TITLE: Bruised Angel AUTHOR: Renee Novak FEEDBACK: Novakvas@aol.com STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders don't belong to the author, but to MGM/UA Television, Ed Spielman and Josh Kane. I'm just borrowing them. No copyright infringement intended. Bruised Angel By Renee Novak The sun rose on yet another Sweetwater morning. Ike mounted his horse, and rode hard. No matter what, the mail must go through. "Rachel," Kid began, walking into the house. "I didn't know Ike was ridin' today." "Yep..." "Lou, okay?" He asked before she could get another word out. "Kid, she's fine," Rachel answered smiling. "He's just returning a favor is all." Kid nodded. That answer was good enough for him. "Now, why don'cha go get cleaned up for breakfast." Again he nodded, and walked out into the bright sunshine. Sweetwater was beautiful this time of day. "Mornin' Kid," Lou greeted. "Sleep well?" "Yeah," he replied. He knew better than to say anything, but he couldn't stop himself. "How come you're not ridin' today?" Lou smiled. "Thought I'd spend the day with you." This took Kid by surprise. He'd half expected her to argue with him. "Really?" "Yes, really," she said linking her arm through his. "Why wouldn't I wanna spend time with you?" Kid shrugged. "I dunno." The pair embraced and after a moment, regretfully let go. Even though everyone at the waystation knew her secret, they couldn't risk a stranger finding out. "Meet me at the pond after breakfast, okay?" She asked before going into the house. Kid smiled. "I'll be there." ***** She'd rode hard for two days. Dressed in tan pants, shirt and moccasin boots, Heather made her way to Sweetwater. Her ebony hair was hidden under a black Stetson. She couldn't risk being recognized. There it was, the Pony Express waystation, her final destination. After securing her horse, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Yes," Rachel answered. Heather removed her hat, causing her raven spirals to spill past her shoulders. "Good afternoon, ma'am," she replied, a light southern drawl lingering in her words. "I'm lookin' for Kid." "Um," Rachel began. "I'm sorry, but, he's not here." Heather's green eyes briefly looked at the ground, then back to Rachel. "Oh, I'm sorry to have bothered you." She turned to leave. Now what was she going to do? "Wait, ma'am," Rachel called. She looked back. "Heather, my name's Heather." Rachel smiled. "Heather, you're welcome to stay and wait for him." Her eyes brightened. "Thank you," she replied. "I'm really looking forward to seeing Kid again." That being said, the two women retired inside to wait for Kid's return. ***** Evening turned into night. The full moon was just coming out and the start were beginning to twinkle. Kid and Lou had just put their horses in their stalls and were now making their way to supper. "Hey, Kid," Buck said stopping the couple. "You got company." Cody couldn't help but chime in, "Yep, and boy she's a beauty too." Lou's smile faded. "She?" Kid became flustered. "Lou, I don't know what they're talkin' about." Secretly, Lou liked to make Kid squirm. It kept him on his toes. "We'll see about that." Buck looked to Cody. "This is gonna be good!" Both of them laughed and went inside. Heather had changed into a dress of emerald that accented her eyes. Her hair was pulled up, except for a few spirals that framed her face. Around her neck, a choker of emerald green with a dangling onyx and silver teardrop. "Hi, Kid," she said sheepishly. Had she done the right thing coming here? "Heather?:" Kid questioned, not believing his eyes. "Is that you?" "Yes," Heather replied, smiling. Kid raced to her, sweeping her off her feet. "It's been a long time." "Too long," she agreed, returning his embrace. Lou folded her arms across her chest defiantly. She'd spent all day with Kid and hadn't received that kind of reception. Finally, Kid pulled away. "Um, Lou, this is Heather McIntyre," he gushed. "I figured that out," she muttered. "Let's eat." He'd done it again. When would he learn to think of Lou first? He'd straighten things out with her later. She'd understand, hopefully. ***** The next morning, Heather was up before everyone. She busied herself making cornbread muffins. Something she loved to do, but couldn't do for some time. By the time everyone was up, breakfast was ready and waiting. "These muffins are great, Rachel," Cody complimented. Rachel smiled. "Thank you, Cody, but Heather made them." Suddenly, the muffin in Lou's hand looked unappealing. "She cooks too," she mumbled under her breath. "Say somethin' Lou?" Buck asked, knowing full well what she'd said. "I said," Lou began, Her voice was bitter. "I'm not hungry." She got up and left the house. "Must've had chores to do," Cody suggested. Buck fought