TITLE: Where The Flowers Bloom AUTHOR: Kirsten T. FEEDBACK: robin-t@clear.net.nz COMMENTS: Second in the Curly series DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders belong to UA/MGM Television Where The Flowers Bloom By Kirsten T Cautiously, Curly crawled through the field of blooming daisies and lavender. It seemed as though he was forever dodging bullets these days. When the footsteps grew closer, he decided to make a run for it. "Run him off the cliff." The voices and the bullets were getting closer and closer. There was no place left to go but over the cliff. As he jumped, Curly pulled a dagger from his belt. "This is not a good day to die," he muttered to himself, stabbing his dagger into the side of the cliff, stopping himself from falling further. As he hung on the cliff, he heard the gunfire increase. Just what he needed, more people trying to kill him. But the sound of gunfire decreased. "Don't tell me," a familiar voice came from above him. "You were just hanging around looking at the wonderful view?" Curly looked up to see Lou ginning down at him. "Well, I have always found the view better from this angle," Curly was relieved to see a friendly face. Louise tossed a rope down to him "Grab onto this and I'll pull you up." She quickly tied the other end of the rope onto the saddle on her horse before leading the beast away from the cliff face and pulling Curly to safety. Curly stood up and stretched. "You have great timing, Lou." Lou raised an eyebrow. "Well, you certainly know how to stir things up around here don't you?" She grinned at the comical expression on Curly's face. He knew she was referring to his good-day-to-die outlook in life. "Well, I was heading into Abilene to visit Amanda and Jimmy. You're welcome to join me if you wish." Curly grinned back. "Somehow, I think that would be the best idea considering how my luck has been going so far. I think that I would be safer with you." Louise laughed "I think that maybe I should get you to speak to Kid. He's still under the impression that I need protecting every minute of the day." Curly laughed at the memory of Kid running out to make sure that Lou was safe when she and Jimmy went missing once. "Marriage hasn't changed him much then?" Lou shrugged her shoulders "He's not jealous of Jimmy being anywhere near me anymore. He's still a little over protective when I get back late, but he does attempt to hide it. He's a wonderful husband and father, but we still have our arguments. I wouldn't have him any other way though." Curly could see Lou's love for Kid shinning in her eyes. "You're lucky that you have someone." Lou smiled as she climbed on her horse. "I know. Are you coming?" Curly took her outstretched hand and climbed up behind her. "Let's get out of here." The rest of the journey to Abilene was peaceful and free of trouble. They just rode in a comfortable silence. It was sunset when they finally rode into town. Jimmy had started to pace outside of the saloon, Lou being half an hour late. When he refused to come inside to wait, Amanda had taken to passing him cups of coffee over the swinging bar room doors. When Jimmy spotted Lou and Curly, he realized why Lou was late and calmed down. "I told you that Lou probably had a good reason for being late." Amanda had been watching him the entire night. Jimmy turned to face her. "Yeah, I know, but if I don't send a telegram to Kid real soon, he's gonna send out a search party." He quickly walked across the street to send the telegram before Amanda could ask anymore questions. She had an uncanny knack of being able to see straight through him. Amanda shook her head as she watched Jimmy walk away. Would he ever face up to his true feelings for Lou? She slowly turned back to her visiting friend. "Amanda," Louise called out to her approaching friend. She ran forward to give her a hug dragging Curly along behind her. "Amanda, this is Curly. I found him hanging around so I asked him to come with me." Amanda laughed and shook Curly's hand. "Nice to meet you, Curly. I'll get a room made up for you. Jimmy told me all about you." "And you're still offering me a place to stay?" Curly had seen Jimmy walk away when he had spotted them. Amanda hadn't missed the look on Curly's face. "Jimmy went to wire Kid that Lou had arrived safely. I think he was also trying to escape some prying questions from me." Curly looked relieved at Amanda's explanation. The last thing he needed was for one of Louise's closest friends to hate the sight of him. "I guess I can understand that. I think I'd be worried if she were my wife too." Lou rolled her eyes skyward. "There is such a thing as worrying too much you know. Come on, let's get to our rooms. I'm beat." It had been a long ride and being around too many over protective males was starting to get on her nerves. Amanda knew how much Lou hated being treated with kid gloves. "Come on, I'll show you to your rooms. Jimmy will want to catch up with both of you when he gets back." They silently followed her up the stairs. The sounds of clinking glasses and friendly conversations coming from the bar room went unnoticed, so weary from their ride were they. Curly couldn't remember when he had ever slept so soundly. Even as a child, he had been running from people who had decided his fate without even knowing who he was, only that he was different. The sound of gunshots woke Curly from his deep sleep. Without thinking about the danger he could be putting himself in, Curly launched himself out of bed and raced down to Lou's room. Lou was already out of bed and running down the hallway in her nightdress, gun in her hand. She was quite a sight. When they both got to the base of the stairs, they dove for cover to avoid the onslaught of bullets. Lou handed Curly the spare gun she had strapped to her leg so that they were both armed. "Any idea what's going on down here?" Curly turned to Lou, only to see her eyes scanning the room for someone. "No. I heard the gunshots and raced down here to make sure Amanda was all right. I can't see either Amanda or Jimmy anywhere, so I'm guessing that they're either still upstairs or outside." Tables had been turned over to be used as cover, cards and chips were scattered all over the floor. Jimmy's deputy could be seen ducking behind an overturned table, reloading his gun. "There's five of us, Deputy, and