TITLE: That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles AUTHOR: Kirsten FEEDBACK: PnyExp1860@aol.com COMMENTS: Author's Note: I guess you're supposed to mention it when you've taken a story based on one of your own experiences or those of others...so, here it is folks. Basically this is the outline of what happened to me when I attempted to plan a surprise birthday party for a friend (with many differences added and taken away from this story of course). Sometimes our perfect plan just doesn't work out the way we perfectly planned it! *sob* STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders don't belong to the author, but to MGM/UA Television, Ed Spielman and Josh Kane. I'm just borrowing them. No copyright infringement intended. That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles By Kirsten "Shhhhh! Shut up, will you!" He screamed. "I'm trying!" "Will both of you quit it!" "He started it!" "Who's idea was this anyway?" "I don't know, but I'm starting to think that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. What if Cody blows up the house or something?" "Get serious." "I am serious!" "Are not!" The boys continued to argue over who did what, said what, and who came up with the whole lousy idea in the first place. It was dark outside, which probably made matters worse because none of them could see exactly where they were walking. Kid, assuming his 'unofficial' leader role stepped forward, "I'm going to go in there, but you all better stay quiet!" He whispered harshly, "If we wake Rachel, Lou, or especially Jesse, it's going to be all over!" They all nodded in understanding and anxiously hid in the shadows of the house, watching as Kid made his way inside...deftly missing the third step, the one that squeaked. He slowly opened the door, knowing that if their station mistress were to be awakened by a loud noise, she could end up coming down and shooting him by mistake. Well, okay, so maybe that was slightly exaggerated...still it was a legitimate thought, and not one to be cast away completely. "How's it coming?" Kid whispered to his friend. He glared down at whatever it was that Cody was making, and was immediately thrilled that he wasn't hungry. He knew that after looking at that goop in the bowl, he would have lost his appetite for sure. Cody turned to Kid with a look that was completely perplexed. He'd been struggling with this problem for the past two hours. It was now 3 am, he was tired, and this whole scheme was starting to get very old. "It's not coming at all," he stated flatly, "Kid, I've never baked a cake in my life!" Kid looked once again into the mushy mass of mixture that was supposed to be the batter. He tried not to let the foul smell cause his nose to wrinkle, but it was no easy task. "Um, Cody, is it supposed to be that orange color? I thought vanilla was white." "That's just the flavoring I added," he replied licking the formula off of his finger. "Here, taste it." Turning his head away, Kid shook his head, "No thanks, I'll just take your word for it. Just hurry up, will you! I know you got the votes to bake this cake, but I've seen Rachel make them in half the time it's taking you. I mean it isn't even done yet!" Nobody could miss the slightly panicked tone in the young man's voice. This whole thing had practically been his idea, so naturally he wanted it to work out right. In the back of his mind Kid began to wish that he hadn't started this. The whole plan had been an uphill battle from the first. "I'm doing the best that I can here, so I'd appreciate it if you'd get off my case about it," he shot back, flicking some of the flour off his hand into Kid's face. Kid stepped back and raised his hands in a surrendering position, "Fine. Just make sure that I see it on the table in the morning. The rest of us are going to get to work on our other projects." Cody nodded in acknowledgment, and went back to his mixing, stirring, mixing, and stirring. ***** "How's it going?" Jimmy asked as Kid squatted down beside him. "It's not," he replied before laying out the rest of his plan, "Now, Buck, you've got the gifts, right?" "Which ones?" "What do you mean 'which ones'? The things that were being held for us...the jewelry," Jimmy was beginning to get worried. He had spent so much time picking out the two unique things that Rachel and Lou would like. The thought that they were never bought or brought back almost made him sick. Buck figured that he better tell it as it was rather than stalling with some weak excuse. "Yeah, I got them, but there's just a slight problem," he cringed. Kid was now involving himself in this discussion, as he had given Buck a considerable amount of money to help pay for those pieces of jewelry. "What kind of problem?" Noah looked at Buck and they both swallowed hard. Neither one of them were quite sure how they should go about explaining the scenario. "Well," Noah began, "Buck was doing just great, but then we had a slight accident." "Accident?" Jimmy and Kid asked