." Ben said loudly.

Little Joe looked up with fear in his eyes and once again said that he was the cause of the messy scene before them.

"I was just going to play a trick on Hoss, I didn't know there was so much paint in the bucket when I tipped it over on him from the loft, honest..." Little Joe explained trying to defend himself from a future punishment.

"I see and how did you get paint all over yourself?" Ben asked his youngest.

"You see pa that would be my fault, I was so angry that I wrestled him to the ground and put paint all over him." Hoss said once again looking embarrassed.

"Boys, I am disappointed in you both," Ben said with his hands on his hips. "You both know that paint cost money and right now money is very limited." "Now I want you both to go get cleaned up for supper and we will discuss the extra chores you will be doing next week because of this little escapade."

Both boys walked to the house silently but not without glaring at each other. When they were out of sight Ben began laughing to himself at the sight of his two sons covered in red paint. 'Oh these boys of mine' he thought to himself while bedding down Buck.


Adam had just finished packing everything up and was about to head home when he suddenly heard the sound of approaching horses. He looked up while wiping the sweat from his brow, and saw that it was a group of about five men coming closer. As they got closer he noticed that all of them were quite a bit older then him. One man was smiling at him as he got closer and Adam assumed that this was the leader of the group.

"Excuse me I was wondering if you might help us?" The leader said. He was a big man with dirty clothes and a greasy beard. He looked to be about forty-five years of age.

"Sure what can I do for you?" Adam asked the man.

"Well we have been riding a long time now and we were wondering if you might have some food on you?" the greasy man asked.

"All I have is what was left from my lunch earlier, it's not much, but you are welcome to it." Adam said as he reached for the tin that held what remained of his lunch. "I just don't think it will be enough for all five of you."

"That is mighty nice of you, kid." The man sneered. "Ain't that right boys?"

"Mighty nice" a couple said while the others laughed.

Adam however did not think anything of it.

"Please forgive my manners, my name is Bill," the greasy man continued. While pointing to the man beside of him that was equally dirty he introduced him. "This here is Jim" "The blond back there is Jake." With that a skinny man of about thirtyfive with unruly blond hair nodded. Bill continued to introduce the remaining men of the group. "Those two are the Logan brothers, Mike and Andy." Two men that appeared to be in their early forties looked at Adam and smiled.

"So what is your name, boy?" Bill asked.

"Adam Cartwright, sir." Adam responded immediately. There was something about these men that gave him an uneasy feeling.

"It is nice to meet you Adam," Bill said and proceeded to ask. "I don't suppose you have any money on you do you?"

"Well, no I have been working up here all day with my pa and didn't bring any with me," Adam answered beginning to feel nervous.

By this point all five men had dismounted and were standing close to Adam.

"How old are you sonny?" Bill asked in a sneering voice.

"I'm twenty." Adam answered while looking at each man.

"A young kid like you is bound to have some money, don't your pa give his little boy an allowance?" Bill said as he walked closer to Adam.

"I haven't been paid yet." Adam said in a shaky voice.

"That a fact." Bill said as he continued to get closer to Adam. "Well I want you to go slowly to your horse and empty out everything in the saddlebags."

Before Adam could respond he was roughly shoved towards his horse. Worry engulfed him because he did have some money in the saddlebags and he knew the men would not like being lied to. Slowly he took out the strips of beef and other supplies he had in the bags. Finally Bill came and stood over him watching and it was then that he noticed the money.

"Well, looky here, looks like young Adam here was holding out on us." Bill said and suddenly punched Adam point blank in the face causing him to fall to the ground. The men laughed as they watched Bill advance on the boy. While Adam was still on the ground Bill landed a kick to his ribs and back.

"Come on Bill get the money and let's go." Jake said.

"Now you just shut your trap," Bill said. And was about to land another blow to Adam when he forcefully grabbed him and helped him stand. After he knew Adam was steady on his feet he mounted his horse.

"Come on boys let's go," He said.

"Should we take his horse?" Jake said as he walked towards Beauty but before he could grab her reins she took off like a bullet.

"Damn horse." Jake yelled as he watched her run off.

They all mounted and turned to leave when Bill suddenly spun in his saddle to look at Adam.

"Oh, one more thing, kid" he said as he drawled his gun and pointed it at Adam. Adam looked at him with shock on his face as he felt a searing pain explode throughout his chest. He stood for a moment looking down at the blood that spread rapidly across the front of his shirt. It was as if he were in a dream and then suddenly he felt the rush of the ground coming towards him and then all was black.