the urge to laugh. He was the last person to find humor in his friend's suffering, but the tension between Kid and Lou would lessen if they would just talk to each other. Not to mention the fact that by all rights, Kid should tell Lou who Heather really was. "So, Heather," he said. "Where'd you learn to cook so good?" "My grandmother," she replied. "I moved in with her after my parents died. She taught me everything I know." Cody spoke up, not unusual really! "Hey, Rachel, why don'cha let Heather fix supper?" Rachel glared at him. "Cody!" she scolded. "We don't ask our guests to cook for us..." "Really," Heather replied. "I'd love to." Rachel shrugged. "Well, I do have to go into town today." "C'mon Rachel," Cody prodded. "You deserve a break." "Fine," she gave in. "Kitchen's all yours." Heather smiled. "It'd be my honor." After breakfast, Heather and Kid sat on the porch. "So, what brings you to Sweetwater?" Heather looked into his eyes. How could she tell him the truth? "Can't I just come and visit?" "There's usually a reason," he said without thinking. "Usually," she agreed. "But not this time." Kid stood up, and began to pace. "Look, Heather," he started. "I have a new life here. I can't risk you messin' it up." This time Heather stood. "That's what you think I'm doin'? I'm messin' up your life?" She didn't expect this, not from Kid. Defeated, she added. "Fine, I'll leave in the mornin'. Heather walked down the steps and away from Kid. Away from the only person she figured would understand. She was wrong, again. Sometimes, nothing changes. ***** In Chippewa Falls, a half day's ride from Sweetwater: "Whaddya think Zack?" the short bald man asked. "She come this way?" Zack looked around. If he knew his wife, she'd have gone to the only place she thought he didn't know about. All the letters came from a little town called Sweetwater. "Yeah," he growled. "She's goin' to Sweetwater. Right into the arms of the Pony Express." The little man laughed. "Pony Express! Maybe we shoulda brought along some extra hands!" Zack's blue eyes were cold. "If they get in the way, they'll wish they had extra hands!" The other man began to say something, but Zack stopped him. "See, Hathaway," he said, his voice calm, dangerous. "Heather's my property. No one takes Zack McIntyre's property," he took a long drag from his cigarette, threw it to the ground and snuffed it out with his heel. "Now, go get the horses. We got some property to reclaim." ***** Heather walked as far as her feet would carry her, the whole time, tears streamed down her cheeks. She had to tell Kid what had happened, but how? The last thing she wanted was an I told you so speech from him, but who else could she tell? What if Zack had followed her? She'd be putting all of these people in danger. She didn't want that either. She dried her eyes, more determined than ever to be strong. It wasn't that hard. Hell, she'd done it her whole life, and she'd do it now. Suddenly, she was standing on a bluff overlooking a beautiful pond. It was breathtaking. She sat down, pulling her knees to her chest. Once again, in spite of herself, tears fell from her eyes. "Sometimes, you just need to cry," her grandmother's voice filled her head. "Even the strongest woman must cry, Heather." She took her grandmother's advice. "Excuse me," a gentle voice came from behind her. "Are you alright?" Without drying her eyes, she turned to see Buck. He looked very comfortable leaning against the Oak tree. "I'll be fine," she replied, managing a small smile. "I'm usually not like this." Buck looked at her. She didn't look so fragile out of the dress she'd wore yesterday. In pants, she reminded him of Lou, only taller and a little more muscular. "No, I wouldn't say you would be," he replied politely. Carefully he approached her. "Would you like to talk about it?" She looked into Buck's brown eyes. They were honest and sincere. "Really," she said. "I don't wanna burden you. I've probably put you all in danger just by coming here." Buck smiled, trying to make her feel better. "Well, now you've got to tell me." Finally, Heather smiled. "Now, that's what I've been looking for!" For some reason she felt she could trust Buck. Would her secret really be safe though? Would she be endangering him if she told him everything? "Thanks for your concern, " she began. "But what I have to deal with is my burden..." Buck couldn't explain why, but he had to know her secret. If only to see her smile once more. "Usually, if you share your burden, it's not so hard to bare." She looked so sad. No one should have to look that sad. Heather felt her resolve melt away. "You can't tell Kid." "I won't," he assured her. "I'm a man of my word." Heather already knew that from the letters Kid had written