at the same time, both of them leaning forward. "Better tell him, Noah," Buck urged. Reluctantly, he began the tale, "We got the ring back just fine, but it's one of the earrings...you see, Teaspoon ate one of them." Noah said it as quickly as he could, hoping that it wouldn't sound as bad as it did. Kid shook his head, not believing what he was hearing, "He did what?" Buck leaned forward. He felt so stupid having to explain this. The worst part of it was that there was no solution. "He didn't mean to, in fact he doesn't even know that he did. You see we had just gotten back when Rachel was serving dinner. I told Noah to put the jewelry in a safe place so that we wouldn't loose it. Well, when Jesse came running through the door, he knocked Noah's hand, and one of the rings went flying into Teaspoon's mashed potatoes. By the time we made it over there, he'd eaten the last bite." Kid and Jimmy looked at each other wanting desperately to laugh, but knowing that the seriousness of this situation outweighed the humor. There was nothing they could do now, except get another gift. "Okay, then we need to come up with something else," Jimmy said as he began mapping out all the ideas and possibilities in his head. Nothing he could come up with right away matched the first and best idea that they had formulated originally. Kid went on to the next item on his list, "What about decorations?" That was Jimmy's department, and from the look on his face, that hadn't gone well either. "Kid, about those decorations..." "Yes?" Kid said slowly. Jimmy nervously cleared his throat, "They burned." "Burned, as in caught on fire?" Jimmy nodded, "Yeah, as in caught on fire." Kid was starting to get pretty frustrated at this point. He didn't even want to hear the story about what had happened with that. It was probably one of the craziest stories one might hear. The only thing left now was to start reworking their plan...from scratch. ***** Lou woke up and pulled the covers back over her head. It was Valentine's Day, and she had a run to make. She couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't be like normal girls, have a guy take her out, bring her flowers, or even just write a sweet poem dedicated to her. "Instead, I dress like a boy and go out on the dirt-covered trails," she mumbled to herself. "Besides, none of the boys, especially Kid, even know what Valentine's Day means," she sighed. Yawning as she tried to force herself to sit up, she was shocked to see that there was no one else in the room. "Boys?" She called out softly, easing herself off of the top bunk. When there was no response, she shrugged and began pulling clothes on over her long johns. With those guys, there was no telling what they were up to on a day like today. ***** "Please tell me it looks better than it smelled last night," Kid pleaded as Cody snuck into the barn with a plate in hand and a towel neatly resting over the top. He smiled in pride at the work he was about to reveal. "Well, show it to us," Kid urged. With one swift movement, Cody removed the covering of his masterpiece. "Here it is, the pride of the West." The cake was flat and the left half of it was higher than the right. It was still the same bright orange, and the center was sunken in like a crater. Basically it looked like a blistered pancake with sunburn, and just about as appetizing as a rotten tomato on a hot August night. "Cody, we can't give that to the girls!! It was supposed to be shaped like a heart, remember?" Kid said, trying to hide the disgust in his voice at the sight of....'it'. "I've watched the pookie that comes out of my horse look better than that." Noah offered, as he gazed down at it. Kid took the cake off of the plate and held it in front of Cody's horse, who took one snuff before turning away. "See, you're horse won't even touch it." He let it fall to the ground with a loud thud. "Look, we gotta come up with something. I'm open to ideas," he said, the determination rising in his voice. As they all stood at a loss for words, Lou came in with her riding clothes on and a small bag slung over her shoulder. She was surprised to see them all standing around, but tried not to show it. "Good morning boys," she offered. "Mornin' Lou," they replied as cheerfully as they could be under the circumstances. She took a step closer to her horse and stepped on the cake that had been dropped to the ground. Hastily she picked up her foot and looked at the bottom of her boot. "Ewww, did one of the horses throw up?" Jimmy, Kid, Noah, and Buck lost all composure and busted out laughing. Cody just looked meek and then started laughing as well. Lou was really starting to worry about the boys now. Politely she excused herself and began the process of saddling her horse. As she looked over her shoulder at the hysterical men, she began thinking that perhaps having to ride out this morning wouldn't be so bad after all. ***** Kid and Noah began gathering the things that they would need to prepare for the great task