"Damn Bill why did you go and do a thing like that, he's just a boy." Jake said in a disgusted voice. "He's not even carrying a gun."

"He's a dead boy now, Jake" Bill said with no emotion.

The five men left on their horses leaving with what little money Adam had and acted as if nothing had happened. While Adam lay on the ground fighting for his life, Ben was at home unaware of the danger his young son was in.


Darkness had fallen when Adam awoke to the feelings of pain and coldness. His mind was fuzzy and at first he was not sure where exactly he was or how he had gotten there. Then the pictures of him working with his father earlier that day began to flood his memory. 'But where was pa' Adam thought to himself as he tried to turn over onto his back. It was then that he remembered the men that had shot and robbed him. As he started to move unbearable pain shot throughout his entire body and he thought he was going to pass out. Once his world stopped spinning he looked down at his shirt to survey the damage with what little light the moon had offered him. The bullet looked like it had entered under his ribcage, but he couldn't tell if the bullet was still in. His mind was becoming fuzzy again and it took every amount of strength he had left to keep from being enveloped into the darkness again.

"What am I going to do?" Adam asked in a hushed voice that was filled with pure panic. "I have to get home." He said as he tried to push himself off of the ground. He looked around and noticed that the fence was not far away. He tried to pull himself towards it thinking he could use it for support to help him stand. After what seemed like hours to him, he finally reached the fence and began pulling himself up. He almost made it when dizziness washed over him causing him to lose his balance. He fell to the ground and lost the battle against the darkness.


"Where could he be?" Ben asked himself as he was looking out the window in the direction of where he had left his son a couple of hours ago.

"Something wrong pa?" Hoss asked coming up behind Ben.

"I was just wondering what was keeping your brother." Ben said as he glanced at Hoss.

"Don't worry pa, he will be here any minute." Hoss said trying to reassure his father.

"Supper is now ready." Hop Sing said loudly as he was walking out of the kitchen carrying a dish. When Hop Sing noticed someone missing a frown formed on his face. "Where Adam?" Hop Sing asked with irritation in his voice.

"Adam should be here any moment, Hop Sing." Ben said while walking towards the table.

"Boy, better come quick, or food be cold." Hop Sing voiced while walking back to the kitchen.

At that moment the sounds of a horse approaching the house could be heard.

"I bet that is Adam now." Little Joe exclaimed as he ran to the door.

"Joseph, no running in the house." Ben spoke loud enough for Little Joe to stop running and continue at a much slower pace as he went outside.

"PA!" Little Joe yelled which sent Ben running for the door.

"What is it Little Joe?" Ben asked.

"It's Adam's horse, but he isn't with her." Little Joe said, as he looked to his father and Hoss with worry evident on his face.

Ben felt fear enter his heart and it was as if the world had stopped all movement. He watched as Adam's beloved horse came to a stop in front of the house. Ben walked quickly to the horse noticing that the horse had been stripped of the saddlebags he had given his son for his last birthday. 'There is something wrong' Ben thought immediately.

"Little Joe, do you think you can ride into town and find Sheriff Coffee and even Doc Martin?" Ben asked his youngest.

"Sure pa, I will go right now." Joe said as he started towards the barn to get his horse.

"No, go get Hop Sing and take the wagon, I don't want you going by yourself." Ben explained.

"But pa it will be faster if I take my horse." Joe protested.

"Do as I say Joseph, and go now." Ben said sternly.

"Yes, pa." Little Joe replied as he ran into the house to get Hop Sing.

"Hoss saddle up, you and I are going to go find Adam." Ben said as he went to saddle Buck.

"Yes, sir." Hoss said as he ran to fetch his horse.

They both sped off in search of a beloved brother and son. Both had fear gripping at them, which only made them charge ahead faster. Both were saying silent prayers that Adam was safe.


When Ben and Hoss arrived to the work sight they noticed a figure slumped by the fence. Ben practically jumped off Buck and ran to his fallen son's side. 'Oh my Lord, please let him be all right' Ben repeated over and over in his mind as he knelt beside Adam. Hoss was right behind him and knelt down on the other side of his brother.

"Pa, is he?" Hoss said with fear echoing in his voice.

With that question Ben felt for a pulse and was relieved to find a slow but steady one.

"He is alive, son." Ben said as relief swept over him.

"But we have to get him home quickly," Ben said as he looked around towards the spare wagon they had left earlier that day.

"We will remove all of the equipment and place Adam in the wagon."