to her. Not to mention the fact that during their conversation, he'd only looked like he wanted to help her. She took a deep breath. "I don't know..." Buck stood in front of her. "Really, Heather," he said. "You might feel better." The two sat on the ground, the tall Oak shading them from the hot summer sun. Buck waited patiently for her to tell her story. Hesitantly she began. "I married Zack six years ago. Kid warned me not to. he said he didn't trust him," she paused. Her eyes filled with a passion Buck hadn't seen before. "Kid didn't see the Zack I saw. He was kind, compassionate, caring. Not a day went by when he didn't have a beautiful poem for me, or have somethin' sweet to say. I loved him..." Buck interrupted. "Loved?" She looked down at the gold band on her left hand. It'd been so long since she actually told someone how she felt. "I loved him once," she confessed. "I loved the man I married, not the man he became," before she continued, she took a deep breath. "Kid knew the other side of him. He'd come home late at night, all drunk and he'd..." Buck closed his eyes as if what he was going to say hurt him. He finished her sentence, "Hit you." Bitter tears fell from her eyes as she nodded in agreement. They were quiet for a moment. "I left him three days ago, before he came home," she confessed. "I came here hopin' Kid would help, but he's got his own life now..." "You haven't told him the truth, have you?" Heather shook her head. "I can't." "Why?" " 'Cause he was right, 'cause I don't wanna hear him say I told you so," she stopped and looked into Buck's eyes. "And I don't want him to look at me the way you're lookin' at me right now." Heather stood and walked away. She wouldn't burden anyone anymore. Come morning she'd be gone, leaving all of these people behind, and they wouldn't have to pity her any longer. ***** Kid found Lou in the barn. He watched a she brushed Lightning. He loved her more than words could say, but lately all the words he said came out wrong. "What're you lookin' at?" Lou snapped. "Nothin'!" he replied. Again he'd done it. "I mean..." "Oh, I know what you mean, Kid," Lou said in the sweetest voice she could muster. Kid smiled. Finally off the hook! Lou walked over to him, and looked up into his eyes. "I understand that I'm nothin' much to look at, especially with pretty lil miss Heather walkin' around..." Kid began to laugh. "What's so darned funny?" she fumed. Slowly Kid regained his composure. "You are..." "Shut up, Kid!" She raged on. "That's not even funny!" "Lou, sweetheart," he started again. He was serious this time. "Heather's my cousin." "Your...Cousin?" "Yep," he replied, hoping his smile didn't set her off again. Lou started to laugh. "I thought she was an old girlfriend." Kid began to laugh again. Suddenly, they were joined by Cody who started to laugh as well. "What's so funny?" Lou wiped tears from her eyes. "Heather's, Kid's cousin." Cody stopped laughing. "Is that all? We all knew that." Lou looked suspiciously at him. "How?" "She told me, Jimmy and Buck when her and Rachel were talkin'." Before Lou could say anything, Jimmy joined them. "Hate to break this up, but I think there's gonna be trouble. Any humor or hard feelings that might have been left, quickly evaporated like the morning dew. "What's goin' on?" Lou asked. "There's some guy at the house askin' for Heather. Say's he's her husband. Brought a friend with him too." Kid looked out the barn door. "Where's Heather?" Jimmy shrugged. "I dunno. Haven't seen her since breakfast." "Yeah," Kid remembered. A sinking feeling grabbing hold of his heart. "I told her she was messin' up my life, " he wished he could take those words back. "Brilliant of me, huh?" "Yep," Cody agreed. "You really stepped in it this time, Kid." Lou finally spoke up. "Well, let's go find out what he wants." She pulled her hat down over her eyes, and led them to the house. ***** Heather was done crying and finished with men. She'd decided to go to Millers Crossing and make a new home for herself. It was time for her to move on, and for the first time in her life, she knew she could do it. All of her new found courage sank into a ball in the pit of her stomach when she saw Zack talking to Kid. She hid behind the bunkhouse, crouched with her back against the wall, hugging her knees. "Heather," Buck called approaching her. She didn't move, paralyzed by fear. He went to her side. "What's wrong?" "Zack's here," she said. "He's talkin' to Kid." Buck looked around the bunkhouse and saw them in a heated discussion. "They're yellin' at each other. Your husband's pretty upset." She stood up. "It's time for me to fight my own battles." "Be careful, Heather." She turned to her new friend. "When this is over, I'd like to get to know