ahead. Jimmy and Buck were inside the bunkhouse getting things fixed, and Cody was doing his very best to keep Rachel distracted so that she wouldn't find out what they were doing. "Cody, there's dirty laundry over there that needs to be taken care of," she pleaded, beginning to get very agitated with the whole situation. The thought that the boys might be up to something hadn't even crossed her mind. Cody sat her down and poured more tea into her cup, "Just sit for a while, you work too hard anyway," he said sweetly. Now she was starting to grow suspicious, "Cody, I don't know what you are up to, but I don't like it." Rachel sat back in her chair and eyed him skeptically. "I'm not up to anything! Can't a guy just be nice to a woman anymore?" He replied, trying to make his blue eyes look sad and hurt. For obvious reasons, his baby-faced expression didn't work...Rachel saw right through it. She had been around these boys just long enough to know when they were up to something. I might as well play along with this, she thought to herself with a smirk, who knows, it might be kind of fun. ***** Lou was determined not to have this day wasted. She wanted to do something special for herself for Valentine's Day, because it was probably pretty guaranteed that none of the boys would be doing anything for her anyway. She made her delivery and was headed back towards Rock Creek when the thought suddenly hit her, why don't I stop in the next town, buy myself a real fancy dessert, and just enjoy an afternoon alone? ***** "There, I think that is just about the way we all wanted it," Jimmy said, smiling at his artwork. They had taken some red ribbon and draped it all over the bunkhouse in an extremely unfashionable manner. Buck had confiscated some white paper from the schoolhouse which he carefully began cutting and designing into little perfectly shaped hearts...or should I say was trying to cut into little perfectly shaped hearts. "Hey, those look great," Jimmy said, leaning over his friend's shoulder as he admired his progress. Picking one of the crafted objects off of the table, he examined it closer. There was something about it that wasn't quite right, yet he couldn't put his finger on it. "Buck, aren't hearts supposed to have a 'm' shape at the top?" Buck looked at him, quite sure of himself, before he went back to his cutting. "No, I saw a drawing of one when I was in school. One of the town's doctors brought it to show us, and that's exactly what they look like." Jimmy nodded in interest, "Oh." ***** "Kid, I think Rachel would like this," Noah said, handing him a bottle of some perfume straight from France. He took one sniff of it and handed it back to Noah. Kid turned his nose away in disgust at it's sicky sweet fragrance, "If she started wearing that, I'd find a new job." Sadly, he placed the object back on the shelf. They both desperately wanted to stop searching for another gift. How were they supposed to know what Rachel would like or not? "What about this?" Noah tried again, handing Kid a hat covered with lace trimmings and a flower on the side. They both looked it over carefully, not sure of what to say. "Think she'd like this?" Kid questioned, unsure of his own impression of it. After all the flower was kinda...well, big. He'd seen women around town wearing them though, so maybe Rachel ought to have one for church on Sunday. "Let's get it," he finally said. ***** She emerged from the hotel, feeling like a new person. Her dress was wrinkled and smelling kinda 'horsy', but she didn't really care. It was just nice to be out and feeling like a lady. Lou looked out at the beautiful sunny day and was quite glad that she had followed her instincts and brought along one of her dresses. Walking down the center of town, she took in the sights and smells that were emanating from the buildings. Some of the shops were decorated with red trimmings in the windows, while others boasted of the best sales in town. The towns attractions were all wonderful, but it was probably the way in which he smiled that caught her attention so fiercely. Lou didn't realize how long she stood there gazing into the eyes of one of the handsomest men she'd ever seen. The thought didn't even cross her mind that he might think it a bit odd for her to be staring so. "Excuse me," he called out to her, noticing the way that she was looking at him. She was startled back from her stupor, "Huh? Oh, I'm sorry," Lou felt her face flush and she quickly looked around for something to look at. His smile was alluring and he drew her attention back to himself one again, "No, it's quite all right, I was just wondering if something was wrong." Hastily she turned and acted as if she knew where she was going. It was too embarrassing to be caught in such a moment! "Oh, no, I'm fine, thank you. Just making my way across town," she replied absentmindedly. He stepped into her path and gently touched her arm. Her smile was so tempting, causing him to want nothing more than to hold her