Ben said as he motioned for Hoss to go to the wagon.They both approached the wagon and began throwing the items out like wild animals. In a matter of minutes the wagon was ready for Adam to be placed inside. When Adam was safely placed inside, Ben jumped in and held his son.

"Hoss, hitch Buck and your horse up and let's go." Ben shouted as he was getting in the wagon.

"Yes, pa." Hoss said as he got both horses in place. He jumped up in the seat and they started on their journey back home.

While Ben was holding Adam he gazed up into the night sky. He looked at each of the bright stars in the cloudless sky and drifted back to another time when he watched the stars light up the sky one by one.


"Pa," four-year old Adam said while wiping the sleep form his eyes.

"Adam, why are you out of bed, it is much to late for little boys to be up." Ben said as he watched his little boy walk over to him.

"I am sorry pa, but I couldn't sleep, and then I got lonely." Adam continued. "Pa, can I stay with you until I fall asleep?"

"Well I guess you can, come over here child." Ben said as he grabbed Adam and placed him in his arms.

They both sat and gazed up into the sky. The silence was broken with whisper of a question.

"Is that where mama is?" Adam asked not taking his eyes off the sky.

Ben looked down to see the moonlight show his son's big blue eyes looking towards the sky in deep thought.

"Yes, son your mother is up there in heaven." Ben said in a gentle voice pulling his little boy closer to his chest.

"Oh," Adam said with a trace of disappointment in his voice.

"But you know what, Adam?" Ben asked as he saw the sadness enter the blue eyes.

"What pa?" Adam asked as he looked into his father's face.

"Your mother is up there, and even though she can't be with you, she is still watching over you." Ben continued. "Every good thing you do and every new thing you learn she is there watching with a smile on her face."

"What about when I do something bad?" Adam questioned while watching his father.

"Well, she understands that you will sometimes do bad things, and she knows I am here to take care of it." Ben said with a smile. "But no matter what you do always remember that she will always love you, and so will I."

"I wish I could see her." The small boy said once again looking back at the sky.

"Well, whenever you feel like that, just look around you and you will see her." "You can look at those beautiful stars and remember that even though sometimes you may not see them for the clouds, they are still there, and so is she." "And they are guiding your footsteps." Ben said and placed a kiss on top of his son's dark head.

That seemed to please his young son, for in a matter of minutes Adam was asleep. Ben, however, did not take him to bed, he instead sat there holding his baby and continued gazing at the stars.


He was brought back to the present when he felt Adam move in his arms. Adam moved restlessly, but then became still again. He held his son tighter and looked up into the night sky 'Watch over our son Elizabeth' he prayed silently.

When they arrived to the ponderosa Joe was standing with Sheriff Coffee and Doc Martin on the porch.

"Ben, what in sam hill happened?" Roy asked as he saw Ben in the back of the wagon holding a very still Adam.

"Well we will discuss that later." Doc Martin cut in. "First let's get Adam inside."

Hoss was able to carry Adam by himself, so he quickly took Adam into the house and into Ben's room, because only bunk beds were in their room.

Everyone was in the room by the time Hoss settled Adam into the bed.

"Ok I want everyone out," Doc Martin interrupted.

"I'm..." Ben tried to continue before Doc Martin cut in.

"No Ben you are not staying, I need all the space I can get so you need to leave with the rest of them." "And I don't want to hear another word." Doc Martin spoke his authority.

Ben left the room in a huff and waited with everyone else in the living room. He sat in front of the fire engulfed in worry.

"Pa, is Adam going to be alright?" Little Joe asked as he sat down beside his pa.

"I just don't know, Little Joe, I just don't know." Ben said as he placed an arm around his youngest son.

Silence once again filled the room and everyone sat overwhelmed by their own thoughts and memories. Sheriff Coffee had known each of the boys since they were babies, and to him he felt like they were his own sons. Ben and Roy had been friends for a long time and it came as a surprise when he heard that his friend was moving to Nevada.

Sheriff Coffee realized that the Cartwrights were his family and he decided a few months later to move out there himself. He got lucky when he was offered the job as sheriff. He proved to be very good for the town and earned a lot of respect in the few months he had been there. He had never counted on anything like this happening though.'Adam is a good boy, and will prosper to do great things in this world, God willing.' Roy thought to himself as they waited for news on Adam.

An hour passed by when they heard the door open and saw Doc Martin walking towards them. Ben immediately stood and began asking questions.

"How is he?" Ben asked.

"I have to say that your boy is one lucky young man," Doc Martin continued. "The bullet went straight through, and missed any vital organs, but he did sustain a great amount of blood loss." "But I was able to get the bleeding to stop, and with proper rest he should be just fine."

