TITLE: Awakening AUTHOR/S: Missy and Lesley DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is owned by MGM/UA and Ogiens/Kane Productions. No copyright infringement is intended. Awakening By Missy and Lesley Carefully, Lou fastened the last hairpin to the bun she had formed at the back of her head, and peered into the cloudy mirror. "Well, that will have to do," she thought to herself. It had been so long since Lou had dressed up and done her hair that she had almost forgotten how to do it. Though Lou had often wished she could shed her male appearance and dress in a feminine way, she was a little bit thankful that she wasn't required to spend much so time on the way she looked each day. But now as Lou stood gazing at her reflection in the mirror she was pretty well satisfied with her efforts. She had to admit she was excited about the small party that the church was putting on, but in a way, she was dreading it too. She always hated to make up a new name and lie to the guests about who she really was, hoping no one would figure out she was the small Pony Express rider everyone knew as Lou. Sometimes she imagined that she revealed to the people of the small town her true identity and their expression would turn ghostly from shock. With those imagined responses Lou had often laughed aloud and been questioned by the other riders as to what she thought was so funny. She had never divulged to them the reason for her laughter, instead she had made up some excuse. Thinking about some of those crazy explanations she had given them caused her to smile even now. "What are you so happy about?" Startled, Lou whirled around to see Jimmy standing in the doorway. "Jimmy, you scared me." "Sorry, Lou. I just..." Jimmy's voice trailed off, seeing just how beautiful Lou looked. All he could do was stare at the young woman before him. In a matter of seconds he took in everything about her. Her hair was swept up into a loose bun with soft curls gently hanging around her face. She had on a lovely pale yellow dress with a delicate flowered print. The full skirt and slim waist fit her perfectly, accentuating the feminine shape nobody really knew she had. The sudden thought made his face turn red. "Jimmy, is something wrong?" Lou asked uneasily. "Uh, no," Jimmy replied, quickly regaining control of himself. "I came in here to see if you were ready." "Yeah, I guess so. Is everyone else ready?" Jimmy nodded. "Except Cody of course." Lou smiled. "Well, what name should I use tonight?" she asked, changing the subject. "Hmm, I don't know," Jimmy said. But to himself he thought, "How about Mrs. Jimmy Hickok?" The End