close, "Wait, I was thinking, I mean that is if you don't have something planned, we could have something to eat together. I mean you look like you're new around here, and it is Valentine's Day after all. Unless there's someone else...?" The offer struck her by complete surprise. If she had thought that simple act of staring was going to pull her into something like this, she never would dreamed of doing it. "That's very kind, but you see I really can't. I'm going to have to be on my way, and there is someone else." Lou started to walk away, but she felt a harsher grip on her arm which immediately made her body tense. She seemed so sweet and wonderful, therefore he just couldn't resist. This woman was not going to slip through his clutches so quickly. "Maybe you don't understand, darlin'," he snickered, his face changing from the sweet visage that it was before. She tried to step back in fear but found that she couldn't move due to his iron grip. "I just want some company for a while," he said, brushing his hand across her cheek. "Let go of me!" She cried, trying not to panic too soon. When he didn't release her, she struggled harder. Not all too soon, another young man came running to her assistance and helped her to break free. She ran as fast as she could, found her horse, mounted, and began riding towards home. Lou was desperate to get away from her terror and that town as quickly as she could. That was certainty not the type of day that she was looking for. ***** Kid and Jimmy stood back to take a final look at their accomplishments. It felt as if they had just won a major battle of war. There wasn't one of them that didn't feel completely exhausted, and deeply desire a long long long nap. "Think it looks all right?" Kid questioned as he stepped into the center of the room, not quite sure if ribbons hanging from every piece of furniture was quite right. Still, he did have to admit that it seemed pretty romantic.......in an odd, queer sort of way. Jimmy shrugged, "Well, I think this is as good as it is going to get." Kid contemplated, "Yeah, you're right, let's get everything else finished." ***** "Rachel?" Lou called out as she opened the door and quietly stepped in. Her nerves were a bit shot, and although she didn't think she was going to tell anyone what had happened to her earlier, just being in another woman's presence was therapy in itself. "I'm upstairs Lou!" The woman replied. Taking the steps two at a time, she reached the top to find Rachel sitting in a chair by the window reading. It was a very unusual sight, especially since the stationmistress was commonly busying herself with various chores. "Is something wrong?" Lou asked, not hiding the worried sound in her tone. Rachel looked at her and smiled, realizing why the young woman might think such a thing. She offered her a seat and carefully placed the marker back in her book. "Actually, it's the strangest thing. Cody came over and said that I wasn't to do anything for the rest of the afternoon because he was taking care of everything." Lou didn't hide her look of bewilderment. "You're serious?" It was a commonly known fact that whenever Cody, or any of the boys, offered to do more than they were told, they were scheming something. With a slight laugh, Rachel replied, "That was pretty much my reaction, but then I got to figuring...why should I stop him from doing something so kind and thoughtful?" ***** Kid and Jimmy took their time as they headed out to find Rachel and Lou. The other boys promised that they would have the presents wrapped by the time that they returned with the girls. The last thing they needed now was to mess up the whole surprise by not even having the gifts ready. Deftly they entered the house without either of the girls hearing their arrival. The two walked side by side up the stairs until they heard the low voices of the women. Simultaneously they stepped into the room and caught the ladies completely off guard. "Boys, is there a problem?" Rachel said, trying not to get too alarmed before she even knew what was wrong. "No," Jimmy replied pulling a scarf out of his pocket, "We were just hoping that you'd be willing to join us." "In what?" Lou asked, knowing that she wasn't about ready to commit to something that might turn out to be a disaster. It wasn't that she didn't EVER trust the boys, she just certainly had the times pegged when she wouldn't. By the smirks on their faces, this was going to be one of those times. Kid came up from behind her and covered her eyes with the scarf that he had taken from his pocket. She resisted at first, but then sat back and figured she had nothing to loose by letting him go through with it. "Just a little something," he replied after a few delayed seconds. There's nothing quite like the feeling of being led by someone when they have literally 'pulled the wool over your eyes' and taken you for a walk. Although both Rachel and Lou trusted the boys leading them, that didn't stop the anticipation they were feeling with each