only one of you. Why don't you just give up now and throw your gun over." The sneering voice could barely be heard over the sound of guns going off. "Yeah right." The deputy looked around for a way out, but he had been backed into a corner. "I am really going to just hand my gun over to five cold blooded murderers. You're out of your minds." Lou and Curly carefully made their way behind the bar. Maybe they could even up the odds a bit, at least until Jimmy showed up. Bullets were flying back and forth across the room, when the sound of shattering glass distracted everyone in the bar as Jimmy came crashing through the window, firing off some well aimed shots as he dove behind an overturned table. Curly took a shot to his shoulder, but he managed to take one of the murderers out of the battle as well. Lou grabbed a towel and ripped the bottom of her nightdress to create a bandage. Quickly she bandage Curly's shoulder up before going back to firing her gun and taking down another of the gang. Jimmy and his Deputy took the remaining three down with ease. Amanda and Louise tended to Jimmy and Curly's wounds later that night. Jimmy had gotten pretty badly cut when he crashed through the window. Curly and Lou had scratches and cuts from glasses exploding over them when hit by the flying bullets. None of Lou's cuts were deep, but the fact that they were on her face caused her male friends to be concerned. "Will you two stop looking at me as if I'm going to beak any minute. It's just a couple of scratches on my face, which won't even leave scars which is more than I can say for the two of you." Lou was tired and grumpy and though she would never admit it to either Jimmy and Curly, her face was actually stinging. Jimmy and Curly did have to admit to themselves that they did look as though they had been in the middle of a full scale war. For the second time that night, they all bid each other goodnight and went to their separate rooms. When Lou got up the next morning and looked in the mirror, she saw what Curly and Jimmy had been so worried about the night before. The scratches on her face looked a lot worse than they actually were. Lou rolled her eyes skyward. Kid would never let her leave the house alone ever again if he saw her like this. It was a good thing that she would be spending a couple of days visiting with Amanda. When she got downstairs, Lou found Curly and Jimmy fixing the mess they had left in the bar the previous night. As she walked through the door, Amanda handed her a cup of coffee. The two women sat silently sipping their coffee, waiting for the caffeine to take effect and wake them properly. Unfortunately, the sound of an explosion beat the caffeine to it. Amanda groaned "Not again. You'd think that we could get one day, just one whole day and night of peace and quiet." Lou frowned "You mean this and last nights activities are a regular occurrence?" Amanda nodded "Pretty much. It's not even quiet around here when there's a funeral on." She was having to yell to be heard. Curly and Jimmy peered out of the door. "Great town you have here Marshall. Does everyone get drunk in another town and head straight here to cause trouble?" Curly could see by the way the trio that was staggering down the street throwing sticks of dynamite as they went, that they were drunk. Jimmy laughed as he shook his head "No. I think that it's just dumb luck on our part. Have you still got that gun that Lou leant you last night?" Curly nodded. "Then let's go. Amanda and Lou will back us up from here." Curly turned to see that Amanda and Lou had already started loading a couple of rifles. Jimmy and Curly started walking down the center of the street, explosions going off around them. The troublesome trio seemed to be enjoying the destruction that they were causing. Curly was watching the man in the middle. There was something different about him, he was stone cold sober. He was doing this for the pleasure of it. "Well boys, look at what we have here: Wild Bill Hickok and his Indian savage." His eyes taunted the two of them. "You blow up a town with your two drunken friends for fun and you call me the savage." Curly found this almost laughable. "Well, I call it as I see it." The man smirked as his two friends struggled to stay standing. "Let's see how fast you really are, Wild Bill." Jimmy got to his gun before his opponent even touched his own gun. The other two men lit their sticks of dynamite that they still had in their hands. Curly grabbed Jimmy's arm, "Let's get out of here." Jimmy realized his gun wouldn't save him against dynamite. "I heard that." As the two men went to throw the dynamite, Lou and Amanda fired their rifles. The men fell forward onto the lit dynamite just as it went off. Jimmy and Curly leaped to safety behind a wagon. Curly looked out from his hiding place "I don't envy the person who has to clean that mess up." Jimmy looked over his shoulder "Nice shot ladies." Amanda and Louise simply turned and walked back inside. Sitting back down and going back to drinking their coffee, Louise frowned and looked at her friend. "So what are my chances for a peaceful visit or at least the rest of my stay being uneventful." Amanda laughed. "I'd say somewhere between slim and none." Louise grinned back. "I figured as much." But apart from a couple of bar room brawls, the rest of Lou and Curly's stay was quite peaceful. As Lou climbed onto her horse, Curly had to admire her. Kid had no reason to worry about his wife, she was more than capable of taking care of herself. The scratches on her face were barely visible now. "Are you sure you don't want to ride back with me, Curly?" She smiled down at him. "Thanks for the offer, but I think that I'll head on from here, see where the wind leads me." Curly almost wished that she was going his way. "All right. Stay out of trouble. I don't want to find you hanging off of a cliff again. Deal?" She couldn't resist teasing him. Curly good-naturedly laughed. "I'll try my best. Maybe I'll catch up with you and Kid where the flowers bloom." "Sounds like a plan to me." Louise waved good-bye as she started her long journey home. "That is one hell of a woman." Curly turned and started walking the other way, leaving Jimmy to watch Louise's disappearing figure. "You're telling me." Jimmy muttered before going back inside the saloon. THE END