A lot of relieved and happy yells could be heard throughout the room,

Hoss had grabbed Little Joe and was swinging him around.

"However, we will have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he does not get a terrible fever." Doc Martin said. "I will stick around until morning just in case."

"Of course, you can sleep in the boys room, and I will stay with Adam." Ben said and then continued sternly. "And do not tell me no because you will not easily convince me this time, if something happens I will immediately come get you."

"Well I have never been one to argue with you Ben, so I guess that will be alright." Doc Martin said with amusement.

"Now, can we talk about what caused this?" Roy asked.

"Wait until Adam is awake and can let us know what happened." Ben said as he walked into the bedroom to be with his son.

"I can tell you this, whoever did this was a lousy shot." Doc Martin said as Joe and Hoss showed him to their bedroom.

Sheriff Coffee was about to speak again when he noticed he was all alone. 'Well don't that beat all' He said to himself. He went to peep in the bedroom where Ben and Adam were and was shocked at how pale Adam looked.

"Ben, if you need me I will be in town, I have to get back to make sure it is still standing, and I will ride out here in the morning to see how the boy is doing." "You all are in my prayers." Sheriff Coffee said as he turned to walk out.

"Thank you Roy for coming out here, and I will see you in the morning." Ben said as he waved to Roy. Ben grabbed the closest chair and pulled it to the bed and took hold of Adam's hand. Holding his son's hand to his chest he whispered "Thank you Lord, and thank you Elizabeth."


Ben sat by his son's bedside watching for any change in his condition. He sat there in the room quietly hearing the echoes of laughter and the words of those that once swept across his life, and now only leave their memory. He sat thinking of the heartache he felt when Elizabeth died. They were suppose to grow old together, but God had other plans. He could hear her laughter and see her beautiful expression when she told him that they were expecting their first child. They had spent months talking about how they would raise the child and how happy they would be. When the moment finally arrived for the child to be born their excitement only elevated more. Then he remembered going in the room and seeing his strong Elizabeth lying there so weak. Even in her weak state she was holding her child tightly to her.

"Isn't he beautiful, Ben?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes

"Yes, just like his mother." Ben said trying to hold back tears of his own.

"I knew we shouldn't have tried having a child." Ben said as he kneeled by his wife's bed.

"No, don't ever say that, I have waited a long time for this little one, and I have no regrets." She said as she kissed Adam on top of his head.

"Ben, whatever happens always look after him." Elizabeth said, as she looked him straight in the eye.

"Oh, darling you know I will." Ben continued. "But nothing is going to happen, you are going to be just fine." Ben said no longer holding the tears back.

"And you little one." Elizabeth said watching Adam sleep. "You grow up to be a fine man, an honest man." "Grow to be just like your father."

"He will be just like his mother, I hope." Ben said as he kissed Elizabeth.


Ben remembered back to later that night after Elizabeth passed away. He sat and rocked his newborn son until the sun came up the next morning. He held in his arms the only link to what his dear Elizabeth was. He was brought back to the present when he heard the sound of Hoss's voice.

"Pa, is Adam all right?" Hoss asked as little Joe walked behind him.

"Yeah pa how is he?" Little Joe asked.

"Boys, you shouldn't be out of bed." "But yes your brother seems to be doing fine, he is slightly warm but nothing to get Paul for." Ben said as he looked from Adam to his other boys standing in the doorway.

"All right Little Joe let's go back to bed." Hoss said as he lifted

Joe and threw him over his shoulder.

Ben could not help but laugh as he watched his children leave the room. There walked his other links to Inger and Marie that he also loved dearly. He had lost so much, but gained so much as well. He loved all of his boys more then anything in the world. He was thankful for the three women that had entered and left his life to soon. 'My God I am a lucky man.' Ben thought as he began to wipe Adam's forehead with a damp clothe. 'What would I do without my beautiful boys?' it was a thought Ben did not want to think about. He leaned back in the rocker and started to doze off when he heard a whisper.

"Pa?" Adam asked weakly.

Ben leaned forward in the rocker and watched as his son began to open his eyes. "I am right here son, you are safe now." Ben spoke softly to Adam.

"I thought I was going to die pa." Adam said looking towards his father.

"Well not for at least another sixty years your not." Ben said smiling at his son. Adam smiled a little and began to drift off back to sleep. Ben sat back in his rocker once again and felt the bricks being lifted off of his heart. "Thank you Lord for my wonderful sons." Ben said as he watched the sunrise through the bedroom window. "And thank you for our new beginning."

The End....