step. After what seemed like a mile-long stroll, Lou heard the familiar sound of the creaking bunkhouse door. She felt Kid guide her by the shoulders and ease her down into a chair by the table. Rachel, came to a halt beside her not a few instances later. There was a whispering sound as the boys got in their positions. On the count of three Jimmy and Kid both uncovered the eyes of the two extremely curious women. Lou's eyes got big as she surveyed the room, while Rachel let out a slight gasp at all of the ribbon and pieces of paper spread around the room. She hastily realized her shocked reaction and tried to force a smile. "Wow, this is really something," Lou said as she stood up and began looking around. The boys smiled in pride at what they had done, and at each other for their successful work at piecing everything together. "That's not all," Jimmy said, stepping forward and handing Rachel a gift-wrapped box. Noah did the same thing, only he extended the smaller present to Lou. "You boys didn't have to do this," Rachel said, smiling. Lou looked at the small box and then at the faces in the room. I guess I was wrong about the boys not knowing what Valentine's Day is all about, she thought to herself, beginning to feel guilty that she could have ever doubted any of their affections. Something under her foot caused her to break her concentration and look down at the floor. She picked up the white piece of paper and studied it carefully. Lou knew that she had seen that shape before, she just couldn't figure out where, and why it would be on the bunkhouse flooring. "Buck made those," Cody said, "They're hearts." "Uh, yeah." Lou examined it more closely, "So they are. Interesting," she added trying not to laugh. "That's very artistic of you, Buck." "Indeed," Rachel added. ***** As all happy stories turn out, the girls ended up loving their gifts, although we'll never know if Rachel truly cared about her's because she did such an outstanding performance of acting like she did...even if she didn't! You probably could have guessed that the rest of the afternoon was warm, pleasant, and lovely. Although, there was most definitely NOT a cake for them to eat. That was one of the things that Cody decided they'd have to live without, because he wasn't about to bake another one. It's just as well though, after all, would you eat an orange vanilla cake? ***** The night was beautiful and perfect in every respect. The moon had decided to completely reveal itself to all who chose to take a stroll. And it just so happens that under this particular moon there were two people, holding hands, and feeling very much in love. "Kid, I want to thank you for what you did for us today. It meant a lot." Lou said, allowing her gaze to drift from the sky to his gentle face. She stared at him and realized that even if he wasn't the most handsome man in the world, she would always find herself looking into his eyes and smiling. There was something in her eyes that made him suspicious. Maybe it was the mischievous glance that he was throwing her way, or it might have been the way her face was perfectly silhouetted by the moon's tender light. He wasn't sure. "You deserve so much more, Lou, and I'm sorry that I don't have the ability to give it all to you." She stopped him with a gentle tug on his arm and a scolding look on her face, "Kid, what you gave me today meant more than anything. Quit being so hard on yourself. The greatest gift that I have is you." Wordlessly, he took her hand and smiled, "I love you." "I love you too, Kid," she returned, kissing him gently before stepping back to face him. "There is one thing that I'd like to know though..." He gently pushed away some of the hair that was resting against her face, and then he sat down, gesturing for her to do the same. "What's that?" She carefully seated herself close to his side and rested her head on his shoulder. Lou looked down at the lovely ring that they had all picked out for her and thought about how special the boys had tried to make this Valentine's Day. From the odd decorations, to the perfect hand-selected gifts, it had definitely been a day that she had no intention of forgetting. "How did you and the boys plan all of this out and make it work so well?" Kid looked as if he just might want to cry and laugh all at once. That was the problem...none of his plan had worked out as he had wanted it to. "Lou, ask me in a few years." She lifted her head and flashed him a confused expression. "What do you mean?" "What I mean is, next year we're going out just the two of us. Jimmy can help pick out the presents, but I'm not letting him, Buck, or Noah decorate, and Cody will certainly not to bake the cake." If she wasn't sure before, she was certainly positive that she was confused now. "Kid, I don't understand...you mean as beautiful as it all seemed to me, it didn't happen the way you had intended it?" "You could say something like that." The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image][Image]