Chapter six Louise took her time heading back to the waystation. She felt better after pouring out her heart to Noah. She also felt better knowing there was some explanation for her hateful attitude of late. She pitied the poor souls at the waystation who'd had to endure her wrath, since she knew she could be downright wicked sometimes. She smiled and reminded herself to ask Emily if she'd acted the same way early in her pregnancy. Funny how things work, Lou thought. Now we have something else in common! Kid was pacing the porch of the house and as soon as he saw his wife, he dashed out towards her, his eyes full of worry. He wrapped his arms around her, never wanting to let her go. "Louise?" he asked. "Are you okay? Where've you been? What happened?" "Kid," Louise said, trying to calm him, "I'm fine. I just took a little walk and lost track of the time is all." "But what about the doctor?" Kid continued. "What'd he say?" "I ain't dyin', if that's what you're worried about," she said softly. "But..." he persisted. "Kid, we'll discuss it after supper, along with your news," she said. "Okay?" she asked, grabbing his hand and heading up the stairs of the porch. "Okay," he replied, thinking he probably wouldn't each must so they could leave the table that much sooner. Louise and Kid walked into the kitchen, both pleased to see Buck and Emily were actually having a conversation, if somewhat awkwardly. The ride must have helped, Kid thought to himself, considering he was usually on the receiving end of advice, not the giving end. Teaspoon was going on about the roof of the bunkhouse still not being fixed, and Rachel was making final preparations for the evening meal. "Louise!" Rachel looked up and gasped. "What have you done to yourself? You're a mess!" Lou looked down and realized her dress was filthy from sitting in the dirt at the graveyard. She had mud on her face where the dirt had mixed with her tears as she wiped them away. "Sorry, Rachel, I'll go wash up," Lou said apologetically. She rushed upstairs to change and wash her face before Rachel's meal got cold. Looking in the mirror, she realized how awful she looked. No wonder Kid had been so panicked! Back at the table, Louise made a conscientious effort to eat, now that she knew she was eating for two, but she still had no appetite. As soon as was politely possible, Kid grabbed her hand and asked Rachel if he could spare her from the supper clean-up. Rachel gave her blessing, knowing the newlyweds had important issues to discuss. It's been a long time comin', she thought. Lou followed Kid out on to the porch and they sat down on the steps. It was a beautiful evening, with a light breeze and a full moon. They sat in silence for a bit holding hands until Kid couldn't stand it anymore. "So tell me, what'd the doctor say?" "No, Kid. I want to hear your news first," Lou replied. "You're the one who suggested this conversation this mornin' in the first place. You should go first." He hadn't been expecting that, but he was prepared after all his practice speeches during his recent rides. "Okay, I'll go. But you can't interrupt." "You always say that," Louise responded, thinking of his last marriage proposal. "That's 'cause you always do!" he exclaimed. "Now do you want me to go or not?" "Go ahead," she said, afraid of what she was about to hear. "Well I've been riding a lot lately, and it's given me some time to think," Kid began. "I decided I'm not going. I'm not gonna go back to Virginia. I mean, I helped Jimmy free Isiah Burke and the slaves, and I've realized that no matter what anyone says or how I try to justify it, this war is about slavery, not just states rights. It just ain't right for one man to own another simply 'cause his skin's a different color. Besides, with Cody bein' in the army and all, if I fought I could end up aimin' a gun at him. He's like a brother to me, big mouth and all, and I just couldn't do it. And Noah, well, I couldn't betray him by fightin' either." Kid stopped, breathless from finally being able to get his bottled up feelings out in the open. Lou was astounded. She was sure that Kid would have decided to return to Virginia to fight. She couldn't believe her ears. It was too good to be true! Does he really mean what he's sayin'? "But what about the talk we had after Doritha died?" she asked. "You said you'd leave me to defend your memories." "It was a stupid thing to say Lou, and I never should have," Kid responded. I wasn't thinkin' straight. I didn't realize what that meant. Memories are in your one can take them from me. I want Virginia to be exactly the way I remember it, not some place filled with bloody bodies and battlefields. I have memories here now, too...memories with you. Those are more precious to me than anything in Virginia. I love Virginia, Louise, but I love you more. Besides, I promised you when I proposed that I'd never ride without you, and I can't take you there. Our home is here, in the west." Lou's eyes filled with tears of joy. She clung to Kid and wept weeks of worry and fear into his chest. She hadn't been this happy since their wedding day. "I love you, Kid," she whispered. "Thank you. Thank you so much." They held each other before Kid began kissing her softly, then with intense passion. Finally they pulled apart and Louise wiped Kid's tears from his cheeks. Kid continued, "But I don't think we should stay in Rock Creek, either. There's too much war talk and drifters ridin' through. It just don't seem safe. 