you, Buck." He felt the blood rush to his cheeks. "I'd like that." Boldly, Heather kissed his cheek. "Thank you." "Welcome," he replied, but he couldn't imagine why she'd thanked him. All he did was listen to her. With a renewed sense of confidence, she walked towards the house. "Zack!" she yelled. "Somethin' I can do for ya?" Everyone looked her way. "Good afternoon, Heather," Zack greeted, his voice sugary sweet. "You had me worried." "Really?" she asked standing eye to eye with him. "You don't look worried." Zack smiled. "You're my wife, of course I'm worried about you." "You're a funny man, Zack!" she replied taking a step backwards. She put her thumbs through her belt loops, only then realizing she'd left her gun inside the house. "The only time you worry is when I'm not there to cook your dinner. Why don't you worry all those other times?" He shifted nervously. "What do you mean?" During the previous exchange of words, Jimmy had moved closer to Hathaway. Close enough to get a clean shot off if he chose to draw his gun. Buck was still a good distance from the crowd, but not far enough to miss with his knife. "Let's see," she began, loving the fear that showed in his eyes. "Did you worry when you bashed my head against the mirror? Or when you broke my hand and nose?" she stopped long enough to look at Kid's face. There was no pity, just shock. "Wait, I've got it! You were a little worried when you pistol-whipped me. Basically because I couldn't do laundry, but you were worried." It seemed forever before anyone said anything. "Why didn't you tell me, Heather?" Kid asked. " 'Cause it's not true," Zack replied nervously. "See, your cousin is under a doctor's care. She's not right in the head." "She seems fine to us," Jimmy said angrily. Heather laughed, relieving her fear. "I'll show you how crazy I am." Carefully, not revealing anything, she turned around to show bruises on her collarbone. Kid walked down the steps and to her side. He looked at the purple and yellow marks that seemed to run down her back. She turned to face him, and rolled up her sleeves. The same deep purple bruises dotted her arms. Kid's heart broke. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you," he said, putting his hand on her cheek. Heather blinked away tears that burned her eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." ***** Kid turned his back to Heather. "You should be leavin' now, Zack," he simply said, his hand resting on the butt of his gun. Zack persisted. "I'm not leavin' without Heather." "I'm not goin' back with you," Heather replied, moving away from Kid. The air around them grew tense. Zack pulled his gun and fired it in one fluid motion, hitting Heather in the chest. In the same instance, Buck threw his knife hitting Zack. "I wouldn't move if I were you," Jimmy warned, his gun trained on Hathaway. Lou took Hathaway's gun. "Put your gun away, Jimmy," she said. A tear rolled down her cheek for the woman she'd misjudged. "There's been enough blood shed here for one day." ***** Buck knelt, across from Kid, at Heather's side. "Heather, can you hear me?" Kid asked. Anger raced through him. He was angry at himself for not listening to her. Angry at Zack for what he'd done to her, and strangely angry at Heather for not coming to him sooner. "I'm sorry...if I'd only..." "Sssh," she managed. "Don't Kid...it's over now." Kid looked at Buck who was tending to her wound. He was hopeful until Buck's eyes met his. Heather didn't have much time left. "Guess I'll hafta postpone our date, Buck," she whispered. Buck leaned in towards her, gently brushing her lips with his. It was the least he could do. She'd been through so much, and didn't deserve to this ending to her life. "Don't talk that way!" Kid scolded, his eyes filled with tears. "Don't leave me, Heather." Heather reached up to Kid's cheek, her slender fingers brushing away tears that had found their way down his cheek. "Sssh," she whispered again. "Don't cry for me, Kid," she swallowed hard against the pain. "I'm free. For the first time in my life I'm actually free." Kid held her hand, marveling at how small it actually was. He watched her close her eyes and breathe her last breath. Tears fell freely from his eyes as he held her close and said good bye. ***** Heather was buried overlooking the pond, under the eternal protection of the oak tree. Buck's throw was dead-on. Zack had died instantly. Secretly, Buck wished he didn't have such good aim that day. He would've liked to see him suffer as he'd made Heather suffer. He never told that to anyone, but somehow, he knew Heather understood. Sometimes, when Kid visits her grave, a cool heather scented breeze blows gently from nowhere. If he listens closely, the breeze whispers: "I'm free." The End