'Sides, the Express'll be closin' soon, and we could make a fresh start. I was thinkin' we could go back to Sweetwater, where we began -- if that's okay with you o' course. Maybe start a horse ranch or somethin'." "It sounds perfect," Lou replied. "But what about Emily, Kid? She can't stay in Rock Creek, neither. It'd be too hard for her with no husband. You know how folks 'round here are." "She can come with if she wants," Kid conceded. "Folks there won't know she and Ike never married. I'll have to find us a big enough place, 'cause I'm guessin' you'll want Jeremiah and Theresa to join us, too. I was thinkin' of ridin' out day after tomorrow to see if there's anything for sale. I'd like you to come, too, if you want." He's really thought this all out, Louise smiled to herself. "I'd love to join you, Kid, but the doc says Emily's baby'll be here any day. I should be here for her," silently realizing she couldn't ride all the way to Sweetwater in her own condition. Remembering the day's occurrences, Kid took hold of Lou's arms and asked, "And what'd he say about you?" Louise bowed her head and smiled. She wasn't sure how to phrase her announcement. Any way she said it, Kid'd be shocked and speechless. "Well," she began. Suddenly, three shots rang out in the cool night air. It sounded like they'd come from the saloon. Kid knew he had to go wake Teaspoon and that the half-asleep marshall would need back-up. He looked at Lou desperately. "Go, Kid," Lou said, understanding her husband's deep sense of duty and honor. "But what about...?" he answered. "It's nothin' that can't wait another day," she told him. "Go make sure everything's okay." Kid raced in to wake Teaspoon, and returned dragging the half sleeping marshall behind him. "Fella can't even get hisself a good nap no more in this town," Teaspoon complained. "Be careful, you two," Lou called after them. Then she headed into the house to see if Rachel needed any help. ***** A few hours later, Louise heard the bedroom door open and breathed a small sigh of relief knowing Kid was home safe. She could sense he was taking extra care to be quiet as he undressed, thinking she was already asleep. Lou rolled over and softly said, "So everything's okay?" Kid turned, startled to see his wife still awake. He looks exhausted, she thought. He hadn't had a good night's rest in ages, between worrying about her and the extra runs and chores he'd been doing around the station. "Just a bunch of drunk gamblers," he replied disdainfully. "Teaspoon's got 'em locked up 'til mornin' and then their s'posed to leave town." Kid climbed into bed next to his beloved wife, still barely believing that they were actually married. "Can you tell me your news now?" he begged. Louise had decided to do something very special for her announcement to her husband. She planned to take him down to "their" pond for a picnic, since she figured that's where their child had been conceived. She'd present him with a small baby item and wait to see the look on his face -- she knew it would be priceless. She wanted to share the moment with her beloved Kid in private, without interruptions. "Kid, you're tired. It'll wait 'til tomorrow, I promise." Kid conceded, suddenly aware of how weary he was. Lou nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck, kissing him softly. "I love you, Kid," she murmured. "Thank you again for stayin' with me." "I love you, Louise," he responded. "And I'll never leave you. Never." He kissed her forehead and wrapped his strong arms around her tiny frame as the two young lovers fell into a deep sleep. Chapter seven Kid and Lou awoke the next morning, still wrapped in each other's arms. The smell of coffee, eggs, and bacon lingered in the air and both knew it was well past the time they should have been up. Kid rose and got dressed, planting a quick kiss on Louise's lips before he left their room. Teaspoon saw Kid at the foot of the stairs and asked, "Where's Louise? I've got somethin' important to tell you all." "She's right behind me," he replied. "Go ahead...I can always fill her in later." He wanted Teaspoon to hurry it up, since he had news of his own to share with everyone. "Okay," Teaspoon continued. "I got word yesterday, but it seems like there were enough goings on 'round here, so I decided to save it for the mornin'. There ain't no easy way to say this, but it seems we're done boys," he said, looking at Kid and Buck. Lou appeared at the bottom of the stairs in time to hear the news, so he added, "And Louise." A heavy silence descended upon the room. They'd all been expecting this, of course, but to have it all end, just like that, was overwhelming. Rachel was the first to burst into tears. "So it's over?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "Hm-hm," Teaspoon answered. "Seems the telegraph lines are done, so there's no use for the Express no more." Soon, tears had welled up in everyone's eyes. They softly rolled down Lou's cheeks as she said quietly, "But we'll always be family. Always." Kid placed his arm around her waist and buried his face his her hair. Pulling herself together, Rachel said, "What's done is done. No use cryin' over spilt milk. Now eat up... I don't want all this food goin' to waste." "Then you gotta stop cookin' like Cody's here too," Buck chided, eliciting smiles all around. "So ya'll hafta come up with plans fer what to do next," Teaspoon added. He himself planned to stay on as marshall of Rock Creek. He knew his age would get the better of him sooner or later, but he enjoyed the job and felt like he was getting too old to start over again someplace else. "Well, we already have our plan," Kid announced. "We're goin' back to Sweetwater to try our hand at horse ranching. 'Course, I have to find a place first, but I think we got enough savings between us that we can get a decent place." "No Virginia?" Rachel asked, watching Louise the whole time. "No Virginia," Lou responded on behalf her husband. Everyone could see how relieved she was. It seemed the spark that had been gone for so long was back. Suddenly, Emily spoke, "I've got some money. I'll chip in if I can come along. That is, if you don't mind. I know you're newlyweds and all, and maybe you need some time alone. I just can't stay here," she added. "We were hopin' you'd come," Louise said warmly. "I suppose I'll just stay on here and teach," Rachel said. "It's what I love," tears welling up in her eyes again. Louise reached for her hand. "There's schools in Sweetwater, too, Rachel, if you ever change your mind." Rachel smiled and quickly said, "We'll see." Buck remained silent. Guess I got some more thinkin' to do. "What'll happen to the station?" Kid asked Teaspoon. "They said we could stay on here for the next few months," Teaspoon replied. "Then I s'pose they'll sell it or somethin'." ***** Later that morning, Louise and Emily were sitting on the front steps, taking in the sights and sounds of the town they'd soon be leaving. Kid figured they'd stay in Rock Creek about a month after Emily's baby was born, when she'd be strong enough to travel. Kid and Buck were both working on the bunkhouse roof, although neither was sure what the point was now. Kid said, "Say, Buck?" "Yeah, Kid," came the reply. "What would you say to joinin' us in Sweetwater? We'll have to find a place first, but I'm sure we'll need all the help we can get. We'll be partners of course," Kid went on. Buck was quiet for awhile and then said, "Well, I'm not sure about the ranchin' thing, but I'd be happy to help you find a place. Then we'll just go from there. Sound okay?" "Sounds great, Buck. Thanks," Kid answered. Meanwhile, Louise realized she needed to go into town to buy a few things for her surprise picnic with Kid later. She said to Emily, "I need to get a few things from Tompkins' store. Wanna join me?" Emily shook her head emphatically. "I'm stayin' away from that place. It was awful the other day just bein' in there. I could feel the women all givin' me dirty looks but they wouldn't make eye contact with me. And the men! They all looked at me like I was some easy, two-bit whore!" Emily went on, "Ike was the sweetest, most gentle man I ever knew. He was the only one I'd ever, you know, been with." Tears came to her eyes as she added, "He died savin' this baby's life, even though he didn't know." Lou could feel her friend's pain. "That's why Sweetwater'll be better, Emily. You can call yourself Emily McSwain and no one there will know the difference." "I'm a good a liar like you are Lou," Emily complained. Realizing what she said, she gasped, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that! I admire you for what you did. I guess lyin's not exactly the right word." "Emily," Lou said to her friend, "Ike would have married you anyway. And if you love him with your heart and soul, after all this time, I think he'd be honored that you take his name. That's what marriage is all about anyway. Just think about it." She squeezed Emily's hand and she got up to walk across the yard to the bunkhouse to speak to Kid about going into town. "Kid!" she called, not seeing him on the roof. "Kid?" she yelled again, hoping he hadn't done something stupid like fall off it. "Over here Lou," he answered from the barn. Louise walked into the barn and saw Kid checking out Katy's hooves. "She needs new shoes before I ride up to Sweetwater. I need to go see the blacksmith about gettin' some in a hurry," he told her. "I was gonna tell you I needed to get some things from Tomkins'," Lou said. "Then maybe later we can walk down to the pond," she said, smiling sweetly. "And you'll tell me then?" Kid asked, like a child on Christmas. He took her in his arms and kissed her forehead and then her lips. He would have continued, but she pulled away to answer. "Yes," she replied. "I promise." "How much will you need from the store?" he questioned. "Do we need the buckboard, or do you just want to ride in?" "We best take the buckboard," she answered, realizing even a short ride on Lightning was taboo at this point. Lou helped him hitch up the horses and they drove towards the town. Kid looked at Louise, his eyes full of desire for his young wife. "So you think we need some 'alone' time, huh?" he asked playfully bumping her with his shoulder. "Yep," she answered simply, smiling at him and bumping him back. "Yep?" he replied. "That's the best you can do? That's not the usual insulting comeback from the Louise I know!" he kidded. By this time, they had arrived at the store and Kid stopped the horses and jumped down to help Louise. "That ain't the only thing you don't know," she replied demurely, looking back at him with a grin as she headed up the stairs. She's got somethin' up her sleeve, Kid smiled to himself as he headed across the street to the blacksmith shop. To be continued...